Westie`s Rule - Westie Rescue of North Texas


Westie`s Rule - Westie Rescue of North Texas
Westie Rescue of North Texas
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Harley, Age 6, came into Rescue with various problems with his skin and
coat involving malassezia (a common condition in mistreated Westies),
ear infections and some emotional problems. His Foster Family worked
diligently, to restore Harley back to health. Malaseb and Oatmeal
shampoos treatments, prescription drugs, working on his ears and lots of
love worked wonders. Harley found that wonderful Forever Family that
every dog deserves.
Harley (fostered 55 days)
Cassie - Age 2, (now Bonnie) was a stray and came into Rescue
with some pretty serious allergies and a little on the naked side.
Cassie was so well behaved and took all her medications like a
champ and was truly a sweetheart. After an improved diet and
many medicated baths, Cassie’s hair started to grow. Cassie has
settled in nicely with her new family and her Westie brother Jake.
Cassie (fostered 25 days)
Bret -Age 5, came into Rescue from a local shelter.
He was
diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis - "Westie Lung
Disease". Bret showed the typical sounds of crinkling or crackling
when you listen to his breathing with a stethoscope, and x-rays show
scarring and fibroid buildup. Prognosis was difficult, as the disease
progresses differently in different Westies.
Bret was adopted by
our rescue vet. Bret will live out his life with the best possible
medical care and treatments. Besides, who better to love a dog his doctor!
Bret (fostered 30 days)
Kelsey - Age 2, was surrendered by her family because of barking
WRNT is extremely fortunate in that two of our Board
Members (and dedicated Foster Family) has significant expertise in
controlling barking and modifying the behavior of Westies.
She’s a
very sweet girl with a great personality and she didn’t have to turn on
her charm too much as her Foster Family could not bear to part with
her and adopted her. She joins Bonnie, Kallie and Scottie.
Kelsey (fostered 19 days)
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Snowkie - Age 2, a friendly and very active Westie came to rescue
missing a lot of hair from her paws and belly when she was picked up
at a local shelter. After a few weeks in a foster care, with an
improved diet and medicated baths, her hair grew back nicely. She
was adopted by a great family who has adopted from WRNT before.
Snowkie joined two Westie siblings Lacy & Sadie Rose, in her new
forever home.
Snowkie (fostered 30 days)
Presley - Age 9 months, was surrendered to WRNT by his owner.
Presley was quite the charmer with big button eyes that could win the
heart of anyone. Presley was adopted by a retired couple who could
devote a lot of time and attention to him. He also gained a sister to
play with. His family states that at any time you walk into the
kitchen you can find Presley asleep on TOP of the kitchen table.
Awh…life is great for Presley!
Presley (fostered 8 days)
Maggie - Age 2, was given up because her family could not spend
enough time with her and they realized she needed a home where she
could be the center of attention and get all the love she deserved.
Maggie had a staph infection, which caused her to lose some hair
around her face and chest. With an improved diet, medicated baths
and medicines, her skin issues were back to normal. Her new family
fell in love with her from the moment they met!
Maggie (fostered 14 days)
“If you would like to make a donation, visit our website at www.wrnt.org.”
Westie Rescue of North Texas
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Toby - Age 4, (a brindle Cairn) and Max were surrendered by their owner
because she could no longer care for them. After a grooming appointment,
Toby was looking as good as new. Toby had a very sweet disposition and
got along great with all his foster four-legged friends. He was very
bonded to Max. WRNT found the perfect family for Toby and his buddy
Toby (fostered 55 days)
Max - Age 9, and his buddy Toby were surrendered by their owner
because she could no longer care for them. Max had some yeast and ear
infections, as well as some major skin issues which caused him to lose hair
on his back, legs and chest. After a few weeks in foster care, Max and
Toby went to live with their forever family and both are doing great.
Max (fostered 55 days)
Maisie -Age 7, along with Mack was picked up at a local shelter. It was
apparent that Maisie was used primary for having puppies. She had
mammary tumors, major skin problems, tape worms and a slight heart
murmur. We needed to get her skin problems under control as well as
put some weight on her before surgery to remove her tumors and spay
her. After three months in foster care, Maisie joined her new family and
buddy Mack. Sadly, the cancer came back and on 6/25/08, Maisie
crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. Losing her was a real heart breaker
but we were so glad that she had 6 months with people who loved her
dearly and provided her all the medical attention she desperately
Maisie (fostered 73 days)
If you don’t mind throwing tennis balls for eternity, I do have an opening
for you in doggie heaven!----Frank & Ernest Comic Strip
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Mack (fostered 18 days)
Mack - Age 4, along with Maisie, was picked up at a local shelter.
Although frightened and very timid, he showed no aggression. He was
very bonded with Maisie and it was apparent that he had been abused by
a man. His Foster Family worked diligently with him so he would not be
so fearful and be able to trust humans and other dogs. Mack had a
great personality but was so starved for affection. It was amazing that
he was resilient enough to overcome the bad past and start acting more
like a normal Westie in such a short time. Unlike the frightened boy he
was when we rescued him from the shelter, he took right up with his new
Forever Family and even let his new Dad hold him!
Quinn - Age 6 months, was surrendered due to his owner being ill.
Quinn, a natural love sponge, was actually pretty spoiled when he
came into rescue. He had a mischievous personality, and a mind of
his own but simply adorable ☺ Who could ask for anything more?
Quinn found a new forever home, with a lovely couple and a cute
Westie chick, "Gracie", who is just his age! They are having a
grand time.
Quinn (fostered 7 days)
Flower (fostered 54 days)
Flower - 3 months was born with a serious birth defect that caused a
severe heart murmur. It was totally fixable, but it cost several thousand
dollars to repair. Folks from all over the US, Canada and the United
Kingdom, responded to her plight by donating funds and sending their
prayers and best wishes. Thanks to the surgery team at Texas A&M,
her heart was fixed. She was adopted by a super family and has a
human brother and sister and they love her dearly. She’s quite the
social Westie, as she has attended the annual Westie Ice Cream Social
and WestieWalk this year.
“My dog is not spoiled…..I ‘m just well trained!”
