MCND declares South Bay Marina as `surplus`
MCND declares South Bay Marina as `surplus`
2015 Season Openers Palacios Sharks vs. Boling Bulldogs 7:30 p.m. Friday at Shark Stadium Tidehaven Tigers vs. Flatonia Bulldogs 7:30 p.m. Friday at Delvin Taska Stadium MCND declares South Bay Marina as ‘surplus’ Prospect eyes location for possible waterfront restaurant BY TERRY MOSIER A waterfront restaurant along with additional amenities may soon be on the horizon for Palacios’ South Bay Marina, a property of the Matagorda County Navigation District #1. At last week’s monthly meeting, with Commissioner Bryan Fields absent, Port Director Debbie Morris informed the Commissioners of recent meetings with a potential prospect interested in a possible lease and development of South Bay Marina. During a portion of her Operations/ Promotion & Development report, Morris said she and Matagorda County Economic Development Corp. Executive Director Eva Peterson met with the prospect, who has visions of additional amenities in the marina in the short term, as well as a waterfront restaurant on the adjacent property. In other news regarding South Bay Marina, following Executive Session, the Commissioners voted to declare South Bay Marina and adjacent property of approximately 2-acres as surplus to the needs of the District. Seeking clarification, Port Director Morris was (See MCND, Page 4) AUG. 26, 2015 VOL. 108 • NO. 35 PALACIOS TEXAS • BEACON PALACIOS WEDNESDAY The Only Newspaper In The World Published Just For The Palacios Area. MCND#1 Commissioners declared South Bay Marina as ‘surplus’ to the needs of the District and will be put up for bids at a future date. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) $1.00 USPS 418460 Serving The City By The Sea Since 1907 P. O. Box 817 • 453 Commerce Palacios, Tx. 77465 (361) 972-3009/Fax 972-2610 E-Mail: Website: City sales tax rebates’ slow rise continues Beacon Deadline 5 p.m. Friday Except for paid advertising, all articles, photos or other information submitted on Monday will be published on a space available basis only. BY ALYSSA WILSON GARCIA Palacios Beacon Open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Beacon Closed Wednesday Observing Our th 108 Year 1907-2015 BEACON BRIEFS Summer squall floods Main St. THE City by the Sea was briefly the City ‘under’ the sea as last Thursday’s summer squall dumped buckets of rain throughout the day, with the heaviest downfall coming in the mid-morning hours. During the heaviest showers, local drains were overrun by volume and left the intersection of Fourth St. & Main St. partially submerged (above). Even Palacios’ finest, members of the Palacios Police Department, sought refuge under the canopy of Main St. Carwash during the heaviest of downpours. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) ■ Living Word Church BBQ baked potato fundraiser Sun. A chopped beef baked potato scholarship fundraiser will be held from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Living Word Church, located at 1405 12th St. Cost is $5 and includes huge baked potatoes with chopped beef, sour cream and butter. Desserts will be sold separately. ■ MCRTA meets Tues. in Bay City The Matagorda County R e t i r e d Te a c h e r s ' Association will meet on Tues. (Sept. 1) at 12-noon at the Bay City First Baptist Church Gymnasium. The entree will be chicken enchilada casserole catered by Victoria's Restaurant in Van Vleck. The speaker will be State Representative Dennis Bonnen who will give a report on legislative action. For more information call 979-254-5109. 1 SECTION, 12 PAGES Cobblestone continues to drive PEDC BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon-Publisher The Cobblestone Hotel project continues to lead discussions a the Palacios Economic Development Corporation (PEDC) Board of Directors meeting following the first public hearing of the proposed purchase of the 2.2-acres of land at the recent Palacios City Council meeting PEDC Executive Director Eva Peterson said that Councilwoman Judy Chavez asked several questions that were good at the Public Hearing but noted it wasn’t anything she didn’t anticipate. “Overall I felt it was a pretty well re- ceived project,” said Peterson. “There was some concern about spending funds prior to the project going forward or before anything was complete.” Peterson pointed out the sale of land is a show of confidence and support of the project from the PEDC. (See PEDC, Page 2) The City of Palacios sales tax rebate remains on the rise for the month of August, but has yet to surpass last year’s total. For sales tax collected last June, the city received $62,505 from the State Comptroller’s Office, which collects the tax and rebates it to all the taxing entities. That’s an increase of $5,005 or 8.7-percent when compared to August of last year. However, Palacios continues to trail behind last year’s figures. Year to date, the city of Palacios has received $399,861 in sales tax rebates. That is a decrease of 10.44-percent, when compared to the same figure one year ago. According to the latest data released by the State Comptroller’s Office, August local sales tax allocations totaled $760.2 million, an increase of 7.6-percent compared to August 2014. “July’s modest growth in sales tax revenue is in line with the biennial revenue estimate issued in January,” stated Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar. “Stronger growth in receipts from consumer driven sectors, including retail trade, restaurants and services offset declining receipts from oil and gas related sectors.” Among the area cities, the majority saw an increase in (See SALES, Page 3) Cannonball Run 2015 SUBSCRIBE TO THE PALACIOS BEACON $30 A YEAR IN COUNTY $40 A YEAR OUT-OF COUNTY THE waters of Tres Palacios Bay were full of sailing vessles for last weekend’s annual TSA Cannonball Run Youth Regatta and the Laser District 15 Adult Regatta that featured 85 sailors young and old that brought in 150 or so family members. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Beacon deadline for articles, advertisements is 5 p.m. Friday Page 2 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., August 26, 2015 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY PALACIOS BEACON Area Briefs Louise ISD fills Superintendent vacancy LOUISE: Previously named the lone finalist in the superintendent search last month, Garth Oliver replaces Mike Seabolt as the Louise ISD Superintendent. “I feel very honored and blessed to be a part of the district,” stated Oliver. Oliver is a Bay City High School graduate, and holds his bachelor’s from Southeast Missouri State, Master’s from Gonzaga University, Doctorate from Clemson University and principal’s certification from the University of Texas. Oliver signed a three-year contract with an annual starting salary of $94,000. -El Campo Leader-News Family escapes early morning fire that destroys trailer Amateur football coming to Victoria THE sirens blared early Sunday morning as a family residence was filled with flames and smoke. Palacios residents Chris and Maria Flores managed to escape the fire with their four children, pet dog and turtle and reach safety. While the family escaped, all their belongings were lost including the children’s school clothes and supplies. A Go-Fund-Me page for the Flores family has been set up for donations at (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) VICTORIA: Victoria native Bobby Harris is forming an amateur football team. The USA Raiders will be based in Victoria and will be in the Crossroads Amateur Football League. There is no age limit to play for the Raiders. Harris has experience both playing and coaching. “I’ve seen a lot of young men who have potential,” said Harris. “It’s a second chance.” “Some of these young men did not have an opportunity to play college football or get a scholarship. The league is for that reason.” -Victoria Advocate USDA Rural Development Office Day today at CofC Courtesy USDA The USDA Rural Development Angleton Area Office, which provides service to Matagorda County, will be holding an office day on Wed. (Aug. 26) in Palacios. A representative of USDA Rural Development will be at the Palacios Chamber of Commerce Office, 420 Main, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. to provide information regarding the availability of loans and grants to assist residents and organizations. Assistance available to rural residents can help with the purchase or construction of homes, through the agency’s di- PEDC As for the rumblings about the $87,000 price tag for the City’s 2.2-acres of waterfront property, Peterson pointed out that the sale is a “cooperative effort between the PEDC and City and that the sale price is the value that the land was appraised. With the funding for the Cobblestone project reaching the halfway point, Palacios City Manager David Kocurek chimed in and said, “Again, I want to stress this. For the Palaicos Pavilion and to get more people into the Palacios Recreation Center to advertise and do some events, you’ve got to have a place for people to stay.” “You’ve read it in the paper,” Kocurek continued. “The Recreation Association wants to give the Rec. Center to the City of Palaicos to run and everything, but I can’t recommend accepting it to Council because there aren’t enough funds to improve it to make it work more efficiently.” On the importance of Cobblestone to the waterfront, Peterson stated, “I have a real estate developer who would buy up sites for a reception hall or event center in a second - if there was a place to stay.” Continuing on Palacios’ picturesque waterfront, Peterson noted preliminary discussions with Kocurek and Debbie Morris about “protecting our waterfront investment.” As of now the area is zoned to allow for commercial and industrial uses. “We’ve had some investors ask about how do they protect their investment. We’ve rect and guaranteed programs, and can help with the repair and rehabilitation of homes. Assistance is available through USDA Rural Development community programs and business and cooperative programs to enhance the quality of life for rural Texans. Community programs provide funds to governmental entities, nonprofit organizations and Indian Tribes to enlarge, improve or construct schools, libraries, medical clinics, assisted living centers, public buildings, community centers and fund new and improved water and wastewater facilities. Execution order signed for cop killer USDA Rural Development business and cooperative programs provide the needed capital to expand economic opportunities and development in rural areas throughout Texas by working with banks and community lenders. There is no minimum loan size and the maximum loan size is up to $25 million. USDA Rural Development was created in 1994 and with a mission to use our resources to help enhance the quality of life for the nation’s rural residents. For more information regarding USDA Rural Development programs, please contact the Angleton office at (979) 5490215, Ext. 4. WHARTON: Wharton County 329th District Court Judge Randy Clapp signed the execution order for the killer of a Wharton County game warden. Convicted in November 2008, James Garrett Freeman is scheduled for execution on Jan. 27, 2016. “At this time there is no reason to believe he will not be executed on 27 January 2016,” Wharton County District Attorney Ross Kurtz stated. “However, it is not unusual for a first execution date to be stayed.” Freeman was 26 when he lead authorities on a two-hour chase ending in a shoot out outside the Lissie Cemetery. Freeman then discharged about 30 rounds using an AK-47 in the direction of law enforcement officers. In the exchange Officer Justin Hurst was fatally struck. Freeman had initially been confronted by a law enforcement officer over shooting a bird sitting on a fence. -El Campo Leader News (Continued From Page 1) had preliminary talks on creating a waterfront district to prevent a shrimp processing facility from opening up next to Cobblestone and we wouldn’t want that.” Kocurek, Morris and Peterson all pointed out that this wouldn’t be rezoning of the area. “It would act as an overlay district,” stated Peterson. “It wouldn’t change the underlying property rights but would help us with compatible uses.” MCEDC Report In her monthly economic activity report on the ongoings in Matagorda County, Peterson presented the Board with a refreshed spreadsheet to depict the active prospects. Peteson briefly touched on the seven ongoing prospects and conlcuded with “A lot is happening”. LSCNRA Peterson didn’t report anything new on the proposed Lone Star Conservation National Recreation Area (LSCNRA), but did say she’s talked with Port Director Morris about setting up a joint meeting with the Navigation District Board and the PEDC Board to have new discussions with a new presentation by an LSCNRA representative. Morris said, “(The meeting) would probably be at the MCND#1 regular board meeting and it’ll be a small session right up front.” Morris noted previously having a lengthy presentation on what the LSCNRA is and said “Their message has changed over the years.” They’re re-tooling their message, but we want them to be sure that what they’re selling is something we want to buy,” added Morris. “There are some mixed feelings out there all along the Gulf Coast. But there are some advantages to being in on this in the early stages. We want to make sure we don’t miss out on something that could benefit our area.” Peterson reported having recently met with Port of Houston Authority Economic Analyst, Jordan Frisbee and said she was really excited they reached out to us and want to know more about us. “They knew about the Navigation District and the Port of Bay City but they didn’t know too much about Palacios, Sargent and the rest of the county. According to Peterson, the Port of Houston is interested in diverting some companies our way since Matagorda County is non-attainment. Peterson and Carolyn Thames from Workforce Solutions recently met with Houton-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) Account Executive Susan Dickson and informed the board “there is a lot of funding available for the PEDC and the Palacios Community Hub.” Approved Items The Board approved the funding agreement between the PEDC and the MEDC, which pays $35,000 for the part-time services of Peterson as the PEDC Executive Director. The Board tabled discussions on a proposed marketing video. Other Items The Board discussed and opted to withdraw it’s prior approval for the Hub’s grant request, citing the grant request didn’t fit the usage of 4B sales tax funds. Next Meeting The next regular meeting of the PEDC Board of Directors will be held Sept. 16, at 1:15 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce office, located at 420 Main St. Sponsored by Palacios Beacon GET AN early start ON SAVING. Commercial State Bank is proud to announce two new ways to help young people start down the right financial path. Young Star Savings and E-Star Student Checking accounts allow adolescents to take an active role in growing and managing their money, picking up vital financial know-how along the way. Healthy habits now mean solid footing down the road. It just makes sense. • Available for Ages 13-18 OCEAN FRONT BUILDERS NEW CONSTRUCTION • 139,000. • BAY VIEW $ • LETS MAKE YOUR DREAM HOME EASY with ONE STOP SHOPPING • • Most Custom Plans have Granite Counter Tops $95sq.ft. with Free Stainless Steel Appliances • 10 year Warranties Available. • Your Lots or Ours • Homes from the mid 100’s • Cape Carancahua - Minutes from Palacios • Major Room Remodeling Available. FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED 3013 Fountainview Drive, Suite 155 • Houston, TX 77057 Phone: 832-256-9830 Fax: 832-538-1327 • Minimal Amounts Required to Open • Adult Co-owner on Each Account TAKE YOUR PIGGY BANK TO THE NEXT LEVEL. Visit to learn more. • Business Banking • Personal Banking • Lending Services • Treasury Management EL CAMPO 979.543.6441 HUMBLE 281.318.4600 KATYFULSHEAR 281.346.0221 PALACIOS 361.972.2585 Palacios Beacon - Wed., August 26, 2015 - Page 3 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY • Palacios Police Reports • DPS enhances patrols ahead of Labor Day enforcement period Individuals listed have been arrested and/or charged with an offense. Inclusion in this report does not imply that the person is guilty of any crime. The following are offense and arrest reports submitted by the Palacios Police Dept. to the Palacios Beacon as of noon Friday. ARRESTS Cathy Jean Booty, 57, 1997 Henderson Ave., was arrested at the Police Annex on August 15 at 8:40 pm.; public intoxication. Shana Leclere Polk, 23, 1301 3rd St., was arrested in the 500 block of Main St. on Aug 16 at 1:04 am. warrant. Mark Allen Shearfield, 32, Pasadena, was arrested in the 900 block of 10th St. on August 16 at 10:22 am; warrant. Hoang Nguyen, 53, Houston, was arrested in the 400 block of Perryman Ave on August 16 at 11:17 pm; possession of controlled substance. Man Minh Tran, 41, Rockport, was arrested in the 400 block of Perryman Ave on August 16 at 11:17 pm; possession of controlled substance, warrant. INCIDENTS CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: Officers were dispatched to the 300 block of 10th St. on August 15 at 1:16 pm in reference to a vehicle. INFORMATION: Officer was dispatched to the 400 block of Commerce St. on August 16 at 3:47 pm in reference to a stolen bike. DISTURBANCE: Officers were dispatched to the 300 block of East Bayshore Dr. on August 16 at 11:38 pm in reference to a disturbance. STOLEN VEHICLE: Officers were dispatched to the 1200 block of 12th St. on August 17 at 6:00 am in reference to a stolen vehicle. ASSAULT: Officers were dispatched to the Police Annex on August 17 at 11:44 am in reference to a past assault. SALES From the Police Chief By Police Chief David Miles There have been a number of reports this week about stolen bicycles. We have recovered several and have returned several to the owners. I still have a number of unidentified bicycles left. If they are not identified soon they will be sold at auction. If you want to check to see if we have your bicycle, call my office Monday through Friday to make arrangements. FOUND PROPERTY: Officers were dispatched to the 300 block of Ritchie Ave on August 17 at 5:08 pm in reference to recovered property. ABANDONED VEHICLE: Officer attempted to conduct a traffic stop on August 18 at 8:15 pm in the 900 block of Magnusson. The vehicle was parked and abandoned. THEFT: Officers were dispatched to the 100 block of Henderson Ave on August 18 at 10:02 am in reference to a theft. INFORMATION: Officers were dispatched to the Police Annex on August 18 at 10:43 in reference to a stolen bicycle. BURGLARY OF A VEHICLE: Officer was dispatched to the Police Annex on August 19 at 10:00 pm in reference to a lapsed report of burglary of three vehicles. (Continued From Page 1) this month’s rebate. Rebates to other area cities are as follows (August 2015 rebate, August 2014 rebate (% of change) 2015 year to date, 2014 year to date (% of change)): Bay City: $535,520; $407,888 (31.29%) $3,698,051; $3,202,325 (15.48%) East Bernard: $31,664; $32,229 (-1.75%) $218,620; $217,511 (0.51%) El Campo: $315,359; $330,633 (-4.61%) $2,211,058; $2,303,403 (-3.57%) Edna: $105,903; $117,015 (-9.49%) $785,999, $758,810 (3.58%) Ganado: $47,024; $60,952 (-22.85%) $479,028; $371,602 (28.9%) La Ward: $732, $362 (102.14%) 4,321; $3,597 (20.11%) Point Comfort: $21,284; $15,438 (37.86%) $171,456, $130,982 (30.9%) Port Lavaca: $330,771; $246,169 (34.36%) $1,931,211; $1,699,348 (13.64%) Seadrift: $15,438; $14,925 (3.44%) $106,039; $96,099 (10.34%) Sweeny: $45,910; $36,143 (27.02%) $320,506; $237,439 (34.98%) West Columbia: $96,281; $69,894 (37.75%) $671,424; $510,078 (31.63%) Wharton: $210,467; $184,824 (13.87%) $1,430,835; $1,322,533 (8.18%) NOTICE OF 2015 TAX YEAR PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX RATE FOR CITY OF PALACIOS A tax rate of $0.84000 per $100 valuation has been proposed for adoption by the governing body of City of Palacios. This rate exceeds the lower of the effective or rollback tax rate, and state law requires that two public hearings be held by the governing body before adopting the proposed tax rate. PROPOSED TAX RATE PRECEDING YEAR'S TAX RATE EFFECTIVE TAX RATE ROLLBACK TAX RATE $0.84000 per $100 $0.85787 per $100 $0.81661 per $100 $0.86827 per $100 The effective tax rate is the total tax rate needed to raise the same amount of property tax revenue for City of Palacios from the same properties in both the 2014 tax year and the 2015 tax year. The rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate that City of Palacios may adopt before voters are entitled to petition for an election to limit the rate that may be approved to the rollback rate. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: property tax amount= (rate) x (taxable value of your property)/100 For assistance or detailed information about tax calculations, please contact: Cristyn E. Hallmark, PCC Matagorda County Tax Assessor-Collector 1700 7th Street, Room 203, Bay City, TX 77414 979-244-7670 You are urged to attend and express your views at the following public hearings on the proposed tax rate: First Hearing: August 25, 2015 at 07:00 PM at City Hall Council Chambers, 311 Henderson Avenue, Palacios, TX 77465. Second Hearing: September 1, 2015 at 07:00 PM at City Hall Council Chambers, 311 Henderson Avenue, Palacios, TX 77465. AUSTIN – The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) began increasing DWI patrols Aug. 21 and will continue to do so until Sept. 7, which includes the Labor Day holiday weekend. During this period, DPS troopers will focus DWI patrols in high-risk locations at times when alcohol-related crashes are most frequent. “Impaired drivers who take to the roadways put other travelers in harm’s way, and these increased patrols during the Labor Day holiday are designed to save lives by getting these dangerous drivers off the road,” said DPS Director Steven McCraw. “The department urges all drivers to do their part to keep our road and highways safe by obeying traffic laws and not drinking and driving.” The increased patrols that target impaired driving are funded through a grant from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). DPS offers the following tips for safe travel during the Labor Day holiday: • Don’t drink and drive. Designate a driver or take a cab. • Eliminate distractions, including the usage of mobile devices. • Buckle up everyone in the vehicle – it’s the law. • Slow down – especially in bad weather, construction areas and heavy traffic. • Slow down or move over for police, fire and EMS vehicles as well as tow trucks and TxDOT vehicles stopped on the side of the road with emergency lights activated – AUSTIN – As Texas students head back to school, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) is reminding Texans to watch for children who are walking to and from school or waiting for buses. Drivers should be especially cautious around school buses – which make frequent stops – and always follow traffic laws related to school buses and school zones. “DPS urges Texas drivers to use extra caution on the roadways in their communities as the academic year gets underway,” said DPS Direc- tor Steven McCraw. “DPS will not tolerate motorists who disregard school zone speed limits or illegally pass stopped school buses – these reckless drivers not only break the law, but they put our children in danger.” One of the most dangerous times of a student’s trip on a school bus is when they are entering or exiting the bus. Drivers are urged to slow down and pay attention in school zones since children may step into a roadway without checking for oncoming traffic. it’s the law. • Don’t drive fatigued. • Drive defensively, as holiday travel may present additional challenges. • Make sure your vehicle is properly maintained before your trip begins. Torres named Palacios PD Officer of the Year PALACIOS Chief David Miles (left) presented Officer Erasmo Torres with the 2015 Officer of the Year Award at last week’s 38th annual Hundred Club of Matagorda County Law Enforcement Awards dinner. (Beacon Photo by Alyssa Wilson Garcia) DPS reminds drivers to obey traffic laws, use caution as new school year begins Come Join the Fun Omar’s Bar & Grill ~ Mixed Drinks & Draft Beer ~ Open 7 Days A Week • 10 a.m.-2 a.m. No Minors after 9 p.m. DJ’s on Saturday Nights 814 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios • 361-356-1072 State law requires that approaching drivers stop when a bus is stopped and operating a visual signal – either red flashing lights or a stop sign. Drivers should not proceed until the school bus resumes motion; the driver is signaled by the bus driver to proceed; or the visual signal is no longer activated. A driver does not have to stop for a school bus if it is on a highway with roadways separated by an intervening space or physical barrier. (If a highway is divided only by a left-turning lane, the roadways are not considered separated, and drivers must stop for school buses.) Drivers who illegally pass school buses face fines up to $1,250 for a first offense. For individuals convicted of this offense more than once, the law allows DPS to suspend the driver license for up to six months. (A ticket for illegally passing a school bus cannot be dismissed through defensive driving.) The PALACIOS BEACON Your hometown newspaper for 108 years! STEWART CUSTOM HOMES, LLC (Committed to Excellence) • Your Custom Home Builder Since 1975 • Specializing in Fine Custom Homes • Inland and Bay Areas • Remodeling and Light Commercial • Custom Plan Service • Texas Wind Storm Compliant • Insured • Serving Brazoria, Matagorda & Wharton Counties 979-245-2650 Bay City 979-482-0566 ron@ SUBSCRIBE TO THE PALACIOS BEACON $30 A YEAR IN COUNTY • $40 A YEAR OUT-OF-COUNTY ☛ Page 4 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., August 26, 2015 10 YEARS AGO-2005 Officer Robin Riley was honored as Officer of the Year by the Palacios Police Dept. at the annual Hundred Club of Matagorda County Law Enforcement Awards banquet. Fresh concrete was poured for the expansion of parking facilities near the new First Street fishing pier, as a project of the Matagorda County - Palacios Seawall Commission. 15 YEARS AGO-2000 Cleanup operations to recover the diesel fuel that leaked into the water from a shipping company’s diesel storage tank area at Turning Basin #1 were completed. Laura Alaniz, Amanda Immenhauser, Alysha Ressler, Tiffany Mooney, Azenet Sanchez, Kim Nguyen, Traci Gonzales, and Stacy Svatek were members of the 2000 All Star Drill Team. 20 YEARS AGO-1995 James Webster of Senator Phil Gramm’s office was in the board room of the Palacios ISD Administration Bldg. Thursday, to speak on crime and changes in the law. Palacios ISD trustees unanimously approved the 1995-96 operating budget of $9,532,564 for the year, $262,989 less than last year’s budget. The district will send $27.7 million to Houston ISD as part of the ‘Robin Hood’ plan option. 25 YEARS AGO-1990 Dispatcher/officer Scott Sherrill, who serves as an unsalaried officer with the Palacios Police Dept., was named “Officer of the Year” for 1990. In a special Court of honors, Palacios sophomore Joseph DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY M Olson received the coveted Eagle Scout Award. 30 YEARS AGO-1985 The city sales tax rebates were up 19.12% compared to 1984. 40 YEARS AGO-1975 Tami Jo Whitmire was crowned Bicentennial Queen in Lubbock. Sylvia Ann Morales and Bruce Baltar graduated from South Texas State University. Miss Robin Kay Jarvis,17, granddaughter of J.A. Cunningham announces her decision to attend Oral Roberts University. 50 YEARS AGO-1965 The official dedication of the Port of Bay City was held Saturday. The Olivia-Port Alto communities held their annual barbecue. 55 YEARS AGO-1960 The Little League held its annual barbecue Labor Day in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce’s annual boat races. Jimmy Stewart was presented the Boy Scout’s God and Country Award by Rev. Clint Harris at a special service at the First Methodist Church. 60 YEARS AGO-1955 G.A. Ode, assistant pastor at the First Presbyterian Church this summer, left Tuesday for his home in Rotterdam, Holland. South Texas Construction Company had begun clearing operations for the $350,219 project, a new bridge across Tres Palacios Creek on FM 521. 65 YEARS AGO-1950 A total of 648 bales of cotton had been ginned locally this season, 328 bales having been handled the last week. The CIO called a strike at the Alcoa plant in Point Comfort, effective at 12 midnight, Aug. 25. 70 YEARS AGO-1945 About 300 head of cattle were sold Monday when the Palacios Commission Company opened. 75 YEARS AGO-1940 The Shults brothers, farming near College port, brought in the first rice of the season. Miss Cherry Price was among the 500 candidates for graduation at North Texas State Teachers College. 80 YEARS AGO-1935 The Crawford Packing Company was in operation with about 16 boats out each day and from 10,000 to 20,000 pounds of shrimp a daily haul. Some 200 workers were employed. 85 YEARS AGO-1930 The G.W. Reaser family moved to San Antonio. 90 YEARS AGO-1925 M. Glaros purchased the equipment of the Texas Supply Company which is putting oyster shells on the market. F.H. Nuttleman of Westhoff opened a cigar factory here. 105 YEARS AGO-1910 Dr. Wagner was beginning to harvest a 160 acre rice crop. The school board called an election for the issuing of $525,000 in bonds for the purpose of erecting a new school building. University of Houston ‘saved’ lots of us working folks Hundreds, probably thousands, of people have been able to gain a college degree by taking advantage of the Houston job market and attending the University of Houston in pursuit of that diploma. Two of those sheepskins have a permanent place of honor in my household — Life Mate’s and mine. Of course, what I write here is based on my experiences and knowledge in nearly eight decades of living. Some of the jobs I worked had drawbacks that included teasing, but I wasn’t going to be deterred. That trip toward a diploma was extremely important. My particular journey actually began at another school — what was then Sam Houston State Teachers College, a 1955 enrollment of 1900, give or take a couple of dozen. I had a meager scholarship and landed a first semester job as an evening cook at the Club Café across the street from the campus. My luck soared at the beginning of the second semester when I got a job as Sam WILLIS WEBB Guest Columnist Houston’s sports publicity director. It was a time-consuming job but was in line with my journalism major and my interests. Anyway it got me out of the kitchen. I managed, with just a little help from my parents, to get in two years there before running out of money, so I took a job as news editor of my hometown paper. After a year there, I managed to save a little and buy a five-yearold car, which I left with my mother since they’d stumbled upon some hard times. I went off to the University of Houston, where I gained two $500 Dr. Dane Simons, Dr. Andrew Sher, and P.A. Zapalac of Medical Arts Clinic are excited to annouce Nurse Practitioner Kandace Junek-Steffek to thier staff practicing in family medicine • Walk in’s welcome • • Accepts most major insurances • • Hours 8a.m. to 5 p.m. • Monday thru Friday • 1120 Avenue G • Bay City Texas 77414 979-245-5721 phone Do you know when the Palacios Beacon Deadlines are? MONDAY 10 A.M. Classified Word / Reader ads: (Garage Sales, For Rent, For Sale, Card of Thanks, etc) FRIDAY 5 P.M. Display / Retail ads: (Any border ad running in Classified or anywhere else in paper!) FRIDAY 5 P.M. News Articles / Press Releases: (Any article or news story (with or without photos) for POSSIBLE submission. Earlier is better!) scholarships (one for each semester of my junior year). I knew I’d still have to work so I landed a job as secretaryreceptionist in the UH Journalism and Graphic Arts Department. In 1958, that drew snickers from some people, including a dean of the school who failed to identify himself when I answered his phone call: “Ho, ho, ho! I didn’t know they had a male secretary!,” which drew a slammed down phone. Fortunately, I didn’t lose my $1-an-hour job, my $5 a week spot as copy editor of the weekly student newspaper or the scholarship. The second semester brought a better job, that as general manager of a small MCND contacted and stated that plans are for the location to be up for bids at a later date. Continuing the Operations/ Promotion & Development report, Morris reported the bids for dredging are due into the Corps. of Engineers by Sept. 14. Unfortunately, due to the amount of material in the Gulf Intercoastal Water Way base bid, Palacios is no longer considered part of the base bid, but will be treated as an option instead. Depending on how the bids look, Morris said, “We may or may not be dredged this year.” Morris reported Matagorda County was recently included in the Governor’s Emergency Disaster Proclamation due to the impacts of Tropical Storm Bill in this area. As a result, the Port should expect some of the damage incurred on the port to be eligible for reimbursement. This includes clean up and debris removal. Representatives from TxDOT visited the Port on Aug. 19. They included Federal Affairs Liaison Melanie Alvord, Maritime Division’s Stephanie Cribbs and Transportation Planner Kale Driemeier. “We discussed the port’s economic impact on our region and some of the criteria for small port set-asides in funding for port and “outside the gate” infrastructure,” said Morris. “They (were to) attend the Texas Ports Association’s Port Authority Advisory Committee meeting in Victoria (Aug. 20) to update members on various potential Federal and State funding streams.” Morris recently attended a TCEQ Watershed Stakeholders meeting which hopes to address cleanup of non-point weekly newspaper in suburban Galena Park. Mom and Dad helped me get a rustedout 1952 Chevrolet coupe which carried me back and forth between my room at my aunt and uncle’s house, work and the UH campus, where I’d become a full nighttime student. Oh, and it finally got me off those dang city buses. Heck, I got to where I was feeling flush and I went to a good Galena Park auto dealer advertiser and traded my rusty Chevy for a brand spanking new 1960 Morris Minor two-door coupe. I was introduced to the great American way of financing and monthly payments. That British Motor Corp. vehicle, their answer to the German Volkswagen “bug,” got me through college and beyond. Three months before graduation, I landed a magazine associate editor’s job at Texas Industry, the official publication of what was then the Texas Manufacturers Association, a lobby group for business. And, that little Morris put in considerable mileage with traveling around the state to do issues of the magazine on Texas cities and their industries. Plus, it enabled me to finish UH, listen to a droning graduation speech from Oveta Culp Hobby, then publisher of the Houston Post daily newspaper, and the first U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. I love both Sam Houston and the University of Houston and it gives me the distinction of rooting for two colleges earnestly. However, UH finished imbuing in me what my parents had started — an appreciation for a college education and for the opportunities to work and support myself while I was attending school. Willis Webb is a retired community newspaper editor-publisher of more than 50 years experience. He can be reached by email at EVEN LITTLE ADS GET ATTENTION! You’re Reading One Now! (Continued From Page 1) source pollution in Tres Palacios River Watershed, which ultimately affects the bay shrimp nurseries. A Palacios presence will be made at the Annual International WorkBoat Show held December 1-4 in New Orleans, where Tres Palacios Marine’s JoAnne Estopinal will have a booth at the show and has offered to promote the Port, Morris stated. 2016 Budget The Commissioners took no action on the FY2016 Proposed Draft Budget and tabled action to place a Proposal to Adopt the MCND#1 Tax Rate on the agenda of the next Regular Meeting of the MCND#1 Board – Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 2:00 PM at the Port Administration Building Approved Items Commissioners tabled action to amend the FY2015 Budget by transferring $1,000 from the Contingency Expense Account to Seminars, Dues and Staff Development for attendance of Morris and Port attorney Castanon at the AAPA Real Estate Seminar in December. As a result of discussion during Executive Session, a motion was made by Commissioner Eggemeyer to approve amending the FY2015 Budget by transferring $1,000 from the Contingency Expense Account to Seminars, Dues and Staff Development Account for attendance of Mrs. Morris and Mr. Castanon at the AAPA Real Estate Seminar in December. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fields and all voted in favor. Commissioners approved the following item: Accepted separate appraisal reports from Bell Valuation Services for Jensen Point Advertise your Business or Event Statewide in OVER 240 Newspapers ONE CALL, ONE LOW PRICE! Contact this newspaper for more information 000-000-0000 361-972-3009 property of 615.85-acres and South Bay Marina property. The addendum to Maintenance Project Contract between MCND#1 and Rhoades Land Leveling for repairs at Tres Palacios Marine lease. Amending the FY2015 Budget by transferring $12,725.00 from Property Replacement Contingency Account to Capitalized Property Replacement for dock improvements at TPM. Action to replenish Committed Funds for Emergency Contingency and Property Replacement Contingency Accounts from Unreserved Funds. Adding Multi-Bank Securities to Authorized list of Broker/Dealers in the MCND#1 Investment Policy. Also approved were the current register report, voucher summary, quarterly financial report and recent investment activity report. Inspector’s Report The following report was submitted by Larry Lanfear, inspector for the District: • GLO/Bilge Water Reclamation: Total of 7 pump-outs with a total of 2,270 gallons. Set up new suction hose for the Pump-Out Trailer. Completed required Haz-Mat certification course. Lanfear noted having problems with the compressor belts on the main GLO trailer. Lanfear requested Gene Vincent, (GLO Contractor for the Trailers and Bilge Facility) to make repairs on this trailer and to upgrade the piping system on the back-up trailer. • Facility Repairs: Repaired three leaks in the Administration Building irrigation system. Installed new signs at Turning Basin 3 and South Bay Marina. Made a lighting inspection on July 22 and turned in request for repairs to AEP. Repaired 4 dock lights on E & G Docks. Removed the old tires and the Grant Sign from the Barge Dock at TB 1. Adjusted the straps on Stall #13 at South Bay Marina. Had Mosier Services replace the faulty 220V GFI on Stall #3 at South Bay Marina and replace 2-security lights and repair 1-security light at the Maintenance Building. Repaired the broken cable on an overhead door at the Diesel Mechanic Shop. Secured one broken entry door at the Diesel Mechanic Shop until it can be replaced. Worked with AEP to replace a blown transformer at the MEC Classroom Facility. • Projects: Rhoades Land Leveling has completed the first phase of repairs to the dock at Tres Palacios Marine. Arranged for quotes on various port projects and related materials. Initiated a work order with AEP to install dock power at SeaCo’s TB 4 lease. • Incidents: No reportable incidents this month. Monthly Lease Report Monthly port lease report given by Port Director Morris: 2 cancelled recreational leases • 1 new recreational lease at SBM • 2 renewed recreational leases at SBM • 1 renewed commercial lease SBM covered slips have 21 of 24 slips leased at 88% occupancy. SBM open slips have 12 of 17 slips leased at 71% occupancy. TB#3 have 12 of 14 slips leased at 86% occupancy. Next Meetings A Special Called Board Meeting and Budget Workshop was to be held on Mon. (Aug. 24). The next Regular Board Meeting of the Navigation District No. 1 scheduled for Thursday, September 17th, at 2:00 p.m. at the Port Administration Building. Palacios Beacon Periodical Class Postage Paid At Palacios, Texas 77465 (USPS 418460) Published Weekly each Wednesday By: PALACIOS BEACON TONEY PUBLISHING COMPANY 453 Commerce • P. O. Box 817 Palacios, Texas 77465 ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In County...$25.00 • Outside-County...$35.00 ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS STOP AT EXPIRATION DATE POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Palacios Beacon, P. O. Box 817, Palacios, TX 77465. Palacios Beacon - Wed., August 26, 2015 - Page 5 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY USDA invites applications for loans to fund community facility projects Blessing Library’s new book scanner a time saver TEMPLE, Texas, August 26, 2015 –USDA Rural Development currently has $65 million in funding for low interest loans to be dispersed for community facility projects throughout Texas. Funding is authorized through the Department’s Community Facilities Direct and Guaranteed Loan Program. USDA Rural Development Community Programs enhance the quality of life for rural Texans by providing funds to public bodies, community based non-profit corporations and federallyrecognized tribes for essential community facilities and services. Funds may be used Thanks to the generous donations of Clive Runnells, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hatfield and Mr. Bert Huebner the Blessing Library now has a new book scanner. The scanner will save time when people check out books and Robin will no longer have to type in the barcode numbers each time someone checks out a book. Pictured are Kara Griffith, Christine Naiser, and Blessing librarian Robin Griffith. (Submitted Photo) PISD policy for free & reduced meals Income Eligibility For those households that qualify for free or reduced-price meals based on income, an adult in the household must fill out free and reduced-price meal application and return it to their campus office. Those individuals filling out the application will need to provide the following information: • Names of all household members • Amount, frequency, and source of current income for each household member • Last 4 digits of the Social Security number of the adult household member who signs the application or, if the adult does not have a social security number, check the box for “No Social Security number” • Signature of an adult household member attesting that the information provided is correct Categorical or Program Eligibility Palacios ISD is working with local agencies to identify all children who are categorically and program eligible. Palacios ISD will notify the households of these children that they do not need to complete an application. Any household that does not receive a letter and feels it should have should contact Herbert Ressler, Assistant Superintendent of Business, at 361-972-5491, or contact their campus office. Any household that wishes to decline Palacios ISD announces its policy recently for providing free and reducedprice meals for children served under the attached current income eligibility guidelines. Each school/site or the central office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by anyone on request. Starting on August 24, 2015, Palacios ISD will begin distributing letters to the households of the children in the district about eligibility benefits and any actions households need to take to apply for these benefits. Applications also are available at each campus office, or at the Administration Building. Criteria for Free and ReducedPrice Meal Benefits The following criteria will be used to determine a child’s eligibility for free or reduced-price meal benefits: Income • Household income that is at or below the income eligibility levels Categorical or Automatic Eligibility • Household receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) Program Participant • Child’s status as a foster child, homeless, runaway, migrant, or displaced by a declared disaster • Child’s enrollment in Head Start or Texas Department of Even Start Agriculture benefits should contact Herbert Ressler, Assistant Superintendent of Business, at 361-972-5491, or contact their campus office. Applications may be submitted anytime during the school year. The information households provide on the application will be used for the purpose of determining eligibility. Applications may also be verified by the school officials at any time during the school year. Determining Eligibility Under the provisions of the free and reduced-price meal policy, Herbert Ressler, Assistant Superintendent of Business will review applications and determine eligibility. Households or guardians dissatisfied with the Reviewing Official’s eligibility determination may wish to discuss the decision with the Reviewing Official on an informal basis. Households wishing to make a formal appeal for a hearing on the decision may make a request either orally or in writing to Paul Smith, Superintendent. Unexpected Circumstances If a household member becomes unemployed or if the household size increases, the household should contact the school. Such changes may make the children of the household eligible for benefits if the household’s income falls at or below the attached current income Chart | Income Eligibility (IEGs) eligibility guidelines. ONE CALL ONE LOW PRICE Advertise Your Business or Event STATEWIDE Regional ads available Contact this newspaper for more information 361-972-3009 000-000-0000 for a wide range of community projects. These include, but are not limited to, projects such as those which will enlarge, improve or construct schools, libraries, farmers markets, medical clinics, assisted living centers, public buildings, and community centers. Funding can also be used to purchase public safety equipment such as ambulances, firefighting equipment, and other emergency required implements. Community Programs can make and guarantee loans to develop essential community facilities in rural areas and towns of up to 20,000 in population. Guaranteed loans are made and serviced by lenders such as banks, savings and loans, mortgage companies which are part of bank holding companies, banks of the Farm Credit System, or insurance companies regulated