President`s Corner - Nevada Republican Party


President`s Corner - Nevada Republican Party
June 2016
When an elephant talks, everyone listens!
Last month the Nevada Federation of Republican Women (NvFRW) had their Spring Board of Directors Meeting in Las
Vegas. I was unable to attend but want to share some of what went on. For our new members, when you join our club
you are also a member of the NvFRW and the National Federation of Republican Women. One of the things they did
was vote on supporting 4 resolutions. They are: Pledging to Support the Commerce Tax Repeal and Petition Drive,
Pledging to Support Voter Identification Prior to Voting, Pledging to Support Transfer of Federally- Owned Land to
States and Pledging to Support the Republican Presidential Nominee. Their biggest focus is getting voters registered and
they have increased the funds for it when they balanced their budget this year. I am happy to stand with them on these
Here in our beautiful little valley we are having our primary and I hope everyone will get out and vote. We hosted a panel of the Douglas County Commissioner Candidates in May and Barry Penzel was our speaker in April. Barry is running
unopposed, so although he won’t be on the Primary Ballot, he will be on the General Election Ballot in November.
Some of you may have heard about the Douglas County Republican Central Committee’s decision to change their bylaws so they can endorse one Republican over another before the primary. I just want to make it clear our club does
NOT endorse any one Republican over another Republican. When the voters choose who they want in the primary our
club, I hope, will back them wholeheartedly.
Congratulations to Marie Schnock who won the Early Bird Reservation drawing for a free lunch. I am sorry some of
you didn’t have a place to sit at a table this last month. When we make our reservations with Carson Valley Inn they
only allow for a 5% difference in our count. We usually add a few but as we have to pay for the number we give them
we can’t afford to pad it very much. This problem is happening with many clubs, not just ours. The only way to fix it is
to get your reservation in on time. I know sometimes it is a last minute choice to come, but please try your best. You
also save $5 and can win a chance for a free lunch!!
I hope you can join us in June to hear from Carol Del Carlo who is running for the Regent’s position and David Carter
and Pat Hickey who are running for the State Department of Education. Along with telling us about themselves, they
will be taking questions from you in the audience.
Before our next meeting we will be celebrating Memorial Day, it is a day of remembrance for those who died in the service of our country. The first official observance was May 30, 1868 when flowers were placed on the Union and Confederate soldier’s graves at Arlington National Cemetery. As you celebrate Memorial Day please say a prayer for those
who gave their lives to protect our wonderful country and proudly fly your flag.
I will look forward to seeing you in June.
Greg Lynn, Larry Walsh, Frank Godecke, Dave Nelson
Dave Nelson
Frank Godecke
Greg Lynn
Larry Walsh
Barry Penzel
Running unopposed—will not
be on Primary Ballot
Election Information
5/24—Deadline to Register to vote in Primary Election
5/28—Early voting for Primary
6/14—Primary Election
6/18-21—Republican National Convention-Ohio
10/18—Deadline to register to vote for General Election
10/22—Early voting for General Election
11/8—General Election
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Sierra Nevada Republican Women
May 11, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Pat Smith at 12:00 noon. The invocation was given by Marie
Schnock. The pledge to our flag was led by Jack Calvert.
The parliamentarian was Kathryn Zogorski.
There were many guests introduced.
1st VP/Program Barbara McRoberts introduced the four candidates running for County Commissioner.
They are Dave Nelson and Greg Lynn for District 1 and Larry Walsh and Frank Godecke for District 3.
They were each asked to tell us about themselves and then in rotation were asked 4 questions. There were
many different answers.
Our regular meeting then resumed with the minutes from April being approved.
Treasurer Jacie Peters gave the treasurer’s report and it is on file. The sustainability drawing of $45.50 was
won by Jerri Bolinger and the drawing for a free lunch for those who made their reservations early was Marie Schnock.
2nd VP/Membership Bonnie Robinson reported that we currently have 60 members and 32 associate
1st VP/Program reports that our speakers for the June meeting include Carol Del Carlo for State Regent and
Dave Carter and Pat Hickey for Department of Education.
Sharron Angle spoke briefly and Brian for Congressman Heck also spoke.
Announcements: It has been brought to President Pat’s attention that some of our members can only come
from noon to 1:00 pm. Our actual meeting is noon to 1:00 pm. Because so many people come early it would
give more time for our guests and speakers if the buffet is started at 11:30. The buffet would still be open for
those that come at noon.