Westie Rescue of North Texas
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Bastian & Bailey - Age 6 & 8, were surrendered due to their previous
owner working long hours. But as you can tell from the picture, their
new Mom and Dad were elated to adopt them. They travel everywhere
with family and are very happy.
Bastian & Bailey (fostered 15 days)
Max - 9 months, was surrender by his owner. Puppy Max was feisty
and extremely loving, joyful, bold and perky little guy with lots of love
to give. Max found a great home with a couple who love and spoil him
a lot. He enjoys his huge backyard with all those squirrels and birds
to keep him active! His new name is now Yogi.
Puppy Max (fostered 48 days)
Ollie - 9 months, was an owner surrender. Ollie had been living with two
younger children, and enjoyed playing with them and having them love on
His former folks decided that he would be better off in a home
where people have more time for me. Ollie was adopted to his new home
and his owners adore him.
Oliver (fostered 16 days)
Kingston - 11 months, was an owner surrender. He had lived in
three homes though no fault of his own, so he learned how to
adapt. While in foster care he got along great with his two
Westie playmates and a Corgi.
He was adopted by his new
forever family and now has his very own playmate to call his own.
Kingston (fostered 7 days)
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Albert - Age 1, was surrendered at a shelter that turned him over to us.
Albert was not shy, he’d walk right up to people and wait to be petted and
loved. He used his Westitude to win over the entire family. They are elated
to have a wonderful Westie, so full of energy and love. Another happy
Westie ending!
Albert (fostered 4 days)
Sophie - Age 3, was surrendered because her owner couldn't care for her
any longer, due to the owner's health problems. Sophie had Addison’s
disease and required a strict regiment of medicine to keep her condition in
check. She was well taken care of by her original owner. She had been
spayed, her shots and heartworm pills were up to date, she was well
groomed, and current on her Addison’s shots and meds. Sophie found the
perfect home to continue her life in love and health. We at WRNT are so
grateful to both families.
Sophie (Home to Home)
Snoopy - 9 months, came to WRNT after his owner passed away. He
spent five weeks in her backyard, with people bringing him food and
water. When he arrived in rescue he was muddy and a matted mess. He
cleaned up really well! After being neutered and give his shots, he was
adopted by a family where he is the only dog and enjoying all the love
and attention to himself.
Snoopy (fostered 17 days)
I love a dog….He does nothing for political reasons. ---Will Rogers
Westie Rescue of North Texas
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Duffy - Age 6 , was originally rescued in southern Louisiana, when he
was a year old, and lived most of my life in northern Louisiana with a
kind older gentleman and his live-in caregiver. Unfortunately, his owner
passed away and his daughter asked us to assist her in finding a new
home for Duffy. Duffy was a perfect Westie. Duffy was adopted by a
lovely family and now has a Westie brother named Quincy.
Duffy (fostered 28 days)
Gracie - Age 2, was picked up at a local shelter. She needed to be
spayed and get all her shots while in foster care. Though she was
somewhat petite, she was quite the energetic Westie who could not
be still. She was adopted by her new family where she gained a
Westie sister. Everyone is getting along great.
Gracie (fostered 7 days)
Timothy - Age 2, a Westie/White Schnauzer mix, came to WRNT
from a local shelter. He was heartworm positive and went through
heartworm treatment. He acted and thought he was a Westie as
he was quite funny and “mischievous”. He was also laid back and
got along well with everyone. He didn’t have to turn on the
charm much while in foster care, as he was adopted by his foster
family. He is a very happy boy!
Timothy (fostered 46 days)
Caleb (Fostered 12 days)
Caleb - Age 4 months. Hi! My name is Caleb. I am a Westie puppy, only
four months old. My foster Mom refers to me as “that little ball of fire”! I
am full of energy, and love to play – with people, with other dogs, or just by
myself. I will throw toys around so I can then go and chase them. I love it
when you chase me! I am just really enjoying life, especially now that I am
out of that municipal shelter place – that wasn’t much fun. I am also an
affectionate guy, and love to give slurpy Westie puppy kisses. I get along
well with other dogs. My new mom’s name is Sherri. She thinks I look more
like a Preston so she changed my name. She also said I was a good “walker”
so she took me with her to walk in a marathon to raise money for human
kids. I love my new mum and home! I even have an older brother to play
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Snow (fostered 22 days)
Missy (fostered 6 days)
Maddie (fostered 10 days)
Snow - 8-9 years, Snow came to us from a breeder. She had been
producing puppies continuously all her life. Her owner was very proud that
her babies had been sold for several thousand dollars. But when she
finally began to wear down, and couldn’t produce enough milk to feed the
puppies she had, they “retired” her by putting her in a separate run out
back, with no shade or shelter. A kind woman saw her, and convinced the
breeder to let her put Snow into rescue. Snow was actually in good
health. She tested negative for heartworm, Lyme, Ehrlichia, and fecal
parasites. But her feet were pretty sore from her toenails being very
long. Snow found a wonderful family to rescue and is now living the life
she so well deserves. For once in her life, she gets to be held, gets to
eat on a regular basis, be pampered with baths and grooming, and if she
wants to go outside and lay in the sun or in the shade, she knows she
doesn’t have to stay out all day! She has the option to go inside
whenever she wants!
Missy - Age 7 years. Missy came to us from a local shelter. One of our
Directors who went to the shelter just couldn’t resist this sweet little
girl. She looked like a Westie, but actually is a White Schnauzer. She
has Westie upright ears, but the bobbed tail is a dead giveaway. Her
folks just got tired of her – they wanted to travel, didn’t want to pay to
board her, so they dumped her at a local shelter. Missy came to us
housebroken, heartworm and fecal negative, and up to date on all her
shots. She was spayed and microchipped. She is a gentle little girl, and
gets along well with people and other dogs. Missy found a great new
home! Her new mom thinks she is all that! Missy also has a new Westie
brother named Ziggy! Ziggy thinks she is great too and doesn’t care one
bit that her tail is bobbed! They are best buds!
Maddie – 1 year, Maddie came to us as a stray and is the sweetest Westie
ever. She came into our program covered in burrs, mats, fleas, and ticks.
