The Bottom Line - Shawano Country


The Bottom Line - Shawano Country
The Bottom Line
A Publication of the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce
Kathy Hansen
Body Essentials
Mary White
Nueske’s Applewood
Smoked Meats
Melissa Olsen
KerberRose S.C.
Char Larsen
Premier Investment Services
Jon Aumann
Edward Jones Investments
Linda Beversdorf
Beversdorf CPA, LLC
Gary Cumberland
Shawano School District
Dorothy Erdmann
Shawano Medical Center
Jim Feeney
Wisconsin Film & Bag
Kay Kristof
Bobbi Jo Ladwig
BMO Harris Bank
Keith Marquardt
Shawano County Parks
Roger Pescinski
BMO Harris Bank
John Van Ooyen
Frontier Communications
Nancy J. Smith, IOM
Patti J. Peterson
Michelle Maroszek
John Gallagher
Michelle Heling, and
Sharon Woiak-Meisner
Wendy Crawford
Shawano Lawn
& Stone Receives
Vision 2017 Grant
Shawano Lawn & Stone has received a Facade
grant totaling $2,500 through Shawano Country
Vision 2017. The matching grant was awarded
to help cover costs to install a new lighted sign
on their building located at 950 South Waukechon Street in Shawano. The project included
removing existing signage from their parking
lot. According to business owner Pat Bohm,
this project will help attract more customers to
their business. “Our new LED sign is much
more visible to customers not only during the
day but also at night. In addition, removing the
old sign allowed us to create three additional
parking spots for our customers,” said Bohm.
Shawano Lawn & Stone was founded in 1979
by Steve and Mary Dobberstein. They built and moved
to their current location in 1993. In 2012, Bohm joined
the business as a co-owner with plans to eventually
take full ownership as Dobberstein retires. Shawano
Lawn & Stone employs 17 people during their busy
season. They are hoping the new sign will create
enough additional business to extend their season.
“Changing a sign may seem like a small thing, but
actually attractive, highly visible, and strategically
placed signage is one of the most important components of a business’s marketing strategy. This new
sign will be visible 24 hours every day. It will get noticed and reinforce the business’s brand,” said Nancy
Smith, executive director, Shawano Country Chamber
of Commerce.
Bohm said without the grant funds he would not have
invested in a new sign. He believes Shawano Country
Vision 2017 is important in helping other local businesses. “In the end Vision 2017 becomes a win-win
because the bet that is being made is that a business,
such as ours will generate additional sales and cash
flow for the community after our façade improvement.
This additional revenue ultimately trickles down to the
local community in sales tax dollars and a robust image for out of town visitors which creates a healthy
community on the whole,” said Bohm.
Shawano Lawn & Stone utilized a local sign company
and electrical contractor to complete this project. It
was important to Bohm to support local businesses.
According to Dennis Heling, Shawano County Economic Progress Inc. Chief Economic Development
Officer, most of the renovation projects receiving Vision 2017 grants have been completed by local businesses. “Our grants are supporting not just the grant
recipient, but also the businesses they hire to perform
the work. As these dollars circulate in our communities
Pictured left to right; Dennis Heling, Shawano County
Economic Progress Inc. Chief Economic Development
Officer; Pat Bohm and Steve Dobberstein, Co-Owners,
Shawano Lawn & Stone; Nancy Smith,
Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce
Executive Director
our businesses grow and growing from within is fundamental to future job creation.”
Small businesses in Tigerton, Eland, Gresham and
Shawano have received a total of $103,000 in Vision
2017 Façade and Interior Grants which has stimulated
over $825,000 in private investments.
Any employer or entrepreneur operating in Shawano
or Menominee Counties can apply for Shawano Country Vision 2017 grant programs. To determine if your
project or business development idea is eligible contact
Dennis Heling at 715-526-5839,
Shawano Country Vision 2017 is a five-year economic development plan strategically designed to
address various needs of area businesses and communities. The plan’s overall goal is to spur capital investment and grow the economy by implementing specific
action steps in key areas, including business expansion, attraction and recruitment; tourism/retail development, workforce issues, and community development. This plan was initiated three years ago by the
board of directors of Shawano County Economic Progress Inc. and the Shawano Country Chamber of
Commerce to proactively tackle economic challenges
including several plant closures, job losses, and lower
than average per capita income. It provides a blueprint
for future growth and prosperity and a stronger economic climate for Shawano and Menominee Counties.
“The Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce advances economic growth by
coordinating resources and providing networking, promotion and education
to businesses in Shawano and Menominee Counties.”
This informal, structured event takes the guesswork out of
networking. Each month, attendees have the opportunity to
introduce themselves and their business to the entire group.
Each session will include an opportunity to discuss a relevant
business topic. Come and enjoy a cup of Joe on your way to
the office, pick up a few prospects, and walk away with a
handful of new connections!
“Coffee Connections is a valuable networking opportunity and
lots of fun. Every time I go, I have met someone new and
learned about something in our community. It's fun to watch
people from different areas of the community come together
and realize they can help each other.”
Donna Hobscheid, Coldwell Banker Hilgenberg Realtors
First Wednesdays—
September 2, October 7, November 4, December 2
8 a.m. – 9 a.m.
Glas Coffeehouse, Shawano
Reservations not required, but appreciated
The 26th Annual Shawano Country Chamber
of Commerce Fall Homecoming Parade will
be held on Friday, September 25 at 6 p.m.
with lineup on Elizabeth Street beginning at 5
p.m. Parade participants are reminded to
enter the staging area at off of Lincoln Street.
This year’s parade theme is “Dr. Seuss.” The
Chamber is pleased to coordinate and present this parade in cooperation with Shawano
High School. We thank all our parade sponsors for making it possible.
Entries are currently being accepted for the
parade. Participants are encouraged to decorate their entries with the “Dr. Seuss” theme.
Trophies will be awarded for the Best of the
Parade, Business Entry, Club /Organization
Entry, High School Entry, and Kindergarten
through 8th Grade School Entry. To include
your entry in the parade, call the Chamber
today at (715) 524-2139 or stop by the Chamber office, 1263 S. Main St., Shawano to pick
up an entry form.
The parade route starts at the corner of Elizabeth and Main Street, proceeds north on Main
Street turning left at Green Bay Street, left on
Washington and ending at the former Franklin
School property.
The Power of Proactive Adaptability
I tell every business owner I
consult with: “If you want to
know if your business is
leading in its field, or lagging
behind, just look around,
and if your business is being
copied, you’re ahead.”
Count on this: Every successful business will become the annoying target of
copycats and lookalikes
trying to distract the consumer from your one-of-akind operation to their feeble
Even though it doesn’t feel
good, I’m convinced that one of the greatest
compliments a business owner can receive
is when their competition copies them.
So how does one defend themselves from
these business wannabes? You could wait
for copycats to knock your business off, and
then react, or there’s another way: Start using Proactive Adaptability!
