Sweeney, Joe, The Dead, The Missing and The Captured
Sweeney, Joe, The Dead, The Missing and The Captured
The Dead, The Missing, And The Captured 1gthInfantry Regiment "Korea War" A LIST OF THE MEN WHO DIED OR WERE MISSING IN KOREA FROM JULY 1.I950 THROUGH DECEMBER 31.I951 COMPILED BY: JOE SWEENEY 1998 This list was compiled fiom copies of Company morning reports. These reports covered the period of the initial deployment of the 19th Idintry Regiment to Korea with the 24th Mimtry Division in 1950 and 1951. While this is a comprehensive list, it should not be construed to be a total and complete final listing, but is the best that could be compiled fiom the sources available to the compiler. Acknowledgement Joseph J.McKeon, Historian for the 24th Infantry Division Association, supplied information used to check and verifj. many of the names and data that were used in this listing. He also encouraged me to complete this task and checked the listing for accuracy. I am gratefbl to Joe for his help and encouragement. Information Sources: 1) Initial information was taken from more than 4,000 copies of microfilmed morning reports, copied at the National Personnel Records Center in St.Louis, Missouri 2) The Korean Conflict Casualty File (KCCF) was used for supplemental information. The file contains 33,642 names of men who were killed in Korea by the enemy. Compiled by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, it is available h m the Electronic Records Section of the National Archives at College Park, Maryland. A11names were entered into the KCCF list in 1979. 3) Information about POW'S was taken h m a listing of 19th Mmtry Regiment causalities that was supplied by the 24th Infantry Division Association. 4) Pfc. Johnnie Johnson's list of POWs who died while they were prisoners of war was used to identi@ the men who died in thenTigerCamp". 5) Identfication of the men who were left in Korea, alive and still in enemy h a d after the Truce was signed in 1953,came h m a list used by the United Nations, and published in "Korea" "TheWar America Forgot TO Remember" by Tony And Esther Zdanavage. Note: - All of the men listed here were officially assigned to these units. Some were attached at the time they became casualties, but special orders were later issued tbat assigned each man to the unit of attachment and he was charged as a personnel loss to the unit. All missing men were all carried on the unit 's roster for 30 days before being dropped from the rolls and replaced. This included those missing in action and the evacuated casualties. The accompanying lists are arranged in chronological order by morning report dates, with all of the names appearing on that morning report being listed in alphabetical order, adjacent to, or below the date.. Abbreviations used are: -Killed In Action -Missing In Action -Accidental Death CRMC - Captured, Returned To Military Control NBC -Non Battle Casualty LD -Line OF Duty DOW -Died OF Wounds POW -Prisoner of War Decd. -Deceased RP -Repair&& DOD -Date of Death as Declared by the Department Of Defense. The dates used were 12131/53 and various dates in 1954 that coincided with the release of POW'S by the Enemy. K M ACD KCCF Codes Used Are: 1 I I I I Al--Killed in Action. A2--Died of Wounds. A3--Died While Missing. A4--Died While Captured. The codes above are those used by the KCCF. The KCCF indicated the date of death as the effective date the man was reported to be MIA. * Denotes those names on Johnson's "Tiger List" ## Denotes those men who were alive and left in enemy hands. Example: MomiqRewp 0711 6/50 * 7 N Casualty GdcAmd Date Doe, Joe A, RA10000000, Pfc., K-07116/50; Date Declared Dead By KCCF \ 1 Date Dechrcd Dead by Dcpt. of Defense Contents Notes P a ~ Number e .. u Hq. Company,1gthInfantry Regiment 1 Service Company 3 Heavy Mortar Company Medical Company Hq. Company, la Battalion 7 Able Company 9 Baker Company Charley Company Dog Company Hq. Company, 20d Battalion Easy companv Fox Company George Company 36 Howe Company Hq. Company, 3d Battalion Item Company Love Company Mike Company Appendix 53 Table of Summaries Composite List of Men Unaccounted For SupplementalList of Casualties 55 Unassigned Casualties 57 . Ha. Commnv, 19th lnfantrv Req't., Julv 1, 1950 to Dec. 31.A951 MIR Date 07115/50 07116/50 Bosben, Lloyd J., RA16281457, Pfc., K-07115150 "Lebiedz, Joseph, RA61484393, Cpl., M-07115150 A4 POW, Died-1 1/03/50 Alderman, Ellsworth I., RA17021284, Pvt., M-Td<-07/16/50 Antrim, Harold B., RA13266852, Pfc., M-To-K-07116150 Butcher, John P., RA14244.414, Cpl., K47116150 Cabe, Jimmie, RA14326619, Pfc., M-07/16/50 A1 Cedars, Howard F., RA15257226, Pvt., M-To-K--07116150 Cheny, Richard F., RA18011625, Pfc., M-07/16/50 A1 POW, Died-09/26/50 Clark, Samuel G., 0 1285193, Capt., K-07116150 Cox, James G., RA19326199, Pfc., K-07/16/50 Crandell, Jack A., RA16292963, M-07116150 A1 Daily, Ralph Jr., RA13260995, Pfc., M-07116150 A3 DOD-12/31153 Felhoetter, Herman G., 0549715, Capt., K-07116150, (Catholic Chaplain) Fling, James H. Jr., RA15271197, Pvt., K-07/16/50 Gagnon, Antonie T. J. Jr., RA111780i7, Pfc., M-07116150 A1 A3 Garcia, Joseph G., RA17083882, Cpl., M-07116150 DOD-12/31/53 A1 Glwer, Joseph E. Jr., RA34709380, SFC, M-07116150 Hawks, Verpe L., RA14248402, Pfc., M-T~K--07/16/50 Key, Robert E., RA19336080, Pfc., K-07116150 Knapke, Anthony L., RA35845394, Cpl., M-07116150 A1 POW, Died-11104150 Lopuhovsky, Andrew P., RA12009048, Sgt, K-07116150 MacDonald, Robert D., RA12247634, Sgt, K47h6150 A1 Mares, Edward F., RA38174122, MlSgt, M-07116/50 Mars, Frank O., RA16005243, Sgt, M-To-K47116150 A1 Mayes, Robert C., RA14330609, Pfc., M-07/16/50 A1 Menard, Walter C., RA13257290, Pvt., M-07116150 A1 Oginski. Michael J., RA33413327, Pfc., M-07116150 A1 Purugganan, Marianito, RA29043472, Pfc., M-07116160 A1 Reeder, James A., RA16268771, Cpl., M-07116150 A3 Riggs, Herschel M., RA18225574, Pvt., M-07116150 DOD-12/31/53 Romano, Amie, RA6139467, Pvt., M-To-K--07116150 Al Rowley, David A., RA19326232, Pfc., M-07116150 Smith, Harold L., 01686716, 2nd Lt., W711W50 A1 A1 Stephno, Nicholas, RA12284943, ffc., M-07116150 PA Warren, Evertt, RA14337269, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-1 0126150 Yanez, Felix M., RA19348927, Pvt., K-07116150 Yuhasz, Tony F., RA16275812, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-1 1/02/50 I 09/09/50 1 og/20/50 11/04/50 - 10/18/51 Jackson, James A., RA14275072, Pfc.,M-09/04/50 Olson, George H., RA17246069, Pfc., M-09/04/50 Randolph, Raymond R., RA6257239, Sgt, M-O9/04/50 Gilvin, Marvin C., RA45042471, Pfc., K-09/20/50 Hyslop, Kenneth S.. 0543377, Capt., M-11/04/50 (Protestant Chaplain) POW, Died-l2/12/50 Wallace, Clarence, RA16267925, Sgt, K-10/12/51 A1 A1 A1 A4 Service Co. 19th lnfantrv Rea't., Julv 1, 1950 To December 31. 1951 I M/R Date 07117/50 Drake, Theron W. Jr., RA12300417, Cpl., M-07/17/50 A3 DOD-12/31/53 07/21/50 Durbin, Gerald D., RA19316600, Pfc., M-07/21/50 * A3 DOD-12/31/53 Jordan, Eugene, RA36738323, Pvt., M-07/19/50 Meadows, Kenneth W., RA15295673, Pfc., DOW-07/20/50 07/28/50 Matsuda, Holly T., RA43015104, Sgt.,Drowned-07/28/50 07/31/50 Fowler, Dudley W., RA14296925, Pfc., M-07130150 Layton, Gene R., RA19242909, Pvt., M-TeK-07/31/50 08/03/50 Binggeli, Marvin H., RA417235805, Pfc., M-07130150 08/04/50 * Adams, Daryl T., RA19318334, Pvt., M-07130150 POW, Died-l2/31/50 Leisure, Harry O., RA39419217, Cpl., K-07MW50 09/21/50 Ross, Richard C., RA13303992, Pvt., K-09/19/50 Fox, Frank W., RA12202941, Sgt., Deceased-09/02/51, NBC, LD-Yes 10112/51 10122151 Williams, James A., RA18323659, Pfc., DOW-10/19/51 Al I A1 A4 1 Heavv Mortar Companv, 19th lnfantrv Rea't.. Julv 1. 1950 To April 30. 1951 M/R Date 07116/50 Baccus, lvey O., RA18319795, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Corona, Jaime, RA18254086, Pvt., M-07/16/50 Al A4 POW, Died 04/24/51 Faldet, Donald P., RA16319911, Pfc., M-07116150 Gosnell, Albert A., RA14273112, Pvt., M-07/16/50 Al A3 DOD, 12/31/53 Killingsworth, Leo E., RA18281743, Pvt., K-07/16/50 Mainous, Billy, RA13330143, Pvt., M-TeK-07/16/50 Mathess. Roy C., RA35762446, SFC, M-07/16/50 A3 DOD, 12/31/53 Miyashire, Daniel T., RA29040121, Pfc., M-07/16/50 A1 Nyhan, Dennis J., RA12124172, Pvt., K-07/16/50 Smith,Lavem N., RA17270103, Pvt., K-07/16/50 Schlinghoff, Leonard, RA39270163, Pvt., M-07/16/50, POW, RP, Decd-08/28/53 Al Bloom, Robert F., RA19304856, M-07/31/50 R d a n d , Jimmy, RA14299700, Pvt., M-07/16/50 A3 DOD-12/31/53 Madden, Oscar B., RA06991947, Pvt., K-08/17/50 Stewart, William L., RA16309730, Pfc., DOW-08/10/50 Fields, Billy R., RA13292326, Sgt., K-09/19/50 Talley, Leonard N., RA20723761, MIS$, K-09/19/50 Anthaume, W~lliarnE., RA18303377, Cpl., M-11/04/50, CRMC-11/22/50 Bailey, Robert D.Jr., RA13301035Cpl., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Bray, Walter E. Jr., RA12293694, Cpl, M-11/04/50, POW, RP A4 Brcrwn,Atfred R., RA18321108, Cpl., M-11/04/50 POW, Died-06130151 Cobb, Richard P., RA12112885, Pfc., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Guynn, John E., RA35902554, Pfc., M-11/04/50 A4 POW, Died-03/02/51 Walsh, Robert C., RA46043209, Pfc., M-11/04/50 A4 POW, Died-02/20/51 Moats, Robert F., RA13267756, Cpl., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Richards, Arthur L., RA13265669, Pfc., M-01/01/51 Al Medical ~ o m ~ a n v . 