October 2015 - Douglas County Republican Women


October 2015 - Douglas County Republican Women
Volume 62, Issue 7
October 2015
Inside this issue:
After his military service as a Commander in the Israeli Defense Forces, Shaul
Gabbay completed a BA at Bar Ilan University and an MA at Tel-Aviv University. In
1991 he received a Presidential Fellowship from the U.S. to continue his studies.
In 1995 he completed the Ph.D. program at Columbia University in New York and
received an invitation from the University of Chicago for a Post Doctoral program.
In 1998 Professor Gabbay returned to Israel to join the Technion-Israel Institute
of Technology. Professor Gabbay joined the University of Denver as the Director
of the Institute for the Study of Israel in the Middle East at the Josef Korbel School
of International Studies in 2001and completed his work in 2010. He continued his
work at the DU school of International studies as as a Senior Scholar Research until 2015 when he was appointed Director of the Global Research Institute. Professor Gabbay is the co-founder of Israel Investment Advisors LLC in Denver Colorado, a firm specializing in Investments in the Israeli Economy. His research topics
focus on social networks in the context of Israel and the
Middle East. He has published numerous papers and books
on strategic social networks and social capital. He is frequently cited and acts as a commentator in national and
international media such as the Associated Press, CBS, NBC,
FOX and MSNBC, analyzing Middle East news stories.
Dr. Gabbay is one of the country’s leading educators and
analysts on Muslim world conditions including cultural,
religious and political human rights abuses practiced regularly throughout the Muslim World.
President’s Message
Calendar of Events
Member Happenings
Useful Information
Board Members
October Meeting
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Social Hour 11:00- 11:30 am
Gavel Drops at 11:30 am
Cost: $25 cash or check at the door with reservation or
use PayPal online registration or credit card $26 non-refundable—
or $30 at the door with no reservation if available at
Lone Tree Golf Club and Hotel
9808 Sunningdale Blvd., Lone Tree, CO 80124
Reservations by Noon Friday, October 16, 2015
RSVP by email: douglascountyrepublicanwomen@hotmail.com or
call Jeanette NewVille at 303-730-3537 FYI:
No-show reservations will be charged.
Rolls with Butter
Salad with Dressing
Pork Tenderloin
with roasted red
Fresh seasonal
Coffee, Tea
Douglas County Republican Women
Our 2015 Silent/Live Auction is now behind us and I would like to
thank everyone who so generously gave of their time, talent, and
treasure in supporting our fundraiser for the CO House and Senate
Legislative Funds! I will list the donors in this newsletter along with
those who helped to set-up and take down the event. It is heartwarming
to see so many volunteers who helped out to make this a memorable
evening! We should know by the October meeting what the final tally
is and we will give a report at the October meeting. THANK YOU ONE
We will be hearing from the Nominating Committee at the October
meeting with their slate of officers for the 2016-2017 term.
Nominations will also be taken from the floor for anyone who is willing
to serve in any of the positions! If YOU would like to serve, please step
up and make yourself known! Voting for the candidates will be taken
at the November 18th Annual Meeting.
“America will never be
destroyed from the outside.
If we falter and lose our
freedoms, it will be because
we destroyed ourselves.”
Abraham Lincoln
We had the honor of meeting John Collins (husband of DCRW
member Bonnie Winter-Collins) at our Auction. John is a WWII
veteran who enlisted in the Marine Corps at the tender age of 16 and
was in the first wave of troops that landed on Iwo Jima! John donated
some memorabilia from his trip back to Iwo Jima for their 50 th
Anniversary. John is truly a part of the greatest generation and we
were blessed to have him with us!
There are many fundraisers being held for our Douglas County School
Board candidates. They are in need of your support, both with your
time and treasure, so if you are able to help them out, please contact
Margo Knutson at 303-663-8549 or Tanne Blackburn at 720-231-8204
for a complete list of events. THEY NEED OUR HELP!
We had a great turnout in September for our speaker, DA George
Brauchler, who gave us an informative and scary inside look at the
Aurora Theater Shooting Trial. We also have a wonderful speaker for
the October 21st luncheon meeting so I hope to see you all there!
