The Bottom Line - Shawano Country


The Bottom Line - Shawano Country
The Bottom Line
A Publication of the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce
Melissa Olsen
KerberRose S.C.
Kristy Hesse
KI Bonduel
Char Larsen
Premier Investment
Kathy Hansen
Body Essentials
Jon Aumann
Edward Jones
Tammy Brzeczkowski
Dynamic Designs Unlimited
Gary Cumberland
Shawano School District
Donna Hobscheid
Coldwell Banker
Hilgenberg Realtors
Chad Kary
Results Broadcasting
Vision 2017 Grants Awarded
Pure Essence Salon & Spa
Pure Essence Salon & Spa in Shawano, has received an
Interior Grant totaling $5,000 through Shawano Country
Vision 2017. The matching grant was awarded to help
cover costs for expansion and renovation. Improvements
included the addition of sound proofing to all spa rooms;
new carpeting, paint, fixtures, and ceiling; and installation of a sound system. The expansion created large
rooms including a couples’ massage room with fireplace.
The project almost doubled their spa space to 1,296
square feet. They also replaced their portable pedicure
chairs with large massaging stationary chairs.
The salon originally opened in the mid 1980’s as Standing Ovation. The current owners— mother-daughter
team Ann and Ashley Hoffman— purchased the Avedaconcept salon five years ago and renamed it Pure Essence Salon & Spa. As a result of their expansion they
Pictured L to R; Nancy Smith, Shawano Country Chamber of
recently hired 3 people bringing their total employee
Commerce Executive Director; Ann and Ashley Hoffman, Owners
count to 13.
Pure Essence Salon & Spa; Dennis Heling, Shawano County
According to Ann Hoffman this project will help them
attract new customers and accommodate larger groups
like bridal parties and “girls getaway” groups. “We are
meeting new friends and clients daily now that we can
offer more spa and salon treatments and have a beautiful
spacious environment,” said Hoffman. The Hoffmans,
along with salon staff members, recently celebrated the
grand re-opening of their newly renovated spa space
with a ribbon cutting.
Trish Kieckhafer
Stone Creations
Gina Patzer
Premier Community Bank
Roger Pescinski
BMO Harris Bank
Sally Jo Stevens
Best Western Wittenberg
John Van Ooyen
Frontier Communications
Mary White
Nueske’s Applewood
Smoked Meats
Nancy J. Smith, IOM
Patti J. Peterson
Michelle Maroszek
Michelle Heling, and
Sharon Woiak-Meisner
Wendy Crawford
June ♦ 2016
Economic Progress Inc. Chief Economic Development Officer
According to Dennis Heling, chief economic development officer for Shawano County Economic Progress,
Inc this project helps our local economy on many levels.
“The Hoffmans kept their dollars local by contracting
with area businesses for their renovations including
electric, plumbing, flooring, HVAC, and building supplies. Their beautiful facility and expanded services will
attract visitors, and residents won’t need to leave town
for a ‘big city’ spa experience,” said Heling.
Long Chiropractic Center, S.C.
Long Chiropractic Center, S.C. in Wittenberg, has received an Interior Grant totaling $5,000 through Shawano Country Vision 2017. The matching grant was
awarded to help cover costs
for renovation. Improvements
included removing wood paneling, installing recessed lighting, new carpet, light fixtures,
paint, doors, trim, and cabinets.
Dr. Casey Long purchased her
Chiropractic business in 2015
from Allied Health. The building was originally a house and
was converted into a clinic.
The interior was very dated
and Dr. Long considers the
grant a “blessing.” “I had a
vision to remodel and update
the clinic, but because we are
a young business I hadn’t
planned on doing it for a few
years. Since we completed
the remodel we’ve been busy
enough that we already hired
another employee,” said
As part of this project, Long also purchased and installed
a digital x-ray machine which is critical to keeping current with top health care providers. “This grant helped
us improve the image of our
clinic-giving it a more professional and modern feel. People
want to know they are getting
state-of-the-art care, and we
now can say our facility
matches the quality of care
patients receive here,” said
Long. She also received an
unexpected perk from the
remodel. “I think this new
professional look inspired an
attitude change in all of us that
work here and we are more
proud of where we work because it looks so nice.”
Pictured L to R; Dennis Heling, Shawano County
Economic Progress Inc. Chief Economic Development
Officer; Dr. Casey Long, Long Chiropractic Center,
S.C.; Nancy Smith, Shawano Country Chamber of
Commerce Executive Director
Continued on page 2
Vision 2017 Grants Awarded
Continued from Page 1
Since 2013, thirty nine grants totaling $125,000 have been awarded to
small businesses through the Vision
2017 Façade and Interior Grant
programs. This has stimulated total private investment of over
$920,000. Grants have been awarded to businesses throughout Shawano County in the communities of Tigerton, Wittenberg, Gresham,
Eland, Bonduel, and Shawano.
Any employer or entrepreneur operating in Shawano or Menominee
Counties can apply for Shawano Country Vision 2017 grant programs. To determine if your project or business development idea is
eligible contact Dennis Heling at 715 -526 -5839, or Nancy Smith at 715-524-2139,
Shawano Country Vision 2017 is a five-year economic development
plan strategically designed to address various needs of area businesses and communities. The plan’s overall goal is to spur capital
investment and grow the economy by implementing specific action
steps in key areas, including business expansion, attraction and recruitment; tourism/retail development, workforce issues, and community development.
This plan was initiated three years ago by the board of directors of
Shawano County Economic Progress Inc. and the Shawano Country
Chamber of Commerce to proactively tackle economic challenges
including several plant closures, job losses, and lower than average
per capita income. It provides a blueprint for future growth and prosperity and a stronger economic climate for Shawano and Menominee
Chamber Bringing Google
“Street View Indoors”
to More Businesses
The Google Street View certified photographer will be back in our
area on June 23 to bring the 360 "Street View" technology inside
more chamber member businesses that wish to participate.
Street View Indoors is an expansion of Google Map’s popular
Street Views program. Just as Street View allows users to take a
virtual walk around a neighborhood, this program allows your customers and potential customers an opportunity to take a 360 degree
virtual walk inside your business. They can zoom in on your products, your displays, your signs, your decor and ambiance.
As part of this new program, the Google Street View team has created a custom Virtual Business & Area Guide. To check it out,
If you would like to learn how your business can be included, contact the Chamber or reply to the email from the chamber and the
"Google Guy" will call you to discuss the program details. You
should sign up right away as there is limited availability on their
itinerary for this day and it’s a first-come / first-served basis. Signing up does not obligate you to participate; it simply gives permission for the program manager to give you a call.
Participating businesses can attach their Street View virtual tour to
their Google Search listing and Google+ Local page. Viewers on
any device; desktops, laptops, tablets and smart phones will easily
find your business and be able to take a virtual walk inside to look
around. The Google Virtual Tour can also be easily embedded onto
your own website and Facebook page.
“We see Street View Indoors as yet another way to promote shopping locally, dining locally and banking locally” said Nancy Smith,
executive director. “We’re pleased to be one of the first chambers
in the state partnering with Google on this opportunity to let consumers look inside our many fantastic businesses.”
Sign up Now to get in on this outstanding member benefit opportunity!
Last Chance
Sign-Up for
the 26th
Golf Outing!
The Wage & Benefits
Study Survey is
Now Underway!
Attention human resources professionals:
The 2016-2017 Northeast Wisconsin Chambers Coalition Wage &
Benefit Study is now
underway! Members of
the Shawano Country
Chamber of Commerce
can receive access to the
updated 2016-2017
wage survey reports and
benefit survey results at
a greatly reduced rate in
exchange for participation in the wage and benefit portions of the study. All active
members of the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce are
eligible for this offer. Participation and data entry are open
now, and will continue through August 19.
