Teamsters Local #118


Teamsters Local #118
Local 118 had a Great Year!
T eamsters
Local 118
Christmas 2014
O rganizing
C utting E dge C ontracts
G iving B ack to the M embers
Christmast 2014.indd 1
12/15/2014 1:10:49 PM
What’s trending online
OFFICE (585) 256-1350
FAX (585) 256-1429
TEAMSTERS TAKE ON FEDEX organizing victories roll in,
Local 701 in NJ, one of many
TEAMSTERS LOCAL 118 support area workers in their fight
against RG&E
Withdrawal Notice
Any member who is terminated, laid off, quits, retires,
is off work due to an illness or injury, or goes on
a leave of absence may obtain a withdrawal card
from the Local Union to stop their dues obligation
while they are not working. This does not apply to
seasonal construction units that must pay a layoff rate.
You may request that your Local Union send
you a withdrawal card in person or by telephone.
workers #walmartstrikers @Change Walmart
Office hours are from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM,
M o n d a y t h r o u g h F r i d a y. T h e t e l e p h o n e
number is (585) 256-1350, ext. 201 or 203.
Union dues for the last month worked must
be paid to be eligible for a withdrawal card.
Any member in arrears in dues, initiations or assessments
for three (3) months shall stand automatically suspended
from all rights and privileges of membership at the end of
the third month. Any member suspended shall be required
to pay a reinstatement fee based on job classification
to be restored in good standing in the Local Union.
Have You Moved?
Call Us! You don’t want to miss a thing!
(585) 256-1350 Ext. 201
December, 2014 • teamsters local 118
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12/15/2014 1:10:51 PM
Trending 2
Important 3
Message from the 4
Calendar of 5
Scholarship 5
Emrich 6
Local 8
Spider 10
Christmas 12
Around our 15
Business 16
Secretary-Treasurer 17 19
Golf 20
Labor Day 22
Health & Hospital / Pension & Retirement
P.O. Box 4928
Syracuse, NY 13221-4928
(315) 455-9790
Pension Appointments (315) 455-4651
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Rochester, New York 14624
(585) 328-0340 - Fax (585) 328-1391
130 Metro Park
Rochester, NY 14623
(585) 254-1700
FAX (585) 458-9597
25 Louisiana Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 624-6800
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ph. 585-454-4580
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*Rate is based on credit score.
teamsters local 118 • December, 2014
Christmast 2014.indd 3
12/15/2014 1:10:53 PM
The President’sCorner
t’s been eleven months since
we’ve taken office. What a
difference a year can make! I
think back to January, Bill Allen
and Jeff Sargent were fresh out of
the workforce with no experience
as Business Agents. Mike Maynard
had moved into a role as an executive Officer of the Local, Dave
Weilert stepped in and used his experience with the Local to continue
to organize and assist me in taking
over some of our open contracts.
John Emrich had two extremely
difficult negotiations with Kraft
Foods and O-AT-KA underway
and also helped assist me with our
new Business Agents.
Chris Toole began the process of
updating all of our records in the
office, creating budgets, overseeing the day to day operations at the
office and helped me negotiate or
assist in negotiating many of the
contracts in the Local.
I have always been an advocate for organizing and we had
a great year at Local 118. With
Dave’s help we have won victories
at Balkan Beverage, Schewbel
Bakery, Heath (RG&E meter
readers), the Town of Lyons and
the Town of South Bristol and
we have an election with Anchor
Block the first week of December.
We are still going after potential
members at PACTIV, the Town of
Junius, Alpina Yogurt and a group
of police officers in a small town
in our area. Chris is also gearing
up to go after Conway Freight and
FedEx Freight. The only way to be
successful in the Labor movement
is to organize. Each company that
employs Teamster members, that
provides a working wage, competitive benefits and iron clad work
rules and job security improves
workers at EVERY company,
Union or non-Union. Our members earn superior wages and benefits compared to their non-Union
counterparts in the Rochester area
and our members enjoy job
security and
grievance and
while nonUnion workers must rely
on the good
graces of their
Becoming a Teamster is only the
first step, securing a contract and
maintaining it or improving it is
the job that never ends. My Officers and I have negotiated over
thirty-eight contracts this year and
the members passed many of these
overwhelmingly. Certainly a great
indication of the hard work we
committed to do.
