PHS POWERSET inducts new members
PHS POWERSET inducts new members
Rep. Bonnen Honored With Pair Of Awards City Crews Tackle Down Trees 11th annual BayFest Cook-Off next weekend The Palacios C h a m b e r Foundation will hold its 11th Annual Bayfest Barbeque Cookoff this weekend (Oct.9-10) and will also have arts and crafts booths at 8th St. and South Bay Blvd. The cook-off cash prizes are 1st- $3,000, 2nd$1,000 and 3rd- $500 for brisket and trophies will be awarded on pork ribs, jackpot beans, fajitas, dutch oven dessert and chili. Entry deadline is Fri. (Oct. 9). Registration is $125 for the space and $60 for brisket, $35 for pork ribs, fajitas and chili, $30 for Jackpot beans and $20 for dutch oven dessert. For more information contact the Chamber office at 972-2615 or visit www. PalaciosChamber. com or call Dr. Shane Krenek at 979-236-9800. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Palacios Chamber Foundation Scholarship Fund. Pavilion ready for Council green light after ‘value engineering’ BY ALAN C. SCHULMAN Palacios Beacon - Reporter The Palacios Beautification and Pavilion Committee will present to the City Council, at it’s next meeting on Oct. 13, a recommendation to approve the low bid of $2,392,500 from Charnock & Co., and the cost-saving negotiations with Charnock that have, so far, reduced that figure by $347,389 to a total of $2,045,111. At Thursday’s PBPC Board Meeting, attended by PBPC board members, architect Bob Randall, Pete Charnock and Steve Blakely from Charnock & Co., and others, OCT. 7, 2015 VOL. 108 • NO. 41 PALACIOS TEXAS BEACON $1.00 USPS 418460 BY ALAN C. SCHULMAN Palacios Beacon - Reporter Except for paid advertising, all articles, photos or other information submitted on Monday will be published on a space available basis only. Open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Beacon Closed Wednesday Observing Our BEACON BRIEFS ■ Palacios 4-H meets Sun. at Central cafeteria Palacios 4-H Club will meet on Sun. (Oct. 11) at 6 p.m. in the Central Elementary Cafeteria. All fundraiser order forms and money is due. ■ Palacios FFA meeting Monday The Palaicos FFA will hold a meeting on Mon. (Oct. 12) at the Ag Building. The theme of the meeting will be Halloween, so come dressed in your Halloween costume. The FFA officers will be choosing one person who has the best looking costume and the winner will receive a $10 gift card to Sonic. The meat sale fundraiser will also be due at the meeting. If you are interested in buying anything contact any FFA member of Jason Miller at 979-533-3304. 1 SECTION, 10 PAGES PISD Trustees narrow Supt. field to 8, begin interviews this week Beacon Deadline 5 p.m. Friday 1907-2015 (See PAVILION, Page 3) Serving The City By The Sea Since 1907 P. O. Box 817 • 453 Commerce Palacios, Tx. 77465 (361) 972-3009/Fax 972-2610 E-Mail: Website: th 108 Year “value engineering” was the name of the game. Seeking savings by substituting less costly materials resulted in nearly $350,000 knocked off the price of building the new Pavilion. One example is the choice of composition roofing material over the originally planned metal roofing, which will result in a savings of $86,000. After architect Bob Randall presented the board with pictures of a metal roof that had rusted in less than tens years on a coastal building, the board determined that the composition roof may be the superior material, even if it weren’t so much cheaper. PALACIOS WEDNESDAY • See PagE 10 See PagE 4 See PagE 3 The Only Newspaper In The World Published Just For The Palacios Area. PHS Band Ready For Showtime Refurbishing the rock groins... CHARLIE Rhoades of Rhoades Land Leveling & Excavation dumps buckets of fresh rock as a part of the Seawall Commisssion project to refurbish the groin areas and the rock breakwater in front of the Palacios Seawall. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Tres Palacios Watershed meeting Thurs. at FUMC’s Weimer Hall Those interested in becoming involved in a partnership to improve and protect the Tres Palacios Creek watershed along the Texas Gulf Coast are urged to attend an Oct. 8 meeting in Palacios. The Texas Water Resources Institute will host the free meeting at 1 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 209 Lucas Ave. Dr. Kevin Wagner, Texas Water Resources Institute associate director in College Station, said the main purpose of the meeting is to organize a watershed partnership with interested stakeholders. The partnership will develop a strategy for reducing bacteria levels in the creek. “The tidal portion of Tres Palacios Creek, which primarily occupies part of Matagorda and Wharton counties, is currently designated by the state as impaired because of elevated (See WATER, Page 2) While six was the suggested figure by the firm in charge of the search for the new Superintendent of Palacios Independent School District (PISD), the Board opted for eight semi-finalists at last week’s Special Called meeting. Eight candidates were selected to be interviewed from a list of 30+ presented to the Palacios ISD Board of Trustees by Marian Strauss from the Texas Association of School Boards Executive Search Services. The list was whittled down in “Executive Session” at the Sept. 28 Special Called Meeting. Prior to the closed-door executive session, in the open portion of the meeting, Ms. Strauss “coached up” the board on the interview process with specifics, such as, the length of time each candidate will be interviewed (90 minutes), what can and can’t be asked during the interview, and salary requirements. The board’s plan is to conduct two interviews per night on three consecutive nights (See PISD, Page 3) Judge Estlinbaum holds court at CofC luncheon BY ALAN C. SCHULMAN Palacios Beacon - Reporter The Palacios Chamber of Commerce welcomed guest speaker Judge Craig Estlinbaum at its October 1st general membership meeting. Judge Estlinbaum, who took office in 2001, highlighted his efforts to lower expenses at the 130th District Court by reducing disposition times of criminal cases and through personnel reduction while expanding programs for juvenile substance abuse treatment and counseling. In fact, the 130th District Court’s percentage of criminal cases disposed in less than 180 days is 10 percent higher than the state average. The Judge pointed out that in his 15 years there, the (See CofC, Page 2) ■ ‘Finding Money for College’ Mon. at PHS LRC Seniors, parents, and guardians are invited to attend an informational meeting with Counselor Garcia on October 12 at 5 p.m. in the PHS LRC called “Finding Money For College’. Topics that will be covered include Scholarships, FASA information and grants. PHS POWERSET inducts new members THE Palacios High School POWERSET chapter inducted new members in a special ceremony held last week. PHS alumnus Jennifer Chau served as keynote speaker for this year’s induction ceremony. Pictured are: (front, l-r) Bailey Grones, Brittany Guerrero, Brooke Potts, Erika Espinosa, Rachel White, Priscilla Nguyen, Christina Peterson, Montserrat Garcia and Lisa Nguyen; (back) Matagorda County Judge Nate McDonald, Audry Kessler, An Nguyen, Vy Tang, Madeline Ferrertiz, Bianca Hernandez, Jenna Dunn, Dr. Luis Carlos Longoria, Cameron Greaves, Ana Ortiz, Jessica Nguyen, Vy Le, Elizabeth Grange, Emily Shimek, Judge Mike Ford, Charity Nguyen, Karina Garcia, Krystal Figueroa and Chasity Nguyen. Not pictured are Thi Vu and Lan-Anh Vu. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Beacon deadline for articles, advertisements is 5 p.m. Friday Page 2 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 7, 2015 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY PALACIOS BEACON Area Briefs Red tide algae blooms in Port A Outrigger named CofC Business of the Month THE Outrigger was selected Business of the Month at last week’s monthly general membership luncheon of the Palacios Chamber of Commerce. Pictured are: (front, l-r) Bill Stacy, Carol Carney, Becky Johnson, Mary Crocker, Outrigger’s Kelly Davis and Wayne Dodd, and Marian Medrano; (back) Ryan West, Tom Breckenridge, David Kocurek, Sally Kurtz, Leland Singer, Pam Oliver and Judy Chavez. (Beacon Photo by Alan Schulman) CofC (Continued From Page 1) court’s expenses have only increased 8.7 percent. “How have we been able to go 14 years and only increase our spending by 9 percent?” He said he held costs down by reducing the number of court coordinators from 2 to 1, which was one of his campaign points prior to being elected. Also, when he took office, 2 persons were working in the child support office. He said, “I didn’t know this at the time, but I found out it’s a 1 person office. When we had a retirement, I never filled the position. That position was on the budget, I just never filled it.” The Judge concluded his talk with a brief question a answer session, during which Betty Scurlock asked, “I have a sister-in-law that passed away 20 years ago at the age of 83, and she’s still receiving jury summons; why is that?” While the judge explained that the Congressman Farenthold Town Hall meeting next Thurs. at Port Congressman Blake Farenthold (D-27) will host a Town Hall/ Round Table on next Thurs. (Oct. 15) from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. at the Palacios Navigation District Port Administration Building. This will be an opportunity for you to hear what is going on in Washington, and for you to ask questions of Congressman Farenthold names used for jury summons come from a database in Austin that is updated twice a year, there was really no explanation for her situation. Committee Reports Glen Smith gave his legislative report and reminded everyone of the upcoming November election that is “all about amendments to the constitution”. One item in particular is how state highways are funded, he said. Business of the Month Sally Kurtz thanked all local businesses for their support, then presented the “Business of the Month” to The Outrigger, who was to host the PAHA Concert Fundraiser on Oct. 3. Palacios Community Hub Cassandra Austin announced that The Palacios Community Hub has partnered with Workforce Solutions, and a ribbon cutting ceremony will be held on Oct. 7th at 4 p.m., saying “we now offer everything that Bay City has to offer.” Upcoming Events The Chamber Foundation BBQ Cook-off and Arts/ Crafts Booth on South Bay will be on October 10th. The Harvest Moon Library Fundraiser will be at the Palacios Recreation Center Oct. 24th. Pedal Palacios BP MS 150 Recommended ride is Oct. 31st. Also on Oct. 31st, the Monstrous 5K Run Bash by the Sea will take place from 5 -9 p.m. The Rotary Club’s annual Miss Palacios Pageant will be on Nov. 7th, with the Chamber of Commerce Seaside Holiday and the Christmas Tour of Homes both taking place on Dec. 5th. New Member Zeinab Ghais/Studio ZG/ Smith and Noble was announced as a new Chamber member. Upcoming Meetings The Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting is Oct. 8th. The Palacios Economic Development Meeting is on Oct. 21st, and the next General Membership Meeting will be on Nov 5th. It was also announced at the meeting that Rep. Blake Farenthold will hold a town hall meeting from 1:30 to 2:30 at the Navigation District Administration Building on Oct. 15 PORT ARANSAS: A bloom of red tide algae is happening right now in area waters, according to folks at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute (UTMSI). A naturally occurring phenomenon around the world, red tide has been linked to the death of fish, contamination of certain shellfish, and respiratory problems in people when concentrations reach extremely high levels. Algae generally require nutrients to grow, and while there have been documented cases of blooms associated with high amounts of nutrients from fertilizer runoff, it’s unclear whether the current red tide is associated with nutrient loading, said Ed Buskey, a researcher at UTMSI. “In general, the Gulf of Mexico water in the Coastal Bend has low nutrient concentrations, and it is unlikely that this bloom is associated with conventional farming,” said Buskey. “There is little evidence for a direct connection between coastal eutrophication (nutrient enrichment) and red tides. Researchers are still studying the causes of red tide.” - Port Aransas South Jetty National teacher shortage hits El Campo EL CAMPO: State funding cuts in 2011, causing layoffs and hiring freezes, have left schools nationwide scrambling to find qualified teachers. The situation is no different in El Campo. This year, for example, two