Alumni News and Notes - College of Business


Alumni News and Notes - College of Business
Alumni News and Notes
College of Business, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Wi n t er 2 0 0 8 VO l u me 6 Nu m ber 3
Alumni Pride
Worldly MBA
Topping Off
College News
Leadership Notes
Class Notes
College Ambassadors
Donor List
To Educate the Best and the Brightest
College of Business alumni who remember sitting on a
concrete bench outside Wohlers Hall to study between
classes or saving a table at a campus coffee shop for
their study group can appreciate the gift today’s students
received when the Business Instructional Facility opened
its doors this fall.
As the visible heart of the College of Business, BIF is a studentfocused, state-of-the-art building designed to enhance instruction. It
includes high-tech classrooms, study and interview rooms, a 300-seat
auditorium, a real-time market trading laboratory, and great gathering
spaces. According to Dean Larry DeBrock, it was built for one reason:
“to educate the best and the brightest.”
To hear students’ impressions, it’s hitting the mark. Nicholas Murphy, a senior in finance,
considers BIF an exceptional environment, not only because of the technology available in the
classrooms but because of the opportunities it provides outside of class. “It offers students a portal to
maximize their education and their professional goals,” he says. “Centralizing all offices, classrooms,
meeting rooms, and career services provides a one-stop shop for students,” a benefit Murphy
describes not only as convenient but collaborative as well. “I remember being a freshman and feeling
continued on pg. 2
Along with Dean Larry DeBrock, left, the first three students to enter the new Business Instructional Facility for classes on
August 25, 2008 are Josh Shenton ’09, 2nd Year MBA, James Cunningham ’09 MAS, and Sophia Wu ’09 MSA.
continued from cover
a sense of anonymity,” he recalls. “This building bridges that gap
by connecting students.”
Ashton Clark, a junior in accounting, agrees, calling BIF
a great place to network. “The Atrium creates an inviting
atmosphere for students to meet,” he says. “When I’m not in
class or speaking with other students, I can take advantage of the
opportunity to visit with professors or other faculty and staff who
are right here in the building.”
That chance to easily connect with other students and faculty
enhances education and builds camaraderie, says Trisha Phadke,
a freshman majoring in finance. “The construction of this
new building has led to somewhat of a phenomenon in which
Business students have been utilizing BIF as a place for gathering
in study groups until late at night and getting work done in
between classes,” she says. “The atmosphere is great for studying,
spreading news of upcoming Business events, and socializing with
other students.”
Having a place that Business students can call their own has
also made a difference when it comes to professional opportunities
says Daniel Dorfman, a junior in finance. He considers BIF’s
interview rooms for on-campus recruiting to be a real benefit.
Not only is it more convenient but it’s also more comfortable
for students, which puts them more at ease during the interview
process. “Every company I interviewed with complimented the
College on these new facilities,” he says, noting that it reflects well
on the College’s commitment to its students.
And as the first “green” building on campus, BIF also
illustrates the College’s commitment to the environment and
providing leadership as a steward of our resources. It is estimated
that BIF could consume nearly 50 percent less energy than a
traditional classroom building of its size. An array of photovoltaic
cells convert sunlight to energy from atop the Deloitte
Auditorium, and two grassy plots on the roofs of the main
building help to catch rainwater. Sensors throughout the building
2 Alumni News and Notes
keep energy use as low as possible by adjusting light levels when
sunlight increases and decreases as well as adjusting ventilation
when CO2 levels rise. The heating and cooling system is unique
for its reliance on convection instead of fans, its preconditioning
and precise introduction of fresh air, and its minimal use of
energy throughout. These features and more contribute to a
facility that will make a real difference to generations of students
for many years to come.
Students recognize the leadership role the College is taking
by making a commitment to sustainability, and they take pride in
it. Clark says it makes an important statement to students, to the
university community, and to the corporate world when “a top
business school like Illinois has put sustainability on its agenda.”
It shows that the College is dedicated to “making advancements
in more than just accounting or marketing” by “taking learning
and where we learn seriously.” And that, Clark says, makes him
“proud of the work my College is doing.”
The dedication of the Business Instructional Facility on October
17, 2008 was a celebration complete with Illini pride. Music by
the Marching Illini and The Illinois Men’s Chorus greeted the
crowd of nearly 1,000 College alumni, students, and supporters
in the Commons. Dean Larry DeBrock addressed the visitors and
campus dignitaries, thanking them for their vision, commitment,
and financial support: “Designed by the world-renown architect
and alumnus, Cesar Pelli, and funded by alumni, friends, and a
bit of creative financing worthy of a preeminent business school,
this building is home to the students of the College of Business.
We built classrooms, we built study rooms, we built a studentcentric space, and we did it for one reason: to educate the best
and the brightest.”
Notable Donor Cirilo McSween
Sorrowfully, Cirilo McSween passed away on November 5, 2008, at press time for this issue of Alumni News and Notes.
We include this original feature with respect for his many contributions to the University, the College, and society.
A Man of Firsts
McSween Credits Illinois With His Inspiration
Cirilo McSween, Nelson Mandela and Dr. Clay Evans
The photographs on the walls in Cirilo McSween’s office tell
the story.* Pictured with the likes of Martin Luther King, Jesse
Jackson, Reverend Ralph Abernathy, Harry Belafonte, Nelson
Mandela, Herb McKinley and Dr. Albert Sampson, one can see
that Cirilo McSween has been friends and partners with some
of the most distinguished and notable people of our time. His
accomplishments are legion and his rise from poverty to the
heights of the business world makes for the stuff of which
legends are made.
Born to a family of five, McSween recalls his family’s home was
no bigger than a small conference room in his current downtown
Chicago office. “I didn’t own any shoes until I received a pair of
athletic shoes for Christmas from my dad when I was about ten,”
McSween said.
It could be said that the gift of running shoes was the harbinger
of a career that would take McSween first to the Panama National
Olympic Track and Field Team, on to an athletic scholarship
at the University of Illinois, followed by record-shattering
accomplishments for New York Life Insurance and later a
partnership with McDonald’s. Through it all, McSween says he was
inspired by others to succeed and is quick to credit his mentors.
“At the time, the track coach was Leo Johnson, a national and
international figure. He was my hero. He taught us teamwork and
confidence. He inspired us to be the best through physical training
and developing a positive attitude. I believe that is the essence of
being prepared for anything in life.”
At the University McSween came under the tutelage of Robert
Mehr, a professor known not only for his knowledge of economics,
but also for his expertise and specialization in insurance. It was
Mehr who gave a pragmatic lift to McSween’s future and suggested
he apply to New York Life Insurance Company in New York. Mehr
was so awed by McSween’s drive and promise that he authored a
textbook on insurance and dedicated the fourth edition to him.
Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King and Cirilo McSween
“At that time, large insurance companies did not hire African
Americans,” McSween recalls. Within a year at New York Life,
McSween had shattered every record in the life insurance
industry for African Americans. He was the first to sell $1 million
a year in life insurance policies. He later sold polices worth $1
million a month and surpassed that by selling $2 million a month.
McSween’s triumphs earned him a lifetime membership in “The
Million Dollar Roundtable,” making him the first African American
to join this prestigious insurance society. New York Life eventually
transferred McSween back to Chicago where he stayed with the
company for twenty years.
Remembering his roots and displaying a special courage and
compassion for the poor and downtrodden, McSween, in the
1960s, put his enterprises on hold and ventured to the South
where he marched, protested and linked arms with Dr. King
during the height of the
Civil Rights Movement.
“The University was my inspiration,”
McSween’s loyalty and
McSween said, who graduated in 1954
business acumen earned
with an economics degree.
King’s trust and respect.
— Cirilo McSween
He became a member of
the board and Executive Committee of the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference (SCLC) while King was president. When
Dr. King was assassinated, McSween was a pallbearer. Today, he
continues to play an active role in the civil rights arena.
McSween is a board member and vice chairman of Operation
PUSH where he works as a personal confidant to Rev. Jesse
Jackson. Currently, he serves on the boards of the Martin Luther
King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change and as vice
chairman and treasurer of the SCLC Foundation.
Also in the 1960s, McSween left the insurance industry
and became a McDonald’s franchisor, where he has been a
continued on pg. 4
Winter 2008 3
continued from pg. 3
Cirilo McSween and Omar Torrijos Herrera, head of
state of Republic of Panama
Cirilo McSween, President Martin Torrijos (Republic of Panama) and Cirilo
McSween Jr.
vanguard in the corporation. When he opened his first franchise,
McSween became the first African American entrepreneur to
open a business at the still developing State Street Mall in
Chicago. He distinguished himself with marketing expertise and
his accomplishments earned him the Ronald McDonald Award for
Exemplary Contribution in 1981. In 1994, he received The Golden
Arch Award, the highest award presented to an owner/operator by
the corporation.
Cirilo McSween continues to leave his imprint on the business
community. He was one of the organizers of Independence Bank,
which became the largest African American financial institution.
He was inducted into Chicago State University’s Business Hall of
Fame and his business accomplishments earned him a host of
accolades. A high point in his life was when Chicago’s DuSable
Museum of African History mounted an exhibit entitled, “McSween
Meets King: A Civil Rights Story.” The exhibition was a visual diary
of McSween’s struggles for equality in 20th century America.
President Carter, Rosalynn Carter and Cirilo McSween
McSween’s greatest passion revolves around his native
Panama. He was the national coordinator for the ratification of the
Panama Canal Treaty and worked with President Jimmy Carter,
Omar Torrijos, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Ambassador Andrew
Young in this successful effort. He served as the Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Alternative Representative
of the Republic of Panama to the United Nations. He is also a
confidant of the current president Martin Torrijos who appointed
him an Ambassador with Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Powers of Special Mission of the Republic of Panama.
McSween’s career and meteoric rise to prominence as
an African American in the business community have made
him a much sought after lecturer. “I speak from my personal
experiences,” McSween says. “You never know when your
accomplishments can serve as inspiration to others.”
* To view additional photos, visit
Worldly MBA Caroline Johnston
ILLINOIS MBA: A World of Experience
Former Health Care Consultant, Caroline Johnston
’06 ’10 MBA
4 Alumni News and Notes
The size and diversity of the ILLINOIS MBA Program are what Caroline Johnston
finds most appealing.
“With only 100 students in each class, we are able to get to know the professors and each
other,” Johnston said. Students come to ILLINOIS from all over the world to obtain MBA
degrees. “When we have class discussions about various cases, people from different parts of
the world offer unique and enlightening perspectives. We are able to learn from each other’s
experiences,” said Johnston.
There are also many opportunities to get involved in leadership activities and clubs offered
through the program, such as those with the Graduate Marketing Association, Illinois Business
Consulting, MBA Service Association, Women in Business and others.
Johnston believes business schools enable professionals like her to better appreciate different
core areas that combine to reach the common goal of a company.
Johnston attended ILLINOIS as an undergraduate and left with a degree in Finance
in 2006. She returned this year to work on her MBA after a brief time working for Huron
Consulting Group. She is very pleased with her choice of the ILLINOIS MBA program.
Johnston will graduate in 2010 with a well-rounded business background, ready to take on
the world. — Laura Ude
Successful Alumni Pam Cook
Topping Off Celebrates
an Illini Family’s Success
When the last beam of the new Business Instructional
Facility was hoisted to the top in April 2007, the good luck
wishes from a family of four, all graduates of the College of
Business, rose with it. The topping off ceremony, a tradition
in construction, was attended to by a proud graduate, Pam
Cook ’07, ’08 MAS.
“My dad asked me to sign all of the names in our family on
the beam,” Cook said. “It was an historic moment. Our family
has strong ties to the University and it was symbolic to have
our names become part of College of Business history.”
Pam’s father, Jim Cook, who received his B.S. in
accountancy in 1971, says the Cook family is appreciative of
ILLINOIS for many reasons, and all four members demonstrate
their loyalty and dedication through involvement in University
activities. “We are active alumni, and are all members of the
President’s Council,” he says. “My wife, Donna, graduated
in 1971 with a B.S. in Business Administration and our son,
Jim, graduated in 2002 with a B.S. in finance. He is now an
assistant vice president at Marsh in Chicago.”
In the five-year accountancy program, Pam complemented
her studies with many other activities. She performed for four
years with the Illinettes, the
“That fifth year was daunting but
University’s official dance
it exceeded all my expectations
team, and later, in her
and that had a lot to do with
fifth year, was chosen as
the camaraderie of all of the
an accountancy teaching
teaching assistants.”
assistant. In 2008, Pam
— Pam Cook
was selected by the faculty
to receive the Federation
of Schools of Accountancy (FSA) award as an outstanding
student in the College’s accountancy program.
Pam continues to follow the traditions of her close-knit
family. “Everything I did at ILLINOIS was influenced by my
family,” Pam says. “My decision to study accounting was the
result of seeing what my dad was doing. Being on the Illinettes
dance team also arose from a family tradition. Growing up, my
parents would bring my brother and me to the football games
and I would watch the Illinettes.”
For Pam Cook, the importance of receiving her Masters
in Accounting Science was exceeded only by the friendships
she formed. She especially enjoyed working with her fellow
TA’s. “We really became a tight-knit group. Preparing lesson
plans while simultaneously studying for the CPA exam was a
great bonding experience. That fifth year was daunting, but
it exceeded all my expectations and that had a lot to do with
the camaraderie of
all of the teaching
After her graduation
and passing the CPA
exam, Pam joined
Deloitte, a competitor
of Ernst & Young
where her father is a
partner. An inveterate Pam, with her family after commencement, May
traveler, Pam’s dreams 2008. From left to right, Pam with her dad, Jim ‘71,
for the future include
her mom, Donna ‘71, and her brother Jim ‘02.
an international
assignment. “Our family just got back from a vacation in
Alaska,” Pam said. “And I spent the second semester of my
junior year in Vienna, Austria. I love to travel, and my time
as a student in Vienna deepened my interest in international
business. I will always appreciate the opportunity the College
made available to me to study abroad. That semester was a
real highlight for me.”
Although her dad inspired her, Pam’s pursuit of a career in
accounting reflects the genetic footprints of her mother. “Mom
was one of the few women in the College of Business in the
late 1960s, and was the first woman officer of the Business
Council,” Pam says. As Jim recalls the influence of the College
on his and Donna’s lives, he said, “Donna and I met in DKH
while waiting for job interviews. I got a job and a spouse
through the College of Business.”
Illini spirit flows wide and deep in the Cook family and its
evidence is found all around the College, even hidden in the
rafters of the new Business Instructional Facility.
Cook family signature on last beam placed in BIF
Winter 2008 5
College Happenings
Conrad W. Hewitt, Jeffery W. Jackson, Mark T. Hogan, Bruce J. Piller, Mary Kay Haben, and Darryl Cheeks
Conrad W. Hewitt (’58), chief accountant of the Securities
and Exchange Commission, spoke to college students and visitors
about the future of accounting and auditing on October 10, 2008.
Charles P. Blahous, III, PhD, deputy assistant to the
President for economic policy and deputy director of the White
House National Economic Council, spoke to the College and the
Champaign-Urbana community about current U.S. economic policy
on October 15, 2008.
Jeffrey W. Jackson, senior vice president—general counsel,
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, gave the
2008 Alan M. Hallene Lecture on October 16, 2008. Students piled
into the Alice Campbell Alumni Center to hear “How To Survive
in Business,” an account of State Farm’s
costly legal defense against unscrupulous
government officials.
honors students on August 29, 2008 and Business 101 student
leaders on September 26, 2008.
Bruce J. Piller, managing partner, KPMG LLP and Philip J.
Bach, director of the forensic practice sector, KPMG LLP, spoke
at a Department of Accountancy Lyceum on September 11, 2008.
The lively and entertaining talk covered issues of audit quality and
professional skepticism.
Mary Kay Haben (’77), group vice president and managing
director, Wm.Wrigley Jr. Company North American Sector, spoke
to an audience of alumni and friends at the College Roundtable
Series: A Meeting of the Minds, held in Chicago on October 1,
Darryl Cheeks (’90), managing partner, Black Rhino Financial
Group, spoke to students about the power of focus and making
college count on September 2, 2008.
Mark T. Hogan (’73), director,
president, & chief executive officer, The
Vehicle Production Group LLC, gave
this year’s V. Dale Cozad Lecture in
Entrepreneurship on November 3, 2008.
Jill Smart talks with
Business 101 Leaders.
Jill Smart (’81), chief human resources
officer, Accenture, shared her thoughts on
the “do’s and don’ts” of interviewing skills
and building a career with undergraduate
Charles Blahaus, left, Jeff Brown, right
Business Fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi
Making the Cut with AKPsi
Alpha Kappa Psi on Business Quad Day
6 Alumni News and Notes
On October 15th, despite the rainy weather, cheery faces stood outside of Mia
Za’s Italian Café recruiting people to come inside. The faces belonged to the fall
2008 pledge class for Alpha Kappa Psi, ILLINOIS’ oldest and largest business
fraternity. On this particular evening, money earned through sales went towards a
banquet put together by the new pledge class for active members.
Another of the many events AKPsi hosts for their members is the Professional
Development Conference, held in late spring. Here corporate sponsors of the
business fraternity and alumni travel to the University to speak, as well as conduct
mock interviews and critique members’ resumes. AKPsi has the most corporate
sponsors of any other business fraternity on campus, according to AKPsi president
Julian Bulaon, a senior majoring in finance.
The support shown by alumni attracts many students to rush AKPsi. About 350
students rushed this fall. — Sabrina Santucci
Business Bash 2008
Winter 2008 7
Leadership Notes
Larry DeBrock, Mary Miller, and Tracy McCabe
College of Business
For years to come, this semester
will be viewed as a time of renewal
when the College rallied our alumni to
commemorate the grand opening of
the new Business Instructional Facility.
Friends and generous alumni from
campus and around the country joined
us for an uplifting week of events. It was
inspiring to see so many people connected
to the College recognizing our hard work
and hopes for the future. We are proud to
have such a committed base of supporters
and awed by the heights our College has
From here we will leverage our
energies and momentum to further
educate our students about their
professional responsibility in business and
society as they prepare to take on the
challenges facing us all. Businesses of all
kinds need the agile and spirited thinkers
that we nurture at ILLINOIS.
We are growing, our reputation is
strengthening, and ILLINOIS is the
one to watch in the years ahead as
we continue to innovate in research,
curriculum, and our value to society.
8 Alumni News and Notes
Associate Dean
MBA Program
“The difference between going to classes
in Wohlers and going to class in BIF is
like changing from using a walkman to an
iPod,” according to Corinne O’Connor
(’09 MBA). It is apparent in my recent
discussions with MBA students like
Corinne that the new building and its many
functional and inspired improvements make
a real difference. You can see it in attitudes
and interactions among the staff and
students as they rush to the next interview,
class, and meeting. Never before in my
career in higher education have I noticed a
clearer one-event change in a program.
As the Business Instructional Facility
nears full completion, the early design
discussions can be seen coming to fruition.
The classrooms look new, of course, but
the experience they afford is also much
improved. They actually sound better, they
are lit better, and generally feel better than
other facilities on campus. Even walking
into the building seems uplifting.
Moving everything to the new building
has been a challenge but one that has a
terrific payoff. Students never knew how
much they needed formal meeting rooms
or a locker that holds a suit for those last
minute interviews. I am sure that once the
coffee shop is open they will find their stays
even more pleasant.
It was great to see many of you at the
Grand Opening in October. For those of
you who could not make it, I sincerely hope
you can find time to visit and witness how
well the next generation is getting along
these days. Be careful though, you may find
yourself wanting to enroll for classes all
over again.
Assistant Dean
External and Alumni Affairs
Be a mentor, and help shape a
student’s future. This fall, our College
initiated an Alumni Mentors Program
which pairs professional alumni with
sophomores, juniors, seniors and
MBA students seeking professional
development advice. The students crave
another perspective on the ILLINOIS
experience and a mentor to guide them
through the critical decisions they face as
graduation and the “real world” nears.
Inspired and directed by an advisory
group of highly committed alumni, and
influenced by the needs and expectations
of our students, the program allows
students to select from a pool of
registered alumni and choose a mentor
that fits with their interests. Young
alumni mentor students concerned
about transition, experienced alumni
mentor students wondering how they
can leverage their degree in industry, and
retired alumni mentor students on how to
find a rewarding work-life balance.
Our launch was limited to 120
students. Our goal is to serve the
many hundreds of students who desire
mentorship. To learn more about the
program and becoming a mentor, call
us at 217-244-6669 or write me a note
at I’d love to hear
from you, and our students would love to
learn from you, too.
Watch the College calendar
for upcoming events
that fit your schedule.
Sandy Frank Retires
Assistant Dean of Development
Time certainly flies! It was just two and a half years ago that
we broke ground for our new Business Instructional Facility, and
on October 17, 2008 we celebrated our Grand Opening. Support
from our committed alumni and friends has made our business
dream a reality. In fact, you will be interested to know that no State
money was used to fund the construction; our College is the first
on campus to build a building that is entirely privately funded. Our
students are now learning in spacious, state-of-the-art classrooms
that were named for both corporations and individual alums.
Students can now interview with companies in one of twenty five
interview rooms which are also named for our generous donors.
Many of the students who walked through the doors of the
new Business Instructional Facility on August 25th are receiving
scholarship support from loyal alumni. Your generosity touches
every area of the College and inspires all of us to even greater
levels of excellence. We appreciate your loyalty to the College of
Business and thank you for your continued support.
