

February 2016 Issue
When an elephant talks, everyone listens!
I am sorry I missed you all at the January meeting. A big thank you to Barbara McRoberts for filling in for me. I
understand she did a great job running the meeting and presenting our guest speaker Douglas County District Attorney Mark Jackson. For those, like me, who missed the meeting, we have wonderful minutes from our Recording
Secretary Jerri Bolinger. She does a very thorough job of covering what went on. Our marvelous Treasurer, Jacie
Peters, had our 2016 budget ready a month earlier than usual and being Republicans, of course, it balanced!! This
was the first meeting as VP of Membership for Bonnie Robinson. I hope you had a chance to say hello and introduce yourselves to her. I am so proud of the board we have and their many and varied skills that contribute to the
smooth running of our club.
We had a great turnout for the yearly NvFRW Leadership Training Jan. 23rd. Most of the board and several new
members participated. Our club photographer, Donna Schehl got us all together for a group picture you will see in
the newsletter. We got to meet the new 2016 NvFRW Board and hear their goals for this year. We also heard from
Greg Bailor from the Nevada Republican Party all about the State Caucus. Mirada Hoover, President of the College
Republicans at UNR, gave a very informative presentation concerning Social Media. The bottom line is the Republicans are terribly behind in this area. We all need to get educated on Facebook and Twitter or other media outlets!!
For the 18-40 year olds this is their world of information. Instead of just seeing what my grandkids are doing on Facebook I need to share info, even if it is only a comment saying please go vote!! It was great to see the young people who are so involved with our party. They really are our future.
Our caucus is coming up February 23rd. I am happy to have some good information on it to share. If you need your
precinct number, caucus location or want to register on line, please go to I also received a great email from Lynn Muzzy with the link to a video that shows a sample caucus meeting. It was great. It
should answer any questions you have and even show you what a caucus chairperson does. I hope it makes you feel
more comfortable about participating.
February 10th we have our own Senator James Settelmeyer as our guest speaker. I hope you can join us. I am looking forward to hearing about the special session. Please contact Jacie Peters with your reservation by Feb. 7th. CVI
really likes to know how many people to make food for and how many tables to set up. We really appreciate the
courtesy. Also, we can now take credit cards so you can pay for lunch and, if you haven’t renewed yet, you can add
your dues to it!!
Happy Valentine’s Day and remember Reagan, Lincoln and Washington’s birthdays .
Pat Smith, 2016 President
Treasurer Jacie Peters presents a balanced budget
Barry Penzel
Dave Nelson
Red Flowers
New Members
Birgit and Joanna
Birgit Okamoto
Joanna Rulmmer, Sondra Condron
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JANUARY 13, 2016
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Sierra Nevada Republican Women was held on Wednesday, January
13, 2016 at the CVI. Vice President/Programs Barbara McRoberts called the meeting to order at 12:00 noon.
The invocation was given by Jan Muzzy and the flag salute was led by Barry Penzel.
Special guests were introduced including 2 young ladies from Congressman Joe Heck's campaign.
Vice President/Programs Barbara McRoberts introduced Mark Jackson, Douglas County District Attorney
as our speaker. His office has 23 full time employees in four areas of case management: criminal, civil, investigation and child support. The criminal division handled 2,768 cases in 2015 in four courts. The civil division supports the County Commissioners. The child support division averages 640 cases per year. He was a
very interesting speaker.
The parliamentarian was Nancy Jarvis.
The minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer Jacie Peters gave us her report which is on file. She reminded everyone that we now have the ability to take credit cards for payment and to please make a reservation for lunch. There was a motion made
and seconded to approve the budget and it passed. New member Birgit Okamoto was the winner of our sustainability drawing of $52.25.
Vice President/Membership Bonnie Robinson reported that we have 2 new members.
Vice President/Program Barbara McRoberts reports that our St. Patrick's Dinner will be March 13, 2016 at
St. Gall. Sheets were put out for volunteers to sign.
Our Caring for America Chair Sally Wiley told us that 45 boxes were sent overseas in December. January
29th is the next date to fill Valentines boxes at Sally's home. In 2015 Sally mailed 139 boxes at a cost of $2,219.
