February 2005
February 2005
February 2005 Tech Note If you see something you don’ tl i ke , VOLUNTEER I missed a few wonderful articles that were sent to me in February by the deadline of the 15th. I want to say sorry to everyone for this mistake. My e-mail address had some major issues and dropped some of the information. I have added these missed articles for your reading enjoyment. Thank you to all that submit for the Quarter Reporter. Tawnya Bacchetti Wanted to give everybody a Follow up on the Honda 160 Model Number Change. I have been in contact with Honda and Dave King. Honda small engines have for the most part been built in Japan over the years. Honda has now built a new state of the art building in Thailand to handle the Honda small engine department. They moved all the small engine production to Thailand except the gear reduction engines like we use (GX120 & GX160) They have decided to change the middle letter of the Model number to signify where the engine was built. GX160K1HX2 is our model number now. They are now changing the model # as they are being produce now to GX160J 1HX2.The“K1”wa s the old model designation. The ne wone sa r e“J 1”whi c h means the engine is still produce in Japan. When the model #c ha nge st oa“T1”t ha tme a ns the engine is being produced in Thailand. I was told the GX120 Engine model numbers will follow the same procedure. The engines are the same –I was told there are no internal or external di fferences except the mode l#.BOTH“K1”AND “J 1”ENGI NESWI LLBELEGAL. Thanks, Glenn Lewis National Tech Director We need to fi ll the vacancy i n Regi on 4 for the posi ti on of Regi onal Di rector. If you are i nterested i n thi s posi ti on please send your res ume to QMA's Nati onal Offi ce and a copy to QMA's Nati onal Secretary. Resumes must be pos t marked no later than March11,2005.Résumé’ swi l lal sobeacceptedthru emai l and fax as long as they meet the deadli ne and recei ved i n both places. To be eli gi ble to run for offi ce you must be a mem ber i n regi on 4 and i n good s tandi ng respecti vely as w ell as be a QMA member for 2005. Once resumes ar e recei ved Ballots w i ll go out for votes to all 2005 regi stered members i n the regi on. They wi ll be mai led March 18th 2005 and mus t be r eturned wi th a post mark no later than Apri l 4th 2005 QMA NBOD Quarter Reporter 2005 Board of Directors Jim Fiser, President 734 Sout h Br aun St. Lakewood, CO 80228 443-386-9293 cell 303-980-4212 home jdfiser @netzer o.net Charlie Cagle, Vice President 3675 Cagle Lane Loomis, Ca 95650 443-386-9296 (cell) 916-652-6847 (home/fax call fist) ccagle1@sbcglobal.net Patty Abbott, Secretary 19365 A ngling Livonia, MI 48152 248-777-8306 (Land Line) 443-386-9294 (QMA Cell) secr etar y@quar ter midgets.or g Kim Kendall, Treasurer 6302 Fr eder ick Road Baltimor e, MD 21228 443-386-9295 (cell) 410-788-5299 (land line) k9515@aol.com Glenn Lewis, Technical Director 36 Diane Dr . Honeybr ook, PA 19344 443-386-9297 tech@quar ter midgets.or g Taw nya Bacchetti, Publicity Director 1081 NE 5th Av e Dr ive Hillsbor o, OR 97124 443-386-9299 (cell) 503-615-8081 (Land Line) publicity@quar ter midgets.or g Bob Burgess, Safety Director 330 C lear field Ave. Fr anklinvi lle, NJ 08322 443-386-9298 (cell) 856-629-4649 (home) r fbur gesjr@yahoo.com Page 2 2005 Regional Directors Region 1: Bill Ster gios PO Box 217 Candia, NH 03034 Cell, days 603 540-8556 Home, eves 603 483-0247 eightballpr op@comcast.net Region 2: Michelle Bar zee 8414 Quadrant Lane Baldwinsville, NY 13027 315-622-2324 barzeer ace@aol.com Region 3: Scott Tanker sley 7470 Bannister Road Cumming,Ga, 30040 770-403-0294 Fax 770-663-4058 stanker 741@aol.com or stanker sley@cooksonelectr onics.com Region 4: Bob Nock jnock72938@er inet.com Region 5: JR Van Gilder 11440 South Daniel Str eet Terr e Haute, IN 47802 812-894-3342 svgmotor spor ts@aol.com Region 6: Riley Rees 222 NW Huxman Rd Topeka, KS 66618 785-582-4395 night 758-582-0563 fax rdr@networ ksplus.net Region 7: Dan Sawatzky 1426 Highview Ave Eagan, MN 55121 651-686-5424 dsawatzky@datar ecognitioncorp.com Region 8: Jeff Baker 1935 Diamond Dr Longmont, Co 80504 303-485-9337 Br atacing2000@yahoo.com Region 9: Jim