1 lnfantrv 9 ~ Rea't.. Julv 1. 1950 to December 31. 1951 M/R Date 07116/50 Argenziano, Joseph S., RA12317340, Pfc., K-07/16/50 DelVillano, Romeo J., RA13283554, Pfc., M-TeK-07/16/50 Dusek, Ronald D., RA16261676, Pfc., K-07/16/50 Eggers, Herbert P., RA16320452, PVT., M-07116150 DOD-12/31/53 Gawlik, Eugene A., RA16301726, Pvt., M-07/16/50 Reyes, Jwentino, RA18320054, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Sanders, John P., RA14141622, Cpl., K-07116150 Vigil, Juan, RA38716336, Cpl., M-07116150, POW, RP Dec'd.-08/12/91 Vlgil, Orace M., RA17270433, Pvt., M-07/16/50 ' Croghan, Vamold G., RA15291986, Pvt., M-07/20/50 POW, Died-12/13/50 (Note: Records show that Crogan was KIA, but he was listed as a P.O.W. on Johnson's 'Tger Lisr.) Diegel, Robert J., RA16264378, Pfc., M-07/20/50 Elliot, Orin B., 059562, Capt., M-07/20/50 Gifford, Allen J., RA13282225, Pfc., M-07/20/50, CRMC-10122150 Lundberg, Earl E., 0489559, Capt., M-TeK-07/20/50 Repkie, Charles A. Jr., RA1433922, Sgt., M-07/20/50 Rinehart, Willard A., RA06894140, Sgt., M-07/20/50 Rinkes; Howard Jr., RA15404857, Cpl., M-07120150 Sharpe, Robert L., RA14333128, Pvt., M-07/20/50, CRMGIO/W50 Wallace, Hany R., RA15409856, Cpl., M-07/20/50 Winston, Edward R., RA35656478, Sgt., M-07120150 Graham, James W., RA16324412, Pvt., M-08/02/50 Fonvllle, Samuel, RA18261816, Pvt., WIA-0MW50-TeDOW-08/20/50 Puhl, Robert E., RA15268804, PFC., K-09119150 Dameron, Charles W., RA13307547, Cpl., DOW-09/19/50 Crawley, Franas E., RA10501990, Cpl., DOW-09A9/50 Charland, Richard B., RA12253465, Cpl., M-11/04/50 POW, Died02/W51 Ellenberger, David T., RA32226321, Sgt., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Goodwin, Madn H., RA35059148, Pvt., K-11/04/50 Huggins, Horace W., RA14250421, Sgt., K11104150 Masin, Nathan, 0-977023, Capt., K-11/04/50 Staats, Raymond A, RA12251950, Cpl., M-11/04/50 DOW-12/31/50 Fairchild, Leslie L., RA34212002, Sgt., K-11/06/50 Sedlow, Donald G., RA16294897, M-11/04/50 POW, Died-03/3V51 Stewart, Edward F., RA34583729, Cpl., M-11/04/50 POW, Died-04/23/51 Brown, W~lliamS., RA34674312, Sgt., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Cash, James O., RA14277124, Pfc., M-01/01/51, CRMC-42/09/51 England, Arthur G., RA16234002, Cpl., M-01/01/51, CRMC-01/02/51 Ivey, Jeff L., RA19328543, Pfc., M-011/01/51, CRMC-01/02/51 Moya, James A., RA18341136, Pfc., M-01/01/51 Willis, John N. Jr., RAl4250216, Pfc., M-01/01/51, Costello, W~lliamJ., RA19278274, Cpl., M-Td<-01/03/51 Crawford, George W., RA19360214, Sgt., M-01/03/51, McAfee, Raymond D., ER13289895, Cpl., K-02/08/51 Nabors, John H., RA14324471, Pfc., K-02/08/51 Weidner, Benjamin D., ER13244359, Cpl., K-03/07/51 Sweeney, Robert J., ER42247486, Cpl., K-03/19/51 Shaner, Richard L., RA17234560, Cpl., K-04/13/51 Littler, Ralph Jr., RA15248637, Pfc., K-04/20/51 Plummer, Max L., RA14333552, Pfc., K-04/20/51 DeLeon, Ricardo, RA16224124, Pfc., M-04/23/51, Kernick, Raymond, RA16088603, Pfc., M-04/23/51 06/01/51 July, 51 Aug.,51 Sept.,51 1OI23J51 10/28/51 11/02/51 11126151 11/30/51 Dec.,51 Walchock, Donald E., RA43052852, M-04/23/51, Halluwell, Robert E., NG11170872, Pfc., K-04/25/51 Hotte, Thomas A., RA12118242, Pfc., Died-0!5/05/51, Accidental gunshot, Woodley, Peny F., RA14347485, Cpl., M-04/25/51, (None Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) Gregory, Otis C., US55026617, Pfc., K-10/17/51 Chapman, Alfred E., US53029550, Sgt., K-10118/51 Kubes, Edward J., US55076169, Cpl., DOW-10/22/51 Batson, James M., US56073073, Pfc., K-11/13/51 Merida, Emanuel R., US52087579, Pvt., DOW-11/16/51 (None Listed) A1 POW, RP POW. RP POW, RP A3 D o l l 12/31153 POW, RP Hq. Commnv. 1st Bn.. 19th lnfantrv Rea't., Julv 1. 1950 To December 31, 1951 M/R Date 07/16/50 ## Angell, Eugene L. R., RA16238973, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-09/25/50 Bristol, Robert O., RA36436692, Cpl., M-07/16/50 Buff, Jack Y ., RA18028189, MIS@,M-07/16/50 A4 POW, Died-10/28/50 Cook, John M., 034294, Maj., K-07/16/50 Davis, Henry L., RA14281714, Pfc., M-To-K-07/16/50 Dingess, Bernie, RA15272033, Pfc., M-07/16/50 A1 Edge, Edward C., RA12316170, Pfc., M-07116150 A4 POW, Died-1 2/3/50 Engdahl, James W., RA12340485, Pfc., K-07/16/50 Fisher, Charles V. B., RA37735004, Sgt., M-To-K-07116150 Flaime, Peter F., RA21697127, Pfc., K-TeM-06/16/50 A1 Freund, Aloysius J., RA16244786, Sgt., M-07/16/50 A4 POW, Died40/3V50 Hackett, Allan P., 0422834, Capt., K-07/16/50 Heynoski, Edward Jr., RA13219095, Cpl., M-07/16/50 A1 Holden, John J., RA13282733, Pfc., K-To-M-07/16/50 A1 Hoover, Robert E., RA13166256, Cpl., M-07/16/50 A1 Macomber, Wayne B., 0 1287913, Capt., K-To-M-07116150 A4 POW, Died-07/3V51 Mann, J. W., RA06388412, SFC, M-07/16/50 A1 McCamey, Charles E., RA13289352, Pvt., K-07A6150 Munoz, Jose E., RA18365675, Pfc., M-07/16/50 A1 Powell, James M., RA06379155, SFC, M-07116150 A1 Rozyka, Raymond E., RA13156202, WSgt, K-07/16/50 Ruddell,James C. Jr., 057177, Capt. ,M-07/16/50 A4 POW, Died-02/28/51 Schmatz, Melvin A., RA12108703, Pfc., K-07/16/50 Singleton, John P., RA14280129, Pfc., M-07/16/50 A1 Stoeber, Walter T.. RA13257788, Rct.,M-07/16/50, in hosp, D y e s , promoted to Pvt. and RTDW20150,Assigned Charlie Company, 11110150 (See Charlie Company) 08116/50 09/21/50 11/06/50 Sullivan, Peter F., RA31389187, Cpl., M-07116150 Welsh, Neal W., RA12282640, Pfc., K-07/16/50 Ward,Delmar R. ,RA14275898,Pfc, N-07/16/50 POW, Died-11/16/50 Whie, Albert W., RA11195082, Pvt, M-To-K-07116150 Williams, Ctyde, RA44008357, Pfc., M-TeK-07/19/50 Winstead, Othar T.,044345, Lt.Cd.,M-07/16/50 Byrum, Clarence H., RA19291976, Cpl., K-07/16/50 Houston, Ronald B., RA44074676, Cpl., M-07/16/50 W~lcosky,Thomas R., RA13309349, Pvt., M-07116150 POW, Died-03/03/51 Armstrong, Louis W., 01322194,l st Lt., M-07/16/50 Denick, Theo C., RA14151585, MIS@, M-To-K-11/04/50 Enos, O d l L., RA36177656, Cpl., M-TeK-11/04/50 Ervin, John D., RA18347114, Pfc., M-11/04/50, POW,RP A1 A1 A1 A1 A3 A1 Feb., 51 Mar., 51 04/02/51 04124161 May, 51 June, 51 July, 51 Aug.. 51 Sept., 51 10121151 11120/51 Dec., 51 Evans, William V., RA12313141, Cpl., M-TeK-11/04/50 Fogle, Billy G., RA15275861, Cpl., M-11/04/50 POW, Died-08/09/51 Gray, Robert O., RA13306404, Pfc., M-11/04/50, POW,RP Harsy, Leonard G., RA16072287, SFC, M-TeK-11/04/50 Huss, Robert F., RA13149116, Cpl., M-11/04/50 POW, Died43119/51 Jackson, Charles G., RA34076346, Cpl., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Kupraites, Joseph J., RA12007929, Cpl., M-11/04/50 POW, Died-06/30/51 Lopez, Ray W., RA39003664, Cpl., M-TeK-11/04/50 Manske, RaymondW., RA36283894, Sgt., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Moreno, Raymond, RA13314063, Pfc., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Reeder, Dale L., RA17259821, Pfc., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Tarnaru, Charles V., RA10102109, Cpl., M-TeK-11/04/50 Tanigawa, Katsu, RA30103614, SFC M-11/04/50, POW, RP Osbome, Chester M. Jr., 01285486,lst Lt., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Adams, Howard G., RA38556261, Cpl., M-01/01/51 Hernandez, Abraham R., RA18322772, Pfc., M41/01/51, POW, RP Penton, Clarence R., RA14320291, Pfc., M-01/01/51, POW, RP (None Listed) (None Listed) Burke, Raymond L., RA06385874, MISgt, Ma327151 Gass, Charles, ER4.3027018, ffc., K-04/18/51 (None Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) Blevins, John D. Jr., 02017398, Capt., K-10/14/51 Cox, Evetle, RA25529657, Pfc., K-11/14/51 (None Listed) A4 A4 A4 Able Com~anv.1st Bn.. 19th lnfantrv Rea't.. Julv 1, 1950-December 31, 1951 MIR. Date 07113/50 07/16/50 Turcott, Clarence, RA18178807, Pfc., K-07/13/50 Anderson, Larry J., RA16323897, Pvt., M-07116150 POW, Died-12125150 Axton, Roy D., RA06918370, Sgt., M-07116150 * Ayo, Albert J., RA12285536, Pvt., M-07116150 POW, Died-10110150 Betz, Henry J. Jr., RA17266553, Pvt., M-07116150 Blanchard, Edward B., RA12111809, Pfc., M-TeK-07116150 Block, Robert S., RA17265578, Pvt., M-07116150 