May 2006


May 2006
May 2006
Please send in your interesting old facts about
QMA. If you can scan in
old items, photos or old
flyers, I will be adding a
new section to the QR
about “Back in the Day”.
We have so many older
members that hold so
much history in their
files it would be so nice to share this
All the clubs have received the
new QMA stickers. If you have not
received a new stickers for your
ca please check with your club
president to receive one.
with this generation of QMA drivers and members.
Both of these photos are from
John Mitchell’s collection from
the early 70’s at Portland .
2006 Rulebook
The rule book with be out in a few
weeks, until then make sure you
keep a copy of the 2006 short
sheet with you blue rule book
from 2005.
Please send your memories to
Entertainment for the Dirt Grand’s—Don’t miss out
I-5 Quarter Midget Club would like
to invite everyone who attends the
2006 Dirt Grands to check out the
local entertainment. Beginning with
August 5, 2006, the Saturday night
of move-ins, The Grays Harbor Raceway will host the racing style of 360
Sprint Cars and Midgets. Wednesday, August 9th the Grays Harbor
Fair opens with rides and games. It
will run through Sunday. I-5 QMC
has negotiated discount admission &
ride passes for all 2006 Dirt Grand
participating drivers and families.
In addition, be sure to check out
the nightly entertainment!
We hope your stay with us will
be “Unforgettable”!
I-5 QMC @ Grays Harbor Mini
Where the Legends Learn!
Wednesday—Darryl Worley
Thursday—Blue Oyster Cult
Friday—Ty Herndon
Saturday—The Bay City Rollers
Sheri Sprague
2006 Dirt Grands Coordinator
A Note from the Vice President
New 2006 Rules:
The short sheet is out. Everyone should have received
a copy, if not see your RD.
Until the new rulebook is
completed, I would suggest
that you staple the short
sheet into the blue rulebook
so that you always have it
handy. If you have any questions regarding a rule or
procedure, please do not
hesitate to ask your RD or
you can call me if you are
unable to get in touch with
your RD.
I suggest that you each read
and re-read your rulebook
and when the new one arrives, read and reread it.
You are the one responsible
for making sure your car and
engine are legal and teaching your child the rules of
racing. Clubs may have
excellent training programs
that instruct you in many
areas, but they cannot possible teach every rule. Too
often we want to blame the
trainer when something
happens that we did not
know. We have all been
there and the best advice to
give you is to take responsibility for yourself. Also, don't
believe that a rule is in the
Suggestions if your club
does have variations or have
added rules:
As a courtesy to new members and out of town guests,
if your club does have rules
that are different from the
rulebook or have added
rules, it would be best if you
post these rules on your
website as well as at your
track. This is especially
important if the different
requirements may need to
be taken care of before out
Club Rule Changes:
of town guests visit your
If your club varies from a rule track. For example, a local
in the rulebook, remember rule may be padding on the
steering column. This is an
you must get it approved
excellent rule, but if you are
from the NBOD. You will
need to go through your RD traveling, especially in an RV,
to do this. You must ask for you may not be able to find
adequate, fire proof padding
a new variance each year,
for the column or you may
even though it was previously approved. We under- have had the materials at
home, but are asked to purstand that each club is different and there isn't a one- chase more. Letting people
know in advance will only
size fit's all policy, but to
maintain the integrity of the make it easier on you to
rules and have maximum
enforce the rules.
consistency between clubs,
we ask that you run changes
Most Misquoted and Quesby us first. I would also suggest that you keep this to a tioned Rule:
minimum. QMA has enough The "obviously going dead on
the track rule" as been interrules to learn and remember. Adding too many extra's preted and re-interpreted
can be very hard to keep up differently by different clubs
and regions. This rule does
not say that if a yellow flag is
book unless you see it yourself. There have been times
when us "old timers'' will
quote you a rule that was
there and has been removed
or changed, but we have not
kept up with the changes.
Remember if you want to
protest, it is your responsibility to site which rule or procedure was broken and
where this rule is in the rulebook.
thrown, a car must go to the
back. What it does say is "if a
car is rolling and obviously going dead on the track that car
will be restarted at the rear of
the pack and will be charged
with a DOT." This rule was intended for those that are puttering around and the flagman
anticipates the car is going to
stop, but just has not yet. It was
not intended for a premature
yellow that is thrown, for example, when a car gets loose and
the flagman thinks the car may
spin out.
Now the new short sheet added
"if the flag was thrown in anticipation of multiple cars going
dead, but the cars do not stop,
unless a call is made the cars
will restart at the rear of the
pack and will NOT be charged
with a DOT."
