portside - Navyleague Councils Support
portside - Navyleague Councils Support
Navy League of the United States - St. Louis Council PORTSIDE President Daniel Kloeppel Sr. Vice President: Charles Williams V.P. Finance: Michael Nolan* V.P. Public Relations: Garrett Kasper V.P Communications Bob Fredrickson* V.P. Youth Programs: Lee Metcalf Secretary Rob Maschmeier Treasurer Ethel Mariam Judge Advocate Joe Soraghan* Historian Bob Eade* Board of Councilors Mel Burkart* Bill Conway Herb Cowart* Mike Dunham Jim Erlinger* Don Fahey* Bruce Greer Dick Harvey Dick Horning Bill Jordan* Richard Kallemeier Arnold Kansteiner Bill Kolath Marti LoRusso Barbara Maschmeier Sanford McDonnell Tom Moore Bob Mueller* Robert Palombo Tom Schmitz Dale Schaefer* Bob Sheahan* Warren Spielman Pat Traub* Bob Truetken Ralph Wiechert Doyle Wilhite* * Past President November 2010 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE By Dan Kloeppel As you read this, we will have just finished celebrating the Navy’s 235th birthday at the annual Navy Birthday Ball. This year, the celebration was held at the Ballpark Hilton in downtown St. Louis and was hosted by the Navy element of U.S. Transportation Command. This was the perfect way to culminate a very successful and busy 2010. Starting with our own awards dinner in January, we had the Naval Command College dinner in March, a golf outing in May, a Leaders to Sea cocktail party in June, and the USS Missouri commissioning in July. September brought a huge and eventful Navy Week, which included the 52nd Cardinal Company mass Cardinal Co. in Busch Stadium enlistment at Busch Stadium; the High School Counselor’s breakfast and unveiling of Blue Angel #7 at the Science Center; and an awesome Golf tournament in tandem with the Blue Angels air show weekend at Scott AFB. Thanks to the hard work of our members and volunteers we met our financial and outreach goals for the year. More importantly, we signed up many wonderful and energetic new members. Please read the articles in this edition of the “Portside” for more details on all these tremendous events. Moving forward, the planning for 2011 is well underway, and I think you will be very pleased with what we have in store for the coming year. Our annual awards dinner is scheduled for January 22, 2011 at the Heart of St. Charles Banquet Center. The guest speaker is Rear Adm. Kate Gregory, Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific. She is a St. Louis native and the first female Civil Engineering officer to achieve flag officer rank in the U.S. Navy. On March 30th we will host the annual Naval Command College dinner in conjunction with the St. Louis World Affairs Council. Our guest speaker will be Rear Adm. Roger Nolan (Ret), the President of the Naval War College Foundation. On June 4th we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Naval Aviation with a Battle of Midway Commemoration dinner. We are planning the event at the St. Louis Science Center Planetarium and the guest speaker will be Vice Adm. David Archizel, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command. Cardinal Recruit Company and the Golf Tournament are in the works with dates to be determined. We will again do a Counselor’s Breakfast in early August at the Science Center and the Navy Ball will return to the hands of the St. Louis Navy League in October. We have extended an invitation to Admiral James “Sandy” Winnefeld, Commander North American Aerospace Defense Command and Commander of U.S. Northern Command to be our guest speaker. The successful fund raising events allow us to continue supporting the University of Missouri NROTC, three area high school Navy & Marine Corps JROTC units and of course our Sea and League Cadets. Opportunities will certainly present themselves for involveSea Cadets make us all proud ment with the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) and the new submarine USS Missouri (SSN 780). Stay tuned to www.navyleague-stlouis.org as our 2011 schedule continues to unfold. We will list our event coordinators and their contact information will be on the website, as well as the latest news and information from the fleet. This past year was tremendous on many levels for this council of the Navy League, and I am very proud and grateful for everyone’s hard work. I look forward to serving with you in 2011, with many more outstanding accomplishments ahead of us! Page 2 