Inside - Kansas City Barbeque Society
Inside - Kansas City Barbeque Society
Kansas City Barbeque Society – America’s Barbeque Experts!® Beautiful Barbeque Beginnings May 2011 Postmaster: Dated Material. Please deliver by May 10, 2011 The Monthly Publication of the Kansas City Barbeque Society By: Dawn Endrijaitis May is “officially” National Barbeque Month. In celebration, I thought I would investigate just how barbeque began. When did our ancestors realize that open fire and raw pieces of meat, when combined, make something just short of heaven. First, you should note that I am talking about true barbeque here: not grilling. Barbeque, at least according to the Endrijaitis Dictionary, is defined as cooking low and slow over wood fire, charcoal or pellets. I’m sure there are those who disagree, but according to my husband, it won’t do them any good. Now that we have the source defined, let’s dig deeper. Most of the research I found pays homage to the Caribbean natives for actually starting the process of slow cooked meat over wood. But, it’s our friends in the South who really made barbeque popular. Southern folk found barbeque an easy way to cook a lot of cheap meat for a lot of people. As they migrated north, they brought their grand plan with them, introducing it to us in the Midwest and Northern regions. We now know where it started, but who played a vital role in making barbeque America’s cuisine? There are a lot of people out there who have really contributed to the cause, and these people should be recognized for their contribution. From Mike Mills, to Carolyn Wells, Johnny Trigg to Chris Lilly, and so many more who have personally sacrificed in promoting the enjoyment of barbeque. Without George Stephan we wouldn’t have the Weber Kettle, and without John Markus there would never have been Pitmasters. To take it to a more intimate level: without our dads, our uncles, our grandfathers, our mothers, or even our neighbors, many of us would have never known the decadence of slow-cooked, tender pieces of deliciousness. More times then not, there is someone special in our lives that we have created barbeque memories, and it is to them that we dedicate barbeque month. KCBS would like to thank all of you, our members, for the essential part you play in making barbeque celebrated. Without you, no matter your role in the process, barbeque would not be what it is today. It is through your dedication to our cause that has made the Kansas City Barbeque Society the largest barbeque sanctioning body in the world. It may have started in the Caribbean, but it is YOU that keeps the spirit of barbeque alive. Happy National Barbeque Month!! Inside Retail List 4 Books, Seasonings & More Welcome! 32-35 Contest results KCBS New Members Competition Heats Up Class Schedules 20-21 Cooking, Judging & Table Captain Classes Upcoming Events 2011-2012 Events 36-37 Volume 26, Issue 5 11514 Hickman Mills Drive KCMO 64134 Phone: 800.963.5227 41-46 Phone: 800.963.5227 page 2bullsheet – May 2011 BBQ Open House & Egg FESt May 14, 2011 • Coffee & Donuts 8am–10am • BBQ Lunch begins at 10am 20% OFF all Big Green Eggs (donations accepted with proceeds going to needy families) • BBQ Demonstrations throughout the day • Manufacturer’s Reps on site all day • 10% Store-Wide Savings • Door Prizes Plus Large Selection of BBQ Equipment including: • Bull Outdoor Products • Cook Shack • BBQ Guru • Weber • Bradley Smokers • Camp Chef • Huge Variety of Accessories, Sauces & Seasonings 11881 Dover Road Apple Creek, OH 44606 330-857-3096 Between Apple Creek & Mt. Eaton on US 250/Dover Road LLC bullsheet – May 2011Page 3 Go Slow: Present and Future Legends of BBQ by Nancy Barber Long before the Italians went on their Slow Food crusade, black slaves from the Caribbean introduced Southerners to that most quintessential of American slow foods: BBQ. It tantalized the European settlers and eventually spread from its rural Southern roots all across the country, diversifying in different parts of the South and Midwest. Its popularity continues to grow, and now even children are learning to master the pit. “See, the thing is, BBQ is slow, and everything in this world today is so fast,” says national BBQ ambassador Jim Tabb. “You want to hurry up this computer, you want to hurry up this, faster and faster and faster, and pretty soon, by Friday, you’re worn out from all this speed and all this haste. There’s one thing left: BBQ, and you’re not going to speed it up or it won’t be any good.” Tabb, a Tryon, NC, resident, has been the primary mentor for the Future Legends of BBQ (FLB) contest, one of the few kids-only BBQ competitions in the country that is not associated with an adult competition. The Second Annual FLB, a benefit for the Henderson County Young Leaders Program, was held on October 9, 2010, at Camp Greystone in Tuxedo, NC. Fifteen teams and about 60 children participated in this year’s event. The FLB isn’t the first BBQ contest Jim Tabb has helped foster. He got his BBQ start as a Navy fighter pilot in the 1950’s when he was stationed in Jacksonville, FL. He and four other pilots used to frequent a local BBQ joint until they got the bright idea that they should make their own, so they bought a little grill for the backyard. “We thought we were BBQing,” remembers Tabb. “We were actually grilling.” The difference, he explains, is in the temperature. BBQing is smoking the meat at a temperature between 180-300 degrees. Anything hotter than that is “grilling.” The “grilling” eventually led to Tabb’s first BBQ competition: “We challenged another fighter squadron. We said, ‘We can cook better BBQ than you can,’ and they said, ‘No you can’t,’” and so a great BBQ competitor was born. After ten years of flying in the Navy, Tabb flew internationally with TWA for almost thirty years, honing his foodie skills. “Pilots usually bid for days off or certain cities they want to go to,” explained Tabb. “I always bid food. If I felt like I needed some German food, I’d bid Frankfort; if I needed some feta cheese, I’d bid Athens; Good olive oil? I’d bid Italy.” Despite all the great international cuisine Tabb dined on, he always came back to his American roots and his first love: BBQ. Tabb got better and better at BBQing and competed around the country with great success, including a first place in the famed American Royal Invitational contest in Kansas City. He quickly rose in the ranks of BBQ judges as well, and eventually became Julia Child’s friend and personal BBQ guru. His relationship with Child got started when Tabb was in the Keys cooking at a fishing tournament for his friend, the late celebrity butcher Merle Ellis, who himself was friends with Child. Child was in Miami, and Ellis invited her down to try some BBQ. “I had my head stuck under a cooker,” said Tabb, “and she walked up behind me and said, ‘What are you doing?’ I said, ‘Well, I’m BBQing.’ She said, ‘Let me have a little bit of that.’ She reached in. She was a great one at that—just picking food. She took a bite and said, ‘That’s the best stuff I ever put in my mouth. That’s really good!’ She walked off about 10 or 20 feet, and she did a 180 and her entourage all turned around behind her, and she said, ‘Would you come to dinner with me tonight?’ That’s like Jesus asking me to the go to church! I said, ‘I’d be glad to, but I’m pretty dirty.’ She said, ‘We’ll put you at the end of the table.’” Tabb ended up sitting right next to Child and they became fast friends, “cross-plating” (taking bites of each other’s food) and talking about cooking. Tabb would eventually cook BBQ as a fund-raiser for Child’s foundation at a number of International Association for Culinary Professionals (IACP) conventions. In 1994, Tabb help found the Blue Ridge Barbeque Festival and put his hometown, Tryon, NC, on the map as a BBQ Mecca. People come from all over the country to compete in it. Most recently Tabb has turned to helping Starr Teel, owner of Hubba Hubba BBQ in Flat Rock, NC, build up the Future Legends of BBQ Competition. “Starr had this idea,” said Tabb, “but he didn’t know how to start it out. I said, well, let’s talk about the people I know who are in the business presently. If you’re going to teach acting, you’d like to bring in a movie actor. You go out and get Mike Mills if you wanna teach BBQ.” Mills is the owner of 17st Street Bar and Grill in Murphysboro, IL, and Memphis Championship BBQ in Las Vegas. He and his Apple City Barbecue team competed all over the country in BBQ contests, winning the World Championship four times and the Grand World Championship three times. He even started his own BBQ contest called the Murphysboro BBQ Cook-Off. When Bill Clinton was President, Mike had a top secret security clearance to board Air Force One whenever the former President got a hankering for BBQ. Mills has also been featured on the Food Network, Travel Channel, Regis and Kathy Lee, and CBS This Morning. He and his daughter, Amy Mills Tunnicliffe, co-wrote an award-winning book called Peace, Love, and Barbecue: Recipes, Secrets, Tall Tales, and Outright Lies from the Legends of Barbecue. It’s no wonder Mills is affectionately known as “The Legend.” Jim Tabb enlisted “The Legend” to help promote the first Future Legends of BBQ Competition in 2009, and Mills was back in 2010 for the second contest as well, teaching a BBQ ribs class, signing books, and generously handing out advice to anyone who asked. Mills has been amazed at the quality of the BBQ these kids are cooking. “It’s awesome,” he said. “I was pleasantly surprised. I don’t know what I expected.” Mills attributes the rise in cooking interest among children in part to the Food Network: “The number of young kids that are fixated on the Food Network—it’s unbelievable! All the way from three and four and five and six-year-olds, on up are watching Food Network like you wouldn’t believe.” “It’s the only way they get educated in food today,” added Tabb, “because their parents are working or don’t have time to mess with them or they take them to Burger King.” Whatever the reason, “Kids Q’s,” as they are known, have sprung up all over the country, but according to Kansas City Barbecue Society Executive Director Carolyn Wells, most of those Kids Q’s are associated with adult BBQ contests, not standing on their own like the Future Legends of BBQ. Kids teams from all over Western NC showed up early on a beautiful fall Saturday to finish setting up cookers and decorating their stations in celebration of team names such as Kung Fu BBQ, Smokin’ Clovers, Barbie-Q-Army, Groovy Chicks, Holy Smokers (from the Immaculate Catholic School), and A Little Pit of Heaven (from Fruitland Baptist Church). Teel, the founder of the event, talked about his twin goals of bringing more children into the camp experience through the Henderson County Young Leaders Program and bringing more children into the BBQ experience through this contest. According to Teel, both the camping community and the BBQ communities consist of “tribes.” “From the outside looking in,” said Teel, “camp seems to be about experiences. At the end of the day, you see the blobs and the pools and the ropes and the boats, but what camps ultimately do is build community and build success in children’s lives through community. “This is totally consistent with what we’re doing in the BBQ experience. You go out on a Friday evening, and everybody’s setting up and getting ready. The children are the central feature, but the entire family can participate. Within that community, the resourcefulness, the competence, and the confidence that comes from mastering the whole BBQ smoke experience is empowering. That’s the intersection between camp and BBQ.” This year’s Future Legends of BBQ winner was the same as last year’s, 14-year-old Colton Jones. Colton grew up tagging along with his dad, Scott Colton, to BBQ competitions. The elder Jones thinks the kids Q’s are so important because the great names in BBQ won’t last forever: “Eventually that flame is gonna die out and that page is gonna turn, and there’s gonna have to be someone to follow through. I just think exposing these kids and teaching them the right way to do it is a fantastic thing.” Asked what he liked about competing, Colton said, “I like the vibe, the feel of it, and the community. Everybody’s so nice. I just love the people who do it.” Colton acknowledges, however, that it takes “a lot of patiently waiting.” Colton’s dad agrees. “He’s usually the hurry-up-I’m-ready-to-eat kind of guy, except for today.” Jim Tabb’s ideas about American slow food are catching on, one young pitmaster at a time. page 4bullsheet – May 2011 kcbs retail list BBQ Books The first price is for members only! 500 Barbecue Dishes Paul Kirk..................................................... $15.95 America’s Best BBQ Ardie Davis & Paul Kirk............................ $20.00 Barbecuing & Sausage Making Secrets Knote............................................................ $14.95 Great American Barbecue & Grilling Manual Smoky Hale................................................ $19.95 Great BBQ Sauce Book Ardie Davis..................................... $14.95/$15.95 Grilling America Rick Browne................................................ $25.95 The Kansas City Barbeque Society Cookbook...................................Members $20.95/ ..............................................Non-Members $22.95 The Kansas City Barbeque Society Cookbook- 25th Anniversary Edition ..................Members $22.99/ Non-Members$24.99 Mastering the BBQ (Michael Stines)........ $19.95 Paul Kirk's Championship Barbecue Sauces Paul Kirk..................................................... $11.95 On the Grill Backyard Bunglers Steve Tyler................................................... $19.95 Real Barbecue by Vince Staten/Greg Johnson.....$16.95 Startin’ The Fire George Hensler............................................$12.99 Whatcha Need to Know to BBQ like a Pro Ron Lutz...................................................... $14.95 They Were Smokin’ Billy Bob Billy............................................. $24.95 Shipping and Handling per cookbook is $5.00 Pins & Accessories 2011 KCBS Member Pin................................$3.00 2010 KCBS 25th Anniversary Pin.................$3.00 KCBS Member Banner..................................$20.00 Specialty Pins Pig, Cow, or Chicken Pin............................... $3.00 Past Years KCBS Pins Limited Quantities 2005, 2003, 2008, 2009.........................Each $2.00 BBQ DVD’s BBQ Seasonings & Sauce Shipping and Handling per video is $5.00 Bad Byron’s Butt Rub (4.5 oz/2 lb)..... $4.00/$12.00 Butch's Smack Your Lips BBQ Seasoning (8 oz.) regular or cajun............................... .$5.00 Fire Bug Grillin Sauce (18 oz)mild or hot......$6.00 Don’s BBQ Seasoning (6.1 oz).........................$5.00 Happy "Holla" BBQ Seasoning (6.4 oz.)......... $5.00 Happy "Holla" Steak Seasoning (3 oz.).......... $2.50 Head Country Rub (6 oz/2 lb)............. $4.50/$13.00 Howton Farms All Purpose Rub. (13.5 oz.) ..... 7.00 KC Backyard Rubs (7 oz.) (KC Style or Bold & Spicy).......................... $5.00 KC Rib Dr. (3.2 oz.)......................................... $3.00 KC Rib Dr. (6.0 oz.)......................................... $5.00 Lotta BS Poultry Spice (7 oz.)........................ $5.00 Lotta BS Beef & Pork Spice (7 oz.)................. $5.00 Paradise Ridge Dry Rub/Seasoning (12.7 oz.).$7.00 Paul Kirk Seasoning (1 1/2 lb).......................$13.00 Pig Pen’s Seasoning (5.5 oz.).......................... $5.00 Pig Pen’s Hot & Spicy Seasoning (5.5 oz.).....$5.00 Rock River Stampede Steak Seasoning (6.5 oz)...................................... $5.00 Rock River Rub (7 3/4 oz.)............................... $5.00 Smacker’s Sweet & Spicy Rub (5.5 oz)....................$6.00 Smokin' Guns BBQ Rub (8 oz) mild or hot............. $6.00 Trim Tabb's Pig Powder (12 oz)..................... $7.00 Real BBQ Know How- Troy Black...........$29.99 ea Happy "Holla"- Ed Roith- ................... $38.00 ea VHS.................$36.00 set How-To Barbecue- Chicken-VHS Only..$10.00 ea Looking for a product everyone will enjoy? Check out the KCBS Retail List! (Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery). KCBS Order Form kcbs, 11514 hickman mills dr., kcmo 64134 Item Qty Price Ea Total ____________ _ _____ ________________ ________ ____________ _ _____ ________________ ________ ____________ _ _____ ________________ ________ MO. sales tax ________ Missouri Residents add 7.725% (Tax) $5.00 Shiipping/ ________ International Add $11.00 for S/H Handling TOTAL _____________ name: _ ___________________________________________________________ Please Print address:__________________________________________________________ no p.o. box deliveries! city/state/zip:_ ___________________________________________________ phone (day):_ _____________________________________________________ Are you a KCBS member? Yes No Charge: MasterCard _____ Visa_____ AmerX_____ Card#_ __________________________________ Exp Date ___________ CVC Code:__________ Name as it appears on Card_ ____________________________________________ Please Print! Signature____________________________________________________________ Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery bullsheet – May 2011Page 5 Kansas City Barbeque Society’s Side Dish our mission Recognizing barbecue as America’s Cuisine, the Mission of the Kansas City Barbeque Society is to celebrate, teach, preserve and promote barbeque as a culinary technique, sport and art form. Kansas City BullSheet (USPS - 015592, Periodical Postage) is published monthly by The Kansas City Barbeque Society at 11514 Hickman Mills Drive, Kansas City, MO 64134. $18 of the $35.00 dues is allocated to subscription. For editorial, display, and classified advertising information call 816/765-5891. Periodical postage is paid at Kansas City, Missouri 64108. Postmaster: Send address changes to Kansas City BullSheet, 11514 Hickman Mills Drive, Kansas City MO 64134. Kansas City BullSheet is the official members-only publication of the Kansas City Barbeque Society©. Join KCBS today to get your subscription started. See Page 8 for our membership application. Kansas City Barbeque Society 11514 Hickman Mills Drive Kansas City, MO 64134 Phone: 816.765.5891 Toll Free: 1.800.963.KCBS (5227) Fax: 816.765.5860 Visit us on the web: the kansas city Bullsheet and Banquet Inquiries Kelly Cain Editor, Kansas City Bullsheet We reserve the right to edit any article, ad or comment. Contest sanctioning & Team of the year Inquiries Dawn Endrijaitis Team of the Year Coordinator & Contest Manager Photos By: Columnists: Mike & Chris Peters- The Great American BBQ Tour Recap Bob Lyon- Pacific Northwest Remus Powers PhB- Remus Says Paul Kirk CWC, PhB, B.S.A.S.- Education Corner; The Readers Recipe Exchange George Hensler- Startin’ The Fire Dawn Endrijaitis- Staff Writer/TOY Coordinator; Contest Sanctioning Mike Garrison- The Adventures of the Flying BBQ Judges Sonny Ashford- Sonny’s Suggestions Chris Marks- Tips From A Pro Articles By: Nancy Barber Gordon Hubbell Donna Fong Larry King Sonny Ashford Bob Sammons Special Projects Manager OFFICE MANAGER/ accounts receivable & Payable Sybilla Hawkins Manager, Accounts Payable & Recieveable Membership inquiries Kaye Wade Manager, Membership Services President’s Corner This year is moving by quickly! May is national Barbeque month and there are big happenings at KCBS! Team of the Year awards will pay down 20 places! We have acquired the National Pork Board’s tour truck and trailer. This means that there’ll likely be a second Great American BBQ Tour for 2012. As we move in towards peak BBQ competition season... may your smoke be sweet, your meat be savory and your barbecue be the best your judges ever taste! Candy Sue Weaver President, KCBS Board of Directors 2011 Pin Is Still available!!! The 2011 pin is still available! Get yours today by calling the KCBS office @ 800.963.5227 or by e-mailing Searchin’ For Smoke KCBS Officers Carolyn Wells - Executive Director/Co-Founder Candy Weaver - President Don Harwell - Vice President Mike Budai - Treasurer Tana Shupe - Secretary All rights reserved, Kansas City Barbeque Society© 2011. Are you searching for someone in your area to start a barbeque team with? Let us know and we’ll post your name, location, and e-mail address until you find someone! Send us an e-mail at to have your name added to the list any personal information provided is at your own discretion. KCBS is not, under any circumstances, responsible for contacts received by the requestor Alabama Norman Dasinger - KCBS Content Disclaimer The content of this newsletter is published on behalf of KCBS members and is offered for informational and entertainment purposes only. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but can not guarantee accuracy in all matters due to deadlines, multiple sources and the complexity of publishing a product of this magnitude. We encourage and welcome our members to bring inaccuracies to our attention so that they can be corrected as soon as possible in subsequent editions. From time to time, KCBS will invite and include commentary from members, independent authors, contributors and various other entities who want to share BBQ tips, techniques, info and secrets with our membership. In such cases, we will endeavor to mark such contributions as “Commentary”. As a result, it is important for our members to realize that any and all opinions expressed by contributors are solely that person’s opinion and do not reflect the opinions of KCBS, the KCBS Board of Directors, our membership at large or the National Partners of KCBS. You should not treat any opinion expressed by individual contributors as an inducement to change or suspend any specific KCBS rules and/or regulations. Any such change or suspension will be clearly communicated by an official KCBS alert from the Board of Directors. In general, KCBS welcomes original contributions of all kinds that have anything to do with BBQ or competitive BBQ in general. However, for the betterment of our society, KCBS reserves the right to moderate, edit or deny any contributions that are factually incorrect, grammatically incorrect, counter productive to our mission, or inflammatory and/or confusing to our by-laws or membership in general. deadline The deadline for the May issue is April 15 @ Noon CST Any ad, comment or article received after this date may appear in the next issue. Illinois Terry Hartl - Andrew Piskorz - Indiana Brian Herbert - Rick Barton - Maryland Skip Schlesinger - Missouri Lee Jeffers - Oklahoma Don Jones - Pennsylvania Timothy McMaster - New Jersey Dave Torpey - Iowa Bob Penne - page 6bullsheet – May 2011 Minutes from the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF KANSAS CITY BARBEQUE SOCIETY BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S MEETING March 9, 2011 Kansas City, MO At 7:05 p.m. central time President Weaver called the meeting to order. Present at the meeting were the following members of the Board in person or by phone: Randy Bigler, Arlie Bragg, Mike Budai, Gene Goycochea, Don Harwell, Paul Kirk, Mike Lake, Wayne Lohman, Tana Shupe, Mark Simmons, Merl Whitebook, and CaroMembership: lyn Wells, Executive Director. Report accepted as presented. The only member present was Mike McCloud. The board recited the KCBS Mission Statement and Board Pledge. Marketing: GABT logistics are well underway with a record number of spon Bigler made a motion to approve the minutes of the Board Meet- sors. Tour two is doubtful. Twenty-four applications were received ing on February 11-12, 2011, as presented with minor changes. for Event Directors for Sam’s Club BBQ Series and have been narSeconded by Simmons, ayes were unanimous. Minutes were ap- rowed down to 8-9 final selections, with a training session planned within a week. The report was accepted as presented. proved as presented. Bigler made a motion to approve the minutes of the Special Technology: Board Meeting on February 21, 2011. Seconded by Goycochea, Harwell reported that the computer scoring program is well unayes were unanimous. Minutes were approved as presented. derway, due to extensive work by Stephen Smith. Harwell made a motion to make a minor change in the weighting system effective in. Finance: Budai made a motion that the financial reports be accepted. SecSeconded by Kirk, ayes were unanimous. Motion passed. onded by Shupe, ayes were unanimous and the reports were approved as presented. Rules: Report was accepted as presented. Education: Report accepted as presented. CBJs & Judging: Lake made a motion that CBJ instructors who do a minimum of 5-8 classes purchase projectors and that KCBS reimburse the instructors at $50 per class until total reimbursement is realized. Receipts must be submitted for proof of purchase, and any cost to replace a lamplight will be the responsibility of the instructor. Lake, Bigler, and Goycochea will do a straw poll from instructors to determine best option Motion was seconded by Whitebook. Ayes were unanimous. Motion passed. Philanthropy: To date, two grant-in-aids have been received and another application has been requested and one grant for a non-profit organization has been received. Whitebook made a motion to set May 31st and November 30th as the semi-annual deadlines to receive applications for grant requests from non-profits organizations. Seconded by Bigler, ayes were unanimous. Motion passed. Contest Reps: Based on research from the committee chairpersons, Whitebook made a motion to ask for applications for 4-6 contest reps in New England & Mid-Atlantic and to review the need for the remainder of the U.S. and survey the current contest reps. Seconded by Harwell, ayes were unanimous. Motion passed and the remainder of the committee’s report was accepted as presented. Sanctioning & Mentoring: Lohman made a motion to approve contests as listed, with the exception of Rhode Island which was tabled until April. Seconded by Shupe, ayes were unanimous. Motion passed. OLD/NEW BUSINESS: Opt Out Procedure: No action has been taken by Technology. Motion is tabled until April by which time technology committee will discuss with Mike McCloud. Whitebook made a motion to adopt the resolution creating regional representation of six regional and six at-large board representatives. This issue would be placed on the agenda to be presented as a by-law amendment for vote by the membership. Seconded by Harwell, a roll call vote was requested. (2) Ayes: Whitebook, Harwell Continued on next page Request to Speak at KCBS Board Meeting Member Name:_______________________________ Member #:___________________________________ Date of Board Meeting:_____________________________________ I want to monitor the meeting only: _________yes __________no I want to speak to the Board: ___________ yes ____________no If yes to speak, what agenda item or what topic do you wish to address? _ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ I understand I will have 3 minutes to speak if marked above and will follow the KCBS Board guidelines for Communication with the Board and Public Decorum at Board meetings attached here to. If I have not asked to speak, I understand I will only be granted the ability to listen to the meeting. _______________________________________________ ___________________ Signature Date Deadline for submissions is as follows: Meeting Attendance, 24 hours; Speak at meeting, 72 hours ; Limited to the first 25 to register per month bullsheet – May 2011Page 7 Minutes from the Board… Continued from Page 6 (9) Nays: Bragg, Lake, Budai, Goycochea, Shupe, Bigler, Simmons, Lohman, Kirk Motion failed. Remaining Conflicts of Interest documents haven’t been received by present secretary, so approval of the additional Conflict of Interest Forms was tabled until April. Resolution of a disqualification issue with contest in Lakeland, FL was tabled until the rep chairpersons and the president have contacted all reps involved. Whitebook made a motion to amend the Meat Inspectors Guide as presented. Seconded by Harwell, ayes were unanimous. Motion passed. Lohman will send amended guide to organizers and to MMA for placement on the website. Whitebook made a motion that the following statement regarding Pork Collar be read at all Cooks’ Meetings. Seconded by Bigler, ayes were unanimous. Motion passed. As reflected in Rule 10, the KCBS Board of Directors has adopted the National Pork Board’s definitions which define the standard for cuts of Boston Butt (item 406 bone in or without bone), Picnic (item 405 bone in or without bone) and/or Whole Shoulder (item 403). Pork Collar is not included in these approved “American” definitions of food service cuts of pork. Therefore pork collar is not an acceptable cut to be approved at meat inspection or turned in for the purposes of competition under the rules of KCBS. In the event a pork collar cut is turned in, it shall receive a score of 1 by all judges in all criteria as a foreign object being a non-approved cut of meat. For further information go to Whitebook made a motion that future strategic planning sessions be discontinued. Motion was Seconded by Harwell. After discussion Bragg made a motion to call for the vote. Seconded by Whitebook, ayes were unanimous. Motion to call for the vote passed and a roll call vote regarding Whitebook’s motion was requested. (1) Ayes: Whitebook (10) Nayes: Bragg, Lake, Budai, Goycochea, Harwell, Shupe, Bigler, Simmons, Lohman, Kirk Motion failed. Wells reported that Utahan are no longer using KCBS rules and that she has received no further response regarding the “cease and desist” letter that was sent to Utah and Illinois. She will work with Shupe, Lohman, Goycochea and attorney to follow up and report back to the board in April. The following was presented for discussion in Closed Session: An item relevant to internal board activities dating back to December, and a resolution for action at the February 2011 BOD meeting, whereby KCBS performed its action, but board member did not follow up. A motion to go into closed session was made by Bragg at 10:37 p.m..