Summer 2006 - Teamsters Local #118


Summer 2006 - Teamsters Local #118
Teamsters Local 118
- News You Can Use -
Summer 2006 - VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2
2006 Ernie Moyer - Teamsters Local 118
Scholarships Awarded at May Meeting
eamsters Local 118 in partnership
with Ernie Moyer’s family awarded
five $1,000 scholarships to children
of active or retired Teamsters of
Local 118 at this May’s Membership
President Steve Mazza and Vince Moyer presented
each of the scholarship winners a certificate of
Stevens and
his mother
and father.
Jacob’s father,
Terry works
at Wegmans
Food Markets.
This year’s winners were:
Jessica Castrechino - Daughter of Anthony
Castrechino of Upstate Farms
Donielle Peck - Daughter of Donald Peck of
Wegmans Food Markets
Philip Pietrantoni - Son of Peter Pietrantoni of the
Greece School District
Rozetta Smith
thanks the
members of
Local 118 for her
scholarship award
as Board Members
Paul Markwitz and
Gene DeLorme
look on.
Rozetta Smith - Daughter of Gerald Montanaro of
the Greece School District
Jacob Stevens - Son of Terry Stevens of Wegmans
Food Markets
he International Brotherhood of
Teamsters offers 100 scholarhips
awards each year. Sixty-nine are for
$1,000 and thirty-one are for $10,000.
Information on the 2007-2008 JRH
Memorial Scholarship Fund for high
school seniors graduating in 2007 will
be available in October 2006.
Please visit this site for more info:
President Steve Mazza, Philip Pietrantoni, Jessica Castrechino, Jacob
Stevens, Rozetta Smith, Donielle Peck, Vince Moyer
Teamsters Local 118 - Rochester, New York (585) 256-1350
- 1393 South Ave., Rochester, NY 14620 -
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
2006 Convention
he International Brotherhood of Teamsters closed its 27th
International Convention on June 30th with unprecedented
and determination to embark on the ambitious goals set this week to
expand Teamster power.
“We are moving forward together,” said Jim Hoffa, Teamsters General
President. “We have accomplished so much because we are united like
never before and we
are stronger
than ever before. But
there’s more to
do. We are changing to
grow and we
will not rest until we
have won our
More than 7,000
delegates, retirees
and guests
gathered in Las Vegas
this week under
the banner of “Moving
Together” to tackle
a range of
constitutional and policy issues that set the future course of the 1.4 millionmember Teamsters Union.
The week’s accomplishments were particularly impressive with the major
announcement of a card-check agreement at UPS Freight that will provide
a massive boost to the Teamsters organizing efforts at the former Overnight
Also announced was an agreement by UPS to the Teamsters’ demand
for early negotiations for the 2008 National Master United Parcel Service
Over 30 Local Owned Trucks Hold Spontaneous
Parade on Main Street in Las Vegas.
Senator John Edwards delivers
rousing speech to IBT Delegates.
Delegates rise in support of Hoffa-Keegel led
intitatives to strengthen the IBT.
Joint Council #18 President John Bulgaro stands
next in line to speak in support of changes to our
General Secretary-Treasurer C.
Thomas Keegel speaks at Convention.
Terry O’Sullivan, President of the Laborer’s International Union spoke to the
Delegates and their guests during the Convention. Known for his rousing speeches,
he had everyone on their feet for the duration. Brother O’Sullivan also co-chairs
the Change to Win Coalition and has committed to the Teamsters Union to increase
Union membership and clout throughout the United States.
Teamsters Local 118 - Rochester, New York (585) 256-1350
- 1393 South Ave., Rochester, NY 14620 -
Delegates Chris Toole and Kevin McIntosh with
Eastern Regional Warehouse Director Dan Kane.
Delegates ignore TDU speeches, more intent on
Convention Newsletters. Fred Carter, of Local 687
shows his disgust with their words.
(front) Dan Almekinder, Gene DeLorme, Mike
Jarosinski, Steve Mazza. (back) Mike Maynard,
Paul Markwitz, TIm Barbeto and Jim Miley.
Joint Council 46 President Ron Lucas, bottom left
along with fellow JC#46 Delegates, including our
own President Mazza with Kevin McIntosh and
Paul Markwitz
General President Hoffa at a pre-convention rally.
