Kontak October 2014 - Global Jaya School


Kontak October 2014 - Global Jaya School
Global Jaya International School
Volume 3
31 October 2014
Welcome To GJIS
Azerbaijan Trip
Inside this Issue:
Page 2,
Head of School Corner
Page 3,
PYP Parents Workshops
Page 3,
Book Week
Page 4-6,
Primary News
ja Camp
Year 7 Jog
Manila Trip
Page 6,
Film Competition
Page 7,
International Day of
e are three weeks into Term 2 and plenty of events to report.
Within this month’s Kontak, you will read interesting feedback
from school trips. We also feature recent Primary events along with
Secondary highlights.
At the centre of our community are our students. Global Jaya is dedicated to providing a safe and supportive learning environment. We are
pleased to report that IT hardware and software have been purchased
for the school. These updates will allow stronger bandwidths and increase the capacity for students to access the internet...( Continue to
Head of School Corner )
"Lest we forget" – three words renown
across many countries to show our remembrance of those who have fought, and
those who have died fighting for freedom.
Please take a minute to remember, on the
11th of November.
Page 8,
Moslem Celebrations
Page 9,
Jogja Camp
Page 10-11
Azerbaijan Culture
Page 12,
Southville Sports
Page 12-15,
GJIS Sports News
Page 16,
Kilvington Grammar
School Students Visit
Coming Up:
Sports tournament &
Open Day
GJIS Staff Family
Bali Trip
Source: Halifax Chronicle Herald – Bruce MacKinnon
Global Jaya International School
Emerald Boulevard
Bintaro Jaya Sektor IX
Tangerang, 15224
Kuningan Camp
Website: www.globaljaya.com
Tel: 6221 745 7562
Fax: 6221 745 7561
Inquire: sekolah@globaljaya.com
Head of School
Dear GJIS Families:
We are three weeks into Term 2 and plenty of events to report. Within this month’s Kontak, you will
read interesting feedback from school trips. We also feature recent Primary events along with Secondary highlights.
At the centre of our community are our students. Global Jaya is dedicated to providing a positive,
safe and supportive learning environment. We are pleased to report that IT hardware and software
have been purchased for the school. These updates will allow stronger bandwidths and increase the
capacity for students to access the internet. In addition, we have purchased iPads for the Primary
Years. The iPads are an extra tool for learning and plans to support the process are in place. Pak
Rully and Pak Dan in Primary are assigned as Technology Coordinators. They are helping teachers
to enhance lessons through technology and support new platforms such as ManageBac.
With regards to the Ministry of Education and rules and regulations, GJIS will comply with expectations from the government. According to authorities, the word ‘International’ cannot be used within
our school name. Although we have had international status since 2009 the final written authorisation was not approved and signed by the Ministry. Global Jaya is authorized by the IBO to offer Primary and Middle Years Programmes, along with the Diploma Programme. By the 1st of December,
we have been instructed to change our name. The Directors and Leadership Team have decided to
change the school name to Global Jaya School. A number of signs and postings will require a new
logo and we will finalise this very soon. Please be assured that our curriculum will not change. The
Principals will be issuing letters to explain to Indonesian families about examination options for Year
6 and Year 9. The Year 12 National Exam will also be offered as an option for our senior students.
If you have any queries about our school or programmes, I would welcome you to make an appointment. I hope your weeks ahead are fulfilling and positive.
Sincere regards,
David J. Hornby
Head of School
Global Jaya International School
Parents Workshops:
Introduction to PYP
and MSC
In Primary School at Global Jaya, we
are proud to regularly invite parents to workshops to assist in their
understanding of the programme
and identify the various ways they
can support their child's learning at
home. On Saturday 20 September,
28 new parents attended the Introduction to PYP and MSC workshops.
These workshops are designed for
new and current parents, to learn
new information, confirm what they
already know or contribute to the
explanations and discussion based
on their own experience. We would
like to thank all parents for their enthusiasm when participating in the
discussions and also for their ongoing support. We are looking forward
to meeting more parents at the next
parent workshops in Term 2.
This year’s Book Week theme is “Gotta Keep
Reading”, though by the time you read this
most Book Week events will have taken place.
However, our final event will take place in the
Theatre on Open Day, November 1 and parents
are cordially invited to attend.
