- Haileybury Turnford
- Haileybury Turnford
2015 WELCOME FROM THE PRINCIPAL ABOUT HAILEYBURY TURNFORD Welcome to Haileybury Turnford. We are a newly formed academy providing exceptional educational opportunities for 11-18 year old boys and girls. We are pleased and privileged to be working with Haileybury, a co-educational independent boarding school for 11-18 years. Haileybury is our academy sponsor and together we aim to create an excellent educational experience for our students that helps them realise their full potential. We seek to combine Haileybury’s history of success with our knowledge of the local community in a partnership that will benefit both schools. There are very few state schools with a partner like Haileybury (www.haileybury.com). Haileybury is a leading independent school seven miles from the academy. Together, we want to transform Haileybury Turnford. So we’re learning from Haileybury’s tradition of excellence. That means: coaching and mentoring opportunities for our teachers strategic support for our academic departments It means big things for our students: extra classes for our gifted and talented students, including A*/A booster lessons in Year 11 joining Haileybury’s combined cadet force and dance shows using Haileybury’s amazing facilities Our staff, too: family swimming at Haileybury’s award-winning pool membership of the Legends tennis club the chance, we hope, to teach at Haileybury’s sister schools in Kazakhstan And we’re only just beginning to shape this partnership. We want it to become deeper, and even more rewarding, in the years to come. Haileybury partnership is increasing the opportunities our staff have to learn from each other and share good practice. The partnership is also proving attractive in recruiting quality members of staff who are experienced and specialists in the fields they are teaching. Mark Barrow Acting Principal CONTENTS PAGE Academy Organisation Term Dates 2016/17 Care of Students - Role of the Form Tutor - Role of the Head of Year - Student Attendance - Medication in the Academy - Other Support The Academy Day - Before School - Lunchtime Arrangements Communication and Contact - The Academy Website - Parent Pay - Cashless Catering - Insight Behaviour and Discipline - Our Code of Conduct - Haileybury Turnford Behaviour Card System - Rewards and Sanctions - Behaviour for Learning Reporting Structure - The Academy Uniform - Outdoor Clothing - Jewellery - Shoes Property - Mobile Phone Policy - Bicycles - Opportunities - Equipment Attendance - Medical/Dental Appointments - Family Holidays - Absence The Academy Curriculum The Year 7 Curriculum - RE– Beliefs and Values - Sex Education - Physical Education - Summer Reading List - Instrumental Lessons - Responsible Internet Use Policy Payments & Contributions - Annual Contribution - Design and Technology Contributions Other Information - What happens next? - Advice for parents/carers and students ACADEMY TERM AND HOLIDAY DATES 2016 - 2017 September 2016 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 October 2016 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 2016 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 December 2016 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January 2017 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 8 15 22 29 February 2017 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 March 2017 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 April 2017 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 May 2017 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June 2017 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July 2017 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 August 2017 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Calendar Key Term Time Pupil Holidays Inset Days Bank / Public Holidays 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 Academy Term Dates 2016 - 2017 Autumn Term Thursday 1st September - Friday 14th October Monday 31st October - Friday 16th December Spring Term Tuesday 3rd January - Friday 10th February Monday 20th February - Friday 7th April Summer Term Tuesday 18th April - Friday 26th May Monday 5th June - Friday 7th July HAILEYBURY TURNFORD PASTORAL CARE CARING FOR YOUR SON/DAUGHTER FORM TUTOR In each year group, students are divided into mixed ability forms, which are looked after by a form tutor. It is the role of the Form Tutors to get to know individual members of their tutor group to consult with other staff about their welfare as well as academic progress and behaviour. If you have any concerns or worries the Form Tutor will be the first point of contact, either by their email address or their extension number available on the academy website. HEAD OF YEAR The Head of Year will oversee your child’s welfare and academic progress. Each year group has a designated Head of Year who is responsible for tracking and monitoring progress as well as behaviour for learning. We hold intervention evenings throughout the academy year which you are invited to attend along with your child. These evenings are in addition to the annual ‘Parents’ Evening’ we hold for each year group. During Parents’ Evening you will be invited into the academy to meet with your child’s individual subject teachers. It will be the responsibility of your child to book appointments with their individual teachers. STUDENT ATTENDANCE Good attendance and punctuality is vital to ensure your child reaches their full potential. it is anticipated and expected that every student will aim to achieve at least 97% attendance. We monitor attendance to every lesson on a daily basis. As a parent you can monitor your child’s attendance and punctuality by accessing the Insight website. If your child is unwell and not fit to attend the academy, please ensure you ring the academy’s absence line or log it on our insight programme. Please notify us of your child’s absence on the first day, we then ask you to keep us informed of their progress and provide medical notes from a GP if your child requires more that 4 days away from the academy due to illness. A member of our Attendance Team will contact you if we have not received information about the absence of your child. Repeated late attendance will be treated very seriously and if you are repeatedly late to the academy without a valid reason parents will receive a letter, warning about the legal consequences of persistent lateness. Persistent lateness will result in parent/guardians being warned and then issued with Fixed Penalty Notices involving a fine. MEDICATION IN THE ACADEMY Students are not permitted to carry medication around with them in the