newsletter - Armateurs du Saint


newsletter - Armateurs du Saint
JULY 2015
Summer is finally here, and the SLS monthly newsletter is a bit shorter than usual. Remember to sign up for our annual golf tournament (August 18 at the Lévis golf club). Minister for
Transport and the Implementation of the Maritime Strategy Jean D’Amour will be on hand.
Take this excellent opportunity to meet with members of the maritime community in a casual atmosphere. We have surprises for you… on the course and throughout the evening!
Happy vacation!
Martin Fournier
Executive Director
Beauport 2020 :
Multi-purpose deep
New associate member
Contributing writer : Port of Quebec
A deep water port located at the entrance to the St.
Lawrence - Great Lakes maritime corridor, the Port
of Quebec plays a strategic role in this continental
trade route as the only port with a depth of 15 m at
low tide and full-fledged intermodality. The Port of
Québec is a strategic transshipment site linking the
North American industrial and agricultural heartland to the world. Open to navigation year round, it
is one of Canada’s largest port in terms of tonnage
and economic spinoffs. The port facilities constitute
a major economic asset for Québec City and generate 5,000 direct and indirect jobs in the region.
Worldwide, shipping is experiencing steady growth,:
To be continued on page 5
St. Lawrence Shipoperators is pleased
to welcome GE Capital to its membership. GE Capital’s team consists of individuals that seek to match industry expertise with financial wherewithal.
Pascal Drolet is in charge of the marine
initiative in Canada and can be reached
at and at 514394-2936.
For further information, visit GE Capital
SLS Events
Golf tournament
Registration is still open!
SLS invites you to join us on August 18 at the well-known Lévis
golf club for our traditional golf tournament. Create your dream
foursome or let us assign you partners for the day!
The Minister for Transport and Implementation of the Maritime
Strategy, Jean D’Amour, has confirmed his presence. We’ve planned various surprises for you and have ordered sunshine.
Download the registration form and sign up now.
SLS was there
Maritime Strategy
A promising action plan
ASL was on hand at the official Maritime Strategy
launch held in Montreal on June 29 in the presence
of Prime Minister Couillard, Minister of Transport
and the Implementation of the Maritime Strategy
Jean D’Amour and a number of other ministers.
The action plan announced public investments of
$1.5 billion, with $500 million slated for infrastructures, development of short sea shipping—including
a study on identifying potential niches to develop
and conditions for success to be headed by the Québec SSS Council—and funding for workforce training
and promoting maritime-sector occupations.
SLS will closely monitor the Maritime Strategy’s
implementation. The action plan and other related documents can be downloaded on the Maritime
Strategy website.
Our members in action
Matane - Baie-Comeau
The F.-A. Gauthier in service
On July 13, the MV F.- A. Gauthier, the Société des traversier’s latest ferry powered by LNG and carrying out
the Matane—Baie-Comeau crossing, started running. The
8-bridge, 133-m long vessel replaces the MV Camille-Marcoux, which accompanied it for part of the first crossing.
Both ships saluted one another for the last time by blowing the fog horn, thus symbolizing the passing
of the torch.
The F.-A. Gauthier will also carry out the Matane—Godbout crossing as of mid-October, once infrastructure adaptation work at the Godbout station has been completed.
The Matane—Baie-Comeau—Godbout ferry offers daily service year-round, transporting more than 180
000 passengers and 85 000 vehicles.
Our members in action
Green Marine 2014 results put
CSL among top performers
The 2014 Green Marine results are in and CSL
has once again emerged as a leading performer
in the rigorous environmental certification program. Green Marine performance indicators are
an integral component of the CSL Group’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy and serve as
the basis for footprint reduction targets across
its international divisions.
Canada Steamship Lines received a top Level 5
rating for four of the seven performance indicators that apply to its activities – Aquatic Invasive Species, Pollutant Air Emissions SOx and
Particulate Matter, Greenhouse Gases, and Garbage Management. A Level 5 rating represents
excellence and leadership in the given category.
Overall, Canada Steamship Lines recorded an
average Green Marine rating of 4.57 out of a possible 5.
Credit: Manon Lanthier
Source : CSL
Major federal investments at the
Port of Trois-Rivières
On June 28, Denis Lebel, Minister of Infrastructure,
Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, announced a major
investment to improve the Port of Trois-Rivières.