If you are interested in this special offer, please contact Nancy
Smith at or call 715-524-2139.
Mass participation from professionals throughout northeast
Wisconsin is what makes this survey such a valuable tool. The
study is being conducted by the Northeast Wisconsin Chambers Coalition, which includes:
Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce
Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce & Industry
(Fox Cities Regional Partnership)
Grab your mask
and cape and get
to the 26th Annual
Shawano Country
Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing
in a flash! It will be held on Tuesday, June 28th at Golden Sands Golf
Course in Cecil.
Golfers are encouraged to get creative with this year’s Super Hero
theme. Come as your favorite caped crusader, masked marvel, or
evil villain. Prizes will be awarded for best dressed golfer, team and
cart. Our golf outing is 4-person scramble. The team must be co-ed
to be eligible for awards.
Registration begins at 10 a.m. with a shotgun start at 11 a.m. Dinner will start at 5:00 p.m. The cost is $75 per player, which includes
18 holes with cart, dinner, raffle tickets and chances to win prizes.
The cost for dinner only is $30. Reservations are required before
June 14 in order to guarantee your cart. Don’t miss out on this great
opportunity to network and have fun in a great environment. If your
golf game isn’t exactly up to par, not to worry--mulligan tickets will
be for sale and non-golfers are encouraged to enjoy the dinner.
Sponsorships are available.
To register fill out the registration form inserted in this newsletter or
contact the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce at
(715) 524-2139 or
Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
(Advance Economic Development)
Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce
(Fond du Lac Area Human Resources Association)
Waupaca Area Chamber of Commerce
Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce
Meet Your New Board Member
Donna Hobscheid has been a licensed Realtor with Coldwell Banker Hilgenberg Realtors for the past 6.5 years. She holds the
designations of Certified Residential Specialist (SRS), Accredited Buyers Representative (ABR) and Graduate, Realtors Institute (GRI). She has a background and education in the area of journalism.
Prior to getting into real estate, Hobscheid
was a reporter for the Shawano Leader. Her
experience there allowed her to gain contacts across the community and further
develop her people and leadership skills.
She became involved in the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce as an Ambassador in order to meet and network with more
people. She volunteers for Junior Achievement as a teacher and
former board member and is currently a member of the Shawano
Redevelopment Authority. In her free time she enjoys gardening,
walking, biking, and spending time with family and friends.
Hobscheid has lived in Shawano with her husband, Henry since
Members in the News
Results Broadcasting has promoted
staffers at three stations to Brand
Manager. Kayla Mckenzie is Brand
Manager for Country WTCH-A/F/
Shawano; Nick Shannon is doing
the same at Classic Hits WOWN
(B99.3)/Green Bay; and JD
Daniels is Brand Manager at Country WJMQ (FROG COUNTRY
92.3 FM)/Clintonville. Mckenzie
has been with the company since
2008 in various on-air roles, is excited with her next step in her career
with WTCH. Shannon has been
with results broadcasting since 2012
as the WTCH Morning Show and
Breakfast Club host. Daniels has
been hosting WJMQ afternoons
since arriving in 2014.
Coldwell Banker Hilgenberg
Realtors proudly congratulates
John Koeller and Jim Zierden on
their International President’s Elite
appointment, a level achieved by
only the top sales associates/ representatives worldwide in the Coldwell Banker system. Koeller has
been a sales associate for 18 years
with Hilgenber Realtors and Zierden
has been a sales associate for 30
years with Hilgenberg Realtors.
Beginning the last weekend in May,
Walk-In Care at ThedaCare Physicians-Shawano has changed its
weekend hours to Saturday and
Sunday 9 am to 5 pm. Past weekend
walk-in hours are 10 am to 6 pm.
Weekday hours remain MondayFriday 8 am to 7 pm. Patients must
be registered 15 minutes prior to
closing time to be seen that day.
Walk-In Care is located within
ThedaCare Physicians-Shawano,
the clinic adjacent to ThedaCare
Medical Center-Shawano.
ThedaCare Walk-In Care patients
can be treated for most ailments that
would normally be treated at a regular physician’s office appointment.
Little Rapids Corporation will
invest $40 million to install state-ofthe-art tissue making technology at
its Shawano Paper Mill in Shawano. The new crescent forming
tissue machine will replace the existing tissue machine and significantly increase capacity. Little
Rapids Corporation is a leading
manufacturer and marketer of products for the healthcare, beauty,
packaging, and specialty paper markets, with headquarters in Green
Thousands of dollars’ worth of Bay, Wisconsin. Project construcfurniture and building materials tion will begin this summer, with
from the vacant Shawano Medical completion expected in fall 2017.
Center is being repurposed
the Seasons Resort with
and Todd Hansen
community. Demolition of theBrenda
old Cooperative
Resources Internariverside hospital began in April, tional (CRI) welcomes two new
prior to ThedaCare contacted sev- employees in Shawano. Shiheng
eral Shawano-area governmental (Tobby) Pan, originally of Zhengunits and charities to invite them to zhou, China, joins CRI as the Interremove and re-use furniture and national Product and Service Spefixtures. The Shawano Police Depart- cialist. Amber Riesenberg of Shament and Shawano Parks and Rec- wano accepted the position of Disreation department received various tribution Specialist for CRI’s Genex
items to use in their daily operations Cooperative, Inc. subsidiary.
as well as items for park improvements. A number of non-profits, In April, Shawano Community
including Wolf River Habitat for Middle School held a groundbreakHumanity ReStore also reclaimed ing ceremony for a $9,250,000 renobuilding materials. Additional dona- vation project that was approved by
tions were made to the Shawano the voters in a November 2015 refhomeless shelter, Shawano County erendum. The renovations will inSheriff’s Department and a number clude a new entrance, new locker
o f c h u r c h e s a n d s c h o o l s . rooms, a new heating system, an
enlarged lunchroom and kitchen
Casey Mitchell is the new Dietitian among other restorations. Renovaat the Stockbridge-Munsee Health tions will be completed by August.
and Wellness Center. She will be
responsible for providing nutrition Coldwell Banker Hilgenberg
counseling with patients and groups, Realtors was awarded the Premier
community nutrition education with Office designation for 2015, the
head Start, Family Center, and the highest honor given to Coldwell
Elderly Center. She has a Bache- Banker offices. It is the 13 year
lor’s degree in Dietetics from UW that Hilgenberg Realtors has reStevens Point, and Masters in Nutri- ceived this award. This accomplishtion and Wellness from Benedictine ment demonstrates the high level of
teamwork among everyone in the
University in Chicago.
The Shawano Area Community
Foundation recently added Richard Menning to the organizations
board of directors. Menning graduated from Shawano High School
and is a graduate from Carroll University and Wisconsin Institute of
Mortuary Science. The Shawano
Area Community Foundation
volunteers to preserve and improve
the quality of life in Shawano and
the surrounding areas.
The owner of Papa Murphy’s
Pizza in Shawano has opened a soft
-serve ice cream store that will share
space with the take-and-bake pizza
business on Green Bay Street. The
Golden Cone will be open May
through September but might be
open earlier or longer in the year,
depending on the demand. The
menu will include ice cream, waffle
cones, regular cones, sundaes,
shakes and malts, frozen yogurt and
shaved ice.
Cedar Street Market and Discount Foods in Tigerton was recently named “Best New Business
2015” by the Wisconsin Main Street
Association. Cedar Street Market
sells both regular and discount
items. The discount items are generally near or past their ‘best buy’
date. The family owned business is
planning on adding a hot deli to its
store. They are also looking to open
similar stores across Wisconsin.
Navarino Nature Center to
Host June Business Connection
NWTC at ThedaCare Medical Center
hosted the May Business Connection.
Attendees enjoyed an informative tour,
delicious hors d’oeuvres and refreshments.