academy unless it is an Epipen, asthma pump or diabetic insulin kit. The academy does not have a supply of medication to be given to students with or without consent of a parent/guardian, any medication required by a student must be supplied by parent/guardian. It must be brought in, in its complete packaging including instructions from the prescriber and handed to student reception. A Parent/guardian consent form must also be completed and kept with the medication. All medications are stored in a secure medical cabinet at student reception. You will be notified at any time if the expiry date is due and will be required to bring in new medication. All medication taken in the academy by a student is recorded. If you no longer wish for your student to have medication kept in school, or the medication needs to be changed please inform Student Reception immediately. We also do have a fridge to enable us to store insulin and any medication that requires to be stored in a cool place. Please do not hesitate to contact student reception if you have any issues or concerns. OTHER SUPPORT Assistance is provided by the SEND department who work with students needing additional support for an SEND need. If you need to discuss your child’s individual needs please contact Michelle Tate, Senior Link worker for KS 3 via email TateM@haileyburyturnford.com HAILEYBURY TURNFORD HOUSE SYSTEM The House system comprises of four houses: Bevan; Pankhurst; Shackleton; and Turing. Every member of the Haileybury Turnford community is allocated to a House. Each form group will comprise of all four Houses, maximising opportunities for competition and support as well as reducing complications if students are moved between forms. Every student will be given a lapel pin and every staff member has a colour specific lanyard for their House. The overriding ethos of the House system focuses on 3 key areas: Pride, Support and Teamwork. Each House has a member of staff, Head of House, whose key role is to establish and work with a House Team comprised of a House Captain, 2 Vice-Captains and Prefects. They are responsible for ensuring that their House is represented at every competition, event or challenge. They will also organise three key events throughout the year for the whole academy to compete in. It is important that all students get an opportunity to represent their House at some point over the academy year. Everything that happens within the academy can feed into the House points, your academic achievements, green cards and your attendance. The only thing that will not affect the points are behaviour cards, as the negative actions of one shouldn’t undermine the positive actions of others. Success assemblies will take place once a half term, which will give the Head of House and the House Teams the opportunity to praise the achievements made by their House. Aneurin Bevan, often known as Nye Bevan, was a Welsh Labour Party politician who was the Minister for Health in the post-war Attlee government from 1945 to 1951 Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton CVO OBE FRGS was a polar explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic, and one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. Emmeline Pankhurst was a British political activist and leader of the British suffragette movement who helped women win the right to vote. Alan Mathison Turing OBE FRS was a pioneering English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. HAILEYBURY TURNFORD DAY The Academy Day/Week Timings of Lessons 8.25 8.30—8.45 8.45—9.45 9.45—10.45 10.45—11.05 11.05—12.05 12.05—13.05 13.05—14.00 14.00—15.00 15.00—16.00 First bell Registration (second bell) Period 1 Period 2 Break Period 3 Period 4 Lunch Period 5 ( Friday finish at 3.00pm) Period 6 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) ANTI-BULLYING POLICY Haileybury Turnford Positive Relationships Policy closely supports the following academy aims. Bullying is uncommon at Haileybury Turnford. Students are encouraged to seek help at an early stage if they have concerns about ‘relationships’ or about hurtful behaviour. The aim of this policy is to support each student as an individual. The academy will do everything possible to help students to maintain Positive Relationships during their time here. The academy will take strong proactive measures to develop the skills of the students to maintain Positive Relationships. Your son/daughter is encouraged to approach one of the following to assist when things go wrong: Form Tutor; Peer Mentor; Head of Year or Parent. We also have an anti-bullying box available in the LRC and outside Reprographics if a student would rather post their concerns before meeting a member of staff to discuss ways we can support . Parents and students can also access support via our online reporting to report any concerns or issues an individual student is experiencing. THE ACADEMY DAY BEFORE THE START OF THE ACADEMY DAY The academy cannot take responsibility for students who arrive at the academy early. Staff are officially on duty from 8.15 am. Students should therefore be arriving to the academy from 8.15 onwards. Your child’s Form time is a very important part of the academy day. Being punctual and arriving on time is important and it is expected that your child arrives promptly to the academy by 8.25am and we expect them to be in Form by 8.30am. Any student arriving late will be marked in the Late book and enter the academy via the main entrance. If your child does not have a valid reason for arriving late they will be expected to serve a payback with their HOY at break time. If they are late on more than one occasion in a week, your child will attend an SLT payback on Friday after the academy day from 3.00-5.00pm. LUNCHTIME ARRANGEMENTS All students are required to stay on the academy site at lunchtime. If you send your child with a packed lunch please consider making the contents “healthy”. For further guidance on what is considered a healthy packed lunch, please refer to www.schoolfoodtrust.org.uk or www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/healthyliving. COMMUNICATION AND CONTACT You are always welcome to make an appointment to see specific members of staff if required. Similarly, staff may wish to contact you about your child should they have a query or concern. As an academy, we try to address issues as they arise; so please do not hesitate to contact the academy should you have a concern. Staff contact details can be found via the following link http://www.haileyburyturnford.com/contact-us/staff/ Appointments can be made by telephone, email or letter. You are required to make an appointment