Leigh Academy Newsletter July 2015


Leigh Academy Newsletter July 2015
Letter from the Principals
Dear Parents and Carers
§ As/A2 Level results day - 13th August
§ GCSE results day - 20th August
§ Module 1 begins - 2nd September
§ Year 12 Induction - 3rd/4th September
§ Year 13 UCAS talk - 15th September
(7pm in the Lecture Theatre)
§ Year 6 Open Day - 26th September
§ Year 13 Pathways (Non University Route)
- 13th October (7pm in the Lecture
§ End of Module 1 - 16th October
§ Start of Module 2 – 2nd November
§ End of Module 2 – 18th December
As we reach the end of what has been another successful year at The Leigh
Academy we take time to reflect on the numerous events that have taken
place which provide our students with so many opportunities to grow and
develop in addition to their studies.
This year the changes we have implemented across The Academy have
really enabled us to ensure that our drive to achieve Excellence, Challenge,
Partnerships and Consistency in all aspects of academy life has been
successful. The Leigh Innovation Team has recently been formed and we
welcome Miss Kourellias, Mr Karnovski, Mr Magar and Miss Hunt to this
team who will all take on key projects across The Leigh next year.
We are pleased to announce The Senior Leadership Team has been
strengthened as Mr Forcella-Burton and Mrs McCabe-Knowles have
recently been appointed as Assistant Vice Principals and will work across
our four Colleges to improve our use of the Rewards and Consequences
system, Literacy across the Academy and Assessment for Learning in
(continued on Page 2)
Sports Day
Page 3
Brunel win the
Trust Sports Day
trophy back from
Year 11 Prom
Page 6
Year 11 students
dress to impress for
the Prom at ‘Air &
Page 9
The highlight of
the cricketing
calendar (apart
from The Ashes)
The introduction of the iPad scheme across the academy has been a huge
learning experience for all involved. The iPads have allowed us to further
support students and personalise resources and learning outcomes, their use has
improved creativity in our lessons and encouraged students to develop their
independent learning skills. September 2015 will see all homework delivered
through Google classroom. This will help you as parents and carers to continue
to track your child’s independent learning and monitor their progress.
The last week of this Module had seen another first for the Academy, with both
an Activities Week and Year 10 Work Experience. Students experienced a range
of exciting activities from across all curriculum areas. Whilst Year 10s gained
valuable skills and knowledge of how a workplace operates.
Thursday was the first Academy Rewards Day, students enjoyed either a trip to
Thorpe Park, the cinema, bowling or a day of activities and a BBQ and Sports
activities at the academy. The Reward Day was the accumulation of the rewards
and consequences system that is in place across the academy. Students should be
congratulated for achieving so many points this year with over 20,000 reward
points given.
We would like to extend our thanks and best wishes to staff that are leaving us this Summer. In particular Maher
George, who has been teaching Science at the academy for the last 17 years, we wish him all the very best for a happy
and healthy retirement and thank him for the huge contribution he has made over the years to so many students.
Students will return to the Academy on Wednesday 2nd September, Year 7 will start the day at 8.30am. Years 8 to 11
will start the day at 10.30am in their tutor bases. Year 12 and 13 will return to the Academy on Thursday 3rd September
at 8.30am. Further details can be found on the website.
We look forward to sharing our results with you after the summer, and would like to take this opportunity to thank you
for your continued support in ensuring the best outcomes for our students.
We wish you all a restful and happy summer break.
Mrs Waterman, Miss McGill and Mrs Collins
D&T Exhibition
The D&T Learning Area celebrated and showcased the work of its students at the
annual exhibition. The exhibition was on the front lawn of the Academy and was
received greatly by all, with parents, carers, friends and staff able to see the high
quality, innovative pieces of design and manufacture produced throughout the year.
Work was included from all of the material areas and all ages; from year 7 metal
trophies to year 13 furniture. The exhibition is now on a temporary display in the
academy if you missed it whilst also allowing our returning students an aspirational
start to the next academic year.
Miss Gibson
Co-ordinator of Learning for Design & Technology
Sports Day
On Thursday 2nd July Brunel College won their 5th Leigh
Trust athletics title. After losing their crown to Darwin
College last year, Brunel had to pull together as a team
and work harder than they ever had before. That they did,
producing some outstanding performances in a wide
variety of age categories and events.
The outstanding female athlete of the day award went to
Immanuella Aliu (Brunel) who won a total of 4 events.
Ethan Brown (Chaucer) also excelled, winning 4 events
and picked up the outstanding male athlete award. Both
athletes broke several Academy records.
