News - Corpus Christi School
News - Corpus Christi School
Corpus Christi School CHRONICLE The Newsletter for Alumni and Friends of Corpus Christi School Spring 2014 Volume 5 Issue 2 Corpus Christi School Honors Rev. Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J., Class of ‘48 at the Annual Spring Benefit On May 14th, Corpus Christi School held its Annual Spring Benefit on the 35th floor of the Mutual of America building on Park Avenue. Over 165 guests attended the event which included a silent auction, raffle, and most importantly, renewing old acquaintances and making new friends. In past years our guest speakers and honorees have included George Stephanopoulos of ABC News; Sen. George Mitchell; George Bodenheimer of ESPN; former NFL Commissioner, Paul Tagliabue; Emily Rafferty of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; and noted columnist and author, Pete Hamill. This year, Corpus Christi’s own, Rev. Leo J. O’Donovan, S. J., Class of 1948 joined these illustrious honorees. Fr. O’Donovan regaled the audience with stories of his early years at Corpus Christi, remembering one of his favorite teachers, Sr. Meinrad, who was present at his ordination in 1966 and his inauguration as President of Georgetown University in September 1989. He also spoke of Fr. George Barry Ford, who was appointed pastor of Corpus Christi in 1935 by Cardinal Hayes. Father would again have close ties with CC through Msgr. Ford, who did not retire until 1958.Taught by the Dominican Sisters of Fr. O’Donovan’s official Georgetown University portrait Sinsinnawa who adopted a progressive education system based on John Dewey’s principles, Father learned in the spirit of, ―cooperation, collaboration and competition.‖ In speaking of Corpus Christi today, Father remarked that, ―I am filled first of all with gratitude…I am grateful with you – for so many things: for the parents, who gave us life; the teachers, who helped us to understand; the doctors, who cared for our health; the business people, who built our CORPUS CHRISTI SCHOOL economy; the writers and artists, who fired our imaginations; the men and women of politics, who shaped our societies; the pastors, who gathered us in search of God. Our lives are gifts.‖ He went on to say that, ―Nothing is more important in our lives than gratitude and generosity…Gratitude awakens generosity and generosity …renews gratitude.‖ Father thanked all the supporters of Corpus Christi who have provided much-needed funding for programs and scholarships for so many years. Many parents who truly want their children to have a Catholic education, just cannot afford to pay full tuition and rely on the generosity of our supporters and friends to help them keep their children in CC from Pre-K through 8th grade. This year, the Benefit raised over $150,000. The administration, faculty staff and of course the students, thank each and every one who contributed. For as Father O’Donovan always says, ―It’s all for the children.‖ He concluded his remarks with a heartfelt,‖ I thank you all, with all my heart, for your great generosity to the little school where, for me, it all started.‖ 535 West 121st Street New York New York 10027 Phone: 212-662-9344 Fax: 212-662-2725 Email: Website: 2014 Annual Benefit continued The evening was a stunning success both socially and economically. Many friends of Corpus Christi were able to renew old friendships as they sampled the heavenly cuisine provided by Mutual of America. With a marvelous view of Park Avenue that only New York City could provide, the guests marveled at the brilliance of the sunset as they gathered for the formal presentation. Chairman of the Advisory Board, Eleanor McGee, also a Corpus Christi graduate, welcomed everyone to an evening of ―great fun and friends.‖ She opened the Silent Auction and Raffle and encouraged everyone to bid on the fabulous items donated by our outstanding Benefit Committee. Mrs. McGee introduced Emcee and co-Chair of the event, Michael Rankowitz, a long time friend of Fr. O’Donovan who regaled the crowd with stories and anecdotes of Father O’Donovan. These annual Benefits have raised over $1.35 million for Corpus Christi School and its students. The Advisory Board, Pastor, administration, faculty, staff , and parents thank you ever so much for your support of our wonderful school! Our students, many of whom join us each year to sell raffles, hand out programs and sing with our choir, also thank you. Although they are still relatively young, they do understand that you are here to help them and their school and they know that through your efforts and donations, many of them and their classmates are able to call Corpus Christi a their ―second home‖ for nine or ten years! They know what you do to help them and they truly appreciate it. A very special thank you goes to Mr. Thomas Moran of Mutual of America for providing us once again with this beautiful venue for the event, and to Mr. Ted Dawson who donated his time and talent as a graphic designer to make our beautiful invitations and programs. Please see our list of donors and more memorable photos on page 3 and 5. Eleanor McGee, Chairman of the Advisory Board, opens the evening Mike Rankowitz, Co-Chair and emcee, shares stories and memories of Fr. O’Donovan Mike Rankowitz, welcomes Fr. O’Donovan to the podium (left to right) Father O’Donovan at an early age with his parents; his First Holy Communion photo from Corpus Christi School and his picture on the occasion of his ordination to the priesthood—his favorite! 