Carson Valley Days Parade is June 11th this year and the republicans will have a float . Everyone interested
is encouraged to help decorate or ride in the parade. The theme this year is It’s A Pirate’s Life.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jerri Bolinger, Recording Secretary
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The next meeting of the Sierra Nevada Republican Women will be held on
Wednesday. June 8, 2016
Carson Valley Inn, Douglas Room
11:30 a.m.—Buffet starts
12:00 noon—Meeting/Program
Program: Candidate Carol Del Carlo, Regent;
Candidates David Carter and Pat Hickey, Department of Education
RSVP to Treasurer Jacie Peters at JACIEPETERS@GMAIL.COM or call 775/901-1898. Reservations
must be made by 10:00 a.m. Monday, June 6th. Reservations after 10:00 a.m. Jun 6th will have a
$5 surcharge.
If you make a reservation and are unable to attend, please remember to call and cancel so we won't be
charged for your meal.
Remember: RSVP by Friday, June 3rd in order to be in the drawing for a free lunch.
RECOMMENDED READING—by the Constitution Committee
Our current SNRW President, Pat Smith, does SO MANY things. She is a treasure. Pat found a moment to
make a reading recommendation for which your Constitution Committee thanks her. Pat actually made
two recommendations. She always does more than her share.
Pat recommends Agenda 21, by Glenn Beck and Harriet Parke, Mercury Radio Arts, 2012, and its sequel,
Agenda 21: Into the Shadows, published in 2015. These books present, in very readable fiction, the fearful
consequences of the initiation and development of the Agenda 21 program.
Some of you may have attended a presentation regarding Agenda 21 at a DCRCC meeting a couple of
years ago. Agenda 21 is a United Nations program under which all land, animals, plants and people ultimately would come under government control. President Bush signed onto it at Earth Summit conference
in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and President Clinton initiated the “Council on Sustainable Development,” to
implement the program here.
A message to be taken from Glenn Beck and Harriet Parke is to watch out for “Sustainable Development.”
Watch where your tax money is actually going! These books will provide fodder for your consideration of
possible consequences of sustainable development programs. The reviews recorded by Amazon for both
of these books are primarily very favorable. The reviewers who dislike the books seem to have based
their criticisms principally on their dislike of Glenn Beck.
Please take a moment to recommend a book, or even two. Your recommendation will be passed along to
our members.
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June 12, 1987—President Reagan
demands, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear
down this wall!”
“Adults are just outdated
Dr. Seuss
May 30—Memorial Day
June 6—D-Day (Allied Invasion of Europe (1944)
June 14—Flag Day
June 14—U.S. Army Founded (1775)
June 19—Father’s Day
June 20—First Day of Summer
June 25—Korean War Began (1950)
July 13—SNRW Lunch Meeting
September 11, 2016—SNRW 9/11 Commemorative Dinner
Fly the Flag
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Jo Marshall Scholarship
Two $1,000.00 scholarships will be awarded, one to a Northern Nevada
applicant and one to a Southern Nevada applicant. Students attending
UNR, UNLV, our state community college, and the Nevada State College
are eligible to apply for a scholarship.
Applicant Criteria for Consideration
* Must be a female resident of Nevada and a registered Republican
* Must be enrolled as a “degree seeking” student in her Junior or Senior
year at UNR, UNLV, a Nevada community college or the Nevada State
* Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and have carried 12 credit hours in
the semester prior to September 1, 2016
* Must be sponsored by a NvFRW Club and the application signed by the
President and/or First Vice President of the sponsoring Club
Applicant’s Responsibilities for Consideration
* Must submit two letters of recommendation from non-relatives
* Must submit a biographical essay describing a significant achievement
and a time when the applicant grew as a person
* Must submit the most recent official university transcript available
and proof of current registration
For an application form contact Jacie Peters, Sierra Nevada Republican
Women Scholarship Chair - or 775.901.1898.
Applications are due to Scholarship Chair, by September 1, 2016.
Political Education Memorial Fund (PEM)
PEM is one of the NvFRW’s best kept secrets. How many of you are aware that funds are available to those of your members
who might need a little financial help to attend a board of directors meeting or a biennial convention? Only a few of you? Well,
let me tell you about the Political Education Memorial Fund.
PEM is wholly supported by donations either from clubs which collect birthday dollars at their meetings and/or donate $100 per
year, and from individuals at NvFRW board meetings and conventions via cups placed on the tables. Although memorial donations of $25 or more can be made in honor of a club member, friend or family member (a page is added to the Memorial Notebook, a thank you note sent to the club or individual and an acknowledgement to the family of the deceased are sent), the last
such donation recorded was in 2008. Donations can also be made by leaving a bequest in your will; however, as far as I can tell,
no such bequest has ever been made.