I have also taken an active
role in protecting and improving our member’s healthcare and
retirement benefits. I am a Labor
Trustee on the Rochester Area
Construction & Materials Fund,
the Upstate 401(k) Plan, the Bakery Drivers Pension Fund and I am
pleased to announce that I have
been selected by all of the Principal Officers in New York to sit
on the New York State Teamsters
Benefit Fund. Those are a lot of
hats to wear and I am humbled that
I am responsible for the security of
thousands of Teamsters and their
I am proud that our Local’s
RAC&M Fund has grown
tremendously over the past five
years. Under of the watchful eyes
of fellow Labor Trustee Chris
Toole and myself we have been
able to provide a very comfortable
return on the annuity side of this
Fund and we have also provided
premium assistance to all of this
Fund’s participants during the
holiday season to help reduce the
cost of healthcare.
While many other pension funds
are struggling I am also pleased
to report that the Bakery Driver’s
Pension Fund remains healthy
and in the green zone and our
Upstate 401(k) Plan continues to
attract new participants and help
our members with their long term
retirement goals.
With some very important
changes in the Pension Protection
Act coming up in 2015, I look
forward to working with the other
Trustees and Fund professionals as
we work to improve one of New
York’s most important Teamster
health and pension funds.
And while organizing new
members and negotiating strong
contracts are very important to the
Teamsters, so is getting together
with our members and creating
solidarity and what a year we had
on this front! Meeting our Union
Stewards this past January was
just the beginning. Your Executive
Board went to several barns over
the summer, cooking hotdogs and
swearing in new members, we
had a ball and so did you. I look
forward to doing more of that in
Our Labor Day Parade was a
huge success and afterwards, we
took the marchers and drivers to
the Genesee Brew House for a
small celebration, I can’t think of a
better way to end the summer than
looking over downtown Rochester
enjoying a cold Teamster made
Genny Beer!
Vice-President Mike Maynard
did a fantastic job with our Local’s
scholarship this year. Seeing all
those carts lined up in the morning
and talking to our members is what
makes this job worthwhile. To hear
that we raised enough to pay for all
of this year’s scholarship awards is
awesome. Bringing our members
together for a worthy cause makes
us stronger.
Finally, we rounded out the year
with our annual clambake. The last
time we had such a great time was
during the Local’s 75th anniversary and this year was no
different. Despite some
feeble attempts to bring
the party down, our members would have none of
it. So many smiles, so
many good conversations,
so much great food; this
is what our Local has
always been known for.
It was nice to see old and
new friends, fellow Union
Officers from other Locals and honored guests.
So many people look forward to this event and we
didn’t let them down. If
you have never come to a
Local 118 clambake, you
owe it to yourself to try it
next year, I promise, you
won’t be disappointed!
As you read this newsletter, we
will already have had our Christmas Party. Continuing on with a
tradition that former Presidents
Frank Posato and Steve Mazza
created, I can guarantee ahead of
time, this event will be a rousing
So that was year one. It was
quite a year, but we’re not even
close to calling it a day! This
February, our Executive Board will
be hosting a new and improved
Steward Seminar. With the help of
the International, we will be flying
in professionals to hold classes
on topics and programs that will
make your Stewards better at their
job. We have some exciting guests
and speakers coming and I expect
this to be an event everyone will
I have directed our Officers and
Business Agents to find new ways
to involve our members. We will
be participating in the St. Patrick’s
Day Parade, we will do more ‘Hots
‘n the Lot’ this spring and summer, we will host a Labor Night at
Frontier field next summer and of
course our Labor Day Parade and
Clambake will be bigger than next
I will continue to organize, I will
accept nothing but the best during
contract negotiations and I know
that all of us will make 2015’s
Scholarship event more successful
than ever. We have done a lot and
we are ready to do more in 2015.
I wish all of you a very Merry
Christmas and joyful New Year.
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January - May Membership Meetings
First Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm
Rick’s Prime Rib
Annual Teamsters Local 118 Christmas Party
December 6, 2014 - Rick’s Prime Rib
Teamsters Local 118 Steward Seminar
February 7, 2015 - Hyatt Regency Hotel, Rochester, NY
Local 118 Scholarship Deadline
March 31, 2015
James R. Hoffa Scholarship Deadline
March 31, 2015 see for details
Calendar of Events 2014
Your Union
Drawing for Local 118 Scholarship winners
April 1, 2015 - Rick’s Prime Rib
Scholarship Award Ceremony
May 6, 2015 - Rick’s Prime Rib (general meeting will be
cut short for ceremony)
2015 Local 118 Scholarship Application
Available Online and at the Office
On this issue’s cover, members of
Teamsters Local 118 and their guests
enjoy our annual Clambake at Camp
Applications will be accepted up until March 31, 2015. You can ask your Union
Steward for an application, stop by the Union Hall or go online at and download a copy.