On September 15, 2008 Sandy Frank,
associate dean for administration,
retired from the College of Business
after 29 years. Surrounded by family,
friends, and colleagues, her retirement
party was the first official event in the
new Business Instructional Facility.
Dean Larry DeBrock and Avijit Ghosh
recognized her important contribution
to the College and thanked her for her
hard work.
Sandy and Tom Frank
Staffing News
Billy Brewster, Seung-Hwan Kim, Sangwoo Lee, Matthew Nelson, Scott Perkins, and Vishal Sachdev
The College Welcomes
Billy Brewster, visiting assistant professor in Accountancy
Seung-Hwan Kim, visiting assistant professor in Business
Sangwoo Lee, visiting assistant professor in Finance
Matthew Nelson, adjunct assistant professor in Business
Kwangwoo Park, visiting associate professor in Finance
Scott Perkins, visiting lecturer in Finance
Vishal Sachdev, visiting assistant professor in Business
Gregory Northcraft, Business Administration to
interim associate dean of faculty
Sharon Shavitt was named the Walter H. Stellner
Professor of Marketing
Don Fullerton, professor of Finance, was named the
Gutgsell Professor of Finance
Lloyd Hodges, adjunct professor of Business
Winter 2008 9
Class Notes
Bob Gillingham ‘69, owner and
president of Gillingham Ford, a thirdgeneration family business in Ohio,
celebrates the 50th anniversary of his
dealership this year. Time Magazine
honored Gillingham as one of the
outstanding U.S. automobile dealers.
Richard Clark ’50 celebrated
his 50th wedding anniversary on
June 21, 2008. He and his wife Sara
have five grandchildren. Richard
owned Healey Realty Company of
Champaign until his retirement.
Twins Bob ’51 and Bill Kessler
’51 celebrated their 80th birthdays
together this past May. While they
attended the same schools and
even married women from the same
sorority, Bob is an accountant and Bill
practices law.
Brigadier General Wilma
Vaught (USAF, Retired)
’52 was a featured speaker at the
Centennial Reunion of Scottland High
School in Paris, IL. General Vaught,
a Vietnam veteran, is one of the most
highly decorated women in U.S.
history, having served in the Air Force
for over 28 years. General Vaught
also has been instrumental in creating
and operating the Women in Military
Service for America Memorial located
at the gateway for Arlington National
Jasper Sanfilippo ’53 is
chairman of the board/director of
John B. Sanfilippo and Son, Inc.,
the second largest nut processor in
the world. In addition, he is an avid
collector of antique automated music
machines and has in his collection the
largest restored theater pipe organ in
the world. His Sanfilippo Foundation
also collects phonographs, arcade
and gambling machines, chandeliers,
art glass, a European salon
carousel, street and tower clocks,
steam engines and other functional
mechanical antiques. Sanfilippo lives
in Barrington Hills, IL.
Chicago real estate developer Neil
Bluhm’s ’59 projects include the
Four Seasons Hotel, The Ritz-Carlton
and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange
building. He also manages two
casinos in Canada and owns a casino
in Vicksburg, MS. He plans to open
another casino in Pittsburgh in 2009.
Lawrence Moreau ’65, ’68
MAS has been appointed to the board
of directors of Hi-Shear Technology
Corporation. During his thirty years
in public accounting, venture capital
and investment banking, Lawrence
founded the financial advisory firm
Moreau and Company, Inc., and the
investment banking firm Moreau
Capital Corporation. Prior to that, he
was a board member and licensed
financial principal for H.J. Meyers &
10 Alumni News and Notes
Gillingham (second from left) holds the
Time Magazine award.
David Carter ’68, ’73 MAS has
been hired as a full-time instructor of
accounting at High Point University
in High Point, North Carolina. David
looks forward to sharing his 45 years of
accounting experience with students in
the new millennium.
Dick Shirley, ’70 owns Dick
Shirley Automotive Group in Burlington,
North Carolina and is former long-time
president of the Alamance County
Chamber of Commerce. In addition to
running his dealership with his son, he
teaches personal and corporate finance
at Elon University.
John Nicholas, ‘71 MBA, recently
published two books, The Portal to
Lean Production and Project Management for Business, Engineering, and
Technology, the latter in its 3rd edition
and used as a textbook throughout the
world. He is a professor of operations
management at Loyola University Chicago, where he has been since 1977.
David Wilson ’72 PHD writes a
bi-weekly column for,
India’s leading management portal.
David has been a faculty member at
Harvard University’s Graduate School
of Business and is currently president
and CEO of Graduate Management
Admission Council (GMAC), the U.S.based body that owns and administrates
the GMAT exam.
Datatrend Technologies, a company
that delivers IT infrastructure solutions,
has hired Warner Schlais ’74 as
the new vice president of professional
services and solution sales. Prior to
this, Warner was senior vice president
and chief information officer for Deluxe
Edward Karasek ’75 has joined
First Chicago Bank & Trust as its
chief operations officer. Most recently,
Edward served as executive vice
president of operations at MidAmerica
Bank. At First Chicago, he will be
overseeing operations, technology,
facilities, human resources and
compliance and risk management
David Prosperi ’75 has joined
Chicago-based Aon Corporation
as global vice president of public
relations. He also serves as a member
of the Dean’s Business Council for
the University of Illinois College of
Vicki Avril ’76 is senior vice
president of Tubular Division at
Ipsco, Inc. where she supervises
2,800 employees and 13 steel mills
throughout the US and Canada.
Thomas Hickey ’76 is a
stockbroker with Merrill Lynch in
Chicago. He lives in Western Springs,
Howard Kosick ’76 and his wife,
Mary Jane Lacke Kosick ’76,
have relocated from Scottsdale, AZ
to the Chicago area where Howard
now serves as president and CEO of
Tippmann Sports, the world’s largest
manufacturer of paintball markers.
James Kroegel ’76 is marketing
director of the Commercial Investment
Council and a member of the
American Society of Association
Executives. He lives in Deerfield, IL.
Ray Kubis ’76 is president of Zurich,
Switzerland-based EnerSys Europe.
His son is due to graduate from the
University of Illinois next year.
As a student, Yale Jaffe ’76, ’78
MS began refereeing intramural
games at IMPE (now Activities and
Recreation Center) for expense
money. His hobby developed into refereeing high school basketball, which
he has done for the past 16 years.
In August, 2008 he penned a novel,
Advantage Disadvantage, about the
corruption of the adults surrounding
a basketball prodigy in Chicago’s
Yasmin Bates ’77 is executive
vice president for community affairs
and economic development at Harris
Bankcorp, Inc. In this capacity, Yasmin
is responsible for overseeing the
company’s community investment
and development activities in the
Chicagoland area. She began her
banking career with Harris N.A. in
1976 and during her tenure created
a neighborhood-lending program that
became a model for inner-city bank
lending programs.
Fortress Energy has announced the
appointment of Joel Dryer ’77
to the board of directors. Prior to
joining the board, Joel built M-Wave,
Inc into one of the world’s largest
manufacturers of high frequency
circuit boards.
Duane Lee ’77 was named
president and chief financial officer of
Cannon Financial Institute, a trainer
and adviser to the trust, private
banking and investment management
industry. Duane lives in Bogart, GA.
John Temmerman ’77 continues
work on his second jazz CD, a live
project expected to be released in
November 2008. He is a controller for
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America, at the church-wide office in
Accountancy Masters students (from left) Jerry Huang, Bill Xu, Serena Wu, Dr. Sri Ramamoorti (former Accountancy faculty and current President of ASCEND-Midwest Chapter,
an orgnaization for Pan-Asian leaders in accountancy and finance), Daisy Lian, Anson Huang, Yan Han, Kate Yu stand in front of BIF donor wall. The students are members of the
ILLINOIS student chapter of ASCEND.
David Barra ’79 is chief financial
officer of Ullico, a Washington
DC-based holding company whose
subsidiaries offer insurance and
financial service products to labor.
On the weekends, he travels home to
Carmel, IN to be with his family.
Perrigo Company, a global healthcare
supplier, has appointed Ellen
Hoffing’79 as a new director of the
Company. Prior to this, Ellen served as
president and chief executive officer
of Applied NeuroSolutions, Inc., a
development stage biopharmaceutical
company focused on treatment of
Alzheimer’s disease.
Claudia Kelley ’79 has
been awarded a professorship in
Appalachian State University’s Walker
College of Business. She is a professor
in the Department of Accounting where
she received the college’s Excellence
in Teaching Award this past spring.
Prior to this, she was an assistant
professor at the University of Akron
and a senior tax associate for Cooper
& Lybrand.
Diane Morefield ’80 has joined
Equity International, a privately held
real estate equity firm affiliated with
Sam Zell’s Equity Group Investments,
L.L.C., as chief financial officer. Prior to
this, Diane was senior vice president
at Equity Office Properties for the
Chicago/Midwest region.
Mark Sanders ’80 is senior vice
president of Midwest commercial
banking at Bank of America Corporation.
Paul Wedeen ’80 has joined Asset
Strategies Inc. as senior vice president.
His new office is located in Big Rock,
IL. Previously, he was with BNY Mellon
MicroMass Communications, a
full-service relationship marketing
company based in Cary, NC, has hired
Jeff Burkel ’81 as chief operating
officer. Before this, Jeff was COO/
CFO at Blattner Brunner, a marketing
communications and branding firm in
Charles Caswell ’87 MS
has been appointed executive vice
president and chief financial risk
officer at Rabobank, N.A. in Roseville,
CA. Prior to joining Rabobank, Charles
was executive vice president and
chief financial officer at First Charter
Corporation in Charlotte, NC.
Charles Edelstein ’81 has
been appointed chief executive
officer of Apollo Group, Inc. Charles
joins Apollo Group from his role as
managing director at Credit Suisse.
United Airlines (UAL Corp.) has
named Kathryn Mikells
’87 senior vice president and chief
financial officer. Most recently, Kathryn
served as vice president of investor
relations at United.
Jill Smart ’81 is head of human
resources at Accenture in Chicago.
Crains Chicago Business has named
Jill one of the 100 most influential
women in Chicago. No matter where
in the world she travels for business,
she manages to call home twice a day
to keep in touch with family matters.
Steven Miller ’87 is principal
and co-founder of Origin Ventures,
a venture capital firm investing in
early-stage companies. He serves
on the University of Illinois Dean’s
Business Council and on the board
of Hillel Foundation. He also provides
the funding for the Steven Miller
Entrepreneurial Scholarships in the
Susan Moll ’87 has joined
Midwest Bank as senior vice
president-financial planning and
analysis. Prior to this, Susan was at
Bank of America (formerly LaSalle
Steven Albright ’83 has been
promoted to senior vice president of
finance at Reliv International, Inc, a
nutritional supplement and direct sales
Mike Parilla ’83 is managing
director and chief financial officer of
Maranon Capital, an investment firm
focused on originating and structuring
debt and equity co-investment
Neal Goldstein ’84 has joined
Seyfarth Shaw’s Corporate Health
Care Practice Group in Chicago. Prior
to joining Seyfarth Shaw, he was a
principal with Much Shelist Denenberg
Ament & Rubenstein, P.C. Nightingale’s
Healthcare News has named Neal one
of the country’s “outstanding physician
practice lawyers.”
US law firm Kilpatrick Stockton in
Charlotte, NC has named partner
Lois Colbert ’85 office managing
partner. She becomes the first woman
to head a Kilpatrick Stockton office.
The 4,000 Mile Cure
From sea to shining sea…literally.
Yiming Chang, sophomore in Accounting, biked from New York to
Seattle as part of Illini 4000 for Cancer.
A group of students and supporters bike approximately 4,000 miles
across the country in 72 days to raise awareness and money for cancer
research. Proceeds are donated to the American Cancer Society, specifically for cancer research and to the Kesem Camp, a camp for children
whose families are affected by cancer.
Now entering its third year of existence, Illini 4000 has grown and made a
real impact on campus and the country. The team aims to raise $100,000
for the organizations and each team member has a goal of around
$2,500. —Stephanie Benhart
Winter 2008 11
Bank) where she focused on business
unit financial analysis and cost
Stu Stein ’87 is chef/owner of
Terroir, a neighborhood eatery that
features fresh, local, organic food, in
Portland, Oregon. Stu has taught at
San Francisco Culinary Academy and,
along with his wife Mary Hinds, has
had national recognition in Gourmet
and Food and Wine magazines.
Kelly Cross
Brask ’90 along
with her husband
Michael, and daughter
Zoe (left), celebrated
the birth of daughter
Freja on July 5, 2008.
The family lives in
Stockholm, Sweden.
Steven Wunning’87 MBA is
group president and executive office
member of Caterpiller, Inc.
Jim Lecinski ’89 MBA is now
managing director of Google’s
central region. His toughest job so
far was convincing clients in 2001 to
experiment with Internet advertising.
NBC Universal has appointed
Valerie Childers Braxton
’90 as vice president of global
sourcing for the company’s marketing
divisions. Valerie resides in Los
Angeles with her husband and two
David Fisher ’91 is chief executive
officer of OptionsXpress, an on-line
retail broker specializing in options.
Robert Kattke ’91 MBA works
for Laurus Technologies, a Sun
Microsystems partner, in Itasca, IL.
He is still playing music as a second
Brenda McKenzie ’91, ’93
MPA is the new director for the
Boston Redevelopment Authority’s
economic development division. This
BRA division oversees the city’s real
estate development review process.
She previously was a development
official in Chicago and an executive at
Starbucks Coffee Company.
Zhaoheng Hydropower Company
in Midwest China has appointed
Heung Sang Fong ’93 MS as
an independent member of the board
of directors. Heung is currently the
executive vice president of corporate
development at Fuqi International, Inc.
Christopher Randles ’93 has
been promoted to chief financial officer
of Parkland College in Champaign, IL.
Andy Omel ’94 married Ann Abel in
May 2008. Andy is the art director at
Condé Nast Traveler magazine in New
York City.
Monical’s Pizza based in Bradley, IL
has appointed Janelle Reents
’94 MBA as its new president. Janelle
began her career with Monical’s as an
hourly employee while in high school.
Most recently, she was the company
vice president.
Michael Zuccato ’96 has been
promoted to IT director at Insure.
com, Inc., a consumer information and
insurance brokerage service. Prior to
this promotion, Michael was online
marketing director.
Bill Macaitis ’96 is senior vice
president of online marketing for Fox
Interactive Media. Bill has over 12
years of online marketing experience
with a specialty in search. He
maintains, “The demand for qualified
search people has never been higher
as the revenue generated from search
continues to grow exponentially”. He
lives in San Francisco, CA.
Mesirow Financial has promoted Richard
Bergman ’93 to managing director of its
Investment Advisory Group. Richard joined the
firm in 2002 and was last promoted to senior
vice president in 2007. He also raises funds
for charities including running two Chicago
marathons for the American Liver Foundation.
12 Alumni News and Notes
Tomoko Miyao Senechal
’99 and her husband welcomed
the birth of a son, Akio Michael, on
December 1, 2007. The family lives in
Seattle, WA where Tomoko serves as
international marketing manager for
Starbucks Coffee Company.
Greg Gleason ’88 has joined the
firm Wynnchurch Capital as associate.
Prior to joining Wynnchurch, Greg was
a financial analyst at Houlihan Lokey
in Chicago.
Michelle Novick ’88 is a
partner with the Arnstein & Lehr LLP
firm in Chicago where she focuses
on bankruptcy, creditors’ rights and
corporate restructuring.
Since 2000, Eric Pool ’99 has
owned and operated Berryville
Vineyards in Berryville, IL. Eric is a
self-taught winemaker and his 2002
vintage was the first crop commercially
crafted in his winery.
Brent Hathaway ’96 PHD
has been appointed to the board of
directors of Double Eagle Petroleum
Company where he will serve as chair
of the audit committee and a member
of the compensation committee. He
is currently Dean of the College of
Business at the University of Wyoming.
Arianne Tammen Anderson
’00 and her husband, Kent, celebrated
the birth of their daughter, Avery
Therese, on May 25, 2007. Arianne
works for Country Financial as an
accounting analyst. The family resides
in Normal, IL.
Mary Shanahan Nash ’97 and
her husband Will celebrated the birth
of their third child, Abigail Grace, on
October 8, 2007. The family lives in
New Lenox, IL.
Melissa Guinavere Neal ’97
married Nicholas Brian Kincade on
April 26, 2008. Melissa is a finance
manager for Baxter Healthcare in
Deerfield, IL. The couple resides in
Troy Strader ’97 PHD was
promoted to professor of information
systems in the College of Business
and Public Administration at Drake
Old National Bank in Evansville, IN
has promoted Zac Nelson ’98
to senior vice president, loan review
manager. Before this, he was a loan
review analyst.
Doug O’Conner ’98 and his wife
Jamie Lucht O’Connor ’98
welcomed the birth of a son, Aiden
James, on August 6, 2007. The family
lives in Palatine.
Cory Wittenborn ’98 married
Kathryn Fredrickson on January 5,
2008 in La Grange, IL. The couple will
live in Palatine, IL.
Kareem Dale ’99, founder and
chief executive officer of The Dale
Law Group in Chicago, was appointed
National Disability Vote Director for
Barack Obama’s campaign in July
2008. Kareem, who is partially blind,
oversaw all disability outreach efforts
for the campaign.
Todd Anthony Papa ’99 married
Christina Anne Oakley on August 11,
2007 in Champaign. Todd is a certified
public accountant with Ernst & Young
in Chicago, where the couple resides.
The University of Illinois and
the University of Illinois Alumni
Association has named Sara
Greenstein ’96 vice president/
associate chancellor for alumni
relations at the Urbana campus.
Prior to this, she was senior vice
president, chief commercial officer
for Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
in Northbrook, IL.
Derek Beaty ’00 works for Global
Environment Fund, a private equity
investment fund in Washington,
DC. GEF invests in businesses that
provide solutions to environmental and
energy challenges.
Ben Mast ’00 has been promoted
to assurance senior manager at
Clifton Gunderson, a certified public
accounting and consulting firm, in
Champaign, IL.
Elaina Concklin ’01 married
Jeffrey Slok on June 2, 2007 in
Bloomington, IL. The couple lives in
Josh Whitman ’01, a 19972000 Fighting Illini tight end, played
professional football for the San Diego
Chargers, Miami Dolphins, Buffalo Bills
and Seattle Seahawks. In 2004, Josh
ended his career with the NFL and
returned to the University of Illinois for
law school where he graduated in the
top 5% of his class. While in law school,
he received two Rickert Awards: one
for academic achievement and another
for excellence in legal writing. He is
currently on a one-year assignment
as a law clerk in Lafayette, IN for 7th
Circuit Court of Appeals Justice Michael
Dustin Canter ’07 opened a campus-town bagel restaurant
with his business partner Ryan McNeily ‘08. According to
Dustin, Howbowda Bagel on East Green Street in Champaign
will provide a product that sells to college students, even in a
struggling economy.
Photo: Wesley Fane
David Zydeck ’01 has been
promoted to senior manager at KPMG
LLP, a company that provides tax,
audit and advisory services. A threemonth assignment to Amsterdam
two years ago helped David network
and provided him with invaluable
experience in his field.
Chip Jorstad ’02 married Jennifer
Amerman on November 10, 2007
in Champaign. Chip is employed as
the Director of Advancement for the
Department of Mechanical Science
and Engineering at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Sara Beth Mitchell ’02,’03
MAS married Nathan Anthony Reed
on September 29, 2007 in Monticello,
IL. They are both employed as
accountants with Caterpillar in Aurora.
They make their home in Yorkville, IL.
Sarah Stanley ’02 and
Matthew Sunderman ’02 were
married May 19, 2007 in Naperville, IL.
Sarah is a hospital analyst for Gift of
Hope Organ and Tissue Donor Network
and Matthew is a director at Hildebrandt
International. They reside in Chicago.
Brett Blazevich ’03 married
Angela Lemerand on January 2,
2008 in Hawaii. Brett is employed by
Lakeshore Investors of Libertyville. The
couple lives in Winthrop Harbor, IL.
Amy Erickson ’03,’04 MAS is a
Medicare and Medicaid auditor for the
U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services at the Office of the Inspector
General in Springfield, IL. In October
2007 she became a certified fraud
examiner to help in the fight against
fraud and abuse of federal monies.
Stephanie Johnson ’03 married
Joseph Mayer on October 20, 2007.
Stephanie is a financial analyst at
Accenture in Chicago, where the
couple currently reside.
Lori Oller ’03 and Jeffrey
VonHolten ’04 were married
August 18, 2007. Lori is a human
resource specialist at the University
of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and
Jeffrey is a certified public accountant
and senior associate at McGladrey &
Pullen, Champaign.
Tim Dierkes ’04 runs, a Web site that
gathers the latest baseball scoops
from journalists covering all 30 majorleague teams. He lives in Roselle,
IL with his wife Agnes and admits to
being a big fan of Terminator movies.
Robyn Howard ’04 runs
Complete Home Inventory
Professionals, LLC, a small inventory
business in Chicago and surrounding
suburbs. Howard lives in Palos Hills.
Steven Hansen ’05 EMBA is
recognized as one of the leading
veterinary toxicologists in the United
States, specializing in the work of
animal poison control. Steven was
named Veterinarian of the Year
for 2007 at the Westminster Dog
Show in New York. He is senior vice
president at the ASPCA Animal Poison
Control Center and an adjunct at
the University of Illinois College of
Veterinary Medicine.