Maddie was in such bad shape, she had to be shaved down to get rid of
everything! Maddie loves to go outside to run and play. She doesn’t care too
much for a leash right now. She likes to jump over it, but she is trying hard
to get used to walking on a leash and before you know it, she will be an old
pro at it. Maddie loves to cuddle and likes playing with other dogs. She is
also a darn good Westie kisser, who, like most Westies, loves belly rubs!
She even asked us to be sure and put a special request on her resume…
“must have time to give belly rubs.” Noises seem to scare her bit and she
quivers some, but we are sure she will get over this once she builds up her
confidence in humans again. Maddie found a wonderful new home where they
give her treats and spend lots of time with her giving her “belly rubs”.
Maddie’s special request did come true!!
Westie Rescue of North Texas
Snowy (fostered 7 days)
Conan (fostered 96 days)
Fluffy (fostered 62 days)
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Snowy - 3 years old, came to us from a local shelter. Snowy came to
rescue with a little hernia problem. She received all her shots, tested
heartworm negative, was spayed and microchipped. Snowy loves people! She
also loves to play with other dogs. Snowy was potty trained and didn’t have
any accidents while in foster care. After being bathed and groomed, her
foster mom said her name fits her perfectly because she is so white that
she looks like a snowball! She now has a new Mom and two new playmates!
She can continue to be that gregarious little Westie with very few worries!
The only thing she has to worry about is getting lost in the snow, and in
Texas, we all know that is very unlikely!!! What a wonderful life she has
Conan -2-1/2 years old. Conan’s former owners didn’t know how to care for
him, and fleas and ticks caused him to develop some skin problems.
Fortunately, the rescue folks seem to know how to treat skin problems, and in
a short time he was already feeling better. It will take a few months though
before his coat starts to grow back in. He was given good food, has regular
flea preventative, and gets bathed with medicated shampoo occasionally. In
spite if the poor care he had been receiving, Conan lucked out, and tested
negative for heartworm and those nasty tick-borne diseases. He was also
neutered and microchipped. Conan has a lot of love to give, and enjoys
spending time with people and other dogs. Conan was fortunate to have been
fostered by a great new Mom who has fallen in love with him. He is now living
in a home where he is taken care of him and is very loved and in return, Conan
gives lots of Westie kisses!
Fluffy - Age 2-3, came to WRNT from a local shelter. Fluffy had a slight
heart murmur when she came into the Westie rescue program. She was given
antibiotics in hopes that the murmur was just a temporary thing. Fluffy also
had a yeast infection and was losing the hair around the front of her body,
her legs, and her back. She was immediately put on medication and had to be
bathed in Malaseb shampoo regularly. Fluffy’s foster furkid told her not to
worry, he had the same problem and he now had beautiful “fluffy” hair all
over and so would she in just a few months. Sure enough with the right
medicine and regular Malaseb baths, she was back to being that beautiful
healthy little Westie in no time! Her foster mom was not sure she wanted to
give her up after keeping her for 62 days, but then this wonderful family
filled out an adoption application and visited her on and off while Fluffy was
recovering in foster care. Fluffy now lives with that family and has a new
Jack Russell brother named Toby. All is well with Fluffy. She is being treated
like the Queen she deserves to be! And her foster mom gets to see her often
as her new family has volunteered to be foster parents too!
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Charlie II (Foster to Adopt)
Charlie - Age 2-1/2, Charlie was surrendered by his previous family because
Charlie and the 5 year old little boy were not getting along. Charlie went
directly to a family who wanted to foster with the option to adopt. Charlie
came into their family already groomed, with a crate that he likes to sleep
in, up to date on his shots, neutered and microchipped. Charlie was all
decked out and ready to go to his new forever home. It took Charlie about
10 minutes to sniff around, check out all the new things, go outside and
potty, get a few belly rubs, do a few tricks for treats, and then Charlie
just plopped down on the couch and acted like he had been a member of
their household forever. His new family says that Charlie is the “perfect
Westie”. Charlie has also found his way into his new family’s bed. Charlie
has decided that it is ok with him if his new family wants to share his new
bed! There is plenty of room! I am not sure who “rescued” who?!? But Charlie
Maggie II - 4-5 years old, Maggie II came into rescue as a very
friendly, not too much of a barker or complainer, almost housebroken,
heartworm and fecal negative, and up to date on all her shots. Maggie
likes to go for walks, play, be cuddled and give you Westie kisses. She
was on antibiotics for a bladder infection and then spayed, and recovered
like a trouper! She is an absolute love and just as Cute as a button!!
Maggie was adopted into a family with another Westie, "Mac", and is a
very happy girl. With a face like that. who couldn’t resist this almost
perfect little girl!!!
Maggie II (fostered 83 days)
Brinkley (fostered 3 days)
Brinkley – 2 years old, Brinkley was an owner surrender. The owner couldn’t
potty train Brinkley so she decided to turn her over to Westie rescue. We
are so glad that she did! Brinkley immediately fit in at her foster home and
loved playing with her foster brother, another Westie. Brinkley came to
rescue updated on all her shots, spayed, and full of energy! She was scared
at first but after the first night settled right in. She didn’t even have any
potty accidents in her foster mom’s house! Brinkley loved to play ball and she
liked to tease her foster brother because he was such a ball hog!! She would
take the ball and hide it under the table, where the foster brother wouldn’t
go under. Brinkley had a lot of “Westitude” and is a very smart little girl!
Brinkley got to go live with a wonderful woman who rescued from Westie
Rescue before. Brinkley now has two furkids to play with and wrestle with.
And she also got a new name to go with her new life, Willow! Willow is also
now totally potty trained! A little love, patience, and caring goes a long
Westie Rescue of North Texas
Shelby Maxine
(Home to Home Placement)
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Shelby Maxine - Age 5 years. Shelby Maxine came into our program with a
few special needs. Shelby was diagnosed with diabetes but it is under control
as long as she takes her insulin shots twice a day, stays on her special food,
and gets plenty of exercise. When you meet her, you would never know she
has a problem – she is just a typical Westie girl, with a lot of Westitude, and
a lot of energy Shelby was an owner surrender. She did a great job taking
care of Shelby but she wasn’t at home a lot and couldn’t give Shelby the
attention and care she needed. Shelby has always been around a lot of family
so this was quite an adjustment for her to be alone so many hours at a time.