If your child is a senior in high school, stop by for a copy of the
James R. Hoffa Scholarship application. All JRH applications must be submitted to the
Local Secretary-Treasurer for membership verification before processing.
teamsters local 118 • December, 2014
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RetirementsJohn C. Emrich
tarting his Teamster career at
the Genesee Brewery in the
70’s, John was eventually
elected as Union Steward in the
Warehouse on St. Paul Street.
In 2001 John was promoted to
the position of Business Agent
with Teamsters Local 791. John
was an instrumental partner with
Local 791 President Paul Markwitz as the Local began rebuilding
791 into a formidable presence in
When Local 791 merged with
Local 118, John was assigned to
major contracts at Kraft Foods and
O-AT-KA. In addition John represented workers within the linen
supply and construction supply
In 2013, John was elected to
the position of Trustee and helped
institute sweeping changes in
Local 118 as an Executive Board
John’s track record of being
a hardworking Business agent
dedicated to the Membership will
be missed. We wish John all the
best as he spends time with his
wife Barb his children and grandchildren.
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t’s no secret, maintaining and
growing Union Membership
remains a significant challenge
within all of organized Labor.
Your Local 118 Executive Board
has recognized this challenge as a
priority and takes their responsibility very seriously.
When we organize new members
into the Union, we lift all workers
to a better way of life at work and
at home.
While we have numerous
campaigns at various levels, the
following is a snap-shot of recent
organizing victories and strategic
growth initiatives within Local
The supervisory staff at the RTS
Downtown Transit Center, Heath
Consultants (RG&E Meter Readers), Balkin Beverage Drivers/
Merchandisers and warehousemen
(Red Bull) and Schwebel’s Bakery
are all new Teamsters.
In addition, Local 118 has a
number of campaigns that have not
been made public, but stay tuned,
because WE are organizing for the
his past August, two members of Teamsters Local 118
traveled to the city of brotherly love in Philadelphia, PA to
participate in the annual Teamsters
National Black Caucus.
Don Williams from Kraft Foods
and Dan Mathis from the Genesee
Brewery attended this week long
event that brings Teamsters from
across North America together.
A powerful group, the TNBC’s
sole aim is to unite blacks and
other minorities, and other persons
Don Williams (left) and IBT VP
of good will for promoting culAl Mixon (center) enjoy events
tural, civic, legislative, political,
at the TNBC
educational, fraternal, charitable,
welfare, social
and other
activities which
further the interests of minorities directly or
This was the
first time for
Don and Dan to
attend and they
along with more
than 500 other
like minded
Teamsters are
helping to make the Teamsters a
Union for everyone!
New Union members
Do you know someone interested in
joining the Teamsters Union?
Do you have a friend that would be
instrumental in organizing his or her
if you said yes, then teamsters local 118
has the reward for you!
once a company signs a first contract, we
will award $50 per head for every member you helped organize
play a leading role in this program and
the loot will be yours!
$50 per head
teamsters local 118 • December, 2014
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or the second year, Teamsters Local 118 hosted their annual Clambake
at Camp Eastman in Durand Park. Perfect weather and fantastic attendance by our members made this bake one of our most memorable.
“I can’t say enough, just what a great time we had”, said President Paul
Markwitz, “everyone was laughing, watching football and enjoying the
delicious food and cold beer”. Local 118 wants to thank Auburn Catering
for once again delivering a fine meal; all the clams you could eat, sausage,
corn, steak sandwiches, shrimp, MORE CLAMS, salt potatoes and more.
Genesee Brewery donated the beer giving this event a truly home town feel.
Over 400 members and guests attended the event and the Town of
Irondequoit did a great job setting up the festival tent for the Teamsters. We
want to thank the many area Unions that attended and our members for their
participation. See you next year!
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Does whatever a Spider can
The Amazing Spiderman comes to Rochester for Filming
ochester, NY was host to film crews during the production of the
most recent Spider Man movie. With the help of enhanced CGI
animation, movie directors are not forced to go to a specific city or
travel to exotic sets to film. They can film the action up close and then add
any scenery that is needed using special effects.
This is allowing film crews to use cities such as Rochester, NY instead of
more expensive places like New York City, Boston or Chicago.
When Rochester was chosen, New York City Movie Teamsters called
President Markwitz and Secretary-Treasurer Toole for available drivers
to help on the set. For almost three weeks of filming, over ten Local 118
Teamsters worked behind the scenes either delivering equipment or actors
to the scenes or taking set directors or construction crew to area stores for
In the past, Local 118 has also placed workers on the set of the movie
“Getting to the Greek” which filmed in Letchworth State Park.