POW, Died-11/04/50 Bwher, Bobby R., RA25413278, Pvt., M-TeK-07116150 Budd, Robert E., RA15413400, Pvt., M-07116150 Cauti, Attillo R., RA13282719, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, RP Choat, Lloyd L., RA54000041, Pvt., M-07116150 POW, Died-11130150 Collinsworth, Marion L., RA18281885, Pvt., M-07/16/50 DOD-12/31153 Cummings, Kenneth, RA15012841, Pvt., M-07116150 Deluca, Leslie J., RA16290796, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-12/13/50 De Pue, Howard L., RA12350328, Pvt., M-07116150 POW, RP Dobson, Floyd J., RA18333565, Pvt., M-0711W50 Doran, Michael J., RA12111773, Cpl., M-07116150 Dunn, Larry D., RA15268512, Pfc., M-07116150 Elwick, Earl P., RA15378367, Pvt., M-Td<-07116150 Feist, Donald F., RA15292615, M-07/16/50 Fletcher, Robert S., RA31374869, Pfc., M-0711W50 POW, Died-01/09151 Franklin, John D. Jr., RA21706738, Pvt., M-07/16/50 POW, Died-06/06/51 Giffen, William E., RA17230282, Pvt., K-07116150 Grady, Albert W., 0 1311979,lst Lt., M-07/16/50 Hale, Herman F., RA13305167, Pvt., M-0711W50 Hartman, George E., RA15260857, M-07116150 Haugland, Haakun M., RA12276957, Pfc., M-TeK-07/16/50 Hayes, Alfred G.,RA13283611, Pvt., M-TeK-07116150 Hill, Dale C., RA37343954, Pfc., M-07116150 DOD-12/31/53 Hills, Chester E., RA17248180, Pfc., K-07116150 Hdihan, William J., RA16318682, Pvt., M-07116150 Hunt, Byron J., RA19303168, Pvt, M-07116150 Johnson, George A., RA13274861, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, RP Died on 10105186 Kappler, Gerald D., RA17266805, Pvt, M-07116150 DOD-12/31/53 Kenny, Kenneth E., RA17270044, Pvt., M-07116150 La Mastus, Robert N., RA17235587, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Lambert, Delbert M., RA13320286, Pfc., M-07116150 * Lipes, Richard R., RA15410224, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-12/23/50 Lundy, Virgil E., RA37160471, Cpl., M-TeK-07/16/50 Manis, Phillip F., RA20819451, SFC, M-TeK-07116150 Martin, Nicholas, P., RA12285265, Pfc., M-07116150 McCabe, Donald J., RA12302454, Pvt., M-07/16/50 POW, Died-11/04/50 McCarthy, Edward F., RA13163023, Pvt., K-07/16/50 McElmurry, Pat A., RA17248744, Pvt., K-07116150 McShane, Edward R., RA13257048, Pvt., M-07/16/50 POW, Died-12/14/50 Mershon, David F., RA23488656, Pvt., M-07/16/50 POW, Died-11/04/50 Mitchell, William B. Jr., RA14288371, Pvt., M-07/16/50 POW, Died-07M9150 Moment, William H.,O 2208120, 2nd Lt., M-Tc+K-07/16/50 Morse, Wilbur G., RA18336410, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Mulvenna, John W., RA13281354, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Oxner, Harvey, RA18283223, Pvt., M-07/16/50, POW, Died-07/28/50 Paytes, John L., RA15415327, Pfc., M-07116150 POW., Died-1OM0150 Peny, Clyde, A., RA17253735, Pvt., M-07/16/50 Phillips,William D., RA14284280, Pfc., M-07116150 DOD-12/31/53 Quatier, Robert O., RA19308439, Pvt., M-07116150 DOD-12/31/53 Ramsey, Irvanule, RA15401974, Pvt., K-07116150 Rayles, Edward J., RA15293519, Pvt., M-Td<-07/16/50 Richerson, Harlan E., RA37752821, Cpl., M-T*K-07116/50 Robinette, Robert F.,RA13016618, Pvt., M-07/16/50 Rornanelli, Michael M. Jr., RA46062718, Pfc., K-07/16/50 Rowe, Frank L, RA35846784, Cpl., M-07116150, POW, RP Rowe, William E., RA18292381, Pvt., K-07/16/50 Shay, Jackie L., RA17247736, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Scott, Floyd E., RA17230067, Pvt., M-07/16/50 POW, Died-11111/50 M-07/16/50 Smith, Clifford H., RA19326591, M , DOD-12/31/53 Swope, George A., RA13335837, Pvt., K-07116150 Treloar, Clayton A, RA17257714, Pvt., M-07116150 Vincent, Donald F., RA12114746, Pfc., M-TeK-07116150 Wagner, Gene L., RA15275693, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, RP Warren Don L., RA17233041, Pfc., M-07116150, Warren, Edgar O., RA15294163, Pvt., M-07/18/50 POW, Died49110150 Whiitsett, Walter E., RA14210887, Pfc., M-07116150 W~lliamson,Bob, RA14274664, Pvt., M-07/16/50 Winter, Gerdd A, RA23753684, Pfc., M-07/16/50 POW, Died-11/03/50 Yost, Edward F.,RA13307760, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-11/02/50 Zunk, Roger E., RA15281389, Pfc., M-07/16/50 DOD-12/31153 Whited, Ray N., RA17006658, Sgt., M-TeK-07/16/50 Coggin, Earl, RA44136147, Pfc., K-08/01/50 Taylor, William E., RA13334547, Pvt, K-08/05/50 Mitchell, Howard L., RA21305619, SFC, K-08/07/50 Akins, Willis T., RA14342436, Pfc., K-08/09/50 Chappel, Robert L., RA15295761, Pvt., M-08/09/50 Beeson, Bill G., RA17226145, Pvt., M-08/10/50, RMC-08/10/50 McConkey, Freddie, RA17194470, Cpl., M-08/09/50, RMC-08/10/50 Kovalyak, Fred R., RA13219062, Pfc., K-08/16/50 Bannister, Bob, RA19241757, Cpl., K-08/18/50 Tingle, Clarence H., RA35692503, Cpl., K-09/24/50 Dees, Roy A., RA14210095, Sgt., K-11/09/50 Woodward, Earnest A., RA38068443, SFC, K-11/09/50 Note: Two men listed above, killed while making booby traps for protection in front of Co. positions. Riddlebaugh, Charles A., RA10736360, SFC, M-07126150 A1 Wendricks, Wilbert W., RA16276782, Pfc., K-07/26/50 Gibbs, Clifford, RA18347169, Pvt., K-12/27/50,-Carbine Accident. Bies, Ronald, RA26339457, Pfc., M-11/05/50 A4 POW., Died-02/28/51 Dufrane, Gerald L., RA12287575, Pvt., K-07/30/50 Acevedo, Bienvendo L., RA12321523, Pfc., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Anderson, Phillip, RA11179178, Cpl., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Beal, Edward N., RA19322870, Cpl., M-01/01/51 A1 Benson, Maurice Jr., RA16322067, Pfc., M-01/01/51 A1 Bont,je, John A, RA17266825, Pfc., M-01/01/51 CRMC-01/01/51 Broom, Charles R., RA18323073, Pfc., M-01/01/51 CRMC-02/10/51 Carlson, Norbert C., RA16215897, Cpl., M-01/01/51 CRMG02/10/51 Cook, Alden L., RA07027650, SFC, M-01/01/51, POW., RP Crouse, Edward G., RA18266511, Pfc., M-01/01/51 CRMC-02/10/51 Cubby, David E., RA14331845, Pfc., M-01/01/51 A1 Davis, Harold W., RA15273707, Pvt., K-01/01/51 DeWeese, Jeny W., RA16292022, Cpl., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Evans, Thomas L., RA13234205, Pfc., K-01/01/51 Fisher, Myles E., RA16262084, Pfc., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Franklin, James L., RA13335873, Pfc., K-01/01/51 Hayward, Doyle E., RA19328685, Pvt., M-01/01/51 A1 Jackson, Shelby L., RA18287145, Cpl., M-01/01/51, POW, RP A1 Lansbeny, George B., RA13084491, Cpl., M-01/01/51 POW, RP Lawing, Sammy B., RA14255878, Pfc., M-01/01/51, A1 Link, Leonard, RA15262146, Cpl., M-01/01/51 A2 Moody, Charles V., RA18346652, Sgt., M-01101151 Moody, James A., RA17211258, Cpl., M-01/01/51 A4 POW, Died-03/20/51 A1 Monison, Robert C., RA06977058, M/Sgt, M-01/01/51 Poore, James A., RA34981532, Pfc., M-01/01/51 CRMC-02/10/51 Rebedew, Hiram, RA16327848, Pvt., M-01/01/51 CRMC-02/10/51 02/16/51 Richard, Roy P., RA18276130, Cpl., M-01/01/51, Richardson, Arthur, RA31232346, Pvt., M-01/01/51 POW, RP A3 DOD-01114/54 Riffle, John K, RA15293336, Pfc., M-01/01/51 Smith, George H., RA11172264, Cpl., M-01/01/51 02117/51 Thuman, Otis W., RA34937800, SFC, M-01/01/51, Anderson, W~lliarnH., RA16253163, Pvt., K-02/04/51 Cohen, Gerald, ER57156773, Pvt., M-02/04/51 A1 CRMC-02/10/51 POW, RP CRMC-02/19/51 Pruitt, Newrnan C. Jr., RA18271976, Sgt., M-02/04/51 Torbett, George T., RA14352102, Pvt., K-02/04/51 Walker, Frank M., 0 551522, 1st Lt., M-02/04/51 02/18/51 02/20/51 0310151 0313/51 03/15/51 03/16/51 04119/51 05/05/51 05/06/51 05110151 05111/51 05/14/51 05/20/51 05/27/51 05/31151 06/03/51 06/09/51 POW, Died-04122151 Gantt, Billie S., RA14261265, Pfc., K-02/08/51 Montenegro, Gilbert D., RA39225368, WSgt, K-02/08/51 Schutt, Kenneth E., RA42198682, Cpl., K-07/31/50 Trejo, Refugio, RA17240059, Pfc., K-02/08/51 Van Why, Fred J., ER33436098, Pvt , K-02/08/51 Stone, Edward M. Jr., 0 964557,2nd Lt., K-02/08/51 Paulson, George A., RA16296523, Pfc., DOW-08/22/50 Ruchty, George E., RA20943810, MISgt, DOW-02/08/51 Gipson, Glenn H., ER15230915, Pfc., K-03/11/51 Collier, Willie L., RA12285430, Pvt., K-03/08/51 Pearson, Lawson, RA14345455, Cpl., K-03/08151 Miller, James L., RA20401754, MISgt, Died,-Natural Causes-04/05/51 Grass, Dave Jr., ER38321160, SFC, K-04/20/51 Anderson, Thomas, E., RA14256375, Pvt, K-04/20/51 Blair, Eugene S., ER38740430, Cpl., K-O4/20/51 Everson, Walter F., RA11182234, Pfc.,KW0/51 Hubbs, Harry A., ER13253271, Sgt., DOW-04/20/51 Passell, James F., RA16248733, Pfc., DOW44/22/51 Stubbs, Evart R., ER36863006, Cpl., K-O4/20/51 Willie, Ila J., ER54051039, Pfc., K-04/20/51 Mena, Johnnie V., RAl82T7914, SFC, DOW-04/19/51 French, Othar C., RA1 5251201, SFC, DOW-02/09/51 Warrjmskj, Joseph S., ER39159013, Pfc., DOW-05/01/51 Barlow, Arthur L, RA11176920, Cpl., K-04/20/51 Lee, Robert M., US55031789, Pvt., K W 4 / 5 1 Onka, Kenneth, RA17119929, Cpl., K W 0 1 5 1 