Activities of the R2E2 Fund under the L C b D l t Low Carbon
Activities of the R2E2 Fund under the L C b D l t Low Carbon
ARMENIA RENEWABLE RESOURCES AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY FUND Activities of the R2E2 Fund under the L Low C b Development Carbon D l t TA M A R A B A B AYA N May 23, 2014 R2E2 FUND Established in 2005 by GOA following the y g Law on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy gy Mission – facilitate investments in EE&RE area Objective – create financing mechanism for EE&RE for EE&RE Portfolio of implemented projects >$40mln. $40 l 2 R2E2 FUND - organizational g structure Board of Trustees Projects Director Administration Financial Procurement Legal Engineering 3 ACTIVITIES •Policy development support (RE Roadmap, RE I Investment Pl Plan, NEEAP) •Legal regulatory improvement proposals aimed to market development •Support to new production and services busting EE&RE sector •Training and capacity building activities for ESCOs and other institutions •Public awareness activities •Project Management Services in Energy Sector •Revolving Revolving funding mechanism (through banks) •Direct lending activities for pilot projects •Surveys y and studies to facilitate investments in RE and EE fields 4 FUNDING SOURCES • Revolving fund, formed after completion of WB financed UHP and REP on-lending components •Provided P id d b by the h MoF M F under d Agency A C Contract •$10,5 mln. •To T be b repaid id to t the th MoF M F by b 2045 •Multiple allocations •Allocation level 83% •Margin of interest is set us a fee to cover operational expenses of the Fund •Grants from IFIs, e.g. WB/GEF through MoF •Direct grants (WB/GEF; WB/CIFs; EU/BSBEEP) •Advisory services to local firms (customized trainings) •Consultants services (EBRD; USAID sub-consultant) •Specific S ifi projects j t financed fi d by b d donors 5 ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT •Objective Obj i – Reduce R d energy consumption i in public buildings •WB/GEF Grant - $1,8mln. GOA - $8mln. $8mln •GOA •Beneficiaries – public and municipal agencies i •Typical ESMs – Insulation of walls and roofs, replacement windows, replace street lighting system 6 Public Buildings in Armenia • Public Agencies – financed from the state or community budgets (hospitals, schools, kindergartens, administrative g ( p , , g , buildings, street lighting, etc) • Budget constraints coupled with rising energy costs • gas prices increased ~170% from 2008 to 2014; electricity also increased 35% (daytime), 41% (nighttime) • Buildings are under – g occupied, financing is per person p , g p p (student, patient, etc.) • survey results show average comfort levels in social buildings ~40% • energy costs are generally second highest cost (5‐20% of total costs) for public buildings • State of public buildings is poor and many need rehabilitation without prospects for cost recovery • Typical consumption – heating, cooking, hot water, electricity 7 ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT STEPS 1. Application by the Beneficiary 2. Performing g energy gy audit byy the R2E2 Fund,, agree g the results with the Beneficiary 3. Conducting design and civil works tenders by the R2E2 Fund 4. Signing a Loan Agreement or Energy Service Agreement b between the h R2E2 Fundd andd the h Beneficiary fi i with i h annexedd contract awarded as a result of the tender; 5 Implementing 5. I l ti design d i andd civil i il works, k commissioning i i i andd delivery of outputs to the Beneficiary; 6 Jointly operate the system within a year; 6. 