teaching positions are still vacant, being filled by substitute teachers. When state funding was cut in 2011, the uncertainty of the profession caused a decrease in the number of students pursuing a teaching career. The number of would-be teachers across the nation dropped from 719,081 in 2010, to 499,800 in 2014, according to the U.S. Education Department data. - El Campo Leader-News Texas’ poverty rate improving AUSTIN: Texas’ poverty rate improved to 17.2 percent in 2014, according to U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey released Sept. 17. Embedded in the statistics is this: more than 4.5 million Texans - 1.7 million of whom are children - still live in poverty. In 2014, the poverty line for a family of three was about $19,000 per year. Austin - based Center for Public Policy Priorities, a non - partisan research and advocacy organization, said the poverty rate for Texas children of 24.6 percent remained unchanged from the previous year. “Although the state is growing, too many Texans struggle every day to make ends meet,” Jennifer Lee of the Center for Public Policy Priorities said. “High levels of child poverty continue to undermine our state economy and affect the future prosperity of our state,” she added. Median household income rose only slightly to $53,035. - Texas Press Association Ex- Wharton band director sentenced to 8-years WHARTON: Jason Toney, former Wharton High School band director, who was arrested in early August on five counts of an improper relationship with a student and 11 counts of sexual assault with a child, was sentenced to eight years in prison under a plea agreement. As part of the plea agreement, he admitted guilt to the sexual assault charges, but he will not be convicted of those crimes, and he will not be required to register as a sexual offender upon his release, but he won’t ever teach or work with children again. - Wharton Journal Spectator The one and only....• PALACIOS BEACON • JUDGE Craig Estlinebaum (130th District) discussed the types of cases handled by his office and the positive impacts he’s made while in office for the past 15-years. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) WATER bacteria concentrations periodically found there,” he said. “Together with the local stakeholders, we will finalize the partnership structure and formation of a wastewater work group and an agriculture and wildlife work group, which will work on identifying feasible management measures to include in the strategy,” he said. Wagner will give an overview of the water quality data for the watershed as well as water PALACIOS BAYFEST (Continued From Page 1) quality policy and watershed-based planning information for the benefit of anyone who did not attend the initial meeting of the group. “Even if someone wasn’t able to attend the July 30 meeting, we encourage local residents to attend this meeting and become part of the planning process through the partnership,” said Dr. Allen Berthold, Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientist for the institute in College Station. “Their input is essential for developing and implementing a successful strategy to address the bacteria issues.” For more information, contact Berthold at 979-8452028, taberthold@ag.tamu. edu. 361.575.1981 800.831.1981 Quality Products , Quality People Palacios, T exas 77465 11th ANNUAL COOK OFF For Palacios Chamber Foundation Scholarship Fund Date: October 9th - October 10th, 2015 th Location: 8 & South Bay Blvd Cash Prizes: 1st- $ 3,000 2nd- $ 1,000 st nd 3rd - $ 500 Showmanship: 1 & 2 Place st rd Trophies awarded to 1 3 places in each category Brisket Jackpot Beans Pork Ribs Chili Dutch oven Beef Fajitas Competition is Fierce! Name _________________________________________________________________________ The PALACIOS BEACON Address_______________________________________________________________________ City _____________________ State __________ Zip __________ Phone_______________ Signature_____________________________ Team Name ___________________________ Your hometown newspaper for 108 years! Chief Cook ___________________________________________________________________ Team Members________________________________________________________________ OCEAN FRONT BUILDERS NEW CONSTRUCTION • $139,000. • BAY VIEW • LETS MAKE YOUR DREAM HOME EASY with ONE STOP SHOPPING • • Most Custom Plans have Granite Counter Tops $95sq.ft. with Free Stainless Steel Appliances • 10 year Warranties Available. • Your Lots or Ours • Homes from the mid 100’s • Cape Carancahua - Minutes from Palacios • Shell homes $43.00 sq. ft. FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED 3013 Fountainview Drive, Suite 155 • Houston, TX 77057 Phone: 832-256-9830 Fax: 832-538-1327 Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 7, 2015 - Page 3 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Police Reports Individuals listed have been arrested and/or charged with an offense. Inclusion in this report does not imply that the person is guilty of any crime. ARRESTS Hsee Lah, 23, Houston, was arrested at 3:40 a.m. on Sept. 27 in the 1100 block of 4th St; outstanding out of county warrant and failure to ID fugitive. Ismael Mancera, Jr., 17, 2601 Perryman Ave, was arrested at 10:52 a.m. on Sept 27 in the 800 block of Perryman Ave; false identification. Thanh Ngoc Vu, 32, 106 Sweetwater, was arrested at 10:50 a.m. on Oct. 1 in the 400 block of Main St; warrant. Deanna Leanne Cline, 33, Houston was arrested at 9:57 a.m. on Oct 1 in the 400 block of Main St; possession of drug paraphernalia. INCIDENTS Unattended Death: Officers were dispatched to the Palacios Community Medical Center at 1;35 p.m. on Sept 20 in reference to an unattended death. Burglary of a Vehicle: Officer was dispatched to the 400 block of Tres Palacios Ave. at 1:00 p.m. on Sept. 27 in reference to burglary of a vehicle. Theft: Officer was dispatched to the 400 block of West Craymer Ave at 8:57 p.m. on Sept. 28 in reference to a theft. Found Property: Officers were dispatched to 600 PISD (Continued From Page 1) (Oct. 5,6 &7) to narrow the field down to 3 finalists, which will be interviewed on Oct. 12 & 13, with the selection being made on the new head of Palacios public schools, hopefully, on the 13th. From the Chief I am reminding everyone about locking your vehicles at night and when you are not around. One of our local car burglars was recently released from the Texas Department of what they call Criminal Justice, and the vehicle burglaries have increased a lot in the last couple of months. The Greatest number of vehicles they were able to get in were unlocked. Make sure when you push your remote that you hear the alarm. block of 4th St. at 10:05 a.m. on Sept. 29 in reference to found property. Request Advice: Officers were dispatched to the Palacios Police Department at 10:55 a.m. on Sept. 29 in reference to mail fraud. Burglary of a Vehicle: Officer was dispatched to the 700 block of 2nd St. on Sept. 30 in reference to burglary of a motor vehicle. Burglary of a Habitation: Officers were dispatched to the 500 block of Magnusson Ave at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 1 in reference to a burglary. PHS/THS FFA stock food pantry On Sept. 11 the Palacios FFA and Tidehaven FFA raised a total of 1,486 cans of canned goods. Palacios had 864, and Tidehaven 622. Come Join the Fun Omar’s Bar & Grill ~ Mixed Drinks & Draft Beer ~ Open 7 Days A Week • 10 a.m.-2 a.m. No Minors after 9 p.m. DJ’s on Saturday Nights 814 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios • 361-356-1072 Palacios Air Repair Heating & Air Conditioning Sales, Service & Installations 979-429-7488 407 Henderson (Hwy. 35) • Palacios, Tx. Richard Bari • No Charge Service Call • TACLB27302E HOME COMFORT SYSTEMS Innovation never felt so good. FREE ESTIMATES Cleaning up mess from recent storms... WHILE the weather has been much more fall-like for the past week, City of Palacios workeres were still busy cleaning up from the previous weeks storm that blew through with high winds that blew down trees and bracnhes and sent tons of leaves airborn. Workers were clenaing up the debris at the Fourth St. and Moore Ave. intersection that was blown down. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Palacios USDA Office Day next Wed. at CofC Office Pet Pals Courtesy USDA Palacios Pet Pals-SPCA •(361) 972-3005 • Pumpkin Patch on Main St. Residents in Palacios are always ready and willing to help others in need and this attribute extends to families extended members, creatures of all kinds, dogs, cats, reptiles and amphibians, four legged and fury. Palacios Pet Pals cares for so many creatures in need of love, food and support as they await transition into a loving home. Pet Pals welcomes your creature of choice to Main Street in front of The Right Look (439 Main St.) on Oct. 24 (Saturday) from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. for $10 pictures amid a unique fall pumpkin patch scene. Funds will also be raised by selling pet clothing and toys to assist Pet Pals with the special needs of many of Palacios’ four legged friends in need of the essential of existence. Participants are encouraged to festively dress for the occasion; however, this is not a requirement for pictures to be taken. Donations will also be accepted to carry out the good work of Palacios Pet Pals. Other organizations are invited to participate in their own fundraising efforts. Thus far, St. Anthony’s LYFE Teen are planning on having a bake sale and face painting and any other organization interested in participating should contact Brenda Serna at The Right Look at 972-5259. STEWART CUSTOM HOMES, LLC (Committed to Excellence) • Your Custom Home Builder Since 1975 • Specializing in Fine Custom Homes • Inland and Bay Areas • Remodeling and Light Commercial • Custom Plan Service • Texas Wind Storm Compliant • Insured • Serving Brazoria, Matagorda & Wharton Counties 979-245-2650 Bay City 979-482-0566 ron@ The USDA Rural Development Angleton Area Office, which provides service to Matagorda County, will be holding an office day on Wednesday, Oct. 14, in Palacios. A representative of USDA Rural Development will be at the Palacios Chamber of Commerce Office, 420 Main, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. to provide information regarding the availability of loans and grants to assist residents and organizations. Assistance available to rural residents can help with the purchase or construction of homes, through the agency’s direct and guaranteed programs, and can help with the repair and rehabilitation of homes. Assistance is available through USDA Rural Development community programs and business and cooperative programs to enhance the quality of life for rural Texans. Community PAVILION The biggest problem for the board members regarding the roof was picking a color. So they chose 4. They will make the final color choice after receiving 4 samples. Many other materials were given the same scrutiny, and often the less costly options were substituted for those on the original plans during the nearly two hours of the meeting prior to the board going into “Executive Session”. The “value engineering” will continue in hopes of reducing the cost of building the new Pavilion even further. Approved Items Items that were approved at the meeting included the minutes from the Aug. 8 meeting, IRS Form 990 by Goldman, Hunt & Notz, LLP, and disbursements programs provide funds to governmental entities, nonprofit organizations and Indian Tribes to enlarge, improve or construct schools, libraries, medical clinics, assisted living centers, public buildings, community centers and fund new and improved water and wastewater facilities. USDA Rural Development business and cooperative programs provide the needed capital to expand economic opportunities and development in rural areas throughout Texas by working with banks and community lenders. There is no minimum loan size and the maximum loan size is up to $25 million. USDA Rural Development was created in 1994 and with a mission to use our resources to help enhance the quality of life for the nation’s rural residents. For more information regarding USDA Rural Development programs, please contact the Angleton office at (979) 549-0215, Ext. 4. (Continued From Page 1) to Joni Brown and Key & Associates, LP for Graphics. Meeting Dates & Times The Committee Board meeting and Groundbreaking Committee meeting dates and times are to be set later pending city and county approvals. The