Can you spot John Emrich and Paul Markwitz?
The guy under the camera is our very own Tim
Puerto Rican Delegates take to the Convention
Floor in a show of Unity.
Teamsters Local 118 - Rochester, New York (585) 256-1350
- 1393 South Ave., Rochester, NY 14620 -
Message from the President
Steve Mazza
have just
from the 27th
IBT Convention
and I can’t help
but feel a renewed
sense of resolve
and purpose.
First, I would like to thank our
members for continuing to place
their trust in me and my officers by
sending us to the 27th Convention.
It is gratifying to see that you
believe as I do, we are certainly
headed in the right direction.
The IBT Conventions are serious
events. Delegates, elected by rank
and file members throughout the
United States, Canada and Puerto
Rico are entrusted to meet, discuss
and come up with a five year plan
for the Teamsters.
In addition, we had the privilege
of choosing candidates for
the International Election this
November. From the number of
delegates President Hoffa and his
team recieved and from the sea of
‘red shirts’ that filled the convention
floor, it was evident that this was
his week.
I was proud to cast my vote
in support of James P. Hoffa,
C. Thomas Keegel and their
complement of Vice-Presidents.
In 1999, when they took office,
our International had less than
$10 million in net assets. Our
strike fund was nonexistent and
organizing was an afterthought.
Today, our Union has over $100
million in assets and a dedicated
strike fund that pays real wages.
Our Organizing Department has
hit every section of the labor
movement. Police, teachers
and more now call themselves
Teamsters because of President
Hoffa’s new organizing vision.
We have added over 150,000
new Teamsters by merging with
the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers and Trainmen, the
Brotherhood of Maintenance of
Way Employees and the Graphic
Communicators International
President Hoffa has had a clear
vision for the Teamsters and he has
seen to it that this vision has been
fulfilled. His vision for the future
is even more bold.
He has pledged the following:
•Increased efforts to organize
DHL, Waste Management and
•Adoption of sweeping reforms
to prevent any and all types of
•A concerted action with the
GCC to organize Quebecor World
•Continued fiscal responsibility.
•To fight to allow FedEx the right
to organize.
•To take a hard line stand against
cross-border trucking.
•To organize all port workers,
to stop spread of low wages and
dangerous working conditions.
•To improved retirement security
so that all Teamsters may retire
with dignity.
•To continue to support UNITE
HERE and their drive to organize
All these resolutions were passed
unanimously by the delegates.
What an agenda! But I know
Continued on page 10
Teamsters Local 118
Executive Board
Steven S. Mazza
President, PEO
Eugene A. DeLorme
Christopher P. Toole
Ronald D. Hill
Recording Secretary
Paul A. Markwitz
Trustee, Business Agent
David W. Weilert
Richard T. Militello
BTA Federal Credit Union
Tiffany Cooper - President
1320 Buffalo Rd., Suite 104
Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 328-0340
(585) 955-4744 call anytime teller
(585) 328-1391 FAX
10:00am - 4:00pm
Teamsters Local 118 - Rochester, New York (585) 256-1350
- 1393 South Ave., Rochester, NY 14620 -
he Bonadio Group
Consulting & More
Chuck Constantino
Bonadio Financial
Services, LLC
585-249-2882 or
Securities and Investment Advisor services offered through Charles A. Constantino II
As a Registered Representative and Investment Advisor Representative of 1717 Capital management Company, P.O. Box 15626,
Wilmington, DE 19850 (302) 453-3800. A Registered Investment Advisor. Member NASD, SIPC.
A Nationwide Financial Company.
Representative of nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and other companies.
Bonadio Financial Services is not an affiliate of Nationwide Financial or its subsidiaries.
New Penn Drivers Help
Avert Disaster
2006 Labor
Day Parade
September 4, 2006 is the
date of this year’s Labor
Day Parade.
Teamsters will
assemble at the corner of
Alexander and East Ave,
starting at 10:00 a.m.
If you would like tens
of thousands of viewers
to know you work for a
Union Compnay, then
volunteer to participate in
this year’s parade.
Don’t let your Company
be ignored! Marchers,
Truck Drivers and their
families are welcome!