Muck 17225 26th Ave. SE Bothell, WA 98012 425-485-9702 muck_jim@yahoo.com Region 10: John Mitchell 743 Linda Mar Blvd Pacifica, Ca 94044 650-438-1602 mitchr acin@aol.com Region 11: Mike Williams 141 Anna Lane Baker sfield, CA 93308 661 399-8955 mdwmiller 2@cs.com Region 12: Rober t Schaefer 18828 N. 94th Avenue Peor ia, AZ 85382 (623) 362-4080 Fax: (623) 362-4081 ascphx@aol.com Region 13: Curt Sullivant 3215 Deer Chase Run Longwood, FL 32779 407-444-0476 CSullivant@cfl.rr.com Quarter Reporter From the Desk of the Secretary I hope that everyone's year is off to a good start!! The 2005 QMA National meeting is now a thing of the past. I have quite a few people to thank that did so much to help us out behind the scenes. First of all I would like to thank Kim Kendall for helping me with making copies for the 2005 Procedures/Manuals that I prepared for the meeting, by Kim doing this it not only helped me but also saved QMA quite a bit of money, we only had to pay for the cost of the paper, so thank you Kim!! I would also like to thank my son Brandon for helping me sort and stuff some of the manuals. While I am thinking of family, I would really like to thank my husband and my 2 boys for being so patient and for being so great when they have been put on the back burner while I was busy preparing for the meeting and when I was away. I would also like to thank each and every spouse of each QMA National board member and their children for Page 3 also being so patient and for sharing their mom/dad/husband/wife with all of us. Back to the meeting, I also want to thank Dave Preston, Jerry Mostec, George Crouse and Wes Stillwaggon for taking time away from their work and families to come and put on an AWESOME QMA Tech seminar!!! These men have given so much for all of us for any of you that have gone to a QMA Grand National event you know how hard these guys work and how they have really helped improve our tech at the grands!! I can remember tech taking until 3 and 4 in the morning after the last A main, these guys have our tech so that it is now done within an hour or 2 of the last A main!!! THANKS GUYS!!!!! Last but not least thank you to all the RD's and their Assistants and to each NBOD member for taking time away from your families to come to the National meeting. The 2005 Procedures manuals will be sent to each Club President, if anyone would also like a copy you may either have your club President make you a copy or you can purchase one from the QMA National office. I would also like to remind everyone that we only should be calling the QMA National office for issues that they take care of mostly membership questions all other questions please follow the chain of command and ask your Club President or RD. Memberships are still coming in very heavily and I just want to remind everyone to make sure that you have copies of birth certificates and to make sure that your pictures are a 1x1 inch size, also put the name of the person on the back of the picture and PLEASE do not staple the pictures to the application, paper clip them. With the help of Michelle Barzee and Kim Kendall we should have the 2005 rulebook ready to be mailed out to all the members by April 1st along with the 2005 QMA Short Sheet. We have already made many clarifications and have corrected errors that we have found; we are busy putting all the 2005 RCP changes into the rulebook so that it will be ready for print shortly. I hope that everyone continues to have a great winter!! Patty Abbott QMA National Secretary Quarter Reporter Region 1 Silver City QMC Meriden CT Asphalt Custom Midget Club Thompson CT Asphalt Blackbird Q MRC DE New Castle Dirt HagerstownQMRA MD Hagerstown Dirt South Jersey Q MA NJ Atco Dirt Garden State QMRC NJ Wall Twp. Asphalt Oswego County Q MC NY Fulton Asphalt Syracuse QMC NY Sy racuse Asphalt DoylestownQMRC PA Doy lestown Asphalt Montgomery County Q MRC PA Phoenixville Dirt Oa klane La ne Q MRC PA Trumbauersville Asphalt Page 4 Our novice training begins in early March. This is the first year I can remember that we had more retiring drivers than novices. Good luck to all the novices and their parents. Get ready for the best years of your life. People are