Yours in Freedom and Liberty,
Marsha :)
Marsha Haeflein, President
Douglas County Republican Women
After an interesting and very eye opening report from DA George Brauchler on the Holmes trial and
the many questions afterward, most people in the room had all learned something and went away
with even more questions.
Below are a few comments by members after hearing about the trial;
I was taken by surprise by how challenging and restrictive our death penalty laws are in Colorado in
comparison with the rest of the nation. Very proud of Mr. Brauchler for fighting the good fight in the
face of such overwhelming odds.
How hard and complicated the death penalty is.
The one item that surprised me the most from the Holmes trial was how the killer had booby trapped
the apartment to not only allow him to escape but also to cause even more casualties than had
happened at the Century 21 Theatre. The killer had done extensive research on how to make the
chemicals used so that the apartment would blow to the maximum extent possible. The FBI nor
local police could not determine how to defuse the devices he had designed to go off had any one
gone into his apartment. The authorities had to ask the killer how to defuse the devices. The killer
was truly an evil person.
It’s that time of year again that we like to reach out to those less fortunate by donating to the local food
banks in our area. To that end, at the October and November meetings we will be collecting nonperishable food items which will be delivered to the food banks. The October collection will be taken to
the Douglas/Elbert Task Force and the November collection to the Parker Task Force. If you would like
to just make a monetary donation, that is perfectly acceptable! Just make your check out to the specific
organization. While you may donate more items associated with Thanksgiving, here are items that the
Douglas/Elbert Task Force needs at the moment:
FOOD BANK NEEDS: Canned: Fruits/Juices Canned Food Dry Items Pears Beef Ravioli Rice Mandarin Oranges Beef Stew Pasta Boxes
Boxed Juices Tuna Pasta Bags Spaghetti O’s Mac & Cheese Spaghetti Sauce Roman Noodles Sloppy Joe’s Spaghetti Cake Mixes
Peanut Butter Jelly Canned Soups Canned Vegetables Breakfast Items Cream of Chicken Peas Sugar Chicken Noodle Mixed
Vegetables Creamer Vegetable Canned Tomatoes Pancake Mix Clam Chowder Syrup Chicken Broth Instant Oatmeal Cereal Coffee
Miscellaneous Food Baby Items Toiletries Dressing Baby Food Tooth Paste Oil Stage 1, 2, 3 Tooth Brushes Mayonnaise Toddlers
Body Soap Ketchup Baby Formulas Deodorant Jelly Diapers sizes 1-6 Razors Cookies Pull-Ups Shaving Cream Snacks Wipes Tampax/
Tampons Miscellaneous Items Laundry Soap Dish Soap Paper Towels Toilet Paper Tissues
We will list needed items for the Parker Task Force in the November newsletter.
Let’s show our communities that DCRW cares!
Douglas County Republican Women
Oct. 5th – ACT! for America South East Denver Chapter 1609, 6:30-8:00 p.m., New Life Church, 17690
East Iliff Ave., Aurora. Pr esentation: ISIS and the situation in the Middle East with Russia and ISIS
and the Colorado Connection. Contact: Joe B., Chapter Leader at joe@act5280.org.
Rox Sports Bar & Grill, Lioness Way, Parker. Contact: Lyndsay Pierzina at 303-332-7868 or dougcoyoungrepublicans@hotmail.com.
Oct. 18th - COFFEE4CONSERVATIVES – 6:30 p.m., Franktown Fire Station, Franktown. Topic: DougCo
School Board Forum for all candidates running for the DougCo School Board. All six candidates have been
invited. Snacks and drinks will be served. Contact: Margo Knutson at margoknutson@gmail.com or 303-663
Oct. 21st – DCRW LUNCHEON MEETING – 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Lone Tree Golf & Hotel. Speaker:
Professor Shaul M. Gabbay (Ph.D) on “The US and the Middle East: Challenges and Opportunity.” RSVP by
Friday, Oct. 16th, to Jeanette NewVille at 303-730-3537 or douglascountyrepublicanwomen@hotmail.com or
go to www.dcrw.org to rsvp or pre-pay via Pay Pal.
Oct. 24th – DESSERT WITH THE CORONER – 6:30 p.m., Belleview Community Church, 12472 W.