Townsend, Thomas S., RA12349750, Pfc., K-04120/51 Whiie, Lonnie R., RA19349241, Sgt., K-04/20/51 Lger, Alfred J., RA12243438, Pfc., K-04/30/51 POW, RP Levycky, Michael S., 11852035557, Pvt., M W 6 1 5 1 , Rodeischak, Billie J., US55024012, Pvt., M-04126151 A4 POW, Died-09/30/51 Christmas, Lloyd, ER14260316, Sgt., K-05/25/51 Watson, Wtlliam H., RA13328726, Pfc., M-04126151, POW, RP Roberts, Finis W., ER14219916, Pfc., K-0Y30151 Ganal, Pedro A, US50000665, Pvt., K-06/0351 Kontrik, Andrew, US55025001, Pvt., K-06/03/51 Rock, Jasper Jr., RA18353384, Pfc., K-06/03/51 Stambaugh, Wrgill, ER52010343, SFC, K-06/03/51 Sunday, Harry W., RA13352462, Pfc., K-06/03/51 08/20/51 08/23/51 Sept. ,51 10111151 10118151 Bumheimer, Raymond E., ER57222027, Pvt., K-05/29/51 Lemmen, John R., RA16343767, Pfc., K-05129151 McDermott, Thomas E., RA13342355, Pfc., K-05/29/51 McClure, Gilbert N., RA18255025, Pfc., K-05129151 Montgomery, Robert W., RA19315597, Cpl., K-05/29151 Runner, Leroy J., US55031544, Pfc., K-05129151 Stephens, Harvey Jr. .,US53016126, Pfc., K-05/29151 Traverse, Arthur H., US51018884, Pfc., K-05/29/51. m e : Record of Events Section for 05/29/51 on Morning Report dated, 06/01/51, states that: 17 men were captured by the Enemy, 8 were killed, and 3 wounded. The 8 men above are those murdered by the enemy. Ashby, John E., ER37863491, Cpl., DOW-05/04/51 A4 Dunn, Francis, RA12115873, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-10/27150 Sirois, Reno G., ER31496618, Pfc., DOW-03/24/51 Berry, Fred C. Jr, 11851038769. Cpl., K-06/27151 Mendiola, Jesus, RA18379476, Pvt., K-06/27/51 Zarada, Thomas E., ER16240831, Pfc., K-06/26/51 Salemo. Frank, US51065369, Pvt., M-04124151, POW, RP Allen, Donald E., RA16359141, Pfc., K-071W50 Belfiore, Joseph A, US52060030, Pfc., K-07/22/51 Foster, Spurge, 11852007978, Pfc., K-07/22/51 Reed, Paul R., US53015121, Pvt , M-04124151 Al? Sloss, Alvin E., RA17292481, Pvt., M-04/24/51 Al (None Listed) Reichenberger, Norman T., US55047196, Pfc., K-10110151 Kern, Leo P., US52060739, Sgt., K-10111151 Murphy, Robert M., US52106922, Pvt, K-10/13/51 Vincent, Raymond M., US50901995, Pvt., K-10/13/51 Brown, Bruce F., RA13263471, Cpl., K-10/18/51 Hunt, Wilijarn J., RA27026315, Pfc., K-10118/51 Marks, Harry T., US52017091. Pfc., K-10116/51 Myers, Robert J., RA19346122, Pfc., K-10117151 Doyle, Eldon E., US55102582, Cpl., K-1W18/51 King, Denver, 11852060674, Cpl., K-10119151 Clayton, Russell, 11852062326, Cpl., K-10M1151 Coniveau, Donald F., US51017293, Pvt., K-10/21/51 Davis, Charles F., RA15433237, Pvt., K-10121151 Johnson, Edgar O., RA15443091, Wc., K-10/21/51 Landwhr, Rolland P., 11855025545, Cpl., K-10Q1151 McCullar, Louis A., US53037119, Pfc., K-10/2dl51 Meuffels, Lavern, 11855027'728, Sgt., K-10Q1151 Moesch, Richard L., 11851055759, Pvt., K-10121151 Rutledge, Willie M., RA14380467, Pfc., K-10/21151 sheiton, Roy, US24785869, Pvt., K-10/21151 Linkewicz, Adam Jr., 11852035557, Cpl., K-10/22/51 Denney, Norman W., US56144982, Pfc., K-10119151 Guerue, John E., 11855134642, Pvt., K-10M9151 Huggins, Leland V., US56053590, Pfc., K-10/29151 Thomas, Donald R., RA18356274, Pfc., K-10/29151 Thompson, Johnnie, RA14402376, Pvt., K-10/29151 Leonard, Edwin R., US52054510, Pfc., K-11/07/51 11/12/51 12/21/51 Pelton, William H., RA18314345, Pfc., K-11/07/51 Tracy, John H., RA11220919, Pfc.,K-11/07/51 Garrett, Lonnie 0.. US54021852, Cpl., K-11/08/51 Conner, Raymond E., RA45042998, Pvt., K-11/01/51 Rooks, John H., US53087522, Pvt., K-10/31/51 Jordan, Byron L., US56075033, Pvt., M-11/07/51, 12/23/51 Geeslin, James D., US56111310, Pfc., M-1OM8151 11/16/51 12/09/51 POW, RP Deceased, in 1988 A1 -15Baker Cornpanv. 1st Bn., 19th Infantrv Req't., Julv 1. 1950-December 31. 1951 M/R Date 07/16/50 Bellflower, Edward M., RA13409468, Cpl., K-07/16/50 Carter, James M., RA18289360, Pfc., K-07/16/50 Dusoblom, Walter D., RA11166718, M.,K-07116150 Estabrook, Wilbert R., RA11178186, Cpl., M-07/16/50, Fabrize, Donald, RA12119037, M.,K-07/16/50 Hall, Abner C., RA12300430, Pvt., K-07116150 Hotchkiss, Wllliarn H., 01339721, 1st Lt., K-07/16/50 Johnson,Merlin E., RA11109347, Pfc.,M-07/16/50 McGinty, John J., RA13262333, Pfc., K-07/16/50 Matchett, Edward W., RA46019935, SFC, M-07/16/50 Orr, DonaldA, RA16294884, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Reed, Howard R., RA19317711, Pfc., K-07/16/50 Rice, James, RA14313713, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Sheridan, Frank W., Pfc., M-07/16/50 Vorel, Charles A. Jr., RA16282238, M.,M-07/16/50 POW, RP DOD-12/31/53 Willrich, Gene W., RA15279763, Pfc., K-07116150 Worley, Donald B., RA15271359, K-07/16/50 Streetman, James S., RA14237965, K-07/19/50 Robertson, Charles L., RA13277053, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Babin. Robert A., RA16267636, Pfc. M-08/02/50 Blakemore, John E., RA13165223, Sgt., M-08/02/50 Brown, James A., RA13163665, Pfc., K-08/02/50 Davidson, Edward E., RA17248897, Pvt., M-T&K-08/02/50 Du Puis, James R., 02018319, 1st Lt., K-08/02/50, (Company Commanderj Lutes, Raymond E., RA16314048, M.,K-08/02/50 Newman, Marvin L., RA18279835, Pfc., K-08/02/50 Roberts, Hobson J., RA6230131, MISgt, K-08/02/50, (Company 7* Sgt) Thompson, Robert F., RA15412448, Pfc., K-08/02/50 VanGundy, Julius L., RA19296745, Pfc., M-08/02/50 Wilson, Donald J., RA17262426, Pfc., K-08/02/50 Schatz, Raymond H., RA13282346, Cpl., K-08/10/50 Grace, Robert W., RA17261347, Cpl., K-0W13/50 Delong, Harold T., RA15269477, M.,K-08115150 Gallegos. Polito G., R.427797008, Pfc., K-08/17/50 Riecty, Edward R., RA13266841, Pvt., K-09/24/50 Shepard, Clarence E., RA42199665, Sgt., K-08/02/50 Davies, Earl J., 01113247, 1st Lt., M-09/19/50 Finn, Clifford C., R.421904275, Pfc., K-11/04/50 (None Listed) Clark, Glenn U., RA13411958, Pvt., M-01/01/50 CRMC-02/10/51 Estela, Enrique E., RA12320320, Cpl., M-01/01/51 CRMC-02/10/51 McDowell, Etton W., RA13346993, Pfc., M-01/01/51 CRMG0Z/l0/51 Olson, Norman E., RA17244123, SFC, M-01/01/51 POW, Died-06/23/51 1 I A4 JI 1I Vaughn, Carl D., RA13320465, Cpl., K-01/01/51 Brown, Harold G., ER18145306, Cpl., K-01/30/51 Dahlgren, Raymond F., ER31285900, Cpl., M-01/30/51 Hankamer, Fred A. Sr., RA18260811, Cpl., K-01/30/51 Judge, Daniel S., RA11202582, Pvt., K-01/30/51 Young, Paul A., RA12356439, Pvt., K-01/30/51 Coontz, Virgil, ER06984747, Sgt, K-02/W51 Crawford, Edward G., RA19319597, Cpl., K-02/04/51 Faulkner, Lynn R., RA18283751, Pvt., M-02/04/51 POW, Died-11/30/51 Lupton, Leo, RA14018381, MISgt, K-02/04/51 Towne, Charles E., ER57136507, Pfc, M-02/04/51 POW, Died-07/04/51 Soldberg, Leonard S., ER57200262, Pfc., K02/09/51 Olach, Herbert E., ER36469796, Sgt., K-02/09/51 Goya, Masao, RA10104210, Cpl., K-03/08/51 Parks, Charles W., US52010447, Pvt., K-03/08/51 Wojeski , Richard L., RA12285483, Sgt., K-03/08/51 Weber, Murray, ER12263338, ffc., K-0316/51 Stark, Gaylord W., ER37756217. SFC. K-0319/51 Kirchhefer, Kenneth R., ER20722754, Sgt., K-03/23/51 Bruno, Edward J., ER17253136, ffc., K-04/13/51 Buehler, Leo T., RA13284123, Cpl., K M 3 / 5 1 Melzer, Ernest J., RA19315892, Sgt., M W 4 / 5 1 DOD-12/31/53 Bryant, Paul C., ER57204806, Cpl., K-04/24/51 Mullen, Alfred E., RA13282118, Cpl., K-04/24/51 Castleman, W~lliarnJ., RA15428616, Pvt., K-05/17/51 Flores, Manuel, RA18355264, Pfc., K-05/17/51 Priest, Bernard V., RA14313873, Sgt., K-05/17/51 Irving, Dennis, US55043252, Pvt.. K-05/20/51 Brashear, Metvin A., ffi23351617, Pfc., K-06/02/51 Fisher, Kenneth C., US55031603, ffc., KWO2/51 Banks, Thomas J., US51025271, Pfc., K-06/27/51 Carter, Clarence O.,US55054931, Pvt., K-06/27/51 Hagen, Roy A., 0 63318, 1st Lt., K46/27/51 Pendley, Billy, RA14345774, Cpl., K46/27/51 Davenport, William E., RA12352136, ffc., K-06/28151 Laufer, Robert, RA16297560, Pfc., K-05/26/51 Orazco, Ishmael, RA19343834, Cpl., K-06/28/51 Strzelecki, Henry T., US55060208, Cpl., K-09/09/51 Franklin, Allen, US54051400, Pfc., K-10/07/51 Chambers, Grady L., RA19373027, Pvt., K-10/13/51 Adams, Lewis C. Jr.. US53052547, Pfc., K-1W14/51 Craig, Harry E., US52048265, Pfc., K-1W14/51 Henry, Donald E., US52084002. Pfc., K-10/14/51 Kelly, Virlen E., RA15427494, SFC, K-1W14151 Hansen, Reed H., US56059283, Cpl., K-10/17/51 Taccio. Rocco, US55041119, Pfc.. K-10/18/51 Cajero, Carlos M., RA19368617, SFC, K-10/17/51 Cecchel, George A., RA19389669, Cpl., K-10/19/51 Gaul, William R., US55044455, Pfc., K-10/19/51 A3 10/27/51 Curtis, John C., RA16364556, Pfc., K-10/20/51 11105151 Gilkison, Robert L., US55104994, Pfc., K-10/20/51 Haveika, Arnold, US55077123, Pfc., K-10/20/51 Heitman. Clarence M., US52061611, Pfc., K-10/20/51 Hunter, Edward D., RA14368680, Pfc., K-10/20/51 Morphew, James E., 11853069687, F'fc., K-10/20/51 Rainey, M o n B., US54034035, Sgt., K-10/22/51 Stevens, Lional F., US55078528, Pfc., K-10/20/51 Washington, Curtis N., US53071961, Pfc., K-10/20/51 Angel, Jack E., RA15430667, Pfc., K-11/01/51 Mattis, Harry E., US52031320, Pfc., K-11/Ol/51 Trobough, Billie J., RA17288808, Cpl., K-11/04/51 Briggs, Norman E., US51052522, FM., K-10/09/51 Crawford, David A. Jr., RA16342108, Pfc., K-10/09/51 DiCarlo. Louis A., US51055640, Pfc., K-11/05/51 Shepard, Leon M., ER33959085, Pfc., K-10/09/51 Micanhammer, Edward E., RA14344400, Pfc., K-11/26/51 Maidens, Thomas J., RA16320727, Pvt., K-07/16/50 11/06/51 11111/51 12/04/53 12/28/51 Charlie Com~anv,1' Bn.. 1gthlnfantrv Rea't.. Julv 1, 1950 To Decembet-31. 