with staff as teaching staff are not available to see parents for impromptu visits, we would rather you avoid disappointment if a member of staff is not available when you come into the academy. As an academy we try to have a policy of returning your call or email within 24 hours (during term time only) But please respect the fact that staff may genuinely be absent from the academy or not available to return your call or email straight away, but will endeavour to return your call at their earliest convenience. We are keen to listen to your suggestions in order to continue to improve all aspects of communications with you. HAILEYBURY TURNFORD WEBSITE Please check our academy website regularly for updates and newsletters. Our website is a work in progress, and we always welcome suggestions to make it more user friendly. Please check our website regularly for important notices, dates of up and coming events and parent newsletters. Our website address is: http://www.haileyburyturnford.com/ We also have a twitter account @Hailey_Turnford PARENTPAY We are pleased to inform you that Haileybury Turnford is able to accept payments online for academy meals and other items such as school trips, music lessons, before and after school clubs etc. Using a secure website called ParentPay® you can pay online using your credit or debit card. Please note that ParentPay is our preferred method of payment. The more parents who decide to use ParentPay, the greater the benefit to the academy. It also ensures that all money transactions are safe and secure, your child no longer has to take responsibility for carrying money into the academy. Details of your child’s ParentPay account will be forwarded to you in the last week of the summer holidays. If you choose to make a payment via cheque, please ensure your child’s name and form are written on the back. CASHLESS SCHEME The academy operates a cashless catering system. Each student is biometrically identified using an algorithm taken from an electronic finger imprint, allowing them to pay for meals. As each child pays the same way no one knows who has or has not got a free school meal (FSM) allowance which obviously removes any associated stigma. You can pay between one week and one year's dinner money onto your child’s account. The academy automatically sets an upper limit of £7 on the amount of money that can be spent in one day. If you would like this amount changed, please call the academy to amend the amount either to increase or decrease their daily allowance. For those students receiving free school meals (FSMs) the allowance is loaded onto the account daily. You are welcome to ‘top up’ the FSM allowance at any time, particularly if your child plans to use the canteen at any other time apart from lunch time. As mentioned above, the primary method of payment is through ParentPay. Payments made from ParentPay will be automatically credited to your child’s balance. Otherwise, payment can be made by cheque at the academy finance office. There is a wall mounted coin and note loader in the academy. Students can then load their account and monitor their own balances on a daily basis. Please note: cash will not be accepted at the food counter till points. PROMOTING A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT FOR YOUR SON/DAUGHTER. We are committed to promoting healthy food and drinks and therefore the following drinks and foods are banned from the academy. Please help to support us in supporting your child in making the right choices by ensuring your son/daughter does not bring fizzy drinks, energy drinks, lucozade, etc. into the academy as we are promoting a healthy environment for your son and daughter. We thank you for your support. INSIGHT PARENT PORTAL – USER GUIDE LOGGING ON You can access the Insight link via the Haileybury Turnford website, within the ‘Parent’ links; You will be prompted to create your own password at first login. Please keep this password secure and secret, as the Insight account contains personal and sometimes sensitive information about your children. Snapshot Please note, we can only create an Insight account for someone with parental responsibility for a child, for data protection reasons. Please contact the school if you have any questions about this or to update our records if necessary. PERSONAL DETAILS This screen allows you to update the contact details that the academy holds for you. You will only see your own details here. The academy’s main system holds the information of any other contacts you have advised of us on your admission form. Please make sure that we have your correct telephone numbers, postal and email addresses. If you need to update any of your details, please click on the links to let us know. All updates are passed on to our admin staff who will make the relevant changes. If you want to add new contacts or change information for other existing contacts, please contact the academy. NOTICES This panel provides a reminder of key dates from the academy calendar. TIMETABLE The timetable screen shows the current day and whether it is week A or week B in our ten-day timetable cycle. Use the double arrows at the top corner of each screen to look at the week ahead or week past. SEND DETAILS This screen shows any identified and recorded special educational needs, including any provisions. If you have any queries about SEND records, please contact the SENCO, Clare Wilkinson or alternatively Joanne Mitchell – SEND Administrator. ATTENDANCE Clicking on the attendance tab gives you access to detailed analysis of your child’s attendance at the academy to date. Attendance Summary: gives a daily record of am and pm attendance along with a weekly percentage Attendance Comparison: gives a graphical view of your child’s attendance compared with the overall attendance of his/her tutor group and year group for reference. Attendance Career: gives a graphical view of your child’s attendance in each term during their time at Haileybury Turnford A word about attendance: high attendance is a key factor in academic success. If at all possible, all students should aim for 100% attendance. We monitor attendance carefully and will follow up students whose attendance falls below acceptable levels. BEHAVIOUR The behaviour tab provides details of the academy rewards and sanctions issued: Rewards: gives a detailed list of academy commendations, positive behaviour slips and postcards home. Yellow / Red Cards: a list of yellow slips which are issued in cases of serious poor behaviour or failure to meet academy standards. Exclusions: a record of any internal and external fixed term exclusions from the academy. EXAMS