M1I1L1L1S1A1P1S1 iClOlLiLlEiGlE
M1I1L1L1S1A1P1S1 iClOlLiLlEiGlE
ARCHIVES LD 3311 M57 B63 2008 C.2 M1I1L1L1S1A1P1S1 iClOlLiLlEiGlE watsAPS-wn.soN limam lackson. Mississiopl own i.\\ Weuii. Iayum WEGUCKi Mary Helen Parker I "If you think of Millsaps, your heart fondles images of Bowl conversations, senior seminars, Saturday ballgames, candlelight ceremonies, and tearful springtime farewells thoughts are like ... these cotton lumped in your throat, jumping out with 1000 stories." -Dean Brit Katz 1701 NORTH STATE STREET JACKSON MS | 39210 | 601-974-1000 | WWW.MILLSAPS.EDU JN i )|'l XING Hah i:v Roxie Ra.ni)|.e. Trace Hint Barber David Sandlin, Sarah Maker Ben McNair, Genevieve Namn [)akkin(iTo\ Lw.as'it.k. Kn/Aurni l.w aster I.i/ Smith, A\m Ki n Cameron Black inn "The students here never me with their school spirit. football in high school to a student to cheer on body its absolutely love cease to that ... We amaze didn't have so I'm not used comes together peers like at Millsaps. I it!" -Roxie Randle _L> STUDENTLIFEDMDER Homecom Megan Wharton, Erin Redman, Beth Sadler, Brandon fontenelle, jon Paul Pettitt, awwad James Ameen, Jensen Curtis, Jonathan Giurintano Katie Tumminello, Jacqueline Coale, Sarah Fisher, Chelsi West, Lauren Jenkins, Alyce Howe, Katie Collins, Alli Mattalino, Jordan Willett homecoming court Chelsi West, Holly Dickens Luke Darby "- I TfoBowl j=i THEBOWL Serviced TO Joel Bilbo, phi mu dodgeball Bolton Kirchner, Kristin Foss, Stephen Passman, Watermelon Bust Sarah Lou Mayer, Florence Williams, Rachel Brooks, Phoebe Fraser, participants of greek wide philanthropy, santa shoestring, benefited children of . Patrick Cooper, habitat for Katie Lewallen, Alli Butler, lamda chi alpha's annual watermelon bust 1=^. " V'" L Bolton/ Ch elsi Vfes t/ Santa Kirchne Sho estring Kim Liz Ofem, Sigma ^ =nn Delta Sampson, Lia Calhoun, Gwen Orr Emily Tuberville, Sam Greenleae, Taylor Allee, Nancy Yates, Brooke Lassiter Darrington Lancaster, Sarah Schmidt greek olympics Claire Stamm, Katie Dennis, Katie Sorey yearbook scavenger hunt Hillary Hamblen, Dr. Cheryl Coker greek week apple polishing Panhellenic Banquet Awards Tvi SP = Gabby Sicard, Gwen Agho, Mignon Sicard, Phi Mu and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Bethlehem Center Easter Egg Hunt • - • » " - - •> :• vmmm V MLK BSA Mangala M'ADDALI! ^ 1 I m '*.* Jti ^ iV '~:. MM- Antoinette avU\ _£ DIVERSITY •ran Sarah Shoemaker, Lisa Pearman, Ashley Duhon Katie Collins and prospective students Charlotte Prejean Caroline Oliver, Sarah Schmidt Gerri Wilson, Hudson Leah Strickland, Seneca Anderson Beth Fossen, Andrew McMahon (lead singer of Jack's Mannequin) Phoebe Fraser, Katie Tebo crawfish in the bowl Amanda "*' Alex Nessel ultimate frisbee _ ' v" ,; ^ wl v ,.'- *Mff Hr l »*V§W wiw SjE^'tI FiflrfB ^^BB. ^SP^Bl^f* * 7~* Max Berry, Jason Riggins ¥ MNGOUT Campus Grout CANTERBURY CLUB: (front) Ginsie Simmons, Matthew Deweese, Menton CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION: (front) MacDougall Womack. Will Audrey Plaisance, Megan Maher, Claire Stamm, Amber Amore, Lauren Gabreski (back) Chad Songy, Brandon Mong, Mike Moore, Rob Stephens, Philip Cortese, Katie McGinnis, Allen Lyle, (back) Mary Rogers Sorey, Caitie Warburton. Emily Brandon, Gorham, Orla Hayley Barber, Laura Howe, Lloyd Gray, Megan Maher, Dylan Maples Kayla Richard, Mary Kate Rees, Kirk, Kate Garand, Stephen Butler, Hamm, Mary . _ „ UH M l MILLSAPS SECULAR SOCIETY: Baber. Mary Wilson, Rachel Keng. Dr. James Bowley, Neha Bhatnagar. Mattie Lia Calhoun. Mary Bennett. Mark Hemdon HONOR COUNCIL: Brooke Furrh, (back) Butler, Dr. ORDER OF OMEGA: White, (front) Alii Mattalino, Katie Megan Maher, Katelyn Tumminello, Ashley Hewitt, Jacob C. Ullmer, Darrington Lancaster, Kevan Beth Tucker, Debbie Rigney, Katie Collins, Tiffany Grimes, Ashley Ferguson, Zagone, Philip Cortese, Bjom Caskey, Brynn Corbello Carlsson. Joey Quillin, Amanda Stevens (back) Ryan Cody Mahaffey, (front) Kari Buckner, Dr. Harvey Mark Hamon. Stephen SBA EXECUTIVE BOARD: Fiser, Dr. Rachel Heard, Elise Diffie. Robert Beidenham. Joey Quillin, David Butler Matt Binion, Victoria Romano, Cree Cantrell, Brittany Hickman, Christie Kokel, Brandi Buckler, Courtney Helfrich, Megan James Christie Kokel I s CAMPUS MINISTRY TEAM: (front) Katie Collins, Sital Sanjanwala. Philip Cortese, Miriam Gray, Mimi Nguyen, Lamees El-Sadek, Maria Underwood, Elizabeth Lancaster, Jessica Johnson, (row 2) Dominique Powell, Lisa Keating. Jordy Rourke, Ashley Martin. Katie Tebo, Lauren Gabreski. Elise Ackley, Chelsi West. Jonathan Webb, Curry, Leanna White, Hanna Sam Olivier, Allison Purves, (row 3) Edgar Meyer, Alex Allain, Jorge Jimenez, Luke Darby, Brooke Greenleaf. Kristin Foss, Laura Jackson, Katie MacMillan, Mary Kate Lassiter, David Williams. Woods Rees. Brittany Tait, Joyee Esters, Ashley Miller. Lizzie Cosse, Sarah Laughlin, Chris Eden (back) Katherine Negrotto. Katie Sorey, Katie Dennis, Claire Stamm, Kate Garand, Emily Tuberville, Blake Means, Amanda Smith, Darrington Lancaster, Jeremy Washington. Jonathan Ebelhar THURSDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY: (front) Niki Agho, Ul'yana Biryukova, Lauren Gladney. Amanda Cain. Sarah Nelin. Leflore Barbour. Ashley Martin. Lee Lewis, Hailey Miranda. Rachel Shows, (back) Tim Frye, Zach Moore, Michael Price. Nile Patterson, Joe Muller. Bryce Haddad, Jonathan Ebelhar. Jeremy AliiT. Jay Hollenbeck, John Russell McPherson, Hunter Abrams, Andrew Pierce, Russ Boyd, Billy Williams Dr. ^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmm^ma^mmm^Kmmmmmmm & CAMPl'SGROUPS Campus Groups SWING & BALLROOM DANCE CLUB: (front) Kate Gnener, Hanna Olivier, (back) Chad Songy. Cori Tucker, Edgar Meyer, Ul'yana Biryukova, Cree Cantrell. Neha Bhatnagar, Chris Kelley, Diantha Williamson (front) Micah Shear. Lauren Gabreski, Neha Bhatnagar, David Andy Kennedy, David Chandler, Caroline Massey, <7. Leanna White, Elise Ackley, Kristin Foss, (back) Dr. Daniel Turkeltaub. Jay Thompson, Clifford Coile WOMEN'S LACROSSE: (front) Jessica Samson, Kate Goodwin, (back) Heather OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CLUB: (front) Will Benton, (middle) Neha Bhatnagar, Megan Chapman, Asela Roberts. Katie Dennis, Florence Williams, Maher, Lauren Guichard. Laura Howe. Anna Alfred, Travis Tutor. Taylor Weglicki. David Foss, Claire Stamm, Kristin Autumn Calhoun FENCING CLUB: Sandlin, Alex Forbes, (middle), Butler (back) Lisa Keating. Chris Maher. Lloyd Gray PANHELLENIC COUNCIL: WRITING CENTER TUTORS: Olivier (middle) Green, Will Gorham. James Rice (middle) Caroline Stroud, Jenna Feindel (back) (front) Katie Collins. Beth Ann Baker, Hanna Cameron Scipper, Megan Jumago, Mary Clark Rardin (back) Megan James, Kayla Richard Amy Marcellus, Cartier (front) Meagan Malone.Holly Harmon. Taryn Gwin, Katie Hamm, Ross LeBlanc Student Awards Life Outstanding Resident Assistant: Zach Moore Senior Presidential Ambassadors: Rachel Fontenot, Most Distinguished: Ryan Zagone, Jacqueline Coale Community Souls Afire Service: Darby. Asela Roberts, C'helsi West Award L.O.V.E. (Leader of Values & Laura Rabalais, C'helsi West. Jonathan Webb. Jacqueline Coale. Jordan Willett. Alyce Alex Allain. Luke Howe Outstanding Presidential Ambassadors: Orla Kirk, David Ethics): Butler. Winfrey Norton. Philip Cortese Antoinette Alexander Dean's Citation for Alcohol and Drug Education Programming: Daniel Honeyeutt. Kappa Alpha Order; Beth Sadler. Delta Delta Delta SBA Leader of the Year: Favorite Cafeteria Staff: Ms. Lily Ace Madjelsi Favorite Outstanding Senator Award: Stephen Passman Outstanding SBA Committee: Campus Student Choice Awards Favorite Housekeeping Staff: Ms. Koon Favorite Bobashela Service Award: Leah Strickland "Most Sm Editorial Leadership Award: Campus Mad Hourman Mae Safety Officer: Mr. Eddie Porter for the Major" School Spirit: C'helsi West Amanda "Major Hospitality" it Staff: Services Student Employee of the Year: Katelin Bobashela Maintenance/Grounds "Cowboy" Skinner Friendliest: C'helsi West. John hers Kellogg Most Dedicated to the Purple & White: Alex "Millsaps Idol" Most Talented Male: Pieschel Purple & White Editor of the Year: Purple & White Writer of the Year: Lloyd Gray Chad Songy "Millsaps Idol" Most Talented Female: Jacqueline Kate Royals Coale "Mr. School Spirit Awards: Amber GQ" Best Dressed: Cree Cantrell King. Kappa Delta "Ms. Diva" Best Dressed: Cassie Kaple Foundations Leader of the Year: Brian Hall Foundations Team of the Year: Meagan Malone. James Braun Residence Hall Director of the Year: Ashley Jefcoat E.A.R.T.H. Bhatnagar Club: Ginsie Simmons, Laura Rodriguez, Liz Smith, Neha £ CAMPUSGROUPS Allen Lyle, Bolton Kirchneb Charlotte Prejean. Sarah Schmidt. Jonathan Wei Amanda Smith. Biakl Means Kevan Beth Tui ker, Sarah Schmidt David Sandlin, Matt Bonneal n Km/. Freddie Brackin, Zai ii l)ui\ Taylor H\iim\kk. Bui ion Kim ii\ii< Rumw |« ksn\. Hi mini Fraser, Amanda Smithes Candice Fisher, Kmn • I vi Smith, Malone, Jacqi iiim Coali n\ Emmons "Greek Week is great because it provides the sororities and fraternities an opportunity to work together in a competitive, yet bonding, manner." -Sarah Schmidt Q©K £ GREEKDIVIDER \1i \ PHA TO! members cd DlIlDl 1Y1O1U1 iKiNiOiWi THE OFFICIAL COLORS of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated are salmon pink and apple green. THE MILLSAPS CHAPTER of AKA has been on campus for 31 years. AKA WAS FOUNDED nationally on January 15th, 1908 by Ethel Hedgeman Lyle, Beulah Burke, Hill, Anna Lillie Easter Brown, Burke, Marjorie Margaret Flagg Holmes, Lavinia Norman, Lucy Slowe, and Marie Woolfolk Taylor. THE OFFICIAL MASCOT is the ivy leaf. PHILANTHROPIES evolve around National Platforms such traditional entrepeneur keys to success. as the non- and economic 1) AKA Centennial 2) Alonia Carey, Anansa Amy Martin, Cearro Anderson, Bailey 3) LaQuanda 4) Pink Football Pike, Sims, Alonia Carey, Anansa Bailey Ice Party 5) Game 7) Anansa Bailey Chi Omega, DST, and Founders Day 10) Bailey, 6) Millsaps Greek Week step show AKA AKA Swap 8) 9) Regionals 11) Anansa Cearro Anderson, Amy Martin, Alonia Carey A PHAKAPPAAI I _& PHA members lik DlIlDl 1Y1O1U1 1K1N1O1W1? CHI OMEGA FRATERNITY was founded nationally on March 31 1895 and the Millsaps chapter has been on campus since 1934. THE OFFICIAL COLORS are cardinal and straw and the mascot SOCIAL EVENTS "All included is the owl. Fall Party Tied Up," Eleusinian Formal in the spring, and the Salvation Army Stocking StufFer swap with Pi Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, and Alpha Kappa Alpha. THE FOUNDERS of Chi Omega were Ina May Boles, Jobelle Holcombe, Alice Cary Simons, Jean Vincenheller, and Dr. Charles Richardson. THE CHI DELTA CHAPTER had seventy-three active members. fc-J 'S& *£) f !-.!^ 1 ^9 CE) ^^ C9BI C^fc G!D <C0 ^S^ : i.o C^i 0£i 5$: 22^! C4 14 !}# (9#| t * ns ^ #i C?ft i/ ffi CSvi ^ p! ^T# £T^ CI^ Z^ <Tffi C3^: fjffi £ CHIOMEGA 1) Walk for a Wish 2) Victoria Romano and Katie Lewallen 3) Santas Reindeer 4) Ashley Miller Brandon 5) and Emily Chi O's at Watermelon Bust 6) Nina Walker and Megan Felker Lambda Chi Alpha Thanksgiving Swap New Orleans Relief Trii Emily Brandon, Lydia Gikas, Bid Day Stephanie Maxwell as Ginny Weasley ) DlIlTi iDiOiTiS You're dead to ... Little me fatty Little fighting tigers up to get down ... Brenna Spell, Terrel Care Fish Sugar, Rebecca Kindler Creepster ... ... Matters ... Pond ... ... Crickets Spilt ... ... Sometimes you gotta go 'Cause I'm the cool ... youcan'tsitwithus 1 ... Linda and the teddy bear nation perfume Prancer ... ... mom ... Proper snaps Chi Omega Koi Will parry pics be there? ... Check yourself... 