1951 MIR Date 07116/50 ## Abercombie, Wherry L., RA14328662, Pfc., M-07116150 Alcencio, Alqandro A., RA12325137, Pvt., M-To-K-07116/50 Aldridge, Harry H., RA20040057, Pvt., M-07116/50 Aldridge, Edward F., 02019542, 1st Lt., M-07116150 Allen, Leo, RA15240988, Cpl., M-07116150 Anderson, James E., RA16263145, Pfc. M-07116150 Arakawa, Jack C., RA30105539, Pfc., M-07116/50 CRMC-10/20150 Baker, Charlie C., RA06653013, SFC, M-07116150 Barron, George L., RA15420912, Pfc., M-To-K-07116/50 Baulk, Richard E., RA16296349, Pvt., M-07116150' POW, Died41111151 Beckham, Larry E., RA18283579, Pvt., M-07/16/50 POW, Died-02128451 Bennett, Earl, RAl3339375, Pvt., M-07116150 Calaway, William E., RA16286522, Pfc. M-07/16/50 POW, Died-10124150 Clevenger, Bruce W., RA14297884, Pfc., M-To-K-07/16/50 Couch, Samuel H., RA14276618, Cpl., K-07116150 Coyne, Ronald B., RA13340822, Pvt., M-07116/50 Creel, Shelby G., RA18283880, Pvt., M-07/16/50, POW, RP Creshine, Frank J., RA13273770, Pvt., M-To-K-07116150 Cropper, Robert D., RA15294144, Pvt., M-07116/50 Cumming, Zdton, RA12305748, Pfc. M-07/16/50 POW, Died-10131150 Dalton, Edmond F., RA13044713, Pfc., M-07116150 Dupuis, Raymond J., RA11188529, Pfc., M-07116/50 Evans, Robert M., RA13334072, Pvt., M-07/16/50 Faleshock, Michael J., RA13278042, Pfc., M-07116150 Frey, Stanley W., RA13281859, Pfc., M-To-K-07116150 Guerrero,Moses G., RA39235173, M-07116/50 POW, Died47116/50 Hams, James C., RA18315149, Pfc., M-07116/50 Hamngton, James A., RA32819859, Pvt., M-07116/50 POW, Died-10104150 Hegg, Arnold M., RA17270988, Pvt., M-07116150 Hemenway, John J ., RA42142833, Pfc., M-07116150 Hernandez, Francisco A, RA13320031, Pfc., M-To-K-07/16/50 Hess, Kenneth L., RA17267209, Pvt., M-07116/50 POW, Died-02/07151 Holencik, Joseph P., RA13281294, Pfc. M-07/16/50 POW, Died 03/16/51 Hoit, Freddie G., RA15414206, Pvt., M-To-K-07116150 Healy, Thomas J., RA16281664, Pvt., K-07116150 Hunt, James R., RA13253046, Pvt., M-07116150, POW, RP Hylton, Lonnie B., RA15410519, Pfc.,M-07/16/50 Jaso, Joe, RA18319891, Cpl., M-07/16/50 Jinks, Leonard W. E., RA15057580, Pfc, M-07116150 DOD-02/18/54 Jimenez, Victor P., RA38707429, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-04/16/51 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A4 A4 A1 Al? A1 A1 Kelleher, John F., RA16322033, Pvt., M-07116150 Kenton, Paul B., RA19327695, Pvt., M-To-K-07/16/50 Kinman, William L., RA15257358, Cpl., M-07116150 Knapp,Donald W., RA16320716. Pvt., M-07116150 Kogel, Frederick J., RA18275125, Cpl., M-07/16/50 Ladao, Edward, RA10102472, Pvt., M-07116150 Lahm, Leonard, E., RA17236000, Pfc., M-07116150 Lashley, Marvin Jr., RA17236099, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Lawrence, James W., RA13305607, Pfc., M-T~K-07116150 Lenz, Robert G., RA16290103, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-12/25/50 Lwmis, Otis W., RA06974305, Sgt., M-07116/50 POW, Died-12/25/50 Luebbers, Daniel E., RA16308877, Pvt., M-07116150 POW, Died47118150 Lukitsch,John J., RA13282242, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-10127150 MacGill, Henry T., 050808, 1st Lt., M-07/16/50, Captured, then KillecC07A6150 Maher, Thomas A. M., 02210005,Znd Lt., K-07/16/50 Martin, James M., RA06247030, MlSgt, M-07116150 POW, Died-07116150 Marty, Albert E., RA15409897, Pfc., M-To-K-07/16/50 Mauldin, Sidney R., RA14318242, Pfc., M-07/16/50 May, Donald A., RA16280783, Pvt., M-07116/50 POW, Died-02/05/51 Mayes, James D., RA12243796, ffc., M-T~K-07/16/50 McAdarns, Ronald L., RA18282786, Pvt., M-07116150 McCutcheon, James E., RA18254085, Rct., M-07116150 McKeown, Joseph T. A., RA19330339, Pvt., M-07116/50 DOD-12/31/53 Merriett, Anthony G., RA17270821, Pvt., M-07/16/50 Mills, Donald F., RA19303082, Pfc., M-07116150 Mitchell, Rudus, RA18304240, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-11/04150 Monroe, James H., RA19317470, ffc., M-07116150 POW, Died-11/02/50 Moynihan, John T., RA31309582, SFC, M-07/16150 POW, RP Naville, Herman F. Jr., RA16313226, Pfc., M-07/16/50, Nelson, Claybum E., RA19340493, Pvt., M-07116150 Nelson, Oscar R., RA16315403, Pvt., M-07/16150 POW, Died-1OM6150 Nicodemus, James R., RA20506672, SFC, M-07116150 Oles, Peter, RA12114835, Pvt., M-07116/50 POW, Died-12108150 Oleyar, Frank J., RA06910648, MIS@,M-07/16/50 Ollero, Luciano F., RA39612441, Pfc., M-07/16/50 POW, Died-05/23/51 Oresto, James W., RA12301773, Pvt., M-07116150, POW, RP Pacleb, Pantolion M., RA30108440, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Peterson, Donwin R., RA17263842, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-08105151 Pettis, Gilbert L., RA12107572, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-1013U50 Al? A1 A1 Al? A1 Al? 07116/50 Pillow, Wade M., RA13292294, Pfc., M-07116/50 Pixley, George A, RA36450428, SFC, M-07116/50 A1 A3 DOP-02/01/ 54 Polka, Francis, RA16250699, Sgt., M-07116150 POW, Died-01111151 Radford, Johnnie E., RA13380732, Pfc., M-07116150 DOD-12/31/53 Rency, Edward S., RA12318230, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, DOD-12/31/53 Richmond, Charles R., RA19323740, Pfc., M-07116/50 Rowland, Carl W., RA14277975, Sgt., K-07116/50 Saldana, Roberto, RA19340189, Pfc., M-07/16/SO Sanzi, Robert D., RA31489255, Cpl., M-07/16/50 Schmidt, Charles C., RA17083820, Pvt., M-07116150, POW, RP Smith, Clifton E., RA19348921, Pfc., M-TeK-07/16/50 Smith, Fred, RA15274714, Pfc., M-To-K-07116/50 Smith, Gerald J., RA13295709, Pvt, M-07116150, POW, RP Smith, Ray, RA37012877, Pvt., M-07116150 Smith, Robert L., RA18273545, Pvt., M-07116/50, POW, RP Sorrentino,Anthony T., RA12325141, Pfc., M-To-K-07116150 Springston, Clyde A., RA15409640, Pvt., M-07116/50 Stavrakes, James, 02200204,2nd Lt., M-07116/50, POW, RP Dec'd.. 07/16/87 Stidham, Henry, RA35659422, Cpl., M-07116150 POW, Died-10/20150 * Sumpter, Bill S., RA17236281, Cpl., M-07/16/50 POW, Diedl 11/07/50 Sutherland, Kenneth W., RA16255953, Pfc., M-TeK-07116150 Sunsdahl, Roy L., RA17271333, Pvt., M-07/16/50 POW, Did-12/04/50 Sweet, Richard L., RA18260543, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-1319/50 Tabor, Charles A, RA15380543, Pfc., M-TeK-07/16/50 Tatro, Richard D., RA13307445, Pvt., M-07116/50 Tepakeyah, Julius S., RA16320676, Pvt., M-07116/50 Thomas, Garland C., RA19341542, Pvt., M-07116150 Thorsteinson, Duncan L. F., RA1934.0363, Pvt., M-07116150 Thompson, William H., RA18254757, Cpl., M-07/16/50 Tius, Robert E., RA16312767, Pvt., M-07116150 POW, Diedl 1/23/50 Toney, Clarence, RA13320078, Pvt., M-07116/50 Varvel, Patrick J., RA17266812, Pvt., M-07116/50 Walton, Bobby B., RA14316789, Pfc., M-TeK-07/16/50 Ward, Samuel E., RA15410130, Pfc.. M-To-K-07/16/50 Wanick, John E., RA13267904, Cpl., M-07116/50 POW, Died12/31/50 Watts, Ishmael, RA15372292, Pfc., K-07116/50 Wolfe, Charles J., RA15408966, Pvt., M-07116150, POW, RP Wright, Robert A, RA15381551, Pvt., M-07116150 POW, DOD-12/31/53 Killpatrick, Ralph L., RA13227150, Sgt., M-07116150,Behind enemy lines, rejoined organization upon the unit's return to Tajon on 09/3W50 Dedman, Eugene, RA15198747, Cpl., K-07131150 Ruddick, Jack E., RA13253157, Pvt., K-08/03150 A4 A3 A3? A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Al? Al? A4 A4 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A4 A1 A1 A4 A3? Kendall, Thomas K., RA15409097, Pfc., DOW-08/04/50 Sellers, Donald E., RA17261990, Pfc., DOW-08/04/50 Ochoa, Amdd, RA19305725, Cpl., K-08/13/50 Soward, Dewey L., RA19343379, Pfc., K-08/13/50 Zwk, Harold W., RA16297021, Pfc., K-08/13/50 Clark, Fredrick, T., RA12330252, Pvt., K-08/18/50 Sands, William T., RA14332732, Pfc., K-08/17/50 Stevens, Lynn, 03400820, 1st Lt., K-09/11/50 Allen, James E., RA12287084, Pfc., M-To-K-11/04/50 Arias, Milton, RA18233114, Cpl., M-To-K-11/04/50 Bannister, Kenneth A, RA26938025, Pfc., M-11/04/50, Brown, Edward L., RA16310573, Cpl., DOW-10/31/50 Brown, John D., RA18246839, Sgt., M-11/04/50, Brumbelow, Clifton, RA24767249, Pfc., M-11/04/50, Champagne, Hartwell