Teamsters Local 776 Newsletter


Teamsters Local 776 Newsletter
Teamsters Local 776
Robert J. Snyder, Jr.
President and Business Agent
People Helping People
Brad Lindsay
Vice President
Daniel E. Combs
Keith LaCroix
Secretary Treasurer and Business Agent
Kevin M. Cicak
Recording Secretary and Business Agent
Ronald W. Fike
Cindy L. Rigg
Business Agents
Mark P. Andreozzi
Kittie Hake
Ronald W. Hicks
Scott Muth
Ron Myrnes
William Olmeda
Ed Thompson
Timothy J. Turek
2552 Jefferson Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 717.233.8766
Fax: 717.233.6223
Hours: Mon -Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Check the website
for important updates
1780 6th Avenue, York, PA 17403
Phone: 717.843.8911
Fax: 717.854.0276
Hours: Mon -Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Inside this issue:
President’s Page
2010 Events
John L. Fogle, ll Retires
Arbitration Awards
2010 Events
Local 776 Companies
Page 2
President’s Words
In April I was appointed by the Local Union Executive Board to serve as president and
Principal Officer. I am honored to be given this opportunity to serve our membership.
I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about myself. I served as Business
Agent from 1996 till 2010 and prior to that I was a Trustee on the Local Union Executive
Board. I was a Steward while I worked at Nations Way Transport and was also a Steward at
St. Johnsbury Trucking Company. I started my career 29 years ago working at Motor Freight
I would like to thank all of you who have called and offered their support and help. I received
hundreds of calls which has been overwhelming at times but appreciated. It’s another one of
those times that make you feel especially proud to be a Teamster.
I also want to thank the Officers, Agents and office staff for their support and their hard work.
Hopefully everyone enjoyed the summer.
We had a very busy summer here at the Local and I’d like to share a few things with you.
John Fogle our secretary Treasurer has decided to retire. John has held an elected position since 1985 serving as Secretary
Treasurer, Business Agent and Trustee. What an accomplishment and what a career. We would like to thank John for everything
that he has done for this Local Union and for the betterment of working people. Good luck in your retirement John you deserve it.
Business Agent Keith LaCroix has taken over the assignment of Secretary Treasurer. John will be spending time with Keith over
the next few months helping with the transition
During the summer we negotiated a new three year contract with the Milton S. Hershey Med Center. The contract presentation
meeting was heavily attended and the contract was ratified by a four to one margin. We would like to thank the members for their
participation and I would like to thank the negotiating committee for their help and hard work.
Mark Andreozzi has taken over the assignment of handling the Med Center from John Fogle and is in the process of meeting and
getting to know everyone.
In order to help with Mark’s workload I have appointed Tim Turek as Business Agent. Tim served as a Trustee on our Executive
Board. Tim worked as a correction officer at the York County Prison where he served as Union Steward. We are all excited about
Tim coming on board and everyone here at the Local is lending a helpful hand. Tim will be working with Mark Andreozzi serving
our correction officers, public employees and police officers.
The Local Union Executive Board has appointed Dan Combs to fill the open Trustee position. Dan is a road driver and Steward at
the UPS Freight facility in Mechanicsburg.
Page 6 and page 7 of this newsletter are pages from our web site. With the costs of doing mailings we feel a better way to
communicate is through our web site. There is a lot of information available and it is updated several times a week. You are not
required to register but it is recommended. It gives us a faster way to contact you with issues at your work place and happenings
at the Local. Make sure you check the Member Spot Light; you may be in the picture. We are a very diversified Membership and
we feel it’s important for everyone to know who we are. We also want people to support our employers. For us to prosper as
workers and provide for our families it’s important that our employers grow their business. It’s a win for everyone.
I believe we all share one common goal. That is for the betterment of working people. It’s up to us to work together for the
future of this Local Union. We need to grow our Union to protect the middle class and make sure our kids and grandkids have the
same opportunities that we have enjoyed. Senior Members and retirees are very important to our Local and there will be times
when we call on them for assistance. We enjoy our privileges and benefits from their hard work and determination.
Our Stewards are our first line of defense. We have great Stewards and they communicate with us daily and we appreciate
everything they do. It’s not easy being at the work site and taking grief on a regular basis. Please take a minute and thank
your Steward. A thank you goes a long way.
School is back in session please drive safely and watch out for our little guys and always look for motorcycles.
Robert J. Snyder, Jr.
President Local 776
John L. Fogle, ll
Well, it’s finally here: retirement! The excitement of moving on to the next chapter of my
life is tinged with a little sadness at leaving a job I love. I’ve proudly served the membership
since 1985. Through a variety of administrations and serving with several different principal
officers, I always tried to keep the best interests of the membership at the very forefront of all
my decisions. It has been my honor to serve the membership and to have worked with so
many wonderful people. As I leave office, I want you to know I have all the confidence in the
world in Keith LaCroix as he assumes the position of Secretary Treasurer.
