granite state teamsters
granite state teamsters
GRANITE STATE TEAMSTERS “United We Stand ..... Divided We Fall” Vol. 1 No. 60 QUARTERLY May 2009 A message from… Secretary-Treasurer David W. Laughton This past November our country witnessed history when Barack Obama was elected as the 44th president of the United States. A friend of the Teamsters and a strong ally of organized labor, President Obama brings the hope and promise of a bright future to all working families in America. His victory, however, would not have been possible without the help and support from the Teamsters Union. From those who stuffed envelopes and knocked on doors, to members who drove voters to the polls and worked the polling locations, thousands of Teamsters gave unselfishly during the 2008 election season. Many of you went above and beyond, and it is because of your hard work and dedication that Obama was victorious in so many critical states. With just 60+ days into the Obama administration, one can already see a difference in the direction he is taking the country, concentrating on an aggressive agenda for working families in America. President Obama has put together an experienced team to assist him with solving the financial crisis, create 3 to 4 million jobs, repair the infrastructure of this country, and to finally solve the health care issues in this country. Another great victory in New Hampshire was electing former Governor Jeanne Shaheen to the US Senate. As governor, Jeanne Shaheen was responsible for unprecedented growth for the working men and woman in New Hampshire. During her tenure as governor, New Hampshire enjoyed the lowest tax burden in the United States. Teamsters Local 633 looks forward to working with Senator Shaheen in Washington to assist us in passing labor-friendly legislation. On the local front, with the down turn in the economy the trustees of the pension fund have had to make some adjustments to conform to legislation recently passed. Fortunately we did not have to reduce any benefits and there will not be any more changes in 2009. At the New England Teamsters Pension Fund, we as trustees are making changes for the long-term viability of the fund so we can all enjoy a secure retirement. On the health and welfare front, Northern New England Benefit Trust is growing with locals from all over New England joining our health fund and pharmacy to provide its members excellent health care at an affordable price. In closing, Teamsters Local 633 Executive Board and I are looking forward to seeing everybody at our upcoming events this year, such as the Stewards Seminar, the Golf Tournament, Softball Tournament, Camp Allen Outing and the 75th Anniversary Picnic in August. Fraternally yours, David W. Laughton Secretary-Treasurer TEAMSTERS 633 NEWS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE IBT LOCAL 633 53 Goffstown Road, Suite A • Manchester, New Hampshire 03102 • (603) 625-9731 EXECUTIVE BOARD Larry Fleury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Ronald Robinson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President DAVID LAUGHTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary-Treasurer Dennis Caza. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recording Secretary Jeff Parkison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trustee Doug brunnell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trustee Scott Gove. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trustee NEWS STAFF: ESTELLE VOTOUR, THOMAS NOONAN, Dennis Caza Published by Teamsters Local 633, 53 Goffstown Road, Suite A, Manchester, NH 03102 Postmaster: Send address change to PO Box 870, Manchester, NH 03105 Agent Thomas D. Noonan’s Report Since my last report in May of 2008, a number of negotiations for successor collective bargaining agreements have been ratified by our Teamster 633 members at my assignments, with two exceptions: 1) The Town of Hampton voters again rejected our negotiated and ratified agreement for the third time in as many years. We’ll be back at the negotiating table soon, in the hopes of coming up with something respectable for our members. 2) At Yankee Greyhound we have reached impasse with the three collective bargaining agreements in place during the mediation process. Mediation has been held and continues under the guidance of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. The two collective bargaining agreements at True Value, the Drivers and Warehouse, were completed and ratified by the respective units in November of 2008. Both were threeyear agreements with wage increases and maintenance of benefits in their health insurance. North Hampton Police and Public Works Departments ratified a one-year agreement, and passed the Selectmen Teamsters Local 633 in action at the New Hampshire State House lobbying against Senate Bill 152. 