2014 Annual Benefit continued P H O T O G A L L E R Y Annual Spring Benefit, May, 2014 A Special Thank you to His Eminence, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan for his donation in honor of Fr. Leo J. O’Donovan, S. J. Summa Cum Laude ($10,000 and more) Mrs. James E. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rankowitz Magna Cum Laude ($5,000 $9,999) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Fitzgerald, III Mary Kresky Mr. & Mrs. Carl Landegger Martin J. McLaughlin Cum Laude ($2,500 - $4,999) Mr. & Mrs. Lee Bass Emily Chen Helen T. Lowe Proud Graduate ($1,000 - $2,499) Mr. & Mrs. Larry Aiello, Jr. Mrs. Richard M. Cashin Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cognetti Joyce B. Cowin In Honor of Didi Burke Mr. & Mrs. Justin Garbaccio Irwin Jacobs In Honor of Fr. Leo J. O’Donovan, S. J. Mr. & Mrs. John Michael Joyce, III The KAT Foundation The John R. Kennedy Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kinney Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Lafranchi Sarah Marie Martin Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McGee Mr. Vincent McGee Mr. & Mrs. Richard Moley Shannon Mullen & Peter Karches Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Murphy Mr. & Mrs. James Quinn Mr. & Mrs. David Schwartz The Shoreland Foundation Carmen Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stebbins Mr. & Mrs. John W. Sullivan Carol Toolan Mr. & Mrs. George Wellde Friends ($500 - $999) Susan Braddock Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Buckley In Honor of Fr. Leo J. O’Donovan, S. J. Mr. & Mrs. James Cognetti Mr. & Mrs. James D. Farley Mary Kay Farley Michael Gellert In Honor of Renee Landegger Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Werner Kramarsky Joseph Kroth Chris Landon Mr. & Mrs. Sean Mullen Stephen Paluszek The Schiff Foundation In Honor of Fr. Leo J. O’Donovan, S. J. Bradley Simon Sponsors ($125 - $499) Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ball Susan Barba Louise Basbas Gene Bay Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bejgrowicz Mr. & Mrs. John Berkery Merilee Bostock In Honor of Didi Burke Mr. & Mrs. James Brennan Felix Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carrajat Mr. & Mrs. Peter Carry Drs. David and Jean Case Mr. & Mrs. Dino Cavanna Michael Chepucavage Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Coleman David M. Curtin Joseph Demas Rosemary Deslodge Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Dinger Maren Dinsmore Robert Disch Bryn Dolan Jessica Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Harold Elish Philip Erard B.J. Finneran Edward Finneran Brian D. Fix In Honor of Carl & Renee Landegger Macy Foley John Foye Mr. & Mrs. William Frank Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gannon Mr. & Mrs. Justin Garbaccio Jeanne Brooks Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hanley Bill Harvey Norman Horowitz Abe Jacob Suzanne F. Kelley Genevieve Kinney Mr. & Mrs. Ray Kinstler Jeffrey C. Lee Bro. Thomas Leto, CFC, Iona Prep School Barbara King Lord Mr. & Mrs. Frank Luciano Alice Lustig Rocco Magiotto Kevin McGee Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. McGuire Frank Oveis Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Pietronuto Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Piscitello Kathleen Plunkett O’Connor Rev. Raymond Rafferty Meg Riley Raymond W. Riordan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schilling Scott Shea Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Shafer Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Shields Dr. Richard Spagnuolo Melvin Stecher Mr. & Mrs. Derek Stoldt Kelly Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Webber In Honor of Fr. Leo J. O’Donovan, S. J. Marie-Helene Weill In Honor of Fr. Leo J. O’Donovan, S. J. James Welby Gretchen Werwaiss Mr. & Mrs. John A Werwaiss Thomas A. Wong Contributors ($1 - $124) The Bresnihan Family Cathy Callendar Mr. & Mrs. Alan Feldman Brigitte Linz Alexandra MacDonald Dalton MacDonald Sr. Eileen Martin, SC Mrs. John Cullen Murphy Robert Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Revitt Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rowland Mr. & Mrs. David Sekeres Nydia Serrano-Soler Robert A. M. Stern Silent Auction & Raffle Donors With special gratitude to Mr. & Mrs. Lance Weaver America Magazine Tanya Bastianich George Bodenheimer, ESPN Susan