(3.36.02) Seconded by Kirk, ayes were unanimous. Motion passed. All board members and executive director were present on the call. The board came out of closed session at 11:22 p.m. At approximately 11:43 p.m., a motion was made to adjourn and a roll call vote was requested. (3) Ayes: Bragg, Goycochea, Harwell (7) Nays: Bigler, Budai, Lake, Lohman, Shupe, Simmons, Whitebook (1) Absent: Kirk Motion failed. Weaver made a motion to remove all assignments given to a board member to represent KCBS be cancelled immediately. Seconded by Budai, a roll call vote was requested. (6) Ayes: Bigler, Budai, Lake, Lohman, Shupe, Simmons (2) Nays: Goycochea, Harwell (2) Absent: Bragg, Kirk (1) Abstain: Whitebook Motion passed. Harwell made a motion to go back into closed session at approximately 11:58 p.m. Seconded by Goycochea, ayes were unanimous. Motion passed. Motion to come out of closed session by Bigler at 12:18 p.m. seconded by Mike Lake @ 12:18. Ayes were unanimous. Motion passed. Harwell made a motion to suspend the rules because of actions taken the previous evening that should be addressed at this meeting. Seconded by Goycochea, a roll call vote was requested.. (3) Ayes: Goycochea, Harwell, Whitebook (6) Nays: Bigler, Budai, Lake, Lohman, Shupe, Simmons (2) Absent: Bragg, Kirk Lake made a motion to rescind the previous motion by Weaver Whitebook made a motion to create a search committee to seek and table for 30 days to further investigate the situation and make a permanent home for the establishment of a KCBS museum of recommendations for negotiation. Seconded by Randy Bigler, a BBQ and the KCBS World Headquarters to be located in Kansas roll call vote was requested. City, KS or Kansas City, MO. Seconded by Weaver, a roll call vote (7) Ayes: Bragg, Lohman, Simmons, Bigler, Goycochea, Lake, was requested. Harwell (4) Ayes: Shupe, Whitebook, Harwell, Goycochea (2) Nays: Shupe, Budai (7) Nays: Simmons, Bragg, Budai, Lake, Lohman, Bigler, Kirk (1) Abstain: Whitebook Motion failed. (1) Absent: Kirk Motion passed. Whitebook made a motion that a policy be established for submission of articles or monthly bulletins/newsletters to The Bullsheet Harwell made a motion to adjourn @ 12:26 a.m. Seconded by by regional and/or state barbecue associations at a greatly reduced Goycochea, ayes were unanimous. Motion passed. rate as long as they meet guidelines approved by the board (i.e. 51% of their contests must be KCBS-sanctioned at a rate to be determined). Motion was seconded by Shupe, and after discussion, Harwell motion, seconded by Kirk to call for the vote. A roll call vote was requested. Ayes were unanimous and the motion passed. The Marketing Committee will come back to the board in April with recommendations for rates. Roll call vote: Ayes were unanimous. Motion passed. Shupe made a motion that chairpersons submit names of its committee members. Seconded by Whitebook, ayes were unanimous. Motion passed. Harwell withdrew his motion that 1/3 of KCBS’s cash in bank be set aside for philanthropic purposes, and ask that further research be directed to and recommended by Strategic Planning Committee. Due to lack of sponsorship for a second barbecue tour in 2011, discussion regarding acquisition of a second truck was tabled. The report regarding a lifetime membership logo was tabled until April so that MMA could provide recommendations.. Pending response from MMA, the report regarding KCBS credit cards was tabled until April. page 8bullsheet – May 2011 Salisbury MD Pork in the Park April 15-16 2011 By George Hensler The much-anticipated Pork in the Park BBQ Festival was held April 15-17 in Winterplace Park located in Salisbury Maryland. The park is located in the heart of Maryland’s Eastern Shore and is always a great place to visit. Sandy Fulton and her enthusiastic group of volunteers once again rolled out the red carpet this year welcoming 116 teams from all around the Country as well as Canada. Thursday evening found many teams already in place inside the park as the pit masters were anxious to get their fires started for the 2011 BBQ season. This event has become sort of a season opener for many of the teams in the northeastern part of the Country. Friday morning the rest of the arriving teams were greeted with fabulous weather as it was what some would call one of those Chamber of Commerce kind of days. Teams keep their third eye on the sky as the weatherman wasn’t making any promises for what was in store for late Friday night and Saturday. Turn-in morning broke with gray skies and very gusty winds, as the day wore on, things never improved. The heavy rain that was predicted stayed away until after awards, I still believe Sandy when she says she has an “in” with the Chief Meteorologist. After the brisket boxes went in, teams were scrambling to break camp before getting soaked. I am not sure if I have ever seen a contest of that size broken down and packed away in such short order. In true fashion the organizers were in front of the weather issue and moved the awards ceremony into the large tent that had be erected for the judges. It was a bit tight, but everyone was dry and that was a good thing. PA Midnite Smokers, Paul and Brenda Hess walked with an impressive win as the contest Grand Champions. They took first place in both the chicken and pork categories, second in brisket and fourteenth in ribs. They also scored well in Friday night’s ancillary contests with a second in anything butt and third in dessert. Contest Reserve Champs were Jacked Up BBQ with Cool Smoke taking the number three spot. Aporkalypse Now won top honors in ribs and Hambones by the Fire scored number one in brisket. The Black Pig BBQ was the winner in anything butt and Heavy Hitters BBQ won the Friday night dessert division. Big Dawg’s Smokin BBQ was awarded the first place trophy for whole hog. This contest has grown to one of the biggest on the east coast, it is well run and the hospitality shown by the organizers is second to none. It is a great way to start the contest season. If you haven’t done so already, you need to add this event on your “to do” list for 2012, you’ll be glad that you did. bullsheet – May 2011Page 9 remus says: We call it a sport, but we dress like amateurs! By Remus Powers, Ph.B. Football has come a long way from the days when human skulls were used in place of today’s tightly-bound inflated leather spheres. Ragtag football attire evolved into today’s sleek, padded hi-tech uniforms. It’s the same with every sport that evolves from amateur to professional— baseball, basketball, car racing, soccer, swimming, track and field. Everything gets formalized, including the mode of dress. Today’s sport barbecue scene has rapidly evolved from informal to formal. We have: Team names Team logos Team registries At least 19 contest sanctioning organizations Rules and regulations Contest officials Certified judges, ID badges, certification numbers, shirts & hat pins An official judges oath Community and corporate sponsors Prizes ranging from ribbons to mega-bucks Spectators Celebrity pitmasters & Barbecue reality shows on cable networks All that is proof enough that competitive barbecue has become a recognized international sport. But we don’t have an official uniform that is universally recognized as the sport barbecue uniform. A NASCAR driver in uniform can walk down any sidewalk in America and hear kids shout, “Hey, there’s a race car driver!” Many are known by name. On the other hand, legendary pitmasters can walk the sidewalks of America and not be recognized as competitive barbecuers unless perchance someone reads their team name on a shirt or jacket. Today’s sport barbecue attire is in the Gaga stage. You never know what a team will show up in, but you can always expect some glitz and drama. At any given contest today you could see teams wearing: Miss Piggy attire Chef’s attire Overalls, t-shirt, apron and gimme cap Blue jeans, t-shirt and gimme cap Traditional ethnic wear from the team’s country of origin Camo gear Leisure suits and Elvis wigs, or A variety of other flashy colorful outfits What will be the uniform of competition pitmasters of the future? Not the traditional chef’s uniform. Cable network culinary competitions have already overused that model. Plus, a chef’s uniform doesn’t differentiate sport barbecue from other culinary sports. The best uniform to connect sport barbecue with the history of modern barbecue as a commercial and competitive enterprise would be based on butcher’s attire. It is similar to chef’s attire, but different enough to be distinct. Like other sport uniforms, colors could vary from basic white to any color of the rainbow. There would be ample room for the team name, logo, and sponsor logos. Aprons and/or butcher caps could be added. I hope we stay in the Gaga stage for a long time. It has been said that the day we see pitmasters wearing sponsor-plastered designer butcher uniforms in the tradition of NASCAR will be the day the fat lady sings at the American Royal. Better that the image of Ed Mitchell in his signature overalls and gimme cap be the symbolic uniform of our sport! Ribs to ya & Gaga Forever! Remus Powers PhB P.S. Did you notice the change in our mission statement from last spring to this spring? Old wording: “Our mission is to celebrate, teach, preserve, and promote barbeque as a culinary technique, sport and art form. We want barbeque to be recognized as America’s Cuisine.” New wording: “Recognizing barbeque as America’s Cuisine, the mission of the Kansas City Barbeque Society is to celebrate, teach, preserve and promote barbeque as a culinary technique, sport and art form.” I like that. Taking a cue from politicians in DC, if we say it’s true over and over again, the perception will catch on and we won’t need a congressional resolution to legitimize barbecue as America’s Cuisine. This just in: the Maine legislature made whoopie pie the official state snack and blueberry pie the official state dessert. That battle is over, and now, apparently, the KCBS battle to have barbecue declared America’s Cuisine is over as well! Celebrate these landmark decisions with a barbecue feast ending with whoopie pies and blueberry pies for dessert! Butcher Coat THE LOADED WICHITA Ed Mitchell in his signature overalls. WWW.YODERSMOKERS.COM Counterweight Eases door opening & closing. Exhaust Control Damper The Damper on the chimney provides the pitmaster fine heat control. Second Shelf The slide in shelf provides an additional 518 sq. in. or nearly 70% of cooking surface. Pitmaster uniforms – Smitty’s Market, Lockhart, Texas Butcher Hat 877.409.6337 Spring Handles Cool to the touch. No need to wear gloves when handling your doors. Firebox Grilling Surface In the mood for some burgers over the fire? Get it done right over the fire in your firebox! Intake Damper Wood Storage Rack Store up to 3 cu. ft. of your favorite flavors within arms reach of your fire. The butterfly shaped damper provides the primary heat control to the pit. Elevated Wood Grate Get your fire started without any headaches. Throw your charcoal on top and watch it blaze. page 10bullsheet – May 2011 bullsheet – May 2011Page 11 X the reader’s recipe change by Paul Kirk CEC, Ph.B., B.S.A.S. Kansas City Baron of Barbecue – Barbecue Guru Order of the Magic Mop – Ambassador of Barbecue Certified Master Barbecue Judge • Master of the Grill Order of the “Ole Has Been” “A Barbecue Fantasy” Our first recipe is one that I would have never thought of for fixing grits. Now I grew up on grits boiled and fixed with butter and salt and pepper. If we didn’t eat all of the grits my mother would put the grits in a bread pan and chill them in the refrigerator. The next morning she would slice the grits about 1/2 an inch, thick, flour and fry them in bacon grease on both sides. Then we would pour some maple syrup over the top like pancakes. This recipe for Peter Ackerson of The Woodlands, TX is for Deep Fried Grits Balls. DEEP-FRIED GRIT BALLS 2 cups water 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup quick cooking grits 1 cup cheddar or Swiss cheese, grated 1/4 teaspoon cayenne 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 2 eggs 1 1/2 teaspoon peanut oil 1 1/2 cups soft bread crumbs Oil for frying Bring the water to a boil and add the salt. When the water is vigorously, add the grits slowly. Return to a boil and cook over direct heat, stirring occasionally, two and one-half to five minutes. Chill the grits. Mash the grits with a fork and stir in the cheese, cayenne, nutmeg and pepper. With hands, shape into approximately forty balls. Beat eggs and oil together. Dip balls into mixture; then into the breadcrumbs. Fry in hot grease (375 F. degrees) about 2 minutes or, until golden brown. Yields 40 appetizers. From Jim Tabb of Tryon, NC. Our next recipe is for Gary Callicoat of Lutz, FL for Cauliflower Slaw CAULIFLOWER SLAW 1 large head cauliflower, broken into flowerets 1/2-cup scallions, sliced thin, green and white parts 1/2 cup celery, chopped fine, with leaves 1 cup sour cream 1 cup (homemade) French dressing 2 teaspoons caraway seeds salt and pepper to taste Slice the flowerets thinly. Add the cauliflower, scallions, celery, sour cream, French dressing caraway, salt and pepper. Gently toss, cover chill and serve. Serves 6. French Dressing 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1/4 teaspoon Tabasco sauce 1/4 cup olive oil 1 clove garlic, finely chopped salt and pepper to taste Cayenne to taste Combine the lemon juice, Worcestershire, and Tabasco sauce. Beat in the oil and add the remaining ingredients. Yields about one third cup. From Scott Dawson of Alpine, CA Our next recipe Barbecued Buffalo Steaks is for Dale Dunn of Waterford, CT. BARBECUED BUFFALO STEAKS 6 buffalo rib eye steaks 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons garlic salt 1 tablespoon black pepper 1/4 pound sweet butter, softened (1 stick) 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, minced 1 teaspoon dried tarragon leaves, crushed 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice Rub the steaks all over with Worcestershire sauce. Cover and set aside. Combine the garlic salt and pepper in a small bowl and blend well. Set aside. In another bowl combine the butter, parsley, tarragon, and lemon juice and blend well. Place the mixture on a piece of plastic wrap and form into a cylinder and chill. Season the steaks all over with the salt and pepper mixture to taste. Grill the steaks over hot coals for 5 to 7 minutes for medium rare or longer if desired. Top each steak with slices of herb butter and serve hot. Serves 6. From Jerry Fear of Aurora, CO. HELP---HELP---HELP *David Fink of Baldwinsville, NY is looking for a recipe for Grilled Asparagus with Mozzarella that he has had several times in different restaurants. *Greg Guidry of Lafayette, LA wants to know if there is a recipe for Greek Salad, it seems that every where he orders they are different. *Steve Lackey of Chilhowee would like a recipe for a Caramelized Onion Sauce that goes with grilled fish. *George Liesmann of Topeka, KS is looking for a Cider Glaze for Pork *Charles Pratt of Fairbanks, AK is looking for a Papaya Marinade for Steaks hoping that it will bring warm weather. Inaugural Sam’s Club© National BBQ Tour Kicks-Off with Great Success By Dawn Endrijaitis April 8th KCBS and Sam’s Club kicked off the largest and lucrative barbeque series in KCBS history. Teams began pulling in on Thursday, with Iowa’s Smokey D’s being the first to arrive. Being first would serve Darren and his crew well over the next 24 hours. By Friday evening all 30 teams were present and accounted for and the Sam’s Club parking lot was abuzz with preparation. Kelly and Kathleen McIntosh, the official KCBS reps for the contest walked from cook site to cook site welcoming each team and introducing themselves to first time competitors. Everyone was in good spirits as the warm weather turned windy and cold. Saturday arrived amid a massive downpour yet it didn’t dampen the spirits of the teams or the eager judges. Better yet, it didn’t reduce the curiosity of the Sam’s Club shoppers. The team area was quickly filled with interested patrons as Troy Black began taking briskets off his smoker for public sampling. As noon approached the judges sat quietly, waiting patiently for their sample of barbeque goodness. BBQ TV, which had previously interviewed several teams prior to turn in, filmed just outside the tent, waiting for the first of the thirty teams to hand over the first category of the day. The next two hours went quickly. The teams were all at the top of their game, as each turn in came and went. At the conclusion of judging many judges could be heard raving about a particular rib they had tasted or the moistness of a brisket entry. Throughout the judging process Troy Black continued to feed the crowds with his award winning barbeque. The lines continued until awards a few short hours later. The teams made their traditional semicircle in front of the stage. Crowds of onlookers also gathered as the rain began to recede. Trophies were given to the top three teams in each category, with cash prizes going to the top five. Even more exciting, the top seven teams would be moving on to the regional event in Las Vegas, Nevada. Congratulations to Iowa’s Smokey D’s who earned the title of Grand Champion. Darren and his team will be joined by Smoked to the Bone, Rhythm ‘n Que, Slap Yo’ Daddy, I.A. B. 30, McFrankenboo and Loot n’ Booty in Las Vegas. Good luck to all the teams who have signed up for this trail blazing tour. page 12bullsheet – May 2011 By: T. Michael Garrison, Master Certified Judge What a great month, contests with the best Reps in the business and red carpet hospitality. The Flying BBQ Judges winged our way into the deep South for the Slidell BBQ Challenge. One of the features we always enjoy are the way the Southern contests treat their judges. Friday night, in Old Town Slidell, we ate Shrimp Creole, fresh salad greens and some Rum Pudding to die for. I can’t even guess some of the sauces used in this meal but it was fantastic. Skinny King and Frank Jackson deserve a lot of credit for their long hours and hard work bringing this all together. Among the 37 teams competing in this contest were some very impressive groups. Johnny Trigg of Texas BBQ fame, John Swift who took the Grand Champion at Mobile last month, Mike Davis and Lotta Bull brought his expertise, and numerous other named teams with many successes to their credit. Then how can you go wrong with a Rep team of Wayne and Maria Lohman working together with Bill and Debby Gage, it just doesn’t get any better. (see photo) And to top it off the weather certainly beat Kansas weather in March, Jerry Bressel and I were in shorts for the entire weekend. Our next great adventure was a little closer to home, but we found ourselves winging our way Westward to K58, or better known to the public as Osage City, Kansas. Bryan Beier piloted our transportation to this contest. Dave Azwell continues to impress all of us with his organizational skills. Smoke in the Spring has experienced blizzard conditions in past years. The Flying BBQ Judges were weathered out two years in a row with blowing snow, ceilings below 100 feet, and visibility less than a mile. However in 2011 we were back in shorts and enjoying lots of sunshine. This contest has grown to 82 teams and continues to get larger. Six teams were turned away and the judge’s corps was filled a year ago. It is combined with a very impressive auto show. Once again we worked with a great team of Reps. Mark Simmons, new KCBS Board Member, led the team along with Dennis and Linda Polson, and the scoring was very ably provided by Mike Budai and his lovely wife. (see photo) Perhaps these two contests drew some top teams, however as we compared some notes we found we were giving more 8’s and 9’s at these contests than we have in recent years. Hopefully this is a sign that the quality of competition BBQ is improving, competition is becoming more keen, and cooking techniques and available materials continues to improve. Our group sees a general increase in the quality and perfection of the contests we have done this year. Another very unique item was seen in Osage City. Dave Young has created a quilt that is very unique. Each square in his quilt is a T shirt from one of his BBQ contests, including Smoke in the Spring. Dave is a Master Judge and it was fascinating to see how he brought his memories together in a quilt. (see photo) Many of you know that I fly to the Sun N Fun air show in Lakeland, Florida each April. For a variety of reasons my trip fell through at the last minute. This was probably a blessing in disguise as Sun N Fun was hit with multiple tornadoes, devastating winds, and many aircraft were destroyed this year. I missed the show but I am probably better off staying in the calm weather of Kansas. bullsheet – May 2011Page 13 Smokin’ the Competition since 1987 5 time world champions at Memphis in May The old fashion taste with a modern design. The Backwoods Smoker is a one piece unit with a double wall design. (an inner wall and a completely insulated outer wall). The smokers provide an internal chimney which allows smoke to flow by patented down draft. They are available in 13 sizes, price ranging from $845.00 TO $8030.00 from the CHUBBY to the WHOLE HOG Backwoods Smoker, Inc. 318 220 0380 office 318 220 9022 fax 8245 Dixie Shreveport Road • Shreveport, LA 71107 page 14bullsheet – May 2011 By Chef Paul Kirk CWC, PhB, B.S.A.S. This column is set up for any KCBS Member to contribute information about food safety or barbecue, grilling or cooking tips. This month there’s not going to be much of education Corner but we need your help. The Education Committee is in the process of restoring what was called the C.A.T.S. (Community Appreciates Teen Services) which was a drug free program for High School Students. It was also the start of High School BBQ Teams, which started to grow and worked for about 3 years and was disbanded because of adult politics. We are asking for your input on how to bring this back without the politics. If you have suggestions, please email Paul Kirk at C H A R C OA L O V E N S S I N C E 1 9 4 8 Unique Features & Benefits 6 ADJUSTABLE FIRE BOX & COOKING STYLE INDICATOR (1) 7 GREASE DRAIN SYSTEM (2) FULL-WIDTH FIRE DOOR (3) COOKING GRILLS (4) 4 HEAT DEFLECTOR (5) THERMOMETER (6) 8 2 VENTLESS HOOD (7) DUAL DRAFT VENTS (8) 3 5 ASH PAN (9) 1 9 · · For more information call: 800-4AN-OVEN · We recommend using Hasty-Bake Hardwood Charcoal Best Butts Battle in Capital By Dawn Endrijaitis The annual Butt to Butt was held in Jefferson City, Missouri on April 15. Seven teams who qualified throughout the season were battling for the title of Champion. This is the 13th year for the Butt to Butt competition where the best teams in the nation compete for the honor of having the best Pork Butt on the barbeque circuit. This year the teams included; Smelly Butt’s N BBQ, Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ, The Heat is On, Twyford BBQ & Catering, Meadow Valley BBQ Co., Smoke on Wheels, and Quau. Congratulations to Steve Bryant Meadow Valley BBQ Co. who took the top honors at this year’s competition. These honors include cash, bragging writes and “the coveted boars tooth.” This was Steve’s second attempt at the title, beating out the defending champion Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ. Capital City Cook-Off, BBQr’s Delight Butt to Butt XIV© will be held in April 2012, in conjunction with the Capital City Cook-Off in Jefferson City, Missouri. Qualifying contests for 2012 The Smokin Blues & BBQ Challenge Hammond, LA Capital City Cook-Off Jefferson City, MO BBQr’s Delight, Butt to Butt XIII Jefferson City, MO Minnesota In May Fairbault, MN Iowa State Championships Marshalltown, IA Madison Ribberfest Madison, IN American Royal – Open Kansas City, MO Sam’s Club – Finals Bentonville, AR Jack Daniels’ World ChampionshipsLynchburg, TN 2011 Pork Cook of the Year KCBS TOY Big congratulations to all the teams who competed this year and especially to Grand Champion Meadow Valley BBQ Co. bullsheet – May 2011Page 15 KCBS ANNOUNCES TOY PAYOUT FOR 2011Season!! OVERALL Grand Champion - $8,000 Reserve Grand Champion - $4,000 3rd Place - $2,000 4th Place - $1,000 5th place - $750 6th thru 10th place - $400 11th thru 20th place - $200 CATEGORIES Grand Champion - $2,000 Reserve Grand Champion - $1,000 3rd Place - $600 4th Place - $500 5th place - $400 6th thru 10th place - $300 11th thru 20th place - $200 GRAND TOTAL: $51,750 page 16bullsheet – May 2011 Startin’ the Fire by George Hensler Who Are Those Guys? BBQ Team How many contests should we do in our first year? This is another one of those questions that, in my opinion, has no correct answer. The short answer is, as many as you are comfortable doing. Let me explain. If you are just starting out, I think it would make good sense to proceed slowly, don’t rush. My advice would be look around for a contest within a reasonable distance of your home base. Check and make sure there are openings and sign up. Once you have been accepted you can begin to make your preparations, plans and schedules before the big day arrives. I am not suggesting only signing up for one event, what I am suggesting is to pick your first event then select a few other events, but space them out. Give you and your team mate’s time to review, analyze and digest everything before you jump into the second event. You will have a considerable amount of time and hard earned moola invested into your operation, it only makes sense to proceed cautiously. Now I am not saying you should only do one or two contests your