2 and voters approval this year. Negotiations will begin in the fall for a multi-year agreement. The Raymond Police Department members ratified and the town voters approved a new three-year agreement for their police officers and dispatchers. This agreement includes wage and step increases, insurance coverage under Northern New England Benefit Trust, as well as the Legal Assistance component under the Trust. Negotiations are ongoing, as of this writing, for the Hillsborough County Attorney’s Office, as well as the City of Franklin Police Department. Many contracts with expirations in 2010 will be starting their negotiations in the fall of 2009. It’s going to be a busy year. In the City of Manchester, the city’s mayor is requesting concessions for this year’s budget from all the Unions. We have met with him and we’ve told him to honor the collective bargaining agreements of all our contracts. We are amiable to start negotiations early for our successor agreements. Fraternally yours, Thomas D. Noonan Business Agent Report of Business Agent Kevin P. Foley We are off and running in 2009 with UPS. The economy may be in a recession but the issues continue and with the help of my stewards and members at UPS we are holding the company’s feet firmly to the fire. I have filed a Class Action Grievance for UPS neglecting to fill a 22.3 job in Keene, NH, that is pending at arbitration. All other 22.3 jobs are filled and in operation in New Hampshire. A special thanks to all my UPS stewards who are doing a good job. In a recent victory at UPS Keene, I won two grievances with the help of my Steward Ron Robinson for two full-time members for over $14,000 for various violations of our National Master UPS Agreement. I have won many excessive overtime cases in Manchester and Laconia for the triple-time penalty, all of which were scheduled for arbitration. I have also won cases that I had scheduled for arbitration when UPS failed or refused to post the full-time job vacancies in Dover. I forced UPS to post those jobs statewide. We are closely monitoring the layoff situation at UPS on a daily basis to make sure our members’ rights and earning opportunities are protected at all times. I have also been to all my UPS assignments, including MHT, Nashua, Twin, Manchester, Keene, Dover, Laconia and Feeders to continue to address our members’ concerns. I have been busy over at UPS Freight Londonderry, addressing several issues for the members with the help of my Steward Keith Sheehan and my alternate Steward Bob Hamel. The brothers have put together a softball team for this year’s Teamsters Local 633 Softball Tourney in June. Sadly, operations at the DHL Portsmouth facility stopped February 6, 2009, with DHL. (I made certain that the subcontractor has paid all monies owed our members.) DHL basically announced a pull-out of all US markets after losing and posting loses of $8 billion in five years of trying to compete with UPS ($3 billion in profits in 2008) and FedEx. FedEx (suffered a 75% profit reduction in 2008). FedEx also gutted its mechanics’ company pensions without any notice to the employees. This is a very good example of why this country needs the Employee Free Choice Act, now. Word on the street is the drivers and hub workers are next on the chopping block; only the Teamsters Union has the power to help them. The critics are saying incorrectly that the EFCA does away with secret ballot elections; that’s a lie. Under the new law the employees will choose whether they want an election or recognize the union, not the corporate fat cats. I have concluded negotiations with the help and many thanks to my committee that includes my Steward Carl Wood and Joe Case with the Hopkinton School District for our custodians. The contract increases wages for five years, added Christmas Eve as a paid holiday and freezes the 2007 weekly co-pays of the employees for the next five years. That contract was ratified by the members unanimously. The contract passed the town meeting by a voice vote. The Teamsters contract was the only contract in town that passed. Negotiations for the mid-management employees have hit impasse and we will be resuming negotiations soon. Negotiations at the Town of Milford concluded with a new five-year contract that was ratified by the members at the Highway Department and the Board of Selectman. The Budget Advisory Committee voted for it, then took another vote and voted against it. The town’s people voted it down. We will still implement the switch in health insurances to NNEBT, which will save the employees significant monies in the process. Negotiations will resume shortly for Redlon & Johnson as that contract expires in June 2009. Negotiations for the Guilford Police Officers concluded with a new first ever two-year contract that provides very good wage increases in both years and retroactivity for the officers. It also provides good benefits and an option for NNEBT at better cost. The membership ratified the contract, the Board of