COMMAND CHANGES By Dick Kallemeier On 9 and 10 July, three commands changed leadership in St. Louis. CAPT Scott Langley was relieved by CAPT Eric Anderson as Commanding Officer of the “Farewell” CAPT Langley Navy Operational Support from Dan Kloeppel Center -St. Louis (NOSC). CAPT Langley is proceeding to the Pentagon and CAPT Anderson, who as a LCDR was CO of the Naval Reserve Center in Springfield, returns to Missouri. CDR Ross Budge, former Executive Officer relieved CDR Kevin Boyle as CAPT Eric Anderson CO of the Navy Recruiting District-St. Louis. CDR Boyle also transferred to Washington. On the Coast Guard side, LCDR Michael Munnerlyn assumed command of the Personnel Service Support Unit (PSSU) from LCDR Dan Harris. LCDR CDR Ross Budge Harris was the first CO of the PSSU, established last year when the Coast Guard Integrated Support Command was disestablished. Finally, CAPT R.D. Wilson, Commanding Officer of the Naval ROTC unit at Mizzou reLCDR tired and was replaced this summer by Michael Munnerlyn CAPT Michael Vizcarra. “Fair Winds…” to those friends who served our nation and community so well and “Welcome Aboard” to our new and returning friends. PORTSIDE diers Memorial picnic after the swearing in ceremony conducted by Vice Admiral David Architzel, Commander Naval Air Systems Command. We wished them and their families well and told sailor stories of old and new adventures. While visiting I stopped to talk with NL Cardinal Company coordinator Bill Kolath. Bill said he has worked with the Cardinal Company for the past 15 or 16 years and he was remembering his induction into the Navy nearly 60 years ago. Thank you Bill for your service to our nation and continued support of the Navy League. Led by the Sea Cadet Honor Guard Bill Kolath the recruits were paraded to Busch Stadium and a home plate ceremony with VADM Architzel. To the crowd’s pleasure the base lines were lined with Navy Recruiting District-St. Louis (NRD) personnel in service dress whites. The new sailors were marched off, the Admiral threw the first pitch and our attention shifted to the guests in the corporate boxes. A special thank you to AnOn the Score Board, VADM Architzel, heuser Busch Jim Erlinger, CDR Budge and Command In Bev, The MCPO Ken Jones Boeing Company and Monsanto Corporation for hosting members of the Navy League, NRD and Navy Operations Support Center. President Dan Kloeppel took a new approach and used the game as a member recruiting opportunity. As a result the council has 14 new members that are knowledgeable of NL activities and acquainted with a portion of the members. Also happy to report the Cardinals won and a good time was had by all! 52nd CARDINAL COMPANY By Dick Kallemeier Eighty-six recruits formed the Cardinal 52nd Company on September 3rd VADM Architzel swears in Cardinal Co. and after a busy day of multiple swearing in ceremonies, family farewell picnic, parade to Busch Stadium and a final pre-game ceremony, boarded buses for Great Lakes Navy Training Center and a new life. Navy League members visited with the recruits at the Sol- Welcome New Members - from left to right Carl Barnes, Lisa Barnes, Debbie Kloeppel, Tom Minogue, Leah Giesing, Skip Giesing, Linda Hunter, Terry Oliges, Janet Oliges, Jim Shelton, Pat Zagarri, Jerry Zagarri, at the game but not pictured Joe and Joyce Pallardy Shortly after this event we were greatly saddened to learn Bill Kolath’s wife, Shirley, passed away. November 2010 17th GOLF TOURNAMENT By Chuck Williams, Chairman On September 9th the St. Louis Council sponsored the 17th annual Navy League Golf Tournament at the Cardinal Creek course on Scott AFB. The event provided considerable drama for the volunteers starting with the potential cancelation of the tournament because of the Blue Angel practice. In addition the weather that was predicted to be beautiful suddenly turned to an 80% chance of rain due to a tropical storm coming from Texas. Much of the golf course is part of the aerobatics practice zone and after discussions with the FAA we were allowed to play, however the six holes that parallel the runway were closed. Sounds like a disaster, not so, it rained a little while we were under the tent eating lunch and then stopped. 