Chippewa Humane Association News
Chippewa Humane Association News
Chippewa Humane Association News Summer 2015 Purr and Paw Mystery Dinner Results On April 18th we sailed the high seas for our Purr and Paw Murder Mystery Dinner at Horizon’s in Tilden. More than 175 cruise guests joined us for dinner, drinks and mystery solving. We had a record number of sleuths who identified "Who Dunnit" successfully as well. Our annual fundraising dinner netted $9,081 for the shelter and will help us care for and rehome many dogs, cats and other animals this year. Special thanks to our volunteer actors T.J. Bollfrass*, Marissa Gibbs*, Samantha Sonnee, Carli Olson, Jessica Kerckhove*, Jim Tallman*, Larsi Bendriss, Kris Robertson*, Tammy and Mike Schmitz. Their time and talents really brought out the fun this year. * denotes returning actor This is a community event and we are so grateful to our generous sponsors and those who contributed to our raffle and silent auction. Sponsors Admiral - Advanced Laser Machining, Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic, Chippewa Veterinary Clinic, Lake Wissota Animal Hospital and Northwestern Bank; Captain - Cadott Animal Hospital, Jackson Trucking & Excavating, Mason Companies & TTM Technologies Commander - The Ark Animal Hospital, Royal Credit Union and Gordy & Donna Schafer; Bronze - Citizen’s State Bank - Cadott, Jaenke Concrete & Excavation, Kindness Animal Hospital, Lake Wissota Family Chiropractic, No Mercy Excavating, Northwest Pathways to Independence, Spectrum Industries and T&R Recycling. Donors (raffles & silent auction) AmericInn, Anchor Bank, Bauer Built Tire, Bernatellos, Birch Point Resort, Blomlie Photography, Chilson Subaru, Chippewa Auto Body, Chippewa Valley Music Festivals, Chippewa Veterinary Clinic, Christensen Florist, Country Treasures, Culver's Restaurant, Economy Furniture, Elite Travel Service, emBark, Fill-Inn Station, Lake Wissota Animal Hospital, Lucy's Deli, Goulet's Auto Service, Holiday Inn Express, Italiano's Pizzeria & Pub (formerly Harpole's), ITW Engineered Fasteners, Jaenke Concrete & Excavation, Kem Dahlheimer, Lake Hallie Golf, Leader Telegram, Leinie Lodge, Loopy's, Luke, Heidi and Alex Pederson, Mason Companies, Metropolis Hotel, Micon Cinemas, Mouldy's Archery & Tackle, Pappa Murphy's, Pepsi Beverage Company, Pizza Hut of Chippewa Falls, Reilly Chiropractic, Sokup's Market, Spring Street Sports, St. Croix Casino and Wisconsin Metal Fab. The CHA created a fund with the Community Foundation of Chippewa County. Our long-term goal is to have a self-supporting financial resource for the shelter. Your donation may be used in perpetuity for our long term financial health by donating to this fund. Your gift, along with many others, is invested and the earnings of the fund are used as operating funds for the shelter. Ways you can really help to make a long-term gift to the CCHA include: Extended Shelter Hours! The shelter is now be open Thursdays from 12:00—5:00 Tuesday 12:00 - 6:00 pm Thursday 12:00 - 5:00 pm Saturday 12:00 - 4:00 pm By appointment all other days Give a direct one-time, annual donation, or memorial gift in honor of a special person or event. Remember the CCHA in your estate planning. Encourage friends and family to remember the CHA with planned gifts. Name the CCHA as a beneficiary of your IRA/retirement plan or life insurance plan. You can make a gift of cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, or other assets to the Foundation. Most charitable gifts qualify for maximum tax advantages under federal law. Contact the Community Foundation of Chippewa County to let them know your giving wishes and please consult and attorney or financial advisor if needed to make these arrangements. This is truly the gift that lasts forever! Please consider a gift to the Chippewa County Humane Association Fund at the Community Foundation of Chippewa County, Inc. Please contact them at 715-723-8125 or or visit their website Spring fever starts the seemingly endless summer of kittens!! Our kitten season is in full swing! Generally it starts in May and lasts through late October. The CHA had 46 kittens come into the shelter within a 10 day time period. You may be thinking “Why is this bad thing? Kittens are easier to place in homes compared to adult cats, right? While kittens can be more desirable to potential adopters, most shelters don’t have the resources to care for very young kittens. Neonate kittens - those who are about 2 to 3 weeks old, must be bottle-fed every few hours. The shelter staff and Board members volunteer for these sleepless nights of bottle feedings. Otherwise these kittens would simply not survive. How can you help to save kittens? If you find kittens that are alone, don’t immediately scoop them up and bring them to the shelter. Many times the mother is close by. This is the biggest mistake people make. If the kittens are 4 weeks and under, give the mother about 5 to 6 hours to return before you gather them up. How you can help: Consider fostering