2) Terrel Sugar, Christina Brumfield, Rachel Fontenot 3) Elizabeth Lancaster, Elizabeth Sooby, Leflore Barbour erine Nicholas HI \ R( IM \N( ) and Lauren Cochran. Alli Butler and Anna Johnson Havley Barber, Emily Brandon Mary Caskey and Tajlgating at fAILLSAPS-WILSON LIBRARY Jackson, Mississippi Homecoming E chiomega DEIX members DlIlDl YiOiUi iKiNiOiWi DELTA DELTA DELTA was nationally in 1 founded 888 and the Millsaps chapter has been on campus since 1986. OFFICIAL SYMBOLS of the sorority include the pearl, the pine pansy, tree, the and the dolphin. THE OFFICIAL COLORS are silver, gold, and cerulean blue. THE FOUNDERS of Tri Delta were Sarah Ida Shaw, Eleanor Dorcas Pond, Florence Isabelle Stewart, and Isabel Morgan Breed. THE OPEN MOTTO steadfastly love is "Let us one another" or AaOaXcoc; 'Ai^ajttopev 'AXA.r|X.ag. ELTA PI I I \DKITAIM 1 I \ rri 5 i ^* \# 4 5£ 1) Freshmen Spirit 2) Rachel Eldridge, Elizabeth Gutherz, Laura Cost 3) Greek Chili Life Bowl Humanity Awards 5) 4) SAE Habitat for 6) Pike Greek Gods and Goddesses Swap . Stars and Crescent Formal Greek Week Step Show \: Allison Purves, Jaclyn BethaOT Lizzie Cosse, Rachel Eldridge Caroline Stroud A -<£ ^ ^ T» -3> DlIlTi iDiOiTiS Of the said 'I glass or plastic variety? don't even dropped my own straw ... ... And an elephant' Have then a drink, or two ROTATE THE CRAP OUT OF THEM 5 people can be happy, let 1) Homecoming tailgating parry 2) Taylor Allee, V^' 'H Katharine Veron, and Susan Hoerauf at the Watermelon Bust AXA 3) Purple Pride Night volleyball j jlJ?'flP me tell you ... Lock porch, no one will I'm scared of her, ... If you do, I my fists full of hair! I ... Only Honey, honey up ... Leave ... it ... it! 3:45!! and run you and beat you with JANK! support bra in the closet on the House my hair out find it NO don't go get YOU do until ... ... it will pull around campus I ... GO! know ... I think I ... ... Crap, I left the ... game DELTADELTADEI 1A HETA memDers DiIiDi THE MOTTO of Delta Sigma Theta "Intelligence SOCIAL EVENTS You to Bed" included the "Put party, Finals Stress Know Reliever, is the Torch of Wisdom." is an end of year the Deltas mixer, and BBQ. THE OFFICIAL COLORS are crimson and creme, and the unofficial mascot is the elephant. DELTA SIGMA THETA was nationally on January founded 13, 1913, and the Millsaps chapter received charter on April PHILANTHROPIES Time at included Story McWillie Elementary, Salvation Army its 17, 1993. a Swap, the Ronald McDonald House, and Rehabilitation Center. the Methodist 1) Brittney West, Tiara Kilgore, Sampson, Vanessa Johnson Jessica swap 5) Kim 2) Rachael Joe, Clincy 3) Pike, Chi O, DST, 4) Rachael Joe, Alpha Probate Gwendolyne AKA Ballard 6) Tiara Kilgore, Danielle Harvey, Gwendolyne Ballard 7) Gwendolyne Ballard, Danielle Harvey 8) Initiation 9) Delta Days 10) Elemental Bonding £ DELTASIGMATHETA DlIlDl 1Y1O1U1 1K1N1O1W1? THE MILLSAPS CHAPTER of Kappa Delta has been on campus for ninetyfour years, and KD was founded nationally in 1897. THE OFFICIAL SYMBOLS of Kappa Delta are the dagger and the nautilus shell. TA KALA DIOKAMEN is the open motto of KD. OLrVE GREEN official colors and pearl white are the of Kappa Delta. PHILANTHROPIES included Prevent Child Abuse America, Girl Scouts of America, Orthopedic Research Awards, and the Children's Hospital Richmond, VA. in [>l I I A Dorothy Lanier, Ashley Davis, Rikki Darcey, Chelsea Lovitt at Spring Parties "Green with Envy" at Watermelon Bust The Few, the Proud, the Juniors The Kappa Deltoids KAPPAD/ELTA Cave Girl ... Guitar Heros! Ballena... Carlos! ... Are Thats the wrong way! She's ... T-A The Gold Team Kappa Deltas: Greek Week ... Round Two ... Spring Break 2008! ... ... from the North, Megan probably knows her What's the speed limit? green, Jumago! 1) ... YOU a Kappa Delta? ... ... When the light turns Schmevin Schmater ... D-E-L- ... 2) The juniors on Bid Day 3) Katie Tumminello, Jordan Willett and Elizabeth Johnson before the winter crush party lILGATING AT HOMECOMING Kate Royals. Brittany Hickman. Mary Clark Rardin, Kathleen Morrison The bi -I AM) HI s I FAMILY! Go RED WITH K\PPA DELTA KAPPA HI £ I l\ DiIlDl lYiOiUi iKiNiOiWi? LAMBDA CHI ALPHA'S philanthropy is the North American Food Drive. THE OPEN MOTTOS are Vir Quisque Vir or Every Ta KaA.a Man or a Man and Xa^eita Naught Without Labor. THE OFFICIAL SYMBOL and is the cross crescent. THE OFFICIAL COLORS are purple, green, and gold. IDEALS OF THE FRATERNITY (front) James R , Schol arshi r ru T r e=c rer C, x rmann E van David Wilii!'m r" Re ^ ch a r a n Ss e ,„ ; = ^itme nt S o?' A "dre w oi inStevenn Sar py S.«.t fi°W gJ e v Vl "° £ dgar Meye r A umni Secret.,, lident In ternalVice p re Parker include adaptability, cooperation, loyalty, justice, honor, industry, Christian principles, patriotism, ?r , morality, learning, fraternity. THE WHITE ROSE of is the official flower Lambda Chi Alpha. J «uiL?"i - ' , r ' -P^ '' ; *5?s> E^ilV Eflrpl I WIBIUCHI \1 I'll \ Jack Wallace MacDougall Womack, El Toro Diablo David Smolkin, Beth Fossen The hot tub at Spring Party House closing, five minutes! things in He's a snake ... At least made of shadows! it's consistently suck, you're president of a lamp 1) 111-! Dakota MacDougall Womack, freely 2) Founders' Day of my sauce ... I ... It's ... ... She's like ... I newfangled in Natchez call Chris Spear, Michael problem with sodomy Johnson, Ben Cain does that mean ... You ... I give one of those ghosts SO MANY ruin everything crawfish 3) Alex Allain, ... Lamp lamp could drive a You'd have to buy ... ... a holy day! in Hell of tomorrow's leaders fudgey brownies! it There are better warm dorm Red Sox lamp lull from Mario Harrison Wool, Will Smyser jerseys school bus Guillory, ... than cocaine; I'm one of them life .... I ... We just don't have a Since the power the toilets don't work? is off, ... A25J& vin Williams, Katie Collins, ke Darby MacDoljgall Wc Matt Bonneau Founders' H\i £ LAMBDACHIALPHA members PHIMU IIOMI I OMIN'l, IAILGATING PARTY BID DAY: EIFEL FOR PHI Ml' WILL TOO!" Atcha woo! ... pink cloud of positivity smarter friends if ust sayin' Tabatha Harris and up ... do you know me?! have to go ... not a dog! ... it ... ... keep ... deuces will get pledged! Enchantress 3) ... big spoon I Fraser: you're not special chapstick get it ... ... and creepy ... Hell yeah! it we it in a ... ... ... ... ... ... like ... WWLD ... and you YELLOW! kthanksbye I I'm the hello?! cup sacrifice was ... I'm DON'T BE McFall Party/McChantress lock Kari marry I'd ... mango Smithers, and Phoebe think I y'all a lot? Roxie Randle: SAE swap 2) Huffstatler, Amanda ... ... ... you're drunk, you're sexy! pizza was a person, WEIRD! 1) ... ... I'm save second Amanda Cloyd and Gwen Agho: Mardi Gras i ANDA CLOYD, KATIE rHERJNE CLARK TAIT, AND GWEN AGHO, AMANDA HUDSON, AND ASHLEY JONES lOOIMLPS IN HOPE W'ALK-A-THON TEAM miMi 1 , DlIlDl 1Y1O1U1 iKiNiQiWi? PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY was founded Sunday evening March 1 1868, at the University of Virginia, and the Millsaps chapter, Alpha was founded PI KAPPA ALPHA'S OFFICIAL colors are garnet oak, and PI Iota, in 1905. and old gold; its flower is KAPPA ALPHA'S its the symbol lily of the is the valley. social events included Bootlegger's Ball, the Academic Rendezvous, Cotton Ball, and the Salvation Army Stocking Stuffer with PI Chi O, AKA, and DST. KAPPA ALPHA'S MISSION dedicated to developing integrity, intellect, character and men is of and high moral to fostering a truly lifelong fraternal experience. * kl eg — £li£2 W 6 PIKAPPAALPHA Dallas Pike Conference Keith Parsons, Chris Stahl Ahmed Elalighe, Joseph Steadman, Walt Terry, Dillard Butler, Jack Rader, David Chandler, Caroline Massey Group picture; Sport yourself a prime ... I'm just a man dog chili silly ... there e ... 1) Dream Girl Court: Caroline Massey, guy ... Sometimes Where's Cody? I'm saving HONK! ... ... all Chill out the pieces my wife Let's sport to the BP Who let Ahmed out of his cage? You gotta ... ... want Nancy Yates, at this is ... of my soul for ... Host! Tax! ... Look I'm the goose! it! ... Tinky tinky, stinky stinky talking about Pike? ... Are y'all ... Christie Kokel, Emily Henke, Emily Smith, Emily Soniat Little Sisters: Victoria Brooke 2) Lassiter, Romano, Ashley Reed, Elizabeth Lancaster, Katy Tait Bid Day m RiumikSwa 3) Pike's Peak Austin Emmons, Alex Buck, Cody Mahaffey, Pike National I ll 1IM.I \|< I I US Pike 's Pi \k t MKAPPAM PI I \ DlIlDl 1Y1Q1U1 iKiNiOiWi? SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON was in founded 1856 and has been on campus for eighteen years. ROYAL PURPLE and official colors Old Gold are the of SAE. THE MILLSAPS CHAPTER had fifty two members and gained eight new members on Bid Day. SOCIAL EVENTS included Blazing Saddles, Destination Christmas Party, Initiation Party, Unknown, Founders Day, and Paddy Murphy. PHILANTHROPIES included Chili Bowl and volunteering at the Good Samaritan Center. THE OFFICIAL SYMBOLS are Minerva, the lion, and the violet. C3 r9 L3 19 EM F3 r^l F3 ^8 C3 8.. ^^gi |^3 Lhm «t»x ft. ni 9 s n z c c g c z g 1 1^3 : c c 5 i Al fi I WW.. ' ^5 ! ' c i ; c £Sk K £3 E3 UM I fc SHAI AA1.PHA1 I'M [(IN Sigma Alpha Epsilon Seniors Matthew Deweese, Dan Robert David Butler, Joey Quillin, Allen son, David Butler Lyle Chauvin Kean, Dan Robertson, Brandon Mong Makin' ...I it am Frahtzee! fat, hurt! ... It's so wealthy "I can't believe y'all ... dumb roommate" and you're ever, space ... Too Geeed Bob Hamilton Hodge ... Gametime! ... You ... couldn't Matt Mutchler, Patrick Cook, Joey Quillin Spell, 2) Cary Allen Lyle, Abbott Wootten, Riley Manning 3) Robert Quinn, Taylor Victoria (Vicky) ... ... manage ... thought Ice a Who's Paul Brothership ... Great! turn so I it up, man can eat ... ... Pettitt? Jacob, that was the High life bowl of Jello Queen ... ... was the You're a waste of meet you to I have the greatest just jealous The Queen of England 1) I ... Five Hurry up and A/C ... I unit had finish this my mayonnaise sandwich ... Queen Oh, nice ... to game ... Hallmark LOAN HOLLEY, C.