Volume 23, Issue 3 Page 541 West Keith Road, North Vancouver, BC V7M 1M5 Principal: Mr. J. Campbell Vice Principal: Mr. C. Campbell Vice Principal: Mr. T. Horton Tel: 604-987-4431 Fax: 604-987-7816 Web: VOLUME 23, ISSUE 3 November 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Honour Roll 2-5 School News 6-9 Academic Advisor News 10 Community News 11-12 IMPORTANT DATES IN DECEMBER Parent/Teacher interviews 1 No classes Christmas Concert 7 School Mass 8 Fine Arts Evening 14 Spirit Day 16 Last day of classes before Christmas break 18 Jesus is the Reason for the Season” “ A s we enter into this season of Advent, let us take the time to think about what the birth of Jesus means in our lives. It is easy to get distracted with the commercialized nature and the busyness of the season, thus taking away the true reason for the Christmas experience. Jesus’ birth, marks the beginning of a life lead by compassion and service to our fellow man, an example for us all to follow. I witnessed this spirit of service at our last grounds cleanup on November 21. In the above picture, 3 of our international students volunteered to help out with the yard work. As you can tell from the way they dressed, they had never done this type of work before, but the smile you see never left their faces the whole time. This positive attitude is an attribute possessed by people who feel they are making a difference. Let us be aware of the great opportunities and blessings we have as members of the St. Thomas Aquinas school community. In our celebration of Christ’s birth, let us focus on the positives and celebrate what we all have in common…God’s love. Have a great December! John Campbell Page 2 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS NOVEMBER HONOUR ROLL GRADE 8 Jacob Kosel 98 Abbott, Leah Li, Rachel Sydney McLennan 97 Ayat, Jules Lowe, Caitlin Samantha Scalabrino 97 Benic, Viktorija Lyall, Rachel Maria Cune 96 Borejszo, Lucas Maglieri, Olivia Evyndira Alnuweiri 96 Bosa, Ava Marilley-Bodner, Benjamin Melissa Balun 96 Bowen, Aaron Markwick, Zoe Alice Fu 96 Breitkreuz, Krista Martin, Julia Michael Burran 96 Butt, Aron Mastrangelo, Sophia Sophia Kostamo 96 Castellon, Elena Matoulek, Natalie Diego Altamirano 96 Censorio, Isabella McAndrew, Boston Gemma Cutler 95 Ciambrelli, Ashley McGeough, Matthew Isabella Cesareo 95 Clarke, Jessica Mo, Ryan Allison Conejar 95 Cruz, Daniel Neal, Stephanie Genevieve Calamo 95 Damery, Edward O’Flynn, Michael Isabella Galat 95 Duthie, Thomas Panopio, Guia Christine Weiss 94 Falahian, Niloofar Parkinson, Hunter Katharina Stockwell 94 Giefing, Ava Parrotta, Julia Veronica Zoleta 94 Guan, Yifan Pavlovic, Marina Erik Sanoria 94 Habibzadeh-Miandoab, Amir Pereira, Sharlene Petra Jozsa 94 Heffring, Madison Prescott, Caelan Emily Bracken 94 Hoey, Caleb Rangel, Sofia Shaylee Weitman 94 Hogan, Matthew Sarad, Gabriel Rudi Kischer 94 Hong, Jean Sarvas, Emma Madeline Urbani 93 Hong, Ejun Siddoo, Argen Evan Tancredi 93 Hong, Kevin Soberano, Darren Anikka-Mae Milla 93 Kero, Ava Spadavecchia, Elio Michelle Yun 92 Kim, Chelsea Spadavecchia, Danet Mika Coyle 92 King, Lili Tidman, Jakob Sam Winter 92 Kramer, Anna Tomas, Nicolas Cleo Cox 92 Kwong, Nicholas Winter, Meg Adam Pizzolon 92 Leblanc-Pratt, Felix Wouters, Julia Lauren Campbell 92 Lee, Ryan Zadeiks, Mia Alyssa Almerling 92 Olivia Rodrigues 92 Names in bold denote First Class Honours (92%+) Average Honour roll students are listed alphabetically, have achieved an overall average of 82% or greater and/or have achieved Excellent or Good work habits in all subjects. Volume 23, Issue 3 Page 3 NOVEMBER HOUNOUR ROLL GRADE 9 Eryk Kobza 99 Apostol, Santiago Jin, Zheyi Pasley Vandermye 98 Balce, Carla Karimpanal, Abraham Kiana Burran 96 Baldry, Louise Keller, Poppy Thomas Rieder 96 Bernardez-Lai, Marco Kent, Deirdre Paul Moolan 96 Bizzotto, Gianluca Kielar, Matthew Jaekyung Eo 96 Bovill, Ava Kitt, Jillian Grace Lee 96 Brick, Liam Krohman, Rebecca Emily Shaughnessy 96 Brown, Steven Kuwalek, Sara Raphael Plana 96 Buitenhuis, Noah Liu, Tiffany Thomas Thordarson 96 Chua, Lorainne Liu, Andersen Hunor Szabo 96 Clarke, Rebecca