Soccer coach, author, language teacher, traveller and raconteur Ronny Mintjens will be addressing students from Years 5-12 about his
adventures as a soccer coach and traveller in
South Africa and North Korea. For the younger
students, his presentation will be more lighthearted and entertaining, but with the older
students he will concentrate on the darker
aspects of life in North Korea and the difference between media hyperbole and real life in
this mysterious realm. Ronny will be on hand
to sign books and answer questions after his
student sessions, before conducting soccer
workshops for students and staff after lunch.
Saturday November 1
(GJIS Open Day)
Year 5,6,7
at 7.50 am
Year 8,9,10
at 8.40 am
Year 11,12
at 10.10 am
Meet author
Ronny Mintjens
Global Jaya International School
Primary News
n Monday the 29th of September 2014, the Year 1
students visited the Fatmawati
Post Office in South Jakarta, as a
front-loading activity for our second
unit about Communication.
At school, we wrote a letter to a
friend and brought it to the post
office to learn about the process of
how letters get posted and sent.
By the time this article gets
published, all of our students will
have received their letters. Thank
you postal workers!
On Friday 26 September, the year 2 students
had their first assembly of this school year.
They presented what have they had learned
from our first UOI, which had the central
idea “Interdependence within Communities”.
The students showed their CONFIDENCE,
for and performing two songs and some short
dramas and role plays based on the concepts of
CONFIDENCE. It was an amazing performance!
We are currently learning about the concept
of REFLECTION. One of the activities we are
engaging in is finding out about our personal
rubbish production by collecting our own rubbish
from our snacks and drinks for one week.
As a learning experience to encourage
REFLECTION, on Wednesday 8 October, we were
asked to carry the rubbish we generated in one
week in black rubbish bags during play times.
We then REFLECTED on what it felt like to have
to carry our rubbish around with us and how to
create less rubbish at school.
Here is the result of our REFLECTION.
Global Jaya International School
As one of the front loading
activities for UOI 2 under
the transdisciplinary theme
“Where We Are in Place
and Time”, Year 4 went to
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah,
Jakarta. The purpose of the
trip was to support students
in their personal projects.
During the trip we visited
Museum Indonesia,
attractions from certain
provinces and Klenteng
King Miao. Students
demonstrated their curiosity
and communication skills
when they asked the tour
guides questions.
In music class, the
Year 5 students have
been inquiring into the
relationship between
performers and their
audience. Students have
explored why it is important
to make a connection with
the audience and how a
performance needs to be
designed with the audience
in mind. To bring this to
action, students selected
and performed Incy Wincy
Spider, This Old Man, ABC,
Old Mc Donald, Mary Had a
Little Lamb, London Bridge,
Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star
and Humpty Dumpty in front
of Kindy and Reception.
Global Jaya International School
In Year 6 this Semester, as a part of the MidSemester Conferences (MSCs), parents and
students were provided the materials to create a mural where the students and parents
could express their ideas, opinions and artistic expressions of the natural environment of
Bali. In fact, this was something new in the
MSCs, where the parents not only heard about
and observed the results of the students'
learning, but they could also be involved in an
activity with their child. Both parents and students were very enthusiastic to participate!
The Year 6 assembly was an energy filled
experience! For the assembly, students wrote
and presented scenes which reflected their
understanding of the actions that people take
to tackle issues in their communities. We
observed three different situations: in a classroom, in a canteen and in a community near a
river. The scenes demonstrated how ignorant
actions in their community result in negative affects. Such negative practices depicted
people littering in a river, pushing forward
past others in a line in a school canteen and
skipping class. The students then replayed
each scene demonstrating solutions to these
problems. Being directly involved as writers
and actors, the students really enjoyed performing in the assembly!
Film Competition
By Giovano Dhivaldi year 11C &
Karin Salum year 11F
It all started in early September, when Ocha approached the
rest of us (Bima, Reyhan, Karin, Dinda and Gio) saying that
there would be a short film competition in Tunas Muda International School. Though this was our first time joining a
competition like this together, we decided that we might as
well give it a shot as a team. In the end, we managed to win
2nd place in this competition.