“New York is making it very attractive for film crews to reach out to areas
like Rochester”, said President Markwitz, “I anticipate that we will see
more large and small scale film production in our area.”
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©2013 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. NMLSR ID 399801.
106955 - 03/14
REV 2/14
10 December, 2014 • teamsters local 118
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he George Washington University and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters launched an initiative in 2008 to build an
educational and research environment to explore the role that the
American labor movement in general and the Teamsters in particular
have played in the development of the United States from the late 19th
Century onwards. The records of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters serve as a foundational collection to this initiative. Key aspects of
this collaboration include an active archival program to acquire, arrange,
preserve, and provide access to historically-significant materials documenting American labor history; an active exhibit program; academic
courses; colloquia; seminars; a state-of-the-art reading room; and meeting spaces for the Teamsters and members of the GW community.
History of the Teamster Logo Through the Years
1902 - Present
Stop by these sites to begin your journey into the Teamster’s Past....
1963: Members of Local 810 joined
fellow Teamsters from around the
country at the civil rights March on
he IBT logo is recognized the world over. Besides signifying the
union as an organization, it also carries meanings of personal
pride, belonging, and dedication to the IBT’s mission and goals.
The emblem of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters is two horse
heads, one looking to the right, the other looking to the left, over a sixspoke wheel with the
union’s name on the
wheel rim.
The IBT introduced this emblem
in 1910. Prior to
that, the official
emblem was a
single horse head
framed by a
horseshoe, in
turn framed
by a wagon
wheel. The
IBT inherited
this emblem
from one of
its predecessor unions,
the Team Drivers
National Union.
The emblem, with slight variations, has remained the official Teamster
logo over the past century of IBT growth. Teamster organizational lore
has it that the two horses have names — Thunder and Lightning. Thunder is male, Lightning is female.
Recent affiliates — the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and
Trainmen, the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes, and the
Graphic Communications International Union — have each incorporated
their original union logos with Thunder and Lightning.
- From website
Above: Our International Headquarters dedicated in November, 1955. To the right is the IBT HQ today as it is seen through
Google Street View, quite a difference 60 years make. Note the
building stood almost alone in 1955. Today she is surrounded
by hotels and other administrative office buildings. Teamsters
still enjoy an incredible view of the Capital Building, a statement
that we are always watching!
teamsters local 118 • December, 2014
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You Better Not Shout, You Better Not
Pout. You Better Not Cry, I’m Telling
you Why... S C C
laus is
oming to
For over 20 years, Teamsters Local 118 has been hosting their annual
children’s Christmas Party here in Rochester, NY.
The first Saturday of December, Santa Claus and his helpers stop by to
meet Teamster children and collect their wishes for the Christmas season.
This year over 200 guests stopped by Rick’s Prime Rib House and
enjoyed refreshments, friends and of course jolly ol’ Saint Nick.
President Markwitz and the rest of the Executive Board and office
staff spent the last month collecting gifts for the children and making
sure there would be enough cookies, Christmas treats and the perineal
favorite, Lunchables on hand for everyone.
“I remember back in the late 80’s and early 90’s when Local 118
first started this event” said retired Local 118 President Steve Mazza,
“watching the children as they waited for their turn, seeing my friends
and co-workers having a great time made it all worth while for me.
Now those same kids are bringing their children! I am so thankful the
Executive Board has brought back such a great tradition.”
12 December, 2014 • teamsters local 118
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teamsters local 118 • December, 2014
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Left to right: Hots ‘n The Lot at UPS Batavia after work. Far right: Busiest day in 2014, we’ll
crush that this year
Above. John Emrich and Jeff Sargent
watch as O-AT-KA count votes during
contract ratification. Right and below:
President Paul Markwitz swears in new
members at O-AT-KA Hots n’ the Lot.
Bottom left: President Markwitz talks
to members during contract review
Above left: members look
on at General Membership
meeting. Above Right: New
members sworn in before Executive Board. Left: President
Markwitz and Agent Bill Allen
attend work rally for RG&E
workers. Right: Chief Steward
Ange Mazzucco addresses
Rochester UPS drivers
14 December, 2014 • teamsters local 118
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Left: UPS Geneva drivers
John Yannotti and Mike
Marchionda receive 25 years
safe driving. Right: Mike
Lawyer from UPS Henrietta
attains 25 years of driving
without an accident. Bottom
left: President Markwitz
addresses UPS Henrietta
Drivers at Jim Branch’s
retirement. Bottom right:
awards are flowing!