J., RA15265505, Pvt., M-11/04/50, Clevenger, James M., RA35783898, SFC, M-To-K-11/04/50 Corey, Charles E., RA37260974, SFC, M-11/04/50, Cota, Joseph R., RA19357290, Pfc., M-11/04/50, Davis, Charles R., RA16322558, Cpl., M-11/04/50, Doran, Carl, RA18361237, Pvt., M-11/04/50, Dowe, Ray M.Jr., 0622650, 2nd Lt., M-11/04/50, (Doctor) ## Dumas, Roger A., RA21004481, Pfc., M-11/04/50 POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP CRMC-11/22/50 POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP A3 DOD-02/26/54 11/06/50 Estes, Cleston B., RA44137377, Sgt., M-To-K-11/04/50 Funchess, William H., 0956203, 1st Lt., M-11/04/50, POW, RP (Authored book: KOREA P.O.W., A THOUSAND DAYS of TORMENT) Grace, Edward, RA15012300, SFC, M-To-K-11/04/50 Goss, George C., RA13314043, Cpl., M-To-K-11/04/50 A4 Haugen, Richard D. 062832, Capt., M-11/05/50 POW, Died-03/08/51 Howard, Albert L., RA36979725, Sgt., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Dec'd., 03/22/85 POW, RP King, Leonard G., RA35047433, SFC, M-11/04/50, Koyle, Grant W., RA39965930, Cpl., M-To-K-11/04/50 POW, RP Krasko, John, 059406,2nd Lt., M-11/05/50, A4 Labossiere, Edward W., RA21277303, Pvt., M-11/04/50 POW, Died-O4/30/51 POW, RP LeGay, Donald K., RA11171586, Pfc., M-11/04/50, Marteg, Alan C., RA16301651, Pfc., M-To-K-11/04/50 May, Robert L., RA17171144, Cpl., M-11/04/50 A4 POW, Died-02/05/51 McAllister, John E., RA16303621, Sgt., M-11/04/50 A4 POW, Died-02/28/51 NcKinney, Arnold, RA06152618, SFC, M-To-K-11/04/50 McNamara, Buford, C., RA14324837, Cpl., M-11/04/50, POW, RP A1 Mills, Carroll E., RA14287028, Sgt., M-11/04/50 A4 Mitchell, Jesse L., RA18341464, Pfc., M-11/04/50 POW, Died-08/31/51 POW, RP Newton, Charles, RA49132025, Sgt., M-11/04/50, Dec'd., 04/09/91 Ortiz, Orlando, 0954381, 1st Lt., M-11/05/50, POW, RP Penostki, Peter J., RA13265429, Pfc., M-11/04/50 11/07/50 11/22/50 Dec., 50 01/03/51 01/10/51 01/12/51 Point, Ray, RA06859159, MIS@,M-11/05/50-To-K-1V04150 R o c h r k , Louis, 01308378, Capt., M-11/05/50, POW, RP Samsel, Denzil G., RA19250349, Pfc., M-11/04/50 A4 POW, Died-02/25/51 Santo, Ciro J., RA12338398, Pfc., M-11/05/50, POW, RP Satterfield, Glen R., RA15281668, Pfc.. M-To-K-11/04/50 Slagle, Don L., RA17245221, Pfc., M-11/05/50, POW, RP Solomon, Oscar, RA19361233, Cpl., M-11/05/50, POW RP Stewart, Graham, RA34014146, MIS@, M-To-K-11/04/50 Stunn, Donald R., RA16235126, Cpl., M-11/06/50 A4 POW, Died-O4/30/51 Trammell, David, RA11191150, Cpl., M-11/05/50, POW, RP Trarnmell, James E., RA18355691, Cpl., M-11/05/50 A3 DOD-12/31/53 Trent, Ira V., RA15379941, Pvt., M-To-K-11/04/50 Wallace, Willard, RA18282420, Cpl., M-To-K-11/04/50 Weldon, Hardd D., RA12284346, Pfc., M-11/05/50 A4 POW, Die602/16/51 Wells, Richard J., RA17248450, Cpl., M-11/05/50, POW, RP Wilson, Glenn C., RA18264811, Pfc, M-11/05/50 POW RP Hatano, Billy K., RA18341614, Pvt., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Hmkins, James L., RA14322549, Pvt, K-07/31/50 (None Listed) A1 Zurfluh, Rdand H., RA16319935, Pfc., M-07/31/50 High, Benjamin, F.. RA18008282, Pfc., K-07/16/50 Allen, William H., RA1629584.6, Cpl., M-01/01/51 POW, RP Barnes, Eddie G., RA18268243, Pvt., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Brodie, James H., RA15425135, Pvt., M-01/01/51, CRMG02/10/51 Brooks, John W., RA14322733, Pfc., M-01/01/51, A4 POW, Died-06/02/51 Butler, Nehemiah, RA13346998, Pfc., M-01/01/51 A3 DODl2/31/53 Caplinger, Willard F., ER45047124. Pvt., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Cummings, Roger D., RA19341894, Pfc., M-01/01/51 A3 DOD-12/31/53 Dittmer, Thomas L., RA18193275, Cpl., M-01/01/51, POW RP Drayer, Dale E., ER15355123, Pfc., M-01/01/51 A1 Earl, James E., RA18259856, Sgt., M-01/01/51 A4 POW, Died-O5/31/51 Falwneri, Donald L., RA11150182, Cpl., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Fichtner, Hany J., ER52033986, Pfc., M-01/01/51, POW RP Fields, Leroy, RA57401023, Cpl. M-01/01/51, CRMC-O2/09/51 Hwey, Glenn A, ER37899308, Pfc., M-01/01/51 A1 Hughes, John B., RA34013163, Pfc., M-01/01/51, POW RP Huntley, Harold, RA15295744, Pfc., M-01/01/51, CRMC-02109151 Ireland, Alfred, RA19246420, Sgt., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Jenkins, Fred J.,RA14316945, Cpl., M-01/01/51, CRMC-02/10/51 Juneau, Joseph, RA18352310. Pvt., M-01/01/51, POW, RP King.George R., RA16264022, Cpl., M1/01/51 01127151 01129151 01/30/51 02/16/51 03/09/51 03109151 POW, Died-12/06/51 Krukowski, Stanley S., RA36780416, Pfc., M-01/01/51 POW, Died-06/03/51 Kutters, William J., RA23766255, Pfc., M-01/01/51 McDonnell,Frands J., RA06058870, M/Sgt, M-01/01/51 POW, Died-05/31/51 McHenry, Paul H., RA35438025, Cpl., K-01/01/51 Moderski, John M., RA15204261, Pfc., M-01/01/51, CRMC-02/10/51 Moreland, Kenneth, RA33861383, SFC, M-01/01/51, CRMC-03/21/51 POW, RP Morgan, Marian J., RA18333524, Cpl., M-01/01/51, Negron Jorge A., RA10404589, MIS@, M-01/01/51, POW, RP Nelson, William A., RA25573561, Pvt., M41/01/51 POW, RP Noell, Howard L., RA39763600, Sgt., M-01/01/51, Dec'd, 05/31186 Potorski, John S., RA33941745, Cpl., M-Tr>-K-01/01/51 POW, RP Ream, Gilbert E., RA16262374, Sgt., M-01101/51, Schmwer, George R., RA15469900, SFC, M-01/01/51 POW, Died-04/20/51 Siedlemann. Dale E.. RA17269299, Cpl., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Shackleford, Reginald F. J., RA14329452, Pfc., M41/01/51 DOD-12/31/53 Stapp, Willie W., RA18339551, Pfc., M-01/01/51, POW, RP kt# Stoeber, Walter, RA13257788, Pfc., M-01/01/51, DOD-0211W54 (Assigned from Hq. Company, 1'' Bn., 11/1 W50) Sullivan, John L., RA16307375, Pfc., M-01/01151, POW, RP Dec'd, 03/29/93 Vanorman, Chester W., 02212001, 1st Lt., M-01/01151, POW, RP Dec'd, 11/??I81 Wadley, Elis L., RA18282420, Pfc., M-01/01/51, CRMW3/21/51 Wright, Joseph, RA38070885, Pfc., M41/01/5 1, CRMC-02/10/51 Young, Jack R., RA44019142, Cpl., K-07/31/50 POW, RP Lakin, Uoyd C., RA16293963, Pfc., M-01/01/51, Gross, Walter P. J., ER12262725, Pvt., M-01101/51 POW, Died-07/03/51 Avara, Allen O., RA28130850, Pvt., K-02/09/51 Bemier, Stephen L., RA16318827, Cpl., M-Tr>-K-02/09/51 Bossert, Frederick W., RA13352746, Pvt., M-02/09/51 Flair, Raymond R., ER13233279, Pfc., M-Tr>-K-02/09/51 Hostler, E-rd Jr., ER13213506, Pfc., M-To-K-02/09/51 Jackson, W~lliamR., ER33722215, Pfc., M-02/09/51 McKnight, Preston L., ER35999887, Pfc., K-02/09/51 Mudryk, Michael, RA35853769, Pvt., M-02/09/51 Townsend. Randolph T., 02202591,2nd Lt., K-02/09/51 Turner, Cooper T., RA36733013, M/Sgt, K-02/04/51 Young, Ronald G., RA13353004, Pvt, M-02/09/51 Bayes, Charles Jr., RA15280043, Pfc., M-08/31/50, POW, RP Belaski, Samuel L., RA28211420, Pfc., M-07/31/50 DOD-12/21153 Heard, Sam, RA18350254, Pvt., M-07/31/50 POW, Died-11/28/50 A1 A4 A3 A3 A4 A3 A4 -24McDavid, Fmrnett Jr., RA14325024, Pvt., M-07131150 Forget, Norman D., RA21261267, Pfc., K-03109151 Brumbow, Charley, A., RA900754, Cpl., M-11/04/50, Englehart, Robert, RA11183007, Pfc, M-11/04/50 POW, RP A4 POW, Died-08/17/51 Fox, Topel C., RA17280060, Pvt., K-04/22/51 Hall, Ronald L., RA19344248, Pfc., K-04/21/51 Knowles, Virgil L., RA26346418, Pfc., M-04/24/51 Korbmacher, Arthur E., RA17285364, Pfc., K-04/24/51 Nichols, Rice M., RA14296589, Sgt., M-04/24/51 Rogers, James D., RA14323888, Pvt., M-04/24/51 Richards, Joice C., RA15251407, Sgt., K-04/24/51 Brown, Walter B. Jr., RA17284254, Pvt., DOWW5151 Kociencki, Thaddeus, ER42091080, Cpl., K-04/24/51 Andresen, Charles A., ER16218239, Pfc., K-05/17/51 Teske, Roger C., RA16281444, Pfc., K-05/17/51 Branhan, Jack, RA13332215, Pvt. K-05/27/51 Mensch. Robert R., US52035372, Pvt., M-05/27/51 POW, Died-09118/51 Dick, William B., RA18352745, Cpl., K46/03/51 Campbell, George H., RA12286796, Cpl., K-06/27/51 King, Jason R., 0972119,2nd U.,K46/27/51 Machnicki, Hany, RA15233889, Cpl., K46/27/51 Pineda, James, RA30114046, Cpl., K-06n7151 Woodall, Charles, RA18302712, Sgt., K-06/27/51 Bailey, James M., RA13293236, Cpl., K M / W 5 1 Hatcher, Embree H., RA14337517, Pvt., M-08/19/50 Houser, Robert D., US52059954. Pvt., M-07/21/51, Sprouse, Jesse, U553032254, Cpl., K-07/23/51 Sammons, Van B., RA14147094, Pfc., K-07131150 Craw,W~ltonP., US53029419, Pvt., K-1W09I51 Glover, Robert, ER15412508. Pfc., K-10/09/51 Kline, John F., U551058273, Pvt., K-10/09/51 Folmar. Erwin, RA16252189, Pfc., K-10/13/51 Brents, George, US54001709, Cpl., K-10/14/51 Bright, Robert, US55150981, Pfc., K-10/14/51 Kinoshita, Richard, US50001537, Cpl., K-1W14/51 Moore, Moris G., US55060395, Pfc., K-10/14/51 Stepp, Harlan, US56144402, Pfc., K-10/14/51 Swingle, Ivan, US52058360, Cpl., K-10/14/51 Callon, Albert, RA13359689, Cpl., DOW-1W14151 Hutcherson, Phares, US56074263, Pfc., K-10/19/51 Law, Wayne, US53048117, Pfc., M-10/09/51 Layne, Roy, US52057590, Cpl., K-10/09/51 Patterson, James, RA28228005 Pfc., K-10/19/51 Lail, Dan B., US53060973, Pvt., K-11/08/51 Pagel, Charles, RA19378682, Pfc., K-10/14/51 Rother, Charles R., US55165497, Pvt., K-11/08/51 McGowan, Phillip T., US51058351, Pvt., K-11/08/51 Dobie, Richard D., US55083785, Pfc., K-11/18/51 Hamilton, Lawrence Jr., US56069369, Sgt., Accidental Death, LD-Yes, 12/03/51 Zimrnerman, Walter L., US55148111, Pvt., K-12/07/51 Doa Companv. 