The John Hardy Group, a global
hospitality development and
development services firm, has
named Brent Hardy ’05 MBA
as project director. He will focus on
the redevelopment of a major 4-star
guestroom property in St. Louis,
MO. Prior to this, Brent was with
Rosemann & Associates Architects of
St. Louis, where his expertise was in
the redevelopment of existing historic
structures for hospitality and multifamily use.
Aaron Josh Liu was born to JenChun “Eric” Liu ’06 and Elaine
Liu on June 29, 2008. Eric and his
family live in Taipei, Taiwan.
Ross Barry ’07 married Emily
Pohlman on August 4, 2007 in
Jerseyville, IL. Ross is currently
employed by Southwest Airlines.
Adam Perkins ’04 married Therese
Labuz on June 9, 2007. Adam is a
benefits operations manager for Hewitt
Associates, Inc. in Lincolnshire, IL. The
couple lives in Arlington Heights, IL.
Golfer Garrett Chaussard ’05
advanced in sectional qualifying to the
2008 U.S. Open in San Diego, CA. He
was almost joined there by Illinois golf
coach Mike Small ’89, who golfed
a five-player playoff for the final U.S.
Open spot.
Donald E. Thompson ’30
Thomas R. Maher ’49 January 1, 2008
Robert Anthony Brumleve ’49
April 10, 2008
February 8, 2008
Kenneth Shiles ’33 June 15, 2008
John F. Klepinger ’34 July 26, 2008
Sara Weingard ’37 April 28, 2008
Robert Bretscher ’37 May 4,
Norman Eilertsen ’38 March 26,
19 4 0 s
Robert Raymond Helm ’40
January 14, 2008
Robert McIntosh ’42 May 1, 2008
Harold Arthur Miller ’43
Glenn Knackmuhs ’49
December 25, 2006
WILLIAM ALTER ’50 August 8, 2008
Robert Glover ’50 April 19, 2008
Earle Magid ’50 May 2008
John Painter ’50 May 14, 2008
Floyd Lofchie ’50 June 2008
Jerome Tenenbaum ’50 June 2008
Wallace Logan Dicks ’50
August 5, 2008
Arthur F. Polkow ’52 June 2008
John J. Elsen ’54 July 4, 2008
Lawrence Lerman ’54 August 2008
Charles Schultz ’55 February 4, 2008
Thomas A. Dicks ’55 July 11, 2008
John Gwin ’55 December 22, 2007
Arthur Cichorski ’56 May 2008
Robert S. Watts ’58 May 4, 2008
Paul Walgenbach ’58 April 14, 2008
James W. Bryant ’59
November 22, 2007
Robert P. Schmidt ’60 May 22, 2008
David Mills Neupert ’62 June 24,
May 2, 2008
William A. Alter ’50 August 8, 2008
Norman French ’50, ’65
Carl Dunn ’43 July 26, 2008
John F. Holslag ’46 January 7, 2008
Delmar E. Grieser ’48 July 8, 2008
December 29, 2007
Arthur H. Kobialka ’51 July 20, 2008
Norm McGirk ’52 June 2008
Joseph David Dermer ’69
John Ashby Myers Jr. ’66 May 6,
January 23, 2008
Allen D. Jonassen ’70 July 19, 2008
Robert Smith ’71 June 2008
Lawrence Nord ’72 June 7, 2008
Stanley Shotliff ’72 July 14, 2008
Thomas J. Kling ’75 June 23, 2008
Kevin Sweeney ’76 May 2008
Thomas Thomas Jr. ’76
May 10, 2008
John Edward Wilcox ’76
December 29, 2007
David Corkery ‘79 June 6, 2008
James Nasti ’79 July 4, 2008
John Fiaush ’80 May 17, 2008
Lloyd Hodges ’82 July 15, 2008
Eric Harrison ’93 July 18, 2008
Winter 2008 13
College Ambassadors
These boards serve as ambassadors of the College to
external stakeholders, including, but not limited to, alumni,
corporate partners, prospective students and their parents,
and the University at large.
Dean’s Business Council
Aaron M. Arth ’96
Daniel Bayston ’83
Randi Blume ’00
Bruce L. Boruszak ’79
Thomas H. Cartwright 75, ’77 MS
Darryl L. Cheeks ’90
James C. Cook ’71
Gregory D. Cozad
Laurel Davis ’75, ’03 MBA
Hamish de Freitas ’99
Anthony DiTommaso ’74, ’77 MS
James R. Elsesser ’66, ’67 MS
David R. Engle ’97, ’99 MBA
Mark G. Essig ’85 MBA
Charles E. Finn ’55
Susan L. Fish ’79, ’80 MAS
Laura L. Fraley ’77, ’79 MAS
Al Goldstein ’02
Dr. Ernest Hardaway II
Maisie Heiken ’89
James Hill, Jr.
Michael Hora ’66
Thomas W. Hough ’73
Norman Jones ’62
Peter M. Labadie ’82 MBA
Norma Lauder ’71
Ronald T. Levy ’54
Michael J. Lullo ’88
Michael D. Lyman ’83
Lester McKeever ’55
Steven N. Miller ’87
14 Alumni News and Notes
Jennifer L. Mitrenga ’01
Edward W. Moneypenny ’67 MAS
Kay C. Nalbach ’59
Thomas W. O’Laughlin ’56
Mark A. Parkin ’76 MAS
Alan B. Patzik ’81
Bruce J. Piller
Teresa Poggenpohl ’86 MBA
David P. Prosperi ’75
Dr. Sridhar Ramamoorti
Patrick E. Rea ’63
Timothy J. Reierson ’81
Mark G. Sander,’80
Jill B. Smart ’81
Edith Stotler ’68
Barry Sullivan’04 MBA
Stephen C. Van Arsdell ’72 ’73 MAS
Stephen J. Vivian ’97
Howard L. Weinstein ’64
Jeffrey A. Wellek ’83
College of Business Alumni
Randy Abeles ’77
Charles Barber ’82
Robert Blee ’90
Bruce Boruszak ’79
Julia Cloud ’90
Steven Cohen ’82
Lindsay Cummings ’02
Mark Dosier ’88
Daniel Fitzgerald ’86
Kurt Gabouer ’86
David Gilmartin ’84
James Goss ’72 MBA
Barbara Hanley ’74
Douglas Hirsh ’92
Tim Hohulin ’82
Lee Ann Hoover ’80
Diane Klotnia ’84
Paul Lubbers ’01 MBA
Cecil Lucy ’82
Denise Maple ’90
Glen Marder ’81
Kurt Miscinski ’95
Paul O’Connor ’81
Thomas Petrich ’80
Neal Price ’83
Jane Rubin ’79, ’80 MAS
Saul Rudo ’80
Julie Scott ’85
Susan Snowden ’79, ’80 MS
Warren Stippich ’90
Dean Stork ’83
Kim Stuart ’77
Sanford Takiff ’58
Cedric Thurman ’87
Stephen Van Arsdell ’72, ’73 MAS
Amy Weintraub ’99
Everett Westmeyer ’79
Business Young Alumni
Brian Acks ’06
Hassen Al-Shawaf ’05, 06 MAS
Alice Alvarez ’06
Ryan Anthony ’02
Jeremy Banoff ’02
Jim Blaschek ’06
Randi Blume ’00
Lindsay Cummings ’02
Misha Dutt ’03
Nolan Finn ’07
Kevin Frerichs ’05
Sarah Hebda ’02
Ashley Jones ’06
Kapil Kumar ’05
Audre Lee ’06
Michael Lombardo ’02
Adam Lutostanski ’02
Kate Marchi ’05
Jared Melynk ’06
Todd Milligan ’03
Rod Ordonez ’03
Ketan Parikh ’03
Kyle Rosburg ’03
Matt Salefski ’06
Lisa Uehara ’03
MBA Alumni Association
Bryant Evans ’00 MBA
Barry Federici ’88, ’99 MBA, ’00 MS
Todd Labinsky ’97 MBA
Benjamin Lester ’06 MBA
Mike Lewis ’09 MBA
Paul Lubbers ’01 MBA
Leah Pettit ’03 MBA
Anthony Sarnecki ’06 MBA
keep in Touch
The College would like to hear from you. Send us notes about your
personal and professional achievements and those of your friends
in the College. You can email them to
Business Instructional Facility
Winter 2008 15
16 Alumni News and Notes
Business Instructional Facility
DEDICAT e d o c t o b e r 1 7 , 2 0 0 8
Winter 2008 17
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
515 East Gregory Drive, Champaign, IL 61820 |
18 Alumni News and Notes
Development Update
Donor plaques, recognizing those who participated in the College’s Investing in Excellence campaign, are prominently displayed in the BIF Commons.
Leave your mark on the new Business Instructional Facility
You can forever remain a part of our new building by
purchasing a counsel with your name on it or an engraved
brick placed in the courtyard.
To order, visit our new website:
development or call 217-333-6434 for other ways you can
Courtyard Counsel with Engraved Plaque $5,000
Leave your legacy in the College by naming a stone counsel
where generations of students will congregate and engage.
Alongside your counsel will be a plaque engraved with your
name, major, and graduation year.
Engraved Bricks $1,500 per brick; 250 bricks available
Honor a loved one, congratulate alumni, or commemorate
your connection to ILLINOIS on a brick that will line the
walkway in the courtyard. Bricks may be engraved with a
maximum of three lines, up to 14 characters on each line.
Winter 2008 19
The College of Business thanks you, our supporters, for the difference you have made to the College
this year. Your contributions are valued and appreciated. Indeed, the College of Business would not be
the great institution it is today without your continued involvement and investment. Our future is brighter
because of your support and interest. We extend our sincere thanks and note with pleasure the names of
those individuals, organizations, and businesses that have supported the College of Business this year.
David Kinley Society
Donors who make gifts of $1,000 or more to the College of Business
are recognized through the David Kinley Society. The four giving levels
are: Principal Investor $10,000 or more; Lead Investor $5,000-$9,999;
Investor $2,500-$4,999; Shareholder $1,000-$2,499.
Principal Investor
Joyce D. Baltz †
James A. Borders †
Susanne A. Brauer †
William D. Brighton †
Thomas P. Butler †
Iris J. Center †
Robert A. Center †
Robert A. Cloud †
Margaret Phipps Darr †
Lucy E. DiTommaso †
Debra R. Engle †
Jeane F. Erley †
Richard A. Erley †
Deborah M. Essig †
Lawrence I. Field †
Charles S. Fish †
Peter B. Fox †
Avijit Ghosh †
Cidney B. Golman †
Marcia M. Goltermann †
Harry J. Gray †
Valerie Hallen †
Jay L. Henderson †
Sallie Hogan †
Christy C. King †
Steven D. Krohn †
Dawn M. Lavin †
Susan Brown Lewis †
Peggy S. Liebig †
Lynn H. Lullo †
Lori A. Lyman †
Lora E. Lyon †
Deborah H. Margolis †
Sara McLafferty †
Dayna M. Meyer †
Robert J. Musur †
Lynn Ellen Neckopulos †
Karen Phillips Page †
Dolores A. Palmer †
Lorraine K. Parkin †
Marla Keene Patzik †
Bruce J. Piller †
Catherine M. Roszkowski †
Irene P. Rundblom †
Suzanne L. Saxman †
Joan M. Schoen †
LaVerne Shipka †
Nancy Sleeman †
Kimberly J. Suddeth †
Lynn Karen M. Vogelsinger †
Mary E. Weil
Albert H. Wohlers †
Jane E. Wohlers †
Andrea C. Wolfman †
Sheila Wolfson †
19 2 8
Karl H. Schewe Estate *
19 6 9
William A. Frank †
19 3 2
Raymond A. Hoffman †
19 7 0
Eugene Grandone †
Alan B. Lee †
19 3 3
Nelson Family Trust *
19 3 4
George J. Heideman †
19 3 5
Hugh W. Frey Charitable
Lead Trust *
19 3 9
Howard Family Trust *
19 4 0
Julia Ann Franklin Morgan †
19 4 2
Milton F. Darr Jr. †
19 4 8
Robert H. Mitchel †
19 4 9
Richard A. Liebig †
Arthur R. Wyatt †
19 5 0
Howard A. Graening †
Peggy L. Graening †
19 5 3
John A. Schoen †
19 5 4
Stanley J. Roszkowski †
Thomas B. Sleeman †
19 5 5
Robert W. Goltermann †
19 5 7
Alan J. Baltz †
19 5 8
Conrad W. Hewitt †
Ronald I. LaBow †
19 6 0
A. Bart Lewis †
Ronald B. Shipka Sr. †
19 6 1
Lawrence I. Field †
19 6 3
Carmine Corsetti †
19 6 4
Richard H. Frank †
19 6 5
Allan Weil
19 6 8
Deborah A. Borders †
[*=Deceased; †= Chancellor’s Circle Member]
20 Alumni News and Notes
19 7 1
James C. Cook †
Roger L. Page †
Paul J. Much †
19 7 2
Howard S. Engle †
Ted E. Harms †
Stephen C. Van Arsdell †
19 7 3
Mark T. Hogan †
Thomas D. Vogelsinger †
Mark A. Wolfson †
19 74
Gary M. Soffer †
Anthony G. DiTommaso †
Steven E. Workman †
19 7 5
Mark A. Mendelson †
19 7 6
Victor P. Capadona †
Gary M. Davenport †
L. Jay McIntosh †
Mark A. Parkin †
Debra F. Soffer †
19 7 7
Thomas Bussa †
William H. Camp †
Jeffrey A. Golman †
Edward R. Haben †
Mary Kay Kretch Haben †
Jeff Johanns †
Steven H. Lavin †
James Michael Neckopulos †
Jeffrey David Silverman †
Avy H. Stein †
19 7 9
Eric J. Draut †
Joseph D. Gutman †
Bradley J. Oltmanns †
Susan Lambert Fish †
19 8 0
Timothy A. Brauer †
Susan S. Butler †
Stephen M. Ditman †
Karen J. May †
Robert G. May †
Cary D. McMillan †
Michael C. Meyer †
Jeffrey D. Peotter †
Elizabeth A. Rochman †
Randall I. Rochman †
Peter A. Solvik †
James E. Lee II †
19 8 9
Phillip J. Lageschulte Jr. †
19 8 1
John F. Carter †
Alan B. Patzik †
Linda K. Peotter †
Greg J. Peterson †
Timothy J. Reierson †
19 9 0
Julia A. Cloud †
Peggy L. Cullen †
19 8 2
Christian E. Hallen †
Peter M. Labadie †
Donald C. Lyon †
19 8 3
Michael D. Lyman †
Thomas M. Scott †
Andrew J. Dahle †
19 8 4
John F. Gremer †
Dan Helle †
Stephen V. King †
Jeffrey H. Margolis †
Paul A. Meister †
Mark W. Niehaus †
David A. Schmid †
19 8 5
Mark G. Essig †
Cynthia Helle †
Julie E. Scott †
19 8 6
Andrew Corsini †
Robert L. Filek †
Kurt A. Gabouer †
Janet M. Nolan †
Joseph P. Nolan †
19 8 7
Lynne Ausnehmer Danon †
Dawn Marie Kink †
Steven N. Miller †
19 8 8
Anne Sebastian Edwards †
Donald J. Edwards †
Michael J. Lullo †
Nathan M. Suddeth †
19 9 4
William M. Sineni †
19 9 5
Anthony L. Circolone †
19 9 6
Aaron M. Arth †
19 9 7
Todd A. Labinsky †
Lead Investor
Mark Bookman †
Pamela R. Briggs †
Philip W. Briggs †
Lois H. Brighton †
Laura C. Byczek †
Robert C. Byczek †
Nancy Paulus Carley †
M. Jameson Crane †
Anne Easton Doheny †
Marilyn R. Ernsteen †
Blanche M. Finn †
John A. Georges †
Donna Reiko Gibbs †
S. Ann Gillette †
Judith Dustin Groesbeck †
George P. Hanley †
Edward F. Heiken Jr. †
Diane Hora †
Michael Hora †
Richard N. Kessler †
Katherine B. Larson †
Marvin C. Moses †
Susan E. Moses †
Lise H. Nauman †
Richard S. Nopar †
Carol L. Oakland †
Carol P. Passaneau †
Anne T. Pillion †
Helen J. Raymaker †
Linda Beth Richter †
Debbie Rosenthaler †
Carol A. Scharlau †
Nicki Newlon Scott †
Carlene F. Shade †
Ann L. Siegel †
Herbert J. Siegel †
Bracy Smith and Elisabeth
Smith-Tai Estate *
Kathy R. Sonenthal †
Karen R. Strauch †
Iris Ann Taylor †
Julie F. Thalheimer †
James C. Tyree †
Howard L. Weinstein †
Analee Weisman
Elizabeth M. Wellek †
Valerie Wise †
Sandy L. Zurek †
19 41
Gerald D. Brighton †
19 4 9
Leroy F. Mumford Estate *
19 5 3
Donald E. Goss †
19 5 5
Charles E. Finn †
Lester H. McKeever Jr. †
19 5 7
Jerry W. Kolb †
19 5 8
Roy H. Lambert Sr. †
19 5 9
Robert J. Passaneau †
Thomas L. Shade †
Nicholas Dopuch †
19 6 2
William D. Deihl †
Anthony Pertile †
In an effort to provide the best education possible for all
Illinois students, the Champaign campus continues to
make remarkable steps toward the campus goal of raising
$1.5 billion for the Brilliant Futures
Campaign—a $2.25 billion dollar
fundraising initiative for the University of
Illinois. As of June 1st 2008, the campus
as a whole reached $1.0 billion! The
College of Business’ goal is $100 million
and as of September 30th, we have
raised $86 million (86% of our goal).
19 6 3
Joseph E. Ernsteen †
Joel D. Weisman
19 8 9
Maisie Lo Heiken †
Brian D. Nauman †
19 6 6
John R. Oakland †
Edwin A. Scharlau II †
19 9 2
Amanda R. Massucci †
19 6 9
Terry E. Brummer †
John E. Moyer Sr. †
19 7 0
John Michael Kiss †
19 7 1
Joseph L. D’Amico †
David J. Thonn †
19 7 2
Jacquelyn Link Dezort †
Tom E. Dezort †
19 74
David A. Kane †
Robert B. Levin †
19 7 5
K. Alan Lonbom †
19 7 6
Brian T. Carley †
Ryan Burdeno †
19 7 7
Richard J. Calzaretta †
Jonathan M. Groesbeck †
Mark P. Strauch †
Gregg Stephen Werner †
19 7 8
Timothy A. Larson †
Skip Moore †
David R. Lukasik †
19 7 9
Lesley Stein Kessler †
Carl R. Geppert †
Kenneth C. Zurek †
19 8 0
Stephen L. Larson †
Timothy T. Miller †
Benji H. Wolken †
19 8 1
Thomas W. Dimond †
Rodney D. Gibbs †
19 8 2
Michael P. Abrahamson †
Charles B. Edelstein †
Brian L. Ofenloch †
Albert E. Rosenthaler †
Adam Scott †
Ronald M. Thalheimer †
Mark David Turner †
James E. Walsh †
19 8 3
David Scott Richter †
Ronald S. Sonenthal †
Jeffrey A. Wellek †
19 8 4
Susan Schwitzenberg
Abrahamson †
Daniel P. Doheny †
Raymond L. Wilson †
19 8 5
Duane M. DesParte †
Robert A. Litt †
19 8 6
Mary C. Bookman †
David S. Erickson †
Timothy J. Hohulin †
Guy J. Raymaker †
19 8 7
Murray R. Wise †
19 8 8
William Kelly †
Robert J. Pillion Jr. †
19 9 4
Loren D. Griffin †
Robin Berg †
Gregory A. Bergmann †
Susan Bergmann †
Leslie A. Boruszak †
Margaret M. Carroll †
Greg D. Cozad †
Susan B. David †
John P. Davidson III †
Deborah L. DeHaas †
Yvonne M. Dressel †
Eva M. Dunning †
Lionelle H. Elsesser †
Beverly M. Figge †
James A. Gentry †
Dolores L. Gilroy †
D. Neil Gissler †
Lynn Patton Gissler †
David N. Gully †
Monica L. Gully †
David Heath Hays †
Suzanne M. Kavetas †
Katherine Lee †
Grace H. Leighton †
S. K. Luechtefeld †
Sarah Ann Mahoney †
Bruce J. Mantia †
Linda L. Meyer †
David P. Middlemas †
Patricia A. Middlemas †
Kurt P. Miscinski †
Patricia Godfrey Moss †
William M. Moss †
Helen L. Nussbaum †
John A. Rawot †
Valerie A. Sander †
Lorraine A. Schonhoff †
Laura W. Sherlock †
Stephen D. Smart †
Antoinette Sperelakis †
Marion J. Thickson †
Marilyn J. Vonnahme †
Laurice Campfield Walker †
Fabien C. Wecker †
Melissa B. Whitaker †
19 3 8
Mary Ellen R. Wilson †
19 4 9
Thomas E. Gilroy †
Richard T. Leighton †
19 5 0
Fred F. Berry Jr. †
Bernard D. Tauber †
19 5 2
Lawrence A. Sherman †
19 5 6
Fred H. Figge Jr. †
19 5 7
Charles W. Elliott †
19 5 8
Charles R. Faust †
James E. McAuley †
19 5 9
Phillip F. Dressel †
19 6 0
James G. Nussbaum †
19 6 1
Ronald D. Jeffris †
19 6 5
A. D. Luechtefeld †
Jerome H. Meyer †
Howard B. Pearlman †
19 6 6
James R. Elsesser Jr. †
19 6 7
James J. Mahoney Jr. †
Edward W. Moneypenny †
19 6 9
James E. Baker †
Richard D. Schonhoff †
John D. Zeglis †
19 7 1
John H. Munz †
19 7 2
A. Rashad Abdel-Khalik †
Allen C. Berg †
Robert E. Meier †
Thomas N. Trone †
Mark C. Vonnahme †
19 7 3
Thomas W. Hough †
Billie K. Rawot †
Russell G. Wieman †
19 74
Alan D. Feldman †
Frederick J. Poska †
Michael F. Dunning †
19 7 5
Dan DeCanniere †
19 7 6
Amy L. Dillavou †
James R. Dillavou †
Thomas C. Freyman †
Cathy A. Mantia †
Robert E. Schriver †
James C. Schuetz †
Linda G. Schuetz †
Marc S. Skaletsky †
19 7 7
John T. Bradford †
Michael Karasik †
Shirley A. Schaeffer †
James A. Taibleson †
19 7 8
John R. Box †
19 7 9
Bruce L. Boruszak †
Peter Louis Cella †
Duane A. Doerle †
Pamela S. Hays †
19 8 0
Mark G. Sander †
Susan L. Temple †
Thomas C. Temple †
Glenn S. Winokur †
19 8 1
Robert A. David †
Robert J. Noelke †
Sandra V. Otto †
Jill B. Smart †
Jackie C. Tompkins †
Edward B. Carey †
19 8 2
Steven M. Cohen †
Jin J. Lee †
Diane G. Noelke †
Astrid L. Tompkins †
Jeffrey C. Totten †
Morris B. Sachs III †
19 8 3
Steven James Cox †
Mara T. Fredrickson †
Dennis D. Howarter †
Neal H. Price †
Sheryl D. Sachs †
Stanley M. Sword †
B Loyal Society
The B Loyal Society is reserved exclusively for graduates of
the last decade who make an annual financial commitment
to the College based upon their year of graduation.