You can read these rules for a
better understanding, but remember, a car does not always
have to go to the back, just
because a yellow was thrown.
Scott Tankersley
Vice President
Safety Report
Monthly Safety Report
track. Try not to put yourself in a precarious
situation while on the track.
Hope everyone is racing hard and having a
great season!
The Grands are just around the corner!
Take the time now to go over your racing If there are any questions in regards to safety,
equipment to ensure everything is in
please contact your local track official first
Race safe!
proper working order and up to date.
then your regional safety director.
Take a look at the safety check off list
and double check everything.
The SFI Foundation has many interesting
articles in regards to safety. Please check out Curtis Pepe
There has been an increase of corner
QMA National Safety Director
their web site at
workers, handlers and track officials
being hit by cars. Please pay extra attention while in the hot chute and on the
Secretary Notes
Happy Belated
Mother's Day to all
our Quarter Midget
Mom's!!! I hope that
you all had a very
nice relaxing day.
As I told you last
month, I am participating in the Breast
Cancer 3 day walk in
August and I need to
raise $2,200.00 to
participate in the
walk. I have had
some great responses from some
members and some
great donations; I
still have a ways to
go to reach my goal.
I want to say Thank
you to the special
members that have
donated so far, and
for your awesome
stories. There have
been 2 very special
stories sent to me,
one was from a
member that his
wife participated in
the walk with a
friend and then the
next year he went to
support his wife for
the walk and joined
the "support
crew" and then from
a member that lost
her mother to
Breast cancer and
actually did the walk
herself last
year. Both stories
were incredible and
touched me. On my
walk I will be wear-
ing a shirt that I
will put every persons name on that
donates anything, I
would love to add
you and your family's name to my
shirt or your clubs
name! I will also
have a shirt that I
will put on everyone
that I have known
that has lost their
life to Breast Cancer
and dedicate this
walk to them.
ship Waiver for every
class that you plan on
racing in, you only
have to pay one
Hardship fee per class
and the waiver will be
good for all 3 grands.
Good luck to everyone
at your States Race!
Patty Abbott
QMA National
Just a reminder if
you are not able to
attend a States
race, and you plan
on attending a
grands to race, you
must fill out a Hard-
Publicity Notes
Please send in all you
club, region, and fun news
to me by June 15th so we
can have one more edition before the printed QR
comes out after the Dirt
grand's are over. I plan on
getting the Grand’s edition to the printed a week
after I get back from
I would like to have a few
drivers send me in ac-
counts of their grand's
events this year, maybe a
journal of the trip to the
grand's and the time at the
track and feelings of their
race, photos are great too.
Please contact me if your
driver would like to be a
reporter for me.
to all three grands this year
as my daughter Kristen is
graduation from High
School and this has me
very busy with my family.
Sorry but I have to brag a
bit about my kids from time
to time.
I would like to wish good
luck to everyone as you are
getting ready for all three
grand’s events.
I would also love to get
highlights of each event
sent to me from the moms,
and dads. I can not make it Please remember the QR is
a newsletter for driver’s
and families about driver’s
and families. So send me
in your articles and photos
and we will get them in.
Tawnya Bacchetti
Region 11 States Race
May 7, 2006 Pomona Valley QMRA
May 7, 2006
Pomona Valley QMRA
Jr Novice
1st Austin Farr
2nd Courtney Crone
3rd Anthony Soto
4th Hailey Abrahams
5th Grayson Wise
6th Garrett Boe
Sr Novice
1st Andrew Mulhearn
2nd Austin Rise
3rd Connor Pankratz
4th Shelby Creed
5th Kaitlyn Stys
6th C J Wentworth
Jr Honda
1st Dalton Hill
2nd Christine Breckenridge
3rd Dylan Attridge
4th Tori Bozanich
5th Clayton Ruston
6th Jennifer Magee
7th Dillon Tucker
Jr Stock
1st Dalton Hill
2nd Christine Breckenridge
Sr Honda
1st Paige Dolacki
2nd Amanda Poertner
3rd Brayden Trigueiro
4th Matt Overholtzer
5th Joe Leiper
6th Carlin Plauson
7th Shelby Magee
8th Emma Tucker
Hvy Honda
1st Andrew Schankerman
2nd Dalon Wise
Sr Stock
1st Brayden Trigueiro
2nd Daniel Williams
3rd Keith Zimmerman
World Formula
1st JJ Hughes
2nd Zac Bozanich
3rd Austin Smith
Lt Mod
1st Tyler Dolacki
2nd Keith Zimmerman
3rd Daniel Williams
Lt B
1st Rowdy McClenon
Lt 160
1st Tyler Dolacki
2nd Brandon Phillips
3rd Micah Williams
4th Brandin Plauson
Hvy 160
1st Alex Bowman
2nd Billy Stanish
3rd Zac Bozanich
4th Daivd Cox
5th Becky Smith
1st Alex Bowman
2nd Matt Wright
A quick thinking member
When this Jr. Half came off the track to the scales at the Portland
QMRA’s first points race the car sparked an oil fire. A quick thinking
member grabbed a fire extinguisher and got it under control. The
veteran driver Dalles Calhoun was out of his car in seconds and was
very thankful for Keith Bacchetti thinking fast.
