Tuesday, November 4, 2014 - Englewood Christian Church
Tuesday, November 4, 2014 - Englewood Christian Church
NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Fall Festival in Review Where the WORD Changes People’s Lives In This Issue Fall Festival in Review ...........1 & 2 ECC in the News Jesus and the FL-GA Weekend .....2 Noteworthy: Upcoming Worship Choir Sectional Rehearsals .........3 Missions Committee Meeting ......3 Prime Timers’ Thanksgiving Carry-In Dinner ........................3 Christian Education Quarterly Meeting .....................................3 Sympathy Note ............................3 Congratulations!...........................3 Christian Women’s Fellowship Thanksgiving Dinner .................3 Master’s Men Quarterly Meeting .....................................3 Special Guest Speakers— Emrys and Usha Rees.................4 Food Pantry Needs .......................4 K.i.D.S. Zone Coming Soon! ..............................4 J.A.M. Is Bethlehem Bound! ........4 E2 Student Ministries 2014 Thanksgiving Basket Project .......................................5 Paintball .......................................5 Free Gift Wrapping and Child Care .................................5 The Last Word ECC Scoreboard ..........................6 ECC Statistics ..............................6 ECC Church Staff ........................6 Contributions ..............................6 Winter Jam 2015 .........................6 T H E E C H O E S 11 . 0 4 . 1 4 This year’s Fall Festival Trunk or Treat is now history, and we can look back and smile at a great evening of loving our neighbors and shining the light of Jesus brightly. One hundred fifteen workers gave of their time and energy to welcome our guests to the Fall Festival Trunk or Treat. A great crowd gathered for a night of dressing up, enjoying the animals, laughter, play, and candy. There was excitement all over the campus as many people from many walks of life and of many nationalities joined in the fun. Costumes were judged, and prizes were awarded. Door prizes were given out. Games were played, and food was devoured. The Gator Clowns have for many years helped with this event, and their face painting and balloon art are favorite parts of the evening. Twenty-three vehicles were decorated, and from them, candy was given out to the trick or treaters. Prizes were given this year for those who gave exceptional effort to their designs. These were the winners. FIRST PLACE SECOND PLACE THIRD PLACE First Place Karen, Marye, and Margaret Lee Walt Disney’s “Brave” Second Place Maria Gabbard Country Home Third Place D. D. Jewell Noah’s Ark Continued on page 2. ENGLEWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH Continued from page 1. ECC in the News We want to thank all of the Englewood family for all the work done and the effort given for this popular and well-loved event. So many did so much, and it couldn’t happen without the help and kindness of the congregation. Please pray that God will use the words that were spoken, the love that was shown, and the hands of welcome extended to bring people back. TH E E CHOES 11.0 4 .1 4 Jesus and the FL-GA Weekend The football rivalry between the University of Florida Gators and the University of Georgia Bulldogs is one of the most prominent rivalry games in college football. The two universities have met to play football nearly every year since 1915. Since the game has been held in Jacksonville since 1933, with only two exceptions, the game brings a huge impact to our city. Thousands of people gather for this annual event, and there is much hub-bub all around. This year’s game was held on November 1 on a bright, sunny, windy, beautiful autumn day. Watching and hearing all about the teams and the fans who attended does bring to mind some thoughts for reflection about the comparison of our interest in football and our dedication to Jesus Christ. 1. Many sacrifices are made for people to attend this game of football. There are the sacrifices of time and money. How do we Christians sacrifice time and money for the Savior? 2. Enthusiasm runs high for the fans of each team. How do we Christians express our enthusiasm for Jesus, and how intense is that enthusiasm? 3. These football goers are bold in verbalizing to others all about their team and why it is the best of the two. How bold are we Christians in telling others about our Savior? 4. EverBank Field will hold almost 82,000 spectators. How many Christian gatherings of that size will take place in Jacksonville this year? Why is it that people don’t come out in droves for Jesus? 