19 9 8
Sandra Lozano
Chet J. Riske
Mark A. Schumacher
19 9 9
Allison Peng Chen
Hamish de Freitas
Thomas R. Ehmann
Dan A. Frandsen
Matthew R. Friesl
Brian J. Gustavson
Timothy D. Heinrich
Bradley C. Jarocki
John C. Jeka
Eric G. Keilman
Tracy G. McCabe
Todd A. Papa
Elysia Root
Scott A. Fortkamp
Gregory C. Theodorakis
Peter Vadhanasindhu
Leebert S. Ditiangkin
Asim A. Aleem
Brian W. Byrd
Laurel M. Davis
Keith E. Hamilton
Christopher J. Cokeley
Kara B. Sprague
Megan Grasch
Michael P. Copher
Ki-Eun Lee
19 8 4
Kenneth P. Caniglia †
Thomas J. Driscoll †
Steven D. Fredrickson †
Mary Rohan Gentry †
Laurie K. Price †
19 8 5
Venanzio P. Arquilla †
Mark O. Arshonsky †
Beth J. Dickstein †
Thomas F. Quinn †
Thomas R. Sherlock †
19 8 6
Diane M. Lyons †
Teresa L. Poggenpohl †
19 8 7
Randall C. Blanton †
Frank D. Hanzlik †
Susan D. Heitmann †
Marek A. Wierzba †
19 8 8
Eric T. Brand †
Patrick R. Carroll †
Kimberly K. Hintzman †
Toni Moore Knudson †
19 9 0
Duncan M. Forsythe †
Warren W. Stippich Jr. †
Matthew F. Lewandowski
Wen-Kang Wayne Lo
Lisa Lavie Martin
T. Christopher Martin
David L. Mizell
Erasmo Pacheco
Joseph Chu Hyoung Park
Liz Pirog
Harpreet Singh
Dehry Z. Surjansjah
Monte Turnage
Hassen T. Al-Shawaf
Lauren Elizabeth Lavorato
Philip G. Murphy
Kwonsik Park
Robert C. Penington
Anna C. Powers
20 07
Matthew Scott Bergman
Jessica A. Boghosian
Amanda K. Decker
Evan Gruenkemeyer
Rahul Singh Kalsi
Georgios Lokkas
Caroline C. Moore
Jessica Podeschi
Matthew Schrieber
Amy Marie Thomas
Jacob Daniel Vial
Jennifer L. Walrath
Stephanie A. Chin
Melissa Anne Colgan
Matthew R. Cross
Kyle Roger Decker
Bryce E. L. Faulkner
Mark Steven Figura
Patrick T. Gallagher
Jamal H. Gorham
Grant Ewing Harris
Brett A. Herbison
Tina M. Kerins
Michael Glenn Kirchner
Jill E. Kording
Rachael Marie Kosicek
Benjamin C. Kramer
Anvita Kumar
Michael J. LaBelle
Robert L. Lehr
Kelly E. Maynard
Patrick James McKearin
Jason C. Mueller
Samantha Myers
Brittany N. Oliver
Matthew Paquet
Hetal Patel
Joseph Michael Pizarek
Lance Rabenort
Joseph L. Rosenberg
Amanda Sanchez
Emily Ane Sobut
Gajin Kenny Tsai
Michael T. Vanacker
Nisa Shivprasad Agrawal
Nicholas J. Andrews
Byron Christopher Beck
Jessica A. Boghosian
Dustin A. Carrozza
19 9 1
Melissa Reaugh Broemmel †
19 9 2
Kevin R. Janes †
19 9 7
Anthony J. Leone †
Mary E. Leone †
19 9 8
Mark A. Schumacher †
19 9 9
Hamish de Freitas †
Thomas R. Ehmann †
Eric G. Keilman †
Tracy G. McCabe †
Nancy J. Abate †
Jack A. Abraham
Marilyn M. Ainsworth †
Bill Albin
Carol Tremaine Anderson
Blanche F. Antonello †
Jean E. Arenberg
Jane A. Austermiller
Douglas J. Bade
Suzanne Krieger Bade
Leila E. Bednarz
Sharon A. Beschorner
Barbara J. Bigelow
Toby J. F. Bishop
Christine Maas Blake
Frances K. Block
Terry L. Brakhane †
Julia A. Brannon
Mary Louise Brown
Fanny E. Bryan
Dorris Bull
Frances L. Buske †
Robert W. Carpenter
Thomas J. Carroll
Janet M. Casini
Rebecca S. Cline †
Linda H. Connell
S. Scott Curtin
Barbara Mercer Deruntz
Robert William Deruntz
Elizabeth K. Dosier
Shirley A. Drake
Susan M. Drent
Timothy P. Durst
Scott M. Elliott †
John S. England
Rita K. Etscheid
Wylie E. Etscheid Jr.
Nancy Kurshenbaum Fertig †
Winter 2008 21
Dean Larry DeBrock speaks to the Dean’s Business Council in BIF.
Keri J. Fieser
H. Michael Finkle
Judith S. Finkle
Robert T. Fraley †
Sandra K. Frank
Thomas D. Frank
Marvin Frankel †
Matilda Frankel †
Maureen H. Smith-Gaffney
Denis J. Gallagher
Mary E. Gallagher
Elyse M. Gilbert
Scott D. Goldstein †
Lee Ann Gossett †
Mark C. Gossett †
John P. Hanlon
Lisa N. Hanson
William J. Harrington
Pamela W. Hauptfleisch
Julian M. Hawes
Richard K. Herlin
Jan Hertzberg
James Hill Jr.
Kathleen N. Holleran †
Lawrence P. Holleran †
Tina A. Howard
Michael A. Huesing
Jill Brock Hurd
Lawrence D. Israel
Dorothy B. Jacobsen
Kimberly A. Johnson
Brenda L. Jones
Susan D. Kearney
Patricia M. Kellerhals
Kevin R. Keys
Jane A. Kindorf †
Constance Marie Kirkenmeier
Denise A. Klecka
Evis Knudson
Karen A. Kuenster
Margaret M. Kulze
Ronald T. Levy †
Nancy Kron Lohuis
Claudia P. Lubin †
Brenda Callahan Lynge †
Raymond A. Majewski
Tammy Manassa
Christopher M. Mason
John A. May
Elizabeth Gladding Maynard
Richard C. Maynard
Michael N. Mayo
Nicolette Mayo
Jean M. McGrath
Maria Francesca McHenry
Carrol Louise McIntire
Donald C. Miller
22 Alumni News and Notes
Patrick K. Miller
Carol J. Mitsdarfer
Diane S. Mueller
Robert C. Mueller
Kay C. Nalbach
Gwenn M. Neville
David A. Newberg
Pauline A. Newberg
James F. Niss
Cindy Cozad Norris
John A. Norris
Karin D. O’Connor †
Lori A. O’Hara
Mark C. Pool †
Kenneth J. Porrello
Sandra L. Pundmann
Sridhar Ramamoorti †
Glenn Cameron Randall
Dawn K. Ratts
Patrick E. Rea
Victoria Reisler
William Reisler
Anne Robin
Rafael D. Rodriguez
Cheryl Rushing
Philip J. Rushing
John D. Salata
Lauren B. Salata
Robert C. Sash
Anita J. Seiler †
Jagdish N. Sheth †
Madhuri J. Sheth †
Kelly Denise Siblik
Ralph E. Siegel
Linda J. Sieracki †
Richard J. Sieracki †
David M. Sinow †
Ronald L. Skwarek
Patrick J. Slattery
Jesse R. Smart
Jeffrey J. Smith
James K. Soderberg
Scott Sognefest
Sandra Stahlke
Lori K. Stern †
Ruth A.M. Strong
Pamela B. Swieringa
Eleanor L. Tewksbury
Jean Marie Unger †
Mary E. Vanacker
Michael J. Vanacker
Donald Joseph Vilim †
Sally Waspi †
Carl G. Weber
Katharina A. Westmeyer
Cherie M. Weston
Richard S. Westra
B. Joseph White †
Mary P. White †
John E. Williams
Joseph L. Wisniewski
Gail S. Witlin
Julia Ericson Wold
Kim T. Woosley
Renee R. Zalatoris
19 41
Lawrence W. Gougler
19 4 2
C. Donald Ainsworth †
19 6 2
Cass P. Apple
James C. Jacobsen
Neal Kottke †
19 6 3
David J. Downey †
Donna J. Matson
Larry L. Austermiller
19 6 4
Neal J. Block
Judy T. Niss
19 4 3
Joseph Antonello Jr. †
19 6 5
Eugene J. Laughlin
Morgan J. Lynge Jr. †
19 4 6
Lois Ellen Robison
19 6 6
Bradley L. Goldberg
19 4 7
J. Theodore Arenberg Jr.
Wesley W. Rink
19 6 7
David Patner
Verlyn D. Richards
19 4 9
Herbert Feinberg
19 6 8
Thomas P. Kearney
Edith A. Stotler †
19 5 0
William R. Schnirring Jr. †
19 5 1
Roger W. Brown
Albert E. Hunziker
19 5 3
Charles A. Bowsher †
Donald R. Buske
19 5 4
Henry S. Brauer
Ronald M. Bushman
Oliver P. Colvin †
Clifton Neil McIntire
19 5 5
Thomas R. Green
19 5 6
Lyle M. Dahlenburg
Lawrence A. Goldman
Robert C. Weiss
Craig C. Hart †
19 5 7
Bobby W. Reed
Lyle D. Sharp
Henry D. Strunk †
19 5 8
Thomas C. Crays
John C. True
19 6 0
Susan A. Smart
James E. Buncher
19 6 9
Mark H. Carson †
Robert J. Swieringa
Dennis J. Gaffney
19 7 0
Paul J. Brazda
Ronald C. Kok-Alblas †
Richard J. Mitsdarfer
Richard P. Johnson
19 7 1
Philip H. Davidson
Janet L. Hiser-Bowsher †
Ladelle M. Hyman
Norma J. Lauder
Randall S. O’Hare
Paul P. Romeo
Joseph V. Weber
Mark H. Weston
Melanie S. Hummer
19 7 2
James W. Atkinson
Jack H. Behrens
Steven J. Bowsher †
Alan R. Gingold †
Dennis M. Mullen
19 7 3
Mark R. Abate †
Wilma Jean Smelcer
Jack L. Witlin
19 74
Barbara A. Hanley
Jack G. Horn
William A. Kindorf III †
Jeffrey W. Long
19 7 5
Steven D. Bandolik
Fred J. Beschorner
Robert F. Cavoto
Samuel B. Cohn
Steve Dammann
Frank A. Kulze
Eric W. Rahn †
Patrick F. Tracy
Thomas H. Cartwright †
Laurel M. Davis †
19 7 6
Douglas A. Brantner
David J. Fitzpatrick
Karen M. Golz
Neal R. Lohuis
Gregory L. O’Hara
Kathryn A. Stanton
Troy D. Swinford †
19 7 7
Bruce N. Barron
Thomas L. Kabler
Thomas Edward Kirkenmeier
John J. Powers †
David J. Seiler †
Kathleen R. Sharp
Jim Stauner †
Frank K. Woosley
Earl C. Shanks
Kevin Waspi †
19 7 8
Craig R. Boyer
Sally Fletcher
Randall K. Gula
Robert S. Mathews
Krista M. McMasters
Michael D. O’Drobinak
Steven E. Shebik †
19 7 9
Joseph M. Ambrose †
W. Russell Bigelow III
Dennis P. Drent
Laura L. Fraley †
Steven R. Franklin
Don S. Hershman
Dale S. Hurd
Margaret M. Jongleux
Kenneth C. Kellerhals II
Stanley D. Lynall
Joseph M. Mikrut
Gail F. Ogdon †
Scott Stefanik
Craig A. Stern †
John D. Stuart
Joseph H. Trindl III
Kenneth R. Weigand
Everett V. Westmeyer
Casey Richard Wold
19 8 0
Keith H. Berk
Linda S. Buckley
David B. Freeman
Taryn L. Goldstein †
Lawrence L. Lubin †
David E. Ogdon †
Steven R. Rudolph
William R. Stahlke
Jeffrey J. Stengel
Michael C. Wood
19 8 1
Michael J. Barrett
Terence A. Blake
Christopher A. Hanson
Brian J. Harris
Michael L. Johnson
Philip G. Jones
David M. Mason
Sallye R. Mason
Cynthia J. Miller
Paul A. O’Connor †
Timothy G. Osborn
Laura P. Pearl
Kenneth A. Sweet †
Claudia Miller Vilim †
Kenneth Volpert
Todd E. Voss
Mark E. Zalatoris
Jonathan Buchbinder
19 8 2
Phillip B. Donenberg
Paula R. Eissfeldt †
Maury L. Fertig †
Rodney L. Foster
Stephen P. Lechner
Darrel R. Schubert
Ronald Aldrich Strong
19 8 3
Daniel D. Bayston
Janna L. Berk
Richard G. Cline Jr. †
David J. Depew
Stephen J. Drake
Marsha B. Karp
Mitchell J. Manassa
Karen Kazlo Volpert
Martha Ann Geppert
19 8 4
Sherry Brakhane †
Victor M. Casini
Brian B. Gilbert
Jill A. Harley
Andrew W. Ratts
Richard W. Unger †
19 8 5
Michael E. Burns
Martin J. McGrath
Mark A. Neville
Susan A. Rohl
Michael E. Stibich
Carl D. Utter
19 8 6
William J. Connell
Elisabeth A. Gawlik-Williams
Kathryn R. Habluetzel
John D. Kann
Stephen F. Maass
Bruce A. Weininger
19 8 7
Ivan O. Bull
Robin A. Evitts
Mary A. Fellers †
Timothy James McHenry
Susan Miksta Miller
Carl W. Moellenkamp
Sanford E. Perl
19 8 8
Mark L. Dosier
Glenn A. Werry Jr. †
19 8 9
Timothy J. McCarty
19 9 0
Kristina L. Anderson
Frank A. Bednarz
Richard J. Bodnum
Patrick T. Chambliss
Karen M. Rodriguez
Laura K. Soderberg
Stephanie L. Hollander
Gretchen Amann McCarty
Toni L. Bakker
Eileen Ann Crowley
William T. Hard II
Jeanine M. Lohmann
M. Margaret Zellers
19 9 3
Mark T. Anglin
Tara A. Karsten
William A. Karsten
Mark E. Lohmann
Chad F. Mueller
Michele Jeanne Randall
Rhonda Roth-Mueller
Sachin S. Sethi
Scott A. Shafer
19 9 4
Tadd M. Ingles
David J. Peterson
Kevin Delaney Siblik
Angela L. Chalberg Pool †
19 9 5
Peter Wai Chan
Gregory C. Fieser
Jodi L. Noble
Wendy J. Ralston
19 9 6
Christopher Aldo Balzarini
Richard M. Cloyd
Sara E. Klein
Russell Kneipp
John E. Steele
19 9 7
Michele L. Pisarik
John A. Rassi
Brian P. Zabel
Kathleen Danakis
19 9 8
Chet J. Riske
19 9 9
Allison Peng Chen †
Matthew R. Friesl
Brian J. Gustavson
John C. Jeka †
Todd A. Papa
Gregory C. Theodorakis
Peter Vadhanasindhu †
Keith E. Hamilton
Michael P. Copher
David L. Mizell
Joseph Chu Hyoung Park
Robert C. Penington
Rahul Singh Kalsi
Kyle Roger Decker
Patrick T. Gallagher
Kelly E. Maynard
Michael T. Vanacker
Annual Donors
Gifts up to $999
Ameen Abdulrasool
Kevin A. Adams
Christopher S. Adams
Sharon Lisick Ady †
Indra S. Agrawal
Shilu Agrawal
Jose J. Aguayo III
Filiberto Agusti
Susan Whilton Agusti
Catherine A. Ahern
Nabil Z. Alam
Patricia G. Alba
Karen A. Allison
Larry F. Altenbaumer †
Ben M. Alvord
Dennis A. Anders
Estra Anders
Jonathan L. Ankney
Beth A. Apke
Karen M. Appelbaum
Elaine Archibald
Roger Archibald
Terry G. Arnold
Richard J. Arnould
Erika L. Ashbrook
Krishnamurthy Ashwini
Michael W. Babcock
E. Richard Bade
Kathryn M. Ball
John W. Barbian
Angie Hopkey Barnard
Matt J. Barnard
Felicia R. Barnes
Tom Barry
Charles I. Bartfeld
Ruth M. Bartfeld
Ellen K. Bassett
Iva Jean Bayley
Danda T. Beard †
Byron Christopher Beck
Donna T. Beck
Paul J. Beck
Roy L. Beckham
Gary Bellessa
Gemma P. Benjamin
Stacy M. Bennett
Richard H. Berge
Alan W. Beringsmith
Linda B. Blandford-Beringsmith
Laura N. Bernfield
Barbara J. Bernstein
Daniel M. Berz
Mark J. Besch
Eric J. Bessonny
Laura S. Bierman
Philip S. Bierman
Valerie Blair
Thomas G. Bleck
Kathryn L. Blum
John R. Boehme
Mary Ann Boggs
Barbara A. Boland
Dennis Boland
Judith J. Bonheim
Deborah Boschert
Steven Bosse
Fonda Gail Bowden
Robert E. Bowman
Stephen E. Brabec
Axie L. Breen
Kathleen Brown
Michael Bruno
Jason T. Brzozowski
James R. Burdett
Erica N. Burks
Christine W. Burla
Stephen M. Burns
Marilyn J. Busse
Frank L. Buttitta
Donna M. Calwas
Lana Camerer
Paul B. Campbell
Joseph J. Canny
Susan Hughes Capicchioni
Paula Mae Carns
Anthony J. Carrozza
Marcy L. Carrozza
Mary R. Carter
Stephen D. Casler
Brenda Casper
Sharon B. Cawley
Alberta H. Charney
John W. Chatfield
Anthony Chelmecki
Nicole Vlazny Chen
Gary G. Chiang
John M. Church
Sara A. Clark
Jennifer N. Clarke
Brooke A. Cokeley
Canitha R. Collins
Bryan E. M. Cooke
Harriet F. Crabb
Douglas E. Criner
Ardis M. Cross
Larry B. Cross
Kathryn J. Crouch
Elizabeth Cudnowski
Therese M. Cushing
Mitchell I. Cutler
Brett D. Czajkowski
Scott R. Dahman
Katherine M. Dalen
Prudence G. Dandurand
Kimberly A. Danielson
Jeffrey W. Darling
Dorothy Ann David †
Howard J. Davis
Leslie Jaffe Davis
Linda Jean B. Davis
Larry M. DeBrock
Christopher J. Deighan
Julie A. Deisinger
Francisco DeLaCruz
Charlotte S. DeMaris
James Deng
Jane F. Derbyshire
Carol I. Diener
Edward F. Diener
Theodore S. Dimiropoulos
Linda R. Dinn
Beatrice J. Dockum
Ellen M. Dockum
Sara Lynne Doehring
Victoria J. Donnelly
Noncy Jensen Dooling
Susan K. Douglas
Dorothy Ruth Dow
Daniel L. Doyle
Jo W. Duchene
Barbara P. Duda
Margaret B. Duff
Lynn D. Dugan
Andrew D. Dugenske
James A. Dulski
Pamela H. Dunn
Joan F. Dutton
Sarah Jane Dvorin
Sandra R. Dykstra
Mary C. Early
Linda C. Edouard
Elizabeth K. Edwards
Camille F. Eggleston
Eileen Eisenstein
Wynter Brooke Elliott †
Kevin J. Engl
Sara A. Engl
Susan G. Epstein
Katherine G. Espeseth
Craig S. Espevik
Helen N. Ettenson
David D. Evans
Mary K. Evans
Rupert N. Evans
Denny Farrar
Leslie E. Farrar
Julia B. Faust
Elaine Feingold
Jay L. Feingold
Scott R. Ferry
John F. Ficks
Thomas Wayne Fineis
Daniel P. Fitzgerald
Michele P. Fitzgerald
Terridale Flax *
Joan K. Fleck
Bret Fogelberg
Barbara T. Foster
Jean B. Frank
Phyllis J. Frankel
Virginia L. Frederick
Michael B. Freehill
Andrew N. French
Daniel L. Friend
Elise W. Frost
Jamie T. Furst
Daniel J. Gallagher
Kristen LaDuke Gallup
Carla D. Galvanoni
Marianne Murphy Gapen
Maureen L. Garcia
Rita B. Garman
Christy G. Gaughan
Peter A. Gebauer
D. Max Geldean
Kenneth D. Geter
Jennifer A. Gettel
E. Neil Gholson
Theodore Robert Gill
Cathleen A. Gilmartin
Louise D. Glassman
Susan M. Gleich
William T. Glennon
John R. Glick
Ellen G. Gluskin
Allen Goldberg
Joan J. Golder
Leslie S. Goldstone
Caryn F. Goode
Cheryl F. Goodzey
Rosemary Gordon
Jamal H. Gorham
John A. Gorham
Linda B. Gorham
Theresa Gorski
Anthony F. Graziano
Paulette J. Graziano
Crystal Michelle Green
Gordon F. Greenman
John Grimmer
Margaret E. Grinnell
Cynthia R. Grischow
Sheldon A. Gross
Mary Ann Grossmann
Ruth Widstrom Guzlas
Elizabeth M. Hafey
Jeanne L. Hafstrom †
Mindy K. Halverson
Kristi L. Hamelberg
Joanne K. Hamer
Bradley S. Hampel
Marsha L. Hardman
Kent W. Hargis
Jeffery D. Harrell
David S. Harris
Dolores Jakes Harris
Carol A. Hart
Kenneth M. Haydysch
Lois R. Haydysch
Erik C. Hayes
Jeremy J. Hayes
Julie G. Hayes
William P. Healy
Deborah L. Heavner
John Howard Hedeman
Henry Henderson
Alan A. Henricks
Bruce B. Herbert
Meredith Herrera
John R. Herron
Jeffrey S. Hersh
Brett A. Hesterberg
Christopher Hicks
David M. Hilko
John D. Hill
Victoria A. Hill
John J. Hinnendael Jr.