Selectman ratified the agreement and the voters ratified the agreement. Thanks to all our members who live up there for all their support; it was a long tough slog with the town. Thanks for the help of Jeff Paderllaro, who was there at the beginning and the end of the process, and a special thanks to Officer Steve Colcord for all his hard work as well. The professional police officers now have the Teamsters as back up. Two years is a short time and before you know it we’ll be back in negotiations with the town – we look forward to it. I have had numerous grievances and issues at the First Student Swanzey location resulting in the company agreeing to pay $10,700 for our nine members there. We also had FS terminate one of our drivers, Nancy Hill, for a trumped-up reason involving the new FS applications. I presented the full case at Tri-State Arbitration and I am happy to report that the panel agreed with the union’s position and directed FS to reinstate Nancy with full back pay. There may have been a time as non-union employees that this company took advantage of them; that time has passed, now that they are with the Teamsters Local 633 family. A special welcome to my new Steward Brother Paul Ells. Welcome aboard, Paul! I have also been to Bedford Highway resolving an issue with longevity pay for a bargaining unit member based on her years of service who hopefully now understands the value of Teamster membership and signs up. I have also been to Goffstown Highway and Peterborough Highway. I have also been to the Teamsters/UPS National Grievance hearings as I sit on the Teamsters National Health & Safety Grievance Committee. I have had the great pleasure of sitting on the Eastern Region Teamsters/UPS Freight Grievance Panel with Union Chairman Sean O’Brien. I have attended the Tri-State Arbitration Grievance Committee with brothers Padellaro and Rick Laughton and First Student Organizing meetings for Exeter with my brothers (continued on page 7) 3 Business Agent Jeff Padellaro’s Report Since my last report to you we have continued the record pace of organizing, negotiating and arbitrating. At Anheuser-Busch there have been some very dramatic changes. We have ratified a new five-year contract that provides significant wage increases, as well as maintaining the health care and pension level that the brewery members have grown accustomed to over the years. The contract was ratified locally by a vote of 188-4. A special note of thanks goes out to the negotiating committee of Dan O’Shaunnessy, Steve Bishop, Frank Kearney and Monica Walmsley for a job well done. Almost immediately after the contract was ratified, Anheuser-Busch was bought out by Inbev. The new company creates the world’s largest brewer and the new owners have agreed to honor the contract and keep all breweries in America open for the life of the agreement. Since the last report, our newest Teamster Local 633 members at First Student in Rochester, Plaistow and Swanzey have ratified their first contracts. These new agreements provide very strong job protection, significant wage increases, access to affordable Teamster Healthcare at Northern New England Benefit Trust, as well as five paid holidays, safety and attendance bonuses and the list goes on. These members have vastly more benefits, wages and protections that they could never have envisioned without joining Local 633. Thanks to negotiating committee members AL Foisy and Neil Morin from Plaistow, Quentin McKinney at Rochester, Paul Ells and Paula Woodliff in Swanzey. It was a pleasure getting to know all of you – you should all be proud for the work you have done. In addition to the First Student locations in New Hampshire, Secretary/Treasurer Laughton assigned me to negotiate the Brattleboro, VT, First Student contract. I am happy to report that the new members of Local 597 have overwhelmingly approved their first contract by a four-to-one margin. They now also enjoy the benefits that all of our new First Student members enjoy. Negotiating committee members Rich and Nonie were a great help. On behalf of Principal Officer David W. Laughton and all of the agents and organizers, we wish these newest Teamsters well. At Interstate Brands the company has finally exited bankruptcy. The affected membership has ratified by a two-to-one margin a new contract that will reduce their weekly wages, but escrow those monies into an equity-sharing program, so when people retire or quit they are able to recoup their concession. The main concern of the membership was to maintain their healthcare and pension, which we have been able to accomplish. Our IBC members have endured over four years of uncertainty and they can final rest easy and know that their jobs are secure, and we have put the company in the best possible position for success. This 4 would not have been possible without the support of the membership and a great job by the shop stewards. Ken