Other award winners were:
Chaucer: Trey McPherson and Jasmine Anderson
Darwin: Jack Fisher and Mia Wallis
Da Vinci: Harry Paine and Eloise Harvey
Brunel: Shakhai Estwick and Georgia Cornish
Overall College Positions and points:
1st Brunel 498
2nd Chaucer 488
3rd Da Vinci 385
4th Darwin 375
5th Galileo 311
6th Matisse 265
7th Minerva 238
8th Apollo 237
9th Anderson 226
10th UTC 136
Mr. Pickett
PE Learning Area
District Athletics Champions
Tuesday 7th July will be a day to remember for the PE
learning area, a day where we were officially crowned as
overall district athletics champions. We are lucky to have
such an array of talented individuals who excel both
inside and outside of school competing for Dartford
Harriers and other clubs within Kent County. All their
hard work during those grueling training sessions has
finally paid off and we are now being recognised as a
force to be reckoned with!
Year 8 boys
Archie May 800m and 1500m, Jack Fisher javelin and
Bexley Uwaibi Shot putt.
Monday 6th July was a fantastic day for all involved, the
sun was shining, the music was playing and everyone
pulled together as a cohesive team cheering each other
on. Gemma Brown, Hannah Brown, Georgia
Cullingham, Ellie Lewis and Jay Brown from the Post 16
assisted staff with organisation of relay changeovers,
placing the students and writing the certificates – thank
you for all support.
Year 9 boys
Ethan Brown 100m, 300m and long jump, Steven Smith
200m, and Steven Smith, Tyler Williams, Jamie
Brookes and Ethan Brown winning the 4 x 100m relay.
Year 9 girls
Elise Walker 200m, Eloise Harvey Long jump, Georgia
Cornish Javelin and Elise Walker, Debbie Osivaya, Mia
Wallis and Eloise Harvey winning the 4 x 100m relay.
Year 10 girls
Immanuela Aliui 100m, 200m, Sammy Booker shot putt
and Julia Joseph, Abigail Bentley, Sammy Booker and
Immanuela Aliui winning the 4 x 100m relay.
Now on to the exceptional performances across all year
groups with the following students winning their
individual events:
Year 10 boys
Blake Hano shot put and the following students finished
second place in their respective events Harry Paine 200m,
Joe Cooper 800m, Kavan Swain 1500m and Callum
Handy Javelin.
Year 7 girls
Brooke George 1500m, Frankie Box long jump and
Tope Bello high jump.
A huge congratulations to all those students who
competed and represented the Leigh Academy, we are
extremely proud of your achievements! You have set the
benchmark extremely high for us to strive to achieve even
better next academic year and we all hope you are up for
the challenge of retaining our crown as District
Year 7 boys
There were no individual winners, however, Henry
Chown came 2nd place in long jump and Noah Joseph
came second in high jump.
Year 8 girls
There were no individual winners, however, Janelle
Iwezu came 2nd place in Long jump and Fiona Lee came
2nd place in high jump.
Mr Andrew Pickett
PE Learning Area
The importance of reading
Charlotte Gunyon, Da Vinci Year 7, was the winner of a £10 book
token from the Library, by coming up with the best answer for why
teenagers should read for 10 – 20 minutes a day?
Her answer was picked by Mrs Waterman: ‘It increases your
concentration and focus skills. Without reading knowledge couldn’t be
shared and learnt. If you find the right book your mind explores, you
get to know different stories or a series, books never go flat, read!’
Mrs. Dunne
Academy Librarian
Mathematics Success
Mathematics has had a very successful year at the Leigh. We have had the
Happy Puzzle Company in to work with our year 7 & 8 students. Year 7
students completed problem solving & team building tasks. Year 8
students participated in a "Mind Mapping" event where they used a
combination of analysing and reasoning skills to complete tasks.
The Leigh has also participated in the UKMT Intermediate & Junior
Maths Challenges achieving Silver and Bronze medals in the national
competition. Year 10 students engaged in the national Cryptography
programme, completing all 7 chapters and further spreading the
importance of coding and it mathematical involvement.
Mr Magar
Mathematics Learning Area
Year 10 Trip to Paris
A group of 40 adventurous Year 10 students embarked on a languages
tour to Paris in the final week of the summer term. They discovered more
about French culture through first hand experience and has the
opportunity to develop their speaking and listening skills by
communicating with the locals. The week was full of action while the
group took in the infamous sights of the city, such as the Eiffel Tower,
the Louvre and the Sacré Coeur. It was also an adrenaline filled week,
with a day visit to the roller coasters of Disneyland as well as taking in
the panoramic Parisian skyline from the tallest skyscraper around.
There was also time to relax too, as they absorbed the city atmosphere by
boat cruise and ate picnics in breezy summer parks. With such an event
filled week, the only tough decision facing the pupils in France is
whether or not they tried snails?