Successful companies practice Proactive
Adaptability, a term I use for how a business
owner must create changes in a company
before your company actually needs to
change. And even though I consult primarily
with independent businesses, even large
companies like Apple, Disney, and Wal-Mart
use this skill, too. “It’s not the consumers’ job
to know what they want,” said Steve Jobs,
who also followed Wayne Gretzky’s advice:
“I skate to where the puck is going to be, not
where it has been.” Compare this philosophy
with the most unsuccessful companies who
either change too late or don’t change at all.
Most entrepreneurs don’t realize this, but
every business follows a predictable path of
growth and decline, but Proactive Adaptability is the first step to staying ahead of the
natural growth curve of a business. Regardless of the industry, every business starts
from zero and immediately sees a steep
upward trend in traffic and revenues. Then,
the rate of growth levels off and plateaus.
That’s a normal pattern, but I tell owners that
any plateau is like a blinking yellow warning
light. Never try to rationalize
the situation in business
cycle terms, or explain it
with references to what’s
going on in your industry or
the larger economy. Don’t
try to renew the accelerated
growth by working harder, or
working your employees
harder. That’s just like running faster on a hamster
wheel and making it spin
By Jon Schallert
Jon Schallert is the only consultant in the
world teaching independent business owners
on how to reinvent themselves into Consumer Destinations. Business owners learn
his 14-step Destination strategy at his 2½
(, held in Longmont, Colorado. Jon is also the founder of
the online training network, Destination University® ( where
businesses can access more than 150 webinars from over 50 authors and experts. To
learn more about Jon, go to, call 303-774-6522, or email
The only way to continually
grow your business is to aim
Business owners in Shawano and Menomihigher and reinvent a core
nee Counties will have the opportunity to
component of your business. When the uplearn from nationally-known Destination
ward motion you achieve begins to flatten,
Business expert Jon Schallert when he
you need to reinvent again. Reinvent. Accelcomes to the area on October 15, 8 a.m. – 3
erate. Repeat. Proactive Adaptability makes
p.m. at Menominee Casino Resort. Schallert
the changes before the flattening
will present his acclaimed business improveline begins to dip.
ment session, “Increasing Sales and Profits
as a Destination Business.” As part of his
While you adapt your business and make visit to the area, Schallert will also conduct a
proactive changes, the copycats will be rap- Marketing Roundtable with seminar attenidly trying to adapt to you. Your Destination dees to discuss pertinent business issues,
Business has introduced a new feature into and one-on-one consultations with selected
your industry that others correctly see as a business owners.
threat to their dominance. When they see
your success, they will shift their focus to be Schallert’s sessions teach independent busilike you.
ness owners how to turn their businesses
into consumer “Destinations” that attract
The old adage “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” customers from many miles away, past other
does not apply anymore – you need to break competitive outlets. Schallert’s workshop
it, start over, disrupt the routine repeatedly, also shows businesses how to get local conregularly and religiously if you want to stay sumers to spend more money locally, and
ahead of the pack. Such activity attracts how to stop “retail leakage”. Schallert’s conpeople’s attention – new customers will hear sulting firm, The Schallert Group, Inc., is
of you and old customers will renew their noted for providing competitive tools to indeexcitement. The more you reinvent, the more pendent business owners that are typically
unique your ideas and the more difficult for used exclusively by large corporate chains to
dominate a marketplace. For more informaothers to imitate.
tion and to register, contact the Chamber at
No business can thrive in today’s modern, 715-524-2139,, or
dynamic marketplace without evolving and register online at
adapting with new tools, new products and
This event is presented by the Shawano
new approaches. That’s especially true of a
Country Chamber of Commerce in partnerDestination Business using Proactive
ship with Shawano County Economic ProAdaptability.
gress and funded in part, by Shawano Country Vision 2017.
Roger Seip will be the keynote
speaker at the Shawano Country
Chamber of Commerce Fall Luncheon on Thursday, November 5th,
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. at The Main
Event in Cecil. The cost is $20 per
person for members of the Chamber
and $30 for others. Corporate tables
of eight are available for $160. The
deadline for reservations is Friday,
October 23. To RSVP call 715-5242139 or email
Your brain is the single biggest
driver of your energy, your focus,
and the results you get in every area
of life. Your career, your finances,
your physical health, your relationships – all of them are constantly
created and influenced by your thinking. Unfortunately, your brain didn’t
come with an owner’s manual…until
In Train Your Brain For Success you will learn to harness
the incredible creative capacity of your mind and achieve
your personal best – professionally, financially and personally. Best part? You’ll do this in about the time it takes to
go out for lunch. Based on Roger Seip’s bestselling book,
Train Your Brain For Success is extremely interactive,
incredibly eye-opening, and a lot of fun! Participants will
definitely gain insights that will make them more effective
immediately, and come away with a plan for making that
improvement last. Do not miss it!
Roger Seip is the co-founder of Freedom Personal Development and the bestselling author of Train Your Brain For
Success. He has helped train thousands of business professionals, from all walks of life, on personal development
skills that really make a difference. He’s also spent eight
years as a professional stand-up comic. Corporations such
as Harley-Davidson, State Farm Insurance, Wells Fargo,
and The National Association of REALTORS® have all
given rave reviews for the life-changing skills Seip shares.
guide features recreation and attractions
available in Shawano
and Menominee Counties and includes a listing of area hotels, motels, cottages, resorts,
campgrounds, restaurants and retail outlets. The guide will
also contain area maps, and 2016 calendar of events.
Due to the volume of requests,
sport shows and distribution locations,
we will print 65,000 again for 2016!
Include your business!
Contact Patti Peterson
at (715)524-2139 or
September Business Connection
Hosted by Woodstock Hardwood
Flooring & Design Center
Woodstock Hardwood Flooring and Design Center, owned
by Phillip Kersten, specializes in hardwood flooring, cabinetry, carpet, tile and custom design. They also have incorporated a granite division to the business, along with professional kitchen and bath design and installation services.
Their location in Birnamwood on Highway 45 boasts a 6,000
sq. foot showroom filled with an unlimited number of samples and displays, along with a 7,000 sq. foot acclimated
warehouse with 200,000 plus square feet of hardwood flooring. The business has supplied hardwood flooring to many
people and places, including the local WittenbergBirnamwood High School gymnasium.
The history of Woodstock dates back to 1938, when Kersten’s grandfather Roy Kersten established a saw mill in
Wittenberg. The mill suffered a substantial fire in 1977 that
forced his son Phillip “Butch” Kersten (Kersten’s father) to
move the operation to Birnamwood. Starting over with the
purchase of state-of-the-art equipment, Kersten made the
decision to manufacture flooring and other wood components for the building industry. In 1981, Kersten Lumber
Company purchased dry kilns to aid in the ever-increasing
demand for wood flooring. Currently, Kersten Lumber produces a semi-truck load per day of several species of wood in
varying widths for Woodstock Hardwood Flooring – their
exclusive store front since 2004.