This is a great reminder to check your fuel busters at your local track
to make sure they are all in working order and that your members
know how and when to use them.
PQMRA Points race
Fast Times &
Track Records
Jr. Half
Dallas Calhoun 6.0780
Jr. Novice
Lindsay Barney 8.3040 Jr Novice Heat #1
1. Lindsay Barney
2. Jared Meyers
Sr. Novice
3. Joey Long
Cody Smith 7.2350
4. Cesar Bonilla
5. Lynsey Marsh
Jr. Honda
Dawson Lohner 6.4470
Jr. Novice Heat #2
1. Zayne Emrory
Sr. Honda
Devin Sanchez-Fought 2. CJ Long
6.2380 –TR
3. Lucas Ludhal
4. Chandler Dendy(DNF)
Jr. Stock
Justen McConnville
Sr. Novice Heat
1. Cody Smith
2. Courtney Ahlgren
Sr. Stock
3. Abby Long
Gracin Raz 6.2250—TR
4. Kady Adelman
5. Sammiera Long
Lt. 160
Keegan Walmer
Jr. Honda Heat
1. Dawson Loehner
2. Brandon Cartales
Hvy 160
3. Kaleb Kreiger
Dylan Marsh 6.37204. Austin Calhoun
5. Harrison Jeffords
Sr. Honda Heat #1
1. Devin Sanchez-Fought
2. Gracin Raz
3. Ross Mahoney
4. Kaleb Bacchetti(DNF)
Hvy 160 Heat
1. Dylan Marsh
2. Dallas Calhoun
3. Gordon Jermann
4. Thomas Case(DNS(
Sr. Honda Heat #2
1. Jacob Meyers
2. Caleb Calvaresi
3. Brad Martin
4. Ryan Coleman
Jr. Half Heat
1. Gordon Jermann
2. Dallas Calhoun
Jr. Stock
1. Dakota Woods
2. Justen McConville
3. Brandon Ahlgren
4. Dawson Loehner
Sr. Stock Heat
1. Gracin Raz
Lt. 160 Heat
1. Keegan Walmer
2. Jeremey Wetherbee
3. Justen McConville
4. Devin Sanchez-Fought
5. Brad Martin
6. Jacob Meyers
Jr. Novice B Main
1. Joey Long
2. Cesar Bonilla
3. Lucas Ludahl
4. Lynsey Marsh(DNF)
5. Chandler Dendy(DNF)
Sr. Novice Main
1. Cody Smith
2. Kady Adelman
3. Courtney Ahlgren
4. Abby Long
5. Sammiera Long
PQMRA Cont……...