Luo, Brent Ericka Cagunot 96 Corvera-Alfonso, Nathan Luo, Jerry Peter Ljuljovic 96 Cox, Joshua MacLean, Ryan Alyssa Dimaandal 96 Darby, James McDonald, Ben Olivia Thorpe 95 Dimas, Sarah Morse, Samuel Sara Saffar 95 Duro, Alyssa Nacorda, Julianne Sofia Panzetta 95 Ellis, John Osorio Tejero, Rodrigo Sara Bremsak 95 Feigl-Schmidt, Mattias Paguntalan, Ryan Evie Hwang 95 Flaim, Isabella Rodriguez, Mayela Michelle Nock 94 Ford, Duncan Romero, Alejandra Joshua Savage 94 Gali, Joshua Santacroce, John Kristinn Black 94 Gates, Michael Sarana, Jasroop Kyuri Lee 94 Goodwin, Daniel Schneider, Aidan Mikaela Ong 93 Hamilton, Matthew Shim, Jaemin Rose Davidson 93 Han, Helen Somerville, Logan Stefanie Bordignon 93 Harris, Laura Tanada, Alyssa Justin Purkiss 93 Hickey, Amber Themens, Brogan Katrina Buno 93 Hinze, Aidan Thiersch, Maya Alexander Bauermeister 93 Hodgins, Connor Tumaneng, Gabrielle Krista Alcantara 93 Houser, Woojin Watton, Colby Dominique De Guzman 93 Hughes, Terence Wheeler, Julie Jane Darby 93 Islas, Pablo Whelan, Carmela Dylan Factor 93 Jennex, Kiahna Zhang, Katie Rozelle Abad 92 Brendan Flynn 92 Grace Martin-Wirta 92 Carrie Liu 92 Names in bold denote First Class Honours (92%+) Average Honour roll students are listed alphabetically, have achieved an overall average of 82% or greater and/or have achieved Excellent or Good work habits in all subjects. Page 4 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS NOVEMBER HONOUR ROLL GRADE 10 GRADE 11 Thomas Curalli 98 Dupouy Pardo, Mariana Madeline Labreche 96 Hwang, Yolanda Michael O’Keefe 98 Ford, James Hengrui Zou 96 Irving, Matt Carissa Moore 97 Galat, Gabriel Carlos Battistini 95 Kekulthotuwage, Don Ann Joby 97 Haaf, Bella Petra Feigl-Schmidt 94 Kelly, Michael Natasha Nock 96 Heuchert, Noah Mary Miiller 93 Kent, Emma Alice Hong 96 Holman, Sam Matthew Weiss 93 Kilborn, Elizabeth Rachel Cruz 96 Karimpanal, Grace Thomas Buhler 93 Lin, Jialu Julia Hughes 96 Kemper, Joshua Alexia Orozco Morales 93 Liu, Celine Nicole Greig 96 Kim, Kevin Phillip Kosy 92 Ljuljovic, Michaela Dante Agosti-Moro 96 Kulka, Nik Aoife Whelehan 92 Lowe, Stephanie Wendy Wimberley 96 Kwok-Choon, Emily Aguilar, Xydus MacDonald, Claire Diana Pavel 95 La Porta, Teresa Balce, Adrienne Machry, Kiara Joshua Yellowley 94 Li, Justin Barajas, Maria Mengistu-Zelleke, Naomi Atlasi Rasuli 94 Mengistu, Tinsae Barrales, Saul Ong, Samantha Min Ji Hong 93 Mora, Michael Bauer, Parker Piri, Rastin Katherine Harland 93 Mossannen-Amini, Arshia Bergeron-Vitez, Himali Purkiss, Matthew Valerie Kasabashian 93 Olson, Annika Birtch, Megan Rieder, Jack Adelle Pawlik 93 Onak, David Botteselle, Matteo Schneider, Jordan Trevor Flanigan 93 Pittalwala, Suraya Brown, Theresa Slowey, Dominique Chanelle McPhee 93 Redpath, Anastasia Bunderla, Jake Soberano, Brenson Jon Tubeo 92 Richards, Hannah Censorio, Chiara St Arnaud, Dominique Isabella Parrotta 92 Sapanta, Francis Cesareo, Natasha Tan, Alicia Annie Bremer Sada 92 Scott, Amy Chae, John Tumaneng, Ysabelle Jacob Nieckarz 92 Scott, Derek Choi, Rosa Zenarosa, Samantha Altamirano, Maria Senense, Nichelle Chua, Matthew Zerbe, Monika Annen, Dominic Singh, Sanjana Clark, Harrison Zoleta, Nicole Balmaceda, Justin Song, Abigale Factor, Danielle Boppart, Sam Tam, Ethan Flores, Michael Bulalakaw, Kyle Tumamak, Joshua Fujisawa, Sam Burak, Lidia Yu, Zhihao Godinho, Chad Concepcion, Katsy Wattier, Matthew Grossling, Mateo Dahl, Erik Weinborn, Katie Harlos, Dana Diana, Irene Zerbe, Emilia Harris, Luke Names in bold denote First Class Honours (92%+) Average Honour roll students are listed alphabetically, have achieved an overall average of 82% or greater and/or have achieved Excellent or Good work habits in all subjects. Volume 23, Issue 3 Page 5 NOVEMBER HONOUR ROLL GRADE 12 Laine Wishart 98 Abel, Carolyn Lee, Jason Lauren Diego 96 Benavides, Emilia Lyall, Sarah Andrew Savage 96 Beronio, Jeffrey Ma, Vanessa Sean Docherty 95 Bowman, Stephen Markwick, Bea Natasha Harland 95 Bowman, Julia Martin-Wirta, Olivia Danielle Harrington 95 Burns, Pierce Oducayen, Paul Natasha Marilley-Bodner 95 Coyne, Jack Orendain, John Timothy Lin 94 Cusano, Joanna