NewsLetter #25 2014 July - Wisconsin Westie Rescue


NewsLetter #25 2014 July - Wisconsin Westie Rescue
Wisconsin Westie Rescue Newsletter
Volume 8, Issue 2, July/August 2014
WWR Benefit
Changing Lives One Westie At a Time
Calendars are Here!
See Page 6!
In This Issue
had a couple inquiries outside of our rescue for her,
none have been the kind of family able to provide the
proper home for a vision impaired senior like Stella.
Page 1 Stella: An Appeal
Page 1-2 Lucky: A WWR Success Story
Page 2 Sadie
Page 2-3 Violette
Page 3-5 Foster News
Page 6 WWR Benefit Calendar
Page 6 Design a Logo Contest!
Page 6 Dog's Bedtime Prayer
Page 7-8 Upcoming Events/Odds & Ends,Thank You
Stella does require some special considerations in her
home. Someone home a lot, for instance, a retired
person, or someone who works from home, or is able
to drop by home frequently through out the day is
required. A visible fence is preferred. Patience as
Stella adjusts to her new world is necessary as sudden
changes will confuse Stella for awhile until she can
'map out' her new surroundings and routines. Stella
requires over-the-counter eye drops daily at a minimal
cost, but her new family must commit to keeping her
eyes moisturized for both her comfort and her
remaining eye sight.
Stella-An Appeal
Stella is an adorable and loving little girl with one
wish to be loved for her remaining days. She is
happiest next to her person and snuggling on the
couch watching TV or reading a good book is her idea
of a perfect day in her life.
If interested in knowing more about Stella and what
options are available to bring her into your home,
please contact Cheryl at 715.839.7831 or by email at
Lucky : A Wisconsin Westie Rescue Success Story
In our March edition of WWR news, Cheryl Cutsforth
wrote an excellent article about 'walking a dog home'.
Many people commented about the article and some
expressed an interest in 'someday' providing a home
for a senior dog in need of a place to spend their final
time with us.
Currently WWR has a super-senior westie named
Stella, now 12 years old, who has been listed in our
'available dogs' prior to this issue. Although we have
By Lucky Ferber
My name is Lucky and I guess it is pretty accurate. I
Wisconsin Westie Rescue is a 501 (c)(3) Federal Non-Profit Organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Wisconsin State License # 268578-DS
spent my early years with a very nice family. I was
well-fed, taken care of and loved. But a series of
events led to my being turned over to another home.
It was a “foster home”, headed up by a dear lady
named Roxanne and “run” by her two other Westies,
Daisy and Teddy. I spent several weeks with them and
received excellent care and almost as much attention
as I deserved.
against the bed - and when she is standing her whole
butt wiggles so much that we call her "Waggy"! Sadie
and our other Westie named Abby are best friends we laugh each night when they have their Westie
games and play with each other in the living room. We
have started to take Sadie on short walks but our
Mom says we have to be careful because she still gets
scared of new noises.
One day an older couple came to visit Roxanne and
her three pooches. They were nice but somehow
seemed sad and I recognized that they had suffered a
loss. (Turns out their beloved Westie, Reggie, had
passed away about 6 months back and they took it
pretty hard.) Since I am a member of the Wisconsin
Westie Rescue, I realized that while I was happy with
Roxanne, I needed to help these folks. So, I decided to
rescue them!
They took me home, a bright and open place with lots
of windows for me to peer through, couches to rest on
and some nifty toys too. I settled in at once and began
my work. Every day I would wake them up with a soft
bark and a grunt which means they should rub my
head and tummy. I know they are only human, but they
caught on to my signals right away. Then I’d show
them the bowl where they were to place my food and
there it was. My “online profile” showed that I love
bananas so they make sure I get a few pieces every
day (get the picture; I am making sure they get their
potassium!) We go for walks when it is nice enough to Love, Elijah and Jacob
do so and that gives them more exercise. At night we
rest and watch TV and I take turns assuring them how From their Mom Ann Marie Lubert:
much I love them by going from mom’s couch to dad’s
Thank you for trusting us with Sadie. She really has
big ol’ chair.