\RY SpELL sk;maalphaepsilon Sandy Triei Charlotte Watkins Matt Bonneau, Dixie Pond, Hannah Hinson Akshai Ahuja LaQuanda Sims, Isreal Scott, Caelie Roth sh Conlee, Bryani Palmerton Amanda Berry, Lloyd Bourni Allison Purves, MikeMoori Moi Biswas "Millsaps was the perfect place for me. helped me the person achieve I my wanted goals It and become to be. -Charlotte Watkins RcftE £ PEOPLEDIVIDER Elise Ackley FR. Sarah Adams FR. Gwcn Agho .achel Huda Jeremy A*^^. FR. Alexander FR. Ali SR. AJirr FR. 1~ f9 flv ^B AlexAlIainJR. Taylor Allee SR Michelle Allen S Anastasia Allmon James Ameen Michael FR FR Ameen SR Amber Amore JR Denarold Anderson JR Katie Anderson FR Seneca Anderson SR Cody Aucoin FR Chris Awwad JR Mattie Baber SR. Donald Baggett SR. Lorenzo Bailey SR. Austin Baker FR. Beth Ann Gwendolyne Baker SR. Ballard SR. Chris Bankhead FR. Hayley Barber JR. Leflore Barbour FR. Garic Barrosse JR. Evan Bauer FR. Sarah Beck FR. Jon Bellish SR. Lyndsey Belville FR. Karling Bennett SR. Mary Bennett FR. Hunter Berch FR. Amanda Berry FR. Neha Bhatnagar FR Jacob Biggs F Joel Bilbo FR Ul'yana Biryukova SO Mou Biswas ! K Matthew Black JR i Mary Blessey FR. Aim BlumerJR. Where do you like M.ui Bonneau SR. To Study Elizabeth Boteler SR. Anlhonv Bowens FR. [essica Bowie SCI. UtttGins Jaren Bowser SO. "Definitely 0Un „ -Sam Her man Steven Boyee FR. JW Brady FR. Emily Brandon FR. Louis Branrmeyer SO. Alvxandra Brinkman FR. • Chi Alpha Th . Lambda room new chapter -Edgar Mey^' lachel Brooks SR. Ashley Broussard FR. Lindsay Brown FR. yiuzgf Christina Brumrield FR. Brandi Buckler SO. John Robert Burnett FR. Alii Butler "My room" Br ittney m~ai ^ * racAJ. lister FR. David Butler JR. John Butler JR. » Anywhere but my room' -James HiH STl [IF. £ NTS Matt Butler FR. What your summer are Stephen Butler FR. Courtney Byrd FR. PlAnS Amanda Cain SO. Ben Cain JR. Autumn Calhoun "Gree c e, Vegas -Hanna 01 ivier SR. , Lia Calhoun SO. Cree Cantrell SO. Lianne Capaning FR. \bh\ Mandy 1 apps IK Carlock FR. Andrew Carlson JR. -Staying to work Bjorn Carlsson SR. Katie Carmon SR. John Carroll FR. fj "Staying in j acksor my f amily -Matthe w ool k-/ Oglesbee tO eSna scape~ — Aimee Catalanotto JR. David Chandler SR. Hannah Chappelle FR. Andy Chlon FR. Matthew Chouest SO. Krista Clark A 51a it s „/r t-o to study •I'm going • abroad -Matthew Blacky FR. Ben I Icnu-nccau FR. ( ravis demerits JR. ( Amanda I aurcn IK !loyd ( Jacqueline ( oal< SR ochran FR. < Alexander Cocke FR. Josh Colar FR. Katie Collins JR. Collums FR. (iriffin ( I ( !ouda ( ouis ionley SR. < harm FR. "ollura I M\ <>i •[. Brynn Corbello FR. Cortese JR. I'hilip 1 aurcn Cospelich FR. Cosse FR. Lizzie Laura Cost FR. Chris Cousin FR. Judy Crane FR. Jessica Alex Crowe FR. Cummings SO. Michael Curren SR. Jessica Curry SR. Woods Curry SR. [ensen C urtis FR. David Dale SO. Luke Darby JR. Chris Davis FR. Zach Davis FR. Larrv Denman JR. Katie Dennis FR. Matthew DeweeseJR. Megan Dewey FR. Drew Dews SO. Crystal Dickerson JR. Alexander Dipascal FR. Elizabeth Dodson SO. Kyle Doherry SR. Brandon Doss FR. Erica Douglas JR. Susan Doussan FR. Kristv Dowdy FR. j£ STUDENTS SR FR Ashley Duhon FR Bryan Dupree FR Jessica Eastin FR Joshua Downer .Megan Durresne FR Steve Eastlack Sabira Ebaady FR. Jonathan Ebelhar FR. Brittany Ector FR. Tracy Edelman Fr. tills h I 1 lIlti Lamees El-Sadek FR. Ahmed Elalighe JR. Erin Elliott SR. Austin Emmons SR. Joyee Esters FR. Will Everett FR. Ewbank FR. Philip Julia Fell SR. Gloria Field FR. Sarah Fisher FR. Patrick Fogarty FR. Rachel Fontenot SR. Kristin Foss FR. Mary Paige Francis FR. Duncan Fraser JR. Phoebe Fraser SO. Krystal Frazier Tim SO. Frye FR. Lauren Gabreski FR. Michael Galatas FR. Kate Garand FR. Cloyd Garth SR. Jacob Gibson FR. Lydia Gikas SO. Lauren Gladnev FR. Adam Golsby FR. Jordan Granville FR. I ll i\'d Jessica ( rl.IV M ). Greber FR. Maria Greene JR. Sam Greenleaf FR. Nick C Grille- Iregory ( SR. Iroglio JR. Lauren Guichard SO. What the best is way to Alexis Guilbeau FR. Dakota Guillory SO. Phil Guillot FR. - a m " Elizabeth Gutherz FR. Carrier Gwin SO. A comb in ation of g rand Theft A, and Facebook' "Jacob Bake Bryce Haddad FR. Mohamed Hajj [R. Brian Hall SR. -Video game: of outse licki Tay lor Weg ; . Taylor Hallmark JR. Hillary Hamblen SR. Quinn Hambrite FR. hua Katie Hamer FR. Hamm JR. Nick Handleman FR. me peopl P e ° P le and I'll find a way tc procrast inate" -Stockstill I Billy Hargis FR. hn Harris SR. &H Iabatha Harris FR. 'X.V. Kart an d Mari o -Fred Wiley 1 STUDENTS km What your favorite facebook bumper is Hugh Hartzog JR. Sarah Hartzog FR. Austin Harvey FR. Andrew Hatten FR. Adam Haywood Xun He "Yeah vent vi; faceb °°* status. -L 12 St arrett FR. FR. Denae' Hebert FR. Houston Heffington SR. Courtney Helfrich JR. 6Q Emily Henke SR. Erin Herm FR. Sam Herman SO. glad I glasses wore my m checking Dday because Mark Herndon FR. Michael Hesselbein FR. Michael Heywang FR. "Yoi foi Brittany mom- rated E -veryone' Steven S£ r Hickman JR. Erin Hicks SO. James FR. Hill py Hannah Hinson FR. Bretr Hirtel FR. Sloan Holley SR. 1 if y°^ 11 D r e am a s live forever -Sar ah Laughli^_ AJyce lowe SR. I .1111.1 I JuMiii I I [owe Amanda I Campbell lake S( ), [uckaby SO. ludson I I K lughes FR. Humble FR. James Ivltsoii SR, Laura Jackson FR. Roxann Jackson SO. Ashley Jefcoat JR. Jorge Jimenez R 1 Rachael foe SR. Anna Johnson FR. Brittani Johnson SO. David Johnson FR. Elizabeth Johnson SR. Jessica Johnson FR. Will lohnson FR. Jerry Johnston FR. Ashley Jones FR. Gilana Jones FR. Sharra Jones. SR. Thomas Jones SO. I i in I irdaii I [\ Megan Jumago JR. Cassie Kaple FR. Chauvin Kean SO. Lisa Keating JR. Hyland Keen FR. Chris Kelley JR. John Kellogg SR. Andy Kennedy FR. Bolton Kirchner FR. Ka'trevia Kirk SR. Orla Kirk FR. Kati Knippa FR. Sarah Kocher SR. Christie Kokel JR. Katia Kotcherguina FR. Karoline Kremers FR. Andy Kutcher JR. Morgan Ladner SO. 1 STUDENTS R SO Tiffany Ladnier Darrington Lancaster JR FR SR FR Elizabeth Lancaster Franklin Landiy Andrew Langston Marques Laprade Andy Brooke JR. Lass FR. Lassiter FR, Sarah Laughlin FR Bethany Law FR. Taylor Ledine FR. Molly Lehmuller FR. Rachel LeTard FR Madei Levey FR Evan Lewis FR Dylan Lindsay SO Laura Litton FR FR Grant Loveless AllenLyleJR Kane MacMillan FR Ace Madjlesi SR Josh Maharrey Chris FR Maher FR Megan Maher J Sarah Maher SO Tony Malaschak FR Jessi Malatesta FR Toni Manley JR Nathaniel Amy Mann FR Manning FR Rjlev Marcellus SO Jordan Marshall Thomas Martin FR FR FR Blake Martinez SO Jonda Martin Sarah Mathenv ]R Mattalino SR Courtney Maxson SO Alii Stephanie Maxwell JR April May JR Brittney McAllister SO Mario McCulloutrh FR Menem Mil Jennifer McKinlcy SO. fiiiiui IK Favorite food at Ben McNair FR, Andrew McPherson FR [ohn Russell McPherson SR. Blake Means S< ). idgar Meyer SO. lis., Miguel-Qin FR. \shlev Miller FR. Eric Miller SR. Hailey Miranda FR. Michael lared Mohr SO. Monarch FR. rick Monrgomery SO. Zach Moore JR. Ben Morvant SR. EmiK- Mosow FR. Chase Munro FR. MariMurchlerJR. Collin Napier FR. £ STUDENTS What gets you through an all- Genevieve Navin FR. Sarah Nelin FR. Havlev Nemeth FR. Alex Nessel SO. Mimi Nguyen FR. Katherine Nicholas FR. Johnny Norris FR. Winfrey Norton JR. Matthew Ogleshee JR. Alex dinger FR. Ashley Oliver JR. Caroline Oliver FR. Hanna Olivier SO. Josh Ordeneaux FR. Gwen Orr JR. Allison Pabst SR. Constance Page FR. Lisa Papale SO. Evan Parker FR. Robert Parrott SR. Stephen Passman FR. ) Nile Patterson FR. Andrew is.t [ Pcarcc R I Pcarman IK [ohn Pemberton FR. K Iknii. m Pickette FR. Audrey Plaisance M Dixie Pond FR. Nick Presci FR. Meredich Pugh FR. Allison Purvis FR. Joey Quillin JR. Robert Quimby 5R Peter RaHcrty FR. Shiv.ilik.i 1 Rana FR. RoxieRandleJR. Mary Clark Rardm SO, RyanRauschkolbJR. Mary Kate Rees FR. Drew Respess FR. James Rice JR. Kayla Richard JR. Richardson Thomas SR. Debbie Rigney SR. Erin Robertson FR. Lauren Roddie SR. Rodney Rogan JR. Billy Rogers FR. Max Rollins FR. Victoria Kvlie Romano Fr. Romero FR. Kate Royals SO. Iaylor Russolino FR. Charles Sagan FR. Kim Sampson Icssk.i FR. Samson SR. David Sandlin SO. I nil Vintord IK Steven Sarpy SO. Raymece Savage SO. M.klh.iv S.ixau SO Adrian Scholl FR. M R UDJ \ Is R Virginia Schreiber FR. Sara Schumacher FR. Scon SR. IsreaJ Katelyn Shaughnessy FR. Micah Shear SO. Tim Shoptaugh JR. Shows SR Kelly Gabby Sicard Mignon Sicard FR FR Danny Siefker SR Ginsie Simmons FR Laquanda Sims SR. Michael Sims JR. Emma Sloan FR. Amanda Smith SO. Emily Smith SR. Josef Smith SR. Melanie Smith SR. Amanda Smithers SO. Will Smyser FR. Emily Soniat SO. Elizabeth Sooby JR. Katie Sorey FR. Mary Rogers Sorey JR. Brenna Cary Claire Spell SR. Spell Stamm SO. r-R Callaghan Starrett FR. Liz Starrett JR. Joseph Steadman |R, Robert Stephens Amanda Haley Stevens Lauren Stevenson Emily Stewart Suzanne SR Stevens SR. Stilwell FR FR J FR Marcus Stokes JR Leah Strickland SR Daniel Tackett SR FR FR Brittany Tait SO Terrel Sugar Margaret Swords What KatyTait SO. Nick Tanner FR. BrittneyTate I is your favorite sporting event to R. AtTeND Grant Thomas FR. Marie Thomas FR. Paige Thomas SO. basketball, amazing -Am anda the y had s jerry n:; r 1 .lgating "Football fun was a lways -Gloria Field Emily Tuberville FR. Bonnie Tucker FR. Kevan Beth Tucker JR. Tumminelio SR. I Katie I Sam Tumminelio FR. KatelynUllmerJR. "Socc it's constantly ™ _game" _ Matt movinc onneai Maria Underwood FR. ne Ustinova JR. IVtra V'ackova SR. P Voile yball ilways fun to wa tch Hu ££statl£f_ JO Ml [">!-' NTS VanHorn FR. Clara Dustin Vickers FR. Morgen Allisa Viel FR. Vincent JR. Lauren Vucovich FR. Whitney Wages FR. Carol Wagner FR. Jack Wallace FR. Caitie Warburton SO. Mark Ward FR. Russell Warden FR. Jeremy Washington FR. Jonathan Webb SR. Ronda Webb FR. Chelsi West SR. Megan Wharton JR. Whitam FR. Josh Jacob C. White SR. Jacob White SR. Leanna White FR. Chris Widdows JR. Jordan Willed SR. Aaron Williams FR. Adam Williams FR. Billy Williams FR. David Williams FR. Florence Williams SO. Shaquita Willams FR. Diantha Williamson FR. Alex Willis SO. Gerri Wilson SO. MacDougal Womack SR. Tiffany Woodcock Harrison JR. Wool SR. Kaycee Wright SR. Nancy Yates JR. Ray Yeates SR. Charles Young SR. Casey Younger SR. Allison Zakaras SO. Qiaoya Zhang FR. STl'DENTS&FACULTY ULk. Antoinette Alexander KaTE GaRAND Walt Lot Coin SlOCkMlLL Dr. Tim Cokes OKI Ql ]LU\ 3eth Fossen Damd Ace Madjlesi Linu "At Millsaps, we are really encouraged to push ourselves towards excellence. professors continually encourage beyond what and to I see and hear The me to reach in the classroom go out and search for knowledge, research, and new ideas on my own." -Kate Garand AC £ AniMIl "sDIVIDF.R Iosh Dl'STIN VlCKERS Whitam HOLLY HARMON successfully defended her honors was admitted summer thesis and to a prestigious internship at Smith College. MICHELLE PALMER was admitted to Sotheby's Institute of Art masters program Contemporary in Art. PETRA VACKOVA was a Ford Fellow for Sandra Murchison. She was accepted to the George Washington University M.F.A. Program and to the University of Leiden in the Netherlands for a Art Exhibit Alyce Howe Art Exhibit Callaghan Starrett M/\M W'll so\ II 11 KS Michael McGehee, Dr. Walter Neely Dr. Walter Neely, Allison Pabst Briana Travelbee Emily Smith Seneca Anderson Dean Howard Mi Millan I Mm .Soniai, |i'an |osi I'll, Ai'Rii. May Keyuan Zii vni Dressedfor Success F!U,N| |F,A|C|T|S MILLSAPS COLLEGE was in listed The Princeton Reviews 2008 edition "Best 290 Business Schools" and was ranked third in the category of "Best Classroom Experience." HOWARD MCMILLAN, Dean of the Millsaps College Else School of Management, announced at the beginning of the year the creation of the Family Business Institute. k BUSINESS LaReina Adams Dr. McKeown Dr. Osoinach, Tyler Moss, Bjorn Carlsson, Rebecca Behrends, Kate Griener, Math Conference Shivalika Rana, Megan Bauerle Emma Sloan, CIVI tif.KRi Wilson. C.i \i i u s 1 ah m Sknior Biology Major Dr. Stensaas, Vandana Vedanarayanan Daniei |onis, Brian Mix iiiii ences TheiMrt of Discovery F|U|N, |F|A|C|T|S MILES SUGAR won first his oral presentation, place for "Reaction of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Singlet Oxygen" at the 17th annual Millsaps Student Research Symposium. TIFFANY CLADE had the best poster at the symposium, entitled "What Makes Invader? a Successful A Comparison of the Invasive Exotic Vine Lonicera japonica and its Native Congener L. sempervirens (Caprifoliaceae)." DR. SARAH LEA MCGUIRE was recently named the 2006 Mississippi Professor or the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. te S( IINC IS Jaclyn Bethany David Lind, Will Chandler Matthew Black, Candice Fisher Meagan Malone Jaclyn Bethany, David Lino Will Smyser, Elizabeth Coale Anni-Makii Mi RachelTillay, Lauren CiuuiAKn, Wili Smyskk Wiiii\i\ Wm.i s i JACQUELINE COALE, hki si Best Actress in a Leading Role CODYSTOCKSTILL, Psi Alpha Omega Award and Backstage Award CASEY PHILLIPS, Award (for Mitchell Outstanding Player of the Year) and Best Actress in Supporting Role DAVID LIND, Best Actor in Leading Role DYLAN LINDSAY, Best Actor in a Supporting Role ELIZABETH GUTHERZ, Freshman