Shelby is spayed and housebroken, loves to play with other dogs, and with
full-sized people. She wasn’t around young children. When Shelby first meets
you, she may bark at you a bit, but when she gets to know you, she turns into
a little lovebug.
With the help of all the good applicants that WRNT
receives, Shelby found that “special” new person that can care for and play
with her! She has a very nice little girl who loves to play ball with her too!
Shelby is one happy little girl again!
Daisy Age - Young. Daisy was an owner surrender. She came into our
program up to date on her shots, spayed and no heartworms. She is a little
thin, but she will be looking “fitter” soon! Daisy is housebroken and she loves
to play and is very eager to please! Daisy went to the home of a retired
couple where she gets to lay around with a new sister while they travel in
her new family’s 5th Wheel! Watch out for Daisy, you might just see her
Daisy (Home to Home)
Flint (fostered 13 days)
Flint Age 6-7 years, Flint came to Westie Rescue from Animal Control. He
had gone out exploring, and got lost. Then he got bit by a big dog. As
most rescues, he was pretty hungry, dirty, and loaded with fleas plus he
had a few puncture wounds on his head and neck where he had got bitten.
Flint is just a little guy. He only weighed ten and a half pounds, but with
some good food he will probably be about a twelve pound ball of fun. He
tested negative on heartworms, got updated on all his shots, and was
treated for fleas and hookworms and was microchipped. Flint went to a
home where his new mom lived with her son, daughter-in-law and three
human kids! He looked so cuddly and sweet that his new mom renamed him
“Teddy”! Teddy will never have to worry about being hungry again!
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Kelty (fostered 7 days)
Frost (fostered 0 days)
Kelty - Age 2-3, came to WRNT from a shelter. When the Humane
Society picked him up, they knew hat he had been someone’s pet at some
point. Kelty was loaded with fleas and needed a haircut badly but he was
already neutered and was very good with people and other dogs. The
Humane Society couldn’t find his owner so they called Westie Rescue.
Westie Rescue drove over a hundred miles to pick Kelty up. Kelty came to
us in very good shape, heartworm and fecal parasite negative, up to date
on all shots, and ready to go! His foster Mom says he is a very “laid back”
Westie, as he doesn’t bark a lot the way many Westies do. Kelty loves
treats, and will dance on his hind legs when offered one. Kelty likes to put
his front paws on your legs when you are sitting down as if he wants you to
pick him up. When you start to pick him up, he will run away with his tail
wagging about 90 miles an hour. Almost as if it was a game he had played
previously with his family. Kelty was adopted and has a new mom and a new
Scottie brother named Duffy. Kelty loves to lay on his new brother’s back
and sleep! Kelty also got a new name,Sullivan! Sullivan is loving his new
family and is getting a lot of love and attention!
Frost - 1-2 years old, came to Westie Rescue from the Azle Shelter.
Frost is a very nice and friendly Westie. He came into our program with
whip worms and tapeworms so he couldn’t be around any other Westies
for a few days. He also was neutered and updated on his shots. Frost
weighed in at 15.2 pounds but will definitely fill out once he starts
getting better. The foster family found the perfect family for Frost. He
went to live with another Westie and two human kids! Frost gets to play
with human kids and furkids! Frost got adopted right around Christmas.
What better gift could you get for Christmas then a family plus a whole
lotta Westie kisses! Now that makes a great Christmas Story!”
Maddie II, Age 3, is a Westie mix that was picked up at a local
shelter. Her coat was matted and full of burrs and stickers. She was
found to be heartworm positive and had also picked up kennel cough
while at the shelter. She was successfully treated for both of these
ailments before being spayed. Maddie is a very sweet tempered girl
who was adopted by a family with two boys and another canine sibling.
She is now named Bunny and is very happy.
Maddie II (fostered days)
The gift which I am sending you is called a Dog, and is in fact the most precious
and valuable possession of mankind. ---Theodorus Gaza
Westie Rescue of North Texas
Scruffy (fostered 20 days)
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Scruffy, Age 1 1/2, is a Westie mix that was surrendered by his
owner. He was neutered and in perfect health. He is an energetic
playful little guy who loved to play with his foster siblings. He had
tons of personality and liked to learn new skills like sit, stay and
walking nicely on a leash.
He loves to please and is very
affectionate. He was adopted by a young couple who share his love
of life and adventure. His new name is Scout and that suits him
Branigan, Age 4, was kept in a cage as a breeding stud. He was
heartworm positive and needed heartworm treatment, shots and
neutering. He was underweight and very fearful, but turned out to
be a very gentle, loving boy who just needed a lot of tender loving
care. He worked on his socialization skills and was ready to go to
his new home with a family who gives him just that.
Branigan (fostered 1 day)
Mandy (fostered 45 days)
Mandy, Age 4, was found wandering by herself in a neighborhood by a
family who contacted us after trying to find her owners for a week.
She had been recently groomed and in good health except for being
heartworm positive. More attempts were made to find her owners to
no avail. She was treated for heartworms, given all her shots and
spayed. She was a very happy girl who loved to meet new people and
play with other dogs. She was adopted by a wonderful family who had
a lab sister for her to play with and a large yard with trees and
Sasha, Age 10, was surrendered by a family who thought she was too
rough with their small child. She was in perfect health and ready for
her new home which she went to the same day she was surrendered.
She is very happy with her new family who think she is perfect.
(fostered 0 days
Sasha (fostered 0 days)
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Pearce, Age 2 years, was picked up from a local shelter. He is a
very sweet boy who likes to go for car rides. After getting his
shots, microchip and neutered he was ready to go.
He was
adopted by a family with another Westie for him to play with.
He is very happy and well loved and having tons of fun.
Pearce (fostered 27 days)
Roxie, Age 6, was surrendered by a breeder. Roxie was worn out and
underweight from being bred too much. She had been kept up to date
on her shots and heartworm preventative. She just needed good care
and food to get her back to perfect health. She was spayed and
microchipped and adopted by a family who also adopted another
Westie, girl, Annie, at the same time. She has found a wonderful home
with a new sibling and great parents to love her. What more could a
girl want.