AND RESULTS This tab provides information about current examination entries, results to date (including results from statutory Key Stage 2 and 3 assessments), and examination timetables. SIBLINGS AND PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY Insight accounts have been set up for all contacts with parental responsibility listed in our records. You should see siblings already linked at the bottom of each page. If that is not the case and you have received multiple usernames and passwords for your children, please use the “Merge Accounts” tool (the icon resembles a sellotape dispenser) to connect two accounts together under a single login. HIGH EXPECTATIONS — OUR CODE OF CONDUCT RESPECT PRIDE SUCCESS At Haileybury Turnford we all have a responsibility to respect each other, be proud of who we are and our achievements and aim for success, in all that we do. BEHAVIOUR AND DISCIPLINE We have high expectations as an academy and expect every student to follow and maintain these expectations to ensure every child is valued and is able to achieve their potential and learn in an orderly and secure environment. Haileybury Turnford Behaviour Card System The behaviour card system is used consistently across all subjects by staff. The purpose of the system is to ensure your child succeeds within the Haileybury Turnford Community. Failure to meet these expectations could result in the following We all have the Right to Learn. FIVE ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ To Feel Safe To be Heard To be Challenged To be Valued To be Independent Five ‘R’s— Core expectations of students: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I am considerate of others and treat others as I would like to be treated myself. I listen, learn and collaborate well with others. I am resilient when the work gets challenging. I respect different people’s views, opinions, cultures and beliefs. I am resourceful, ready and willing to learn and developing independence. 1st Yellow Card 1st Yellow Card This means that your Teacher has already tried to encourage you to make the right choice after verbally reminding you. You will receive a Payback to resolve the issue and discuss the way forward at the end of the lesson or during break time. Your Form Tutor will follow up this issue with you. 2nd Yellow Card nd 2 Yellow Card 1 Point 2 Points You have ignored the first Yellow Card and as a result you will be sent to work in another classroom. You will receive a Payback at break or the end of the day to discuss an action plan and resolve the issue. Your Form Tutor will follow up this issue with you. Your Parents/Carers will be informed about your behaviour. If you continue to receive Yellow Cards you will receive a Faculty or Subject Leader Payback. Red Card 6 Points Red Card You will be given a Red Card if you refuse to comply with a 2nd Yellow Card or if there is a one off serious behaviour incident for example fighting or making racist comments. You will be removed by a staff member and taken to the Reflection Room. You will work in silence until your resolve meeting. A Resolve meeting will be held at the earliest opportunity. Your Parents/Carers will be informed. HAILEYBURY TURNFORD REWARDS Students are encouraged to achieve Green Cards Green Card Positive Points Value Reason for Reward Can be given by Examples of how you can achieve a Green Card 1, 2 or 3 points Considerate to others’ Any member of staff (teaching and support) Working collaboratively with others. Being respectful, kind and caring. Being courteous and thoughtful in your interactions. Supporting others e.g. community work. You are a member of a student voice group 1, 2 or 3 points Actively listening to others’ Any member of staff (teaching and support) You actively listen to others. You give the speaker your undivided attention You respond positively to feedback and join in discussions. You are a member of a student voice group. 1, 2 or 3 points Challenging myself to reach my full potential You have a can-do attitude and show resilience with challenging tasks You are absorbed and engaged in your learning 1, 2 or 3 points Accepting and respecting others’ differences Any member of staff (teaching and support) Any member of staff (teaching and support) 1, 2 or 3 points Developing your independence Any member of staff (teaching and support) For example being resilient and working hard to overcome challenges. Contributing to assemblies or student voice groups. You respect others’ differences and appreciate diversity. You understand different views, cultures and norms and show empathy to others. You Learn from different cultures, value diversity and reflect on your own views. You offer valuable contributions to debates and discussions and listen to different views. All staff can recommend Green 4s+5’s but only Faculty/Subject Leaders HOY/SLT can issue Green 4s+5s. 4 to 5 points Supporting and contributing significantly to our Academy Values. SL/ FL/ HOY Above average attendance, sustained hard work, effort, exemplary behaviour Participation in an academy event: e.g. assembly, drama, concert, match Contribution to sport, DofE, success out of academy, charity work Consistently showing proficiency in learning based around the 5 R’s 4 to 5 points Supporting and contributing significantly to our Academy Values. SLT Exceptional performance in a subject or activity in the academy or out of the academy. Significant dedication, after-hours, over and above the norm Exceptional sporting music or subject achievements Bravery, courage, overcoming adversity Displaying elements of an exceptional student based around the 5 R’s RESTORATIVE JUSTICE At Haileybury Turnford, a restorative approach to behaviour is used. Restorative practice works to resolve conflict and repair relationships. It encourages those who have caused harm to acknowledge the impact of what they have done and gives them an opportunity to resolve it. Conflicts between people are inevitable, but when it occurs, restorative practice can help restore the balance in a just and fair way. In resolving the issue it helps to prevent it happening again. Restorative Practice is employed at different levels within the academy: To promote positive relationships within the whole academy community, As responsive and repairing when difficulties arise, As part of support and intervention for more long term persistent difficulties. To ensure restorative practices are used consistently within the whole academy, we have a number of different strategies used within all year groups to ensure all students use a restorative approach. These include: Restorative Ethos Building, Curriculum focus