of the Year. SARAH HARTZOG, Best Performance J.R. BRAUN, (for best in Cameo Role Frank Hains Award work in scenery) r PC I'l Rl ORM1NGARTS Taylor Allee Anansa Bailey, Alonia Carey, Laquanda Slms n T**M\4r\ Kelly Shows anon Happy Memories *| | Jessica Clincy Erin Elliott Michelle Palmer, Tiffany Grimes S vrai i ( \s itlle, Katei in Km in David ( handi i k GRADUATION Academic Grout i n n >\ 1 n \v\ r^i nv i pv\ 'n ANTHROPOLOGY CLUB: (front) Megan Jumago, Garic Barrosse, Nancy Yates, (middle) Courtney Helfrich, Michelle Palmer, Chelsi West, Ace Madjelisi, Jane \ r cn //\\ i aim nv tMflpfA* f? t APICS: John Milazzo, Nick Namias, Donnie Epps, Brandon Ryan, Ashley Bordelon. Burton Pereira, Chad Songy, April May, Charlotte Prejean, Juan Joseph, Bhatnagar, Will Johnson, Jordan Taylor Emily Soniat, Zach Moore, Seneca Anderson, Stephen Daume, Keith Naccari, Ajay Aggarwa! ART CLUB: (front) Holly Harmon, Assoc. Prof. Sandra Murchison, Jonathan Webb, Alyce Howe (back) Petra Vackova, Mark Herndon, Jessi Malatesta, Whitney Wages, Caroline Oliver, Lorene Dodd, Clay Hardwick, Assist. Prof. Brent Fogt BETA ALPHA PSI - Accounting Honorary: (front) Alonia Carey, Anansa Bailey, FINANCE CLUB: FMA NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: (front) Barkley Wedemeyer, Brian Chadwick, Bradley Thompson, Michael McGehee, (back) Dr. Walter Neely, Paul Pettitt, James Iverson, Michael Puckett, Cody Mahaffey Fuller, (back) Duncan Fraser, Catherine Scott, Karen Bebe, Christie Kokel, Neha t*i /. (front) Brian Chadwick, Dorothy Lanier, Michael McGehee, Barkley Wedemeyer (back) Heath Smith, Paul Pettitt. Michael Puckett, Bradley Thompson, Cody Mahaffey, James Iverson Liz Smith, Steven Whatley, Keyuan Zhang (back) Austin Emmons, Wes Landrum Hill, Dr. Holly Smith, Sloan Holley, Lauren Roddie, Lee White, Alan — $ ALPHA EPSILON DELTA Pre-Health Honorary: (front) Rebecca Kindler, Hanna Olivier, Ann Giang. (row 2) Brian Mitchell, Keith Parsons, (row 3) Amanda Smithers, Brandon Mong, (back) Matthew Oglesbee, Joey Quillin, Edgar Meyer, David Sandlin FMA - Financial Management Ull Association: (front) Dr. Walter Neely, Barkley Wedemeyer. Brian Chadwick, April May. Karina Sudduth, (row 2) Cap White, Paul Pettitt, Bradley Thompson. Jane Ustinova, (row 3) Michael McGehee, Tait Hendrix, Cody Mahaffey, John Holleman, (back) Joseph Steadman. Michael Puckett, Trevor Harris jJE f§| b^v ™- 1II MOCK TRIAL: Micah Shear, Luv Agrawal. 1U mi Dr. ; Michael Reinhard. Ross James, Sarah Hartzog, Victoria Romano, Chris Kelley LOUIS WILSON FUND MANAGERS: (front) Paul Pettitt, Brian Chadwick, Bradley Thompson. Michael McGehee, Dr. Walter Neely, Michael Puckett, (back) Barkley Wedemeyer, Cody Mahaffey. Tait Hendrix. (middle) Joseph Steadman, Jane Ustinova, April May, Trevor Harris MOCK TRIAL: Cree Cantrell, Sarah Hartzog, Chase Munro, Victoria Romano. Chris Kelley, Ross James OM1CRON DELTA KAPPA - (front) Ben Cain, Ashley Hewitt. Rachel Megan Maher, John Kellogg, Janet Langley (middle) Leadership Honorary: Brooks, Elizabeth Sooby, Jonathan Webb, Ryan Zagone, Jacqueline Coale. Kay Barksdale, Lisa Garvin, Katie Tumminello. Chelsi West, Woods Curry, Katie Collins (back) Brittany Hickman, Ashley Ferguson, Denman. Joey Meagan Malone, Larry Quillin, Philip Cortese, Bjorn Carlsson, Jonathan Giurintano, Luke Darby KAPPA PI - Art Honorary: Holly Harmon, Petra Vackova, Lorene Dodd, Clay Hardwick, Jonathan Webb, Alyce Howe _fc ACADEMICGROUPS Academic Groups PSYCHOLOGY CLUB: Dominique Powell. Lisa Dr. Melissa Keating, Neha Bhatnagar. Nyaboke Omwega, BETA BETA BETA - Biology Honorary: Darcey, (row 2) Orla Kirk, Lea (front) Mou Biswas, Terrel Sarah Fisher. Anh Giang, Sugar, Asela Roberts, (row 3) Rikki Rebecca Kmdler, Kristen Massey. (row 4) Gerri Wilson, Brandon Mong, Mary Rogers Sorey, (back) Matthew Deweese, Daniel Jones, Joey Quillin, Eric Miller PI Mil EPSILOiN - Mathematics Honorary: (front) Mrs. Gayla Dance, Dr. Connie Campbell. Ms. Tracy Sullivan (middle) Taryn Green, Rebecca Behrends, Amanda Cain. Kristen Massey, Erin Elliott. LeAnn Peppers, Kate Griener, Roxie Randle (back) Emily Stewart, Robert Parker, Elizabeth Sooby, Amanda Smithers, Jaclyn Fletcher, Bjom SIGMA DELTA Carlsson, Jonathan Giurintano, Chris POLITICAL SCIENCE CLUB: (front) Miriam Gray, Jacob Baker, Lauren Guichard. Dr. Michael Reinhard, (back) Dr. Iren Omo-Bare, Chris Kelley, Charlotte Prejean. Ashleigh Powers. Casey Younger Widdows PI - Spanish Honorary: (front) Lauren Guichard, Gwen Orr, Kayla Richard. Jacob C. White, Brian Chadwick (back) Kyle Doherty. Dr. Robert Khan, Amber King, Chris Awwad. David Chandler, Andrew dinger, Steven Whatley SPEECH & DEBATE CLUB: Zach Davis, Isreal Scott, Sarah Hartzog, Victoria Romano, Chase Munro, Alexis Guilbeau, Chris Kelley, Cree Cantrell, Dr. Michael Reinhard Academic Awards ART Art History Award - Holly Bellamann [wards Music - Jacqueline Coale. Walt Lott Bellamann Awards Theatre - Cody Stockstill Bellamann Awards: Creative Writing - John Boettchei Bellamann Awards: Usual Arts Petra Vackova Harmon William D. Rowell Memorial Art Award - Katie Cannon Senior Art Exhibition Award - Jonathan Webb Outstanding Junior Studio Art Award - Clay Hardwick Art History Paper Award - Beth Fossen - PHILOSOPHY Best Philosophical Writing BIOLOGY Biology Research Award - Lauren Rochelle College Physics Tri-Beta Award - Terrel Sugar. Asela Roberts Biology Department Award for Service CHEMISTRY John - Beth Ann Baker. Woods Curry Award - Katie Tumminello Price General Chemistry Award - Will Everett. Jay Thompson. Chemistry Senior Research Award J. Joseph B. Reid & F. CLASSICS Excellence COMPUTER SCIENCE in SOCIOLOGY/ANTHROPOLOGY Raehael Joe Vaughn ELSE SCHOOL OF Outstanding Scholarship Award - Eric Sumrall Mary Sue Enochs Lewis Endowed Scholarship - Kristi Mueller Mississippi Society Mississippi Association ofCPA's Scholarship Wall Richard Richard R. Priddy Memorial Award - Jennifer L. Sorrells Memorial Award - Erin Elliott Merrill Lynch CFA MATHEMATICS MODERN LANGUAGES Award in French - Meagan Malone Award - Lizzie Cosse Pi Delta Phi Intermediate French Award in Spanish - Kyle Doherty, Michelle Smith Sigma Delta Pi Intermediate Spanish Award - Grant Loveless Albert Godfrey Sanders Else Scholars Baltz Award - Award for Excellence in Allison Pabst Investments of MS Award for Excellence - Wes Hill. Spell. in - Barkley Wedemeyer Finance - William Hippler. Sloan Holley. Allison Pabst. Paul Pettitt. Brenna Ryan Zagone. Keyuan Zhang COLLEGE AWARDS FOR LEADERSHIPAND SCHOLARSHIP Freshman Man and Woman of the Year - Bolton Kirchner. Maria Underwood W. Charles Sallis Leader of the Year - Bjom Carlsson Janet Lynne Sims Award - Neha Solanki Lewis and ReiffAwards -Ashley Hewitt. John Kellogg. Jonathan Webb. Chelsi West Thomas G. Ross Scholarship - Luke Campbell Phi Beta Kappa Members - Beth Ann Baker. Jon Bellish. Margaret Blair. Matt Bonneau, Autumn Calhoun. Bjom Carlsson. Kathleen Carmon. David German Award - John Boettcher Advanced German Award - Ul'yana Biryukova Chandler. Kyle Doherty. Joshua Downer. Schiller Intermediate Sam Megan Felker. Jonathan Giurintano. Gay. Hillary Hamblen, Holly Harmon. Allison Pabst, Thomas Richardson. Robert Stephens, Katie Tumminello. Petra Vackova PERFORMING ARTS Senior Music i Joseph Cavalier HISTORY Ross H. Moore History Award -.Joshua Downer. Kyle Doherty Frank M. Laney History Award - Autumn Calhoun Schiller Societ}' Bradley Winton Outstanding Freshman Mathematics Award - Victoria Purvis. Qiaoya Zhang Samuel R. Knox Senior Mathematics Award - Bjorn Carlsson. Tyler Moss Sloan Holle\ FINANCE Erin Elliott Erin Elliott - - BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Street Journal Award - Michael McGehee ECONOMICS GEOLOGY Albert Godfrey Sanders ofCPA s Scholarship - Alonia Carey ofCPA i Outstanding Senior Award - Sloan Holley Mississippi Societ}' ENGLISH Award - MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Paul D. Hardin Award in English - Robert Stephens Robert H. Padgett Award in English - John Boettcher Clark Essay Medal - John Boettcher Irene Breland Award in English & Education - Sidney Peters Dora Lynch Hauler Award for Distinguished Writing - Evan Parker W.A. Tarr RELIGIOUS STUDIES Award - Danielle Cook. Thomas Richardson Studies Paper Award - Thomas Richardson Frances and L.B. Jones Award in Anthropology - Chelsi West Frances H. Coker Award in Sociology - Michelle Smith Chi Omega Social Science Award - Chelsi West EDUCATION Wendell B. Johnson Memorial Award Harris Religious Studies Religious Outstanding Computer Science Student - Tyler Moss Outstanding Computer Science Senior Project - Tyler Moss Leslie Award for Academic Excellence - John Award for Outstanding Research in Psychology - John Kellogg Award for the Application of Psychology - Kajal Kaul, Caitlin Tew Noam Chomsky Award for Excellence in Psychology - Ray Kline Swearingen Prize for Introductory Latin - Edgar Meyer Swearingen Prize for Introductory Greek - Andrew McPherson - Bellish PSYCHOLOGY Junior Analytical Chemistry Award - Anna Allred - Emily Gilbert - Cynthia Bingham Awards -Will Benton. MacDougall Womack. Anna Sweat William James Diantha Williamson. Victoria Purvis Excellence in Elementary Student Teaching Award - Andrew Olinger POLITICAL SCIENCE Kennedy Award - Jonathan \t Whitfield Service Excellence in Secondaiy Student Teaching - General Physics Awards Joey Quillin - Award James Sledge PHYSICS Award Robert Stephens - w ' wsm .7-." «**r,. V SAACS Chemistry Club: (front) Lamees ElSadek, Neha Bhatnagar. David Sandlin. (back) - Katie Tumminello, Will Everett, Emily Stewart, PHI THETA KAPPA - Alumni Association: Donald Baggett, Jane Ustinova, Lance Pbilyaw, Lesia Nixon, Kenneth McRae PHI ALPHA DELTA - Pre-Law Society: Gwen Orr, Walt Terry, Cree Cantrell, Brittany Hickman. Kcllv Hamill. Micah Shear Woods Curry j£ ACADEMICGROUPS Jacqueline Coale Coale, a music major, was a of Alpha Psi Omega, Mu member Phi Epsilon, Omicron Delta Kappa, and Sigma Lambda the in a honoraries. She also received 2008 Millsaps Players Best Actress Leading Role Award. si West West, an Anthropology major, was a Lilly Fellow and Fellow, as well as a a Ford Teaching member of Omicron Delta Kappa honorary. She received the Frances Award in Omega and L.B. Jones Anthropology, the Chi Social Science Award, a Lewis and Reiff Award, and the Frank and Rachel Anne Laney Award. John Kellogg Kellogg, a psychology major, was a Ford Teaching Fellow, a member of Omicron Delta Kappa. and a He received the Award for Lilly Fellow, Mary Whiton Calkins Outstanding Research in Psychology, a Lewis and Re iff Award, and the Don Fortenberry Award. Ryan Zagone Zagone, a business major, was a and economics member of Beta Gamma Sigma, Omicron Delta Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Lambda honoraries. In addition, he received an Else Scholar Award. HALL OF FAME -Who's Who Beth Ann Baker MAJOR: Chemistry, French ACHIEVEMENTS: Delta Delta Danielle Delta, Panhellenic Council, Ford Teaching Fellow, Foundations Leader, Omicron Delta MAJOR: Religious ACHIEVEMENTS: Kappa, Millsaps Singers First Cook Studies Delta Delta Delta, Year Experience, Project Yellow Ribbon, SBA Senate, Alpha Psi Omega Will Benton MAJOR: Political Science ACHIEVEMENTS: Cross Country, jh Kyle Doherty Outdoor Adventure Club, Ultimate MAJOR: History, Spanish ACHIEVEMENTS: Purple Frisbee Club, Millsaps Christian Fellowship, Ford Teaching Fellow, Cycling Editor-in-Chief, Club & White Young Democrats, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Delta Pi, Phi Alpha Theta > Nathan Booth MAJOR: History ACHIEVEMENTS: Pi Austin Emmons Kappa Alpha, Phi Alpha Theta History Honorary, SBA MAJOR: Accounting ACHIEVEMENTS: Pi Kappa Alpha, Senate Alpha Epsilon Delta, APICS, Order of Omega, Sigma Lambda, Beta Alpha Bjorn Carlsson &* #^l V~ T* Ji MAJOR: Mathematics ACHIEVEMENTS: Lambda Chi Alpha, Interfraternity Council President, Symposium, Student Ministry SBA Campus Director, Senate, Foundations Leader, Team ft Psi V Julia Fell V^ ^^ ^V M ^ MAJOR: Classical Studies ACHIEVEMENTS: Women's Soccer, Millsaps Christian Fellowship, Eta Sigma Phi, Sigma Tau Delta, Latin and Greek ^H^**" tutor Jacqueline Coale MAJOR: Music ACHIEVEMENTS: Omicron TM Delta Kappa, Order of Omega, Sigma Lambda, Mu Phi Epsilon, Alpha Psi Omega, $> H Sr^BI _, .