Palacios Beacon
Palacios Beacon
PJHS Essay Contest Winners Sharks 2nd At 2014 Shark Relays County Jobless Rate Highest In Area See PagE 10 See PagE 3 See PagE 5 Palacios, ready for lift-off? Starhawk Aerospace, LLC in talks for $310-million investment at City Airport BY BRANDI G. WEST Palacios Beacon Growth of Palacios may be on the horizon as self-proclaimed “renegade” Jack Davis, President of Starhawk AeroSystems, proposes bringing the “factory of the future; geared toward the younger generation” to town. Davis indicated a capital investment of $310 million is anticipated at the Palacios Municipal Airport in the near future. “I am very excited that Palacios was selected as the location for Starhawk AeroSystems,” said Palacios and Matagorda County Economic Development Executive Director Mike Strotheide. “The selection certainly points out that Palacios has a wonderful asset in the airport and is being recognized for the opportunity it represents,” said Strotheide. In a Palacios Beacon exclusive, Davis said, “It was bound to happen; there is only so much real estate on the coast; when you go down the coast you’re almost next in line.” WEDNESDAY VOL. 107 • NO. 12 PALACIOS TEXAS The Only Newspaper In The World Published Just For The Palacios Area. P. O. Box 817 • 453 Commerce Palacios, Tx. 77465 (361) 972-3009/Fax 972-2610 E-Mail: Website: BEACON DEADLINE IS 5 P.M. FRIDAY BEACON 75¢ USPS 418460 Down... Little League makes plea for help BY BRANDI G. WEST Palacios Beacon She... Observing Our TH 107 Year 1907-2014 BEACON BRIEFS ■ Birding event Friday at Mad Island Preserve In collaboration with the Palacios ISD School Health Advisory Committee and the Palacios Community Hub (Hub) will host all Central Elementary aged children and homeschoolers to an Anti-Bullying Family Fun Day on Mon. (Mar. 24) from 6-7:30p.m. at the Hub located at 205 4th St. Children will play games, eat snacks and create an art project as they learn about bullying and how to combat this problem. Parents are invited to attend a workshop by Leslie Machicek, RN, BSN, Wesley Nurse with Methodist Healthcare Ministries. 1 SECTION, 10 PAGES Council give go-ahead on airport lease to StarHawk AeroSystems Open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Beacon Closed Wednesdays ■ Anti-Bullying Family Fun Day Mon. at Hub (See STARHAWK, Page 2) Serving The City By The Sea Since 1907 Except for paid advertising, all articles, photos or other information submitted on Monday will be published on a space available basis only. The monthly birding event, Feathered Fridays, will be held this Friday (Mar. 21) at The Nature Conservancy’s Clive Runnell’s Family Mad Island Marsh Preserve near Collegeport. Participants will meet at the front gate at 8 a.m. Binoculars, camera, sunscreen, skeeter ‘pellent, water, snacks or lunch, and outdoor clothing are recommended. To participate, call Cathy Wakefield, 361-404-1198, or email Due to magnitude of the business, Davis stated insurance will require Starhawk AeroSystems to have a facility and crash fire department, with approximately 12 fire trucks, an ambulance, an EMS helicopter standing by, “That’s available to the community if you have a major fire here, you call us in and we’ll respond.” Starhawk AeroSystems designs aircraft, builds prototypes, conducts flight testing and designs factories ideal for budgets of various PALACIOS MAR. 19, 2014 • With this proposed capital investment of $310 million, Davis stated he will expand the airport, provide new lighting and extend a runway from 5,000 to 8,000 feet. Davis plans on introducing a transponder landing system to the Airport to enable the landing of aircraft in adverse weather conditions. Davis indicated having an 8,000-foot runway will make Palacios a ‘regional type or a reliever airport’ attractable to more pilots, including the military. Beacon Photos by Ryan West Time was not wasted on the old Minimax and later Super S building on Main St., recently acquired by the Trull Foundation, when Cherry Demolition came upon the scene, the task was accomplished. Comes... “After much discussion, research, and consideration, the Trull Foundation Board made a decision to demolish the old Super S building,” said the Trull Foundation Executive Director Gail Purvis. “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs”, was the remark of Mayor Sardelich after last Tuesday’s Palacios City Council meeting upon the approval of a two year lease with aviation investor Starhawk AeroSystems. According to City Manager David Kocurek this company will initially bring 30 to 50 jobs to Palacios. The two year lease of office space at the Palacios Municipal Airport will be followed by three 1-year extensions and at this point in time Starhawk AeroSystems anticipates having buildings established for operations. Besides the prorated lease arrangements for the remaining month of March, Starhawk AeroSystems will lease the Flight Service Station building for $750 per month. According to the lease agreement, the lessee “will be allowed to place up to three modular type buildings on the property, in an area acceptable to the City, for additional office buildings.” The lease agreement assures Starhawk AeroSystems will maintain the parking lot, fence and lighting with allowable access to the existing parking lot for approximately 200 vehicles. Little League’s Plea Darren Ryncheck, representing Palacios Little League, requested council members to consider recommending the Palacios Parks and Recreation Committee to assist the efforts of the League to explore land options for new fields. As Ryncheck described the Palacios Little League fields as being beyond the point of repair and also desired the public to know the fields are currently for sale by the Palacios Recreation Board. The request from the City was for a common area for sporting events, parking and overall support for the youth in the Palacios Little League and other like sporting activities. Ryncheck mentioned the Little League Association is also an attraction to families considering relocating to Palacios. Update on Palacios Health Care Facility “We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the (See CITY, Page 2) Pavilion Committee on to budget planning BY TERRY MOSIER The Matagorda County Seawall Commission met last week for its regular monthly meeting with all Commissioners present. Commissioner Joe Kana, also Chariman of the Pavilion Committee reported the com- mittee meetings are now concentrating on a budget for the proposed project. The present general consensus is to get a Pavilion built. Turtle Point The additional backfill work needed to get the prop(See SEAWALL, Page 2) PAHA’s annual Soup and Salad meeting Tuesday at Museum The Palacios Area Historical Association will hold its Soup and Salad Annual Meeting at the City by the Sea Museum at 401 Commerce Street on Tuesday (Mar. 25) beginning at 5:30 p.m.. “This year people can vote for their favorite soup, salad, and dessert. It should be a bit of fun and raise some more dollars for PAHA,” says Lynda Bible, Fund Development Chair. Winners in the three categories will take home PAHA Pride awards! The meal will be followed by a very brief annual report and election of new trustees. The program will be a talk by Brent Douglass, one third of the writing trio called Miles Arceneaux who has written an historical novel set in Palacios called La Salle’s Ghost. “Arceneaux creates a savory bouillabaisse of characters...and stews them brilliantly on a (See PAHA, Page 2) • Palacios Beacon For News & Advertising Deadline 5 p.m. Friday • Page 2 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., March 19, 2014 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY CITY FAILURE to yield at the intersection of 8th St. and Perryman Ave. resulted in an auto accident last week. A Lexus driven by Donna Brune of Palacios was travelling north on 8th St when she was struck on the passenger side by a Ford Explorer and spun into the ditch. No injuries were reported. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) STARHAWK small developing countries and customized to their specific need. These countries, in theory, will send 50-100 individuals to Palacios for training at Starhawk AeroSystems to learn the process; then employees will package up the factory, so to speak, and ship the product to the purchasing country. “I pattern my company after Kelly Johnson and Skunkworks which is the old Lockheed Martin; they built the U-2 in 6 months.” Davis, 62 year-old engineer, has condensed the timeframe of production of an aircraft down to two years which, according to Davis, is reducing the timeframe of production substantially. “I’m giving 4 aircraft in 10 years; we (United States) can’t even give our Air Force 1 aircraft in 20 years,” said Davis. Davis believes there to be a tremendous amount opportunity for this service around the world; “I’m the cowboy; I’m doing everything the quick and easy way.” (Continued From Page 1) Initially Davis anticipated 30-50 employees, however, now anticipates an estimated 90 employees for ‘ground ready work.’ As proposed by Davis, he anticipates being fully staffed with estimated 250350 employees by the end of this year. Davis, proposes to hire a variety of skilled laborers, practically every discipline of engineering and support services. An average wage of $35 an hour is to be expected upon Palacios and Starhawk AeroSystems securing this proposal. “It’s not what I sell, it’s not my customer; it’s my employees who are my most important commodity; and they always will be,” said Davis. Various contracts with the City of Palacios, developing countries along with permitting from TXDot, the Federal Aviation Administration and environmental studies are all pending. Specifically, Davis said negotiations are underway with the Palacios Airport H-GAC still taking Ike repair applications Houston-Galveston Area Council is seeking qualified applicants of low-to-moderate income homeowners and renters to perform substantial repairs to houses damaged by Hurricane Ike, which made landfall Sept. 13, 2008. Funding remains to repair or replace an additional 500 homes in the following counties: Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Matagorda, Montgomery, Walker and Waller through the administration of the Hurricane Ike Housing Recovery Program. For more information call 877-442-2777, visit, or stop by the Palacios Community Hub located at 205 4th St. for a postcard and assistance navigating the website. Committee on 150 acres of Airport property with an anticipated 15 buildings to accompany this space. Davis’ uses Autocad Inventor which is 3D software for design and Additive Manufacturing which makes a three-dimensional solid object from this digital model/design (3-D Printing). Palacios’ rustic charm as well as the town being referenced by Davis as ‘a clean sheet of paper’ to fence off the land necessary in an isolated manner to maintain security standards were among the attractions of facilitating this company here. “I’m big on education and I hope once we get our feet on the ground we can have our schools down here grow. I’m also big on apprenticeship programs.” Davis, indicated employees look at housing, education, and continuing higher education and stated, “I already know you (Palacios) have a tremendous school here.” “You have a school that has robotics; I love it,” said Davis. Davis estimates 20 small support companies for Starhawk AeroSystems along with other investors maximizing on the influx of an educated workforce moving on in. “The efforts and coordination between the City, the Chamber of Commerce, The Palacios Economic Development Corporation and the Matagorda County Economic Development Corporation has helped bring the project to this point,” said Strotheide. Strotheide concluded, “It has been a pleasure to work with Mr. Davis and I will look forward to working with him in the future.” According to Davis, “I think it will be up to the City Council to regulate how things are developed to keep the charm here.” (Continued From Page 1) citizens and to the entire community of Palacios, City Hall, Police Department, Fire Department, everyone who came to our aid after the occurrence of a lightning storm that struck our home, we are pleased to be part of this community,” said Michael Walden with Senior Living Properties. Walden indicated lightening struck a power pole, electricity traveled and completely fried the electrical system in the Palacios Health Care Facility and without electrical service the facility is inoperative. Thus the electrical system will need to be redesigned by an engineering firm per code with a timeframe extending “60 days at best.” There were no reported injuries from this incident and residents have been relocated to a Senior Living Properties in Lake Jackson, La Port and some patients remain at Palacios