newsletter - John Wallis Academy
newsletter - John Wallis Academy
February 2014 NEWSLETTER SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY From The Principal Reflection/Prayer In short there are three things that last, faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians: 13 v 13) OFSTED JUDGES THE JOHN WALLIS CHURCH OF ENGLAND ACADEMY TO BE A ‘GOOD SCHOOL’ We had just returned after the Christmas holidays and at lunchtime on the Wednesday of the first week back, I received a phone call to inform me that we would have an Ofsted inspection which would last for two days, 9th and 10th January. Five inspectors would arrive the following morning at 8.00am to carry out an inspection of our 3 – 19 Academy. The lead inspector told me that he wanted to celebrate the good work of our Academy and this was the message Miss Lacon and I imparted to our pupils in the primary and our students in the secondary Academy at assemblies that afternoon. For the next two days, our pupils and students, “our greatest ambassadors“ demonstrated through their learning how good it is to belong to The John Wallis Academy. As I write to you, the final report of our inspection has just been published and has been put on the Academy website. I will send a hard copy of the report to you with our end of term newsletter and I am sure that you will enjoy the many good things that the inspectors had to say about our Academy. The overall effectiveness of our Academy is judged to be good, with the achievement of pupils and students, the quality of teaching, the behaviour and safety of pupils and students and leadership and management all deemed to be good. I believe that this is a great achievement for our 3 – 19 Academy with the inspection team recognising and acknowledging the great progress that has taken place since the Academy first opened in September 2010. They reported that ‘the proportion of students gaining five or more A* - C GCSE grades including English and Mathematics has improved significantly since the Academy’s inception’. In 2011, we opened our new Sixth Form with 23 of the first cohort of students going to university in 2013. The inspection Joy of Achievement.... team acknowledged that ‘the embryonic Sixth Form is developing well with good achievements and some of the Sixth Form work in vocational subjects judged as ‘outstanding’. In 2012, we became an all through 3 – 19 Academy and the inspectors reported that ‘the primary sector, which has been in operation for just four terms, is now flourishing because of high quality leadership and the establishment of a committed and stable staff’. This is a well deserved report on our Academy. I want to thank our pupils and students, acknowledged by the inspection team as ‘our greatest ambassadors ‘for all the gifts and talents that they bring to our Academy. I also want to thank our teaching and support staff, parents and carers, governors and sponsors for their sterling work, commitment and support which enabled our Academy community to make such rapid progress over the last three years and four months. It has indeed been an amazing, challenging and exciting journey but a journey of success and celebration. We will of course continue to strive to build on this success to become an outstanding school where high aspirations, high expectations and high standards continue the norm. Please take the time to read the full report. This has been a very busy term with many activities, trips and new initiatives filling our calendar of events. On Wednesday 5th February we held a very successful Options Evening for over 200 of our Year 8 students and parents as our Year 8 students begin to choose their GCSE options for the courses which will begin in September 2014. Thank you to all the parents, carers and students who were present for this very important information evening which was a very enjoyable and productive evening for all. Forty-two students and six members of staff set out on a skiing trip to Austria on the 8th February returning on the 16th February. We wish them a wonderful holiday experience and a safe journey there and back. Our Sports Teams, Duke of Edinburgh students, and Music students have been enjoying extra-curricular activities this term. Congratulations to our U16 boys’ badminton team who became the Ashford District Champions and will now progress to play in the Kent Schools Final in February. Congratulations also to Adam Sharp, one of our Year 13 students who won the Vocal Section in the Kent District Final of The Rotary Young Musician of the Year competition. Adam will compete at the South England District ...Thrill of Success February 2014 NEWSLETTER Final in March and is hoping to win through to the UK final. We wish all our students the best of luck in their upcoming competitions. Our Year 6 pupils, Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students are working very hard in preparation for their public examinations which are less than three months away. They will be studying during the midterm break and I ask parents and carers to please support them at this important time. There will be revision classes for pupils and students during the mid-term break next week and during the Easter holidays and I ask parents and carers to ensure that your children take full advantage of these revision sessions. Pupils and students know what they have to do to get the levels and grades that they need and in the coming weeks, the Academy staff will be supporting parents/carers and students with preparation for these examinations. I encourage all parents and carers of Year 6 pupils to attend the Saturday morning classes being put on for the pupils in Year 6 by Miss Wood in preparation for their SATs. In December, we said goodbye to Mrs Oulton, Headmistress of Benenden School and one of our sponsors/governors who retired after many years of distinguished headship at Benenden School. Mrs Oulton played a major role in the development of our Academy and I would like to thank her for all her good work and support on behalf of our Academy and wish her every happiness and blessing in her retirement. I welcome Mrs Price who took up her post as Headmistress of Benenden School this term and will replace Mrs Oulton on our Governing Body. We look forward to working with Mrs Price and continuing the excellent relationship between Benenden School and The John Wallis Academy. This term, the Year 12 Benenden students paid a return visit to our Academy as part of the mentoring programme with our Year 11 students. Once again this year this mentoring programme has proved to be very successful. Our Year 6 pupils also visited Benenden School this term and they had a wonderful day learning in the Science labs and participating in sporting activities in the gym. Thank you to all the members of staff in both schools who organised these excellent activities and events. We continue to keep in our prayers our students, Chanel Alldis, Faye Price and Kodie Cooper and ask God to bless them with His healing and love. We also pray for our staff who are ill and pray for their return to full health. Chaplaincy Report As another term draws to a close it is amazing how quickly time passes. It does not seem that long ago that we were preparing for all of our Christmas celebrations. The Carol Services, Nativities and Christingle were all super events and everybody involved performed magnificently. It was good to see so many parents and carers coming along to support the pupils and students at these events. The retiring collections raised £167.47 for The Children’s Society, £19.13 for Macmillan Cancer Support and £77.66 for Cruse Bereavement Care. Looking forward now to Easter, we are hoping to join local church groups on the Easter Monday Youth Pilgrimage to Canterbury. Last year over 50 students and staff members walked the 16 or so miles from Ashford to Canterbury Cathedral. This year’s Pilgrimage is on Monday 21st April. We will leave from Christ Church, Beaver Road at 5.00am. Please contact me for more details. In the Secondary Years, Christian Union continues to meet on Thursdays at 10.55am in Room 061. It is an opportunity for students to meet together in fellowship and discuss moral and topical issues. A short service of Morning Prayer takes place every Wednesday at 8.10am in Room 046. All staff and students are welcome to attend. On Monday 27th January we held a Holy Communion service at the Academy which was led by Canon Sheila McLachlan from Kingsnorth and Shadoxhurst. Our next Holy Communion Service will be at 3.15pm on Ash Wednesday, 5th March, to mark the start of Lent. This will be led by Fr. Anthony. Parents are welcome to join staff and students at these services. This term in our Assemblies, Mr McParland invited students to reflect on the life of Nelson Mandela and used his famous “Education is the great engine of personal development” speech to encourage students to aspire to greatness. We also looked at the word “Tenacity” and used examples such as J.K. Rowling, Richard Branson and Colonel Sanders who have all refused to give up when they have faced rejection or adversity. On Friday 7th February we were pleased to welcome members of Gideons International to the Academy. They led a Year 7 assembly and presented students in that year group with a New Testament and Psalms. I wish all our pupils, students, staff, parents/carers, governors and all who read our newsletter a very happy and restful mid-term break. In our Thought for the Day in Tutor Time we have reflected on Baptism, the Pope’s New Year message and the word “Scapegoat”. We have also commemorated specific dates such as Epiphany, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and Holocaust Memorial Day. Mr J McParland, Principal Mr I Rich, Academy Lay Chaplain SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 2 February 2014 NEWSLETTER Energy Drinks are Banned in the Academy A recent article on the BBC highlighted the negative impact of energy drinks on young people. There is increasing concern about how unhealthy they are and the negative impact they have on behaviour and the ability to learn. The high levels of caffeine and sugar mean that these drinks are extremely unhealthy. I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that these drinks are banned in the Academy. Should students be seen to have energy drinks they will be confiscated. Please discuss the dangers of these drinks with your children and ensure that they are not brought into the Academy. Thank you for your support. Parking Can Be Difficult! The difficulty of parking is one of the hazards of modern life – though this driver’s solution is not to be recommended! With the miserable weather and dark nights there has been an understandable rise in parents driving to collect their children from the Academy. Parking is limited, especially if collecting from the Millbank Road entrance. For the students to be able to cross roads safely they need to be able to see clearly. Passing traffic also needs to be able to see them. Please consider this when parking near to the Academy. 