Show your UNION
Show your TEAMSTER
ochester road drivers Dan Schrader and Bobby Ruth, Jr. assisted at an accident scene and may have
prevented further serious injury and even death by their actions. The two drivers were westbound on the
NY State Thruway about 4:45 a.m.
Brother Schrader was changing lanes when he noticed a set of doubles ahead of him going all over the road. As
he slowed down, the next thing he saw was a demolished car sitting in the middle of the left lane. He was able to
avoid a collision with the car, which contained an eight month old baby and a young girl. The driver had apparently
fallen asleep at the wheel and struck a parked tractor trailer along the shoulder. Brother Ruth stopped behind the
car and both men immediately rescued the baby who was still in the car seat. Brother Ruth removed his shirt and
wrapped the baby up while Brother Schrader tended to the driver.
“Both drivers should be commended for their quick action.”, said Business Agent Ron Hill, “Despite the
presence of leaking gas, neither hesitated to offer help despite the very real risk of a fire”. “I think this is a perfect
example of the extreme professionalism all our freight drivers share”, Agent Hill adds, “public safety is something
these workers practice every day, and Brothers Schrader and Ruth should be proud of what they did.”
Teamsters Local 118 - Rochester, New York (585) 256-1350
- 1393 South Ave., Rochester, NY 14620 -
Teamsters Local
Business Agents
Office Staff
Kevin M. McIntosh
Business Agent
Michael C. Jarosinski
Business Agent
John C. Emrich
Business Agent
Sharon A. Johnson
Sylvia Bona
Patti Morales
TITAN Operator
Debbie Baroody
an Almekinder manning
the cutter! Dan, along
with Dan Leach and
Lanny Hall, are the Union
Stewards at Unisource. Dan
Almekinder is also a Conductor
for Local 118.
Teamsters Local 118 - Rochester, New York (585) 256-1350
- 1393 South Ave., Rochester, NY 14620 -
Jim Hughes and Ken Kress
Unisource Driver Jeff Kane
Ron Mykins, looking for trouble?
nisource is the leading independent marketer and distributor of
commercial printing and business imaging papers, packaging
and facility supplies and equipment in North America. With more
than 100 distribution centers with a fleet of 2000 trucks, Unisource
can deliver what your business needs when you want it - locally,
regionally and nationally.
Our knowledgeable field sales professionals work with customers to identify
the right solution for their business needs, whether it’s a large-scale press run, a
specialty packaging line, or compliance with health and safety requirements.
Supporting our sales professionals is a team of skilled customer service
representatives, product performance guarantees, technical training, consolidated
billing and customized reporting… all to add value to our customer relationships
and improving operating efficiency.
We offer the widest product selection in our industry, allowing customers to reduce
suppliers, simplify the ordering process and lower the total cost of acquisition
through savings in working capital, excess handling costs and inventory loss.
-From The Unisource Website
Teamsters Local 118 - Rochester, New York (585) 256-1350
- 1393 South Ave., Rochester, NY 14620 -
Wegmans Food Markets and Teamsters Local 118
Reach Seven Year Deal
Christopher Toole Secretary Treasurer
fter nearly five months of
intense negotiations,
Teamsters Local 118 and
Wegmans Food Markets have
ratified a seven year deal.
The Company offered no
proposals but entrusted the team
of 20+ Union Stewards, Assistant
Stewards, Business Agents and
Officers to rebuild their contract
from the ground up.
Seniority rules were simplified,
the driving language was rewritten
under two articles to cover either
mileage drivers or performance
drivers. Policies and verbal
agreements were reduced to writing
and placed in the contract to avoid
future confusion. These and much
more were added to the contract.
In addition, for the first time
in the history of a Wegmans Teamsters contract, we have
yearly increases to the pension
contributions. Not only that, but
after a vote, our members will be
entitled to move money from their
wages into the pension should they
decide to do so.
Your Union Stewards worked
weekends and evenings ensuring
every issue was addressed and
the finished contract showed this
attention to detail.
Your negotiation committee saw
to it that every member received a
survey prior to negotiations, and
four proposal meetings were held to
obtain any additions or deletions to
the new contract.
Once the contract was finished,
your committee mailed a finished
copy of the new contract with all
the changes, additions and deletions
for review. Four meetings were
held to discuss these changes and
a secret vote was held a few days
This vote was in overwhelming
support of the contract.