first season out, do what you are comfortable with, just be sure your operating your team with purpose. You will want to make adjustments and possibly burn a few practice cooks between events, be sure to leave yourself time to accomplish this. Be sure your team mates are on the same page, do they have time to cook multiple events? Do they have any other family obligations planned during the cooking season? Are they willing to devote the time? Another consideration for your ultimate number of contests’ cooked is your bottom line, or in other words, your wallet. How many events can you afford to cook with sending your immediate family to the bread line? I realize that sometimes when the BBQ bug bites, it bites with vengeance. It is sometimes very difficult to hold ones self back when eyeballing the upcoming schedule of events. I have heard of some cooks riddled with guilt as they force their wives and children out to work evenings and weekends just so they can enter a few more cook-off’s. If you find yourself in this situation, you will need professional he please contact Quers Anonymous at 1-800-IBA-COOK. In summary, it would be my advice for your first year to pick a handful of events to cook in your inaugural season. Spread them out, don’t overdo it, leave time for review and recovery. Try not to interfere with planned family vacations and events. Take it from me; it doesn’t go over too well when you tell your family you can’t make it to your nieces wedding because you have just got to get over to Chesapeake VA to cook a contest. Do not attempt this at home. With proper planning and preparation, you can pick a few select events to cook in your rookie year. You’ll find you will be in a better position to learn and develop as a team, all the while working to improve yourselves and get the kinks out. I believe you will position yourself and your team to be more organized going forward and in a better position to cook your second year with a reduced amount of distractions and difficulty. Good luck. bullsheet – May 2011Page 17 OOPS.... Wish I Hadn’t Done That By: Bob Sammons Barbecue cooks are an interesting group. They will give you the shirt off their backs but not their techniques for cooking chicken. They will hook you up to their generator at 3:00 a.m., when the generator provided by the event runs out of gas, but they won’t tell you the temperature that there is perfect. They are, in general, extremely social animals on Friday afternoon, sharing stories and potluck meals, but want you quiet at 11:00 p.m. Friday night and basically don’t want to see you on Saturday until after turn in. Like every organization or contest, there are rules designed to keep an even playing field and reduce the chances of fist-fights over disagreements. Some rules are codified, but there are a large number of unspecified mores. Violating some of these unwritten but expected rules of etiquette, can make you feel as though you were back in the 3rd grade. In an attempt to spare some of the new teams the same embarrassment most of us have experienced over time, I contacted a number of friends, as well as well-known competition teams I had not met, and asked if they would provide information with regard to two basic questions. First, I asked what three tips they wished they had been given as a beginning barbecue team. Second, I asked what three tips of etiquette they wished new teams, as well as established teams, would follow at barbecue events. The response was almost 100% and showed a great deal of thought, wisdom and, at times, repetition with regard to what was important. Below is a Top Ten List of what I thought were the best tips and points of etiquette to help beginning teams do well early in their careers. Most tips were chosen because of their repetition throughout the responses I received. Your Top Ten List may be different. As, hopefully, this is a work-in-progress, I would invite you to read the comments from the various teams and send me any additional recommendations you might have. They will most likely show up in the second edition. My email is BBQ ETIQUETTE (Short Version) 1. Most all contests will have an 11:00 quiet time. RESPECT THIS. Even loud talking will disturb people trying to sleep in a tent next to you. 2. No shigging! (Urban dictionary: 1. v. to enter a person’s BBQ site with intent of stealing BBQ secrets in an effort to improve one’s own BBQ score. 2. v. to position one’s self to view the contents of the inside of a fellow competitors BBQ pit when it is opened. 3.v. Standing next to a cook with the intentions of stealing their cooking techniques). 3. Respect other team’s privacy. Most teams love to talk, share stories (some may not be true), and maybe have a beer. This is what Fridays are for. From Friday evening on, don’t bother teams unless invited. 4. First and foremost, ALWAYS be humble when you win, no matter how big you get! We aren’t saving the world or finding miracle cures- we’re putting seasonings on raw meat and cooking it. Yes, we all get excited and show emotion when we win but barbecue culture isn’t about boastfulness. It’s about humbly enjoying the successes you attain and being just as happy for your friends when they win and you didn’t. It’s also about losing gracefully and with class. Rancher’s Reserve® and Kansas City Barbeque Society team up for Beef Cup Rancher’s Reserve Beef Cup features nine events KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 18, 2011 – Last year, Rancher’s Reserve® made sweet barbeque history by offering up the Kansas City Barbeque Society’s first beef points chase and prize purse and it’s returning for a second season. This year, the Rancher’s Reserve Beef Cup will be featured at nine KCBS events across the country. “We are excited to bring back the Beef Cup for a second series,” said Mike McGinnis, Senior Vice President of Meat and Seafood at Safeway. “The Kansas City Barbeque Society provides the perfect avenue to promote our quality beef products sold exclusively at Safeway.” In 2010, the Rancher’s Reserve Beef Cup rewarded teams that prepared their brisket category entries with meat provided by Rancher’s Reserve®, giving out more than $22,000 in additional prize money and distributing more than four tons of Rancher’s Reserve® brisket. Now entering its second year, the Rancher’s Reserve Beef Cup is upping the ante by offering even more prize money and allowing the competitive barbeque teams to get creative with their beef entries. The Rancher’s Reserve Beef Cup will be treated as an additional category (KCBS contests include four required categories: chicken, ribs, brisket and pork) and participating teams will be charged with preparing a top sirloin in a new and exciting way. Up for grabs is a piece of the $27,400 prize purse and major bragging rights. Last year, Slap Yo Daddy BBQ of Diamond Barr, Calif. took home the Beef Cup’s Grand Champion title, which was presented during the KCBS’s 25th anniversary banquet in Kansas City, Mo. in January. The Rancher’s Reserve Beef Cup kicks off in Morgan Hill, Calif. at the Morgan Hill No Bull BBQ Cookoff on May 6–7. For more information on the Rancher’s Reserve Beef Cup and to view the full schedule, visit About Rancher’s Reserve® Rancher’s Reserve® Tender beef is a beef brand sold exclusively at Safeway stores. The brand is guaranteed to be tender or Safeway will refund your money back. Safeway Inc. is a Fortune 100 company and one of the largest food and drug retailers in North America based on sales. The company operates 1,694 stores in the United States and Canada and had annual sales of $41.1 billion in 2010. Learn more at About KCBS It’s estimated that more than 5,000 teams compete on the KCBS barbecue circuit. With more than 14,500 members, KCBS has been sanctioning events and training certified barbecue judges nationwide for 25 years. Using an objective, blind judging process, the society sanctions more than 350 barbecue competitions throughout the nation each year. For more information about KCBS, visit 5. Applaud all teams at the Awards ceremony. 6. Be friendly to the public when they come by your camp. If you are busy, explain to them that you are involved in a very important task and ask them to come back at a different time. Keep your area clean and neat. 7. Parking. Space is tight. Make sure you do not encroach on your neighbor’s site unless you are given permission. When your friends come out, make sure they do not spill over into your neighbor’s site. 8. If a team needs to borrow an item from you, and you have extra, share with the other teams. You will find that when you need something, other teams will readily share with you. 9. If you are drinking alcohol at an event that does not serve alcohol, make sure to have your drink in a “Red Cup.” This means you should have it in an opaque, plastic cup so that you are not drinking openly in town as both you, and the event, may get into trouble for drinking publicly. As long as people act appropriately and drink out of “Red Cups”, law enforcement is generally tolerant. If you are drinking, be sure to offer a drink to your KCBS reps. It’s a freebie. KCBS reps can’t drink so they won’t run through your liquor, but you get brownie points for appearing to be social and caring toward the reps. 10. If you enjoy an event, send an email to the organizer thanking him or her for the event. Consider writing a letter to the editor of the local newspaper. These events require outside funding and letters to the editor let local organizations know how much fun an event was, what it adds to their community and the letter may provide more support to the event and more prize money to you. Smoker for Sale! Custom built Oklahoma Joe Smoker on tandem trailer, 30” x 8’ cooking area w/ exterior and interior shelf, new Horizon fire box, convection tube, log lighter, built in wood bin and cabinets with stainless steel tops - $7,500 or best offer. Word as you see fit with the attached picture. Include call Chris@ 816-694-3669 with questions or page 18bullsheet – May 2011 BBQ Tour Stop #1: Columbus, MS April 8-9, 2011 Columbus, Mississippi Grilling on the River BBQ Contest Christine (yeah, Chris is going by Christine since some folks last year came to events looking for the two “dudes,” Mike and Chris) and I rolled into Columbus on Thursday morning prior to the 5th Annual Grilling on the River contest. This contest raises funds for the Columbus area Humane Society. On Friday, the event didn’t open until 4:00 p.m. but since this was our first stop for the BBQ Tour, we showed up early to get things ready. This year we have a new smoker – the Good-One Marshall which is the “middle child” of the Good-One family with a larger grilling area than the Open Range model, which we used the last two years. It also has four smoking racks available to smoke up whatever we might need at events, which also doubles as a nice holding oven for all our meat samples. Speaking of meat samples, we will be feeding the masses again this year and need the extra holding space for all the good eats. Tyson chicken wings are on the menu with three varieties – Buffalo Hot, Honey BBQ and Tequila Lime – Cavanaugh Sausages brings a nice smoked sausage, Kielbasa and spicy smoked sausage to the party, along with Weber Gourmet Burgers! Nobody should go away hungry from one of our demonstrations! Master of Mixes is along for the party again this year and we are really excited to help promote their Margarita Lite Big Bucket! We had two cases shipped into the hotel and on Thursday night when we got in, I called down to the front desk to ask if our margaritas had been delivered. The front desk clerk thought I was pulling a prank on her until I explained the shipping confirmation said it was delivered to the front desk. The next morning, we did find our margarita’s next door at a different hotel. Personally, I think the delivery guy was splitting the “booty” with the hotel’s staff if nobody claimed it… Columbus was also the first stop that Redwood Creek Wine would be joining us so we prepared a special Malbec marinated flank steak for our Saturday demonstration which came out beautifully and was the tastiest dish of the day! I would like to mention the beautiful weather that we experienced in Columbus – 90 degrees with 90 percent humidity. Holy cow it was HOT! Not used to that type of weather, especially for our first stop out on the tour but it sure beat rain or cold. At every event, we have folks come out to help us pass out samples and interact with the crowds. Harvey Myrick, the event organizer lined us up with students from East Mississippi Community College who were in the school’s culinary program. They were fantastic and even came out Friday in their chef jackets and long pants. After setting them up with t-shirts and explaining that Saturday’s attire was shorts, they settled in quite well and helped hand out our Margarita Lite and Reser’s Potato Salad samples, along with all the other partner samples that we hand out at each event! Congrats to Mike & Beth with Quau on their Grand Champion and Kingsford win! Late Night Whiskey Smokers from Lynchburg won Reserve Grand, while 2 Men and a Pig, Heavenly Manna, Wild Bunch Butt Burners and Quau had category wins in Chicken, Ribs, Pork and Brisket. Next stop is our home event in Springfield, Mo. for the 12th Annual Rock’n Ribs event. This is our “Million Dollar” year where we hope to top the $1,000,000 mark for total donations over the 12 year run of the event – all going towards Children’s Charities of the Ozarks! bullsheet – May 2011Page 19 THE 2011 GREAT AMERICAN BBQ TOUR IS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING NATIONAL PARTNERS: BBQ Tour Stop #2: Springfield, MO April 15-16, 2011 Rock’n Ribs in Springfield, Missouri has always held a special place in our hearts, as this was the first BBQ contest we ever competed in. Like most years, events in Mid-April have a higher than normal chance of rain and cold weather and this year was especially bad with rain, cold and high winds hitting the event on both Friday and Saturday. The sun did come out right about Brisket turn-in time so the crowds arrived at just the right time for the 8,000 pounds of pork and brisket that the teams prepared for the public sampling. Because this is our home event, Christine and I get to compete in addition to running the BBQ Tour. While at most contests, we pack up and stay in a hotel, I had an early Friday morning segment on KOLR-10, the local CBS station, so I stayed onsite Thursday night and watched the bad weather come across Oklahoma heading straight for us. I did get some sleep until a couple of transformers popped at 3:15. That will sure wake you up out of a sound sleep! I cooked ribs for the reporter and let him chow down during one of our spots. Friday night at Rock’n Ribs is the VIP party night (for adults only). While the rain kept most of the crowds away, the die-hards made it out to listen to the bands and try some public samples. Saturday was turn-in day and we got in two very well attended demonstrations for the crowd. The nice thing about Saturday at Rock’n Ribs is the public sampling and people line up like ants going from booth to booth to get their free food samples. This year the event used text voting for people to vote instead of paper ballots like in the past. Team “Here Piggy Piggy BBQ,” which is sponsored by Davis Cellular, had their members in line teaching people how to text in their vote and had twice as many votes as the second place team. Pretty sure they had good BBQ also since they were voted People’s Choice Winners. As a matter of full disclosure, “Here Piggy Piggy BBQ” is Christine and my cooking team - so I can vouch for the good BBQ. This was the 12th year for Rock’n Ribs and after all the money is tallied, they should be able to top the $1,000,000 mark for donations to Children’s Charities of the Ozarks since inception. It takes close to 900 volunteers and is directed by the local Rotary clubs to pull off this massive event that fills up Bass Pro Shop’s parking lot. This year was also special since there was an International team competing from Puerto Rico – BBQ Freaks! They even brought rum along to help teach the locals about their home spirits and even conducted some rum tasting. They weren’t quite used to the cold weather, but I am told that rum warms the innards… At awards time, the sun was shining on all the teams who got calls, especially Quau with their first place Chicken, 3 Brothers with Different Mothers with Ribs (they said Dad sure got around), Belly Brothers, last year’s GC with first place Pork and Dead Pigs Tell No Tales edging out family Quau for first place Brisket. Belly Brothers ended up with a second place Reserve Champion trophy while Quau won their second Grand Championship in a row (won Columbus, MS the week prior) along with another big Kingsford check. Mike even ran up to Jefferson City on Thursday to compete in the Butt to Butt Championship. Christine and I took home a 5th place Brisket trophy and will hang up our cooking aprons for another year before we hope to defend our People’s Choice award! page 20bullsheet – May 2011 UPCOMING BBQ COOKING CLASSES “Cooking good bbq is a matter of high honor and ingenious preparation. Although all cooking class instructors are KCBS members, each cooker brings his and her own special talents and ingredients to the fire. Please note the KCBS is proud to offer cooking class listings in our publication but do not take these listings as an endorsement of any or all of these classes. Class attendee discretion is advised and encouraged.” 05/07/2011 Grand Rapids, MI Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Todd . 616-896-9321 05/21/2011 Parkville, MO Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Beth . 816-587-9990 05/07/2011 Fairfax, VA Instructor(s): Chris Capell Contact: Gail Kern 703-273-3580 05/21/2011 Flushing, MI Instructor(s): Mike Terry Contact: Mike Terry 810-265-3335 05/14/2011 Kansas City, KS Instructor(s): Bob Snelson Contact: Bob Snelson 913-471-4669 or 816-507-3728 05/22/2011 Houston, TX Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 05/14/2011 Quad Cities Area, IL Instructor(s): Paul Kirk Contact: TBA . 06/03/2011 Owatonna, MN Instructor(s): Tom Carfrae Contact: Tom Carfrae 319-573-5692 05/14/2011 Dallas, TX Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 05/14/2011 Lafayette, LA Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Keith Guidry 800-822-4766 05/14/2011 West Des Moines, IA Instructor(s): David Hintz Contact: Mike Schmitt 515-229-9713 05/15/2011 Dallas, TX Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 05/21/2011 Houston, TX Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 06/04/2011 Mission, KS Instructor(s): Paul Kirk Contact: Billy Rodgers 913-549-4958 06/11/2011 Kennewick, WA Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 07/09/2011 Kansas City, KS Instructor(s): Bob Snelson Contact: Bob Snelson 913-471-4669 or 816-507-3728 06/11/2011 Ballwin, MO Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Frank Schmer 636-256-6564 http://www.stlouisbbqsociety. com 07/23/2011 Fryeburg, ME Instructor(s): Paul Kirk Contact: Mark Allen 207-647-4449 westernmebbqfestival@gmail. com 06/12/2011 Kennewick, WA Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 07/29/2011 Brockport, NY Instructor(s): Kelly Wertz Contact: Rob Blair 585-472-5093 http://www.brockportbbqfest. com 06/17/2011 Unadilla, GA Instructor(s): Jack’s Old South Contact: Myron Mixon 229-886-5225 08/13/2011 Kansas City, KS Instructor(s): Bob Snelson Contact: Bob Snelson 913-471-4669 or 816-507-3728 06/18/2011 Midway, KY Instructor(s): Paul Kirk Contact: John Dance 859-873-9520 06/04/2011 Boston, MA Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Peter Fiore 781-871-2220 http://www.mybackyardliving. com 06/18/2011 Parkville, MO Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Beth . 816-587-9990 06/04/2011 Fairfax, VA Instructor(s): Chris Capell Contact: Gail Kern 703-273-3580 06/24/2011 Woodbury, MN Instructor(s): Tom Carfrae Contact: Tom Carfrae 319-573-5692 06/10/2011 Shakopee, MN Instructor(s): Tom Carfrae Contact: Tom Carfrae 319-573-5692 06/25/2011 Albuquerque, NM Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Cyd . 505-323-9754 06/11/2011 Kansas City, KS Instructor(s): Bob Snelson Contact: Bob Snelson 913-471-4669 or 816-507-3728 08/25/2011 New Holland, PA Instructor(s): Thom Christine Contact: Tom Christine 215-603-2508 09/10/2011 Kansas City, KS Instructor(s): Bob Snelson Contact: Bob Snelson 913-471-4669 or 816-507-3728 11/12/2011 Kansas City, KS Instructor(s): Bob Snelson Contact: Bob Snelson 913-471-4669 or 816-507-3728 For a complete listing of classes, visit: Midwest BBQ Institute at The Culinary Center of Kansas City Serious Education Curriculum Dedicated to the Art of Science of Grilling and Smoking 913-341-4455 Committed to Cooking, Competition & Professional Development please call the contact person as indicated for fees, applications, etc. bullsheet – May 2011Page 21 UPCOMING KCBS BBQ judgING CLASSES 05/01/2011 Overland Park, KS Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: DIANA COOPER 913-341-4455 05/01/2011 Maynard, MA Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Ken Dakai 05/03/2011 Columbia, MO Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Mike McMillian 573-443-0743 05/15/2011 Kettering, OH Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Jim FERGUSON 937-416-7924 05/20/2011 Overland Park, KS Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: TRACY SATTERFIELD 847-232-9680 or 866-3613926 05/27/2011 Rochester, NY Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Brian Wemett 888-ROC-BBQ8 http://www.roccityribfest. com 06/11/2011 Lillington, NC Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Barbara Avery 910-814-8823 or 910-8148855 06/16/2011 Frisco, CO Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: JAIME HARMON 970-668-9132 06/30/2011 Rio Rancho, NM Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Art Perez 505-891-7258 07/09/2011 St. Peters, MO Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Bryin Butts 314-952-7804 08/06/2011 Shawnee, KS Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Tonya Lecuru 913-631-5200 08/13/2011 Butler, MO Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Brandon Plunkett 660-424-0891 08/20/2011 LYONS, GA Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Alexa Britton 912-526-6445 08/25/2011 Craig, CO Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: GEORGE ROHRICH 970-826-3100 09/02/2011 Mesquite, NV Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Arlie Bragg http://www.arliequeevents. com 09/24/2011 Livingston, AL Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Stephen Liverman 205-652-5405 please call the contact person as indicated for fees, applications, etc. UPCOMING KCBS table captain CLASSES 5/7/2011 Millington, TN Certified Table Captain Class Contact: Marge Plummer, Ph. B 5/21/2011 LaVista, NE Certified Table Captain Class Contact: Nena Cooney 402-658-9948 09/24/2011 Livingston, AL Certified Table Captain Class Contact: Stephen Liverman 205-652-5405 please call the contact person as indicated for fees, applications, etc. page 22bullsheet – May 2011 HOT OPPORTUNITY TO QUALIFY FOR 4 EVENTS!! The 2011 Iowa State Barbeque Championships will have the opportunity for Teams interested in various contests. There will be four (4) opportunities to qualify in Points Chases at this year’s event to be held June 24 & 25, 2011 in Marshalltown, IA at Riverview Park. Earn qualifying points for these Contests: Kingsford Points Chase. The Iowa State BBQ Championships will be the only Kingsford Points Chase event in the state of Iowa for 2011. The highest finishing team that cooked with Kingsford will be presented a check for $500 and earn points for the $25,000 Grand Prize. Chest-to-Chest Points. Contest to be held in Great Bend, Kansas. Butt-to-Butt Points. Contest to be held in St. Joe, Missouri. Iowa Barbeque Society BBQ Team points for 2011 BBQ Team of the Year in each of the four KCBS meat categories and for overall BBQ Team of the year. There are also vending opportunities available for the 2011 Iowa State Barbeque Championships. DO NOT miss out on the opportunity to compete in four Points Events at one BBQ contest. For entry forms - go to: or or contact Bob Wenner: email: or Phone: 641 – 752 – 3302. Kookers Kare Update By Larry King It was a cold day on March 25, but the weather did not stop the volunteers and cook from coming out and showing their support for Kookers Kare. Smoke fest was another success this year with the preparation of over 4000 pound of pork, for the Harvesters Food Pantries. Everyone spent the day preparing and seasoning the pork, the cooks fired up their smokers with the Kingsford Competition Charcoal which had been donated by Kingsford and then they loaded the pork into the smokers and most loaded them up twice. Kookers Kare would like to express a thank you to everyone that was able to attend and support this event. And as years passed Friday night was highlighted with a taco dinner and then the Texas Holdin’ Tournament. Everyone gathered around the fire pits this year during the evening and visiting. Saturday bought the end to another successful event. This year Kookers Kare is going to have a tent at the Great American BBQ, May20th & 21st, 2011 In Overland Park, KS. We are asking all the competition cooks to donate the leftover from their turn in meats to the tent and we will be selling $5 plates of samples from these meats. All the proceeds go to help out the many donations that Kookers Kare make to feeding the underprivileged and also to help in the backsack programs at local schools. For more information please check our website or click like on our facebook page. Thank you for all your support. Book Review: GRILLING AMERICA by Rick Browne Review By: Sonny Ashford Decked out in a shirt made from a middle Mississippi café, you know red and white stripes, wearing a straw hat from a bait shop stringer pinned up with a clothes pin and a face showing an attack mode with a spice belt, tongs and a spray bottle is a snapshot of Rick Browne on the cover of GRILLING AMERICA. I have been waiting to have the opportunity to review this book for quite a while and now the time has come so hang on because this book is packed with everything from heat to sweet. In the introduction, “ThankQUE America”, Rick points out in the very beginning that it isn’t what and how but what you have when you are finished and ready to eat that makes the difference. “… it’s not what you cook on. It’s what you cook, how you cook it, and most important, how the results taste.” This is amplified so many times in every recipe whether beef, pork, seafood, a rub, a sauce, or a dessert. Getting started Rick gives you a sure-fire method to tell the temperature of a grill when you don’t have a thermometer. It seems to work and it is based on holding your hand about 1-2 inches above the grill and leaving your hand there for 1 -6 seconds denotes a temperature of 600-300 degrees. This holds a lot of importance when you know what you want to cook. Appetizers get the ball rolling with Armadillio Eggs, bacon-wrapped stuffed Jalapenos, and then there are Frickles/Fried Pickles, dill pickles cut into flats and coated with cornmeal and fried. Of course it is recommended that you have a cold beer with all these appetizers and I have to tell you that the pictures make you believe the food is right there in front of you. There is a Dixie Watermelon Salsa recipe that is to die for and I can definitely imagine serving it with anything on a plate. Something I had never run across in a cookbook before was cooking times for fish. Growing up in Northwest Louisiana we smoked/grilled a lot of bass filets on the barbeque pit and it was like doing it on a grill but Rick has a chart that is broken down into three categories