3 Primary Academy I am delighted to welcome you all back to another exciting term. It has certainly been a busy beginning to the year! We have already been on some wonderful trips, benefited from some inspiring visits and started some new clubs this term too. At the end of the very first week of this term, we were fortunate enough to be able to invite the children’s author Luke Temple back into the Primary Academy for a second time. After a fascinating talk to the whole school, Mr Temple proceeded to open our repainted library. There was even a beautifully made cake to help celebrate the occasion! The children enjoyed listening to Mr Temple, whose enthusiasm for reading and literacy really prepared them well for their new early morning reading sessions. As many of you are aware, our early morning reading sessions have now begun. There has been plenty of encouraging support and anticipation on the part of pupils and parents. Thank you to all of the parents who have shown so much interest in this new initiative. I am pleased to see so many pupils making the most of this valuable opportunity, and I am sure their commitment will be hugely beneficial to their learning. I would like to take this opportunity to continue to encourage you to bring your children along to our reading sessions – it’s wonderful to see the slips keep coming back, and the number of children attending growing! I am proud to report the success of two trips this term involving the Upper School. The Year Five children’s trip to the O2 Arena to take part in Young Voices was a splendid chance to perform and to represent their parents and the Academy. At Benenden School, the Year Six pupils engaged wholeheartedly in a wide range of activities, and very clearly exhibited the same joy and enthusiasm for learning that we see in the children every day at the Academy. Please can you also be considerate of those who live near to the Academy who, at times, have had driveways blocked. Thank you. Our pupils are brilliant representatives of The John Wallis Academy and our wider community, and we are all very pleased to be able to have such confidence in them. Rev. Millwood Vice Principal Miss S. Lacon, Vice Principal Head of Primary SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER Primary Music Trip –Young Voices Concert at the 02 Arena Nursery On Monday 27th January 2014, 25 children and four teachers went to perform at the O2 Arena as part of the ‘Young Voices Concert Series.’ We had to learn a mixture of songs and dances including a Hip Hop Battle with the children versus the parents! The children were very excited and nervous about singing in such a large venue but they did a great job. We had a rehearsal in the afternoon followed by the actual concert in the evening. We were given special t-shirts and little lights to shine in the arena to make the atmosphere magical. There were 7300 children performing in the concert and we sang with Stacey Solomon from the X Factor who was an amazing singer. Songs included a ‘Family Film Medley,’ ‘Lean on Me,’ ‘Mr Blue Sky’ and the favourite of the night was a Pop Medley including songs by Taylor Swift and One Direction. The Nursery children have been learning about hot and cold this term. We have looked at the weather, made ice and made a cake that sets in the fridge. We have also learnt about the animals that live in cold countries, so it seemed a good idea to travel to the South Pole to see them! It was a brilliant day out and the children performed superbly – well done to you all. Nursery Trip to the South Pole! We made our own passports, had them stamped at the ticket desk and then boarded the “aeroplane.” We had the safety talk and then took off. We had a snack on board and enjoyed the in-flight movie. When we landed we saw the animals in the snow, built an igloo with our pretend blocks of snow and then built a snowman. We had a great time, but did have to fly home! On 14th and 15th January, Miss Lacon visited the Nursery and gave out Rhyme Challenge Certificates to the Nursery pupils. The children were very proud of their certificates and enjoyed showing them to their parents. At the ticket desk! In our igloo Mrs Bolton, Primary Music Teacher Miss J. Harrison, Nursery Teacher SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 4 February 2014 NEWSLETTER Reception The Reception classes have had a very exciting term. This term the library in the Primary Academy was reopened and we really liked Luke Temple the author who came to celebrate this event with us. In the past few weeks we have also received lots of new toys and equipment for our outdoor area and the children have thoroughly enjoyed getting to use this equipment during our own learning time. In week three we filled our marble jar. Miss Mangan and Miss Reid awarded us with marbles for good behaviour and when we filled the jar we got to go to the pirate ship playground which we really enjoyed. Here’s to filling it again! Year One This term we have been learning about nocturnal animals. We sorted a variety of animals into two groups – ones that were awake in the day time and ones that were awake during the night. We have read a lot of information about owls, foxes and badgers. Last week, we had the opportunity to learn even more about owls as we were visited by the Rare Breeds Centre. We were able to see three different owls and we all had the chance to hold one! This was very exciting! The best part of the visit was when the owl keeper showed us how Horace the owl could fly and he flew from one side of the hall to the other. After the visit we went back to our classrooms and wrote about something we had learnt from the visit. In Literacy this term we have been reading the story “Rosie’s Walk”. We have been acting the story out and creating masks and drawing pictures for our display. We have also spent time creating our own story maps and inventing our own story. The children have loved being involved in making their own story and retelling it to the class. Our handwriting has been improving and we have been practising every day. We are now taking reading books home with us and some students have also begun coming to early reading every morning at 8:30 to improve their reading and this has been very successful. This term in numeracy we started taking maths homework home at the weekends which was very exciting as we had never done this before. We have been learning about money and how to use it. We have pretended to be shopkeepers and customers and exchanged money for goods. We have also learned about different types of coins and how to differentiate between them. In Literacy this term we have read a new story called ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’. We have discussed outings that we have been on and spoke about what we saw and heard. We have been learning about reenacting stories and also about the importance of being a good audience. We worked in groups and took it in turns to act out the story to the rest of the class. (The picture below shows the characters falling out of the boat!) Miss Reid & Miss Mangan Reception Teachers 5 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER 2P Class, Year Two We have had a very exciting term so far and the children have been working extremely hard in all areas of their learning. As well as drama we have been using music to retell a story. We went to the music room and chose instruments that we felt represented the characters. For example we chose bells to represent cats (like bells on a collar). We worked as a year group to use music to tell the story. In Numeracy we have become number detectives trying to solve number problems using our mathematical skills. The children have been using their knowledge of number bonds, addition and subtraction to find the best way to work out a problem. We have also looked at the value of money and solved money problems using multiplication. The children have been able to work out how much you would need to buy items or how much change you would get. For Literacy the children have been using amazing vocabulary to write stories and riddles. They have been extremely creative writing their riddles trying to use lots of adventurous words, including adjectives and verbs to make their writing more exciting for the reader. We have had lots of fun sharing stories together and trying to solve the children’s ‘What am I?’ riddles. During Religious Education the children have been looking at Hinduism and researching how Hindu families celebrate their beliefs in their homes. The children have found that there are lots of different gods and goddesses who represent a variety of things. We have also been thinking about whom or what is important, special and meaningful in our lives and why certain people mean a lot to us. Mrs Pyke, Year 2 Class Teacher 2W Class, Year Two After this, we looked at a very similar story called ‘Mr Handi’s Journey’. We enjoyed spotting the similarities and differences between the two. We noticed that both stories begin and end in the same way. However the characters are different. Miss Jakeman & Mrs Shaw, Year 1 Class Teachers This term we have been exploring materials in Science. We have looked at how materials change; carried out an interesting experiment using ice and investigated icebergs using a tank of water and an ice balloon. We found out that most of an iceberg is not on the surface of the water but underneath – the part under the water is huge! We are looking forward to carrying out some further investigations using fair testing. In Literacy we have been exploring the book “Traction Man is Here” by Mini Grey. This book is full of great vocabulary and we have created a word wall using some amazing language such as mysterious, stench, expanse and scaly. The children have begun to use these words in their independent writing and as part of our daily sentence challenge. SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 6 February 2014 NEWSLETTER They enjoy learning adventurous new words that will improve their writing. 