2010 Annual Report / 2011 Plan of Action


2010 Annual Report / 2011 Plan of Action
.s .
Annual Report and
Plan of Action
2011 Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
Jim Feeney
Film & Bag
Linda Beversdorf
Beversdorf CPA, LLC
Debby Kaczorowski
Specialty Papers
Dr. Carrie Verkuilen
Verkuilen Family
Todd Carlson
School District
Dorothy Erdmann
Medical Center
Kay Kristof
Cooperative Resources
Keith Marquardt
Shawano County Parks
Shawano Country Tourism
Council President
Char Larsen
Investment Services
Becky Henn
M&I Bank
Dan Miller
Associated Bank
Kristy Hesse
Melissa Moore
Options Inc.
Ron Hillmann
Mary Zimanek
Til the Cows
Come Home
Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce Staff
Nancy Smith
Executive Director
John Gallagher
Photography by Curt Knoke
Patti Peterson
Tourism Manager
Carol Pleshek
Visitor Center Receptionist
Dawn Knueppel
Finance Coordinator
Sally Zander
Visitor Center Receptionist
Phebe Richter
Office Assistant
Wendy Crawford
Program Coordinator
Leadership Shawano County
A Message from
A Message from
Dr. Carrie Verkuilen,
Jim Feeney,
2010 President
2011 President
I am always surprised at how fast a year goes,
and that was especially true the past year. I am
very grateful for the opportunity to serve as Shawano Country Chamber President. 2010 came
with business excitement and of course a
few challenges along
the way. Obviously,
the previous few years
had really challenged
our economy and
many small businesses.
We had to learn to
adapt and change
some of our principal
business styles. We
buckled up for a
ride‖ and
came out a
bit wiser.
The Chamber had to also face some
of their own difficulties, but- like
many of you - we had taken this
opportunity to evaluate ourselves
and see what we can do better for
its members. This year the Chamber continued
to serve its members with the monthly Business
Connections, the Business Advantage Series and
of course the Speed Networking events. This
provides our members with great networking
opportunities. We also were excited to bring to
our members a new and exciting event—the
Business Expo. This was a new event to the
Chamber and it gave our members another opportunity to showcase their business and develop new connections. The Chamber worked
hard to increase the value for its members as
well. Starting this year, we will add the benefit of
access to health insurance discounts to qualified
I want to thank you for your membership in this
organization. Your membership not only supports the Chamber in developing new programs
such as the Business Expo, but also supports
other local businesses. I would like to especially
thank Nancy and the Shawano Country Chamber staff. They are a remarkable group of people
who work hard at keeping our Chamber a success.
Like most of the country, 2010 brought a slow recovery
from the deep recession for Shawano and Menominee
counties. Our hope and more importantly our efforts in
2011 will be towards expanding the economic recovery in
Shawano Country.
Successful businesses drive job growth and jobs are the
hallmark of a successful community. Good planning
greatly enhances the potential for a successful business.
The Chamber‘s Business Advantage education programs
and networking opportunities are designed to assist and
boost a developing business in their drive for growth.
Never overlook the opportunity to network. There is a
wealth of experience within our membership. Their insight
might fuel your thinking with new ideas on how you
might grow your business. Tap into a very rich pool of
knowledge – your fellow members.
All thriving communities have a foundation built on jobs.
Job growth supports the infrastructure of a community
and builds markets for local merchants and service providers. As the number of jobs grow, the number of people
interacting with our community also increases. The Chamber‘s role as a business advocate places us in a position of
responsibility to help businesses grow but in reality our
role is to help the community thrive.
We are fortunate to have an exceptional staff led by a talented, committed and focused leader in Nancy Smith. Our
board is comprised of Chamber members who offer their
time and talent to our community with nothing asked in
return. Their reward is seeing their fellow member‘s businesses succeed and our community grow.
Growth is a shared responsibility for all of us as members
of the Chamber of Commerce. Buy from Shawano Country
businesses. They are your neighbors, someone‘s employee,
and just maybe your new best customer.
Paraphrasing our new Governor‘s words: Shawano is open
for business!