Sackville-Hii, Kai Kelly Huang 94 Dmitrenko, Arina Sarmiento, Chelsea Mark Davidson 94 Domingo, Angela Scalabrino, Ryan Claire Wishart 94 Ellis, Patrick Sherry, Regan Melody Shayanfar 94 Felicella, Alyssa Sim, Peter Brittany Weatherstone 94 Ferguson, Gemma Smith, Adam Calvin Kam 94 Gomez, Juan Carlos Somerville, Matthew Nathan Chua 93 Grenier, Raven Taaffe, Orlagh Carlene Spagnuolo 93 Hu, Elaine Tarica, Chantilla Tyler Moore 93 Hudon, Sarah Thorpe, Mallory Jacob Brus 92 Jones, Angelie Tupaz, Jilliane Monica Bowman 92 Kayani, Aurash Van Buekenhout, Sara Kimia Ghanbari 92 Keller, Brent Viljoen, Rianette Sarah Lohin 92 Kim, Chan Wong, Nicole Alexandra De Guzman 92 Krohman, Gavin Wu, Sam Ladio, Caci Zhang, Crystal Abad, Katrina Names in bold denote First Class Honours (92%+) Average Honour roll students are listed alphabetically, have achieved an overall average of 82% or greater and/or have achieved Excellent or Good work habits in all subjects. C GRAD 2016 ongratulations to the Grad Class of 2015 for their efforts with this year’s Purdy’s Christmas Chocolate Sale. The combined sales of over $8,000 helped the participating grads chipped away at year end Grad expenses. Each vendor earned 25% of his/her sales which will then be deducted from their total amount owing for the Dinner/Dance event in June. They’ll have another opportunity in the Spring with the Purdy’s Easter Chocolate Sale. Grad Wear 2016 order forms were distributed on November 25. Grads can choose either black or charcoal sweatpants or hoodies with a Grad 2016 logo. Sample sizes are available to try on in the library. Order forms and payments are due to the grad coordinators by Friday, December 11. Ms Mattia, Ms Martins, Ms Liang - Coordinators Page 6 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS S.T.A. MUSIC DEPARTMENT W e would like to invite all parents and family members to come out and attend our two performances in December. On Monday, December 7 at 7:00 P.M. we present our 30 th annual Christmas Concert at the school, featuring our four Concert Bands and our two Jazz Ensembles. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. Students performing in the bands will need to be in attendance at 6:00 P.M. They will receive a mark for their participation in the concert, and a mark for their written evaluation of the performances. Our Concert Choir and Chamber Choir will perform at the Fine Arts Evening on Monday, December 14 in our gym. The evening includes an Art Exhibition and performances by our Acting classes. On Saturday, November 21 a brass quintet comprising Harrison Clark, Dominique St. Arnaud, Alexis Romero, Xydus Aguilar and Thomas Buhler performed at The Bay in Park Royal. On November 13 and 15 two of our senior percussionists, Natasha Harland and Sarah Lyall, performed with the West Coast Symphony. Congratulations to these students for representing our school so well in the community. O ur religion classes will be writing Christmas Cards to inmates in our local jails this December to bring the love of Christ and a sense of belonging to those in jail. A number of our North Shore parishes have started prison ministry initiatives and are working with St. Thomas Aquinas to help students understand the needs of those in prison. Many prisoners do not receive any visitors as they are far from home and they rarely receive cards at Christmas time and feel very alone and isolated. The fact that others care enough to send them a card and that the school community is praying for them moves many of them beyond measure. (For security reasons, no personal information is given and the inmates do not know where the cards come from) There is a drop off box outside the STA office. We would appreciate the cards by December 7. Any cards received after this date will be sent to inmates to send to their own families. Volume 23, Issue 3 Page 7 JUNIOR BOYS SOCCER T he Junior Boys Soccer Team have a lot to be proud of as they qualified for playoffs in an ultra competitive North Shore Division. In order to qualify for playoffs, the boys faced the daunting task of needing to win their last three league