Belleview Ave., Littleton. Dessert & wine served at 6:30 p.m., Presentation at 7:00 p.m. Speaker: Denver
Police Lt. Jon Priest (Ret.) and Denver’s Senior Chief DDA Lamar Sims discuss working together to solve a
brutal crime, “Solving the Murder of Peyton Tuthill. Cost: $20/person online at www.sojeffcorotary.ort/
Fundraisers.html or $25 at the door. Contact/Info:
Lora Thomas at 303-900-8981 or
www.ANightwiththeCoroner.com .
Oct. 28th – LINCOLN CLUB OF COLORADO – 11:30 a.m., Denver Athletic Club, 1325 Glenarm, Denver,
CO. Luncheon: $20/members, $25/Guests. RSVP by May 25th to Chris Murray at 303-223-1183 or cmurray@bhfs.com. Website: www.LincolnClubofColorado.org for speaker information.
Oct. 28th – THIRD REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE, CU-Boulder. Go to www.cologop.org to
enter a raffle for two tickets.
Oct. 29th – CELEBRATING WOMEN LEADERS OF COLORADO SPONSORED BY THE COLORADO LEADERSHIP FUND, Mile High Station, 2027 West Lower Colfax Ave., Denver . $30/per son
(see flyer in this newsletter for further available sponsorships). 5:00 p.m.VIP Reception and 5:30 p.m. General
Reception. Contact: Julie Herrmann at 720-217-7846 or email her at julie@julieherrmann.net to reserve your
Nov. 18th – DCRW LUNCHEON MEETING – 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Lone Tree Golf & Hotel. Speaker:
TBA RSVP by Friday, Nov. 13th, to Jeanette NewVille at 303-730-3537 or douglascountyrepublicanwomen@hotmail.com or go to www.dcrw.org to rsvp or pre-pay via Pay Pal.
contact Margo Knutson at margoknutson@gmail.com or 303-663-8549 or Tanne Blackburn at 720-331-8204
or www.dcgop.org.
This Calendar of Events is an ongoing calendar to help keep you informed of the many events that you may be interested in attending. The
more you attend, the more informed you’ll become! If you have any meetings or events that you would like included on this Calendar, please
email me at mhaeflein@comcast.net or call at 303-841-4318 and we’ll try to include as many as would be of interest to our members. Thanks!
- Marsha Haeflein
Many thanks to the
following for so
generously contributing
to our 2015 Silent/Live
Allott, Andi
Ashmore, Evie
Arrowsmith, Joan
Bammes, Joyce Ann
Barnett, Andrew
Beauprez, John
Blackburn, Tanne
Brown, Jeri
Christiansen, Darla & David
Cooper, Nancy
Collins, John
Cox, Teri
Frizell, Lisa
Gamec, Debbie
Gardner, Sen. Cory
Garner, Carole
Gessler, Barbara
Haeflein, Marsha & Bob
Harris, Marilyn
Holbert, Diane
Houser, Judy
Kancir, Joy
Knutson, Margo
Hurst, Karen
Jackson, David
Kiowa Creek Sporting Club
Lawrence, Polly
Lord, Lucy
Mantei, Kelly
Monson, Kim
NewVille, Jeanette
Nicholson-Kluth, Holly
Noble, Sue and Henry
Nohavec, Pat
Page-Cooper, Nancy
Partridge, Roger
Piper, Barbara
Ransom, Kim
Romann, Jill
Scheffel, Deb
Scheffel, Sen. Mark
Scheffel, Marolyn
Shaw, Wynne
Sides, Aldis
Silverthorn, Meghann
Sullivan, Jim
Suro, Patricia & Art
Thomas, Lora
Vogt, Molly
Wasden, Monica
Wiedelman, Marcia
Winters-Collins, Bonnie
You, Aleta
Douglas County Republican Women
A very Happy Birthday to the following
members who are Celebrating October
We would like to welcome our new
members as of September 30, 2015.