on Relationship Development, Restorative Language, Restorative Conversations, Mediation and Peer Mentoring, Restorative Meetings or Conferences, Restorative Management of Exclusion/Re-integration. BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING REPORTING STRUCTURE Should your child’s attendance, behaviour or attitude to learning be a cause for concern we will contact you in order to plan to support your son/daughter to ensure there is an improvement. We will discuss a range of different intervention strategies: anger management; counselling; outreach support with Rivers ESC; programmes to support emotional literacy; peer support; behaviour management support; attendance report and academic mentoring in addition to other specific targeted interventions. Currently, our reporting system operates as follows: Subject Report – Subject Leader monitors individual student conduct each lesson if the behaviour is subject specific. The Subject Leader will contact parents regularly to give an up date on the child’s progress. Form Report – The student has agreed specific measurable targets with the aim to improve behaviour for learning and their engaged learning grades in each subject, everyday. The student will report to Form Teacher each day. Parents are to review and reflect every day with their child. The student will stay on report for an agreed length of time. The Form Tutor will inform parents should a student be placed on report. Head of Year Report – If a student is presenting serious concerns or has failed to make sufficient progress with the Form Tutor report, i.e. failed to achieve the agreed targets, the student will be placed onto a Head of Year report for more intense monitoring; targets will be reviewed. Parents will be informed and if necessary invited to discuss their child’s progress with the HOY. Senior Leadership Report – An SLT report is for students who are repeatedly presenting serious concerns regarding their behaviour and attitude towards learning. Parents will be asked to attend regular meetings to review their child’s progress; external agencies and support are often involved in this stage of the reporting system. Pastoral Support Plan – This is the last resort before we look to permanently exclude a student. Students are placed on a PSP plan if other strategies have not been successful in supporting students with their behaviour for learning. LEARNING HABITS Learning Habits are an integral part of our learning culture at Haileybury Turnford. They are listed below. RESILIENT • Do not stop, resist the temptation to think you’ve done enough! • Did you complete a difficult task to the very best of your ability? Go back & review it. REFLECTION • Read through your work. Is it the best possible work it can be? • Can you add more detail, more careful explanation? Don’t be frightened to re-draft, re-write or re-draw it. • What mark do you think it will get, what do you think your teacher will say? Try and pre-empt their feedback. Hand in the best work you can. COURAGEOUS • Have you left any answers blank? Make some educated guesses, don’t be frightened to have a go. • Could you answer the question a different way, is there an alternative explanation? • Your teacher will not mind looking at two possible solutions or ideas. RESOURCEFUL • Have you used every resource available to help you: your notes, the textbook, other books, anything on the internet? • If the task was more creative or visual did you use different tools to help you best present it? • Is there an alternative way of presenting the work? Complete a 2nd better draft. • Do you have any exams or tests you can complete to help revise for the future? INQUISITIVE • Has the work left you curious to know more, what else could you discover about the topic? • Do some further research; see if you can go beyond the simple exercises. • Surprise your teacher with additional information. ORGANISED • Do you have the correct equipment for every lesson? • Are all your books & folders well-ordered with everything stuck in? ACADEMY UNIFORM We insist on academy uniform at Haileybury Turnford for two reasons: it enhances our reputation in the area; and makes it easier for you to insist that your child is suitably dressed. Our uniform is designed to be smart, practical, easy to obtain and reasonably priced. Uniform may be purchased from: Hawkins School Outfitter – 27 The Old Pond, College Rd, Cheshunt, EN8 9LS BOYS’ UNIFORM Blazer School trousers Shirt Black with academy badge and magenta piping Black Plain white, long or short sleeved V-neck Jumper/ Sleeveless V-neck Jumper Coat Academy tie (with shirt) Grey with magenta piping Socks Shoes Black Black shoes which can be polished, with no coloured trimmings. Trainers, canvas shoes and boots above the ankle are not acceptable. Black or dark colour Magenta tie PE KIT LIST Boys PE Polo Shirt with Haileybury Turnford logo PE Shorts Girls PE Polo Shirt with Haileybury Turnford logo PE Shorts or Skort GIRLS’ UNIFORM Blazer Skirt Trousers Blouse or Shirt Polo shirt V-neck Jumper/ Sleeveless V-neck Jumper Coat Academy tie (with shirt) Socks or Tights Shoes Black with academy badge and magenta piping Specified Haileybury Turnford black pleated skirt Must be worn 2 inches below the knee. Haileybury Turnford academy trousers Plain white, long or short sleeved Plain white with academy badge (Summer Term only) Grey with magenta piping Black or dark colour Optional for girls Knee length black socks or black opaque tights only. Black shoes which can be polished, with no coloured trimmings. Trainers, canvas shoes and boots above the ankle are not acceptable. Please clearly label all items your child’s uniform. OUTDOOR CLOTHING Blazers should be worn to and from academy but can be removed during lessons with the teacher’s permission, and at break and lunch. Sweatshirts and fleeces (including “hoodies”) are not permitted. We ask that coats are black or dark coloured, and that additions; such as scarves and hats in winter are kept to a minimum as they are easy to misplace. Coats, scarves, hats and gloves are not permitted inside the academy building. JEWELLERY Earrings are permitted as long as only a small stud is worn in each ear lobe, no other piercings are allowed. The only other jewellery allowed is a wristwatch. If your child is wearing any other jewellery, they will be told to remove it. Should they be requested to remove it for a second time, it will be confiscated and kept safe for you to come into the academy to collect at the end of the day. SHOES Black shoes which can be polished, with no coloured trimmings. Trainers, canvas shoes and boots above the ankle are not