144 golfers, a sell out, teed off and the “Blues” took off. They gave us a stunning 3 hour private performance. It was quite impressive having a front row seat watching the “Blues up close and personal” finest in aviation fly as Photo by MC1 Joseph Seavey, USN low as 200' at speeds up to 600 mph. No matter how many times you see the Blue Angels the sound, power and precision are captivating. Golf scores probably reflected the distraction but the golfers demanded we have the “Blues” again next year. To add to the drama something that never happens, happened! Dennis McDowell, General Manager of Mil Spec, Inc. (a tournament hole sponsor) scored a hole-in-one and Hole-In-One winner Dennis McDowell, did it on the Bom- (center) with NOSC-StL CO CAPT Eric Anderson (left) and XO LCDR Ken marito Honda-VW Kelly (right) -Nissan car lease hole. He won a car lease from Bommarito valued at $10,000. After the tournament everyone enjoyed the 19th hole, dinner and participated in the silent and oral auctions. Ron Jacober of KMOX Radio was the auctioneer and sold St. Louis Cardinal box seats, a scenic flight of St. Louis, dinner and wine for 6 hosted by Dan and Deb Ron Jacober Kloeppel and numerous other items. Page 3 All holes were sponsored including corporate gold and bronze sponsors (The Boeing Company and Anheuser-Busch InBev). Sixteen other local companies and individuals sponsored our tournament as well. In addition many other companies and individuals made cash and/or auction merchandise donations. Celebrities Ron Jacober and Harry Hamm were gracious in co-chairing the event. All of the contributions and the large number of volunteers are greatly appreciated. Our financial goals were exceeded which allows us to continue supporting the youth and award programs and act as sea service ambassadors for the St. Louis community. It was a great day and a tournament that will be long remembered. NEWMAN’S OWN AWARD Edited by Dick Kallemeier from MSCCN Media Release The Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN) is a not-for-profit organization focusing on employment referral, job training and placement of military spouses, transitioning military, veterans, war wounded, and caregivers of war wounded. The MSCCN has partnered with all branches of the military and works closely with military family centers across the nation. Its mission is to provide employment assistance to military-affiliated applicants at no cost to the applicants. Our own Deb Kloeppel is the CEO, President and founder of MSCCN that was her concept just six years ago. Finding the necessary corporate support was extremely difficult until The Boeing Company stepped forward and since then the organization has grown with a cross country network of volunteers and participating corporations. On September 1st, at the Pentagon, MSCCN received the Newman’s Own Award for its innovative “Empowering Military Families through Employment” program, featuring free bi-weekly virtual training seminars to military-affiliated applicants worldwide. The virtual training seminars serve as a platform for applicants, enabling them to receive job education and training needed to increase their success of employment. These trainings will provide education and skills necessary to military-affiliated applicants not only to seek employment, but to also become a proud member of the workforce. General James Cartwright, (Center of photo) Gen Cartwright, and Tom USMC, Vice- Indoe President and Co-founder Newman’s Chairman, Own present Deb Kloeppel with the award Joint Chiefs of Staff, presented the award which is sponsored by Newman’s Own (actor Paul Newman’s foundation), Fisher House Foundation, and Military Times Media Group to Deb Kloeppel. Military-affiliated applicants interested in the virtual training seminars can upload their resume to MSCCN’s website at http://msccn.org and an MSCCN team member will contact you within 24 hours. Page 4 PORTSIDE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE By Mike Nolan In the June, “Portside” the 2010 Navy League Legislative Agenda was highlighted and the recommended actions to insure our maritime services can effectively carry out their deterrent mission. Some items on this agenda and the Navy League's recommendations to Congress and the Administration follow: • We must increase the number of Navy ships from the current level of 285 to at least 313. A Navy of at least 300 ships is essential to keep the peace, defend our shores and safeguard America's global interests. This requires $27 billion dollars per year to build the necessary new ships. • Due to the wear and