Ambassador Club
Mission: To serve as volunteer public relations representatives and
good-will ambassadors for the Shawano Country Chamber of
Commerce, communicate the Chamber's mission and goals, and
promote involvement in Chamber membership and activities.
2010 Chairperson: Scott Parson,
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
2011 Chairperson: Stacey Cicero,
Safe Haven Domestic Abuse Support Center
2010 Accomplishments
Recognized Scott Parson as 2009 Ambassador of the Year.
Attended Ribbon Cuttings/Grand Openings for Dennison‘s
Retail Lumber, Wal-Mart, Tractor Supply Company, Wegner‘s
Quality Auto Sales, Lebakkens Rent-to-Own, and Menominee
Casino Resort
Attended ground breaking for Charlie‘s County Market
Welcomed 44 new members
Assisted with 11 Business Connections at Wolf River Builders'
Association at the Shawano County Park, Farm ‗Inn On Main
at Comfort Inn, Curves, AMICO's Midwest Pizzeria, Cottages
on Golden Pond, and Shawano County Historical Society and
Angie‘s Main Cafe at Heritage Park, Friends of the Shawano
City/County Library, Navarino Nature Center, College of
Menominee Nation, Dearco Distributing, and Menominee
Casino Resort
Assisted with Annual Golf Outing, annual Fall Parade and
Annual Banquet.
Plan of
of the Year
Welcome at
least 40 new
Thank You‖
visits to new
and prospective members
Assist with 11 Business Connections
Organize the 2011 Shawano Community Fly-Out ―Classic
Wings & Wheels‖
Assist with Annual Golf Outing and Annual Banquet
Coordinate and promote the annual Fall Parade
Attend ground breakings/ribbon cuttings/grand openings.
Business Committee
Mission: Develop and implement strategies to promote and enhance business in Shawano Country.
2010 Chairperson: Kathy Hansen, Body Essentials
2010 Accomplishments
Coordinated new 2010 Shawano Country Business Expo which
showcased 25 businesses and promoted buying local
Introduced Speed Networking sessions
Continued Business Advantage Series. Topics included
"Facebook for Business-Getting Started," ―Presenting a Professional Image,‖ ―Learn Your True Colors for Communicating
Effectively,‖ ―Increase Sales with Successful Cross-Promotions,‖
and ―Successful Exhibiting Strategies‖
Coordinated a free webinar for members "Moving Your Business Forward, Even When the Economy's Not: Key Growth
Strategies to Implement Now for 2010‖
Co-sponsored Health Care Reform workshop with SCEPI
Co-sponsored Workshop in Wittenberg with SCEPI and
Wittenberg Chamber of Commerce on Building Customer
Assisted with Next Level entrepreneur training class at the
Menominee Business Center
Awarded 2009 Small Business of the Year to Raddant Electric
Awarded 2009 Manufacturer of the Year to TimberPro
Awarded 2009 Retail Business of the Year to Dynamic Designs
Unlimited LLC
Awarded 2009 Service Business of the Year to Employment
Options Inc.
Awarded 2009 Distinguished Citizen of the Year to Alfred Boyd.
2011 Plan of Action
Coordinate 2nd annual Shawano Country Business Expo
Continue hosting quarterly ―Speed Networking‖ programs
Introduce quarterly Lunch & Learn educational programs
Strengthen Shop Local program to emphasize the importance
of spending money locally
Present 2010 Business of the Year Awards
Co-sponsor Quarterly Business Dialogue Sessions with
Shawano County Economic Progress
Economic Development
Create Economic Development Initiative and Partnership
with Shawano County Economic Progress Inc. in order to
ensure financial sustainability, synergy and efficiency
Launch Business Mentoring Program.
Membership Services
Mission: Identify and provide valuable benefits and
services to our members.
Education Committee
Mission: To foster partnerships between business and
education and create opportunities to better educate and
prepare students for the workforce.
2010 Accomplishments
Partnered with Clintonville Chamber of Commerce to
coordinate the Wolf River School to Work 8th grade
Career Fair
Participated in Youth Employment Success Solutions
(Y.E.S.S.) Business Tour.