by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Community Programs may guarantee up to 90% of any loss of interest or principal on the loan. Community Programs can also make direct loans to applicants who are unable to obtain commercial credit. Applications are now being accepted to fund projects meeting the criteria for community facility loan programs, as outlined on http:// Peggy Hafernick Independent Beauty Consultant 201 E. McGlothlin • 361-972-2824 Palacios, TX 77465 May 7, 2015 Income Eligibility Guidelines for Determining Free and Reduced Price Benefits Effective from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Annually Monthly Twice per Month Every Two Weeks Weekly Family Size Free Reduced Free 1 $15,301 $21,775 $1,276 $1,815 $638 $908 $589 $838 $295 $419 2 $20,709 $29,471 $1,726 $2,456 $863 $1,228 $797 $1,134 $399 $567 3 $26,117 $37,167 $2,177 $3,098 $1,089 $1,549 $1,005 $1,430 $503 $715 4 $31,525 $44,863 $2,628 $3,739 $1,314 $1,870 $1,213 $1,726 $607 $863 5 $36,933 $52,559 $3,078 $4,380 $1,539 $2,190 $1,421 $2,022 $711 $1,011 6 $42,341 $60,255 $3,529 $5,022 $1,765 $2,511 $1,629 $2,318 $815 $1,159 7 $47,749 $67,951 $3,980 $5,663 $1,990 $2,832 $1,837 $2,614 $919 $1,307 8 $53,157 $75,647 $4,430 $6,304 $2,215 $3,152 $2,045 $2,910 $1,023 $1,455 9 $58,565 $83,343 $4,881 $6,946 $2,441 $3,473 $2,253 $3,206 $1,127 $1,603 10 $63,973 $91,039 $5,332 $7,588 $2,667 $3,794 $2,461 $3,502 $1,231 $1,751 11 $69,381 $98,735 $5,783 $8,230 $2,893 $4,115 $2,669 $3,798 $1,335 $1,899 12 $74,789 $106,431 $6,234 $8,872 $3,119 $4,436 $2,877 $4,094 $1,439 $2,047 + $451 + $642 + $226 + $321 + $208 + $296 + $104 + $148 Reduced Free Reduced Free Reduced Free Reduced For each additional family member add: + $5,408 + $7,696 Do you need your High School Diploma or GED? (832) 919-5730 or (936) 234-3439 Call: for more information FREE Training is for individuals (Ages 17-24) who qualify. Transportation assistance may also be available. Workforce Solutions is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Relay Texas Numbers: 1-800-735-2989 (TDD) • 1-800-735-2988 (voice) • 711 Subscribe To The Beacon Fill out the coupon below and mail it, along with a check or money order for the appropriate amount to the: $ 25 $30.00 00 1-Yr. For 1 Year Matagorda Matagorda County County PALACIOS BEACON P. O. BOX 817 PALACIOS, TX. 77465 NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: NEW RENEWAL $ 35 $40.00 00 1-Yr. For 1 Year Out Of Of Out County County Page 6 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., August 26, 2015 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Worship At The Church Of Your Choice Oscar’s Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise of God, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Fre Pest l Ter e ro Inspemite Cont alist i Spec Pest & termite cOntrOl ction “The Only Name You Need to Know in Pest Control” Oscar TOrres, Owner (361) 578-7378 • (361) 920-7378 MATGORDA HOUSE HEALTHCARE CENTER Skilled Nursing Facility 700 12th • Bay City • 979-245-7800 Admissions Director: Debbie Castillo Palacios Funeral Home 701 1ST STREET • 972-2012 Palacios Antiques & Resale 501 First Street • Palacios 361-972-1380 Open Fri. & Sat. 10am - 5pm • Sun. Noon - 54pm Mon-Sat: 11am-1:30pm & 5-9pm 1917 13th St. • Bay City • 979-245-2097 Prime Parts Supply W W DOCK TURNING BASIN #2 361-972-5012 WES’ FEED & MORE 1160 FM 616 • 361-588-6631 AGAPE FAMILY OUTREACH 1811 Newsom Blvd. Sunday Fellowship: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday Discipleship: 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Eric Young Church Phone: 972-0800 ASAMBLEA APOSTOLICA DELA FE EN CRISTO JESUS 710 8th Street Lunes-Oracios 7:30 p.m. Martes-Culto Juvenil Bilinque: 7:30 p.m. Miercoles-Culto De Adoracion: 7:30 p.m. Domingo Escuela Dominical: 9:45 a.m. Culto Evangelisticio: 2 p.m. Pastor: Eddie Martinez Phone: 972-2419 BIBLE BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP 451 Commerce Street Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Richard Alamia Assistant Pastor: Carmen Rios Phone: 972-6171 BLESSING CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP BLESSING CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY Railroad & Pecan Streets Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. Pastor: Steven Walker BLESSING FIRST BAPTIST Sunday School: 8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 9:45 a.m. & 7 p.m Wednesday Service: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Larry Swift Church Phone: 588-7325 Pastor’s Phone: 588-6313 CARANCAHUA CHAPEL PALACIOS AUTOS Corner CR 470 / CR 476 Carancahua Community Ctr. Sunday Service: 8:30 a.m. Wed. Service: 6 p.m. Pastor: Bob Keprta Casual Dress 1-877-4-BAY CITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Tire Shop 361-588-6660 CARS Blessing, Texas 77419 SUV’s TRUCKS 361-972-3596 • 117 Henderson • Palacios, TX 6th at Rorem Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class: 7 p.m. Phone: 972-2132 Equal Housing Lender MEMBER FDIC 459 Main • Palacios • 972-2585 The Trull FoundaTion 404 FourTh STreeT • PalacioS,TX • 361-972-5241 Serving the Palacios - Matagorda County Area Since 1967 CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 508 4th St. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Worship Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Lloyd Rodriguez Church Phone: 972-6550 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS COLLEGEPORT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN LCMS Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Interim Pastor: Vanessa Potter Church Phone: 972-1158 4th & Rorem Sunday Worship: 6pm Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Church Phone: 972-3852 FIRST BAPTIST of PALACIOS PILGRIM ROSE BAPTIST 202 Main Street 9th & Moore Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Worship: 10:45 a.m., Wednesday Prayer Service: 6:30 p.m. Sunday Family Bible Study 5:45p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Wed. Youth & Children Activities: 6 p.m. Pastor: LeRoy Monroe Wed. Church Prayer Time: 6 p.m. Phone: 972-6482 Pastor: Chris Webb Associate Pastor of Ministries: PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA James Collins 4th & Morton Church Phone: 972-5486 Domingo Escuela Domincal: 9:45 a.m. Adoracion: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Miercoles Estudio Biblico: 7 p.m. 3rd & Morton Pastor: Juan Aguilera Sunday School: 9:40 a.m. Parsonage: 972-5542 Sunday Coffee: 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Interim Pastor: Vanessa Potter SOLID ROCK FELLOWSHIP Church Phone: 972-2124 1800 First St. Pastor’s Phone: 972-5389 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.; 6 p.m. Wednesday. Service: 6:00 p.m. Pastors: Billie Burch FIRST UNITED METHODIST Church Phone: 972-3675 3rd & Lucas Sunday School: 9 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. ST. ANTHONY’S CATHOLIC Wednesday Adult Choir: 6 p.m. 1004 Magnusson Pastor: Rev. David King Confessions Saturday: Church Phone: 972-3013 5-5:45 p.m., or by Appointment Pastor’s Phone: 972-6005 Saturday Mass 6 p.m. Sunday Vietnamese Mass: 8 a.m. Sunday English Mass: 9:30 a.m. FIRST UNITED Sunday Spanish Mass: 11 a.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Bryan Heyer 525 Morton Street Church Phone: 972-2446 Sunday Service: 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7:00 p.m. ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL Pastor: James & Susie Jimenez 3rd & Main Se Habla Español Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-2707 Morning Prayer: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-2744 Church Fax: 972-1334 HOUSE OF GOD SECOND PRESBYTERIAN (Bilingual) 9th & Morton Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-5254 LA VINA DEL SENOR Domingo: 9.45 a.m., 6 p.m. Miercoles: 6:30 p.m. Viernes: 6:30 p.m. LABOR OF LOVE MINISTRIES 1008 5th Street Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Monday: 7 p.m. School of the Book Wednesday Worship: 7:30 p.m. Pastor: Danny G. Perez Church Phone: 972-2849 Pastor’s Phone: 972-2475 MIDFIELD COMMUNITY Junetta St., Midfield Sunday Worship: 7:30 a.m. Pastor: Howard Harper Phone: 979-241-1274 THE LIVING WORD CHURCH 12th & Henderson Sunday Worship 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday Youth Service: 7 p.m. Intercession: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.: 7 p.m. Pastor: Tony Flores Church Phone: 972-2352, 972-2955 TRINITY BAPTIST 2nd & Rorem Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Pastor: Louis Rush Church Phone: 972-3139 WEST PALACIOS CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 808 9th St. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Praise-Worship: 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Pastor: Raymond Salinas Church Phone: 972-6262 Pastor’s Phone: 361-588-7117 NEW BEGINNINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 10th & Ritchie • PO Box 657 Sunday Worship: 6pm Thursday Worship: 7pm Church Phone: 361-649-4715 Pastor: Kenyon Hamilton ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To list your church information on this page, for free, bring, mail, fax or e-mail your information to the Palacios Beacon. Fax: 972-2610; or E-mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phone: 972-1606 307 Henderson • Palacios • 361-972-2273 Homes • Business • Life 308 4th Street ~ Palacios 39 South 11th St., Blessing Sunday Services: 10 a.m. Wednesday Prayer: 7 p.m. 709 Henderson • (361) 972-2565 972-2551 Hebrews 13:15-16 Quality, Variety and Value! 702 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios (361) 972-2534 CAMPBELL-HUITT INSURANCE When visiting the businesses and services listed 7am-10pm/Mon.-Fri., 8am-10pm/Sat. & 9am-10pm/Sun. 307 Henderson • Palacios • 361-972-2273above, thank them for sponsoring this Church Page. (361) 972-2222 1-800-787-7741 The Luther Hotel An Historic Inn 408 South Bay Blvd. 361-972-2312 STP Nuclear Operating Company www. Coastal Properties EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY HUD CERTIFIED 215 5th St. Palacios 361-972-5900 "Strong Churches Make Strong Communities" Palacios House of Flowers 414 Main St. • Palacios • 361-972-2517 Irene Page, Owner Dairy Queen 215 Henderson Ave. 361-972-2554 Open: 10am-10pm PALACIOS AUTO & TOWING 1105 Henderson 361-972-5923 Mon-Fri: 7:30am-4:30pm LAGASSE MARINE WAYS Turning Basin 1 • 361-972-6060 We Support Our Community & Local Churches BIG G Auto GlAss 1-800-460-2080 Proudly Serving the Palacios Community Porter’s Lumber and Marine 405 Main Street • Palacios • 361-972-5222 Hours: Mon. - Sat. / 7am - 6pm & Sun./8:30am -3pm Capt. Tom’s Seafood 361-972-3780 Owners Richard & Nancy Rhoades 972-6281 317 Henderson Palacios, Tx PALACIOS HOUSING AUTHORITY Located at Seacrest Estates 45 Seashell • (361) 972-3721 LIFE S TYLES Palacios Beacon - Wed., August 26, 2015 - Page 7 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios Beacon PAHA’s 6th annual Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social next Sun. at Peaceful Pelican B&B The Palacios Area Historical Association (PAHA) will hold its sixth annual Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social, including a sing along and lawn games on next Sunday (Sept. 6) from 4 to 6 p.m. on the lawn of The Peaceful Pelican Waterfront Bed and Breakfast at 317 East Bay Boulevard. Tickets will be available at the door for $6. Museum members may ask for one free ticket. If you are not a member, you may purchase a membership and receive a free ticket at the door. Well, it’s the end of the driveway, not really a door! Again this year Linda Gamertsfelder will lead the sing along. Come sample the luscious variety of homemade ice cream flavors with an array of toppings, swing a croquet mallet, whistle a happy tune, meet and greet your neighbors and support your local City by the Sea Museum. Mystery Chefs, buyers needed for 7th annual PCMC Box Supper Fundraiser held Sept. 24 at KC Hall Save the date for Palacios Community Medical Center’s 7th annual Hospital Box Supper Fundraiser to be held Sept. 24 at the Palacios KC Hall, located at 710 Main Street. Local mystery chefs will provide a box supper for 2 or more in a box decorated and designed by a ‘Mystery Chef’’. The box supper will contain either a hot or cold ready to eat meal, with soft drinks, beer and wine available for purchase. This year, to ensure that our community of supporters get a box supper to enjoy earlier in the evening, we will try a different approach. The Box Suppers will be bid on by silent auction. There will be a social hour from 6 – 7 p.m., when everyone can enjoy complimentary hors d’oeuvres and silent auction bidding on a box supper, which will contain a hot or cold meal, ready to eat. Bidding will close at 7 p.m. with winners of the Box Suppers announced around 7:15 p.m. This should allow everyone to sit and enjoy their meal together, bring your friends and bid on a meal together. The live auction will begin at 7:30 p.m. We will also have the famous bucket raffle, a quilt raffled by the Blue Belles and other silent auction items. The mystery meals will be auctioned off to the highest bidder by auctioneers Dan Tucker and Matagorda County Judge Nate Mc- Donald. Bidders can be an individual(s) or small groups who share the meal. Bring your friends and bid on a box together. You don’t have to be a Box Supper bidder to help support the local hospital on the evening as there will be the famous Bucket raffle and a live auction of several wonderful items. All proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the Palacios Community Medical Center/Palacios Medical Clinic. If you would like to donate a box supper or other auction item, please contact Kathy Lee, Business Development Coordinator as soon as possible so we can put you on the list, call 361-972-2511 ext. 4057. •Birth announcements must be submitted within 4 weeks of birth to be published free of charge. Otherwise, a $20 charge applies. •Wedding stories must be submitted within 4 weeks of ceremony to be published at nominal rate, otherwise $5.50 per column inch rate will apply. USDA Rural Development home loan program can be a great deal for rural home buyers Courtesy USDA With an abundance of homes for sale in most of rural Texas, buyers continue to have plenty of choices and lots of bargaining power. With the help of USDA Rural Development’s No Down Payment home loan programs, those dreams of homeownership may still come true. USDA Rural Development’s Rural Housing Direct Home Loan Program offers 100 percent financing with no down payment required for low and lower income individuals or families at a 3.25 percent interest rate. These loans are made directly through USDA Rural Development and are offered for a period of 30-38 years. The repayment on the loan may be subsidized by the Federal Government, based on the household income. Direct loans may be made for the purchase of an existing home or new home construction. The loan amount is determined by repayment ability of the borrower. Loans made under this program are to individuals and families with income that does not exceed 80 percent of the median income level of the county Pantry Patter The Robert Duran Caring & Sharing Food Pantry BY FRAN FULLER No “hot” jokes -- this heat is no joke! It will not last a lot longer-- the end of September we should feel a break. Just be sure to take all of the precautions during this extreme heat. The pantry has been able to give generous amounts of food the past couple of months. Thanks to all that make this possible! July and