tear of equipment the Marine Corps must replace a majority of its equipment in overseas theaters, which requires an annual expenditure of $5 billion dollars. • The Coast Guard needs authorization and funding to grow by 2,000 personnel per year for 5 years to effectively execute its mission. NAVY LEAGUE BALL By Ralph Wiechert Navy League Chairman On Saturday 16 October the St. Louis Council of the United States Navy League held its annual ball at the Hilton Ballpark Hotel in downtown St. Louis. Partnering with the Navy League was USTRANSCOM from nearby Scott Air Force Base, Naval Recruiting District-St. Louis, and Navy Operations Support Center-St. Louis located at Lambert Airport. A total of 350 attendees celebrated the Navy’s 235th birthday in appropriate grand style. Among those helping to celebrate was Chief Warrant Officer (Ret) Frank Boo, veteran of the Battle of the Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway during WWII. Guest speaker Al Hrabosky, former relief pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals and current Fox Sports Network broadcaster, provided insights into the Naval connections of former St. Louis personalities Jack Buck, Yogi Berra, and Stan Musial. (Additionally, Mr. Hrabosky confirmed the rumors of his tongue in cheek appointment as an Admiral in the Hungarian Navy.) The Hilton Hotel provided a magnificent ice sculpture of a fouled anchor in recognition of the ball. President Dan Kloeppel and Vice Admiral Mark Harnitchek, Deputy Commander USTRANSCOM, provided welcoming and birthday remarks to those in attendance. The birthday cake, adorned with the seal of the United States Navy, was ceremoniously cut by the oldest and the youngest sailors in atten- As of October 1, the U. S. Congress adjourned until after the November elections. While a "Continuing Resolution" to fund the government through December 2 was approved by Congress, many important items on the Navy League's legislative agenda for the year have not been addressed. The "lame duck" session of Congress which convenes in November may or may not address many of these issues. I urge all members of the Council to communicate with your congressional representative and urge them to consider these important legislative items in order to insure the projection of seapower and the economic well being of our nation. You can contact your St. Louis area elected representatives at these numbers; Senators Christopher Bond (314) 725-4484 or (202) 224-5721 Claire McCaskill (314) 367-1364 or (202) 224-6154 Representatives 1st District Lacy Clay (314) 367-1970 or (202) 225-2406 2nd District Todd Akin (314) 590-0029 or (202) 225-2561 3rd District Russ Carnahan (314) 962-1523 or (202) 225-2671 9th District Blaine Luetkemeyer (636) 239-2276 or (202) 225-2596 dance. CWO Boo represented the oldest and YNSN Garcia represented the youngest. Music was provided by “Night Magic” DJ services. Special thank you to AnVADM Harnitchek, CWO Boo and heuserBusch YNSN Garcia Photo courtesy of Kabance Photo Service InBev, The Boeing Company, DRS Technologies, Innoventer and DK Consulting for their contributions. Event photos are available on line at www.kabancephoto.com DBIDS INSTALLED AT SCOTT AFB The Defense Biomedrics Identification System (DBIDS) was implemented at Scott for all personnel entering the base. Anyone with an active, retired or dependent ID must register at the Visitor Control Center (VCC) to be finger printed and have the finger print and their ID barcode data entered into DBIDS. Then each time the person enters the base their ID will be scanned by Security with handheld monitors in each lane at the gate. The VCC is open Mon. thru Fri. between 8 AM and 4 PM. November 2010 SPOTLIGHT ON THE NAVY WEEK By Lee Metcalf St. Louis Navy Week, one of 19 Navy Week events that ran across America this summer, touched nearly 400,000 people in the greater St. Louis Region. Over the course of the 10 days area residents were drawn to over 55 events culminating with a two day air show starring the Blue Angels at Scott Air Force Base. “I am thrilled to be back in my home town”, said RADM Phil Davidson, Commander, Carrier Strike Group 8 and graduate of Afton High Gladys Lewis and RADM Davidson Dept. of Navy photo School, as he accepted the Navy Week Proclamation from Administrative Assistant Gladys Lewis representing the Office of St. Louis County Executive. “But the real fun is watching