been a wonderful addition to our family - the boys,
This “rescue thing” really works because they seem to whom I adopted in April of this year, think it is great
to be on the other side of an adoption - they were
be much happier than the day we met. I also protect
them. The chasing of squirrels, rabbits and chipmunks only disappointed that there wasn't a judge at Sadie's
is not so hard, but they also have huge dogs that visit adoption! Susan and Greg did their best to make
daily (they call them deer) and I need to bark at them everything more "official" but I forgot the gavel! The
to leave mom and dad alone too. It’s a lot of work, but boys are learning about kindness and forgiveness all
at the same time in understanding how Sadie is
I do enjoy it. I am hoping there will be a lot of other
adapting to living in a home vs being a mill-dog. My 13
Westies out there that will try to do some rescue
year-old Westie named Abby has really taken to Sadie
work. It has made my tail wag like crazy and their
and Sadie to her - Sadie follows Abby everywhere!
smiles are my reward.
By Eijah and Jacob Lubert
By Kathy Shephard
We want to thank you for letting Sadie come home to
us. She knows her name now and lets us rub her belly
and feed her treats when she is a good girl. We know
she is happy here because when we talk to her when
she is on her dog bed, all we hear is her tail thumping
Violette is really doing well. She loves to be outdoors
and likes to walk in woodsy areas. Violette belongs to
the clean plate club and makes sure that every
feeding dish is spotless. She even brings back donuts
that are put out for the deer. She look so cute
Wisconsin Westie Rescue is a 501 (c)(3) Federal Non-Profit Organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Wisconsin State License # 268578-DS
carrying a jelly-filled sugar donut that is almost as big or by phone at 715.839.7831 if a
as her. Violette only gets a smidgen of the treat.
special needs dog can make a difference in your life.
She is very nurturing with gathering her stuff animals
Abby (Special Needs)
around her. Violette also sleeps next to 16 year old
Murphy a scottie-poodle mix at night to keep her calm
and warm. She loves Ace, the cat and they run and
wrestle together. She doesn't have any fear of the
horses and spends a lot of time running in the
pasture. She is becoming a carefree little girl .
Abby is waiting for a family is great need of her
hunting skills. This little lady is no push in the animal
kingdom over unless you have a Muppets movie for
her to watch as she is in love with those funny, furry
characters, or perhaps planning their demise?
Abby is considered a special needs Westie because
she was diagnosed with diabetes insipidis when she
came into rescue, a condition that requires daily eye
drops. Yes, eye drops and not insulin shots as diabetes
insipidis is different from the insulin dependent
variety. This is a rather uncommon disease which
involves the kidneys' inability to concentrate urine
without receiving the medication desmopressin on a
daily basis. Abby responded well to her medication
and will require it for the rest of her life at the cost of
around $45 a month.
Violette is getting use to various noises in her
surroundings. She is doing very well with her
housebreaking routine. She even lets me brush her
teeth. Actually, I think Violette likes the chickenflavored toothpaste. She likes her daily walks around
the neighborhood. She has travelled to Northern
Wisconsin and Upper Michigan and she stays in the
backseat with Murphy. Lou, her Westie brother rides
shotgun. She is just a little sweetheart.
Abby loves having a hunting pal, a warm spot to
snooze when 'off duty', and a lap to watch TV. Is this 8
year old cutie the girl for you?
Foster News
Special needs is a heading next to some of our
available dogs to adopt but what does the term really
mean? For us it comes down to special considerations
needed for the dog adopted. It came be because the
dog has on going medication for a chronic health
condition such as Abby's diabetes or Charlie's
allergies, or the need to work with a dog overly shy
from years in a puppy mill, or a physical limitation like
vision or hearing impairment like Stella.
We find that most people that adopt a 'special needs'
dog ultimately decide the dog isn't really any
different from another dog other than being extra
special to them! Special needs so create special bonds
between the owner and the dog. Opening your heart
to a dogs with special needs can be extremely
rewarding so please contact Cheryl at
This pretty Westie girl turned 9 in April and, like Abby,
is glad to give up the life of constant motherhood.