Around ourLocal
Kraft Food members vote on
their latest contract
Left and above two:
Hots ‘n the Lot at
Wm. B. Morse & Sons
Lumber Yard
teamsters local 118 • December, 2014
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12/15/2014 1:11:29 PM
Jeffrey J. SargentTRUSTEE,BA
can certainly remember eleven
months ago as I left my job in the
Feeder Department at UPS how
nervous I was as I took on the role of a
Business Agent for Local 118. Thankfully my years experience as the Chief
Steward of over 300 members at the
UPS Henrietta Facility have helped
make this transition less bumpy.
With the help of President Markwitz
and Secretary-Treasurer Toole, I learned
very quickly that I was going to have
to wear many hats. I have had to learn
about healthcare, pensions, work rules
and grievance procedures for other contracts and how to put together proposals
for negotiations and more.
Bill Allen and I attended a week long
school for new Business Agents and it
really hit home just how much responsibility Agents have in the Union.
I continue to help with UPS and I am very pleased at the relationship I have helped rebuild in Geneva.
At Merkel Donahue, we are in real negotiations with the company for the first time in many years. I am
confident we will win a long term contract there with wage increases. A first in five or six years. The
Staples contract is finally done after a long fight to get agreed upon language back in the contract that the
previous business agent left out.
With John Emrich’s retirement, President Markwitz has assigned O-AT-KA Dairy to me. This is a
tough contract and it contains a lot of new language that is going to require my careful attention as we
move forward. I can’t begin to tell everyone what a fine job the Union Stewards are doing there and I
truly enjoy being in Batavia meeting the 200+ members that work there.
I’ve made it a priority to visit my barns on a regular basis, making sure members know that we are
there for them. Whether it’s for a retirement celebration, a 25 years safe driving award, to fight for
someone’s job or simply just to stop by and say hi, I pride myself on my visibility and I deeply appreciate
the member’s acceptance of me in their places of work. This is a new era for local 118 and your elected
leaders are ready. I see great things ahead so whether it is organizing new companies or crafting new
agreements with the companies we already represent, I am proud to be a part of President Markwitz’
team and I am honored to be an Officer with Teamsters Local 118.
his has been a busy year as
I continue to struggle with
new language in the Wegmans contract. The company has
taken a hard line on many issues
forcing me to fight to protect our
The attendance policy, which
has been in place for years is only
now being enforced, despite years
of requests from myself and other
Union Stewards. Unfortunately,
this has resulted in dozens of
suspensions and discharges due to
violation of the attendance policy. I
continue to take these on a case by
case basis, but I have made it clear,
our workers need to be mindful of
their work record for the year.
In 2014, I have processed 264
grievances through November,
2014. They include: Fifteen terminations, of which 5 have returned
to work or received sizable settlement agreements. One suspension,
144 seniority grievances resulting
in $8,365 in payments, 74 procedural grievances resulting $1,239
in payments and 31 payroll issues
resulting in $482 in back wages. I
am pleased to report that
I have obtained over $60,000 in
payments from the company for
violating our contract, despite the
mess my predecessor left me. In
comparison, there were only 209
grievances filed in 2013, resulting
in only $16,605 in payments.
Clearly, the Local is on the
right track in protecting the new
contract and I am very proud of the
hard work my Union Stewards are
doing on behalf of the members at
Wegmans has also taken the
position that they do not owe
certain members their promised
pension transition benefits. As part
of the negotiation committee, I am
certain that we made it clear that
anyone who is entitled to these
benefits should receive them. Once
again, because the retired business agent did not follow through,
our Local will be forced to fight
another issue. I am pleased that
President Markwitz has vowed to
take this grievance as far as we
need to win it.
In September Wegmans rolled
out their RedPrairie warehouse
management system in Produce.
According to JDA’s website (the
publisher of RedPrairie) this
system will help Wegmans better
manage their inventory and distribution network. This new system
will create unique issues with our
contract, especially in transportation where the drivers are paid
based on their performance.
I have contacted the IBT and
have requested a time study
engineer to review the new job
functions required by RedPrairie
and the company is prepared to
give me any information I need to
resolve this.
I have also been working closely
with my members at Unisource
as the merger with XPEDEX is
completed. My goal is to convince
the parent company to keep our
workers at Unisource here in our
In addition, I have been working
closely with Secretary-Treasurer
Toole in settling the Hanson Phelps
contract and the other Business
Agents in their day to day work.