Navarino Nature Center is a member supported, 501c3 non-profit,
working in cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources (WDNR) on the 15,000 acre Navarino Wildlife Area. It was
established in April 1986 by a group of residents concerned about
ecology and environmental education. Nature center staff and volunteers work to help area students and residents learn more about nature
through environmental education and outdoor skill programs.
The Navarino Wildlife Area is located in southeastern Shawano County and northeastern Waupaca County, and consists of 15,000 acres of wetlands, forests, prairies and agricultural fields. There are a variety of recreational opportunities available to all visitors including but not limited to the
following: hunting, hiking, birding, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, wildlife viewing, auto tour, geocaching, photography, biking (on roads), and cross-country skiing.
Thanks for hosting a great event!
In January of 1987 in cooperation with the WDNR, a site was selected
on the 15,000-acre Navarino Wildlife Area. A parking lot, well, amphitheater and cabin were added in 1990. In 1999, a 40 x 70 Educational facility was built allowing the nature center to have an allweather facility for programs. Programming from 1999 to 2008 increased the number of offerings beyond school and public programs to
include: summer camps, group offerings (4-H, scouts, etc.), early
childhood facilities and health care centers. During the fall of 2008
the nature center broke ground on a Green Building / Renewable Energy facility helping to increase the educational offerings to the surrounding communities. Recently, as part of their 30th anniversary NNC
dedicated a 300 foot boardwalk and quarter mile handicapped accessible trail that allows access into a pond / wetland area for anyone with a
physical limitation.
Next Business
June 22, 2016
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Hosted By:
Nature Center
W5646 Lindsten Road
RSVP by calling:
(715) 524-2139
Shawano County Visitor Spending Up 2.8%
Travel and tourism is a significant contributor to Wisconsin’s economy and high quality of life. Tourism
topped $19.3 billion in 2015, up nearly $1 billion from
2014 according to research conducted by Tourism
Economics and Longwoods International.
Locally, travelers to Shawano County spent $62 million
in 2015—up 2.8% from 2014. This spending supported
886 jobs in Shawano County last year. The tourism
industry provides work across the spectrum of employment from entry level and part-time jobs to management, executive and entrepreneurial positions.
“Tourism plays a critical role in our area and continues
to grow, and from an economic standpoint, the numbers
reflect that,” said “Last year’s numbers are very encouraging. Last summer we conducted a Tourism Assessment for the Shawano area which provided valuable
insights to help us determine opportunities for expanding the area’s appeal to visitors. This will assist in our
destination branding efforts,” said Patti Peterson, Shawano Country Tourism Manager.
Visitors to Shawano County generated $7 million in
state and local taxes during 2015. Statewide, traveler
spending generated $1.5 billion in state and local
revenue and $1.1 billion in federal taxes. “These
results let us know that what we have been doing
over the last five years is working,” said Wisconsin
Department of Tourism Secretary Stephanie Klett.
“It’s a tremendous credit to the tourism industry in all
72 counties and the innovative work they do to create
exciting vacation experiences, market their destinations under our united brand of fun, and provide great
customer service that makes travelers want to return
to Wisconsin time and again.”
Tourism continues to be one of Wisconsin’s most
important economic resources. “Research shows that
tourism advertising goes beyond just promoting vacations, it also positively influences the state’s overall
image as a great place to live, find a job, or open a
business,” said Klett.
Author Parron to Appear in Shawano
Suzi Parron, considered the foremost authority on
barn quilt trails in the U.S., will be appearing at The
Gathering in Shawano on Friday, June 10, from 1-4
p.m. In addition to her presentation on U.S. barn quilt
trails, Parron will be selling her new book, Following
the Barn Quilt Trail, which features the Shawano
County Barn Quilt Trail.
The event, which is open to the public at no charge, is
being co-sponsored by the Shawano City-County
Library in conjunction with Friends of the Shawano
County Libraries, Inc., Shawano County Dairy Promotions, Inc. and The Gathering.
Parron travels full time speaking to groups about barn
quilts and the quilt trail movement. “I am especially
excited to be coming back to Shawano County,” Parron said, “since it has the largest trail in the U.S. with
well over 300 barn quilts on display throughout the
Attendees will have the
opportunity to purchase
raffle tickets to win an 8’ x
8’ barn quilt courtesy of the
Shawano County barn quilt
project or a handmade
quilt being donated by the
Shawano Area Quilters.
Following Parron’s presentation, those in attendance
will have the opportunity to
meet Parron, purchase her
book, have it personally
signed, and enjoy ice
cream sundaes provided
by Shawano County Dairy
Promotion Inc.
Suzi Parron, shown with Shawano County barn quilt project coordinator
Jim Leuenberger, will be in Shawano on June 10 to talk about the
American barn quilt movement and to sell her new book,
Following the Barn Quilt Trail.
For more information on Parron, you can visit her website at And for more information about the
June 10 event, call the Shawano Country
Chamber of Commerce at 715-524-2139.
Join us at The Gathering
June 10, 2016, 1-4 p.m.
Thank you
to the Shawano City-County Library
in conjunction with the Friends of the Shawano
County Libraries, Inc., Shawano County Dairy
Promotions, Inc. and The Gathering
for sponsoring this event!
Badger State Event Productions
Backes Brat Haus & Meat Market
Clint Whitehorse
PO Box 8814 · Madison, WI 53708
Phone: (608) 446-5555
Dan & Christine Backes
N5858 Lake Drive · Shawano, WI 54166
Phone: (715) 201-1289
You may have already met Mr.
WhiteHorse at one of his many DJ
shows around Shawano Lake. His
company, Badger State Events &
Entertainment offers so much more
than entertaining DJ services. With
nearly 20 years experience, Badger
State Productions offers services
such as, but not limited to: DJ entertainment, audio/video services, projection screens up to 16 feet, custom event lighting decor, sound reenforcement for bands, rallies, and
public address. From private parties
to large events, the local crew at
Badger State Productions has the
skill & resources to execute every detail.
The Backes family is celebrating 40 years in the grocery business at Backes Food Mart in Birnamwood.
They have been making their own specialty sausage
and brats for 35 years. The new Shawano location
will feature over 20 varieties of in-store made brats as
well as summer sausage, wieners, Polish sausage and
10 varieties of snack sticks. The snack sticks range
from mild to “Too Hot For You” made with fresh Habanero peppers. The market will offer a full line of
freshly cut steaks, roasts, pork, chicken and in-house
ground beef.
Shoppers will enjoy locally sourced specialty foods,
honey, maple syrup and a wide variety of cheeses.
Beer and wine will also be available.
Hours of operation:
Mon-Fri: 9-6, Sat: 9-3 and Sun: 9-noon
The Rotary Club of Shawano
was recently welcomed as a new
member. They meet Mondays
from noon to 1 p.m. at Angie’s
Main Café and would love to
have you as a guest!
Congratulations to our
Jeff Ballwahn
Lori Marie Bricko
Noah Bunt
Brea M. Bystol
Karla Duchac
Danielle Ebert
Mark Flunker
Linda Gehrke
Jason Hietpas
Rochelle Jahnke
Kurt Klitzman
Michelle Mahr
Premier Investment Services
Employment Options Inc.
Shawano Police Department
BMO Harris Bank
City of Shawano
Bowman Performance Consulting
Wolf River Habitat for Humanity
Little Rapids Shawano Paper Mill
RMM Solutions
CoVantage Credit Union
Shawano County Sheriff's Office
ThedaCare Medical Center-Shawano
2016 Graduates!
Beth A. McFarlane
Kenton Olson
Gina Patzer
Patrick Rau
Heather Ritchie
Dana Ritchie
Luana Short
Josh Sortino
Traci Sousek
Jessica VanDerLinden
Elisha Wagenson
Shawano School District School Board
Nueske's Applewood Smoked Meats
Premier Community Bank
School District of Bonduel
Cooperative Resources International
Shawano County Sheriff's Office
State Farm Insurance
Wisconsin Film & Bag
Cooperative Resources International
CoVantage Credit Union
Sacred Heart Catholic School
Leadership Shawano County is currently accepting applications for class 17. For more information visit or contact LSC Program Coordinator Wendy Crawford, 715-524-2914.