It turned out that there were only 7 teams from various
schools that participated in this competition. Even so, it was
an extremely competitive event and all the schools made
movies that we thought were brilliant, thus making us feel
really honored about managing to win second place—especially because this was our first time making a film together
for a competition and also because we had written, shot,
and edited the film in only 5 days. A couple of us had never
even made a film for a competition before, or occupied the
role that we did in the production team. Reyhan, the director on the production team of “Unrequited” (the name of
our short film), said that, “It was pretty challenging as I
didn’t have much experience directing a film. Thankfully my
friends helped me go through that and helped me to achieve
this result.” We’re extremely proud of being able to represent Global Jaya International School in this film competition
and we hope that we’ll be able to achieve first place next
time we do this.
Global Jaya International School
International Day of Peace – Speech Competition
Monday, October 22, 2014
ach year, the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September.
The United Nations General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.
To mark the 30th anniversary of the General Assembly Declaration on the Right of Peoples to
Peace, the theme of this year’s International Day of Peace is the “Right of Peoples to Peace”.
This anniversary offers a unique opportunity to reaffirm the United Nations commitment to
the purposes and principles upon which the Organization was founded. The Declaration on the
Right of Peoples to Peace recognizes that the promotion of peace is vital for the full enjoyment of all human rights.
In Global Jaya, the International Day of Peace is also celebrated every year. The Global Jaya
Model United Nations (MUN) club is the promoter of the event in the form of a Speech Competition. All students from Year 7 to 12 were welcomed to join in both Individual and Team
categories. They competed in 2 divisions: Junior (Year 7 to 10) and Senior (Year 11 to 12).
This year, there were 10 students participating in the Junior Division and 21 students in the
Senior Division. All students presented their speech in English in 3 minutes. They discussed
issues regarding peace, the right of peoples to peace and gave example of activities they
could do as a student to promote peace in the school community.
Apart from that, Year 11 and 12 students who are taking Mandarin, Spanish and French were
also involved in the event. Addressing the same issue, they presented their speech in Mandarin or Spanish or French. They were amazing and almost sounded like native speakers!
Individual Category
Team Category
Adam Muhammad Klesc
Josephine Alexandra Kantawiria
& Karissa Triastari
Carla Hamida
Park Sung Been
Mika Savina Hainim & Anjasarto
Iman Nugroho
Karina Anjani Salum
Kezia pramesti Maharani &
Nadya Noorfairuza
Zidny Ilman Arby
Jung Min Kyu
Junior Division
Senior Division
Individual category
Madina Malahayati Chumaera &
Min Se Hong
Jessica Tologo Sumantri & Amaris Salsabila malik Bawazier
Irene Erati Mahoney & I Gusti
Ayu Kimberly Adrianna oka
Team Category
Keshia Saradima Indiradi
Lee Jae Won
Ryann Rezza Ardiansyah
By Ibu Regina
Global Jaya International School
Eid Celebration 1435 H
Moslem Celebrations
Our committee held
activities for the
Eid celebration on
Thursday, 25 September in the Theatre with the theme
Rahmatan lil alamin.
During the event,
P. David struck the
gendang (drum) to
signal the opening
of the event.
We apologize in
form and spirit for
any offense and
pray that our fasting
for Ramadhan will
be accepted by Allah
Eid al- Adha Celebration 1435 H
Welcome, IdulAdha 1435 H. Our
committee organized events with
the theme of Eid al-Adha Celebration: A more meaningful life to
share, on Sunday, October 5, 2014
at the Masjid Al – Ghafur. We received 18 goats and 2 cows from
GJIS parents, resulting in 607
plastic bags with meat, each weighing 1 kg. In accordance with tradition, the meat was distributed to
the poor and needy in the areas
neighboring Global Jaya International School, including : Masjid
Al - Ghafur, RT 01, RT 02, RT 03,
RT 04, RT 05, local villages, police,
Koramil, workers, Security, ISS
and members of the committee.We
On 7-8 June 2014 I joined the pesantren programme in PadepokanPencakSilat Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). The
first day we went to asrama haji PondokGede to do Manasik
Haji, tawaf, wukuf, sa'i, tahalul and we prayed dhuha. After we
did the Manasik haji, we went to the hotel and discussed the
essential agreements.
In the outbound program, we learned to cooperate with others. I felt so happy because it was very fun! After the outbound activity, we made a small building from straws and
played a game that is similar to musical chairs but we used
names instead of music. We also went to the At-tin mosque to
pray and read qur'an.