- jfl i Rachel Fontenot MAJOR: Economics ACHIEVEMENTS: Omicron Epsilon, Millsaps Singers Delta Chi Omega, Admissions Counselor Intern, Honor Council, Foundations Leader, Publications Board 5S£k! ^B Jonathan Giurintano AAJOR: Chemistry, Mathematics ACHIEVEMENTS: Phi Beta Kappa, Rachael Joe Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Rock n Roll Club, udicial Council, /lens Tennis, Cosmopolitan Mississippi Bachelor or th> MAJOR: FJementary Education, English ACHIEVEMENTS: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Phi Delta Leader, Glorify Kappa, Foundations God Campus Ministry, Black Student Association, Millsaps Cheerleading Brian Hall AAJOR: Business Administration ACHIEVEMENTS: Lambda Chi Alpha, College Republicans, Foundations Leader John Kellogg MAJOR: Psychology ACHIEVEMENTS: One Campus One Community Student Leader, Omicron Delta Kappa, Canterbury Club, Ford Teaching Fellow, Lilly Fellow Hillary Hamblen MJOR: English ACHIEVEMENTS: Phi Beta Kappa, Ford reaching Fellow, Lilly Fellow, Millsaps lingers. Ace Madjlesi Delta Delta Delta MAJOR: Anthropology ACHIEVEMENTS: Student Body Association, Purple & White Copy Editor Ashley Hewitt v\AJOR: Elementary Education, Religious itudies ACHIEVEMENTS: vlillsaps Singers, Ministry Delta Delta Delta, C.A.L.L.S, Cody Mahaffey Campus Team, Omicron Delta Kappa, Drder of Omega MAJOR: Business Administration ACHIEVEMENTS: Pi Kappa Alpha, Interfraternity Council Vice President of Recruitment, Order of Omega, Financial Management Association, Louis Wilson Fund Manager Alyce Howe AAJOR: French, Studio Art ACHIEVEMENTS: Chi Omega, Assistant, Presidential Resident Ambassador, Semester abroad in France -^ Alli Mattalino -anterbury Club, Senior Year Experience, MAJOR: Business Administration ACHIEVEMENTS: Student Body a ill ^-~ ^ ^m Kappa Delta, Campus Ministry Team, Senior Homecoming Maid, Order of Omega, Association Treasurer, APICS President , ,Lmf i Pr • On \\ HCVsW'HO Drew McDowell MAJOR: Political Science, History ACHIEVEMENTS: Student Body Association President, Lambda Chi Quinn Salmon MAJOR: Business Administration ACHIEVEMENTS: Baseball, Kappa Alpha, Men's Varsity Golf, Young Democrats, Phi Alpha Theta, Pi Alpha Order, Financial Management Sigma Alpha Association Club, Financial Management Association Honorary John Russell McPherson MAJOR: Chemistry ACHIEVEMENTS: Phi Eta Sigma, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Residence Hall Director, Thursday Night Bible Study, McNair Fund ESPN for Christian Missions, Radio Broadcaster ^^^ jPl PKJ V .- Brenna Spell ; VVv / P^ MAJOR: Economics ACHIEVEMENTS: Chi Omega, Singers, Pi Mu McNair Fund Epsilon, Millsaps Sigma Lambda, for Christian Missions Hunter Owen MAJOR: Business Administration ACHIEVEMENTS: Baseball, Kappa Alpha Order Rob Stephens MAJOR: English, Music ACHIEVEMENTS: Rock n Roll Club, English Club, Millsaps Singers, Millsaps Christian Fellowship, Catholic Student Association, Mu Phi Epsilon Michelle Palmer MAJOR: Art History ACHIEVEMENTS: Delta Delta Delta, SBA Senate, Senior Year Experience Chair Cody Stockstill MAJOR: Theatre, Religious Studies ACHIEVEMENTS: Millsaps Players, Alpha Psi Omega, Eta Sigma Phi, Friends and Family Pride Coalition, Millsaps Singers Thomas Richardson MAJOR: Religious ACHIEVEMENTS: Lambda Chi Terrel Sugar Studies Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha, Purple & White, S.LA.C.K.E.R.S., Ford Teaching Fellow, Little League Baseball Coach MAJOR: Biology ACHIEVEMENTS: Beta Beta Beta, Chi Omega, Millsaps Teaching Fellow, Singers, Ford Lilly Fellow, and Teaching Assistant Department Research in Biology Katie Tumminello AJOR: Chemistry ACHIEVEMENTS: )elta f Kappa Phi Beta Kappa, Foundation, judicial Council, Order Omega, Student ihemical Society, Affiliates Campus Jacob B. White of American Ministry MAJOR: Biology ACHIEVEMENTS: Team Kappa Football, Pi Alpha, Interiraternity Council Vice President of Judicial, Body Association SAPS, Student Senator, SBA Executive Board Special Appointee Petra Vackova AAJOR: Art History, Studio Art vCHIEVEMENTS: i Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Jordan Willett Art Honorary, Ford Teaching Fellow, eaching Intern, Stylus Literary Magazine taff, Arrwork exhibited Museum in MAJOR: English ACHIEVEMENTS: Kappa Meridian of Art Delta President, Presidential Ambassador, Millsaps Cheerleader, Foundations Leader, Student Body Association Senate, Student Council for College Jonathan Webb WIOR: Advancement /P*^ Studio Art ACHIEVEMENTS: Campus Ministry earn, Wellspring Coordinator, ellowship, risbee Wesley Lambda Chi Alpha, Ultimate - •;_ ..- r Cory Williamson » MAJOR: Political Science ACHIEVEMENTS: Sigma Alpha Club Student Body Association Epsilon, Campus Wide Senator, Foundations Director, Order of Omega, Habitat for Humanity Club President Barkley Wedemeyer Jr. AAJOR: Business, Spanish vCHIEVEMENTS: Baseball, Football, inancial Management Association, Kappa Ryan Zagone igma Fraternity President, Order of MAJOR: Economics, Business ACHIEVEMENTS: Student Body )mega, Sigma Delta Pi Association, Interfraternity Council President, Omicron Delta Kappa, Sigma Lambda, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Business Chelsi West Office Regional Manager AAJOR: Anthropology ACHIEVEMENTS: One Campus One "ommunity, Ford Teaching Fellow, Black Keyuan Zhang tudent Association President, Student iody Association, Presidential Campus Ministry Team Ambassador MAJOR: Accounting ACHIEVEMENTS: International Student Association President, Beta Alpha Psi, Bobashela Yearbook, Habitat for Humanity, Gleaners, Multi-Cultural Festival WHO'SWHO Q CO Ryan Zagone Jacqueline Coale Q Q Beth Ann Baker Chelsi West Chelsi West, an anthropology major, received the Frank and Rachel Anne Laney Award tor her essay on the value or a The Founders Medal, awarded and Millsaps liberal arts education. to the graduating senior with the highest grade point average tor the entire college course of study a grade of excellent went to Beth Ann on the comprehensive examinations, Baker, a chemistry and French major. Pi Pi o John Kellogg The Don Fortenberry Award, which recognizes senior who diligent, the graduating has demonstrated the most notable, meritorious, and devoted service to the college with no expectation of recognition, reward or public remembrance, was given to John Kellogg, who majored Dr. Michael Galaty The winner of the Distinguished Professor Award was Dr. Michael Galaty, Associate Professor ot Anthropology. His interests include the regional analysis, archaeology of Europe. and ceramic studies. in psychology. <5 AWARDS )\\id Habdy, Jessica Crowe Canaan Ferris (iHh, GrO(iIJI) I'mhhi Lloyd "One of the most important \\ 1 1 .in ki. Evan Parh r, l\< k Boi Gnu lessons I have learned from Millsaps baseball is optimism. Coach teaches us to have a good attitude because everyday, playing baseball is One of his our choice. stuck with obstacle me may is slogans that has 'MOOMBA:' my only be attitude." -Russ Boyd SrORTSDIVlDER t id Namias, 3 93'yards-rushjng, 4 TOUCHDOWNS^ ' " Mississippi College 26-27 Centre College 29-7 Louisiana College 44-10 Sewanee 45-7 Austin College 43-12 Trinity University 24-28 42-0 Colorado College 68-6 B'ham-Southern 58-7 Rhodes College DePauw 35-17 8 Wins 2 Losses SCAC ALL-SCAC TEAM: John Shivers, Eric Champions (first team): James Antonini, McCarty, Juan Joseph, Casey Younger, Denarold Anderson, Ronnie Wheat, Ray Kline (second team): Louis Conley, Raymece Savage, Neil Woodall, Shawn Gillenwater, Jacob Hanberry (honorable mention): Jonathan Brooks, David Dale, Donnie Epps, Marcus Harris, Burton Pereira KLINE AND JOSEPH, safety K^fr-***** senior and junior quarterback, were named SCAC Defensive and Offensive Players of the Week respectively. also selected to National They were Hanson's Gazette Team of the Week. KLINE, SHIVERS, JOSEPH AND landed on D3football. Eric corn's McCarty, All-South Region Team. receiving, RUSSOLINO was named 7 touchW:,^ ShawI" Gillenwater, 48 tackles Jacob Hanberry, 27"tackles to D3football.com Team of the Week. WORLD FAMOUS PLAY: The hard fought Homecoming game against Trinity ended with a miraculous fifteen that lateral play made ESPN and YouTube highlights around the country. •S»*r,y#* I OOI'BU 1 CHEERLEADING: Sarah Schmidt, Sandy Trieu. Chantae Oates. Elizabeth Bouffanie, Morgan Ladner. LaSvvinda Dilworth. Lauren Jenkins. Katelyn Shaughnessy, Christie Kokel, Sarah Hartzog, Lauren Powell, Kati Knippa, Amanda Andrus. Rachel James CHKKRLEADING 1 SCOREBOARD Rhodes College Spring Hill Collegi Martin Methodist 1-3 Colorado College Dillard University 1-3 Austin College Belhaven College 1-3 Trinity Universtiy Huston-Tillotson 3- B'ham-Southern Mississippi College 2-3 Rust College Mary Hardin-Baylor 2-3 Mississippi College Lagrange College 0-3 Dillard University Trinity University 0-3 Wesley College Southwestern 0-3 Centre College Austin College 0-3 Sewanee Hendrix College 3-0 Depauw Univ Loyola 0-3 Hendrix College Clearwater Christian 0-3 Dillard University Tennessee Temple Spring Hill College Florida College Tennessee Temple Belhaven College Pensacola Christian Wesley College Oglethorpe Oglethorpe Trinity University Centre College Colorado College Centre College 17 Wins, 25 Losses SCAC HONOR ROLL members included Amanda Cain, Megan Dufresne, Hailey Miranda, and Victoria Romano. ANI BABINSKI recorded 14 blocks and Erica Cook had 55 digs for a 4.58 digs-per-game average in the final SCAC Central/East Divisional of the KATE HALL led the team in kills with 2.73 per game and ranked third in aces with 54 total. HAILEY MIRANDA led in assists VOLLEYBALL: McCann, Sarah (front) Constance Page, Marianne Smith, Kate Hall, Ani Babinski, Heather Keenan, Sally Megan Dufresne, Mallory Clark. Amanda Cain. Victoria Romano. Dixie Krauss, Exley, (back) Hailey Miranda. Erica Cook the team and ranked third in digs. VOI I l-'YRAI I 5 | Kalenda K^bukala I Anna Johnson - CROSS COUNTR\ ^fc Boettcher. : Taylor We|licki, Anna Johnson. Anna Allred. Evan Parker. Ivy Settlemires. Head Coach Da\ id in Rop. John Will Benton. Travis Tutor. Lloyd Gray. Stephen Butler CROSSCOUNTRY HOMO Qr i* 1-3 Centre 0-4 Washington Univ 0-3 DePauw 0-6 Louisiana College 3-4 BTiam-Southern 0-4 Principia Huntingdon Colle »e 2-0 3-0 Haverford College 2-3 Rhodes 2-3 0-10 Hendrix 3-2 Southwestern 0-4 Sewanee 4-3 Colorado College 2-3 Oglethorpe 0-5 Austin College 3-1 LaGrange College Trinity Univ 5 WINS, 1 2 LOSES I Jti HEATH SMITH was named to the All-SCAC Third Team. GOALIE JAKE MILNER was selected as SCAC Defensive Player of the Week two times in three weeks. n | COLIN THOMPSON was the named member of National Team of the Week for week by D3kicks.com as a five. ANTHONY AMAYA was selected as a member of Team of the Week by D3kicks.com the National for MEN'S SOCCER: (front) Drew Dews, Andres Colocho. Anthony Amaya. Dan Robertson, Justin Burns, Phil Gregory Groglio. Corey Beaumont. Riley Manning (hack) Todd Schneck. Luke Campbell. Heath Smith. Gay. Jake Milner. Aaron Hyatt, Colin Thompson. Brandon Mong. Kalenda Kabukala Guillot. Sam week two. MEN SSOCCER Spelman College 1-0 Centre 8 Agnes Scott 1-2 DePauw 7 Louisiana College 2-0 B'ham Southern Belhaven College 2-3 University of Dallas Alcorn 6-1 Rhodes Trinirv University 6 6 0-3 Hendrix 5 Southwestern 0-4 Sewanee 2 3 Austin College 0-0 Oglerhorpe 3-0 Mississippi College 1-2 6 Wins, 9 Losses, 2 Ties JULIA FELL was selected to the Second Team Academic All-District VI by ESPN The Magazine. CALLIE ROTH AND LESLIE ROBICHAUX the were named to All-SCAC Third Team. This was Roths third season in a row to receive this honor. ELIZABETH SOOBYwas named SCAC Defensive Player of the Week. The junior goalkeeper had a 304 minute scoreless streak between the posts and had seven shutouts during the season. WOMEN'S SOCCER: (front) Ann Blumer. llayley Barber, Kristen Massey, Jessie Otis. Anna Johnson. Callaghan Megan Sullivan, Erin Sanford (middle) Hollie Penuel. Leslie Robichaux, Bobbi Jones. Madei Levey, Lauren Rochelle. Lauren Gabreski. Hayley Nemeth. Emily Townsend (back) Sarah Kocher, Callie Roth, Meredith Harris. Elizabeth Sooby. Sarah Nelin. Kaycee Wright. Rebecca Kindler, Julia Fell, Coach Paul Van Hooydonk Starrett, : gp Villi! A WOMEN'SSOCCER Pensacola Christian 75-69 Louisiana College 63-61 DePauw Rust College 79-58 Rhodes 93-72 Southeastern La 55-73 B'ham-Southern 75-69 Hendrix 79-64 Colorado College Pensacola Christian 78-66 Austin College Centre 80-90 83-90 80-60 103-67 Huntingdon 81-71 Southwestern 80-71 Belhaven 75-70 Trinity 77-68 Loyola 89-69 Hendrix 78-55 Southwestern 66-57 Trinity 73-67 Rhodes Hendrix 73-68 Colorado College 94-83 Centre 69-60 Austin College Univ of Dallas Oglethorpe Sewanee 85-54 Maryville 66-55 M-H 103-76 76-75 St. Baylor Mary's Washington Univ 28 Wins, 4 86-57 80-72 57-56 82-73 46-57 Losses HEAD COACH TIM WISE led the Majors to the NCAA Elite Eight for the first time in school history. EDRICK MONTGOMERY was named to D3hoops.com Ail- American Second Team and South Region First All- Team. LORENZO BAILEY was named to D3hoops.com All-South Region Second Team and was the team's three-point leader, with eighty-two successful threepoint shots. THE MAJORS ended the season with the best record in school history (28-4), earning the 6th spot in D3hoops. corn's Poll. MEN'S BASKETBALL: (front) Cody Aueoin, Chad Songy, Lorenzo Bailey, Allen Odum, Blake Martinez (middle) Josh Colar. Austin Harvey, Brett Hittel, Richard Craven, Andy Chlon (back) Morgen Viel, Alex Willis. Chris Sanders. Hdrick Montgomery, Rodney Kogan. Ross James Top 25 Ml VsBASKETBALL 7 Wins, 1 8 Losses JESSICA BOWIE was named to the National Team of the Week by d3hoops.com, becoming the first female selection in school history. Bowie also made the first triple-double in school history. CRYSTAL DICKERSON, LAREINA ADAMS, AND TIFFANY WHITMORE were selected to the All-SCAC Team. Dickerson made Third Team, Adams and Whitmore received Honorable Mentions. TEAM CAPTAINS were Crystal Dickerson and Cori Tucker. (front) Jamie Sclafani, Krist\ Dowdy, Kalea Hardwick, Coach Mary Bolton. Megan Bauerle. Cori Tucker. Krista Clark, Assistant Coach John Reed (back) Assistant Coach LaQunda Nichols. Ronda Webb, Crystal Dickerson. Jessica Bowie, Tiffany Whitmore, LaRcina Adams WOMEN'S BASKETBALL: • ^ ST 4 EaReina Adams>1.0.4 REBOUNDS PEJ. GAME « ppg\8w ^£_ \ i'OMEN SBASKETBALL \\ 18-9 Lagrange Univ. of the Ozarks Rhodes Mississippi College Belhaven 8 2 Southwestern 2-14 Southwestern 7-1,6-9 10 10-16 Emory Emory 5 1 Southwestern 1 4 Mississippi College Belhaven 5 6 Hendtix 16-2, 9-3 Hendrix 5-2, 5-8 Huntingdon Piedmont 10 8 2-3 7-4 13-10 4 7 Louisiana College 6-9 Trinity 8-13 Jacksonville State 3-11 Trinity 3-5, 13-5 Jacksonville State 17-3 Trinity Lagtange 10-7 Belhaven 5-10 Lagrange 6-3 Rhodes 2-14 Piedmont 9-0 Lagtange Wabash Huntingdon 3-1 17-11 Austin College 7-3 6-2 Rhodes 6-5 8-6 Rhodes Trinity 9-13 Southwestern 13-2 Austin College 14-15. 7-9 Depau 7-0 Austin College Trinity 10-5, 5-6 3-1 29 Wins, 18 HUNTER OWEN was 21-16 Illinois V/esleva 6-5 Losses named D3baseball.com pre-season AilAmerican. TRAVIS BOGUE was named SCAC Pitcher of the Week. AARON WILLIAMS AND QUINN SALMON were named Player of the Week and Co-Pitcher of the Week. SCAC BASEBALL ALLTOURNAMENT TEAM: Hunter Owen, Hunter Abrams, Jason Hadley, Tait Hendrix, Quinn Salmon, Derrik Boland, and Will Hawkins. BASEBALL: (front) Brandon Doss. Will Hawkins. Drew Rcspess. Bill> Orth. Andrew Pearee, John Pemberton, Aaron Williams. Tony Malaschak. JW Brady, Jeremy Aliff. Tanner Woodson. Josh Ordeneaux (middle) Max Berry, Bryant Palmerton. Ronnie Wheat, Hayes Brian. Fred Wiley. Philip de Kozan, Derrik Boland. Tyler Berry. John David Childs, Andrew Fleming, Josh Conlee. Jason Riggins (baek) Assistant Coach Doug Fortenberry. Head Coach Jim Page. Russ Boyd, Joe Blades, Drew Maddox. Brandon Ingram. Jay Hollenbeck, Quinn Salmon. Travis Bogue, Hunter Owen. Tail Hendrix. Hunter Abrams. Billy Murphy. Ronnie Causey. Brenl Btiffa. Assistant Coach Cody McCain I BASEBALL 0-3 Centre College 11-9 Mississippi College 7-8 Centre College 11-3 Christian Brothers 1-4 Centre College 10-5 Christian Brothers 8-5 Centre College 7-0 Piedmont College 5-3 U. oftheOzarks 8-0 Piedmont College LaGrange College 1-9 U. of the Ozarks 9-1 3-4 DePauw DePauw DePauw DePauw 0-5 Mississippi College LaGrange College 2-4 Rhodes College 6-3 Rhodes College 0-5 Austin College 6-2 Mississippi College 11-3 UT 9-4 Mississippi College 7-14 7-6 Hendrix College 5-1 Trinity University 8-3 Dallas Colorado College Hendrix College 12-11 8-0 DePauw 1-3 Trinity University 8-0 Centre College 6-4 Colorado College 9-6 DePauw 0-1 Losses 1 SCAC All-Tournament including McKinley Sam 1-9 Rhodes College 20 Wins 14 FIVE PLAYERS were named 3-5 0-12 ^ t\Q to the team, Hill (SS), Jennifer (3B), Tiffany Ladnier (OF), and Kasey Thibodeaux (P and DP). HILL AND THIBODEAUX were named SCAC Co-Pitcher and Player of the Week after a 7-0 performance at the Millsaps Invitational. THE MAJORS advanced to the SCAC Tournament Championship game for the first time since 2004, falling to No. ranked DePauw THE TEAM achieved a win streak 1 University. 13-game on March 29, breaking the previous school record of 12, set in 2003. Amanda Berry, 1 aura I ttton. Karoline Kremer SOFTBALL taSMB Wes Hill, Coach Scott Pennington, Murphey Parker 1 MEN' $ SCORES ,/^/'> Piedmont College 8-1 Carthage College 3-5 Emory Univ 0-9 Mississippi College 2-7 Louisiana College 9-0 University of Mobile 2-6 Huntingdon College B'ham-Southern Sewanee Itawamba CC Coach Tim Shoptaugh, Trevor Scott Pennington. Harris. Murphey Parker, Wes Hill, ranked number nineteen in the Atlantic South Region Poll. BETH FOSSEN AND ALLISON ZAKARAS were Intercollegiate Tennis Association National All- Academic Scholar/Athletes. Louisiana College CC B'ham-Southern Sewanee Itawamba CC 8-1 Hamilton College 9-0 Carthage College 0-9 Mississippi College 0-9 University of Mobile 9-0 Southwestern Univ Centenarv College 1-8 Austin College UT-Tyler 0-9 Mississippi College 2-7 5-4 3 Wins, 10 Losses WOMEN'S TENNIS: Sadler. Allison Zakaras, (front) Beth Fossen, Megan Mimi N Vlaher. Christina Brimil 1-8 Southwestern Univ 5-3 3-6 B'ham-Southern 0-6 UT-Tyler 0-9 Southwestern Univ 7-2 Univ 0-9 Sewanee 3-5 Texas Lutheran 6-3 Colorado College 6-3 Christopher Newport 0-9 Oglethorpe Univ 3-6 Hamilton College 8-1 9 Wins, Alex Cummings THE WOMEN'S TEAM was Marion 2-7 2-7 Campbell Hughes. Robert Parker. Chris Rolen. PARKER HILL was named to the SCAC All-Tournament Team. named UT-Dallas Jackson State Univ Centenary College Trinity MEN'S TENNIS: 9-0 2-7 1 6 Losses MnenftN Coach Scott Essex : MICHAEL AMEEN earned a 3rd place finish in the Majors' opening event of the at Patrick fall season Farms Golf Club. JACK RADER posted a two-day score of 159, to help the Majors to an eighth place finish at the Hendrix Spring Classic in Danville. CHAD TOBLER finished 27th out of 58 golfers at the Hendrix Spring Classic. GOLF: Jerry Johnston. Jack Rader. Freddie Brackin, McDowell. Madison Field. Ben Morvant, Coach Scott Essex. Michael Ameen. Drew Zach Davis GOLF BELHAVEN RESIDENTIAL Alii Mattalino you are a beautiful young lady, full of poise, and grace. Your hard work and dedication in everything you attempt has been recognized by your peers as they have elected you to represent them as Treasurer of the Student Body, Secretary of Kappa Delta, and a Homecoming Maid. In the midst of these time-consuming activities, you have maintained high achievements in your academic studies by being an honor student. We are all proud of you and are anxious to watch as the world unfolds for you. Love, Your Family. Alii, integrity, \Jiru3AAArveA\l \^amnvuniXieA jLacaAaa in. vfie. h ant) OJeXhadwi JCeixorita.. 731 North Jefferson Street SuiteF-16 Jackson, Mississippi 39202 Tel 601-948-3460 Fax 601-948-3490 www.belhavenresidential.com & ^GALLOWAY L^JL^JL^J Mississippi Mississippi s blood sen'ice! WE ARE THANKFUL FOR THE STUDENTS, PARENTS. FACULTY. AND ALUMNI OF MILLSAPS COLLEGE WHO HAVE CONNECTED WITH US OVER THE YEARS. MANY BLESSINGS TO PRESIDENT FRANCES LUCAS AND THE CLASS OF 2009 FROM GALLOWAY UMC! 305 Give Bleed. Get Ceeltfes. (601) UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Blood Services 981-3232 * www.msblood.com Contact us today to make your life-saving donation NORTH CONGRESS STREET, JACKSON. WWW.GALLOWAYUMC.ORG MS 39201 Service Printers, Inc. Make a good impression 1014 N Flowood Drive / Flowood, MS 39232 Phone 601 939 4910 / 1.800.2 72.0709 Fax 601 939.8934 www.serviceprintersinc.com HAND CRAFT CLEANING S8i EMBER TERNATIONA kBRICARE STITUTE FABRICARE SPECIALIST Xolbf CLEANERS FOR YOU ONLY THE BEST . . . 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ROOFING COMMERCIAL &INDUSTRIA 9 w\ SPECIALIST 1 BUILT-UP ROOFS SYSTEMS GRAVEL SURFACED 'wm SMOOTH SURFACED - METAL EPDV1 SINGLE PLY SYSTEMS) NEW CONSTRUCTION RE-ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK CERTIFIED ROOFING CONTRACTOR INTERIORS 5090 MCRAVE JACKSON, PO BOX 4388 / 277) OLD CANTON ROAD / JACKSON. MS 392 (601)362-5368 / FAX (60) 981 7258 EMAIL NAV-MC8NETDOOR COM \l f RD. vIS 1 ) ffJUIMHC PIH-C Two HIU»£ltV. INC "Wholesale Grower" (601)878-5933 4450 Parsons Road Raymond. MS 39! 54 Sisters' JCitchen 707 N. Congress MS 39202 (601)353-1180 Jackson, Good Luck 1 Majors! ^J^etfjincj. to (/Seautlfu 1:00 a.m. ~ 2:00 p.m. (Monday - Friday) 10:30 a.m. ~ 2:00 p.m. I Vlitldapd L^olieae (Saturday) DAY (601) 948-1310 NIGHT (601) 856-4866 ITEXACO MEDICAL CENTER TEXACO 24 ROBERT Owner L F. HOUR WRECKER SERVICE TOUCH FREE CAR WASH WARD JR. 2395 NORTH STATE STREET JACKSON, MS 39202 roVERTTSTNG Megan Bauerle, 41, 84, tffcfx 138 Beaumont, Corey 112, Beasley, Erin A 23, 120. Abrams, Hunter Anderson. Seneca 62, 83, 90 Bebe, Karen Beck, Sarah 23.24,31. 72 Adams, LaReina 84, 118. Ackley, Elise 32, 62, James Cody 62, 116 Antonmi. Aucoin, 119 Adams, Sarah 20, Awwad, Chris 62 Aggarwal, Ajay 77,90 Agho, Gwen 12,48,49. 49 104,105 62, 84, 92 Awwad, Jon 3, 23, Niki B 60 Elizabeth 49 14, 62 Alexander. Rachel Huda 62 Jeremy Allain, Alex 46, 47, 62 22, 23,62,121 23,25,45, 62 Allee, Taylor Sam 12,35,37, 62 24,31.93, 41 , 7, 62, 89, Ann 24, 35, 62,89, 93, 96, 101 57. 67, 92, Gwen Sarah Lloyd 31 Amaya, Anthony 112, 113 Ameen, James 6, 57, 62 Ballard, Ameen, Michael Barber, Hayley 57, 62. 126. 127 Amore, Amber 22, 62 Anderson, Cearro 29 Anderson, Denarold 62, 105 Anderson, Erin 31 23, Mou 35,61,62, Cameron 9, 62,89 Bankhead, Chris Matthew 45, 64,86 Blades, Joe 121 41,42 Blair, Allie Margaret 38. 