June 2016
June 1
Coffee Connections
Glas Coffeehouse
511 N. Main St., Shawano
8:00-9:00 a.m.
RSVP: 715-524-2139
June 10
Meet Author Suzi Parron
June 10 • 1-4 p.m.
Attendees will have the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets to win an 8’ x 8’ barn quilt
courtesy of the Shawano County barn quilt
project or a handmade quilt donated by the
Shawano Area Quilters (shown below).
Meet Author Suzi Parron
The Gathering
2600 E. Richmond St., Shawano
1:00-4:00 p.m.
This event is open to the public.
Free admission ♦ RSVP: 715-524-2139*
Suzi will showcase her newly released book
which features some of our Shawano County
quilts. Meet Suzi, purchase an autographed
copy, and enjoy refreshments.
Sponsored by: Shawano City-County Library
in conjunction with the Friends of the Shawano
County Libraries, Inc., Shawano County Dairy
Promotions, Inc. and The Gathering
June 14
SAYPRO Lunch N’ Learn
Safety and Scams
11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.*
Shawano Country Chamber
This event is open to the public.
The Shawano County Sherriff’s Department
will be speaking on Safety and Scams and
how to protect yourself and your families.
Question and answer session available.
$8-SAYPRO members, $10-non-members
RSVP: Call or email Karissa Kunschke or 715-853-6581
by Friday, June 10th*
June 22
Business Connection
Sponsored by:
Navarino Nature Center
W5646 Lindsten Road, Shiocton
5:00—6:30 p.m.
RSVP: 715-524-2139*
June 23
Google Photographer
360° Inside Virtual Tour
To participate, call 715-524-2139*
June 28
26th Annual Shawano
Country Chamber of
Commerce Golf Outing
Ann and Ashley Hoffman, owners of Pure Essence Salon & Day Spa,
and staff celebrated the grand opening of their newly renovated
spa area with a ribbon cutting.
(Rain or Shine)
Golden Sands Golf Community
300 Nabor Rd., Cecil*
Register by calling: 715-524-2139
*Reservations required
1263 S. Main Street • Shawano, WI 54166
715/524-2139 •
Wednesday, June 22, 2016 ~ 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Navarino Nature Center
Tour the Nature Center
and learn about
programs and
workshops offered.
Meet Staff.
Learn about the history
of Navarino and what
we have accomplished
in 30 years
Hors d’ oeuvres,
& Refreshments
Small group UTV
rides to tour trails
and our new “ADA
Boardwalk & Trail”
Navarino Nature Center….W5646 Lindsten Rd…..Shiocton, WI 54170...715-758-6999
Golden Sands Golf Course, Cecil
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
4-Person Scramble
Team must be CO-ED to be eligible for awards.
Rain or Shine Event.
Registration: 10:00 a.m.
Shot Gun Start: 11:00 a.m. Dinner: 5:00 p.m.
Golf & Dinner: $75 per Player or $300 per Team
For Best-Dressed
Player, Foursome,
& Cart
(Includes 18 Holes with Cart, Dinner & Raffle Ticket, Limited to 36 Teams)
Dinner Only: $30 (Includes Dinner, Raffle Ticket and Fun!)
Sponsor Opportunities Available:
First Come , First Serve Basis—Call Nancy at the Chamber
for more details. Phone: 715-524-2139 Fax: 715-524-3127
Company Name: ____________________________________
Contact Person:_____________________________________
I would like to be:
q ACE Sponsor @ $500
q Hole Sponsor @ $150
q Best-Dressed Sponsor @ $150
q Theme Sponsor @ $150
I would like to:
q Donate a Prize
q Contribute to Golfer’s
“Give-a-way” Pack (150 pieces minimum)
Please mail check by
Shawano Country
Chamber of Commerce,
P.O. Box 38
Shawano, WI 54166
Daytime Phone: ____________________________________
I would like to register:
_____ Golfers & Dinner @ $75/player = $ ___________
_____ Dinner Only @ $30/person = $ ___________
Team Name: _______________________________________
Golfer #1:__________________________________________
Golfer #2:__________________________________________
Golfer #3:__________________________________________
Golfer #4:__________________________________________
Being a great leader is more than intuition.
It’s education.
Leadership Shawano County is designed to assist
in the preparation of a strong, diverse group of
leaders qualified to represent the greater Shawano
County area and willing to make responsible
decisions affecting both the public and private
Download the
application at
Application Deadline:
July 7, 2016
Participants connect with others on a higher level
and bring their new found skills back to the
organizations they serve. Make a difference for
your company, your team and for Shawano
Country. Select a team member to apply for
Leadership Shawano County today!
“There is so much information offered through Leadership Shawano
County. It has expanded my awareness of the issues facing our community.
This program is great for anyone wanting to learn and grow in their
careers. The opportunity to work with professionals who truly want to make
a difference in their community has been the biggest reward for me.”
-Dana Ritchie, Office Manager, Shawano County Sheriff’s Office
“My most important takeaway from the Leadership Program is how so many
people all want to combine efforts to make our community a great place to
live and raise a family. The lessons I learned will help me be a better leader
at work.”—Josh Sortino, Process Manager, Wisconsin Film and Bag
For additional information contact Wendy Crawford,
Program Manager, Leadership Shawano County,
or visit
Final Ruling on the Department of Labor Exemptions
By Melissa Olsen, PHR/SHRM-CP
The long-awaited final ruling from the Department of Labor (DOL) has finally been announced. The final
rule will go into effect on December 1st, 2016. Employers will need to review the exemption status of
their workforce and make any requisite changes prior to this date.
The final ruling includes several concessions for employers that differ from the proposed ruling
announced earlier in the year.
Proposed Ruling
$50,440 salary threshold
Non-discretionary bonus/ commissions not
factored into salary threshold
Final Ruling
$47,476 salary threshold
Up to 10% of the threshold amount is allowed to
be comprised of non-discretionary bonus and
commission payments
$122,148 salary threshold for highly compensated
worker exemption
60 day effective date after final ruling
No change to duties test
No exemption for non-profit organizations
$134,004 salary threshold for highly compensated
worker exemption
December 1st, 2016 effective date after final ruling
No change to duties test
No exemption for non-profit organizations
Employees who are currently exempt and do not meet the thresholds outlined in the final ruling will
need to be re-classified as non-exempt or have their salaries increased to an amount higher than
$47,476. Employers should begin to analyze the impact this will have on their staffing and budgeting
projections and begin taking steps to work towards compliance prior to the Dec. 1 deadline. While
there have been no changes to the duties test for white collar exemptions, it is recommended that
employers review the job duties of each individual in order to assure compliance. A summary of the
white-collar exemption duties test can be found on
Action steps for business and organizations to take prior to the Dec. 1, 2016 deadline:
Employers should assess which current salaried-exempt employees are paid an annual salary
that falls below the minimum amount of $47,476.
Employers should then determine if any of the affected employees whose salary is less than the
minimum required amount earn commissions, incentive payments or non-discretionary
bonuses. Up to $4,767.60 (10% of the minimum salary requirement ) can be added into the
employee’s total salary to meet the $47,476 requirement.
Employers will need to determine which adjustments should be made for any employees who do not
meet the minimum salary threshold by their annual salary + bonus/commission amounts.
Employers have three options:
Increase the salary of the employee above $47,476.
Change the employee to non-exempt status and convert their annual salary to an hourly
amount. Employee will then be paid 1.5 times their hourly rate for any hours worked over 40.