Allison, Tom Budroe, Sheldon Corey, Kevin Dodge, Gary Farnsworth, Ernie Olenio and Jack Pedrick – you all did a great job. At Kraft/Nabisco we just recently ratified a new three-year agreement by a nine-to-one margin. The new agreement provides wage increases of sixty cents per year, and will cover the total cost of healthcare for the next three years at no cost to the members, and increases the pension. This agreement was well received as the vote indicates, and I would like to thank Stewards P.J. LaFrance and Phil Stern for doing a great job representing their fellow workers. Airgas has completed the purchase of Merriam Graves, and now that all of the merging of locations has been completed I am happy to announce that through a card check agreement we now have seven new members enjoying significantly higher wages and better benefits than they had prior to becoming members of Teamsters Local 633. A special note of thanks to Matt Campbell and Rich Tellier for all of their help with this organizing campaign. George Weston Bakeries has opened a new state-of-theart facility in Wilmington, MA. This facility houses approximately 100 employees of Thomas’, Entenmann’s and Freihofer baking. Local 633 received approximately a dozen new members due to this new facility. I would like to recognize the efforts of Shop Stewards Sandy Greenberg and Paul Pizzi for ensuring that the transition was smooth. Great job, guys! Casella Waste has ratified a new five-year agreement. The new agreement provides above-average wage increases, reduced employee co-pay for healthcare, increased 401k employer match and stronger job security language. Thanks to Shop Steward John Smithhurst and Jason Doyle for a great job assisting me at the negotiating table. Our members at Coca-Cola have been getting mobilized for the upcoming contract negotiations. There has been increased presence at all Teamster functions, as well as multiple meetings to begin the contract proposal process. I expect to have a formal contract proposal meeting in the very near future. I would also like to recognize Chief Shop Steward Lenny Redmond for his commitment to once again run in the Boston Marathon to benefit the Teamsters Local 633 Scholarship Fund. Every year Lenny, who is ably coached by the now retired master runner Tommy Noonan, runs so that we may offer scholarships to help defray the cost of college education. We strongly encourage you to support Lenny and the Scholarship Fund. You can contact the office to make a contribution. Local 633 members at Frito-Lay are entering the final year of their contract and there are some rumors floating around that negotiations may begin earlier than usual. We are, in fact, meeting with the company on a regular basis to address grievances and members concerns, but nothing formal has (continued next page) Jeff Padellaro's Report (continued) been introduced regarding early negotiations. If this becomes a formal process, the Frito-Lay members will be notified and we will schedule contract proposals. Stewards Rich Lefebvre and Dick Garon are keeping things running smoothly and I appreciate the job they do. At Pepsi in Manchester, the members have recently begun reaping the benefits of the recently adopted variable rate of overtime (vrot) legislation. This new law makes vrot illegal, and forces the company to pay an actual time-andone-half component, rather than a variable rate. There are certainly some growing pains around the implementation of this new process. We have met with the company, and they have agreed to guarantee the members’ wages for the remainder of the contract, so that no one will be negatively affected by this change. Thanks to Shop Stewards Gerry Coulter, Dana Roy and Lee Simmons for all their hard work. Our new members at the Derry DPW recently voted to end their affiliation and become formal members of Local 633. This unprecedented change occurred after this group became affiliated with Local 633 approximately 18 months ago, and we negotiated the contract that their last representatives had not been able to over the course of a year and a half. We will be going back into negotiations in less than a year, and I am proud that these members have decided that they do not need their affiliation because the Teamsters have delivered for them. Thank you to Randy Borelli, John Cianculli, Bob Buxton and Jay Guerin for their efforts to move this group forward in a united manner. On behalf of Principal Officer David W. Laughton and all of the agents and organizers, I would like to welcome the New Hampshire Court Security Officers (CSOs) to Local 633. We recently won a 21-month-long battle before the Labor Board for these new members. I have sent out the demand for bargaining and we look forward to negotiating them a strong and fair contract. Some of these employees have not had a wage increase in years. We thank them for selecting Local 633 and we will not let them