5. The blue and orange of Florida and the red and black of Georgia were very prominently displayed leading up to the game. Do we Christians display our faith and allegiance to Jesus as obviously as do football fans? These thoughts are not new or profound, but perhaps they will remind us of where our true allegiance, our enthusiasm, our passion should be focused—on Jesus Christ. Is it wrong to love football? Absolutely not! But, let’s measure our passion for the One who can save our souls against teams who only provide a distraction and an afternoon of entertainment. 2 E N G LE W O O D C H R I STI A N CHURCH ECC in the News Sympathy Note Upcoming Worship Choir Sectional Rehearsals We offer our sincere sympathy to Judie Brown and her family at this time of the death of her mother, Hilda Gray, on October 26. May God grant peace and comfort to the family. Thursday, November 6 6:30-8:30 p.m. Altos Thursday, November 13 6:30-8:30 p.m. Sopranos Friday, November 14 6:30-8:30 p.m. Basses Missions Committee Meeting Congratulations! Congratulations to Ashley and Brandon Watkins Thursday, November 6 at 6:30 p.m. in the preacher’s office on the birth of their son, Kaiden Michael, who was born on November 1, at 6:28 a.m. He weighed 8 lb. 1 oz. and measured 21 ¼ inches long. Proud grandparents are Henry and Sally Pratt, and proud greatgrandparents are Ray and Joan Locklear. Prime Timers’ Thanksgiving Carry-In Dinner Friday, November 14 • 6:00 p.m. Christian Women’s Fellowship Thanksgiving Dinner All missions committee members are reminded of the approaching meeting on Thursday, November 6, at 6:30 p.m. Plans for the 2015 Faith Promise Conference will be discussed. Tuesday, November 18 • 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall The Prime Timers will meet on November 14 to give thanks and to share a Thanksgiving Carry-In Dinner. All senior adults are invited for a great evening beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Invite a friend, and come to share in the fellowship! All ladies of the church are invited for this outstanding event. Child care will be provided for children from birth through 5th grade. Christian Education Quarterly Meeting Master’s Men Quarterly Meeting for All Preschool and Elementary Teachers, Sunday School, Second Hour, and Wednesday Night Tuesday, November 18 • 7:00 p.m. in the Warehouse Sunday, November 16 • 4:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall Special Guest—Captain Joe McQuade, a physician at the Naval Hospital Jacksonville Dr. McQuade will speak concerning general health concerns and give facts concerning Ebola. Teachers, please come, pray together, learn something new, and be encouraged to be used by God to teach our children! Child care will be provided for children from birth through 5th grade. E N G LEW OOD CHRIST IAN C H U R C H 3 T H E E CHOE S 11. 04. 14 ECC in the News Coming Soon! This Friday, November 7, is our outdoor movie night! There is still time to sign up, if your child is interested in attending. We are meeting at Carey and Rhonda Picton’s house at 6:00 p.m., and we will be ending the night at 8:30 p.m. All K-5th graders are invited to attend, and the event is free. A pizza dinner will be provided, but we are asking that the children bring a drink or a dessert to share. Please have your child bring a chair and/or blanket. We’re going to have a great time watching The Lego Movie! This December we’ll be having a gingerbread house contest on Friday, December 5, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This event is for kids in grades K-5. We will be providing the walls and “glue” as well as snacks and hot chocolate. Our builders will need to bring a bag of candy (like gumdrops, sprinkles, Smarties, peppermints, etc.). We hope that you’ll come and join in on the Christmas fun! Special Guest Speakers— Emrys and Usha Rees On Sunday, November 23, it will be our great pleasure to welcome Emrys and Usha Rees to Englewood for the day. We have supported the Rees’ work, Medical Missions of India, for many years, and we will be overjoyed to hear the latest news of their work. Please make your plans so that you may hear from God through these inspiring missionaries. Food Pantry Needs Proverbs 31:20 describes the godly woman in this way: “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” Englewood men and woman alike may be found helping the poor through giving to our Food Pantry. As we prepare for the busy holiday season, these are the items currently needed in the pantry. We are grateful for the church family’s generosity toward others. J.A.M. Is Bethlehem Bound! We are starting our preparation for our J.A.M. Christmas Pageant that will be held in the Worship Center on Wednesday, December 10, at 7:00 p.m. This year we will be presenting a family experience called Bethlehem Bound. It’s a fun and sweet telling