Convert the employee to non-exempt/hourly and avoid overtime expenses by adjusting the
employee’s hours to working less than 40 hours per week.
Specific information on the ruling can be found on the DOL website: The DOL will have educational webinars including
guidance sheets for non-profits, higher education, and government organizations.
Shawano Area Community Foundation Hosts
Golf Outing to Support Local Area Non-Profits
The Shawano Area Community Foundation (SACF) will be hosting its 25th Annual Charitable Golf Outing at
Shawano Lake Golf Course on Tuesday, June 21, 2016. Proceeds from the golf outing are directed to the SACF’s
Shawano Area Fund, which benefits local area nonprofit organizations working to preserve and improve the
quality of life in Shawano County.
The cost per golfer is $100 and includes 18 holes of golf, golf power
carts for four players, lunch on the course, special events at each hole
and dinner. Golfers may register a foursome, or individually.
Dinner-only guests are welcome to attend for $25 each.
Families or businesses are invited to sponsor a hole for $100.
Golfers can register for the event by submitting the registration form
For more information, contact Todd Raether at 715-851-4563 or
• 11 a.m. Registration
• 12 p.m. 18-hole shotgun start
(scramble format)
• 5 p.m. Social hour
(non-golfing guests welcome)
• 5:30 p.m. Dinner and awards
(non-golfing guests welcome)
Contact us to learn how we can help you give back to
your community today and for generations to come.
P.O. Box 255, Shawano, WI 54166
The Shawano Area Community Foundation (SACF) was established in 1990 by community volunteers to preserve and
improve the quality of life in Shawano and the surrounding area. We partner with the Community Foundation for the
Fox Valley Region, the second largest community foundation in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Film & Bag is now
Please join us in celebrating our
Check out Employment Opportunities
Food • Refreshments
Plant Tours • Safety Awareness
Learn more about our Recycling Center
Free Blood Pressure Screenings
courtesy of our on-site Bellin Health Physician’s Assistant
3100 E. Richmond Street
Shawano, WI 54166
For information email:
Kuckuk Park
700 Oak Drive, Shawano
Friday, August 5, 2016
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Walk-in pre-registration
and early packet pickup:
Cooperative Resources International (CRI)
(downtown office)
117 East Green Bay Street
Shawano, WI 54166
Attn: Ron Schmalz
Saturday (Race Day),
August 6, 2016
6:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
6:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
Kuckuk Park ­— Registration
8:30 a.m.
5K Walk/Run Start
9:30 a.m.
Children’s Fun Run Start
Scan the QR code or visit
Shawano Optimist Club
P.O. Box 412
Shawano, WI 54166
10:00 a.m.
Awards, Snacks, and Beverages
AUGUST 6, 2016
5K Run/Walk
Children’s Fun Run
One registration per participant.
• Commemorative T-Shirt for entrants.
(Pre-Registering by July 17 guarantees shirt available day of race)
Name (First, Last)
• Awards to the first 3 finishers in each division
Children’s Fun Run
Age Groups:
7-8 9-10
5K Run/Walk
Age Groups:
Age as of 8/6/16 Birth date
Gender (M/F)
WAIVER: I know that participating in a run is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not
enter and run unless I’m medically able and trained. I agree to abide by any decision of
race officials relative to my ability to compete in the run. I assume all risks associated with
participating in the event including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants,
spectators, and the effects of the weather including extreme heat, rain, traffic and the
conditions of the road and/or course. All such things being known and appreciated by me
having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance
of my entry, I, for myself and anyone acting on my behalf, waive and release the City of
Shawano, Shawano Optimist Club, CRI, race personnel and volunteers and all sponsors
and contributors, their representatives and successors from all claims and liabilities of any
kind arising out of my participation in the event even though that liability may rise out of
negligence or carelessness on the part of the person or entities named in the waiver. I
grant permission to all the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, videotapes
or any other record of the event for any legitimate purpose.
Signature of Participant or Parent or Guardian
 60-69
 70 plus
• Special Awards for top male and female
overall 5K and Children’s Fun Run.
rs For Your Su
ppor t!
•BMO Harris Bank
•Cooperative Resources
•CoVantage Credit Union
•Results Broadcasting
•Shawano Optimist Club
•Charlie’s County Market
•Christensen Printing
•Coldwell Banker
Hilgenberg Realtors
•Dreier Pharmacy &
Gift Shoppe
•PLS Loan Store
•Premier Community Bank
•Reinhart Foods
•Schoenike Septic
& Toilet Rental
•Shawano County
Dairy Promotions
•All Season Repair, LLC
•Ardex All American Mineral
•Edwards Jones
•Hometown Insurance
•Road ID
•Cobbler’s Closet
•Luigi’s Pizza & Pasta
•TimberPro, LLC
Mountain Bay 5K Run/Walk
5K Run/Walk Route
Children’s Fun Run
Start Line
EVENT: (check event)
 5K Run/Walk
15 & Under
2016 Sponso
Finish Line
 Children’s Fun Run Event
SHIRT SIZES: (check size)
Youth M
Adult S
Adult XL
Youth L
Adult M
Adult XXL
Adult L
REGISTRATION FEE: (early registration encouraged)
 $15.00 – Pre-registration (postmarked prior to July 17)
Sorry, no refunds on pre-registrations.
 $20.00 – Registration after July 17
 $12.00 – Family Teams
($12.00 per family member; 2-4 immediate family members = team.
The Children’s Run will be held in
Kuckuk Park. The run will start
on Oak Park Drive, in front of the
Kuckuk Park Pavilion. The run
proceeds east to Smalley Street,
turns south on Smalley Street and
then continues on the bike trail
through Kuckuk Park. The finish
line is by the Kuckuk Park Pavilion.
Family Team registrations must be submitted together by July 17.)
 $5.00-Children’s Run
Make Checks Payable to:
Shawano Optimist Club
P.O. Box 412
Shawano WI, 54166
Questions? or call 715-526-7517
June 2016
Events/meetings sponsored by the Shawano Country
Chamber of Commerce are listed in bold.