acceptable. NAIL POLISH Nail polish, acrylic nails or gel nails are not permitted at any time. Students wearing nail polish will be asked to remove this or sent home to remove the acrylic/gel nails. Make-up if worn, must be subtle and natural. HAIRSTYLES Extreme hairstyles are not permitted. Hair colour must be natural in colour. Hair beads are not permitted. Shaved patterns into the hair are not permitted. PROPERTY All property including articles of clothing must be clearly marked with the owner's name. Articles of value such as an iPad, gold jewellery, expensive pens, and large sums of money should not be brought to the academy. We cannot accept responsibility if they your son/daughter brings an object of value into the academy and this gets damaged or goes missing. Lost property is kept in Student Reception. Named items are returned to the owner, all unmarked items are kept until the end of term when they are disposed of. Should your child lose an item, please ensure they check at Student Reception before contacting your child’s Form Tutor. MOBILE ’PHONES At Haileybury Turnford we believe a mobile ‘phone is a form of communication, however mobile ‘phones must be switched off and out of sight during the academy day and on the academy premises at all times. If a mobile ‘phone is used during the academy day a student will have their ‘phone confiscated immediately. Students will be able to collect their ‘phone from student reception at the end of the academy day. If a student has their ‘phone confiscated on more than one occasion during a half term, we will ask parents to collect their son/ daughter’s ‘phone. Smart watches are treated in exactly the same way as mobile ‘phones . The simple rule is a mobile ‘phone should be switched off and out of sight. Should your son or daughter need to make an urgent call home, they are encouraged to ask their HOY and usually they will be given permission to make a call from the Inclusion office. PE DEPARTMENT In order to support students in taking responsibility for valuable items such as mobile ‘phones, the P.E. Department offer students the opportunity to place their valuable items in a secured valuables box. Please discuss with your child the importance of using this box to store their phone during their PE lesson. Please note that the changing rooms are not always locked during lessons as other events are taking place - therefore students are urged to use the valuables box. The PE department cannot be held responsible for valuable items that could go missing if students leave their possessions in the changing rooms. All valuables must be given in to the member of staff and kept secure in the valuables box during the PE lesson. PHYSICAL EDUCATION PE is an integral part of the learning experience at Haileybury Turnford. All students are expected to bring the correct PE kit to all their lessons. If a student is injured they are encouraged to take on adopted roles in the lesson, such as coach or referee, they are still expected to be in full PE kit. In the event of wet weather, students will change for PE in order to ensure they will have a clean and dry uniform to change back into after the lesson. BICYCLES All students are encouraged to walk or ride to the academy as part of our drive to encourage students to follow a healthy lifestyle. At Haileybury Turnford students are expected to travel to the academy and around the local community in a safe and responsible manner. In order to support this we expect students who wish to ride to the academy to have a relevant qualification that validates their cycling skills. The most common proficiency award at the present time is the Bikeability Certificate which can be taken at Levels 1, 2 or 3. At Haileybury Turnford we expect all students to have passed level 2 and their bikes to be fitted with front and back brakes, to gain permission to ride to the academy. It is an expectation that your child wears a helmet for their safety. All students will have to have read and agreed to the terms and conditions bike contract, and then will receive a bike permit in order to be able to ride their bike to/from the academy. The Principal has the right to refuse or grant permission to any student who does not follow the bike contract rules. School bag large enough for equipment BEING PREPARED AND READY TO LEARN All students must have the following equipment: Black/ blue fountain or ball-point pen Ruler (with metric divisions) Pencil Eraser Protractor Scientific Calculator English Dictionary/Thesaurus Language Dictionary It is essential that your child brings the correct equipment to the academy everyday. OPPORTUNITIES Respect, Pride and Success To support and promote a culture of respect, pride and success, Haileybury Turnford offer a number of opportunities for all students. Students are encouraged to get involved and partake in numerous extra curricular and leadership opportunities on offer at Haileybury Turnford. These include: Rewards trips and celebration assemblies for achieving a certain number of Green cards Departmental achievement awards Postcards home celebrating and acknowledging achievement and success Celebration certificates for students who consistently achieve 100% attendance and improved attendance Opportunities to take part in the CCF programme at Haileybury College A varied extra-curricular programme including Drama, ICT and various sports clubs Every student will be allocated into one of our Four Houses: Pankhurst; Bevan; Turing and Shackleton Throughout the year students will have an opportunity to take part in House competitions to earn Points for their Houses. Leadership opportunities through an active and influential Student Council group representing the views of the academy. A*/A Booster lessons at Haileybury College Lectures and seminars at Haileybury College Music Bursary and free music lessons ATTENDANCE FAMILY HOLIDAYS May we remind all parents that holidays are not allowed in academy term time. The expectation is that you take family holiday in the 14 weeks of the year when your child is not in the academy. If you take your child on holiday in term time the academy may request the Local Authority to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice. The Penalty is £60 per parent per pupil and if not paid within 21 days this will increase to £120. Failure to pay the full amount within 21 days will result in a summons to appear in the Magistrates Court on grounds that you have failed to ensure your child's regular attendance at the academy. MEDICAL / DENTAL APPOINTMENTS Please make medical and dental appointments outside of academy hours whenever possible. We do understand that