August Dora and Bob Turner donated bunches of bananas to some of the homebound in Palacios -- they have done this in the past-- I am sure the folks certainly appreciate their generousity. The Presbyterians over the years have given an offering on the fifth Sunday of those months having a fifth Sunday. Last year the total for 4 offerings was $1263.20 -- so just a little adds up to a lot. As many of you know, a kind and generous gentle- man and former resident of Palacios , donated one hundred box fans to those who might need one. My heart was touched one day recently when I was at one of the local dollar stores, and observed a couple buying a fan -- I touched this lady on the shoulder and asked if they needed a fan-- she said “yes we do” -- I told her to come with me -- I had one in my car. She thanked me profusely. Just another example of random acts of kindness. Thank you Mr Fan Man!! where they live and who would not otherwise qualify for a conventional loan. County Income limits for the programs are posted on the USDA Rural Development Texas website at http://www. and clicking on “Check Eligibility” on the bottom of the screen. Community Thanksgiving choir rehearsals begin Monday at East Side Annex Get ready, it’s time to join together and start preparing for the community Thanksgiving worship service. All voices are needed for the Palacios community choir. Anyone who wants to sing that is aged 15 and up is welcome to participate in the Palacios Community Thanksgiving Choir. Practice will begin on Monday, August 31 at 6:30 p.m. at the East Side Annex. Please invite others that you know of that would enjoy singing and fellowship. For more information contact Judith Calhoun at 361972-6325. Articles submitted on Mondays are published on a space available basis. ☛ Here to serve all of your real estate and title needs. Deadline For Articles, Ads Is 5 p.m. Friday Classified Ad’s 10 a.m. Monday Campbell-Huitt Insurance 328 Commerce Palacios, TX Teri Cartwright-Manager Lainey Hudson-Escrow Officer Darla Galvan - Escrow Officer Palacios Abstract & Title Co. 310 Fifth Street Palacios, Texas 77465 Phone: 361-972-9996 Direct E-Fax: 979-241-3792 361-972-2551 LIVING WORD CHURCH 1405 12th Street • Palacios Auto-Bonds 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt Scholarship Fundraiser Business Sun., Aug. 30th• 11am to 1pm Home $ each - Huge Baked Potatoes 5 Life w/chopped beef, sour cream & butter. Flood Desserts will be sold separately College or retirement? Fi out how to afford both. Make your financial future a priority. Brenda J Christensen, AAMS® Financial Advisor . 106 S Commerce St Ste 3 AAMS® Brenda J. Christensen, Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Financial Advisor 361-552-6846 106 S. Commerce St. Suite 3 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 361-552-6846 Member SIPC SUBSCRIBE TO THE PALACIOS BEACON $30 A YEAR IN COUNTY • $40 A YEAR OUT-OF-COUNTY Page 8 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., August 26, 2015 DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY DEADLINE NOTICE OF TAX RESALE Bird Notes ( Properties previously struck off to MATAGORDA COUNTY) (See note below) Cathy Wakefield (361)404-1198 Outreach Specialist, International Crane Foundation Folks keep reporting sights of great wetland birds. Steve Goertz, Preserve Manager, at Clive Runnell’s Family Mad Island Marsh, reported seeing a family of Sora chicks, a type of rail. He is also still seeing Wood Storks. LCRA CRESTED CARACARA will release some water to flood the wetlands there, part of their wetlands and waterfowl project. This should attract more birds. Steve and Kirk Feuerbacher, a biologist with The Nature Conservancy, reported seeing 15 Mississippi Kites, “working the smoke for insects” at their Refugio Goliad Prairie, yesterday. Tito and Yvonne Ramos reported seeing 15 Roseate Spoonbills during a recent road trip. They were seen at Formosa’s Tejanos Wetlands on FM172. They continue to see Long-billed Curlew in their yard. Miss Murphy reported seeing Common Ground Dove, Crested Caracara, Turkey and Black Vultures, Great White and Cattle Egrets. Tom Wise continues to see Green Herons at Schicke Pt. The International Crane Foundation continues work on its crane conservation plan…to conserve habitat in their Texas wintering grounds, restore the natural hydrology of the bay systems…(San Antonio and Matagorda where Whooping Cranes have been observed), and reduce threads/hazards to the birds, such as illegal hunting, vandalism, power line and radio tower collisions. With an increasing population of birds, Whooping Cranes need additional quality habitat. The best way to meet these objectives is through outreach and education. Join the Arbor Day Foundation in September and receive 10 free live oak trees for planting in Texas Everyone from Texas who joins the Arbor Day Foundation in September will receive 10 free live oak trees as part of the Foundation’s Trees for America program. Through Trees for America, everyone is encouraged to plant trees, which benefits the environment and improves quality of life. With nearly 1 million members and supporters, the Arbor Day Foundation is the nation’s largest nonprofit organization dedicated to planting trees. “Those who plant live oak trees will enjoy shade and splendor for years and years to come,” said Matt Harris, chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation. “These trees will also add to the proud heritage of Texas’ 84 Tree City USA communities. For the past 39 years, Tree City USA has supported effective urban forestry management across Texas, and planting these trees will enhance the state’s tree-planting tradition.” The trees will be shipped postpaid at the right time for planting between October 15 and December 10. The 6- to 12-inch trees are guaranteed to grow or they will be replaced free of charge. Planting instructions are enclosed with each shipment of trees. New members of the Arbor Day Foundation will also receive The Tree Book, which includes information about tree planting and care. To receive 10 free live oak trees, send a $10 membership contribution to Ten Live Oaks, Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Ave., Nebraska City, NE 68410, by September 30, 2015, or join online at TGLO’s annual Fall Adopt-A-Beach Cleanup set for Sept. 26 Sheriff Frank "Skipper" Osborne Pursuant to a resolution of its governing body under Section 34.05(c), Property Tax Code, Matagorda County has requested a public re-sale by my office of certain properties previously foreclosed and bid off to the taxing units in the suits described below. Therefore, I will on September 1, 2015, at the North Entry, 1700 7th Street of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of Bay City, Texas, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. on said day, beginning at 10:00 A.M., proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder, and in the manner provided by Section 34.05(d), Property Tax Code, all of the right, title and interest of the taxing units, acquired through each of the suits listed below, in and to the following described real estate being situated in Matagorda County, Texas, to wit: Note: Matagorda County is the taxing unit to which the property was struck off to in trust. Sheriff Frank "Skipper" Osborne, By: __________________________ Date _____________ Cause # Judgment Date Struck-Off On Sale # Account Number $850.00 $1,500.00 $850.00 $1,600.00 $1,373.50 R17478 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. ALLEN KALKA $1,000.00 $951.00 T15,346 08/04/10 12/07/10 R17480 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. ALLEN KALKA $1,000.00 $951.00 T15,431 11/02/11 03/06/12 T15,439 10/08/08 02/03/09 47548 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. TIMOTHY W. HOLT TR 1: TRES PALACIOS OAKS OAK MEADOW SEC, LT 1247, VOL 6, PG. 31* (ACCT# 48093 / R17478) TR 2: TRES PALACIOS OAKS OAK MEADOW SEC, LT 1248, VOL 6, PG 31* (ACCT#48094 / R17480) LT 649, HIGH MEADOW SEC OF TRES PALACIOS OAKS, VOL 6, PG 8* (R16391/47548) $1,300.00 $1,300.00 R17984 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. MANUEL O. BANDA, ET AL, DECEASED $500.00 $500.00 T15,536 06/18/08 09/02/08 40929 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. GALVESTON EVENING OPTIMIST FOUNDATION, A TEXAS NON-PROFIT Style of Case CORPORATION MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. SANDRA TEW $2,450.00 $1,400.00 2 T14,368 04/26/02 08/06/02 28929 3 T14,994 12/14/05 08/01/06 T15,346 08/04/10 12/07/10 41560 5 6 Sale # 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cause # Judgment Date T15,561 Struck-Off On 11/05/09 04/06/10 T15,561 11/05/09 04/06/10 T15,561 11/05/09 04/06/10 T15,561 11/05/09 04/06/10 T15,561 11/05/09 04/06/10 T15,577 05/29/13 10/01/13 Account Number 29319 ranging from $25 to $25,000, allowing both individuals and corporations to contribute to this major cleanup effort. Shell Oil Company is the lead statewide sponsor for the 2015 Texas General Land Office Adopt-A-Beach Fall Cleanup. Other sponsors include Apache Corporation, Murphy Oil Corporation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Marine Debris Program, Schlumberger, the Ocean Conservancy, Corona Del Mar Properties and Trusted Senior Specialists. To learn more about the Adopt-A-Beach program, visit or contact the GLO at 1-877-TX COAST. Like us on Facebook at www. or follow us on Twitter @TexasAdoptABeach. Who: Thousands of Texans who care about the coast What: 29th GLO Adopt-ABeach Fall Cleanup When: Saturday, Sept. 26 Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Clean up will be from 9 a.m. to noon Where: 30 sites along the Texas coast $500.00 $500.00 29321 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. SANDRA TEW CAMELOT FOREST, SEC 3, BLK 38, LT 14, VOL 8, PG 4* $1,600.00 $804.00 29322 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. SANDRA TEW CAMELOT FOREST, SEC 3, BLK 38, LT 15, VOL 8, PG 4* $500.00 $500.00 29323 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. SANDRA TEW CAMELOT FOREST SEC. 3, BLK 38, LT 16, VOL. 8, PG. 4.* $500.00 $500.00 48303 MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. T.I.D.E. INC; ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. HUGO HILLIARD, ET AL TRES PALACIOS OAKS, CREEKSIDE SEC, LT 1482, VOL 6, PG 50* 48303/R17896 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 SOUTH END SUBD, WEST 1/2 LT 8, VOL 1, PG 59* $3,030.00 $1,500.00 49033 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. CHERYL WILCOX LT 15, BLK 1, WHITSON HEIGHTS SUBD, BAY CITY, VOL 5, PG 16* $6,330.00 $1,400.00 R15634 MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF J. F. ARMITAGE, A/K/A JAMES F. ARMITAGE, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF J. F. ARMITAGE, A/K/A JAMES F. ARMITAGE, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF CHESTER D. HARRISON, DECEASED TR. 1: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, LIVE OAK SEC, LT 270, VOL 5, PGS 47-50* (ACCT# 47200/R15634) $1,000.00 $905.00 TR. 2: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, LIVE OAK SEC, LT 271, VOL 5, PGS 47-50* (ACCT#47201/R15637) $1,000.00 $905.50 UNDIVIDED 0.01743 % (BEING 1 AC.) INTEREST IN & TO 5735.35 ACRES TRACT, ELIJAH DECROW 1/3 LEAGUE, ABST 141, J. ALLEN SRVY, ABST 110, J. TILLEY LABOR, A-395, & ELIZABETH GREEN LEAGUE, A-165, VOL 265, PG. 548 & CLERK'S FILE NO. 033357 (ACC. NO. 77801 & R30882)* TR. 1: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, Legal Description HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 907, REC'D IN CABINET 1, SLIDE 270 B*(47785/R16872).. $2,500.00 $1,514.00 $1,300.00 Adjudged Value (See note below) $927.00 Estimated Minimum Bid (See note below) TR. 2: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 908, REC'D IN CABINET 1, SLIDE 270 B* (47786/R16874). $1,300.00 $927.00 TR. 3: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 956, REC'D IN CABINET 1, SLIDE NO. 270 B* (47831/R16958). $1,300.00 $927.00 TR. 4: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 957, REC'D IN CABINET 1, SLIDE 270 B*(47832/R16960). $1,300.00 $927.00 $500.00 $500.00 18 T15,669 11/03/10 05/03/11 R15637 19 T16,346 02/25/14 06/03/14 77801 T16,363 Cause # 04/03/13 Judgment Date 07/02/13 Struck-Off On 47785 21 T16,363 04/03/13 07/02/13 47786 22 T16,363 04/03/13 07/02/13 47831 23 T16,363 04/03/13 07/02/13 47832 24 T16,476 12/04/13 06/03/14 28620 Deadline 5 p.m. Friday for all photos and articles to be submitted for consideration to be published in the Palacios Beacon 20 Sale # Estimated Adjudged Minimum Bid Value $500.00 (See$500.00 note (See note below) below) CAMELOT FOREST SEC. 3, BLK 38, LT 13, VOL 8, PG 4.* Nation’s biggest all-volunteer cleanup right here in Texas Volunteers are signing up now for the nation’s biggest coastal cleanup on Saturday, Sept. 26. The 2015 Texas General Land Office Adopt-A-Beach Fall Cleanup takes place at 30 of Texas’ most popular tourist beaches. Volunteers can sign up online at to take part in a fun-filled day at the beach that makes a difference. “Sign up now to join forces with thousands of other Texans who care about the coast,” said Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush. “Marine debris kills wildlife and hurts tourism, but it’s a problem we can fix. Come out and be a part of the solution on Saturday, Sept. 26.” Each volunteer will be given data cards, gloves, pencils and trash bags. All volunteers are advised to wear closedtoe shoes, bring sunscreen and plenty of drinking water. The Texas General Land Office Adopt-A-Beach Cleanups are held rain or shine! Texans who are not able to attend the cleanup can help keep their beaches clean by making a tax-deductible donation online at There are several different AdoptA-Beach sponsorship levels Legal Description CAMELOT FOREST, SEC 3, BLK 38, LT 12, VOL 8, PG 4* MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. SANDRA TEW 45942 17 TR.1: LT 1531 , HIGH MEADOW EXTENSION OF TRES PALACIOS OAKS, VOL 7, PG 5 * (ACCT NOS 48349/R17984) TR. 1: LT 38, BLK 7, WHITSON S/D, VOL. 2, PG 1, & VOL. 278, PG 89* 29320 T15,650 10/06/10 02/01/11 T15,664 08/07/08 12/02/08 T15,669 11/03/10 05/03/11 16 Estimated Minimum Bid (See note below) $1,500.00 28815 8 Adjudged Value (See note below) TR 1: LTS 2 & 3, BLK 13, SEC 2, CAMELOT FOREST SUBD, VOL 278, PG. 283 ACCOUNT NOS. 28815 / 16220130000200 & 28816 / 16220130000300 TR. 4: LTS 8 & 9, BLK 20, SEC II, CAMELOT FOREST SUB, VOL 278, PG. 292* (28929/16220200-000800) & (28930/16220200-000900) LT 60, OAK HOLLOW, VOL 6, PG 48* T14,368 04/26/02 08/06/02 7 Legal Description MATAGORDA COUNTY AND VAN VLECK INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. GUNTHER F. SEISER, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY AND VAN VLECK INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. GUNTHER F. SEISER, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. OSCAR LOPEZ MACHIN 1 4 Style of Case Account Number MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET Style of Case AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. TERESA CARTER AKA TERESA HOWARD CARTER, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. TERESA CARTER AKA TERESA HOWARD CARTER, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. TERESA CARTER AKA TERESA HOWARD CARTER, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. TERESA CARTER AKA TERESA HOWARD CARTER, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. CHARLES M. DOLLAR, DECEASED, ET AL LT 5, BLK 7, CAMELOT FOREST, SEC 1, VOL 8, PG 1* Notes: All sales are without warranty, expressed or implied. Specifically, there is no warranty as to title or physical condition (including the condition or existence of any improvements). The sales are subject to any rights of redemption as provided by law. All volume and page references in the legal description refer to the records of the County Clerk of Matagorda County. All prospective bidders should make their own investigation of the title held by the taxing entities and the value of the property. Prospective bidders are encouraged to consult their attorney. Prospective bidders should not rely on the "Adjudged Value" as representing the actual value of the property or any information regarding the property contained in the records of the Matagorda County Appraisal District . Payment must be made in cash or by cashiers check. All sales are final. All Sales subject to cancellation without prior notice. RECENT CHANGES IN THE PROPERTY TAX CODE NOW REQUIRE PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY TO HAVE A STATEMENT FROM THE MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR CERTIFYING THAT THE PERSON/FIRM/COMPANY PURCHASING PROPERTY AT A TAX SALE OWES NO DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES TO ANY TAXING ENTITY WITHIN THE COUNTY. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A TAX SALE DEED TO ANY PROPERTY YOU PURCHASE WITHOUT THIS CERTIFICATE. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE SALE. Palacios Beacon - Wed., August 26, 2015 - Page 9 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Beacon Classified Ads 972-3009 Classified Deadline 10 A.M. MONDAY $5.00 Per Insertion for 25 Words Or Less • Payment required at the time of placement for all Classified Ads 361-972-3596 H Auto Detailing by Appointment H 2004 BMW 1979 FORD 325 F150, $3,500. $6,995. YOU CAN NOW VISIT US ON OUR NEW WEBSITE at IN-HOUSE FINANCING Office: 361-972-3200 David and Jody Cassady Owner/Broker 211 Commerce Nice remodeled 3/1 home near the bay. Huge trees, double size lot & storage shed. $85,000 * 417 Mertie - $195,000 –Lrg home w/3/3 bths totally redone. Privacy fenced w/gazebo & deck. * 184 E. Peggy St- $65,000 – Fishing cabin w/nice metal garage w/lrg. carport. * 204 Morton - $140,000 – Beachy Keen Home! Totally redone inside & out & fully furnished. LOTS & ACREAGE * 0 Turtle Bay Cove - $80,000 – Excellent Bayfront property on Turtle Bay w/2.73 acres. Great homesite! * 0 First St. - $49,000 – Great location! One block from east & South Bay Blvd. * 0 CR 305 Bayshore Rd- $275,800 – 7.88 acres w/fantastic views of Tres Palacios Bay. * 111 5th Street - $40,000 – Enjoy the Good Life! Beautiful 50 x150 lot w/great views of Tres Palacios Bay. * 39 Palacios Bay DR - $94,000 – Wonderful new gated community in Palacios. Many amenities to come! * 0 Windswept DR - $115,000 – Gorgeous waterfront lot w/breathtaking views of Carancahua Bay. * 0 Sage Street - $1,000 – Priced to sell! 2 lots in deed restricted subdivision. Great place for weekend home! * 0 Starling Street - $1000 – 2 lots in Tres Palacios Oaks * 0 Cedar Street - $3,000 – 2 lots in deed restricted subdivision. Community boat ramp & pool! Your Coastal Property Specialists! THE RON BROWN COMPANY 2618 N. Richmond Rd. Wharon, TX 77488 979-532-1013 PRICE REDUCED! WEST BAYSHORE -3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, in Cape Carancaha. BLESSING-3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, on 1/2 + acre with river frontage. Beautiful lot, remodeled inside and out. Mary Repka 832-434-0482 1111 Second Street 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Home, 2 Car Garage CH/A, new floors, remodeled bathrooms. RE/MAX Coastal Properties Call Ron to view @ 979-240-4413. Elmo Duke 979-240-4105 A • 583 AC Ranch - Hwy 281 frontage, George West, TX, Deer Quail, Dove, 2 Ponds, Ranch hand home, 3 furnished homes in Hunters compound. Deer Stands. Fenced. $3,500. per acre. • LOTS - Vaquero Estates, 2.69 AC. 130 Center Tree Dr, $64,000. • LOTS - 4 Lots, 8th St, Markham, $43,000. • 45 Honeycomb W, Blessing - 3/2/2 Home, Oak Hollow S/D - 7 Lots, Large Oaks & Native Trees, RV parking garage, 2 storage sheds, fenced. $70,000. • (2) 32.5 AC Tracts - each has a pond FM 1468/1162, $4,500. AC. • (3) 15.4 AC Tracts - Creek, and Farmland, Vacek Road. • 38 Pecan Ave., Blessing - 3BD, 2BA Brick home. $135,000. • 490 Trout - Lewis Caranchua #2 S/D, Waterfront Lot, 3BD 1BA Home. $175,000. • 18.59 ACRES, HWY 35 W - Access by Barber Rd/Crescent Rd, Palacios, $4000. per Acre, Owner Financing. • FM 3280 - 232 Acre Catfish Farm/Ranch, Ponds, Irrigation Well, Barn with 3BD, 3BA living quarters, $975,000. • 813 PR-BLESSING - 1BR, 1BA, 1360 sq.ft. $65,000. • 22 ACRES-HWY 1862 - $121,000. • WE NEED FARMS & RANCH LAND • 2 BD, 1BA - Mobile home to be moved $20,000 • 1085 HWY 616 - Blessing, 3BD, 2.5BA • COMMERCIAL BUILDING - Palacios • LOTS - Turtle Bay Cove, Palacios • HWY 35, BLESSING - 22 AC, Will divide 10 AC, $6,500. Per AC • CR 334 - 234 AC Turf Grass Farm, 3BD, 2BA Home, $1,500,000. • FM 1162, Markham- Catfish Processing Plant, 4.9 AC $279,900. FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT: 1004 1/2 Ritchie. 2BD, 1BA, Hook-up for washer/dryer. Absolutely no pets. 361-404-0750. (35-1tp) ------------------------------------------------th 2BD, 1BA APARTMENT @ 1419 4 St. for rent. $500/month + Deposit. You pay utilities. Call 361-920-2824 for more information. (33-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR LEASE: 2 BD, 1 BA house at 404 Morton for rent. 1 year lease, $825/month + $825/deposit. No pets, no smokers. Refrigerator, stove provided. Washer/Dryer connections. Background checks performed on applicants. 832-723-0707 (27-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR RENT: 2 BR, 2BA, 2 story Townhome. Unfurnished. Just updated, incl: washer / dryer. Available mid September. See website: www. for contact information. (33-tfc) -----------------------------------------------COMMERCIAL SPACE for lease. 1000 square feet. Call 361-649-4275 for more information (24-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ REAL ESTATE House for Sale: 517 W. Craymer Palacios. Est. 3,500 sq. ft. living area, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, formal dining, family room, and large sunroom. Includes 25x30 metal building. Great neighborhood, sits on 3.5 lots……. Asking $268,500. 361-235-9163 (23-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 1111 2nd St., 3-2-2. CH/A, new floors, remodeled bathrooms, Call Ron to view @ 979-2404413. Re/Max Coastal Properties 215 5th St., Palacios. (48-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR SALE: Riverfront property on 2 lots. 3BD, 2BA house, CH/A, WBFP. Built in 2000. Enjoy river on tree lined property. Great fishing for trout. Subdivision has boat launch with access to bay, Swimming pool. Call Ron Laws for details 979-240-4413. (37-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ Dan Tucker 979-241-5457 Broker/Owner Ron Laws 979-240-4413 Broker/Owner Tammy Hill 979-240-3420 Realtor Charlotte Tucker 979-241-8615 Realtor COASTAL PROPERTIES 215 5th Street 361-972-5900 Independently owned and operated HELP WANTED 1121 7th Street Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1441 Palacios Autos 117 Henderson 972-3009 Classified Deadline 10 A.M. MONDAY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 3BD, 2BA Nice home with detached 3 car garage. Shown by appointment only. $190,000. Call 361-6494275 and please leave a message. (9-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ MISC. FOR SALE MOVING SALE: Sofa, love seat, coffee/sofa tables, queen mattress set, computer desk, printer, 2 media cabinets, 42” LGTV, microwave, file cabinet. Call 361-972-3025. (35-1tp) PUBLIC NOTICES OFFICE HELP for Bower’s Shrimp Farm. Please apply at (35-1tc) -----------------------------------------------HELP WANTED: Applications available for Librarian assistant at the Palacios Library, Quick Books background necessary. (34-2tc) -----------------------------------------------BARTENDERS NEEDED at Omar’s Bar and Grill, 814 Henderson, Palacios, TX. Apply Within. (19-tfc) -------------------------------------------------- GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE: Multi-Family, Fri., Aug. 28th & Sat., Aug., 29th, 8am to ? 1860 CR 317 ( Corner of 12th St. just before Buffalo Rd. (35-1tp) ----------------------------------------------3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE: Fri., Aug., 28th & Sat., Aug., 29th, 8am to ?, Hwy 35 towards High School, on left, beside blue house. Baby & kid’s clothes, knick-knacks, some furniture & other misc. items (35-1tp) ----------------------------------------------- The Matagorda County - Palacios Seawall Commission will hold a meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at the Port of Palacios, 1602 Main St., Hwy 35, Palacios, Texas, to consider adopting a proposed tax rate for tax year 2015. The proposed tax rate is .01761 per $100 of value. (35-2tc) ------------------------------------------------ Mesothelioma may occur 30 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos. Many workers were exposed from the 1940s through the 1970s. Industrial and construction workers, along with their families (second hand exposure) are among those at risk for mesothelioma, lung cancer or gastro cancer (throat, stomach, colon). Call us for professional insight. EXPERIENCE COUNTS Lawyers with more than 100 years combined expertise. Ryan A. Krebs, M.D., J.D. Doctor-Lawyer in Full-time Law Practice Richard A. Dodd, L.C. Timothy R. Cappolino, P.C. Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Law and Civil Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization NO FEE FOR FIRST VISIT OffICes In HOustOn/COnrOe, teMple and austIn, prInCIpal OffICe In CaMerOn 1-800-460-0606 www.Asbestos Palacios Air Repair Heating & Air Conditioning Sales, Service & Installations 979-429-7488 407 Henderson (Hwy. 35) • Palacios, Tx. Richard Bari LIGHT DOZER • No Charge Service Call • or BACKHOE SERVICE BY: GENE EGGEMEYER • Fence line cleaning • Small Pond Construction • Dirt/Gravel Leveling NOTICE OF BIDS Friends of Elder Citizens will be accepting sealed bids for a 1975 Aquarius sailboat, motor, and trailer. All bids must be sealed and delivered to 312 Main St., Palacios, Texas 77465. Minimum bid $800.00. Bids will be accepted until September 15, 2015. (34-3tc) -----------------------------------------------SMALL TAXING UNIT NOTICE MATAGORDA COUNTY PALACIOS SEAWALL COMMISSION FREE ESTIMATES HOME COMFORT SYSTEMS Innovation never felt so good. If you need it pushed, leveled, or cleared call 361-972-5593 361-676-0386 (cell) SERVICES MARRIAGE & FAMILY THERAPY 441 Main St. Palacios, TX 77465 361-404-1818 Chi Gibson, MFT-Intern Supervisor: Dr. Lillian Solis-Smith, PHD,LPC-S,LMF-S (31-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ SUPPORT GROUPS DRINKING PROBLEM?: CAN’T STOP? , Episcopal Hall, 3rd & Main St., Palacios, Thursday, 7 p.m. & Sunday 3:30 p.m. Call John (361)5539638 or Jeff (713)299-7179. (34-tfnc) ------------------------------------------------ WANTED PALACIOS PET PALS needs Weight Circles from Purina Brand Dog and Cat food bags and boxes. They can be used to get discounts. Please call 361972-0100 for more information or mail cut out circles to Pet Pals, P.O. Box 215, Palacios, TX or drop in Palacios at H.L.C. Bookkeeping, 217 Fifth St., during business hours. (18-tfnc) ------------------------------------------------ 361.575.1981 800.831.1981 Quality Products , Quality People Robbie Brieden 361-920-2891 Realtor • 133 Carrigan Ave, Port Lavaca, TX - Alamo Beach, 3BD, 1BA, 1 bonus room, storage building, covered porch, fishing pier, CH/A, $325,000. Call Robbie • 369 CR 431, Lolilta - 3BD, 2BA + 1/2BA, 2 car garage, covered patio, deck, CH/A, 2 fireplaces. $169,000. Call Robbie • 213 Elizabeth - Mobile home, Single, 3BD, 2BA, fireplace (not woodburning), built in China cabinet and entertainment center, storm doors, deck, storage building. $65,000.00 Call Charlotte • 325 CR 430, Lolita - 4BD, 3BA + 1/2BA, CH/A, attached carport. Great county living with spacios rooms. $550,000. Call Robbie • 1920 CR 372 - Sunset Bay House, (fully furnished), open concept. 1BD 2BA, 2 car garage. 160' long fishing pier. 394 ' bulkheaded frontage on Tres Palacios Bay. Great view of bay 5 plus Acres, CH/A, $385,000. Call Ron • 1512 Renee - Nicely remodeled 3BD, 2BA, Beautiful large kitchen with lots of cabinets & counter space, has a nice sun room off the living room. Detached garage with shop. $160,000. Call Tammy • 408 E. Peggy - 2BD, 2BA. Great open air deck upstairs with view of bay. 40x40 Metal workshop/boat storage with utilities, 2 seperate living quarters $146,000. Call Tammy • 206 University - 4BD, 2BA, Carpet and vinyl floors, 2 car garage, fenced yard, CH/A, Great family home. $169,000. REDUCED $ 149,000.Call Ron • 802 CR 467, Palacios - 3BD, 2 1/2 BA, CH/A, Wood and vinyl floors, New water well. Brick home on 1.16 Acres. $125,000. Call Ron • 335 Grand Oak, Tres Palacios Oaks - 4 Lots, 2BD, 1BA House surrounded by large Oak trees. CH/A, 2 Metal buildings, Screened porch. Community pool, and boat launch. $55,000. REDUCED $48,000. Call Ron • 508 Humphrey - 1BD, 1BA, home on small lot. CH/A, WoodPENDING floors. Great weekender. $45,000. Possible owner finance with $9,000. down payment. Call Ron. CONTRACT • 413 W. Craymer - 3BD, 2BA, 2 Car garage. New CH/A, new windows. $172,000. Call Charlotte • 46 PR 709 - 2 Houses facing Tres Palacios CONTRACT River up on a hill. Main house 2BD, 2BA, CH/A located on .98 of an acre . Water well, septic. 