I would like to thank everyone
for their support and help and on
behalf of myself and my family
I would like to wish all of you a
very Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
16 December, 2014 • teamsters local 118
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at the
two furnaces. We also replaced
a number of the Local’s vehicles
that were seven or eight years old
and we will be selling one of the
vehicles at the end of the year.
With Vice-President Mike
Maynard’s help, our Local’s
Scholarship Fund is selfsupporting, a first since its
inception in 2007. We have
published two newsletters this
year and we have bolstered our
inventory of t-shirts and Union
clothing. In addition, we finally
have our legal expenses in line
after settling dozens of frivolous
election charges, NLRB charges
and more. On that front I am
pleased to announce that every
single lawsuit, protest and charge
has been denied, dismissed or
Despite all of these necessary
expenses our Local still has a
positive net income of $78,000
through October, 2014, which
Retired from Teamsters Local 118? Interested in remaining active in
the Teamster Labor Community? Why not join the Local 118 Retiree
If you have an honorable withdrawal from Teamsters Local 118 and
would like to join, please call Gino Arilotta at (585) 889-7454 or e-mail
him at
For more information, visit them at
www.teamsters118,org or on
Facebook at Teamsters Local 118 Retiree Chapter
1899: Team Driver’s International is formed. Local 25 of Boston
is one of the original affiliates. John Callihan is President. The
union’s headquarters are at 213 Franklin Street, Detroit, MI
ur first year in office is
nearly done and it has been
a busy one for all of us.
Once President Mazza retired at
the end of 2010, our Local essentially remained stagnant until our
elections this past year.
President Markwitz’ first
priority was reconnecting with
the membership and restoring our
offices and infrastructure. Many of
our computers were either obsolete
or were becoming so very soon.
We spent over $6,000 replacing
laptops and updating critical
We purchased a shed for storage
at the request of the Town of
Brighton and we also painted and
repaired the outside of our Union
Hall, replaced or repaired much
of the office equipment within the
Local and resealed the driveway.
At the beginning of 2014, the
Local was also forced to pay for
substantial repairs to our roof and
is $36,000 over our 2014 budget.
This trend is expected to continue
through the end of the year.
President Markwitz is also in
negotiations with Joint Council 46
to drastically reduce our $7,000
monthly per capita bill.
At UPS, I am pleased to
announce that we have hired
almost 20 new full-time employees
this year. We have processed over
230 grievances between Rochester,
Henrietta, Batavia and Geneva this
Sixty-six wrongful discharge
grievances were filed in 2014 and
only 3 were upheld, fifty-four
improper suspension grievances
were filed and every single one
of them was either reduced or
eliminated. Only fifteen 9.5 hour
grievances were filed this year,
down from 74 last year and only
eight 8 hour guarantee grievances
were filed compared to 31 last
It is obvious that our Stewards
are keeping an eye on the overtime
issues and the Local has been
very successful in protecting the
members from frivolous discharges
and suspensions.
As this newsletter goes to
print I am heavily involved in
negotiations with Hertz Rental,
Hanson Phelps/Penn Yan and I am
just starting with NY Trailways.
It was also a pleasure to help
negotiate the contracts at Greece
Central School District, Kraft
Foods and O-AT-KA Dairy, three
of our largest barns. In addition,
I have been helping President
Markwitz and Recording Secretary
Bill Allen at Wegmans as we
sort out the mess created by the
previous Business Agent.
Tensions at Wegmans have
certainly been reduced and that
is in no small part due to the
hard work of Bill and his Union
Stewards. They have done a
tremendous job enforcing the new
agreement and seeing that their
members are well represented.
I want to thank everyone for their
hard work in restoring the pride to
our Local. The participation at our
Labor Day Parade, our Clambake
and Christmas Party was excellent.
Our general membership meetings
are well attended by members
who are interested in seeing their
Executive Board and helping the
Union. I look forward to 2015 and
being a part of the great things
President Markwitz has planned
for us.
As this newsletter goes to
print, I am proud to report
that General President James
Hoffa and Teamsters National
Freight Director Tyson
Johnson have appointed me
as Chairman to the New York
State Freight Supplement. I
look forward to serving the
members within the Freight
I want to thank General
President Hoffa, Freight
Director Johnson, Eastern
Freight Coordinator Soehl
and Joint Council 18
President Bulgaro for their
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here was a time when names such as Associated Linen, Staubs Cleaners,
Domine Builder Supply, B.R. DeWitt, Manitou, Genesee Brewery, TV-13,
Stroehmanns and more were closely linked to the men and women who
founded them and the family members that took over generation after generation.
While some business names have remained the same, many have
taken the names of the conglomerates that have scooped them up.