The Wegmans contract is one
of the most important in the
Teamster’s Warehouse Division
where it is used as a template for
other contracts.
The credit for this contract
belongs to President Steve Mazza
, Business Agent Kevin McIntosh
and the Negotiaiton Committee for
their years of service at Wegmans
and their dedication to the
The following members made up
the Negotiation Committee. Their
hard work and diligence paid off in
the finest contract ever to come out
of Wegmans. They fought for every
word and every nickel and they
always had the best interests of the
members in mind.
For Transportation
David Moran
David Ferris
Richard Militello
Michael Figliotti
Gary Muoio
Jermaine Owen
Christopher Camelio
Stephen Hart
For Warehousing
Alfred Honan
Robert Knapp
Jeffery Breedlove
David Weilert
Anthony Wells
Terry Ashford
David Putnam
Daniel Farley
Andrew Legno
Richard Gallo
For Skilled Trades
Timothy Barbeto
Congratulations to all!
Teamsters Local 118 - Rochester, New York (585) 256-1350
- 1393 South Ave., Rochester, NY 14620 -
Teamsters and UPS Reach Historic
s your
on the UPS
Committee and
a proud Delegate
Gene DeLorme to the 2006 IBT
Convention, I looked
forward to IBT VicePresident/Parcel & Small Package
Division Director Ken Hall’s speech
on UPS. Never in my wildest
dreams could I have imagined what
he was about to say.
During the 1997 strike I had
the good fortune of being the
Chief Steward at the building on
Nausau Street. As in all the centers
under Local 118’s jurisdiction,
our solidarity was strong, and our
resolve to win this strike never
Well our perserverance paid off,
and we received one of the finest
contracts to date.
The thought then was that the
Teamsters would never improve on
the ‘97 contract in 2002. The truth
of the matter was, your Officers,
Business Agents, Union Stewards
and rank and file members obtained
a $10 billion dollar contract from
UPS in 2002 versus the $4.7 billion
deal in 1997!
In addition to that, we received
a guarantee of 10,000 new jobs,
a revision of the cost of living
language, overtime protection and
new technology language.
During the past six months the
IBT did a scientific poll of all
UPSers. The results of this poll
were that the members demanded
UPS open the contract early and
begin negotiations immediately.
With the precarious state of
some of the
pension funds
across the
country, the
and the real
threat of lost
to rival
the members
understood the need to negotiate
During the Convention, VP Hall
announced that UPS has agreed
to come to the table early. This
was perhaps the biggest event in
Teamster history concerning their
relationship with UPS and I was
there to share it!
It wasn’t done yet.
Vice-President Tyson Johnson,
Director of the Freight Division
got up to give his speech. Because
I was still in shock over Ken Hall’s
announcement, I almost missed
Tyson’s knockout punch.
Together he and Ken Hall
announced that UPS has agreed
to card check neutrality with
Overnight, now called UPS
Years of hard work have paid
off. The Teamsters were finally
going to get the chance to organize
Those fifteen minutes were the
biggest of my career as a Teamster.
I couldn’t wait to get back and share
the news with everyone.
We recently held a meeting with
the members of UPS Freight, where
we discussed the IBT’s strategy for
the future.
There were many questions about
our pension, their job status and
other issues.
Our Local has committed to these
workers, that we will continue to
follow the IBT’s direction and will
work together to obtain recognition
by UPS that UPS Freight workers
are Teamsters.
Once that is done we win a strong
contract that will ensure these
workers earn the wages and receive
the benefits all UPS Teamsters have
long been proud of.
Teamsters Local 118 - Rochester, New York (585) 256-1350
- 1393 South Ave., Rochester, NY 14620 -
Clear Channel & TV-13 Settle Contract
V-13 ratified a three year
agreement last month.
One of the main sticking
points during negotiations was the threat of lost work to
programing. In addition, cellular
phones are becoming more popular
as a tool to recieve constant news
coverage, sports updates, etc.
Currently this work is not part of
their contract and Union Stewards
Terry Hancock and Matt Robinson
fought tirelessly to include it. Due
Josh Saunders on the tape decks.
webcasting, podcasting and cellular
Many mass media outlets are
using the internet more and more
to supplement their TV network
Cameramen (l to r) Steve Barnes
and Mike Barnes ... or is it Mike
and Steve?