of the Christmas story that gives every child (and their families) the chance to participate. Our Wednesday night class schedule will have some changes during November so that we may make the most of our rehearsal times. Please bring your child to class at 6:00 p.m., if possible, during the month of November and December, since most of our pageant preparations will be done during the first hour. If any parents and families are interested in participating and helping with rehearsals, please call Serena Maerkl at the church office at 733-2356. Thank you so much for your help with this! Cereals of any kind— oatmeal, grits, granola bars, cereal bars, boxes of cereal TH E E CHOES 11.0 4 .1 4 4 E N G LE W O O D C H R I STI A N CHURCH Paintball 2014 Thanksgiving Basket Project The youth are super excited to once again be making Thanksgiving bags for those in need. Families will be selected from our church membership, TLC, our neighborhood, and schools. Last year, because of your help and generosity, we were able to give out bags to 14 families from our church and 12 more bags to neighborhood families who use the church food pantry. If you want to help, there are a number of different ways to do so. You may help by donating food items listed below, donating money ($5 will buy a rotisserie chicken or $1 will buy bread or rolls), and donating fabric reusable grocery bags. Our youth will be helping to assemble the food into the bags. This will be a great opportunity for our youth to earn service hours for school, clubs, and scholarships. We hope to be even more successful this year than last year! Excitement is building for our upcoming paintball event. This was a huge hit last year, figuratively and literally! This paintball outing is for all of our middle school, high school, and college/young adults. On November 15, we will be heading to GTF Paintball for an afternoon of fun. We will be leaving the church at 1:00 p.m., and we will be returning around 6:30 p.m. The cost for this event is $15 per person which includes all the equipment that you will need. To keep things fair, if you have your own paintball gun, please do not bring it. You are welcome to bring your own mask, but please leave your gun at home. Everyone that attends this event will need to wear thick clothes that you don’t mind getting messed up, since we will be shooting balls of paint at each other. If you have any questions about paintball, feel free to ask Luke. Free Gift Wrapping and Child Care I don’t know about your house, but in my house we are Grocery Items Needed • Gravy - jar or can • Stove Top Stuffing • Canned Cranberry Sauce • Canned Green Beans • Cream of Mushroom Soup • French Fried Onions • Canned Yams • Canned Whole Kernel Corn • Canned Butter Beans, Lima Beans, Black-Eyed Peas, or Field Peas • Instant Rice such as Minute Rice or Comet Rice • Instant Mashed Potatoes • Macaroni and Cheese - box • Spice Cake Mix • Canned Pumpkin - not pie filling • Frosting - vanilla or cream cheese • Canned Apples - not pie filling • Corn Muffin Mix • Small Canned Ham counting down the days until Christmas. We are less than 2 months away. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Along with Christmas being the most wonderful time of the year, it may also be one of the most stressful times of the year. Maybe two of the biggest things that cause stress at Christmas are wrapping gifts and finding someone to watch your children so you can go shopping for gifts. Because of that stress, E2 Student Ministries would like to help. We are offering free gift wrapping and child care on November 29 from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., and also on December 5 and 12 starting at 6:00 p.m. and ending at 9:00 p.m. All that you will need to do for the free gift wrapping is to bring your gifts in boxes, and have them marked with who will be receiving the gift, and who the gift is from. Then, simply drop the gift/s off, and pick them back up. Everything else will be provided. (If you have special wrapping paper, ribbon, or bows that you want your gifts to be wrapped in, you are free to bring that as well.) For child care, all you will need to do is drop your child off, already fed, fill out some quick paperwork, and be on your merry shopping way. You are free to use both services at the same time, if you chose. If you have any questions, or if you would like to help with this project, feel free to call Luke at the office. Go ahead and mark these dates on your calendar. I hope that you will take advantage of these services to help calm your stress during the A Slave of Jesus Christ, most wonderful time of the year. If you are going to donate any food, please make sure that it has an expiration date after December 1, 2014. Please place your food donations in the labeled bins in the church foyer. In addition to the list above, families will be given a rotisserie chicken or a canned ham and rolls or bread. E N G LEW OOD CHRIST IAN C H U R C H Luke Swain 5 T H E E CHOE S 11. 