Jon D. Hinrichs
Daniel A. Hinshaw
Sarah Hirsch
Perry William Hoag
Daniel Hofmann
Deborah Hogan
Doris M. Hohman
David A. Holec
Lee A. Hollaar
Glenn S. Holland
Judith L. Hollowed
Linda M. Hopkins
Carolyn A. Horsman
Gloria K. Horvay
Mary Horwitz
Steven M. Hotopp
Susan A. Hotopp
Jenny Z. Hou
Janet L. Huddle
Carol P. Hupp
Stephen A. Husman
Cort S. Jacoby
Frederic Cople Jaher
Karla Short Jenkins
Donald R. Jeschke
Ellen F. Barr-Jocke
Laura Hunter-Johnson
Jeanne M. Johnson
Suzanne J. Jozwiak
Debra L. Judd
Steven K. Kadlec
William J. Kahle
Maxine K. Kane
Susanne Gay Kanter
Debra M. Kaplan
Jean S. Kaplan
Jeffrey S. Katz
Sheila W. Katz
Thomas F. Kealey
James M. Keller
Mark E. Kelly
Kathryn J. Kennedy
John Kerins
Rita Kerins
Jody A. Kerschner
Susan K. Kessler
Martin V. Kiesewetter
Michelle Y. Kim
Jenny Kim
Julie H. Kim
Brian D. King
Michael Thomas King
Kay M. Kirchner
Thomas G. Kirchner
Kent A. Kirk †
Patrick J. Kitchen
Rita K. Klemm
John E. Kluth II
Kevin D. Knapp
Margaret G. Kobe
Karl M. Kochendorfer
Rhoda Kolbus
Robert L. Kording
Sharon Kording
Aman S. Kothari
Kirsten Laurin-Kovitz
Linda Kramer
Melody H. Kramer
William S. Kramer
Alfred J. Krammer
Marla R. Krause
Patricia H. Kritzman
Edward M. Krol
Melanie J. Miller-Krupp
Alexander M. Kulinowski
Vandana Kumar
Elizabeth A. Kupsco
Min Jung M. Kwak
John M. LaBarge Jr.
Lenard W. LaBelle
Stacy A. LaBelle
Joseph P. LaCava
Maureen C. Lagan
William S. Lai
David E. Lancaster
Kyle I. E. Larson
Karl R. Lasseter Jr.
Justine L. Lee
Michael W. Lee
Lori Lehr
Kurt A. Lenschow †
Kathryn A. Leonard
Barbara D. Lerman
Stephanie Lerner-Ernsteen
Beryl Levin
Helen Levin
Howard Levin
John B. Lewis
Patricia A. Libby
Gina H. Lim
Sheng-Hsien Liu
Jan Loeb
Raymond William Lombardi
Robert Lopes
Janet M. Lukas
Amy H. Lullo
Gordon L. MacAdam
Mary Lou MacAdam
Lara June Macklin
Maria F. Macris
William A. Mahler
Ruth Alicia Malcom
Professor Robin P. Malloy
Robert O. Malm
Brenda P. Mann
Eric J. Marion
C. F. Marley
Garrett D. Martin
John Robert Martin
Jenny Y. Marx
Jayne V. Mathews
Bonnie J. Mathieson
Donald J. Mathieson
Madonna L. Matteson †
Nancy B. Matthews
Robert S. Mayer
William J. McCarthy
Teresa L. McConkey
Bobby G. McCormick
Jeannie Marie McFarland
Kara Marie Mcfarland
Lindsay A. D. McGrath
James R. McMahon
David W. McMurray
Linda M. McNamara
Susan M. McNamee
Margie E. McNicholas
Winter 2008 23
Quincy Means
Patrick G. Meehan
Mary Ruth Meeker
Earl E. Meister III
Gladys J. Memler
Joanne V. Merrill
Patricia A. Messinger †
Tracy A. Metke
E. Thomas Meyer
Janet L. Michaels
Margaret Graf Mickey
Michael E. Mielzynski
Nick Mihalopoulos
Craig R. Milkint †
Margaret Resce Milkint †
Timothy A. Millage
Deanna Y. Miller
Mary Miller
Thomas J. Millon Jr.
Vivian Milstein
Constanta D. Mindruta
Tamio Mochizuki
Neal A. Moller
Julie K. Monroe
Michael W. Moohr
Gerald W. Moore
Marisene Brown Moreland
Lori R. Moreno
Barbara Morrow
Sarah L. Morse
Leonard J. Moskowitz
Michele A. Moss
Miranda F. Moy
Alicia B. Munves
Russell D. Munves
Katherine Munyon
Brenda Murphy
Tina D. Murphy
Jocelyn C. Murray
Jeanette Musgrave
Bryan L. Musselman
Charles K. Myers
Nathan C. Myers
Sharon E. Myers
Frederick J. Nachman
Janet N. Nachman
Margaret A. Nardoni
Carolyn M. Neff
John P. Neuenkirchen
Frederick L. Neumann
Maxwell H. Newport
Philip T. Nguyen
James C. Nicholas
Lorena K. Nicholas
Hayden N. Noel
Ellen V. Nowicki
Mardell J. O’Brien
Robert O’Brien
Nancie C. Oetter
Maureen P. O’Hara
Cynthia M. Oliver
Michael B. Oliver
Nancy J. O’Neal
Audrey Comer Oppenheimer
Cele Otnes
Kari S. Palm
Nancy L. Paquet
Ronald A. Paquet
Samuel J. Parker
Mary Ann Pasquinelli †
Carl A. Pasurka Jr.
James R. Paternoster
Saumya V. Patodia
Lorraine G. Pautsch
Amy E. Pearson
Tracie E. Peecher
Kristin Pellicori
James L. Peltason
Rosemary S. Pera
Ronald T. Pergande
Russell E. Perkinson
Karen M. Perritt
Gwen S. Peterson
Sharon L. Phelan
Homer H. Pien
Bill G. Pinkstaff †
24 Alumni News and Notes
Martha Pinkstaff †
Shirley Pitman
Joseph Michael Pizarek
Philip J. Pliskin
Marianne M. Podeschi
Mark A. Podeschi
Frank R. Polance
Barbara E. Poleskey †
Gerald L. Pollack
William J. Pollard †
Mary J. Porter
Nancy Powers
Barbara R. Pratt
Michael W. Preis
Brian Qualizza
Aaron S. Quick
Barbara Gillis Quick
Curtis S. Quigley
Keith S. Quisenberry
Lance Rabenort
Donna S. Rabenort
Jennifer Flaig Rachmiel
Roland H. Raffel
Ankur Raniwala
Christopher Rappa
Howard K. Ray
Bernadette H. Reed
Roger A. Reeves
Amy Z. Reiner
Jennifer M. Reuland
Joan W. Reuss
Eleanor M. Rhoads
Deborah J. Richard
Sarah E. Riforgiate
Megan C. Rinaudo
Cynthia L. Ritchie
Michael J. Ritchie
Elizabeth A. Roland
William J. Rooney
Linda S. Ross
Lisanne Roth
Holly E. Rouser
Jody Royse
Brian W. Ruddell
Deborah G. Ruddell
Linda S. Rudenberg
Nancy W. Ryczek
David G. Ryding
Francisco G. Sanchez
Maria S. Sanchez
Suzanne B. Sanders
Maxine E. Sandretto
James N. Scarborough
Dawn R. Schaar
Marvin B. Schaar
Sarah N. Schad
Jacqueline K. Schattner
Christina A. Schlipf
Amy S. Schmerold
Charles T. Schmidt
Leonard R. Schmidt
Shari L. Schmidt
Joel Schneider
George H. Schonewise
Sally P. Schrader
Jeff A. Schroeder
Derek P. Schrof
Rachel Schwartz
Jacquline N. Schweighart
Jeannie Seghetti
M. Vance Seitzinger
Audrey E. Selin
Donald R. Selinger
Rebecca J. Sells
Mark L. Selvaggio †
Marlene R. Senescu
Anju Seth
James D. Shannon
Wendy Sharon
Sharon Shavitt †
Matthew A. Shelley
Christina H. Shin
Ellen F. Shiro
Jacqueline R. Simon
Jo Ann M. Sims
Renee M. Sinow
Rae F. Skrna
Kristine A. Slaboszewski
Colleen A. Smith
Donna Hacker Smith †
Donna S. Smith
Lawrence A. Smith Jr. †
James A. Smittkamp
Amy G. Sobut
Stephen J. Sokolowski
Ira Solomon
Susan Solomon
Paul G. Sons †
Howard SooHoo
Nancy R. Sottos
Carla M. Spanier
Bari M. Spector
Felicia Speetjens
Richard P. Sprague
Diane P. Staes †
Margarite D. Stallman †
Scott D. Steffens
Marianne R. Steinberg
Pnina Steiner †
Shannon Bush-Steinmann
Suzanne H. Stern
Donald K. Stevens
Mary E. Stewart
Claire Calhoun Stockl
Daniel J. Stockl
Jayne L. Stork
Barry M. Stregevsky
Ramanath Subramanyam
Samantha Suranne
Kazuko Suzuki †
Susan A. Swank
Scott L. Sweeney
Margaret E. Swenson
John R. Tarvin
Diane A. Tasca †
David F. Tatterson
Scott P. Taylor
Gregg T. Templin
Suzanne W. Templin
Frederick D. Thayer III
Giselle Chesrow Thayer
Douglas R. Thomas
Harry Thompson III
Angela M. Thompson
Frankie Thornton
Joy Crane Thornton-Walter †
Greg T. Towles †
Carleen S. Trares
Sean James Treccia
Debra J. Trembacki
Tina M. Tromiczak
Angelo J. Tsagalis
Stewart J. Umholtz
Sherry VanOrden
Douglas William Varney
Linda F. Vavra
Cornelia Vellenga
Robert J. Verbiscer
Samuel W. Verner
Michael J. Verticchio
Joseph P. Vertin
Mary L. Vieregg †
Betty-Ann Vishny
Madhubalan Viswanathan
Pamela James Voitik
Laura Waibel
Claudia Waimberk
Saul O. Waimberk
Nicole Marie Waite
Cathy A. Wall
Christopher Walquist
Debra S. Warner
Robin L. Warren
Tracy M. Weber
Amy B. Weisbach
Ruth Weiss
Deborah A. Weldon
Rodger E. Welker
Ai-Ran Wells
John E. Wells
Karen E. West
Jewell White II
Patrick E. Whiteside
Ann Wiesbrock
Tracy A. Wikoff
Andrew P. Wilkinson
Catherine Anne Wilkinson
Thomas D. Williamson
James M. Willut
Mary C. Willy
Jaquilin J. Wilson
Stephen J. Wilson
Steven Wilson
Joseph G. Wilson
Helen J. Wiseman
David M. Wishart
William E. Witnik
Barbara Ward Wolf
Claudia A. Wolf
Donald M. Wolf
William L. Wolf
Dorothy M. Wolfe
Alice A. Wunderlich
Bryan M. Wysong
Amy Yates
Kathy A. York
Patricia J. Youga
Ariana Youn
Mahreen Younus
Ye Yuan
Allan B. Zelinger
Caryn G. Zelinger
David C. Zemaitis
Margaret Zhang
Anne F. Zick †
Richard E. Ziegler
Paul D. Ziemnisky
19 3 4
Omar E. Hager
19 3 5
Lyle G. Jacobson
Arthur B. Schottman
19 3 6
John A. Tockston
19 3 7
Wayne D. Hudson
19 3 8
Roger G. Ashamy
19 3 9
James W. Brady
Robert R. Dockson
Leo Eatman
Bernard L. Kotin
Frank C. Sladek
Philip V. Wiles
George R. Catlett
19 4 0
Dan E. Andrew
Robert E. Bard
Chauncey M. Beagle
C. D. Huddlestone
Arthur F. Pautsch
Mary D. Andersen
Wallace W. Bass
Michael A. Cetrone
Paul B. Hanks
Dorothy Oathout Morgan
Edwin J. Sterba
19 4 2
Dorothy J. Clevenger
Harold L. Croxton
John W. Duff
Shirley J. Falconer
John Merano Sr.
John G. Putta
M. G. Willke
19 4 3
Clifford R. Buys
Lona V. Guyer
Stanley J. Klosinski
James E. Morse
Arthur T. Richtand
Richard H. Scott
John J. Zamecnik
19 4 4
Virginia Aldendifer
Grace A. Fiedler
Amy B. Hensold
James D. Lamb
Robert A. Moffat
Helen C. Penney
Adele de Werff Stevens
19 4 6
Betty Coen
Saul Levin
James A. Tracy
19 4 7
Patricia Murphy Coleman
Frank P. Coyer Jr.
Russel C. Fielding
F. Dale German
Cecile Jean Hallock
Robert H. Jenne *
Fred L. Moore Jr.
William C. Pool Jr.
Orland B. Shefveland
Fred E. Sweet
G. Raymond Telling
Constance L. Upton
Richard L. Shotliff
Clarence L. Dunn
William F. Dunn
Marion I. Meeker
19 4 8
Earl R. Anderson
William H. Awalt
John P. Bilanzic
George F. Bobbitt
Leta G. Burgess
J. Dean Charley
Donald G. Gordon
Franklin M. Hartzell
Lila Willett Killingsworth
Alphonse J. Koziol
Clinton D. Lauer
Ruth Ann Marley
Roma M. Perkinson
Milton I. Sabin
Robert H. Suter
Samuel H. Young
19 4 9
Lee H. Adelson
Warren T. Bridgewater
Fred Currey
Richard C. Einbecker
Milton K. Foley
Merle H. Gould
Robert J. Hoffman
Byron E. Koch
Robert D. Leach
Helen A. Lewis
Donald E. Loesch
Bernard L. Marcus
Ann J. Metz
Gerald B. Morrow
Lawrence Novak
Leonard S. Oppenheimer
Phillip Rich
Edward J. Speers
Roger W. Spiegler
Lloyd W. Thompson
Vernon K. Zimmerman
19 5 0
Raymond P. Bachert
Miriam C. Backs
Michael Burnstine
Richard D. Clark
Earl E. Cunion
Ralph E. de Werff
Charles R. Dockum
Frederick R. Duda
James D. Fischer
Robert W. Furtkamp
Gene E. Ginoli
Frederic Grossmann
Marion C. Hansen
John P. Ingrassia
Wayne F. Johnson
Joseph H. Long
Joseph R. Lowery †
Stanley E. Metz
Jack C. Morrison
Richard J. Musgrave
Daniel J. Nicholas
Roger E. Perers
Winston W. Pownall
Jerome Rosenstone *
Edwin C. Sigel
Robert W. Smith
Madonna Stahl
Robert F. Twiss
Robert E. Zimmerman
19 5 1
Arnold A. Addison
William S. Alderson
Richard A. Benson
J. Douglas Cain
Joseph H. Dow Jr.
Jay L. Frankel
Lawrence W. Hamilton
Milton J. Jaffe
William W. Kahle
Robert E. Kesler
William R. Kesler
Shirley B. Malench
John L. Michaels
T. Larry Phalin
George J. Reuss
Thomas W. Roe
George M. Smith Jr.
Wilbur J. Walck
Alan P. Levin
19 5 2
Eugene J. Culbertson
Ann M. Gill
Arthur E. Gray
Carl A. Heldmaier
William F. Hohman
Walter D. Hoskinson
Patricia A. Ingoldsby
George T. Kramer
Richard O. Kumpf
Alfred H. Levine
Roy D. Raemer
James E. Skrna
Cynthia R. Swanson †
George Wickstrom Jr.
John R. Youngs
19 5 3
Edward J. Bolka
Jack E. Bowsher
Samuel Dashefsky
Bernard Elias
Laurence I. Friedman
Frederic A. Heim Jr.
William S. Kamin
Marvin A. Levenson
Theo D. McConnell
Don F. Memler
Charles H. Nogle †
Robert L. Parr
Richard C. Takacs
Joseph P. Vernasco Jr.
Morton I. Wax
Ernest O. Wilhelm Jr.
Algar W. Wiseman
19 5 4
Richard E. Bochte
Philip H. Flick
Shayle P. Fox
Roy J. Funkhouser
Joseph P. Mulligan Jr.
Alice B. Nichols
Marjorie L. Orr
Milton Rabyne
Ruth Ray
Earle E. Sanders Jr.
John A. Segala
Lisle J. Switzer
Frank J. VanOverstraeten
H. Curtis White
Norman L. Wingler
Professor Hayden Noel teaches MBA students about marketing strategy in a BIF tiered classroom.
19 5 5
C. Richard Blundell
Carol J. Burton
James L. Calder
Barbara Petersen Collister
Warren D. Cuplin
Richard F. Davis
E. Joe DeMaris
John A. Farrell
George L. Gfroerer
Harvey A. Greenstein
Dean Hamilton
Judith Ann Hilst
Arline D. Jeschke
Edwin O. Johnson
Ronald S. Katch
Helen Kausic Krisciunas
Leonard P. Mason
Phyllis Mason
Walter C. Moy
Ernest J. Nassos
E. B. Nelson
Loren M. Pollack
Lawrence A. Potter
John E. Scherba
Jack K. Shutt
Max D. Weinblum
Harold E. Arnett
Barbara Lowis Lehmann
Nancy A. Desmond
W. Herbert Bayley
Allen D. Sered
Donald G. Shanks
Frank C. Sternard
John P. Vacketta
Daniel D. L. Wax
Robert G. Weiss
S. J. Winett
Bernard A. Naborowski
Ronald N. Peterson
Rex H. Reed
Mary Goodman Schmidt
George P. Wheatland
Felix Zawadzki
Gerald E. Brown
19 5 7
Charles E. Becker
Harold A. Bergstrom
Paul E. Bieritz
Harold A. Buesing
Joseph F. Burla
William R. Fahlsing
Paul E. Goldstein
Craig C. Johnson
Thomas A. Kelly
Ernest Lapp Jr.
William S. Lo Monaco
George J. Lueken
Phillip K. Matteson †
Edward L. Matyus
John C. McDivitt
James J. McGill
Robert I. Miller
Robert L. Nevin
Robert W. Paluga
Stanley J. Rankin
Robert L. Solomon *
Howard L. Stone
Duane L. Swenson
George J. Uhrich
Benton B. Warder
19 5 9
Howard I. Bass
David G. Boling
G. Montgomery Campbell Sr.
Nancy L. Dobberman
Derald C. Doehring
Bernard Fruchter
Melva F. Gage †
Kenneth C. Gillespie
Ronald R. Guthoff †
Walter A. Guyer
Kenneth A. Hamilton
Richard M. Harris
Alfred L. Killian
Michael L. Lowenthal
Robert E. Martensen
Joseph Miller Jr.