8 Annual Shawano County Historical Society Rhubarb Festival: 10 a.m. to
3 p.m., horse drawn wagon rides, rhubarb desserts, tour museums, Heritage
Park, 524 N Franklin Street, Shawano, 715-526-3323
The Thunderbird presents Dinner & Music on the patio with “Thunder Country”,
6 p.m. to 10 p.m., W106 County Trunk VV, Keshena, 715-799-6543
Coffee Connections: 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., Business networking and idea
sharing over a great cup of coffee, Glas Coffeehouse, 511 N. Main St.,
Shawano, 715-524-2139 or
Small Business Workshop: “Marketing Strategies for Growing a Small
Business”, presented by NWTC, Shawano, RSVP 920-498-7124
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Mojo Perry Band,” W6026 Lake
Drive, Shawano, 715-524-8711,
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Passion”, 9:30 p.m., free in the lounge,, 715-799-3600
Shawano Ski Sharks: “Barefoot Pull 2016”, 9:30 a.m., come watch 27 barefoot
skiers behind one boat to attempt to break the world record, Shawano
Farmer Gene’s Campground: Easter Weekend, N11301 Kinney Lake Rd.,
Marion, 715-754-5900,
Tigerton Rummage O’Rama from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., pick up maps at
1905 Village Hall and Tigerton area businesses, 715-535-2110
49 Annual Homme Home of Wittenberg Strawberry Festival: presented by the
Homme Home Auxiliary & Homme staff to recognize the residents 10 a.m. to
3:30 p.m., strawberries, music and games, 715-253-2125, ext. 152
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents “B-Flat & The Not to Sharp”,
8 p.m., free, Groove Lounge,, 715-787-3110
Pulaski Area Historical Society: Time Capsule Event, 1 p.m., will be digging up
a time capsule from July, 1992, Pulaski Museum, 129 W. Pulaski St., Pulaski
Annie’s Campground: Rule the Skies Weekend, build, display & fly airplanes,
W12505 Roosevelt Rd, Gresham, 715-787-3652,
The Lighthouse lakeside music: “Feedback”, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., W6440 Gumaer
Road, Shawano, 715-526-5600
Pine Grove Campground Customer Appreciation: N5999 Campground Rd.,
Shawano, 715-787-4555,
Music in the Park presents: “Melody Notes”, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Memorial
Park Shelter, corner of Lincoln & Lieg Street; bring your lawn chairs, sponsored
by the Shawano Park & Rec. Department
Rivers Edge Camping & Tubing: Buy 1 night, get 2nd night Free, W7615 Cty
Rd. F., Shiocton, 715-752-3344,
Shawano Area Waterways Golf Outing Fundraiser: Registration 10 a.m.,
scramble event 11:30 a.m., dinner 6 p.m., entry fee $100 per person, Golden
Sands Golf Course, Cecil, 715-524-6349
US Air Motorsports features: “Mid American Sprint Series” on the race track,
W5901 County Road BE, Shawano, 715-524-9231
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents “Marshall Star Band,” 4 p.m., free
show on the gaming floor, 715-787-3110,
Long Chiropractic Ribbon Cutting: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Open House/Grand
Re-Opening, 5:30 p.m. Ribbon Cutting, 406 Howard St., Wittenberg
Flag Day Ceremony and Disposal: Elefson-Zueske American Legion Post 117,
850 S. Lincoln Street, Shawano, 715-526-2098
Shawano City-County Library: “Bus Trip to Botanical Gardens”, 5:15 p.m.,
Tickets $7 non-member, $3 members, call for more information 715-526-3829
Chamber Executive Board meeting: 7:30 a.m., Jeff Mace Conference
Room, Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce, 715-524-2139
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Nick Foyik,” W6026 Lake Drive,
Shawano,, 715-524-8711
Annual Petting Zoo: 1p.m. to 3 p.m., rain or shine, Atrium Post Acute Care of
Shawano at Evergreen, 1250 S. Evergreen Street, Shawano, 715-526-3107
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Vic Ferrari Band”, 7 p.m., $10, includes
Free2Play & drawing,, 715-799-3600
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Lonesome Red & the Blue Strings”,
W6026 Lake Drive, Shawano,, 715-524-8711
SAM25 One Year Anniversary Celebration Open House: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., All
are welcome, outdoor music by “Burnt Toast & Jam”, refreshments, greeting
card sale, SAM’s House, 213 E. Green Bay St., Shawano
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Rick K & the All Nighters”, 9:30 p.m.,
free in the lounge,, 715-799-3600
Ambassador meeting: 12 p.m., Glas Coffeehouse, Shawano, 715-524-2139
Ms. Senior Homemaker Pageant: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Open to the public, free
Event sponsored by Health Care and Community Businesses, Shawano
County Park, W5782 Lake Dr., Amy 715-745-4421, Chris 715-304-8635
Evening on the Wolf River: 5:30 p.m., Canoe from Shawano on the Wolf River
to Hwy CC, Canoes, PFD’s and paddles provided, $15 members, $20 nonmembers, RSVP by June 14, Navarino Nature Center, W5646 Lindsten Rd.,
Shiocton, 715-758-6999,
Third Thursday Concert in the Art Park: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., “Mike McAbee”,
Family oriented show, variety of music. Free admission and free ice cream! In
case of bad weather, concert will be in the WOWSPACE, donations welcome,
Wittenberg, 715-253-3525,
Farmer Gene’s Campground: Pirate/Poker Run and Father’s Day Weekend,
N11301 Kinney Lake Rd., Marion,,
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents “Desperate Ottos”, 8 p.m., free
show in the Groove Lounge, 715-787-3110,
Farmer Gene’s Campground: Family Game Day/Kubb Tournament Weekend,
“Double Down” at the Bar, N11301 Kinney Lake Rd., Marion, 715-754-5900,
US Air Motorsports features: “USPKS Karting” on the race track, W5901
County Road BE, Shawano, 715-524-9231
Annie’s Campground: Build it, Float it, Shoot it Weekend: W12505 Roosevelt
Road, Gresham, 715-787-3652,
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents “Stagehoggs,” 8 p.m., free show in
the Groove Lounge, 715-787-3110,
Pine Grove Campground Father’s Day Weekend: N5999 Campground Rd.,
Shawano, 715-787-4555,
Annie’s Campground: School’s Out Weekend, teachers 10% off stay, W12505
Roosevelt Road, Gresham, 715-787-3652,
Rivers Edge Camping & Tubing: Buy 1 night, get 2nd night Free, W7615 Cty
Rd. F., Shiocton, 715-752-3344,
Northcentral Technical College Golf Outing for Scholarships: 4 person team,
Breakfast 8:30 a.m., Golf 10 a.m., $100 per golfer, Bass Lake Country Club,
W10650 Bass Lake Rd., Deerbrook, 715-623-7601,
US Air Motorsports features: “Route 66 Karting” on the race track, W5901
County Road BE, Shawano, 715-524-9231
Shawano Park & Rec. Community Sailing Program: 1 p.m., Free introduction to
sailing class, Shawano County Park, Lake Drive, 715-526-6171
Shawano Ski Sharks Learn-2-Ski: “Shark Fins”, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., all ski
equipment supplies, register at Shawano Park & Rec., 715-526-6171,
Wolf River Beach, 211 Riverside Dr., Shawano
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Ric Stream,” W6026 Lake Drive,
Shawano,, 715-524-8711
Shawano Ski Sharks Adaptive Learn-2-Ski: “Believe and Ski”, noon to 3 p.m.,
all ski equipment supplies, register at Shawano Park & Rec., 715-526-6171,
Wolf River Beach, 211 Riverside Dr., Shawano
“Emerging Talents III”, an exhibit of original art by Wittenberg and Birnamwood
students, K-12 grade. Show opens 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day, WOWSPACE,
114 Vinal St, downtown Wittenberg, 715-253-3525,
Meet Author Suzi Parron: “Following the Barn Quilt Trail”, book signing,
1 p.m. to 4 p.m., free, The Gathering, Shawano, RSVP 715-524-2139
11 Annual Disabled American Veterans Sporting Clay Shoot: 8 a.m. to
3 p.m., Open to Public, J&H Game Farm, W5810 J.H. Road, Shiocton,
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents “Chase and the Ovation: A Prince
Tribute Band,” 8 p.m., Tickets $20, Casino Event Center, 715-787-3110,
Leopolis Booster Club’s Kids Free Fishing Day: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., must be
accompanied by parent, free prizes for winners, refreshments available,
Leopolis Pond, Leopolis,, 715-787-4402
War Bonnet’s 7 Anniversary Party: 11 a.m., Pig Roast, Volley Ball Tourney,
Music 7 pm, N926 Hwy 47/55, Keshena, 715-799-4413,
15 Annual Fireworks Country Fireworks Extravaganza: 1 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.,
monster fireworks show & live music, Wittenberg Area Chamber, 715-881-2111
Music in the Park presents: “John Koenigs Jr. & Sarah”, 6:30-8:30 p.m.,
Memorial Park Shelter, corner of Lincoln & Lieg St.; bring your lawn chairs,
sponsored by the Shawano Park & Rec. Department
Shawano City-County Library Annual Book Sale & Fundraiser: 4 p.m. to
8 p.m., Mon. Sneak Peek $2; Tues. & Wed. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., brat fry, hosted by
Friends of Shawano Libraries, Inc., 128 S. Sawyer St., 715-526-3829
Shawano Memory Café: Caring for someone with memory problems? First
Tuesday of every month, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., all are welcome, Glas
Coffeehouse, 511 N. Main St., Shawano
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents “Kenny James Duo,” 4 p.m., free
show on the gaming floor, 715-787-3110,
Firefly, Frogs & a Campfire, Oh My! at NNC: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., jars and nets to
catch frogs, fireflies, campfire and S’mores, $4 member, $6 nonmember, $12
families Navarino Nature Center, 715-758-6999,
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Morgan Creek Band”, 9:30 p.m.,
free in the lounge,, 715-799-3600
Woodland Fairy Day Camp at NNC: 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., one day camp for
children that includes building fairy houses, fee $40 per child, RSVP, W5646
Lindsten Road, Shiocton, 715-758-6999,
College of Menominee Nation Benefit Golf Outing: 11 a.m., 4-man scramble, 18
holes of golf, cart, lunch, dinner, raffle, & awards, Thornberry Creek, Oneida,
715-799-5600, ext. 3156,
Annual Wittenberg Community Days: Sat. 2 p.m. to 11 p.m., rides, games,
food, Sat. 7 p.m., Live music, fireworks, Sun. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Parade at Noon,
Washington Park, Webb St.,, 715-881-2111
Shawano Lake Music Fest: Music runs from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m., featuring “Bad
Habitz”, “MC Whitehorse”, and “Johnny Wad”, No cover charge, Shawano Lake
Golf Course, W5714 Lake Dr., Shawano, 715-524-4890
“Emerging Talents III”, an exhibit of original art by Wittenberg and Birnamwood
students, K-12 grade. Show opens 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day, WOWSPACE,
114 Vinal St, downtown Wittenberg, 715-253-3525,
Shawano Summerfest and Car Show: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., 100-200 blocks of S.