Karla is sweet, loved all the dogs at the WWR picnic,
good on leash and in the car. She needs another dog
in her forever home and would like a fenced yard too
Wisconsin Westie Rescue is a 501 (c)(3) Federal Non-Profit Organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Wisconsin State License # 268578-DS
if she can get it. Karla is fostered in Mauston.
human participating. She is a bit shy around new
people, especially males, but warms up in time. Lizzie
needs a fenced yard and another dog of similar size in
her new home. Lizzie is fostered in Eau Claire. We do
have an adoption application pending for Lizzie so
please check her availability before submitting an
application to adopt.
Stella (Special Needs)
Estimated at 8- 10 years of age and a mix, Finley is
part fox terrier as well as a westie. Finlay came to us
having been picked up as a stray by an animal control
officer in Missouri, and with no where to go closer to
home, boarded the rescue caravan north to Wisconsin.
Finlay is heartworm positive, probably has some
allergies, is underweight, and badly in need of dental See page 1 for Stella's full biography.
care. On the plus side, he seems to be house trained,
walks well on leash and is a gentle, undemanding
little soul. Brenda Blum accepts yet another long
term fostering assignment.
Lizzie (Adoption Pending)
What a darling face!! Lenny, a 7 year old west boy is
waiting to make you his best friend! After his owner
passed away, Lenny came to our rescue looking for a
new family to love him forever. Lenny hates cats
Yet another former mother turned single high
(sorry feline lovers) and does best with older children.
powered professional executive in charge of ordering Lenny is learning about Brewers baseball and the
the shelties in her foster home around. Lizzie is 5, she finer points of Packer pre-season strategy from his
is very playful with other dogs and likes to play fetch foster family in Altoona WI.
with her ball, which she can do with or without a
Wisconsin Westie Rescue is a 501 (c)(3) Federal Non-Profit Organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Wisconsin State License # 268578-DS
expected into rescue shortly. We will try to place this
bonded pair together. Hubbell does suffer from dry
eye but his condition is managed with 2- 3 times
weekly applications of eye ointment.
Forever Homes Found
Brody found his forever home at last! Chris of
Rockford IL. has made an honest dog out of Brody and
put an end to Brody's traveling ways! Thanks to Dottie
Broznowski and Mike Maher.
Sam headed to Brookfield and is happily at home with
James, Juliet and their son Ewan. Thanks to Dottie for
all of her efforts in getting Sam into rescue, through
his surgery, and weeks of physical therapy.
Gracie came in and left pretty quickly! Previous
adopters Sharon and Roger of South Milwaukee were
looking to add to their westie family and Gracie was
just the right fit! Tom, Kris and Wilson Thommesen
fostered Gracie.
Milo, a westie/dachshund mix (still trying to figure
this one out but he is cute) is expected around the
first of August from another rescue group that didn't
have a foster home for him. Milo, age 3, was an owner
turn in to the other group and reportedly is NOT good
with cats but is a total sweetheart as long as you don't
meow. Milo will be fostered in Milwaukee.
Marley made a run at 'longest time in rescue' records
but came up a bit short. Marley's skin condition took
months and months to resolve with vet and
dermatologist appointments, multiple skin tests for
mites, medications and more, and finally Marley
became the gorgeous westie he was born to be! Our
sad sack with more hair than dog is worth a before
and after look!
Clark (Adoption Pending)
Marley joins Susan and Richard in Arbor Vitae WI.
Many, MANY thanks to Brenda Blum for her love and
patience through this long transformation process!
Clark, an adult westie male owner turn-in, is new to
rescue. A youngster at age 3, Clark will probably be
placed from our waiting list of applicants so please
check with Cheryl on his availability before sending in
an application to adopt. Clark is fostered in De Pere
and his foster mom Lydia has a great blog spot for
Clark at Http:// .
Max and Molly are happy to be together forever
thanks to Deb of Waukesha with a heart big enough to
love this bonded pair and keep them from parting.
Annette Nichols fostered Max and Molly.