Community Medical Center. According to Walden, employees’ wages are covered through insurance and operations may resume at other Senior Living Properties. Other Approved Items Council members approved Resolution 2014-R-3 to enter into a Maintenance Agreement with TxDOT, approved an equipment lease between Matagorda County for the DRE Voting Machine’s increased rates and approved the Change Order #2 for the Sewer System Rehabilitation Project change order, not a cost change but a quantity change. Both Robert Garrett and Travis Stall were appointed to the Airport Committee and minutes from Feb. 25, workshop and regular meeting were also approved. PAHA (Continued From Page 1) fire of excellent historical research and Gulf Coast social savvy,” writes Ed Conroy in the San Antonio ExpressNews. This book and their other one, A Slice of Life, a mystery about the Vietnamese population along our coast, are available at the Old Main Bookstore and at the Museum gift shop. Books will be sold and autographed following the program. Admission is $8 for Museum members and $10 for nonmembers at the door. Museum memberships will also be available. If you would like to contribute to the food fun, call 972-1148 or e-mail the Museum a paha@citybytheseamuseum. SEAWALL (Continued From Page 1) PALACIOS BANKING CENTER 459 Main Street • Palacios, TX • 361-972-2585 OUR NEW BANKING HOURS TO BETTER SERVE YOU! OUR LOBBY MONDAY – THURSDAY FROM 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM FRIDAY FROM 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM OUR DRIVE IN MONDAY – THURSDAY FROM 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM FRIDAY FROM 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM OUR NIGHT DEPOSIT AND ATM IS AVAILABLE 24 HRS – 7 DAYS A WEEK! er drainage along the Turtle Point bulkhead is nearing half way to completion. Weather has caused delays on getting the fill dirt hauled. Compaction and grading has been delayed on getting final grade and elevation completed. Inspector’s Report Larry Lanfear, inspector of the district, presented the following report: • Beachside Project: Rhodes is progressing with the additional fill. • Pavilion: We have approximately ten lights are out on the pavilion. America Electric has been notified. I have had no progress on a proposal to change the photocell system from America Electric. • First Street Pier: We still have two area lights out. • Groins: We still have one area light out. • East Bay Pier: We still have one spot light out. • Bay Front Walk: There are approximately eight lights not functioning prop- erly. Five of these lights have been reported as a second request. The other three lights have failed this week. Lanfear will follow up with AEP to make sure that this is rectified quickly since five of these lights are at the entry of the First Street Pier creating a safety issue. The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 9 at 7 p.m. at the Matagorda County Navigation District #1’s Administration Building. Deadline 5 p.m. Friday for all photos and articles to be submitted for consideration to be published in the Palacios Beacon PALACIOS BEACON Area Briefs Spring break big business in Port A PORT ARANSAS: Starting last week, fun in the sun preparations were underway by city workers, merchants and police as all strategized for the influx of spring breakers vacating to Port Aransas. Crowds of tens of thousands are expected to make landfall on the island and enjoy the restaurants, shops and beaches. Renovations of restaurants and hotels are expecting ‘record numbers’ this spring break. ”We have remodeled and we’re expecting record numbers,” said Beth Owens, co-owner with husband Kelly of Deep Sea Headquarters and Fins Grill and Ice House. Typically Fins has approximately 150 customers; however, more than 800-900 customers are anticipated each day this spring break. Hotels have reported advanced bookings earlier than in years past with fortunate cloudy but sunny days forecasted. “During Spring Break, you take you business and multiply it probably three to four times, if not more than what you are doing now,” said co-owner June Petitt of Beaches Café and Bakery and the Port Aransas Brewing Company. – Port Aransas South Jetty Wreck fatal for 80-year old GONZALES: On Feb. 20 a car crash resulted in the death of Marianne Lee Anderson, 80, and also sent two others to the hospital. According to Gonzales Police Capt. Allen Taylor, Anderson was driving and failed to stop before turning onto Hwy 183 which caused Shelley Ann Foley, 44, to strike Anderson’s vehicle. Despite Anderson being airlifted to University Hospital in San Antonio, her injuries were too extreme. Both Foley and her passenger were taken to Gonzales Memorial Healthcare and were treated for injuries. –The Gonzales Inquirer Wacky weather delaying farm planting EL CAMPO: Some producers have started spring planting while others are waiting for the soil temperatures to warm up a bit. Typically spring crops include corn and grain sorghum but “Due to the delay in planting due to cold soil temps and wet fields, we’ll see the remainder of corn and sorghum go in at the same time once our fields dry up,” Wharton County Ag Extension Agent Corrie Bowen said. “We’ll then follow that with cotton and rice and then on to soybeans in late April and into May.” Producers should know within the coming weeks once the fields become dry enough. “Warmer temperatures is what is ideal at this point in time, “Bowen said. “We need five days with temps at 75 degrees or so.” –El Campo Leader News Teen assaulted by stranger met using app AUSTIN: Miguel Gutierrez, 30 of Austin, was arrested in the case of Flatonia 13 year old girl’s initial reported ‘kidnapping’ from school. After a rigorous investigation, Fayette County Sheriff Keith Korenek and Investigator Angela Jasek learned the kidnapping had not occurred but that the teen had been assaulted by someone she had met using a social media app. “I want to warn children of the importance to only speak with someone on social media that you know and be aware of the dangers of meeting someone that you don’t know,” said Keith Korenek Fayette County Sheriff. A personal recognizant bond in the amount of $100,000 was initiated for Gutierrez upon his arrest. –The Banner Press Newspaper St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church Annual Fish & Shrimp Fry FRIDAY, MARCH 14th Serving from 4pm until sold out! KC HALL • PALACIOS 8.00 PER PLATE $ Menu includes: Fish, Shrimp, Coleslaw or Rice, Pinto Beans, Hushpuppies, Dessert & Tea. DINE-IN or TAKE OUT K N A TH U YO I would like to THANK my family, friends, to everyone who voted, made contributions, encouraged me and made this journey with me. This was a team effort and with that I THANK YOU. I am ready to serve YOU as your next District Clerk. Jamie Crawford Bludau DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY • Palacios Police Reports • Individuals listed have been arrested and/or charged with an offense. Inclusion in this report does not imply that the person is guilty of any crime. The following are offense and arrest reports submitted by the Palacios Police Dept. to the Palacios Beacon as of noon Friday. ARRESTS Shirley Hattenbach, 64, 104 Lucas Ave., arrested at 11:29 a.m. on March 9 in the 400 block of E. Commerce; theft > $1,500< $20,000. Hector Garcia Jr., 26, 417 Rorem Ave., arrested at 5:55 a.m. on March 8 in the 400 block of Rorem; criminal mischief. Patrick Finto, 26, 338 Henderson Ave., arrested at 5:36 a.m. on March 9 in the 800 block of Welch Ave.; assault. PaulAnthony Luera, 27, 307 Magnusson Ave., arrested at 1:42 p.m. on March 13 in the 600 block of 3rd St.; warrant service capias. INCIDENTS Burglary of Habitation: Officer dispatched to 300 block of E. Bayshore Dr. at 4:57 p.m. on March 7; initiated case. Dog Bite: Victim called annex at 6:11 p.m. on March 7 to report a dog bite. Dead on Arrival Information: Officer dispatched to 100 block of Sanders Cir. At 2:47p.m. on March 9. Disturbance: Officer dispatched to 7Annex at 7:40 a.m. on March 11; report From the Police Chief January’s unemployment statistics have been released and Matagorda County’s unemployment rate remains just below double digits, precisely 9.4-percent, according to the most recent figures from the Texas Workforce Commission. As Texas remains well below national unemployment statistics, Matagorda County continues to struggle with combating joblessness. S t a t e w i d e J a n u a r y ’s initiated. Theft: Officer dispatched to 800 block of 8th St. at 11:16 a.m. on March 11; missing puppies. Unauthorized use of a Motor Vehicle: Officer dispatched to Annex at 9:50 a.m. on March 12; report initiated. Assault: Officer dispatched to the 900 block of Rorem Ave. at 5:16 p.m. on March 12; report initiated. unemployment rose slightly to 5.8-percent, 2 tenths of an increase from December while nationally this rate increased from 6.0-percent in December 2013 to 7.0-percent this past January. “The decline in our state’s unemployment rate and the addition of 33,900 jobs in January are positive signs, and I’m encouraged that the Texas economy has started the year on a strong note,” said Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Chairman Andres Alcantar. “All 11 major industries Come Join the Fun Omar’s Bar & Grill ~ Mixed Drinks & Draft Beer ~ Open 7 Days A Week • 10 a.m.-2 a.m. No Minors after 9 p.m. DJ’s on Saturday Nights 814 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios • 361-356-1072 MARCH’s WORLD MISSION BREAKFAST Saturday, March 29 8am - 11am Church of God of Prophecy 808 9th St. • Palacios $7.00 - All You Can Eat th Please join us for pancakes, sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, grits, hot coffee, juice and our famous breakfast strudel. All proceeds go to support mission fields around the world. We have enjoyed your fellowship and patronage for 67+ years, and appreciated your continued support. Please call 361-972-6262 (day of event) to place your “to go” order or to reserve dine in space. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING March 27th, 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all interested persons within Matagorda County, Texas: That the Board of Directors of the Coastal Plains Groundwater Conservation District (CPGCD) will hold a hearing on the applications for Drilling Permits, Operating Permits, Permit Amendments and Permit Renewals for the party listed below, on March 27th, 2014 at 7:00am, at the Matagorda County Office Building, 2200 7th Street, 4th Floor, Bay City, TX 77414 IN ACCORDANCE WITH TEXAS WATER CODE § 36.404, THE APPLICANT(S) IS (ARE) AS FOLLOWS: County jobless rate highest in area BY BRANDI G. WEST Palacios Beacon COASTAL PLAINS GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 2200 7TH ST., #301 BAY CITY, TX 77414 Phone: 979-323-9170 Fax: 979-245-5661 By Police Chief David Miles From the looks of the forecast, we could be in for some warmer weather. I am sure that most folks are ready and are ready to get in their gardens and flower beds. With the daylight savings time there is much time in the evenings to work before it gets dark. While you’re out, say hi to your neighbor. Palacios Beacon - Wed., March 19, 2014 - Page 3 added jobs over the year, highlighting the favorable economic conditions in Texas for employers and job seekers.” Industries continue to grow throughout the state and the Trade, Transportation, and utilities added the most jobs over the last 12 months and led the growth during the month of January with an additional 7,600 positions. “The continued strong monthly job growth among varied industries like Education and Health Services and Trade, Transportation, and Utilities means opportunities for working Texans and their families,” said Commissioner Representing Employers Ronny Congleton. “I encourage job seekers to tap into the job-search tools available through Texas Workforce Solutions offices statewide.” C o m m i s s i o n e r Representing Employers Hope Andrade stated, “I’m excited to see private employers in Texas continuing to grow their investments here.” Adjacent counties continue to display significant better jobless rates when compared to Matagorda County: Brazoria County, 6.3%; Calhoun, 6.0%; Wharton, 5.4%; and Jackson, 4.7%. P P alacios ride Pick it uP Campbell-Huitt Insurance 328 Commerce Palacios, TX 361-972-2551 Auto-Bonds Business Home Life Flood FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of PALACIOS presents a delicious 8 per plate $ .00 Easy Drive Thru! Friday, March 21st at the CLC starting at 4:00 p.m. Meal Includes: Delicious Fish, Hush Puppies, Coleslaw & Cheesy Rice. All proceeds go towards this years trip to Columbia. Name Use Permit Number Priscilla Wissink (New Operating) Sugar Valley Rv (Drilling Permit) Loy Sneary Irrigation OP-13050903 Municipal OP-14031201 Irrigation