3L Class, Year 3 The start of this new year has been a busy time in 3L. We have enjoyed learning about Usain Bolt and challenging ourselves to see if we could be the next Lightning Bolt! We had a practical lesson to see how far we could run in 9.58 seconds and another practical session to see how long it took us to run 100metres – I think we have some future athletes in 3L! In Learning Challenge we have been learning about the Early Britons. The highlight of this topic so far has been making our round houses. We are looking forward to learning all about their hunting and gathering next. We retold this great superhero story and eventually the class became authors and illustrators by writing their own adventures. The quality of their ideas was fantastic and they were very proud of their achievements. As part of our Learning Challenge we have thought about the question “What would Charlie Bucket find interesting about Ashford?” Again, the children had lots of wonderful ideas about their favourite places to go, from McDonald’s and the Stour Centre to Singleton Environment Centre, and were able to figure out questions that would enable them to find out Charlie’s favourite place – “Do you like nature?” “Do you eat hamburgers?” “Can you swim?” They have also been looking at different maps and symbols, using Google maps and paper copies of the local area. They have created their own map to show how to get to school using their own symbols and also made up their own island and features they would like it to have using Ordinance Survey symbols. Miss Walker, Year 2 Class Teacher 7 In Numeracy, the children are trying extremely hard at their weekly times table challenge with some children ready to move onto the green challenge. In Literacy, we have learnt lots of ambitious new vocabulary. Reading is also a key part of our daily routine in 3L. Lots of children have joined the new reading club and enjoy reading with an adult every morning. With the opening of our new library, there has been no better time to pick up a book! Miss Lynch, 3L Class Teacher 3A Class, Year Three 3A have been very busy this term. They have been introduced to not one but three new schemes since the beginning of the new year, including maths, literacy and phonics. 3A have done exceptionally well to adapt to the changes and improvements have been seen already! We are delighted to be able to report that we have made great strides in our times tables this term, with many of us moving up levels in the Times Tables Challenge. I would like to thank all the parents who have helped their children improve their times tables knowledge over the past term. We are now focusing on division and its link with multiplication tables we have been learning. SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER Learning Challenge has been a lot of fun this term. As part of Learning Challenge, 3A became archaeologists for an afternoon and went on an archaeological dig in the classroom where they dug up the remains of ancient artefacts with a variety of archaeological tools. We also extended our knowledge of the Early Britons by studying the types of houses they lived in and the food they ate. 4K Class, Year Four This term we have begun a new numeracy scheme with the pupils. They love their new colourful books and have enjoyed learning. 4K has begun work on word problems and multiplication. The children really enjoyed the multiplication and have greatly improved over the last couple of weeks. They have also been working especially hard on their word problems, and have even made up their own ones. A handful of children have also begun looking at Year Five and Year Six work, which is excellent. In the ‘Times Tables Challenge,’ a lot of children have progressed onto divide. Keep up the fantastic work. In Literacy the children have also begun a new scheme, called Read, Write Inc.. They have been working very hard in their new books. We have been looking at writing our own stories and designing posters. The children have really progressed in their individual writing. They designed beautiful posters based on a text we read in class. In Science this term we have been investigating how muscles work and have focused in particular on Usain Bolt’s achievements as an Olympic athlete. We were very excited to make our own models of a hinge joint to fully understand the processes involved in movement. In our Learning Challenge we have been focusing on the question -“ Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy?” The children have been looking at the structures of castles and how they were defended. To finish off this topic, the children designed and made their own castles with working drawbridges. In Science the children have been learning about sound. They have learnt how to draw and label an ear. To experience sound, 4K took a trip to the music room, where we discovered that sound is caused by vibrations. We played all types of instruments, which was very enjoyable. We were very excited to hear that Luke Temple was joining us for the official reopening of our school library. On Friday the 10th of January, Luke made a special appearance in our school where he cut a book-shaped cake to celebrate the special occasion. Mrs Aherne, 3A Class Teacher by John Purawe SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 8 February 2014 NEWSLETTER William explains that it travels along the ear canal. Sandesh tells us that it then vibrates the ear drum. Anurag says the vibrations from the ear drum cause the hammer to strike the anvil, which causes the stirrup to vibrate. Lauren continued by saying the stirrup vibrates the cochlea which sends the vibrations along the auditory nerve to the brain. In the Learning Challenge we have made castles. In Religious Education the children have learnt about the stories that Jesus told. These are called parables. We are all looking forward to the last week of term as this is Cultural Awareness Week. We are going to be looking at the Nepalese culture. 4K would like to say goodbye to Riju Limbu. Riju has moved to a new school. We wish her luck. Mrs Hopper, 4H Class Teacher 5H Class, Year Five Miss Kelleher 4K Class Teacher 4H Class, Year Four In literacy this term we have been writing stories about Lost or Stolen. It was a story about a brother and sister and their cousin. It involved a missing games console, a brother and sister celebration ceremony and a fair. Our new Learning Challenge topic this term is the Egyptians. The adults in Year Five have been amazed by how many children have gone away to find out as much as possible about this topic at home! So far we’ve taken part in an excavation, advertised holidays to Egypt and learnt all about how mummies are made. The children enjoyed different parts of the story. Frankie liked the part where the sister gave her cousin a bracelet even though they were not the best of friends. Amie liked the part where the three children became friends and all went to the fair together. In Numeracy the children have learnt about word problems, multiplication and division. Ted says the key to answering word problems is to identify the key information. Lorenzo says the secret to good division is to learn your multiplications. In Science this term the children have learnt how we hear sound. Courtney explained that we hear sound by trapping sound waves in the outer ear. 9 We started our daily before school reading this week. We’re all excited that it’s finally started and have been really enjoying ourselves. We particularly enjoyed sharing Mrs Price’s favourite books together. It has been a busy term for the sporting pupils in Year Five this term with our first ever netball match as well as plenty of football matches too. We’re all really proud of our progress and want to say a big thank you to Miss Uprichard, Mrs Hodges, Miss Lynch, Mr O’Gormley and Mr Dawson for helping us train! Miss Hackling, 5H Class Teacher SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER 5U Class, Year Five Young Voices trip For the last six weeks, twenty-five pupils in Year 5 have been practising tirelessly for the Young Voices concert. Finally at the end of January we performed at the O2 Arena with over 7000 pupils from various schools across the country. We spent the day singing old classics and contemporary medleys. When the concert began we had the privilege of performing with Stacy Solomon and various other artists. As well as this we performed a hip hop battle against parents, which we won! It was a long day but all the pupils and staff thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we look forward to going back next year. Year Six We are seriously focusing on their learning in preparation for SATs in May. We have set up learning and reading sessions at 8.30 before school. There is a literacy after school club on a Monday and a numeracy after school club on a Wednesday. Both of these are only for Year 6. We have started Saturday club for Year 6 which includes fun ways of developing learning, skills and understanding of literacy and numeracy from 9.30 to 11.30. This has provided fun for both