776 is in good hands with Bob Snyder leading the way as your President
and I have no doubt Keith will do a fine job handling the finances of our
Local Union. I wish you all the very best.
Page 3
Arbitration Awards
In a recent arbitration
award Local 776 members
working for Rabbittransit in
York, PA received back pay
settlements in addition to having accumulated bonus wages
reinstated. Local 776 Business
agent Bill Olmeda processed
the grievance, ultimately ending in an arbitration hearing.
During the prior contract
yearly bonuses were negotiated for attendance, safe driving, safe work record, etc.
After one year these earned
amounts then became part of
the individuals wage rate. For
each year the bonus was
earned it was added to the
individual’s wage rate. At the
expiration of the agreement in
2008 the company took the
position that the bonus was
only for the period of the expired contract and took away
the accumulated bonus
amounts, reducing the employee’s wage rate to the base
rate. The Local’s position was
that the bonus became a part
of the employee’s rate to be
carried forward into successive contracts and not just a
one-contract entitlement. The
award of the arbitrator reinstated the earned bonus
amounts to the employees
wage rate and also awarded
$59,725.00 in back pay.
Teamsters Local 776
member returned to work
A Harrisburg, PA UPS package car driver who was unjustly discharged has been
returned to work after being
off the job for fourteen
Local 776 UPS Business
agent Ron Myrnes handled the
processing of the grievance.
The grievance was deadlocked
at the Central PA Grievance
committee, prompting the
filing for arbitration by the
Local Union.
The monetary portion of the
decision awarding back pay,
Health & Welfare Contributions, and Pension Contribu-
Democrat, Republican, Independent Voter
DRIVE is the Teamsters’
political action committee. Your
contribution will support grassroots action by Teamster families to stand up to
Big Business interests. And
your membership to DRIVE will
help elect political candidates
who care about working people.
Big Business spends big money
in Washington to influence
members of Congress and push
their anti-worker plans. They
outspend working families on
politics by more than 15-1.
Through grassroots political
action and aggressive lobbying
on Capitol Hill and in State
Houses and City Halls across
America, Teamsters have
stopped some of the worst attacks on working people.
But Big Business is pushing
their agenda harder than ever.
That means we have to fight
back stronger than ever. And
we have to move forward with
our own programs, like improv-
ing job safety, fighting for affordable childcare, and stopping
abuses by corporate health providers and insurance companies.
You can take a stand for
working families by contributing
to DRIVE – the Teamsters’ political action committee. Your
contribution will support grassroots action by Teamster families to stand up to Big Business
And your membership to
DRIVE will help elect political
candidates who care about
working people.
tions is valued at approximately $95,000.
UPS Driver
Receives Justice
A Harrisburg UPS package
car driver who was unjustly
discharged was recently returned to work with back pay
and benefits. The driver was
fired in November 2008 due to
a vehicle accident. The case,
handled by UPS Business
Agent Ron Myrnes, progressed
through the grievance procedure with no satisfactory resolution. Ultimately, the case
was heard by an arbitrator. In
September 2009 the arbitrator
ruled the driver was discharged without just cause in
violation of Article 52 of the
contract. The arbitrator
awarded the grievant lost
wages and benefits in excess
of $70,000 which were allocated to the member and the
respective Central PA Health
and Welfare and Pension
funds. The discharge was reduced to a 30 day suspension.
UPS Package
Car Driver
Returned to Work
Teamsters Local 776 received the decision from an
arbitration held earlier in the
year for a Harrisburg package
car driver. The driver was
unjustly discharged in November 2008. UPS Business Agent
Ron Myrnes handled the grievance and the arbitration case
which was heard in July 2009.
The arbitrator ruled “The employer did not have just cause
to discharge the grievant. The
grievant’s termination shall be
converted to a ninety day suspension.” Lost wages and
benefits in excess of $60,000
were to be paid to the member and the respective Central
PA Health and Welfare and
Pension Fund.
Hershey Medical Center Update
New three-year
contract ratified:
By an overwhelming majority Teamsters
Local 776 members employed at the M.S. Hershey
Medical Center in Hershey,
PA ratified a new three-
year agreement on June
25th. Local 776 represents
approximately 850 employees of the Medical Center.
The three-year agreement,
which is effective July 1,
2010, was ratified by a four
to one margin.
Page 4
Picnic 2010
Local 776 held their annual picnic for members, retirees, and their families on Sunday June 6, 2010.
Golf Tournament 2010
Local 776 held their annual golf tournament for members and retirees on Sunday
August 1, 2010 at Eagles Crossing Golf course in Carlisle, PA.
Players teed it up and gave it their best shot at winning a trophy and bragging rights back on
the job. Trophies were awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams in the Championship Flight,
First Flight, and Second Flight. In addition prizes were awarded for “longest drive” and “closest
to the pin competitions. In the raffle ticket drawing Wayne Mallon was the winner of a $500 gift
certificate to the Pro Shop at Eagles Crossing.