There are several committee chairs to be filled for 2016 so if anyone would like to find out about them please
call President Pat Smith. The annual Leadership conference will be held Saturday, January 23 rd in Carson
Douglas County Republican Central Committee Vice Chair Lynn Muzzy reports that the Lincoln/Reagan
Dinner will be February 14th at the CVI. Please register by February 12th.
We have 3 candidates running for Douglas County Commissioner positions. Barry Penzel and Dave Nelson
spoke this month. Larry Walsh will speak next month.
We all sang Happy Birthday to Jan Muzzy as this was her birthday.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:18 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jerri Bolinger, Recording Secretary
The next meeting of the Sierra Nevada Republican Women will be held on
Wednesday. February 10, 2016
Carson Valley Inn.
Douglas Room
11:30 a.m.—Buffet
12:00o noon—Meeting/Speaker
Speaker: Senator James Settelmeyer
Come and hear what happened in the last Special Legislative Session and
about other issues facing the citizens of Nevada
RSVP to Treasurer Jacie Peters at JACIEPETERS@GMAIL.COM or
call 775/392-4006. Reservations must be in by 10:00, a.m. Monday,
February 10th.
If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, please remember to call
and cancel so we won't be charged for your meal.
For approximately 15 years, Sierra Nevada Republican Women has provided coffee and supplies at the Veterans Medical
Clinic (originally located in Minden, now in Gardnerville). A special thank you to Michael and Sally Wiley for keeping
our SNRW Coffee Corner fully stocked at all times.
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Sunday March 13, 2016
St. Gall Catholic Church
1343 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville
Pastoral Center
Doors Open—4:45 p.m.
No Host Bar—5:00 p.m.
Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner—6:00 p.m.
Good Food & Good Times
Raffles & Prizes
$30 per person
Please make reservations in advance by March 7, 2016. This is our only fundraiser for the year, so
please support our club by attending. If you are unable to come, a donation would be welcome.
Advance reservations are encouraged, but last-minute meals may be purchased at the door. Make checks payable to SNRW and mail to:
SNRW, P.O. Box 2504, Minden, NV 89423
RSVP – Jacie Peters – or 775/392-4006
For further information, call:
Nancy Jarvis – 775-267-6937 or Barbara McRoberts – 775-267-0025
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Ten members represented Sierra Nevada Republican Women at
the 2016 NvFRW Leadership Training Program at the Governor’s
Mansion on Saturday, January 23. L-R Sally Wiley, Jerri Bolinger,
Nancy Brisack, Nancy Jarvis, Pat Smith, Donna Schehl, Barb
McRoberts, Jacie Peters, Brigit Okamoto, and Bonnie Robinson.
Lincoln/Reagan Dinner
Sunday, February 14th
Carson Valley Inn
Go to: for
further information
SNRW Dates to Remember
January 27– Signing of Vietnam Peace Accord (1973)
February 6—Nelle Reagan gave birth to Ronald Reagan (1911)
February 10—SNRW Luncheon and Meeting-Senator James Settelmeyer
February 12—Lincoln’s Birthday
February 14—St. Valentine’s Day
February 15—President’s Day
February 22—Washington’s Birthday
February 24—Operation Desert Storm Ground Campaign Began
March 13, 2016—St. Patrick’s Dinner
September 11, 2016—9/11 Commemorative Dinner
= Official Fly The Flag Day
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NAME BADGE………..$15.00
Associates are Republican men or Republican women with membership in another NFRW club. An associate may belong to more than
one club, a member may not be a member of more than one club, but may be an associate in other clubs.
If you belong to another Republican Women’s Club, which club?___________________________________
Please make check payable to: Sierra Nevada Republican Women
Member:$____________Associate:$________________Name Badge/s $_________________Total:$_________________
Name/s on badge:______________________________________________________________
I am a registered Republican and I will support Republican ideals and encourage loyalty to the Republican Party.