some appointments cannot be avoided and will fall during school time. We do ask that your child catches up with any work missed to ensure the continuity of their learning. It is the responsibility of your child to speak to the teachers concerned in order to ensure they have caught up on any missed work. ABSENCE DUE TO ILLNESS AND MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS If students are absent from the academy due to illness or medical appointments, please can you: Call 01992 308333 option 1 and leave a message on the absence line – please send in a copy of the medical appointment letter/card on the students return. Send an Email to attendance@haileyburyturnford.com Or Log onto Insight and send a message. If your child is taken ill at the academy, after visiting Student Reception if it is felt they need to go home we will require a parent to collect the student to ensure they get home safely. CONTACT DETAILS FOR PARENTS/CARERS Please can you ensure that we are made aware of any change of addresses or telephone numbers for students. It is vital that we are able to contact parents/carers should the matter arise. Please contact Rosa Davey PA to the Vice Principal and Inclusion Administration Manager on 01992 3083333 ext. 236 if we need to be informed of any change to your contact details. THE ACADEMY CURRICULUM At Haileybury Turnford, we pride ourselves on our curriculum. YEAR 7 In year 7 all students will study the following: Art Drama Food Technology Mathematics Physical Education Science Music Dance IT Design and Technology Spanish RE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RE is taught in accordance with the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus of RE (2013-17). RE is an important area of the curriculum as this subject allows students to explore crucial questions about themselves, others and the world around them. RE prepares students for the pluralistic society they are a part of and helps to develop and nurture important values such as respect, empathy and tolerance. RE is not about persuading students’ to be religious or to hold a particular view; it is about encouraging diversity and recognising the number of different views people have about the meaning and value of life. In a typical KS 3 lesson you can expect to find students learning about different faiths and exploring their own values and views about the big questions in life. RE prepares students by teaching the foundations of different religious and non-religious views in response to ultimate questions. RE is an engaging and relevant subject for all students and provides a real chance for students to reflect about their views and responses developing and justifying their own values and belief system in order to equip them for life in the 21st Century. SEX AND RELATIONSHIPS EDUCATION Topics touching upon personal relationships, sexual and moral issues arise naturally in many parts of the curriculum, they are handled with sensitivity and tact, and are part of a preventative awareness education programme. Teaching about conception, birth, and some other specific aspects of sexuality also takes place either during science or personal development lessons or on other occasions. Parents will be notified when your child will be receiving SRE education. HAILEYBURY TURNFORD ACADEMY LRC YEAR 6 SUGGESTED READING LIST 2016 1. The Midnight Zoo/Sonya Hartnett 2. The Monster Calls/Patrick Ness 3. Half a creature from the Sea/David Almond 4. Call Me Drog/Sue Cowing 5. Titanic/ Ellen Emerson White 6. One Dog & His Boy/Iva Ibbotson 7. War Horse/Michael Morpurgo 8. The Astounding Brocolli Boy/Frank Cottrell Boyce 9. Sky Hawk/Gill Lewis 10. Twilight Robbery/Francis Hardinge 11. Grk & the Phoney Macaroni/Joshua Doder 12. Wonder/R.J. Palacio 13. Butterfly Summer/Anne-Marie Conway 14. Secret of the Shadows/Cathy MacPhail 15. My Name is Mina/David Almond 16. Trash/Andy Mulligan 17. The Worst thing about my Sister/Jacqueline Wilson 18. Billionaire Boy/David Walliams 19. The Ugly Truth/Jeff Kinney 20. Skulduggery Pleasant/Derek Landy 21. Born to Run/Michael Morpurgo 22. Flour Babies/Anne Fine 23. A Year without Autumn/Liz Kessler 24. Knights of the borrowed dark/Dave Rudden 25. Gladiator/Simon Scarrow 26. Coming Home(Heartland)/Lauren Brooke 27. Bad Dreams/Anne Fine 28. The Recruit(Cherub series)/Robert Muchamore 29. The Blurred Man/Anthony Horowitz 30. Framed/Frank Cottrell Boyce INSTRUMENTAL LESSONS Haileybury Turnford has a team of visiting instrumental teachers who between them are able to give instruction in all woodwind instruments (flute, clarinet, saxophone etc), guitar, piano, all brass instruments (trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba etc), electronic keyboard, percussion (drums), violin and voice. Instrumental lessons have to be paid at the County rate and the cost for 11 individual lessons is currently as follows: 15 minute individual lesson £ 99.00 per term 20 minute individual lesson £132.00 per term 30 minute individual lesson £198.00 per term We own some instruments which we shall be pleased to loan to students initially. We also have contacts with several firms who run a lease hire scheme. If you wish your child to cease instrumental lessons, half a term’s notice of your intention is necessary, in writing, to avoid payment for the whole term Instrumental tuition continues to enjoy a substantial subsidy from the County Council. The price charged to you is therefore considerably lower than the true cost. It is also lower than many other forms of tuition. However, lessons provided at the academy also may have additional benefits including: Access to a generous Remission of Fees facility for those families on low income. A “Low Cost Instrument Purchase Scheme” that enables parents/carers of children receiving tuition from the Music Service to buy musical instruments at an educational discount. High quality tuition provided by qualified professional musicians and teachers, who are members of an award winning music service. Special projects and workshops that extend the opportunities offered to your child. Ensembles, bands, orchestras and choirs organised by a network of local music centres. The priority of both the academy and the Music Service is to maintain standards of excellence in instrumental tuition - these will not be compromised in any way. If you have any queries at all please contact the academy in the first instance. However, Hertfordshire Music Service will be able to offer further advice at their general enquiry line 01438 351138. Please complete the booking form included in this pack if you are interested in your child having instrumental lessons