Fish Thickness ¾ inch – 3 inches Fat Fish 2 ½ hrs – 14 ½ hrs Lean Fish 1 ½ hrs – 9 ½ hrs Rick adds stories between the sections and the second section is beef with recipes for Tri-Tip Roast, Dr. Pepper Beef Brisket, Grilled ShallotCognac Steaks and Honey-Mustard Grilled Rib-Eye Steak. Now comes the best part, another chart. In all cases the heat is high but you need the time based on Rare, medium, Well Done, and then he gives you recipes for a sauce and marinades. But no section on Beef would be complete without Dinosaur Ribs [aka beef ribs]. The story between Beef and Fish and Shellfish is very interesting as it points out that we don’t do it the same in any two place. Everywhere and everyone has a different slant on how things are done and the section starts with Lobster from the Northeast, then on to Salmon from the Northwest to Calamai from Italy. Folks it is all here even a Pineapple Salsa and Olivia’s favorite, Shrimp and Scallops. Near the middle of the book there is a section on different kinds of smokers. We’ve all gotten emails with somebodys idea of a unique smoker [same on 6-10 times] but this is a collection like I’ve never seen before. There is a section on Lamb, and there aren’t a lot of recipes but there are a lot of people that say they don’t like lamb when they have never really tried it and the recipes Rick provides, like Grilled Lamb Loin with Zinandel-Sage-Morel Sauce and maple Smoked Lamb Shanks with Whiskey Onion Marmalade, yep he gives you the marmalade recipe too. Then we jump into Pork. Tenderloins, Chops, Pulled Pork , North Carolina-style Whole Hog and then what I was looking for RIBS!!! Every one of the pork recipes gives you something to really think about and provides you with some different taste treats. NOTE: If you’re looking for your average mutation of the same recipe then this is not the book for you as it as unique as the poem to Carolyn Wells and others, Bubba’s Got the Mop by Baxter B.B. Chicken. The Sides section caught my eye very quickly as the second and third recipes contained Mushrooms, and I am a HUGE Mushroom fan, especially Morel Mushrooms. Both of these have Morel’s in the recipe, in fact, the second is for a Morel Mushroom Gravy. This is very timely as Morel Mushrooms should be popping out within the next 2-3 weeks. If you are a Morel hunter, good luck this year. In addition there are a bunch of potato recipes that can easily be adapted for use at any contest or in the backyard with friends. GRILLING AMERICA is definitely a book you need to get and along with Regis Philbin, Al Roker, Carolyn Wells, and I’m sure many other endorsements, let me add to list of accolades that Rick Browne has received for this book. Get a copy at the KCBS office or directly from the publisher Regan Books, and you will not regret owning this wonderful book. bullsheet – May 2011Page 23 First two events in the Inaugural Sam’s Club© National BBQ Tour heat up in Arizona and California! Thank you to all the teams, judges, members and supporters that came out and helped to make the Gilbert, Ariz. and Sacramento, Calif. Contests! In Gilbert, Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ took home Grand Champion and a check for $2,500. Smoked to the Bone was named Reserve Grand Champion, earning $1,000. The next weekend in Sacramento, Big B’s Down & Dirty BBQ took home Grand Champion and a check for $2,500. All Sauced Up was named Reserve Grand Champion, earning $1,000. Congratulations to the following teams for finishing first in specific categories: The following teams earned a spot at the Regional Event in Las Vegas, Nev. on May 6-7: Gilbert, Ariz. Chicken – McFrankenboo BBQ Brisket – Slap Yo’ Daddy BBQ Pork – Little Miss BBQ Ribs – Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ Smoked to the Bone Rhythm ‘n Que Slap Yo’ Daddy BBQ I.A.B. 30 BBQ McFrankenboo BBQ Loot N’ Booty BBQ Big B’s Down & Dirty BBQ All Sauced Up Smokey’s BBQ Big Shot BBQ All Hogs Go To Heaven Rock’s Bar B Que Smokin’ Yankees BBQ Sacramento, Calif. Chicken – Simply Marvelous BBQ Brisket – All Sauced Up Pork – Smokey’s BBQ Ribs – Tropical Heat page 24bullsheet – May 2011 bullsheet – May 2011Page 25 page 26bullsheet – May 2011 bullsheet – May 2011Page 27 Tips From A Pro By: Chris Marks Three Little Pigs Competition BBQ Team Dummies’ Guide to taking an Award Winning Sauce or Rub to Market. “Co-Packing” So you’ve made the choice to pursue use your dream and take your sauces and rubs to market? Now, you have to make the decision on how the sauces and rubs are going to be massed produced. Have you ever considered you options for mass-producing your sauces and rubs? There are a number of options to consider. Your Kitchen? Is it large enough for the job? Even if it is, is in inspected for food processing? You could spend considerable time and money getting your kitchen up to standards and approved. Rent? Do you want to rent a licensed commercial kitchen for a few hours a day? Realize that available times and facility size many not suit your needs. License? Do you want to license your idea? That means giving up control of our idea and products. Build? Do you want to build a facility before you know how well your product will sell on a mass market basis? Building requires up-front capital, considerable time, and expertise to get it right. If you are willing to endure this, you can own and operate your own facility, but I do not recommend this. Co-Packer? Would a co-packer meet your needs; they did mine? You may want to locate an existing co-packer to process your products–just as I did. They are already licensed, have specific expertise and know-how, and have an existing facility; they can often help with many aspects of processing from better ingredients to alternate suppliers of ingredients and containers. This route tends to be fast and easy, in my opinion. What is a co-Packer? Co- packers manufacture and package foods for other companies to sell. These products range from nationally-known brands to private labels. BBQ Sauces and Rub customers choose to use the services of Co packers for many reasons. Co- packers can provide customers with a variety of services in addition to manufacturing and packaging products. They can often help in the formulation of the product. What are the advantages to using a co packer? Here are the two main advantages for using a co-packer. “expenses” and “regulations. The up-front expenses of building facilities can drain a small business of money. With a co-packer, there is no need for upfront money to build facilities, purchase equipment, buy permits, pay huge deposits for utilities, or hire employees. An individual new to manufacturing could miss important or even necessary steps in production that can prove to be costly that co packers often can help avoid or not produce a consistent product. Regulations (local, state, and/or federal) associated with manufacturing a food product can be complex, costly, and time-consuming. Solid waste and waste water disposal, the handling and storage of raw materials and finished products, licenses and permits, and the overall sanitation of the facility are examples of highly regulated processing concerns. By utilizing a co-packer, you avoid the money and time needed to deal with these issues. You also avoid plant health inspections, figuring wages and benefits for processing plant employees, OSHA and workers compensation issues, and a complexity of record keeping requirements Lead time, Using a co packer can also reduce lead-time in getting a product to market. Choosing a Co packer who already has processing lines in place almost makes manufacturing, packaging, and labeling a food product a matter of placing an order. What are some disadvantages to using a co packer? Loss of control over the product and its manufacture, many co packers will request that you be available in the plant the first time the product is run so they can ensure it is made to the customer’s satisfaction. However, the presence of the customer is usually not requested for subsequent runs. Mercy of the co packer’s production schedule, their fixed costs and their method of doing business, the product must conform to the co packer’s equipment and facility limitations. In some cases, the co packer may be producing a competing product. Payment in full for completed product, If you are a small business most co-packers require that you pay in full once the sauces or rubs are completed, this limits you on the size of production to the available cash to pay for the product. As an example a pallet of sauce is close to 80-90 cases will cost on an average around $2000.00 per run. Using a co packer can be expensive. A co packer must recover direct and indirect overhead and costs. Additionally, a co packer must also make a profit. Consequently, the costs associated with co packed product may be high verses your out of-pocket costs of doing it yourself. I have built very successful relationships with the two Co-Packers I use for sauces and rubs. Both have been in business for years and specialize in working with individuals in developing and producing Championship quality products. I’m glad I made this decision. I would like to thank VA BBQ Pirates for using your Tips in the Article in April. Make a Great Potato Salad? Earn Cash Prizes, Bragging Rights Have you heard about the new potato salad competition? Reser’s, the official side dish sponsor of the 2011 KCBS Great American BBQ Tour, is hosting a new potato salad competition at eight selected BBQ Tour events. And you can win up to $700 for each contest! That’s right; it’s time to open up the recipe box and pull out your family’s secret potato salad recipe. Or get creative and put a new twist on this American classic. Here at Reser’s, we’ve been cooking up potato salad for more than 60 years, so we know a spectacular spud when we taste one. We started making our world-famous potato salad in a small farmhouse kitchen. And we know that the best recipes are often handed down from generation to generation. How to Enter The Reser’s American Classics Summer Series potato salad contest will take place at the following eight selected KCBS events. The contests will be judged as an additional category using KCBS standards. To register online and review contest rules, visit At each event, three winners will receive cash prizes (1st place ‐ $700; 2nd place ‐ $300; 3rd place ‐ $100). We wish you a successful 2011 BBQ Tour. And we can’t wait to taste what you’ve cooked up. Here’s to a Spud-Tacular Competition Season! Chef Barb page 28bullsheet – May 2011 bullsheet – May 2011Page 29 Judges Juggernaut We Want to Hear Your Stories, Judges! Judges, we want to give you a dedicated corner of the Bullsheet. Please give us your stories. Tell us about your best contest, or your worst. We want to hear why you became a judge and why you keep judging. To submit stories or ideas, contact or call the KCBS office at 800-963-5227. You’ve Got Two Brains . . . Use Them! By Gordon Hubbell My title might mislead you (but I’ll bet I get your attention). I’m not talking about the old classic right brain, left brain thing that so often gets applied to the different focus and thoughts of artists vs. engineers, let’s say. I’m thinking that, as barbeque judges, we have to apply both our objective and subjective brains to our work. Those can be confusing words so I’ll explain. Objectivity is what we apply to a situation or decision when options are clear and we’re not involved emotionally. I’m not a “Trekkie”, but if you ever watched Star Trek you would call Dr. Spock objective. He’s all logic and no feelings. Subjectivity comes into play when we let our feelings and illogical thoughts influence our decisions. The truth is that all of us have both an objective and a subjective side (what I’m calling a brain for this example) – even we barbeque judges! These two different brains can cause us problems, but they have the potential to make us very, very good judges, too. Have you ever stopped to think that if there were one perfect way to barbeque something, there would be no need for judges? A machine could be programmed to sample the entries and compare them against a data set of perfection for appearance, taste and texture. Well, I guess it would take one judge to run it, maybe. Maybe two or three more to make sure he or she plugged it in right. But that would be it. Buzz, buzz, crank, dit-dit-dit -- out would come a report with a comparison to the ideal, fully quantified with lots of statistics and ratios. Dr. Spock would love it. But, I don’t think this “judge machine” would last long in the real world. Why? What is ideal, perfect barbeque? I have my thoughts. Would you let me program the judging machine? Not hardly! We’d have to form a committee and we all know that committees can really mess things up! We’d have to agree, once and for all time, forever, on what a perfect rib is, for example. Aint gonna happen soon! This brings up the subjective brain in us. It isn’t a character flaw – it is part of life (and judging barbeque). That judging machine, because it was totally objective, might pick some strange food and couldn’t handle intangibility in its judgments (example: given a choice of a watch that was one second slow and a watch that was stopped, a computer would select the dead watch because it would give a correct reading twice each day while the one that was just a tad slow would take forever and ever to be correct). So, we need good ol’ flawed human judgment – from both brains. The KCBS barbeque standards are actually pointers, and there aren’t a lot of them. They tell us, for instance, that a well prepared rib will have meat that isn’t mushy and that pulls away from the bone. That’s about as objective as it gets. Objectively, you and I can find some ribs that are so tough we can’t even gnaw the meat off and some that are so overcooked that the meat falls off before we can bite the rib. Between those two extremes we have to use subjectivity based on our experience, interpretations, and yes, even our preferences! Complication: What should that “perfect” rib taste like? Please note that there are no KCBS standards for that. How could there be? We aren’t robots. In spite of all the carping, gnashing of teeth, flinging about of opinions, and general hoo-hah that goes on when contestants get scores they regard as wrong, the system works. We judges have standards (those pointers) and we have experience (varying degrees). The best of us will use both of our brains. We’ll be objective and subjective in our work. It won’t work any other way! Reflects Heat it really works!!! • Low pitch for better stability in the wind • • Systems include a storage container • • Straight-forward Quick and Easy set-up • Canopy System Kits - Sold Factory Direct 10x10 - $89.95 12x10 - $89.95 10x20 - $129.95 16X20 - $159.95 12x20 - $139.95 20x20 - $179.95 Shipped UPS - Prepaid or COD Heavy-duty, free-standing, silver-top canopy c a l l f o r o u r l a t e s t c a t a l o g system kits. Uses 1 inch ‘thin-wall’ electrical conduit. S H E LT E R S Y S T E M S 800-650-7004 Kingsford Points Chase Fires Up in Hammond and Columbus! Grilling and barbeque season is well under way – and KCBS teams are back on the grills, pits and smokers ready to make their mark on the world of competitive barbeque. With two events of the Kingsford Points Chase already in the books, the competition is heating up! The contest kicked off in Hammond, La. as part of the Hammond Blues and BBQ Challenge … and Chix, Swine and Bovine were definitely up to the challenge. Not only did they take home first place in the brisket category, but were also named G r a n d Champion. M i k e and Barb a r a Richter and Chris O w e n founded the team in 2002, and although 2011 is the team’s first year competing full-time, they entered 25 contests last year. Chix, Swine & Bovine uses both a stick burner smoker and Kingsford Charcoal when preparing their award-winning barbeque. “The Hammond Blues & BBQ event was fantastic,” said Chix, Swine & Bovine head cook Mike Richter. “The community really embraced us and we are excited to not only have won the Grand Champion title, but to also see our name on the big Kingsford check.” When he’s not competing on the KCBS circuit, Richter loves to fire up the grill. His favorite grilling recipe is Dizzy Pig’s Raising the Steaks and Cowlick seasonings mixed together on a ribeye steak, following his own advice, “don’t over cook the meat!” Quau isn’t wasting any time in defending their KCBS Team of the Year title, with several competitions already under their belt in 2011, they took home the Grillin’ on the River Grand Champion title in Columbus, Miss. Quau is comprised of Mike and Beth Wozniak of Brimfield, Ill. The husband and wife team have been cooking competitively for 10 years and are gearing up for their 11th season. The name Quau was originally BAR B Quau, which combined luau and barbeque. Over the years, fellow BBQers shortened the name to Quau, and in 2007 they officially changed their name to Quau. “When we started, we used to enter booth decorating contests. We won several times by building a TIKI bar style booth with all the Hawaiian accessories,” Wozniak said. “However, I never could get Beth to wear the coconut bra.” Quau has been competing since 2000 – starting with local rib fests, which feature their favorite KCBS category – ribs. On average, they compete in 30 contests each year. Last year, they competed in an impressive 37 KCBS sanctioned and points earning events and three invitationals. This year they plan to compete in 30 contests. When they’re not ‘queing up their award-winning barbeque, Mike and Beth love to fire up the grill for some ribeyes too. To get the desired flavor, Mike prepares the meat by wiping it down with white vinegar and then seasoning with kosher salt and Weber’s Chicago Steak Seasoning. After letting the charcoal burn down to hot coals, Mike throws the ribeyes on the grill and cooks them to delicious perfection. Get fired up, because 2011 is sure to be a smokin’ BBQ year … see on the BBQ Trail! Keep up with the Kingsford Points Chase and all things barbeque at page 30bullsheet – May 2011 Pacific Northwest P N W by Bob Lyon 1989: The October World Series of BBQ for KCBS In 1989 KCBS put together what would be known as the World Series of Barbecue: The American Royal and Jack Daniel’s Invitationals. It was so regarded for the next 15 or so years, until the KCBS major event locally became the Great American BBQ over the Memorial Day weekend in 2005. The Royal Invitational was still extant, nearly too big for the available grounds it was on then. Jack Daniel’s also expanded with the foreign teams starting and more space needed for additional qualifiers. There was plenty of room in 1989 when there didn’t have to be a drawing among those qualified. The original categories at the Royal included both sausage and lamb. All meats were furnished, although teams could elect to substitute their own sausage. Every team was given three frozen racks of ribs, a fresh brisket, a half dozen frozen chicken breasts, one fresh Boston butt, a frozen leg of lamb and the sponsor’s sausage, something usually sliced for sandwiches. That sausage soon became a separate category, with special prizes for it and a special group of judges not involved with the regular meats. Jack Daniel’s was designed to be a meeting place for Memphis in May and KCBS members, with five categories, of which teams would enter three: whole hog, pork ribs, pork butt or shoulder, brisket and chicken. Thus any team could be on familiar ground from its own regular competition area. Teams furnished their own meat. All judging was blind only, with KCBS rules. Somehow, wild game was a first year category that vanished in year two, with some teams trying to maintain that Cornish game hens and rabbit from the grocery store counted. The one problem at KCBS was freezer burn on ribs, and small chicken breasts, often without any skin, since all meat was donated by the principal sponsor. Lamb was always an adventure with the leg thawing around midnight before it could be cut, shaped and seasoned. Yet the extra categories at the Royal and the intermingling of teams from around the country really helped the expansion of competition barbecue. After all, they seldom got to meet one another with such busy circuits in both sections of the country. The generosity of the folks at Jack Daniel’s made its own problems. Their Friday night party reachable by school bus for most included as much Jack Daniel’s as one could drink, more than most should. Their combination of catfish, potato salad, pulled pork, and other side dishes was also extravagant. Although Moore County is dry, the entertainment building and competition grounds weren’t, with every team being supplied a 1.5 liter bottle of Jack Daniel’s. After a few years, there was a cut back, especially with teams returning to their areas, unable to get their competition meats ready and pits started when they should have been. At the Royal in 1989 Jim Erickson took team member Dave Annon with him. They got to cook chicken and ribs on a 26” Weber kettle of Paul Kirk’s that lay on the ground without legs. In later years we brought pieces of pipe to keep it upright. The other meats were cooked on the same tipsy old 14” Brinkman water-pan types Jim had used the year before. At Jack Daniel’s, I had two Mr. Meat smokers from Chattanooga like Brinkmans delivered to the site where they were put together by Jack Daniel’s staff. With only three entries, it was an upgrade over what Jim had used at the Royal in 1988. We managed to qualify for and compete in both contests for 10 years in a row, the only team to do so in either one. Above: Dave Annnon and Jim Erickson at the Royal Invitational in 1989. Dave is wearing their first-place rib ribbon. Right: Jim with his Mr. Meat Smoker at Jack Daniel’s. Jim did a great job with his elk tenderloin. We didn’t know enough about presentation then. The judges devoured the remainder. A venison sausage won the category, barely a reputable entry. bullsheet – May 2011Page 31 MAY ARON TOPLITSKY TORRANCE, CA WILLIAM BAÑALES BAKERSFIELD, CA KENNETH STANBERRY BEAR’S BAD A$$ BBQ LAKEWOOD, CA CHAD PHILLIPS LONG BEACH, CA ROBERT PRATT SAN DIEGO, CA New Members Alabama GLENN SMITH CRUSTY BUTTS AND BONES BAR-B-Q SCOTTSBORO, AL CHRIS MCLAIN GREEN AMIGOS PINSON, AL GREG TALLEY SAM DOG BARBEQUE BRIDGEPORT, AL MARK KUESTER SPRINGVILLE, AL JANENE WITT ROBERTSDALE, AL KYLE VAN HORN HICKTOWN BBQ VALLEY, AL JUSTIN SOUTH STOKIN’ SMOKE AND SOUTHWARD BBQ HUNTSVILLE, AL arkansas DON CHALUPKA LITTLE ROCK, AR DAVID DYER BOONEVILLE, AR DEWAYNE DANIEL REDNECK GRILLERS JONESBORO, AR STACI FORTSON GREENWOOD, AR LEO CRUZ LOWELL, AR JOSH CLINTON SPRINGDALE, AR LINDA VANNOY LOWELL, AR TAMMY JO HICE ELKINS, AR BETTY KOVACH SPRINGDALE, AR MARK WILLSON GARFIELD, AR ALLAN LEUNG ROGERS, AR JENNIFER WEBSTER OZARK, AR MO SLIGER JUST PLAIN CABOT, AR ED POE ROGERS, AR DAVID ENNS FAYETTEVILLE, AR SHELLEY SISCO LOWELL, AR CHRIS CREECY TWO GUYS AND A GRILL CANEHILL, AR DUANE NELSON VILONIA, AR DON TACKETT VILONIA, AR arizona ART STOLTZ GILBERT, AZ ROY CLINE BIG ROY & THE BOYS GILBERT, AZ california CHARLES NEWMAN 2 MAN BBQ WALNUT CREEK, CA SCOTT JOHNSTON STARVIN MARVINS SAN FRANCISCO, CA DUSTIN CLAUSSEN STARVIN MARVINS PLEASANT HILL, CA DANIEL BYRD BYRD’S BBQ COTTONWOOD, CA BOB LEHNER BOBBY-Q ELK GROVE, CA DAN NORRIS REDDING, CA JOHN P. WILSON REDDING, CA BARBARA MCCOMBS BARB-B-QUE REDDING, CA KEVIN AHLSWEDE CHICO, CA ROGER REMINGTON STOCKTON, CA MICHAEL LASH CHICO BAR B QUE CHICO, CA ANDY FERRENDELLI A & L BBQ PRINCETON, CA ANDREW REIT REDDING, CA BARRY MORRIS LODI, CA JARED HERBERGER THE DEEP NORTH REDDING, CA NICK CADEMARTORI STOCKTON, CA CORISSA WILLIAMS ROGERS, AR JOHN BLAUFUS STOCKTON, CA ADRIANE JOHNSON CENTERTON, AR MARK LARSON DOWN DEEP BBQ PALO CEDRO, CA KEITH FORTSON GREENWOOD, AR RICH WALLACE SONOMA SMOKERS GLEN ELLEN, CA RON HAFEY JR. RED BLUFF, CA JAKE WILLIAMS ROGERS, AR FRED DAVIS DIRTY DOGS COOK TEAM ALTHEIMER, AR CYNDI SEYBOLD PLASTERED PIG BBQ RANCHO CORDOVA, CA CASEY ZARAGOZA BAKERSFIELD, CA WALTER MARGETICH MORGAN HILL, CA MARLA PARSONS LODI, CA ASHLEY D. TAYLOR ROGERS, AR SCOTT LONGMAN 2 MAN BBQ SACRAMENTO, CA MICHAEL O’GRADY O.G. BBQ MORGAN HILL, CA PARRY R. SALSI REDDING, CA THIBAUT DELAGE CENTERTON, AR DIMITRI G. GREKOFF WILTON, CA MATT S. HUNSAKER GRIDIRON GRILLERS SHASTA LAKE, CA DON JOHNSON REDDING, CA LAMAR WARE WHO’S SMOKIN’ NOW BANNING, CA JIM HERBERGER THE DEEP NORTH REDDING, CA ERIC LA BOMBARDA LONG BEACH, CA JON HALVORSEN LA CRESCENTA, CA MARIA SCHWEER BAKERSFIELD, CA KEVIN BOLING KINGPINZ BBQ TEAM NEWPORT BEACH, CA LAURA BOLING KINGPINZ BBQ TEAM NEWPORT BEACH, CA JOHN PHELAN BRAGGIN RIGHTS BBQ COOKOFF SAN JOSE, CA PETER WATKINS NAPA, CA ROBIN BAGGETT RUNTERFORD, CA JIM HALL SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA colorado NORTH PORT, FL BILL SKIPPER BBQ JAX JACKSONVILLE, FL DOROTHY SKIPPER BBQ JAX JACKSONVILLE, FL CHARLES SMITH NAVARRE, FL JOHN HARTMAN 4 QS FORT LAUDERDALE, FL ARTHUR HOLLER 4QS FORT LAUDERDALE, FL JEFF MOSS CHILLIN ‘N’ GRILLIN BBQ CHULA VISTA, CA CHRIS ATKINS BOB’S BLAZIN BBQ BRIGHTON, CO DAVID HASKETT CALLAHAN, FL RYAN CHESTER THE RUB COMPANY GARDEN GROVE, CA CLINT STALEY MEAT AND BONES BARBEQUE LOVELAND, CO TOM EDENS ELLIJAY, GA CRAIG MARTIN BAKERSFIELD, CA DEBBIE O’GRADY ROYAL SMOKIN’ HOTT SAN JOSE, CA DAN WHEELER BAKERSFIELD, CA ERIC BRICKELL SMOKE WRANGLERS BAKERSFIELD, CA ALAN HARDIN HOT &SMOKIN CATERING BKERSFIELD, CA JOSEPH FUENTES BAKERSFIELD, CA ROGER GUYDON NORTH RIDGE, CA CHAD QUARREY SMOKE SLAYERS SAN JOSE, CA ROBERT ROY MENIFEE, CA DAVE DAWE SANTA ROSA, CA AL NIKOLAUS FALLBROOK, CA FREDERICK EDWARDS CHAIN SMOKERS BACKYARD BBQ ANTIOCH, CA STEVE ENGBRECHT HANFORD, CA TERRY FREEMAN ARVIN, CA JOHN LAZAR 3TAXIGUYS CLAYTON, CA TYLER BECK SMOKIN FARMBOY’S Q’IN CREW HANFORD, CA TREVOR SHUSTER HOT & SMOKIN CATERING BAKERSFIELD, CA JOHN E. BAÑALES BAKERSFIELD, CA KIRK PETERSON OUTKAST BARBEQUE GRAND JUNCTION, CO SHARON NASLUND SMOKE N THE ROCKIES PUEBLO, CO DOUG FLIEHMAN CARBONDALE, CO BERT FRASER PRACTICAL SMOKERS FRUITA, CO connecticut THOMAS JACOBELLIS JACKO QUE STRATFORD, CT ANTHONY JACKSON MILFORD, CT georgia JASON WILSON SMYRNA, GA MARK LENYK BIUE SKY BBQ DAWSONVILLE, GA DON ADAMS GEORGIA BOYS BBQ TEAM DALLAS, GA JON JEFFERSON BAD BOYS DONE GOOD BBQ CUMMING, GA ANTHONY SUTTON CURLY TAILS BBQ DALLAS, GA FREDERICK P. ENGEL MACON, GA MICHAEL HOLCOMB District of Coumbia ACWORTH, GA SCOUT DAY KEITH WILLIAMSON WASHINGTON, DC POWDER SPRINGS, GA MATTHEW BRYAN CHARLES MILTON WASHINGTON, DC RICHMOND HILL, GA delaware VINCENT PATTISON BEAR, DE MICHAEL O’ROUKE BUFORD, GA NELSON FERRY MIDDLETOWN, DE RICHARD C. HEWATT 3TAXIGUYS CUMMING, GA JENNIFER FERRY MIDDLETOWN, DE ANNMARIE BENNETT WYOMING, DE DAVID BENNETT WYOMING, DE BARBARA MOODY WACO, GA DALE THORNTON LOST MOUNTAIN BBQ MARIETTA, GA TODD SUTTON LEWES, DE ROBERT OWENS BBQ 1 MARIETTA, GA ERIK CAWLEY SMYRNA, DE MIKE HOLLAND CUMMING, GA JAMIE R ADAMS FATHEADS COMPETITION BBQ TEAM SMYRNA, DE MIKE DUGGAN QB BBQ SNELLVILLE, GA ERIC VAN DER POEL NEWARK, DE florida MARK TENNERINO RFG BBQ KEVIN SPARKS LAWDAWG BBQ BRUNSWICK, GA KERRY SPARKS LAWDAWG BBQ BRUNSWICK, GA page 32bullsheet – May 2011 New Members… Continued iowa REX GROTE QUICKBUCK HOG COMPANY MCCLELLAND, IA from Previous Page DUANE TURNER OREANA, IL RICK JANSSEN LINCOLN, IL CARL BRIGHT VAN HORNE, IA JASON TEASLEY SMOKIN’ TEAS ALTAMONT, IL DAVE BOSMA MUTT & JEFF BBQ HOSPERS, IA RON FREED FAIRBURY, IL JOHN BUEOY WHITING, IA GREG HANSEN MUTT & JEFF BBQ HOSPERS, IA DAN LAWRENCE MAPLETON, IA JEFF GEE MAPLETON, IA JERRY MENKE WHITING, IA THERESA MENKE WHITING, IA TARA WRIGHT OHAWA, IA TOM FUHRMEISTER HAWK WILD BBQ CO. MARION, IA idaho MARK GRIFFETH MAHOMET, IL BILL ANTHONY BATAVIA, IL TERESA E. KAUFFMAN CHICAGO, IL TODD COURTWRIGHT LINCOLN, IL JIM BISHOP LINCOLN, IL DONALD KURASCH CHICAGO, IL illinois