OP-14031201 Francis Wayne Milberger Irrigation OP-12030805 (Amendment of Ownership from Daniel Tillman) Joey Sliva Irrigation (Amendment of Ownership from Sliva Turf) OP-12030808 Carey Orsak OP-07051601 Irrigation 2014 Permit Renewals with Increase Permit Amounts William Ansell Irrigation OP-11051001 City of Bay City Municipal OP-05011817 City of Bay City Municipal OP-05011812 City of Bay City Municipal OP-05022401 Phillips 66 Company Commercial OP-11111702 Bay City Country Club Irrigation OP-09020401 Robert Butler Irrigation OP-12061101 Champion Turf Irrigation OP-05022802 Champion Turf Irrigation OP-05011124 Champion Turf Irrigation OP-05011125 Champion Turf Irrigation OP-05121401 Champion Turf Irrigation OP-09112301 Champion Turf Irrigation OP-05011121 Exotic Isle Municipal OP-07012603 Willie Gavranovic Irrigation OP-12030806 Heffelfinger Well Irrigation OP-05010401 James & Julius Hlavinka Irrigation OP-05011016 Patrick & Cheryl Hickl Irrigation OP-05011018 Hoffpauir Farms Irrigation OP-13021801 B & D Hoffpauir Farms Irrigation OP-11090701 Reed Bowers Irrigation OP-05010440 Matagorda WD & WS Municipal OP-05021501 Matagorda WD & WS Municipal OP-05011112 Matagorda Co. WCID #5 Municipal OP-05011005 Shelley H. Mayfield Irrigation OP-05011801 Arthur J. Milberger ET AL Irrigation OP-05061601 Arthur J. Milberger ET AL Irrigation OP-05011019 Arthur J. Milberger ET AL Irrigation OP-05010504 Northern Camp Ranch Irrigation OP-05070601 Anita O’Mara Irrigation OP-05010438 OFI Irrigation OP-09030201 Quadvest LP Municipal OP-07090701 Clarence & Lorene Piwonka Irrigation OP-05013111 River Bend Water Municipal OP-05011111 Malcolm & Diana Romine Irrigation OP-11111703 Malcolm & Diana Romine Irrigation OP-13011002 Malcolm & Diana Romine Irrigation OP-13011001 Malcolm & Diana Romine Irrigation OP-11060101 Danny & Jimmy Stephens Irrigation OP-12030810 Danny & Jimmy Stephens Irrigation OP-12030809 Stuart H. Johnson Irrigation OP-05011128 Stonebridge RV Municipal OP-09110503 Scott Stewart Irrigation OP-05011104 Tidehaven ISD Jr. High Commercial OP-05011807 Mike Coppock Irrigation OP-12032601 Edward Gurecky Irrigation OP-05013104 Latitude Longitude 28/53/6.3 95/51/22.6 9/2/28 95/52/15 29/2/42.48 96/7/1.06 29/2/42.50 96/7/1.108 28/52/50 95/57/41 28/52/49 95/57/47 28/54/56.93 95/57/49 28/54/56 95/57/48 28/59/7 95/51/53.99 28/54/20 96/4/19 28/58/52 96/0/56.99 28/55/15 96/0/49.99 28/58/48 95/58/29.98 29/3/22 95/47/24 28/42/50 96/13/3 29/4/42 95/56/2.009 28/56/29 95/55/14 29/0/19 95/47/54 29/0/25 95/47/58 28/56/28 95/55/16 29/0/21 95/49/29 29/0/20 95/49/38 28/45/38 96/0/7 28/58/40 96/4/46 28/51/52 96/14/28 29/3/18 96/6/51.99 28/53/20 96/6/33 28/58/25 96/5/45.99 28/58/41 96/4/55 29/02/17.48 96/04/45.57 28/41/31 95/58/5 28/41/56 95/57/59 28/52/27 96/13/10.98 28/47/52 96/16/55 28/57/53 95/55/11.98 28/57/26 95/54/58 28/54/30 95/47/14.98 29/3/29 96/4/43 29/2/49 96/5/56 28/43/13 96/10/55.99 28/51/30 96/9/35 28/54/17 96/11/52 28/40/15 95/57/52 28/51/37 95/55/58 28/52/35 95/55/59 28/52/21 95/55/59 28/52/21 95/56/12.98 28/58/6 96/12/16 28/57/45 96/12/26.99 28/57/21 96/14/13.01 29/3/51 95/48/32 28/45/4 96/18/47 28/52/45 96/8/58.99 28/55/7 95/54/7.01 28/53/56 96/13/32.99 3 yr total Ac/ft 3900 0 636 1440 900 705 1600 18.42 18.42 8562.21 3597 300 282 300 2700 2700 2880 720 2340 36 2835 2940 2865 879 2422.50 3187.50 1956 99.58 216.36 238 843 1317 3846 990 1710 7050 300 24 810 27.62 2250 2250 2250 2250 963 2266.50 2950 39 1200 .30 720 1050 Any person who desires to appear at the hearing and present testimony, evidence, exhibits, or other information may do so in person, by counsel, or both: Copies of Rules governing the conduct of the hearing are available at the District Office. The hearing may be recessed from day to day or continued where appropriate. Blind persons who wish to have this notice read to them may call (979) 323-9170. Sincerely, Sandra Horris CPGCD-Office Manager Page 4 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., March 19, 2014 10 YEARS AGO-2004 On advice of the City Attorney, Randy Strong, Council refused to waive permitting fees for ‘humanitarian group’s repair work on six homes damaged by Hurricane Claudette. Sharkette sophomore Melissa Navarro finished third at the State powerlifting meet and set (briefly) the State squat record with 420-lbs. 15 YEARS AG0-1999 Victor Von Mickwitz of Europe stayed with Donna Dillard and her family while in Palacios on his way to Houston. VFW Queen-Hamlin Post 2467 awarded Kelly Struble first place, Linda Le second place and Jennifer Chau third place in the Voice Of Democracy contest. 20 YEARS AGO-1994 Seadrift Police Chief Rick Brush, a former Palacios police officer was among Texas’ first 25 law officers to be certified as a master peace officer, the highest certification by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. 25 YEARS AG0-1989 The historict 1877 Tall Ship Ellissa was expected to arrive in Palacios on a four day visit. The Palacios Chamber of Commerce hled a ribbon cutting to mark the opening of Happy Day Express Day Care under the management of Kathy Mosley. East Side Elementary 4.7 class of Frieda Hester won the state level contest of thier division with their porposal of the name Endurance for the new space shuttle. 35 YEARS AGO-1979 The Trull Foundation committed $8,000 to Trinity University for a solar energy graduate scholar assistantship. Ms. Ermine Pearce, Centeral Elementary’s science teacher aas elected as the outstanding conservation teacher in the Matagroda County Soil and Water Conservation District for the 1978-79 school year. The Athena Club spring social was held March 21 at the Presbyterian Chruch recreation hall. DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY 45 YEARS AGO-1969 Over 100 people viewed the 202 science projects displayed at the second annual Palacios Schools Science Fair. The Palacios Community Choir presented the cantata ‘Memories of eAster Morn’ at the First Methodist Church. Palacios Senior High’s Sports Night was held at Shark Stadium. 50 YEARS AGO-1964 Easter sunrise services were held at the First Methodist Church. Mrs. Richard Sanders was in critical condition in Champ Traylor Hospital after a one car accident five miles east of Port Comfort. Palacios Junior High held its annual Mother/Daughter banquet. The ninth grade Hornets won the Victoria Track Meet and the eight graders won the meet in Sweeny. 55 YEARS AGO-1959 Charles Bowers will take over s manager of the Palacios Feed and Milling Company, replacing John Cervenka. The WSCS of the First Methodist Church entertained members of the senior class with a kid party. A TV set was isntalled in Vic Spoor’s Recreationg Club for the benefit of his patrons. 60 YEARS AG0-1954 Guy Johnson, Verner Bowers and Jerome Kimball, reeking re-election as school trustees, were the only candidates to announce. R. Lee Anderson of Bay City announced as candidate for County Judge. An intense search was in progress here with hundres of Naval, Air Force and Civil Air Patrol personnel looking for Sgt. Trahan who was pulled from a B-29 through the bomb bay when a decompressor explosion occurred. 65 YEARS AGO-1949 Matagorda County Dairy Association announced it would award five registered heifers, valued at $200 each, to win- ners of their essay contest. Bob Trull announced for re-election for City Alderman and Karl Wickham announced as a candidate for the same position. 70 YEARS AGO-1944 The VFW Post 2467 was organized at the Chamber of Commerce building. The Athena Club enjoyed a theater party. A total of 204 men from Matagorda County were to report for pre-induction examinations in Houston. A strange poison, believed to be some kind of insecticide sprayed on vegetals, had made more than 2,000 people ill in Bay City. 75 YEARS AG0-1939 A meeting of stamp collectors was held on the Pavilion. Coiunty Commissioners Court called a bond election for April to vote on an $85,000 hospital. Father A. Gorect returned to palacios after spending several weeks in the Santa Rosa Hospital in San Antonio. 80 YEARS AG00-1934 A prelimiary survey for the Seawall and Pavilion was being made by John Rother. A meeting for the purspose of organizing a Rotary Club was at the Pasal Coffe Shop. Rev. Dave Buckley of Port Lavaca was the guest speakers. 85 YEARS AG0-1929 Work started on the new gu;ilding at the Corner of Fourth and Commerce Streets for C.W. Nester. The Matagorda County Federation of Women’s Clubs met in Matagorda. Mrs. G.A. Salbury, president and Mrs. J.W. Dismukes, secretary and treasurer, presided. 90 YEARS AGO-1924 Jerome Kimball, of Oakdale, Ohio was here looking over the city with view of locating here. At the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, Carlton Crawford was re-elected. State court system flawed but still functions pretty well Tenaris CEO tours site PAOLO Rocca (right) , Tenaris Chairman and CEO, visited TenarisBayCity for the first time on Feb. 13 to get project updates and see the construction progress in person. He was joined by members of the Tenaris regional and global management teams. Erection of the framework for the main industrial building is set to begin in May. The new seamless pipe mill on Highway 35 between Bay City and Van Vleck is set to be fully operational in 2016 and will provide 600 permanent jobs to the area once completed. Tenaris is a leading supplier of tubes and related services for the world’s energy industry and certain other industrial applications. (Submitted Photo) Call me today for a complimentary insurance review. (979) 244-4671 Hank E. Huitt 3120A Ave F Bay City Insurance subject to availability and qualifications.Allstate County Mutual Insurance Company, Irving, Texas. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. Almost any way you examine emanated, even the our Texas district court system, familial history of the you can find things to criticize, texting judge. aspects to praise and flaws that The judge is threaten the shaky legal ground Elizabeth Coker, the upon which we plant our Lone third generation of her Star boots. family to wear those Actually, one of the biggest robes in the judicial flaws with Texas’ basic judicial district that includes selection is that we, the voters, her current family pick ‘em. And, one of the best home base county things about the process is that and the county in we voters pick ‘em. Hmm. which her miscreant WILLIS WEBB What prompted my musings jottings occurred. Guest Columnist on our state judiciary was Montgomery County a recent article about a is where the Coker state district judge texting/ family came to messaging a prosecutor “tips” or “advice.” prominence but their pioneering origins Frankly, having been a pretty close are in San Jacinto County where the observer of this system on a local county- misguided written advice was issued. district level for more than 50 years, I feel Her grandfather, Ernest Coker, Sr., was that Clint Eastwood’s initial spaghetti a longtime judge in this same district as western title applies: “The Good, The was her father, Lynn Coker. Her uncle, Bad and The Ugly.” I’m sure every reader Ernest “Bo” Coker, Jr., has practiced law can attach each category to some judge there for years. Their power and influence they know. are unquestionable. It is not my intent to “nail anyone’s hide Honestly, I don’t know a thing bad to the wall” in this missive, especially since about Elizabeth Coker except the errant most of my examples are retired or have advice. I never heard a breath of scandal gone on to that great gold-embossed law about her. And, I certainly never heard library in the sky or to the book burning anything really derogatory about her by that pointy-tailed gent. Any perceived father, Lynn Coker. assessment that follows is purely the Her grandfather had a reputation of interpretation of the reader (my attorney being overbearing and was supposedly advised that statement). However, Texas tied to the longtime political machine that leads the nation in wrongful convictions. controlled Montgomery County politics Double hmmm. for a couple or three generations. But, you But, back to the judge passing advice to could make that assessment of a significant the prosecution — fair and balanced, huh? number of Texas district judges. I have some knowledge of the judicial Okay, Webb, so what’s your gripe or district from whence this disturbing story point here? Letters To The Editor Thank you Joe and Gary... Dear Editor, We, the congregation of St. John’s Episcopal Church, would like to thank Gary Hafernick and Joe Kana for doing some needed repairs at our church. As you know, we had a break-in last summer that resulted in a broken window and a mess in the office. Gary and Joe replaced the broken window and installed a motion detector light along an outside corridor. They also did some repairs to our attic lighting system. Thanks again, for answering our request