found kittens yourself if possible. We are happy to provide training and other resources . Volunteer as a foster parent to our many litters either with or without a nursing mom. Be an adoption advocate or an adopter. Not only do you save a life, you also open up space for another kitten or cat. If your house is full, you can still encourage friends and family members to adopt. You can also make a donation to help continue saving these babies! Spay and neuter!! A cat can be in heat up to 20 weeks each year. At least 20 million kittens are expected to be born this Spring! Save Your Aluminum Cans An easy way to help our shelter is by saving your aluminum cans. They can be dropped off at any time in the cage outside the shelter. Receive future newsletters via email! You’ll be the first to get our news and it will also save us printing and postage costs. To sign up, go to our website at and click on the newsletter link. Reminder - our shelter does not have a physical mailbox onsite. Because of its location, it was often hit by the snow plow and other vehicles. Please address all correspondence to Chippewa Humane Association, P.O. Box 562, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 Where Are They Now? Our big boy Ruger is fitting right in at home. He loves his walks with Mom, playing with his squeaky toys, playing tug & trying with all his cute kindness to make friends with the family cat, Elliott. (Elliott calls him BEASTIE!) Ruger can’t wait for Dad to finish the fence so he can play freely in his new backyard kingdom. He thinks car rides are the best! Especially when they end up at the dog park so he can make new friends. He knows no fear when making friends now and greets everyone like a loveable galloping moose. He is bringing so much happiness & unconditional puppy love to our home. Thank you Chippewa Humane for rescuing him and taking care of him for us until we could bring him to his forever home. - Jeff and Maria Blum Annabelle aka Whiskers has found a forever home with the Blank family. She is doing very well and has made her first visit to the vet already. Annie is fitting in just fine, most of her pastimes seem to be finding the most comfortable spot to relax in. She love chilling with us at night taking turns lying on each of us. She LOVES treats. Her hair is really starting to grow back after her shave at the shelter. There are still a few hissing fits between her and our other two cats, Kiki and Tater, but I know time will fix that. She is really a good cat, she lets you know what she wants and doesn't want. - Lisa Blank Tuco FKA Taco and Buttercup, both CHA alumni, found themselves in the same home and have become instant mates. Piper needs your help! This sweet girl has been between the CHA and ECHA for the past 9 months. Her owner had severe health problems and was in and out of the hospital. This meant Piper was also in and out of shelters. Sadly her owner has since passed. So not only did Piper lose her mom, she also lost her home. She is an 11 year old Rat Terrier. She may have a silver face, but she has the personality of a 5 year old and is certainly a lap dog!! Piper would do best as the only pet in the home and prefers adults. She is house trained, spayed and up to date on her vaccines. For more information please call the shelter 715-382-4832 or go to or for an application! Do you have a happy adoption story to share? Mail or send an email to us at We post adoption photos on our Facebook Page and the response has been phenomenal. Our Facebook friends have also helped many animals get reunited with their owners. We are impressed by the citizens in our community and the devotion they have in helping animals. If you have adoptions stories you would like to share, we would love to hear from you! Happenings McDonell High School, Advance Cash and Family Dollar each held a food drive to benefit our shelter. We received much needed basic supplies such as dog and cat food along with many bottles of laundry and dish soap. We received a $100 donation from the Chippewa Lion’s Club at their Parade of Checks dinner. 12 members of the Boy’s & Girl’s Club toured the shelter and volunteered their time to socialize the animals, help with cleaning, and the never ending laundry. The Girl Scout Troop donated homemade treats and toys for the shelter residents. They also took part in a tour and spent time socializing the animals. Shelter staff spoke to the St. Charles Elementary K-3 students on the importance of pet care and pet safety. Two shelter kittens and one senior dog visited the Lake Hallie Memory Care Center. The residents really enjoyed the interaction with the pets. We visit this facility 1 to 2 times each month and serve as enrichment for both the residents and the animals. Thank you to Bob’s House for Dogs for working with us and taking 2 of our shelter dogs as fosters in May. One of which has been adopted. Thanks also to the Cairn Terrier Rescue in Illinois who took in sweet 14 year old Snickers and found her a forever