games of the season, but they did exactly that!! They defeated Argyle in a thrilling 6 round shootout, and followed that with a convincing 2-0 win against the Handsworth Royals. The boys had one final do or die league game to play against the Windsor Dukes, and again were victorious by a score of 2-0. This set up a semi-final match against the league champions from Sentinel. The Spartans had only conceded two goals all season prior to this match, but the Fighting Saints were able to score two goals on them in a span of 30 minutes!! With the score tied at two and only ten minutes left to play, Sentinel scored the go ahead goal and never looked back. It was a tough loss, but the boys represented their school well and handed the Spartans their toughest match of the season! This group of young men from grades 8-10 were extremely committed and played with heart and determination all season. They were an absolute pleasure to coach! Melisa Savino and Felipe Grossling (Junior Boys Soccer Coaches) STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT G rade 11 student Luke Harris photographed helping a handicapped student, Ges, compete at the most recent BC Schools Cross Country Championships. Luke won the 800 meter provincial championship this past June, but has been on the shelf recovering from surgery to his legs. Even though he was suffering from great pain in his legs prior to his surgery, he fought through the pain and still won the championships. Slowing the pace with his “buddy” Ges has helped Luke with his rehab. Completing the route with Ges was very rewarding and even though they were both soaking wet, they had smiles on their faces after the race. Keep up the good work Luke and best of luck when you start your races again! Page 8 W ST. THOMAS AQUINAS ould you write a message to your graduate for the 2016 yearbook? book, provided it is labeled with the student’s name. If you would like to send the picture electronically, it should be at least 300 dpi. 2. Your write-up may be submitted on paper or via e-mail. This message must be no longer than 100 words. 3. Cheque made payable to STA for $25.00 The Media Arts class is now working on the senior section of the yearbook and requests you to forward a baby photo, write-up and payment to the STA office by Thursday, December 3. Label the envelope: REGAN SHERRY– PERSONAL & You may keep the write up secretive by giving it directly to Regan Sherry. CONFIDENTIAL Please enclose: Email to: 1. Photo with the student’s name on Or the back. The photo must be a baby picture of your son or daughter and All families of graduates are will be returned at the end of the encouraged to submit a memory! school year with the year- Space is limited and submissions are due no later than December 3. If there are any concerns, please feel free to contact the school at (604) 987-4431 weekdays until 3:30 pm. The yearbook staff cannot guarantee inclusion in the yearbook if pictures and write-ups are handed in late. Thank you for your support! Yearbook Staff ALUMNI NEWS L ieutenant Colonel Chris England (Royal Canadian Air Force), STA Grad 1984, visited his alma mater on November 4. While at STA he toured the school and talked with students who are interested in going into the air force. Lieutenant Colonel England is currently assigned to the Pentagon in Washington D.C. as Canada’s representative to the Air and Space Interoperability Council (ASIC). Before his appointment to Washington he was the commanding officer of the Snowbirds, the 431 Air Demonstration Squadron. Athena Macapagal, STA grad 1998, now Sister A ntoniana with Pope Francis. Volume 23, Issue 3 Page 9 LIBRARY NEWS A long with gusty winds, some rain and even gorgeous sunshine, November brought with it time to reflect and to remember. This month, in honour of Remembrance Day, the STA library showcased a generous selection of books on both World Wars as well as various books on Saints. use of our soccer resources for their assignment. Finally, Mr. Galat and the Geography 12 class made good use of magazines such as National Geographic, Canadian Geographic, Popular Science, Discover, Macleans