for help, and doing a great job! St. John’s Episcopal Church congregation I don’t know if I have one except that there has to be a better way. Let the practicing attorneys in a county and/or district pick the judges? They certainly would know the strengths and weaknesses of any and all lawyers practicing there for any time. But, that would call for placing some trust in lawyers, right? Uh-huh. I suspect, however, that some system could be devised based on the attorney’s experience and reputation that, if applied properly, using strict guidelines and with public oversight, just might provide us with similar successes as seen at the federal level, where judges are appointed for life. There are drawbacks there, as well, but not of the nature that electoral politics applies to the system. Would that take the perceived prejudices out of it? Not entirely. But, it would eliminate this business of having to campaign for election, necessitating donations for such an undertaking and opening all sorts of doors to obligations and favors. It enables a measure of fairness in a judge’s service. And, it takes the choices out of the hands of the least qualified selectors of judges, we the people. It’s a hard pose to strike. But, maybe a necessary one to ensure the most fair judicial system we can have…and deserve. Willis Webb is a retired community newspaper editor-publisher of more than 50 years experience. He can be reached by email at B&G Club’s 15th annual Cinco De Mayo held May 3 The 15th Annual Cinco de Mayo Celebration Fundraiser benefiting the Boys & Girls Club of Palacios is scheduled for May 3rd (Sat). Enjoy a day of fun which will include a BBQ cook-off, Colorful 5K by the Bay, Motorcycle Run, Dog Races, Kids Hamburger Patty Contest, Carnival, Arts, Crafts & Food booths, and game booths from 8 a.m. – 1p.m. For more information and entry forms, call the club at 361-972-2642 between 4 -7 p.m. or visit their website at Subscribe to the PALACIOS BEACON proudly keeping it local for 107-years Palacios B EACON Serving the City By The Sea Since 1907 Periodical Class Postage Paid At Palacios, Texas 77465 (USPS 418460) NICHOLAS M. WEST..............................................PUBLISHER RYAN G. WEST............................................EDITOR-SPORTS CAROLYN WHITE............ADVERTISING/OFFICE MANAGER BRANDI G. WEST...........................REPORTER/JOURNALIST TP MEMBER 2014 TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION South Texas Press Association Gulf Coast Press Association Published Weekly On Wednesday PALACIOS BEACON TONEY PUBLISHING COMPANY 453 Commerce • P. O. Box 817 Palacios, Texas 77465 (361) 972-3009 / FAX (361) 972-2610 E-Mail: Internet: Advertising & Article Submission Deadline 5 p.m. Friday • BEACON OFFICE CLOSED WEDNESDAYS • ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES: • Matagorda County...$25.00 • Outside-County...$35.00 • ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS STOP AT EXPIRATION DATE POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Palacios Beacon, P. O. Box 817, Palacios, Texas 77465. DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios Beacon - Wed., March 19, 2014 - Page 5 PJHS Band wins Sweepstakes award for 5th consecutive year The Palacios Junior High School band competed at the UIL Concert & SightReading Contest in Palacios held in early March. The PJHS Band received first division ratings from each judge in both their con- Palacios cert and sight reading performances. This qualified the band to win the Sweepstakes Award for the 5th consecutive time. This is the first time in the history of the Palacios JH Band program that the band has won this prestigious award five years in Beacon a row. The first ever Sweepstakes award was in 1988, followed by 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. The band coridally invites the community to attend their annual Spring Concert at 7 p.m. on May 7 in the Palacios ISD Y Fine Arts Building at Palacios HS with the beginner band from East Side followed by the award winning JH Band. The Palacios HS Band will be closing out the Spring Concert. The bands are conducted by Jim Popham and Michael Schurtz. OUTH Free public performance of PHS One Act Play’s ‘And Rain Came to Mayfield’ Thurs. at Fine Arts Bldg. Performance begins at 7:15 p.m. Palacios Community Coalition essay contest winners WINNERS of the Palacios Community Coalition essay contest. Participants wrote a 500 word essay explaining the importance of preserving history are: (left to right) teacher Lydia Schuetz, Vincent Nguyen, Tasha Sanchez - PCC Representative, Montserrat Garcia, teacher Janet Boehm. (Submitted Photo) The PHS Theatre Dept. and One Act Play will hold a free performance at 7:15 p.m..on Thurs. (Mar. 20) at the Palacios ISD Fine Arts Building. “And the Rain Came to Mayfield,” written by Jason Milligan and directed by Jacqueline Pritchard, is a drama that takes place in the fall of 1962 in the fictional town of Mayfield, Mississippi. The production finds two young men of different backgrounds discovering they have similar dreams of independence despite their individual and societal struggles. The performance will last approximately 40 minutes and will be a ‘live dress rehearsal’ for the District competition held next Thurs. (Mar. 27) at Industrial High School. There are 16 students involved in the PHS One Act Play that has been rehearsing since January. One Act Play members include: Kevin Tran, Serena Zamarripa, Tim Nguyen, Kimberly Perez, Michael Thomas, Emily Glawson, Leo Sanchez, Cheyenne Miller, Trey Morrison, Loren Osborne, Paul Nguyen, Natalie Escalante, Nohely Lopez, Jazmine Lara, Madeline Ferretiz, and Chasity Nguyen. Palacios ISD to host Education Texas State Fish Art Contest entry deadline March 31 Summit Monday at PJHS LRC In conjunction with Public School Week March 17-21, Palacios ISD will be sponsoring an Education Summit the following week on Monday, March 24, 2014 at 6pm at the Palacios Junior High School Learning Resource Center. Community, businesses, parents, teachers, adminis- trators, staff and students are welcome to attend. Input from everyone about the evolution of education is welcome. The world is rapidly changing and many of the skills and knowledge that students need to lead productive lives today are far different from what most adults needed to be successful. How are schools to evolve to ensure that students receive the education that is needed for them to be successful in today’s world? Palacios ISD invites all interested parties to help be an influence in helping create 21st Century Schools. Palacios Medical Clinic 1519 4th Street • Palacios • 361-972-2000 We’re here for you newborns to seniors * Family practice * Physicals * Preventative services * Well Child Exams * Family planning Gus Gross, MD & Katie Gilbert, FNP-C Now accepting new medicare patients se habla espanol The Texas State-Fish Art Contest, head- Foundation and Friends of the Texas Freshquartered at the Texas Freshwater Fisher- water Fisheries Center. The Texas State-Fish Art Contest is part ies Center (TFFC), reminds Texas teachers and students that the deadline for entries in of Wildlife Forever’s State-Fish Art Contest. the 2014 State-Fish Art Contest is March 31, The TTBC also provides a travel allowance for Texas first-place winners to attend the na2014. The contest is open to any student in pub- tional awards ceremony, which will be held lic, private or home schools in grades K-12. August 15 and 16, 2014, in Columbia, South Students must draw or paint any recognized Carolina. Wildlife Forever chooses one outstandstate fish and write an essay about it. Complete contest details and entry forms can be ing piece of artwork each year for the Art of Conservation Award, and a commemorative found at New to the 2014 Texas State-Fish Art Con- stamp featuring the artwork is produced for test will be prizes for the top 10 winners in sale. Proceeds from sales of the stamp are each of the four grade categories courtesy of used to fund conservation projects. Educators who wish to have their stuFishFlops®. Each of the top 40 Texas winners will receive official FishFlops® merchandise. dents enter the contest can download the FishFlops® were created by Galveston teen- free “State-Fish Art Contest Lesson Plan” at ager Madison Nicole Robinson and are avail- The interdisciplinary curriculum includes lessons and activities, a able at Nordstrom. “We recognize the spirit of the Texas State- species identification section profiling each Fish Art Contest is to inspire young talented state fish, a glossary and student worksheets. individuals to explore the limits of their creativity,” said Madison Nicole, creator of FishFlops®. “We hope our brand will inspire the winners to take their artistic skills to the next level.” The Toyota Texas Bass Classic (TTBC) provides funds for prizes for first-, second- and third-place Texas winners in each of the four grade-level divisions. First place in grades 10—12 wins $1,000; second place $750; As many of you know Darrell and I lost our home and everything in third place $500. Prizes in the it due to fire on February 14, 2014. It has been a long month for us, K—3, 4—6 and 7—9 grade but because of so many caring people, family, friends, our community levels are $100 for first; $75 and even people from far away, we are doing okay. for second; $50 for third. StuWithin minutes of what had happened we were given personal items, dent art from the Texas conclothing, furniture, cash donations also toys and books for our daughtest is featured on TTBC tickter. People were stopping on the road offering us places to stay. All we can say is thank you all so very much and how awesome you all ets. The next TTBC will take are. You all know who you are and we greatly appreciate everything. place on Lake Fork in May Thank you to our fire department and other surrounding fire depart2014. ments for doing what they could. Thank you to Chris Vandenburg for Additional support for the saving our nine year old German Shepherd “Max”. Texas contest is provided by A benefit was put together for us on March 16, 2014 and we want the William E. Armentrout SUBSCRIBE TO THE PALACIOS BEACON $25 A YEAR IN COUNTY • $35 A YEAR OUT-OF-COUNTY to say thank you to everyone involved, it means a lot to us and it will definitely help us get back on our feet. We know we were blessed that day and that we are all okay and stuff can be replaced. When it comes down to it, our community has each others back no matter what. Time to pay it forward, that is what makes our little town a special place. Thanks so much! With lots of love, Darrell, Deanne, Karlee, “Max” and “Baby” Buckley Worship At The Church Of Your Choice Page 6 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., March 19, 2014 Quality, Variety and Value! 702 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios (361) 972-2534 MATGORDA HOUSE HEALTHCARE CENTER Skilled Nursing Facility 700 12th • Bay City • 979-245-7800 Admissions Director: Debbie Castillo Pest l ro Cont alist i c e p S Pest Oscar’s Fre Ter e Inspemite ction & termite cOntrOl “The Only Name You Need to Know in Pest Control” DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY BESEECH you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of you mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. , Palacios Funeral Home 701 1ST STREET • 972-2012 AGAPE FAMILY OUTREACH 1811 Newsom Blvd. Sunday Fellowship: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday Discipleship: 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Eric Young Church Phone: 972-0800 ASAMBLEA APOSTOLICA DELA FE EN CRISTO JESUS 710 8th Street Lunes-Oracios 7:30 p.m. Martes-Culto Juvenil Bilinque: 7:30 p.m. Miercoles-Culto De Adoracion: 7:30 p.m. Domingo Escuela Dominical: 9:45 a.m. Culto Evangelisticio: 2 p.m. Pastor: Eddie Martinez Phone: 972-2419 BIBLE BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP 451 Commerce Street Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Richard Alamia Assistant Pastor: Carmen Rios Phone: 972-6171 111 N. Main St. • Port Lavaca, TX • 361-552-5441 Melstan Feed & Seed BLESSING CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Serving the Community 43 Years 39 South 11th St., Blessing Sunday Services: 10 a.m. Wednesday Prayer: 7 p.m. Mon-Sat: 11am-1:30pm & 5-9pm 1917 13th St. • Bay City • 979-245-2097 Palacios Antiques & Resale 501 First Street • Palacios 361-972-1380 BLESSING CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY Railroad & Pecan Streets Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. Pastor: Steven Walker BLESSING FIRST BAPTIST Sunday School: 8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 9:45 a.m. & 7 p.m Wednesday Service: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Larry Swift Church Phone: 588-7325 Pastor’s Phone: 588-6313 Open Fri. & Sat. 10am - 5pm • Sun. Noon - 4pm Prime Parts Supply 709 Henderson • (361) 972-2565 W W DOCK TURNING BASIN 2 361-972-5012 # P.O. 342 1407 MBox AIN STREET Palacios, TX PALACIOS, TEXAS77465 77465 361-972-1555 Serendipity Bay Resort 1001 Main St. ~ Palacios 361-972-5454 CARS SUV’s TRUCKS PALACIOS AUTOS 361-972-3596 • 117 Henderson • Palacios, TX 1-877-4-BAY CITY The Trull FoundaTion 404 FourTh STreeT • PalacioS,TX • 361-972-5241 Serving the Palacios - Matagorda County Area Since 1967 CARANCAHUA CHAPEL Corner CR 470 / CR 476 Carancahua Community Ctr. Sunday Service: 8:30 a.m. Wed. Service: 6 p.m. Pastor: Bob Keprta Casual Dress COLLEGEPORT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Pastors: Andy & Janell Blair Church Phone: 972-1158 FIRST BAPTIST of PALACIOS OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN LCMS 4th & Rorem Sunday School: 9 a.m. Bible Class: 9 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:15 Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Church Phone: 972-3852 202 Main Street Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. PILGRIM ROSE BAPTIST Sunday Morning 9th & Moore Worship: 10:45 a.m., Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Family Bible Study 5:45p.