the kids engage with the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) sailors in the Dive Tank”, he added. The Navy Divers of Mobile Diving Salvage Unit 2 (MDSU2) dazzled hundreds of visitors with their demonstrations in the 7500 gallon dive tank. Playing Navy Divers in action tic-tac-toe is always a favorite Dept. of Navy photo with the youngsters. Members of EOD Support Unit Detachment 10 are frequent Navy Week representatives and are always a hit. In addition to the annual Cardinal Company and golf tournament (see featured articles in this edition) the week also boasted a one-of-a-kind event for 2010: the unveiling ceremony for an F/A-18B Hornet that will be a permanent static display in front of the Saint Louis Science Center’s McDonnell Planetarium. “What a great dedication and I was thrilled to get to talk with some of the crew of the Blue Angels,” said Dave Hoyt, an executive at local technology company Daugherty Business Solutions. “It is inspirational to see this plane return home 27 years after it left the St. Louis produc- Blue Angel #7, a Boeing F/A-18B, was unveiled at the Science Center Sept. 10th (Dept of Navy Photo) tion plant.” A staple for most Navy Weeks is a Navy band. Navy Band Mid-South, “Freedom,” played at Union Station, Big Muddy Page 5 Blues Festival, television and radio stations and high schools. Before they hit the stage during “Navy Day at New Town” residents were treated to a perfectly executed color guard performance by some of our finest area young people who are excelling as Sea Cadets. Sailors from a number of Navy Commands, includ- Hospital Corpsman Hill ing HM2 Leviticus Hill, spoke talks Navy in New Town Dept. of Navy photo directly with the audience about his job and recent overseas deployment. “It was most helpful to have all the Navy points of contact in one workshop,” said Barbara Sams, a guidance counselor at Priory High School who attended the Navy Week High School Counselor Workshop at the St. Louis Science Center. “We need to build on this approach to connecting with the Department of Defense. I had no idea the Office Naval Research could support our schools with grant money for some of the innovative work we are doing in science, technology, math and engineering (STEM) education.” High School Counselors Workshop participants & leaders “Teamwork is what makes this all work,” said LCDR Garrett Kasper, the primary field officer for the Navy Office of Community Outreach (NAVCO). “The combined support of the Naval Operations Support Center (NOSC), the Navy Recruiting District Recruiting (NRD) St. Louis, and the St. Louis Navy League is what made this one of the most successful Navy Weeks. “You can bring the tank, six blue jets, a mobile simulator or a rock band to any city,” added Kasper. “But what really makes a Navy Week special is our Sailors. The people of St. Louis will remember those one-on-one interactions with personnel like LT Rob Harris from the NOSC, ADC Joshua Ford from the NRD, Navy Divers Cory Clifton, Ronald Byrum and Todd Walsh, MU1 Jeremy Bustillos from the band, plus the pilots and crew of the Blue Angels. We put a human face on the Navy for 400,000 people that week!” The Navy estimates well over 4 million viewers and listeners were touched by the Navy message during this single week. Rubbing shoulders with Navy men and women from commands across the globe the people of St. Louis saw the Navy’s finest. The St. Louis Navy League could not have been more pleased. “We will continue to work with the business and civic leaders through the rest of the year to increase their understanding and support for Navy. Navy Week helps us put a spotlight on the role Navy plays in National defense and world affairs,” said Dan Kloeppel. Page 6 Youth Programs PORTSIDE SEA CADETS SUCCESSFUL SUMMER By LT Jane Stecker, USNSCC Commanding Officer Battleship Missouri Division and Training Ship Missouri recently completed a very successful summer of training activities. Our cadets found themselves going all over the United States working with National Guard and Navy personnel in a variety of duties. The following are some of their accomplishments: Sea Cadets Recruit Training (5 cadets) Cleveland Junior Naval Petty Officer Leadership Academy (4) Homeland Security (5) Academy Master-at-Arms Training (2) NJROTC Scuba Training (1) League Cadets Riverview Gardens League Orientation Boot Camp (2 cadets) Advanced