Alsco, Aramark, Oldcastle, Heidelberg Cement AG, Bimbo and North
American Breweries all create or deliver the same products as before,
just under an umbrella that is world wide.
Today, the ownership structure has dramatically shifted towards
national and global players within the respective industries. One
thing that I find compelling, is that while ownership of a company
may have changed, the working men and women of Teamsters Local 118 have remained constant.
With this change to a more global, worldwide ownership, businesses will inevitably face a decision as to whether it is feasible to
keep operations in our area or move or consolidate them elsewhere. At Local 118, we have faced this situation many times and
we understand how delicate this can be.
When we learn of a possible change of ownership, the Local
doesn’t sit back and wait for an undesirable outcome; we are proactive in protecting the interests of our members and their families.
We know that our Teamster members bring the greatest value to the
business and that they are directly responsible for the long-term viability and growth of the company. Potential new owners often comment
on the professionalism and reliability of the Teamster 118 work force. I
have found that it is this very professionalism and reliability that attracted
them to the acquisition in the first place.
This leverage gives us the ability to make a difference that truly helps to
save and create jobs.
So as you drive around town and see the names on trucks and businesses
where Teamsters work, realize that many of those companies are now national
and global players. Also know that your Union is well equipped to effectively deal
with these companies; whether they are a ‘mom & pop’ operation or a multi-billion dollar
worldwide corporation.
President Mike Stafford and SecretaryTreasurer Tom Trapp lead over 700
Teamsters in Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo. GCC/IBT Local 503 is responsible for oversight of the graphic
communications division of the Teamsters in our area and has had a close relationship with Local 118 since the
GCCIU’s merger with the Teamsters in 2005.
GCC/IBT Local 503 is located at 1390 South Ave in Rochester, NY. They can be reached at (585) 424-1390
The Graphic Communications
International Union and the
Teamsters Officially joined forces
on January 1, 2005 after the GCIU
membership ratified the merger
by a clear majority in late 2004.
Now more than 60,000 GCIU
Members in the United States
form the new Graphic Communications Conference within
the International Brotherhood of
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labor charges through PERB. I
had several conversations with
the Superintendent and Board of
Education and after presenting
them with proof, the Board finally
ratified our agreement. We will be
getting the new contracts out to
the members once they come back
from the printers.
In addition to this issue, I have
been extremely busy dealing with a
number of new departmental directors and it has been frustrating getting them to understand how things
dures and incorporate them into a
contract that also includes items
like seniority, grievance rules and
contractual guarantees.
I am also very proud of the
results of this year’s Local 118
Scholarship Golf Tournament. We
had great weather for this summer’s event and over 90 golfers
participated. This year the Scholarship Fund raised over $15,000 in
ticket sales and sponsorships. This
was more than enough to award
eleven $1,000 scholarships and
pay off all of the expenses for this
year’s event without help from the
Next year’s date has already
booked, it will be held on
September 19, 2015 at Webster
Golf Club. If you didn’t get the
chance to play this year, save the
date in 2015, you won’t regret it!
In closing, I would like to wish
everyone a very safe and enjoyable
Holiday Season.
Michael J. MaynardVICE-PRESIDENT
t’s hard to believe this year is
almost over. It always seems
to me that when we’re younger
and in school the year dragged on.
Now that we are older time just
goes by way too fast.
I have been involved in serious
talks with the Greece School
District over the starting wage for
new Drivers. The District did not
want to recognize what their lead
negotiator had agreed to during
negotiations and I was forced to
file a grievance and threaten unfair
work within the District. With the
help of the Union Stewards we are
beginning to develop new relationships with management and I look
forward to 2015.
As Vice-President I have been assigned a large portion of our other
public sector contracts including
many of the area highway departments. Because of the budget
process, most of these contracts
expire in December. I’m happy
to report that I have been able to
reach agreements with all but one.
Members at the Townships of Ogden, Niles, Skaneateles, Savannah,
Fayette, Brighton and the Village
of Wolcott have approved new
contracts. My number one priority
was to protect their healthcare and
continue to give them meaningful
wage increases.
I’m currently working on RTS
Access (Lift-Line) and the Town of
Ira. We have organized the Town
of South Bristol Highway and I
have started on a first contract
there. First contracts always take
more time because I have to take
all of their work rules and proce-
Teamsters Local 284 in Columbus, Ohio is duking it out with fractional aircraft ownership company Netjets in a compensation and
benefits contract dispute. Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
is the owner of NetJets.