down. In December Local 633 successfully organized Student Transportation of America Bus Drivers in Londonderry, however, the company is challenging the election before the Labor Board. We have won the first round of litigation, but it appears that the employer is looking to appeal. I have sent multiple demands for bargaining, and along with Organizer Roger Travers, we have filed multiple unfair labor practice charges with the federal government. All during this time the new members of Local 633 have stayed strong. We continue to aggressively pursue this anti-union company, and we will not back down until we have justice for these members. None of this would have been possible without the support of the membership or stewards, all of which I remain grateful. As we begin to see the warmer weather, I wish you all a happy Spring and safe enjoyable Summer season. To Whom It May Concern: told him the story and he was not happy at all with the treatment I had received. Within days I was informed that while I was out the company would be paying me my full salary, and that is exactly what happened. I was also told that my route was protected and would be waiting for me upon my return. I could not believe what had happened. I had always believed that if you work hard and are a good employee that the company will take of you and your job will be secure. Unfortunately, I learned from my own unpleasant personal experience that this is not always the case. I did learn another valuable lesson, however, and that is, whatever negative things that are said about the union, I can tell you one thing for certain – when they tell that they are there for you and have your best interest at heart, they mean it. Throughout my ordeal it was the union and nobody else that rose to my aid. They stood up for me and refused to be ignored. It is for this reason that I am now and continue to be a loyal Teamster. My name is Kevin Wilson and I work for First Student our of the Swanzey, NH, terminal. I have always been anti-union, and remained so when the Teamsters came to our terminal to try to organize our shop. I carried signs and spoke out to people and did everything I could to try to prevent the union from coming into the company. When the voting was complete and it was clear that the union had won a decisive victory, I accepted the decision honorably, but vowed not to join personally. Then something happened. Some false allegations were made about me outside the company. I notified my manager, and within a day I was told I could not come back to work. While my manager was sympathetic, it was explained to me that the decision was from higher up in the company. I called several times to find out exactly why I was not allowed to come back to work and was completely ignored. I have been a dedicated employee for five years. I love my job and take it very seriously. I felt as though the company turned its back on me, and due to my anti-union position I knew the Teamsters were not going to help me either. I was wrong. The very next day I received a call from a Teamster representative who asked me to explain exactly what happened. I I remain fraternally yours, Jeff Padellaro Sincerely, Kevin N. Wilson 5 Business Agent Richard Laughton’s Report I hope this latest newsletter finds all of you and your families in good health. After another long winter we all look forward to the upcoming warmth of spring. We have all been busy at the Local on many different fronts. Our concrete companies, Manchester Redimix and Aggregate Industries, finally have a large project to supply with concrete. The Bow power plant is installing a state-of-the-art scrubber to remove several toxic pollutants from the smoke stack. This is the largest construction job the state has seen in years. Both of these companies have supplied this job and will continue to because of the efforts of the Local in conjunction with the New Hampshire Building Trades to make this a UNION job There have been several hearings at the Senate and House in Concord to support this project because there are several groups trying to stop this much-needed environmental upgrade. We were there with hundreds of fellow Union workers to make sure our voices were heard. Thank you to all who took the time to attend. A special thanks to my fellow agents along with our political coordinator Dennis Caza and our lobbyist Dick Bouley for their help. More good news is the hundreds of members who have joined our Local from the bus industry. We recently have won several grievances for these new members. I was successful, with the assistance of Jeff Padellaro and the rest of our team, in returning an unjustly terminated First Student driver back to work in Portsmouth with his seniority rein stated and back pay. Pass the word that with Local 633 on your side the company can no longer do as they please. We are also standing with our 150 or so members who Retired