The next morning, we went to the musholla to do subuh
prayer and did morning exercise such as stretching, jumping
and walking around the hotel. After we ate breakfast, we did
competitions which were cerdas-cermat, adzan demonstration, sholat demonstration, reading qur'an or iqro. After that,
teachers gave out our trophies and certificates and I got the
cerdas- cermat trophy and the best santriwati certificate.
want to thank all students, parent's
committee and the various related
parties for your cooperation and
participation in the implementation
of these activities.
Congratulations, IdulAdha 1435
H. We apologize in form and spirit
for any offense and pray that our
sacrifice will be accepted by Allah
By Pak Tisno
By Dara Year 5A
Global Jaya International School
Jogja Camp
By Pak Dhanu
interesting subjects and playing various games.
eptember 29th until October 3rd was
a memorable week for the Year 7
students, who went on their first secondary school trip to Yogyakarta. This is
the 11th year of the Jogja Camp at Global
Jaya international School. The reason why
we keep on having this trip is its success at
building strong and positive bonds between
all year 7 students, as well as teaching them
to become more independent as individuals.
Students got along really well and enjoyed
doing various activities. Some of the activities broadened their knowledge about Jogja’s
historical places as well as the Javanese
culture in general. They visited the Sultan’s
Palace and the famous Borobudur Temple,
watched the Ramayana Ballet Dance Performance, learned how to play gamelan and to
paint batik.
Alongside these culture-related activities,
other activities like rafting, outbound activities and team-building games intensified
their bonds of friendship and camaraderie.
Year 7 students also learned about PoSSSE*
and how to implement its value, especially
how to respect others. This was further reinforced through our Jogja Camp CnS activities, where Year 7 students visited two
primary schools, teaching the students some
Global Jaya International School
To wrap up the trip, Year 7 students participated
in a one-night full camping experience. They
all participated and enjoyed various group performances on the stage in front of their friends,
gathering around the bonfire and sleeping in
tents. Loads of activities, lots of laughs and it
was all fully worth it.
Here are some testimonies from the students:
“The camp was fun and exciting; I have known
more about my friends ever since. The camp
helped me in building my cooperation and communicating with my friends.”
“The most interesting activity that I have done
during the camp is rafting. For me, it’s interesting because you can learn about teamwork and
other stuff like planning. I think that’s useful.”
“I feel like this is a good camp, because it developed our team-building skills. We get to know
each other more and get the chance to make
new best friends!”
*PoSSSE: Positive, Safe, and Supportive School
n September, a contingent of fifteen
students and three teachers went to
Azerbaijan as part of the GJIS Culture Exchange Programme. This was
the second exchange trip, following the
notable success of last year’s journey
to Ukraine. The programme includes
homestays, performances, participation
in classes at local schools, a student led
presentation about Indonesian culture
and visits to place of special interest.
We focus on unique destinations that
allow for a sincere appreciation of a foreign culture and endeavor to maintain
long term relationships with our hosts
and new friends.
Two of the most memorable aspects
of our trips are always the homestay
experience and participation in classes
at school. This process of immersion
provides depth to the experience and
a real understanding that what we
learn from news reports and Wikipedia
about a country and its people barely
scratches the surface. Stereotypes and
assumptions quickly disappear as students discover that people are people
no matter where we are in the world
and that we have much more in common than anticipated.
We are particularly proud of the fact
that our students often remain in contact with their new friends long after they return home. The students
watched with sincere concern as events
unfolded in Ukraine last year. The
protests took place in Independence
Square, just in front of the hotel where
we stayed and the barricade shown in
many reports was just under the bridge
where students stood together for
photos. Our students were able to talk
to their friends in Ukraine, to hear their
stories, share their concerns and offer
expressions of support.
It is encouraging to know that we have
helped to bridge the gap between Indonesia and these two great nations and
that we have done it with sincerity and
grace. Most reassuring, though, is that
we have done it through our children,
in whom we have now planted a seed of
understanding that cannot be unplanted. Though we hope their roots will be
firmly planted in their Indonesian heritage, we are equally hopeful that their
branches will grow to cover the length
and breadth of the world.
Global Jaya International School
Our trip to Azerbaijan included the following performances:
A performance at School No. 6 whose audience included not only students and teachers, but also
the Ambassadors from Indonesia, Japan and Korea, the Ambassador from Azerbaijan to Indonesia
and high ranking officials from the Azerbaijan State Department and Office of The President.