1st Bn.. 19th lnfantrv Rq't.. Julv 1. 1950 To December 31, 1951 MIR Date 07116150 Adkins, Vernon E., RA16265288, Pfc., M-07116150 A3 DOD-12/31/53 Benson, Kenneth L., RA17266778, Pvt., M-07116150 Bowling, Monis A., RA35783830, Pvt., M-TeK-07116150 Buchanan, Joel H., RA15415959, Pvt., M-To-K-07/16/50 Canales, Rudolph M., RA16255836, Pfc., M-To-K-07116150 Corneaux, Rayford J., RA18279100, Pvt., M-07116150 Davis, Jarnes C., RA16312742, Pfc., M-07116/50, POW, RP Doyle, Lawrence A., RA13295923, Pfc., M-07/16/50 POW, Died-1012.8150 Engholm, Stanley, RA42172782, Pvt., M-07116150 DOD-12/31/53 Fahey, Lawrence, RA06900406, Pfc., M-07116/50 Gray, Billie J., RA15379115, Pvt., M-TeK-07116150 Grice, Arthur O., RA19304819, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Hanchey, Ray H., RA28014239, Pvt., M-07116150, CRMG10122/50 Harbin, Howard M., RA14272032, Pvt., M-To-K-07116150 Heim, Warren E., RA13314980, Pvt., M-07116150 POW, Died-11/08/50 Hillen, James, RA16296169, Pvt., M-07/16/50 POW, Died-01114151 Hoapili, Mosses K.Jr., RA10104221, Pvt., M-07116150 James, Charles E., RA16314249, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Kailianu, Robert W., RA10102661, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-12/23/50 Kraszewski, Henry, RA42152811, Cpl., M-To-K-07116150 Martin, John A., RA06266330, Cpl., M-07116150 POW, Died-05/02/51 McClain, Edward M., RA34794405, Sgt., M-07116150 Miner, Andrew J., RA15271547, Pfc., M-To-K-07/16/50 Mdar, Louie J., RA16295505, Pfc., M-07116/50 DOD-12/31153 Mooiki, George, RA20015259, Sgt., M-07116/50 Nobles. Wayne O., RA19323416, Pfc., M-07116150 O'Brien, Jarnes D., RA18282697, Pvt., M-Tc~K-07116150 O'Hara, William T., RA16290806, Pfc., M-07116150 POW, Died-11/21/50 * Peeters, Marcel C., RA15278349, Pvt., M-07/16/50 POW, Died-01/21/51 Pinkham, Joseph L., RA13307128, Pfc., M-07116/50 Rawlings, Patrick J., RA16280102, Pfc., M-07116150 Saverese, Joseph V., RA42013638, Sgt., M-07116/50 Schnurr, Gilbert E., RA15415686, Pfc., M-07/16/50 Shanaver, Earl H., RA16295823, Pvt., M-07/16/50 Solomon, Arnold D., RA13307099, Pvt., M-07116150 Sowers, Kenneth C., RA17271002, Pvt., M-07116150 Stanford, James C., RA14318281, Pfc., M-To-K-07116150 Triplett, Lowell C., RA15277097, Pvt., M-07116/50 POW, Died-10116/50 A1 A1 A4 A3 A1 A1 Al? A3 A1 A1 A4 A4 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A4 Ward, James 6.. RA18254765, Pfc., M-TeK-07116150 Craig, Artton B., RA13231396, Pfc., M-07127150, CRMC-10/21/50 Sapack, James S., RA13331885, Cpl., M-07/27/50 Libassi, Vincent, RA06835241, Sgt., K-08/02/50 McQuain, Russell, RA13330449, Pvt., K-08/17/50 Dianda, Alfred P., 0963871, 2nd Lt., K-08/17/50 Genits, Donald L, RA16308170, Pfc., K-09/19/50 Fritz. Joseph E., RA33151093, Pfc., DOW-08/17/50 Longwitz, John W., RA36809435, Sgt., K-10117150 Borer, William F., RA12275803, Sgt., M-11/04/50, Bunton, Hansel J., RA14334838, Pvt, M-TeK-11/04/50 Caruth, Bobby L., RA38459399, Cpl., M-11/04/50, Costilw, William T., RA13308520, Pfc., M-11/04/50, Dampier, Robert S., RA14337372, Pfc., M-11/04/50A3 POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP DOD-21/31/53 Davis, Herbert H. Jr., RA13328419, Pvt., M-TeK-11/04/50 Dorsey, Marvin F., RA14334277, Cpl., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Forest, Coy D., RA17266860, Cpl., M-11/04/60, POW, RP Garrett, George R., RA15280656, Pfc., M-11104150 POW, Died-06/10/51 Hensley, Jasper N., RA06380324, MISgt, M-11/04/50 DOD-12/31/53 Jones, Mack D.; RA34999195, Sgt., K-11/04/50 Koontze, Eugene, RA13269454, Pfc., K-11/04/50 Parsons, Earl J., RA15379833, Pfc., K-11/04/50 Self, Albert A., RA06816836, SFC, M-11/04/50 POW, Died-02/28/51 Simmons, Clifford RA15277740, Cpl., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Thompson, Cecil J., RA06966422, SFC, M-11/04/50, POW, RP Tumbull, Robert J., RA16315485, Pvt., M-TM-11/04/50 Volinski, Adam R, RA06838151. Cpl., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Watson, Leo T., RA13337377, Pfc., M-11/04/50, POW, RP Wallace, James M., RA16293.508, Cpl., M-To-K-11/04/50 White, Sherman H., RA06668711, Sgt., M-TeK-11/04/50 Hinson, Henry E., RA14276779, Pfc., DOW-07/14/50 (None Listed) Allen, James M., RA14313064, Pfc., M-01101151, POW, RP Boyer, Joseph G., ER13073801, Cpl., M-01/01/51 Downie. George E., 02212078, 1st Lt, M-01/01/51, C-01/03/51-RMC-02/10/51 Eaton, John D. Jr., RA12338698, Pfc., M-01/01/51, GO1103151-RMGO2/10/51 POW RP Gruarin, Albert A., RA42212303, Pfc., M-01/01/51, Miller, Thomas C., RA12118471, Cpl., M-01/01/51 Moore, Henry F., RA38465453, Sgt., M-01101151 Scott, Leonard, RA069588-42, MIS@,M-01/01/51, POW RP Simmons, Willie H., ER14315415, Pfc., M-01/01/51 Smart, Norman, RA12349225, Pfc., M-01/01/51 Sjodin, John R., 02262120, 1st Lt., M-01/01/51 02119/51 March, 51 04/26/51 05/04/51 05/24/51 05/26/51 June, 51 07/24/51 Aug., 51 Sept., 51 10/21/61 Shelton, James A., RA14253353, Pvt., Missing-11/30/50 (None Listed) Moore, Walter O.,RA14334403, Pfc., M-11/04/50, Welsh Roy W., ER33969313, Cpl., K W 3 / 5 1 Bertram, Charles E., RA16333213, Pfc., K-05/17/51 Childress, Charles L., ER15223794, Cpl., K-05122151 (None Listed) Saar Martin A, ERA 2113431, Cpl., DOW-07/01/51 (None Listed) (None Listed) Gardner, James D., RA15439687, Pvt., K-1W14/51 Holloway, James A., US56146190, Pvt., K-10/15/51 Mann, Otto, RA14380668, Pvt, K-10/14/51 Minor, Charles M., US52079085, Pfc., K-10/21/51 Bishop, Robert G., RA13364613, Pfc., K-11/04/51 Gallager, Patrick J., US52103443, Pvt., K-11/03/51 Weaver, Wadie Jr., RA14395113, Pfc., K-11/03/51 Erby, Vernon J., US52083757, Sgt., K-11/08/51 Higuera, Gilbert R., US56147689, Pvt., K-11/08/51 Kenslaw, Kenneth W., US55147839, Pvt., K-11/08/51 Mastroinni, Giwanni B., US52069196, Pfc., K-11/08/51 Murdock, Lonnie, US55165406, K-11/08/51 (None Listed) POW, RP -28 Ha. Com~anv.2"d Bn.. 19'~.lnfantrv Rea't.. Julv 1. 1950-December 31. 1951 MIR Date 07116/50 Arias, Frank V., RA19326329, Pfc., M-07/16/50 A3 DOD-12/31153 POW, RP 07/20150 07/31150 08105150 08113/50 09119/50 09/20/50 02/02/51 05/07/51 1 I I I I I i I Durant, Frank C. Jr., RA18311410, Pfc., M-07116150, Garlets, Mehrin, RA13256825, Cpl., M-07116150 A1 Hickrnan, Harold L., RA15418650, Cpl., K-07116/50 McDermott, Eugene J., RA13282926, Pfc., M-07116150 A1 Thornson, Charles D., RA19295223, Pvt., M-07116/50 A1 Bumett Raymond M., RA19353854, Pfc., M-07/20150 A4 POW, Died-08/31150 Busico, Ernest, RA12285188, Pfc., M-07120/50, Al? POW, Died-03/03151 Crowe, William H., 0949075, 2nd Lt., K-07120150 Henderson, Andrew J. Jr., RA44108109, Pfc., M-07/20150, CRMC-10/25/50 Kyser, Robert L., RA19326406, Pvt., M-07/20150 A1 Lee, James C., RA14220541, M-07/20150 A1 Leist, John E., RA16313203, Pfc., K-07/20150 Long, W~lliamM., RA17231255, Pfc., M-07/20150 A1 Loving, Charles R., RA13290631, Cpl., M-07/20150 A1 Napier, Charles C., RA15409951, Pfc., M-07/20150, POW, RP Sawyer, Joe A., RA14259925, Pfc., M-07/20150, POW, RP Sharp, Oral R. RA13269132, Pfc., K-07/20150 Torigian, Frank W., RA37580885, Sgt., M-07nW50 A1 White, Elvis J., RA18293397, Pfc., M-07/2W50 A1 Hoges, Otmer F. Jr., RA15288335, Pfc., K-07131150 Hopper Roy J.. RA14270816, Cpl., K-07131150 Lambert, Charles R., RA19295610, Pvt., K-07131150 Peterson, John H., RA31464958, SFC, M-07/20/50-T+K-09/26/50 Per MIR 02/22/51 Bruton, J d e M., RA18321013, Pfc., M-07/16/50 A1 Cruz, Ruben D., RA18347516, Pfc., M-07116J50, POW, RP A1 Haines, Harry G. RA06680207, MISgt, M-07131150 Kasparzak, James K., RA12348516, Pvt., M-07131150 A1 A3 Lane, John Jr., RA19340013, Pfc., M-7/31/50 DOD-12/31/53 A1 Marcias, Armando R., US56003118, Pfc., M-07131150 Hughes, Floyd W., RA14128155. Pvt., K-09119150 McAndrews, Felix J., 0 1310474, Capt., K-0911915 Hall, Hardd L., RA2072054.4, Cpl., K-O9/2W50 Depki, Stanley T., RA27040107, Cpl., M-01103151 A1 Black, Norman S., RA14326135, Cpl., K-04/22/51 Easv Com~anv.,2"4 Bn., 19Ihlnfantrv Rea't., Julv 1, 1950 To December 31, 1951. M/R Date 07115/50 07/23/50 Smith, John C., RA 14132291, Cpl., Died of Natural Causes -07/12/50 Tabor, Stanley E., 0 60663, I* Lt., M- 07/20/50, DOW -0811 0150 07/24/50 Anderson, Donald T., RA 13310585, Pvt., M-O7/20/50, Anderson, Richard