still up in the air about the Briggs World Formula class. Many are waiting to see who will be selling engines and with what type of gearbox and for how much. Some are enthused, some are worried about the high horsepower, others worry about where we can fit the new class in with 150 weekly car counts. My guess is that this class will catch on pretty quickly. Silver City will be rebuilding much of their wall in preparation for the World Formula class. Little T's opening day is Sunday, April 24. Silver City's is on Saturday, April 30. Both schedules are on the websites. Both Region 1 tracks will have cars on display at the Racearama trade show in Springfield, MA on March 4,5,&6 at the Big E Exposition Center. We invite all to come race with us in Region 1 this year. Bill Stergios, RD Region 1 Region 2 The National meeting is over, I would like to thank Kim Kendall for helping me with the Regional Director's books, she saved a lot of money doing this for us. I also would like to thank the NBOD and RD for all their time and effort they put into this organization. I have enjoyed working with the Regional Director's this past year and they have worked very hard putting together a lot of different issues that were finalized at the National meeting or turned over to the new NBOD. The highlights are on our Region 2 website. We held a conference call on February 17th with all Region Two Board of Directors and Region Two Presidents. I reviewed the highlights of the National Meeting so your Presidents will be able to bring all this information back to you at your club meet- ings. Kim got the newsletter out to all the Presidents within a few days. We discussed the surveys that were turned into QMA, the biggest concern was communication. The Region is doing their job, please if you have any questions or concerns please go to your club President, we are communicating with them on a weekly basis. Henry Robbins was inducted into the QMA Hall of Fame. Their will be a party for Henry on April 8th at Oaklane Gun Club. Everyone is invited, all the flyers and information was sent to all Region 2 Presidents. The Region Two web site has been updated with all the 2005 schedules. If there is something you would like to see on the web site please let us know. We will be holding our Region Two meeting on Saturday, February 18th at the Oaklane Gun Club at 11:00 am. We Cont .PG5……. . . Quarter Reporter Region 2 cont... would like to see all Club Presidents, Safety Directors, Race Directors and Tech Directors at this meeting. We will hold are yearly Tech Seminar immediately after our meeting. If anyone has any questions please let me know. Everyone is getting ready for the 2005 Season to begin. Reminder to get those novice list to Rich and myself as soon as you have them. The State Races for 2005 in Region 2 will be on Memorial Day weekend, asphalt/Honeybrook and dirt/Montgomery County. I look forward to seeing everyone, if anyone has any concerns, please remember to follow the chain of command and go thru your club President. I am hear to answer any questions or concerns that you have. Have fun and let's go racing! Michelle Barzee Region 2 Director Region 8 Pikes PeakQ MA Colorado Springs CO Concrete Rocky Mountain QMA Erie CO Asphalt Southern Colorado QMA Pueblo CO Concrete Magic City QMA Billings MT Asphalt Page 5 Region 8 is gearing up for another fun filled racing season. The region 8 board had their first meeting of the year on January 22nd to set the 2005 schedule. The Region 8 race dates are as follows: States Race May 28th-30th (Memorial Day weekend) MCQMA(Billings, MT) Monza Series Leg 1: RMQMA- May 14 & 15th (Denver, CO) Leg 2: PPQMA-June 11 & 12th (Colorado Springs, CO) Leg 3: MCQMA-Sept 3-5th (Billings, MT) Leg 4: SCQMA- Sept 24 & 25th (Pueblo, CO) The MCQMA, PPQMA, RMQMA and SCQMA are all in the process of finalizing their local schedules as well as several special events for 2005. Check out these websites for more inform ation: www.montanaquart ermidgets.com www.ppqma.com www.rmqma.com www.scqma.com We look forward to another great year! Jenny Ford Region 8 Publicity Director Quarter Reporter Region 9 Portland QMRA Langley QMA Langley BC Asphalt PortlandQ MRA Portland OR Asphalt Washington Q MA Everett WA Asphalt Little Wheels QMA Puy allup WA Asphalt I-5 Q MC Elma WA Dirt Yakima Q uarter Midget Association Yakima WA Portland has been busy gett i ngr e a dyf ort heGr a nd’ si n July. Check out the new web site at www.pqmra.com to see some exciting news along with the 2005 racing schedule. PQMRA would like to invite anyone to come race our track and have some fun at the dairy. Over the past few weeks PQMRA has had a display in the Hot Rod Show car show at the expo center and they also hosted their one of two annual ride days. They had 30 kids try out a QM and have fun on a sunny day. It was great to see so many families interested in this sport. I-5 QMC Elma, WA: The I-5 QMC is proud to announce they have been awarded the 2006 Quarter Midgets of America Dirt Grand Nationals. The event takes place for one full week each August to determine the Quarter Midget National Champion on dirt. Expected car counts are in the several hundreds, with recent year events topping 500 cars. Making this particular event special is the fact that the National event has always been held in Indiana or Maryland –both hotbeds of dirt track racing. The Terre Haute, IN, and Hagerstown, MD quarter midget clubs have alternated hosting the event since its inception in 1993. To allow the event to be staged on the West Coast speaks volumes of what the I5 QMC has accomplished in the construction of their new facility at the Grays Harbor Raceway in Elma, WA. rules and lay the groundwork for upcoming events. It is extremely rare for a club to apply for and receive such a large sanctioned event in its first attempt, but that is exactly what happened. The racing facility was built with the idea in mind to host the large, premier event. All of the planning that went into the construction revolved around building a facility that was capabl e of providing for a first class event such as the Dirt Grand Nationals. The club is quick to credit the local community and its leaders in obtaining their goal. The area businesses and local government officials offered full support and that fit right in with the clubs other objective, which was to make the club a part of the local community. They have done just that, and all in a very short time. The club moved its location Each February the sanction- to the Grays Harbor Fairing body meets to discuss grounds in Elma, WA over Page 6 the winter of 2003/04. In just 26 weeks, with a total volunteer workforce and donations f r om a r eabus i ne s s ’ s ,t he y constructed the new racing facility. The 1/20th mile clay oval has state of the art amenities, and garnered national recognition throughout its construction. It was easy for the national sanctioning body, and its members, to stamp their approval for the clubs bid to host the national event. The I-5 QMC is proud of the new facility, along with the community in which it now calls home. You can find out more inform ation by visiting their web site at: www.I-5QMC.com The I-5 QMC @ The Grays Harbor Mini Raceway – Where the pavement e nds …andt he racing begins! Quarter Reporter Florida Cup Series Banquet Sunday, January 23 rd the 2004 Florida Cup Series Banquet was held at Pacman Café in Orlando, Fl. Over 120 people were in attendance to participate in the special festivities of recognizing the accomplishments of our Region 13 Drivers. This was the first year Region 13 has hosted the Florida Cup Series and the participation was a huge success. The banquet and awards presentation was held in the restaurant area where lunch was served then preceded to the second floor where our drivers and parents were given game cards for an hour of free game play with over 50 different types of video gamesavai l abl e.Thepoi nt ’ s Page 7 champions in each class received a special Florida Cup Series championship ring and the second and third place drivers were given watches with the 2004 Florida Cup Series logo. All of our drivers were awarded trophies andgi vendr i ver ’ sbags with special regional tee shirts and recognition of participation in the first Florida Cup Series among other goodies. The outgoing 2004 Region 13 Board of Directors, Scott