2nd House is a PENDING 1BD,1BA. Both houses need TLC. $120,000. Call Ron • 1111 Second St. - 3BD, 2BA, 2 Car garage House, 2 lots, 2 remodeled bathrooms, new tile and laminate floors. New hot water heater and central air and heat unit. Covered patio, Electric window shutters. Fenced yard. View of Tres Palacios Bay $189,000. Call Ron • 3441 Beachside Blvd. - 3BD, 2BA House, 1800 GLA, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, CH/A. Covered porch to enjoy the sunrise and sunsets. Gasted community. Ground level offers covered parking for cars and boats. $253,000. Call Ron • 74 Grand Oak, Tres Palacios Oaks - 2-3 BD, 2BA, Brick home. Home sitting on 5 fenced in lots. Garage/Workshop with a carport for a RV. Community swimming pool & boat ramp $96,000. REDUCED! $86,800. Call Tammy • 308 Magnusson - 3BD, 2BA, home on 2 1/2 lots, with 2 buildings. Also has slab for RV hook-up. $118,000. REDUCED $110,000. Call Tammie • 2111 E. Bayshore - Stunning house overlooking Tres Palacios Bay. Main house is 2BR, 1BA, CH/A, large livingroom, den, fireplace, Jacuzzi in masterbath. Fenced yard, 2 car garage. large metal building. Guest quarters 1BD, 1BA, efficiency. Recent build outdoor kitchen $285,000. • 307 Windswept - Located in Sunrise Bay Sub-Division. This 3BD, 3BA, open concept home has a beautiful view of the bay. $279,000. Call Charlotte • 413 E Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 3BA, Town home with waterview from balcony, $215,000.REDUCED $195,000. Call Charlotte • 415 E Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 3BA, Town home with waterview, gated parking in the back. $215,000. REDUCED $195,000. Call Charlotte • 805 Ave C, Blessing - 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, cinder block home, remodeled bathroom. $45,000. Call Tammy • 401 Henderson - Strip Mall! Great Business location! $325,000. Call Charlotte LAND • 0 Bayshore Drive - 2 Great waterfront lots on West side of Cape Carancahua S/D. Has wooden bulk head. Community fishing pier, boat ramp, pool, security gate. $79,000. Call Ron • 720 Sunrise Bay Drive - This property offers a great view of Carancahua Bay. Community fishing pier, boat launch, swimming pool, wetlands observation walkway, 3 Acres, $49,000. Call Ron • 1 Acre Lot 29 Bay Drive, Way Point Landing - $138,000. Call Charlotte • 564 Lady Fish, Boca Chica - 50x50 lot, HOA Dues-$125, Completely set up for RV. Community fishing pier, boat ramp and swimming pool. $28,000. Call Tammy • 321 CR 447, Midfield- Lot size 5.07 Acres $68,500. REDUCED $63,500.Call Robbie • 33 Palacios Bay Dr., Beachside - Aprx. lot size 50x169. Gated community. City services. Great views of Tres Palacios Bay. $28,000. Call Ron • 37 Palacios Bay Dr., Beachside - Aprx. lot size 35x169x60. Gated community. City services. Great view of Tres Palacios Bay. $53,000. Call Ron • 154 Bay Ridge Dr., Beachside, Palacios - Gated community. City services. Great views of Tres Palacios Bay. Aprx. lot size 50x175. $28,000. Call Ron • 173 Bay Point Dr., Beachside, Palacios - Gated community. City services. Great view of Tres Palacios Bay. Aprx. lot size 54x175. $33,000. Call Ron • 1.27 Acres - Hwy 35 - Sloan Rd, $18,000. Call Ron • 0 Henderson Hwy 35 - 162ft. Wide x 210ft. Deep, .78 Acres. Prime commercial building site. Great location for restaurant, or retail store. $150,000. Call Ron • Lot 709, Cape Carancahua - Great building site, gated community, community swimming pool and boat ramp. Priced only $6,000. Call Ron • 1.68 Acres, CR 313, Vanderbilt - Great site. Country living. Industrial School District. $10,000. Call Ron • Lot 1009-1010, BayView - 2 Lots with water view, in gated community. $15,000. REDUCED $13,500. Call Robbie • 3.2 Acres, Hwy 35 - Over 3.2 acres with 200 ft. of frontage on Turtle Bay with bulkhead. Located just outside of town. $98,000. Call Ron • Lot 121, Beachside S/D - Gated community with lots of future amenities, underground utilities. $17,500. Call Ron • Lot 146 - Bayview in Cape Carancahua. Gated community with boat launch, pool, piers. $10,000. Call Ron • 552 Bayview - 2 Lots. Great lots to build on. S/D has piers, boat launch, pool. $19,000. Call Ron • Lot 24 Windswept - Sunrise Bay S/D. Fantastic view of Carancahua Bay. $45,000. Call Ron • 633 Swallow Drive - 2 Great lots to build on, includes small building and power pole. S/D has boat launch, pool and pier. $21,000. Call Ron • River Hollow Way - 1 Acre of River front property, lots of trees. $51,500. Call Tammy • 6405 SH 35 - 1.73 Acres of undeveloped SOLDwaterfront property on Turtle Bay. Over 148 ft. of water frontage with seawall. $92,000. Call Ron • FM 3280 - 627.71 Acres in 2 different tracts. $1,489,000. Call Dan • 503 E Bay Blvd. - Wateview, great building site, close to boat ramp. $150,000. Call Charlotte • 10 Acres-Collins Rd - Great tract for building or commercial, fenced. $65,000. REDUCED $39,000. Call Ron • 2 Acres - on Tres Palacios Bay -"Collegeoport" with 120' of Bulkhead $105,000. Owner financing available. Call Ron • 1st & McGlothin - 6 Lots, Road frontage on 4 sides. $115,000. Call Ron • E. Bayshore Dr. - 1 Acre would be a great homesite with view of the bay. $110,000. Call Tammy • Lots 1344 & 1345 - Cape Carancahua, Waterfront lots-$79,000. each. Call Ron • Palacios Acres - Lot B - 2.08 Acres on 12th Street. Great location and close to town. $35,000. Call Ron • Palacios Acres - Lot C - 2.08 Acres. Convenient location. Close to town. $35,000. Call Ron • Riverfront Property - Live Oak Landing S/D, Lot 9, 2 acres. $89,000. Call Robbie • 1620 Ruthven - 1 acre waterfront property with bayfront view $70,000. Call Tammy • 2201 First St. - 6 acres in town. Building not included. $220,000. $217,500. REDUCED $180,000. Call Charlotte • 684-685 Swallow - 130' x110' $12,000. Call Ron • 8.2 Acres on Green Ave. - $145,000. Possible owner finance. Call Ron • 1 Acre tracts on Collins Rd. - Great Building Site! Call Ron • 862 CR 478 - 1.3 Acres on Carancahua Bay - w/ 308' waterfront, Wonderful homesite. $159,995 $139,995. REDUCED $ 139,000. Call Charlotte • Bayshore Dr - 2.5 Acres WATERFRONT Land. Great Homesite! $295,000. REDUCED $199,000. Call Charlotte • Various Lots in BEACHSIDE S/D, some foreclosures, Sunrise Bay, Bay Point, Live Oak Landing, TPO, Cape and Boca Chica BUYERS, COME SHOP WITH US. WE CO-BROKE See our website at TexSCAN Week of August 23, 2015 REAL ESTATE 4.1 ACRES north of Kerrville, paved roads, electricity, live oak trees, Harper schools, $790 down, $337/month, (9.9%, 20 years) 1-800-876-9720 or LOOKING TO SELL land? Reach over 2-million readers for one low price in the Texas Statewide Advertising Network. Contact this newspaper or call 1-800-749-4793 DRIVERS - NO EXPERIENCE? Some or TRAINING/SCHOOL LOTS of experience? Let’s Talk! No matter AIRLINE CAREERS begin here - Get started what stage in your career, its time, call Central Refridgerated Home. 1-844-945-3509 or training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Aviation Institute of MEDICAL SUPPLIES Maintenance. 1-800-475-4102. SAFE STEP WALK-IN Tub. Alert for Seniors. Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Statewide Ad .................. $550 288 Newspapers, 844,050 Circulation than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. North Region Only ...... $250 Call 1-800-606-8052 for $750 Off. 95 Newspapers, 297,505 Circulation DRIVERS GOT KNEE PAIN? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-relieving brace - little or NO DRIVER TRAINEES - PAID CDL TRAINING! cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Stevens Transport will cover all costs! NO Hotline Now! 1-800-518-0173 EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Earn $800 per week! Local CDL Training! 1-888-589-9677 or South Region Only ..... $250 101 Newspapers, 366,627 Circulation West Region Only ....... $250 92 Newspapers, 205,950 Circulation To Order: Call this Newspaper direct, or call Texas Press Service at 1-800-749-4793 Today! NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 1-800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is Extend your advertising reach with TexSCAN, your Statewide Classified Ad Network. Bill likes the local sports coverage. Miranda wants to hear what’s going on around town. Keri’s all about the classifieds. They all have different interests, but they all have one thing in common: They “sign up” to Palacios Beacon for news, information and sales! M Y P A P E R $30 year$25.00 in Matagorda County - $40 per year everywhere else Mailper Delivery: /year in Matagorda County, $35.00 /year outside Matagorda County Save gas! Call today to start receiving your newspaper at home! The Palacios Beacon 361-972-3009 Page 10 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., August 26, 2015 Texas Coastal Fishing Report BOLIVAR: Trout are good on the outgoing tide at Rollover Pass on soft plastics and mullet. Redfish are good in the marsh with higher tides. TRINITY BAY: Trout are fair to good for drifters working pods of shad and mullet on plastics and live bait. Redfish and flounder are fair on the north shoreline on live shad. EAST GALVESTON BAY: Trout are good on the south shoreline on topwaters and soft plastics. Trout are fair to good on the shell adjacent to the channel on live bait. Trout are good on live bait over deep shell. Trout are good in the surf. WEST GALVESTON BAY: Trout, sheepshead, redfish and black drum are good at the jetty on shrimp and crabs. Offshore is good for kingfish, ling and dolphin. Tarpon have been cruising the beachfront. TEXAS CITY: Trout are fair to good on the reefs and in the channel on live shrimp and croakers. Redfish and sand trout are fair to good in Moses Lake and Dickinson Bayou on shrimp. FREEPORT: Trout are good in the surf on croakers and topwaters. Trout are good at San Luis Pass on shrimp, topwaters and soft plastics. Trout, redfish, sand trout and sheepshead are good on live shrimp on the reefs in Christmas Bay. EAST MATAGORDA BAY: Trout are good for drifters on live shrimp over mid–bay reefs and shell on live shrimp, Norton Sand Shad, Bass Assassins and Down South Lures. Redfish are good on the north shoreline on shrimp. WEST MATAGORDA BAY: Trout are fair over sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish and black drum are fair to good at Shell Island on live shrimp. PORT O’CONNOR: Trout and redfish are good at the jetty on live bait. Trout and redfish are fair to good on topwaters and live bait over sand and in San Antonio Bay. Trout are good in the surf on croakers. ROCKPORT: Trout are fair over grass while drifting with live shrimp and Gulps. Redfish are good on piggy perch and shrimp around Mud Island and Estes Flats. PORT ARANSAS: Trout, redfish and sheepshead are fair to good at the jetty on shrimp and croakers. Offshore is good for dolphin, ling, kingfish and tuna. Weekly paddling events at MCBNC The Matagorda County Birding Nature Center’s pier is the host site for the following ‘free’ paddling activities which are scheduled to routinely take place from now through early November; weather permitting. The non-profit Nature Center does not rent kayaks, nor does it assume responsibility for the safety and well-being of those participating in these no-sponsor, no-fee, meet-ups of paddlers. MCBNC members are eligible to check out a single or tandem kayak from the MCBNC’s fleet on a no-cost, first-come basis (annual dues are only $20/person or $30/family) for these events. Non-members must bring their own kayak, canoe or stand-up paddleboard, and are asked pay the $3/person or $5/carload entry fee. Call 979-240-4872 to verify the plans and details for these come-when-you-can waterborne events. Fitness Afloat - A brisk two-hour paddle on the Colorado every Monday at 6:30 a.m. for those focused on physical conditioning and spiritual awakening in the Great Outdoors as part of an informal, no-charge, meetup group. Weather permitting; this activity is scheduled to take place from now through early November. Fun Time on the Water – A leisurely, no-charge meetup of paddlers every Thursday afternoon for an enjoyable outing on the Colorado River. Participants may launch anytime from 5:15 – 6:00 P.M. and stay out until dark. Moonlight Magic – A monthly nighttime float trip to soak up the mystical powers of full-moon lunar illumination. Check the calendar for the specific date of the full moon. Designated launch times and recommended items to bring should be verified by phone. Palacios Shark football season tickets on sale now Football Season tickets will cost you $30 and are renewable at the administration building from 8-4 p.m. Mon.Fri. Pre-game adult tickets for non-district and district games are $6 and pre-game student tickets cost $3. All tickets at the game cost $6. Unclaimed season tickets will go on sale to the public on Aug. 27. If you have any questions call 972-5491. Senior Athletic Pass If you are a resident of Palacios ISD and age 65 or older you are entitled to a Senior Athletic Pass. This pass will allow one general admission seat to attend home athletic events. To receive your pass you must bring proof of age and residency to the Administration Office at 1209 Twelfth St. between 8-4 p.m. Mon.Fri. An Advertising Breakthrough Palacios Beacon CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINE DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF TEXAS § § § MATAGORDA COUNTY and issued pursuant to judgment decree(s) of the District Court of Matagorda County, Texas, by the Clerk of said Court on said date, in the hereinafter numbered and styled suit(s) and to me directed and delivered as Sheriff or Constable of said County, I have on July 23, 2015, seized, levied upon, and will, on the first Tuesday in September, 2015, the same being the 1st day of said month, at the North Entry, 1700 7th Street of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of Bay City, Texas, between the hours of 10 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. on said day, beginning at 10:00 AM, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder all the right, title, and interest of the defendants in such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants, the same lying and being situated in the County of Matagorda and the State of Texas, to-wit: Sale # Cause # Judgment Date Acct # Order Issue Date Style of Case 361-972-3009 NEW LISTINGS EVERY WEDNESDAY! Adjudged Value Estimated Minimum Bid $6,000.00 $4,500.00 LAWRENCE RAMEY SURV, ABST 79, 9.72 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, VOL 202, PG 228* $27,270.00 $3,900.00 MATAGORDA COUNTY VS. MABEL WILLIAMS, DECEASED, ET AL PLEDGER ORIGINAL TOWNSITE, BLK 1, LTS 4-5, VOL 9, PG 545* $22,780.00 $5,500.00 46623 JULY 23, 2015 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. PINKIE W. AUSTIN AKA PINKIE WILLIAMS AUSTIN LT 23, BLK 2, W. F. TETTS RESUBD, BAY CITY, VOL 2, PG. 47* SAVE & EXCEPT NORTH 6 FT, VOL 348, PG 482* $2,640.00 $2,640.00 T16,303 08/20/12 33573 JULY 23, 2015 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. TIMOTHY C. PLUTA AKA TIMOTHY CLOYD PLUTA DOWNEY'S CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 10, LT 7, VOL 5, PGS 13-15* $20,000.00 $2,200.00 6 T16,303 08/20/12 33574 JULY 23, 2015 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. TIMOTHY C. PLUTA AKA TIMOTHY CLOYD PLUTA DOWNEY'S CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 10, LT 8, VOL 5, PG 1315* $20,000.00 $2,200.00 7 T16,332 05/12/12 16867 JULY 23, 2015 MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. WILLIAM B. PAYNE AKA WILLIAM BASLEY PAYNE AKA BILL PAYNE, TRUSTEE UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN 3.0 ACRES, ELIJAH DECROW 1/3 LEAGUE, ABST 141, J. ALLEN SURV, ABST 110, J. TILLEY LABOR, ABST, 395 ELIZABETH GREEN LEAGUE, ABST 165, VOL 265, PG 548* (ACCT NOS. 16867/R10995/R28970)* $7,500.00 $7,000.00 8 46039 T16,482 JULY 23, 2015 11/08/13 Acct # Cause # Judgment Date Order Issue Date MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. CHARITA BREE, AKA of Case CHARITAStyle PRESTON NORTH 20 FT, MORE OR LESS, LT 32 SOUTH END SUB'D, VOL 1, PG 59* Legal Description $23,230.00 $4,500.00 PALACIOS ORIGINAL TOWNSITE, LT 3, BLK 104, VOL 14, PG 374* (ACCT# 43123/R15101) 43954 JULY 23, 2015 T16,211 04/10/12 5 T15,551 11/03/10 43123 2 T16,191 05/12/15 14528 JULY 23, 2015 3 T16,191 05/12/15 4 Sale # Adjudged Value Estimated Minimum Bid 9 T16,486 05/12/15 47162 JULY 23, 2015 TRES PALACIOS OAKS S/D, LT MATAGORDA COUNTY VS. 227, LIVE OAK SEC, VOL 5, PG 47 UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF PAUL B. CAMPBELL, (ACCT 47162/R15531)* DECEASED, ET AL $1,300.00 $1,300.00 10 T16,558 05/12/15 16277 JULY 23, 2015 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. BERNICE M. GREENE G J WILLIAMS SURV, 1/11 UDI, 50 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, ABST 103, VOL 451, PG 40* $15,580.00 $8,000.00 11 T16,587 03/23/15 29002 JULY 23, 2015 CAMELOT FOREST SEC 2, BLK MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL 23, LT 8 & LTS 13-17, VOL 8, PG VS. ASSOCIATES FIRST CAPITAL CORPORATION, ET AL 2* $12,400.00 $6,600.00 12 T16,606 05/12/15 34032 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. E. D. FRANKLIN, JR. AKA EVERERTT DOUGLAS FRANKLIN, ET AL DOWNEY'S CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 14, LT 22, VOL 5, PG 24* $1,500.00 $1,500.00 13 T16,606 05/12/15 34033 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. E. D. FRANKLIN, JR. AKA EVERERTT DOUGLAS FRANKLIN, ET AL DOWNEY'S CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 14, LT 23, VOL 5, PG 24* $1,500.00 $1,500.00 14 T16,635 05/12/15 20201 JULY 23, 2015 MATAGORDA COUNTY VS. BAY 1.026 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, I & G. N.R.R.CO SURV #4, BLK 3, CITY SAND, INC., ET AL ABST 274, CLK'S FILE# 047743* $75,610.00 $20,000.00 15 T16,635 05/12/15 19509 JULY 23, 2015 MATAGORDA COUNTY VS. BAY 9.75 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, I. & G. N. R. R. CO. SURV 7, BLK B-1, CITY SAND, INC., ET AL ABST 241, VOL 281, PG 320* $14,740.00 $3,300.00 16 T16,635 05/12/15 19524 JULY 23, 2015 MATAGORDA COUNTY VS. BAY 30.75 AC, MORE OR LESS, I. & G. N. R. R. CO. SURV 7, BLK B-1, CITY SAND, INC., ET AL ABST 241, VOL 340, PG 356* $46,470.00 $7,800.00 17 T16,697 05/12/15 28935 JULY 23, 2015 MATAGORDA COUNTY VS. JERRY LEE JONES, ET AL CAMELOT FOREST SEC 2, BLK 20, LT 14, VOL 8, PG 2* $500.00 $500.00 18 T16,697 05/12/15 28936 JULY 23, 2015 MATAGORDA COUNTY VS. JERRY LEE JONES, ET AL CAMELOT FOREST SEC 2, BLK 20, LT 15, VOL 8, PG 2* $500.00 $500.00 (any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Matagorda County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete description of each respective tract.) or, upon the written request of said defendants or their attorney, a sufficient portion of the property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties, and cost; and any property sold shall be subject to the right of redemption of the defendants or any person having an interest therein, to redeem the said property, or their interest therein, within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to which the defendants or anyone interested therein may be entitled, under the provisions of law. Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment(s) rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceeds of said sales to be applied to the satisfaction thereof, and the remainder, if any, to be applied as the law directs. RECENT CHANGES IN THE PROPERTY TAX CODE NOW REQUIRE PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY TO HAVE A STATEMENT FROM THE MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR CERTIFYING THAT THE PERSON/FIRM/COMPANY PURCHASING PROPERTY AT A TAX SALE OWES NO DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES TO ANY TAXING ENTITY WITHIN THE COUNTY. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A TAX SALE DEED TO ANY PROPERTY YOU PURCHASE WITHOUT THIS CERTIFICATE. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE SALE. Dated at Bay City, Texas, July 23, 2015 Sheriff Frank "Skipper" Osborne Matagorda County, Texas Now Available In Print & Online! To place your ad, call or visit our website: Legal Description MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. IGNACIO GUILLEN, A/K/A IGNACIO SALAZAR GUILLEN, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY VS. MABEL WILLIAMS, DECEASED, ET AL 1 Automotive • Real Estate Merchandise • Personals Employment DEADLINE MONDAy 10 A.M. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE By Deputy Notes: The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudged value. However, the Minimum Bid for a person owning an interest in the property or for a person who is a party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale. ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL TAXES DUE ON THE PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT. For more information, contact your attorney or LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP., attorney for plaintiffs, at (713) 844-3576 S PORTS DEADLINE DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY Palacios Beacon Palacios Beacon - Wed., August 26, 2015 Page 11 Sharkettes win 7 of 9, take Consolation in Ganado Trny. BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Publisher Tidehaven varsity Tigerette volleyball MEMBERS of the 2015 Tidehaven varsity Tigerette volleyball team are: (front, l-r) Alyssa Ramirez, Hilary Saha, Ashton Crow, Kaitlin Lucio, Brooke Leach, Lauren Bullock and Laura West; (back) Joie Pena, Chelcy Broussard, Briannia Armour, Melanie Brewer, Allison Swift and Emily Mathis. (Beacon Photo by Alyssa Wilson Garcia) Sharks paced by 4th, 5th & 6th place finishes in season’s first meet BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Publisher The Shark and Sharkette cross country teams kicked off the start of the running season by hosting the Palacios Cross Country Meet last weekend. “It was a good first meet, in tough muddy conditions,” said Palacios cross country coach Bill Fort. “I’m proud overall of both the boys and girls efforts. Hopefully we will learn from this, get better each week and be in position at the end of the year with a chance for a district championship in the boys and girls divisions.” Three Sharks finished in the top six and the boy harriers placed second in the team standings behind Industrial’s Cobras. At the forefront of the pack of Sharks was the sibling duo of Sergio and Juan Mancera, who finished in fourth (12:42) and fifth (12:51), respectively, with fellow Shark Miguel Gutierrez close behind in sixth (13:00). Jacob Flores legged a 14:04 and finished the course in 16th. Tyler Le and Tommy Garcia rounded out the varsity Sharks in 18th (14:11) and 19th (14:22), respectively. Sharkettes Palacios had just two Sharkette harriers in the varsity heat. Tasha Turner posted a 15:06 to claim 20th. Alex Hinds came in 33rd with a 17:08 mark. JV Sharks The junior varsity Sharks captured fourth place in the team standings. Sweeny took the team crown, followed by Needville and Industrial. Palacios’ best finish came from Eric Cerda, who legged a 13:28 to finish in 12th. In 15th, Dominic Garcia ran a 13:41. Silverio Gonzales finished in 18th with a time of Freshmen using proper form PALACIOS Sharkette freshman Meagan Ramirez utilizes proper technique, while teammate Broke Vandebergh looks on during a match last week. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) VARSITY Sharkette harrier Tasha Turner leads a pack of long distance runners at last week’s inagural meet of 2015 cross country season held at the Texas Marine Education Center in Palacios. Turner clocked a 15:06 to finish in 20th position. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) 14:00. Bryan Garcia-Moreno posted a 14:31 to claim 20th, followed by David Cruz in 28th (16”05) and Trey Chavez in 30th (17:06). JV Sharkettes Just like the JV Sharks, the sub-varsity Sharkettes finished fourth in the team standings . Palacios freshman Gabriella Figirova led the jayvee squad with a 15:10 to finish in sixth. Bailey Grones legged a 15:57 to take 13th. Elizabeth Mancera (17:22) and Mariela Ortiz (17:23) finished 24th and 25h, respectively. Palacios’ Marian Gomez finished 27th (17:27) and Maria Serrato took 28th (17:48). The JV harriers were rounded by the 39th place finish of Maria Hurtado (20:43) and Milca Rodriguez’s 40th place finish in 20:50. The Shark and Sharkette harriers will be off and running again at the Brazoswood meet this Sat. (Aug. 29) The fury that comes with early season volleyball was on full display with the hometown Sharkettes winning seven of their nine matches on the hardwood last week. The Sharkettes dropped a pair of games in the Ganado Tournament last week, but regrouped to capture consolation with three consecutive wins on the tourney’s final day. “We played really well the first day of the tournament and then the second day we seemed to be flat,” said Sharkette head coach Barbara Buckley-Peeples. “We made too many errors and ended up losing two games, which we were in control of in the beginning and then we lost focus. The girls played really well on Saturday and won all three games to win the consolation trophy.” The Sharkettes navigated the first day of tourney action with three straight wins over Sacred Heart (28-26, 25-16), Ganado (25-23, 25-17) and Wharton (25-15, 25-17). Last Friday, the Sharkettes were cooked by Rice in straight sets, 24-26, 14-25, to finish second in their Pool. In the first game of bracket play, Peeples’ spikers jumped atop Boling 25-21 to claim the first set, then fell 18-25, 19-25 in back-to-back sets to concede the match. Instead of allowing Friday’s losses to carrier over into Saturday’s performance, the Sharkettes rallied and reeled off another three straight wins (Tidehaven: 25-9, 25-12; Ganado: 25-15, 25-8; and Wharton: 22-25, 25-20, 25-18) to take Consolation. In the Consolation game, Sharkette sophomore Elizabeth Ortiz tallied 26 digs and finished with nine points, three kills and a pair of aces. Katelyn Sexton tacked on 15 digs, 14 kills, eight points and two aces. Brittany Guerrero registered 15 digs, nine assists and four points; Cameron Greaves picked up 15 digs, six points and two kills; Lila Filip finished with 10 digs, seven points and four kills; Kamryn Vickers netted eight assists, seven digs and six points; Chae Neimeyer added four digs and one assist; and Marissa Figueroa rounded out the Sharkettes with three digs and one assist. Palacios’ Cameron Greaves and Katy Sexton were tabbed with All-Tournament honors. Greaves racked up 82 digs, 20 kills, 10 blocks and six aces, while Sexton finished the tourney with 78 kills, 74 digs and served up a whopping 17 aces. Earlier in the week, the Sharkettes sent Van Vleck’s Lady Leps back up Hwy. 35 after a four set smashing, 2512, 25-21, 22-25, 25-22. Sexton led the Sharkette attack at the net with 22 digs, 14 kills, 12 points, two aces The Sharkettes were to visit Wharton on Tues. (Aug. 25) before hosting Boling’s Lady Bulldogs at 5 p.m. on Fri. (Aug. 28). PALACIOS Sharkettes Brittany gets a bump... VARSITY Sharkette Birttany Guerrero (center) gets a bump on the ball in last week’s win over Van Vleck with teammates Lila Filip (5) and Marissa Figueroa watching the action. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) and a block at the net. Greaves registered 26 digs, 15 points, six kills, five aces and one block. Guerrero racked up 13 points, 13 digs, five assists and four aces. Filip hit the deck for 12 digs, and tacked on three kills, three blocks and served up a pair of aces. Madeline Harvey tallied 13 digs, four points and a ace; Ortiz added six kills, three digs, an ace and one points; and Figueroa finsihed with five digs and one assist. JV Sharkettes spike Lady Leps in two sets The JV Sharkettes needed just two sets to dispose of the Lady Leps from Van Vleck. Palaicos pounded their feline counterparts 25-19, 25-7. Cassie Rios led the way with 12 points. Bailey Grones, and Brit- tany and Brianna Serna finished with seven points each. Vivian Parga tacked on six points. Sarah Filip finished with five points, Brianne Simmons added four, and Andrea Gonzales tacked on two in the win. Sharkette frosh serve up a win in three sets The Sharkette freshmen spikes downed Van Vleck in three sets in last week’s action, 21-25, 2624, 25-19. Meagan Ramirez led the way with 19 seves. Brooke Vandenbergh tacked on 11 serves followed by Lane Tucker’s six serves. JV Sharkette Brianne Simmons throws down a spike on Van Vleck’s Lady Leps in last week’s action. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) SUBSCRIBE TO THE PALACIOS BEACON $30 A YEAR IN COUNTY • $40 A YEAR OUT-OF-COUNTY Page 12 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., August 26, 2015 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios’ 2015 varsity Shark football MEMBERS of the 2015 varsity Palacios Shark football team are: (front, l-r) Henry Molina, Josh Garcia, Ethan Garcia, Joseph Rodriguez, Head Coach Brad Bowden, Adrian Ortiz, Sam Schulman, Hayden Harvey and Morgan Segovia; (second row) Kean Tran, Jackson Kelly, Alan Ward, Gilbert Hernandez, Isaac Filip, Christian Kepple, Brocke Potts and Paul Tran; (third row) Danny Rodriguez, Sherwin Ceasar, Tyler Le, Hernan Sanchez, Amos Haynes, JJ Figueroa, Seth Alvarez, Jorge Guevara and Elijah Edwards; (fourth) coach Koby Gerberman, Ceasar Jiminez, Jake Carr, Emmanuel Manrriquez, Kevin Carpenter, Alan Shipp, Dominique Brazil and coach Nathan Potts; (back) coaches Todd Polvado, Dillon Gaffney, Travis McFarland, Trent Weixelman and Hudson Bates. (Photo courtesy KGibson Photography) Palacios Beacon S PORTS Sharks kickoff 2015 season at home against Boling in gridiron opener Fri. BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Publisher Kids today might not be old enough to remember that country tune that led into each week of Monday Night Football. For football fanatics, Hank Williams, Jr.’s “Are you ready for some football?” is sure to get the blood flowing. And in Texas, where football is almost a religion, the only answer that will suffice....”Oh heck yeah.” After suviving the stifling heat and humidity for the past several weeks, opening week has officially arrived for the Palacios football Sharks, as they kickoff the 2015 gridiron season at 7:30 p.m. this Friday (Aug. 28) as they host Boling’s Bulldogs. The Sharks enter year three under head coach Brad Bowden and are seeking to continue the year-to-year improvement as the Bowden led Sharks went from one win in 2013, to two wins in 2014. As for this Friday’s contest, it’ll be the fourth consecutive season opening meeting between the boys in red and green, with the Bulldogs holding a 3-1 advantage. The Shark and Bulldog rivaly culminates for the 48th time and began way back in 1931. Boling has really had the Sharks by the fin over the decades, compiling a 32-14-1 record. Boling shredded the Sharks 69-27 in last years affair. The Bulldogs churned out over 500-yards of offense in last year’s season opener, with nearly all coming on the ground. The Sharks last victory over the Buldgos came in 2012’s season opener where Palacios edged Boling 20-12 and started Palacios run to a 5-0 start on the season. THE cross coutnry season is officially underway with last week’s running of the Palacios Meet at the Marine Education Center. The varsity Shark harriers were led by (left to right in photo) Sergio & Juan Mancera, Tyler Le and Miguel Gutierrez. For results see Page 11. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Tidehaven’s Tigers host Flatonia Bulldogs to open 2015 football season BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Publisher After back-toback trips to the football playoffs, Tidehaven’s varsity Tigers are chomping at the bit as they move towards this Friday’s regular season kickoff at 7:30 p.m. this Fri. (Aug. 28) as they host the Flatonia Bulldogs at Delvin Taska Stadium in El Maton. Tideahven head coach Brent Maschek’s squad will be looking to improve upon last season’s 7-4 Bi-District squad that fell in overtime to Karnes City in the Bi-District round of the playoffs. The Tigers kickstarted their playoff run by opening the season with a 21-14 victory over the Bulldogs in Flatonia. Tidehaven’s 2015 varsity Tiger football MEMBERS of the 2015 Tidehaven Tiger varsity football team are: (front, l-r) Brandon Brune, Jacob Galvan, Leighton Galvan, David Prescott, Isaac Ibarra, Andrew Lucio, Cory Granados and Tristen Martinez; (second) Dylan Birchum, Dylan Mallette, Martin Trevino, Christian Rhoades, Brandon Litzau, Josh Zbranek and Jeff Williams; (third) Nathan Galvan, Isiah Morales, Chris Rodriguez, Jacob Lezak, Victor Lucio, Keith Buduas and Cameron Riojas; (back) Austin Hammons, Kyle Moerbe, Bryce Galvan, Cole Smith, Joseph Horris, Ryan Lezak and Johnathan Rhoades. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) SUBSCRIBE TO THE PALACIOS BEACON and receive the best weekly coverage of all things Sharks, Sharkettes, Tigers and Tigerettes
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