Flores Family Benefit Saturday, November 7th 4pm - ? • $8 per plate Menu: Beef Tips w/Rice, Gravy, Green Beans, Salad & Tea KC Hall • 700 Main • Palacios • Live Auction • 50/50 • Silent Auction • Raffle • Bake Sale CRIME STOPPERS 1-800-299-2878 Matagorda County Crime Stoppers provides citizens with a toll-free number to call to report crime and drugs in your area. If your information leads to an arrest and charges, you can receive a cash reward. Callers do not have to give their names to qualify for a reward. To Buy Tickets for Meal or Raffle, or for more information call Mary Lou Brennan @ 361-550-3728. Subscribe To The Beacon Fill out the coupon below and mail it, along with a check or money order for the appropriate amount to the: $ 25 $30.00 00 1-Yr. For 1 Year Matagorda Matagorda County County PALACIOS BEACON P. O. BOX 817 PALACIOS, TX. 77465 NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: NEW RENEWAL $ 35 $40.00 00 1-Yr. For 1 Year Out Of Of Out County County Page 4 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 7, 2015 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY 15 YEARS AGO-2000 The Alcoa plant in Point Comfort temporarily suspended Christina Ytzel Hernandez, daughter of Ms. Ninfa Hernandez projection on one of its potlines, affecting 280 jobs. and Jose Hernandez was crowned 2000 Homecoming Queen. Willie Rodriguez, Anthony Espinosa and Rebecca Jurney Judge Jo Ann Otis ruled in favor of the city’s request for a were PHS choir members earning All-District honors. temporary injunction against the planned closure of Wagner 50 YEARS AGO-1965 General Hospital. Sheryl Hart will be Palacios Lions Club queen candidate Automation took over at the weather observation station at the Bay City Rice Festival. at the Palacios Municipal Airport when the Federal Aviation Building permits approved by city council were $42,500 Agency (FAA) eliminated its contracted manned observa- residence for George Wickham and $25,000 residence for tion crew. Charles Shreve. The Carancahua Community Volunteer Fire Department 55 YEARS AGO-1960 was able to expand its firefighting equipment thanks to a Deepening the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway channel to Trull Foundation grant that allowed it to obtain two brush Palacios and federal maintenance of the Palacios turning (off road) trucks from the City of Austin. basins was cited as one of the aims of the Army Corps of 20 YEARS AGO-1995 Engineers of 1961. Myrtle S. Deadrick celebrated her 90th birthday and was Actual construction started on a new post office building appointed a “Yellow Rose of Texas” by Texas Governor for Palacios and a new telephone building. George Bush. The 50th birthday of the Palacios Chapter No 125 Order The Operation Desert Storm wooden billboard on Hwy. of the Eastern Star was celebrated. 35 next to Covey’s Corner was replaced and will have a new Matagorda County farmers had been designated eligible to home on the South Bay near the Pavilion. receive emergency loans from Farmers Home Administration 25 YEARS AGO-1990 because of the severe crop loss caused by continuous rains. Volunteers of Operation Desert Shield-USA of Palacios Julian Ray Jenkins, Blanche Halstead and Judy Lothridge and Victoria helped fill 25 care packages to be sent to the were selected to perform with Region XVL Choir at tryouts military persons from this area stationed in the Middle East. in Victoria. 30 YEARS AGO-1985 60 YEARS AGO-1955 Members of Boy Scout Troop 1085 took part in planting The loan and grant for a new high school building was apdozens of trees throughout the Palacios Park system. proved in Washington D.C. ATTENTION A two man army demolition team was called in to dispose ALL The Culler Fish and Oyster Company was making extensive VETERANS! of a 500-lb World War II vintage bomb which was discovered All improvements to the plant. A fleet of 20 boats was operating, men and women who have served shrimp in the Armed forces of the the lead product. after over 40 years in the Gulf waters. being United States and have been sent 40 YEARS AGO-1975 70 YEARS AGO-1945 overseas are eligible to be members of of Foreign Wars. Brown & Root began construction of a nuclear powertheWeVeterans Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, who had been living at Mount Olive, want all to become a part of this project to be known as the South Texas Project, located ongreatFororganization. Miss., were moving back to Texas. applications, call John Rodriguez at 361-972-3474 or Kay Tyler at 36112,300-acres near the Colorado River. Leslie (Monkey) Chiles was home after serving 33 months 972-5129 or 361-972-5486. There is a special place for each of you. Come and join us. VFW Post 2467 Newsline BY Darlene Biffle Things have changed for the VFW ladies auxiliary, not just here but in the entire United States. The ladies aux will no longer be only limited to females. Now, fathers uncles brothers can join the auxiliary if they have or have had a family member serve in the military in a foreign war. This change is great for the auxiliaries because now more people can help our veteran and make a differecnce in the lives of those who have protected us. So now it will be called the VFW Auxiliary. If you are interested in joining, or just want to see what all we do please join us on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30pm. The VFW post is located at 200 Commerce Street. We would love to have you. Your local auxiliary has many things planned starting with a sweat pants or pajama drive. On Oct. 19th the VFW and Aux will be making our yearly visit to the VA hospital in Houston. This year we will be delivering throws, socks, sweat pants or pajamas along with fruit to those who are suffering from PTSD or other mental illnesses. If you would like to donate a pair of sweat pants or pajamas, sizes medium, large and xlarge, please bring them to 200 Commerce Street on Friday October 9, 2015 or drop them off at the box at the VFW Post. All donations are appreciated. . The auxiliary will have a bake sale. All items are by order only and will be delivered on Tuesday Nov. 24, 2015. You can purchase pecan pies for $15.00, pumpkin, buttermilk or apple pies for $12.00 and pumpkin rolls for $15.00. All items are homemade. Please call Kay Tyler at 361/403-0017 to order. Don’t forget about Wreaths Across America on Dec. Saturday December 12, 2015. You can go on line to to order your wreaths for your loved one in the Palacios Cemetery. After you log in to their web site you will click on sponsor locally. Then you will see Find a Fundraising group, type in VFW Post 2467 or TX0170, click on donate. If you don’t see Queen Hamlin VFW Post 2467 on the page go back and try again. When you purchase a wreath from our fundraising group we are given free wreaths. That means we can pute more wreaths out there for veterans you may no longer have family in Palacios. They will be shipped to the post and we will give you the wreath you order on the day of the ceremony. If you have any problems please call Darlene Biffle at 361/972-5136. QUEEN-HAMLIN VFW POST 2467 PALACIOS, TX Bonnen Recipient of Two Distinguished Legislative Awards This past week, my efforts to support businesses and protect local control were recognized by two of the most respected organizations charged with promoting these policy interests. The Texas Association of Business has designated me a “Champion for Free Enterprise” for my efforts during the 84th Session. TAB’s highest legislative distinction recognizes my authorship of a 25% across-the-board business tax cut while protecting the small business franchise tax exemption. This award also acknowledges my efforts to pass a fiscally responsible state budget that limits spending well below population and inflation growth, while supporting funding for high quality PreK, protections for our industrial sector, tort reform, increased school accountability, greater transparency in healthcare, drug testing for unemployment benefits, and several other pieces of legislation critical to maintaining Texas’ strong economy and business-friendly climate. The Texas Municipal League has also selected me to receive their “Legislator of the Year” award. In its recent announcement, TML expressed appreciation of my consistent advocacy on behalf of municipal authority throughout the session when numerous attempts were made to erode local control. Further, it acknowledged my understanding that taxpayers’ best recourse for change is at the local level. Instead of consolidating power at the state level, my work was guided by the philosophy that decisions are best left locally in the hands of the taxpayers. This past session, I had the distinct honor of serving as Speaker Pro Tem and Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, positioning me to enact historical reforms that protect and strengthen our state’s economy, while making the cost of living and doing business in Texas more affordable and desirable. I am grateful for the support of these two important organizations in making the recent 84th Session one of the most successful for Texas businesses and taxpayers in recent history. Bird Notes Cathy Wakefield (361)404-1198 Outreach Specialist, International Crane Foundation Bob Friedrichs and Bill Harvey reported seeing many birds while walking/ driving Formosa’s Tejanos Wetlands last week. While they observed the “usual” wetland species, they also reported seeing Yellowbilled cuckoo, Carolina Wren, Great Horned owl, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, White-eyed Vireo, Yellow, Nashville, and Wilsons’ LADDERBACK Warblers, Ladder-backed WOODPECKER Woodpecker, Carolina Chickadee, Baltimore Oriole, Dickcissel, Lark Sparrow, Eastern and Western Meadowlarks and Painted Bunting. For a complete report, you’ll need to read his list on ebird. Miss Murphy reported seeing Scissor-tailed Flycatchers and Colleen Claybourn reported seeing an American Kestrel. Osprey continue to perch and hunt the shores at Schicke Point. Advertise your Business or Event Statewide in OVER 240 Newspapers ONE CALL, ONE LOW PRICE! Contact this newspaper for more information 000-000-0000 361-972-3009 The one and only....• PALACIOS BEACON • Palacios B EACON Serving the City By The Sea Since 1907 Periodical Class Postage Paid At Palacios, Texas 77465 (USPS 418460) RYAN G. WEST.......................................PUBLISHER/EDITOR CAROLYN WHITE............ADVERTISING/OFFICE MANAGER ALAN SCHULMAN...............................................REPORTER TP MEMBER 2015 TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION South Texas Press Association Gulf Coast Press Association Published Weekly On Wednesday PALACIOS BEACON TONEY PUBLISHING COMPANY 453 Commerce • P. O. Box 817 Palacios, Texas 77465 (361) 972-3009 / FAX (361) 972-2610 E-Mail: Internet: DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY • OFFICE CLOSED WEDNESDAYS ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES: • Matagorda County...$30.00 • Outside-County...$40.00 • ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS STOP AT EXPIRATION DATE POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Palacios Beacon, P. O. Box 817, Palacios, Texas 77465. PALACIOS BEACON POLICIES •The Palacios Beacon reserves the right to refuse or cancel any advertisement or submitted article in whole or in part. •Deadline for submitting articles or advertising is 5 p.m. Friday. •All material published is at the discretion of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to edit all letters and other articles submitted to meet space requirements, clarity or to avoid obscenity, libelous or slanderous content. •All “Letters to the Editor” must be signed by an individual or individuals. All letters must bear the handwritten signature of the writer and include the address and phone number(s) for verification purposes. (Address and phone number will not be printed.) Letters should not exceed 200 words and limited to one per person/household per 30 day period. •Letters published do not necessarily reflect the editorial policies or views of the Palacios Beacon or its staff. •There is a $30 charge for engagement announcements. •There is a $40 charge for wedding stories up to 10-column inches (not including picture) that are submitted within 4 weeks of the ceremony ($5.50 for each additional column inch). Wedding stories submitted more than 4 weeks after the ceremony will be charged $5.50 per column inch. The Beacon is not responsible for mistakes resulting from handwritten copy. •A $15 fee is charged on all pictures which are submitted for publication. •There is a $40 charge for standard obituaries. A $5.50 per column inch rate applies to non-standard obituaries. •The Beacon is not responsible for any pictures not picked up within two weeks of publication. Pictures must be picked up at the Beacon office. •The Beacon is not responsible for the return of unsolicited material. •Any erroneous reflection on an individual, business or firm will be corrected if brought to the attention of the publisher. •The Beacon’s liability for any mistake in any advertisement is limited to the value of the advertisement. overseas and was celebrating with a family get-together. 