Main Street will be blocked to traffic, free admission, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., vendors,
live music, and food, fun for the whole family! 4:30 p.m. Karaoke Contest,
6 p.m. Live music by NightHawk, 715-853-3775,
Navarino Nature Center Presents: “Operation Migration”, 6 p.m., Guest speaker
Joe Duff, Operation Migration CEO & former ultra-pilot, sponsored by
Community Foundation of the Fox Valley, $5 members, $10 non-members,
W5646 Lindsten Rd., Shiocton, 715-758-6999,
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “The Listening Party”, W6026 Lake
Drive, Shawano,, 715-524-8711
Father’s Day
J&H Game Farm Father’s Day Special: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fathers ½ price,
W5810 J&H Road, Navarino, 715-758-8134,
The Lighthouse lakeside music: “Rocker”, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., W6440 Gumaer
Road, Shawano, 715-526-5600
Music in the Park presents: “Bee’s Knees”, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Memorial Park
Shelter, corner of Lincoln & Lieg St.; bring your lawn chairs, sponsored by the
Shawano Park & Rec. Department
Shawano Area Community Foundation 25 Annual Golf Outing: 11 a.m.
registration, 12 p.m. Shotgun start, $100 per golfer, dinner only $25, Shawano
Lake Golf Course, Lake Drive, Shawano, 715-851-4563
Music in the Park presents: “Lonesome Road”, 6:30- 8:30 p.m., Memorial Park
Shelter, corner of Lincoln & Lieg St.; bring your lawn chairs, sponsored by the
Shawano Park & Rec. Department
Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Outing:
registration 10 a.m., shotgun start at 11 a.m., 4-person scramble, team
must be co-ed to be eligible for awards, $75 per player, $300 per team,
18 holes with cart, dinner and raffle ticket, Dinner 5 p.m., dinner only $30,
rain or shine, Golden Sands Golf Course, Cecil, 715-524-2139
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents “Scotty Meyer,” 4 p.m., free show
on the gaming floor, 715-787-3110,
Community Dinner: 5:30 p.m., join us for food and conversation, First
Presbyterian Church, 100 Presbyterian Street, located on the corner of Main
and Presbyterian Streets,
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Melody Best”, 9:30 p.m., free in the
lounge,, 715-799-3600
SAYPRO Steering Committee: Noon, Jeff Mace Conference Room,
Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce, Shawano, 715-524-2139
Green Bay Packer Tailgate Tour: 6 p.m., join Packers President/CEO,
Players and Packers Alumni, Tickets $30 include souvenir, dinner, drinks &
event, 100% of proceeds benefit Red River Riders, The Crawford Center,
255 S. Waukechon St., Shawano, 715-853-6499,
CarFit Helping Mature Drivers Find Their Safest Fit: Educational program for
older adults, 9 a.m. to Noon, Free Event, Pine Manor Health and Rehabilitation,
1625 E. Main St., Clintonville, Register at 920-740-9572
Cookout for a Cause Fundraiser: 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Selling brats, burgers,
hotdog meals, All proceeds go to SAM25 Emergency Shelter, Sponsored by
Atrium Post Acute Care of Shawano Evergreen, Maple Lane and Birch Hill,
Memorial Park, on corner of Main and Lieg Streets, Shawano, 715-526-3107
Business Connection hosted by Navarino Nature Center: *NOTE DATE
CHANGE*, 5 to 6:30 p.m., W5646 Lindsten Rd., Navarino, 715-524-2139
Menominee Casino Resort presents: “Manny B”, 9:30 p.m., free in the lounge,, 715-799-3600
Flatrock Music 16 Annual Bluegrass Jamboree hosted by Farmer Gene’s
Campground: Bands include, Dry Branch Fire Squad, Whiskey Bent Valley
Boys, The Tillers, Sloppy Joe, Liver Killers, Art Stevenson & High Water, &
Burnt Toast & Jam, Tickets available at the gate, Camping available,N11301
Kinney Lake Rd., Marion, 715-754-5900,
Spaghetti Dinner: AYCE, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., includes spaghetti with meat sauce
and garlic bread, Adults $7.50, Kids $5.50, All proceeds benefit the Shawano
Lake Lioness Club, Studio Lounge & Dining, W7703 Cty. Rd. MMM, Shawano
Exite Elite Realty Ribbon Cutting: 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Open House/Grand
Opening, 4:30 p.m. Ribbon Cutting, 517 E. Green Bay St., Shawano
North Star Mohican Casino Resort presents “Clinton Miller,” 8 p.m., free show
in the Groove Lounge, 715-787-3110,
Annie’s Campground: Water Wars Phase I weekend, water balloons, squirt
guns and other creations. Free waffles & coffee for Dad on Sunday, W12505
Roosevelt Road, Gresham, 715-787-3652,
Shawano Ski Sharks Learn-2-Ski: “Shark Fins”, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., all ski
equipment supplies, register at Shawano Park & Rec., 715-526-6171,
Wolf River Beach, 211 Riverside Dr., Shawano
Shawano Ski Sharks Adaptive Learn-2-Ski: “Believe and Ski”, noon to 3 p.m.,
all ski equipment supplies, register at Shawano Park & Rec., 715-526-6171,
Wolf River Beach, 211 Riverside Dr., Shawano
Dynamic Designs Educational Fridays: 7:45 a.m. to 8:45 a.m., “Email Marketing
is Alive! How to use Constant Contact for your Business Growth”, Free session,
1142 Mountain Dr., Pulaski, RSVP 920-822-4450,
Shawano Park & Rec. Community Sailing Program: 1 p.m. or 5 p.m, Free
introduction to sailing class, Shawano County Park, Lake Drive, 715-526-6171
Glas Coffeehouse Presents “Skip Jones”: 6 p.m., come enjoy the music & great
coffee, 511 N. Main St., Shawano, 715-851-4527,
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Maxwell Jones & Keith Farnum,”
W6026 Lake Drive, Shawano,, 715-524-8711
Tilleda Dayz: Sat. cribbage & bean bag tourneys, city-wide rummage/craft sale,
food. Sunday parade 1 p.m., Kids games, music, 715-787-4532
“Emerging Talents III”, an exhibit of original art by Wittenberg and Birnamwood
students, K-12 grade. Show opens 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day, WOWSPACE,
114 Vinal St, downtown Wittenberg, 715-253-3525,
2 Annual Wolf River Paddle & Pedal: Co-sponsored by Mountain Bay
Outfitters & Shawano Pathways. Paddle down the Wolf River & 3 country bike
routes to Shawano, www., 715-526-8823
Wholistic Yoga Center Class: “Yoga Saturday”, 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., for
beginners to intermediate, 138 S. Main St., Shawano, 715-526-9086
Willow Plant Stand Workshop: 9 a.m., Create a willow plant stand, class limited