Amy Brzckowski
Linda Diefendorf
Castle Rock
Teri Cox
Sarah Williams
Abe Laydon
Greenwood Village
Wynne Shaw
Diane Phillips
Highlands Ranch
Jill Romann
Sharon Rosnik
Marie Rossmiller
Shelly Rosnik
Bettye Neely
Lisa Frizell
Dawn Jacobsen
Get Well Wishes . . .
To Krispin Ansersen who is recovering from recent surgery.
Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers go to . . .
our Sunshine Chairman Bettye Neely who recently suffered a tragic event . . . her home in Castle Rock burned
down a few weeks ago! Thankfully, Bettye was able to escape the propane explosion and is now living with
her daughter in Cherry Creek. DCRW is in the process of putting together a project to help out Bettye in
recovering from this loss. Let’s all thank God that Bettye escaped unharmed!
Douglas County Republican Women
Douglas County Republican Women
CFRW Update
The CFRW Fall Convention is fast approaching on October 10-11th and DCRW will be represented by five delegates: Barbara Piper, Laurie Rogers, Lilly Nuñez, Carole Gardner, and Marsha Haeflein. The Convention will be held during Durango’s Heritage Week and there will be a
lot of activities going on in addition to our Convention.
Current President Dulany Woodward is not going to be running for President again due to health problems
and 1st VP Marilyn Harris is running for President and I know she will do an excellent job! We so appreciate
Marilyn supporting our Auction by donating a beautiful Embossed Elephant Tote. I am running for a second
two-year term as Secretary so wish me luck!
Be sure to read and share the CFRW Americanism Report and History Quiz submitted by CFRW Chairman
Sue Rehg. Since we will not have the time to go over this during the meeting, print it out and share with your
family and friends! Sue does a great job each month is supplying all the CO Republican Women’s Club with
informative and educational topics.
Marsha Haeflein, CFRW Secretary
Logan Wilson as John Paul Jones –
“I have not yet begun to fight!”
We were all treated to the wonderful and inspiring new presentation by 20-year old
Logan Wilson who appeared as Captain John Paul Jones when, during the
Revolutionary War, Captain Jones and his “navy,” captured a much larger and more
heavily armed English battle ship and spoke those memorable words, “I have not yet
begun to fight!” These words can also be our calling cry in the coming Presidential
race as we all know it is imperative to put a Republican in the White House! We must
all pull together with our time, talent, and treasure to make this happen! We must start
NOW to take back our Country so we can undo the damage that has been done these
past seven years!
- Marsha Haeflein
Thanks to our great Auctioneers!
Thanks to our Auctioneers – John Anderson and Frank McNulty – who
did their usual bang-up job as our Auctioneers again this year! We are
fortunate to have them join us and so appreciate their dedication to
Douglas County Republican Women
Douglas County Republican Women
choice for Douglas County families.
ACT! For America: ACT for America is the nation's largwww.greatchoicedouglascounty.org
est non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization devoted to promoting national security and
The Heritage Foundation: The Heritage Foundation is a
defeating terrorism. ACT for America has 280,000
research and educational institution—a think
members organized in more than 890 chapters
tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote
nationwide and 11 countries worldwide.
conservative public policies based on the princiwww.actforamerica.org
ples of free enterprise, limited government, individ
-ual freedom, traditional American values, and a
American Conservatives of Color: the organization’s
strong national defense. www.heritage.org
mission is to bridge the gap that has traditionally
existed between conservative political causes and
Independence Institute: Empowering individuals and
parties and the minority communities in the USA.
educating citizens, legislators and opinion makers
about public policies that enhance personal and
economic freedom. www.i2i.org
Americans for Prosperity: Americans for Prosperity is a
grassroots movement of over 2.3 million activists
National Center for Constitutional Studies: Committed to
nation wide who advocate and promote limited
Constitutional education. www.nccs.net
government, lower taxes, and more freedom.
The National Federation of Republican Women, NFRW:
Center for Security Policy: To identify challenges and
opportunities likely to affect American security,
broadly defined, and to act promptly and creatively
to ensure that they are the subject of focused national examination and effective action.