teacher and the children. All of these activities have spaces so please contact Mr Dawson or Miss Wood if you would like your child to attend. Luke Temple came back to open our library. This involved our new librarians who are giving up time with Mrs Hirst on a Friday after school to be trained by Mrs Sammut. They will be involved in running, organising and adding stock to our own library. We had a fabulous day at Benenden where we had sixth formers read to us and with us, explored a range of science activities including using the microscopes and building rockets. We were treated to an impressive chemistry demonstration. Lunch was delicious and the afternoon was taken up with sports activities to develop stamina and using the gym equipment. All the children were given a Benenden pen and pencil set as a reminder of their visit. Keaton – I really enjoyed drinking the mouthwatering, delicious hot chocolate at Benenden. Zoe – I loved holding the leopard geckos and giant snails. I loved the school. Cody – I liked the science show, especially where he changed the colour of the flame. Tyrone – I liked going in to the gym. We used the treadmill, rowing machines and bike. The exercising was fun. Miss Uprichard, 5U Class Teacher Mrs Wood & Mr Dawson Year 6 Class Teachers SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 10 February 2014 NEWSLETTER Winter Uniform Reminder Although as yet we have not seen any snow there have been a number of cold days. This has meant that some students have taken to wearing extra warm clothing. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of a few key points about uniform at this time of the year: 1. Boots are not permitted to be worn inside the Academy 2. Scarves, gloves and hats should all be removed upon entry to the Academy 3. Any additional coat should be of a dark colour without any logo or slogan on it. This should always be removed on entering the Academy and the blazer must always be worn underneath. 4. Hoodies are never permitted to be worn. 5. Tank tops must be worn at all times Please can I also mention footwear in wet weather. If the weather is particularly wet please ensure that students wear something suitable on their feet to walk into the Academy and then change into their school shoes as soon as they arrive. Canvas and Vans style shoes are not permitted as part of the school uniform. This is very important as students will not be allowed to wear trainers because their shoes have got wet. Thank you for your on-going support in maintaining our high standards with regards to uniform. Hair Colour and Piercings Please can I remind you that student’s hair must only be of a single natural colour, worn off the face and that where it is onto the collar it must be tied back. If students come into the Academy with hair that is not a natural colour they will be sent home until they have been able to return it to a natural colour. Students are also not permitted to have any extreme styles. If shaved, then this must be a number two or above. No tram lines or other insignia should be shaved into the hair. In addition to this I would like to remind you that students are not permitted to have any piercings apart from one single small stud earring in each ear. Should students be wearing anything other than this one small stud earring they will be asked to remove them. If they are unable to do so then they will be sent home until they can do so. This includes tongue piercings. Thank you. Rev. Millwood Vice Principal Term Dates 2014 Term 4 2014 Monday 24th February 2014 Wednesday 2nd April 2014 Thursday 3rd, Friday 4th April Start of Term 4 Last day of Term 4 Inset days for staff Term 5 2014 Tuesday 22nd April 2014 Friday 23rd May 2014 Start of Term 5 Last day of Term 5 Term 6 2014 Monday 2nd June 2014 Friday 18th July 2014 Monday 21st-Wednesday 23rd July Start of Term 6 Last day of Term 6 Inset days for staff Mrs Porter-Aslet, Director of Finance and Operations 11 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER Year 7 The New Year Term has seen pleasing developments from many Year 7 students. I would like to start off by praising all of Year 7 for their fantastic efforts during our recent Ofsted inspection where students represented Year 7 superbly. A special well done goes to Megan Holloway, Cerys Barton, Hayden Dyke, Millie Chew, Anna Brient, Morgan Davis, Lauren Murphy, Utsab Shahi and Eleanor Chance who met with the inspectors and shared their wonderful experiences and opinions of the Academy. Special Year 7 developments this term include students’ efforts in their literacy: and the Lexia programme. The following students have all made over 60% progression in Lexia this term Neesa Makhim, Ribash Rai, Holly McGuinness, Patrik Mako and Dylan Monks. Congratulations to all of these students. I am delighted with Year 7’s efforts in their literacy so far this year and all of Year 7 are working hard with their reading. So far this year, Year 7 students have taken 1,111 Accelerated Reader quizzes and an even more impressive figure which reflects their hard work is that together the whole of Year 7 have read 9,442,816 words. Well done Year 7, keep this up! I have been especially proud of the high number of Year 7 students who have a 100% attendance record so far. This is a tremendous achievement. To celebrate this, the 58 Students have been rewarded with the Principal’s Award of 50 Vivo miles apiece, with one lucky hat-draw winner (Faith Francis) receiving a voucher to spend at a store of her choice. The Year 7 highest Vivo rewards so far this term Congratulations to the following 12 students on achieving the most Vivos this term: Milo Blackman Teddy Fitzpatrick Madeline Magee Rebecca Ansell Logan Dawkins Miranda Kowalska Hugo Lelubre Hollie Scott Tegan Taylor Kyle Spokes Aaron McCloud Luke Fielder-White Well done on this very special achievement, keep this up next term. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind students of the importance of being fully equipped for their learning. Students must ensure that they bring their planner, a pen, pencil, ruler and reading book to the Academy every day to support their learning. Tutors will complete weekly equipment checks within Tutor groups to help ensure students remain organised. Finally, I would like to thank you for all your continued support, Miss Waller, Leader of Year 7 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 12 February 2014 NEWSLETTER Year 8 Mr S.Scales Miss D. Scott-Boatfield Miss C. Tinsley Mr E.Wright This has been a great term at the John Wallis Academy and I would like to thank the whole of Year 8 on behalf of the team for their part in that. I hope they all have a lovely half term week and continue the great work next term. We are very proud of our Year 8 rowers; Jakub Murzyn came 3rd overall out of fifty one competitors, Jaydon McFarlane came 16th and Kieron Calveley 24th. The Year 8 team (Jakub Murzyn, Jaydon MacFarlane, Kieron Calveley) came 3rd overall out of 12 teams. They were only 9m away from 2nd place in the relay. This was a really impressive piece of teamwork and we would like to congratulate them on this achievement. Vivo League Congratulations to the following students who are currently at the top of the Year 8 Vivo League: Jessica Cross Jade Covey Jakub Murzyn Josie Crust David Kormos Shannon Nichols Well done to all! Can I please remind students they are to always be in correct uniform when they attend the Academy. If you need to discuss any issue relating to your child, please contact me through the Academy e-mail: Full uniform does include The John Wallis C of E Academy bags for Year 7 and 8. The drawstring P.E bags are an option and can be purchased for just £3 from the main reception. Or contact us by telephone on the usual Academy number, using extension 2241 for Miss Tinsley Miss C. Tinsley, Year Leader, Year 8 13 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER Year 9 News VIVO LEAGUE Congratulations to the following students who have made it to the top of the Vivo league for Term 3: 9EWI Brooke Lloyd Callum Carroll Courtney Silburn 9BMC Holly King Sophie Byles Candice Henning 9SHA Courteney Lee Harry Delamain Alicia Ping 9EDO Archie Dingwall Megan Ludlow Bradley Brummit 9MSU Kasey Arthur Tahang Limbu Brandon Williams 9NBE Courtney Caton Paige Young Bethany Cowan 9NCO Alliyuh Randall George Stevens Bethany Heyward 9RVA Jade Cross Winona Gurung Ellie Sadler Year 9 Football On Friday 24th January, the Year 9 team played a grudge match against the Year 10 team. Lewis O’Leary, Billy Gramson, Alex Peacock, Riley Pawsey, Archie Dingwall, Sam Smythson, Wisdom Danns, Aaron Baker, Layton Bryant, Joe Griffin, Tervil Iliev, and Liam Dadd all made a valiant effort, and demonstrated some amazing skills and sportsmanship. Unfortunately this was not reflected in the final score which stood at 9-0 to the Year 10s. Well done to all involved! The attendance target for all Year 9 students is 95%. Currently, the figure falls short of this target, so there is still some room for improvement! Students will be issued with a catch up card if they have had an extended period of absence, and attendance plans will also be completed for those students for whom it is necessary. I would like to extend my thanks to tutors and parents for their continued support in raising the attendance for the year group. East Kent Indoor Rowing Championships Year 9 would like to say a huge well done to Chloe Sutton who came 14th out of forty competitors with a new personal best of 856m in four minutes! What a fantastic achievement! I would like to take this opportunity to send the thoughts and prayers of Year 9 students and all of The Academy staff to Kodie-Jae Cooper who was injured recently whilst at school. We hope she has a speedy recovery Contact Details If you need to discuss any issue relating to your child, please contact me through the Academy e-mail: Or contact us by telephone on the usual Academy number, using extension 2237 Mrs Rowe, Year Leader, Year 9 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 14 February 