Laughlin, Bob Stoekel and Maureen Abbott were recognized for their service to the Region and the new 2005 Board of Directors were introduced. Retiring Drives Kory Ab- bott, Michael Hagner and Cory Stoekel were given special plaques listing their quarter midget accomplishments throughout their racing years. Kory Abbott also received a special quarter midget pendent and chain for his many years of racing at his home club of Mid Florida QMRA. The ceremony ended with the raffle drawing for the Mini Chopper provided by Advance Discount Auto Parts. Congratulations go to the lucky winner Kyle Stoekel! The Region 13 Board of Directors and Banquet Committee would like to thank our trophy sponsors, Biscayne Roofing, KurStar Construction, Street Rods Unlimited, Scott Gertsch Motorsports, American Services Inc. and Advance Discount Auto Parts for your support of Region 13 and our drivers. The 2005 Board of Directors is dedicated to the Florida Cup Series and to the clubs of Region 13. We will continue to improve and provide the best possible racing experience for our young drivers throughout Florida. By Terri Sullivant, Region 13 Publicity Director Quarter Reporter Region 13 Drivers Take Part in Thunder National Monster Truck Jam Leon County Civic Center in Tallahassee, Fl was the place to be on Friday and Saturday night January 14th &15th, for some good old fashion fun! USHRA held their Thunder National Monster Truck Jam featuring some of their top drivers like Monster Patrol and Destroyer. Quarter midget racing was invited to be a part of the two-day show. Region 13 had ten quarter midget drivers and their families that made the four to five hour trip to Tallahassee. almost impossible task of racing on a smooth, slick concrete surface. The idea was to put on a show by passing and being passed. As the event went on and more rubber was laid down, by the fourth and final time out these drivers knew what to do and put on a great show. about QMA and Region 13, let kids sit in their cars, took pictures with the fans and signed autographs on programs, hats, tee shirts, flags, and any thing they could find. With the crowd seated for the second night of Monster Truck excitement, a mix of Heavy and Light GX Saturday started off early 160 drivers went out for with the Thunder National the final night show. After Monster Jam Pit Party. All formal introductions of drivers participating in this those drivers participating, event were available for the eight cars went out for autographs, answered their first race. The surface questions and let specta- was still very slick and the Friday night Light GX 160 tors sit in the cars. Our cars had trouble hooking drivers Cole Bigham, Matt quarter midget drivers up on the smooth surface. McGillivray, Mandy Sulliwere among this group. This led to some spinouts, vant, Alex and Anthony Heavy GX 160 drivers banging and bumping. The Pelican were introduced Cory Stoekel, Brittany crowed got into the racing individually under the Frosh, Amanda Ferguson, and applauded and bright arena spot lights in Chris Sullivant, Austin screamed their support for front of a crowed of 10,000 Howell, along with Chrisour drivers. people. All five put on a tian and Caleb McGillivray fantastic show in-between joined the group from the This was a wonderful exthe Monster Truck sesday before. With all their perience for our drivers sions and the Quad ATV cars lined up and driver and a great chance to prorace teams. The five exsuits on they passed out mote quarter midget racing perienced drivers had an flyers with information in Region 13. We were Page 8 surprised and grateful for the generous donation of $500 the sponsors gave to Region 13. This will be added to the Region 13 account so we can further promote quarter midgets throughout Florida. We thank USHRA and Clear Channel Entertainment for this opportunity. By Terri Sullivant, Region 13 Publicity Director Quarter Reporter MIKE STREICHER IS A PROUD HOOSIER DADDY Submitted by: Jeff Nuckles the car and the rest, as they say, is three USAC Owners titles, each on Hoosier Tires. I r oni c a l l y,i twa s n’ tt hef i r s tt i met ha t All those years of success with the Mike had bolted on un-tested HooHoosier