Colorado General Assembly: Where you find out: Session Information Contact Information, Service
Agencies, General Legislative Information, Statutes and Session Laws, State Capitol Building,
Legislative Reports and Requirements
Promote an informed public through political education and activity; Increase the effectiveness of
women in the cause of good government; Facilitate cooperation among the national, state and
club organizations; Foster loyalty to the Republican Party and promote its principles and candidates in all elections, including non-partisan elections; and, Support Republican objectives and policies and work for the election of Republican nominees. www.nfrw.org
Prager University: This website gives you a plethora of
outstanding links to his radio show, columns and
podcasts, plus Prager University, Pragertopia, other authors and articles, and much more!
Colorado Peak Politics: This website is two-in-one...a
great source for “Everything Colorado” for news
and political commentary. It features great articles,
Revealing Politics: We eat, sleep, and breathe all things
opinions and original reporting, and great links to
political. We are the people who go to all of those
national and local articles and blogs and more!
town hall meetings, meet and greets, and fundwww.completecolorado.com
raisers and report back to you. More importantly,
we’ll always try to give you the bottom line . . .
The Federalist Papers: Encourage people to get active
what this all means to you as an individual.
in political campaigns ww.thefederalistpapers.org
Great Choice Douglas County: Great Choice Douglas
County (GCDC) is a non-profit organization founded by taxpayers and parents in support of school
Our Roots, Our Republic, Our Responsibilities
October, 2015
1. Which of the following are the unalienable rights referred to in the Declaration of
life, liberty, and property
honor, liberty, and peace
liberty, health, and community
life, respect, and equal protection
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
2. What are the three branches of the U.S. government?
executive, legislative, judicial
executive, legislative, military
bureaucratic, military, industry
federal, state, local
3. What was the main issue in the debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas
in 1858?
Is slavery morally wrong?
Would slavery be allowed to expand to new territories?
Do Southern states have the constitutional right to leave the union?
Are African Americans citizens of the United States?
4. The United States Electoral College:
trains those aspiring for higher political office
was established to supervise the first televised presidential debates
is otherwise known as the U. S. Congress
is a constitutionally mandated assembly that elects the president
was ruled undemocratic by the Supreme Court
5. The phrase that in America there should be a “wall of separation” between church and
state appears in:
George Washington’s Farewell Address
the Mayflower Compact
the Constitution
the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson’s letter
6. What part of the government has the power to declare war?
the President
the Supreme Court
the Joint Chiefs of Staff
7. What was the source of the following phrase: “Government of the people, by the people, for
the people”?
the speech “I Have a Dream”
Declaration of Independence
U. S. Constitution
Gettysburg Address
8. The Bill of Rights explicitly prohibits:
prayer in public school
discrimination based on race, sex, or origin
the ownership of guns by private individuals
the establishing an official religion for the United States
the President from vetoing a line item in a spending bill
9. Under Our Constitution, some powers belong exclusively to the federal government. What
is one power of the federal government?
make treaties
make zoning laws
maintain prisons
establish standards for doctors and lawyers
10. Name one right or freedom guaranteed by the first amendment.
Right to bear arms
Due process
Right to counsel
Sue Rehg, CFRW Americanism Chairman
h. 970-203-1027 c. 970-231-8151
email: sue@raly.org
Question 1- Answer- five, 2-one, 3-one, 4-four, 5-five, 6-one, 7-four, 8-four, 9-one, 10-three.
The Purpose of the Americanism Report is to re-educate CFRW club members of our true
American Heritage, and to restore the Original Intent of our Founding Fathers and the historical
documents they authored.
The Mission of this report is to present a scheduled monthly outline of documented subjects and
references that will reflect the truth about American Exceptionalism by revisiting …
Our Roots, Our Republic and Our Responsibilities.
For the past 50 to 75 years, revised history, and history ‘by omission’, has dominated our
education systems. The Americanism Report is dedicated to providing the truth about
America’s Roots, the clear understanding that we are a Constitutional Republic, not a
democracy, and that as Republican women, we have a Responsibility to provide these truths so
that, as freedom loving Americans, we can take back our great country.
We must keep in mind----What we believe in the present is determined by the past and if we can change historical
context, we can change the way you think about the present—That is the power and danger
of Revised History.