39, Blessey, Mary 62 63,72 Blumer, Ann 4, 22, 30 23,31, 91 Barrosse, Garic 45, 62, 90 Bauer, Evan 53, 62 JW 63 137 Campbell, Connie 92 Campbell, Luke 18,84, 93, 112 Cantrell, Cree 22, 24, 25, 64,91, 92, 93, 130 Capaning, Lianne 35, 64 31 63, 121 22,31, Carlock, 121 Brinkman, Alyxandra 63 Brooks, Jonathan 105 8.62,63. Caskey, Mary Brumfield, Christina Castille, 93, 111 1 Butler, Butler, David 45, 63 112 121 47, 60, 62, 63, 75, 93 6, 53, 54 90,91, 24, 53, 93 Chandler, Will 53,86 Chapman, Heather 24 54, 64, 89, 92. Hannah 35,64 Childs, John David Chappelle, 22, 24, 25, 57, 58, 63 Butler, Dillard 53 Sarah Chadwick, Brian 92 Chandler, David 121 Mary 118 Bonneau, Matt 26, Bolton, 57 22,31,33 22, 34. 55 22, 35, 63 John Robert Burns, Justin Burris, 121 31,64,93 49,51,86 Catalanotto, Aimee 64 Causey, Ronnie 120, 121 Cavalier, Joseph 93 Chadeyras, Claudine 77 35 Burnett. 22, 45, Castille, Daniel 31, 52, 53, 54, Bullock, Derrick 64 Carlsson, Bjorn Brown, Danielle 31 Brown, Lindsay 31, 63 9, 137 64, Carrington, Mitch 63 Anna 41,82 Alii 10,33,63 Bogue, Travis Mandy Andrew Carmon, Katie Buckler, Brandi 114 Carlson, 64.84, 91, 92, 93,96 10,48, 49, 50, 63, 91 Buckner, Kari 28, 29, 88, 90,93, 138 James 25 Hayes 41,64 Carey, Alonia 63 Brantmeyer, Louis 32,33,63, 125 62, 12.22,64, Capps, Abby 63 32, 33, Buck, Alex 82 , 93 Calhoun, Lia 127 Buffa, Brent Boland, Derrik 32, 33, 62. 71 Barksdale, Kay 62, 93 41 Boettcher, John 31,62, 114 Barbour, Letlore 45 5, 23, 92, 108 77 Boyd, Russ 23, 121 Brackin, Freddie 27, 53, Brooks, Rachel 93 Blakeney, Lindsay 132 111 Allred, 53, Broussard, Ashley Black, Blair, 22, 63 Bowser, Jaren Boyce, Steven Brady, Amanda Ben 44, 45, 46, 47, 64,72,84,85.91. 129 Calhoun, Autumn 24, 64, 62, 63, James Bowley, Brian, Biryukova, Ul'yana 24. 62. 64 c Cain, 118, 119 Braun, Black, 62 Baker, Jacob 93 92 116, 117 Baker, Beth 62 Allmon, Anastasia 15,22, Jacob 62 10,62 Bilbo, Joel Binion, Matt 22 Biswas, 28, 29, Lorenzo Baker. Austin 62,88 Allred.Anna Anansa 88,90 Bailey, Bailey, Allen, Michelle 35, 36, Biggs. 57 108,109 Baggett, Donald 62, 89, 93 Baber, Bowie, Jessica Brackin, Mirel 121 24. 25, 62, 90, 92. Babinski.Ani 25.78 Aliff, 35, 61, Neha 22, 57, Cain, Brandon, Emily Bhatnagar, Baber, Mattie Alexander, Antoinette Ali. 62 86,87 84 91 Ahuja, Akshay Albert, Amanda Bethany, Jaclyn Agrawal. Luv 62 62 49. 53, 35, 62.63 62,75, 84, 122, 123 19,121 Berry, Max Berry. Tyler 6 51.62 Agho, Berch, Hunter 31 Stephen 58,64, 111 Byrd, Courtney 40, 22 24, 93, 96, Will Butler, Alii Butler, 31. 106 Bourne, Lloyd 61 Bowens, Anthony 20, 111 Berry, 44, 45, 46, 90 82, Boteler, Elizabeth Bouffanie, Elizabeth Jon 62. 93 62 Belville, Lyndsey Benton, 107 Antone, Carissa Bordelon, Ashley 49, Bellish, 22, 63 64 41,42 86 Behrends, Rebecca 84, 86. 92 Beidenharn, Robert Bennett, Mary John Butler, Matt Boudreaux, Natalie 90 62, Bennett, Karling Amanda 41,106, Andrus, 121 16. Butler, 53, 54, 62,63 113 Anderson, Jordan 49 Anderson, Katie 41, 62 Booth, Nathan 96 118, 119 120, 121 9, 57, Andy 3hlon, 64, 116 Dhouest, Matthew 85 Dlade, Tiffany 64. 118, 119 Dlark, Krista 108,109 Ulemenceau, Ben 65 Dlark, Mallory Elements, Travis 45. 65, 89 Davis, Alandra Jessica 39, 88, 123 Amanda 49,51, 65 2, 6, 25.27,35, 65,87,91, 93,96, 100 Dochran, Lauren 31.33, 65 ^ocke, Alexander 53,65 )oile, Clifford 24 }oker, Cheryl 12 ioker. ^Olar, Katie 59, 65, 86. 92. 126. 127 121 Philip Debuklelaer, Herwig Larry 12, 18, 23. Meaghan 115 31 Deweese. Matthew 22. 56. 57, 58, 65. 92 Dewey. Megan 65 Dews, Drew 57, 58. 59. Dickerson. Crystal Diffie, 65, 91 Dillon-Maginnis. Lindsay 65 65 35 Andres 112 Josh 61. 121 '/onley. Louis 65, 105 ',ook, Charity 65 lonlee. 35, 93. 96 108. 109 look. Erica looper, Patrick 10. 59 53 Brynn 22. 65 )ook, Patrick ;orbello, 57. 58, 22 23, tortese. Philip 25. 57. 59. 65. 91 )ospelich. Lauren losse, Lizzie 65 23. 34. 8. 35. 36, 65. 93 Laura :ost. LaSwinda 65 Cousin. Chris 53. ;owan. Katelynn Tonya ;rane, Judy 92. 93. 96 Fraser, Megan Fraser, Duhon. Ashley Dupree. Bryan 108 66. 16.66 66. 81, Eastin, Jessica 65, 84, 86 urren, Michael 53. 54. 65 65 91,93 Jensen 6, 57, 66 66 35, 66, 65 15, Edelman. Tracy Eden, Chris 6, 23, 45, 66, 138 Elalighe, 53, 54, urtis, 66 66 66 Ebelhar, Jonathan 23. 66 Lamees El-Sadek, 23, 45. 65. 35. 45. Ebaady. Sabira Ector, Brittany 56, 57, Woods 9. Eastlack. Steven ummings, Alex 58, 59, 65, 125 Jessica 23, 93 6,52, 66 Eldridge, Rachel Elliott, } Erin 34, 35, 31.66,89, 92,93 Emmons. David ance, Gayla 105 92 65. 9. 10. 23, 31,32.66 Fossen. Beth Francis, 42, 91,92 Gibbons, Chelsi 49 Gibson, Jacob 66 3, 16, 46, 41, 66 Frazier. Krystal 90 66. Shawn Gillenwater. Adam Andrew 105 20 Catherine 34. 45, 66, 135 23. 35, 68, 92 Green, Taryn Grillo. Hamblen, Nick 41. 66 24,30.31. 31. 66. 6. 12.23. 24. 84. 67 92 27, 55. 90, 104, 18 12.35. 97 Hambrite. Quinn 67 Hamer, Joshua Hamill. Kelly Hamm. 31, 13. Katie 67 93 41. 9, 22. 24. 67 Hamon. Mark 22 Hanberry, Jacob 105 Handleman, Nick 53. 67 Hardwick, Clay 90.91.93 Hardwick. Kalea Billy 118, 123 45, 67 Harmon. Holly 24. 80. 90, 91.93 Harris. John 67. 93 Harris. Marcus 104.105 Harris. Meredith Sam 13.27. 67 Hillary 41. 114 49.51. Tabatha 67. 71. 130 Harris. 83.91. Harris. Trevor 124. 125 Hartzog. Hugh 68 Hartzog, Sarah 92, 68.91. 106 Harvey, Austin 68. 116 Harvey. Danielle Hatten, 39 68 Andrew Havenar. Lauren Hawkins, Will 41 121 Haywood, Adam 68 77 Hebert. Denae' 68 Heffington. Houston 68 Helfrich, Courtney 22.41. 42. 68. 90 Hendricks. April 49 Hendrix. Tait Austin 96 Epps, Donnie 105 66. 90, 67 31. 67. 108. 57. 58. 59, Hargis. 35. 66 Gnener. Kate 35 Kate 109 Halterman. Bryan 23. 41. 66. 110, 111 Greenleaf, 77 56. 57, 25. 45. 67. 3, Hallmark. Taylor 57. 22, 24, 25, 52, 54 Mohamed Hall, Brian Hall, Goodwin. Brad 11, 57 Goodwin, Kate 24 Goodwin, Sara 41 Gorham. Will 22. 24. 56, 57, 59 Granville, Jordan 66 85, 92 Greene, Maria 110 137 H 67. 93, Golsby, 66 10. 16. 51, 67 24. 81,97 49, 93 Greber, Jessica Duncan Phoebe Gwin, Cartier Hajj, 66 Gilbert, Emily Gray, Miriam Mary Paige 87 Haddad. Bryce 23, 67 Hadley, Jason 121 30.31.32, Gikas. Lydia Gray, Lloyd 79.93, 125 35, 36, 67, 86, Heard, Rachel Ahmed 36 ale, 24. Fromkin. Molly Jimmy 45 urry, Foss. Kristin 53. 102, 122 urry, Roscoe 15 Doug 121 Fortenberry. Fredericks. 116 24 65 35 45 rowe, Jessica Forch, 25. 31. 96 Forbes, Alex 65 raven, Richard rose, Kenith 33. 66, Donovan, Elizabeth 41 Doss, Brandon 65, 121 Douglas, Erica 65 Doussan, Susan 35, 65. 132 Dowdy. Kristy 65. 118, 119 Downer. Joshua 45. 66, 93 Dudinsky. Lynn 7 112 66 6 112 91 93, 110, 111,, 97 3. 4, 67, 66 Gladney, Lauren 90 Fontenot. Rachel 45,65.81. Sam 45. 47, Gutherz. Elizabeth Guillot. Phil Giurintano, Jonathan 92 66 Fletcher. Jaclyn Fogarty. Patrick Freis, 31, 121 Fontenelle. Brandon 49,65 Doherty, Kyle 101 Gilmore. Niesha Andrew Fogt, Brent 10 •raff, uevas. 106 65 Dodd. Lorene 90. 91 Dodson. Elizabeth 48, Dufresne. 34. 35. 36. 66.92. 131 Fleming. Dipascal. Alexander )olocho. look, Danielle 22 Elise Dilworth, Couda 41.66.75 Field. Gloria Madison 126, 127 Fiser, Harvey 22 Fisher. Candice 27, 34, 35, 86 Fisher, Sarah 6.8.41. 65, Gay, Dakota 67 23, 34, 35, 66, 78, 79 Garth, Cloyd 49. 50. 92 67, Guillory, 66 Giang.Anh Field, 7 22. 23, Gamble, Jonathan 57, 58 Garand, Kate 9, 10, 22, Garvin, Lisa Fenstermaker, Kathryn 6 Ferguson, Ashley 22, 35, 89,91 23. 24. 27. 34. 35. 47. lollura. 24 Francesca 35 Felker, Megan 31,32,93 Fell, Julia 16,66,96.114, 24. 67. Guilbeau, Alexis Galaty, Michael Jenna Feindel, 42 67. 112. 87.92 Galatas. Michael 41 Felgar, 65 24, 35, Derrick, 82 65, 91 Dennis. Katie F Gregory Groglio. Guichard. Lauren 24,66, 114 Faust, Chrissie 22. 35. 8S 41, 113 Gabreski. Lauren 27, 57, 58, Dickens, Holly 52, 53. Grissom. Mimi 41 Zach 118 ;ollums. Griffin Grimes, Tiffany Davis, Ellen 6. 16, 22. Collins, Tim 23, 66 Jane 90 Furrh, Brooke 22, 52, 53 Frye, Fuller, G 65, 112 Tim 78 Josh 65. 116 66 Everett. Will 66, 93 Ewbank, Philip 45, 66 Exley, Sarah 35. 108, 109 Ezelle. Frank 137 23. 65 Denman, Doale, Jacqueline Joyee Davis, Chris de Kozan, Dloyd, 35 41,42 126.127 Essex, Scott Esters, Davis, Ashley Davis, Dlincy, 23. 25, 45, 8, 47. 65. 91 Darcey. Rikki 41,42.92 Daume, Stephen 90 49 Catherine Dlark, Darby. Luke 64 22. 91. 121 Henke, Emily 9,31.55. 68 Herm. Erin 41, 68 Herman, Sam 63.68,138 INDEX . Herndon, Mark 22. 68. 90 Hesselbein, Michael 68 Hewitt, Ashley 22.35,91. 93.97 Heywang. Michael 68 22.41. Hickman. Brittany 42,46,68.91.93 68 Higginbotham, Greg Hicks, Erin Hill, James 63. Parker 125 Hill, Hill, Hill, 57 Joe, Rachael 39. 69. 93. 97 Johnson, Anna 31 33, 69, 111. 114 Johnson, Brittani 69 Johnson, David 45. 69 Johnson, Elizabeth 41, . 23,41,69 Johnson, Keith 82 Johnson. Michael 45. 47 Johnson, Vanessa 11.14, Johnson, Jessica 125, 129 Hannah 49, 50, 60,68 38.39 Johnson, Hippler, William Hittel, Brett 93 90 69,126, 69, Will Johnston, Jerry 68, 116 Hoerauf, Susan 34, 35. 127 Holleman, John 6, 91 Jones, Bobbi 23. 121 Jones, Daniel 57, 58. 59, 68, 90, 93 Jones, Erin 49, 69 41, 114, 115 85, 92 35 57, 58 Honeycutt, Daniel 25, 71 Hooydonk. Paul Van 114 Houston, Elliot 57 Howe.Alyce 6,25.31. 69,80.90,91, 97 Howe, Laura 22,24.31. 69 Hubbard, Robert 82 Huckaby. Justin 45, 69. 86 Hudson, Amanda 16.49. 69,84. 137 Huffstatler. Kan 49.51, 75 Hughes. Campbell 57, 69, 124, 125 Hulsey, Betty 137 Humble, Jake 69 Hunt, Trace 4 Hyatt, Aaron 112 69 Jones, Sharra 69 Jones, Thomas 69 Jordan, Erin 69 Joseph. Juan 83, 90. 104. 105 Jumago, Megan 41,42.69,90 24, 40, Ingram. Brandon James 121 6, 69, 82.90 J Jackson. Laura 23, 41 69 Jackson, Roxann 27, 49, 69 James, Megan 22. 24 James, Rachel 31, 106 James, Ross 91, 116. 117 Jefcoat, Ashley 25, 69 Jenkins, Lauren 6. 41, 106. 107 Jesuit, Julia 40,41,42 69,114 Kokel, Christie 22, 35, 53, Kutcher, Andy 34, 35, 5, 112. 113 25. 41. 69,81 27, 137 93 Kean, Chauvin 57, 58. 69, 128 Kearns, Mark 53 Katz, Brit 1, Kaul, Kajal Keating, Lisa 23, 24, 49, 69,92 69, 86 Keenan, Heather 108 Kelley. Chris 24,69,91.92 Kellogg, John 25, 57, 69. 91.93,97. 101 Keng, Rachel 22, 41 Kennedy, Andy 24. 69 Khan, Robert 92 Kilgore, Tiara 39 Killcreas, Chad 45 Kindler, Rebecca 31,33, 91,92. 114 King, Amber 25, 92 King, Vernon 20 Kirchner, Bolton Ladner, Morgan 35, 69, Ladnier, Tiffany 70. 122. 123 Lampton. Anderson 45 Lancaster, Darrington 5, 86 Lancaster, Elizabeth 5, 23,31,33, 55, 70 Landrum, Alan 90 Landry, Franklin 70 Langley, Janet 91 Langston. Andrew 70 41 , 42, 134 93, 38, 69 22,25,41,69, Kirk, Ka'trevia Kirk, Andy 70 70 Orla Brooke 12.23, 70 Latady. Mary 41 Laughlin, Sarah 23, 68, 70 Law. Bethany 70, 86 Lawrence. Cedric 105 Lea. Melissa 92 LeBlanc, Ross 24 Ledine, Taylor 70 Lehmuller, Molly 35, 70 LeTard. Rachel 49. 70 Levey, Madei 35. 70, 114 Lewallen, Katie 10.31,32 Lewis, Evan 70 Lewis, Lee 23 Lind. David 2, 79, 86, 87 Lindsay, Dylan 70, 86 Litton, Laura 70. 123 Kirkland, Lindsey Kline, Ray Knippa, Kati 107 35, 55, Lott, Walt 45,78,81,93 Loveless. Grant 3, 53. 70,93 Lovitt, Chelsea 41,42 Lucas, Frances Lyle, Allen 89 22, 26, 57, 58, 59,70 M MacMillan, Katie 23,41, 42.70 92 31 105 41.69.106, 93, 104, 31, 70,91, 125 Maher, Sarah Malaschak, Tony 70, 121 Malatesta. Jessi 70. Malone, Meagan 90 24, 25, 109 70 Manning, Riley 57. 59. 70. 112 Maples. Dylan 22 Marcellus. Amy 24. 70 Marshall. Jordan 70 Martin, Amy 29 Martin, Ashley 23 Martin, Jonda 15, 70 Martin, Thomas 18, 70 Martinez, Blake 70. 116 Massey, Caroline 24, 48. 49, 54, 55 Massey, Kristen 92. 114 Matheny, Sarah 34, 35, 70 Mattalmo. Alii 6,22,41, Maddali, Mangala 14 Maddox, Drew 120, 121 Madjlesi, Ace 25, 70, 79, 90,97 14, 70 30. 31,32. 70, 138 May, April 70, 82, 83, 90, Mayo, Robert 63, 70. McKinley, Jennifer 31. 121 35. 