Mr Dearsley
Director of Learning for Modern Foreign Languages
Year 11 Leavers’ Prom
Every year our Year 11 students go off in style by attending their Year 11
Leavers’ Prom. This Year, Year 11 Prom (‘A Night to Remember’) was held
at Air & Breath nightclub in Dartford. This is the first year that The Leigh
Academy had the event off site and it was a tremendous success. The Year 11
students arrived in style, dressed beautifully in their Prom gowns and suits.
Throughout the evening the guests where entertained by a close up magician,
whose magic was unbelievable. They also had the opportunity to be drawn by
a Caricaturist and there was also music and dancing throughout the evening.
The event was an amazing success with both staff and students definitely
having a night to remember.
Mrs.Taylor & Mrs. Neve
Student Services Managers of Chaucer & Darwin Colleges
Stem Club
Over the past two years, TLA-STEM Club has provided a space for
students to engage in Science and Technology exploration outside of the
curriculum. Science activities have included testing an egg’s resistance
to pressure, to assembling and decorating the ‘Chemistree’ over several
Christmases, to holding an Academy-wide science fair in 2014, led by
one of our senior members.
On the technology side, the TLA has successfully registered as Young
Engineers Club. On our first ever entry into the NPL Water Rockets
Challenge in 2013, our ‘Water Wocket Wizards’ team won the first
round altitude and accuracy competition and then went on to win best
Team Outfit.
More recently, TLA members have been constructing advanced bodies
for our water rockets, as well as designing parachute recovery systems
for them. One of our senior members is campaigning to hold a Trustwide Water Rocket Competition in Autumn 2015.
Dr. Conrad Stevens
Science Learning Area
Speech & Language
This Module The Leigh Academy has established a Speech and Language Resources Base that specialises in support for
students with Speech, Language and Communication Needs. We are very lucky to have Mrs Julia Fleming joining us as
AEN teacher, with Mrs Susan Deacon supporting us two days a week as Teacher in Charge of Speech and Language and
Mrs Jacqui Holden two days a week as Speech and Language Therapist. This team, along with Ms Nita Butler, our
Director of Learning for Inclusion, has ensured a smooth transition for the students and we are excited to be developing
our provision to support more students from September. Some of the students who joined us this Module have written the
following article:
We are the Speech and Language students that transferred from our school that is closing down. We have been here since
1st June and we would like to say we enjoy it at The Leigh Academy very much. Thank you to all our friends and the
Leigh staff that have made us welcome and supported us.
“Exciting.” Liam James Morgan said, “My favourite subjects are
D&T, Art and ICT, because they are fabulous. My new favourite
teachers are: Mrs Collins, Mrs Dunne, Mrs Taylor and Miss Neve,
because they have helped me.”
“Good” Gem Nicholls said, “Teachers have helped me to find where
to go around the school.”
“Extraordinary,” Liam Waite said, “I like PE because we have an
hour and a half and more exercise!”
“Settled”, Toby said, “My favourite things are DT, Art and PE. It
feels like I’ve been here for a long time, not just since June 1st.”
“Fantastic”, Amy said, “My fun subjects are Science, ICT and PE
here at The Leigh.”
Mrs. Julia Collins
Principal of Chaucer & Darwin Colleges
Year 10 Work Experience
The Leigh Academy are committed to supporting is students with
advice and guidance towards their future careers and have ensured
the Y10 students finish the year with this in mind. During the final
week of the academic year, 173 students will be participating in a
variety of 'Work Experience' placements in and around the Dartford
area. Students have been lucky enough to secure placements with
local plumbers, builders’ merchants, banks, law firms, the police
force and in Darenth Valley Hospital. There is no doubt this will
prove to be a valuable experience for all concerned and will enable
each of them to witness what the reality of work is all about!
Those not completing Work Experience will be participating in the
'Work Related Learning Week' with students building CV's,
preparing for job interviews as well as listening to guest speakers
throughout the week from the Army, the RAF, Barclays Bank,
National Careers Service, Boxing for Schools and participating in a
number of other practical workshops. An exciting end to the
academic year and one that The Leigh Academy staff hope will
inspire the students as they make the transition into Year 11. We
wish them all the best of luck!
Mr Stuart Lindars
Vice Principal Darwin College
Year 7 Visit to Arras
75 Year 7 students spent a busy day in the beautiful city of Arras in
northern France. An early start (5am) meant that we were able to make
the most of the day. On arrival, half of the group met with Y7 students
from Collège Marie Curie, a local secondary school and spent the rest of
the day getting to know students with whom they will correspond.
The other half of the group visited Vimy Ridge, the scene of many battles
during World War 1 and finally captured by the Canadians in 1917.
Students visited the preserved trenches, a war graves cemetery and the
monument known as "The Spirit of Canada".
All students then met in the centre of Arras and enjoyed a tour of the
tunnels under the main square, which have been there since 800AD.