The two sides have been embroiled in a bitter contract dispute for
some months now, with NetJets continuing to demand significant
compensation and benefit cuts from more than 600 Teamsters Union
workers in order to lower prices for its wealthy customers.
“Even in this era of inequality and unrestrained corporate power,
NetJets’ behavior is corporate greed and arrogance on a scale rarely
seen,” noted Capt. David Bourne, Director of the Teamsters Airline
Division. “We are going to resist this attempt to transfer money from
the paychecks of our members to the wealthiest people on the planet,
no matter what it takes.”
rently in negotiations with The Town of Sodus, Elderlee Sign in Geneva, NY, the Town
of Springwater and the Town of Wolcott.
President Markwitz’ number one priority has always been to advance our Union
through organizing. At this time I am negotiating first contracts with, Heath Consultants
(these are the men and women who read
meters for RG&E), the Town of Lyons, and
Schewbel Bakery of New York. Getting a
first contract is never an easy task but all
of these negotiations are progressing well.
In addition, I am continuing to build
contacts and meet with workers who seek
information about our Union at places
such as Anchor Block in Batavia, NY
and Balkan Beverage in Rochester and at
Conway Freight and Fedex Freight. I am
also pleased to report that I have filed for
a National Labor Relations Board election
on December 5, 2014 at Anchor. A petition
for representation at Balkan Beverage has
also been filed with the NLRB and we are
just waiting for an election date to be set.
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s another year comes to an end at
Teamsters Local 118, I am very
busy continuing the hard work we
all started back In January. First, I would
like to say good luck in retirement to long
time Teamster and Business Agent John
Engaging the members, fighting for
good contracts, organizing new members, educating our stewards, staying involved in the local Labor Movement will
continue to be my goal at Local 118.
These are exciting times for me. Having
recently taken over the duties of Business
Agent at Kraft Foods, I have been touring the
Company meeting the members and making
new friends there. I have met several times
with the Union Stewards and I am confident
we will work together as a team on behalf
of all of the workers there. With the help of
the Stewards and Officers of Local 118, I
am learning the recently ratified contract at
Kraft and things are transitioning smoothly.
Along with the new duties at Kraft I am cur-
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W ebster G olf C lub H osts A nnual E vent
The 2014 Annual Local 118 Scholarship Golf Tournament was a resounding success. With over 90 golfers in attendance, our participants along
with our generous sponsors raised over $15,000 for our scholarship
“It’s unbelievable what a year makes in an event like this” said VicePresident Mike Maynard, “to be able to not only raise enough money for
the winners of this year’s scholarship but to put some money aside for
next year is tremendous.”
This year, the Executive Board awarded eleven $1,000 scholarship
We would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s event
along with our generous sponsors.
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Local 118 would like to thank the following sponsors for
their generosity:
• General President James Hoffa
• General Secretary-Treasurer Ken Hall
• IBT Eastern Region VP Sean O’Brien
• Teamsters Local 118 President Steve Mazza, Retired
• Joint Council 46
• GCC/IBT Local 503
• Teamster Local 25
• Teamster Local 449
• Teamster Local 122
• Teamster Local 687
• Laborer’s Local 435
• Sheet Metal Workers Local 46
• United Auto Workers Local 1097
• Rochester & Genesee Area Labor Federation
• Rochester Building Trades
• Blitman & King
• Pomco Group
• BNY Mellon
• O’Sullivan Associates
• Ullico
• The Legend Group
• American Time Companies
• Manning & Napier
• Davis Vision
• Davidson Fink LLP
• Tier One Mortgage
• Gary Krauss CPA
• WIT Federal Credit Union
• Genesee Brewery
• United Parcel Service
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Rochester Tries Friday Night
Labor Day Parade
he Rochester Labor Council
made a bold decision this
year to host the annual
Labor Day Parade on the Friday
before Labor Day.
In partnership with national
Drum & Bugle Corp bands that
were in Rochester for a weekend
tournament, the Labor Council
thought hosting a Friday night
event with the bands would draw a
larger crowd to show off organized
It was a smart decision and we
saw record crowds on a beautiful
late summer night.
While attendance by the Labor
Unions was a bit lower because
many members were still working,
those that were able to participate
enjoyed a perfect night.
After the parade, Teamsters
Local 118 hosted a membership
appreciation night at the Genesee
Brew House overlooking the Upper Falls.
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Teamsters Local 118 • 130 Metro Park • Rochester, NY • 14623
Ice skaters on Erie Canal. This photo was taken between 1874 and
1883. this photo was taken in the vicinity of Exchange Street where
the canal system ran along side the Genesee River.
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