108 105 McCarthy, Joseph 53 McCoin, Emily 41,42,89 McCullough, Mario 70 Sally McCarty, Eric 49,71, 123, 137 McMahon, Andrew 16,17 McMillan, Howard 83 4,45,71,8! McPherson, Andrew 71, 93 McPherson, John Russell 23, 71,98 McRae, Kenneth 93 Means, Blake 23,26.31, 71,85. 129 Metzger, Kenneth 104 Meyer, Edgar 11,23,24, 44, 45, 46. 63, 71. 91, 93 Meyers, Caroline 41,42 Miguel-Qin, Elisa 2. Milazzo, John Miller, Ashley 71 90 23,31,32, 71 92 112,113 Miranda. Hailey 23.71. 108 Missel, Alexis 35 Miller, Eric Milner, 45. 71, Jake Mitchell, Brian 44, 45, 85,91 45, 71 Monarch, Jared 56, 57, 58. 71 123 McCain, Cody McCann, 10 84 McAllister, Brittney 85 31 Erin Mohr, Michael 91 Mayer, Sarah Lou 22, McNair, Ben 137 70. 108, 70,97 Maxson, Courtney 82, 31,71 McGuire, Sarah Lea McKewen, 49, 70 4, Maxwell, Stephanie 6, 10, 11, 26, 27, 57, 58. 59. 69, 22, 24. 30, Mann, Nathaniel L Lassiter, Kaple. Cassie Maher, Megan Manley, Toni Lass. 110, 70 24, 70 Maloney, Kevin 90 Kabukala, Kalenda McGehee. Michael 83,90,91,93 McGinnis, Menton Maharrey, Josh Maher, Chris 45, 98, 126, 127 53, 27,34,35,86,91.93 69 Laprade. Marques K McDowell, Drew 137 Cody 22, 55,82,90,91,97 Mahaffey, 55,69,90, 106 Koon. Katelin 25, 49, 89 Kotcherguina, Katia 69 Kramer, Wolfgang 77 Krauss, Dixie 108, 109 Kremers, Karoline 69, 122. 123 Lanier, Dorothy Keen, Hyland Iverson, Magee. Stan 31 Kocher, Sarah 12,22. 23. 30,31.70, 2 Jones. Gilana Holliday, Krystle Holop. Taylor 137 Johnston, Martha Hollenbeck, Jay Sloan Knox. Nell 106, 107, 123 Jones, Ashley 37 Holley, 14,23, 45,69 43.69 68 Sam 122,123 Wes 90,93. 124, Hinson, Jimenez, Jorge Mong, Brandon 22. 57, 58,91.92, 112, 113 Montgomery. Edrick 71, 116, 117 Moore, Mike Moore, Zach 90 15,22,61 23,25,71, Morrison, Kathleen Owen. Hunter 40, Plaisance, Audrey 98, 121 42 41. Morvant, Ben 71, 81. Mosow, Emily 127 48. 49. 71 93 Mueller, Kristi 93 Mueschke. Anne-Marie 87 Muller. Joe 23.71 Munro. Chase 57,58,71. Moss, Tyler 84, 91.92 Pabst. Allison 80. 90 121 Billy Mutchler, Matt 35, 80. 98 57, 59, 71 Presti, Nick 34, 35. 72 Papale, Lisa N 41, 82. 90. 61, 121 Evan Parker. 44, 45. 72. Mary Helen 1 49 Parker, Murphey 125 Parker, Robert 92, 125 Parker. 71 Napier, Collin , Robert 57, 72 Parsons, Keith 52. 53. Parrott, Navin, Genevieve 35. 4, Neely, Walter 77. 82. 90, 91 Passman. Stephen 25. 53. Negrotto. Katherine 23. 23.41.72. Sarah Nelin. 114 Sam 57 Nemeth. Hayley 72. 114. 125 Nelson. Bob Nevins. 125 23, 35, 72. 31. LaQunda 118 93 Johnny 72 Norris. Norton, Winfrey 25, 72 o Oates. Chantae Odum, Oertel, Pereira, Burton 106.107 116.117 Kristen 77 Purves, Allison 35, 73 23, 34, 35,36,61, 73 93 41. Paul Rice, 45, James 9, 93. Q Quillin, 58, 59, 73. 79.84.91, 73,92 Quimby, Robert 57. 73 57. 59 90, 105 20. 23. Thomas 25, 31 52, 53, 54, 127 72, 73 93 6. 57. 59. 82. Roberts, Asela 13,24, 25, 92, 93 57. 58. 73 114 Robinson, Kenosha Rochelle, Lauren 13 93. 114 31,73. 90 Rodriguez, Laura 25. 7. 73, 84 83. Pinkston. Travis Rauschkolb. Ryan Royals. Kate 4. 5, 48. Rardin, Mary Clark 24, 73 Cameron 24. 31 Sclafani. Jamie 118 Scott, Isreal 23. 45, 86 25,41.42. 73 82 Russell, Katherine Russolino, Taylor Ryan. Brandon 40, 41. 42. 73 Scipper, Scott, Catherine Max 71,73 Romano. Victoria 22,31. Rourke. Jordy 31.74 Schumacher, Sara 74 Schwartz, Donald 77 Schwarzauer. Tim 52, 53 Schreiber, Virginia 73 Rollins. 73 90 42 68. 73 Savage. Raymece 73. 105 Saxena, Madhav 53. 73 Schmidt. Sarah 12.16. 26.27.41. 106. 107 Schneck. Todd 112 Scholl, Adrian 73 124. 125 60. 114 73.86.92 23. 41 Sital 44. 45. Roth. Callie 49, 50, 51, 31. 73. 114 Sanford, Erin Sarpy. Steven 111 15.73. 24, 26. 22. 49. Rop, David Rana. Shivalika 84 Randle, Roxie 73 116 4. 40. 41. Billy 72 24. 49. Sargent. Katie Rakers. Brent Raley. Lynn 11. 39, 19, 121 Rafferty, Peter 73 82 77 49, 98. 121 Jason Rigney, Debbie 51, 73 32.55. 73. 91.92. 108 Romero, Kylie 73 90.91.93 Phillips, Cason 35 Philyaw, Lance 93 Pickette, Bennon 72, 73 Pierce, Andrew 23 Pieschel. Alex 25,45 8 45. Sanjanwala. Rolen. Chris Rader, Jack Salmon. Quinn Sampson. Kim 45. 73.91, 93 98 Rogers. Rabalais. Laura 25, 35, 73 Salathe, Elizabeth Sanders. Chris Sandlin. David Roddie, Lauren Quinn, Robert Sagan, Charles 22, 24, Robichaux. Leslie 22, 56, 57, 6. 9, 124, 125 24, 44, 73 Robertson. Erin Joey Sadler. Beth Samson, Jessica 73,84 112 R 92 Unknown Peters. Kevin Pettitt. 57. 73. 121 116. 117 114 Peters. Sidney Nixon, Lesia Respess. Drew Riggins. Pugh. Meredith 91.92 Reinhard. Michael Richardson. 82. 90. 125 Pennington. Scott Person, Erin Rogan. Rodney 54.90 33.72. 123 Puckett. Michael 73. 121 Peppers. LeAnn Nicholas. Katherine Nichols. Pearman. Lisa 16.72.73 Pemberton. John 57. 72. Penuel, Hollie Nguyen, Mimi 124, 125 77 6, 34, 35 Reed, Ashley 41.55 Reed, John 118 Rees, Mary Kate 20. 22. 23, 31, 73, 124, 125 Regan, Rebecca 49. 51 31, 32, 92,93 18,53.72 Newport. Christopher 72. 73. 121 84 Nessel. Alex 10. 23. 72. 73 Pearce. Andrew 34,35 Redman. Robertson. Dan 72 Patterson. Nile Ray, Darby Richard, Kayla 23 Price. Michael Purvis, Victoria 54.91 72 92 73 91 93. 110. 111 Naccan, Keith 90 Namias. Nick 82, 90, 104 16,26. Prejean, Charlotte Palmerton, Bryant 31 108 72. 121 Palmer, Michelle 89, 90. Murphy, Caroline 35, 72, 82, 88.93 Pacillo. John 18 Page, Constance Page, Jim Murchison. Sandra Murphy, 22. 30. 73 Pohlmann. Christina 131 Pond, Dixie 49, 50, 60, 73, 137 Porter, Eddie 25 Powell, Dominique 23, 92 Powell. Lauren 106 Powers, Ashleigh 92 Prather, Nick 82 Prather, Zach 82 31, 8. 49. 90 13. 60. 74, 92 Settlemires. Ivy 49, 110. 111 Shaughnessy, Katelyn 41. 74, 106 Shear. Micah 24.74.91. 93 Shivers. John 104. 105 Shoemaker. Sarah 16 Shoptaugh. Tim 56. 57. 74. 124. 125 Shows. Kelly 49. 74. 88 Shows. Rachel 23 Shurden. Susan 82 Allen Ofem, Liz 11 Oglesbee, Matthew 52, 53, 54, 64. 72. 91 45.72 Olinger, Alex dinger. Andrew 44. 45, 92,93 Oliver, 72 Ashley Oliver, Caroline 16.41, 72,90 Olivier, Hanna 5. 23, 24, 49, 64, 72. 91 Omo-Bare, Iren 92 Omwega. Nyaboke 92 Ordeneaux, Josh 72, 120, 121 Orr, Gwen 12,40,41,72. 92,93 Orth, Billy 57.121 Oscar. Deonte Otis, Jessie 83. 116 114,115 INDEX Gabby Sicard, 12,49, 74 Sicard, Mignon 74 50, 12, 49, 74 Sims, Laquanda 29, 60, 74, Slater, 28, 74 45 Kevin Sledge, 9, 88 Sims, Michael 57, 59, 74 138 Stahl, Chris 53, 54 Stamm, Claire 12,18,21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 74 Stamm, Gavin 21 Stamson, Jessica 18 Starrett, Callaghan 74, Sloan, Emma Amanda 23,26, 74, 84 31,74,85 Smith, Catherine 74 Steadman, Joseph 53, 54, 74,91, 135 Stephens, Robert 9, 22. 74. 93, 98 Starrett, Liz Smith, 27. 35 54, 55, 74, Stevens, 68, Amanda 22, 35, 74 82 Smith, Heath 90, 112, 113 90 Smith. Josef 74, Smith, Liz 89 Stewart, Emily 45 Smith, Josh 25, 34, 35, 5. 90 Smith, Marianne 41, 108 Smith, Melanie 31,74 Smith, Michelle 81.89, 93 Amanda 10, 20.25,27,49, 51, 74,84,91,92, 137 Smolkin, David 45, 46 Smyser, Will 45, 47, 74, 87 Solanki, Neha 93 15, Songy, Chad 22, 24, 25, 90, 116, 117 Soniat, Emily 35, 54, 55, 74, 83, 90 Sorey, Katie 122 74 34. 35. 74. Sorey, Mary Rogers 132 Spear, Chris 47 Taylor, Patrick Tebo, Katie Terry, Walt 22, 1 3, 9, 35, 75 Thomas, Richardson Thompson, Bradley 73 82, 90,91 Thompson, Colin 57, 112 Thompson, Jay 24. 75. 93 Rachel Tillay, Tobler, 87 75, Chad 57,75,127 75,114, w 32,76 Ward, Mark 76 Ward, Timothy 77 Warden, Russell 76 Warrington, Whitney 41, 42 Washington, Jeremy 15, 82 Sandy 60, 75, 106. 107 Morgan Tryforos, 41 James 53, 75 12, 23, Watkins, Charlotte 93,99 Webb, Ronda 7,76,118, Sugar, Terrel Tucker, Kevan Beth Weglicki, Taylor 89, 91 85 31,33,74, 92, 93, 98 Sullivan, Megan 114, 115 92 Sumrall, Eric 89, 93 Sweat, Anna 93 Swords, Margaret 74 34, 35, 26, 40,41. 22, 75 Tumminello, Katie 6, 9, 22,41,43, 75,91,93, 99 Tumminello. Sam 75 Turkeltaub, Daniel 18, Tait, Katy 74 49, 55, 75 Wells, Anna 6 16,49,76, 85,92 Wilson, Mary 22, 81 Winton, Bradley 93 Womack, MacDougall 45,46,47,76,93 22, 105 Woodall, Neil Woodcock, Tiffany 76 Woodson, Tanner 121 Wool, Harrison 45, 47, 76 Wootten, Abbott Wright, 57, 59 Kaycee 76, 114 Uihlein, Christopher Ullmer, Katelyn 6 22, 48, 75 Underwood, Maria 23, 31,32, 75,93 Ustinova, Jane 1 75, 82, 49, 50, , West, Chelsi 82, 39 2,6,7,11, 23,25,76,90,91,93, V 138 94, 99, 101, 134, 92 105,121 Wheat, Ronnie Whitam, Josh 80 90, White, Brittany White, Cap 45, 76, 6, 41 91 White, Jacob B. 53, 76, 99 White, Jacob C. 22, 57, 23, 24, 76 118, 119 75, 80, 81,90,91,93,99 VanHorn, Clara 41,76, 106 Varnado, Cameron 116 Vaughn, Leslie 93 Vaughn, Marlys 77 Vedanarayanan, Vandana 84,85 Widdows, Chris Wiley, Fred 76, 34, 35, 37 76 6,25,41, Willams, Shaquita Willett, Jordan 43,76,81,99 Williams, Aaron Williams, Adam Williams, Billy 76, 121 76 23, 76 45, 47, 23, 44, 76 Williams, Florence 80 76,116 Morgen 76, 92 67, 121 Williams, David Vickers, Dustin 12,35,55, 57, Younger, Casey 105 76 76 76, 92, 24, 48, 49, 50, 76 10, Zagone, Ryan 22, 25, 57, 91,93,99, 100 Zakaras, Allison 93,99 Zhang, Qiaoya 35, 6, Whitmore, Tiffany Veron, Katharine Nancy 76,90 Yeates, Ray 125 Zhang, Keyuan 49 76,92 White, Leanna White, Lee 90 91,93 Vackova, Petra Y Yates, 41 West, Brittney Wharton, Megan 76 u Viel, Irene Wilson, Gerri 1,24, Whatley, Steven 23,31,74 Willis, 76,116 Young, Charles 119 West, Whitney 24, 111 T Tait, Brittany Alex 67, 111 24,77 Tackett, Daniel Willis, 31, 60,61 Webb, Jonathan 1,16, 23,25,45, 76.90.91, Sugar, Miles 36 Sudduth, Karina 77 Williamson, Lola 49, 76, Wedemeyer, Barkley 90,91,93,99 Weems, Evan 138 34, 35, 8, 24, 24, 23,76 115 Travelbee, Briana Troutt, 57, 58, 76,93, 137 Wagner, Carol 49, 76 Walker, Nina 31,32 Wallace, Jack 15,20,45, 46, 76, 132 Warburton, Caitie 22,31, 75 15 Williamson, Cory 88,99 Thomas, Marie Thomas, Paige 49, Mitchell Williamson, Diantha 75 Tucker, Bonnie 20,41, 42, 75 Tucker, Con 24,118 Stroud, Caroline 76 , Wages, Whitney 87,90 Tuberville, Emily 31 35, Mary 31 Williams, Shaquita 41 64,84, 122, 123 Thomas, Grant 53, 75 Trieu, Megan 93 41,93 Thibodeaux, Kasey 98 Stokes, Marcus 74 Strickland, Leah 10,15, 16,20,25,74,88, 137 Storm, Williams, 35 53, 54, Townsend, Emily 87, 93, 76 49, Vorder-Bruegge. Morgan Vucovich, Lauren Tew, Caitlin Tutor, Travis 12.23.31, 90 77 6, 23 Jordan Taylor, Vincent, Allisa 15,20,75 92,93 Stilwell, Suzanne 74 Stockstill, Cody 67. 78. 41 32, 74 31, 74,92, 74, Sullivan, Tracy Sooby, Elizabeth 31,33, 74, 91, 92, 114 Sood, Rubina Stevens, Haley Stevenson, Lauren Smith, Holly Smithers, Cary Spell, 75 Tanner, Nick Tate. Brittney 81, 114, 115 James 93 Smith, Emily 31, 33. 74, Spencer, Olivia Siefker, Danny 53, 74 Simmons, Ginsie 22, 25, 31, Brenna 93,98 Spell, 35, 76, 83, 90, 76, 93 CO-EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: Amanda Bobashela Staff Smithers Leah Strickland PHOTOGRAPHERS: Jen McKinley Krystal Frazier Diantha Williamson Mandy Carlock STAFF: Dixie Pond Amanda Hudson PUBLICATIONS ASSISTANT: Lia Calhoun DIRECTOR OF STUDENT PIIRI If ATION^* Stan Mandy Carlock, Jen McKinley, Amanda Smithers, Leah Strickland, Amanda Hudson, Diantha Williamson Magee ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanks to: Betty Hulsey, Martha Johnston, Kevin Maloney, Dean Katz, the Post Office Staff, and the Publications Board for their cooperation and support; Frank Ezelle for the generous use of his sports photos; the Business Office for handling yearbook orders and billing; students, teachers, and staff for donating pictures and purchasing the book. INDKX&Yl \KHOOk Millsaps taught hope. During experience passions, I my my I it all, about college discovered dreams, weaknesses, and after me my my my fears. But the biggest lesson learned was to always have hope." -Chelsi West 9
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