7. Monitor energy consumption and payments by the Beneficiary EEP - CRITERIA •Comfort level > 50% f l l Estimated energy savings > 20% energy savings > 20% •Estimated •NPV >0 •Simple payback < 10 years •Investment > $ 50 000 •Investment > $ 50,000 GEOGRAPHY OF THE EEP Hospital University School Kindergarten Administrative State Archive Administrative –State Archive Municipal lighting Statistics on EEP in Schools 2 • Number of Schools: 6 / 19823 m / • Total investments: AMD 137 mln./ • From AMD 19 mln. to AMD 29 mln., average AMD 22.8 mln./m2 • From 5300 to 9000 AMD/m/մ F 5300 9000 AMD/ /մ2, average 7200 AMD/m 7200 AMD/ 2 Simple payback: 7.1…7.2 years Energy saving: 52.3... 58.0%: • Heating (kWh/year) • Before ESM‐ 2,286,767 ► after – 1,053,737 (‐53.9%) • Heating (kWh/m (k h/ 2/year) / ) • Before ESM ‐ 120 ► after ‐ 55 emissions reduction • CO2 emissions reduction • Before ESM ‐ 471.8 t/year ► after ‐ 218.2 t/year (‐53.7%) Typical yp ESMs for Schools Energy efficciency Energy Efficiency Investmentts AMD/m mմ2 EE Investments p per heated area Gas co onsumptio on, 1000 m m3 Annual Energy Consumption for Heating Heating –– kWh/m2 Energy for Heating per Area Vayk 3 kindergarten Annual expenses for heating TB1 Slide 17 TB1 Tamara; 11.05.2014 Vayk 3 kindergarten Annual expenses for heating Masis Hospital Expenses for Heating National Archive of Armenia Expenses for Heating Emergency level of building The building I not considered if emergency level is III or IV If the initial screening approves the project, then require technical expertize of emergenc emergency level le el Condition of roof Boilers in ASUE Before After Entrance to ASUE Building Before After Lchashen village school Northern side Sunny side Scaling up Renewable Energy Program in Armenia Climate Investment Fund Climate Investment Fund SREP Feasible Potential of Renewable Resources in Armenia Hydro Resources 250300MW Wind resources 100300MW Solar S l resourc e >1000MW TAMARA BABAYAN Director of R2E2 Fund Geothermal resources 25‐150 MW Renewable Energy gy Resource Potential Technology Capacity (MW) Generation (GWh/yr) Wind Utility scale solar PV 300 300 830 – 1,200a 650 1,700 – 2,100a Concentrating solar g power (CSP) Distributed solar PV Geothermal powerb Landfill gas Small hydropower Small hydropower Biogas Biomass Total (electricity)c Solar thermal hot water Geothermal heat pumps Total (heat) 1,200 1,300 at least 150 2 100 5 30 3,800 –4,300 n/a n/a 2,400 1,800 at least 1,100 20 340 30 230 7,400 – 8,700 260 4,430 4,690 Renewable Energy Resources Supply Curve Current Situation Generating units Number of plants Capacity, MW Annual Production, GWh SHPP 151 265 776 d Wind 1 2,64 ,6 5,0 Biomass 1 0,835 5,9 Solar PV 1 0,01 0,015 154 268,5 881.9 Total 33 Policy y Incentives • Guaranteed purchase of produced electricity within 15 years after commissioning /production license/ f i i i / d i li / • Fixed tariff • • • • • SHPP /natural flow/ ‐21,061 AMD/kWh ‐ $0.05 SHPP /irrigation/ ‐ 14,039 AMD/kWh ‐$0.034 SHPP /drinking water/ ‐ 9.361 /kWh ‐$0.023 Wind – 37,007 AMD/kWh – $0.09 Biomass – 40,338 AMD/kWh ‐$0.1 • End user tariff /population/‐ End user tariff /population/ 38 AMD/kWh (day)‐$0.1; 38 AMD/kWh (day) $0 1; 28AMD/kWh night ‐ $0.07 34 SREP Investment Plan • Geothermal – $10 mln for resource confirmation • Solar PV – $ $30 mln for 40 MW projects p j In addition For solar PV • ADB ‐ $20 mln. $ • WB ‐ $10 mln. • Commercial banks ‐ $ 30 mln. $ • Private sector ‐ $ 30 mln. For geothermal ‐ g $95 mln. mixed $ Forests10% Gas 0% Gas-0% Oil-0% % Coal-0% Thank you for attention Tamara Babayan Director Armenia R2E2 Fund Phone: 374 10 588011 Mobile: 374 93 930030 Email: 37