Arthur W. Murray II
Jerome D. Roeske
Peter J. Sheridan
Clyde C. Smith
Mildred J. Talley
Dale D. Traxler
Clifford M. Nelson
James W. Giese
19 5 6
Glen R. Bernfield
James L. Dandurand
Richard T. Davies
Charles F. Dillon
John R. Donahue
George R. Eberle
Gerald T. Eisenstein
Robert R. Ford
Richard H. Gans
James M. Goodwine
W. W. Hahn
Richard D. Helfrich
Beverly G. Kojder
John O. Mason
John W. McCormick
Anthony R. Pasquinelli †
Joyce M. Robinson
19 5 8
John W. Amberg
Daniel R. Barry
John T. Boyd
Robert E. Brunson
Nancy L. Clements
Eugene J. Fix
George W. Fleck
Werner G. Frank
Fred M. Frankston
Richard B. Hammer
Jerold A. Hecktman
A. D. Homa
John B. Jenkins
Darrell G. Kahl
Fred C. Karberg Jr.
James M. Mahon
Terrence J. McMahon
Thomas E. Dore
Ronald L. Wolf
19 6 0
Donald H. Bernstein
William D. Boub
Ronald L. Bretzlaff
Jack W. Carlson
Stephen J. Cohen
Salvatore A. Dispensa
Bruce N. Duff
Herbert Golden
Nancy J. Guthoff †
Walter L. Heintzen
William C. Ieuter †
Michael S. Maris
Anthony G. Maus
Rachel L. Maus
Marie A. Maytum
John P. McClory
Keith Miller
Carol J. Newport
Robert F. Prieve
Harl E. Ryder Jr.
Joel A. Segall
Larry G. Showley
Marcia A. Showley
Samuel K. Skinner
Lyle D. Smith
Theodore F. Smith
Benjamin B. Steinberg
Donald W. Swanson
Matthew J. Vigliocco
B. A. Coda
James P. Staes †
Larry R. Kane
Warren Merz
Robert J. Neff
Ronald H. Reinhart
Gerald L. Salzman
John R. Stuckey †
Donna J. Sunkel
Robert G. Taylor
Guy E. Williams
James M. Lahey
Gary N. Ervin
Wayne A. Johnson
Richard D. VonRiesen
19 6 1
Robert M. Armstrong
John W. Barber
James L. Beckmann
Linda K. Braddock
William G. Doell
Fredrick J. Durler
Carl F. Faust Jr.
The Reverend Robert T. Firebaugh
Yusaku Furuhashi
Walter R. Ginther Jr.
Stuart R. Goldsand
Robert W. Gorski
Karen L. Grano †
David A. Hutchison
Jerald L. Johnson
Ronald P. Larner
Howard D. Lerman
Burton Lichterman
Judith Ann McConchie
Paul T. Mooney
Manfred H. Rorig
Barbara E. Selinger
Dealton J. Smith
Charles A. Sommer
Kenneth H. Stimeling Jr.
Harry C. Visse Jr.
Karin E. Wilcox
Richard E. George
John D. Ramey
Harold L. Dvorin
19 6 3
Robert W. Abraham
Donna M. Anderson
Stephen E. Benson
James J. Brown
Donald C. Bruegman
Robert E. Coffey
Roger P. DeVries
William J. Dufner
Dennis M. Flaherty
John A. Frederick
Dennis J. Green
Charles P. Henness
Marshall L. Kerschner
David William Lembke
William G. Lukas
Mary K. Marshall
James R. Neece
Douglas F. Nelson
Alan M. Resser
Roger D. Roderick
David M. Sidell
James B. Szal
Donald E. Vagner
Daniel R. Vellenga
John R. Weis
John E. Kessler
Richard M. Burton
19 6 2
James E. Dresmal
Robert V. Elder †
Ben L. Forbes
Arthur L. Glassman
Barbara L. Greenman
Arthur A. Hasse †
19 6 4
Ronald J. Bauer
A. Lou Benassi Jr.
Nelson E. Bennett
Joseph E. Black
Margo M. Branz
Richard Patrick Carmody
Leland R. Chalmers
Michael M. Cully
Jeffrey A. Eisenberg
Rodney L. Everhart
Allen H. Feige
David B. Flax
Donald F. Folger
John P. Glass
Lyndon Humbracht
Paul S. Kayman
Robert Jay Lewis
James W. Pellot
Richard A. Romer
Ronald M. Schutz †
Bernard H. Shapiro
Loren W. Smith
Wayne K. Smith
Lynn E. Sundstrom
Arnold Weinberg
Robert F. Weiland
Lucy C. Huang
Charles W. Hanson
19 6 5
Laurence A. Baskin
Donald F. Bauer
Gertrude A. Chelmecki
Gery V. Conlin
Alice M. Coyle
Edward J. Ebel
Sanford R. Gail
Steve Goldman
Linda M. Grissom
Ronald D. Grissom
Karen Jhain Hafstrom
Joseph G. Harris
Mary E. Holsten
Richard J. Kenyon
Robert E. Kommers Jr.
Philip C. Leavitt
William F. Lemna
Robert B. Linn
Linda J. Martin
Nancy W. Meyer
James R. Moran
G. Raymond Nelsen
Gerald R. Norton
Paul C. Petersen
Gerald J. Podraza
Dale W. Salzman
William D. Smith
William L. Townsley
Henry D. Wertheimer
Joseph A. Fruchter
Richard D. Willy
Winter 2008 25
Business students wait to interview with prospective employers.
19 6 6
Bill S. Barron
Martin C. Bear
Richard K. Berg Jr.
Keith Cooper
Harley M. Courtney
Adele I. Ferlita
James L. Gleich
James R. Kalish
James R. Kamienski
Ruth B. Knorring
Jeffrey W. Korman
Linda I. Lewis
George A. Luscombe II
J. Michael Martin †
William T. Phares
Roger E. Ruminer
James F. Scott
James F. Stewart
Lawrence D. Stillman
Arthur L. Treccani
Alan K. VanOrden
Robert E. Wahlgren
Edward M. Waldron
Katie A. White
Roger G. Zmrhal
Larry E. Sydes
Daniel C. Lee †
Stephen A. Pyhrr
19 6 7
Bruce A. Allen
Richard J. Dybala
Paul L. Early Jr.
Edward A. Fahrner
William A. Frey III
Janet L. Gebauer
Richard M. Gullang
Chris R. Haynes
Jeffrey J. Jensik
Gilbert Lynn Johnson
Martin Jay Kanter
Donald N. Kraft
John C. Lere
Richard S. Marsho
David E. Mates
Larry M. Mitchell
Eric M. Padderud
Michael S. Pinsky
Robert Freed Randolph
Donald W. Rogers
Larry P. Ross
26 Alumni News and Notes
Dennis J. Schaer
Raymond F. Slattery
David G. Swank
Richard C. Townsend
David I. West
Terry M. Wysong
John T. Zick †
Martin Jay Weiss
Abdalla A. A. Hanafy
John R. Simon
19 6 8
Richard D. Ball
Ronald L. Blomquist
Keith E. Boles
David E. Brockman
Carolyn G. Cooke
James E. Egan
John G. Erickson
James M. Eustice
Robert A. Ferencz
Philip Y. Fu
Steven A. Hassebrock
Larry G. Irish
Noel F. Knobloch
Richard A. Mamer
Stanley A. Martin
John W. Matzer
Kent B. Monroe
John W. Ozag
Connie M. Pigati
Herbert L. Ross
Melvin J. Stanford
R. Wetherell
Harvey Citerman
Paul L. Cornue
David F. Carter
19 6 9
Jeffrey J. Bender
Allan S. Benson
Sheila P. Busboom †
Linda Clem
Richard L. Crusius
Steven J. Dunn
Richard K. Elder
Julie L. Gentes
Jo Ann Hill
Ronald Hindin
Glenn J. Holler
John L. Hopkins
John R. Hopton
Paul R. Kearney
Mark E. Larson Jr.
Jon A. Lindhjem
Sheryl L. Metzger †
Judith A. Mohler
Ronald C. Moonin
John J. Nowicki
David F. Prindable
Joseph M. Russell
Thomas C. Schmidt
Stuart Senescu
Henry C. Siekmann
Elizabeth M. Smittkamp
Robert F. Strenski
Thomas R. Tassio
Gloria Welch Towles †
Karen J. Will
Cynthia R. Yergler
Gary M. Yergler
Kenneth S. Libkin
Richard J. Lutz
19 7 0
Gary W. Agrest
Sandra K. Andrews
Linda M. Becker
Ross M. Blackburn
Garen G. Bohlin
Terry Lee Bollman
William J. Brinkmann
Bruce R. Brown
Raymon Michael Brown †
Edward C. Cahill Jr.
Patricia A. Cahill
Robert K. Chalberg
Robert L. Cumpstone
Leo A. Dieter
Douglas C. Ellington
Larry G. Fetzer
Jay H. Fyie
Harold M. Graham
Arthur Robert Gutshall
Timothy A. Hayes
Fanny A. Kerbel
Linda B. Linscott
Ralph H. Loewenstein
Robert C. Lund
Mark A. Luscombe
Cathleen M. Michaels
Gilbert B. Norman
Gary L. Poleskey †
Ronald A. Rindone
John D. Ross
Robert W. Rubel
Richard H. Schindel
James L. Schulte
Sun K. Shin
Richard H. Shirley
William J. Showtis
J. Taylor Sims
Robert A. Weisman
Linda B. Williamson
Larry L. Wilson
John H. Wolfe
James W. Anderson
James B. Kahan
Thomas L. Mitchell
Barney R. Cargile
John D. Howat
Pamela T. Helmer
George Westenberger III
19 7 1
Ronald C. Berman
Michele L. Cargile
Allan Castan
Joseph T. Cote
William A. Cunningham
James D. De Armond
Robert F. Doak
J. T. Dooling
Terrence R. Feltes
Bruce W. Gershenzon
Charles R. Hagen
Harvey J. Harms
Pi-Yu E. Huang
John Paul Kelly
John G. Kupsco
Jeffrey M. Kurland
Carter C. Laney
Paul M. Leone
Daniel L. Miksta
Robert W. Naatz
David J. O’Connell
Patricia S. Payton
Terry G. Polivka
David P. Richard
Michael J. Schaller
Thomas E. Smith
Robert A. Sundeen
Terry D. Tankersley
Roger O. Wade
Alan G. Wilson
Craig V. Wolf
Patrick M. Worsham
Lee L. Spinner
Andrew J. Natker
Robert Libby
Lawrence S. Rabyne
Arnold L. Redman
James F. Volkert
19 7 2
Clifton R. Adkins
Rita M. Armbrust
Joseph N. Brown
Robert S. Bucklin †
Judith L. Chalberg
Michael S. Day
Roger E. Dykstra
Richard E. Erickson
Michael S. Glode
James C. Goss
William R. Haymond
William W. Hoffman
Stephen J. Hogan
James P. Hopkins
R. Gregory Hougham
Dana R. Jones
Steven J. Kaplan
David P. Killion
James M. Klein
Steven E. Krause
Linda A. Krestan
Robert W. Lewis
Ed Lloyd
Craig R. Louer
John A. Nagy
Lawrence R. Nord *
Karen M. Olson
Loretta L. Peterson
Robert C. Pierce
Stephen L. Sehy
Samuel M. Sorkin
Frank R. Stromberg
James F. Tapscott
James N. Taylor
James V. Twyning
Stephen M. Williamson
Raymond F. Marek
James R. Vieregg †
Donald W. May
Robert H. Sarikas
19 7 3
David Oliver Aldrich
Stephen J. Barratt
Richard J. Bartel
Mark S. Bonavia
Kenneth R. Bush
J. Michael Crouch
John R. Crouch
John Cumming
Gary L. Davis
Bruce R. Douglas
Thomas R. Edgerton
Curtis G. Faas
David K. Farmer
John T. Fattes
Gerald L. Fon
I. Randall Gold
Mark B. Goode
Dean L. Guzlas
Jacquelyn D. Harrington
Robert D. Harris
David C. Heckman
William M. Heinrich
Albert G. Hudzik
John Bradley Hull
David B. Johnson
Larry C. Johnson
Harry A. King III
Kenneth J. Krausz
Douglas Long
Thomas James McFarland
Evan A. Meyers
Michael S. Mikulich
David H. Nixon
W. Reid Odean
Verle C. Oyer †
Hugh D. Robinson
Greg E. Roosevelt
James A. Schraidt
Eugene Sieburg
Charles C. Snyder
Mark A. Stephenitch
Gary M. Stern
William D. Stout
Terry G. Vavra
Diane M. Weber
Larry G. Wirth
Mark L. Gamage
Jay J. Price
Robert A. Novak
Edward A. Blair
Lawrence M. Wegrzyn
19 74
Rebecca J. Ballard
Randall H. Benjamin
Marcia D. Bleck
David S. Bonheim
Larry E. Bridgham
William E. Burd Sr.
Francis E. Carpenter
Thomas R. Cinnamon
George W. Clark Jr.
Terrence M. Connelly
Dennis M. Corry
Matthew T. Coyle
Mark R. Cummings
Robert D. Deisinger
David R. Dickey
Stephen H. Diller
James A. Dixon
Amin A. Elmallah
Wallace Evans III
Richard G. Fehrenbacher
Robert Friedman
Ira M. Frost
Alan J. Giblichman
Monica M. Gilmartin
John R. Goodzey Jr.
John P. Graham
Thomas C. Hack
Gary L. Hannig
George N. Harig Jr.
Janice P. Harmeyer
Thomas J. Harrington
Richard L. Heavner
James A. Hendricks
Catrelia S. Hunter
Randall D. Johnson
A. Joseph Judd
Stephen J. Kasak
Joy M. Kealey
David L. Koch
Pamela S. Krisak
Kenneth J. Krynicki
Larry P. Little
Edward N. Loeb
Mark L. Mann
William F. Miller
Celeste Rose Murphy
J. M. Paulson
John M. Payne
Roger W. Pieper
Neil Scott Pinzur
James R. Prendergast
Catherine D. Reed
Charles M. Romack
David V. Roscetti
Alan Sender
Gregory F. Sims
John M. Sladek
Richard L. Sommers
Marilyn G. Steenwyk
John D. Stein
Fredrick C. Sturmer III
Gail L. Tatterson
Robert J. Taylor
Mark J. Tepper
G. William Kennedy Jr.
Austin J. Jaffe
Janice Kuntz Gill
Nicki M. Norris
Stephan E. Sefcik II
Margaret V. Krol
19 7 5
John E. Ahern
Stewart N. Appelbaum
Beverly A. Beaman
Norman H. Beamer †
Philip J. Bergquist
Wayne J. Bjerregaard
Robert J. Bogdanoff
Jack W. Branta
James E. Callahan
Thomas G. Casbon
John W. Casper
William A. Coolley
Donald E. Coonfield
Gary K. DeClark
Keith Robert Feuerhaken
Ghenene Feyissa
Martin Freedman
Bradford M. Friestedt
Steve L. Gaines
Clark J. Gapen
Ronald L. Greene †
Steven B. Hahn
Gary S. Hart
Barry I. Hertzberg
Janet L. Horn
Robert F. Horvay
Joseph R. Hughes
Lewis A. Kaplan
Casey J. Kaptur
Edward A. Karasek
Michael A. Kasper
Jan L. Kodner
Milton C. Kruger
Ray F. Laughlin
Beverly L. Lindgren
Michelle M. Lowe
Gregg Hillard Malicki
Edward K. Marlow
John D. Marquardt
Ronald R. McGregor
Michael C. Menzel
Robert C. Meyer
Dennis Joseph Mickey
Michael M. Miller
Kevin A. Nosbisch
Sandra S. Parker
Brian H. Peterson
Constance M. Pickrell
David P. Prosperi
Randi J. Ragins
Richard L. Rosendahl
Craig B. Schechtman
Robert J. Serikaku
Lawrence H. Shanker
Patrick W. Smiley
Donna E. Stack
Alan J. Stojak
Paul R. Wagner †
Pat D. Walsh
Nancy A. Warmoth
Daniel Wiesbrock
Steven H. Wine
Guy S. Wisen
Michael L. York
Wayne R. Gray
Elaine F. King
Bert F. Neece
Robert V. Hakman
Jim L. Rose
David M. Uhlenhop
19 7 6
Laurie Amsterdam
Robert W. Bachhuber
Thomas R. Barmore
Mary P. Best
Richard James Birch
Stuart D. Black
Louis H. Brockman
Scott M. Brown
James F. Broz
Lawrence E. Burnell
Brian G. Claire
Lucinda B. Conley
James G. Costakis Jr.
John R. Davidson
James T. Davis
William F. Durkin
Claudia E. Fehrenbacher
Donald R. Fitzgibbon
David M. Fluett
James J. Foster
Kelly V. Foster
Gregory J. Friedrich
Carol B. Gambrel
William F. Golden
Gregory A. Gossmeyer
Michael J. Grace
James E. Harris
Laura F. Hensley
Kurt K. Hoffmeyer
Joseph H. Ingram
Paul J. Jarosz
Linda W. Johnson
Debra A. Jurgensen
James A. Kaetzer
Ronald B. Kirchler
Michael T. Klemm
Howard R. Korenthal
Howard A. Kosick
Mary Jane Kosick
Jeffrey D. Kritzman
Lawrence R. Krupp
David R. Leamon
Daryl R. Lindemann
Lawrence C. Litoborski
Raymond A. Mathews
Brent A. McCormick
Sheri L. McGinnis
Thomas O. McMinn
John P. McNicholas Jr.
Gary B. Meisner
Cynthia S. Meister
Grant R. Niehus
Allan R. Palma
Jean H. Regan
James A. Reynolds Jr.
James B. Riley Jr.
Gary A. Rudenberg
Randolph G. Schmidt †
Douglas M. Shepley
R. D. Smith
James B. Spalding Jr.
Robert J. Stack
Larry C. Stoeven
Patrick M. Thompson
William Wilson Troutman
George R. Van Geem
Charles C. West
Theodore Whittier
David L. Wittmer
Michael A. York
Richard A. Zalatoris
Daniel A. Corbin
David R. Downs
John T. Faulstich
Pamela J. Smith
19 7 7
Arthur R. Anliker
Louis S. Belletire
Neil Benjamin
Kevin J. Berger
James S. Blackburn
Debra S. Brash
Scott D. Brash
Ila Darlene Brown
Carol A. Browne
Stephen J. Burbick
Daniel J. Chavka
Thomas M. Cherry
Jordan Man See Chin
Philip A. Costello
James E. Cushing Jr.
Richard A. Day Jr.
James G. DeBoeuf
John R. Ellrich
James Albert Flesch
Michael L. Freedman
John C. Fruin
Craig C. Gilbert
Jeffrey A. Gluskin
Gregory P. Goeckner
Christine K. Grano
K. William Grothe Jr.
Jeffrey W. Hainline †
Michele J. Hinnendael
David L. Horsman
Steven M. Isaac
Daniel A. Juiris
James E. Kauffman
Todd M. Kelly
Richard J. Kobe
Randall Alan Koch
Gerald D. Kohn
Duane A. Kolbus
Lane A. Kramer
Philip J. Lester II
Victor E. Loitz
Kim Alan Martin
Daniel M. McMahon
Patrick J. Mead
Michael A. Merrill
Steven L. Messer
James E. Meyer
Mark D. Miller
Susan M. Miller
Howard E. Mumm
Rhonda Gnippe Newman
Steven W. Osterling
Ron Parsons
David T. Paulsen
Gregory A. Petry
Robert L. Plankenhorn
Darrell J. Proksa
Scott C. Richey
Mark M. Rogers
Catherine G. Santoro
Donald J. Schlorff
Thomas M. Schnell
David C. Shotick
Lance J. Skala
Donald A. Socha
Nancy Jean Spurlock
Joseph P. Switzer
Yow-Chun L. Tam
Wendy L. Timm
James M. Tometz
Debra S. Trefz
Robert R. Tucker
John A. Wallace
Sheryl Berens Weiner
Jeffrey B. Williams
Margaret A. Penar Winsor
Mark E. Zatt
Donald A. Zelm
Susan J. Zitzka
Marla Izaks Zwick
Barbara J. Goodrich
Steven P. Fromm
Anthony J. Iantorno
Robert A. Jozwiak
Thomas J. Donahue
Farzaneh Fazel Sarjui
Joseph W. Trefzger
Susan M. Hornbostel
19 7 8
Michael G. Allison
Craig A. Bernaden
Karen Probst Bettencourt
Peter C. Bowen
Lissa Lamkin Broome
Mark P. Broutman
John D. Buennemeyer
Linda M. Canny
Leesa G. Carls
David W. Cruise
Michael J. Dineen
James S. Doty
Lynn A. Evans
Scott C. Farrell
Jerome E. Finis
Charles L. Finke
Hugh D. Frisbie
John J. Gleason
Patricia A. Goense
James A. Gresham
Cheryl L. Griffith
Craig Aaron Griffith
Howard M. Grossman
Richard M. Helmer
G. Hiller
Rita D. Kahle
Donald E. King
Jean E. Kolovson
Rebecca Y. Li
David B. Logan
Raymond G. Maier †
Jeff J. Marcacci
Janna B. Marshall
Sheryl B. Martin
Cynthia F. McInerney
Julianne S. McKinzie
Susan Z. Mlynarczyk
Michael S. Moskowitz
Janice M. Nieman
Dianne M. O’Donnell
Michael D. Parry
Carol A. Quigley
Gregory R. Ranalletta
Gloria Juhl Raney
Bruce P. Rounds
Linda A. Rudnick
Lawrence J. Runde
Kathleen R. Ryding
Michael E. Salvati
James K. Scherzinger
Dennis L. Schmidt
Tomas J. Schmidt
Marjorie H. Schultz
Susan E. Silberman
Barbara B. Smith
Christine E. Snouffer
Jennifer I. Spiekerman
Cary D. Sundlof
Cindy Wills
James M. Wire
John K. Woodworth
Michael J. Martin
19 7 9
Robert N. Amoruso †
Thomas A. Batterham
Bruce E. Bell
Marilyn K. Bellessa
Robert B. Blackmon
Marcella L. Blair
John A. Bloomfield
Karen L. Brethauer
Jerome F. Cahill Jr.