Mail to: SNRW, Post Office Box 2504, Minden, NV 89423
Mailing Address:______________________________________________
Home Phone:______________________________Cell____________________________________
Committees/Interests: Please indicate the area/s in which you have an interest:
_______Literacy ______Campaign Activities ______PR/Communications _______Fundraising
______Legislative ______Membership ______Americanism ______Caring for America (Troop Support)
______I can help where needed.
The above information will be published in our club roster and is intended for the sole use of club members. If you object, circle “do
not publish.” Do Not Publish.
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This Space For Rent
$45 for a year
Sierra Nevada Republican Women is a unit of the Nevada Federation of
Republican Women. We are a political action committee, working at the grass
roots level to get out the vote for Republican candidates. We also devote our
attention to educating voters on the matters that concern Douglas County,
Nevada and our nation.
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Achievement Award: Mary Porter, Board
Advertising: Nancy Jarvis
Advisory: Past Presidents
Americanism: Sharon O'Berg
Audit: Jan Vanderbur, Linda Davis, Pat Smith,
Budget & Finance: Jacie Peters, Executive Boar d
Bylaws: Donna Schehl, Nancy Jarvis
Caring for America: Sally Wiley
Chaplain: Marie Schnock
Constitution/Education: Mary Porter, Marie Schnock,
Lynn Muzzy, Barry Penzel, Sally Wiley
Entrepreneur Award: Jan Muzzy
Historian: VACANT
Hot Line: Nancy Jarvis, Claudi Br oquist
Legislative Committee: Sharla Hales, Mar y Por ter
Literacy: Jan Vanderbur
Membership: Bonnie Robinson
Newsletter: Nancy Jarvis
Parliamentarian: Kathryn Zogorski
Photographer: Donna Schehl
Program: Barbara McRoberts
Publicity/PR: Nancy Jarvis
Protocol: Claudi Broquist
Roster: Bonnie Robinson
Special Events: Joyce Richardson, Board
Sunshine: Rita Hill
VA/Military: Sally Wiley
Ways & Means: Joyce Richardson
Website: Rita Hill
Youth: Mary Porter
Sierra Nevada Republican Women
Website: www.sierranevadarepublicanwomen
Facebook: Sierra Nevada Republican Women
National Federation of Republican Women
124 N. Alfred Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
State of Nevada
Governor Brian Sandoval
State Capitol Building
101 N. Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701
Lt. Governor Mark Hutchison
State Capitol Building
101 N. Carson Street, Suite 2
Carson City, NV 89701
775- 684-7111
Senator James A. Settelmeyer – District 17
2388 Highway 395
Minden, NV 89423-8923
Secretary: Maureen Brower
Assemblyman Jim Wheeler – District 39
P. O. Box 2135
Minden, NV 89423-2135
 Mandated in Bylaws
** Mandated in Standing Rules
Note: President is Ex Officio (voting) member of all
committees (but not counted in a quorum) - except Secretary: Marilyn McElhany
Nevada Legislature website
SNRW newsletter is paid for by SNRW and is not
authorized by any candidate or candidate
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Nevada U.S. Senator Dean Heller
4 Russell Courtyard
Washington, DC 20510
FAX 202-228-6753 form.crm
Meron Bayu, Deputy Scheduler
Nevada U.S. Congressional District 2
Congressman Mark Amodei
222 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Reno Office
400 S. Virginia St., Suite 502
Reno, NV 89501
Interim Douglas County Manager
1594 Esmeralda Ave.
Minden, NV 89423
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 218
Minden, NV 89423
Ph: 775-782-9821
Fax: 775-782-6255
Board of Commissioners meet
1st Thursday of month in Minden 1:00 PM @
Douglas County Historic Courthouse
3rd Thursday of month at Lake Tahoe 1:30 p.m.
Tahoe Transportation Center
Greg Lynn
Doug Johnson, Chairman
Steve Thaler
Nancy McDermid, Vice Chairman
Barry Penzel
2015 SNRW Board
Pat Smith, President
Barbara McRoberts, 1st VP—Program
Bonnie Robinson, 2nd VP—Membership
Jacie Peters, Treasurer
Jerri Bolinger, Recording Secretary
Sharon O’Berg, Corresponding Secretary
Nancy Jarvis, Past President
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