The CFRW Americanism Chairman will send each club President & Dist. Director a new
document the first of every month, Sept-May, to be distributed and read by the club’s
Americanism Chair, or assigned person, at that month’s meeting. Please try to allow a few
minutes for discussion.
I also encourage you to print copies for attendees to take home.
The Goal: Education & Communication encourages Participation
If we don’t know where we’ve come from, we can’t possibly know where we are going!
Sue Rehg
CFRW Americanism Chairman
LCRW President 2008-2012
h. 970-203-1027 c. 970-231-8151
“Of all the habits and dispositions which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable
George Washington, Farwell Address 1796
Douglas County Republican Women
Useful Contact / Event Information
Parker Breakfast Club— First Friday of Every Month 7:00 a.m., Elev 5900
Kitchen and Bar, 19751 E. Mainstreet, Parker, contact:
Colorado Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) Contact: President
Dulany Woodward 719-395-6815, dulanyw@mac.com
Castle Rock Breakfast Club – Second Friday of Every Month, 7:00 a.m., Village Inn, 207 W. Wolfensberger Rd., Castle Rock, contact: Ben Cox at
National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) Contact:
Douglas County Young Republicans - Contact: Lyndsay Pierzina
Coffee4Conservatives – Third Sunday of Every Month, 6:30 p.m., Franktown
dougcoyoungrepublicans@gmail.com www.dcyr.org
Fire Station, Franktown, contact: margoknutson@gmail.com
“Heart of the Matter” Molly Vogt and Kim Monson On KLZ 560am “The
Source” Sundays 4-6pm Call in: 303-477-5600 www.Americhicks.com
Douglas County Republican Woman Monthly Luncheon Meeting – Third
Wednesday of Every Month Except June, July, August, and December –
Dr. Jill Vecchio's videos explaining ObamaCare can be seen at
11:00-1:00 p.m., Lone Tree Golf and Hotel, Lone Tree. RSVP by the
Friday prior to the meeting to
U.S. House Speaker John Boehner: T: 202-225-0600 F: 202-225-0704
douglascountyrepublicanwomen@hotmail.com or www.dcrw.org
Highlands Breakfast – Last Friday of Every Month 7:00 a.m., Salsa Brava, 52 U.S. Senator Cory Gardner: 303-390-5777 or 720-524-7332
West Springer Drive, Highlands Ranch. Reservations required: Email Jeff
Wasden at jmjwasden@aol.com or call 303-683-5549
CD4 Congressman Ken Buck: 720-639-9065 www.buck.house.gov
Douglas Co. Republican Party (DCGOP) - Contact:Stephen Allen—secretary
at Stephen.allen@dcgop.org
Colorado Republican Party (COGOP) – Contact: www.cologop.org
CD6 Congressman Mike Coffman: T 202-225-7882 F: 202-226-4623
Douglas County Republican Women
Celebrating Women Leaders of Colorado
Featuring the 10 Republican Women in the State House
House Assistant Leader Polly Lawrence, House Caucus Chair Lois Landgraf and House Whip Perry
Buck and House Republican women caucus members Terri Carver, Kathleen Conti, Clarice
Navarro, Kim Ransom, Kit Roupe, Lori Saine and JoAnn Windholz
invite you to join them for a celebration of women leaders
Thursday, October 29, 2015
5:00 VIP Reception
5:30pm General Reception
Mile High Station
2027 West Lower Colfax Avenue in Denver
$30 per person
Please call Julie Herrmann at 720-217-7846 or email her at julie@julieherrmann.net for
sponsorship info and to reserve your space today.
As a 527, the Colorado Leadership Fund accepts Corporate, LLC, LP, PAC and
individual checks. Contributions are NOT tax deductible. You can bring your
checks with you or send your checks in advance to:
Colorado Leadership Fund, PO Box 238, Denver, CO 80201
Make checks payable to: Colorado Leadership Fund, Tax ID# 84-1664434
You may go to www.coloradoleadershipfund.com to make your contribution on
Douglas County Republican Women
2016 Membership Application
The purpose of the Douglas County Republican Women is to foster and encourage loyalty to the Republican Party and to the principles
for which it stands, and to promote an informed electorate through political education.