Roxie (fostered 3 days)
Annie (fostered 0 days)
Annie - Age 11, was surrendered to a local shelter because her family,
after 11 years of owning her, decided they no longer wanted her.
Annie was a perfect Westie,
Annie was adopted as a big sister to
Chloe, a 10 month old Westie puppy full of Westietude.
Unfortunately, after a few months, the two ladies had not resolved the
question of who would be the alpha, and Annie was surrendered to our
WRNT rescue program a second time. Annie was in the right spot at
the right time. We had a couple who were adopting another Westie,
“Roxie”, that really wanted two dogs. When they heard about Annie,
they wanted her, too. She is now in a loving new home with a
companion nearer to her age, and is getting a lot of love.
Why is it that my heart is so touched whenever I meet a dog
lost in our noisy streets?----Emile Zola
Westie Rescue of North Texas
Snowball (fostered x days)
Stewart (fostered 13 days)
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Snowball, Age 5, was an owner surrender who had serious skin
problems. He is a little guy with a big personality. He has lots of
energy and spunk and loves to play.
He is very affectionate and
likes to have his tummy rubbed whenever you get a chance. With a
good quality food and medicated baths the skin problems were
clearing up.
He needed to get up to date on his shots and
He was adopted by a great family with another
Westie for him to play with and his new name is Bentley and he is
totally happy.
Stewart, Age 3 ½, was an owner surrender. He had begun life in
family with a litter mate who died from Addison’s disease. Stewart
missed her terribly. The family also had a human baby and then
the Daddy was shipped to Iraq. It was all too much for Stewart
and the Mom, who thought he would be better off in a new home.
He was up to date on his shots and heartworm preventative and
ready to find his forever home. He has been adopted by a
wonderful new Mom who has lots of time to give him the attention
he needs. He is finally happy again.
Eskimo, Age 4, was surrendered by his owner who worked long hours
and wanted him to have a better life. He was healthy and neutered and
ready for his new home. He got along with other dogs, children and
everyone. He was just a happy boy needing some more attention and
affection. He was adopted by a family who was ready, willing and able
to give him all that and more. He was found his forever home and is
now settled and happy.
Eskimo (fostered 7 days)
Eddie (fostered 37 days)
Eddie, Age 3 ½, was given up by a puppy mill breeder along with a lot of
other dogs. Eddie was in good health but had socialization problems. He
got along great with other dogs, but was extremely fearful of people. He
was a very well behaved, but was just afraid and very quiet. He had a lot
to learn about living in a house with people, and he was working hard on it.
He was heartworm negative, but needed his shots and neutering, along with
medication for intestinal parasites. He was on the small side, but very
healthy and really cute. He was adopted by a great family and joins a
Westie sister, Aimee Sue who is teaching him lots of new things. He
continues improving his socialization and is coming along nicely. We are so
happy that Eddie has found his forever home. It is a far cry from the
puppy mill and he is so spoiled. Way to go Eddie.
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Rocky, Age 2 ½ year, was surrendered by his owner because he didn’t
have time for him. He has a little bit of skin problems and took
medication for that. He likes other dogs and is very affectionate. He
was adopted by an awesome family with two children to give him lots of
attention. Rocky is ready to Rock!
Rocky (fostered 0 days)
Scout, Age 2, was surrendered by her family. She had a little bit of
skin problems and is on medication. She is a really cute little girl and
has learned to do tricks. She was adopted by a lovely family with
another Westie for her to play with. She is totally into her new
forever home. Her new name is Kate and she thinks that this so cool.
Scout (fostered 0 days)
Eade (fostered 11 days)
Eade, Age 9, Eade was found as a stray in mid-November on a busy
North Dallas street with no collar, tag or microchip. She was very
thin, badly in need of grooming and had a serious and long untreated
ear infection. She is currently in foster care and is gaining weight, and
her ears are clearing up quickly. However, because of the infection she
did suffer a substantial loss of hearing, which she may or may not get
back. Her age is estimated at 9, but she is very active, enjoys long
walks, playing with the other dogs in the house, and a good game of
fetch! She is very affectionate and loves being with people. Nothing
makes her happier than snuggling up with her family on the couch in the
evening! She would be the perfect companion for an active older
person, or as a companion to a similarly aged dog. She is housebroken,
can use a doggie door, and with limited exposure to children seems to
be good with them. She should not be placed in a house with a cat.
She has been given all her annual shots, tested heartworm negative,
had a basic blood panel done, and had her teeth cleaned. Eade has a
new mom and she loves to lie in her new mom’s lap! She also has a new
name, Maggie! Maggie says thanks to WRNT for finding her a new
home! She thinks it is going to be a wonderful Christmas!! I bet her
new mom does too!
Westie Rescue of North Texas
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If You Were Misplaced, Given Up, Lost, or Dumped at a Shelter…
How would you tell the story? “From The Dog’s View”
Lean and Mean Westie Machine
Jail is bad. Jail is real bad, especially when you’re dumped there and
don’t know what you did. My name is Eli and I thought I had it madefamily, house, food. They decided that they couldn’t handle my energy,
so I wound up in jail. That’s when I met these nice folks from WRNT.
My foster family let me sleep on the couch and run and play until I
crashed. Us Westie puppies have a lot of what you might call
fortitude. Foster Mom calls it Westietude. Anyway, to make a short
story long, this nice family adopted me. I’ve got a big back yard, two
kids, and a fuzzy brother. Ain’t life good? Westie smooches to all! Eli
AKA Hank Aaron
Foster Failure
Ain’t nothing more important than food, a good couch, and balls. And
balls. Oh, and I almost forgot balls! My most favoritest thing to do is
play ball. I will fetch as long as somebody’s arm holds out. I like toys
a whole bunch. My mom couldn’t keep me any more, so I wound up in
foster care for a little while. When I found out that there were people
who loved me no matter what, it was better, but I did cry for a while.
I met a lady who has a ranch and some big old things with funny noses.
I think they’re called horses. I don’t care. They don’t play ball.
Anyway, we fell in love and I’m a country dog now! I have a sister,
Sasha, and we play and play and play. Life’s pretty good for little
white Scottish dogs! Love to all, Jackson, Gentle Westie Rancher
Ya ever been lost? I mean really lost with no place to go and nothin’ ta
eat. That was me. Some nice folks found me out by the lake an’ then
carried me to these real nice folks who said they was gonna foster me.