McGee loves being a big brother to Bentley, and joins
Expected intake:
his new westie parents Steve and Sarah of DePere WI.
Pedens fostered McGee.
Hubbell and Lily
Violette (see page 3) remains close to her foster
Hubbell age 6, and his mother Lily, age 10, are
home as she stayed in Milwaukee, joining Kathy and
Wisconsin Westie Rescue is a 501 (c)(3) Federal Non-Profit Organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Wisconsin State License # 268578-DS
Bruce there. Thanks to Anne Plouff for her efforts in
turning shy Violette into a much more confident little
girl, able to enjoy her new life as a treasured pet.
of! Loren gives Brew the chance to live each day to
the absolute fullest!
To order our new calendar at 2014 prices, please
contact Lana at Calendars
are $16 each plus $4.00 postage, a one-time fee for
any number of calendars sent to the same address.
Sadie (see page 2) is a southern belle! This little lady
moved south with former WWR volunteer Ann Marie
and her sons Elijah and Jacob. Thanks to Susan and
Greg Verplank for fostering Sadie
Design a WWR Logo Contest!
Kasper, the friendly westie/Maltese mix moved
WWR is looking for your artwork that can be made
into a design for t-shirts or other WWR items. You
don't have to be good with a pencil and paper either,
feel free to use photos of your westie and with a little
photo shop and creativity, you might just be winner!
North to the UP of Michigan where he joins Trisia and
Roy, and children Vaughn and Nadia in Houghton.
Holly and Bob Schoenecker fostered Kasper.
Watson is happy in Minneapolis with a former WWR
adoptive family, Anthony and Jeff. Thanks to Dawn,
Mark and Alex Scheppkefor fostering Watson.
Design must be in jpg (photo) format and be as high of
resolution as possible (do not compress photos).
Ideally resolution should not be lower than 1600 X
1200 (at least a 2 megapixel camera set at high
resolution) or 300 PPI (pixels per inch). Remember, if
you crop an image you will decrease your resolution
so go as high as you can with your photo quality!
Riley found that location, location, location is all that
matters in life as he convinced his foster family that
he really needed to stay with them forever! Congrats
to Susan and Greg and Riley!
2015 Benefit Calendar Available
Please include the Wisconsin Westie Rescue name,
and if you'd like, our motto: Changing Lives One
Westie at a Time. If you are really clever, add our web
site URL
Please submit your design in jpg format to Lana Olsen
at Winning design will be
featured on our limited edition t-shirts!
Over 50 different dogs are featured in our 2015
benefit calendar. Thanks to everyone who submitted
photos for us to use! We love seeing all of our former
rescue westies in their forever homes clearly having
loving, nurturing homes!
Dog's Bedtime Prayer
author unknown
Now I lay me down to sleep
The king size bed is soft and deep
I sleep right in the center groove
My human beings can barely move
I've trapped their legs
I've moved in tight
And here is where I pass the night
No one disturbs me or dares intrude
Till morning comes and 'I want food'!
I sneak up slowly to begin
And nibble on my human's chin
For mornings here and time to play
I always seem to get my way
So thank you Lord for giving me
This human person that I see
The one that hugs and holds me tight
And shares their bed with me at night
Brewster is our cover dog for our 2015 benefit
calendar. A former puppy mill survivor, Brew
currently lives in San Diego CA. with Loren and has a
life most of us can only dream of! He has been on
Willie Nelson's bus, the Weinermobile, Rodeo Drive,
and has visited more places than most of us can dream
Wisconsin Westie Rescue is a 501 (c)(3) Federal Non-Profit Organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Wisconsin State License # 268578-DS
crews, who work for a few hours before/after the
Bazaar. We’ve become a fairly well-oiled machine as
far as the set up and take down process goes, but we
are always happy to have a few extra (strong) hands
around to carry boxes and load cars.
Upcoming Events
Boston Store Community Days
Madison folks! Doug Allen and side-kick Ernie are
again heading up the coupon booklet sales! The dates
for the next Boston Store Community Days event are
Nov. 14th and 15th but coupon booklets sales start in
late Sept! Doug and Company have raised some
serious $$ for rescue at this event!