MELISSA WALLACE BOSS HAWG BBQ SPRINGFIELD, IL CHUCK KNOX CHARKO’S GREENVILLE, IL SEAN BRAUNSTEIN FRANKFORT, IL ANN BRAUNSTEIN FRANKFORT, IL LEON SACK FREEPORT, IL MATTHEW MURRAY U” BACON ME CRAZY” LOMBARD, IL BILL KLIMAH 2 K’S QUE LOMBARD, IL HAROLD SANDY” STEWART” MURPHYSBORO, IL JOEL TOSI MONER, IL TONY TINTARI HOMEWOOD, IL MIKE SUCHOR SAINT JOSEPH, IL BRIAN STEWART THREE POKS AMD A SMOKER TOLONO, IL MELVIN D. MILLS DECATUR, IL BRICE MCPHERSON SMOKEY BUOYS BAR-BQUE TERRE HAUTE, IN KATIE MCPHERSON SMOKEY BUOYS BAR-BQUE TERRE HAUTE, IN RJ HOWARD BUB’S BBQ DEMOTTE, IN BARRY SMITH SMOKIN’ HOOSIER BBQ BROWNSBURG, IN JANE BRANIGAN PIG PACK MADISON, IN PHIL ANDERSON SMOKIN STILL ALLOWED JOHN BRANIGAN NEWARK, IL PIG PACK MADISON, IN PAT VOLK CHAMPAIGN, IL ROBERT D. TAYLOR PORKY PHIL’S JANELL ANDERSON GOSHEN, IN MORRIS, IL RUSSEL FIELDS COREY SCHAER LOW’ZY BBQ METAMORA, IL RISING SUN, IN JEFF SELLE RUB ‘EM RAW BBQ POST FALLS, ID JOHN SONNEFELDT RCOKFORD, IL indiana TRENT CANNON SASSY Q HERRIN, IL MIKE GELMAN BLACK & BLUE BBQ CHICAGO, IL JARED LEONARD ADDICTED TO RUB BBQ CHICAGO, IL BOB MULVEY LOCKPORT, IL MIKE MEYERS KANSAS CITY, KS KELLY HODGES BARON’S LITTLE BOARHOUSE OLATHE, KS NICKI HODGES OLATHE, KS NANCY CHILDERS LAWRENCE, KS CARLA HARMON-PAGE OVERLAND PARK, KS MATTHEW GOLDER GOLDER BBQ OLATHE, KS MELISSA GOLDER GOLDER BBQ OLATHE, KS JIM SPURLOCK HAWG SQUADRON BBQ TOPEKA, KS JOHN MARTIN LEAWOOD, KS DEBRA STORCK MARYSVILLE, KS RICK MCCLAIN MAKING MEAT BBQ INDIANAPOLIS, IN JAMES L. SCHULER II MUDCAT BBQ LEAVENWORTH, KS HOWARD L. MILLER LAFAYETTE, IN JOHN J. KOZER III LANSING, KS ADAM WAGNER BR BBQ SHERIDAN, IN JOE PERKIN SUPERNOVA BBQ OVERLAND PARK, KS CORINNA WAGNER BR BBQ SHERIDAN, IN DOUG HUDSON LANSING, KS BRIAN SMITH BAINBRIDGE, IN kansas TOBIN MULL GREAT BEND, KS JERRIE ANN MULL GREAT BEND, KS MATT PUCKETT SMOKERING BBQ SPRING HILL, KS PAUL L. FRANZ TONGANOXIE, KS DON MANCE LANSING, KS ERIC MCNABB TOADS JUMPIN SMOKE LANSING, KS BILL MAYER OVERLAND PARK, KS SUNDAE HOLLER LEAVENWORTH, KS PATTY SCHWINDT SWEET ASH BBQ SHAWNEE, KS LEO RODRIGUEZ IKONIC BBQ FAIRWAY, KS SHELLEY RODRIGUEZ PAPA LEO’S BARBECUE FAIRWAY, KS MARK SHADER UNCLE ART’S BBQ OVERLAND PARK, KS JAY WELLIVER WINFIELD, KS KRISTI STOTTS WINFIELD, KS RICK CEKOVSKY OLATHE, KS GARY SHERMAN PINEVILLE PORK PULLERS EL DORADO, KS CHARLES R. SNOW ITS ALL PINK ON THE INSIDE TOPEKA, KS PAUL SUMMERS RAW DAWGIN BBQ OLATHE, KS SCOTT HUGHES DIVINE SWINE BBQ LLC GARDNER, KS kentucky KRIS GREER G-QUE RUSSELLVILLE, KY MARY JO GREER G-QUE RUSSELLVILLE, KY MARK BOWMAN WEQ4U FLORENCE, KY JENNIFER WALDRON BOURBON STREET BAR BQ BARDSTOWN, KY LINDA WELLS BOURBON CITY BAR B Q BARDSTOWN, KY KAREN WOLF BOURBON CITY BAR B Q BARDSTOWN, KY RAYMOND HISHMEH HORSE CAVE, KY JOHN HISHMEH HORSE CAVE, KY RONNIE DENTON MOBIL Q BBQ HORSE CAVE, KY ROGER CRAIR HORSE CAVE, KY GAY HANSON PROSPECT, KY TERRY J DERR SHAWNEE, KS LARRY COX LOUISVILLE, KY ROBERT GARCIA KANSAS CITY, KS JOANIE COX LOUISVILLE, KY TOM FINKEN OVERLAND PARK, KS MARVIN FRANKLIN BOSS HOGG & THE HOG TROFF GANG LOUISVILLE, KY SEAN ROBERTS EVENING WOOD OLATHE, KS CARL KOSTER JR. CHENEY, KS EDDIE SEASHOLTZ LEAWOOD, KS BRAD WALTHALL LAWRENCE, KS DARRYL ALDRIDGE BOSS HOGG & THE HOG TROFF GANG PENDELTON, KY TRACY WILSON BOSS HOGG & THE HOG TROFF GANG PENDLETON, KY bullsheet – May 2011Page 33 New Members… Continued from Previous Page maryland TRAMPAS FRANKLIN BOSS HOGG & THE HOG TROFF GANG LOUISVILLE, KY PAM GOUER BOURBON CITY BAR B Q BARDSTOWN, KY AUSTIN GRIFFITHS DOUBLE G’S BBQ GLASGOW, KY BRIAN ROBERTS TEAM BEERBQ BRUNSWICK, MD YOGI WARD KAMONAWANILAYA SALISBURY, MD MARK COX BEEF ‘N’ UP BARBEQUE HUNTINGTOWN, MD BARRY LOCKE HARDYVILLE, KY ANGIE COX BEEF ‘N’ UP BARBEQUE HUNTINGTOWN, MD SHERYL A. SHIRLEY MAGNOLIA, KY MICHAEL DALPEE HIGHLAND, MD SANDRA T. WILSON HORSE CAVE, KY MARK A DARDOZZI FOREST HILL, MD JEFF S. MILLER BOURBON CITY BAR B Q COX’S CREEK, KY GENE GREEN CUMBERLAND, MD MIKE BOLLARD BOURBON CITY BAR B Q TAYLORSVILLE, KY RICK BERRY BOURBON CITY BAR B Q BARDSTOWN, KY JACK BERRY BOURBON CITY BAR B Q BARDSTOWN, KY TODD BOWMAN BOURBON CITY BAR B Q BARDSTOWN, KY THOMAS WOLF BOURBON CITY BAR B Q BARDSTOWN, KY MARGARET BERRY BOURBON CITY BAR B Q BARDSTOWN, KY AMY BOWMAN BOURBON CITY BAR B Q BARDSTOWN, KY DOROTHY BERRY BOURBON CITY BAR B Q BARDSTOWN, KY JOANIE BERRY BOURBON CITY BAR B Q BARDSTOWN, KY FRITZ BODENHEIMER LOUISVILLE, KY Lousiana JEFF PETKEVICIUS GIVE IT TO GOD PONCHATOULA, LA DAVID NUNEZ TURN & BURN BUNCH MARRERO, LA DOUGLAS ELLIOTT NEW ORLEANS, LA SCOTT HEDLUND PIGGY STARDUST NEW ORLEANS, LA massachusetts GUY KLOSE MEAT AND THREE NORTH ANDOVER, MA BRAD HUDSON HUBBA’S PIT CRUE WESTFORD, MA JUDY GROLIG GAITHERSBURG, MD LORI CAYLOR BEL AIR, MD MIKE CAYLOR BEL AIR, MD JAMES JOHNSON NOTORIOUS SMOKE TEAM CAPITOL HEIGHTS, MD michigan MARILYN NOWAK GRAND RAPIDS, MI JEFF FARMER GRAND RAPIDS, MI PAUL CAMPBELL BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI JASON JUSTICE PORT HURON, MI STEVE WORDEN ROCKFORD, MI JOEY BUTLER PIGS N DIGS GREENVILLE, MI LENA JAROUDI SPRUCE RIDGE SMOKERS GRAND RAPIDS, MI JEFF WAGNER UNCLE GATOR & CUZIN SMOKEY BONES CADILLAC, MI KEITH BRATTEN WHITE LAKE, MI TONY ORLANDO LINDEN, MI FRANK STURM BLANCHARD, MI ROBERT HANCE SWEET RACKS & SMOKIN’ BUTTS NEWAYGO, MI MARY HANCE SWEET RACKS & SMOKIN’ BUTTS NEWAYGO, MI MIKE LAMOTTE EAGLE HARBOR, MI JOSH KINSKY AFTON, MN JANET HEURING DEXTER, MO MELISSA STUBBS PREPPY PIG BBQ WALKER, MI DERRICK STARK OTSEGO, MN ROCKY TRAMMELL BILLINGS, MO NATHAN JORGENSEN WOODHAVEN, MI JASON KELLEY SOUTHERN HOME BOYZ BALLWIN, MO minnesota missouri DAKOTA TRAMMELL BILLINGS, MO RICHARD DEMKO CHESTERFIELD, MO ANTHONY DELANEY THUNDER TWINS BBQ SOUTH ST PAUL, MN L.D. ASPEGREN 302Q KANSAS CTIY, MO TREVOR BULGIN ROCHEPORT, MO JASON LECHNER MINNETONKA, MN TIMOTHY WHELAN PECULIAR, MO DENISE BULGIN ROCHEPORT, MO STAN DOBOSENSKI JR. FORT RIPLEY, MN JERRY HILF SCHWEINMEISTER BBQ BRENTWOOD, MO GARY SHRINER TUSCUMBIA, MO RYAN SWANSON THE FLAVOR MAKERS OWATONNA, MN ANDREW PUNCH CHANHASSEN, MN RENO MASSIMINO RAMSEY, MN PATRICIA ROCKERS STEWARTVILLE, MN JEREMY FAIRCLOTH BLAISE, MN MARK E. KAGE CHARKO’S HOLT, MO RENATO QUAISON LEE’S SUMMIT, MO TROY MONTGOMERY PARKVILLE, MO SCOTT ROBERTS FENTON, MO ANDY ASHLEY LEES SUMMIT, MO JULIE CIUPAK KANSAS CITY, MO JOHN CIUPAK KANSAS CITY, MO DONALD G. ARNOLD SPRINGFIELD, MO CAROL BLOESSER SPRINGFIELD, MO JOHN HEIMKES IV COON RAPIDS, MN PHILLIP DREES SMOKIN THAT GOOD STUFF BELTON, MO MATT WEST BIG IRON BBQ POPLAR BLUFF, MO DANIEL AMUNDSON MONTICELLO, MN DAVID TAYLOR PUXICO, MO GEORGE H. KRIEGER ST LOUIS, MO DAVE SCHAIBLE ELK RIVER, MN JIM GILMER KENNETT, MO PATTI ATKINS B BEEQ SMITHVILLE, MO SKIP JOBE ST. PAUL, MN REX SUTHERLAND KENNETT, MO PAUL SCHAIBLE EAST BETHEL, MN LEE ATWILL KENNETT, MO TROY BENESH MINNEAPOLIS, MN DOLPH RIGGS KENNETT, MO SHAWN A. VADMAN BLAINE, MN JENNI HUSHAW ENGINE 51 SMOKERS ROLLA, MO JEFF FREUND RED WING, MN RYAN HOLDER COOKIN COUSINS HAYTI, MO BILL JOHANDER MONKEY’S UMCLES BBQ PLYMOUTH, MN DIANE RISNER KENNETT, MO JOE VOLLBRECHT MONTICELLO, MN ALLEN WILLIAMS KENNETT, MO LINDA BOHN TABLE #3 JACKIE DAVIDSON ST. PAUL, MN KENNETT, MO DAVID KRUSSOW MINNEAPOLIS, MN JOEY PRESLEY KENNETT, MO LOREN MCDOELZ BROOKLYN CENTER, MN SARA ROONEY KENNETT, MO LINDA DAHLEN BLAINE, MN JASON RHEW KENNETT, MO RICH EVANS ZIMMERMAN, MN MATT JACKSON KENNETT, MO PETER D. BECKETT ROCHESTER, MN JEFF CLARK KENNETT, MO SCOTT FRANZ ANOKA LODGE#30 THE BONES BROTHERS OAK GROVE, MN DEEANN MOSS KENNETT, MO GAYE COOPER DEXTER, MO TIM MASSEY LUCK-E-QUE BLUE SPRINGS, MO CHAD HAMPTON INDEPENDENCE, MO ANTHONY WATERS BO AND H2O BBQ LEES SUMMIT, MO NICHOLAS N. BOHANNON BO AND H2O PLEASANT HILL, MO mississippi TERRY DUVALL VITTLES BRANDON, MS DEAN PLESSALA HORN LAKE, MS SUE PLESSALA HORN LAKE, MS HANK VAIDEN COTTON PATCH COOKING CREW COLUMBUS, MS MIKE GIEGER SWEET DREAMS BBQ LOUIN, MS TOMMY BLAKE PE LITTLE THRIGS NETTLETON, MS montana PETER BLOUKE HELENA, MT north carolina BARBARA WEST CARY, NC ALAN SYKES GRAHAM, NC CHRIS BROWN DAF’S BBQ WAXHAW, NC HEATHER BROWN WAXHAW, NC CATHERINE CORTINA RALEIGH, NC DEAN WERTZ CANDLER, NC WALTER WALLY CAPPS WEAVERVILLE, NC KEN SHULL TRYON, NC MIKE NEWTON NORTH WILKESBORO, NC JAY LUKE SAPONI SMOKERS WINSTON SALEM, NC MICHAEL SCRUGGS APPALACHIAN Q CREW MOORESBORO, NC COLIN O’CONNOR WINTERVILLE, NC North Dakota CLARK CVANCARA 2NDHAND SMOKE GRAND FORKS, ND Nebraska MARK BROWN OMAHA, NE BRENT CYBORON CHAPMAN, NE GENE FARRIS FAT PAT’S BBQ PLATTSMOUTH, NE JANICE FARRIS FAT PAT’S BBQ PLATTSMOUTH, NE PAT FARRIS FAT PAT’S BBQ MURRAY, NE MADONNA BRUMANDER JACKSON, NE JIM ANDERSEN BELLEVUE, NE MIKE BABCOCK OMAHA, NE PAUL ESPINOSA SMOKING AMIGOS LINCOLN, NE DIANE FARRIS MURRAY, NE RUSSELL COWLES OMAHA, NE JEFF CRAIG GRETNA, NE DEBBIE DENNEY OMAHA, NE JEFF LEDERER SOUTH SIOUX CITY, NE page 34bullsheet – May 2011 New Members… Continued BRYAN LIEKHUS PLATTSMOUTH, NE TYLER JORGENSEN OMAHA, NE NORMAN HELLEY FREMONT, NE TOM FOX LINCOLN, NE SUSAN GILL JACKSON, NE from Previous Page ED SABATKA UNCLE ED’S SMOKERS GRAND ISLAND, NE JASON MORROW PTMASTER J’S BBQ SIDNEY, NE New Hampshire SEAN MACDONALD MEREDITH, NH CLARISSA MACDONALD MEREDITH, NH New jersey JERAD SWIFT HIDDEN BOOGER BBQ OMAHA, NE JOHN FANGOS WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, NJ MARLA TILLOTSON OMAHA, NE WAYNE CARVAJAL ORADELL, NJ DAVE SHERRY JACKSON, NE MICHAEL SMILACK SUCCASUNNA, NJ BARB SIMMONS BELLEVUE, NE VIRGINIA SMILACK SUCCASUNNA, NJ JEFF SPIDLE OMAHA, NE TIMOTHY ROCHLINSKI HADDON TWP., NJ ANITA POWLEY OMAHA, NE MICHAEL RINALDO BBQ BEAST MONTVILLE, NJ STEVE RICHARDS OMAHA, NE DILLON PICKETTE OMAHA, NE CONNER HICKMANPODANY OMAHA, NE STEPHEN RICHARDSON ALLENDALE, NJ TAE ELLIN MADISON, NJ TRACEY SEAMAN MIDDLETOWN, NJ ANN HICKMAN-PODANY KIMBERLY SCHMIDT OMAHA, NE FORDS, NJ AARON MOSIMAN LAVISTA, NE MICHAEL SCHMIDT FORDS, NJ STEVE MORSE OMAHA, NE MIKE ROBISON MEDFORD, NJ VAL KEMP LAVISTA, NE PAMELA ROBISON MEDFORD, NJ BRUCE KRUEGER JACKSON, NE ROBERT MYERS BOBBY Q NORTH ARLINGTON, NJ GARY KULA OMAHA, NE RYAN WOLFE WOLFEPACK BBQ NORFOLK, NE NICK WOLFE WOLFEPACK BBQ NORFOLK, NE TROY YOUNGBLOOD OMAHA, NE ANDY WASSERMAN UEHLING, NE JUSTIN J WILL OMAHA, NE JASON WALLIN HY-VEE OMAHA, NE DON VANKAT OMAHA, NE STEVEN DREHSEN OMAHA, NE JASON OLMO BEERBECUE BERKELEY HEIGHTS, NJ JASON WARD BELLEVILLE, NJ LISA HAGAN SEAVILLE, NJ NICK SICOUTRIS BEAR-LY ENGLISH MORRISTOWN, NJ WILLIAM MORAD CINNAMINSON, NJ JOHN FRANGOS WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, NJ RICHARD KRAMER PERTERSBURG, NJ ROBERT KRAMER OCEAN CITY, NJ GUS GOMEZ WE RIB U LONG TIME VOORHEES, NJ GYLLA MACGREGOR BLOOMSBURG, NJ PETER BASILE BLOOMSBURG, NJ JOHN PARKE HACKETTSTOWN, NJ CATHY HINMAN CLEMENTOR, NJ DAVID R. DOC MORGAN GOOD SWINE ALMIGHTY BBQ OLD BRIDGE, NJ CHRISTOPHER MCCANN MASSAPEQUA PARK, NY PATRICK ANDREWS ENID, OK JOSEPH MARKS THE SMOKE’N PIT BBQ STATEN ISLAND, NY TIM HAYS GOLTRY, OK DAVID GORDON BROOKLYN, NY ROBERT FERONE STATEN ISLAND, NY HOLLY GRIFFIN NISKAYUNA, NY BRETT GALLOWAY GALLOWAY’S BBQ & CATERING SYRACUSE, NY PAUL LAWRENCE GOOD SWINE ALMIGHTY BBQ OLD BRIDGE, NJ BRIAN NICKELS NOT THE RED SOX YORKTOWN, NY SHAWN VAN DER POEL CAMDEN, NJ JOSEPH PORTANOVA WAPPINGERS FALLS, NY BOB CAIN MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP, NJ JASON CORKUM BROOKLYN, NY KEITH HESS FLAVOR OF RUB BBQ CREW MARLTON, NJ new mexico MARK BROOKS ALBUQUERQUE, NM BRUCE NICKELS SLOATSBURG, NY BRUCE W NICKELS YORKTOWN, NY MARTIN RICKER PORT EWEN, NY ohio DAVID GROUSNICK ARTESIA, NM JOHN M. HAAS CINCINNATI, OH LANCE LEACH ALBUQUERQUE, NM TERI L. HAAS CINCINNATI, OH ROBERT LOUIE LOS LUNAS, NM DON IRVIN PIQUA, OH DOUGLAS CHAMPLIN ALBUQUERQUE, NM JOHN RIETER NORTH RIDGEVILLE, OH nevada RICHARD BOCK BOCKDADDYS BBQ LAS VEGAS, NV LORI BOCK BOCKDADDYS BBQ LAS VEGAS, NV new york JASON TROTTER MAINEVILLE, OH BRAD SUSSMAN SEVEN HILLS, OH DIANE CARR CINCINNATI, OH LIZA Z. MALONEY MASSAPEQUA PARK, NY PATRICK J. MURTY SMOKE EATERS WEST MILTON, OH BARBARA STANKELIS DIX HILLS, NY BRAD JONES DOVER, OH DONNA YESERSKY FULL THROTTLE SMOKIN’ BIKERS WEBSTER, NY MIKE PAASCH LOVELAND, OH CHRISTIE YESERSKY FULL THROTTLE SMOKIN’ BIKERS WEBSTER, NY HENRY LEIMKUEHLER MARIETTA, OH oklahoma CRISTOPHER PRICE DUH WINNING BBQ EDMOND, OK MICHELLE YESERSKY FULL THROTTLE SMOKIN’ BIKES WEBSTER, NY JAMES HENDRICKS BAD MOON SMOKIN SAND SPRINGS, OK MICHAEL RADZICKI LINDENHURST, NY LEE SCOTT MEDFORD, OK PETER AURIEMMA AMITYVILLE, NY ALAN R. BLISS NEWKIRK, OK GREG FRIEDMAN VINYL MELTDOWN MOUNT KISCO, NY GLENN (BIG DADDY) WALKER ENID, OK TERRY DRISKILL D.P. COOKERS ENID, OK MIKE MOORE MEDFORD PIT CREW ENID, OK KAREN BOWLING DOUGLAS, OK MARTHA J. THARP ENID, OK LARRY KINER ENID, OK MICHAEL OAKS ENID, OK TERRY L. HOLLRAH OKLAHOMA CITY, OK STEVE VETOYANIS YUKON, OK EARL EHLERS LAHOMA, OK BOBBY INGRAM SMOKIN THE COMPETITION ARAPAHO, OK ROBERT JOHNSON ENID, OK JERRY WERTZ LAWTON, OK TRAVIS CHARLES C CREW BBQ ENID, OK MARTIN BURNES CHICKASHA, OK DENNIS MCCLAIN EDMOND, OK GENEVIEVE MCCLAIN EDMOND, OK SHANNON PRICE EDMOND, OK BOB KLEIN GUTHRIE, OK DAVID DEKER DEKE STILLWATER, OK ANN BARRETT TULSA, OK RANDY W. SAFFELL BROKEN ARROW, OK MARVIN D THORNTON PUNCELL, OK RICK L. COWELL STILLWATER, OK CONNIE POWELL BIXBY, OK JIM POWELL BIXBY, OK oregon TIFF SMITH OR ROLLING SMOKE BBQ MEDFORD, OR DEBORAH HOERNIG EUGENE, OR GLENN HOERNIG EUGENE, OR pennsylvania FRANK W. CASE C CREW BBQ ENID, OK MICHAEL COFFROAD SMOKIN TURTLE LOW N SLOW BAR-BE-QUE LANCASTER, PA RAY WALKER SALLISAW, OK SCOTT LICHTERMAN EAGLEVILLE, PA ANDREW JAMES RED RIVER SMOKE FREDERICK, OK CHRISTOPHER RYAN PERKASIE, PA KEVIN REID BAD MOON SMOKIN TULSA, OK TODD MAXSON OKLAHOMA CITY, OK MATTHEW BENNETT OKLAHOMA CITY, OK RICK TOZZI ENID, OK AUSTIN MOORE STILLWATER, OK ZACH ROBERTSON PERKINS, OK JACOB L. NELSON STILLWATER, OK KURT DAVIS TULSA, OK DON CHANNEL GUTHRIE, OK G. W. THOMAS CHICKASHA, OK STEVEN HEEFNER MERCERSBURG, PA CHASE PORTER AWESOME BBQ CHURCHVILLE, PA MARC PREWITT HUNTINGDON VALLEY, PA TONY MEROLA LITTLE LUKE’S BBQ NORWOOD, PA RICK BURDEN LEHIGHTON, PA ROBERT DANN PENNSYLTUCKY PIG SMOKERS AMBLER, PA BRUCE MCCALL HUCK’S HUT BBQ TEAM PHILADELPHIA, PA JIM LYNCH JIMMY’S ALMOST FAMOUS CHALFONT, PA bullsheet – May 2011Page 35 New Members… Continued from RICK GILBERT PALMYRA, PA PHILLIP SHIRK MARIETTA, PA BERNARD LOCKBAUM MCKNIGHTSTOWN, PA KEVIN RINDOCK HONESDALE, PA LYNN MATYSCZAK ASHLEY, PA BENJAMIN HENRY COLLEGEVILE, PA RODNEY REPASS MOUNT JOY, PA JOHN DEPINTO PHILADELPHIA, PA PEGGY MAST LITITZ, PA STEVEN L APPEL JR PEQUEA PULLERS MILLERSVILLE, PA ROBERT WRIGHT PHILADELPHIA, PA JOHN ALTHOF PHOENIXVILLE, PA DAVID FULMER PHOENIXVILLE, PA SALLY SHENK RED LION SPICY FOODS RED LION, PA ALLISON FISK TARP THE YARD LANSDALE, PA JESSE MOOTZ TARP THE YARD LANSDALE, PA Previous Page MARK PREBIS TELFORD, PA MICHAEL IMPERIAL JAMISON, PA MATTHEW BURNS VERSUS BBQ CHESTER SPRINGS, PA JEFFERY REESE PSYCHEDELIC SMOKE READING, PA STEVEN L APPEL SR CONESTOGA, PA COREY SHAW CHAMBERSBURG, PA SARAH PREBIS TELFORD, PA LAKE E. HIGH JR. COLUMBIA, SC SEAN BARDWELL SUMMERVILLE, SC south dakota tennessee RONALD JEAN BONEY GREENVILLE, TX CLINTON M SAUNDERS VINTON, VA TERI L. BONEY GREENVILLE, TX DOUGLAS HOCKMAN MO MEAT WINCHESTER, VA KYLE BUTLER BUTLERS BACKDRAFTBBQ CLAUDE, TX MARSHALL COOPER TEXAS BBQ POSSE DALLAS, TX CLARENCE BOWDOIN SPRING, TX JOE GALVAN HARLINGEN, TX DAMIAN CAMPBELL TORTUGA BEACH LAREDO, TX utah RANDY STEWART HOOPER, UT MICHELLE ZEIGLER WAYNESBORO, PA BLAKE MOORE SMOKIN’ BRITCHES CHERYL HUCKABY HUCK’S PITMEISTER BBQ LEHI, UT COLUMBIA, TN STEPHEN MIRANDA GILBERTSVILLE, PA MATTHEW GILFILLAN MILLINGTON, TN DOUGLAS BEATTY ABINGDON, VA MICHAEL SMITH PHILADELPHIA, PA SCOTT CASEY TENNESSEE RIVER PORKERS JACKSON, TN SCOTT ROBBINS GOOD LADDER BBQ ARLINGTON, VA GEORGE ZALEPA PORTLAND, PA PENNY CONWAY PORTLAND, PA south carolina JAMES NEINAST YORK, SC BRYAN QUINN NO PIG LEFT BEHIND GOOSE CREEK, SC JIM HARDIN BOILING, SC ADAM PRZYBYLA THE TEXAS MEAT DOCTORS MAULDIN, SC ANNE B. NUSE KENNETT SQUARE, PA WALTER ROLANDI COLUMBIA, SC ROBERT SLOYER BOB & LENA LANCASTER, PA JOHN SNYDER READING, PA LAWRENCE NUSE KENNETT SQUARE, PA STEVE TAYLOR SLEEP EASY & THE MIDNIGHT SMOKERS GAFFNEY, SC PERRY PRATT SPRINGFIELD, TN PATRICK HOFFMAN GREER, SC CHAD BINDERUP WASHINGTON BORO, PA SPENCER CHAPMAN SIMPSONVILLE, SC STEPHEN SCHAIBLE SIOUX FALLS, SD NICK FOSTER HARRISBURG, PA PETER SNOW MACUNGIE, PA JIM R. GROVE GREER, SC LENA SLOYER BOB & LENA LANCASTER, PA JENNIFER SCHARNITZKY MECHANICSBURG, PA TRAVIS WORTHEY WORTHEY OF THE PIG BARRY SPEAKMAN IRMO, SC LINCOLN UNIVERSITY, PA JOSH ALLISON PACOLET, SC ROBERT SPEAKMAN LINCOLN UNIVERSITY, KEVIN BYRD PA GREENVILLE, SC NANCY BOWERS KILLER MEAT COALITION YORK, PA JOHN H. MCCORD JR. GREENWOOD, SC virginia JIM BRIMHALL GERMANTOWN, TN TIM BUTKA SMOKE DREAMS BBQ BROADLANDS, VA TONYA BRIMHALL GERMANTOWN, TN SCOTT COBB CHESAPEAKE, VA MATT DUMAN BARKING MAD BBQ LA VERGNE, TN BRIAN WALRATH SPRINGFIELD, VA SARA DUMAN BARKING MAD BBQ LA VERGNE, TN KAREN TAYLOR-GOOD FRANKLIN, TN DENNIS GOOD FRANKLIN, TN BRUCE A. LOGAN MURFREESBORO, TN MICHAEL HERMAN BETTER WAY BBQ SMRYNA, TN CHARLOTTE FORTNER CORDOVA, TN texas CHARLES RODGERS GLENN HEIGHTS, TX JOHN KUDLAK THE TEXAS MEAT DOCTORS GREENVILLE, SC BRENT STATER STATER ACRES AMARILLO, Tx DEBRA MCKINLEY MT. PLEASANT, SC STAR STATER STATER ACRES AMARILLO, Tx MITCH MITCHELL JOHN’S ISLAND, SC JIM HARDIN BOILING SPRINGS, SC CARL FORTSON SENECA, SC KELLY EVERS CREEKSIDE COOKERS WIMBERLEY, TX RANDY BONEY TERRELL, TX SHARON ANN BONEY TERRELL, TX RICHARD WACHTEL ALEXANDRIA, VA ROBIN HOCKMAN MO MEAT WINCHESTER, VA KENNETH RUSSELL VIRGINIA BEACH, VA MARK KLIEWER BBQ NUTS SPRINGFIELD, VA DEWEY STEVENS VINTON, VA CHARLES H MARSHALL MONETA, VA DAVID NEWTON BOOTHEEL BBQ ARLINGTON, VA BRENDA K NAGLEY GERRARDSTOWN, WV RICHARD SUSSMANN INWOOD, WV ERIN SUSSMANN INWOOD, WV International JEFF GARDINER BRESLAU, ON ERIC HELMER TORONTO, ON DONNIE WILLIAMS CUSCOWILLA BBQ TEAM CASEY SHEA BOYDTON, VA CHARNIVORE BBQ BELLEVILLE, ON vermont DAVID CARON GREAT NORTH WOODS COOKERS CANAAN, VT LINDA CARON GREAT NORTH WOODS COOKERS CANAAN, VT washington O GARY BRIGHT THE PORTLEY PIG AND FRIENDS LYNNWOOD, WA wisconsin THOMAS MCINTOSH T-MAC SMOKIN APPLETON, WI CHARLES VERFUERTH S.U.I.T.E. BBQ PORT WASHINGTON, WI MONICA VERFUERTH S.U.I.T.E. BBQ PORT WASHINGTON, WI BROOKE VERFUERTH S.U.I.T.E. BBQ PORT WASHINGTON, WI GABE VERFUERTH S.U.I.T.E. BBQ PORT WASHINGTON, WI ANGELA BAILEY MILWAUKEE, WI JOHN HAMM MAUSTON, WI west virginia JAMES CHILDS BRUCETON MILLS, WV JOHN LATTUCA LONGUEUIL, QC JEAN CLAUDE BACLE RASQUES HARDWOOD CHARCOAL ST. LUCE, QC page 36bullsheet – May 2011 THE ULTIMATE BBQ SHOWDOWN: EAST VS WEST 2011 IT’S A SMOKIN’ BLUES & BBQ CHALLENGE STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (56 TEAMS) STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (50 TEAMS) WILDOMAR, CA STARTS: 03/18/2011 ENDS: 03/19/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: BIG POPPA SMOKERS RESERVE CHAMPION: SWINE ASSASSINS HAMMOND, LA STARTS: 03/25/2011 ENDS: 03/26/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: CHIX, SWINE & BOVINE BBQ RESERVE CHAMPION: LOTTA BULL BBQ OVERALL: 1 BIG POPPA SMOKERS 2 SWINE ASSASSINS 3 ALL SAUCED UP 4 RHYTHM ‘N QUE 5 SLAP YO’ DADDY BBQ OVERALL: 1 CHIX, SWINE & BOVINE BBQ 2 LOTTA BULL BBQ 3 ROCK RIVER BBQ 4 QUAU 5 SMOKER’S WILD CHICKEN: 1 BILL’S BEST BBQ 2 RHYTHM ‘N QUE 3 SATISFIED HOGS 4 ALL SAUCED UP 5 MEAT INC. CHICKEN: 1 BIG MO FROM AHO 2 CHIX, SWINE & BOVINE BBQ 3 POP’S BLAZIN’ SMOKERS 4 QUAU 5 ROCK RIVER BBQ RIBS: 1 BIG POPPA SMOKERS 2 WALLY’S SMOKIN PIT 3 ALL SAUCED UP 4 PORKETEERS 5 BRAZEN BBQ RIBS: 1 SMOKIN’ TRIGGERS 2 TEE WAYNE’S SMOKING LIPP 3 QUAU 4 SHE THINKS MY SLABS R SE 5 BAYOU BOOGIE BBQ PORK: 1 RIB TICKLER BBQ 2 SWINE ASSASSINS 3 WHEN PIGS FLY 4 TROPICAL HEAT BBQ 5 RHYTHM ‘N QUE PORK: 1 LOTTA BULL BBQ 2 SMOKER’S WILD 3 ROCK RIVER BBQ 4 COOL SMOKE 5 SWIGGIN’ PIG BRISKET: 1 SWINE ASSASSINS 2 CHILLIN ‘N’ GRILLIN BBQ 3 ALL SAUCED UP 4 BIG POPPA SMOKERS 5 BRAZEN BBQ BRISKET: 1 CHIX, SWINE & BOVINE BBQ 2 SMOKER’S WILD 3 HABITUAL SMOKERS 4 GENE’S SPECIAL BLEND 5 LOTTA BULL BBQ ARIZONA BARBECUE FESTIVAL STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (37 TEAMS) SCOTTSDALE, AZ STARTS: 03/25/2011 ENDS: 03/26/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: SWINE ASSASSINS RESERVE CHAMPION: RHYTHM ‘N QUE BENTON KY KIWANIS BARBEQUE KOOKOFF STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (40 TEAMS) BENTON, KY STARTS: 04/01/2011 ENDS: 04/02/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: SON SEEKERS BBQ TEAM RESERVE CHAMPION: PAPPY Q OVERALL: 1 SWINE ASSASSINS 2 RHYTHM ‘N QUE 3 MCFRANKENBOO BBQ 4 OTIS AND THE BIRD 5 BBQ PHX OVERALL: 1 SON SEEKERS BBQ TEAM 2 PAPPY Q 3 BACK PORCH Q 4 BUBBA JOES BBQ 5 ONE2BBQ CHICKEN: 1 MCFRANKENBOO BBQ 2 BUTTHEAD BBQ 3 SWINE ASSASSINS 4 R & R BARBEQUE 5 LITTLE MISS BBQ CHICKEN: 1 PAPPY Q 2 BUBBA JOES BBQ 3 SON SEEKERS BBQ TEAM 4 OLE MAN LARRY 5 MOONSWINERS RIBS: 1 KEGGER’S BBQ 2 BBQ BULLIES 3 IAB 30 BBQ 4 RHYTHM ‘N QUE 5 CRAZY PIG BBQ RIBS: 1 BACK PORCH Q 2 SON SEEKERS BBQ TEAM 3 SMOKE ON THIS 4 SMELLY BUTTS 5 PAPPY Q PORK: 1 MCFRANKENBOO BBQ 2 WHISKEY RANCH BBQ 3 STEEL CITY BBQ 4 OTIS AND THE BIRD 5 LOOT N’ BOOTY BBQ PORK: 1 GILLYS BARNSTORMIN BBQ 2 BLUE CHIP BBQ 3 ONE2BBQ 4 BACK PORCH Q 5 SMOKEYS A&M BBQ BRISKET: 1 OTIS AND THE BIRD 2 SMOKE TO THE BONE 3 BBQ PHX 4 RHYTHM ‘N QUE 5 SWINE ASSASSINS BRISKET: 1 BUBBA JOES BBQ 2 ONE2BBQ 3 DORAGQ 4 THE Q FACTOR 5 SON SEEKERS BBQ TEAM PALA’S BUFFALO RANCH BBQ SMOKIN’ ON BIG CREEK STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (38 TEAMS) STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (77 TEAMS) BUFFALO RANCH AT PALA CASINO, PALA, CA STARTS: 04/01/2011 ENDS: 04/02/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: BRAZEN BBQ RESERVE CHAMPION: SLAP YO’ DADDY BBQ PLEASANT HILL, MO STARTS: 04/01/2011 ENDS: 04/02/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: PORK PULLIN’ PLOWBOYS RESERVE CHAMPION: TIPPY CANOE BBQ CREW OVERALL: 1 BRAZEN BBQ 2 SLAP YO’ DADDY BBQ 3 ALL SAUCED UP 4 BIG POPPA SMOKERS 5 WOODHOUSE BARBECUE OVERALL: 1 PORK PULLIN’ PLOWBOYS 2 TIPPY CANOE BBQ CREW 3 WILD BLUE 4 SMOKE ON WHEELS 5 THE PICKLED PIG CHICKEN: 1 BBQ BY DAN 2 BIG POPPA SMOKERS 3 SLAP YO’ DADDY BBQ 4 ALL HOGS GO TO HEAVEN 5 PORKETEERS CHICKEN: 1 PORK PULLIN’ PLOWBOYS 2 SHAKE ‘N BAKE BBQ 3 PHAT JACKS BBQ 4 SMOKIN’ GUNS 5 LUTZ’S FAMOUS BBQ RIBS: 1 KNOCK UR SOX OFF BBQ 2 BRAZEN BBQ 3 WOODHOUSE BARBECUE 4 ALL SAUCED UP 5 MEAT INC. RIBS: 1 PORK PULLIN’ PLOWBOYS 2 HARDWAY BARBECUE 3 4 SMOKIN BUTTS 4 LUCKY’S Q 5 A BOY AND HIS BBQ PORK: 1 ALL SAUCED UP 2 ALL HOGS GO TO HEAVEN 3 BRAZEN BBQ 4 SLAP YO’ DADDY BBQ 5 BBQ BY DAN PORK: 1 PORK PULLIN’ PLOWBOYS 2 CAVEMAN CUISINE 3 WILD BLUE 4 SMOKIN’ ROYS 5 THE PICKLED PIG BRISKET: 1 WOODHOUSE BARBECUE 2 SLAP YO’ DADDY BBQ 3 BRAZEN BBQ 4 WEST’S BEST BBQ TEAM 5 SOAKED IN SMOKE BRISKET: 1 DONKEY PUNCH BBQ 2 BOYS NIGHT OUT 3 THE PICKLED PIG 4 FOUR MEN AND A PIG 5 STICKS-N-CHICKS BBQ PELAHATCHIE BBQ FESTIVAL SLIDELL BBQ CHALLENGE STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (15 TEAMS) STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (37 TEAMS) PELAHATCHIE, MS STARTS: 04/01/2011 ENDS: 04/02/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: QUE’N STEW’N & BREW’N RESERVE CHAMPION: BLUES HOG BARBECUE CO. SLIDELL, LA STARTS: 04/01/2011 ENDS: 04/02/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: CHIX,SWINE,&BOVINE BBQ RESERVE CHAMPION: THE LONG DAWGS OVERALL: 1 QUE’N STEW’N & BREW’N 2 BLUES HOG BARBECUE CO. 3 PORKIN’ DA PIG 4 HOUSE OF Q 5 BURN ONE BBQ OVERALL: 1 CHIX,SWINE,&BOVINE BBQ 2 THE LONG DAWGS 3 QUAU 4 SMOKIN N THE DARK 5 HAMBONES BY THE FIRE CHICKEN: 1 BLUES HOG BARBECUE CO. 2 QUE’N STEW’N & BREW’N 3 PORKIN’ DA PIG 4 SMOKE OF THE SHOALS 5 UBON’S CHICKEN: 1 CHIX,SWINE,&BOVINE BBQ 2 HAMBONES BY THE FIRE 3 STILL SMOKIN BAR-B-Q 4 BIG MO FROM AHO 5 CAJUN COOKING RIBS: 1 BURN ONE BBQ 2 PORKIN’ DA PIG 3 QUE’N STEW’N & BREW’N 4 SOUTHERN SMOKERS 5 JORDY QUE RIBS: 1 THE LONG DAWGS 2 QUAU 3 FLORIDA SKIN & BONES 4 CHIX,SWINE,&BOVINE BBQ 5 TEAM ENOSERV PORK: 1 HOUSE OF Q 2 QUE’N STEW’N & BREW’N 3 JORDY QUE 4 UBON’S 5 SMOKE OF THE SHOALS PORK: 1 THE LONG DAWGS 2 QUAU 3 SWIGGIN’ PIG 4 GOTTA LOVE IT 5 GENE’S SPECIAL BLEND BRISKET: 1 BURN ONE BBQ 2 HOUSE OF Q 3 BLUES HOG BARBECUE CO. 4 PORKIN’ DA PIG 5 QUE’N STEW’N & BREW’N BRISKET: 1 HAMBONES BY THE FIRE 2 CHIX,SWINE,&BOVINE BBQ 3 SMOKIN N THE DARK 4 POP’S BLAZIN SMOKERS 5 DELTA SMOKE bullsheet – May 2011Page 37 STILLWATER ELKS 23RD ANNUAL BLAZATHON STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (45 TEAMS) GRILLING ON THE RIVER 2011 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (35 TEAMS) COLUMBUS, MS STARTS: 04/08/2011 ENDS: 04/09/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: QUAU RESERVE CHAMPION: LATE NIGHT WHISKEYSMOKER OVERALL: 1 QUAU 2 LATE NIGHT WHISKEYSMOKER 3 WILD BUNCH BUTT BURNERS 4 2 MEN AND A PIG 5 JIGGY PIGGY CHICKEN: 1 2 MEN AND A PIG 2 EXTREME BBQ TRAILERS 3 BARNYARD ROASTERS 4 YAZOO’S DELTA Q 5 KENNY’S KOUNTRY KOOKERS RIBS: 1 HEAVENLY MANNA 2 BARNYARD ROASTERS 3 QUAU 4 HOTTY TOTTY BBQ CREW 5 LATE NIGHT WHISKEYSMOKER PORK: 1 WILD BUNCH BUTT BURNERS 2 2 MEN AND A PIG 3 QUAU 4 BBQR’S DELIGHT 5 QUE’N STEW’N & BREW’N BRISKET: 1 QUAU 2 PORKIN’ DA PIG 3 K & K KOOKERS 4 WILD BUNCH BUTT BURNERS 5 TNT SMOKERS SMOKE ON TH FALLS NOCCALULA BBQ FEST STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (25 TEAMS) GADSDEN, AL STARTS: 04/08/2011 ENDS: 04/09/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: SMOKIN BUTT CREW RESERVE CHAMPION: HIGH ON THE HAWG OVERALL: 1 SMOKIN BUTT CREW 2 HIGH ON THE HAWG 3 UNCLE CHET’S BBQ 4 JOBEAZ BLAZINBUTTS&WINGS 5 SOUTH PORK CHICKEN: 1 SOUTH PORK 2 NADA CHANCE BBQ 3 UNCLE CHET’S BBQ 4 SMOKIN BUTT CREW 5 HIGH ON THE HAWG RIBS: 1 SOUTH PORK 2 JOBEAZ BLAZINBUTTS&WINGS 3 TNT SOUTHERN BBQ 4 HIGH ON THE HAWG 5 HOUSE OF Q PORK: 1 SMOKIN BUTT CREW 2 UNCLE CHET’S BBQ 3 HOUSE OF Q 4 TNT SOUTHERN BBQ 5 SMOKE OF THE SHOALS BRISKET: 1 HIGH ON THE HAWG 2 NADA CHANCE BBQ 3 BUTTS & BONES 4 SMOKIN BUTT CREW 5 SMOKE OF THE SHOALS SIKESTON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REDNECK BARBEQUE STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (33 TEAMS) SIKESTON, MO STARTS: 04/08/2011 ENDS: 04/09/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: REDNECK GRILLERS RESERVE CHAMPION: BLUES HOG BBQ OVERALL: 1 REDNECK GRILLERS 2 BLUES HOG BBQ 3 SMELLY BUTTS BBQ 4 BUBBA JOE’S BBQ 5 IT’S 5 O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE CHICKEN: 1 IT’S 5 O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE 2 EXTREME ROASTERS 3 BIG BUBBA BBQ 4 SMOKIN T’S 5 SMOKIN’ BROTHERS RIBS: 1 SMELLY BUTTS BBQ 2 BLUES HOG BBQ 3 IT’S 5 O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE 4 EXTREME ROASTERS 5 4 SMOKIN’ BUTTS PORK: 1 REDNECK GRILLERS 2 SMELLY BUTTS BBQ 3 BLUES HOG BBQ 4 SMOKER’S ACE 5 THREE KNIGHTS &A LUTHERA BRISKET: 1 SMELLY BUTTS BBQ 2 SMOKIN T’S 3 REDNECK GRILLERS 4 BUBBA JOE’S BBQ 5 SMOKIN’ BROTHERS SMOKE IN THE SPRING STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (82 TEAMS) OSAGE CITY, KS STARTS: 04/08/2011 ENDS: 04/09/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: BLUE BUCKET BBQ RESERVE CHAMPION: KC CAN CREW OVERALL: 1 BLUE BUCKET BBQ 2 KC CAN CREW 3 BIG O’S BBQ 4 MUNCHIN HOGS AT THE HILT 5 PORK ME PURPLE CHICKEN: 1 BIG O’S BBQ 2 PORK ME PURPLE 3 KC CAN CREW 4 SMOKE ON WHEELS 5 EARLY BIRD BBQ RIBS: 1 BLUE BUCKET BBQ 2 BIG O’S BBQ 3 BURNIN’ DOWN THE HOG 4 THE SMOKING HILLS 5 PORK ME PURPLE PORK: 1 MOKAN MEATHEADS 2 BLUE BUCKET BBQ 3 MASTERQUE 4 RIBS 4 U 5 LIL’ FIDDLERS BRISKET: 1 DAWGHOUSE BBQ 2 KC CAN CREW 3 THE SMOKING HILLS 4 THESLABS.COM 5 QSS SMOKIN STILLWATER, OK STARTS: 04/08/2011 ENDS: 04/09/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: BUFFALO’S BBQ RESERVE CHAMPION: TWIN OAKS SMOKIN CREW OVERALL: 1 BUFFALO’S BBQ 2 TWIN OAKS SMOKIN CREW 3 TEAM ENOSERV 4 IRON WHEEL COOKERS 5 KOSMO’S Q CHICKEN: 1 BUFFALO’S BBQ 2 LOS PRIMOS BBQ 3 SMOKE’N ICE 4 TWIN OAKS SMOKIN CREW 