brand weighed heavily on his s i e r ’ sf ora ni ndoore ve nt .It was recent decision to try the new Hoosier January 1982 when he, and driver quarter midget tires. Following Rich Vogler, agreed to try a treaded Ri c hi e ’ ss uc c e s s ,t heFi ndl a y,OHna t i ve di r tt i r eont hef a mi l y’ sMi dge tf ora n has now begun recommending the tires event in the Ft. Wayne (IN) Colito owners of his cars and they, too, are seum. “I ’ l lne ve rf or ge tt hec a rpul l - experiencing a great deal of success. ing the front tires off the ground all the Jordan Conover recently captured the wa ydownt hes t r a i ght a wa y, ”r e ca l l s January 1st Light Mod A Main at the Streicher. The team started using the Columbus Indoor event. Looking forne w13”t i r e sondi r tt ha ts pr i ng,f i n- ward to the 2005 outdoor season, Streiishing third in the USAC standings. A cher is anxious to try the rest of the year later, the prominent tire manufac- product line. “It r ul ybe l i e vet ha ti t turer introduced a speci fi c indoor and won’ tbel ongbe f or eHoos i e ra r et he asphalt tire to complete the purple domi na ntqua r t e rmi dge tt i r e , ”a c c or dbrands Midget product line. With that ing to the soft spoken veteran. With a full compliment of tires, Vogler pidriver named Rich, a mechanic named l ot e dt het e a m’ sc a rt ot heUSACt i t l e Mike and a tire named Hoosier, it could in dominant fashion. The elder Strei- be déjà vu all over again. cher continued bolting Hoosiers on the f a mi l y’ sc a r st hr ough1991whe nt he “Qu i c kPr i ntHa wk”c a r r i e dhi mt ot ha t ye a r ’ sUSACCha mpi ons h i p.In all, Mi dge t sf i e l de dbyMi ke ’ spa r e nt s , Jim and Paulie Streicher accumulat e Eight year old Richie Streicher has some history. big tire tracks to fill; Hoosier tire tracks. The Bluffton (OH) Elementary second grader has a USAC Champion as a father and a namesake who ranks as one of the best USAC drivers ever. Mike Streicher and the late Rich Vogler serve as a legacy like few other quarter midget drivers and Richie is just a little guy who loves to race. As the 1991 United States Auto Club National Midget Champion, the elder Streicher has now turned his car building prowess to quarter midgets. With several quarterscaled cars in use throughout the Midwest, his happiest customer recently might just be his son. That joy was innately evident November 20 at the season-opening Columbus Indoor WinterNational event in Columbus, OH. Streicher dominated the 32 car field winning his Heat and Feature event. Yes the youngster drove one of the best races of his two year career, and yes, it was the fabrication abilities of his dad that helped him carry the checkered flag but there was more. The proud papa had bolted the brand new Hoosier D-20 quarter midget tires on Page 9 Quarter Reporter Good Times QMRA Madera CA Asphalt Pomona Valley Q MRA Pomona CA Asphalt Region 11 Submitted by Shellie Amerjan Region 11 Secretary should be. Many have donated land and labor and they have always given their heart to see Racing season is just taking that racing continued for of fi nCal i f or ni a’ sRegi on11. the kids. This kind of gift Pomona Valley would like to needs to be remembered thank the drivers and their by all that come in contact families for coming out to with this sport. Just showrace, even with a chance of ing up and racing is not rain all weekend at the Carlo what many of these founPagetto Memorial Race. This ders believed in. They race, as well, as many other believed in a racing family races around the country are and a commitment to the held annually to honor those future of Quarter Midgets. individuals who had a vision Their beliefs of sportsmanof what Quarter Midgets ship, leadership, and re- sponsibility are ideals we all want to instill our kids. So the next time you are signing in at a memorial race, think about the past and then plan for the future of Quarter Midgets. Your assistance now is needed to reach the future and I do believe we all have the same love for the sport as did these founders and stewards of Quarter Midget racing. Galante Memorial Race March 18-20, 2005 Publicity February has been a busy month with the national