75 YEARS AGO-1940 Mr. and Mrs. Hutach were newcomers to the Carancahua community, moving there from Hillje. Between six and seven hundred men were now employed at Camp Hulen to work on the building of warehouses and houses. The new chamber of commerce building was nearing completion. The city council appointed a committee to decide on a location for the city bus terminal. All men from 21 to 36 will register for the draft at the local board and also at the county board. 80 YEARS AGO-1935 Coach Mercer took the Varsity Sharks to West Columbia for their first game of the season and came out victorious over the Roughnecks with a final score of 13-0. The WPC projects for the county—including work at Camp Hulen—had been approved in Washington. The city council was presented deeds to the pier, and pavilion seawall by G.A. Harrison, chairman of the Seawall Commission. 90 YEARS AGO-1925 The Crawford Packing Company shipped two carloads ($50,000 jars) of preserved figs to New York. Collegeport citizens were working for a telephone system. 95 YEARS AGO-1920 Rev. Wm. State Jacob of Houston was guest speaker at the fall meeting of the Brazos Presbyterian held here. 105 YEARS AGO-1910 A Star Route mail system was created between Palacios and Carancahua. D.L. Brown received the contract to carry the mail. Miss Hazel Hall was employed as a teacher at Turtle Bay. J.H. Powell and son were putting down an artesian well at Francitas. 2015 JACKSON COUNTY YOUTH FAIR September 26th – October 10th Brackenridge Main Event Center Hwy 111 South of Edna (284 Brackenridge Parkway) ADMISSIONS Daily Admissions: (Including Pageants) Adults $5.00 6 Years & Under FREE FAIR PASSES $20.00 (Includes Pageants, Daily Gates ) HIGHLIGHTS WEDNESDAY, October 7th All Livestock Judging Heart of America Carnival Opens along with the following acts: Ham Bone Express Artistry in Wood Chainsaw Sculptor Lonestar Action Sports Petting Zoo Opens THURSDAY, October 8th Senior Citizens Luncheon, Hafernick Center Little Wrangler Rodeo (Foot Events), BMEC Calf Scramble FRIDAY, October 9th Kindergarten Day & Erik Walden Comedy Hypnosis Show SATURDAY, October 10th Youth Auction, Commercial Heifer Auction, “$25 Carnival Arm Bands Available Every Night” We Would Like to Thank Our Corporate Sponsors City of Edna Jackson Electric Cooperative, Inc. Citizens State Bank TX Farm Bureau Insurance Jackson Co. Jackson County Herald/Tribune Jackson County Hospital District Davis Jewelry & Gifts Jackson Co. Cattle Raiser’s Association Shoppa’s Farm Supply United Ag Wells Fargo YK Communications 96 Country KIOX 102.5 KMKS Hot Country MajicTejano 95.9 FM For more information, please visit L S DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios Beacon Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 7, 2015 - Page 5 IFE TYLES •Birth announcements must be submitted within 4 weeks of birth to be published free of charge. Otherwise, a $20 charge applies. •Wedding stories must be submitted within 4 weeks of ceremony to be published at nominal rate, otherwise $5.50 per column inch rate will apply. Library’s Black & White Harvest Moon Dinner & Dance Oct. 24 Black and White is the 2015 theme for the Palacios Library’s annual Harvest Moon Dinner Dance! The evening will include a reception and silent auction at 6 p.m., a seated dinner at 7 p.m., and a live auction and dancing after dinner. Chris Knox and The Azul Experience, the group everyone loved last year, will provide the evening’s entertainment and music for dancing. Memberships to the Palacios Library’s Century Club are still available! Century Club members’ dues of $100 per year are tax deductible, and fund free internet access at Palacios and Blessing libraries, the after-school homework assistance program for Palacios’ students, and library improvements, equipment, and programs. To become a member of the Century Club, go by the Palacios Library, 326 Main, Palacios, or write to: Friends of Palacios Library, P. O. Box 2, Palacios, TX Obituaries Foran obituaries Palacios Beacon must first be For obituarytotobe bepublished publishedinitthe must be submitted bythey either a funeral home or a family member. Therehome is a E. $40 charge for a standard obituary. submitted by either aVERNON funeral or family members. HUNT Funeral services for Vernon E. Hunt, 85, of Palacios were held Oct. 2 at First Baptist Church in Palacios with Rev. Louis Rush officiating. Vernon was born May 27, 1930 in Palacios to the late John and Mae Hebel Hunt and went to be with Jesus his Lord on Monday, September 28, 2015. Vernon loved dancing, and could be found every Thursday night in El Campo at the American Legion Hall. He loved farming and enjoyed showing his antique tractors. Vernon proudly served his country during the Korean War and was a long-time member of Trinity Baptist Church in Palacios. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Vernon is preceded in death by his parents; wife Dollie Hunt; wife Elenora Hunt; son Vernon Hunt, Jr. and brother, Harold Hunt. He is survived by his daughters Verna Williams (Grover), Vickey Goerz (Robert) and Debbie McKissick (Mike); his son Paul Hunt (Charlette); brothers Arl Hunt and I.C. “Jug” Hunt; grandchildren Tanya Kolar (Mike), Michael McKissick, Matthew McKissick, Carissa Spradlin (Jason), Hillary Nieto (Alex), Stephanie Hunt, Stephen Maxwell, Stormy Fourtner (Kaleb), Jeremy Hunt, Haylee McKissick, Katie Goerz and David Goerz; 11 great-grandchildren and numerous nieces, nephews and other loving family members. Pallbearers were Michael McKissick, Matthew McKissick, Stephen Maxwell, Jeremy Hunt, Mike Kolar, Alex Nieto and Kaleb Fourtner . Honorary pallbearer is Jason Spradlin. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Trinity Baptist Church, P.O. Box 793, Palacios, TX 77465 or Palacios Community Medical Center 311 Green Ave., Palacios, TX 77465. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting Arrangements were made with Palacios Funeral Home. By Vikijane Mosier Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out in my absence. We received a memorial in memory of Vernon Hunt by Tommy and Mary Kay Beard. The Palacios Library was honored to have Will Turner’s latest book Tyrants and Taxes donated by the author himself. This book reviews the history of mankind and the actions of past leaders to extract labor, support, and wealth from the people in the form of taxes to finance the exalted lifestyle of the rulers, the unending wars of defense and aggression, and the incessant human desire of the citizenry for free or subsidized services from their neighbors, who are the tax payers, in the nation. The book is now available for check out. Announcing new books for adults as well as children! The latest adult books by Sue Grafton, Dale Brown, Lee Child, John Connolly, Catherine Coulter, Clive Cussler, Billy Graham, Julie Garwood, Tess Gerritsen, WEB Griffin, Linda Howard, Iris Johansen, James Patterson, Kathy Reichs, JD Robb, Fern Michaels, John Grisham, Tami Hoag, Stuart Woods, and Louise Penny. The children can enjoy their favorite authors and all will be marked with the AC credit points for their convenience. Come by and see our new books. We can put you on the waiting list for the more popular ones. Thanks to Martha Riccio children were able to enjoy Science Rocks last Thursday in my absence. She helped the kids make super balls with glue and borax and what fun they had. She also brought a black light to show them how it works. Everyone had a great time. Also in my absence Kristin Webb took the time to fill in for Story Hour. Kristin read The Old House by Pamela Duncan Edwards. The children made their own houses and colored them. Everyone chose a book from First Book. Now that school has begun parents can start signing up their children for the Homework program. We focus mainly on the elementary grades through 6th grade but older children are always welcome to come by to do their homework also and we will do our best to help when help is needed. SUBSCRIBE TO THE PALACIOS BEACON $25 A YEAR IN COUNTY • $35 A YEAR OUT-OF-COUNTY 77465. Century Club Members’ dues are tax deductible and members receive admission for 2 to the annual Harvest Moon Dinner Dance. Put Saturday, October 24th on your calendar, and join us at the Palacios Recreation Center for a fun evening of dinner, dancing, and entertainment! For additional information or, if you are not a Century Club member but would like to attend the Harvest Moon Dinner Dance, please call the Palacios Library at: 361-972-3234, or call Pat at 361972-9922. New Arrivals ADAM DEAN WERNER Nickolas and Brittany Werner of Markham, Tx. are proud to announce the birth of their son, Adam Dean, born at 7:51 a.m., August 31, 2015 at Citizens Medical Center in Victoria. The new arrival weighed 7-lbs., 1-oz. and was 19.5-inches long and was welcomed home by big brother Jake Bowin. Maternal grandparents are Jamie and Barbara Lechler of Brenham, Tx and Dean Kubecka of Palacios, Tx. Paternal grandparents are Monte and Arleen Werner of Hallettsville, Tx. Maternal great-grandparents are Wayne and Gelee Allen of Wharton, Tx and the late Oswald and Martha Kubecka of Palacios. Paternal great-grandparents are Bohumir and Mary Ann Pustejovsky and the late Carlwin and Lucille Werner, all of Hallettsville. BARRETT THOMAS ELLIOTT Jack and Brandi Elliott of Palacios are proud to announce the birth of their son, Barrett Thomas, born at 6:39 pm, September 21, 2015 at DeTar North Hospital in Victoria, TX. The new arrival weighed 7-lbs, 12-oz and was 19.5 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Jerry and Susie Homeyer of Navasota. Paternal grandparents are Bruce Elliott of Palacios, TX and John and Marilyn Morgan of Magnolia. Paternal great-great grandmother is Jean Elliott of Palacios. St. Peter’s BBQ turkey & dressing dinner Oct. 25 St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Blessing will hold their annual Barbeque Turkey and Dressing Dinner on Sunday, October 25, 2015. Serving will start at 11 a.m. at the parish hall with dine-in or drivethru available. Plates are $10 each. The menu includes barbeque turkey, dressing, green beans, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, dessert, and tea. The live auction will start at 12:30 p.m. Additionally, there will be a raffle and country store. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be held at 9:30 a.m. on October 25th. Everyone is invited to join the parishioners of St. Peter’s Catholic Church for a day of fellowship and fun. Campbell-Huitt Insurance 328 Commerce Palacios, TX 361-972-2551 Auto-Bonds Business Home Life Flood PJHS collecting Lowe’s receipts Palacios Jr. High is once again collecting tape register receipts from Lowe’s Supermarket dated between August 17, 2015 – March 31, 2016. Our school will earn free educational equipment by collecting register receipts from Lowe’s. Thanks to all who participated last year and we hope to have your support again this year. Wyrick-Stuhrenberg wed Sydney Jordan Wyrick and Jarred August Stuhrenberg, both of Palacios, were married on Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 2 p.m. at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Palacios. Father Bryan Heyer officiated the double-ring ceremony. Mr. Tim Nguyen played the piano for the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Andrew Wyrick and Mrs. Katie Wehring, both of Houston. She is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy C. Wyrick, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Barrett and the late Mrs. Mary Barrett of Missouri Valley, IA. Sydney is attending the University of Houston-Victoria where she is pursuing her degree in education. She is also a substitute teacher in her spare time. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stuhrenberg of Palacios. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Kelly of Palacios and Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Stuhrenberg of Corpus Christi. Jarred attends Sam Houston State University through on-line classes in Huntsville where he is pursuing his degree in Ag. Engineering Technology. He is currently employed with Stuhrenberg Farms. Sister of the groom, Paige Stuhrenberg of College Station attended as maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Natalia Hurt of College Station, Cheyenne Jaeger of Victoria, and Tess Bates of Palacios. Evie Cantu served as flower girl. Jeremy Hunt of Palacios served as best man. The groomsmen were Clayton Stuhrenberg, brother of the groom, Hagan Shimek, and Willie Diaz of Palacios. Ushers were Sean and Ryan Cegielski, cousins of groom, Eli Wyrick, brother of bride, and Thomas Wehring, step-brother of bride, of Houston. Readers for the ceremony were Mrs. Maggie Orozco of Somerville and Mrs. Joan Stuhrenberg, great aunt of groom, of Palacios. Wedding attendants were Madeline and Christy Ferretiz, cousins of groom. A reception followed at National Hall in El Maton. San Texas Bound played in celebration of the newlyweds. After a honeymoon trip to Lake Tahoe, the couple will reside in Palacios. Registration underway for B&G Club’s Monstrous 5K Glow by the Bay Oct. 31 Start planning what you will wear for the “Monstrous 5K Glow by the Bay” scheduled for Saturday, October 31st @ 7:30 p.m. The start and finish line is at the city park in Palacios with a new safer route in the downtown area. Enjoy the music filled course, wear a glowing costume, and light up the night in support of the Boys & Girls Club of Palacios. The whole family is sure to enjoy this fun filled nighttime experience by walking, strolling, jogging, racing, whichever way works for you. To add to the excitement, participants are encouraged to dress up in costumes that rock and glow. There will be a contest at 7:15 for the best costume and costume with the most glow. The Boys & Girls Club along with participating organizations will provide the children an opportunity to “Trunk or Treat” along the 5K. Cost for adults, 18 & up, is $20 per person and students, ages 6-17, are $10 per person. Palacios Boys & Girls Club members and children 5 and under are free. For an additional $10, participants can purchase an “official” Monstrous 5K t-shirt. Register by October 16th to guarantee a t-shirt. For additional information, call the Boys & Girls Club @ 361-972-2642 or email: 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt College or retirement? Fi out how to afford both. Make your financial future a priority. Brenda J Christensen, AAMS® Financial Advisor . 106 S Commerce St Ste 3 AAMS® Brenda J. Christensen, Port Lavaca, TX 77979 Financial Advisor 361-552-6846 106 S. Commerce St. Suite 3 Port Lavaca, TX 77979 361-552-6846 Member SIPC Page 6 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 7, 2015 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Worship At The Church Of Your Choice Oscar’s Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise of God, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Fre Pest l Ter e ro Inspemite Cont alist i Spec Pest & termite cOntrOl ction “The Only Name You Need to Know in Pest Control” Oscar TOrres, Owner (361) 578-7378 • (361) 920-7378 MATGORDA HOUSE HEALTHCARE CENTER Skilled Nursing Facility 700 12th • Bay City • 979-245-7800 Admissions Director: Debbie Castillo Palacios Funeral Home 701 1ST STREET • 972-2012 Palacios Antiques & Resale 501 First Street • Palacios 361-972-1380 Open Fri. & Sat. 10am - 5pm • Sun. Noon - 54pm Mon-Sat: 11am-1:30pm & 5-9pm 1917 13th St. • Bay City • 979-245-2097 Prime Parts Supply W W DOCK TURNING BASIN #2 361-972-5012 WES’ FEED & MORE 1160 FM 616 • 361-588-6631 AGAPE FAMILY OUTREACH 1811 Newsom Blvd. Sunday Fellowship: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday Discipleship: 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Eric Young Church Phone: 972-0800 ASAMBLEA APOSTOLICA DELA FE EN CRISTO JESUS 710 8th Street Lunes-Oracios 7:30 p.m. Martes-Culto Juvenil Bilinque: 7:30 p.m. Miercoles-Culto De Adoracion: 7:30 p.m. Domingo Escuela Dominical: 9:45 a.m. Culto Evangelisticio: 2 p.m. Pastor: Eddie Martinez Phone: 972-2419 BIBLE BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP 451 Commerce Street Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Richard Alamia Assistant Pastor: Carmen Rios Phone: 972-6171 BLESSING CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP BLESSING CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY Railroad & Pecan Streets Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. Pastor: Steven Walker BLESSING FIRST BAPTIST Sunday School: 8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 9:45 a.m. & 7 p.m Wednesday Service: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Larry Swift Church Phone: 588-7325 Pastor’s Phone: 588-6313 CARANCAHUA CHAPEL PALACIOS AUTOS Corner CR 470 / CR 476 Carancahua Community Ctr. Sunday Service: 8:30 a.m. Wed. Service: 6 p.m. Pastor: Bob Keprta Casual Dress 1-877-4-BAY CITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Tire Shop 361-588-6660 CARS Blessing, Texas 77419 SUV’s TRUCKS 361-972-3596 • 117 Henderson • Palacios, TX 6th at Rorem Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class: 7 p.m. Phone: 972-2132 Equal Housing Lender MEMBER FDIC 459 Main • Palacios • 972-2585 The Trull FoundaTion 404 FourTh STreeT • PalacioS,TX • 361-972-5241 Serving the Palacios - Matagorda County Area Since 1967 CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 508 4th St. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Worship Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Lloyd Rodriguez Church Phone: 972-6550 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS COLLEGEPORT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN LCMS Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Interim Pastor: Vanessa Potter Church Phone: 972-1158 4th & Rorem Sunday Worship: 12:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Church Phone: 972-3852 FIRST BAPTIST of PALACIOS PILGRIM ROSE BAPTIST 202 Main Street 9th & Moore Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Worship: 10:45 a.m., Wednesday Prayer Service: 6:30 p.m. Sunday Family Bible Study 5:45p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Wed. Youth & Children Activities: 6 p.m. Pastor: LeRoy Monroe Wed. Church Prayer Time: 6 p.m. Phone: 972-6482 Pastor: Chris Webb Associate Pastor of Ministries: PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA James Collins 4th & Morton Church Phone: 972-5486 Domingo Escuela Domincal: 9:45 a.m. Adoracion: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Miercoles Estudio Biblico: 7 p.m. 3rd & Morton Pastor: Juan Aguilera Sunday School: 9:40 a.m. Parsonage: 972-5542 Sunday Coffee: 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Kathy Vineyard SOLID ROCK FELLOWSHIP Church Phone: 972-2124 1800 First St. Pastor’s Phone: 972-5389 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.; 6 p.m. Wednesday. Service: 6:00 p.m. Pastors: Billie Burch FIRST UNITED METHODIST Church Phone: 972-3675 3rd & Lucas Sunday School: 9 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. ST. ANTHONY’S CATHOLIC Wednesday Adult Choir: 6 p.m. 1004 Magnusson Pastor: Rev. David King Confessions Saturday: Church Phone: 972-3013 5-5:45 p.m., or by Appointment Pastor’s Phone: 972-6005 Saturday Mass 6 p.m. Sunday Vietnamese Mass: 8 a.m. Sunday English Mass: 9:30 a.m. FIRST UNITED Sunday Spanish Mass: 11 a.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Bryan Heyer 525 Morton Street Church Phone: 972-2446 Sunday Service: 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7:00 p.m. ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL Pastor: James & Susie Jimenez 3rd & Main Se Habla Español Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-2707 Morning Prayer: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-2744 Church Fax: 972-1334 HOUSE OF GOD SECOND PRESBYTERIAN (Bilingual) 9th & Morton Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-5254 LA VINA DEL SENOR Domingo: 9.45 a.m., 6 p.m. Miercoles: 6:30 p.m. Viernes: 6:30 p.m. LABOR OF LOVE MINISTRIES 1008 5th Street Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Monday: 7 p.m. School of the Book Wednesday Worship: 7:30 p.m. Pastor: Danny G. Perez Church Phone: 972-2849 Pastor’s Phone: 972-2475 MIDFIELD COMMUNITY Junetta St., Midfield Sunday Worship: 7:30 a.m. Pastor: Howard Harper Phone: 979-241-1274 THE LIVING WORD CHURCH 12th & Henderson Sunday Worship 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday Youth Service: 7 p.m. Intercession: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.: 7 p.m. Pastor: Tony Flores Church Phone: 972-2352, 972-2955 TRINITY BAPTIST 2nd & Rorem Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Pastor: Louis Rush Church Phone: 972-3139 WEST PALACIOS CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 808 9th St. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Praise-Worship: 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Pastor: Raymond Salinas Church Phone: 972-6262 Pastor’s Phone: 361-588-7117 NEW BEGINNINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 10th & Ritchie • PO Box 657 Sunday Worship: 6pm Thursday Worship: 7pm Church Phone: 361-649-4715 Pastor: Kenyon Hamilton ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To list your church information on this page, for free, bring, mail, fax or e-mail your information to the Palacios Beacon. Fax: 972-2610; or E-mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phone: 972-1606 307 Henderson • Palacios • 361-972-2273 Homes • Business • Life 308 4th Street ~ Palacios 39 South 11th St., Blessing Sunday Services: 10 a.m. Wednesday Prayer: 7 p.m. 709 Henderson • (361) 972-2565 972-2551 Hebrews 13:15-16 Quality, Variety and Value! 702 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios (361) 972-2534 CAMPBELL-HUITT INSURANCE When visiting the businesses and services listed 7am-10pm/Mon.-Fri., 8am-10pm/Sat. & 9am-10pm/Sun. 307 Henderson • Palacios • 361-972-2273above, thank them for sponsoring this Church Page. (361) 972-2222 1-800-787-7741 The Luther Hotel An Historic Inn 408 South Bay Blvd. 361-972-2312 STP Nuclear Operating Company www. Coastal Properties EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY HUD CERTIFIED 215 5th St. Palacios 361-972-5900 "Strong Churches Make Strong Communities" Palacios House of Flowers 414 Main St. • Palacios • 361-972-2517 Irene Page, Owner Dairy Queen 215 Henderson Ave. 361-972-2554 Open: 10am-10pm PALACIOS AUTO & TOWING 1105 Henderson 361-972-5923 Mon-Fri: 7:30am-4:30pm LAGASSE MARINE WAYS Turning Basin 1 • 361-972-6060 We Support Our Community & Local Churches BIG G Auto GlAss 1-800-460-2080 Proudly Serving the Palacios Community Porter’s Lumber and Marine 405 Main Street • Palacios • 361-972-5222 Hours: Mon. - Sat. / 7am - 6pm & Sun./8:30am -3pm Capt. Tom’s Seafood 361-972-3780 Owners Richard & Nancy Rhoades 972-6281 317 Henderson Palacios, Tx PALACIOS HOUSING AUTHORITY Located at Seacrest Estates 45 Seashell • (361) 972-3721 Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 7, 2015 - Page 7 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Beacon Classified Ads 972-3009 Classified Deadline 10 A.M. MONDAY $5.00 Per Insertion for 25 Words Or Less • Payment required at the time of placement for all Classified Ads 1121 7th Street Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1441 THE RON BROWN COMPANY Palacios Autos 2618 N. Richmond Rd. Wharon, TX 77488 979-532-1013 Elmo Duke 979-240-4105 A 117 Henderson 2010 FORD PRICE REDUCED! WEST BAYSHORE -3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, in Cape Carancaha. For Sale: 517 Humphrey St. Recently remodeled 1000 SF home. 2 bedrm. 1 bath. 2 car garage. Beautiful trees on large corner lot. Only $94,000. Call 925-588-8445 (41-4tc) -----------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 3BD, 2BA Nice home with detached 3 car garage. Shown by appointment only. $190,000. Call 361-6494275 and please leave a message. (9-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR SALE: Riverfront property on 2 lots. 3BD, 2BA house, CH/A, WBFP. Built in 2000. Enjoy river on tree lined property. Great fishing for trout. Subdivision has boat launch with access to bay, Swimming pool. Call Ron Laws for details 979-240-4413. (37-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ 1014 Jackson County Road 477 Palacios, TX 77465 PIERCE REAL ESTATE 438 MAIN ST • 361-972-0810 John L. Pierce Broker/Owner/GRI I can help you as a buyers rep even if it's not my listing. REAL ESTATE IN-HOUSE FINANCING David and Jody Cassady Owner/Broker Your Coastal Property Specialists! at Mary Repka 832-434-0482 FOR Rent STP temps! 