Due to the recent relocation of Wolf River School to
Work, The Shawano Chamber Foundation has an
office space available within the Shawano Country
Chamber of Commerce office building beginning
September 1, 2015. The 126 Sq. Ft. office is furnished. The monthly lease includes the following:
Use of Board/
Meeting Room and
AV equipment
Use of kitchen and all appliances
Access to available storage space
Access to wireless Internet
Access to copier, postage meter, and fax
(reimbursement required)
Parking in adjacent lot
The Chamber office building is in a very visible and
easy to find location with ample parking available.
We prefer to lease to a non-profit organization, but
will consider others. For more information, contact
Nancy Smith, Executive Director at 715-524-2139.
Changes to Leadership
Steering Committee Announced
Leadership Shawano County welcomes new Steering
Committee members Randy Chevalier, Employee Relations and Training Coordinator with the Menominee
Indian Tribe; Lesley Nemetz, Deputy Clerk with the
City of Shawano; and Dana Kriha, Sales Support with
Nueske’s Applewood Smoked Meats. These recent
graduates from LSC Class 15 will help bring new
ideas and plan the individual sessions. Outgoing
board member, Colleen Weishoff, Payroll Director
from CRI completed six years of dedication and service on the steering committee. We greatly appreciate her contributions.
Leadership Shawano County
Announces Class Sixteen:
Jeff Ballwahn
Premier Investments
Cassy Berg
Shawano Menominee Health Dept.
Lori Bricko
Employment Options
Noah Bunt
Shawano Police Dept.
Brea Bystol
BMO Harris Bank
Karla Duchac
City of Shawano
Danielle Ebert
Bowman Consultants
Mark Flunker
Wolf River Habitat for Humanity
Linda Gehrke
Little Rapids
Jason Hietpas
Stockbridge Munsee Community
Rochelle Jahnke
Kurt Kitzman
CoVantage Credit Union
Shawano County Sheriff's Dept.
Michelle Mahr
Beth McFarlane
Shawano School Board
Kent Olson
Nueske's Applewood Smoked Meats
Gina Patzer
Premier Community Bank
Patrick Rau
School District of Bonduel
Heather Ritchie
Dana Ritchie
Shawano County Sheriff's Dept.
Sue Schwartz
Junior Achievement
Luana Short
State Farm
Josh Sortino
WI Film & Bag
Traci Sousek
Van Der Linden
Elisha Wagenson
Sacred Heart School
CoVantage Credit Union
10 Secrets to Success
By Ambassador Caitlin Kempfert,
Atrium Post Acute Care of Shawano at Birch Hill
My very first day of work at Birch Hill Care Center,
now Atrium Post Acute Care of Shawano at Birch
Hill, I was given the all-famous, “IBD’s 10 Secrets to
Success” article. My supervisor and mentor at the
time and I discussed this article and the importance of
having it at my TOMA – Top-of- Mind-Awareness.
I read through these 10 secrets and decided I would
revolve my decision making and actions around these
secrets. These secrets are listed below:
Always be positive. Think success, not failure.
Beware of a negative environment.
Write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them.
TAKE ACTION: Goals are nothing without action.
Don’t be afraid to get started now. Just do it.
NEVER STOP LEARNING: Go back to school or read books.
Get training and acquire skills.
Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Never give up.
Get all the facts, all of the input. Learn from your mistakes.
Don’t let other people or things distract you.
Following the herd is a sure way to mediocrity.
EFFECTIVELY: No person is an island.
Learn to understand and motivate others.
RESPONSIBILITY: Otherwise numbers 1-9 won’t matter.
This article is printed, laminated and posted on my desk where I can
review it every day. I have passed this article on to all the Department
Directors and discussed the importance of reading it each morning. Not
only are these secrets great for opening your day, but we have also
found they act almost as a mission statement we can utilize during committee meetings, projects, etc. I would recommend reading through
these 10 secrets and seeing how they can benefit your organization or
business. It’s easy to get distracted during the work week with the dayto-day operations, but we have found these secrets to be successful for
our business decision making. My hope in sharing these 10 secrets is
that you, too, can find them helpful and adopt at least a few into your
own successful business. Good luck!
We are very pleased to announce
Michelle Heling has joined the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center as a parttime Shawano Country Tourism receptionist. Michelle filled the position when Carol Pleshek recently
retired. Michelle is a native of Shawano and graduated from Shawano High
School. She has lived outside the area for many
years. Most recently she lived in Watertown, WI
and was an orthodontic assistant. In 2013 Michelle relocated back to Shawano with her
husband Dennis who is the Chief Economic Development Officer for Shawano County Economic Progress, Inc. In her free time Michelle
enjoys walking, spending time with friends and
family, and Pinterest. She is looking forward to
meeting new people, relearning all Shawano
Country has to offer, and hearing stories about
how visitors enjoy their travels throughout Wisconsin and especially to the Shawano area.
Prime Advertising Spots
Available on Chamber Bucks
How would you like your business logo prominently featured on
each Chamber Bucks check stub?
That’s a top of mind reminder on
each of the $100,000 of Chamber
Bucks sold in one year. Each
advertising spot is available for
$100. We will be reordering check stock for our Chamber Bucks
in early September. Please contact the Chamber as soon as possible if you are interested. Your logo will be on each Chamber
Bucks sold for at least one year. (We also distribute a list of
Chamber members who agree to redeem Chamber Bucks to each
customer who purchases them.)
Our Chamber Bucks program continues to be very successful for
our businesses and community members. A big thank you goes out
to our Chamber members who support the program. In the past
year the Chamber has sold over $100,000 in Chamber Bucks gift
checks. The program is administered by Chamber Staff and the
account is housed at Premier Community Bank in Shawano. The
purpose of the Chamber Bucks program is to keep dollars local. It
gives employers and citizens an easy, yet personal gift option for
employees, relatives, and friends.
They are sold only at the Chamber of Commerce in $5, $10, $20
and $25 denominations that are good at over 150 participating
chamber member businesses. The full list is distributed to purchasers and is available on our website,
Chamber members who redeem the checks simply deposit in their
bank. Just a reminder---members who accept Chamber Bucks can
give change back if the purchase is less than the value of the
Chamber Buck. If you would like more information about purchasing or redeeming Chamber Bucks, contact the Chamber at
715-524-2139 or
Hearing Services of Wisconsin
Dr. Thomas Parry
1056 E. Green Bay Street , Suite 300
Shawano, WI 54166
(715)524-4242 • fax: (715)524-3352
Hearing Services of Wisconsin is your local
provider for hearing services; hearing tests,
middle ear analysis, hearing aid sales, and
hearing aid service on most makes and models of hearing aids. They have locations in Antigo, Clintonville, Merrill, New London, Shawano and Waupaca. Hearing Services of Wisconsin is committed to providing optimal
hearing healthcare for their patients.
Members in the News
KELLER, Planners, Architects and Builders, a Design/Build General Contractor with
offices in Wausau, Madison, Milwaukee and
the Fox Cities will design and build a 6,280
square foot bus storage and maintenance
facility for Lamers Bus Lines. Keller has
built over 30 projects for Lamers Bus Lines
over the past 29 years. Owners, Allen and
Kevin Lamers, are building the bus storage
and maintenance facility to better serve the
Mosinee School District.