home. 15 Cadott High School students visited the shelter in April. They learned about day-to-day operations as well as pet care and how to be a responsible pet owner. Board Members Wanted - The CHA Board of Directors is comprised of nine seats filled with members of the community and we currently have two vacant positions. The Board meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm. Basic responsibilities of the CHA Board include: Helping to shape and achieve the CHA mission; Selecting and supporting the Shelter Manager and assessing his/her performance; Ensuring effective organizational planning; Ensuring long-term financial viability; Exercising fiduciary responsibility and oversight; Ensuring adequate resources and assist in raising money; Determining, monitoring, and strengthening CHA programs and services; Enhancing the public standing of the CHA; Ensuring legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability and Recruiting and orienting new Board members and assess Board performance. If you are interested in learning more about the Board or attending a Board meeting, please contact the shelter manager or email . Seeking Gently Used Items - The Chippewa Humane is having it’s second annual Rummage August 20 - 22 from 8:00 - 4:00 daily. We are accepting your gently used items through August 18th at the shelter from 7:00 am 1:00 pm daily. No electronics or upholstered furniture please. Please call 715-382-4832 with questions. Calendar of Events August 10 Board Meeting October 12 Annual Board Meeting August 20-22 Shelter Thrift Sale November 9 Board Meeting September 14 Board Meeting September 26 Pledge for Paws Dog Walk FRIENDS DON’T LEAVE FRIENDS INSIDE PARKED CARS How long does it take for a car to get hot? Outside Temp Temp Inside vehicle Time it takes to reach 75° 100° 10 mins 75° 120° 30 mins 85° 90° 5 mins 85° 100° 7-10 mins 85° 120° 30 mins 100° 140° 15 mins PLEDGE 4 PAWS DOG WALK 2015 Saturday, September 26, 2015 - 1:00 PM Flag Hill Pavilion, Irvine Park, Chippewa Falls, WI Registration at noon **Rain or Shine** Lunch will be provided *Best Dressed Male and Female Dogs * Dog Bone Guess * Youngest* Oldest* $50, $75 & $100 Gift Cards for the top 3 Pledge Participants Gift Cards to anyone collecting $100 or more Many Door Prizes and Raffles For more information or to pre-register Contact: Lake Wissota Animal Hospital at 715-726-8811 16780 Cty Hwy X Chippewa Falls All proceeds go to Chippewa Humane Association Pre-registration and pledge sheets can be downloaded from: Top 10 Items We can Always Use Street Location: 10501 County Hwy S South Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 562, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 715-382-4832 (tele) 715-382-4377 (fax) Website: Email addresses: General: Board: shelter link: Like us on Facebook Shelter Hours Tuesday 12:00 - 6:00 pm Thursday 12:00—5:00 pm Saturday 12:00 - 4:00 pm By appointment all other days Shelter Director - Jennifer Johnson Board of Directors Paula Young, President Deb Newman, Vice President Sandra Stiles, Secretary Lori Mueller, Treasurer Molly Gezella-Baranczyk Pam Gibbs Karen Scarseth 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Purina Cat Chow (blue bag) Purina Kitten Chow (yellow bag) Liquid bleach Liquid laundry soap Cat toys (unused only please) Dog toys (unused only please) Dog treats First-class postage stamps Plastic grocery bags for poop clean up Dog & cat crates in good condition Please visit our website at for other ways you can help. Chippewa Humane Animal Statistics 2015 Year to Date Intake Dogs Cats Other Surrenders 31 27 8 Strays 44 85 1 Adopted 75 104 9 Owner Claimed 9 0 0 Euthanized 2 16 0 Transferred 2 0 0 Animals Leaving Shelter PLEASE REMEMBER THE ANIMALS YES, I’D LIKE TO HELP THE CHIPPEWA HUMANE ASSOCIATION!! 07/15 NAME _________________________________________________ EMAIL ________________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________CITY _________________________STATE________ ZIP __________ I wish to make a gift of $______Please make it in honor memory of: pet person Name __________________________________ Please send honorarium/memorial acknowledgement to: __________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ City _________________________ State ______ Zip _________ Check payable to CCHA Credit Card Payment (fill in information below) Visa Discover MasterCard Account # ___________________________________________ Expiration Date ____________ Card Holder Printed Name ______________________________________ Card Holder Signature _______________________________ OR YOU CAN GO TO CHIPPEWAHUMANE.COM AND SECURELY DONATE THROUGH NETWORK FOR GOOD VIA THE “DONATE NOW “ BUTTON Mail to Chippewa Humane Association, P.O. Box 562, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
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Chippewa Humane Association - The Chippewa County Humane
Mail to Chippewa Humane Association, P.O. Box 562, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729