2014 NEWSLETTER Year 10 News! On the 24th January, the Year 10 football team took on Mr Nicholas’ Year 9 team. It’s fair to say the Year 10 boys put their best efforts in and as a result, the score was an amazing 9-0! Well done to all of the boys involved and Mr Collis and Mr Rich for doing such a great job of managing the boys – David Moyes could learn a thing or two! A special mention must go to Rick Pun, Samir Rai, Jordan Greenfield and Dependra Gurung as they were the goal scorers on the night – so an extra congratulations to them. It was lovely to see parents and students there supporting the lads, so thank you to everyone who came. Hangsa Limbu, Rick Pun, Owen Jones, Charlie Leeming, Denver Kidney, Samir Rai, Tyler Sorrell, Deshaun Alldis, Dependra Gurung, Max May, Joshua Twyman, Jordan Greenfield, Bradley Epps, Reece Chapman, Billy Mabb, Anjan Garbuja Pun. I would like to take this opportunity to remind Year 10 students that they will be completing their work experience placements next term. Some students have already begun to look at roles that may interest them and Mr Terry is working hard to organise more placements and the booklets. Please be aware that students will be having interviews with Mr Terry over the coming weeks. There is yet another piece of exciting sports news I wanted to share with you. On 28th January, the Year 10 rugby team took on Swadelands. This is a newly formed team and the boys performed admirably – coming from 10-0 down to win 1210, despite the fact that The John Wallis Academy had to lend players to the opposition, who unfortunately could only field 8 of their own players! Reece Chapman, Teaghe Sullivan-Daly, Max May, Denver Kidney, Jack Porter, Hangsa Limbu, Rick Pun, Anjan Garbuja Pun, Jason Gurr, Immanuel Blankson, Owen Jones, Charlie Leeming, Tyler Sorrell, Ayron Lakin, Dylan Makotore, Jack Stannard, Billy Mabb, Deshaun Alldis, Jordan Bonner, Samir Rai, Dependra Gurung, Janadhip Rai, Niban Sherpa, Evan Louder Attendance in Year 10 is currently at 91% - this is below the 95% I would hope that Year 10s should be achieving. For those who have had absences, catch up cards are issued on the students’ return. Tutors are also working extremely hard towards improving our attendance and we thank parents/carers for their continued support. Vivo Update: The following students are currently on the leader board for the most Vivos awarded since the beginning of Term 3. Well done to all of the named students: 10ABE: - Jason Gurr - Anjan Garbuja Pun - Pubindra Limbu 10CON: - David Witucki - Evan Louder - Brad Foster 10DMC: - Jordan Bonner - Liam Parker - Teaghe Sullivan-Daly 10JTH: - Daniel Smith - Ryan Smith - Dependra Gurung 10LBR: - Deshaun Alldis - Jack Staras - Billy Mabb 10MFO: - Nathan Mason - Mona Rai - Nidesh Musuhang 10SQI: - Joel Terry - Nicole Pietrzak - Sathuriyan Sivaramalingam If you would like to contact the Year Leader, you can email: Or contact us by telephone on the usual Academy number, using extension 2342 for Miss Hawley Miss Hawley Year Leader, Year 10 15 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER YEAR 11 NEWS During the first assembly of the term we celebrated our fantastic student’s achievements. There was a prize draw for the 46 students who had achieved 100% attendance so far. This represented almost a third of all students! The winner was Mebika Rai who won a £20 voucher to spend at the Ashford Designer Outlet. A further prize draw was held for the 41 students who had achieved zero sanctions throughout the first two terms. These students have always had perfect uniform, never been late, completed all homework on time and have never had to be sanctioned for behaviour. The winner was Joe Smoothy. Congratulations to Joe and Mebika we hope you spent your vouchers wisely VIVO LEAGUE Congratulations to the following students who have made it to the top of the Vivo league for Term 3: 11ADV: Adam Wilkinson Mingma Sherpa 11DSO: Showdesh Limbu Melissa Wells 11JCL: Kelly Rai Daniel Westwood 11JTA Oliver Bourne Sam Stewart Konrad Sekowski 11LBA Anna Baker Kiran Thamsuhang 11LBU Valerie Chitambira Yolanda Chen Over the past few weeks the Year 11 students have been receiving their grades from their GCSE examinations in English and Maths. In English 68 students have achieved a grade C or above whilst in Maths 65 students have achieved a grade C or above. Following these results we have created extra sets in both subjects to reduce the teacher to pupil ratio and in turn increase our students’ chances of improving their grades. The Academy has also started working on a new programme called D.T.T (Diagnostic Therapy Testing). Mr Debling and Mr Williams will be using D.T.T to highlight which areas each individual student needs to improve in and from there will lead specialist sessions to focus on these key topics to prepare them for their summer examinations. With half term fast approaching it’s imperative our Year 11 students continue to study during their break. As well as completing revision work from their teachers we advise all students to; 1) Read – every student in the Academy should have a reading book, and there are always opportunities to read. Please make sure that your child has a book at home that they can read on a regular basis. 2) Have a key word bank – every subject will have a selection of key words for your child to learn and use in their lessons. Encourage your child to have a bank of these at home that they practise using and learning. 3) Summarise – it is important that the students do not forget what they have learnt that day. Encourage your child to keep a record of their learning at home by recording what they have done in each lesson and ensuring they understand the learning that took place. If you would like to contact the Year Leader, you can email: Or contact us by telephone on the Academy number, using extension 2274 for Mr Williams 11TLO Shannon Brooks Mark Cripps Mr Williams Year 11 Year Leader SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 16 February 2014 NEWSLETTER Sixth Form January has been a busy month for the Sixth Form students of our Academy. Most of our students took at least one mock examination for their courses. This involved a lot of hard work, revision and preparation. For the students this was a challenging time as they realised the true jump between GCSE and A-Level. They were supported well by their teachers who put on a host of revision classes, essay club sessions and after school one-to-one intensive sessions. Now that Year 12 students have completed this first step towards their AS / BTEC qualifications, they are encouraged to begin researching the many opportunities that are open to them after they leave the Academy. As part of the Academy’s IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance) programme we have focused on this preparation for progression. Sixth Form students will attend a series of assemblies and workshops on student finance, application to university, apprenticeships and the search for jobs. We have also organised two trips which will enable our Sixth Form students to investigate the paths before them. Students will have the opportunity to attend the “Kent Choices 4U Live” careers convention on Thursday 27th March 2014. This will include training, employment and vocational stalls as well as local universities. The second trip will be to the “Kent and Medway Higher Education Convention” on Wednesday 23rd April 2014, which will be aimed primarily at those students wishing to investigate higher levels of education after Year 13. The majority of our Year 13 students have applied to go to university in September 2014. We have already received many conditional offers and our students are being invited for interviews to various universities including Exeter, Bristol, Manchester, Nottingham and Southampton. Over the next couple of terms, students will be encouraged to sort out their student loans and accommodations for university, and those who did not apply to Higher Education will be helped to make the right decisions about their future. Year 11 applications to the Sixth Form have now temporarily closed. The students applied through the website, choosing their preferred subject choices. All of the year 11 students (whether they applied to The John Wallis Academy Sixth Form or not) will be interviewed by either Mr McParland, Rev Millwood, Mr Shepherd and Mr Clerville so that they can be further advised about their Post-16 choices. Offers of a place in The John Wallis Academy Sixth Form will be confirmed by letter in May/June 2013. Students will be offered a place on the expectation that they achieve the appropriate GCSE qualifications for their chosen subjects. They will also be expected to have attendance, engagement and behaviour which are in keeping with the expectations of the Academy. Any student who missed the deadline but still wishes to apply to the John Wallis Academy Sixth Form should see Mr Clerville as a matter of urgency. Mr S Clerville, Leader of Sixth Form 17 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER History Castles are a key part of Britain’s historic landscape. From the formidable square keeps of Norman castles such as Canterbury Castle, to the picturesque castles such as Bodiam and Caerphilly, castles are often an important element in medieval events. As part of the medieval history element of Key Stage 3, students in Year 7 study the development of castles, from the early wooden Motte and Bailey castles to the much stronger and more imposing stone castles. As well as comparing the two, students also think about how they would attack and defend these castles. Students were then challenged to design and “build” their own medieval castles. Mr C. Beach Director of History Modern Foreign Languages Great news from the Modern Foreign Languages Department! France, here we come! In June 2014, a day trip to Boulogne sur Mer in France is organised for all the Year 7 students studying French in the Academy. Students will visit Nausicaa Underwater World and Cité Europe, a shopping Centre in Calais. This will be an exciting day and a fantastic opportunity for our students to experience the language first hand and to practise some of the language they have been learning in their French classes this year. Year 8 students will soon be picking their options for GCSE. Here are ten reasons why studying a modern language should be one of them: • English is not enough. Not everyone speaks English. • A language will always be useful, no matter what you do. • In class you study a wide range of topics all about different people and cultures. • You can read books, watch films and listen to songs in another language. • Speaking another language increases your chances of obtaining a university place. • Languages mean business! 