5 COOKSHACK RIBS: 1 TWIN OAKS SMOKIN CREW 2 HALF FAST FIVE 3 BRUCE AND KYLE 4 FEEDING FRENZY BBQ 5 RUB-IT ALL OVER PORK: 1 NAUGHTY NURSES BBQ 2 KOSMO’S Q 3 BUTCHER BBQ 4 TEAM ENOSERV 5 BUFFALO’S BBQ BRISKET: 1 SMOKE’N ICE 2 TWIN OAKS SMOKIN CREW 3 BUFFALO’S BBQ 4 KOSMO’S Q 5 LITTLE PIG TOWN SAM’S CLUB BBQ COMPETITION GILBERT, AZ (30 TEAMS) STARTS: 04/08/2011 ENDS: 04/09/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: IOWA’S SMOKEY D’S BBQ RESERVE CHAMPION: SMOKED TO THE BONE BAYOU BARBECUE FESTIVAL STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (12 TEAMS) COVINGTON, LA STARTS: 04/15/2011 ENDS: 04/16/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: CHILLY PIG RESERVE CHAMPION: HOG WILD & PIG CRAZY OVERALL: 1 CHILLY PIG 2 HOG WILD & PIG CRAZY 3 BAYOU BOOGIE BBQ 4 SMOKIN’ N THE DARK 5 SECOND HAND SMOKERS CHICKEN: 1 POP’S BLAZIN SMOKERS 2 BAYOU BOOGIE BBQ 3 SMOKIN BAPTIST 4 WHO DAT SMOKERS 5 NO MISTAKE SMOKERS RIBS: 1 BAYOU BOOGIE BBQ 2 HOG WILD & PIG CRAZY 3 SECOND HAND SMOKERS 4 WHO DAT SMOKERS 5 SMOKIN’ N THE DARK PORK: 1 SECOND HAND SMOKERS 2 CHILLY PIG 3 SMOKIN’ N THE DARK 4 VNM GETTIN PIGGY WITH IT 5 FUNKY MEATERS BRISKET: 1 CHILLY PIG 2 POP’S BLAZIN SMOKERS 3 SMOKIN’ N THE DARK 4 FUNKY MEATERS 5 HOG WILD & PIG CRAZY 3RD ANNUAL MAIN STREET BBQ & BLUESFEST STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (50 TEAMS) WASHINGTON, MO STARTS: 04/15/2011 ENDS: 04/16/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: B & B BBQ RESERVE CHAMPION: SHAKE N BAKE BBQ OVERALL: 1 IOWA’S SMOKEY D’S BBQ 2 SMOKED TO THE BONE 3 RHYTHM ‘N QUE 4 SLAP YO’ DADDY BBQ 5 I.A.B. 30 BBQ OVERALL: 1 B & B BBQ 2 SHAKE N BAKE BBQ 3 OUTLAW HAWGS BBQ 4 THE Q FACTOR 5 LIP LICKIN BBQ CHICKEN: 1 MCFRANKENBOO BBQ 2 SMOKED TO THE BONE 3 SODBUSTERS BBQ 4 OTIS AND THE BIRD 5 RHYTHM ‘N QUE CHICKEN: 1 OUTLAW HAWGS BBQ 2 4 SMOKIN BUTTS 3 THE MASCOUTAH SMOKEMASTE 4 B & B BBQ 5 LETS GET BASTED RIBS: 1 IOWA’S SMOKEY D’S BBQ 2 LITTLE MISS BBQ 3 RUB-A-DUBB BUTTS 4 BBQ CASTAWAYS 5 I.A.B. 30 BBQ RIBS: 1 PARK AVENUE PORK 2 B & B BBQ 3 BIG WIGS BBQ 4 BOBBY G’S 5 BLAZIN BLUES BBQ PORK: 1 LITTLE MISS BBQ 2 LEFT COAST Q 3 IOWA’S SMOKEY D’S BBQ 4 KARNIVOROUS 5 SLAP YO’ DADDY BBQ PORK: 1 LIP LICKIN BBQ 2 LIT & LOADED BBQ 3 B & B BBQ 4 THE Q FACTOR 5 GILLY’S BARNSTORMIN BBQ BRISKET: 1 SLAP YO’ DADDY BBQ 2 IOWA’S SMOKEY D’S BBQ 3 LOOT N’ BOOTY BBQ 4 RHYTHM ‘N QUE 5 SMOKED TO THE BONE BRISKET: 1 SHAKE N BAKE BBQ 2 ST LOUIS BLACK IRON BBQ 3 BIG O DANG O BBQ 4 4 SMOKIN BUTTS 5 THE Q FACTOR page 38bullsheet – May 2011 SAM’S CLUB BBQ COMPETITION SACRAMENTO (N), CA (29 TEAMS) STARTS: 04/15/2011 ENDS: 04/16/2011 6TH ANNUAL SMOKIN RED DIRT BBQ HIGH ON THE HOG FESTIVAL STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (64 TEAMS) STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (54 TEAMS) ENID, OK STARTS: 04/15/2011 ENDS: 04/16/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: LITTLE PIG TOWN RESERVE CHAMPION: IRON WHEEL COOKERS OVERALL: 1 LITTLE PIG TOWN 2 IRON WHEEL COOKERS 3 BUTCHER BBQ 4 JAY WILLIES WHISKEY PIT 5 SMOKIN’ BONES CHICKEN: 1 IRON WHEEL COOKERS 2 WILDCATTERS Q CREW 3 LITTLE PIG TOWN 4 4 LEGS UP 5 POK N DA RIBS RIBS: 1 COOKSHACK 2 JAY WILLIES WHISKEY PIT 3 SMOKIN’ BONES 4 LITTLE PIG TOWN 5 KOSMO’S Q PORK: 1 BUTCHER BBQ 2 LITTLE PIG TOWN 3 BUFFALO’S BBQ 4 SMOKIN’ BONES 5 BUZZARD BAIT BBQ BRISKET: 1 BUFFALO’S BBQ 2 IRON WHEEL COOKERS 3 LITTLE PIG TOWN 4 JAY WILLIES WHISKEY PIT 5 GREAT PLAINS BBQ PORK IN THE PARK STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (116 TEAMS) SALISBURY, MD STARTS: 04/15/2011 ENDS: 04/16/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: PA MIDNITE SMOKERS RESERVE CHAMPION: JACKED UP BBQ OVERALL: 1 PA MIDNITE SMOKERS 2 JACKED UP BBQ 3 COOL SMOKE 4 4:20 Q 5 LO-N-SLO BBQ CHICKEN: 1 PA MIDNITE SMOKERS 2 SMOKIS PORKIS 3 BIG GUNS BBQ 4 JACKED UP BBQ 5 HEAVY HITTERS BBQ RIBS: 1 APORKALYPSE NOW 2 PSY QUE DELIC 3 HOG WILD BBQ 4 BIG GUNS BBQ 5 3 EYZ BBQ PORK: 1 PA MIDNITE SMOKERS 2 COOL SMOKE 3 LO-N-SLO BBQ 4 FREE RANGE BBQ, LLC 5 THE BLACK PIG BBQ BRISKET: 1 HAMBONES BY THE FIRE 2 PA MIDNITE SMOKERS 3 WHISKEY BENT BBQ 4 PORKERS IN PARADISE 5 VA BBQ PIRATES WINCHESTER, TN STARTS: 04/15/2011 ENDS: 04/16/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: JIGGY PIGGY RESERVE CHAMPION: DO-RAG-Q OVERALL: 1 JIGGY PIGGY 2 DO-RAG-Q 3 QUE’N, STEW’N & BREW’N 4 SWIGGIN’ PIG 5 THE LONG DAWGS CHICKEN: 1 THUNDER-ROAD-SMOKEHOUSE 2 HIGH ON THE HAWG 3 THREE RUSTY NAILS BBQ 4 PORK OF THE NORTH 5 FAT, DRUNK AND STUPID RIBS: 1 DO-RAG-Q 2 MONTY PIGTHON /HOLY GRIL 3 JIGGY PIGGY 4 FOWL BUTT BBQ 5 ULIKA PORK: 1 THE LONG DAWGS 2 SMOKE ON THIS 3 ULIKA 4 JIGGY PIGGY 5 SWIGGIN’ PIG BRISKET: 1 QUE’N, STEW’N & BREW’N 2 SWIGGIN’ PIG 3 FOWL BUTT BBQ 4 2 MEN AND A PIG 5 FAT, DRUNK AND STUPID CAPITAL CITY COOKOFF STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (80 TEAMS) JEFFERSON CITY, MO STARTS: 04/15/2011 ENDS: 04/16/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: CAVEMAN CUISINE RESERVE CHAMPION: SWINE ASSASSINS GRAND CHAMPION: BIG B’S DOWN & DIRTY BBQ RESERVE CHAMPION: ALL SAUCED UP OVERALL: 1 BIG B’S DOWN & DIRTY BBQ 2 ALL SAUCED UP 3 SMOKEY’S BBQ 4 BIG SHOT BBQ 5 ALL HOGS GO TO HEAVEN CHICKEN: 1 SIMPLY MARVELOUS BBQ 2 BIG POPPA’S SMOKERS 3 BIG B’S DOWN & DIRTY BBQ 4 BIG SHOT BBQ 5 LEUKEMIA SUCKS TOO RIBS: 1 TROPICAL HEAT 2 BIG B’S DOWN & DIRTY BBQ 3 LEUKEMIA SUCKS TOO 4 SMOKIN YANKEES BBQ 5 BIG POPPA’S SMOKERS PORK: 1 SMOKEY’S BBQ 2 RIBPHORIA 3 BIG B’S DOWN & DIRTY BBQ 4 ALL HOGS GO TO HEAVEN 5 ALL SAUCED UP BRISKET: 1 ALL SAUCED UP 2 BIG SHOT BBQ 3 HUMMINIES HOGALICIOUS BB 4 CECIL’S SMOK’N BBQ 5 SMOKEY’S BBQ ROCK’N RIBS BBQ FESTIVAL STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (56 TEAMS) SPRINGFIELD, MO STARTS: 04/15/2011 ENDS: 04/16/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: QUAU RESERVE CHAMPION: BELLY BROTHERS BBQ TEAM OVERALL: 1 QUAU 2 BELLY BROTHERS BBQ TEAM 3 DEAD PIGS TELL NO TALES 4 SMOKIN’ IN THE DARK 5 THREE BROTHERS (DIFFEREN OVERALL: 1 CAVEMAN CUISINE 2 SWINE ASSASSINS 3 SMOKE THIS BBQ-MO 4 MUNCHIN HOGS @ THE HILTO 5 TRUEBUD BBQ CHICKEN: 1 QUAU 2 DOUBLE EE RANCH 3 MEAT BURNERS 4 ROYAL SMOKE 5 SMOKIN’ IN THE DARK CHICKEN: 1 MOKAN MEATHEADS 2 HARDWAY BBQ 3 KC CAN CREW 4 TRUEBUD BBQ 5 SWINE ASSASSINS RIBS: 1 THREE BROTHERS (DIFFEREN 2 SMOKIN’ IN THE DARK 3 TEAM OVERSERVED 4 MEAT STREET MAFIA 5 MISSOURI SHOW ME SMOKE RIBS: 1 TRUEBUD BBQ 2 BLUES HOG 3 BREWMASTERS BAR-B-QUE 4 HARDWAY BBQ 5 MUNCHIN HOGS @ THE HILTO PORK: 1 BELLY BROTHERS BBQ TEAM 2 QUAU 3 PIGS IN THE POKIE 4 THREE BROTHERS (DIFFEREN 5 SMOKE ME TENDER BBQ PORK: 1 SMOKE THIS BBQ-MO 2 PELLET ENVY 3 BIG T’Z Q CRU 4 IOWA OUTLAWS BBQ 5 R BUTTS R SMOKIN BRISKET: 1 DEAD PIGS TELL NO TALES 2 QUAU 3 BELLY BROTHERS BBQ TEAM 4 VOLVO RENTS 5 HERE PIGGY PIGGY BBQ BRISKET: 1 CAVEMAN CUISINE 2 SMOKE THIS BBQ-MO 3 RACOON FLATS 4 PITT FUSION 5 SWINE ASSASSINS 15TH ANNUAL FIREHOUSE BBQ COOK-OFF STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (52 TEAMS) KINGS MOUNTAIN, NC STARTS: 04/15/2011 ENDS: 04/16/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: TARHEEL SMOKERS RESERVE CHAMPION: GB’S BBQ OVERALL: 1 TARHEEL SMOKERS 2 GB’S BBQ 3 CHATHAM ARTILLERY BBQ 4 B.S. PITMEISTERS 5 WICKED QUE CHICKEN: 1 CHATHAM ARTILLERY BBQ 2 GB’S BBQ 3 A TASTE OF CAROLINA 4 WICKED QUE 5 GOONEY CREEK BBQ RIBS: 1 SUE E PIG 2 TWO OLD MEN AND A GRILL 3 TARHEEL SMOKERS 4 SMOKE THIS 5 BIG E PORK: 1 BAYOU POKER SMOKERS 2 BOLD BRANCH BAR-B-Q BOYS 3 BITE ME BBQ 4 BIG E 5 TATER BUGS BAR-B-QUE BRISKET: 1 WICKED QUE 2 GB’S BBQ 3 CHATHAM ARTILLERY BBQ 4 TARHEEL SMOKERS 5 B.S. PITMEISTERS LEXINGTON BATTLE-GREEN BBQ FESTIVAL STATE CHAMPIONSHIP (27 TEAMS) LEXINGTON, MA STARTS: 04/16/2011 ENDS: 04/17/2011 GRAND CHAMPION: FATBACK JOE’S BBQ RESERVE CHAMPION: MIGHTY SWINE DINING OVERALL: 1 FATBACK JOE’S BBQ 2 MIGHTY SWINE DINING 3 I SMELL SMOKE!!! 4 LAKESIDE SMOKERS 5 TRANSFORMER BBQ CHICKEN: 1 SAUCEHOUND BBQ 2 YABBA DABBA QUE! 3 I SMELL SMOKE!!! 4 I QUE 5 MR.BOBO’STRAVELINGBBQALL RIBS: 1 LAKESIDE SMOKERS 2 SAUCEHOUND BBQ 3 BEVERAGE BROTHERS 4 I SMELL SMOKE!!! 5 PORK BUTT & CHICKEN LEGS PORK: 1 MIGHTY SWINE DINING 2 MR.BOBO’STRAVELINGBBQALL 3 FATBACK JOE’S BBQ 4 CAN’T STOP GRILLIN’ 5 SMO Q BRISKET: 1 I SMELL SMOKE!!! 2 LAKESIDE SMOKERS 3 TRANSFORMER BBQ 4 MIGHTY SWINE DINING 5 FATBACK JOE’S BBQ bullsheet – May 2011Page 39 page 40bullsheet – May 2011 Sonny’s Suggestions By Sonny Ashford Jim’s Pepper Roaster By Sonny Ashford This was the biggest surprise I have come across in years. I love roasted peppers on everything from toasted begets to an appliqué on top of a good medium rare porterhouse steak. I did my homework and met the developer, Jimmy Smith of Manhattan, NY and he made me a believer. Jimmy is in his 80’s and is so energetic and enthusiastic I just had to have one, and when he sent the device he included a jar of peppers he had cooked on his grill. Wow, the mistake I made was asking my wife Olivia and Grandson Tanner if they wanted to try one of the roasted peppers, and that was the end of my jar. So when I got one of the roasters I did some in my oven and “BAM!” I did it and I want you to do the same thing. This roaster can be broken down and put in a zip lock bag. It has a 4 inch disk with screw-in rods that are 4 inches long and the peppers are roasted in a vertical position. Take a look at this great device on facebook. and take a look at this great little device that will give you the ability to add flavor you never thought possible before. I was so sold on this that I contacted the company and if you want to order one or a hundred I got you a 20% discount when you use the code word “SONNY”. Take advantage of this great offer that they are giving you and enjoy those peppers on steaks, dogs, eggs, and whatever else your imagination can come up with. Visit KCBS.US!!! Where there’s a need By Sonny Ashford Have you ever showed up at a contest and realized you forgot something? I mean if you bought one of the books I reviewed, you tucked it away in the “Go to Barbeque” box. You premade the roux and cooked the rice and have the stock and stuff to populate that fabulous gumbo. You and the rest of your group have invited out all the people you know to take part in the Friday night festivities. There must be 50 people that said they are going to be there. You got the meat smokin, the gumbo is mixed and having time to relax to absorb all the Cajun flavor that is there waiting to be sucked in and now it’s time to build a plate with some bones or sausage and a bowl of gumbo. “Honey, where’d you put the spoons?” She says “They’re in the Go to Barbeque box”. You’ve already looked there and every place else but you reply, “Nope, they ain’t in the box” as you scratch your head and try to figure out how you’re going to serve this great Gumbo. About that time, Ol’ Butch comes by to get a sampling of the Gumbo, only to be told that there ain’t no spoons. Ol’Butch just grins and ask if you have a small cup and a fork. You get’em for him and you just shake your head as he builds his spoon replacement and starts to eat the Gumbo. Moral of this quick story is: Where there is a will [aka Ol’Butch] there is a way. One Woman, Two WSMs and an Avalon By Donna Fong They say cooking begins from the heart. I suppose that is how it started because it’s challenging to explain to someone who doesn’t compete why anyone would want to participate in barbeque contests. The reasons are numerous: long distance driving, the endless search for the perfect brisket, the prettiest bunch of parsley or the best tasting rub, the hours of sleep you lose worrying about the temperature in your smoker, the time and expense, and the way you smell after cooking four meats in a compressed schedule over two days. None of it makes sense to your family and friends, though they appreciate the output of your labor and the test samples they enjoyed. How I found myself on the California barbeque circuit, cooking out of my four door sedan is a difficult story to explain. I usually have to tell the story twice for it to be understood. It starts at Lake Havasu, Arizona, in February 2011, after 10 hours of driving from northern California, with all of my gear packed into a rental van. I had been on the judging circuit long enough to have a large group of CBJ friends willing to help me pack or unpack. Thank goodness for them because when I arrived, I was at a complete loss as to what I should do at my first contest. Eventually, I set up everything the way I planned it at home. The only thing I didn’t factor is was the wind. 5 gallon buckets were filled with desert water and my canopy held its ground. Still, I worried about the temperature of my thin skinned WSMs as night approached. I regretted not buying that silicon jacket I was considering. As I entered the tent for the cooks meeting, I was glad to see the familiar faces of Gene, Kelly, Kathleen, Merl and Carol at the front. It was a big crowd of cooks. There were 85 teams and mostly men, strong confident men. If I could cook this contest solo, drive this distance (with the help from my friend, Tracy), and do well, the rest of the year would seem easy. Someone must of have been watching over me because I was next to some of the best teams around who helped me with their sage advice, good will, and enthusiasm. I will forever be grateful to Dan Daniels and Bill Keyes from Tropical Heat for assuring me my tent wasn’t going to fly away, to Steve Madule from All Hogs Go to Heaven for unmercifully ragging on my Raiders shirt and making me feel like one of the guys, Dan and Kelly Fox from BBQ Junkie who proved to me their name was well deserved and Tracy Mescha’s all women team, BBQ Phoenix, for keeping me laughing the whole time. Thankful to finally be on the other side of the fence, I trusted in my many practice sessions and nervously fell asleep as the noisy drunk team two spots down celebrated into the wee hours of the morning. Before daylight approached, I woke to my van swaying from gusts of wind. I peeked outside and though my tent was still there, it was being severely tested. Situated at the edge of the parking lot, I felt like I was bearing the brunt of the wind for the rest of the competitors downstream. “EZ-UP, don’t let me down!” I prayed. A glance at the Stoker confirmed my fear; I was 50 degrees below my targeted temp. I accepted that possibility that I might not turn in all four of my meats and then over the next hour wrestled to bring the temp back up. After that small victory, I felt that turning in my entries was icing on the cake. I regained my composure, and every box was joyfully turned in early. The award ceremony came and went and teams celebrated their well-deserved victories. Most importantly, I survived and placed in the middle of the pack in my very first outing and went home thankful for the opportunity to participate and for the village of BBQ friends that supported me. A week later, after all of the bills came back, I calculated the cost of Havasu. I knew I couldn’t financially keep it up for the whole season. Suddenly, a joke I made two months earlier on the forum about cooking out of my Toyota Avalon didn’t seem so funny. So I went into my garage in a daze of renewed energy and packed my two WSMs into the trunk. They had to fit in the trunk; otherwise, my plan wouldn’t work. Within 24 hours I had proved to myself that with a few modifications (removing the feet off one of my WSMs), I could fit everything I needed into my mommy car. I was giddier than a fat kid in a candy shop. In March 2011, I bravely drove 8 hours south to the city of Wildomar in my Avalon with all of my barbeque equipment meticulously packed like sardines stuffed inside. If people thought I was crazy (and there were many who shook their heads), they politely kept it to themselves. Now that I’m two contests into my rookie year, I know that I’m competing in barbeque less because of the food and trophies but more because of the opportunity to rub elbows with some of the best souls on earth. What better way to celebrate life than to chase your passions and share it with those you love and admire? That’s the barbeque community I know and come from. So bring it on and come say hi to the mad lady with two WSMs in an Avalon. bullsheet – May 2011Page 41 May 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Richmond, MO. Richmond Mushroom Festival BBQ Contest. Chris Brown. 804 Wollard Blvd, Richmond, MO 64085. Phone: 816-776-5403. Fax: 816-7763591. Email: St. Champ. KCBS Upcoming Events 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: St. Joseph, MO. Apple Blossom BBQ Contest. Tom Supple. 6204 Greenway Court, St. Joseph, MO 64504. Phone: 816-238-7144. Email: Website: St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Conroe, TX. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Troy Black. . Phone: 205-356-9066. Email: Website: php. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Austin, TX. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Gene Goycochea. . Phone: 619-600-8320. Email: Website: 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Middletown, DE. Middletown BBQ Cook-off. Mose Zook. 701 N Broad St, Middletown, DE 19709. Phone: 717278-9992. Email: Website: St. Champ. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Lyons, KS. Celebration Cook-off. Cheryl Miller. PO Box 444, Lyons, KS 67554. Phone: 620-257-5390. Fax: 620257-5630. Email: Website: St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Sevierville, TN. Bloomin’ BBQ & Bluegrass. Carroll McMahan. 110 Gary Wade Blvd, Sevierville, TN 37862. Phone: 865-453-6411. Fax: 865-453-9649. Email: Website: http:// St. Champ. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Brandon, MS. Battle of Brandon BBQ Challenge. Greg Owen. . 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Lansing, KS. Brew, Phone: 601-278-7108. Email: gowen@batBlues & Bar-B-Q Cook-Off. Sundae Holler. Website: http://www. 730 1st Terrace, Suite 2, Lansing, KS 66043. St. Champ. Phone: 913-727-5488. Fax: 913-351-3618. Email: Website: http:// 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Annapolis, MD. St. Champ. town Bar BAY Q. Don Chomas. PO Box 6327, Annapolis, MD 21401. Phone: 240-432-3903. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Lawrence, KS. Serto- Fax: 301-656-1510. Email: donchomas@ ma 48 BBQ. Matt Gillispie. . Phone: 785-760- Website: 0720. Email: Website: http:// St. Champ. St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Hartselle, AL. Cotton Pickin’ BBQ Cookoff. Susan Hines. PO Box 817, Hartselle, AL 35640. Phone: 256773-4370. Fax: 256-773-4379. Email: susan@ Website: http://www. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Bixby, OK. Bixby BBQ’n Music Festival. Mike Gately. PO Box 511, Bixby, OK 74133. Phone: 918-481-3277. Fax: 918-481-3389. Email: gatelymike@aol. com. Website: St. Champ. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Belton, MO. Belton Heritage BBQ Contest. Connie Hubbard. 611 Main St, Belton, MO 64012. Phone: 816322-2831. Fax: 816-322-3560. Email: Website: St. Champ. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Columbus, GA. Charbroil Pig Bowl State Championship. Matt Hilliker. . Phone: 706-221-1900. Email: matt@ St. Champ. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Lamar, CO. Wild West BBQ Cook-Off. Toni McPherson. 801 S 10th , Lamar, CO 81052. Phone: 719-688-3899. Email: Website: http:// St. Champ. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Valley Center, KS. Valley Center Chamber of Commerce Spring Fling. Marshella Peterson. . Phone: 316-7557340. Email: St. Champ. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Prescott, AZ. 33rd Annual YCCA Home & Garden BBQ Cook-off. Tom Duncan. . Phone: 480-209-9685. Email: Website: http://www. St. Champ. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Louisville, KY. Inaugural Run for the Ribs BBQ Competition. Kevin Gros. 401 Trinity Hills Lane, Louisville, KY 40207. Phone: 502-286-9797. Fax: 425699-4350. Email: Website: 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Rome, GA. Roman Roast on the River. Lisa Nash. 300 West Third St, Rome, GA 30165. Phone: 706-291-0766. Fax: 706-235-3936. Email: Website: St. Champ. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Council Bluffs, IA. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Ashland, MS. Missis- Barbeque in the Bluffs. Tamera Brunow. . sippi Springfest. Tony Tidwell. PO Box 507, Phone: 402-515-6671. Website: http://www.celAshland, MS 38603. Phone: 662-224-3220. Fax: 662-224-8588. Email: wbiitv@yahoo. com. St. Champ. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Steeleville, IL. Randolph County Pig Party. Curtis Jeffers. 110 N 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Columbia, MO. Co- Sparta St, Steeleville, IL 62288. Phone: 618lumbia Elks Lodge #594. Curtis Stone. . Phone: 965-9615. Fax: 618-965-9613. Email: curtis573-881-3739. Email: St. Champ. Website: Keyword: 594. St. Champ. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Claremore, OK. Boots & BBQ Festival. Roger Fleming. PO Box 673, 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: North Platte, NE. Claremore, OK 74017. Phone: 918-343-2527. North Platte Honky Tonk Barbecue Festival. Email: Rob Mandeville. PO Box 1085, North Platte, Website: NE 69103. Phone: 308-532-3344. Fax: 308- St. Champ. 534-6651. Email: Website: St. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Green Lane, PA. Champ. Green Lane Fire Co Smoke in the Valley BBQ Contest””. Shawn Tucker. 214 Main St, Green 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Morgan Hill, CA. Lane, PA 18054. Phone: 215-740-7593. Email: Morgan Hill No Bull BBQ Cookoff. Chris Website: http://www.glfBryant. PO Box 786, Morgan Hill, CA 95038. St. Champ. Phone: 408-779-9444. Fax: 408-779-5405. Email: Website: http:// 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Waynesboro, GA. St. Champ. Boss Hog Cook-Off. Nan Lynch & Amy Lively & Tim LivelyPO Box 647, Waynesboro, GA 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Huntsville, AL. The 30830. Phone: 706-554-8100 or 706-554-3552 Whistle Stop Festival & Rocket City BBQ. or 706-551-2045Email: bosshogcookoff@ Drew Grega. 404 Madison Street, Huntsville, or Website: AL 35801. Phone: 256-564-8125. Fax: 256- St. Champ. 564-8151. Email: kcbscookers@huntsvilleal. gov. Website: http://www.thewhistlestopfesti05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Chesapeake, VA. St. Champ. Chesapeake Jubilee BBQ Cook-Off. Dorothy Kowalsky. 1500 Mt. Pleasant Rd, Chesapeake, 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Platte City, MO. Platte VA 23322. Phone: 757-482-4848. Fax: 757City BBQ Cook-Off. Gary Ferguson. . Phone: 482-9668. Email: director@chesapeakejubilee. 920-256-9154. Email: gary@legacycupbbq. org. Website: http://www.chesapeakejubilee. com. Website: org. St. Champ. St. Champ. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Las Vegas (N), NV. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition (Regional). Arlie Bragg. . Phone: 615-477-7447. Email: Website: sams-club-series.php. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Monroe City, MO. Smokin’ on the Lake. Gary Ferguson. . Phone: 920-256-9154. Email: gary@legacycupbbq. com. Website: http://www.marktwainlanding. com. St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Fairbault, MN. Minnesota in May. Randy Applegren. 2286 130th Lane NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55448. Phone: 612-790-6364. Email: randyhomeloan@gmail. com. Website: St. Champ. 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Rochester, NY. Roc City Rib Fest. Brian Wemett. 44 San Gabriel Drive, Rochester, NY 14610. Phone: 1-888-ROC-BBQ8. Email: info@roccityribfest. com. Website: St. Champ. Brews & BBQ’s” at The Streets”-05/27/2011: 01/17/2011. Brentwood PAL Presents Blues. & gpabwood@gmail. comJeff Schults. Phone: 1595 Dawnview, Brentwood, CA 94513 or 925-890-8296. Website: Brentwood, CA. 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Young Harris , GA. 4th Annual Horsin’ Around BBQ Showdown. Bobby Brumley. 6321 US Hwy 76, Young Harris, GA 30582. Phone: 706-379-4612. Fax: 706379-4643. Email: Website: St. Champ. 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Boulder City, NV. 7th Annual Best Dam Barbecue. Christine Carroll. PO Box 60924, Boulder City, NV 89006. Phone: 702-524-3314. Email: carroll.chris9@ Website: St. Champ. 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Amarillo, TX. Taste of Country BBQ Nationals. Arlie Bragg. P.O. Box 846, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615758-8749. Email: Website: store. St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Overland Park, KS. Great American Barbecue Festival. Tracy Satterfield. . Phone: 847-232-9680. Email: tracy@ 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Edmond, OK. Rhythm, Website: http://www.thinkbbq. Qs & Blues. Rob Holloway. 1100 Kingston com. St. Champ. Blvd, Edmond, OK 73034. Phone: 405-8302171. Fax: 405-340-0362. Email: Website: http://www.rhyth05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Charleston, SC. Pub- lix Prestigious Palmetto Pig Pick’n. Tommy Brush. PO Box 31459, Charleston, SC 29417. Phone: 843-766-5576. Fax: 843-766-9152. 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: North Augusta, SC. Email: Website: Papa Joe’s Banjo-B-Que. Christy Beck St. Champ. ham & Doug VarnadorePO Box 3087, Evans, GA 30809. Phone: 706-855-8555 or 706-855-8555Email: christy_beckham2@ 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Lebanon, KY. Heart or kdvarnadore@abbeverage. of Kentucky Bourbon & BBQ Musicfest. Mary com. Website: St. Lou Brock & Kenny Marrett684 Northland Champ. Drive, Lebanon, KY 40033. Phone: 270-6926002. Fax: 270-692-0510. Email: mlbrock@ or kmarrett01@wind- 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Topeka, KS. Red White Website: http://www.visitlebanon- Blue & BBQ. Shaun Miller/ Paul Clarkson. St. Champ. 1305 Kansas Ave, Topeka, KS 66612. Phone: 785-554-6572. Email: Website: http://arabswinersbbq.web.officelive. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Abilene, KS. Wheat- com. St. Champ. stock Grill-Off: Peace, Love & BBQ. Paula Dinkel. 511 NE 10th St, Abilene, KS 67410. Phone: 785-263-6688. Fax: 785-263-6622. 05/28/2011-05/29/2011: West Des Moines, IA. Email: Website: http:// Smokin’ in the Junction. Brian Sweeney. 217 Fifth St, West Des Moines, IA 50265. Phone: St. Champ. 515-221-1716. Fax: 484-303-6562. Email: Website: St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Langley, OK. Grand Lake BBQ Festival. Darrel Hicks. 6601 N. June 115th E. Ave, Owasso, OK 74055. Phone: 918261-5422. Fax: 918-591-6096. Email: dar- 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Canon City, CO. Royal Website: http://www. Gorge Holy Smoke BBQ Showdown. Autumn St. Champ. Dever. 901 Main Street, Canon City, CO 81212. Phone: 719-429-7662. Email: adever@uaacog. com. Website: http://www.holy-smoke-bbq. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Bakersfield, CA. Ba- com. St. Champ. kersfield Biggest Baddest BBQ. Mike George. PO Box 407, Bakersfield, CA 93302. Phone: 661-331-3900. Fax: 661-716-2428. Email: 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Huron, SD. The Website: http:// nal SD BBQ Championships. Candi Hettinger. St. Champ. 890 3rd St SW, Huron, SD 57350. Phone: 605353-7354. Fax: 605-353-7348. Email: candi. Website: http://www.sd05/21/2011-05/22/2011: Las Vegas, NV. Or- St. Champ. leans Casino USA Barbecue Championship. Ron Cates. . Phone: 870-536-8175. Email: Website: http:// 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Lee’s Summit, MO. St. Champ. Smokin’ on the Summit BBQ. Lane Constant. . Phone: 913-972-6689. Fax: 816-434-6002. Email: Website: http:// 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Baton Rouge, LA. St. Champ. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Wayne Lohman. . Phone: 901-754-2948. Email: wlohman@ Website: 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Penn Valley, CA. sams-club-series.php. Smokin in the Oaks BBQ Championship. Scott 05/27/2011-05/29/2011: Westmont, IL. Red, White & Bar-B-Q. Jim Addington. 