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Wed. Youth & Children Activities: 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service: 6:30 p.m. Wed. Church Prayer Time: 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Pastor: Chris Webb Pastor: LeRoy Monroe Associate Pastor of Ministries: Phone: 972-6482 James Collins Church Phone: 972-5486 PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA 4th & Morton Domingo Escuela FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Domincal: 9:45 a.m. 3rd & Morton Adoracion: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Sunday School: 9:40 a.m. Miercoles Estudio Biblico: 7 p.m. Sunday Coffee: 10:30 a.m. Pastor: Juan Aguilera Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Parsonage: 972-5542 Pastors: Andy & Janell Blair Church Phone: 972-2124 Pastor’s Phone: 972-5389 SOLID ROCK FELLOWSHIP 1800 First St. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.; 6 p.m. FIRST UNITED METHODIST Wednesday. Service: 6:00 p.m. 3rd & Lucas Pastors: Billie Burch Sunday School: 9 a.m. Church Phone: 972-3675 Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday Adult Choir: 6 p.m. Pastor: Rev. David King ST. ANTHONY’S CATHOLIC Church Phone: 972-3013 1004 Magnusson Pastor’s Phone: 972-6005 Confessions Saturday: 5-5:45 p.m., or by Appointment Saturday Mass 6 p.m. FIRST UNITED Sunday Vietnamese Mass: 8 a.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday English Mass: 9:30 a.m. 525 Morton Street Sunday Spanish Mass: 11 a.m. Sunday Service: 10 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Bryan Heyer & 6:30 p.m. Church Phone: 972-2446 Wednesday Service: 7:00 p.m. Pastor: James & Susie Jimenez Se Habla Español Church Phone: 972-2707 HOUSE OF GOD SECOND PRESBYTERIAN (Bilingual) 9th & Morton Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-5254 ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL 3rd & Main Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-2744 Church Fax: 972-1334 THE LIVING WORD CHURCH Domingo: 9.45 a.m., 6 p.m. Miercoles: 6:30 p.m. Viernes: 6:30 p.m. 12th & Henderson Sunday Worship 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday Youth Service: 7 p.m. Intercession: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.: 7 p.m. Pastor: Tony Flores Church Phone: 972-2352, 972-2955 LABOR OF LOVE MINISTRIES TRINITY BAPTIST LA VINA DEL SENOR CHURCH OF CHRIST 6th at Rorem Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class: 7 p.m. Phone: 972-2132 CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 508 4th St. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Worship Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Lloyd Rodriguez Church Phone: 972-6550 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS Phone: 972-1606 1008 5th Street Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Monday: 7 p.m. School of the Book Wednesday Worship: 7:30 p.m. Pastor: Danny G. Perez Church Phone: 972-2849 Pastor’s Phone: 972-2475 MIDFIELD COMMUNITY Junetta St., Midfield Sunday Worship: 7:30 a.m. Pastor: Clyde Grier NEW BEGINNINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 10th & Ritchie • PO Box 657 Sunday Worship: 6pm Thursday Worship: 7pm Church Phone: 361-649-4715 Pastor: Kenyon Hamilton 2nd & Rorem Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer: 7 p.m. Pastor: Louis Rush Church Phone: 972-3139 WEST PALACIOS CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 808 9th St. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Praise-Worship: 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Pastor: Raymond Salinas Church Phone: 972-6262 Pastor’s Phone: 361-588-7117 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To list your church information on this page, for free, bring, mail, fax or e-mail your information to the Palacios Beacon. Fax: 972-2610; or E-mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 459 Main Street • Palacios, TX • 361-972-2585 (361) 972-2222 1-800-787-7741 Romans 12:1-2 Oscar TOrres, Owner (361) 578-7378 • (361) 920-7378 308 4th Street ~ Palacios When visiting the businesses and services listed above, thank them for sponsoring this Church Page. CAMPBELL-HUITT INSURANCE 972-2551 Homes • Business • Life Palacios House of Flowers 414 Main St. • Palacios • 361-972-2517 Under New Management Irene Page, Owner WES’ FEED & MORE 1160 FM 616 • 361-588-6631 Tire Shop 361-588-6660 Blessing, Texas 77419 The Luther Hotel An Historic Inn 408 South Bay Blvd. 361-972-2312 STP Nuclear Operating Company www. Coastal Properties EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY HUD CERTIFIED 215 5th St. Palacios 361-972-5900 "Strong Churches Make Strong Communities" Dairy Queen 215 Henderson Ave. 361-972-2554 Open: 10am-10pm PALACIOS HEALTHCARE CENTER 1414 4th Street 361-972-2542 “The Small Home with the Big Heart” PALACIOS AUTO & TOWING 1105 Henderson 361-972-5923 Mon-Fri: 7:30am-4:30pm, Sat: 8am to Noon After Hours - By Appointment Only Verner L. “Butch” Bowers Attorney-At-Law 807 Henderson • Palacios • 361-972-2545 BIG G Auto GlAss 1-800-460-2080 Proudly Serving the Palacios Community LAGASSE MARINE WAYS Turning Basin 1 • 361-972-6060 We Support Our Community & Local Churches Capt. Tom’s Seafood 361-972-3780 PALACIOS HOUSING AUTHORITY Located at Seacrest Estates 45 Seashell • (361) 972-3721 Owners Richard & Nancy Rhoades 972-6281 317 Henderson Palacios, Tx LIFE S TYLES DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios Beacon Obituaries Foran obituaries Palacios Beacon must first be For obituarytotobe bepublished publishedinitthe must be submitted bythey either a funeral LEROY LEDWIG STUMER home or a family member. There is a $40 charge for a standard obituary. submitted by either a funeral home or family members. Leroy Ledwig Stumer, 86, of Palacios and formerly of El Campo passed away on March 6, 2014. He was born on October 17, 1927 to James Adloph and Louise (Noska) Stumer of Frelsburg, TX. On March 5, 2005 he married Dorothy McKinney. Leroy was a retired Truck Driver for Marek Trucking and lived the past seven years in Palacios. He was a member of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Palacios and the American Legion in El Campo. Leroy is survived by wife, Dorothy; sons, Paul Leroy Stumer and wife Wendy Wallace of El Campo, and David James Stumer and wife Molly of El Campo, and steopson Don McKinney and Wife Barbara of Cypress; and seven grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his family James Adolf Stumer, mother Louise Stumer, sister Tonie Pechacek Barosh; and brothers Joe Pechacek, Frank Pechacek, and Victor Pechacek. Pallbearers were Bo Hancock, Dru Wallace, Caleb McKinney, Jonathan McKinney, Sawyer Stumer and LaSay Stumer. Honorary pallbearer was Calista Stumer. Memorials can be made to St. Roch Catholic Church Building Fund, 1600 Freslburg Rd., Alleyton, TX 78935. Online condolences can be given at Patchwork of Life quilt exhibition, conference April 5 Patchwork of Life Quilt Exhibition and Christian Women’s Conference will feature speaker Erin Davis the co-author of “Lies Young Women Believe” Sat. (April 5) at the Christian Life Center (CLC) located at 200 Welch St. from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. The Quilt Exhibition is seeking both new and historic quilts for the Bay Area 2014 Quilt Exhibition. Each quilt must be hand-made, but can be a new creation or an inherited quilt or heirloom. New this year, each quilt exhibitor has the option of putting their name and phone number on their exhibited quilt. This gives them the ability to be contacted by the women who are attending the conference regarding quilt sales or quilt commissions. The cost of exhibiting a quilt is $10, which includes the Women’s Conference and lunch. New this year is free childcare with advance registration for children 0-5 In collaboration with the Palacios ISD School Health years old. Advisory Committee and the Palacios Community Hub The Quilt Exhibition will (Hub) will host all Central Elementary aged children and be held at the Christian Life homeschoolers to an Anti-Bullying Family Fun Day on Center, 200 Welch St. Palacios. March 24 from 6-7:30p.m. at the Hub located at 205 4th St. Last year’s Quilt Exhibition Children will play games, eat snacks and create an art was well attended by over 140 women. The 2013 winning project as they learn about bullying and how to combat quilt was an overwhelming this problem. Parents are invited to attend a workshop by favorite with the voters. Leslie Machicek, RN, BSN, Wesley Nurse with Methodist Also a quilt raffle will Healthcare Ministries. benefit the Matagorda County Women’s Pregnancy Center in Bay City, a pro-life ministry. For Quilt Entry Forms, Child Care Forms and Ticket Information, please see the website: www.. T h e B l e s s i n g , Te x a s trophy. or call American Legion Auxiliary Applications can be picked Donna Christensen 361-972Cook-Off fundraiser is up at Blessing American 6068 or purchase at Old Main scheduled for March 29 at Legion restaurant & bar or: Bookstore, 438 Main Street, the Blessing American Legion contact Dolores Chandler 972- Palacios. Park. Cook-Off will include: 6117 or Maude Mitchell (361) brisket, beans, ribs, and chili; 588-6677. $25.00 first entry, $10.00 each The event also includes a additional entry. Regular Raffle; 50/50 Raffle; Registration for Cook-off & Whiskey Wagon Raffle and begins Saturday morning a large auction beginning at from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the 2:30 p.m. Raffle tickets can SERVICE Legion Park. be purchased from members All food must be prepared or at the Blessing American at American Legion Park. Legion. All proceeds will Palacios Beacon Trophies will be distributed fund Veterans’ Programs, Fax Line (361) 972-2610 for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each Scholarships and various other Office Line (361) 972-3009 division and Showmanship charitable organizations. • Happenings at the Palacios Community Hub • Blessing American Legion BBQ Cook-Off fundraiser next Sat. FAX HIP IMPLANT RECALL Several companies have recalled metal-onmetal hip implants due to an unacceptably high failure rate. Complications include infection, bone fracture, dislocation, pain, increased metal ion levels in the blood, bone staining, necrosis, swelling, nerve damage, tissue damage and/or muscle damage. If you had hip replacement surgery during or after 2005, please talk to your doctor right away, then contact us toll-free for professional insight. EXPERIENCE COUNTS Lawyers with more than 100 years combined expertise. ONE CALL ONE LOW PRICE Ryan A. Krebs, M.D., J.D. Doctor-Lawyer in Full-time Law Practice Richard A. Dodd, L.C. Timothy R. Cappolino, P.C. Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Law and Civil Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization NO FEE FOR FIRST VISIT Advertise Your Business or Event STATEWIDE OFFICES IN HOUSTON/CONROE, TEMPLE AND AUSTIN, PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN CAMERON 1-800-460-0606 Class A CDL drivers needed now Regional ads available Contact this newspaper for more information New terminal & orientation facility in Denton, TX. Great lease program w/ 99¢ fuel, weekly retention bonus & more. Some company openings. New trucks & trailers. Great pay! Reefer freight. 