to 10 participants, $50 per project, RSVP by June 15, Navarino Nature Center,
W5646 Lindsten Rd., Shiocton, 715-758-6999,
Ongoing Events ~
Free Tea Classes Now through November: Every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30
p.m. Call to sign up, space is limited, ANEW Emporium, 103 South Main St., Shawano,
Heritage Park Museum Tours: June thru August, Thursday 1:30 to 4 p.m., Saturday
9:30 a.m. to noon or by appointment, 524 N. Franklin St., Shawano, 715-526-3323
Highway 29 Flea Market & Craft Show: (Weather Permitting) Saturdays and Sundays,
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., free parking & admission, W9821 State Hwy 29, near mile marker 218
west of Shawano, 715-524-5747
Cotton Patch Wine In The Woods: Every Wednesday, Wine & local Wisconsin cheese,
Bottle of wine and large cheese board, $15, W4890 Lake Dr., Shawano, 715-745-2101
The Kehtekaewak ‘They Eat Food’ Farmers Market: Every Thursday thru Sept. 29,
12 p.m. to 6 p.m., All are welcome, local produce, handmade products, hot food, College
of Menominee Nation, N172 St. Hwy. 47/55, Keshena, 715-799-6226, ext. 3154
Outdoor Worship Service: Public invited, 6 p.m. Wednesday evenings thru August 24
at the Shawano County Park, W5785 Lake Drive, led Resurrection Ev. Lutheran Church,
Shawano, 715-701-2562, 715-823-3674,
Outdoor Worship Service: Public invited, 9:30 a.m., Sunday mornings thru Labor Day
(Sept. 4) at The Shawano County Park, W5785 Lake Drive, led by Zion Lutheran Church
ELCA, Shawano, 715-526-2017,
Porter’s Patch: Pick Your Own Strawberry and Pea Adventure to begin approximately
around the 20 to 28 of June and will only last 2 to 3 weeks. Fresh Asparagus and
Lettuce should will be available through the 20 of June. As always, we recommend a
call to place an order or to check picking conditions. Visit for
further info. 715-758-8162 or 715-584-2070, W4314 State Hwy 156, Bonduel (Navarino)
Saturday Night Stock Car Races: 6 p.m., ½ mile dirt oval track, Shawano Speedway,
990 E. Green Bay St., Shawano, 866-715-6532,
Shawano City-County Library Adult Program: DIY Crafts and more, 4:30 p.m.,
June 20 & 27, 128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano, 715-526-3829
Shawano City-County Library Teen Program: noon to 4 p.m., Monday & Friday,
3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday, begins June 1, 128 S. Sawyer St., Shawano, 715-526-3829
Shawano Farmers Market: Saturdays Jun. 18 to Oct. 8, 8 a.m. to noon, Franklin Park,
235 S. Washington St., Shawano, 715-851-9834,
Shawano Ski Sharks: Wednesdays, June 8 thru August 17, Pre-show 5:30 p.m.,
Show 6 p.m., Wolf River Beach, 211 Riverside Dr., Shawano,
Shawano Sports Park: Adventure Mini Golf, Batting Cages, Go-Karts, Open daily
9 a.m. to 10 p.m., 1056 E. Green Bay St., Shawano, 715-524-3849,
Twig’s Beverage Sundrop University Museum & Gift Shop: Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., closed Sun., Scheduled Tours available,
920 S. Franklin St., Shawano, 715-526-5031,
Wittenberg Museum: Open 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., every Sunday until Labor Day, also by
appointment, 500 W. Summit St., 715-881-0326, Wittenberg Area Historical Society
WOWSPACE Improv In The Park: Thursday’s from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Free lessons, join
in the fun or be the audience, No commitment come when you can, in the Art Park, next
to the WOWSPACE, 114 Vinal St., Wittenberg, 715-253-3525
Zurko 46 Annual Flea Market: thru Oct. 3: Sundays, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Holiday Sales:
May 28-29, July 2-3, Shawano County Fairgrounds, 990 E. Green Bay St.,
July Independence Day Events
Novolex Custom Film & Bag (formerly Wisconsin Film & Bag) Open House:
11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Food, refreshments, plant tours, safety awareness, info on
recycling center, and blood pressure screenings, 3100 Richmond St., Shawano
Massive Holiday Flea Markets: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Shawano County
Fairgrounds, 715-526-9769,
11 Annual Cloverleaf Lakes Kiddie Parade, 10 a.m. Pontoon Parade,
6:30 p.m., Pine and Grass Lakes, followed by fireworks at dusk, Pine Lake
The Thunderbird presents Dinner & Music on the patio with “Wade Fernandez”,
6 p.m. to 10 p.m., W106 County Trunk VV, Keshena, 715-799-6543
Gresham 4 of July Festivities: Parade 10:30 a.m., Bike Give-a-Way after
parade, Fireworks at dusk, Gresham
Classic’s Restaurant & Lounge presents: “Dave Deon & the Soul Inserations,”
W6026 Lake Drive, Shawano,, 715-524-8711
Shawano Ski Sharks Sunday Night Show: 6 p.m., Wolf River Beach,
211 Riverside Dr., Shawano,
US Air Motorsports features: “Club FR-Driters” on the race track, W5901
County Road BE, Shawano, 715-524-9231,
Shawano Fireworks: Shawano City/County Airport, 715-524-2139
3 Annual Dairy Dash & Stroll 5K Run/Walk: held in conjunction with the
Shawano County Brunch on the Farm. 5K course on the farm, Registration
6:30 a.m., Race 7:30 a.m., Registration Fee. Bonnin Farm, W3752 E. Slab City
Rd., Bonduel,
Clintonville Fireworks: food, live music, activities begin at 6 p.m., W. A. Olen
Athletic Field, Clintonville, 715-823-4606
Tigerton 4 of July Block Party: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., music, games, food,
fireworks at dusk, Community Park, Tigerton, 715-535-2110,
Bonduel’s 105 Annual July 4 Celebration Parade at 11 a.m., bicycle
giveaways, baseball games, food, beverages, and entertainment all day at
Village Park, fireworks at 9:45 p.m.,
Leopolis Triathlon: Sponsored by the Leopolis Booster Club, race 11 a.m.,
parade 1:30 p.m., ballgame follows, lunch, refreshments, raffle, entertainment,
trophies for winners, Leopolis,, 715-787-4402
33 Annual Shawano County Farm Bureau Brunch on the Farm: 9 a.m. to
1 p.m., at Kevin & Shawn Bonnin Farm, W3752 E. Slab City Rd., Bonduel,
Church service on the farm 8 a.m., Delicious dairy breakfast, dairy tours,
petting zoo, children’s games, live music, antique tractors & more
3 Annual Veterans of the Menominee Nation Golf Tournament: 10:30 a.m.,
4 person scramble, $300 per team, cocktails 3:30 p.m., dinner to follow,
Shawano Lake Golf Course, N5714 Lake Dr., Shawano, 715-851-2127
The Lighthouse lakeside music: “Revolution”, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.,
W6440 Gumaer Road, Shawano, 715-526-5600