A live interview and performance on AzTV, Azerbaijan’s largest television station. The students
sang, performed the Saman Dance and Jason Suwito played Fragmen by Jaya Suprana on the studio’s grand piano.
A performance in the courtyard of the Sharvanshah Palace in the Old Walled City.
An impromptu performance for the Director and guests at Qala Archeological and Cultural Heritage
By Pak Andy Dougharty
Global Jaya International School
Southville Sports Exchange
Please congratulate all of the students that represented our school with high levels of passion, class and skill in Manila from September 24th to 28th. GJIS sent 19 students who
competed in volleyball, basketball and soccer over the three days. All students participated
in each sport and did a great job adapting to the different challenges they faced. I was very
proud of the sportsmanship, enthusiasm and character this group of young adults demonstrated during this trip. They were great representatives for our school.
The girl’s teams achieved 2nd place in soccer and 3rd place in basketball. The boy’s team
achieved 3rd place for soccer and volleyball.
Varsity Girls Volleyball
Year 12
I would like to thank all of the volleyball athletes for their hard work and commitment during the first season. We went undefeated during
our divisional games against JIS, BIS and STB
and earned first place and direct entry to the
JAAC semi final against JIS, which we won 3-0.
We lost to defending champion SPH-LV 3-1 in
the finals. Kelsea Dressler was named as an AllStar for the season. I was very impressed with
this group of athlete’s determination and passion to improve their volleyball skills. With only
one Year 12 student on the team the future
GJIS team should be very strong.
Year 11
Year 10
Year 9
By Pak Kelly
Global Jaya International School
Varsity BOYS Volleyball
By Pak Dedi
Global Jaya’s Varsity volleyball boys team made great progress this season. Ten
boys joined the team this year. We practiced from August until October with Pak
Dedi as our coach.
We joined and participated in the volleyball league JAAC (Jakarta Athletic Activities
After three months of practice, the team grew stronger and focused on cooperation
skills. Everybody on the team has been able to play well. Many boys can demonstrate techniques and strategies at an excellent level when playing volleyball and
show exceptional teamwork on the court.
This is an amazing improvement from last year and hopefully in the next season
the team will continue working hard so we can win first place.
We are so proud to have played with the team this season. We all grew as a family
and we loved every minute of every practice and game. It’s been such an amazing
time and we can’t wait to play again next season with these boys and the next ones
to join!
For the Western Region Group of schools, the boys GJIS team were successfully
became ranked first and advanced to the final round. Then we played against the
Eastern Region Group of schools on the 3rd of October at Sekolah Pelita Harapan Karawaci.
In the final round we played against SPH Karawaci. Our team played well and tried
to secure the first place; however, we succeeded in placing second overall.
Final Game Result
Friday October 3
Global Jaya International School
Team Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
GJIS Badminton Team
By Pak Tofan
GJIS boys and girls badminton teams participated in
the JAAC JR badminton tournament on Saturday, 27
September 2014 at SPH Village from 8 am to 3 pm. In
the first round of the tournament, the GJIS boys team
lost 0-4 to the SIS team, beat JIS B 4-0 in the next
round and in the last round, GJIS boys team beat STB
In the first round of the tournament, GJIS girls team
beat SIS 3-1, beat JIS A 3-1 and in the final lost 0-4
to STL resulting in the girls badminton team achieving
2nd place in this tournament.
In this tournament, the boys and girls learned not
only team work, badminton skills and strategies, but
also respect for other teams. Congratulations to the
Boys and Girls GJIS badminton teams for your hard
work, commitment and your participation in all practices and tournaments this year.
Thank you for CAS and CNS students Noel (11E) and
David (10D) for your help and support in Badminton
practices this session.
Boys badminton team: Reyhan Parengkuan, Riko (9C),
Chester, Arif, Bagas, Min Kee (9A), Dong Hyub (8A)
and Eo Jin (8B)
Girls badminton team: Nathania (9B), Amanda, Min
Jung (8B) and Se Hong (8A)
On Saturday 4 October the Middle School
Girls Basketball Team played their first
friendly match against Sekolah Pelita
Harapan - Kemang Village. The girls
showed great commitment by arriving
early and warming up with enthusiasm.
The large number of girls participating in
this year's squad ensured quick rotations
and a fast pace. Their opponents were
also quick footed and well organized, but
the GJIS girls were determined to play
tough, strong defense forcing SPH to
earn their points from the foul line.