Jr. Novice A Main
1. Lindsay Barney
2. CJ Long
3. Zayne Emory
4. Jared Meyers
Jr. Honda A Main
1. Dawson Loehner
2. Brandon Cartales
3. Austin Calhoun
4. Harrison Jeffords
5. Kaleb Krieger
Sr. Honda A Main
1. Brad Martin
2. Jacob Meyers
3. Devin Sanchez-Fought
4. Ross Mahoney
5. Gracin Raz
6. Caleb Calvaresi
7. Ryan Coleman
8. Kaleb Bacchetti
Jr. Stock A Main
1. Justen McConville
2. Dakota Woods
3. Brandon Ahlgren
4. Dawson Loehner (DQ)
Lt. 160 Main
1. Keegan Walmer
2. Justen McConville
3. Devin Sanchez-Fought
4. Jacob Meyers
5. Brad Martin (DNS)
6. Jeremy Wetherbee (DNS)
Hvy 160 Main
1. Dylan Marsh
2. Dallas Calhoun
3. Thomas Case
4. Gordon Jermann
Jr. Half Main
1. Dallas Calhoun
2. Gordon Jermann
HQMA Region 3 Dixie Cup 250/States Race
Jr. Novice A-main #1
Karen Carter – FT
Nathan Caldwell
Alex Dowdy
Brendan Keller
Josh Rogers
Tate Rose
Jr. Novice A-main #2
Chase Evans
Drew Alldredge
Spencer Barnes
Austin Manke
Stephanie Metzger
Sr. Novice
Brad Vickers – FT
Tanner Derryberry
Blake Rogers
Jr. Honda
Kyle Mumper
Will Fagan
Dalton Kent
Jacob Cochran
Kason Plott
Mason Elzey
Dalton Hill – FT
Zack Troyer
Raymond Carter
Christopher Tullis
Ben Fleming
Shane Downard
Peyton Graf
Jared Farlow
Steven Denike
Sr. Honda
Dylan Ames
Austin Jackson
Matthew Wyatt
Hunter Kent
Hunter Spivey
Sam Williams – FT
Martin Tuck
Nicholas Drake
Bruce Bennett
Wendy Bennett
Ryan Franklin
Shay Miller
Zack Caldwell
Zoey Guignardi
Dallas Maples
Will Brown
Austin Brawley
John Morgan Tullis
Matthew Johnson
Samantha Metzger
Lance Campbell
Grant Crane
Jared Reid
Heavy Honda
Casey Tucker
Jim Wall
Adrian Reece
Will Prance
Austin Hund
JD Farlow
Hayes Tankersley
Chaz Payne
Nikki Burger
Cole Webb
Chad Caldwell - FT
Heavy 160
Will Prance
Hayes Tankersley
Kyle Plott – FT
Dillon Tuck
Gage Hund
Casey Tucker
Matthew Wyatt
Matthew Strahm
Jim Wall
Jesse Rainey
Alex Campbell
Light 160
Skyler Charles
Hunter Kent
Dylan Ames
Bruce Bennett
Austin Brawley
Nicholas Drake
Austin Jackson
Wendy Bennett
Martin Tuck - FT
Dallas Maples
Shay Miller
Ryan Franklin
Grant Crane
Jared Reid
Sean McPherson
Samantha Metzger
Matthew Johnson
Will Brown
Zoey Guignardi
Jr. Stock
Jacob Cochran – FT
Will Fagan
Shane Downard
Dalton Hill
Ben Fleming
Lt. Mod
Jared Reid- FT
World Formula
Martin Tuck – FT
Hunter Kent
Skyler Charles
Sam Williams
Bruce Bennett
Sean McPherson
Kyle Plott
Hunter Spivey
Hayes Tankersley
Dillon Tuck
Matthew Wyatt
Matthew Strahm
½ Midget
Casey Tucker
DQMRC Promotion Day
Promotion Day!
Honey Brook, PA April 30, 2006
DQMRC conducted its Promotion Day on 30 April. The stands
were full by the start time. We had 20 families show up and
express interest in starting their quarter midget careers! The
large turn out was well received by the club and many families
pitched in to make the event a very large success. Club President Andrea Cumens would like to publicly thank the Boyer,
Buckwalter, Ash, and Forster families for loaning their cars and
safety equipment. She would also like to thank Keith and Amber Goodman, Dave Brown, and Dan Lane for helping on the
track and Becky Hornberger, Lynette and Becky Rechionne
and Lisa Tobey for the sign-ins and grab bags! The new drivers got a full morning of excitement with a track walk around,
basic safety review, and driving. It truly was a whole club effort
and we hope to see these new families later on this year during our 2nd Novice Class or in 2007.
Many of the club’s efforts are focused on bringing in new drivDQMRC President Andrea Cumens welcomes the drivers
ers and families to quarter midget racing. This, coupled with
the high local interest levels, have the club looking for new ways to spread the word about QMA, Region 2 and the local clubs. Several
events are used but the DQMRC family type atmosphere has drawn quite a few new members. We welcome all current and potential
drivers to our asphalt oval and hope to see you at Honey Brook Raceway in the near future. Don’t forget our Keystone Invitational over
Labor Day Weekend!
May Events.
21 May Regular Race
Junior Novice Race Sponsored by Sloan Ford
Senior Novice Race Sponsored by Manheim Auto Auction
Memorial Day Closed for Region 2 States Race in Syracuse, Good Luck !