2010 Accomplishments
2011 Plan of Action
Partner with Clintonville Chamber of Commerce and
Wolf River School to Work to coordinate 8th Grade
Career Fair
Educate students on the businesses and jobs available
Continue effort to partner with school districts.
Government Affairs
Mission: To provide opportunities for communication and
interaction between Chamber members and government
2010 Accomplishments
Presented Chamber of Commerce information to representatives of the Shawano County Towns Association.
2011 Plan of Action
Host Government Affairs Informational Sessions with
elected officials and other government leaders
Monitor and communicate upcoming legislation potentially having impact on business.
Welcomed 44 new members which placed our total membership
at 430
Partnered with Gold Sponsor Menominee Casino Resort and
Silver Sponsor North Star Mohican Casino
Partnered with First Class Travel and Collette Vacations to present
trip to Spain
Sold $86,755 in our new Chamber Bucks program. The Chamber
bucks gift checks can only be redeemed at Chamber member
Launched the Chamber‘s Facebook page
Surveyed members regarding the effectiveness of our programs
and benefits and how we can better assist them
Provided free US Chamber membership to small business
Provided over $40,000 in savings to members through cell phone
service savings program
Coordinated successful ―Putt with King Tut‖ themed Annual Golf
Outing under the guidance of chairperson Mark Verkuilen, attended by 180 members
Annual Banquet Committee coordinated ―Las Vegas‖ themed
annual banquet which was attended by 290 members and guests
Activated Bad Check Hotline to alert members of bad check/
counterfeit activity
Distributed hundreds of Relocation Packets to potential new
2011 Plan of Action
Recruit at least 40 new members from throughout Shawano
Introduce discounted Health Care Insurance plan access for small
business members with 2-50 employees
Expand membership partnerships with community chambers
and business associations in Wittenberg, Bonduel, and Cecil
Conduct short email surveys to determine how to best serve our
Enhance member-to-member discount program
Continue cell phone and other discount programs for members
Coordinate Annual Golf outing and Banquet.
Shawano Chamber
Foundation, Inc.
The Chamber Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation
operated by the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce for
educational purposes. The Shawano Country Chamber of
Commerce Office Building and Visitor Center and Leadership
Shawano County (LSC) operate under the Foundation.
2010 President: Dr. Carrie Verkuilen,
Verkuilen Family Chiropractic
2011 President: Jim Feeney, Wisconsin Film & Bag
Shawano Country Chamber of
Commerce Office Building and
Visitor Center
Leadership Shawano County
Mission: Provide hands-on learning opportunities that
challenge and inform citizens to become civic-minded
2010 Accomplishments
operate a facility that represents the heritage and culture of Shawano Country
and allows the
Commerce to
businesses, visitors, and residents.
2010 Accomplishments
Welcomed Shawano County Literacy Council as new
Operated building and Visitor Center with the following
tenants: Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce,
Shawano Country Tourism Council, Shawano County
Economic Progress Inc., Wolf River School to Work, and
Shawano County Literacy Council
Provided an easily accessible facility where community
members and visitors could obtain information 24-hours
every day.
Graduated 15 members from the 2009/2010 LSC
Completed two community service projects including:‖Crazy for K-9 Dog Expo‖ event which raised
$2500 for the Shawano County K-9 Unit and Service Learning Guide
Recruited 14 participants for the 2010/2011 class.
Received funding from the Bleser Family Foundation, Crawford Family Foundation, and The WalMart Foundation
Obtained sponsorships for several monthly sessions.
2011 Plan of Action
Graduate14 class members
Develop and complete two community service
Maintain funding from grant sources and sponsorships for individual sessions
Increase recruitment efforts throughout Shawano
Encourage graduates to serve in leadership roles in
community-based organizations and to run for
public offices
Create ongoing public relations efforts to increase
knowledge of the program
Coordinate semi-annual Leadership Alumni Event.
Shawano Country Tourism Council
A Division of the Shawano Country
Chamber of Commerce
Mission: Promote tourism in Shawano and Menominee
Counties (Shawano Country) through marketing,
promotion, and public relations.