Big Brothers Big Sisters is excited to introduce FUNDecks: Decks of playing cards
with deals at businesses throughout Shawano
County. A $1,200 value, FUNDecks are now
available for only $30 at State Farm, 207 S.
Main St, and online at
Construction of handicapped accessible trail
and boardwalk scheduled to start at the
Navarino Nature Center. After several
years of discussion and planning, the accessible trail and boardwalk around the nature
center site and Glenn’s Pond is finally coming to pass later this summer. The trail will
be a quarter mile long, gently rolling through
one of the prairies of Navarino, meeting up
with a 300 foot long boardwalk that will span
across Glenn’s Pond.
Two observation
platforms, shaped like lily pads, provide
resting stations or areas for groups to study
pond habitat.
Hearing Services of Wisconsin, 1056 E. Green Bay St.,
Suite 300, Shawano, was recently welcomed as a new
member. Pictured (l. to r.) Chamber Ambassador Donna
Hobscheid and Amy Staniforth of Hearing Services.
guided UW-Madison medical students and
graduates. Some 50 doctors across the
Keller, Inc., a Design/Build General Con- Badger State volunteer in the preceptor
tractor with offices in the Fox Cities, Madi- program. Dr. Fang joined ThedaCare Physon, Milwaukee and Wausau announces the sicians 1998 as a family practice physician.
addition of Brad Allen to its Wausau project
management team. Brad will be responsible ROADS (Reaching Out About Depression
for project sales in the Wausau and outlying and Suicide) is sponsoring its fourth annual
areas along with management of those pro- Candlelight Remembrance Gathering on
jects through completion. Allen has several Tuesday, September 15, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at
years of experience in the construction indus- Heritage Park, Shawano. The Remembrance Gathering welcomes anyone whose
life has ever been touched by depression,
Bill Aubrey was recently named Senior mental illness, or suicide to come for a time
Project Architect at Bayland Buildings Inc. to connect, heal, and build hope for the
Aubrey’s primary focus is to utilize his full future. The program will feature a message
range of both design and construction experi- of hope by Reverend Dave Barrett and inspience to enhance client and business develop- rational music by Jared Edwards.
ment as well as facility design and construction oversight. Bill has over 32 years of Zion Lutheran Church has started a comarchitectural and construction experience, munity program to help support the hungry
was principal in charge and president of his children in the community. Working with the
own architectural firm for 14 years,licensed Shawano School District, the Wee Care
in Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio, Food Pack program will provide nutritional
Nebraska, Indiana, and is LEED AD BD&C support to students most in need on the
certified LEED AP since 2009.
weekend when school programs are not
Navarino Nature Center is proud to announce that it has received a $10,000 Quality
of Life grant from the Christopher & Dana
Reeve Foundation. The award was one of 84
grants totaling over $704,732 awarded by the
Reeve Foundation to nonprofit organizations
nationwide that provide more opportunities,
access, and daily quality of life for individuals living with paralysis, their families, and
caregivers. Navarino Nature Center will
After acquiring Shawano Municipal Utiluse the grant for a physically accessible trail
ity’s (SMU) Internet and television services
and boardwalk for all visitors.
in December 2013, Cellcom has continued to
use its technical expertise to enhance the user Century 21 Country Aire Realty would
experience. In early September Cellcom will like to congratulate Terri Peterson as the
again expand product offerings and raise the Selling Agent of the Month for July. Cenbar for excellence by introducing a new tury 21 Country Aire Realty would like to
Internet plan with speeds up to 100 Mbps for congratulate Shawn Thorne as the Listing
Shawano residents and businesses. A Agent of the Month for July.
stronger, faster connection provides value
and appeal to customers who rely on multiple The University of Wisconsin School of
portable devices or stream video, businesses Medicine and Public Health recently preseeking a fast-loading web site and serious sented YuChin Fang, MD, its Max Fox
gamers. The benefits of extra bandwidth will Preceptor Award. She is a family doctor at
also be quickly noticed by individuals who ThedaCare Physicians-Clintonville. The
primarily limit online activity to browsing award is given annually to an outstanding
Web sites, downloading music and uploading preceptor, or clinical instructor, whose selfless service as a mentor and teacher has
named one of America’s top real estate
professionals by REAL Trends, as advertised
in The Wall Street Journal. John and Jim are
members of “The Thousand Top Real Estate
Professionals”, a prestigious national awards
ranking. Koeller and Zierden are ranked in
the top one half of 1 percent of the more than
1,100,000 realtors nationwide.
The College of Menominee Nation (CMN)
recently recognized the completion of the
first 11 individuals to complete CMN’s new
Shirley Daly Leadership Academy training.
The pilot academy class participants were
nominated by a CMN Dean, Director or
Faculty member and chosen by a selection
committee. The academy is designed to meet
the leadership development needs of faculty,
staff and team leaders at the college.
The Shawano Area Community Foundation is celebrating its 25th anniversary. From
modest beginnings in 1990, the foundation
has blossomed into a broad-based charitable
network that supports dozens of civic organizations every year. To commemorate its 25th
available. Ready to eat or easy to prepare anniversary, the foundation unveiled a new
foods will be sent home weekly on Friday look and is planning a yearlong celebration
with students. The program is looking for of events and initiatives to elevate its profile.
community support through monetary donations, food donations and donations of time. J&R Machine Inc., Contract Machine Shop
Mitzi Moesch (715-701-3424) and Karen is pleased to announce the addition of
Childs (715-526-2445) can be contacted with Stephanie Bagneski to their team as Administrative Manager .Stephanie brings with her
any questions.
a Bachelors Degree in Project Management
Shawano School District announces new and previous experience as Client Service
faculty and staff for the 2015-2016 school Manager with UnitedHealth Group.
year. Terri Schultz, Principal at Olga
Brener; Brian Beyer, Grade 5 at Olga Nicole Bowman was chosen to be a preBrener; Casey Haupt, Grade 4 at Olga senter at both TEDNA and The National
Brener; Brittany Knueppel, Grade 5 at Olga Indian Education Association’s 46th Annual
Brener; Erica Narveson, Grade 3 at Olga Convention and Trade Show which will take
Brener; Taylor Seliger, Grade 4 at Olga place October 14–17 in Portland, Oregon.
Brener; James Van Kirk, SCHS Alternative The annual Convention & Trade Show
Education; and Jessie Hanssen, District At- brings together members from across the
United States to share ideas, collaborate, and
Risk/Charter School.
create partnerships which lead to improved
Coldwell Banker Hilgenberg Realtors has academic success within Native communinamed Jim Zierden as Associate of the ties. NIEA Convention will provide more
Month of July in providing top quality ser- than 2,000 educators, leaders, and advocates
with the tools and resources needed to fulfill
vice to his buyers and sellers.
this year’s theme, “Building Education NaJohn Koeller and Jim Zierden of Coldwell tions through Traditional Foundations.”