Patricia B. Caldwell
John P. Colling Jr.
Helen M. Corbett
John M. Costanza
Kenneth J. Cox
Gregory R. A. Dahlgren
Cary S. Demont
Daniel G. Deneen
Michelle M. Doyle
Jeffrey J. Forte
Ellen B. Freudenberg
James J. Freudenberg
Barbara A. Freund
Paul J. Frost
Thomas L. Gahlon
Patrick A. Gaughan
David S. Gibson
Katherine M. Grossman
Gayle S. Grunberg
Susan L. Healy
David Alan Hetzler
Edward L. Hill
Sherry L. Hill
Michael K. Hodel
Andrea K. Homann
Matthew J. Hower
Thomas M. Hupp
John J. Jachna
Mary Jo Jump
Mark L. Karno
Steven K. Kessler
Austin K. Kilcoin
Joyce Kempf Kueker
Melissa A. LaBrash
Ferne L. Landman
Nancy Letsky
William A. Loutos
Cynthia A. Madziarczyk
Linda F. Mahler
Thomas S. Marx
Gregg R. Mecherle
Anita R. Moss
Gary E. Mueller
James P. Nasti *
John D. O’Brien
Karen F. Pagliari
Antonio R. Pera
Michael A. Perrino
Mary Ann M. Porter
Peter W. Presperin
Robert D. Priske
Johanna D. Rebman
Sonja A. Reece
Garth A. Reimel
Beverly L. Resner
Mary Ellen Rossi-Knickel
Kenneth L. Rubin
Michael J. Sandretto
Carol Y. Scarborough
David E. Schmidt
Todd M. Shapiro
Daniel Mark Shattil
Craig D. Sokol
Catherine A. SooHoo
Laurence A. Sophian
Steven D. Spector
Murray L. Sprung
Duane R. Stock
Diane M. Sweeney
Ronald L. Weinstein
Rick L. Wills
Thomas W. Winkler
Margaret A. Wolf
Richard G. Zaha
Marshall A. Brill
Steven J. Palm
Jane T. Rubin
William M. Beckemeier
Joseph L. Pagliari Jr.
19 8 0
Joseph E. Adams Jr.
Laura D. Althoff
Todd K. Ashbrook
Mark R. Bachmann
Susan M. Owens Barrett
Kathleen E. Benson
Mae Seid Boaz
Karen M. Boich
Kathryn M. Bradbury
Susan L. Branstad
Mark R. Brice
Dennis A. Burke
Kimberley S. Burns
Joanne M. Campanile
Vicki L. Casmere
William H. Chamberlin
William I. Covey
William H. Danielson
Judith Wolff Davis
Michael B. Davis
Thomas A. Deist
Glynis L. Doyle
Michael Joseph Durkin
William M. Dutton
Nancy M. Faulls
Sheila M. Filipponi
Sara Haegele Fox
Lee Ann Glidewell
James R. Grahlmann
Kevin H. Green
Robin S. Green
Jeffrey T. Haughey
Thomas M. Hayes
Audrey M. Hollaar
Donald S. Horvath
Michael L. Huddle
Michael B. Jebb
Gregg C. Johnson
Timothy P. Jordan
Jeffrey K. Jungk
Gregory J. Karolich
Wandwossen Kassaye
Constance S. Kiesewetter
Mickey Kim
Joseph W. Knoebl
John C. Kohler
Brian A. Kueker
George P. Lander
Mark K. Lannon
David M. Martin
Kevin P. McKee
Steven B. Merkin
William J. Metzger
Mark Alan Mondrala †
Diane M. Morefield
Nalin C. Patadia
R. Roger Peadro
Winter 2008 27
Diane M. Pearse
Thomas J. Phelan
Jayne D. Pimlott
Sandra L. Pliskin
Jeffery R. Porter
Ruth G. Rabin
John R. Raquet
Steven M. Russell
Mary B. Sarb
Thomas J. Schmidt
Lisa L. Schwenk
Nancy B. Schwieterman
Mary Estelle Selvaggio †
Steven R. Sickinger
Richard M. Skolly
Carol L. Smiles-Fahs
Jay A. Smith
Rick J. Stemler
Robert M. Swanson
Scott M. Tabakin
Mary Kay Thompson
Mark A. Thomson
Gregory A. Tissier
Patrick E. Trapp
Mark D. Trembacki
Stephen P. Wallace
Mark D. Waltermire
Daniel M. Weitzman
Scott J. Weitzman
Gregory R. Wendlandt
Richard E. Whitmer
Robert D. Wilkinson
Steven H. Wood
Mark E. Yearian
David W. Grimes
F. Michael Dell
David J. Hoffman
19 8 1
Gay L. Adams
David V. Arnold
David W. Bell
James E. Braun
Michael E. Calwas
Jeffrey B. Carns
Mitchell S. Cawley
Joann Noe Cross
Lawrence W. Dahl
Joan Dawson Daly
Karen M. Deckert
Michael J. DeWeirdt
Paul A. Donis
Kevin T. Donnelly
G. Ronald Douglas
Ronald T. Dymerski
Howard C. Eirinberg
Joseph N. Gayda Jr.
Doug Glidewell
Larry R. Gomberg
Sara A. Griffeth
Darrell L. Guth
Glen S. Haffelder
Mary J. Hansen
Jodi Hardy
Barbara R. Hendrix
Sue E. Hiebel
Michelle K. Holland
John J. Hoscheit
Terrall J. Janeway
Janice M. Jankowicz
Stuart W. Jones
Denise D. Kirk †
Maureen T. Knutson
Stephen G. Lee
Michael S. Loeffler
David J. Marofske
Kathryn R. Mayer
Kevin J. McCole
Cathy Fischl Miller
Douglas M. Miller
Debbie E. Moller
Jose A. Moreno
William M. Muckian
Eugene L. Munin
Richard Alan Myers
Paul J. Novack
Paul F. Oetter
Leo E. Owens
28 Alumni News and Notes
Peggy S. Page
James M. Payne
Mary E. Pilarczyk
Michael L. Pilarczyk
William P. Rakes
Erik R. Roth
Kevin D. Rouser
Charles E. Royse
Tami K. Schlickman
Cathy L. Schneider
Jeffrey C. Schneider
Stuart P. Shulruff
Michael A. Solock
Arla H. Sprung
Salvatore Stazzone
Linda S. Styzek
Traci L. Trapp
Wendy B. Warren
Karen M. Whalen-Ward
Candice K. Willut
John J. Wyeth
Anthony L. Youga
Janice L. Youga
Christin L. Zafis
Michael E. Zielinski
Brice W. Zaumseil
19 8 2
John R. Ady †
Theodore E. Ake
Maria J. Anagnostopoulos
Bruce A. Anderson
Dawne M. Andracki
Warren Gerald Beebe
Karin L. Bell
Marc E. Bercoon
David W. Butler
Charles M. Carey
Jessica L. Chou
Jennifer L. Cichowski
David L. Cook
Debra L. Dalin
James M. De Bruzzi
Mary K. Desmond
Diane M. Donnelly
Janet R. Eden
Patrick J. Eden
Brent E. Ericson
Loraine S. Farley
Gerald R. Ferris
Walker R. Filbert
Theresa R. Fix
Nancy A. Geary
Patricia A. Gladson
William J. Glass
Diane J. Gluskin
Mark D. Gluskin
Becky M. Goddard
Judy S. Greenberg
Debra Silverman Grodsky
Irl B. Grodsky
Daniel C. Halley
Patricia A. Hanley
Mark F. Hansen
Terry L. Harby
Kyle T. Haugh
Lee Herring
Barbara Taube Hesterberg
Jeffrey Hicks
Gary D. Johnson
Natalie E. Kelly
Patricia M. Kelly
Philip J. Kent
Michael G. Konstant
Steven V. Koomar
Susan M. Lancaster
J. Dan Lehmann
Suzanne Lippe
Chyuan Ma
Gayle Manacek
Nancy E. Martin
Michael O. Matthews
Moriag I. McCarthy
Stephen A. McClary
William V. McMenamin
Amy M. McMurray
Thomas J. McNamara
Patricia M. Mendoza
Michael T. Miller
George Mocogni
Suzanne E. Moore
James A. Morettini
Leon C. Munyon
Gerard Murrin
K. Michael Nichols
Keith J. Niebrugge
Craig C. Olinger
Steven M. Owens
Carolyn Peace
Mark T. Pearson
Michael A. Pillatsch
James J. Pizzo
Patricia E. Potempa
W. Allen Priest
Karen O. Quisenberry
Richard L. Rasley
Michael P. Reichling
Marion E. Richter
Brian David Robinson
Edwin E. Roland Jr.
Cindy Schaer
Gregory M. Sells
Patricia A. Shaw
George E. Sheffer
Jeffrey L. Slepian
Scott Solomon
Meg A. Stein
J. D. Stewart
Sandy W. Thompson
R. Gregory Treitz
Mark W. Trevor
C. Richard Truex
Valerie Moehle Umholtz
Daniel P. Vishny
Susan Regal Wagner †
Thomas P. Wall
Scott P. Weingart
Susan Green Weitzman
Sara A. White
Robert D. Wilbanks
David D. Ehrhardt
Allan S. Epstein
Patrick T. Kennedy
Roger D. Lundstrom
Lynda H. Warren
Bruce E. Moyer
Bradley M. Halverson
19 8 3
Michael F. Ahern
Thomas M. Balas
Jeffrey N. Bassett
Susan Houck Boehme
Teresa M. Bousky
Susan D. Bowman
Raymond M. Braun
John E. Butler
Timothy S. Cage
Catherine A. Chisholm
John H. Ciardiello
D. Jeffrey Clark
Ronald D. Coleman Jr.
Thomas C. Connolly II
Ann L. Cotter
Michael J. Cushing
Lynette L. Dodillet
Aaron J. Domash
Marlene D. Domash
Kathy A. Dulski
Jan J. Ehrhardt
Robert D. Espeseth Jr.
Michael M. Eugenides
Robert A. Falato †
Carol J. Feeney
Mary S. Fitz
Robert B. Galowich
Kenneth J. Geljack Sr.
Jenifer A. Giger
Sue A. Gilpin
Jeanne K. Grimmer
Heidi J. Haerr
Richard L. Hardman
Patricia Bradley Harper
Laurence E. Herman
Thomas E. Hill
Susan M. Holtrup
Paula J. Jarrett
Theresa L. Johnson
William F. Kaczynski Jr.
Steven M. Kleiman
Mitchell P. Kopin
Yean-Ling C. Kuo
Shi Young Lim
Susan A. Losby
Susan A. Lowe
Tracey L. Lowenthal
Margaret A. P. Malloy
Bruce P. Mason
Richard B. McNamee
Leslie A. Meier
Linda Meyer-Goldman
Judith M. Meyers
Mary E. Pemberton
Anthony R. Pesavento
Linda J. Pillatsch
Michael J. Powers
Linda S. Proudfoot
Katherine A. Reeves
Neal J. Reiner
Timothy J. Rohner
Nancy L. Roman
Kenneth C. Rothacker
Michelle A. Rowin
Patrick J. Russell
Brian R. Rusthoven
Mark S. Saviski
Michael R. Seghetti
William J. Seitz
Mary Alice Seville
Jeffrey J. Smith
Bill C. Spak
Dean M. Stork
Colleen C. Verbiscer
Therese L. Webb
David K. Weddige
Lynn D. Westgren
Susan E. Wildrick
Thomas Winter
Martin B. Wissenberg
Mark A. Wisthuff
Susan E. Wisthuff
Norbert R. Wojcik Jr.
David M. Smith
David L. Stumpf
19 8 4
Craig D. Abolt
Gregory M. Apke
Thomas E. Bahn
Diane L. Bange
Christopher C. Barnes
Marla D. Becker
Lisa M. Blake
Lisa Hultquist Blaze
Mary E. Bower
Mark R. Burnstine
David E. Chandler
Jill A. Clarke
Jananne A. Copeland
David J. Cox
Karen L. Dalley
Elene A. Dangles
Amy J. Darling
Leonard D. Davenport
Kathleen M. Davie
Ann Marie Deegan
Donald J. Deegan
Nancy J. Deighan
Jack F. Dugan
Laurie A. Egan
Cheri L. Elges
Doris A. Ellenberger
Craig Esses
Brad A. Fishman
Jennifer S. Fraisl
Timothy J. Gasparich
Karla K. Geter
James J. Gettel
David J. Gilmartin
David T. Glancy
Stephanie L. Glennon
Laura A. Greifenkamp
Joseph R. Hale Jr.
Myra Bank Hersh
Andrew K. Hick
Ellen M. Hilgendorf
Carol A. Hill
Cristi A. Hoffman
Jeff R. Kennedy
Denise B. Kerr
Candace C. Kidston
Diane F. Klotnia
Ann M. LaBarge
Eileen M. Lai
Julianne M. Landez
Scott A. Leibold
Annie H. Lin-Johnson
Sarah M. Lopes
Douglas J. Lubelchek
Ted J. Lueken
David A. Lullo
Bradley R. Malis
Denise Vilardo Martin
Thomas B. Maver Jr.
Michael J. McEnerney
Diane L. Meyer
Mary R. Millage
Deborah M. Moskowitz
Michael P. Mota
Michael Murphy
David A. Nehf
Nancy Ellis O’Brien
William J. Peltin
Jeffrey D. Person
Thomas R. Peters
John R. Picchiotti Jr.
Robert A. Porento
Janelle G. Ream
Michael John Revord
Julie A. Rittmiller
Margaret Durkin Roche
Joanne S. Rogers
Polly P. Sappington
Vicki L. Schranz
Susan M. Settanni
Albert H. Spenadel
Gregory F. Stroh
Laura K. Taylor
Sarah Altman Beardsley
Carrie E. Thornburg-Bearse
Candace M. Voll
Gregory D. Waite
Calvin K. Wessman
Karen Scott Wilson
Toni L. Wilson
Carol O’Reilly Winfrey
J. Michael Yager
Craig D. Zelent
19 8 5
Anne M. Ackerman
Michael D. Annes
Robert M. Barnes
Lesa S. Bayer
Helen H. Bell
Mark S. Bernstein
Ifaat Arbel Bosse
Luke Branchaw
Michael P. Brennan
James B. Corrigan Jr.
Linda S. Dean
Mark R. Depew
Emerald M. Dorsey-Betts
John W. Durkota
David Edquist
Ted H. Elizondo
Sandra C. Evans
Terese M. Feeney
Deborah L. Ferry
Dennis E. Garrett
Mark A. Hester
Karen L. Hoag
Robert J. Hoffman
Karen M. Hunter
Paul D. Jacobs
Gerald R. Johnson
Janet M. Kaski
Katrine Vange Keller
Jean V. Kennedy
Samuel H. Kovitz
David J. Liesen
Thomas J. Lohse †
Bruce D. Lundstrom
Mary Kay Matasek
Jean Ann H. McCarthy
Paul J. Nagel
Barbara M. Nelson
Steven C. Nelson
Peter A. Nicholson
Tracy D. Pagliara
M. Michele Paternoster
Lawrence A. Perlman
Irene F. Pien
Susan R. Riedinger
Deborah J. Schmidt
David A. Sockel
Elizabeth K. Sprague
Angela K. Story-Loeffel
David F. Stuber
Allan C. Sutherland
Charles B. Taylor
Kathryn M. Trebonsky
Daryl Farley Varney
Susan L. Vertin
Ann M. Vidovic
Christopher M. Vidovic
Scott Waibel
Bartholomew E. Weldon
David R. Wenzel
Chester R. Zara
Diane M. Zara
Julie A. Zemaitis
Philip S. Spellberg
Cheryl Jean Frohlich
Robert P. Gallup
19 8 6
Margaret A. Andress
John F. Atkenson
Donna R. Barbian
Roger E. Blake
Elizabeth A. Calderone
Amy Kruzan Callahan
Daniel L. Camerer
George Close
Craig William Coburn
John P. Collins
Ilene M. Cutler
David I. Dresdner
Anthony J. Duffy
Mary Dee Dugenske
Lisa H. Evans
Harry E. Fisher
Deborah L. Fogelberg
Joseph J. Gainer
Beverly S. Hassan
Yvonne M. Herr
Rebecca Pratt King
Stacia L. Kopplin
Michael J. Koziol
Joan D. Malloy
Susanne L. Mayfield
Edward P. McCann
Mark A. McConkey
Colleen T. McGarry
Mary Brazzale McGill
Lynette L. McSorley
Janice M. Miller
Tammy G. Mittelstaedt
William A. Moss
Mary B. Mullendore
Charles G. Nardoni
Kyle Nine
Carl B. Olofson
Mary W. Pletch
Tamara I. Pollack
Michael J. Reilly
Randall W. Rentfro
Joel D. Reyes
Gerald L. Richardson
Eileen M. Russell
Catherine Sheridan
Sheila Rozell Siegmund
Alison E. Spong
Sharon J. Tarvin
Nancy A. Temple
James F. Thornton
Terrence P. Travis
Steven L. Victor
Students enjoy the BIF courtyard.
Robert L. Watkins
Carol A. York
Abby L. Zanarini
Laurie A. Zimmerman
Ann M. Zwick
19 8 7
Ginger L. Adamiak
Suresh T. Advani
Paul M. Baisier
Lisa-Ann Barnes
Pamela A. Barnes
Richard L. Beal
Karen K. Bessonny
Allison A. Boersma
Kevin W. Brown
Debra S. Brownfield
John G. Caplice
Elaine J. Copeland
Bill E. Cudnowski
Patricia A. DeHoff
Jeffrey M. Dorries
Lisa S. French
Frances M. Gattuso
Vincent R. Giannini
Kenneth N. Glassman
Steven I. Handler
Edward J. Hansen
Philip H. Herndon
Kathryn L. Huffman
Sandra A. Jones
Susan K. Kato
Anne Berleman Kearney
Peter T. Koburov
Debra K. Kokal
Teresa L. Kulinowski
Mark S. Magnesen
Sarah Laven Magnesen
Bryan R. Malis
Guy Q. McCarrey
David G. Moody
Julie A. O’Connor
Crystal Cuerington Parker
Susan M. Priebe
Kathleen P. Quinn
Kimberly C. Roach
Tara J. Russell
Brian S. Shields
Becky M. Brdlik Smilak
Eric E. Spires
Elise L. Sprague
Lorree N. Swinton
Mary Jo Taira
Christina M. Turcol
Maria Lourdes A. Ventigan
Karen Logan Vulich
John G. Wackerman
Elizabeth Felt Wakeman
Su-Juan Wang
Mark D. Wood
Jeff A. Zadoks
Mary A. Cooke
Thomas H. Lee
Damian M. Jocke
John M. Johnson
Tai-Le Yang
19 8 8
Penni M. Askew
Rebecca S. Berns
Susan Marie Boden
Donna M. O’Flaherty Borse
Christopher J. Chamberlain
Teresa M. Chilian
Janet S. Crowley
Gregory J. Douglas
David N. Eddy
Suzanne M. Ellis
Scott J. Ernsteen
James E. Fisher
Sandra K. Gallwas
Gary L. Grabow
Andrew H. Haber
Laurie R. Henderson
Thomas R. Herrick
Angela K. Kluth
John L. Kurkowski
Susan A. Lenschow †
Thomas E. Manns
Barbara A. McDonald
Emmy A. Moore
Sarah Barnett Nemeth
Gregory P. Nordstrom
Eric J. Peterson
Joseph K. Philips
Karen M. Pinks
Jennifer C. Prestrud
Renee E. Prew
Theresa S. Provencher
Kelly A. Raffel
Ram Reddy
Robert S. Reed
David P. Reuland
Edward J. Ryczek
Randall L. Schrock
Carol L. Schultz
Gregory Schwarztrauber †
June C. Slagel
Kathy M. Sons †
Jeffrey D. Strunk
Melisa G. Thompson
Leif L. Tomasson
Linda M. Uhlir
Mark E. Peecher
19 8 9
Brian D. Abry
Patrick B. Ahern
Christine Ahn
Christopher A. Alvey
Heather M. Barnum
Kent G. Becker
James M. Bertram
Thomas P. Breen
Gary E. Breuer
Joan M. Cesario
Joel D. Cesario
Denise A. Ford
Charles R. Hall
Brian E. Hameister
Amy Marie Hamilton
Sherri Carl Hampel
Ernest Hartman
Bradley E. Hayward
Jean E. Justie
Robert M. Keating
Kent D. Kull
Laura M. Ladewski
Joseph W. Leuchtmann
Nancy S. Lowenthal
Matthew R. Maher
Anne C. Metzger
Robert L. Metzger
Thomas C. Modeszto
Kelli L. Moll
Ted A. Moody
Edward Nowak
Kelly S. Schaefer
James W. Steinbeck
Carolyn S. Stenner
Michael R. Ward
Greg J. Zeigler
Elizabeth C. Hernandez
Frank Nekrasz Jr.