Members of Douglas County Republican Women are automatically members of the
Colorado Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women
Douglas County Republican Women meet during lunch the third Wednesday of the month, 11:00-1:00 p.m. at Lone Tree Golf and
Hotel, except June, July, August and December. Reservations are required by Noon on Friday prior to the meeting by sending an
email to douglascountyrepublicanwomen@hotmail.com or by calling Jeanette NewVille at 303-730-3537. No shows will be billed.
Lunch is currently $25.00 payable at the meeting via cash, check or PayPal. Walk-ins with no reservation are $30.00, if available.
NOTE: We are now accepting non-refundable PayPal reservations for luncheons, membership dues & donations via our website at
If paying via PayPal, please add $1.00 for each transaction for the processing fee.
Membership Categories:
Regular – Republican women who may vote, hold office, etc., in the unit organization. Dues are $25/calendar year.
Associate – Republican women who hold membership in other Republican Women unit clubs. Dues are $15/calendar year.
Republican Men – Men who are in accord with the objectives and policies of the organization. Dues are $15/calendar year.
Member type: ______ Regular ($25) (PP $26) ______Associate ($15) (PP $16)
______Republican Man ($15) (PP $16)
PLEASE NOTE: Due to printing costs and increased postal rates, please add $25.00 to the above dues amount (and the extra $1
for PP) if you want your Newsletter sent via the U.S. Postal Service instead of via Email.
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Please print
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
State/Zip Code
Primary Telephone: _________________________ Home (
) Work (
) Cell (
Secondary Telephone: _______________________ Home (
) Work (
) Cell (
Birthday (mm/dd only): _______________________ (If you would like to have your birthday listed in our Newsletter)
Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
To be eligible for membership, you must be a registered Republican. When did you register? ___________________
Mail this form and check made payable to DCRW, to:
DCRW c/o Lucy Lord, Treasurer, 12656 S. Oak Creek Ct., Parker, CO 80134
Membership information can be obtained at: http://www.dcrw.org
Debbie Lewis Pro erties
Debbie Lewis
Direct 303-840-73.'i.lj
Cdl 303~521 ~2440
Fax 303-R41-0260
• e ••
Joan Arrowsmith
Educational Consultant
Castle Rock, CO
_ , E_ConooNo-o
www.dougLas.co. us
Marketing & Creative Strategies
lisa Frizell
Office of the County Assessor
)01 Wilcox Street
Castle Rock , CO 80104
For businesses who want to :
• Increase website vis itors
303 . 513 .7425 Cell
303. 66 3.6220 Office
lfr izelL@douglas.co. us
• C~pture more w ebsit e le a ds
• Gain greater placement on Googl ..
• Grow expon e ntia lly
• Inbound marketing strategy
• Graphic design
• Website design
Real Estate Professionals
5375 Landmark Place, F-104
Greenwood Village. CO 80 11 1
Main: 303.39 9. 7777
Mobile: 720.272.8 134
E- Fax: 303.336 .734 1 { Fax: 720.489.1823
Toll Free: 1.877.2 18.2777
Cindy Web b
Broker Associate
Googl e ppe setup and ma na gem ent
Inbou nd marketing t rai ning
Bloll and content creation
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fOJ MOJO infonnotion eoota<t ChI;' Munny )0) ·223-118 )
Doug/us Co. Repuhlican Women
The Be~·t RW Club ill Colorado!
I would like (0 thank (he Douf.:lus Co/lllty Repub/icoll
Womeu for al/oll'ill/: me to serve as J'our President from
21J12-2()! 5. flltas been a wonderfill experience that J
will rreasure a/ways! Let us all continue to promote
our Republicall principles to the benefit of our County,
State, alld Natioll. It is so imponanl that we all stay
imofved so we call truly MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
.. ~o:;V~;eH=~",
0",,- ,8 Yo.", E:<porionco
Marsha Haejlein
Presidef/(, DCRW
SecrelOry, CFRW
C: 72/J-490-J290
Bob Huef/ein
An-oc. Member, DCRW
H: 303-1J41-4318
C: 720-219-8837
7780 East Homestead Road
Parker, CO 80138
Our Next Meeting: October Meeting: Professor Shaul M. Gabbay PhD “The US and the Middle East: Challenges and