They love us Westies and this was their firs time to foster. Now I
gotta tell ya a little about me. I’m a wee laddy an’ I have this real
cute face an’ an adorable button nose. Ya see where this is goin’? They
were no match for my cuteness. It didn’t take me 24 hours to win ‘em
over an’ make ‘em fail the foster test. I’ve got this great home now.
The hardest decision I have to make is whose bed to sleep in. I’m
workin’ on this theory that I’m related to Nessie somehow. Maybe the
Enquirer won’t pick up my story, but I know I’m part sloth cause I’ve
got only three toes on my back foots. I get around fine, thank you.
It’s a little hard to jump on the bed, but remember the part about me
bein’ cute? Hee hee, I make this real cut noise that sounds like “Aww”
and Mom hauls me right up in bed an’ tucks me in. Failin’ grades ain’t
always bad. Nose kisses! Wilson
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Dominique & Desiree
Well Traveled Lassies
The Real Roo Who
Something happened to our mom. They say she went to a place called
Rainbow Bridge. We heard about it, but thought it was s’posed to be
the other way around with us going there to wait. When Mom left, we
went to a groomer but she couldn’t find us a new place to live. We are
very dignified lassies, and we’ve always been together so it was
confusing to us. One family tried to adopt us but we didn’t stay there
and went back to the groomer. She was able to find WRNT and things
just got better from there. The groomer lady met Foster Mom in this
foreign land called Arkansas. It is quite far away from Dallas, but we
just cocked our pretty little heads and made the trip fine. Just looking
at us, you can certainly see why we were adopted very soon after
arrival! Thank you WRNT for the miles and smiles. With dignified
affection, D&D
Hi whipper snappers. Name’s Riley. I’m old an’ I don’t like long
conversations. They get in the way of my naps. I’ve got a bad heart
and bad ears and I take medicine three times a day. Somebody didn’t
think I was all that cute any more, so I wound up in jail. It was
Christmastime and I had to find a place to go. I wasn’t really
interested in goin’ to The Bridge just yet. I’ve still got a few more
miles left in me. I believe in The Boss an’ no, I’m not talkin’ about
Bruce Springsteen. He got me in touch with WRNT and I had a family
before I knew it. This real nice doctor got me started on the medicine
and my ears are doin’ good and my ticker’s a little better. It still
beats about half as fast as it ought to, but life is good. I don’t hear
or see too well, but I make up for it with love an’ face washins’. They
dote on me when I go to the groomers and the doc loves me so much
she sees me for free. I’m in the Walking Them Home Program with
WRNT and makin’ the most of my senior years. I guess you want to
know about the Roo Who thing. Well, I was adopted close to
Christmas. You know that movie by Dr. Seuss? Mom and Dad thought I
looked like a Who ‘cause my ear hairs was a little long. Whatever. I’ve
got food and toys – yes, old guys play ball too – and my Grandmom
made me a comfy flannel piller to sleep on, which is what I’m gonna do
now. Thanks WRNT for lookin’ after us old guys. Old guys rule, Riley
When old dogs bark, you should listen!
Westie Rescue of North Texas
Born with love & affection
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Hi y’all! My name is Cowboy! I’m a young fella, about a year old, and I
love life! I went out to see the world one day, got lost, and ended up
in this rescue program. I kinda lucked out, as I am in a foster home
with some other Westies, and we have become good friends. My foster
folks gave me a haircut, and they take us all on walks a lot – I really
like that. I’m a smart little guy, if I do say so m’self. I have a lot of
energy, I learn quickly, and I aim to please. I have gotten to be
pretty good at “fetch”, and I enjoy playing with toys. But I have my
“laid back” times, too – if you’re sitting on a couch, I may jump up, roll
over for a nice belly rub, and the just snuggle in with you for a while.
I’m up to date on shots, and I notice I am now missing a couple of
parts since my last trip to the vet. I haven’t had too much attention or
training in my young life, so I will need to brush up on my
housetraining, and learn a few more basic commands so that I will be
safe on walks. But I don’t need any training to offer a world of love
and affection – I guess I was just born with that. I have now been
adopted! I am in a great home with two Westie playmates, and people
who love me. You can see my new family, with my new friends Duffy
and Penny. Thanks everyone...................Cowboy
Never met a stranger!
Hi. My name is Toby. My family had some health problems which
required a lot of time and attention, and there wasn’t enough time left
to take good care of me. My owners felt that it would be best to find
a new home for me, so they called Westie Rescue. I am a very
friendly guy. Everyone I meet is soon my buddy. In my foster home, I
made friends with the three other Westies very quickly, including one
fella who I understand isn’t always friendly with newcomers. I am not
always comfortable with young children who are at the age where they
pull my tail, but I am a good dog, and just avoid them if they
misbehave. I am also very flexible – my foster Mom commented on how
sweet I was, and how good I was at “fitting in” from the very first in
her home. I am seven years old, and in good health. I am up to date
on all shots, and heartworm negative. I like to walk, but I have a
slightly arthritic hip, so marathons are out. I have occasional seasonal
skin problems which require a few medicated baths, but I have a full
coat and people tell me that I am a good looking Westie! GUESS
WHAT??? I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED!!! My new parents already have an
adopted Westie. So I have someone to play with all day long.
Thanks everyone for helping........Toby.
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Just wants some attention!
Hi! My name is Trixie. I need a new home. Since the new baby arrived
in my home, I have been getting a lot less attention. I have done my
best to fill my role in the family, and keep other animals out of the
home, but my family thinks that I may be too aggressive to be around
now that the baby is a 2 year old toddler. I would probably be
happiest in a home with people who want to spend some time with me,
but with no young children or other animals. I get along fine with other
animals when I am out on walks – I just don’t want them in my home
around me and the baby.
I am about seven years old, spayed,
housebroken, up to date on all shots, and in good health except for
some treatable skin allergies. I am really a very loving dog in the right
environment, and would enjoy spending time with you. I am still in my
original home, and being placed on a “home-to-home” basis so my
current owners can meet my new owners, and be sure that I can be
happy in the new home. YEA......I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED ! ! ! !