337 E Traube, Westmont, IL 60559. Phone: 630-6542894. Email: Website: St. Champ. Gomes. 12770 Long Valley Rd, Penn Valley, CA 95946. Phone: 530-559-5274. Email: Website: http://www. St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Upper Marlboro, MD. Beltway BBQ Showdown. Jonathan Jones. . Phone: 301-627-2828. Email: jonathanjones@ Website: http://www.pgparks. com. St. Champ. page 42bullsheet – May 2011 KCBS Upcoming Events 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Haleyville, AL. Haleyville Rotary Club 9-1-1 BBQ Cookoff. Bruce Eddy. PO Box 381, Haleyville, AL 35565. Phone: 205-486-9561. Fax: 205-486-9567. Email: Website: St. Champ. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Madison, WI. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Arlie Bragg. . Phone: 615-477-7447. Email: Website: 06/17/2011-06/19/2011: Wilson, NY. Crossborder Blues, Brews & Que. Kathy O’Keefe. . Phone: 716-622-8329. Email: Website: 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Montello, WI. Poor Que. Anita Moore. W5811 Bend Road, Princeton, WI 54968. Phone: 920-295-3647. Email: Website: http://www. St. Champ. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Memphis, TN. Tennessee Funfest. Melissa Cookston. . Phone: 901-233-9898. Email: yazoosdeltaq@yahoo. com. Website: St. Champ. 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Woodbury, MN. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Tana Schupe. . Phone: 931-607-2622. Email: Website: php. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Shakopee, MN. Canterbury Park State BBQ Contest. Perry Vining. 2580 Bridge Ave, Albert Lea, MN 56007. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: McLouth, KS. Phone: 800-658-2526. Fax: 507-373-0344. McLouth BBQ Blowout 20th Anniversary. Email: Website: http:// Cliff Weeks. PO Box 116, McLouth, KS 66054. St. Champ. Phone: 913-796-6122. Fax: 913-796-6124. Email: Website: http:// St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Fredonia, KS. 2nd An- 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Liverpool, NY. American Barbeque Championship. Thomas Tarry. . Phone: 315-426-8741. Email: Website: . 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Seymour, MO. Rock’n Freedom. April Hepko. PO Box 700, Seymour, MO 65746. Phone: 417-224-7671. Fax: 417935-4560. Email: april@seymourmochamber. com. Website: St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Euharlee, GA. Covered Bridge ‘Que. Trish Sullivan. . Phone: 770386-1542 x2005. Email: tsullivan@euharlee. com. Website: St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Marysville, KS. Big Blue Barbeque Championship. Pam Dankenbring. PO Box 523, Marysville, KS 66508. Phone: 785-562-8374. Fax: 785-629-8019. Email: Website: St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Lewisburg, TN. Lewisburg Rotary Club BBQ Cookoff. Jeff Jordan. 1250 Ellington Pkwy, Lewisburg, TN 37091. Phone: 931-359-4373. Fax: 931-359-5772. Email: Website: St. Champ. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Jeffersonville, IN. Smokin’ on the River. Daniel Skaggs. 4115 Annual Ole’ Glory BBQ Challenge. Dale Fritz. drew Drive, Floyds Knobs, IN 47119. Phone: PO Box 449, Fredonia, KS 66736. Phone: 812-280-4711. Email: skaggs_daniel@yahoo. 620-378-3221. Fax: 620-378-4833. Email: com. Website: Website: http:// St. Champ. St. Champ. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Sauk Rapids, MN. Ribapalooza. Melissa Medford. 619 West Saint 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Marietta, OH. Brick Germain St, St. Cloud, MN 56301. Phone: 320Street BBQ. Hunt Brawley. 222 1/2 Putnam 203-4846. Fax: 320-251-8952. Email: promoSt, Marietta, OH 45750. Phone: 740-373-0894. Website: http:// Fax: 740-373-0895. Email: hbrawley@sudden- St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Lincolnton, NC. Lincolnton Hog Happenin’. Charity Carson. . Website: http://www.brickstreetPhone: 704-736-8915. Fax: 704-736-8917. St. Champ. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Frisco, CO. Colorado Email: Website: http:// Barbecue Challenge. Jaime Harmon. . Phone: St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Heber City, UT. Smoke 970-668-9132. Email: jaimeh@townoffrisco. on the River. Arlie Bragg. . Phone: 615-758- com. Website: St. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Evergreen Park, IL. 8749. Email: Website: Champ. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Mike Lake. . Phone: 815-291-3177. Email: rrribs@fron06/17/2011-06/19/2011: Merrimack, NH. Website: 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Raytown, MO. Ray- Rock ‘n’ Ribsfest -NH State BBQ Championtown State Championship BBQ Cookoff. Vicki ship. Roland Petersen. . Phone: 603-438-9101. Turnbow. 5909 Raytown Trafficway, Raytown, Email: St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Armada, MI. Arma- MO 64133. Phone: 816-353-8500. Fax: 816da Meats & Motors Cook-Off. Phillip Kent. . 353-8525. Email: president@raytownchamber. Email: Website: http:// com. Website: http://www.raytownchamber. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Sedalia, MO. Sedalia Lions MO Blues Cruise & BBQ Fest. Don com. St. Champ. Buller. PO Box 1085, Sedalia, MO 65301. Phone: 660-826-3069. Email: rbuller@charter. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Owatonna, MN. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Tryon, NC. Blue Ridge net. St. Champ. Smokin’ in Steele. Joe Elbert. PO Box 945, BBQ & Music Festival. W. Carl Wharton. . Owatonna, MN 55060. Phone: 507-455-1428. Phone: 828-817-3691. Email: wcw1@winFax: 507-214-2734. Email: jelbert56@gmail. Website: http://www.blueridgebbq- 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Chandler, OK. Hog Wild BBQ & Chrome Festival. Kim Evans. 400 com. Website: . St. Champ. East Rt 66, Chandler, OK 74864. Phone: 405St. Champ. 258-0593. Email: 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Pueblo, CO. Boats, St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Memphis, TN. Variety Bands and BBQ. Kevin Ortiz. 200 W 1st St, Children’s Charity BBQ Bash. Tanna Wolfe. Suite 303, Pueblo, CO 81005. Phone: 719PO Box 1523, Memphis, TN 38101. Phone: 595-0242. Fax: 719-583-4696. Email: kevin@ 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: State Center, IA. State 901-373-5369. Fax: 901-373-5370. Email: va- Website: http://www.pueblo- Center Rose Festival BBQ Championship. Trish Taft. 2439 Binford Ave, State Center, IA Website: http://www. St. Champ. 50247. Phone: 641-751-0907. Email: rtaft@ St. Champ. Website: http://www.bbqstate06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Traverse City, MI. St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Sallisaw, OK. That Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Ron Cates. . BBQ Thang in the Sprang. Judy Martens. PO Phone: 870-550-0808 or 870-536-8175. Email: Box 251, Sallisaw, OK 74955. Phone: 918-775- Website: 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Mayetta, KS. Prairie Band Casino Open Barbecue Contest. Tracy 2558. Fax: 918-775-4021. Email: sallisaw- Satterfield. . Phone: 847-232-9680. Email: Website: http://www. Website: St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Hernando, MS. The 06/04/2011-06/05/2011: Willowbrook, IL. Grillin’ for our Girls. Steven Marney. . Phone: 630532-8352. Email: steve@jdbreastcancerfund. org. Website: http://www.jdbreastcancerfund. org. St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Tonganoxie, KS. Tonganoxie Days BBQ Blowout. James Gambrill. . Phone: 913-523-4556. Email: jgtoyman@aol. com. St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Wynne, AR. Delta Smoke BBQ Contest. Chad House. 1816 Karen Street, Wynne, AR 72396. Phone: 870-9450880. Fax: 870-238-3531. Email: St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Costa Mesa, CA. OCBBQ Festival - Quen for Kids. Kelleigh Strobel. 1747 S Claudina Way, Anaheim, CA 92805. Phone: 714-408-9781. Fax: 714-956-1475. Email: Website: http:// St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Omaha, NE. Sizzling Seven. Kelly J. Wills. . Phone: 402-320-1708. Email: St. Champ. Desoto Shrine Club 3rd Annual 2011 BBQ Cook Off. Doug Francis. 6727 Sandbourne Dr W, Olive Branch, MS 38654. Phone: 901-4876785. Email: Website: St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Tecumseh, OK. It’s a Smokin’ Good Thang. Linda Praytor. 201 S Rangeline, Tecumseh, OK 74873. Phone: 405598-5613. Fax: 405-598-2683. Email: Website: http:// St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Ottumwa, IA. O’Town BBQ Showdown. Kathy Speas. . Phone: 641684-7000. Email: kathy@bridgeviewcenter. com. Website: http://www.bridgeviewcenter. com. St. Champ. 06/11/2011-06/12/2011: San Jose, CA. Winchester Business Association Barbecue Cookoff. Shuzo Kagoshima. . Phone: 408-247-2000. Email: winchester-business-association@ Website: St. Champ. 06/11/2011-06/12/2011: Sandwich, MA. Cape Cod BBQ Championship. Ted Lorson. . Phone: 203-530-3506. Email: Website: St. Champ. 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Ada, OK. Pigs Can Fly BBQ Contest. Mary Gallup. 430 N Monte Vista, Ada, OK 74820. Phone: 580-421-1412. Fax: 580-421-6060. Email: mgallup@vvrh. com. Website: St. Champ. 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Marshalltown, IA. Iowa State BBQ Championship. Bob Wenner. 1109 Prairie Lane, Marshalltown, IA 50158. Phone: 641-752-3302. Email: bob50158@ Website: St. Champ. 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Old Orchard Beach, ME. Smokin’ at the Ballpark. DennyMike Sherman. . Phone: 207-251-0023. Email: Website: http://www. St. Champ. 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Franklin, IN. Smoke on the Square BBQ Competition. Brian Herbert. . Phone: 317-902-2407. Email: brian@ Website: St. Champ. 06/24/2011-06/26/2011: Sisters, OR. Brews, Views & Bar-B-Ques. Jeri Buckmann. . Phone: 541-549-0251. Email: jeri@sisterscountry. com. Website: St. Champ. 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Boston, NY. Boston Hills BBQ Fest. (Teams) Mike Cartechine & (Judges) David & Eileen Bunn9172 Boston State Rd, Boston, NY 14025. Phone: 716-6469199 or 716-941-6561Email: mcartechine@ or Website: St. Champ. 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Lenexa, KS. Great Lenexa BBQ Battle. Jim Finlen. 13420 Oak St, Lenexa, KS 66215. Phone: 913-477-7130. Fax: 913-477-7150. Email: jfinlen@ci.lenexa. Website: St. Champ. 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Auburn Hills, MI. Auburn Hills Barbecue Cook-off. Shawn Keen06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Pender, NE. Pender an. 1827 N Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills, MI Bender Q and Brew. Mark Lorensen. 109 Main 48326. Phone: 248-364-6926. Fax: 248-364St, PO Box 220, Pender, NE 68047. Phone: 6939. Email: Web402-385-3166. Fax: 402-385-3710. Email: lo- site: St. Champ. Website: St. Champ. 06/25/2011-06/26/2011: Washington, DC. Safeway National Capital Barbecue Battle. Al06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Frederick, MD. Cen- len Tubis. 4335 Northview Drive, Bowie, MD tral Marylands Swinetastic BBQ Festival. 20716. Phone: 301-860-0630. Fax: 301-860Chris Carter. 1310 S Main St, Mount Airy, 0639. Email: Website: MD 21771. Phone: 301-829-2222. Fax: 301- St. Champ. 829-2717. Email: Website: St. 06/25/2011-06/26/2011: Alton, IL. Cars, Blues Champ. & BBQ. Keith Davis. PO Box 252, West Alton, MO 63386. Phone: 314-276-0073. Email: 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Mt. Morris, MI. Mid- Website: http://www. west BBQ Throwdown. Christian Miller. 2188 St. Champ. W Mt. Morris, Mt. Morris, MI 48458. Phone: 810-687-0953. Email: Website: July St. Champ. 07/01/2011-07/02/2011: Williams, AZ. Northern Arizona Barbeque Festival. Arlie Bragg. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Belleville, IL. Bel- PO Box 846, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: leville Rotary Dadfest at Eckert’s. Doug 615-758-8749. Email: Wilks. 3814 North Belt West, Belleville, IL Website: St. Champ. 62226. Phone: 618-779-1041. Fax: 618-3557899. Email: Website: Event.cfm?EventID=77158935. St. Champ. bullsheet – May 2011Page 43 07/01/2011-07/02/2011: Rio Rancho, NM. 8th Annual NM 2011 Pork & Brew State BBQ Championship. Art Perez. 3200 Civic Center Circle NE, Rio Rancho, NM 87144. Phone: 505-891-7258. Fax: 505-892-8328. Email: Website: http:// St. Champ. 07/01/2011-07/02/2011: Overland Park, KS. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Mike Lake. . Phone: 815-291-3177. Email: Website: KCBS Upcoming Events 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Wellsville, MO. 4th Annual Wellsville BBQ Cookoff. Pat Pursifull. 109 W Hudson , Wellsville, MO 63384. Phone: 573-684-3131. Fax: 573-684-2900. Email: Website: http://www. St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Fort Smith, AR. 10th Annual Bordertown Bash. Daniel Moore. PO Box 10242, Fort Smith, AR 72917. Phone: 479650-9135. Email: Website: St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Hays, KS. Blues, BBQ & Bargains. Pam Joy. . Phone: 785-621-4171. 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Loveland, CO. Love- Email: Website: http://www. land Loves Barbecue. Linda Larsen. 201 E. 5th St. Champ. St, Loveland, CO 80537. Phone: 970-635-3647. Email: Website: 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Louisa, VA. Que & Cruz Summer Festival. Bill Small. 4400 Byrd 07/01/2011-07/03/2011: Murrieta, CA. On the Mill Rd, Louisa, VA 23093. Phone: 540-22307/08/2011-07/10/2011: Plattsburgh, NY. Lake Scene BBQ State Championship 2011. Henry 6329. Email: WebSilvestre. . Phone: 951-445-1903. Email: hsil- Champlain Barbeque Festival (LCBF). Shirley site: St. Champ. Website: http://www.fitzgopro- O’Connell. . Email: 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Gaffney, SC. Carolina 07/08/2011-07/10/2011: Blue Mountains, ON. Foothills BBQ Cook-off. Dennis Stroupe. PO 07/01/2011-07/02/2011: Benton, IL. Best Dam Clarksberg/Thornbury National Barbeque Box 549, Gaffney, SC 29342. Phone: 864-761BBQ Cookoff. Chuck Cockrum. 211 N Main Championship. Stephen Perrin. 30 Confed- 6518. Email: Website: St, Benton, IL 62812. Phone: 618-927-6157. eration Drive, Uxbridge, ON L9P125. Phone: St. Champ. Email: Web- 416-898-3159. Fax: 905-731-8509. Email: chesite: St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Burlington, KS. 7th Annual Wildblue BBQ. Kristy Reeves. . Phone: 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Midwest City, OK. 620-364-5121. Email: info@wildbluebbq. 07/01/2011-07/02/2011: Cameron, MO. Cross- Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Mike Lake. . org. Website: St. roads BBQ Cookoff. Michelle Fagerston. . Phone: 815-291-3177. Email: rrribs@fron- Champ. Phone: 816-632-2005. Email: office@cam- Website: Website: http://www. club-series.php. St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Glasgow, MO. Smokin’ on the River. Steve Jones. PO Box 235, 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Greenwood, SC. SC Glasgow, MO 65254. Phone: 660-338-2277. 07/01/2011-07/02/2011: Castle Rock, CO. Festival of Discovery. Angie Jones. PO Box Email: Website: Rocky Mountain Freedom Festival. JJ Ded- 202, Greenwood, SC 29648. Phone: 864-942- St. Champ. mon. 17011 Lincoln Ave #378, Parker, CO 8448. Fax: 864-953-2469. Email: uptown@ 80134. Phone: 303-960-9586. Email: info@ Website: http://www. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/15/2011: Anthony, KS. Anthony St. Downs BBQ. Allen Thomas. . Phone: 620Champ. 2434324. Website: http://www.anthonydown07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Bessemer, AL. Blues, St. Champ. Brews and Barbecue. Alicia Vincent Rohan. 07/02/2011-07/03/2011: Rancho Cordova, CA. 5051 Prince Street, Bessemer, AL 35022. All American. Ric Gilbert/ Ben Lobenstein. Phone: 205-432-2602. Fax: 205-481-4758. 07/16/2011-07/17/2011: Troy, NY. Troy Pig Out. Elizabeth Young. 268 River St, Troy, NY 750 La Playa #912, San Francisco, CA 94121. Email: Website: Phone: 408-219-1041. Email: info@fireitupe12180. Phone: 518-727-9786. Fax: 518-308pages/events.html. 0297. Email: Website: http:// St. Champ. 07/02/2011-07/04/2011: Lake Placid, NY. I Love Barbecue & Music Festival. Dmitry Feld. 8 Cummins Road,, NY 12946. Phone: 518-523-2071. Fax: 518-5234106. Email: Website: St. Champ. 07/09/2011-07/10/2011: Weston, MO. Weston Sizzlers Smoke Along the Rails””. Dena Minor & Mike Kalny407 Main, Weston, MO 64098. Phone: 816-640-2224. Email: or Website: St. Champ. 07/02/2011-07/03/2011: Girard, KS. Smokin’ Hot BBQ and Fireworks. Christy Vulgamore. PO Box 41, Girard, KS 66743. Phone: 620724-8223. Fax: 620-724-8113. Email: Website: St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Waterloo, IA. BBQ’Loo & Blues Too. Cindy Wells or Mitch Biersner. 329 W 4th St, Waterloo, IA 50701. Phone: 319-291-2038. Fax: 319-291-4298. Email: Website: St. Champ. 07/16/2011-07/17/2011: La Porte City, IA. BBQ in the Park. Roy Porter. . Phone: 319610-1201. Email: Website: St. Champ. 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Cle Elum, WA. Pork in the Pines 2011. Chente Benavides. . Phone: 509-260-0287. Email: Website: St. Champ. 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Sedona, AZ. Get Your Pig On~Sedona. Mea Sbraham April Cope07/02/2011-07/03/2011: Lake Placid, NY. I land. Phone: 602Love Barbecue Junior World Championship. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Kingsford, MI. 7th 296-1561. Email: Annual U.P. Hog Wild. John Bertoldi. . Phone: Dmitry Feld. 8 Cummins Road, Lake Placid, Website: St. NY 12946. Phone: 518-523-2071. Fax: 518- 906-774-1707. Email: bosshogwild@hotmail. Champ. 523-4106. Email: Web- com. Website: St. Champ. site: St. Champ. 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Memphis, TN. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition . Wayne Lohman. . 07/03/2011-07/04/2011: Whiting, IA. Whiting 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Fort Worth (SW) , Phone: 901-754-2948. Email: wlohman@com4th of July BBQ Competition. Kurt Neldeberg. TX. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition (Regional). Website: HWY K-64, Whiting, IA 51063. Phone: Ronnie Cates. . Phone: 870-550-0808 or 870- club-series.php. 712-455-2095. Fax: 712-458-2023. Email: 536-8175. Email: ronnie@catesandcompany. com. Website: St. Champ. series.php. 07/22/2011-07/24/2011: Fryeburg, ME. Western Maine BBQ Festival. Nancy Sanborn. PO 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Yates Center, KS. 3rd Box 868, Denmark, ME 04022. Phone: 207Annual Hay Capital BBQ Cookoff. Ron Ve- 07/15/2011-07/15/2011: South Bend, IN. En- 452-2110. Fax: 207-452-2110. Email: nsannus. 705 S Prairie St, Yates Center, KS 66783. shrinement Ribs Cook-Off & Downtown Block Website: http://www.westPhone: 620-228-4556. Email: rev48@yahoo. Party (Competitor Series). Becky Beckman. com. Website: 111 S St, South Bend, IN 46601. Phone: 574235-5520. Fax: 574-235-5720. Email: becky. St. Champ. Website: http:// 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Grand Rapids, MI. St. Champ. Taste of Grand Rapids State BBQ Champi07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Kettering, OH. 5th Anonship. John Bates. . Phone: 616-776-5533. nual Ohio Veteran Barbecue Cook-Off. Jim Email: Website: Bellevue, NE. St. Champ. Ferguson. 2908 Valley View Drive, Fairborn, 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: RiverFest:Red, White & Que Nebraska State OH 45324. Phone: 937-416-7924. Email: Website: http://www.ohio- BBQ Championship. Megan Lucas. . Email: Website: 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Raymond, IL. St. Champ. St. Champ. can Legion Triple STAR Post 299 Pulling for the Post””. Phil Hampton. 18191 Held Rd, 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Holbrook, AZ. HolRaymond, IL 62560. Phone: 217-820-6693. brook Ace In The Hole. Tom Duncan. . Phone: 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Laramie, WY. Griller’s Email: Web480-209-9685. Email: Cup. Dee Bott. 255 N 30th St, Laramie, WY site: St. Website: St. 82072. Phone: 307-742-2142 x5662. Email: Champ. Website: http:// Champ. St. Champ. 07/08/2011-07/10/2011: North Wildwood, NJ. New Jersey State Barbecue Championship. Eric Shenkus. . Phone: 609-425-8529. Email: Website: http://www.njbbq. com. St. Champ. 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Terre Haute, IN. Clabber Girl Brickyard BBQ. April Osburn/ Joe Burch. 900 Wabash Ave, Terre Haute, IN 47808. Phone: 812-478-7113. Fax: 812478-7181. Email: Website: St. Champ. 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Windsor, VT. The harpoon Championships of New England BBQ. Fitz Granger. . Phone: 617-574-9551 x525. Email: Website: St. Champ. 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Olathe, KS. Great Mall Olathe BBQ Contest. Mark Levin. . Phone: 913-829-3509. Email: mlevin@greatolathe. com. Website: 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Easton, MD. Holy Smoke BBQ. Lisa Hayes. 1009 N Washington St, Easton, MD 21601. Phone: 410-4434532. Fax: 410-819-6974. Email: lisa@ Website: http://www. St. Champ. 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Mason City, IA. Up in Smoke BBQ Bash. Ruth Miller. . Phone: 641421-0500. Email: Website: St. Champ. 07/23/2011-07/24/2011: Taylor, MI. Taste of Country BBQ Nationals. Arlie Bragg. P.O. Box 846, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615-7588749. Email: Website: store. 07/23/2011-07/24/2011: Boise, ID. Boise Music Festival Presents Idaho State BBQ Championship. Mike Owens. . Phone: 208-344-6363. Email: St. Champ. 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: White Sulphur Springs, MT. Master’s of the BBQ Challenge (Competitor’s Series). Julie Hanson. . Phone: 406-580-3482. Fax: 406-547-3421. Email: Website: http:// 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Taylorville, IL. Taylorville Main Street BBQ Blues & Cruise. Steve Craggs/ Paul Mizeur. 1275 N 1600 East Rd, Taylorville, IL 62568. Phone: 217-824-3555. Fax: 217-287-1848. Email: Website: St. Champ. 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Council Bluffs, IA. I Got Smoked at Westfair””. Ann Vorthmann. WESTFAIR PO Box 698, Council Bluffs, IA 51502. Phone: 402-981-1093. Email: Website: http://www. St. Champ. 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Lee’s Summit, MO. Racing for the BBQ. Charlie Gascich. . Phone: 913-620-1690. Email: cwhatsoever@yahoo. com. Website: St. Champ. 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Saratoga, NY. Taste of Country BBQ Nationals. Arlie Bragg. P.O. Box 846, Mt juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615-7588749. Email: Website: 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Iola, KS. Riverside BBQ Classic. Katy O’Donovan. PO Box 300, Iola, KS 66749. Phone: 620-365-6000. Fax: 620-365-5534. Email: riversidebbqclassic@ Website: St. Champ. 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Bluemont, VA. 1st Annual Bluemont BBQ Bash. Jaclyn Jenkins. . Phone: 540-554-2073. Email: Website: St. Champ. 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Mount Holly, NJ. BBQ & Blues in the Park. Kim Burkus. . Phone: 609-784-0591. Email: Website: St. Champ. 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Dodge City, KS. Dodge City Days Barbecue State Championship Cook-Off. Gina Broeckelman. . Phone: 620227-3119. Email: Website: St. Champ. page 44bullsheet – May 2011 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: New Palestine, IN. Wine, Brew & Bar-B-Que Too!. Mark Kennedy. PO Box 492, New Palestine, IN 46163. Phone: 317-417-3050. Email: mkennedy57@ Website: St. Champ. 07/30/2011-07/31/2011: Brockport, NY. Brockport BBQ & Music Festival. Rob Blair. PO Box 150, Brockport, NY 14420. Phone: 585-4725093. Email: Website: St. Champ. KCBS Upcoming Events 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Rochester, MN. The Med City BBQ. Jamie Lea Wellik. . Phone: 507-328-2542. Email: Website: http://www.medcitybbq. com. St. Champ. 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: McMinnville, TN. Smokin in McMinnville. Arlie Bragg. 1214 Woodvale Drive, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615-758-8749. Email: Website: St. Champ. 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Franklin, NC. Mountain High BBQ & Music Festival. Linda Har08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Jasper, IN. Jasper buck/ Cindy Cavender. 425 Porter St, Franklin, Strassenfest Barbeque Contest. Ottie Voegerl. NC 28734. Phone: 828-524-3161. Fax: 828. Phone: 812-827-3389. Email: jasperbbq@ 369-7516. Email: lindah@franklin-chamber. Website: http://www.jasperstras- com. Website: St. Champ. St. Champ. August 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: El Dorado, KS. Smoke on the Prairie BBQ Contest. Kelli Scott. PO Box 1281, El Dorado, KS 67042. Phone: 316323-7876. Email: Website: St. Champ. 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Tuscumbia, MO. Ribs and Kids Q””. Gary Shriner. . Phone: 573-3693379. Email: 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Pacific, MO. The Great Pacific BBQ. Tom Butcher. . Phone: 636-6921966. Email: Website: St. Champ. 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Vista, CA. Smokin’ Q Classic BBQ. Dale Ginos. . Phone: 760-3105040. Email: Website: http:// 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Dillon, CO. Krystal 93 St. Champ. BBQ at the Summit. Betty Naftz. PO Box 1195, Frisco, CO 80443. Phone: 888-499-4499. Fax: 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Birmingham, AL. 866-594-9735. Email: Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Troy Black. . Website: St. Phone: 205-356-9066. Email: learn2q@mac. Champ. com. Website: 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Kearns, UT. Fire, Water, & Ice. Carla Hughes. 892 N Buffalo Dr, 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Olathe, KS. Wheels ‘N’ Kearns, UT 84045. Phone: 801-400-5159. Squeels BBQ Challenge. Scott Sirois. . Phone: Email: Website: http:// 913-220-7365. Email: St. Champ. Website: St. Champ. 08/13/2011-08/14/2011: Eliot, ME. Mainely Grillin’ & Chillin’ State BBQ Competition. 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Buffalo, NY. Taste of Lisa Raitt. 2077 State Rd, Eliot, ME 03903. Country BBQ Nationals. Arlie Bragg. P.O. Box Phone: 207-748-3303. Fax: 207-748-3303. 846, Mt Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615-758- Email: Website: http:// 8749. Email: Website: St. Champ. 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Dillard, GA. Dillard Bluegrass & Barbeque Festival. (Teams) Jane Tomlin & (Judges) Vickie OwnbyPO Box 53, Dillard, GA 30537. Phone: 706-746-2690 or 865-397-1414Email: bbqjane@windstream. net or Website: http:// St. Champ. 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Laurie, MO. Laurie Hillbilly BBQ. Susann Huff. PO Box 1515, Laurie, MO 65038. Phone: 573-374-8776. Fax: 573-374-5093. Email: Website: St. Champ. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Worland, WY. 7th Annual Pepsi Wyoming State BBQ Championship & Bluegrass Festival. John McMartin. PO Box 203, Worland, WY 82401. Phone: 307-4310894. Fax: 307-347-5515. Email: wyobbq@ Website: St. Champ. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Granite City, IL. Blue Collar Blues & BBQ. Brenda Whitaker. . Phone: 618-604-6739. Email: St. Champ. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: La Platte, NE. 20th Annual GOBS” State Barbeque Championship of NE”. Nena Cooney. 4343 Mayberry St, 08/06/2011-08/07/2011: Manorsville, NY. Omaha, NE 68105. Phone: 402-658-9948. Fax: Battle of the BBQ Brethren-Smokin’ at the 42-493-3168. Email: Maples. Phil Rizzardi. . Phone: 631-404-0866. Website: St. Champ. Email: Website: St. Champ. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Dover, DE. Diamond State BBQ Championship. Fred Bohn. . 