1 bedroom in Palacios bay house. $125/week, utilities included. Currently has one other renter. Water views, walk to fishing pier. Call Gale 603-5626537(41-3tp) -----------------------------------------------FOR RENT: 3BD, 2BA, Unfurnished house. $800/month + utilities and deposit. No smoking, No pets. Call Jan @ 361-972-1438. (37-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR RENT: 2 BR, 2BA, 2 story Townhome. Unfurnished. Just updated, incl: washer / dryer. Available mid October. See website: for contact information. (33-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ BLESSING-3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, on 1/2 + acre with river frontage. Beautiful lot, remodeled inside and out. * 771 CR 305, E. BAYSHORE - 4 Acres 3-1-11/2 plus barn. $350.000.00 * 612 TARPON - Very nice 2-2 in Boca Chica. Great front porch $98,000.00 * ABALONE in Boca Chica. Nice lot $4,000.00. * NORTHWEST corner of Commerce and 5th. $50,000.00 REAL ESTATE House for Sale: 517 W. Craymer Palacios. Est. 3,500 sq. ft. living area, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, formal dining, family room, and large sunroom. Includes 25x30 metal building. Great neighborhood, sits on 3.5 lots. Asking $268,00. REDUCED $247,000. 361-235-9163 (23-tfc) -----------------------------------------------COMMERCIAL SPACE for lease. 1000 square feet. Call 361-649-4275 for more information (24-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ HAY FOR SALE PALACIOS FFA has 38 hay bales that need to be sold. The hay bales cost $40 a bail. The money raised from selling these will help Palacios FFA chapter with funds that they need to participate in events and competitions. If you are interested in buying please contact Jason Miller at (979) 553-3304 (41-1tp) ------------------------------------------------ MISC. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Plasma Metal Cutter ESAB PCM-500i (208/230V, 1-Phase, 50/60 Hz) $400. (Ebay price list at $1,500.) Call 361-541-6008 (41-2tp) ------------------------------------------------ Dan Tucker 979-241-5457 Broker/Owner Deadline For Articles, Ads Is 5 p.m. Friday Classified Ad’s 10 a.m. Monday Ron Laws 979-240-4413 Broker/Owner Charlotte Tucker 979-241-8615 Realtor Tammy Hill 979-240-3420 Realtor COASTAL PROPERTIES 215 5th Street 361-972-5900 Independently owned and operated • 133 Carrigan Ave, Port Lavaca, TX - Alamo Beach, 3BD, 1BA, 1 bonus room, storage building, covered porch, fishing pier, CH/A, $325,000.REDUCED $295,000. Call Tammy • 369 CR 431, Lolilta - 3BD, 2BA + 1/2BA, 2 car garage, covered patio, deck, CH/A, 2 fireplaces. $169,000. CONTRACT PENDING • 213 Elizabeth - Mobile home, Single, 3BD, 2BA, fireplace (not woodburning), built in China cabinet and entertainment center, storm doors, deck, storage building. $65,000.00 Call Charlotte • 325 CR 430, Lolita - 4BD, 3BA + 1/2BA, CH/A, attached carport. Great county living with spacios rooms. $550,000. • 1920 CR 372 - Sunset Bay House, (fully furnished), open concept. 1BD 2BA, 2 car garage. 160' long fishing pier. 394 ' bulkheaded frontage on Tres Palacios Bay. Great view of bay 5 plus Acres, CH/A, $385,000. Call Ron • 1512 Renee - Nicely remodeled 3BD, 2BA, Beautiful large kitchen with lots of cabinets & counter space, has a nice sun room off the living room. Detached garage with shop. $160,000. Call Tammy • 408 E. Peggy - 2BD, 2BA. Great open air deck upstairs with view of bay. 40x40 Metal workshop/boat storage with utilities, 2 seperate living quarters $146,000. Call Tammy • 206 University - 4BD, 2BA, Carpet and vinyl floors, 2 car garage, fenced yard, CH/A, Great family home. $169,000. REDUCED $ 149,000.Call Ron • 802 CR 467, Palacios - 3BD, 2 1/2 BA, CH/A, Wood and vinyl floors, New water well. Brick home on 1.16 Acres. $125,000. Call Ron • 335 Grand Oak, Tres Palacios Oaks - 4 Lots, 2BD, 1BA House surrounded by large Oak trees. CH/A, 2 Metal buildings, Screened porch. Community pool, and boat launch. $55,000. REDUCED $48,000. Call Ron • 413 W. Craymer - 3BD, 2BA, 2 Car garage. New CH/A, new windows. $172,000. Call Charlotte • 46 PR 709 - 2 Houses facing Tres Palacios River up on a hill. Main house 2BD, 2BA, CH/A located on .98 of an acre . Water well, septic. 2nd House is a 1BD,1BA. Both houses need TLC. $120,000. Call Ron • 3441 Beachside Blvd. - 3BD, 2BA House, 1800 GLA, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, CH/A. Covered porch to enjoy the sunrise and sunsets. Gasted community. Ground level offers covered parking for cars and boats. $253,000. Call Ron • 74 Grand Oak, Tres Palacios Oaks - 2-3 BD, 2BA, Brick home. Home sitting on 5 fenced in lots. Garage/Workshop with a carport for a RV. Community swimming pool & boat ramp $96,000. REDUCED! $86,800. Call Tammy • 308 Magnusson - 3BD, 2BA, home on 2 1/2 lots, with 2 buildings. Also has slab for RV hook-up. $118,000. REDUCED $110,000. Call Tammie • 2111 E. Bayshore - Stunning house overlooking Tres Palacios Bay. Main house is 2BR, 1BA, CH/A, large livingroom, den, fireplace, Jacuzzi in masterbath. Fenced yard, 2 car garage. large metal building. Guest quarters 1BD, 1BA, efficiency. Recent build outdoor kitchen $285,000. • 307 Windswept - Located in Sunrise Bay Sub-Division. This 3BD, 3BA, open concept home has a beautiful view of the bay. $279,000. Call Charlotte • 413 E Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 3BA, Town home with waterview from balcony, $215,000.REDUCED $195,000. Call Charlotte • 415 E Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 3BA, Town home with waterview, gated parking in the back. $215,000. REDUCED $195,000. Call Charlotte • 805 Ave C, Blessing - 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, cinder block home, remodeled bathroom. $45,000. Call Tammy • 401 Henderson - Strip Mall! Great Business location! $325,000. Call Charlotte GARAGE SALES INSIDE Sale: Thur., Oct. 8th & Fri., Oct. 9th, 8am to 1pm, 1706 4th St. Girls and boys clothes, women’s clothes, & lots of misc. (41-1tp) ----------------------------------------------INDOOR Garage SALE: Thurs., Oct. 8th, Fri., Oct. 9th & Sat., Oct. 10th, 8am to 6pm, 458 Main St. Lots of miscellaneous items. (41-1tc) ----------------------------------------------GARAGE SALE: Fri., Oct. 9th, 8am to ? & Sat., Oct. 10th, 9am to ?, 206 Magnusson. Kitchen items, clothes & lots of other misc. items. (41-1tc) ----------------------------------------------GARAGE SALE: Sat., Oct. 10th 8:30 am to ?. 109 Main St. Lots of children’s, ladies, men’s clothes. Bake sale. (41-1tp) -----------------------------------------------Garage SALE: Sat., Oct. 10th, 8am to Noon, 1008 Rorem. Clothes, shoes, ceiling fans, etc. (41-1tp) ------------------------------------------------ PUBLIC NOTICES REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS AND QUALIFICATIONS The City of Palacios is implementing two Texas Community Development Block Grant awards under the Community Development Fund and Texas Capital Fund. We are separately soliciting (A) proposals from consultants for project administration and (B) qualifications from Texasregistered engineers to provide engineering services. Submittals for these services will be accepted until 3 PM on October 19, 2015 at the City of Palacios, City Manager at P.O. Box 845, 311 Henderson, Palacios, TX 77465-0845. The same firm will not be awarded contracts to provide both engineering and administrative services for any one project. We reserve all rights under the Professional Services Procurement Act and UGMS. Additional submission requirements for each service are available by calling (361) 972-3605. Section 3 Residents and Business Concerns are encouraged to submit. The City of Palacios is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Servicios de traducción están disponibles por peticion a la Ciudad. Nê’u cần thông liên la.c chính phù thành phô’ ------------------------------------------------ 1979 FORD F150, $13,500. $3,500. YOU CAN NOW VISIT US ON OUR NEW WEBSITE FLEX Office: 361-972-3200 HOMES * 417 Mertie/$195,000 -Spacious home totally redone! 3/3 privacy fenced w/small gazebo & deck. * 465 Avenue H/Markham/$115,000 – Cute 4/2 bth on corner lot. Motivated Seller! * 8919 FM 3012/Boling/ $110,000 – Fixer upper w/lots of potential. Main house & 3 bungalows that need some TLC. * 790 Riverside Drive/$87,000 – Cute & charming 2 story home w/3/2 , boat dock & community pool. * 207 Morton/$62,500 – Cute 2/house that needs a little TLC. * 788 Riverside/$60,000 – 2/1 & ½ bth, on 4 lots in Tres Palacios Oaks. Needs lots of work. * 184 E. Peggy St./$65,000 – Fishing cabin with nice metal garage and lrg. carport. * 222 E. Lou Lou Ln/$58,000 – Small 3/1 fishing cabin in Schicke Point. Good week end place. * 211 Commerce /$85,000 – Nice remodeled 3/1 bth home near the bay. Fenced backyard, storage shed & workshop. LOTS & ACREAGE * Sunrise Bay Lots - $60K , $79K, $115,000 * Live Oak Landing Lots- $39,900 & $29,900 * 0 1st Street Palacios/$30,000 – Commercial use, highway frontage * 0 First St/Palacios/$49,000 – 0.264 acreage one blk from E Bay Blvd. * 111 5th/Street/Palacios/ $29,500 – 50x150 lot w/great views of Tres Palacios Bay * 39 Palacios Bay Dr./$94,000 – 0.251 acreage in gated community. * 0 Turtle Bay Cove Dr./$80,000 – 2.73 acres. Excellent Bayfront. * 00 CR 305 Bayshore Rd./$275,800- 7.88 w/great views of Tres Palacios Bay * 0 CR 391 Collegeport/$323,350 – 111.5 acres of crop/ranch land 361-972-3596 H Auto Detailing by Appointment H • 803 Main St., Palacios - Janie's Snack Bar, 2 Lots, 4 Rental Campers, 2/1 Rental Mobile Home. • 583 AC Ranch - Hwy 281 frontage, George West, TX, Deer Quail, Dove, 2 Ponds, Ranch hand home, 3 furnished homes in Hunters compound. Deer Stands. Fenced. $3,500. per acre. • LOTS - Vaquero Estates, 2.69 AC. 130 Center Tree Dr, $64,000. • LOTS - 4 Lots, 8th St, Markham, $43,000. • 45 Honeycomb W, Blessing - 3/2/2 Home, Oak Hollow S/D - 7 Lots, Large Oaks & Native Trees, RV parking garage, 2 storage sheds, fenced. $70,000. • (3) 15.4 AC Tracts - Creek, and Farmland, Vacek Road. • 38 Pecan Ave., Blessing - 3BD, 2BA Brick home. $135,000. • 490 Trout - Lewis Caranchua #2 S/D, Waterfront Lot, 3BD, 1BA Home. $175,000. • 18.59 ACRES, HWY 35 W - Access by Barber Rd/Crescent Rd, Palacios, $4000. per Acre, Owner Financing. • FM 3280 - 232 Acre Catfish Farm/Ranch, Ponds, Irrigation Well, Barn with 3BD, 3BA living quarters, $975,000. • 813 PR-BLESSING - 1BR, 1BA, 1360 sq.ft. $65,000. • 22 ACRES-HWY 1862 - $121,000. • WE NEED FARMS & RANCH LAND • 1085 HWY 616 - Blessing, 3BD, 2.5BA • COMMERCIAL BUILDING - Palacios • LOTS - Turtle Bay Cove, Palacios • HWY 35, BLESSING - 22 AC, Will divide 10 AC, $6,500. Per AC • CR 334 - 234 AC Turf Grass Farm, 3BD, 2BA Home, $1,500,000. FOR RENT 972-3009 Classified Deadline 10 A.M. MONDAY FISH FARM HELP •Full-time,6-dayweek •Mustlikeworkingoutdoors&aroundwater •Experienceoperatingfarmequipmentaplus •Competitivepay&opportunityforadvancement TOAPPLYCALL361-972-3240 Drugandalcoholscreeningadministered HELP WANTED BARTENDERS NEEDED at Omar’s Bar and Grill, 814 Henderson, Palacios, TX. Apply Within. (19-tfc) -------------------------------------------------- SERVICES MARRIAGE & FAMILY THERAPY 441 Main St. Palacios, TX 77465 361-404-1818 Chi Gibson, MFT-Intern Supervisor: Dr. Lillian Solis-Smith, PHD,LPC-S,LMF-S (31-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ LIGHT DOZER or BACKHOE SERVICE BY: GENE EGGEMEYER • Fence line cleaning • Small Pond Construction • Dirt/Gravel Leveling If you need it pushed, leveled, or cleared call 361-972-5593 361-676-0386 (cell) SUPPORT GROUPS DRINKING PROBLEM?: CAN’T STOP? , Episcopal Hall, 3rd & Main St., Palacios, Thursday, 7 p.m. & Sunday 3:30 p.m. Call John (361)5539638 or Jeff (713)299-7179. (34-tfnc) ------------------------------------------------ WANTED PALACIOS PET PALS needs Weight Circles from Purina Brand Dog and Cat food bags and boxes. They can be used to get discounts. Please call 361972-0100 for more information or mail cut out circles to Pet Pals, P.O. Box 215, Palacios, TX or drop in Palacios at H.L.C. Bookkeeping, 217 Fifth St., during business hours. (18-tfnc) ------------------------------------------------ FAX SERVICE Palacios Beacon Fax Line (361) 972-2610 