74% of employers are looking to employ people with language skills. • Using a language at work could increase your salary by 8-20%. • You can understand and talk to more people when you go abroad. • Learning languages improves your communication skills. • Languages are good for you! Learning a language increases your brain capacity, improves your memory and develops self confidence. Mr Colmant Director of Modern Foreign Languages SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 18 THE February 2014toNEWSLETTER Huge congratulations our winners at Ashford Photographic Society’s annual Inter School Competition sponsored by Givaudan. Ryan Dodd was runner up in the 16+ category and Kai Goodall won the special Mayor’s Award for her whole body of work. This issue celebrates photography work from a number of students. Don’t forgot to look us up on Flickr. Mr Bean Subject Leader Art and Design y r e l l a G Term 3 2014 Issue 7 ASHFORD PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY INTER SCHOOLS COMPETITION 2014 SPECIAL EDITION Ryan Dodd Year 12 - 2nd Place - 16+ Pictorial Section 19 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY Kai Goodall Yr 12 February 2014 NEWSLETTER Still Life - Kai Goodall Making Good Progress - Kai Goodall Mayor’s Prize for a Whole Body of Work Put Some Colour Into Your Life! - Kai Goodall Padlocked Heart Kai Goodall Kai received the much coveted Mayor’s Prize for a whole body of work. The judges were impressed with Kai’s growing potential which she demonstrated through a range of subject matter and styles. SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 20 London Trip February 2014 NEWSLETTER London Bus - Mia Wilford Lamps in Camden Market - Sophie Chittenden St Paul’s Cathedral - Ryan Dodd London Lights Sophie Chittenden Kerbside - Ryan Dodd 21 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER Blackpool Pier - Megan Johnson Sam Stewart Other Submissions Dripping Roses - Smrita Limbu Roxy - Maria Martin If you have a Flickr account look us up at John Wallis Academy Photography. Look in ‘Sets’ to see individual students’ work (NB Portrait photographs have been restricted) 22 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER Music Rotary Young Musician of the Year Competition 2014 Our two Year 13 students Bishal Sherpa and Adam Sharp entered the Rotary Young Musician of the Year competition in November 2013. They applied to the Ashford Rotary Club and were successful at this level. They moved forward to compete at the District Finals for Kent which were held on Saturday 25th January at Invicta Grammar School in Maidstone. Bishal was competing in the Instrumental section and wowed the audience with his rendition of Canon Rock and The River Flows in You. He was a strong contender but unfortunately did not go through to the next round. Adam Sharp was competing in the Vocal section and performed two classic Theatre pieces, ‘Bring Him Home’ from Les Misérables and ‘This is the Moment’ from Jekyll and Hyde. Adam won the Vocal section and now moves through to the South England District Final on March 29th. Adam said ‘We played and performed brilliantly! It was a tough competition and I was proud to be a part of this with my fellow classmate Bishal Sherpa. I am looking forward to competing at the next level and hope to win through to the UK final’. Music Timetable Term Four 2013/2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Staff Meetings Cello Group Year 7 Tutor Time Saxophone Group Year 7 Tutor Time Flute Group & Violin Group Year 7 Tutor Time Staff Meetings Staff Meetings Glee Club 4pm to 5pm Senior Rock Band 4pm-5pm Music Room Combined Schools Choir and String Orchestra Senior Recording Studio Club 4pm – 5pm Guitar and Keyboard Club 4pm – 5pm Music Room 165 Junior Rock Band 3pm -4pm Room 168d Friday Staff Meetings Staff Meetings Staff Meetings Mrs Grady , Director of Music 23 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER Geography GCSE Geography As we approach the GCSE examinations it is important that students work on completing their controlled assessments over the next couple of weeks. Controlled assessment is worth 25% of the overall grade. Students should have this completed by the end of February. Students need to prepare for two examinations: Physical Geography (37.5%) Human Geography (37.5%) Restless Earth Population Change Living World Changing Urban Environments The Coastal Zone Tourism Examination Date: 13/05/14 Examination Date: 22/05/14 Revision classes will take place on a regular basis in the lead up to the examinations. AS Level Geography (Year 12) Year 12 Geography Students need to prepare themselves for the following examinations: Unit 1: Physical and Human Geography - 2 hour written exam - Worth 70% of the AS Geography Grade - Topics include: 1. Population Change 2. Rivers and Management 3. Coastal Environments 4. Energy Issues This exam is made up of short questions and essay questions Unit 2: Skills Paper - - - - - One hour exam Worth 30% of the AS Geography Grade 2 questions Question one will be a Skills based question based on Rivers, Flooding & Management or Population Change Question two will be based on the River study carried out earlier in the year. Examination Dates: - - Unit 1 = 12th May 2014 Unit 2 = 16th May 2014 Mr D. McElhatton , Director of Geography A2 Geography (Year 13) Unit 2: Skills Paper (Repeat) (15%) - 2 questions - 15% of A Level - 1 hour written examination - 50 marks - Structured skills and generic fieldwork questions - First Question is skills based on Rivers, Flooding & Management or Population Change - Second Question will be based on the River Investigation Unit 3: Contemporary Geographical Issues (30%) - - - 2 hours 30 minute exam 90 marks Structured short and extended questions, plus an essay Unit 4: Geographical Fieldwork Investigation / Geographical Issue Evaluation (20%) - - - 20% of A Level 1 hour 30 minutes written examination 60 marks Examination Dates: - Unit 2 = 16th May 2014 - Unit 3 = 12th June 2014 - Unit 4 = 16th June 2014 If any students in the Geography Department have any concerns about their examinations please contact Mr McElhatton in the Runcie Building. SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 24 February 2014 NEWSLETTER Catering The Year 10 and 11 students have been working hard to complete practical controlled assessment work for their GCSE. The presentation of these dishes was of a very high standard and there were always plenty of volunteers available to taste test the completed food! The photographs below show a few of these dishes that students have made. The Year 10 students had to make two savoury and two sweet dishes containing dairy products: Year 11 students had to make a two course foreign meal with accompaniments. Mrs A Bewley Design and Technology teacher 25 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER The Library and Resource Centre The Year Seven and Eight students are reading Frost by Katherine James. It has been a short but very active term in the Library; the Year Nine Book Club has enjoyed reading Small Blue Thing by S C Ransom. The Library Club continues to meet every Friday at 3pm and for the next ten weeks nine Primary Academy pupils will undergo the library monitor training under the mentorship of the Year 7 and 8 library monitors. Each week the primary pupils’ mentors will demonstrate a new task and once the primary pupil can demonstrate a good understanding and demonstration of their learning, Mrs Sammut will sign each task off on their training sheets. At the end of their ten weeks’ training, these newly qualified library monitors will receive a certificate and a badge and will be able to start running their own library club at the Primary Academy’s new library. To maintain good communication between the two libraries, one of the senior library monitors will visit the Primary library to offer help and support every week. The Writers’ Club is making preparations for the third issue of Infinity magazine which is due out at the end of Term 5. This summer issue will be a bumper edition with loads of interesting articles and stories, plus competitions and funny facts. The students are looking forward to the opening of the new library and are in the process of choosing an author/poet visit to help celebrate this occasion. The new library will be much bigger than our present one and will have many more resources. World Book Day This year World Book Day falls on Thursday 6th March 2014 and throughout the week, games and activities will be organised for the students in the library. Students will be able to • Make their own book mark as part of a World Book Day competition • Play Library Bingo • Make their own book review pennant and character masks • Design a cover for their favourite book. • Take part in Speed Book Dating • Meet popular local author Ann Bryant • Vote for their favourite book in the Library Book Election. • And Finally… a few students may also find a lucky book mark in their library book and win a chocolate Mrs S Sammut Learning and Reading, Library SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 26 February 2014 NEWSLETTER Computer Club Computer Club has now been running for three terms. It takes place for an hour after school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and has been regularly attended by a