TV-13 Union Stewards
Matt Robinson & Terry
to their work, significant inroads
were made to protect their jobs in
the future should new work materialize in these new fields.
In addition to those protections,
they were also able to obtain significant increases in wages and bring
two new members into the Union
from other departments.
Continued from page 4
Message From the President
that the Teamsters are up for it and I know that Local 118 is too! Our merger with Local 791, our recent organizing
victories; the Village of Pittsford, Palmer Foods and NES to name but a few, our continued fight with DHL, FedEx
and Waste Management for membership recognition reflect this.
Our first time contracts and the benefits we offer our members are a clear indication that we support President
Hoffa’s agenda. In fact, not only do we support it, but in many cases our Local, it’s Officers and it’s Business
Agents surpass his vision.
But all this wouldn’t be possible without your help. The contract proposal and ratification meetings that you
attend, prove your interest in your workplace. The rallys you attend in support of other Unions and the organizing
efforts you participate in only make our jobs that much easier.
The simple things like talking to new members, standing behind fellow workers and voting in elections go a long
way to building Local 118 solidarity and support.
All this wouldn’t have been possible without
Faraci & Lange
your trust. Because of this trust, so many goals
Legal Services at
for Local 118 have been met. Because you have
Special Union Rates
continued to support myself and my team through
the years, our Local has become a force to be
Prepaid Legal Benefit Plans for Teamsters
reckoned with.
Discounted rates for legal
And that force has helped President Hoffa forge
one of the strongest, fastest growing International
Outside the prepaid plan
Unions in the world.
With Thanks and In Solidarity,
Steven S. Mazza
Firm contact:
Vincent M. Moyer
585-458-2800 ext. 314
Teamsters Local 118 - Rochester, New York (585) 256-1350
- 1393 South Ave., Rochester, NY 14620 -
Get a Withdrawal
Card When You
Leave Your Job
Be Sure you request a withdrawal card
when being laid-off, going on leave of absence,
or terminating your employment. There is no
charge for a withdrawal card, but all initiation fees and
back dues must be paid before the withdrawal card is
Stop by or call the office to obtain your
withdrawal card. ,It is your responsibility to obtain a
withdrawal card so please take care of it as soon as
possible after leaving the company, so that you will
not be obligated to pay extra dues. Failure to request
a withdrawal card may cause you to pay back dues
& reinitiations.
In accordance with Article XVIII, Section
6(i) of the IBT Constitution, “it shall be compulsory
for any active member on withdrawal card to deposit
his withdrawal card immediately upon return to
employment at the craft”
Upcoming Events
Labor Day Parade
September 4, 2006
All marchers and drivers please meet at the corner of East Ave. and
Alexander St. by 10:00 a.m.
General Membership Meeting
September 6, 2006
All members of Teamsters Local 118 are welcome
Wishing Well Party House
1190 Chili Ave.
8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Every First Wednesday of the month through May
Teamsters Local 118 Clambake
October 1, 2006
Minet Hall - Dome Arena
Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Member Tickets - $25
Guest Tickets - $50
Workers with the Town of
Gates paving on a State job in
ne of the fastest growing divisions in the
Teamsters are the workers in the Highway
Departments for the various Towns and Villages in
the area.
Many of these Townships are too small for the
CSEA to go after, but find the Teamsters fit their
needs when it comes to representation. Local 118
currently represents workers in Brighton, Gates,
Niles, Rose, Sennett, Skaneateles, Lyons, Pittsford,
Sodus Point and Wolcott.
Teamsters Local 118 - Rochester, New York (585) 256-1350
- 1393 South Ave., Rochester, NY 14620 -
We’re Moving!
Teamsters Local 118 will be moving into a new office building in October 2006. This will allow us to consolidate our
office personnel from South Avenue and Buffalo Road into one location, to better serve our membership.
Our office in Auburn, NY will remain open at this time. Ron Hill and Sylvia Bona will remain at this location.
Our phone and fax numbers will remain the same, our new address will be:
Teamsters Local #118
130 Metro Park
Rochester, NY 14623
eamsters L
ocal 118
118 -- F
ighting for
for Y
our F
Teamsters Local # 118
1393 South Avenue
Rochester, NY 14620