The project includes the reconstruction of Pier 13,
construction of a new Ro-Ro ramp at Pier 10 and
construction of enclosed storage facilities at Pier
19, hangars 24 and 25. These improvements represent a 40% increase in outdoor dock storage space
and will expand enclosed storage capacity for solid
bulk by 65,000 MT by fall 2016.
Source : Port of Trois-Rivières
Continued from page 1
benefitting the Port of Quebec’s
activities. But now, it must
deal with dock space congestion in peak periods, undermining its competitiveness with
US ports. In addition, the port
needs more space to accommodate new business opportunities
and meet the growing demand
for Canadian exports. Finally,
as the oldest Canadian port, it
must generate sufficient revenue to be able to repair existing
opportunities expected to generate private infrastructure-related investments of $250-$400
million, notably for transshipment and storage operations. In
the construction phase, which
is estimated at 5 years, the
project will create 1,200 jobs
annually. Subsequently, these
infrastructures will create another 1,100 permanent jobs and
an additional $100 million in
economic spinoffs.
A promising project
To face these challenges, the Quebec
Port Authority (QPA)
is putting forward
strategic project to
develop new port
the project is in the
port sector of Beauport. It is estimated at $530
million and will be carried out
in two phases.
vironmental Impact Assessment
(PEIA), a new process designed
to hear citizens’ concerns in an
appropriate arena and to answer the community’s questions.
The PEIA provides for a consultation process comprising information sessions and public hearings conducted by independent
commissioners, who will draft a
consultation report with recommendations. This report will be
submitted to the QPA Board of
Directors, which is responsible
for authorizing the project after this rigorous process.
The QPA has also
made fundamental
commitments with
regard to Beauport
2020 - Phase 1. In
addition to the fact
that the project will
undergo the enviA rigorous approach
ronmental process of citizen
To see this strategic project participation, all new terminals
through, the QPA adopted a to be built on the new economic
Phase 1 involves extending the rigorous approach years ago. space will be subject to sepacurrent quay line by 610 m, with More than 30 environmental and rate PEIAs. Furthermore, the
a 16-m water depth at low tide, engineering studies have been new port area will be reserved
creating 18.5 ha of new land carried out to ensure the best exclusively for 100% enclosed
and consolidating and reorgani- possible project-community in- terminal projects. The QPA will
zing the existing beach. Beau- tegration. The QPA has comple- focus on developing intermoport 2020 - Phase 1 requires ted the plans and specifications dal terminals promoting a low
investments of $190 million and for Beauport 2020 - Phase 1, al- carbon footprint (ship-to-ship
a financial contribution of $62 lowing it to present a structured or ship-train transshipment).
million is being sought from plan for both project financing Finally, the QPA is committed
the federal government under and environmental study com- to consolidating and reorganithe New Building Canada Fund, pletion. Once federal funding zing the Beauport Bay beach to
National Infrastructure compo- has been secured, a formal pu- protect this outstanding recreanent.
blic consultation will inform the tional tourism site from bank
community of the project and erosion caused by tides and ice
studies and allow concerns to be movement.w
Economic benefits
expressed. This public consultaThe creation of this new econo- tion will take place within the
mic space will usher in business parameters of the Process of En5
Chantier Naval Forillon gets a major contract to build six ships
Chantier Naval Forillon Inc. has been awarded a major Government of Canada contract for the
construction of six new-generation Canadian Coast Guard search and rescue vessels. These ships will
provide the main search and rescue services, including search on water, maritime distress call response and vessel assistance.
Photo : Chantier Naval Forillon
The contract, valued at $45.8 million, is the largest in the Gaspé shipyard’s history. It guarantees
construction of six ships and possibly up to four additional units. The contract consolidates Chantier
Naval Forillon jobs for the next five years and will add about twenty more in the coming months.
Voluntary vessel speed reduction measures
Since November 2011, these voluntary vessel speed reduction
measures are designed to protect St. Lawrence riverbank erosion. The measures suggest a speed limit of 10 knots for vessels
heading upstream and 14 knots for vessels heading downstream
in four areas along the St. Lawrence Seaway: Sorel, Contrecoeur,
Verchères and Varennes.
{ {
June 2015
1330 ships
journeys (all areas combined)
11 ships
exceeded the suggested speed limit
Contact us
To broadcast news in our monthly newsletter
or to request information, please contact us by
phone or email.
Phone : (418) 648-4378
Martin Fournier, Executive director
Anne-Marie Desmeules, Project officer
exceeded the speed limit in at least
one of the target areas
No ship
exceeded the speed limit in all four
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