Banker Hilgenberg Realtors each were
September 2
September 15
Coffee Connections
Glas Coffeehouse
511 N. Main St., Shawano
8:00-9:00 a.m.
RSVP: 715-524-2139*
Proposed Overtime Rules
Will Result in Tough
Operational Decisions
for Area Employers
Melissa Olsen, PHR/SHRM-CP
Human Resources Administrator
KerberRose, S.C
Business Connection
Sponsored by:
Woodstock Hardwood
Flooring & Design Center
360 US Hwy. 45, Birnamwood
5:00—6:30 p.m.
RSVP: 715-524-2139*
Bus transportation available
for $3/per person.
Reservations required*
Bus will leave the
Chamber at 4:45 p.m.
*Reservations required
Next Business
September 15, 2015
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Hosted By:
Woodstock Hardwood
Flooring & Design Center
360 US Hwy. 45, Birnamwood
Bus transportation is available
for $3/per person. The bus will
leave the Chamber at 4:45 p.m.
Reservations are required.
RSVP: (715) 524-2139
The Department of Labor has released
the long-awaited proposed Amendments
to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
The proposed changes will heavily impact
businesses in lower-wage rural areas
such as Northeast WI. The proposed
amendments will significantly increase
the minimum salaries which must be met
in order for an employee to be classified
as ‘Exempt’. The following categories of
white collar exemptions to be impacted by
the proposed amendments:
Computer employees
Outside salespersons
The FLSA determines an employee’s exemption status by
analyzing both the primary duties of the individual as well as
the salary of the individual. Exempt status eliminates the
need for employers to track hours or pay overtime to the
employees who meet the criteria for exemption. The specific duties tests for the employee categories can be found
on the Department of Labor’s website at
Currently the salary basis test requires that white collar exempt employees be paid not less than $455/week or
$23,660 annually. The proposed amendment will increase
the salary basis test to $970/wk or $50,440 annually.
These proposed regulations more than double the annual
salary for an employee to be classified as exempt. In summary, exempt employees currently making between
$23,660 and $50,440 will become eligible for overtime
wages beginning in early 2016.
Employers should begin considering how these changes
may impact their budget and staffing resources in the upcoming year. There are some aspects of the proposal that
are in the process of being clarified such as whether bonuses, performance pay, or nondiscretionary compensation
can be factored into an employee’s salary. The Department of Labor should provide further clarification to employers on those topics when they issue the final ruling. The
final ruling is scheduled to take place in September with the
updated salary requirements likely taking effect early in
From 5:00—6:30pm
Bring your Employees and Guests!
Come into Woodstock for Networking & Tour our One of A Kind 6,000 square foot Showroom!
Our Staff will be on hand to give you tours and answer questions.
Complimentary Hors d'oeuvres and Beverages will be served
Woodstock will be Giving Away
3 Gift Certificates!
All Attendees will be entered in a Drawing Must be present to Win
Register to WIN the
Chamber Ambassadors’ Pot ‘O Gold!
360 US HWY 45
Birnamwood, WI 54414
Increase Your Sales & Profits
as a Destination Business
Learn how to turn your business into a uniquely positioned destination capable of pulling
in customers from hundreds of miles away!
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Menominee Casino Resort Conference Center
N277 Hwy 47/55, Keshena, WI
8:00 a.m. –
8:30 a.m. –
11:30 a.m. –
12:30 p.m. –
1:30 p.m. –
8:30 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Lunch Provided
Marketing Roundtable Q&A With Jon
Individual Business Consultation
(Available to Shawano Country and
Chamber Member Businesses)
Internationally recognized speaker and small business expert Jon Schallert will share his proprietary
14-step “Destination Business” process which he developed over the course of 30 years working with
small business owners. He will share techniques for increasing sales, profits and customer traffic;
implementing customer services that matter; social networking beyond Facebook and Twitter; improving
business appearance; marketing and advertising; employing new media tactics not commonly used yet by
small businesses; and getting free publicity.
Schallert contributes his business strategies to national publications like the Wall Street Journal,
Washington Post, and Entrepreneur Magazine.
Presented by the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce in Partnership with
Shawano County Economic Progress, Inc. and Shawano Country Vision 2017.
Company/Organization: __________________________________________________________________
Name of Attendee(s): _____________________________________________________________________
Registration Fee Per Person: (Fee include lunch)
 $49
 $79
 $99
Businesses located in Shawano County and/or Members of the Shawano Country Chamber
All Others
Registration and Sponsorship (Recognition in Workshop Program and Exhibit Table at Event)
Please make checks payable to the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 38, Shawano, WI 54166.
For more information: 715-524-2139 /
Share Your
Shawano Country Events…
2016 Shawano Country Visitor Guide Event(s) Form
Business/Organization: _____________________________________________
Contact: _________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Phone #: _________________________________________________________
Limit 25 words per event. Include title, time, description, and contact information for each
event. The event must be open to the General Public. If you have more events to share,
please send an additional sheet.
Event #1
Event #2
Event #3
I certify that the above information is correct: _______________________________ Signature
Take advantage of this opportunity to showcase your event!
Return this completed form to the….
Shawano Country Chamber Office, 1263 S. Main St., Shawano
on or before Monday, October 19, 2015.
Event listings are subject to editing. Event forms must be
approved by the Visitor Guide Committee
to be published in the 2016 Guide.
Mail: Shawano Country Tourism Council, PO Box 38, Shawano, WI 54166-0038
Fax: 715-524-3127 or E-mail:
Questions can be directed to Patti Peterson at 715-524-2139.
Photos by Curt Knoke
October 3 & 4, 2015
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tour Artists’ Studios and Galleries in their Fall Splendor
Sculpture • Painting • Photography • Jewelry
Basketry Pottery • Textiles • Native American Art
Music, Dance and beyond...
Meet the Artists • View Demonstrations
Purchase their Works
Experience a sensory
art attack of sights & sounds...
Jamie Winter
Self-Guided Tours of 300+ Barn Quilts
Gresham Community Quilts
Walls of Wittenberg Murals and Art Park
Judi Raddant
Bill Wilkey
Call Today to Request a Free Miles of Art Brochure and Map
to Plan Your Tour 715/524-2139 or
Alicia Rheal
Bob Kloes
Jeremy Pyatskowit
Heather Peterman
Saturday October 10, 20 15
7 p.m. to 10 p.m. • Deer Camp & Pavilion
N4096 HWY K, Shawano, WI 54166
Join us for a night of fun
and friendly competition
Supporting Shawano
Area Young Professionals.
50/50 Raffle
Free Appetizers
$ 1 Beer
Sign Up Today!
$120/team of 8 or $15/individual
Please preregister, as space is limited, by contacting
Karissa Kunschke at or 715-853-6581.
All proceeds raised help support SAYPRO (Shawano Area Young Professionals),
a local non-profit organization offering young professionals educational, social
and community involvement opportunities.