meeting and being a short month, sorry I have did not get this posted sooner, but due to travel time with my job and getting the flu the month got away from me. I also did not get much submitted to me this month; just mark your calendars to send me articles, notices and whatnots by the 15th of each month and I will get it in the QR. I would also like to start receiving driver profiles to ha vea“Dr i ve ri nt heSpot l i ght ” e a c hmont h.Pl e a s el ooka tdr i ve r ’ s in your club or past drivers that have moved onto another form of racing to spotlight. I am very excited to let you know that the judging video is no longer an idea, it will be done and out this summer. Mark Lloyd and Jim Page 10 Muck have put a lot of time and energy into getting this off the ground and I want to THANK both of them. I came on board with this at the national meeting and they had most of the work done. This will be a great tool for QMA, as I have more information I will let you know. We are looking at having the QR back in print and have one bid that has come in but I would like to get a few more, so if you know anyone that is in the printing business please forward me the information (publicity@quartermidgets.org) and I will contact them. Once I have the bids, I can let people know about advertising. Quarter Reporter If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Although millions of people do business over the Internet daily, it's still important that you take steps to protect yourself. We receive many reports and complaints from QMA members of Internet and email scams. The Internet is a unique technology with the potential for many types of fraud. As a result, scam artists are constantly trying to create new e-schemes to take your money or identity. The Internet is essentially an open means of communication, so it's important that private and confidential information, such as credit card numbers and personal financial data, remains private during Internet transactions. It is also an easy place to disguise ones real identity, so it's essential that you confirm who an individual or entity is before conducting business with them. Scammers have "spoofed" legitimate websites, using a trusted company's real name or logo or a name so similar as to deliberately cause confusion. They then lure potential victims to give up confidential information such as credit card and social security numbers. E-mail also allows countless people to be "spammed" with fraudulent offers. There are also scam artists which prowl Internet classified sites and respond to peoples' ads. They often send overpayment and are from outside the country, requesting the seller wire the difference to another party. They use fake bank and cashiers checks that ARE NOT VALID! Do not fall for this scam! It should be obvious to most people that something is fishy when someone sends you overpayment and wants you to wire the money to another country. Nonetheless, some people are foolish enough to fall for this ridiculous scheme. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true or doesn't make sense, there's a 99.9% chance it probably isn't legitimate. Use your common sense and don't let your sense of greed or naivety cost you! Beware of anyone "representing a client". Beware of any buyers from a foreign country who want to wire you money. Beware of anyone who does not ask you specific questions about your vehicle. Beware of anyone who speak with you on the phone through a operator-assisted relay call (Normally used for deaf or mute people) One basic method to follow is this: If any deal requires you to send the buyer money, it is a scam. Recommended Precautions: Do business with financial institutions and merchants you know and trust. Be suspicious of web sites that don't allow you to easily verify a company's identity and legitimacy by clearly providing a physical address, telephone number and email address. Never give out your account passwords - even to persons claiming to be from your on-line service. If your passwords fall into the wrong hands, you may find your account billed with unexpected, expensive charges. Before completing a purchase or financial transaction, be sure that