Orientation Boot Camp (1) High School Sailing School (1) NJROTC Four of our cadets were Honor Cadets at their trainings. Battleship Missouri Division was privileged to have the Honor Cadet for Homeland Security training for each of the three years the training has been held. At least two of our graduating cadets have entered the Navy with advanced pay grades thanks to their Sea Cadet training. How much does the support of the Navy League help our cadets? Without their funding assistance we couldn't do the many things we do. For instance, one of our staff, who works for Southwest Airlines, got us a University of military group discount and we were able to Missouri fly our cadets to Nebraska for about $900. That would have been a costly burden but with the money from the Navy League we were able to get everyone there. Next year we plan to pay for the first training of each cadet in the program and the transportation for the boot camp cadets So you see, the help of our sponsors in the St. Sea Cadets visit with Blue Angel #1, Louis Council is so CAPT Greg McWherter critical for making all the above wonderful things happen for our young people. In the next issue of “Portside” we will share with you a special opportunity for our cadets to receive training for one week aboard the USS Missouri located at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. We are exploring the benefits, training potential and financial investment of this trip. NEW LEADER AND LOCATION By Dick Kallemeier Cleveland Junior Naval Academy has moved from the Pruitt School building to Southwest High School, 3125 S. Kingshighway Blvd. The last “Portside” reported the retirement of the Academy’s Senior Naval Instructor CAPT James Farrar and now it is a privilege to report the appointment of CAPT Peter Davenport, USN (Ret) as Jim’s replacement. Pete Davenport is a recently retired Full Time Support (FTS) officer known to the council most recently as the Commander, Naval Reserve Readiness Command - North and CAPT Davenport prior to the REDCOM assignment, Chief Joint Operational Support Airlift Center, TRANSCOM. He is a strong supporter of Navy League and we look forward to again working with Pete in his new and most important role as military leader of Cleveland Academy and wish continued success to the NJROTC cadets. COAST GUARD ACADEMY VISIT By Doyle Wilhite, President Midwest Region St. Louis Council members and guests toured the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT on 30 July hosted by Tamara McKenna, Associate Director of Admissions; Doyle Wilhite, Academy Admissions Partner and assisted by Ken Jacobs, Coast Guard Auxiliarist. The tour was conducted by Cadet Nick Cosenza. The group was in the Groton/New London area attending the Commissioning of the U.S.S. Missouri (SSN 780). Council Members and guests shown are: Back Row, Mike Nolan, Tom Schmitz, David Durbin. David Christian and Robert Fredrickson and Cadet Cosenza. Front Row, Tamara McKenna, Doyle Wilhite, Connie Stockton, Beth Glass, Jan Eade, Robert Eade, and Jim Erlinger. Photo was taken by Ken Jacobs. November 2010 USS MISSOURI COMMISSIONED By Mike Nolan On July 31st, a beautiful summer morning in New England, the fifth ship in U.S. Naval history to bear the name, USS Missouri, was commissioned before approximately 3,000 guests at the Naval Submarine Base in Groton, CT. The "magnificent" Missouri is the seventh in the new Virginia class of submarines being built and was delivered to the Navy nine months ahead of schedule and under budget. Approximately 80 Missouri residents traveled to Connecticut for this ceremony including Navy League members Bob Eade, Jim Erlinger, Bob Fredrickson, Beth Glass, Mike Nolan, and Doyle Wilhite. The USS Missouri Commissioning Committee, consisting of individuals and businesses who are strong supporters of the Navy, hosted a picnic and reception for the new crew and their families two days prior to the ceremony. During the commissioning ceremony, Mrs. Becky Gates, the Ship's Sponsor and wife of Secretary of Defense Mr. Robert Gates, helped commission the Missouri by giving the traditional order "Man our ship and bring her to life". At that command the officers and crew marched quickly through the audience and onto the Missouri "Man our ship and bring her to as the band played "Anchors life" ANNUAL MEETING AND AWARDS DINNER Page 7 Aweigh". Congressman Ike Skelton (D-MO) told