and newspapers such as the Vancouver Sun in researching for their Environmental Scrapbook assignments. Just in time for Remembrance Day, Mr. Campbell’s Social Studies 11 students researched North Vancouver veterans of war for their Virtual Cenotaph assignments. They made use of both print materials and websites such as the online Virtual War Memorial and Veterans Affairs Canada site. The library is a very busy place at lunch hour, before and after school as students use the space to work, and play. Ms. Restivo’s Earth Science 11 class researched Canadians in Space while Mr. Grenier’s SS 9/10 class made use of both print and online resources for their Aboriginal Travel Brochure assignment. Mr. Jessiman’s PE Wrestling class worked on their Healthy Living assignment in library while Mr. V achon’s PE 11/12 group made THE ROSARY MAN FONDLY REMEMBERED Many are taking advantage of our great collection of board games and enjoying some social down time with friends. D. Mattia/ J. Mendoza Teacher Librarians, D. Carvalho Library Technician Charles Jacobs, known to many as “The Rosary Man”, died on All Souls Day, November 2, four days after his 96th birthday. Daughter Catherine Jacobs said praying the rosary was a daily occurrence at home and a great part of her father’s spiritual life. After her mother had a stroke in 1971, “every evening, the TV would be turned off, a candle lit, and the rosary was prayed.” It was after Charles Jacobs’s last sibling died in 2000, leaving several rosaries behind, that he came up with the idea of giving rosaries to graduates. “He was trying to figure out what to do with them,” Catherine said. “The vision was that all graduating students should have ‘a rosary in one hand and a diploma in the other.’” That phrase became Jacobs’s motto as he bought and donated hundreds of rosaries to students in Catholic schools graduating from Grades 7 and 12. Catherine estimates he gave away 20,000 over the years. Excerpt from the BC Catholic Page 10 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS NEWS FROM THE ACADEMIC ADVISOR….. UNIVERSITY PRESENTATIONS The following Universities were at STA during the month of November, giving presentations about their programs, as well as their admission criteria and application process: University of Western Ontario, University of Calgary, University of Alberta HOMEWORK CLUB AND PEER TUTORING? Report Card not what you were hoping for? POST-SECONDARY INSTITUTE SELECTIONS All grade 12 students had the opportunity during HACE week and their Grad Transition classes to register through the BC Ministry of Education Student Secure website to enable the Ministry to send BC and Ontario Post-Secondary Institutes student transcripts. Students must select the BC and Ontario options to give the Ministry approval to forward their transcripts. If they have not completed this process students should log into the following website and follow the listed instructions: Students have the ability to select Post-Secondary Universities outside of BC and Ontario as well through this website to ensure each Post-Secondary University listed has access to transcripts for admission requirements. On top of extra help, there is always the drop in Homework Club in room 207, the Learning Resource Center, every day till 4:00 pm (closed once a month for staff meetings). We have many teachers and TA’s who can help, as well as a whole room for Peer Tutoring which also runs Monday through Thursdays. We can help with everything from Religion 8 to Calculus 12. No sign up required unless you wanted a specific Peer tutoring schedule. If you have any questions about homework club, you can contact Mrs. Hidalgo at Peer tutoring requests can go to Mr. Friesen at TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS Students who require a copy of their transcript for Post-Secondary Institutions, Scholarships, Bursaries or Employment Applications should request it from Ms. Paruzzolo. Please allow two days for processing. POST-SECONDARY INSTITUTE APPLICATIONS Application deadlines and procedures are different for each Post-Secondary Institution. Students