000-000-0000 361-972-3009 888-514-6005 Where Caring Is Our Calling WE OFFER: • Physical Therapy • Respite Care • Occupational Therapy • IV Therapy • Speech Therapy • Wound Care • Secured Unit We accept Medicare, Medicaid, Private Pay, Private Insurance, and V.A. Stop by for a complimentry mug or a cup of hot chocolate and a tour. Contact Admissions Coordinator Gidgett Reynolds at 361-649-5400. Gidgett Reynolds Admissions Coordinator 361-649-5400 524 Village Road • Port Lavaca, TX 77979 ✦ 361-552-3741 Palacios Beacon - Wed., March 19, 2014 - Page 7 •Birth announcements must be submitted within 4 weeks of birth to be published free of charge. Otherwise, a $20 charge applies. •Wedding stories must be submitted within 4 weeks of ceremony to be published at nominal rate, otherwise $5.50 per column inch rate will apply. Safe handling of fresh produce BY Chinatu Gladrich AgriLife Extension Agent - Mat. Co. Do you consume fresh fruits and vegetables daily? They can be very nutritious and contain a lot of flavor. However, recent data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention attribute 46% of foodborne illnesses to produce. Produce also accounts for 38% of the hospitalizations reviewed in this study. The study considered fruits, nuts, and vegetables as produce. Of the illnesses reported, many were derived from eating leafy vegetables. With this being said, what are you doing to ensure your produce is safe? Let’s look at a few ways you can help protect your family from contracting foodborne illnesses. Purchasing Safe Produce Purchase produce that is not bruised or damaged. When you select pre-cut produce, chose only items that are refrigerated and/or on ice. Be sure to separate the produce from the other items in your cart, such as meat or seafood products, as this could lead to cross contamination. Prepare Safe Produce Keep produce that will be eaten raw separate from other foods, such as raw meats or seafood. It is advised to remove damaged areas on the produce prior to cooking or eating. Wash all produce thoroughly under running water before handling. Even if you plan to peel the produce, it is still recommended that you wash it. Scrub firm produce with a clean produce brush and dry with a clean cloth or paper towel. Produce may become contaminated at any point in the food process. Eating contaminated produce could lead to foodborne illness. Remember, as you enjoy these healthy menu options, to keep food safety in mind! For more information on food safety and fresh produce, contact your local county AgriLife Extension Agent, Chinatu Gladrich, at 2200 7th Street, 4th Fl., Bay City, by phone at 979-245-4100, or visit this link http://www. ucm114299. Two Special Education Workshops Thursday at Victoria Library Two Special Education Parent Workshops oped and by whom, and resources for more will be presented by Partners Resource Net- information on transition. work - TEAM Project on Thursday (Mar. “Solving the Employment Puzzle for Youth 20) from 9:30 a.m. - 12-noon at the Victoria with Disabilities” will be presented from Public Library in the Bronte Room, 302 N. 10:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon. This workshop Main St, Victoria. Partners Resource Network will provide parents and youth with practical, is a Parent Training and Information Center hands-on strategies to help reach a student’s funded by a grant from the U.S. Department employment-related transition goals. Particiof Education - Office of Special Education pants will learn about post-secondary services Programs. Visit for more that are available and how to obtain them. information. The presenter, Brenda Nelson, is Following the workshops, Individual Supthe TEAM Project Regional Coordinator for port Service is available for parents to discuss Victoria and surrounding areas.She is also the specific questions or concerns about their parent of a teen with a disability and brings child’s special education services. Bring your personal perspective and experience to all her ARD or IFSP paperwork. Please call or email presentations. for an appointment time. “Transition to Adulthood” will be presentAttend one or both sessions. For more infored from 9:30 - 10:45 am. This workshop will mation or to reserve a seat for the workshops provide parents with IDEA transition require- or make an appointment for a one-on-one sesments for a student with a disability prepar- sion, please contact Brenda Nelson at 979ing for life after high school. Covered will be 616-0393 or . important aspects of transition planning, information typically The one and only.... included in a transition plan, how transition plans are devel- • PALACIOS BEACON • Page 8 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., March 19, 2014 Beacon Classified Ads $5.00 Per Insertion for 25 Words Or Less • Payment required at the time of placement for all Classified Ads Office: 361-972-3200 117 Henderson 2008 DODGE Outstanding 1920 historical home overlooking the Palacios Bay! Major renovations. Currently a successful Bed & Breakfast. Your Coastal Property Specialists! PIERCE REAL ESTATE 438 MAIN ST • 361-972-0810 311 E. MATAGORDA- Very nice three bedroom, two bath home on double lot. Large one car garage and storage building. Ready to move in. $125,000. 108 COMMERCE- Three bedroom, two bath home on oversized lot, barn/storage and carport $79,900. 500 WELCH - Three bedroom, three bath home on oversized corner lot. Lots of potential $80.000. 409 E. BAYSHORE - Castner Cottage, A great home on the water or rental income for a weekender, 325’ lighted pier, $229,500 411 E. TRES PALACIOS - Camp Logan, Bay view from the front porch, formal dining, $189,950 ABALONE, IN BOCA CHICA - Secluded with a view of a nice horse ranch, $4,000 SE CORNER OF SH 35 & 11th - Commercial lot waiting for a business, $99,925 GREEN & 7th - Behind Lowe’s, subdivision waiting to happen, 19.83 acres, $999,925 SH 35 & UNIVERSITY - Storage building with office space, can be divided several ways, call John for more information, $299,000 (office currently for rent) John L. Pierce Broker/Owner/GRI I can help you as a buyers rep even if it's not my listing. Building Site, or Mobile Home. .35 Acre (Lot 9) City Untilities Roberta Brieden Re/Max Coastal Properties office: 361-972-5900 cell: 361-920-2891 Boca Chica Section 3 Lot 83 Sandollar 5,000.00 No Improvements $ Roberta Brieden Re/Max Coastal Properties office: 361-972-5900 cell: 361-920-2891 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 5000 Sq. Ft. Metal building on 2 acres. 1970 FM 317 (12th St). Owner Finance. 361-404-0245. (11-2tp) -----------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 2 Story house in Tres Palacios Oaks, 3BD home built on three lots. The third lot has water, sewer, septic, and electric also. A three bay garage with one bay converted to built in with work benches. Stove, refrigerator and dish washer included. $65K asking will discount to $55K for cash buyer. Contact Vic Collins @ 1-281-543-9069. (47-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 3-Plex $92,000. Firm. Gross estimated annual income $18,960. Call Ron Laws with Re/Max Coastal Properties @ 979-240-4413. (44-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ TRAVEL TRAILER 2006-22 ft. PIONEER by Fleetwood. Bumper pull. Sleeps 5, Excellent condition. For more information call Jo Ann @ 281-494-3835. (10-4tc) ------------------------------------------------ LAND FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1+ Acre Tracts. Owner financing available. $4,000. Down, $225/ month. Call Ron @ 979-240-4413. (37-tfc) Durango, 112K miles $9,500. Smart Car, 27K miles Automatic $8,495. at IN-HOUSE FINANCING STORAGE UNITS 10’ X 10’ Climate Controlled Heated and Cooled 2601 Perryman 979-240-4413 FOR RENT FOR RENT: 3BD, 2BA, with attached 2 car garage. CH/A, fenced yard. Hardwood, laminate & tile floors. Close to elementary school. $1100/ month, $1000/deposit. No smokers. Call Ron @ 979240-4413. (12-tfc) -----------------------------------------------SEA BREEZE APTS.: 1Bedroom apartment, fully furnished, all bills paid, basic cable, $175/week. Call 713-5826966 for more information. (12-1tnc) -------------------------------------------------SMALL EFFICIENCY home for rent. Water furnished. $175/every two weeks, $175/deposit. ALSO House for sale, 2BD, 1BA @ 310 Magnusson. Asking $61,500. No owner financing. Call 979943-8845 for more info. (12-2tp) -----------------------------------------------WANTED TO RENT: A building for 2 days a weeks to repair electric motors. Must be responsibly priced. Call 361293-7712 or 361-208-3144. (11-2tp) -----------------------------------------------FOR RENT: 2 Bedroom 1 bath Apartment overlooking east bay. Free Direct TV. $625/month, $625/Deposit. Also 3 Bedroom, 2 bath down stairs apartment. Free Direct TV $727/ month, + Deposit. Call 832-692-5789 for more information. (11-2tp) -----------------------------------------------FOR RENT: 122 South Bay, 3BR, 2BA, CH/A, No smoking, No pets. $1350/month + Deposit. Call Ron @ 979-240-4413. (6-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR RENT: 409 Magnusson, 3BR, 2BA, CH/A, No smoking, no pets. $1100/month + Deposit. Call Ron @ 979-240-4413. (6-tfc) -----------------------------------------------AVAILABLE FOR weekend or VACATION rental: 327 E. Bayshore Drive. A split level waterfront home. 2BD, 2BA, upstairs and a 1BD, efficiency downstairs. Renting all as one. Call 361-655-3515 or 361-218-0516 for more information. (11-tfc) -----------------------------------------------1 Bedroom apartment Completely furnished apartment. All bills paid, includes WIFI and Cable/Movie channels. Washer dryer on site. $675.00 per month to drama free tenant. No pets, No smoking. See our website www.palacioshousingsource. com for photos, contact info (48-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR LEASE: 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2 story Townhome. Very nice unit in quiet 10 unit complex w-great neighbors. Includes washer/dryer. $695/month, $725/deposit. Furnished or unfurnished. E-mail: paul@ (44-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ LIGHT DOZER or AQUACULTURE TECHS/TRAINEES •Full-time,6-dayweek •Mustlikeworkingoutdoors&aroundwater •Mechanicalaptituderequired •Experienceoperatingfarmequipmentaplus •Competitivepay&opportunityforadvancement TOAPPLYCALL361-972-3240 Drugandalcoholscreeningadministered BACKHOE SERVICE BY: GENE EGGEMEYER • Fence line cleaning • Small Pond Construction • Dirt/Gravel Leveling If you need it pushed, leveled, or cleared call 361-972-5593 361-676-0386 (cell) MISCELLANEOUS LARGE SWING set for sale. Call 361-652-2249 after 5pm. (12-2tp) -----------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 24” Hotpoint Gas Stove, In new condition. New $500. Asking $200. Call 361-972-2609 (12-1tp/tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR SALE: Manual Wheelchair by Invacare, 20” seat. Never used. $240 value, selling for $150. Call 361-9723827. (12-1tc) -----------------------------------------------FOR SALE: Used washer and dryer. Mismatched colors. $100. You pick up. Call 361-920-6613. (12-1tc) ------------------------------------------------ GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE: Fri. Mar. 21st & Sat. Mar. 22nd, 8am to ?. 517 Rorem. Women’s clothing and other misc. items. (12-1tp) -----------------------------------------------nd GARAGE SALE: Sat., Mar. 22 , 8:30am to 6:30pm & Sun., Mar. 23rd, 10am to 2pm, 911 Morton, Lots of Jewelry, shoes, clothes, kitchenware, lots of nice different items. Cancelled if it rains (12-1tp) ----------------------------------------------- PP alacios ride Pick it uP AIRLINE CAREERS VEHICLES 2004 VOLKSWAGON Beetle convertible, black, automatic, fully loaded. 20” chrome wheels, 95K miles. $995/Down, $297/Month, W.A.C. Call 979-543-7199 (7-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ SUPPORT GROUPS DRINKING PROBLEM?: CAN’T STOP? , Episcopal Hall, 3rd & Main St., Palacios, Thursday, 7 p.m. & Sunday 3:30 p.m. Call John (361)5539638 or Jeff (713)299-7179. (34-tfnc) ------------------------------------------------ BEGIN HERE Become an Aviation Mechanic. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified – Housing available. Job placement assistance CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance Dallas - 800-475-4102 or Houston - 800-743-1392 WANTED PALACIOS PET PALS needs Weight Circles from Purina Brand Dog and Cat food bags and boxes. They can be used to get discounts. Please call 361972-0100 for more information or mail cut out circles to Pet Pals, P.O. Box 215, Palacios, TX or drop in Palacios at H.L.C. Bookkeeping, 217 Fifth St., during business hours. (18-tfnc) ------------------------------------------------ HELP WANTED CITY OF PALACIOS is accepting applications for City Treasurer. Please contact City Manager David Kocurek for more information at 361972-3605 or (11-2tc) ------------------------------------------------ Do YOU have a news TIP or an IDEA for a news story? Call us @ 972.3009 and give us the scoop Express Inc. CONTRACTORS NEEDED! Daily Express, a leader in Heavy Haul and Specialized Transportation, is in need of safe & skilled Contractors to pull our step-deck and lowboy trailers! We now offer 3 eets! NEW Daily Expedited – An open Deck High Mileage Division of Daily Express. Daily Heavy Haul – Oversize & Overweight, the standard for quality within the heavy haul and oversize industry. Special Equipment – 100% heavy & 100% oversized, an elite operation moving 7-13 axle combinations. Have your own Step-deck or RGN? Bring it on board or pull company trailers AT NO COST! ***Best FSC in the Industry, No Agents or Brokers, Paid Permits/ Escorts, Advancement Opportunities, a CSA favorable company*** Get on board with a proven leader today! Call Erik or Nicole at 1-800-669-6414 or apply at GARAGE SALES Garage sale: Fri., Mar. 21st, 8am to 4pm, 396 Elm St., Blessing, TX. Fabric, new yarn, patterns, clothes some furniture and other misc. items (12-1tc) ----------------------------------------------Garage sale: Fri., Mar. 21st, & Sat., Mar. 22nd. 8am to 11am, 300 University. Lots of tools, books, cookbooks, men’s & women’s clothes@ $1 each, table w/4 chairs, Easter decorations, queen comforter set, home goods, etc. (12-1tc) Go Painlessly® with THERA-GESIC. Maximum strength analgesic creme for temporary relief from: • Joint and Muscle soreness • Arthritis • Back aches Ron Laws 979-240-4413 Broker/Owner Tammy Hill 979-240-3420 Realtor Charlotte Tucker 979-241-8615 Realtor Independently owned and operated 2009 MERCEDES YOU CAN NOW VISIT US ON OUR NEW WEBSITE Dan Tucker 979-241-5457 Broker/Owner COASTAL PROPERTIES 215 5th Street 361-972-5900 361-972-3596 H Auto Detailing by Appointment H David and Jody Cassady Owner/Broker • 317 East Bay Blvd.- Outstanding 1920 historic home overlooking the Palacios Bay. Major recent renovations. 5 bedrooms & 5.5 baths. Currently a successful Bed & Breakfast business. $359,000 • 634 Jackson County Rd 470 Palacios- 3/2.1 , 2 story home on 10.91 acres. Heated pool, 3 car garage w/shop, lots of fruit trees • Ruthvan- Nice 2.86 acre place within the city limits of Palacios. Approx. 1000 ft from Tres Palacios Bay. Would be great homesite! $48,500 • 000 Hwy 35 & Turtle Bay Road – Excellent location for homesite or development. Frontage on Hwy 35 & CR 355. • 608 First St.- Lucrative convenient store on high traffic business 35 downtown Palacios.$300,000 • 00 FM 521 & FM 2853-Prime property, close to South Texas Nuclear Plant. Lots of potential here! $50,000 • 415 W Craymer- Huge Price Reduction! – 3/2 home great for entertaining. Formal living/dining combination + lrg living room w/fireplace & much more! $158,000 • 16 Peggy - 3bd, 2ba, Fantastic home with open floor paln at Schicke Point. $240,000. • 0 CR 305 - 7.88 Acres - Build what ever your little heart desires. $394.000. • 1102 8th St. - 4bd, 2ba, Oldie but goodie on corner lot. $69,000. • 0 Riverside Dr. (TPO) - 2 Riverfront lots with water & electricity. $25,000. • 222 E. Lou Lou Lane - 3bd, 1ba, A great little fish camp at Schicke Point. $50,000. • 74 Grand Oak 2 (TPO) - 3bd, 2ba, A lovely home with 5 well maintained fenced in lots. With a huge garage/work shop. $96,000. • 27 Catamaran - Two beautiful lots well maintained. There is a septic, storage building and a sun room. $32,000. REDUCED $28,000. 1014 Jackson County Road 477 Palacios, TX 77465 Palacios Autos 315 W. Craymer 972-3009 Classified Deadline 10 A.M. MONDAY THG-12902 972-3009 Classified Deadline 10 A.M. MONDAY DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY DEADLINE Robbie Brieden 361-920-2891 Realtor • 206 University - 4BD, 2BA, with 2 car garage, fenced yard, large den, enclosed porch, $169,000. Call Ron • 315 Johnson - 2BD, 1BA, with bonus room. Remodeled $56,000. Call Tammy • 508 Rorem - Totally remodeled, 2BD, 2BA, Home with lots of extras. Must see! $98,500. Call Tammy • 506 Humphrey - 2BD, 1BA, home with hardwood floors, carpet, fenced yard. Storage building. $55,000. Call Robbie. • 134 Sea Bass - Bayview home, under constuction on 2 lots, New Septic. Boca Chica S/D $60,000. Call Ron • 298 Sea Bass - Great getaway house. 1BD, 1BA, tile floors. Attached garage has 1BD, 1BA as well. $95,000. Call Ron • 304 S. Bay - 2BD, 2BA, Fantastic location with waterview of Tres Palacios Bay. Swimming pool. $234,000. • 379 Walnut, Lolita - 1BD, 2BA, fenced yard, workshop. Could be 2 bedroom, second room doesn't have a closet. $78,000 Call Robbie. CONTRACT PENDING • 771 CR 305 - 3BD, 1 1/2 BA, Brick home with waterview. Situated on 4 acres. Attached on car garage. $361,000. Call Ron • 312 Duson - 3BD, 2BA, with open concept floor plan & wood burning fireplace. CONTRACT PENDING Enclosed front porch & detached garage $184,500. Call Charlotte • 412 Lucas - 2BD, 2BA, Covered front porch, kitchen and diningroom have been remodeled, large utility room. $74,900. Call Charlotte • 507 E. Bayshore Dr. - 2BD, 2BA, Open concept home with beautiful view of the Bay. $141,000. REDUCED $129,000. Call Tammy • 116 Willowrun - Cozy 3BD, 2BA, in Tres Palacios Oaks. 2 Car garage. $62,000. Call Tammy • 506 Morton - Newly remodeled 3BD, 2BA home. Stainless steel appliances, large backyard. Must see! $95,000. REDUCED $85,000. Call Ron • 568 Bayview - 2BD, 2BA, in Cape Carancahua w/waterview on 3 lots, jacuzzi tub and lots of extras Must see $175,000. Call Robbie • 517 Lucas - 2BD, 2BA Home great for entertaining with outdoor BBQ room. $115,000. REDUCED $110,000. Call Robbie • 1200 4th St. - Old Charm Victorian on corner lot. 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 story home with wrap around porch. $159,000. REDUCED $142,000. Call Ron • 300 Austin - 3BD, 2BA, Home with new wood floors, kitchen cabinets & countertops. Fenced yard. $158,000. REDUCED $132,000. Call Ron • 312 Perryman - 2BD, 1BA, House with new kitchen cabinets. Metal building. $75,000. Call Ron • 604 4th Street - 3 Unit Apartment building, 2 Story - Downstairs 3BD, 2BA, 2 Units upstairs- Each 1BD, 1BA. $110,000. REDUCED $92,000. Call Ron • 307 Windswept - Located in Sunrise Bay Sub-Division. This 3BD, 3BA, open concept home has a beautiful view of the bay. $279,000. Call Charlotte • 413 E Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 3BA, Town home with waterview from balcony, $215,000. Call Charlotte • 415 E Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 3BA, Town home with waterview, gated parking in the back. $215,000. Call Charlotte • 2209 Bayshore Dr. - Beautiful 4BD, 3BA, two story home with private pier. Many extras. $980,000. REDUCED $750,000. Call Charlotte for details. • 502 Elizabeth - Great view of the Bay. 2/2 w/garage, great yard, $180,000. REDUCED $170,000. Call Charlotte • 805 Ave C, Blessing - 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, cinder block home, remodeled bathroom. $45,000. Call Tammy • 898 CR 324 - Nice country home on 20 acres! 4 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 bath, brick home with large barn. $295,000. $275,000. REDUCED $245,000. Call Robbie • 401 Henderson - Strip Mall! Great Business location! $325,000. Call Charlotte LAND • 6.5 Acres, Hwy 35 - Over 6.5 acres with 200 ft. of frontage on Turtle Bay with bulkhead. Located just outside of town. $175,000. Call Ron • 15321 S. Brentwood, Channelview, TX - Approximately 150 ft. of frontage X 500 ft. deep. $75,000. Call Ron • Lot 121, Beachside S/D - Gated community with lots of future amenities, underground utilities. $17,500. Call Ron • Lot 146 - Bayview in Cape Carancahua. Gated community with boat launch, pool, piers. $10,000. Call Ron • 552 Bayview - 2 Lots. Great lots to build on. S/D has piers, boat launch, pool. $19,000. Call Ron • Lot 24 Windswept - Sunrise Bay S/D. Fantastic view of Carancahua Bay. $45,000. Call Ron • 633 Swallow Drive - 2 Great lots to build on, includes small building and power pole. S/D has boat launch, pool and pier. $21,000. Call Ron • River Hollow Way - 1 Acre of River front property, lots of trees. $51,500. Call Tammy • Lot 3 Red Snapper - Waterfront lot with concrete bulkhead. Great view. $110,000. Call Ron • Tiger Shark - Waterfront lot in Boca Chica Subdivision $12,500. Call Ron • 6405 SH 35 - 1.73 Acres of undeveloped waterfront property on Turtle Bay. Over 148 ft. of water frontage with seawall. $92,000. Call Ron • FM 3280 - 627.71 Acres in 2 different tracts. $1,489,000. Call Dan • 503 E Bay Blvd. - Wateview, great building site, close to boat ramp. $150,000. Call Charlotte • Lot 3 Red Snapper Lane - 1.14 Acres. Water front lot with bulkhead. $110,000. Call Ron • 28 Windswept Dr. - .95 acre Sunrise Bay SD. $109,000. Call Robbie • 10 Acres-Collins Rd - Great tract for building or commercial, fenced. $65,000.REDUCED $39,000. Call Ron • 2 Acres - on Tres Palacios Bay -"Collegeoport" with 120' of Bulkhead $105,000. Owner financing available. Call Ron • 1st & McGlothin - 6 Lots, Road frontage on 4 sides. $115,000. Call Ron • E. Bayshore Dr. - 1.49 Acres would be great homesite with view of the bay. $110,000. Call Charlotte • 141 Sandollar - Boca Chica Lot #74. $6,500. Call Robbie • Lot # 13 & 14 - Live Oak Landing, Blessing, $49,900. Call Robbie • Lots 1344 & 1345 - Cape Carancahua, Waterfront lots-$79,000. each. Call Ron • 1st & Beecher - Lots 1, 2 & 3, Foley's 3rd ext., Hwy. Frontage, $90,000. Call Charlotte • Palacios Acres - Lot B - 2.08 Acres on 12th Street. Great location and close to town. $35,000. Call Ron • Palacios Acres - Lot C - 2.08 Acres. Convenient location. Close to town. $35,000. Call Ron • Riverfront Property - Live Oak Landing S/D, Lot 9, 2 acres. $89,000. Call Robbie • 57 Bayshore - 2 Waterfront lots in Cape Carancahua. 122x150 - Lots 57 & 58, $79,000. Call Ron • 1620 Ruthven - 1 acre waterfront property with bayfront view $70,000. Call Tammy • Lot 63, Sea Urchin Drive - 75x104 lot in Boca Chica across from reserve. $7,500. REDUCED $5,900. Call Robbie • 2201 First St. - 6 acres in town. Building not included. $220,000. REDUCED $217,500. Call Charlotte • 684-685 Swallow - 130' x110' $12,000. Call Ron • Sea Urchin Boca Chica- $8,000. Lot 62 across from reserve. REDUCED $7,000 Call Robbie • 8.2 Acres on Green Ave. - $145,000. Possible owner finance. Call Ron • 1 Acre tracts on Collins Rd. - Great Building Site! Call Ron • 862 CR 478 - 1.3 Acres on Carancahua Bay - w/ 308' waterfront, Wonderful homesite. $159,995 $139,995. REDUCED $ 139,000. Call Charlotte • Bayshore Dr - 2.5 Acres WATERFRONT Land. Great Homesite! $295,000. REDUCED $199,000. Call Charlotte • Various Lots in BEACHSIDE S/D, some foreclosures, Sunrise Bay, Bay Point, Live Oak Landing, TPO, Cape and Boca Chica RENTALS: • 122 South Bay - 3/2, with bonus room, fenced yard, dual heating/cooling, Located with best view of Tres Palacios Bay. Can be furnished or unfurnished. No smoking, $1350/month, $1200/deposit Call Ron @ 979-240-4413• 111 1st St.-2/1, remodeled, N/S, No pets, $900/month, $800/ deposit • 308 Welch #9 - Efficiency Apt., N/S, No pets, All Bills Paid, $550/month, $500/deposit • 507 1st St.- Available April 1st -2/2, N/S, No pets, $800/month, $700/deposit • 413 E Bay Blvd-3/3, N/S, No pets, $1700/month, $1500/deposit • 409 Magnusson-3/2, N/S, No pets, $1100/month, $1000/deposit • 122 S. Bay-4/2, N/S, No pets, $1350/month, $1300/deposit • 1104 Johnson - 3/3, N/S, No pets, $650/month, $600/deposit. • 300 Austin - 3/2, N/S, No pets, $1300/month, $1250/deposit. • VACATION RENTALS AVAILABLE BUYERS, COME SHOP WITH US. WE CO-BROKE See our website at TexSCAN Week of March 16, 2014 DRIVERS DEDICATED CDL-A Drivers benefits & weekly hometime. 1-855-430-8869 Apply online: EOE, Females, minorities, protected veterans and individuals with disabilities are all encouraged to apply. WORK AND TRAVEL 6 openings now, $20+ per hour. 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FRIDAY Palacios Beacon Palacios Beacon - Wed., March 19, 2014 - Page 9 PORTS Sharks secure first District win of season via late rally in 8-6 win over Industrial BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Editor JV Shark Ethan Garcia safely slides into third base after committing an act of theivery with coach Koby Gerberman getting a clean look. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Villareal walk-off powers Tidehaven past Cowboys The Tidehaven Tigers picked up a District win walk-off fashion while losing their first district contest 1-0 in extra innings The Tigers sit atop an impressive 9-3 record on the season and more importantly, atop a 3-1 mark in District play. Last Friday in Blessing, the Tidehaven Tigers edged Edna 7-6 on a walk off RBI double by Eric Villareal. The Tigers were quick out of the gates and established an early 4-0 lead in the bottom of the first. Then the bats went silent as Edna held Tidehaven scoreless for the next five innings. With Mason Ledwig on the mound, the Tigers held the Cowboys scoreless until Edna put three across in the top of the third inning. The Cowboys pushed two more runs across in the top of the fifth to take their first lead of the game 5-4. Edna added more cushion to its lead with another run coming across in the top of the seventh. Trailing 6-4 in the bottom of the seventh, the Tigers were backed into a corner. How the Tigers would respond, embodied how they’ve played all year. After a walk to Brandon Brune led off the bottom of the 7th, Hunter Saha delivered an RBI triple. With Saha on third, Peyton Taska-Genzer belted a double to score Saha. With the game on the line, Tidehaven’s Villareal stepped to the plate and delivered a walk-off double to score Taska-Genzer. While doing it with the stick, Villareal also tossed one inning of relief, surrendered one unearned run and picked up the win. Early last week, the Tigers and Aransas Pass Panthers fought tooth and claw for seven scoreless innings, with the Panthers prevailing 1-0 with a run in the eighth and extra frame. Tidehaven's Villareal was dialed in on the mound and tossed seven scoreless innings and struck out eight Panther batsmen. Taska-Genzer came in to pitch the eighth and was tagged with the loss after surrendering one unearned run. Villareal and Kyle Moerbe were the lone Tigers to put the ball in play. The Tigers were to visit the Bloomington Bobcats on Tues. (Mar. 18) before returning home to face Industrial's Cobras at 7 p.m. on Fri. (Mar. 21). Sharks drop final two on pitch to El Campo, West Columbia The Palacios Shark soccer squad finished the 2014 campaign with a pair of losses in the final week of action on the pitch. Last Friday, the Sharks fell in the finale 2-1 to West Columbia. “It was a rough way to end the season,” said coach James Overton. “Our kids played hard the entire game and even scored in the first two minutes, but we couldn’t find the back of the net after that.” Marco Zamora, on an assist by Carmen Mancera, supplied Palacios’ lone goal. Earlier in the week, the Sharks were picked apart by El Campo’s Ricebirds, 7-2. “El Campo has a great team this year,” remarked Overton. Zamora and Gilbert Hernandez found the back of the net for the Sharks, with assists from Beto Borja and Mancera. The varsity hardball in’ Palacios Sharks picked up their first District win of the season while going 1-2 in three games on the diamond last week. Last Friday, the Sharks capitalized on a late error by Industrial’s Cobras to seize an 8-6 district victory. In a wild start to the game, the Sharks shot themselves in the fin in an error plagued five run first inning. While it seemed doom and gloom for the Sharks, Palacios responded to the adversity and pushed five runs across, two on a single by Carlos Valdez, in the bottom half inning to tie the game at 5-5. The Cobras retook the lead with one run scoring in the top of the third. The Sharks trailed 6-5 heading into the bottom of the sixth. After two batters, the Sharks were down to their final out. Seth Garcia singled to center, followed by a double to centerfield by Kenny Garcia. With runners at second and third, trailing 6-5, Adrian Ortiz hit to short and with a Cobra error, plated Seth and Kenny Garcia for the go-ahead runs. On the mound for Palacios, Ortiz tossed five innings, allowed three hits, six runs (one earned) while striking out eight Cobras. Deleon picked up the win with two hitless innings in relief, while walking two and striking out four. Earlier in the week, the Sharks were upended by Edna 13-5. The Cowboys were quick out of the gate and galloped to a 7-0 lead after the first in- ning. After surrendering the seven first inning runs (three of which were earned) Palacios’ Ortiz settled down on the mound and would keep the Cowboys off the board thru the fifth inning Palacios put on on the board in the top of the third on a single by Seth Garcia that scored Rodriguez. The Sharks cut the Cowboy lead down to two runs with a four run sixth inning. Justice Acosta singled to first, advanced to second on an error, took third on a wild pitch before stealing home for Palacios second run. Deleon took an HBP for the team, swiped second on a wild pitch and stole third. Seth Garcia worked the count for a base on balls, then stole second. Kenny Garcia belted a two run double to left center, scoring Deleon and Seth Garcia. A single off of Ortiz’ bat plated Kenny Garcia, as Palacios cut the Cowboy lead down to two runs. Deleon came on to pitch the sixth inning and gave up six runs (three earned) on four hits as the Cowboys went ahead for good. In a make-up game with Refugio last week, the Sharks were 10-run ruled 11-1. Aparicio was tagged with the loss on the mound and allowed eight runs (five earned) on three hits and walked six in 2-2/3 innings. Noah Garcia surrendered three runs on five hits in three innings of relief. Ortiz finished with two of Palacios five hits and score the Sharks’ lone run. The Sharks were to visit Goliad on Tues. (Mar. 18) before retiring home to host the Panthers of Aransas Pass at 7 p.m. on Fri. (Mar. 21). Tidehaven’s Johnson garners First Team All-District hoops honor; Sharks’ Sides, Shelby on 2nd Team Tidehaven’s resident ‘baller’ Jaron Johnson was tabbed with First Team AllDistrict honors in District 302A, while Palacios’ Cameron Sides and J.R. Shelby was selected for Second Team honors. Aransas Pass was home for the District MVP- Kiki Hill, Defensive MVP - J.D. Gentry and Coach of the Year - Glen Hayes. Goliad’s Dalton Sturm was selected District Offensive MVP and Edna’s Terek Dilworth was named the District Newcomer of the Year. Palacios’ sophomore Sam Schulman received Honorable Mention. Names to the Academic All-District team were: Jordan Sanchez, Jackson Kelley, Justin Filip and Cameron Sides. Little Ads Get Attention Your Reading One Now! Sharkettes fall in final two on pitch The Sharkettes of the soccer pitch wrapped up the 2014 season with a pair of losses last week. In action early last week, the Sharkettes fell short against El Campo, 3-2. Palacios’ Cristal Hernandez and Ana Gonzalez managed to put one past the Ricebird keeper for goals. Hernandez finished with two shots on goal, with Leah Perez and Gonzalez each tallying one. Sharkette goalie Cameron Slaughter finished with four saves. The Sharkettes dropped the season finale to West Columba, 2-0 at home. Cruz Mancera had three shots on goal and Elizabeth Grange had one shot on goal. Slaughter finished with six saves in goal. SHARKETTE Leah Perez (7) puts her toe perfectly on the ball in last week’s match against Columbia. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Palacios’ 2014 varsity Shark soccer MEMBERS of the 2014 varsity Palacios Shark soccer team are; (front, l-r) Brayan Hernandez, Reynaldo Saldierna, Mauro Gonzalez, Juan Hernandez, Carmen Mancera, Sergio Mancera and Marco Zamora; (back) Coach James Overton, Ariel Robins, Gilbert Hernandez, Thomas Castanon, Cristian Ayala, Henry Molina, Beto Borja, Elijah Edwards and Efrain Ayala. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Page 10 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., March 19, 2014 Palacios S PORTS DEADLINE DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY Beacon Sharkettes dealt pair of Hunter lifts to State bronze Sharkettes place 15th out of 82 teams blowout District losses The glistening diamond Sharkettes lost a bit of their luster with a pair of district losses last week. In last Friday’s thriller with Industrial, the Sharkette nine saw the wheels come off in the top of the 7th inning as the Lady Cobras broke open the 4-4 ball game with seven runs in the top of the inning. The game was gridlocked at 0-0 until the Cobras pushed three across in the top of the third. Palacios got on the board with two runs in the fifth inning when Cameron Greaves PALACIOS’ Lila Filip (4) snags a fly ball in last week’s loss to Industrial. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) scored on an error and a sac bunt by Kolbe Huffman scored Lila Filip. After Industrial plated run number four in the top of the sixth, the Sharkettes knotted it up at 4-4 with two runs in the bottom frame. After reaching on a single, Sabrina Garcia scored on a single by Megan Buckley to cut the deficit to 4-3. The Sharkettes tied it up at 4-4 on a single to right by Greaves that plated Buckley. In the top of the 7th, the Lady Cobra bats caught fire and belted two home runs en route to a seven run final inning. After taking the punch to the gut, the Sharkettes were sat down 1-2-3 to finish the game. Earlier in the week, the Sharkettes were 10-run ruled by Edna 14-4. Palacios fell behind 11-0 before Jackie Molina delivered a two run single in the top of the fifth inning. Sabrina Garcia and Molina’s courtesy runner, Lila Filip would come around to score to cut the deficit to 11-4. Edna lassoed the momentum back in the bottom of the inning and sent the Sharkettes home with three runs in the inning. The Sharkettes were to visit Goliad on Tues. (Mar. 18) before hosting the Lady Panthers of Aransas Pass at 7 p.m. Friday (Mar. 21). The Palacios powerlifting Sharkettes had three lifters place in the top 10, while the team placed 15th out of 82 teams at last weekend’s Girls’ State Powerlifting Meet held in Corpus Christi. Savanah Hunter powered her way to a State bronze medal with a combined lift of 765-lbs. to place 3rd in the 132-lb. division. She squatted 285-lbs., bench pressed 180-lbs., and deadlifted 300-lbs. In the 198-lb. class, Enriqueta Cruz finished in 5th place with a combined lift of 800-lbs. and earned a THSWPA scholarship. She registered 325-lbs. in the squat rack, 155-lbs. on the bench press and 320lbs. on the deadlift. Ana Gonzalez placed 10th in the 220-lb. group with a combined lift of 775-lbs. She squatted 300-lbs., benched 160-lbs., and deadlifted 315-lbs. In the 123-lb. division, Nellie Perry finished 13th with a combined total of 625lbs. She racked 255-lbs. on the squat, 120-lbs. on the bench and 250-lbs. on the deadlift. Sissy Martinez finished 16th in the 114lb. class with a total combined lift of 580lbs. She squatted 230-lbs., benched 125lbs., and deadlifted 225-lbs. In the 148-lb. class, Karina Ramon finished 18th with a combined total of 675lbs. She lifted 275-lbs. in the squat rack, 130-lbs. on the bench press and 270-lbs. on the deadlift. Garcia’s gold, silver power Sharks to second place at Shark Relays SARAH Estraca grabs air in a long jump attempt. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) SHARK Joseph Rodriguz bounds down the ramp for a triple jump attempt. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) The 2014 Shark Relays went off last week without a hitch with Taylor taking the boys crown with 189 points and Goliad claiming the girls’ title with 158 points. The Sharks were runner-up to Taylor with 105 points with Bay City coming in third with 83 points. In the girls’ standings, Taylor was runner-up with 96 points and Yoakum came in third with 84.5 points. The Sharkettes finished 7th in the team standings with 26 points. This Thurs. (Mar. 20), the Shark and Sharkette harriers will be in action at the Leopard Relays in Van Vleck. Meet results as follows: Boys • Shot put: 6-Jordan Sanchez, 40’ 6” • Discus: 5-Sanchez, 116’ 2-1/4” • Triple Jump: 6-Joseph Rodriguez, 38’ 2-1/2” • Pole Vault: 2-Chris Garcia, 10’ 6” • 800-M relay: 2-Palacios (Alfred Aparicio, Joseph Rodriguez, Nick Garcia, Chris Garcia), 1:37.5 • 1600-M: 3-Sergio Mancera, 5:00.8; 4-Juan Mancera, 5:06.6 • 100-M: 1-Chris Garcia, 11.0; 6-Dominique Brazil, 12.1 • 800-M: 3-Sergio Mancera, 2:06; 5-Jacob Flores, 2:11.1 • 400-M relay: 4-Palacios (Isaiah Thomas, Miguel Gutierrez, Cameron Sides, Chris Garcia), 45.87 • 400-M: 1-Isaiah Thomas, 44.65; 2-Nick Garcia, 42.9; 5-Miguel Gutierrez, 56.8 • 300-M hurdles: 6-Alfred Aparicio, 49.9 • 200-M: 3-Joseph Rodriguez, 23.8 • 3200-M: 6-Juan Mancera, 11:24.8 Girls • Long jump: 4-Kristen Smith, 15’ 5-1/2” • Triple jump: 2-Smith, 33’ 8-1/2” • 800-M relay: 4-Palacios (Amoni Gomez, Jennifer Fort, Katelyn Sexton, Breana Alvarez), 1:53.8 • 400-M relay: 6-Palacios (Gomez, Fort, Sarah Estraca, Alvarez), 53.26 • 400-M 3-Smith, 1:07 • 1600-M relay: 6-Palacios (Gomez, Fort, Sexton, Estraca), 4:31.7 JV Boys • Discus: 6-J.J. Figueroa, 78’ 2” • Triple jump: 3-Dominic Garcia, 34’ 1/2” • Pole vault: 2-Ethan Garcia, 8’ • 1600-M: 2-Tyler Le, 5:26.2 • 100-M: 6-Ethan Garcia, 12.0 • 400-M: 1-Dominic Garcia, 56.0 • 200-M: 6-Dominic Garcia, 25.6 • 1600-M relay: 2-Palacios (Gonzalez, Le, Garcia, Garcia), 3:56.9 SHARKETTE Sabrina Garcia (13) laid down a perfect bunt for a hit in last week’s game against Industrial. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) MIGUEL Gutierrez (left) and Isaiah Thomas execute a perfect baton exchange at last week’s Shark Relays. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) The PALACIOS BEACON Your hometown newspaper for 107 years! BREANA Alvarez (right) passes the baton to Jennifer Fort at last week’s Shark Relays. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West)
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