Shawano Area Young Professionals
“Train Your Brain for Success”
Keynote Speaker: Roger Seip
Thursday, November 5
11:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
The Main Event - 206 N. Lemke St., Cecil
Your brain is the single biggest driver of your energy, your focus, and the results
you get in every area of life. Your career, your finances, your physical health, your
relationships all are constantly created and influenced by your thinking.
Unfortunately, your brain didn’t come with an owner’s manual…until now.
In Train Your Brain For Success you will learn to harness the incredible creative
capacity of your mind and achieve your personal best – professionally, financially
and personally. Best part? You’ll do this in about the time it takes to go out
for lunch.
Based on Roger Seip’s bestselling book, Train Your Brain For Success is extremely interactive, incredibly eye-opening, and a lot of fun! Participants will
definitely gain insights that will make them more effective immediately, and come
away with a plan for making that improvement last. Do not miss it!
Roger Seip is the co-founder of Freedom Personal Development and the bestselling author of Train Your Brain For Success. He has helped train thousands of
business professionals, from all walks of life, on personal development skills that
really make a difference. He’s also spent eight years as a professional stand-up
comic. Corporations such as Harley-Davidson, State Farm Insurance, Wells Fargo,
and The National Association of REALTORS® have all given rave reviews for the
life-changing skills Seip shares.
Fill out the information to the right and mail with
check or fax /email by October 23rd to:
Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 38, Shawano WI 54166
Phone: 715-524-2139
Fax: 715-524-3127 Email:
Business Name
Contact Name
Phone #
_____Member Dinners @ $20 = _____________Total
_____Non-Member Dinners @ $30 = _________Total
_____Table of 8 @ $160=__________________Total
_____ Please Invoice me
September 2015
134 Annual Shawano County Fair: games, rides, Farm Tractor Pull,
demolition derby, Shawano Speedway championship night, bingo, livestock
auction, entertainment, live music at President’s Park. Shawano County
Fairgrounds, Shawano 715-526-7069,
Coffee Connections: 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., Business networking and idea
sharing over a great cup of coffee, Glas Coffeehouse, 511 N. Main St.,
Shawano, 715-524-2139 or
Country Farm Tractor Pull: 7 p.m., Shawano Speedway 990 E. Green Bay
St., Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Boxkar” 8 p.m. to midnight free in the
lounge,, 715-799-3600
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 9 a.m., Borrowing eBooks,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
Cotton Candy 5K Run/Walk: 6:30 p.m., Shawano Fairgrounds, 990 E. Green
Bay St., Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
Choose to Move 5K: 6:30 p.m., 3.1 mile course through fairground & on
Mountain Bay Trail, concludes with chocolate milk by the Shawano County
Dairy Promotions,, 715-524-1488
Glas Coffeehouse Open Mic Night: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., hosted by Joel Kroenke,
come sing a song and enjoy some coffee, Glas Coffeehouse,
511 N. Main St., Shawano, 715-851-4527,
Basic First Aid for Your Dog Class: Keep your 4-legged family member safe
& healthy. 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., $10 Fee, Offered by Shawano Community
Education, Instructed by Diane Whealon, Complete Canine Care Center,
1280 County Rd. B, Shawano, 715-526-2192 ext. 3202
Bible Kidz afterschool program: Church on the Hill - Shawano United
Methodist Church afterschool program starting September 9 through the
school year, Bible Kidz will be held each Wednesday from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00
p.m., if school is closed on a Wednesday, Bible Kidz will not meet, Bible Kidz
will include a healthy snack, crafts and learning about the Bible. All children
ages 6 to 12 are welcome, 1000 Engel Drive, Shawano, 715-526-5380
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Risque”, 8 p.m. to midnight free in the
lounge,, 715-799-3600
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 9 a.m., using Facebook,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents: “Spin”, 8 p.m., free show, in the
Groove Lounge, must be 21 or older,,
Annie’s Campground Color Me Fall Weekend: Corn Maze, magic pumpkin
patch, W12505 Roosevelt Rd., Gresham, 715-787-3632,
Tilleda Falls Campground Unplugged Back to Nature Weekend: W13165
County Road D, Tilleda,, 715-787-4143
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “J-Me Baptist”, W6026 Lake Drive,
Shawano,, 715-524-8711
21 Annual Wolfman Triathlon: the three legs include a downriver paddle
race on the Wolf River, a 13-mile off-road bike race, and a 3.5-mile rugged
trail run, after-race entertainment “Alex Wilson Band”,, e-mail to:
Fireworks over the Fair: Fireworks at dusk., Shawano Speedway 990 E.
Green Bay St., Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
Farmer Gene’s Campground: Labor Day Weekend: “The Cougars” Saturday
night 9 p.m., N11301 Kinney Lake Rd., Marion, 715-754-5900,
Embarrass River Lions Rummage Sale, Refreshments and Bakery, Morris
Town Hall, Hwy. J, Tigerton
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents “Phil Vaught”, 8 p.m., Free,
Groove Lounge, 21 or older, 715-787-3110,
Club FR - Drifters Final Bout II, racing at US Air Motorsports, W5901 County
Rd. BE, Shawano,, 715-524-9231
Pella Fire & Rescue Benefit Trail Ride: live music Fri. and Sat., trail rides
Sat. & Sun. vendors, food and refreshments, weekend camping, West Wind
Acres, Old Shawano Rd. and Stony Hill Rd., watch for signs, 715-754-5157
Classic Car Show at the Fair: new this year the Crawford Center will have
classic cars for all to enjoy, Fri. 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Sat. & Sun. 11 a.m. to
8 p.m., Mon. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., 255 Waukechon Rd., Shawano
Fairy House Workshop: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Learn how to build a fairy house
made of natural materials, ages 14 and older, RSVP by Sept. 9, Navarino
Nature Center, 715-758-6999
Pine Grove Campground Labor Day Weekend: DJ Viking Entertainment,
N5999 Campground Rd., Shawano, 715-787-4555,
J&H Game Farm “Free Youth & Ladies Day of Outdoor Activities”: free to all
ladies and kids age 18 and under, shooting, archery, rock wall, food & door
prizes, registration 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., W5810 J&H Road, Shiocton, west of
Navarino off Hwy. 156,, 715-758-8134
Gresham Farm Heritage Day sponsored by the Gresham FFA Alumni and
the Gresham FFA Chapter: 11 a.m. Parade down Main Street, food and
refreshments available, Tractor/Machinery pull, Children’s activities, Farming
Demonstrations; and drawings, Gresham, 715-787-3211, ext. 333
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Moose”, W6026 Lake Drive,
Shawano,, 715-524-8711
Custom & Classics Car Show: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Shawano County Park on
Shawano Lake, sponsored by the Custom & Classics Car Club, Shawano,
Awards, Raffles, Food & Drink available, contact,
Game DayTailgate Party: SAYPRO family-friendly tailgate party, 11:30 a.m.