core group of twelve students. We are always pleased to welcome new members who are committed to attending on a regular basis. “Welcome to a world of lovely creations. If you enjoy your IT this is the club for you. We have lots of fun every session and do a lot of hard work” – Year 8 Student The focus of the first three terms has been web design. Students have used Dreamweaver to hand code websites using html and css. Once they have an understanding of this they have gone on to include two programming languages in their sites – JavaScript and PHP. Through this they have learnt some of the core logic of computer programing. The course has been quite challenging, and the students have worked hard at the end of the day to code their sites using professional coding standards. A selection of students’ websites We have also built a “games computer” from a selection of high end components which has given the students an understanding of what makes up a computer and how the parts fit together. Inside the computer In Term 4 students will be introduced to electronics and electrical components. This will involve a lot of practical work to build circuits and will link science and computers which is important with the introduction of the new GCSE syllabus. Once the basics have been explained students will go on to study robotics and will hopefully be able to build a computer controlled robot to rival the Mars Lander!! James Venables Year 8 Mr Wright Learning Mentor 27 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER The students at The John Wallis Beauty Training Academy would like to invite you to the Beauty Training Salon. We have limited appointments available for a selection of treatments by the students at fantastic prices Opening Times: Monday - 8:30-3:00pm Thursday - 2:00-4:00pm For appointments please call: 07903 418430 Email: NB: All treatments are supervised by a trained specialist SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 28 February 2014 NEWSLETTER Beauty Therapy Training Acadamy Treatments • • • • • • - 29 Facial Pedicure French polish Colour Buff finish Manicure French polish Colour Buff finish Waxing Half leg Bikini Under arm Lip Chin Brows Tinting Eyelash tinting Eyebrow tinting Makeup Daytime Night time Special occasion Prices £10.00 - 1 Hour £7.00 - 45 mins To book an appointment Please contact us on: Tel: 07903 418430 £6.00 - 35 mins Email: Address: £6.00 - 30 mins £5.00 - 15 mins £5.00 - 15 mins £3.00 - 15 mins £3.00 - 15 mins £3.00 - 15 mins The John Wallis Church of England Academy Millbank Road, Kingsnorth Ashford Kent TN23 3HG £5.00 - 20 mins £3.00 - 10 mins £8.00 - 45 mins £8.00 - 45 mins £8.00 - 45 mins All timings are approximate SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER A Reminder of the Academy Policy Regarding Mobile Phones The Academy understands that some students may need to carry mobile phones to and from the Academy. However we must make clear that, should students bring mobile phones into the Academy, then they do so at their own risk. The Academy cannot accept responsibility should a mobile phone be lost. In order to maximise the learning opportunities of every student the following guidelines must be followed: • Mobile phones must be switched off and out of sight at all times during the Academy day or during any extracurricular activity • The sending and receiving of text messages must not occur during the Academy day • The making and receiving of calls must not occur during the Academy day • If students are using mobile phones during the day then the mobile phone will be confiscated by a member of staff. The phone will be placed in the safe until the next Academy day (if confiscated on a Friday this will be the following Monday). At that time the mobile phone must be collected by the student’s parent or carer. Should you need to get information to your son or daughter, for example regarding an alteration in pick-up arrangements, please telephone the Student Office. They will take a message for your son or daughter and arrange for it to be given to them. If a student needs to contact their parent or carer then they should go to the Student Office who will get a message to you on their behalf. Under no circumstances should parents or carers be calling students during the Academy day. Nor should students be calling their parents or carers. Thank you for your support in ensuring that students comply with these rules with regard to mobile phones. Attendance Matters Reporting Absence I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents and carers to please telephone the Academy every day that your child is absent so that we know that he or she is safe. Whilst a letter on their return to the Academy is appreciated it is imperative that parents/carers make contact on each day of absence. We do ask that you make any routine appointments outside of school hours or during the Academy holidays. If this is not possible please call on one of the numbers below to advise that your child will be late or will need to leave the Academy early. For Primary Pupils: Primary Office on 621133 and press 1 for the absence line. For Secondary Students: Student Office on 662810 Parents/carers who need to report absences for Primary and Secondary students Please call the Student Office and staff will be happy to pass on a message to the Primary Office on their behalf. Rev. Millwood, Vice Principal SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 30 February 2014 NEWSLETTER New Detention Procedures Detentions are an important aspect of the sanction system with students being given detentions either for failure to complete work, for example homework, or for inappropriate behaviour. Often these detentions are given for a very short period of time, either at breaktime or at lunchtime. However, on occasions, detentions are given to be completed after school. This term we have revised the procedures for after school detentions, with particular reference to the consequences of failing to attend a detention. This is explained below: * Teacher led after school detentions may take place on any night and will be for a short period – usually between 15 and 30 minutes. You will be informed by the teacher, either by telephone or via the student planner. If a student fails to attend this detention and has no acceptable reason then they will be escalated into Subject Leader Detention. * Subject Leader Detentions take place every Tuesday and Thursday in the Sixth Form Common Room for 30 minutes. If a student fails to attend this detention and has no acceptable reason then they will be escalated either into Year Leader Detention or SLT Detention. * Year Leader Detentions take place every Wednesday night in the Sixth Form Common Room for one hour. If a student fails to attend this detention and has no acceptable reason then they will be escalated into SLT Detention. * SLT (Senior Leadership Team) Detentions take place every Friday night in the Sixth Form Common Room for 1 hour. If a student fails to attend this detention and has no acceptable reason then they will be placed in Internal Exclusion on the following Monday for a period of time which will include both break and lunch. Should a student be issued with a detention that they are unable to attend it is essential that they discuss this with their Year Leader in order to avoid the above escalation process. Thank you for your support in this matter. Rev. Millwood, Vice Principal Duke of Edinburgh The Bronze and Silver students are working hard this term training for their expeditions which are fast approaching. They are now applying for their volunteering placements around Ashford, as well as looking for ideas for their skill and physical sections. It’s been exceptionally busy on Wednesday and Friday evenings in the sports hall with over 90 students enrolled. So far students have been trained in their first aid qualifications and some basic equipment. All the students have also been trained in the new online logging system “E-DofE” and are now exploring the new benefits of moving to online log books. This year we have five gold students all working away at various points of the award. Hannah Terry has signed up to go to Wales this year with Kent Duke of Edinburgh Centre, and commences her training at The Swattenden Centre in February half term. On the 30th March the students will all commence their first day hike to prepare them for the expedition season ahead. It’s going to be a busy season so we wish all the DofE students the best of luck on their upcoming expeditions. Mrs Butchard DofE Leader 31 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER PE Year 7 (2 minute races on Concept 2 Indoor Rowing Machines) Ashford District Badminton Champions – Again! Hayden Dyke came 2nd overall out of fifty competitors in the Year 7 boys; whilst Sam Coates was 14th overall. As we did not have a full Year 7 boys’ team we were unable to qualify for the Kent finals. The Year 7 girls' team came 4th overall out of 13 teams. The girls were only 30m (about 3 rowing strokes) from 3rd place. Martyna Wasilewska came 3rd overall out of fiftyfour competitors and Tanisha Wynter came 5th in her first ever competition. Hannah James came 34th and Angelina Quaife came 35th . Year 8 (3minute races on Concept 2 Indoor Rowing Machines) The John Wallis Academy boys’ badminton squad have had another successful year. The boys, who have been U14 Ashford District Champions for the past two years moved up to the U16 age group this year and became champions again. They met the Harvey Grammar in the finals and won their match with a convincing 5 – 0 win. The boys will now go on to the Kent School Finals in February and pursue more success. Last year the boys came third in their age group, but this year they want to do even better. Ms Sutherland. Teacher of Physical Education Rowing East Kent Schools' Indoor Rowing Championships The East Kent Schools’ Indoor Rowing Championships took place on Wednesday 15th January 2014. There were over five hundred competitors and twenty five schools in attendance. The