Middle School Basketball
By Ibu Sarah Verdaguer
At the end, the score board (SPH 29,
GJIS 4) did not reflect the closely fought
game. The GJIS girls should certainly be
congratulated for their enthusiasm and
supportive approach which was evident
in their continued cheering and encouragement from the sidelines.
Global Jaya International School
By Pak Totok
Varsity Boys Soccer
The Varsity Boys Soccer team is made up of Year 10 – 12 students. The formation of the team
started during the try-out activities, for which approximately 28 students registered, and finally
ended with 22 players at the end of August. With incredible passion and commitment, the players diligently trained three times a week after school for 1.5 hours for drill skills, fitness development and individual-team tactics. At the beginning of September, the team competed with 4 other
schools in the West Division; UPH College, SPH-LV, St Laurensia and BIS. This league applied a
home-away system where each team in the group has an opportunity to compete as a home team
and an away team. After finishing 8 matches in the group, the GJIS team achieved 1st place in the
West Division and collected 19 points from 6 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss. The team went on to win
against SPH Kemang 3 – 0 in the quarter final and beat SPH Lippo Village 2 – 0 in the semi final.
The team played a final match against BIS and all players demonstrated their skill, effort and spirit. In the end, however, the team had to acknowledge BIS as the winner. The GJIS team achieved
2nd place after losing to the BIS team 1 – 6 in the final. As their coach, I am proud of my players,
all of whom have great talent, sense of responsibility, spirit, effort and commitment. Once again,
well done to all players involved. Your effort and hard work is an inspiration to the GJIS Junior
players and helps to encourage their spirit and commitment.
GJIS Players are Arda, Nicky, Al-Bani, Amza, Billy, Devin, Reva, Derryl and Ghifary
(Year 12), Haneef, Galang, Baron, Gio, Matu, Reyhan P, Kevin J, Azriel and Rafli
(Year 11), Brian, Angga and Bagas (Year 10).
Varsity Girls Soccer
By Pak Eko
The Jakarta Athletics and Activities Conference (JAAC) competition ran from September to October
this year, with the GJIS team placed in the West Division together with SPH-LV, BIS, STL and UPHC. During the course of the season the skills of individual players improved greatly. The girls also
learned a lot about defensive and offensive strategies. Every player in the squad showed strong
defensive skills by sticking to their opponents during defense and positioning themselves correctly
on the pitch when our team had the ball. The team should also be commended on their ability to
manage their emotions and display a positive spirit. At the end of the JAAC Competition the team
was in 5th place out of ten schools. This is a fantastic result for a team that really tried their best.
Congratulations to the GJIS Varsity Girls Soccer Team.
I am very proud of your efforts throughout the season, Girls. Once again, congratulations to the
Varsity Girls Soccer Team.
Global Jaya International School
By Ibu Helen
ast Term from the 20th to 26th of
September 2014, GJIS families hosted
14 students from Years 6 to 9 from
Kilvington Grammar School, Australia. To
help them settle in, they spent some ‘getting to know you time’ with their host families before joining in with school activities.
The Kilvington students introduced their
school on the first day and the GJIS students were excited in welcoming them.
The next day, they visited Schmutzer Primate Centre at Jakarta Rangunan Zoo and
they also visited Sanggar Jawa Jawi in Cilandak to learn to play traditional music on
the gamelan as well as making their own
In school hours on Wednesday, the Kilvington students created Indonesian Beber
puppets (Wayang Beber). Based on characters portrayed in the Ramayana, Hindu
Wayang epic. The puppets were created
on canvas paper by experimentation with
acrylic and spray paint material.
Miniature Park Taman Mini Indonesia Indah,
did some Jakarta sightseeing at the National
Museum, lunched at Grand Indonesia Mall
and went to Playland Dunia Fantasi.
On their last day, our guests joined Entrepreneur Studies where students made a traditional pattern t-shirt called Jumputan and
they participated in a cooking class to cook
traditional Indonesian food such as Gethuk
Keju, Sosis Solo and Es teller. Before leaving
for their overnight flight home, they had dinner with host families, the student council,
student buddies and the GJIS news crew.
Many thanks to the Global Jaya TV News
Production team who did the documentation
and a big thanks to the generous host families of the GJIS community.
On Thursday, our visitors were interested
to know about Jakarta and Indonesian culture. They visited the beautiful Indonesia
Global Jaya International School