Office Line (361) 972-3009 Palacios Pride Pick it uP SOLD LAND • 3.95 Acres on Hwy 35 - Great Commercial Location. $94,900. Call Ron • 509 East Bay Blvd. - 65x157 Great loction. Enjoy morning sunrise over looking Tres Palacios Bay. Corner located. Public pier nearby, Boat launch. $95,000.Call Ron • 0 Bayshore Drive - 2 Great waterfront lots on West side of Cape Carancahua S/D. Has wooden bulk head. Community fishing pier, boat ramp, pool, security gate. $79,000. Call Ron • 720 Sunrise Bay Drive - This property offers a great view of Carancahua Bay. Community fishing pier, boat launch, swimming pool, wetlands observation walkway, 3 Acres, $49,000. Call Ron • 1 Acre Lot 29 Bay Drive, Way Point Landing - $138,000. Call Charlotte • 564 Lady Fish, Boca Chica - 50x50 lot, HOA Dues-$125, Completely set up for RV. Community fishing pier, boat ramp and swimming pool. $28,000. Call Tammy • 321 CR 447, Midfield- Lot size 5.07 Acres $68,500. REDUCED $63,500.Call Robbie • 33 Palacios Bay Dr., Beachside - Aprx. lot size 50x169. Gated community. City services. Great views of Tres Palacios Bay. $28,000. Call Ron • 37 Palacios Bay Dr., Beachside - Aprx. lot size 35x169x60. Gated community. City services. Great view of Tres Palacios Bay. $53,000. Call Ron • 154 Bay Ridge Dr., Beachside, Palacios - Gated community. City services. Great views of Tres Palacios Bay. Aprx. lot size 50x175. $28,000. Call Ron • 173 Bay Point Dr., Beachside, Palacios - Gated community. City services. Great view of Tres Palacios Bay. Aprx. lot size 54x175. $33,000. Call Ron • 1.27 Acres - Hwy 35 - Sloan Rd, $18,000. Call Ron • 0 Henderson Hwy 35 - 162ft. Wide x 210ft. Deep, .78 Acres. Prime commercial building site. Great location for restaurant, or retail store. $150,000. Call Ron • Lot 709, Cape Carancahua - Great building site, gated community, community swimming pool and boat ramp. Priced only $6,000. Call Ron • 1.68 Acres, CR 313, Vanderbilt - Great site. Country living. Industrial School District. $10,000. Call Ron • Lot 1009-1010, BayView - 2 Lots with water view, in gated community. $15,000. REDUCED $13,500. • 3.2 Acres, Hwy 35 - Over 3.2 acres with 200 ft. of frontage on Turtle Bay with bulkhead. Located just outside of town. $98,000. Call Ron • Lot 121, Beachside S/D - Gated community with lots of future amenities, underground utilities. $17,500. Call Ron • Lot 146 - Bayview in Cape Carancahua. Gated community with boat launch, pool, piers. $10,000. Call Ron • 552 Bayview - 2 Lots. Great lots to build on. S/D has piers, boat launch, pool. $19,000. Call Ron • Lot 24 Windswept - Sunrise Bay S/D. Fantastic view of Carancahua Bay. $45,000. Call Ron • 633 Swallow Drive - 2 Great lots to build on, includes small building and power pole. S/D has boat launch, pool and pier. $21,000. Call Ron • River Hollow Way - 1 Acre of River front property, lots of trees. $51,500. Call Tammy • 6405 SH 35 - 1.73 Acres of undeveloped SOLDwaterfront property on Turtle Bay. Over 148 ft. of water frontage with seawall. $92,000. Call Ron • FM 3280 - 627.71 Acres in 2 different tracts. $1,489,000. Call Dan • 503 E Bay Blvd. - Wateview, great building site, close to boat ramp. $150,000. Call Charlotte • 10 Acres-Collins Rd - Great tract for building or commercial, fenced. $65,000. REDUCED $39,000. Call Ron • 2 Acres - on Tres Palacios Bay -"Collegeoport" with 120' of Bulkhead $105,000. Owner financing available. Call Ron • 1st & McGlothin - 6 Lots, Road frontage on 4 sides. $115,000. Call Ron • E. Bayshore Dr. - 1 Acre would be a great homesite with view of the bay. $110,000. Call Tammy • Lots 1344 & 1345 - Cape Carancahua, Waterfront lots-$79,000. each. Call Ron • Palacios Acres - Lot B - 2.08 Acres on 12th Street. Great location and close to town. $35,000. Call Ron • Palacios Acres - Lot C - 2.08 Acres. Convenient location. Close to town. $35,000. Call Ron • Riverfront Property - Live Oak Landing S/D, Lot 9, 2 acres. $89,000. • 1620 Ruthven - 1 acre waterfront property with bayfront view $70,000. Call Tammy • 2201 First St. - 6 acres in town. Building not included. $220,000. $217,500. REDUCED $180,000. Call Charlotte • 684-685 Swallow - 130' x110' $12,000. Call Ron • 8.2 Acres on Green Ave. - $145,000. Possible owner finance. Call Ron • 1 Acre tracts on Collins Rd. - Great Building Site! Call Ron • 862 CR 478 - 1.3 Acres on Carancahua Bay - w/ 308' waterfront, Wonderful homesite. $159,995 $139,995. REDUCED $ 139,000. Call Charlotte • Bayshore Dr - 2.5 Acres WATERFRONT Land. Great Homesite! $295,000. REDUCED $199,000. Call Charlotte • Various Lots in BEACHSIDE S/D, some foreclosures, Sunrise Bay, Bay Point, Live Oak Landing, TPO, Cape and Boca Chica BUYERS, COME SHOP WITH US. WE CO-BROKE See our website at TexSCAN Week of October 4, 2015 DRIVERS DRIVER TRAINEES - PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens Transport will cover all costs! NO TRAINING/SCHOOL EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Earn $800 per AIRLINE CAREERS begin here - Get started week! Local CDL Training! 1-888-589-9677 training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. or Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Aviation Institute of AVERITT EXPRESS - Start Pay: $0.40 to $0.435 CPM + Fuel Bonus! Get Home Maintenance. Call 1-800-475-4102. EVERY Week + Excellent Benefits. CDL-A req. FINANCIAL SERVICES Recent Tractor/Trailer School Grads Welcome. RECEIVING PAYMENTS from real estate you Call Today: 1-888-602-7440 OR Apply @ sold? Get cash now! Call Steve: 1-888-870-2243 EOE/AA including Veterans and Disabled. or REAL ESTATE 10.69 ACRES, south of George West. Heavy brush cover, joins large ranch. Deer, hogs, turkey. $2,272 down, $414/month, (9.9% - 20 years.) 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SUBSCRIBE TO THE PALACIOS BEACON $30 A YEAR IN COUNTY • $40 A YEAR OUT-OF-COUNTY PORTS S Goliad takes it to Tidehaven, rolls 28-6 Page 8 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 7, 2015 Palacios BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Publisher In the battle for top Tiger on the gridiron, it was Goliad’s Tigers that prevailed 28-6 over Tidehaven. While being on the wrong side of a 28-6 outcome isn’t what Tidehaven was looking for, the Tigers turn their focus to the race for the Dist. 13-2A DII crown. The Tigers open district play at home against Brazos for Homecoming this Fri. (Oct. 9). DISTRICT 13-3A DII STANDINGS TEAM Boling Tidehaven East Bernard Danbury Brazos Van Vleck W L T PF PA 5 3 3 2 2 1 0 2 2 3 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 206 54 142 84 150 53 57 192 149 164 88 88 •LAST WEEK'S GAMES• Boling OPEN Brazos OPEN Danbury OPEN East Bernard 6OPEN Goliad 28, Tidehaven 6 Van Vleck OPEN •THIS WEEK'S GAMES• East bernard @ Boling Brazos @ Tidehaven Danbury @ Van Vleck DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY DEADLINE Beacon “We had good effort tonight but we are going to need great effort next week against Brazos. Even though we lost, without a doubt, we are a better team right now than when we started the season ,” noted Tidehaven head coach Brent Mascheck. “We break the season up into four parts of the year: scrimmages, pre-district, district and playoffs. The focus and intesnity has to increase with each part of the year.” “We are now entering the district race, which I feel is going to be the toughest district in the state, but we have the team to make the playoffs. I feel like we are peaking going into district play and that was our plan the entire year.” As for this Friday’s tilt with Brazos, Mascheck said his team needs to be mentally tough going into the game. “We can not have mental breakdowns this week ver- sus a very talented and fast Brazos team. They have the weapons to make big plays on offense and we have to do a great job of preventing the big plays,” Mascheck said. “We held out some starters against Goliad so we are injury free heading into the first district game Fri. (Oct. 9) against Brazos. We need Tiger nation to show up next week, come early, wear blue and be loud.” In last week’s affair, the Tigers were bitten by big plays despite a nice performance turned in by the defense. “I thought we had good effort tonight, but mental mistakes and big plays cost us,” noted Mascheck. “Goliad’s speed was the difference in the game. They made a few big plays in the passing game and had a 63yard touchdown run - if we don’t give up those big plays we did a good job on the defensive side of the ball.” Goliad picked up 230-yards via the air and another 94-on the ground. Goliad scored on a 41-yard touchdown pass in the first quarter; a five yard pass in the second just prior to halftime; a 24-yard touchdown pass in the third and put the game away for good on a 63yard run in the third. While the defense couldn’t contain Goliad’s big plays, the Tiger offense was led by sophomore tailback Jeff Williams. Williams shined in the loss with a 191-yard night rushing on 28 carries. “I thought Jeff had a great night running the football. He ran with some authority,” commented Mascheck. The Tigers rushed for 301-yards on the night and tacked on another 60 through the air. Bryce Galvan accounted for the Tigers’ lone score on a five yard plunge in the fourth quarter. He finished with 59-yards on 12 carries and was 4-9 passing for 33 yards and two interceptions. The Tigers’ fight for the playoffs begins at Homecoming this Fri. (Oct. 9) as Tidehaven hosts Brazos at 7:30 p.m. in El Maton. Roll Tide Williams’ Tiger paw to the face... TIDEHAVEN tailback Jeff Williams (3) puts a paw to the facemask of Goliad’s Matthew Haney during last week’s 28-6 loss. In the loss, the sophomore Williams shined with 191-yards on 28 carries. Through the pre-district schedule, Williams is 2nd in District 13-3A DII in rushing yards with 528 yards. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) JV Tigers blanked 21-0 by Goliad The JV Tigers were blanked 21-0 by Goliad last week. “Last night’s game was an eye opener for us and that we have to get better,” said Tidehaven coach Steve Fiala. “We didn’t play very well until the second half. Defensively, we played good but we couldn’t stop the big Out of thin air... THE Tigers had a stroke of good luck when the ball was separated from return man Jacob Galvan and flew into the air where Tidehaven’s Brandon Litzau reeled in the floating pig skin. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) play,” noted Fiala. “On offense, we could not get anything going until the second half when we started driving the ball but couldn’t punch it in the end zone.” The Tigers will visit Brazos on Thurs. (Oct. 8) with kickoff slated to 6 p.m. JV Sharkettes roll with wins over Hallettsville, Tidehaven The junior varsity Sharkettes swept the court with their opponents en route to a pair of district wins on the volleyball court last week. Early last week, coach Dana Buckley’s JV Sharkettes swarmed the nets and feasted on Hallettsville’s JV Lady Brahmas 20-25, 25-14, 25-18. Vivian Parga spearheaded the sub-varsity attack with 21 points. Brianna Serna hit the floor for 14 points and Brianne Simmons was close behind with 10. Bailey Grones dropped nine points on Hallettsville, followed by Sarah Filip and Brooke Vandenbergh’s eight point performances. At home last Friday, the JV Sharkettes pounded out a two set seep of Tidehaven 25-21, 25-15. Filip was at the forefront of the Palacios scoring and finished with 11. Serna and Simmons each tallied nine points in the win. Vandenbergh tacked on seven points, followed by Parga’s six, Grones’ five and Andrea Gonzales’ three points. Sharks return to field Fri. against Industrial BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Publisher Palacios’ fighting Sharks return to the gridiron to start their District 14-3A DI schedule at 7:30 p.m. Fri. (Oct. 9) against the winless Industrial Cobras (0-5) in Vanderbilt. The 1-4 Sharks and 0-5 Cobras have been the occupiers of the Dist. 13-3A DII basement for the past several years. It was in last year’s affair that coach Brad Bowden’s Sharks broke their 22-game District losing streak with a 30-28 comeback win over the Cobras. With the start of the District schedule, the pre-district records are thrown out the window and these next five games are pivotal for the Sharks as they seek their first playoff berth since the Sharks’ run four-rounds deep in 2007. For the Sharks to earn the 4th playoff spot, a pair of District wins are needed. The Sharks get their best opportunity right off the bat this Friday. DISTRICT 14-3A DI STANDINGS TEAM Hitchcock Edna Rice Palacios Hempstead Industrial W 4 3 1 1 1 0 L T PF PA 1 2 4 4 4 5 0 283 117 0 167 168 0 57 133 0 73 175 0 71 212 0 21 186 •LAST WEEK'S GAMES• Edna OPEN Hempstead OPEN Hitchcock OPEN Industrial OPEN Palacios OPEN Rice OPEN •THIS WEEK'S GAMES• Hitchcock @ Edna Hempstead @ Rice Palacios @ Industrial Sharkettes take one step foward, one step back BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Publisher PALACIOS’ Cameron Greaves (11) gets a stuff at the net of former Sharkette, now Tigerettes Joie Love Pena (15) in last week’s win. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) The roller-coaster season continues for the varsity Sharkettes with a loss to Hallettsville and a trouncing of Tidehaven. Coach Barbara BuckleyPeeples’ Sharkettes found the win column with a three-set sweep of Tidehaven last Friday, 25-13, 25-14, 25-15. Katy Sexton played poacher on the court and racked up 19 kills, eight digs, one block and an ace served. Brittany Guerrero led Palacios with 16 digs and finished with seven assists and served up one ace. Cameron Greaves got down for 12 digs, blocked three Tigerette volleys at the net, tacked on a pair of kills and one ace. Elizabeth Ortiz finished with 10 digs and served up a pair of aces. Lila Filip registered seven kills, seven digs, one block and sent one ace over the net. Kamryn Vickers dished out five assists, dug out four digs and set fly to one ace. Chae Neimeyer fin- ished with a pair of kills and one dig. Earlier in the week, the Sharkettes were caught in a stampede of Hallettsville’s Lady Brahmas and were rolled in three sets 15-25, 1225, 21-25. Sexton led the Sharkettes in the loss with 15 kills, six digs, two blocks and one assist. Greaves picked up 11 digs and finished with a pair of kills and two blocks. Ortiz registered a team high 13 digs and tacked on two blocks and a kill. Guerrero dished out nine assists, and netted six digs, two aces and one kill. Filip was a force at the net with three blocks and chimed in with three digs and four kills. Marissa Figueroa finished with three digs and one assist; Vickers compiled four digs and one assist; and Neimeyer added one dig and one kill on the night. The Sharkettes were to host Rice on Tues. (Oct. 6) before hitting the road for Friday’s (Oct. 9) tilt against the Lady Cobras in Industrial. VARSITY Sharkette sophomore Elizabeth Ortiz (8) lets her hair fly as she throws down a spike on Tidehaven in last week’s three set sweep of the District rival Tigerettes. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) S PORTS Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 7, 2015 - Page 9 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios Beacon Sharkette frosh split matches The freshmen Sharkette spikers split last week’s action on the court. Palacios bounced Tidehaven in straight sets, 25-21, 25-6 last Friday. Lanae Tucker set sail to 10 serves and notched five hits. The trio of Regan Ramirez, Sarah Hebel and Alyssa Acosta each registered seven serves. Acosta tacked on 13 assists and Hebel added six hits. Vanessa Brewer and Meagan Ramirez tallied five hits each and Dorothy Nguyen finished with seven assists. Earlier in the week, Palacios was bounced by Hallettsville, 17-25, 22-25. Reagan Ramirez led the way with 13 serves, followed by five apiece from Lybberty Cerda and Acosta. Hevel and Tucker tallied six hits each; Brewer tacked on four and Meagan Ramirez three. Acosta and Nguyen were helping hands with 10 and nine assists, respectively. Nguyen getting it done FRESHMAN Sharkette spiker Dorothy Nguyen stretches to reach the ball with Reagan Ramirez looking on in last week’s three set win over Hallettsville. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Tucker goes over the top PALACIOS freshmen Lanae Tucker opts for the over-the-shoulder return in last week’s win over Hallettsville. Tucker had the hot hand on the night and led the Sharkettes with 10 serves and picked up five hits in the contest. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) GO GET ‘EM SHARKS & SHARKETTES” The following businesses proudly support the Sharks & Sharkettes PIERCE Palacios Air Repair 438 Main Street 361-972-0810 407 Henderson (Hwy. 35) • Palacios, Tx. REAL ESTATE 438 Main Street 361-972-1438 “WE’RE GOING COASTAL” Heating & Air Conditioning Sales, Service & Installations 979-429-7488 • No Charge Service Call • Richard Bari 405 Main Street • Palacios 361-972-5222 • email: PRIME PARTS SUPPLY 361-972-2565 Palacios Community Medical Center • Inpatient Care -Acute & Skilled Nursing • Hospice/Respite Care • 24 Hr. Emergency Roo m • Diabetes Self-Management Classes • Inpatient Pharmacy • Sleep Studies Palacios Medical Clinic • Preventive Services-Family Practice • Family Planning “Here to Heal” 311 Green Ave • Palacios 361-972-2511 • Physical Therapy • Wound Care • Laboratory • Radiology • Ultrasound, CT Scan & Bone Density • Swing Bed • Well Child Exams • Newborns-Seniors Gus Gross, MD 458 Main Street Palacios (361) 972-5385 1519 4th St. • Palacios, 361-972-2000 M-F/8am-6pm Katie Gilbert, NP 510 2nd St., Palacios, TX 77465 coastalembroidery@hot, Equal Housing Lender MEMBER FDIC Commissioner Precinct 3 Matagorda County 361-972-2719 Cell (361) 920-2719 307 Henderson Ave. • Palacios • 361-972-2273 307 Henderson • Palacios • 361-972-2273 Owners Owners: Richard NancyRhoades Rhoades Richard & &Nancy 304 Elizabeth • Palacios, TX 77465 361•972•6281 972-6281 Since 1971 Terry W. Mosier Debbie Mosier 361-550-1937 cell 361-972-6398 fax 361-648-6299 cell Mary Lynn Mosier 361-935-4319 cell The Trull FoundaTion Serving the Palacios Matagorda County Area Since 1967 404 Fourth St. 361-972-5241 459 Main • Palacios • 972-2585 James Gibson www. MOSIER 709 Henderson MON - FRI 8-6 • SAT 8-5 • SUN: Closed 361-404-0356 Tiffany Stoecker PORTER’S HARDWARE MATAGORDA COUNTY NAVIGATION DISTRICT No. 1 Ted R. Bates, Jr., Chairman •Victor Eggemeyer, Chairman Jimmy E. Neely, Commissioner • Bryan L. Fields, Commissioner Greg T. Seaman, Commissioner • Debbie G. Morris, Port Director 1602 Main Street • P.O. Box 551 • Palacios, TX • 361-972-5556 T-Shirts Athletic Apparel Caps Jackets Vinyl Lettering Banners Rhinestone Bling 317317Henderson Henderson Palacios, Tx Palacios,TX 2500 SH 35 South - Palacios, TX 77465 308 4 th St. • 361-972-2222 • 1-800-787-7741 Palacios House of Flowers COASTAL PROPERTIES 414 Main St. • Palacios • 361-972-2517 215 5th St. • Palacios • 361-972-5900 Irene Page, Owner Congratulations Lighting the Way in Palacios 2320 Sixth Street Class of 2010! Bay City America Electric & Hardware (979) 244-3995 Congratulations 2900 Hamman Road 406MainSt.Palacios•361-972-2713 Bay City Class of 2010! Electrical Contractor (979) 244-3995 458 Main Street 2900 Hamman Road Bay City Plant Bay City Palacios An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V/D (361) 972-5385 (979) 244-3995 the oxo people Tran’ s Restaurant 1009 Henderson • Palacios 361-972-1008 Monday-Friday:8:00a.m.-5:30p.m. Saturday:8:00a.m.-4:00p.m. Homero A. Zepeda - Licensed & Bonded 309 Henderson Ave. Palacios, TX GO SHARKS! (361) 972-0998 LAGASSE MARINE WAYS Turning Basin #1 Palacios • 361-972-6060 PALACIOS AUTO & TOWING 1105 Henderson 361-972-5923 Mon-Fri: 7:30am-4:30pm 511 Main St. • 361-972-2766 361-972-3611 215 Henderson Avenue • Palacios, TX Dairy Queen Hours: 215 Ave. 10am Henderson - 10pm 361-972-2554 361-972-2554 Jennifer Chau Open: 10am-10pm HARBOR SPIRITS 1005 Henderson • Palacios,TX Open: Monday - Saturday 12pm - 9pm Deluxe Inn Motel 1505 1st Street (Hwy 35N) 361-972-2547 • Palacios Free Breakfast and Coffee • Call for Good Rates 1012 First Street Palacios, TX (281) 888-7982 Collision Repair Specialist • Computer Diagnostics • Brake Service • AC Service • Tune Up • Towing • Restoration Quality Work • Insurance Claims Welcomed Palacios Chiropractic and Massage 2206 First St. • Palacios, TX 361-972-1201 Page 10 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., October 7, 2015 Palacios YOUTH DEADLINE DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY Beacon Tidehaven Homecoming Candidates ONE of these lovely young ladies and handsome gentlemen will be crowned the 2015 Tidehaven Homecoming Queen & King at this week’s Homecoming football game against Brazos. Vying for the Homecoming Queen crown are: (front, l-r) Morgan Hansen, Zariah Dodds, Payton Bates and Joie Love Pena. Candidates for the King’s crown are: (back, l-r) Christian Longoria, Brandon Brune, Cameron Riojas and Brandon Litzau. (Submitted Photo) PJHS Students of Character THE faculty and staff of Palacios Junior High School have selected (left to right) Daniel Carrillo, Evelyn Aparicio, Sabrina Lopez and Griffin White has Outstanding Students of Character for the first six weeks. The students were chosen for this honor based on attributes of their character. The character trait for the six weeks was Responsibility. These students met the demands of duty, were accountable, pursued excellence and exercised self-control. (Submitted Photo) Palacios High School Band ready for marching competitions this Sat. & next THE Palacios High School Band would like to invite the community to the following marching competitions. They will be performing in Edna on Saturday, October10, at 4 p.m. and on Saturday, October 17 in El Campo at 12:15 p.m. The show theme this year is “Les Mesirables”. With the help of the Trull Foundation, Craig and Linda Wallis, and Martha McIntire the show is off to a GREAT start!!! The Palacios High School band has grown significantly in the last few years. This year it just short of 100 high school band members. The band students have worked extremely hard and are ready for competition. Please come out and support these students who have worked very hard with signs, cheers, pompoms, etc at these 2 very important competitions. Members of the Palacios High School Fightin’ Shark Marching Band are: (front, l-r) Victoria Carizales, Amoni Gomez, An Nguyen, Javier Figeroa, Luis Baez, Serena Zamarripa, Gabriel Longoria, Lilly Vu, Chase Ford, Tyler Harris, Hai Nguyen, John Tran, Hailey Fuentes, Theresa Castenon, Jardee Pham, Javier Macedo, Duy Tran and James Behall; (second) Brooke Carpenter, Teona Ward, Katie Nguyen, Dorthy Nguyen, Kayla Vu, Jackie De Jesus, Milca Rodriguez, Maria Hurtado, Samantha Hernandez, Sarah Filip, Priscilla Nguyen, Abby Mata, Charity Nguyen, Mina Aparicio, Ariana Zamora and Valerie Nguyen; (third) Elizabeth Mancera, Reveca Rodriguez, Bianca Hernandez, Justin Vu, Brock Potts, Trace Cary, Samantha Garcia, Kelsey Marroquin, Nevin Garcia, Jacqueline Sanchez, Jasmine Nguyen, Montserrat Garcia, Alysha Jasek and Elizabeth Ortiz; (fourth) Brenden Steen, Raven Guerro, Taylor Janssen, Jose Ortiz, Makaylee Deloach, Adrian Duran, Alodra Rubio, Melissa Lopez, Giselle Muniz, Ariana Moreno, Alexandria Ceasar, Kean Tran and Trey Durio; (fifth) Shelby Wilson, Maria Muniz, Jessica Nguyen, Kaitlyn Marroquin, Jaedon Northcutt, Jackson Engel, Tyson Nguyen, Loren Osborne, Zach Seaman, Jennifer Le, Ricardo Moreno, Madison Rodriguez and Giovana Arreola; (back) Vy Tang, Samantha Anzaldua, Vy Le, Carlos Lovo, Siarra Trolinger, Ana Ortiz, Charity Nguyen, Estefani Lopez, Roberto Hernandez, Erika Espinos, Christian Garcia, Carmern Serrato, Chelsea Campell, Brenda Mancera and Jaden Stolz. (Submitted Photo) Students of the Week at Central SELECTED as Students of the Week at Central Elementary last week were: (front, l-r) Cain Sanchez, Madelyn West, Marina Kacer, Adlemy Rios and Evette Muniz; (back) Avaleen Acosta, Juliana Munoz, Alexandra Rutledge, Madelyne Wollam and Adriana Avalos. (Submitted Photo) Giving the gift of life... PHS junior Macey Constancio was one of more than 53 student, faculty, and community resident donations collected during the National Honor Society’s annual blood drive at the high school. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, more than 159 lives will be saved. (Submitted Photo) Louie, Louie visited 4th Grade students at East Side Intermediate, Friday, October 2. This presentation was made possible by AEP Texas. Students were given various tips on how to be safety wise. (Submitted Photo) Terrific Tigers of the Week at Blessing SELECTED as Terrific Tigers of the Week at Blessing Elementary last week were: (front, l-r)Gavin Dyer, and Kimbo Lara; (middle) Bryce Sliva, Stephanie Sandoval, Alejandra Bosques, Aubry Mozley and Rilyn Hackfeld; (back) Connor Claxton, Yasmin Alejo, Carlos Torres, Guillermo Lopez and Kole Sengsourivong. (Submitted Photo)
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