Misty with Brother Odie
Hi. My name is Misty. I am about 3 years old. I was living at the
Collin County Shelter. I have a beautiful Cairn face, a good looking
Schnauzer body and I'm WHITE. I weigh 14 pounds and I am a sweet
laid back kind of girl. I am house trained, don't fuss at night, the
perfect girl. When I hear new noises, I am a little frightened at first.
My foster mom says I love to put my paws on her shoulder and give her
puppy hugs. I really hug too! Once all my hair grows out, I will be one
good lookin doggy. I have been adopted. I have a new home and a new
brother to play with. Oh, my Mom said Missy fits me better. So now I
have a new name too ! Thanks for helping me............Missy
Waiting for Santa to bring him
A new family!
Hi, my name is Joe. I am four years old. I am very sweet natured,
well behaved boy. My owners passed away and I need someone to love
and to play with. I was well taken care of, am up to date on all my
shots and I am in really good health. Notice that I need a little
haircut. A relative has been taking care of me, but she just knows
cats, not dogs.
I HAVE A NEW MOM ! ! ! ! Westie Rescue picked me up today and
guess what? My new Mom said, bring him over here right now. She fell
in love with my Westietude and my Westie kisses. I fell in love with
her too. It's going to be a Westie Christmas ! Love & kisses....Bailey,
that's my new name
Westie Rescue of North Texas
Blue won’t be having a blue
Christmas this year!
Chili –
Good-looking & sweet!
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Hi Everyone, my name is Blue. I got loose from my house and went
exploring. I couldn't find my way back home. It was very cold out when
I saw a man and lady walking two nice dogs. I followed them home.
They let me stay in their warm garage and called Westie Rescue of
North Texas. A nice man came and got me. We went for a ride to an
even nicer place. I got to play with two other Westies, a hot little girl
and a nice little boy just my age. The next day they took me to the
doctor and gave me some good medicine that I get to eat with cheese.
I have an ear infection and the doctor said I was about two years old.
They even trimmed my nails. I have never had so much attention. It
was fun, but I was very happy to see my foster Dad come and get me.
He calls me Blue. I rode in his lap all the way home. When we got
home I got a warm bath, smelled really good and got to sit on a warm
recliner with my foster Mom and Dad. I gave them lots of Westie
kisses. This place is really fun and there are lots of toys to play with.
I found a ball and started tossing it around. The other Westies joined
in and we had great fun. GUESS WHAT ! ! ! ! A nice lady come to see
me. She said she was going to be my new Mommy. And I would have my
own Westie brother to play with. It’s fun having other Westies to play
with. I gave her lots of Westie kisses. I am so happy to go to a new
home where I’ll be warm and loved. This will be a Wonderful Westie
Hi, my name is Chili. A nice lady found me. She was very good to me.
She took me to her Vet. I got some medicine for my ears. Now I feel
so much better. I am about 4 or 5 years old. I weigh about 15
pounds. I am healthy and ready to play. I am good with people and
dogs. I am a quiet boy but not shy. The nice lady called Westie
Rescue. Now I have a foster Mom & Dad with 4 Westies to play with.
I needed a haircut so my foster Mom gave a great new look. Check me
out. She says I am a good looking boy and that I am a really sweet
have a new name, Bogey, and a new brother to play with. This is going
to be a great year. Thanks everyone for helping me find a wonderful
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Trapper (fostered 2 days)
Casper - Age 12, Casper came to us on a Saturday afternoon after being
found inside the fence at a local shelter. He had been thrown by someone
over the fence and was obviously in pain. Someone at the shelter had called
us and when one of our volunteers saw him she couldn’t resist and since he was
in such need she rescued him. After taking him for an emergency vet check
she discovered that Casper was actually a White Scottie, not a Westie at all.
Casper was in bad shape but after a day or two on pain medication he seemed
to perk up. We had a wonderful adopter who was so excited to have found a
White Scottie to join his Black Scottie. The world was looking much brighter
for Casper.
During a trip to our regular veterinarian for a more
comprehensive check a large lump was found on his shoulder. The lump proved
to be inoperable bone cancer. Our hearts were so saddened because we had
quickly come to love this scruffy looking Scottie. He was brave, gentle,
sweet, affectionate, well behaved and a perfect dog. He was a gentleman in
every sense of the word. Casper had not run away, he wasn’t in any condition
to, someone had merely discarded him. We will always remember Casper and
the brief time we had with him. Despite the inhumane treatment he had
endured, he was still full of love. Several of us were with him as he crossed
over the rainbow bridge where we know he is now pain free and happy again.
Trapper, Age 1 year or less, was picked up as a stray by a local shelter.
He only spent one day in foster care when he became ill. The poor little
guy never had a chance. His owner apparently never bothered to get him
his standard puppy shots which would have immunized him against Parvo and
other diseases. Westie Rescue pulled him from the shelter the day before
he was scheduled for euthanasia. He got his shots later that afternoon,
but he came down with Parvo the same night, and was rushed to the vet
the next morning. He was put on IV’s for dehydration, and given
medications to help him, but he didn’t make it and crossed over Rainbow
I miss the wagging little tail;
I miss the plaintive, pleading wail;
I miss the wistful LOVING glance;
I miss the circling welcome dance.
_____ Henry Willet
Westie Rescue of North Texas
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Doodad - age 12, 1997-2009, Doodad (nicknamed Doodle by her foster mom)
came into our program on December 13, 2008, as an owner surrender. One of our
Directors drove for 2.5 hours to rescue Doodle. We were told by her former
family that Doodle was basically in good health for a 12 year old with the
exception of having a bad tooth and some hearing loss. Not the case when we took
her to our Vet for a checkup. Doodle was diagnosed with a 4-6 grade heart
murmur and congestive heart failure. Her teeth were in very bad shape and they
needed dental work quickly. Our Vet recommended that she be immediately put on
antibiotics and then in a week have her teeth cleaned, which is exactly what we
did. Doodle’s foster mom said she was a great little girl, and wanted to be by a
human at all times. When the foster mom would leave in the mornings, Doodle
would stand by the door and whine wanting to go with her. When the foster Dad
would come home later in the afternoon, he would find Doodle still lying by the
door waiting for someone to come home so she could be with them. Doodle loved
to give lots of kisses and she loved for her belly to be rubbed! She also liked to
go with her foster brother for short walks around the block. Her foster mom
watched Doodle very carefully when she would go upstairs because Doodle’s little
heart would give out sometimes by the time she made it up the stairs and she
would have to stop to catch her breath before she could continue on into the
office to be close to her. After a couple of these episodes, her foster mom
wouldn’t let her go upstairs by herself anymore, instead she would pick her up and
carry her upstairs.