to Game End. Burgers, brats, potato salad, chips water & soda, Bloody Mary
bar will be cash bar, $10 adults, $7 children, The Cotton Patch, W4890 Lake
Dr., Shawano, register at
Weekly Wildlife Walks: 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., Different trail, wildlife, foliage
and history each week, Please RSVP, Navarino Nature Center,
River’s Edge Camping & Tubing Labor Day Weekend: Saturday Duck races,
Sunday Horseshoe tournament, W7615 County Rd. F, Shiocton, 715-7523344,
Annie’s Campground Labor Day Challenge Weekend: obstacle courses,
glow parade, kid karaoke and dance, Volleyball, darts, horseshoes, and
pool, W12505 Roosevelt Rd., Gresham, 715-787-3632,
Tilleda Falls Campground Labor Day Weekend: W13165 County Road D,
Tilleda,, 715-787-4143
Enduro Races: 7 p.m., Shawano Speedway 990 E. Green Bay St.,
Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
The Cotton Patch Supper Club presents: “The Legends Show”, tribute show
featuring Neil Diamond, Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Weylon & Willie & The
Blues Brothers, Free Admission, W4890 Lake Dr. Shawano, 715-745-2101
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “3 Guyz” W6026 Lake Drive,
Shawano, 715-524-8711,
SAYPRO Steering Committee: 11:30 a.m., Jeff Mace Conference Room,
Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce, Shawano, 715-524-2139
Amish Community Consignment Auction: quilts, furniture, crafts, antiques,
tools and more, 8:30 a.m., N4310 Hill Road, Bonduel, 715-758-8881
9 Annual Cloverleaf Lakes Triathlon: registration and packet pick up 7 a.m.
to 8:30 a.m. at Rustic Resort. Race starts 9 a.m., swim in Pine Lake. Bike
country roads and Run around Grass, Round, and Pine Lake. 2 water
stations, well marked and volunteers throughout the course.
ROADS Remembering & Celebrating Life: 5:30 p.m., a candle lighting
service in remembrance of those who have died by suicide, refreshments
provided after program, Heritage Park, Shawano
Business Connection hosted by Woodstock Hardwood Flooring &
Design Center, 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., 360 US Hwy 45, Birnamwood,
Stock Car Races-Championship Night: 6 p.m., Shawano Speedway 990 E.
Green Bay St., Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
Chamber Board of Directors meeting: 7:30 a.m., Jeff Mace Conference
Room, Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce, 715-524-2139
St. James Lutheran Church presents a contemporary worship service under
the grandstand, Shawano County Fairgrounds, 10 a.m., please join us, all
are welcome; 715-524-4815
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 9 a.m., using Pinterest,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
Spectator Eliminator, Tag Race, and Trailer Races: Three great events in
one show, afternoon of family fun, 1:00 p.m., Shawano Speedway 990 E.
Green Bay St., Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 10:30 a.m., using Google Docs,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
Ribbon Cutting and Celebration: The Born Learning Trail at Kuckuk Park,
1 p.m. to 6 p.m. celebration, 4 p.m. dedication and ribbon cutting,
700 Oak Dr., Shawano
ThedaCare Medical Center-Shawano Grand Opening Celebration: 4:30 p.m.
to 7:30 p.m., Ribbon cutting at 4:15 p.m., Free Tours, Everyone welcome,
watch for parking signs, 100 County Road B, Shawano
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Brother Virginia” 8 p.m. to midnight,
free in the lounge, 715-799-3600
Leadership Steering Committee: 7:30 a.m., Jeff Mace Conference
Room, Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce, Shawano,
Ambassador meeting: Noon, Glas Coffeehouse, Shawano 715-524-2139
Labor Day – Chamber of Commerce Office Closed
Demolition Derby: 1 p.m., Shawano Speedway 990 E. Green Bay St.,
Shawano, 866-715-6532 or
Weekly Wildlife Walks: 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., Different trail, wildlife, foliage &
history each week, RSVP, Navarino Nature Center, 715-758-6999
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 9 a.m., Using Gmail,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 10:30 a.m., iPad Basics,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
Wolf River Builders Association General Membership Meeting: Spinning
Wheel, Shawano, RSVP required,,
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents: “Unity the Band”, free show in
the Groove Lounge, must be 21 or older,,
LO206 Cup racing will be held at US Air Motorsports, W5901 County Rd.
BE, Shawano,, 715-524-9231
Tilleda Falls Campground Seasonal Potluck Weekend: W13165 County
Road D, Tilleda,, 715-787-4143
Annie’s Campground Color Me Fall II Weekend: Corn Maze, magic pumpkin
patch, W12505 Roosevelt Rd., Gresham, 715-787-3632,
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 9 a.m., InfoSoup’s My Account,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents: “RC Racing Challenge – North
Star Cup”, 7 p.m., Radio control car racing,,
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Clinton Miller”, W6026 Lake Drive,
Shawano,, 715-524-8711
Walls of Wittenberg “Go with the Grain (of Wood!)”, 8 Annual Juried Art
Show opens Sat., 9/19 and continues on Sat and Sun., through 10/11 from
11 a.m. to 3 p.m., WOWSPACE, 114 Vinal St., downtown Wittenberg, join us
for Miles of Art Tour on 10/4 and 10/5, with expanded hours 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
Walls of Wittenberg “Go with the Grain (of Wood!)”, 8 Annual Juried Art
Show opens Sat., 9/19, continues on Sat and Sun., through 10/11 from
11 a.m. to 3 p.m., WOWSPACE, 114 Vinal St., downtown Wittenberg, join
us for Miles of Art Tour on 10/4 and 10/5, with expanded hours 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
River’s Edge Camping & Tubing Chili Dump/Season End Meeting: Bring a
bowl of your favorite Chili & any campground suggestions, W7615 County
Rd. F, Shiocton, 715-752-3344,
Pine Grove Campground Halloween II: Pumpkin carving, haunted house,
trick or treating, and costume competition, N5999 Campground Rd.,
Shawano, 715-787-4555,
3 Annual “Bike the Barn Quilts Ride”: scenic routes, varying from 5-70
miles will showcase these beautiful 8’x8’ quilt squares with the fall colors.