the crew that they were following in the prestigious footsteps of four other ships named for our state. Those ships previously named USS Missouri included: Years in Service and Type of Vessel 1842-1843 ~ Side wheel frigate, first steam powered Navy vessel to cross the Atlantic 1863-1865 ~ Confederate ironclad, that surrendered to Union forces 1903-1919 ~ Battleship BB 11, Part of Great White Fleet 1944-1992 ~ Battleship BB 63, Site of Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay in 1945 Other distinguished visitors in attendance at the commissioning included The Honorable Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense, The Honorable Ray Mabus, Secretary of the Navy, The Honorable Jay Nixon, Governor of Missouri and Dan Branch, President of The Navy League. It was an exciting time to see the new crew take on the responsibility associated with America's newest submarine. Our best wishes to the Commanding Officer, CDR Timothy Rexrode, and his crew. May you have "Fair Winds and Following Seas". Doyle Wilhite, Mike Nolan, National President Dan Branch, Bob Fredrickson, Jim Erlinger The annual meeting and awards dinner is Saturday evening January 22nd at the Heart of St. Charles Banquet Center, 1410 South Fifth Street, in St. Charles, Missouri 63301. All members are encouraged to attend, it is an ideal opportunity to invite potential new members and introduce them to the Navy League. It is also and excellent time to express appreciation to the selected Award of Excellence recipients and the Sea Cadets and Junior NROTC cadets. Social hour with an open bar begins at 6:00 PM and dinner at 6:45 PM. The guest speaker is RDML Katherine L. Gregory Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific, followed by the Award of Excellence presentations and installation of the 2011 council officers. Cost of the buffet and bar is $35 per person and dress is military/service dress blue, civilian/business suit. Reservations with payment to “Navy League, St. Louis Council Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner St. Louis Council” should be Reservation Form mailed to Ethel Mariam, 7257 Heart of St. Charles Banquet Center Amherst Ave., University City, 1410 South Fifth Street, St. Charles, Missouri 63301 Missouri 63130 no later than JanuName____________________________________________________________ ary 15th. We will be in the lower Guest(s)__________________________________________________________ level dining room, handicapped Phone Number______________ Number in Party_______ x $35 = __________ access and parking is in the rear of Please write check to “Navy League, St. Louis Council” and mail to Ethel the building. For more information Mariam, 7257 Amherst Ave., University City, Missouri 63130 no later than Janucall Dick Kallemeier (636) 733ary 15th. 3323 or dickkall@charter.net PORTSIDE NEWSLETTER Navy League - St. Louis Council Richard Kallemeier 14775 Thornbird Manor Pkwy Chesterfield, MO 63017 Calendar of Events January (22) Annual Meeting & Awards Dinner, Heart of St. Charles Banquet Center March (30) Naval Command College Dinner May (28) Memorial Day Ceremony, Jefferson Barracks Cemetery June (4) Battle of Midway Dinner, St. Louis Science Center Planetarium (celebrating 100 years of Naval Aviation) Help Wanted Tina Kleckner is assuming communication responsibilities for the council. A very hard but important part of this work is to maintain the council roster for address, telephone and email. Please keep Tina updated if your contact information changes. We want to increase communication using the internet. If you have not submitted your email address please update the record. The council will only use the email address to communicate with you and will not share the information. Tina’s address is 15313 Schottler Estates Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017, (636) 537-2704, tkleckner@earthlink.net PORTSIDE NEWSLETTER Opinions expressed herein are those of the editor or columnists and are not necessarily those of the St. Louis Council or the Navy League of the United States. Published by the Navy League of the United States, St. Louis Council. President: Daniel Kloeppel dankloeppel@aol.com Editors: Dick Harvey (314) 963-1399 dickharvey629@aol.com Richard Kallemeier (636) 733-3323 dickkall@charter.net Printed and Posted by Canterbury Enterprises, Inc. an affiliate of United Cerebral Palsy of Greater St. Louis