19 9 0
Karen Centella Abry
Christine M. Atkenson
Catherine A. Banks
Roger T. Bielicke
John E. Burda
John S. Byun
Gerald D. Callahan
William Choslovsky
Rebecca M. Coleman
Maria M. Deligiannis
Amy L. Fruehling
Keith E. Fruehling
Damian J. Geistkemper
Daniel J. Hollowed
Howard Todd Horberg
Kevin B. Huber
Timothy J. Jenkins
M. Colleen Kelty
Timothy D. Koontz
Noel Kuriakos
Joel L. Langellier
Susan E. Lee
Denise L. Maple
Delos Dean Messinger †
Michael K. Milani
Douglas C. Molnar
Kirk Openchowski
Noelle R. Osterbur
Elizabeth A. Rich
Sam S. Rudman
Paul E. Schmerold
Cynthia L. Schwartz
Donna L. Scurio
John L. Serfling
Alexander T. Shankland
Todd J. Somers
Suparna M. Tirukonda
Thomas G. Tromiczak
Kelly M. Woodall
David A. Knutte
Donald E. O’Neal
Charlene K. Miller
19 9 1
Tina M. Badciong
Joseph J. Bailitz
Patrick N. Bouslog
Michael A. Brunt Jr.
Tracie P. Brunt
James E. Buckman
Frank J. Cesario
Richard L. Chiapetta Jr.
N. Benjamin Davidson
Cara S. DeGraff
Kelly O. Dennehy
David C. Dieffenbacher
Heidi C. Dilger
Michele A. Gemskie
Scott D. Herr
Suzanne Hoffman Smith
Yiisheng Hsu
Edward R. Hulina
Robert A. Jensen
Susan R. Jones
Marc B. Kaplanes
Kevin A. Krakora
Bret Andrew Lorenc
Priscilla J. Merryman
Aaron A. Mobarak
Joan G. Ollmann
David L. Parkinson
Trisha Kohls Pergande
Cynthia L. Poland-Ziemnisky
Edilberto E. Ramos Jr.
Kira Kristal Reed
Joel D. Schad
Howard S. Smith Jr.
Timothy M. Steffen
Michelle R. Streit
David A. Suits
Paul S. Trapp
Sophia Y. Ts’o
Lisa Silins Tumpowsky
Amy L. Ure
Christopher L. Weber
Karen A. Whitt
Craig Anthony Yuen
Percy C. Moss III
Linda Olejniczak
19 9 2
Jeffrey Alan Baker
Sean P. Barker
Steven A. Becker
Ai-Ling Chiang
Dale P. Damron
Denise R. S. DeLaCruz
Thomas J. Dockum
Paul E. Durfee
Kimi L. Ellen
Kelly M. Epperson
Brian L. Fienhold †
Laurie M. Fleming
Elizabeth A. Fontaine
Dara K. Griffith
Andrew W. Groh
Karin L. Haile
Kevin C. Henkel
Michael W. Hutchinson
J. David Madsen
John P. Janda
Michael J. Jenkins
Karl E. Kohlrus
Kelly L. Loeffler
Jennifer L. Macie
Craig L. Macklin
Kristine A. McElligott
Terrence P. Morrissy
Michael P. Muyres
Christine L. Nardini
Karl Anthony Palasz
Paula A. Ramos
Robert A. Riforgiate II
Thomas E. Schaeffer Jr.
Rase C. Sherwood
Steven P. Tothero
John P. Ward
Sharon M. Whiteside
Shawn D. Williamson
Jeffrey C. Wilson
Steven S. Woodard †
Monetta Jenkins Pennington
19 9 3
Billy D. Adkisson
Mark S. Allin
Lourdes Alonso
Jeffrey L. Boschert
Anthony D. Chaplin
Stacy A. Chiang
Thomas J. Chippas
Alberto L. Delgado
Guy C. Fabe
Alan M. Granite
Lisa C. Hayes
Linda A. Heath
Judy D. Hinshaw
Todd W. Hohman
Susan Howell
Clinelle A. Jean
Tammy S. Johns
Erin K. Keller
Peter A. Knapp
Karen A. Krammer
Jonathan Robert Ligon
Christopher J. Locke
Shala M. Nicely
Thomas M. Nine
Nancy A. Pastroff
Steven D. Perritt
Christopher M. Randles
Kevin R. Rankin
Daniel B. Scherr
Rebecca Brandolino Scherr
Jami Schweitzer
Terry L. Shyer
Mark P. Spanier
Darla K. Stock
Jini Davis Thornton
David A. Turner
Audrey Taflinger Vincent
Leandrew Wade III
Karen S. White
Mark L. Zeigler
Brian C. Whittman
Michael J. Goebig
19 9 4
Patricia A. Baldes
Dennis E. Beard †
Robert E. Beltz
Winter 2008 29
Jenny W. Tucker
Brad A. Weber
Brandi K. Wilson
Accountancy student Kaitlin Holcomb ’09 studies in the BIF commons.
Abby E. Besch
James D. Biel
Cathryn S. Burns
David R. Carlson
Michael Contin Chen
John F. Clarke
Daniel W. Cohen
Margaret Mary Dalton
Robert B. Esser
Bradley A. Farris
Lynne H. Faulstich
Paula M. Ford
Matthew R. Galvanoni
Jennifer L. Gerdes
Matthew M. Gerdes
Patrick W. Gineris
Mark Goldstone
Douglas O. Hamelberg
Joan M. Hendricks
Lynne E. Hiatt
Monte J. Huber
Kevin T. Kase
Patrick J. Kelley
Rakesh Khanna
Ok-Jin Kim
Jennifer A. Klafeta
Patrick Wells Knight
Thaddeus J. Kolke
Andrew E. Liakopoulos
James M. Malik
Mark J. Maloney
Marla J. Maloney
Lesly F. Marban
Paulette J. McCullough
Patrick J. McNulty
Regina L. Mello
Kimberly D. Plummer
Kevin J. Prior
Heidi E. Shipp
Anita J. Streckwald
David J. Vander Aarde
Scott E. Volk
Cindy R. Wagner
Craig O. Weber
Arthur Weiss
Kathleen M. Kochendorfer
Dana L. O’Connor
19 9 5
Brian D. Altenbaumer
Lynn M. Ankney
Albert F. Apuzzo
Kevin P. Biebel
Ken A. Brown
Jennifer Weil Cliff
Ken R. Dilger
Jennifer L. Farris
30 Alumni News and Notes
David L. Frank
Steven A. Gangloff
Nichole S. Hemming
Robert E. Hendron
Michelle M. Hoskins
Jeffrey A. Housenga
Diana C. Kantner
Brian S. Kobylinski
Julie Pesce Marcus
Jennifer L. Marion
Joel M. McAllister
Kristen N. Myers
Baolu Pan
Ann Zervos Rappa
Brady J. Rice
Kimberly Lauten Ruskusky
Dwight R. Sanders
Nina I. Shahin
Amy L. Sherwood
Michelle R. Soltwedel
Gregory G. Stanek
James A. Teppen
Harley Toole
Amy B. Woodson
Xiao T. Xu
Kevin M. Metke
19 9 6
John S. Albert
David M. Ardell
Joanna R. Ardell
Molokwu A. Azikiwe
Brent A. Baccus
Scott D. Davis
John D. Eberle
Cheryl C. Elmore
Caitlin M. Goebig
Andrew J. Grieve
Julie M. Grieve
Carissa J. Hammer
M. Christine Holmberg
Gibu V. Joseph
Steven E. Kennedy
Heather L. Kratz
John R. Krimmel †
John A. Krolicki
Jonathan M. Marotta
Gregory P. McConville
Marc P. McLaughlin
William E. Mell
Linda T. Poeschel
Katherine M. Purdum
Andrew G. Rachmiel
Matthew David Ring
Sally L. Salegna
Mark D. Schilling
Louis John Sedivy IV
Mary DeLona Shelley
Michael Sims
Todd E. Smart
Aalok Virmani
Richard H. Wolfe
Wei Zhang
19 9 7
Katherine M. Ahern
Karie L. Anderson
Paul J. Bazzano
Brian Robert Chmiel
Ryan J. Donovan
Kerri J. Edwards
Geoffrey T. Ellis
Cora M. Gallagher
Noel David Goeddel †
Bradley H. Greenberg
Valerie A. Harrell
Scott Hirsch
Joshua L. Horn
Charles C. Hunt
Eugene J. Jend
Jason J. Karceski
Yoshikazu Kitamura
Jeffrey M. Kurtz
Matthew R. Lane
Anne E. Little
Scott A. Miller
Theodore D. Motsinger
Joanne Pearlman
Linda M. Pensa
William E. Sass
Joan E. Schellenger
Michael F. Shekleton
Christopher R. Skinger
Marc E. Vasquez
G. Scott Volling
Stephen H. Wassmann
Eric T. Weiss
Patrick A. Wolfe
Mark T. Iammartino
Karl L. Hammond
David R. Engle
Susan M. Thomas
19 9 8
Nicole C. Beranek
Theresa H. Boland
Kevin W. Brower
Leslie A. Corcoran
Timothy S. Davis
Shannon L. Duley
Kate E. Fannin
Tonya D. Ferrill
Jennifer L. Friend
Amy Elizabeth Gonzalez
Jeffrey S. Grzeskowiak
Kathleen E. Hayes
Steven L. Hayward
Timothy D. Heinrich
Kathryn S. Iammartino
Allison L. Jasutis
Michael J. Jasutis
Colleen N. Klehr
Kevin M. Kramer
Sandra Lozano
Scarlett A. McCutcheon
Leonard J. Moon
Rebecca L. Nix
Sheri L. Qualizza
Jamie S. Schrof
Colin N. Shah
Tara L. Shinnick
Stephanie M. Tonnies
Jose Villagomez
Brian M. Vogel
Marissa Campos Vogel
Stacy L. Witcher
Bei Zhang
Thomas W. Klehr
19 9 9
Nancy R. Albin
Arla M. Ebeling
Elizabeth K. Fore
Dan A. Frandsen
Beth Goeddel †
Janel M. Guimond
Bradley C. Jarocki
David M. Kidd Jr.
Andrea C. Kothari
Laura C. Kussmaul
Vivian H. Lin
Otilia M. Linares
Michael G. McNally
Monica A. Patanella
Tara A. Rexroth
Elysia Root
Mark J. Steinmann
Scott Y. Tando
Michelle Bellia
Heather L. Bennett
Randi Blume
Eileen Scully Brzozowski
Christina Lehman Burns
Zachary S. Christensen
Amy Lynn Coffman
Susan M. Curtis
Matthew G. Dalen
Jeremy Nathan DeMuth
Anup N. Doshi
Richard W. Eimer Jr.
Hongrong Feng
Scott A. Fortkamp
Colby David Garman
Erica A. Gozzi
Matthew D. Heinke
Joshua D. Kuntz
James J. Lee
Julie M. Norris
Frank D. Pellicori
David Gregory Phillips
Nicholas J. Ravelingeen
Veronica S. Reyes
Laura K. Rossi
Matthew J. Rudny
Eric S. Schlipf
Kristin S. Schrader
Jennifer N. Schwer
Robert L. Shamdin
Zachary G. Smith
Jason D. Stefani
Michelle L. Stranz
Scott A. Tarrh
Jason In Ho Thune
Kiva S. Vaughn
Bradley R. Wilhelmson
Jason E. Wrone
Julie Yen
Brian M. Anderson
Chul Kyun Bae
Justin E. Baer
Andrea L. Barry
Sean M. Beeker
Stephanie R. Beeker
Keith C. Beresheim
Jeffrey R. Brook
Jovan N. Cruz
Kevin L. Etzkorn
Kevin C. Gorman
Michael S. Hahn
Jeffrey R. Hansen
Nathan E. Harnetiaux
Ricardo Herrera
Katherine A. Kadlec
Daniel T. Kehoe
Peter C. Liao
Douglas M. Ludwig
Matthew Kaeser McGrath
Brooke M. Miller
Girlie A. O’Donoghue
Anthony J. Peluso
Patrick Ripley
Melissa L. Roche
Andrea L. Schmitz
Kelly E. Schwarz
Linda J. Seibert
Margaret Bell Silverwood
Zachary S. Weaver
Seth R. Wessels
William J. Wolfe
Joshua C. Woods
Jeffrey A. York
Xuemei Zhou
David S. Zydek
Asim A. Aleem
Leebert S. Ditiangkin
Visweswararao Durga
Timothy W. Eickhoff
Sarah E. Green
Kathleen A. Heneghan
Patrick C. Jacobsen
Elizabeth M. Jones
Chip S. Jorstad
Michael J. King
Renee L. Kohler
Ki-Eun Lee
Terry M. Nichols
Kathryn A. Sauder
Sarah J. Sitz
Kevin M. Stout
Christopher A. Sulit
Erik J. Thoresen
James K. Tse
William F. VanDerLaan
David P. Walden
Andrew B. Wellinghoff
Hongsuk Ahn
Elizabeth J. Berger
Katherine E. Boyce
Camille G. Brown
Brian W. Byrd
Colleen M. Clinnin
Molly L. DeReus
Christopher Scott Dillion
Erin E. Dvorak
Matthew E. Dvorak
Nasira Esat
Eric B. Gierahn
Heather S. Johnson
Emily R. Lau
Marc A. Lewison
Michael J. Lloyd
Christopher T. Long
Aaron Scott Malcom
Jacqueline K. McLaughlin
Joshua J. Morgan
Philip G. Murphy
Sharon O. Okoh
John D. Ryan
Matthew J. Schweighart
Natalie M. Stabrawa
Mark A. Utlaut
Van T. Albert
Ananth S. Avva
Christopher J. Cokeley
Erin Hatch Czajkowski
Kathryn E. Favrow
Gregory W. Foss
Emily Lane Garrison
Toshihisa Hatakeyama
Gwenne A. Henricks
Christina E. Hussey
Joseph D. Kaylen
Steven J. Kolanowski
Lisa M. Kurysz
All lists include the names of those who made a gift to the College between
July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. For all lists, matching gifts from your place
of business are included in your total contribution for the year. Gifts that
were matched after June 30, 2008, may be included in the gift total.
Please contact the Office of Development at 217-244-8843 with any
omissions or errors so our records can be corrected. We strive for accuracy
and apologize in advance for any errors.
Matthew F. Lewandowski
David B. Lewicki
Patrick Thomas Manning
Liz Pirog
Robert A. Pligge
Donald W. Slaboszewski Jr.
Kara B. Sprague
Kimberly Ann Stephans
Carolyn E. Surowka
Gregory A. Szymczak
Lauryn E. Weichel
Vikas B. Agarwal
Hassen T. Al-Shawaf
Bradley M. Booth
Shelley A. Campbell
Chia-Yen Chang
Byeong Muk Eric Cho
Lauren Kay Dippel
Robin N. Elliott †
Megan Grasch
Adam C. Gruen
Nina Huesgen
Xiaojia Jing
David S. Kudla
Steven Thomas Leathers
Wen-Kang Wayne Lo
Lisa Lavie Martin
T. Christopher Martin †
Heather M. Norum
Erasmo Pacheco
Kwonsik Park
Thomas R. Phillips
Anna C. Powers
Ravinder Rayu
Nina Shah
John Yong Jin Shon
Harpreet Singh
Dehry Z. Surjansjah
Lindsay C. Taylor
Monte Turnage
Benjamin Lewis Varner
Xin Wang
Brent A. Weinberg
Jonathan B. Woodward
Nicholas Philip Bobich
Hsiao-Pei Chang
Christopher A. Compton
Meredith A. Dixon
Elizabeth Anne Gilman
Evan Gruenkemeyer
Patrick John Hatch
Jessica Jurkovic
Paul J. Kengott
Kristen L. Kowalski
Lauren Elizabeth Lavorato
Megan A. Martin
David A. O’Brochta
Michelle Louise Pfeiffer
Elizabeth Polach
Melissa Lynn Richeson
Lindsey C. Serrate
Tod Benjamin Sloan
Michael E. Smith
Amanda Thompson
Jennifer L. Walrath
Matthew Scott Bergman
Amanda K. Decker
Elizabeth Anne Janus
Georgios Lokkas
Caroline C. Moore
Jessica Podeschi
Matthew Schrieber
Jeffrey T. Teare Jr.
Amy Marie Thomas
Jacob Daniel Vial
Adrian Villarreal
Stacie Waimberk
Xiaorong J. Wu
Nisa Shivprasad Agrawal
Nicholas J. Andrews
Mark J. Babicz
Ross Bagwell
Andrea S. Ballinger
Jessica A. Boghosian
Andrea Bohn
Roderick Will Bridgewaters
Todd E. Burch
Matthew C. Burden
Jordan M. Burdinie
Christopher Roy Bylak
Jeremy K. Caisley
Dustin A. Carrozza
Michael J. Chimack
Stephanie A. Chin
Melissa Anne Colgan
Matthew R. Cross
James C. Darkenwald
Keith L. DeLeo
Jayant Desouza
Frank R. Dillinger
Matthew R. Dusterhoft
Sam Ellanki
Eugene Endress
Zaid F. Farahid
Bryce E. L. Faulkner
Mark Steven Figura
Gary L. Good
Grant Ewing Harris
James Haselhorst
Brett A. Herbison
Ryan C. Hill
Patrick S. Horan
John W. Husemann
Ebru Hyravy
Michael E. Kennedy
Tina M. Kerins
Tony E. Kiratsous
Michael Glenn Kirchner
Jill E. Kording
Rachael Marie Kosicek
Benjamin C. Kramer
Anvita Kumar
Michael J. LaBelle
Robert L. Lehr
Michael J. Liesman
Kathryn L. Majewski
Jesse W. Marquez
Randy D. Mattia
Mark R. McCullough
Steven E. McGaughey
Patrick James McKearin
Mary R. McNicholas
Richard J. Mondragon
Kenneth W. Moreland
Jason C. Mueller
Samantha Myers
Ashley Wing-Si Ng
John D. O’Hara
Brittany N. Oliver
Bradley F. Olson
Matthew Paquet
Thomas J. Purple Jr.
Michael R. Purvis
Gregory W. Quick
John P. Quinn
Joseph L. Rosenberg
Victoria Lynne Ruppert
Amanda Sanchez
Gregory E. Scaperlanda
Kenneth A. Shubert
Amanda Shuler
John W. Simkus
Kristen Sligar
Marc J. Smith
Emily Ane Sobut
Gajin Kenny Tsai
Gemma N. Urquiza
Thomas L. Varney
Mark T. Venard
Christian J. Virelli
Heather C. Vough
Jim Wagener
Beth E. Ward
Daniel W. Williams
Elizabeth A. Wilson
The College is most appreciative of the support it received during 2008 from organizations that include public and
private companies, professional firms, foundations and nonprofit institutions, and student groups.
3M Foundation
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Accenture Foundation Trust
A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.
Alexian Brothers Health System
Alpha Kappa Psi
Alvin H. Baum Family Fund
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Baxter International Inc.
BDO Seidman, LLP
Bernard Hodes Group
The Boeing Company
BP Products North America, Inc.
Busey Trust Company
Caterpillar, Inc.
Charter One Bank
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Trust
CNA Foundation
Crowe, Chizek and Company LLC
Deloitte Foundation
Delta Sigma Pi
DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc.
Eaton Charitable Fund
Ernst & Young Foundation
Ernst & Young LLP
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Executive Club of Champaign County
Fiji Water Company LLC
Focus Travel Services, Inc.
Follett Higher Education Group
Grant Thornton LLP
Grosvenor Capital Management, LP
Harold E. Eisenberg Foundation
Heartland Research Corporation
Huron Consulting Group
Illinois CPA Foundation
Illinois Mutual Life Insurance
Illinois Real Estate Alumni Forum
John Deere Foundation
Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
KPMG Foundation
Lowell N. Johnson Charitable Foundation
Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC
Mead Family Foundation
Mesirow Financial Holdings, Inc.
Morgan Stanley
Motorola, Inc.
Much Shelist
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Phi Chi Theta
Philip Morris USA
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
RLI Corporation
Rockwell Collins Charitable Corporation
RSM McGladrey, Inc.
State Farm Companies Foundation
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
Stryker Corporation
Towers Perrin
True Partners Consulting, LLC
University of Illinois Alumni Association
Vernon K. and Marilyn Pflederer Zimmerman Foundation Inc.
Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP
Yum! Brands Foundation
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on the path of excellence.
Visit us on the web
and find new ways to
• Gifts in Action
• Donor Profiles
• Investitures
• Scholarships
And Much more...
Larry DeBrock
assistant Dean
Tracy McCabe
J. Barlow LeVold
creative Director
Mary Kay Dailey
Trudye Connolly
Brenda Koenig
J. Barlow LeVold
Cathy Lockman
Marcia Reed
Brian Stauffer
Jason Lindsey
Lawrence McGown
Jody A. Boles
The University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign is an equal opportunity,
affirmative action institution.
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Winter 2008 31
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Chicago, IL 60606
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February 18
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