are strongly encouraged to visit the website of each Post-Secondary Institute they are interested in attending to ensure they are aware of specific deadline dates, application process and costs. REFERENCE LETTERS Requests for reference letters should be made at least three weeks prior to an application deadline. As part of the request, students should also include a copy of their “A ll A bout Me” form, resume and any specific criteria, to ensure a comprehensive reference letter. Volume 23, Issue 3 Page 11 SNOW WHITE is Cast and Ready to Wow You! A fter a very busy month of preparation, the Production team is excited to announce that "Snow White" is now cast and pr epar ing for their full cast read-through with newcomers Teresa Laporta (grade 10) as Snow White and Claire Traille (grade 11) as the Evil Queen. We cannot wait to unveil our fabulous show to you from April 28-30, 2016 at the Blue Shore Financial Centre for the Performing Arts at Capilano University! Mark your calendars! Also, if you are building and carpentry inclined and think that you may be able to assist us with our set in any way this year, please contact Cristina McAllister at See you there! -Cristina McAllister, Director SCIENCE FAIR NEEDS YOU! S cience Fair Judges Needed – We Want YOU! We are looking for judges for our Fourteenth Annual Grade 8 Science Fair. This event will take place from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM on Wednesday, January 13. Training for judges will be provided on the day of the event, as will lunch! While YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE A BACKGROUND IN SCIENCE TO BE A WONDERFUL SCIENCE FAIR JUDGE, this is certainly an asset. All interested parents or STA alumni should please email Ms. Treacy at SCHOOLBUCKS The Perfect Gift A big warm thank you to all those families who made that extra effort to participate in the SchoolBucks’ program these past few months! Please know your gift of purchasing these gift cards goes beyond giving the card itself. You are helping the school reach its goal of rebuilding a bigger and improved St. Thomas Aquinas. The perfect gift. Thank you! One more chance to place an order before Christmas and the end of 2015!! Order forms are due Thursday, December 10th with pick-up the following Thursday, December 17th. Page 12 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS COME ON OUT TO OUR ANNUAL FINE ARTS EVENING! You are all invited to join us in the gym on Monday, December 14 for our Annual Fine Arts Evening. The shows featuring Drama 8, 9, 10, and Acting 11 and 12 as well as our Concert and Chamber Choirs. The evening is beginning early this year at 6:00 pm, with doors opening at 5:30 pm for seating. Our Art classes will also be exhibiting in the cafeteria and the foyer for your viewing pleasure. Parents of performers will need to have their children present for their call-time at 5:30 pm in an assigned upper hallway classroom to get into costume and review lines. Entry is by donation at the door. This year, the Fine Arts Department will be donating all proceeds to a family in need this Christmas. We look forward to seeing you there! -Cristina McAllister & Judy Frigon Fine Arts Department Heads STA PARENT ASSOCIATION NEWS It’s almost Christmas and it’s time for your poinsettia orders! Did you know that if each STA family orders just one plant we will raise $2000 for the needs of STA students and to support school events! Yes, you always need 1 poinsettia! Click on link at the picture of the poinsettia on the STA home page to place your order. We will be needing your delicious baking for the Christmas Concert on Monday, December 7 and Fine Arts Night on Monday, December 14. Please drop off any baked goods to the office on the day of the events or bring it that evening to the kitchen. Great music, great art and cookies!!! Our next meeting is Thursday December 3 Room 207 in the Convent Diana Bagaric Chair, STA Parent Association LAST DAY OF SCHOOL PRIOR TO CHRISTMAS BREAK IS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18. Please notify the office if you move or change your e-mail address.