at the academy. You will be contacted with further details later in the year. RESPONSIBLE INTERNET USE AT HAILEYBURY TURNFORD Rules for Students The academy’s computer system provides internet access to students and staff. This ‘Responsible Internet Use Statement’ will help protect students and the academy by clearly stating what is acceptable and what is not. Access must only be made via the user’s authorised account and password, which must not be given to any other person. Academy computer and internet use must be appropriate to the student’s education. Copyright and intellectual property rights must be respected. Users are responsible for email they send and for contacts made. Email should be written carefully and politely, as messages may be forwarded. Email is best regarded as public property. Anonymous messages and chain letters must not be sent. Use of public chat rooms and social media is not permitted. The academy ICT systems may not be used for private purposes, unless the Principal has given prior consent for that purpose. Use for personal financial gain, gambling, political or advertising is forbidden. The security of the academy ICT systems must not be compromised, whether owned by the academy, or by other organisations or individuals. Irresponsible use may result in the loss of internet access. Cyber bullying will result in suspension of account and possible further action by the academy. The academy may exercise its right by electronic means to monitor the use of the academy’s computer systems, including the monitoring of websites, the interception of emails and the deletion of inappropriate materials in circumstances where it believes unauthorised use of the academy’s computer system is or may not be taking place, or the systems is or may be being used for criminal purposes or for storing text or imagery which is unauthorised and unlawful. Please ensure your child has read and understood the terms of conditions of internet use at Haileybury Turnford. Within the induction pack you will find a form for your child to sign as acceptance of the above. CONTRIBUTIONS AND PAYMENTS ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS Parents of all students are asked to contribute £10 a year to the Academy Fund (or £15 per family, with payment being made through the youngest brother or sister). This is a voluntary payment without which it would not be possible to run various activities. We request that you make this contribution at the start term using ParentPay. DESIGN TECHNOLOGY CONTRIBUTIONS Over a number of years we have been running a very successful scheme in the Food Technology Department, which has been adopted by other schools and praised by Ofsted. Students cook every third lesson, dividing the other two lessons up between theory and demonstrations. Students cook a range of products that emphasise the use of certain skills and equipment. We ask that all students contribute £15 at the start of year 7 to cover the cost of their basic ingredients for the whole of Key Stage 3 (year 7, 8 and 9). We have found that this has been most helpful to parents as it alleviates the stress of having to go out and buy ingredients every time their child cooks as well as working out much more cost effective as we can buy in bulk. Our preferred method of payment is via ParentPay, alternatively students can put the money into a marked envelope with their name and Food Technology on it and hand it to finance. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? We look forward to meeting you during the Transition Evening on Wednesday 8th June. During this evening you will given details of your child’s Transition Day on Thursday 7th July 2016 and the programme of events. Please take your time to complete the grey booklet as comprehensively as you can. You will also need to support your child filling in their passport booklet. Both should be returned in the envelope provided on transition evening. If you have any concerns or questions and need to speak to someone before the transition evening, please call either Mrs Allingham Head of Year 7 or Mrs Davey (PA to the Pastoral Team) on 01992 308333. CHEXS – Who we are and what we do? CHEXS is a ‘Charitable Incorporated Organisation’ whose primary aim and passion is to advance education for the public benefit through the provision of educational support for both children and adults alike. This includes an increasingly wide range of extra-curricular activities, extended services and family support for the benefit of all members of our local and extended community. Every one matters!! Community - We aim to create a united community working together with a sense of belief and ownership tackling local issues and improving community relationships Homes - We want to help people have a better home life through improved communication, relationships and life skills for the whole family Enrichments - We engage children & young people in positive activities within the community, to help raise self-esteem, confidence and aspirations whilst developing vital life skills. Xtra-mile - We work tirelessly to make a difference and our focus is always to put families’ and communities’ best interests at the heart of everything we do. Support - We endeavor to ensure that CHEXS’ diligence, passion, professionalism, enthusiasm, loyalty and local knowledge provides support for all the families and local communities that we serve. The charity is focused on uniting different sectors, including public, private & VCS’s, to share and support our objective, working hard to develop innovative approaches inclusive of universal & targeted support through an array of services and activities. CHEXS’ main priority is to enable children, young people, their families and the local community to improve their wellbeing through creating opportunities to raise aspirations strongly linked with realistic and achievable expectations. CHEXS plays a significant role in the lives of many young people and their families, often independently of statutory bodies, and is in a particularly unique position to engage with those who are reluctant to involve statutory agencies or are unsure of who to turn to. This approach supports and develops life skills for their personal and social development for their future life paths. These steps ensure CHEXS’ is well placed though remains independent, with a strong collaborative and open track record, to be proactive and promote innovative ideas. These actions support and prevent family’s situations from escalating and requiring greater and more specific services, all of which supports the Localism Act! Advice for parents/carers and students