Braddock, Metropolitan Opera Guild Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bullard Diane W. Burke Roberta Burrows Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carrajat Cellini’s Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cognetti Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cooper Philippe Delouvrier The Disney Company Felidia’s Mr. & Mrs. William Frank Mr. & Mrs. Justin Garbaccio Peter Karches Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kinney Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Lafranchi Renee Landegger David Lees Helen Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Frank Luciano Vincent McGee Martin J. McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Sean Mullen Shannon Mullen Neary's Pub Fr. Leo J. O'Donovan, S. J. Campbell & Patrick O’Shea Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rankowitz Chris Riccobono Mr. & Mrs. Jake Robards Roche-Bobois Karen Schineller, The Discovery Channel Mr. & Mrs. Derek Stoldt Karina Strobl Carol Toolan Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure that the details of this list are accurate. If your name was omitted or listed incorrectly, please accept our sincere apology and notify Mary Ann Lynch at Benefit Gallery continued Our Supporters Celebrate Corpus Christi School Advisory Board Corner by Eleanor McGee, Chairperson Once again, Corpus Christi School completed another successful year for all the students – and the year ahead will be both challenging and rewarding. The graduating class was large and highly successful: excellent high school acceptances across the board! The new students, most from recently closed Catholic schools nearby, were welcomed by all and found an inviting home here. The Corpus Christi Advisory Board worked closely with Principal Dorothy Valla and with Rev. Daniel O’Reilly, and we look forward to continuing our work with Corpus Christi’s new Principal, Christian Mariano. The Advisory Board’s objective is to help ensure the school’s current financial and educational security and long -range future viability. An important part of our job is to help raise the funds to make that objective possible. This year our Annual Benefit, which honored Rev. Leo O’Donovan, S.J – an outstanding Corpus Christi graduate - was a big success; the 170+ attendees helped raise over $150,000. Another excellent CC graduate, Harry La Rosiliere, the Mayor of Plano Texas, came back again, this time to be the guest speaker at the graduation ceremony. He was an inspiration for all of us: teachers, parents, fellow graduates and especially the students. The Advisory Board’s commitment is to strengthen Corpus Christi School’s purpose in providing the very best and most affordable educational opportunities to its students – those with us this year and well into the future. Principal’s Corner It is with sadness and nostalgia that I write this column. Principal Dorothy Valla will not be returning to Corpus Christi in the Fall. During the six years that Ms. Valla served as Principal, Corpus Christi saw many positive changes and advancements in its efforts to give every student the best Catholic education. Enrollment went from 174 in 2008-09 to 223 in the 2013-14 year. We have new windows and stair treads, new security gates, and other capital improvements, thanks to her diligent effort at securing grants for our school. Technology has been constantly monitored and updated: new computers, wi-fi, security cameras, and SmartBoards were installed. The curriculum was enhanced by the installation of a new Science Lab. Italian language classes have been in place for four years, and through a partnership with Price Waterhouse, a ―Financial Literacy Day Camp‖ was held. Under Ms. Valla’s leadership, Corpus Christi students placed first, second and third in the District Speech Contest— an unparalleled feat. I have known Ms. Valla for many years and have worked with her at Corpus Christi for the last four years. I have never known her to be without a smile for anyone entering her office. Students respected her, not just for her title, but because they knew that she cared about each and every one of them. The students were always the focus of her day—they came first. She strove for excellence and instilled this desire in faculty and staff. Corpus Christi School will miss her and all that she stood for and taught our students over the years. Please join me in wishing her well as she goes on to new endeavors and certain success. As we begin a new era at Corpus Christi, let us welcome Mr. Christian Mariano, our new Principal. I look forward to working with him as we continue the excellence that has, and always will be, Corpus Christi School. Mary Ann Lynch Director of Development Students’ Corner in Photos CORPUS CHRISTI SCHOOL 535 West 121 Street New York, NY 10027 Students from the Corpus Christi Choir perform for our supporters at the school’s Annual Spring benefit, held May 14th at Mutual of America on Park Avenue