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Bel Air, MD. 10th An- Phone: 302-363-9955. Email: fbohn@dovernual MD State BBQ Bash. Scott T. Walker/ Website: http://www.doverdowns. Craig Ward. Phone: com/dining/dining-events. St. Champ. 410-638-1023. Email: Website: St. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Emporia, KS. Flint Champ. Hills Beef Fest BBQ. Joe Michaels. . Phone: 620-343-0538. Email: 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Indianapolis, IN. Website: http;// St. Champ. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition (Regional). Ron Cates. . Phone: 870-550-0808 or 870-536-8175. Email: Web- 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Excelsior Springs, site: MO. BBQ on the River and Fly In Contest. Jim McCullough. . Phone: 816-519-2113. Email: Website: http://www. 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Campo, CA. The St. Champ. Golden Acorn BBQ Fest 2011. Henry Silvestre. 21847 Grove Rd, Wildomar, CA 92595. Phone: 951-445-1903. Email: 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Madison, IN. MadiWebsite: St. son Ribberfest Barbeque and Blues. Ken Schneider. 601 West First St, Madison, IN 47250. Champ. Phone: 812-866-4723. Email: Website: http://www.madisonrib08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Weeping Water, NE. St. Champ. Cass County Cookin’ at the Fair””. Jim Peterson. . Phone: 402-781-9669. Email: jimp@ 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Marshall, MN. SMSU Website: Smokefest. Tim Steinbach. . Phone: 507537-7204. Email: Website: St. Champ. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Salt Lake City, UT. Rock N’ Ribs. Cynthia Stringham. 239 S Tlain Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84111. Phone: 801535-6167. Fax: 801-535-6522. Email: cynthia. Website: http://www. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Fulton, MS. Stand by Your Grill. Kim Graham. PO Box 577, Fulton, MS 38843. Phone: 662-862-4571. Fax: 662-862-5637. Email: kgraham@itawamba. com. Website: St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Arkansas City, KS. Arkansas City Smoke-Off. Marilyn Alberding. 402 Millington St, Winfield, KS 67156. Phone: 620-222-2154. Email: St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: New Holland, PA. New Holland Summerfest. Chuck Sheffield. PO Box 463, New Holland, PA 17557. Phone: 717-6691400. Fax: 717-354-0091. Email: Website: St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Orlando, FL. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Ron Cates. . Phone: 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Marietta, GA. Sam’s 870-550-0808 or 870-536-8175. Email: ronClub BBQ Competition. Jerry Gardner. . Website: http:// Phone: 704-482-4202. Email: jgardner2@ Website: sams-club-series.php. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Paola, KS. East Central State BBQ Cook-off. Stephen McCullin. . 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Cumberland, MD. Phone: 913-731-0087. Email: smcmullin@waMountain Maryland BBQ Competition and Website: http://www.rootsfestival. Festival. Jeff Grabenstein. 12100 N Branch Rd org. St. Champ. SE, Cumberland, MD 21502. Phone: 301-7224444. Email: Website: St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Craig, CO. Colorado State BBQ Championship at Craig. George Rohrich. 750 Hospital Loop, Craig, CO 81625. 08/20/2011-08/21/2011: New Paltz, NY. Hud- Phone: 970-826-3100. Fax: 970-824-2235. son Valley Ribfest. Stephanie King. PO Box Email: Web723, Highland, NY 12528. Phone: 845-306- site: St. Champ. 4381. Email: Website: 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Greer, SC. Sweet ReSt. Champ. lief BBQ Benefit. Caroline T. Robertson. . Phone: 864-848-5355. Email: caroline.rob08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Lincoln, IL. Up in Website: http://www. Smoke on the Square. Chris RJ” Graue”. 9 Oakwood Dr Lincoln, IL 62656, Lincoln, IL 62656. Phone: 217-732-7997. Fax: 217-7351921. Email: Web- 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Valley Center, CA. Taste of Country BBQ Nationals. Arlie Bragg. site: St. Champ. P.O. Box 846, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615-758-8749. Email: 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Lakeport, CA. Smokin Website: the Water. Dave Majestic. 2755 Mission als/store. Rancheria Rd, Lakeport, CA 95453. Phone: 707-262-1900. Fax: 707-262-0315. Email: Website: 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Nevada, IA. Nevada Kiwanis Club BBQ Contest. Robert Mittman. St. Champ. PO Box 21, Nevada, IA 50201. Phone: 515382-5343. Email: 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Cape Girardeau, MO. St. Champ. 19th Annual Cape Girardeau Jaycees. Robbie Guard. PO Box 4, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. Phone: 573-450-3396. Email: robert.guard@ 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Albert Lea, MN. Big Website: http://www.capejaycees. Island Barbeque. Perry Vining. 2580 Bridge Avenue, Albert Lea, MN 56007. Phone: 800com. St. Champ. 658-2526. Fax: 507-373-0344. Email: Website: http://www.bigisland08/26/2011-08/27/2011: McPherson, KS. When St. Champ. Pigs Fly BBQ Contest & Fly In. Jennifer Burch. . Phone: 620-241-3303. Email: Website: http//: www. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Amelia Island, FL. The Great Southern Tailgate Cook-Off. Bretta St. Champ. Walker. 402 B Centre St, Amelia Island, FL 32034. Phone: 904-277-4369. Fax: 904-43208/26/2011-08/27/2011: Bonner Springs, KS. 8417. Email: Smokin’ on Oak. Tony Corporon. 13100 Kan- Website: St. sas Ave, Ste C, Bonner Springs, KS 66012. Champ. Phone: 913-441-3411. Fax: 913-441-3656. Email: Website: http:// 08/27/2011-08/28/2011: Morden Manitoba, St. Champ. CN. Manitoba Open Barbeque Championship. Perry Hopkins. . Phone: 204-661-4490. Email: 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Monroe, MI. Monroe Website: http://www.bbqCounty Jam & River Raisin’ Rib Off. Hunter Brucks. 881 Stewart Rd, Monroe, MI 48162. Phone: 586-899-0789. Email: hunterbrucks@ September Website: http://www.monro09/02/2011-09/03/2011: Warrens, WI. Smokin’ in the Bogs. Gary Ferguson. . Phone: 920-2569154. Email: WebSt. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Nashville, TN. Music site: City BBQ Festival. Frank Platt. 111 Colony Champ. Court, Nashville, TN 37204. Phone: 615-4737032. Email: Website: 09/02/2011-09/03/2011: Myrtle Beach, SC. Smoke on the Beach. Kenny Craven. 176 PaSt. Champ. triots Point, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464. Phone: 843-851-2470. Email: 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Kennesaw, GA. Pigs & Website: Peaches BBQ Festival. Laurel Fleming. 2753 St. Champ. Watts Drive, Kennesaw, GA 30144. Phone: 770-422-9714. Fax: 678-460-3373. Email: Website: http:// 09/02/2011-09/03/2011: Mesquite, NV. Smokin in Mesquite BBQ Championship. Arlie Bragg. St. Champ. PO Box 846, Mt Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615758-8749. Email: Webhttp://www.mesquitebbqchampionship. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Kenosha, WI. Grill site: Games. Lou Molitor. . Phone: 262-654-1234. com. St. Champ. Email: Website: 09/02/2011-09/04/2011: Parker, CO. Smokin Brew BBQ. Courtney Havey. . Phone: 303596-6756. Email: Website: St. Champ. bullsheet – May 2011Page 45 KCBS Upcoming Events 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Millington, TN. International Goat Days Barbecue Bash. Denise Sigler & Marge Plummer, Ph.B5099 Easley St, Millington, TN 38053. Phone: 901-494-6141. Fax: 901-872-3019. Email: or St. Champ. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Ponca City, OK. Cherokee Strip Cookoff. Echo Blanton. 522 N 14th Street #101, Ponca City, OK 74601. Phone: 580-765-2482. Fax: 580-765-4852. Email: Website: http:// St. Champ. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Quincy, IL. Smoke on the River. Mel Dilman. 523 S 8th, Quincy, IL 09/02/2011-09/03/2011: Windsor, MO. Wind- 62301. Phone: 217-228-1208. Email: mdillsor Septemberfest Cookoff. Dennis Bowers. PO Website: http://www. Box 252, Windsor, MO 65360. Phone: 660-647- St. Champ. 3478. Email: windsorseptemberfest@hotmail. com. Website: http://www.windsorseptember09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Grand Junction, CO. St. Champ. Colorado Pork & Hops Challenge. Arlie Bragg. PO Box 846, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 61509/02/2011-09/03/2011: Bardstown, KY. Bour- 758-8749. Email: Webbon City BBQ Festival, Inc.. Rick Berry. . site: St. Champ. Phone: 502-460-3548. Email: Website: http:// St. Champ. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Ashland, MS. Benton County Fair BBQ Contest. Cathy McMullen. PO Box 158, Ashland, MS 38603. Phone: 09/03/2011-09/04/2011: Bedford, TX. City 662-224-6330. Fax: 662-224-6317. Email: of Bedford Blues & BBQ Festival. Wendy Website: http://www. Hartnett. 2000 Forest Ridge Dr, Bedford, TX St. Champ. 76021. Phone: 817-952-2128. Fax: 817-9522392. Email: Website: St. 09/09/2011-09/11/2011: Norwalk, CT. Bar-BQue Pit at The Oyster Festival. Tim Oman/ Champ. Ray Cooke. 150 Connecticut Ave, Nowalk, CT 06854. Phone: 203-866-0841. Fax: 203-83809/03/2011-09/04/2011: Connersville, IN. 2227. Email: Website: Thunder in the Park BBQ. Carl Sharp. . Phone: St. Champ. 765-458-5574 or 765-580-0215. Email: carl. Website: http:// 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Sparta, IL. U.S. Open BBQ Championship. Curt Jeffers. 110 North Sparta St, Steeleville, IL 62288. Phone: 61809/03/2011-09/04/2011: Omaha, NE. Septem- 965-9615. Fax: 618-965-9613. Email: curtisberfest BBQ & Ribeye Steak Cookoff Chal- St. Champ. lenge. Linda Morin. 6910 Pacific St, Ste 450, Omaha, NE 68106. Phone: 402-346-4800. Fax: 402-346-0375. Email: 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Santa Rosa, CA. Wine Website: Country Big Q. Judy Groverman-Walker. . Phone: 707-523-3728. Email: jgwtoo@sonic. net. Website: 09/03/2011-09/04/2011: Ames, IA. All Ameri- St. Champ. can BBQ Bash. Ryan Newstrom. . Phone: 515451-3582. Email: Website: 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: York, PA. 3rd Annual Southern York County BBQ Cook-Off. Alicia canweekend. St. Champ. Herbst. . Phone: 717-235-6611 x100. Email: Website: St. 09/04/2011-09/05/2011: Suquamish, WA. Grill for a Grand 2. Roy Swift. . Phone: 360-598- Champ. 8700 x8817. Email: Website: http://www.clearwatercasino. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Columbia, MO. Roots com. ‘n Blues ‘n BBQ. Millie Rambis. . Phone: 578864-6683. Email: 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Mt. Carmel , IL. Wa- Website: St. bash Ribber Fest. Colette Grigsby. 406 N Mar- Champ. ket, Mt. Carmel, IL 62863. Phone: 618-2626822. Fax: 618-262-4339. Email: grigsbycol@ Website: http://www.wabashrib- 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Blue Springs, MO. Blue Springs Blaze-Off. (Teams)Rachel St. Champ. egrove & (Judges) Kim Collier. Phone: 816228-0270 or 816-918-2651Email: ruptergrove@ 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Silver Lake, MI. Silver or Goddessofbbq@yahoo. Lake Apple & BBQ Festival. Jeff Clark. 9642 com. Website: http://www.bluespringsblazeoff. W Silver Lake Rd, Mears, MI 49436. Phone: com. St. Champ. 231-578-2940 or 231-873-5257. Email: jeff@ Website: http://www.ap09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Winder, GA. Jug St. Champ. ern Festival & Bar-B-Q. Sabrina Wall. PO Box 561, Winder, GA 30680. Phone: 678-425-6803. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Scott City, KS. Show- Fax: 770-307-0424. Email: sabrina.wall@ down on the Plains BBQ Challenge. Katie St. Champ. Eisenhour. 113 E 5th St, Scott City, KS 67871. Phone: 620-872-3525. Fax: 620-872-2242. Email: Website: http://www. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Vermillion, SD. Ribs, Rods & Rock ‘n Roll. Jenny French. PO Box St. Champ. 82, Vermillion, SD 57069. Phone: 605-6709688. Fax: 605-624-0094. Email: jen@sdbbq. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Cookeville, TN. us. Website: St. Champ. Cookeville Cookoff. Tony Stone. . Phone: 931260-0041. Email: St. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Decatur, AL. Decatur Champ. Jaycee’s 17th Annual Riverfest. Ken Hess. PO Box 1026, Decatur, AL 35602. Phone: 813-43109/09/2011-09/10/2011: Greensboro, NC. 9928. Email: Website: Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Jerry Gardner. . St. Champ. Phone: 704-482-4202. Email: Website: Edwardsville, KS. club-series.php. Smokin ‘n’ the Ville. Mark Bishop. . Phone: 913-909-6918. Email: 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Carrollton, KY. Bands & BBQ at the Point. Rhonda Crutcher. . Phone: 502-732-7036. Email: rhonda@carrolltontour- 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Greenfield, IN. Website: http://www.visitcarrolltonky. tary Bands and BBQ Contests. Greg Warner. . Phone: 317-462-4274 or 317-448-5873. Email: com. St. Champ. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Hedgesville, WV. Pickin in the Panhandle: The WV State BBQ and Chesapeake, VA. Bluegrass Festival. Andrea Ball. 115 N Queen 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: St, Martinsburg, WV 25401. Phone: 304-264- Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Jerry Gardner. . 8801. Fax: 304-264-8802. Email: andrea@ Phone: 704-482-4202. Email: Website: http://www.panhan- Website: St. Champ. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Springfield, MO. Cattlemen’s Ozark BBQ Challenge. Contest: Jim Altic & Judges: Chris Schulze318 S Campbell, Springfield, MO 65806. Phone: 417-863-1231. Fax: 417-863-0602. Email: jim@summersizzle. net or Website: http:// St. Champ. 09/02/2011-09/03/2011: Quapaw, OK. Four State BBQ Championship Presented by Downstream Casino Resort. Katherine Herman. 69300 E Nee Rd, Quapaw, OK 74363. Phone: 918-919-6287. Fax: 918-919-6104. Email: Website: 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Salisbury, NC. Tilley Harley-Davidson Biker Blues & BBQ Rally. Gary Moss. PO Box 155, Landis, NC 28088. Phone: 704-857-6874. Fax: 704-638-6049. Email: Website: St. Champ. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Pittsburgh, PA. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. Mike Lake. . Phone: 815-291-3177. Email: Website: php. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Cameron Park, CA. RibStock 2011. Ed Anhorn. 2533 Merrychase Drive, Ste 400, Cameron Park, CA 95682. Phone: 530-672-7477. Fax: 530-672-9042. Email: Website: St. Champ. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Omaha, NE. Aksarben River City Rodeo & Stock Show BBQ Contest. Tom Manhart. 7645 Cass St, Omaha, NE 68114. Phone: 402-709-0152. Fax: 402-9550444. Email: tommanhart@intlminutepress. com. Website: St. Champ. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Mission, KS. Battle of the Brisket. Christy Humerickhouse. 6200 Martway, Mission, KS 66202. Phone: 913-722-8210. Fax: 913-722-8208. Email: chumerickhouse@ Website: http://www.missioncvb. org. St. Champ. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Hermann, MO. Hermann BarBQ and Brats Festival. Olan Stemme. . Phone: 573-486-3137. Email: Website: St. Champ. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Kearney, MO. Jesse James Barbeque Cook-Out. Larry Pratt. . Phone: 816-903-7728. Email: lpratt2@kc.rr. com. Website: http://www.jessejamesfestival. com. St. Champ. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Garden City, KS. Sky’s the Limit BBQ Classic. Robert Hahn. 375 E 6 Mile Rd, Garden City, KS 67846. Phone: 620-271-8365. Email: Website: St. Champ. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Chester, PA. Taste of Country BBQ Nationals. Arlie Bragg. P.O. Box 846, Mt Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615-7588749. Email: Website: 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Russell, KS. Russell Main Street’s Bricks, Broncs & BBQ. Stephanie Cross. 507 N Main, Russell, KS 67665. Phone: 785-483-2897. Fax: 785-483-4535. Email: St. Champ. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Saint Peters, MO. Lakeside Que-topia. Brian Butts. 1 Timberbrook Dr, Saint Peters, MO 63376. Phone: 636-970-9700. Fax: 636-970-9715. Email: Website: http://www. St. Champ. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Greensboro, GA. Lake Oconee BBQ Classic. (TEAMS) Jay Weems & (JUDGES) Danny AgeePO BOX 4085, Eatonton, GA 31024. Phone: 706-485-2648 or 770-318-5291Email: or Website: St. Champ. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Glen Allen, VA. Recovery Fest. Honesty Liller. . Phone: 804-5640132. Email: Website: 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Owensboro, KY. Grillin & Chillin BBQ. Terry Stinnett. PO Box 201, St. Champ. Utica, KY 42376. Phone: 270-929-4177. Fax: 270-683-8080. Email: terry@grillinandchillin09/17/2011-09/18/2011: Hesston, PA. Barbeque Website: http://www.grillinandchillinat the Beach, Raystown Lake. Ed Stoddard. St. Champ. 6993 Seven Points Road, Suite 2, Hesston, PA 16647. Phone: 888-729-7869. Fax: 814-6580068. Email: Web- 09/23/2011-09/25/2011: Clarence, NY. Oinksite: St. toberfest. Katy Toth. . Phone: 716-759-8483. Email: Website: Champ. St. Champ. 09/17/2011-09/18/2011: Harvard, MA. Harvard Fall Festival BBQ Cookoff. Chris Ryan. 28 Myrick Lane, Harvard, MA 1451. Phone: 978-618-6442. Email: St. Champ. 09/22/2011-09/24/2011: Murphysboro, IL. Murphysboro Barbecue Cook-off. Becky Streuter. PO Box 382, Murphysboro, IL 62966. Phone: 618-684-8902. Fax: 618-687-4311. Email: Website: St. Champ. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Shawnee, KS. Shawnee Great Grillers State Championship. Tonya Lecuru. . Phone: 913-742-6402. Email: tlecuru@ Website: St. Champ. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Dana Point, CA. Dana Point BBQ Championship. Arlie Bragg. PO Box 846, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615758-8749. Email: Website: 09/24/2011-09/25/2011: Seaside Heights, NJ. Que by the Sea. Maria Maruca. PO Box 43, Seaside Heights, NJ 08751. Phone: 732-8548000. Fax: 732-854-8002. Email: Website: http://www.quebythesea. com. St. Champ. 09/24/2011-09/25/2011: Westport, CT. Blues, Views and BBQ (Competitor’s Series). Bob Lerose. . Phone: 917-446-2921. Email: rlerose@ Website: http://www.bluesviewsbbq. com. St. Champ. 09/30/2011-10/01/2011: Corinth, MS. Hog Wild in Corinth BBQ Contest. Kelly Rinehart. PO Box 393, Corinth, MS 38835. Phone: 662.287.1550. Email: Website: St. Champ. 09/30/2011-10/01/2011: Placerville, CA. Smokin’ for Gold. Marta Viola/ Kathy Jurgens. PO Box 1537, Placerville, CA 95667. Phone: 530-621-5860. Fax: 530-295-2566. Email: Website: http:// St. Champ. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Tulsa, OK. Art of BBQ. Andrea Croasdale. 2210 S Main, Tulsa, OK 74114. Phone: 918-584-3333, ext 11. Fax: 918- 09/30/2011-10/01/2011: Fayetteville, AR. Bikes, 582-2787. Email: Web- Blues & BBQ. Ron Autry. 109 W. Poplar, Faysite: St. Champ. etteville, AR 72703. Phone: 479-287-9582 or 479-287-9582. Fax: 479-856-6603. Email: St. Champ. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Bossier City, LA. Taste of Country BBQ Nationals. Arlie Bragg. P.O. Box 846, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615- 09/30/2011-10/01/2011: Medford (Long Is758-8749. Email: Web- land), NY. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition (Resite: gional). Tana Shupe. . Phone: 931-607-2622. Email: store. page 46bullsheet – May 2011 09/30/2011-10/01/2011: Springfield, KY. Jim Beam Barbeque Classic. Lisa Goodlett. 124 W Main St, Ste 3, Springfield, KY 40069. Phone: 859-336-3810, ext. 1. Fax: 859-3369410. Email: Website: St. Champ. 09/30/2011-10/01/2011: Laurens, SC. Squealin’ on the Square. Jonathan Irick. . Phone: 864-984-2119. Email: Website: St. Champ. October 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: De Soto, KS. Cookin’ on the Kaw BBQ Contest. Sara Ritter. PO Box 70, De Soto, KS 66018. Phone: 913-583-1585. Fax: 913-585-1821. Email: sritter@desotoks. org. Website: St. Champ. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: St. Louis, MO. St. Louis River Rub. Kurt Schwab. PO Box 69024, St. Louis, MO 63169. Phone: 314-421-3480. Fax: 314-421-1263. Email: kschwab@voief. org. Website: 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Jenks, OK. Rock ‘n BBQ on the Water. Gail Fair. 7060 South Yale Ave Ste. 900, Tulsa, OK 74136. Phone: 918488-8020. Email: St. Champ. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Metropolis, IL. Super City Blues & Ques. Priseilla Abell. . Phone: 618-524-1696. Email: St. Champ. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Harrisburg, PA. Keystone Classic Barbeque. James Sharp. 2300 N Cameron St., Harrisburg, PA 17110-9443. Phone: 717-787-2905. Fax: 717-705-9900. Email: Website: http://www. St. Champ. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Cullman, AL. Oktoberfest Bar-B-Q Challenge. Steve Cooke. 304 Graham St, SW, Cullman, AL 35055. Phone: 256-734-4617. Fax: 256-734-4458. Email: 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Rocky Mount, NC. Eastern Carolina BBQ Throw Down. Debbie Julio. PO Box 1180, Rocky Mount, NC 27802. Phone: 252-972-1159. Fax: 252-972-1232. Email: Website: St. Champ. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Golden City, MO. Golden City Rockn’ Blues & BBQ State Championship. Michelle Higgins. PO Box 234, Golden City, MO 64748. Phone: 417-6821568. Fax: 417-681-0176. Email: Website: http://www. St. Champ. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Jackson, MS. Wahabi 1st Annual BBQ Cookoff. William Sistrunk. 140 Holmar Drive, Brandon, MS 39047. Phone: 601-937-1052. Email: charwebb@ Website: 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Centralia, MO. Anchor City Cook Off. Ginny Zoelless. PO Box 235, Centralia, MO 65240. Phone: 573-6822272. Email: Website: St. Champ. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Arthur , IL. Central Illinois Bragging Rights. George Fritz. . Phone: 217-649-7703. Email: Website: St. Champ. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Jackson, TN. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition (Regional). Wayne Lohman. . Phone: 901-754-2948. Email: Website: http://www. KCBS Upcoming Events 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Lyons, GA. The Real Squeal: Lyons Barbecue & Bluegrass Festival. Alexa Carter Britton & Tim Lively134 NW Broad St, Lyons, GA 30436. Phone: 912-5266445 or 706-554-3552 or 706-551-2045Fax: 912-526-4372. Email: or Website: St. Champ. 10/21/2011-10/22/2011: Laughlin, NV. Taste of Country BBQ Nationals. Arlie Bragg. P.O. Box, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615-7588749. Email: Website: 10/22/2011-10/23/2011: Dalton, GA. Liberty Tree BBQ Festival. Kasey Carpenter. 201 West Cuyler St, Dalton, GA 30720. Phone: 706-2188065. Fax: 706-529-9664. Email: buckblue@ Website: http://www.libertytree10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Bentonville, AR. St. Champ. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition (National). Tana Shupe. . Phone: 931-607-2622. Email: Website: http://www. 10/28/2011-10/29/2011: Fort Gibson, OK. Smokin’ the Fort - BBQ & Bluegrass Festival. Gary Perkins. PO Box 730, Fort Gibson, OK 74434. Phone: 918-478-4780. Fax: 918-47810/14/2011-10/14/2011: Ward, SC. Grillin on 4780. Email: Webthe Farm. Roy Murray. . Phone: 252-333- site: St. Champ. 5083. Email: Website: 10/28/2011-10/29/2011: Butler, MO. Bates County BBQ State Championship. Bran10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Parsons, KS. Balloons don Plunkett. . Phone: 660-424-0891. Email: Bikes Blues & BBQ. Dave Winchell. 1405 Bel- Website: http:// mont, Parsons, KS 67357. Phone: 620-423- St. Champ. 1193 or 620-421-2365. Email: dwinchell@ Website: http://www.visitlabette. com. St. Champ. 10/28/2011-10/29/2011: Gastonia, NC. Carolina Smoke-off. Denise Propst. 4514 Lisa Drive, Gastonia, NC 28056. Phone: 704-864-5102. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Libertyville, IL. Barn Email: Website: http:// Burner Bar-B-Q. Claudia Stevens. 14245 W Rockland Rd, Libertyville, IL 60048. Phone: 847-990-3750. Fax: 847-362-5032. Email: Website: http://www. November St. Champ. 11/04/2011-11/05/2011: Harrison, AR. Cookin’ on the Creek. Anna Marie Sullivan. 621 E 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Florence, CO. Flor- Rush, Harrison, AR 72601. Phone: 870-741ence Eureka Days - Kick in the Butt BBQ 2659. Fax: 870-741-9059. Email: asullivan@ Competition. Cindy Cox. 805 E Main, Flor- Website: http://www. ence, CO 81226. Phone: 719-546-4343. Email: St. Champ. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 11/04/2011-11/05/2011: Livingston, AL. Sucarnochee BBQ & Blues Cook-off. Stephen Liver10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Canton, GA. Chero- man. Station 45, UWA, Livingston, AL 35470. kee Pignic. Pamela Carnes. . Phone: 770-345- Phone: 205-652-5405. Fax: 205-652-3827. 0400. Email: Email: Website: http:// Website: St. St. Champ. Champ. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Munfordville, KY. Big Buffalo Crossing BBQ Cook-Off. Coni Shepperd. PO Box 304, Munfordville, KY 42765. Phone: 270-524-4752. Fax: 270-524-4852. Email: Website: St. Champ. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Independence, MO. The Fountains Blaze Off & Senior Q. Jonathan Williams. 2100 S Swope Dr, Independence, MO 64057. Phone: 816-257-5100. Email: Website: St. Champ. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Garnett, KS. Autumn Blaze BBQ Smokeoff. Ted Uhler. . Phone: 785448-5357. Email: Website: St. Champ. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Chambersburg, PA. Smoketoberfest BBQ Challenge. Eric Forrester. PO Box 153, Shady Grove, PA 17256. Phone: 717-816-7252. Fax: 866-314-9123. Email: Website: St. Champ. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Nelsonville, OH. Ohio Smoked Meat & BBQ Festival. Kevin Dotson. PO Box 276, Nelsonville, OH 45764. Phone: 740-753-4346. Fax: 740-753-1019. Email: Website: http:// St. Champ. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Springfield, TN. United Way BBQ Cook-Off Fest. Michelle Powell. . Phone: 615-384-8160. Email: 10/21/2011-10/22/2011: Woodstock, VA. Shenandoah Valley BBQ Fest. Dean Morgan. . Phone: 540-459-3867. Email: Website: 10/21/2011-10/22/2011: White County (Cleveland/Sautee), GA. 2nd Annual Hillbilly Hog BBQ Throwdown & Musicfest. Heather Sinyard. 68 Barker Trail Rd, Cleveland, GA 30528. Phone: 706-809-0139. Email: hja33@ Website: . St. Champ. 11/04/2011-11/05/2011: Shelby, NC. Hog Happnin’. Jerry Gardner. PO Box 2343, Shelby, NC 28150. Phone: 704-482-4202. Email: Website: http://www. St. Champ. 11/11/2011-11/12/2011: Buckeye, AZ. Dell Webb BBQ Throwdown. Tom Duncan. . Phone: 480-209-9685. Email: wrbbq7@gmail. com. Website: St. Champ. 11/18/2011-11/19/2011: Plant City, FL. Plant City Pig Jam. Amy Nizamoff. 106 North Evers Street, Plant City, FL 33563. Phone: 813-7543707. Fax: 813-752-8793. Email: Website: http://www.plantcitypigjam. com. St. Champ. 11/18/2011-11/19/2011: Cumming, GA. The National BBQ Cup. Randall Bowman. 465 Tolbert St, Cumming, GA 30040. Phone: 770886-6290. Fax: 770-886-6291. Email: Website: http://www. December 12/02/2011-12/03/2011: Demopolis, AL. Christmas on the River. Paul Willingham. 102 East Washington St, Demopolis, AL 36732. Phone: 334-289-2856. Email: St. Champ. 12/02/2011-12/03/2011: Scottsdale/Fountain Hills, AZ. Get Your Pig On Barbecue. Mea Abraham/ April Copeland. 2310 E Magnolia, Phoenix, AZ 85034. Phone: 602-296-1561. Fax: 602-296-1574. Email: Website: http://www.getyourpigon. com. St. Champ. 2012 07/21/2012-07/22/2012: Kingston, RI. Wakefield Rotary Campus Cookoff & State BBQ Championships. Arthur Faria. . Phone: 401789-3902. Email: branded emblem Trading/collector’s pins for your team of event. • free art • free quotes • low pricing/top quality • 100-pc minimum bullsheet – May 2011Page 47 page 48bullsheet – May 2011