June Events
4 June Regular Race
Junior Half Sponsored by Razor Sharp
World Formula Sponsored by Buckwalter Motorsports
11 June Points Race
18 June Regular Race
Junior Honda Sponsored y Barebones Restyling
Junior Stock Sponsored by Sweitzer’s Auto Body
Senior Stock Sponsored by Legacy Motorsports
Garden State Quarter Midget Racing Club
Wall Twp., New Jersey
Home of the 2006
Eastern Grands
With the 2006 season
in full swing, the racing
is really beginning to
heat up along the Jersey coastline.
GSQMRC has already
completed several trophy cup races, with
Jonathan Laureigh taking the Jr. Honda cup
home and Tommy
Kunsman walking away
with the Sr. Honda cup,
finally rounding out the
Honda cup races...
Jason Forrester going
home with the Heavy
Honda cup! Congratulations and way to go
to all the competitors!
There were some track
records broken in the
last month as well, Jr.
Honda record by Chris
Henning at 7.616, the
Sr. Honda record goes
to JD Abrahams at
7.232 and Heavy
Honda track record
was broken by Jake
Williams, turning an
impressive lap of
7.389. Awesome job to
all the track record
The month of May is
flying by! It is so hard
to believe it is half over
and the Grands will be
upon us before we
know it. Be sure to
check the website
m/ for the nearly 450
cars already preregistered. Be sure and
get those registrations
submitted! Also, send
in your money for
the Welcome Dinner, it
will be a spectacular
night of food, fun and
music, served
trackside will be a
pig roast with hot
dogs, hamburgers
and salads. There
will be live entertainment with a DJ
playing until 10 pm.
The food is AWESOME and the
prices are great! Do
not miss this one.
Registration for the
Welcome Dinner is
available through the
club’s website.
Please note, the State
of New Jersey no
longer requires
steel-braided fuel
lines for quarter midgets, check out the
clubs website for a list
of safety requirement
for all quarter midgets
racing in NJ.
There are only a few more
race events scheduled
before the kickoff of the
2006 Eastern Grands so pack
up the kids and head to “the
shore” for some competition at
the track in Wall Twp., New
Jersey. Don’t worry about bringing food or looking for a place to
eat, the food served at the concession stand (located in the
pits of the track) always has
something hot and tasty, you
will be pleased with the food
and the service you receive.
See everyone in soon, good
luck, have fun and let’s go
Region 4 is excited, electrified and absolutely "FLIPPING"
with joy as our outdoor racing season has begun!!
Billy Cribbs takes
flight at a MiniIndy event, thanks
for the photos
Tom Trickle!!
Please check out all our club race schedules on the web site, just scroll down and
click on any of the club logos for updated local
Remember....."We race more in Region 4!!"
The off season has been a great
chance to help promote the sport
we all enjoy. Local races, local
car shows and here's a photo of a
portion of a Mall show that the
Lansing Club
Lansing club was a part of, thanks
for the photo Leslie Wilsdon!!
At the Jackson Crossing Car Show Adam Wilsdon won a trophy for best looking car and at the Meridian Mall
Car Show Kyle Fox won a trophy for best looking car. Thanks go out to all our families that take the time to
promote the fun and show the pride we all have as QMA
participants!! Those interested in a trial run in a Quarter
Midget can go to our Lansing club June 3, from 10 till 12
for our TRI-A-RIDE.
More info at
Look for the next issue of the QR for some great track
photos of the region 4 drivers. Thanks Kim Mathias for
the photos!! Be sure to send me any track photos you'd
like to see more of!!
Marcy Fox R4PD
Don’t let this happen to you
HVY 120
Garden State
6 Months
Refusal of Claim
SR 120
30 Days
Bad carb/polished bore
SR Nov
Race event
Tampered screw in carb
JR 120
30 Days
Missing Restrictor Plate
JR 120
Garden State
6 Months
Refusal of Tech
HVY 160
Race event
Grinding inside exh. Pipe
SR 120
30 Days
NoGo went thru jet
HVY 160
6 Months
Refusal of Tech
Interesting facts on Region 4 State's
226 total cars
10..Jr. Novice
6....Sr. Novice
23..Jr. Honda
35..Sr. Honda
23..Heavy Honda
11..Jr. Stock
5....Sr. Stock
12..Lt. Mod
4...Heavy Mod
1...World Formula
22..Lt. 160
33..Heavy 160
8....Lt. B
8....Heavy B
8....Lt. A
24..Heavy AA
The incredible event included 43 races
and many track records were broke. We
hope to see some racers from outside
our Region at our upcoming Championship Series Races as it's obvious were
the best competition can be found. Columbus Indoor Winter Nationals and then
the R4 Championship Series, all are welcome!!
Marcy Fox PD