Members Constance Aziz William Carignan Raymond Currier Michael Deturk Julian Pope Jr. Thomas Flickinger Ray Hutchinson Jr. Charles Luongo James Maiocchi Lyndell Quint Dale Stewart Bernard L. Dudley James W. Fernald Reynald W. Gamache William MacLean John Maglaras II Joseph T. Manning Rodney R. Nedeau Jeffrey R. Peterson Arthur G. Philbrick 6 James L. Plante Fred T. Towne Sr. Frank Agiato William Bonney Mark Byron John Cochrane Anthony Daloia Albert Dionne James Flanders Conrad Morrissette Gilbert Robinson Sr. Joseph Rodrigues Merle Wentworth Robert Wright Donald Adams Jean Auger Edgar Berube Carole Currier George Gamache Maurice Gourde Leo Leoutsakos work for the City of Manchester in the face of pressure from the mayor to take cuts to advance his own agenda. All of our stewards are standing strong and keeping the members informed and united. Thanks go out to those members – stay strong . The IBT has recently sent us a standards engineer to review the production standards at Associated Grocers in Pembroke. The final report will be sent to me and I will share the findings with the group. I will make sure that the company is within industry standards in their expectation of what is fair to the members. As you may or may not know, Yellow Freight and Roadway have gone through a major change of operation nationwide. This has resulted in a single statewide seniority list. This has caused many issues to come up and resulted in a multitude of grievances being filed. I make sure the company lives up to its contractual obligations. I am currently negotiating with New Hampshire Distributors, City of Lebanon, Town of Newmarket, Town of Sandown, UNH, Manchester RediMix, with others soon to come. I have sat on several cases at the NH Dept. of Labor Wage and Hour Penalty Appeals Board, attended meetings as a board member of the New England Teamsters Credit Union and assisted returning veterans as the Helmets to Hardhats coordinator for Joint Council 10 of New England. As an organizer for Local 633, I continue to work closely with Roger Travers and Robin Loder as they work tirelessly to organize more members everyday. Thank you to all the members and stewards who help me make a difference in the lives of working men and women. Fraternally yours, Rick Laughton Ray Juneau Roy Miller William C. Moore Ernest J. Paquette Martin A. Webster Michael Aldieri Arthur Fosher Max Lavoie Richard Leblanc Robert McOsker Rejean Poisson Roger Denoncourt Arron Bennett Jr. Ronald Bergeron Dana Murphy Deceased Members Ed Gage Martin Eichorn Donald Patterson Paul R. Beland Richard Boucher Lawrence Twombly Edwin W. Miller Connie Kounkoulos Mau Aubin Max Hoffman John Spaulding Thomas Collins Louis Lohnes Ovila Lapointe Richard Rose Sherman Foote Vernon Latsha James Donahue Jason Bailey Edward Wagner Albert Jones Stephen Dorgan William Lane George Labrecque Edward Silva Robert Nash Roger Boisvert Mario Depetrillo Walter Bysko Graydon Brewster Andrew Beaudette Lucien Cartier Ferando Portinari Walter Fleury Joseph Boisclair Sean Moquin Frank Basoukas John Hallam Joseph Forseze Ronald Desrochers Charles Bliss Bernie Augot Thomas Simone Robert Ouellette (continued on page 7) Recording Secretary Dennis Caza’s Report Brothers and Sisters, I would like to take this oppor tunity to thank you for your overwhelming support in the 2008 election. With thousands of worksite flyers, thousands of phone calls, several mailings, and fantastic participation of all of our members on weekend labor walks and members working the polls on Election Day, we made history here in New Hampshire. Not only did we elect Barack Obama president, we also elected the first woman to the US Senate from New Hampshire, former Governor Jeannie Shaheen, a real friend of the Teamsters. We also reelected Congressman Paul Hodes and Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter back to the US House. On the state level we reelected Governor John Lynch for his third term, and kept a majority of Democrats in the New Hampshire House and Senate. On the state legislative side, with over 1,000 bills being filed this year, Dave Laughton, Teamster lobbyist Dick Bouley and I have identified 48 bills that could directly effect our members. For example, there are three bills dealing with an excise tax that could adversely affect Anheuser-Busch, another bill that wants to repeal our public sector card check bill, and several bills dealing with DOT license holders. We will keep you updated on our progress. On the federal level, our most important piece of legislation we are working on is the Employee Free Choice Act, which is a private sector card check bill that will give the employees the choice of a secret ballot election or a majority signup, not the employers. This is by far the most important bill to help all unions level the playing field for organizing and let us help more employees get the wages and benefits they deserve. Worker