After a hard round the players were treated to dinner while they discussed the “one that
wouldn’t drop” or “the shot that wouldn’t go straight”
The 2011 golf outing will be held the first Sunday in August, 2011. Start practicing now!
Championship Flight
1st Place
Go to the website to see the winners .
2nd Place
3rd Place
Page 5
Marines Homecoming
Welcome Home and Thank You
The new tee shirts
have arrived and are
available at the Local
Union for $10.00
Sizes L- XXXL
Tee Shirt Design
CSA Training
In response to new rules and regulations being imposed by the
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Teamsters Local 776
held a CSA 2010 training seminar for CDL drivers, as well as
mechanics that work on equipment subject to DOT inspections,
on May 8, 2010. Two sessions were held, one in the morning and
one in the afternoon to allow as many members as possible the
opportunity to attend.
Teamster Retirees Club Local 776
$15 per year
Jan. 1 - Dec. 31
Phone Number:
Company (s) Worked for::
If you leave your employment don’t forget to fill out a withdrawal card.
* Birthday:
Phone number: Home
* Anniversary:
Social Security No.:
Last Day of Work: (Date)
Reason for leaving:
Quit, laid off, terminated, etc
Add 50¢ for the cost of withdrawal
Bring or mail to:
Teamsters Local Union No. 776
2552 Jefferson Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 717-233-8766 Fax: 717-233-6023
***please be sure to notify us when you return to work***
(* Not Necessary - Unless you would like to
be recognized in the Newsletter.)
SEND TO: Harold Yost
116 E. Simpson St
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Page 6
This page and page 7 are pages from our website. Please visit the site
for updated information. It is not required to register but if you do we
believe you will find it helpful in the future. It will help us communicate
with you on important issues at your workplace much faster.
Page 7
Stroehmann Harrisburg
Local 776 represents the
hard working employees at
Stroehmann Bakers who
deliver bread, rolls, and
buns through out Central
PA. The drivers are out
everyday making sure you
have fresh products to
purchase at your favorite
store. When shopping,
remember to purchase
Stroehmann products,
you’ll be helping keep
these members working!
Next time you are shop-
ping and you see the
familiar Stroehmann
delivery truck stop
and say hello to a
fellow Teamster.
Local 776 President Bob Snyder, Jr. and Business Agent Bill Olmeda
With Stroehmann drivers-route sales members from the Harrisburg location
Stroehmann York
New Brand of Products for
Local 776 Stroehmann Bakers,
launched a new brand of bread
products in the York and
Harrisburg markets called
Bimbo. The Bimbo brand will
be marketed nationwide and is
directed toward children for the
products nutritional values.
The Local 776 drivers employed by Stroehmann Bakers
will deliver the Bimbo branded
Brad Garretson prepares to ship Bimbo Product at the
Stroehmann Depot in York.
“Support your
products along with the
Stroehmann brand of
bread and rolls to local
stores in the area. Be
sure to purchase these
products and support the
hard working Teamsters
who get the products and
support the hard working
Teamsters who get the
product to your favorite
Local 776 Companies
ABF Freight Systems
Adams County
Adams County Court Appointed
American Steel
ASF Keystone
Canteeen Corporation
Con Agra
Construction / Pipeline
Cumberland County Court
Appointed Professionals
Cumberland Township
Police Department
Dauphin County
Court Related
Court Appointed
Domestic Linen
Dover Township
East Pennsboro Township
Eastern Adams Regional Police
Eckert Trucking
First Student
Gettysburg Police Department
Grantley Fire Company
Hershey Medical Center
Hess Trucking
Highspire Borough
Jones Motor
Juniata County
Commissioners Residual Unit
Probation and Domestic Relations
Metals USA
Middletown Borough
Newberry Township
New Penn Motor Express
Newport Borough Police Dept
Paxtang Police Department
Paxtang Public Works
Perry County
Court Appointed
Commissioners Residual Unit
Piedmont Airlines
Pleasant Acres Nursing &
Rehabilitation Center
Prime Care Medical Incorporated
Quality Carriers
Rabbit Transit
Ranger Transportation
Reading Township Police
Reading Township Public Works
Red Lion Borough
RJC Industries
Rye Township
Rye Township Police Department
Schaffner Youth Center
Spring Garden Township
Springettsbury Township
Steelton Police
Stroehmann Bakeries
Susquehanna Township School
UPS Freight
Walter Zeiglers
West York Borough
West York Borough Police Dept
Wilsbach Distributors
W & L Sales
York Casket
York City
York Concrete
York Container
York County
Court Appointed
Court Related
Court System Attorneys
Youth Development Center
York County
Treatment Specialists
York Industries
YRC Corporation

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