04. 14 Where the WORD Changes People’s Lives Dated Material (See panel to left) ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ENGLEWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH 4316 Barnes Road • Jacksonville, Florida 32207 Phone: 904-733-2356 • Fax: 733-9096 • TLC: 737-5669 www.eccjax.com POSTAL INFORMATION “The Echoes” (USPS 118270) Published Bi-Weekly by: Englewood Christian Church 4316 Barnes Road, Jacksonville, FL 32207 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT: Jacksonville, Florida 32203-9998 POSTMASTER send address changes to: THE ECHOES, 4316 Barnes Road, Jacksonville, FL 32207-7099 November 4, 2014 Vol LV, No. 10 Contributions ECC Scoreboard 10/26/14 11/02/14 Officers ...............................1 .................1 Birth to 1 year .....................7 .................9 1-2 years ..............................3 .................2 2 years .................................2 .................2 3 years .................................6 .................5 4’s & 5’s ............................13 ...............11 Grades 1 & 2.......................7 .................5 Grades 3 & 4.......................4 .................8 Grade 5 ...............................6 .................6 Middle School ...................11 ...............11 High School ......................20 ...............25 Stronghold ..........................7 .................5 Converge ...........................18 ...............18 Homebuilders ...................17 ...............16 Seekers ..............................35 ...............42 Philathea ...........................14 ...............13 Cornerstone ........................9 .................9 Saints ..................................7 .................3 Ambassadors .....................20 ...............22 TOTAL ......................... 207 ............ 213 ECC Statistics Sunday, October 26, 2014 SS 207 MW 282 EW WED ADD 125 156 Sunday, November 2, 2014 SS 213 MW 282 EW WED ADD 141 165 ECC Church Staff Ken Gemeinhart, Senior Minister Luke Swain, Student/Youth Minister Gayle Gemeinhart, Music Director Serena Maerkl, Children’s Director Stephanie Powell Power Challengers’ Ministries Director Heather Hicks, Secretary Mary Worth, Bookkeeper Lonna Hale, TLC Director TH E E CHOES 11.0 4 .1 4 October 26, 2014 Weekly Budget ..................................................$10,392.00 Tithes and Offerings..........................................$ 4,713.78 Week 22 Average ...............................................$ 9,742.60 TOTAL UNDER BUDGET $649.40 x 22 weeks ......................................... ($14,286.80) Faith Promise Budget ........................................$ 4,208.00 Faith Promise Offering ......................................$ 1,220.00 Week 35 Average ...............................................$ 3,283.00 TOTAL UNDER BUDGET $925.00 x 35 weeks ..........................................($32,375.00) November 2, 2014 Weekly Budget ..................................................$10,392.00 Tithes and Offerings..........................................$15,793.06 Week 23 Average ...............................................$10,005.67 TOTAL UNDER BUDGET $386.33 x 23 weeks ..........................................($ 8,885.59) Faith Promise Budget ........................................$ 4,208.00 Faith Promise Offering ......................................$ 4,243.00 Week 36 Average ...............................................$ 3,310.00 TOTAL UNDER BUDGET $898.00 x 36 weeks ......................................... ($32,328.00) The Last Word Winter Jam 2015 Since its formation by NewSong in 1995, the Winter Jam Tour Spectacular has featured many of the top names in Christian music. The tour has outpaced any other tour’s attendance for the past three years. Winter Jam is an incredible evening of live concerts by 10 Christian bands, and the cost is only $10 which is paid at the door. No tickets are required. Through the years, several groups from Englewood have attended this exciting worship event. If you enjoy Christian music, this is a great concert to attend. These are the ten bands which will be featured on Friday, January 9, at Veterans Memorial Arena. Mark your calendar! 6 Skillet Jeremy Camp Francesca Battistelli Building 429 Family Force 5 Newsong For King & Country Blanca About a Mile Veridia E N G LE W O O D C H R I STI A N CHURCH
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