After being in foster care for almost two weeks, there was a wonderful
lady who was interested in meeting Doodle. Doodle and her foster mom drove to
her house so they could meet and to see if they were a perfect match! The
Director who drove to get Doodle joined us there as well. She and Doodle decided
they would like to live together so Doodle stayed there. Doodle’s new mom knew
about Doodle and her episodes and was prepared to continue giving her medication
and to also carry Doodle upstairs at night where they would sleep. They took
walks and started bonding almost immediately. One morning around 7:30 am, the
foster mom received a phone call telling her that Doodle had crossed over the
Rainbow Bridge. Her little heart just gave out.
Doodle was a very special little girl who in the last three weeks of her life
knew that several people loved her very much. She gave us all such pleasure with
her “Westie kisses” and her “belly rubs”. Doodle is now in a better place, where
you can bet she is running as fast as she can and climbing stairs without any
trouble with all her Westie friends. She is gone…..but will never be forgotten!
Love you Doodle!
“Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.”
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“Westie’s Rule”
Dear Dogs:
The dishes with the
paw prints are yours
and contain your food.
The other dishes are
mine and contain my
food. Please note,
placing a paw print in
the middle of my plate
and food does not
stake a claim for it
becoming your food and
dish, nor do I find that
aesthetically pleasing in
the slightest.
The stairway was not
designed by NASCAR
and is not a racetrack.
Beating me to the
bottom is not the
object. Tripping me
doesn't help because I
fall faster than you can
run. I cannot buy
anything bigger than a
king sized bed. I am
very sorry about this.
Do not think I will
continue sleeping on the
couch to ensure your
comfort. Dogs can
actually curl up in a ball
when they sleep. It is
not necessary to sleep
perpendicular to each
other stretched out to
the fullest extent
possible. I also know
that sticking tails
straight out and having
tongues hanging out the
other end to maximize
space is nothing but
claw, whine, or get
your paw under the
edge. I must exit
through the same door
I entered. Also, I have
been using the
bathroom for years -canine attendance is
not required.
The proper order is
kiss me, then go smell
the other dogs butt. I
cannot stress this
For the last time,
there is no secret exit
from the bathroom. If
by some miracle I beat
you there and manage
to get the doors shut,
it is not necessary to
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like
to Complain About Our Pets:
“Westies don’t ask for
money, they are
perfectly happy with
just a gazillion
squeaky toys!”
1. They live here. You
2. If you don't want
their hair on your
clothes, stay off the
furniture. That's why
they call it 'fur'niture.
3. I like my pets a lot
better than I like most
4. To you, they are an
animal. To me, he/she
is an adopted
son/daughter who is
short, hairy, walks on
all fours and doesn't
speak clearly.
Remember, dogs are
better than kids
because they:
1. Eat less
2. Don't ask for money
all the time
3 Are easier to train
4. Normally come when
5. Never ask to drive
the car
6. Don't hang out with
drug-using friends
7. Don't smoke or drink
8. Don't have to buy
the latest fashions
9. Don't want to wear
your clothes, and...
10. Don't need a
gazillion dollars for
Westie Rescue of North Texas
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The WRNT directorate is comprised of current and
former members of the Trinity Valley West Highland
White Terrier Club. TVWHWTC is devoted exclusively to
the responsible breeding and ownership of Westies.
WRNT is the next phase of TVWHWTC's long-term
Westie Rescue Program.
Increasingly, local shelters and animal welfare agencies
are demanding that Rescue organizations be registered
Non-Profit groups. WRNT was formed to satisfy that
requirement, building on the expertise and caring of
TVWHWTC members.
WRNT and TVWHWTC look forward to a long and
rewarding relationship, both promoting the Westie
breed and rescuing those who are in need.
WRNT Board of Directors
Our Mission is never ending. The needs of abused and neglected Westies
far outstrip the ability of one group to care for them. We need your help.
Your time, your effort and your financial support help ensure that our
work continues - that no Westie is ever without a loving home.
If you have time to volunteer, we'd love to meet you! We're always
looking for great foster families. Foster families are an integral part of
Westie Rescue; they provide love and attention to a Westie in need and
give us information about their foster Westie, which helps us find the
perfect "forever home."
Westie Rescue of North Texas exists solely to rescue and rehabilitate abused,
abandoned, neglected, homeless and surrendered West Highland White
Our charges are provided with the attention, care and medical treatment
necessary, including spaying/neutering, until a permanent home can be found.
Through the commitment of our volunteers, WRNT also focuses on education of
the public regarding puppy mills and responsible dog ownership, including
spaying/neutering, training and humane care of Westies and other pets.
“WRNT is always in
need of volunteers,
especially in foster care.
If you would like to be a
foster home, please
contact Liza at
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If you know of a Westie in
need or in a shelter, want to
volunteer to Foster a Westie or
are seeking to adopt a Westie,
contact us!
On Petfinder...
Westie Rescue of North Texas
By Telephone...
Marvin Katz (972)233-3937
Cheryl Green (817)244-1152
All donations made to WRNT will be used exclusively in the furtherance of our
Mission. No Director or Volunteer is ever compensated for their efforts.
Only expenses directly related to our Mission are authorized to be paid and a
full accounting of all financial activities is available for public viewing and will
soon be available on our website.
By Mail...
6924 Leameadow Dr.
Dallas, TX 75248
By E-mail...
General Information:
About Our Organization…
WRNT is a Federal 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Corporation. WRNT is
incorporated in the State of Texas as a not-for-profit corporation.
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
Thank you to all of our Westie supporters!
Your donations are greatly appreciated!!!