Misclassification: In many industries, employers have wrongly classified employees as independent contractors. This classification deprives workers of much needed benefits and security, such as health insurance, retirement and unemployment. The Teamsters Union supports legisla- Report of Business Agent Kevin Foley (continued) and sisters. I have been up to Concord with my brothers to oppose SB 152 that if enacted would kill good union jobs in Bow, NH. I hope of you and your families have a happy, fun and safe summer season and I, like all my brothers here, look forward to seeing all of you at the 2009 Teamsters Local 633 events this summer. Fraternally yours, Kevin P. Foley Business Agent tion that closes the current loophole that allows employers to misclassify workers as independent contractors. Mexican Truck Pilot Program: Our most critical issue related to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and one that continues to pose a danger on our nation’s roadways, is the Mexican truck pilot program, which grants up to 100 Mexican carriers operating authority beyond the currently permitted border commercial zones. Mexican trucks and drivers do not even meet US safety standards, yet despite being defunded by Congress, this program has been allowed to run. The Teamsters support the immediate termination of this pilot program. Fair Trade: Our trade policy is broken and must be fixed. We need trade policies that ensure the implementation and enforcement of the International Labor Organization’s Core Labor Standards and Conventions and that provide incentives for jobs to stay in the US and not shipped overseas. The Teamsters Union supports strong enforcement and strengthening of our trade agreements. We also support a new model on trade to ensure that living standards are raised and jobs are created here and abroad. In closing, I am looking forward to a busy summer and hope to see all of you at some of the Teamsters Local 633 events, such as the golf outing, the softball tournament, Camp Allen outing at the beach, and our 75th anniversary outing in August. Fraternally yours, Dennis Caza Annual Softball Tournament This year’s fun will be held the weekend of June 6-7 at the Anheuser-Busch field in Merrimack, NH. Team captains are urged to contact Rick Laughton at the hall, 603-625-9731, to confirm their team whether it’s an existing team or if you are forming a new team (we have openings for a couple new teams). If you would like to play but don’t have a team, contact Rick and he may be able to put you in touch with others in the same situation or a team that could use a few more players. We look forward to seeing everyone again this year. Deceased Members (continued) Bernice Seppie William Murphy Edgar Begin James Carmody Richard Gardner John A. Clarke Robert Guay Ernest Knighton Zygmunt Raskiewicz Jacques A. Plante Maurice Laduke Loraine T. Constant Roger Bergeron 7 Teamster 633 Golf Tournament The 23rd Annual Teamsters Local 633 Golf Tournament will take place at Candia Woods Golf Links, 313 South Road, Candia, NH, on Sunday, June 14, 2009. Check-in at 7:30 a.m., shotgun start at 8:00 a.m. Type of play will be four-person scramble with combined handicapping. There will be prizes for first, second and third place finishes, as well as closest to the pin and longest drives. For a fee of $50.00, each golfer will receive green fees, cart, prizes and a barbecue lunch. The tournament is open to the first 108 golfers or 27 foursomes. Openings to be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis and completed no later than May 14, 2009. If you cannot find a complete foursome and want to play, please send your name, handicap and fee and we will assign you to a foursome. Register and sign up soon. Openings always go fast. Please send check or money order for $50.00 per person to: Teamsters Golf Tournament Teamsters Union Local No. 633 PO Box 870 Manchester, NH 03105-0870 $50 per person APPLICATION 23rd Annual Teamsters Local No. 633 Golf Tournament Candia Woods Golf Links, Candia, NH • Sunday, June 14, 2009 7:30 A.M. Check-in • 8:00 A.M. Shotgun Start Name _ _________________________________________________________________________________ Handicap ___________ Name _ _________________________________________________________________________________ Handicap ___________ Name _ _________________________________________________________________________________ Handicap ___________ Name _ _________________________________________________________________________________ Handicap ___________ – It Pays to be a Member of Local 633 – PERMIT NO. 526 MANCHESTER, NH 03103 LOCAL 633 I.B.T. PO Box 870 Manchester, NH 03105 PAID NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE
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53 Goffstown Road, Suite A • Manchester, New Hampshire 03102 • (603) 625-9731
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