It seems as if November is a long way away, but
planning for the Bazaar never really ends! Again,
please get in touch with Amy or Barbara if you have
any questions, we’re both happy to help. Thanks for
all you do to help the Westies, and we’ll see you in
If you'd like to help, or even just come out to support
our rescue with purchasing a booklet, please contact
Doug at!
Odd and Ends/Thanks!
WWR Holiday Bazaar!
WWR Car Magnets
It may be July, but the Bazaar will be here before we
know it. As has become our tradition, we’re again
holding the Bazaar the weekend before Thanksgiving,
Friday November 21-Saturday November 22. Through
a generous donation from a friend of WWR, we were
again able to reserve the historic Schlegelmilch House
in downtown Eau Claire which is a beautiful backdrop
for our sale. The Bazaar is one of our largest annual
fundraisers; 100% of our proceeds go back to WWR.
We rely on our volunteers and friends of WWR for
donations, which allows us to keep our costs low and
to be able to give back at such a high level.
We have already received some lovely donations for
this year’s bazaar, but of course we will be accepting
donations through early November. This is more of a
holiday and craft themed event; we try to include
items that are more fall/winter holiday or gifts in this
sale. For example, we have a section called ‘the man
cave’ which is designated for items that might be gift
items for men; we have a sections for gifts under $10,
a wide variety of gift baskets, a kid’s section, winter
holiday items (home décor, ornaments, etc), and of
course, our famous bake sale room.
Cute, cute, CUTE!! These magnets look wonderful on
any vehicle and is a great way to show your westie
(rescue) pride!! Magnet is 3 X 5 oval shape. Cost is $6
postage paid! Please make our your check with
Wisconsin Westie Rescue, include your mailing
address, and send to WWR Magnet, 1332 Armstrong
PL. Eau Claire WI 54701.
Thanks to Jan Buckley for suppling these great
magnets to raise $$ for WWR!
Waggin' Tails Thanks
Despite the late rain shower, Waggin' Tails 2014 was
another perfect day! Heck, the westies probably
If you are interested in making a donation, please
didn't mind the rain anyway! A huge thank to Tom and
contact Amy ( or 715-514-4046) or
Todd for hosting this year's event, and to everyone
Barbara 715-832-6926 We can make arrangements to that lent a paw or hand to help make this year's event
transport items if we have enough advance notice, so our biggest and best to date! Stay tuned for plans for
if you are looking at something wondering if we might 2015 coming soon!
want it for the sale, please give us a call. We’re also
looking for volunteers to bake goodies as the bake
Thanks to all who contributed writings for this edition
sale is always incredibly popular. In recent years we
of our WWR newsletter. Kathy Shephard, Elijah and
have had requests for gluten-free items; if gluten-free
Jacob Lubert, Lucky Ferber, and Amy Wolfgram. We
baking is your hidden talent please let us know!
also thank Bobby Bennett, Scooter Rose and Maggie
Wolfgram for postage stamps to mail this edition.
If you’ve always dreamed of spending a couple hours
carrying boxes around, have I got a job for you! We’re
We also take a moment to remember Katie Wolfgram,
recruiting for helpers on the setup and take down
one of our long-time stamp donors, who recently
Wisconsin Westie Rescue is a 501 (c)(3) Federal Non-Profit Organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Wisconsin State License # 268578-DS
crossed the rainbow bridge. Miss Katie was the oldest
Final Thought
mill momma rescued from the Baraboo 11 mill release
Dogs come into our lives to teach us love..Depart to
6 years ago this month. Katie showed us all that no
teach us about loss.
matter what your beginnings are in life, move on and
A new dog never replaces an old dog: it merely expands
love the life you have now. Darling Katie left her mark
the heart.
on many of us and we offer our deepest sympathies to
Erica Jong
Connie and Jerry who loved their Katie dearly.
Wisconsin Westie Rescue is a 501 (c)(3) Federal Non-Profit Organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Wisconsin State License # 268578-DS