2010 President: Ron Schumacher, Bamboo Shores
2011 President: Keith Marquardt, Shawano County Parks
2010 Accomplishments
Continued to regularly update website
www.shawanocountry.com. The site received an average of 348
unique visits daily
Partnered in the new Barn Quilt Program. Installed 3 painted
quilt squares on barns and received sponsorship commitment for
20 more
Regularly updated Shawano Country information on
www.travelwisconsin.com, the official website of the Wisconsin
Department of Tourism
Partnered with Friends of the Mountain Bay Trail to help fund
the maintenance of the official website,
Continued our 3-year relationship with Discover Wisconsin
which re-aired the Shawano County episode several times and
highlighted our events on radio
Continued billboard on Hwy 29 directing traffic to the 24 hour
Visitor Center
Purchased electronic billboards in Milwaukee and Green Bay
Exhibited and promoted Shawano Country at Milwaukee Sports
Distributed the Summer Recreation Map
Published and distributed monthly calendars of Shawano
Country events and activities
Operated the Visitor Center including 24-hour vestibule to assist
Shawano Country guests
Produced 60,000 copies of 2010 Shawano Country Visitor Guide
Placed ads in the following publications: Milwaukee JournalSentinel, Wisconsin Trails, Midwest Outdoors, Up North magazine, Fun In Wisconsin, EAA Vintage Airplane magazine, Shawano
County Snowmobile Trail Map, WI Department of Tourism email
newsletter, and 2010 WI Lodging Directory
Partnered with North Central Wisconsin International Trade,
Business & Economic Development Council (ITBEC). Updated
website and promoted region as tourism destination. Promoted
Shawano Country at WBAY RV & Camping Show in Green Bay,
Madison Fishing Expo, Madison Deer & Turkey Show, and
Canoecopia in Madison
Distributed 20,000 Visitor Guides through Assured Associates in
the Milwaukee, Highway 43, and Highway 29 regions
Distributed 10,000 Visitor Guides through Ad-Lit Distributing in
the Columbia County Northbound Rest Area
Visitor Guides were distributed by Discover Wisconsin at various
trade shows throughout the year
Distributed folders to several groups/organizations who hosted a
conference or event in our area. Also assisted with itineraries.
2011 Plan of Action
Create a Fall Arts Event that features Shawano Country's unique
visual and performing arts including an artist studio tour, map
of the barn quilts, quilt of Gresham and Walls of Wittenberg,
live musical and dramatic performances, art shows, and more
Continue to promote the many businesses and activities available to tourists in Shawano Country according to our mission.
Promote our new Visitor Center as a destination and vacation
planning resource
Further develop brand image recognition of Shawano Country
as "Wisconsin's Playground™"
Regularly update www.shawanocountry.com website with up
coming events, attractions and special promotions
Continue to grow the Barn Quilt Program by installing more
than 20 colorful painted quilt squares on barns throughout
Shawano Country
Continue partnership with ITBEC and promote Shawano Country at WBAY RV & Camping Show in Green Bay, Madison Fishing
Expo, Madison Canoecopia, and Wisconsin State Fair
Continue to cultivate partnerships with other regional tourism
Exhibit at Milwaukee Sports Show.
Create email campaign to promote seasonal campaigns and giveaways
Operate Visitor Center to assist Shawano Country guests.
Produce and distribute 60,000 copies of 2011 Shawano Country
Visitor Guide
Distribute room tax reports to City of Shawano, Village of Cecil,
and Belle Plaine, Washington, Wescott and Wittenberg Townships
Distribute conference folders to local groups / organizations
who host a conference in our area.
Visitor Center Statistics:
Visitor Center Walk-ins: 4,475
Total Visitor Guides Viewed on Website: 40,000
Visitor Guides Downloaded from Website: 1,500
Total Unique Visits to Website: 127,151
1263 S. Main Street • PO Box 38
Shawano, WI 54166-0038
715/524-2139 • 800/235-8528
www.shawanocountry.com • chamber@shawano.com