East Kent Schools' Indoor Rowing Championships is one of the largest regional events in the country. A new format meant that in Years 7-9 only teams of four competitors could qualify for the championships on 11th February. The top three teams in each age group qualify. Jakub Murzyn came 3rd overall out of 51 competitors, Jaydon McFarlane came 16th and Kieron Calveley 24th. Hayden Dyke from Year 7 came a very respectable 27th. Hayden agreed to row with the Year 8 team when a last minute injury robbed us of one of their rowers. The Year 8 team (Jakub Murzyn, Jaydon McFarlane, Kieron Calveley and Hayden Dyke) came 3rd overall out of 12 teams. They were only 9m away from 2nd place in the relay. This was a really impressive piece of teamwork. Year 9 (4 minute races on Concept 2 Indoor Rowing Machines) Chloe Sutton came 14th out of 40 competitors with a new personal best of 856m in 4 minutes. So the Year 8 boys’ team qualify for the Kent Schools' Indoor Rowing Championships on 11th February. Despite the great effort from the Year 7 girls, they do not. A special thanks to Miss Horgan for all her support in running the club and travelling to the competition. All competitors raced individually over the time applicable to their year group and then in a four rower relay team over a time of 4 minutes. (Each rower rowing for 1 minute) SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY Dr Semple Rowing Club Organiser 32 February 2014 NEWSLETTER Kent Schools’ Table Tennis Tournament On the 29th January The John Wallis Academy set out to take part in the Kent Schools’ Table Tennis Tournament that was being held at Medway Park in Gillingham. The event itself is of an extremely high standard with many of the players having an England ranking. The tournament itself consisted of a group stage with the winners moving into the next round and the losers going into a plate competition. The boys who took part in the tournament knew they would be up against some of the best players in the country and would therefore need to bring their A game in order to stand any chance of success! Special mention must go to Galbu Sherpa who came 3rd in the plate competition after an extremely hard opening group stage. The trio of Rick Pun, Dependra Gurung and Tara Rai got to the quarter finals of the plate. The outstanding performance of the day though was Hangsa Limbu who played some amazing first round games to qualify from the group stages. He then progressed further only going out to an England ranked player in the quarter finals of the U16 Cup! Mr Tandy Teacher of Physical Education Football Year 9 Make Amazing Progress At the start of the season with only a few players in toe, I had an idea. A dream to get the year group united and organised so they could start to move for promotion. As training started five students moved to eight, which then grew to a squad of twelve for the first game against High Weald (3-2 loss) and a full squad of nineteen ready for the return leg (4-0 win). The squad has bonded well and with their new team kit really started to put some performances together on the field. The end of season game saw a home game against Swadelands on the 3G. A very one sided affair both possession and goals attempted ended in a 2-2 draw which is a dramatic improvement from the 4-0 loss earlier in the season. As their coach I am so proud to have them as my team. They have shown dedication and willingness to improve and I look forward to training them again next year ready for promotion. Mr Nicholas Director of Physical Education 33 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER Year 8 Rugby The news of the first ever rugby game for The John Wallis Academy was met with an overflow of interest and consent forms from twenty four boys. Bearing in mind that rugby is 15-a-side this was an overwhelming number that demonstrated to Towers School both the enthusiasm and interest of our students. From the first whistle the match was played in the correct manner and both teams struggled with the difficult conditions. With plenty of options on the bench, the players were fresh and full of energy. The John Wallis Academy shocked Towers with the first try of the game and with a missed conversion put 5 points on the board. Towers pegged The John Wallis Academy back but also missed their conversion attempt. The tenacity of the forwards and support players enabled James Taylor to burst through the Tower’s backline and score a wellworked try: 10-5. As the second half progressed the conditions worsened and Towers took full advantage of some slack tackling to level the score. With time running out Towers sensed victory. Two quick tries in the final five minutes gave the visitors a hard-fought 2010 win. No conversions scored! The boys played very well and were a credit to both themselves and the Academy. There were lots of promising signs and with some tightening up of certain areas these students could become a force to be reckoned with. Mr M Forster Teacher of Physical Education Year 10 Rugby The game started with an email Mr Forster received at 13.00 saying 'Swadelands can only field 8 players' for which the confident reply of "don't worry we will lend you 8 players" rang true for the success and development of the Year 10 rugby team. A great squad of 24 players arrived for their first battle on the Millbank Road Ground. With pride and excitement the Year 10 squad with boots and gum shields in hand, a newly formed team, were ready to take on their first test. The weather was overcast and patchy rain had made the rugby pitch difficult under foot. The John Wallis Academy squad was split into three teams of eight players. Two teams combined to start the first half and the remaining team joined Swadelands to make a competitive game. The first half was a sizing up affair, both teams not holding back on tackles and getting stuck in. The deadlock was broken by the Swadelands/The John Wallis Academy team with Reece Chapman getting on the end of a Teaghe Sullivan-Daly skip pass to take the lead 5-0 (conversion missed). An unfortunate fumble after a heavy tackle saw the Swadelands winger scooping up the ball inside his own half and sprinting the length of the field to make the score 10-0. At the half time interval Mr Jones, the Year 10 head coach, had his way and put out his strongest 15 players. From then The John Wallis Academy did not look back. The much more aggressive pack, headed by Jack Porter's incredible power display, scored their first try which was easily converted by Rick Pun: 10-7. After the restart Swadelands delivered an illegal high tackle that was capitalised on by Teaghe Sullivan Daly, and a mixture of solid play eventually combined for The John Wallis Academy’s winning try. The Final Score was12-10; a solid win which would have been greater if all the players had been playing on the same team. Thank you to the ten staff members who came out to support. The boys were talking about it in the changing rooms afterwards. Mr Nicholas Director of Physical Education Netball 10 – 0 come back for Year 9 Netball Squad After another tough season the Year 9 netball team finished the season in style, winning a match against The North School. All warmed up, positions set, the game began. The girls started strongly with the defence duo of Jessica Handley and Jade Leck. Devon Revelle scored an amazing four goals and Lucie Chapman scoring two in the first quarter. By the second quarter we had Winona Gurung playing with a possible broken finger but still going strong! No matter how hard The North tried to win possession of the ball. It came down to Elleanor Kerr, Teghan Sharland and Candice Henning to win it back. No goals were scored this quarter. After a team talk at half time, the girls came out even stronger with Devon scoring another three. Devon was itching to go, so swapped positions with Lucie Chapman to have a run around on the court. It came to the last quarter the girls gave it their all! Lucie came out on top scoring another goal, which made the score 10-0 to The John Wallis Academy. We will be back even stronger next season! SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY Aimee Chapman Year 12 34 February 2014 NEWSLETTER Netball Season at a Close Trampolining As the netball season comes to an end it gives us the opportunity to reflect on the season gone by. All the girls have worked exceptionally hard this season training and playing/winning their games. For those students who wish to continue netball throughout the summer they can do so with the new opportunity of Pay and Play at courtside. Dawn Cox from Kent Netball will be running this alongside the adult league in the summer on a Monday evening between 7-9.30pm. Please see Mrs J Butchard to sign up. Trampolining off to a Bouncing Start On Tuesdays at 3:50pm The Academy offers an open session for students to attend. These sessions have been running for just two weeks and already we have over 50 students bouncing away ranging from Year 7 through to Year 11. The students will be learning all the formal skills for trampolining from basic shapes to somersaults, in a safe and fun learning environment. If students are interested in joining they can pop along to the sports hall on a Tuesday evening between 3:50 and 5pm. Alternatively they can speak to any member of PE staff. Girls’ Football The John Wallis Academy currently facilitates three girls’ football teams; Year 7, under 14s and under 16s. This term the girls are playing within the Ashford District Schools League. The girls train every Monday and Wednesday on the 3G. The first football matches of the girls’ season are as follows: Year 7 27th February Home The John Wallis Academy V Wye Under 14s 6th February Home The John Wallis Academy V Homewood Under 16s 6th March Home The John Wallis Academy V The North Mrs Butchard Teacher of Physical Education 35 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY February 2014 NEWSLETTER WE WISH ALL STUDENTS, STAFF, GOVERNORS AND SPONSORS A RESTFUL BREAK SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 36