Many students also went to the top of the Belfry in the town hall,
which gave them the chance to see for miles across the surrounding
Mr Dearsley
Director of Learning for Modern Foreign Languages
Post 16 Tenner Challenge
Our Year 12 students took part in ‘The Tenner Challenge’, which ran
from Friday 26th June 2015 to Friday 10th July 2015. Students were
organised into small groups and were issued with a £10 note. Students
had to work together to develop an enterprising idea or service to make a
profit. The students were exceptional throughout the challenge and
business ideas included; Car Washing, an Ironing Service, Cakes and
Sweet Stands, Guess the Weight of the Cake, FIFA Football
Tournament, Cross Bar Challenge, Pool Shop, Milkshake makers and
many more.
Students also had to prepare evidence of their group working together by
producing group planning notes, financial records, creating a short video
and radio advert which culminated in a final group presentation. Judges
awarded prizes to the overall best group. 1st prize was a £25 Bluewater
Gift Card for every member of the winning group, 2nd prize was £10 and
3rd prize was £5. The even concluded with a BBQ to celebrate all of the
groups achievements. The winning group ‘Press-Tige’ did a fantastic
presentation of the process that they had gone through to create their
successful business of ironing shirts for staff. They even suggested they
may look to continue this service next year.
Mr Ware
Director of Learning for Post 16
Lashings 2015
It has taken nine years, but on Friday 3 July, Leigh
Academies Trust XI finally handed the legendary
Lashings their first defeat in the annual charity
cricket fixture. Following a perfectly observed
minute's silence in memory of those who lost their
lives in the Tunisia atrocity, 400 guests enjoyed a
fabulous lunch courtesy of Cucina and thousands
of pounds was raised to support Leigh Academies
Trust and
the BREDS foundation in Jamaica.
On a glorious afternoon in Bexley, with a crowd of around 1500 in attendance,
Lashings batted first and, despite being bowled out in the 30th over, amassed a
record total against LAT of 268. New Zealand star Tim McIntosh top scored for
Lashings with 121, and West Indies batsman Kirk Edwards hit a rapid 61 to give
able support. At one stage Lashings looked like they were heading for a score well
in excess of 300, but the introduction of Jack Clay into the bowling attack instigated
a Lashings collapse. Jack's figures of 6-12, including a hat-trick, was the best
bowling performance from any student against Lashings over the past 9 years and
pulled LAT XI back into the game.
Needing 9 runs an over against a bowling attack comprising of Tino Best, Corey
Collymore, Mark Ealham and John Emburey the students made a solid start with an opening partnership of 50
from LAT skipper James Green and Aiden Griggs. James' dismissal in the 9th over brought LAT's guest player for the
day, Sam Heazlett to the crease. Sam is currently an Australia U-19 international and for the next hour, we all found out
why! In an astonishing display of destructive hitting, Sam pulverised the Lashings bowlers, scoring a remarkable unbeaten
157 from just 61 balls! Leigh Academies Trust XI cruised past Lashings total with 6 overs to spare with the loss of just 2
wickets leaving Lashings shell-shocked and the huge crowd thoroughly entertained. James collected a signed Lashings
shirt as the winning captain from England great Phil DeFreitas as the magnitude of what the students had achieved began
to sink in.
Next years game, already dubbed 'repeat or revenge' has been scheduled for Friday 1 July 2016 and promises to be an
enthralling encounter. We can't wait!
Mr Brewer
Vice Principal Da Vinci College
Art Showcase: Time to Shine!
On the sunny afternoon of the 6th July we celebrated the Annual
Summer Showcase of work from GCSE & A Level across Fine Art,
Graphics and Photography. For our students, it was their time to
shine and show off what they have achieved this year to their proud
parents, families, friends and the rest of the Academy!
The Art Learning Area is proud of what our students have
accomplished this year and we wish them all the best for future.
The 2015 Annual Showcase catalogue will be available to view and
buy from 13th July on http://www3.snapfish.co.uk/
Login: christine.britton@leighacademy.org.uk
Password: leighart
And don’t forget to keep up to date with the latest information, news
https://onleighart.wordpress.com/ …watch this space!
Art Learning Area
Post 16 Induction Programme
On Monday 29th June 2015 the Leigh Academy welcomed over 125
students to our Post 16 Induction Programme. Over the course of three
days, students took part in a range of academic and team building
activities. Students experienced A-Level subjects and had time to meet
their new teachers and fellow students. They also had the opportunity to
take part in the Extreme Vortex Experience, have a private driving lesson
courtesy of A-Class Driving School and take part in a Driving Theory
Students also took part in a Careers Advisory session with our Trust
Careers Advisor, Lesley Tannock. This was followed by some
inspirational speeches from Michael Nabarro CEO at Spektrix, Ray
Abraham Founder, Owner & Chairman of ACS & The Atkinson Group
and Braham Djidjelli Entrepreneur and Director all focussing on the 7
habits of success.
Mr Ware
Director of Learning for Post 16