the web site you're visiting supports secure transactions. Your browser should clearly indicate when you link to a secure location. Look for a URL that begins with https:// and a browser icon displaying either an unbroken key or a closed lock. Be cautious with short-term "free trials." They may simply be a ruse to obtain your credit card number and other personal information. Be very skeptical of unsolicited "get-rich-quick" e-mail opportunities. Don't send sensitive financial information, such as credit card numbers, via e-mail. Never click on the "remove" link at the bottom of spam emails. It only lets them know your address is valid. You will get more spam if you do this. Don't post your personal email address on a website. This is an invitation to spammers. Spammers and the people who sell spamming as a business have software that "harvests" email addresses from the Internet. Lastly, here are some tips that you can convey to your child so that his or her surfing on the web will be safe: Advise your child never to give out your password on the net. Tell your child to not give out any personal information without your consent. This would include his or her name, phone number, address, email address, school name and any other personal and confidential Contpg10…………. . Page 13 Quarter Reporter Contf r om pg9……. information. Inform your child how personal information can be unconsciously disclosed such as when he or she joins an online club, enters an online contest or quiz, completes an online survey or questionnaire, responds to spam, posts a message on a newsgroup or bulletin board or completes a website guest book. Advise your child to stay away from undesirable sites which could contain sexually explicit material. Let them know that there are people on the net who try to sexually exploit children and who might try to contact them at chat rooms or other sites. To ensure your child's safety, keep the computer in a room open to everyone where everyone can see the monitor. Have your child use a gender neutral user name. Girls tend to get more attention than others on the net. Travel with your kids on the net and pick out with your child, sites that are safe for the kids to visit. Talk to your child about the net. Discuss what they want to get out of it, what they want to do and what to watch out for. Finally, purchase software filters that allow you to restrict their visits to appropriate sites and filters that can control the type of email you get. Art Davis webmaster -- Quarter Midgets of America Get Well Soon!!!!!! Jacquie Franklin Your in our thoughts and prayers. The QMA Family Page 14 WORD SEARCH G R E E N Z W Y C L U B S S T O M C W Y R Q U A O L L K H H A N F Q A P H G R E E T A E T G T D D O G F U E L D F A S D N Q M V C X Z A W E O X C V B N M O Q W E R T Y U O L D N N U N H G F L X Z A R T E C H A D T S D F G H J K L F RACECAR NERVO RICE BULLRIDER FISER STORM REGION STANLEY C A L A H G A W I S E F M G H H M N T E S F D R P O I U C H S J R J F L E N D G U T R F H V E Q U V W O L L E Y Y V E D H T K D J T E F D U H G F O C R U E O I V P F H F T B C F N E R V O F U G U G R F I N C B T S E K G K L G A R N K G Q R L S C C P Y J D A D S D V N H S C P E R D V T H H FLAG PIT HALF DOT GREEN YELLOW FASTTIME LINEUP WINNER E H W M P A Z U T G U K C L E A R I B S I O R E S C H G A R J F I R E S U I T E E E G R A C E C A R I C L R X E E N D K E D O Z S S H N H M K L H Z C E R T F V V I A Z L R D J L R G I X D A T I R E J L S A F E T Y R V R A C A M T L TIRE HONDA DECO CLUBS GRANDS RACE FUEL GLOVES SAFTEY C P T E U C F F F A S T T I M E H M E W Q E A R D S E Y E D O Y T U V B M P J N Z A Q E W T Y U I N V D T F D N U R S C A L E S N M O O G L F V C S S S V N Q E S I F D T I B H U D C C S A S D F S G E E G D H J I K U E E J R H V O F D E C O T Y F H N B T D E Y T N I W U K A R D E C L B P E H W T F J M L M N Y O G F S A A A C G I P O U I K J L N W G I Q W E R A D F G C H J K L R H Y T R E W D V V H K U A P G F D R E G I O N K S S K G G L O V E S L L L U H B C B CHECKERD SCALES TECH HANDLER TRAILER STOCK JUDGE QUARTERMIDGET
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December 2003
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