PEM grants are restricted to providing financial assistance for travel and/or registration at NvFRW board meetings, conventions,
leadership training classes and campaign management school. Applications for a PEM grant must be postmarked no later than
one month prior to the event and must be accompanied by a letter from the applicant’s club president. The application asks if
your club is providing any financial assistance and if not, your application will receive priority over someone else whose club is
helping them out. The number and amount of grants awarded is dependent upon how many requests are received and how much
money is available in the budget.
The official PEM description on our website contains a statement that “It would be extremely helpful if all club presidents announced the existence of the fund periodically to their members. A small article in a club newsletter is also recommended.” I
have no problem with anyone using this article as the basis for an article in your club newsletter. I also request that all club presidents make an announcement about PEM now and then, but especially just enough prior to NvFRW events to let your members
know about PEM in time to apply for a grant. This is a great way for clubs to get those members on the fence about participating
at the state level to a meeting or training session to learn how much fun they will have and how much they will learn.
Peggy Gray, NvFRW PEM Chairman
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This Space For Rent
$45 for a year
Sierra Nevada Republican Women is a unit of the Nevada Federation of
Republican Women. We are a Political Action Committee, working at the
grass roots level to get out the vote for Republican candidates. We also devote
our attention to educating voters on the matters that concern Douglas County,
Nevada and our nation.
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Achievement Award: Mary Porter, Board
Advertising: Nancy Jarvis
Advisory: Past Presidents
Americanism: Sharon O'Berg
Audit: Jan Vanderbur, Linda Davis, Pat Smith,
Budget & Finance: Jacie Peters, Executive Boar d
Bylaws: Donna Schehl, Nancy Jarvis
Caring for America: Sally Wiley
Chaplain: Marie Schnock, Jan Muzzy
Constitution/Education: Mary Porter, Marie Schnock,
Lynn Muzzy, Barry Penzel, Sally Wiley
Entrepreneur Award: Jan Muzzy
Historian: Jacie Peters
Hot Line: Nancy Jarvis
Legislative Committee: Mary Porter
Literacy: Jan Vanderbur
Membership: Bonnie Robinson
Newsletter: Nancy Jarvis
Nominating—Donna Schehl
Parliamentarian: Kathryn Zogorski
Photographer: Donna Schehl
Program: Barbara McRoberts
Publicity/PR: Nancy Jarvis
Protocol: Jan Muzzy
Roster: Bonnie Robinson
Special Events: Board
Sunshine: Rita Hill
VA/Military: Sally Wiley
Ways & Means: Board
Website: Rita Hill
Youth: Mary Porter
Sierra Nevada Republican Women
Website: www.sierranevadarepublicanwomen
Facebook: Sierra Nevada Republican Women
National Federation of Republican Women
124 N. Alfred Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
State of Nevada
Governor Brian Sandoval
State Capitol Building
101 N. Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701
Lt. Governor Mark Hutchison
State Capitol Building
101 N. Carson Street, Suite 2
Carson City, NV 89701
775- 684-7111
Senator James A. Settelmeyer – District 17
2388 Highway 395
Minden, NV 89423-8923
Secretary: Maureen Brower
Assemblyman Jim Wheeler – District 39
P. O. Box 2135
Note: President is Ex Officio (voting) member of all Minden, NV 89423-2135
committees (but not counted in a quorum) - except 775-546-3471
Secretary: Marilyn McElhany
Nevada Legislature website
SNRW newsletter is paid for by SNRW and is not
authorized by any candidate or candidate
Page 9
Nevada U.S. Senator Dean Heller
4 Russell Courtyard
Washington, DC 20510
FAX 202-228-6753 form.crm
Meron Bayu, Deputy Scheduler
Nevada U.S. Congressional District 2
Congressman Mark Amodei
222 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Reno Office
400 S. Virginia St., Suite 502
Reno, NV 89501
Acting Douglas County Manager
Larry Werner
1594 Esmeralda Ave.
Minden, NV 89423
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 218
Minden, NV 89423
Ph: 775-782-9821
Board of Commissioners meet
1st Thursday of month in Minden 1:00 PM @
Douglas County Historic Courthouse
3rd Thursday of month at Lake Tahoe 1:30 p.m.
Tahoe Transportation Center
Greg Lynn
Doug Johnson, Chairman
Steve Thaler
Nancy McDermid, Vice Chairman
Barry Penzel
2015 SNRW Board
Pat Smith, President
Barbara McRoberts, 1st VP—Program
Bonnie Robinson, 2nd VP—
Jacie Peters, Treasurer
Jerri Bolinger, Recording Secretary
Sharon O’Berg, Corresponding Secretary
Nancy Jarvis, Past President
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