Family friendly, SAG wagons, maps, snacks and incentives, 800-235-3127,
“Taste of Tigerton – Applefest”: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., apple pie contest,
vendors, food, demonstrations, buy apples from Apple Orchards, Tigerton
Community Park at the corner of Beech & Pine Streets, call 715-535-2110 or
email for a booth
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Unified Soul”, W6026 Lake Drive,
Shawano, 715-524-8711,
St. Jakobi Potato Pancake Dinner: 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., $8 Adults, $5
Children (6-12), 5 and under Free, Family Style all you can eat, carry outs
available, W8089 County Road A, Shawano, 715-524-4347
J&H Game Farm’s 100 All Rabbit Fun Shoot, Open to all, 100 clay rabbit
targets, W5810 J&H Road, Shiocton, west of Navarino off Hwy. 156,, 715-758-8134
Weekly Wildlife Walks: 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., Different trail, wildlife, foliage
and history each week, Please RSVP, Navarino Nature Center,
Pine Grove Campground Halloween: Pumpkin carving, haunted house, trick
or treating, and costume competition, N5999 Campground Rd., Shawano,
Zion Lutheran’s Annual Salad Supper, for more information contact Karen
715-526-2445, Mitzi 715-526-2952, 1254 S. Union Street, Shawano
10 Annual Shawano Harvest Fest: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., free live music, family
activities, petting zoo, German food, Vendors, and sidewalk sales,
Downtown Shawano,, 715-853-3775
The 5 Annual “Shawano Country Miles of Art” is a fall celebration of the arts
and nature throughout Shawano. The event will include free self-guided
tours on Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., of area artists’ studios, Walls of
Wittenberg murals, Shawano Country Barn Quilts, Gresham Community
Quilts, combined with colorful fall drives. Most of these studios are open only
for this event, providing a unique opportunity to meet the artists and
purchase their work. For more information visit or
Facebook: Shawano Miles of Art Tour
Wolf River Builders Association Parade of Homes: new homes, remodels,
and landscaping, Shawano area, 715-526-3261
6th Annual Harvestfest Flea Market & Vintage and Collector Car Show: Sun.
7 a.m. - 4 p.m., trophies & plaques, pumpkin carving, kids coloring corner,
music, antiques, bargains, fleas and fun. Shawano County Fairgrounds, 990
E. Green Bay St., Shawano, Zurko Midwest Promotions, 715-526-9769,
Mushrooms of Our Area: 9 a.m., “You don’t have to Eat Them to Enjoy
Them”, presented by Matt Welter, a 2 hour nature hike during the peak of fall
mushroom season, $10, RSVP, Navarino Nature Center, 715-758-6999
13 Annual Bonduel Founder’s Day: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., arts & crafts, food,
music, Fire and Police Departments, and Bonduel Archives open houses, for
vendor information call Barb, 715-853-8578,
Bonduel Community Archives Founder’s Day Chili Dump: 108 S. First St.,
Bonduel, 715-758-2687
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Chris Cagle”, Country Superstar,
8 p.m., Reserved seating, VIP $50, Preferred $40, General $30, Five Clans
Ballroom, 800-343-7778 ext. 4024,
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Owen Mays and the Last Calls”,
W6026 Lake Drive, Shawano,, 715-524-8711
Zion Lutheran Church Blood Drive: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., 1254 S. Union St.,
Shawano, call for appointments 715-526-2017
Weekly Wildlife Walks: 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., Different trail, wildlife, foliage
and history each week, Please RSVP, Navarino Nature Center,
Glas Coffeehouse Open Mic Night: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., hosted by Joel Kroenke,
come sing a song and enjoy some coffee, Glas Coffeehouse,
511 N. Main St., Shawano, 715-851-4527,
Community Dinner: 5:30 p.m., join us for food and conversation, First
Presbyterian Church, 100 Presbyterian St, Shawano,
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 9 a.m., using Word 2013,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
Shawano City-County Library Learning Lab: 10:30 a.m., Computer Basics,
128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano 715-526-3829 ext. 123
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Westside”, 8 p.m. to midnight, free in
the lounge,, 715-799-3600
Tigerton Annual Horse Trail Ride: Open Ride, food, beverages, vendors,
raffle, Karaoke Friday and Saturday nights, campsite available, horse
(coggins required), Embarrass River ATV Park, 1100 Quad Park Ln.,
Tigerton, for more information call 715-508-0097
Starting a Business the Basics: 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., learn about the planning
process of starting a business, Presenter Dennis Heling, Chief Economic
Development Officer for Shawano County Economic Progress, Inc.,
$15 includes lunch, Shawano Community Middle School, 715-526-2192
ext. 3202
Navarino Nature Center’s 26th Annual Fundraising Banquet: Social Hour
6 p.m., dinner 7 p.m., $45 per person or $80 per couple, The Gathering,
2600 E. Richmond Street, Shawano, Contact Navarino Nature Center at
Ongoing Events~
Everflow Farm & Orchard: Open daily, fresh produce, apples starting mid August,
W3945 Landstad Rd., Bonduel, for more info. call 715-758-8366 or 715-851-9089,
Free Tea Classes Now through November: Every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. and
1:30 p.m. Call to sign up, space is limited, ANEW Tea Emporium & Antiques, 103
South Main St., Shawano, 715-201-1111,
Highway 29 Flea Market & Craft Show: Through Sept. 28: Sat. and Sun., 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m., free parking and admn. W9821 State Hwy 29, west of Shawano,
Mountain Bay Outfitters Mid-Week Market Place: Wednesdays on the Mountain
Bay Trail off S. Main St,. Live Music on the Platform. Vendors include farmers,
crafters and local businesses.4 p.m. to 7 p.m., 620 S. Main St., Shawano email, 715-526-8823.
Porter’s Patch FARMTOBERFEST – Fall family fun adventure starts Sept. 12 & 13,
every weekend 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., weather permitting. Pumpkin villages, Corn Maze,
Hay Ride, The Pumpkin Patch, Pumpkin bowling, Pumpkin toss, Tug o’ War, Pumpkin
painting, Water pump races, Corn cob chuck, Scare crow making, Silo graffiti, Round
bale hay play, Tic Tac Toe, and Pumpkin twister. The farm store will be stocked with
squash, pie pumpkins, corn stalks, ornamental corn, straw bales, gourds and
pumpkins. Visit for additional info., W4314 State Hwy. 156,
Bonduel, 715-758-8162 or 715-524-2070
Shawano Farmers Market: Saturdays through Oct. 10, 8 a.m. to noon, Franklin
Park, 235 S. Washington St., 715-851-9834,
Shawano Sports Park: Mini Golf, Batting Cages, Go-Karts, daily 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.,
1056 E. Green Bay St., Shawano, 715-524-3849,
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents: “Sweet Trouble Band”, 8 p.m.,
free show, in the Groove Lounge, must be 21 or older, 715-787-3110
Twig’s Beverage Sundrop Museum & Gift Shop: Tues.-Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., closed Sunday and Monday, Scheduled tours available
also, 920 S. Franklin St., Shawano, 715-526-5031,
Annie’s Campground Halloween Weekend: Grow a magical pumpkin
overnight, kid and adult costume contest, trick-or-treating, W12505
Roosevelt Rd., Gresham, 715-787-3632,
Zurko 45 Annual Flea Market: Through Oct. 4: Sun., 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Shawano
County Fairgrounds, 990 E. Green Bay St., 715-526-9769,
Tilleda Falls Campground Haunted Falls Weekend: W13165 County Road
D, Tilleda,, 715-787-4143
Fall Homecoming Parade: 6 p.m., Theme: “Dr. Seuss”, Parade Route:
The parade will start at the corner of Elizabeth and Main St., proceed
north on Main St. turning left at Green Bay St., turning left on
Washington St., and ending at the old Franklin School Property.
Trophies: Best of Parade, Business Entry, Club/Organization Entry,
High School Entry, K through 8 Grade Entry, 715-524-2139