E., RA 19322952, Pfc., M-O7/20/50, Boyd, William O., RA 35727142, Sgt., M-O7/20/50, POW, RP Cagle, Leamon J., RA6966897, MISgt, M-O7/20/50, POW, RP Caruso, Herman R., RA 12285199, Pfc., M-O7/20/50, DOD-12/31/53 POW, RP Cogbum, James A., RA 14043851, Sgt., M-O7/20/50, Custer, Vernon C., RA 13293162, Pfc., M-To-K-07/20/50 Ericson, Raymond C., RA 11184408, Pfc., K-07/20/50 Frey, Hugh G., RA 13299639, Pfc., M-07/20/50, Grant, Johnny W., RA 13277028, Pvt., M-O7/20/50, POW, Died-o9/06/53 Heffner, Bobbie D., RA14310049, Pvt., M-07/20/50, Helms.Eugene, RA 15414468, Pfc., M-07/20/50 POW, Died-1 0/29/50 Home, Billie D., RA 13289217, Pfc., K-07119150 Knowles, Billy C., RA 18034223, MIS@., M-O7/20/50, POW, RP Morton, Donald R., RA 16268433, Pvt., M-07/20/50, Snider, Delmar R., RA 18222729, Pfc., M-TM-07/20/50 Bamett, Jerry W., RA 16263856, Pvt., M-O7/20/50, 07/25/50 Cheatham, James Jr., RA 18107836, Sgt., M-O7/20/50, Conrad, Wilbur L., RA 13309712, Pfc., M-O7/20/50 Richard, Rdand R., RA 18303826, Pfc., M-Td<-07/20/50 07/28/50 08/05/50 Bemhart, Gerald N., RA 13300989, Pvt., M-O7/31/50, Broughton, Buford E., RA 13320085, Pvt., M-O7/31/50, Dale, Douglas, RA 20826192, Cpl., M-To-K-08/03/50 Day, Robert H., Jr., RA 14255523, Cpl., M-O7/31/50, ## Fetzer, Leo E., RA 15281807, Cpl., M-07131150, DOW2/16/54 Franco, Julio E., RA 56000485, Pfc., M-O7/31/50, Gura, Matthew R., RA 35238633. Sgt., M-O8/01/50, DOD - 12/31153 Hams, Jack E., RA 19354990, Pvt., M-O7/31/50, Jones, Raymond L., RA 39908916, Pfc., M 0 3 / 5 0 Joyner, William L., RA 6887423, Cpl., M-07131150, Kelleher, John J., RA 6939791, Cpl., M-O7/31/50, Lavalla, Harold, RA 13316590, Pvt., M-O7/31/50, Miller, Oscar W., RA 38137160, Sgt., M-07/31/50, DOD-12/31/53 Moms, John C., Ill, RA 19340034, Cpl., M-O7/31/50, Neave, Donald C., RA 10318169, Cpl., M-O7/31/50, Nelson, Charles W., RA 36301833, Cpl., M-O7/31/50, DOD-12/31 153 ## Pickard, Maxie L., RA 20811182, Cpl., M-O7/31/50, POW, Died-o9/06/53 Robinson, James E.,RA 18315311, Pfc., M-07131150, St Clair, Benjamin F., RA 14013850, Cpl., M-O8/03/50, Williams, Walter N., Jr., RA 39700601, Cpl., M-TM-47/31/50 08/05/50 08/09/50 OW14/50 08/17/50 OW19/50 08/24/SO 08/25/50 09/20/50 Oct.,50 11/07/50 Burchell, Walter C., RA13312813, Pfc., M-07/29/50, To-K-08/14/50 Claverie, Dorninque, RA18306810, Cpl., M-To-K-08/03/50 Miller, Cad, RA13312126, Pvt., M-07/29/50 Barber, I-loyd E., RA18283220, Pvt., M-08/10/50 DOD-12/31/53 Brewer, Pinckney, A., RA17254946, Pfc., M-08/10/50 Brown, Alvin H., RA23918504, Pfc., K-08/10/50 Caulder, Carson S., RA34653939, Sgt., M-To-K-08/10/50 Clark, Raymond L., RA15272951, Pvt., K-08110150 Coutts, George Jr., RA33152989, SFC, K-08/10/50 Jubb, James L.. RA13233364, Pfc., M-08110150 DOD-12/31/53 Oliver, William, RA14265658, Pfc., K-08/10/50 Pittillo, Clyde B., RA18337248, Pvt., K-08/10/50 Smith, Joseph L., RA12316877, Pfc., M-08/10/50 DOD-12/31153 Stimpson, George W., RA11178450, Pfc., M-08/10/50 Zimbelman, Edward E., RA17276934, Pvt., M-08/10/50 Lindsey, Robert T., 01321427, 1st Lt., K-08110150 Byrd, William H., RA13320158, Pvt., K-08/10/50 Johnson, Clifford R., RA16265913, Pfc., K-08110/50 McCormick, John J., RA14083077, Pvt., K-08/10/50 Redd, Donald R., RA18349088, Pvt., K-08/10/50 Browning, Robert L., RA15378431, Pfc., K-08/23/50 Malino, Louis N., RA13283133, Pfc., K-08/10/50 Barrett, Arlie P., RA13320041, Pvt., M-08/10/50 Clay, Carleton B., RA31358819, Cpl., M-08/10/50 Galindo, Roberto R., RA19253887, Pvt., M-08/10/50 Rouse, David C. RA06395584, SFC, DOW-08109150 Sleetti, Herbert N.. RA35204494, SFC, DOW-08/09/50 Sgt., M-07131150 Grienke, Edwin E., -77, Declared K-09/09/50 Jackson, Robert G., RA38306468, Cpl., M-08/10/50 Jordan, Archie A., RA13340492, Pvt., M-08/10/50 Keith, Cloyce, RA39942886, Cpl., M-08/10/50 Miller, James N., RA17274397, Pvt., M-To-K-08/10/50 Perez, Joe C., RA39555898, Cpl., M-To-K-08/10/50 Dunn, J. T., RA06261192, M g t , K-09/12/50 Gordanier, Wilford F., RA37051530, SFC, K-09/19/50 Lacy, James R., RA18337300, Pfc., K-09/19/50 Long, Carl A, RA15414467, Cpl., K-09/19/50 Benoit, Marcel P., RA31253953, Pfc., K-09/20/50 (None Listed) Balboni, Joseph W., RA11194795, Pfc., K-11/05/50 Bates, Elmore C., RA06289434, SFC, K-11/05/50 Black, Robert H., RA12291810, Pfc., K-11/05/50 Brown, Eugene, RA12242447, Cpl., K-11/05/50 Bums, William T., RA34150601, SFC, K-11/05/50 Caron, James N., RA14300219, Pfc., K-11/05/50 Coco, Valentine, RA06866104, SFC, K-11/05/50 Cume, Norman R., RA16315515. Pfc., K-11/05/50 Dawson, James G., RA13309717, Cpl., K-11/05/50 Fairrow, Clarence E., RA18346855, Pfc., K-11/05/50 A3 A1 A3 A3 A1 A1 Gentry, Willie A., RA34148935, SFC, K-11/05/50 Harper, Joseph F., RA14341869, Pvt., K-11/05/50 Horony, John A., 02210010,2nd Lt., K-11/05/50 Kirkpatrick, Leslie W., 059140, 1st Lt., K-11/05/50 La Suer, WIII G., RA37680058, Pvt., K-11/05/50 Monroe, Bill J., RA17252011, Cpl., K-11/05/50 Moore, John W., RA14237213, Pfc., K-11/05/50 Nichols, Joe H., RA16294504, Pfc., K-11/05/50 Peavy, Billy J., RA18281062, Pfc., K-11/05/50 Redcloud, Mitchel Jr., RA16299675, Cpl., K-11/05/50 (Medal Of Honor Recipient) Stafford, Richard, RA15277747, Pfc., K-11/05/50 Trent, James O., RA354.82162, SFC, K-11/05/50 Tyner, John T., RA14315591, Pfc., K-11/05/50 Jones, Linwood G., RA14229701, Pvt., K-12/03/50 Bromfield; Marvin C., RA12318800, Cpl., K-12/05/50 High, Carlis E., RA15378389, Pfc., M-08/12/50 Kippley, Jerome J., RA17265444, Pfc., M-Tc~K-08/16/50 Aumon, John A, RA13316569, Pvt., DOW-09/19/50 Medina, Edward, RA19242603, Pvt., DOW-09/20/50 Chavira, George E., RA25640083, Cpl., K-02/06/51 Dame, James H., RA11201836, Pvt., K-02/06/51 POW, RP Grubb, Roy 0.. ER36615694, Sgt., M-02/04/51, May, Raymond F., RA14365684, Pvt., M-Tc~K-02/03/51 Peregan, George C., RA16333196, Pvt., M-02/03/51, RMC-02/11/50 B r m , Duane D., RA38723939, Pvt., K-02/06/51 Cook, James D., RA14055458, Sgt., M-02/06/51 A4 POW, Died-05111/51 A4 Gamble, Cabin D.,RA15280388, Pvt., M-02/06/51 POW, Died-07/02/51 Kaczmarek, Robert J., ER13289003, Pfc., K-02/09/51 Lopez, Guillermo P., ER19329474, Cpl.. K-02/06/51 McLellan, Alexander, ER12255062, Pvt., K-02/06/51 Vonallman, Robert L., RA7280856, Pfc., K-02/06/51 Woodhall, Wiliarn R., RA16331872, Pfc., M-02/06/51 A3 DOD-12/31/53 Cobb, James O., RA15280591, Pfc., K-O2/13/51 Culbertson, Charles R., RA16309643, Pvt., M-M/14/51 Dykes, Raymond R., RA39911639, MIS@,K-02/14/51 Kostuch, Joseph J., ER06933367, Cpl., M-02/13/51 A4 POW, Died-06/06/51 MacMillan, James, ER19239058, Pvt., K-02/14/51 Romero, Gilbert J., 02262080,2nd Lt. , K-02/14/51 Stone, Frederick, RA12223439, Pfc., K-02/14/51 Gifford, Mede C., ER06283940, Sgt., DOW-02/20/51 Lund, John F., ER17172971, Cpl., DOW-02/14/51 Hancharyk, Russell, RA11165881, Pfc, K-03/07/51 Barron, Edward M., RA13311768, Pfc., K-03/07/51 Graham, Arthur L., RA18247424, Cpl., K-03/07/51 Hoffman, Jo, RA15357444, Pfc., K-03/11/51 Martineau, LaVon, 01337059, 1st Lt. , K-03/07/51 08/16/51 Sept., 51 10122151 10/23/51 10/24/51 Smith, Thomas O., RA36064383, Cpl., K-03/11/51 Sauer, Charles R., ER18332670, Pfc., K-03/22/51 Beach, Charles R., RA15420444, Cpl., K-04/07/51 Smith, Alfred E., US51024883, Pvt., DOW-04/07/51 Sweatt, Floyd C., ER36971262, Sgt., K-04/07/51 Early, John J., US51091914, Cpl., DOW-04/11/51 Smith, Edward H., RA36949918, Cpl., K-04/13/51 Self, Charles L. R., RA19213667, Pvt., K-04/13/51 Yancey, Robert G., RA14277817, Pfc., M3W-08/11/50 Charging, Kenneth, US55039611, Pvt., M-04/26/51, Christensen, Floyd C., RA17272608, M-04/26/51, Kolb, Leslie G., US55057734, Pvt, M-04/26/51, Lowe, James F., RA17240218, Pfc., M-07/31/50 Phillips, Kenneth A, US51091938, Pvt., M-04126151, Royce, Hinton C., US52009527, Pvt , M-04/26/51 Woolworth, Carl E., US55024545, Pvt., M-04/26/51, Fillipi, Ernest D., US55015482, Pvt., M-04125/51 Hotson, Wayne, RA16025431, Cpl., M-04125/51 Mello, Ernest, RA11211707, Pvt., M-04125151, Weaver, Carlos D., US53025192, Pvt., K-05/10/51 Oglethorpe, James A., RA18358253, Pvt, K-05/18/51 Garber, Dale T., US52001329, Pvt., K-05/21/51 Kellogg, Bernard L., US51050564, Pvt., K-05/21/51 Pucci, Alfred A, RA17252950, Pvt., K-05/21/51 McCorrnick, Wade L., RA14339531, Pfc., K-05126151 Cantelm, Robert, RA12321156, Pfc., K-05/21/51 Budny, John T., US55023489, Pfc., -05/51, LD,-Yes Dec, Walter, US55037726, Pfc., K-06/27/51' Luisi, Louis M., US56055867, Pvt., K-07/08/51 Schwind, Arthur A., US52055405, Pvt., K-07/08/51 Johns, Phillip, US52079999, Pvt., M-07/27/51 Vaughn, Billie V., ER13241019, Cpl., K-07/27/51 Reynolds, Herbert W., RA18356796, Pvt., DOW-07/14/51 (None Listed) Kirkbride, Paul R.. US52054004, Cpl., K-1W14I51 Zollman, David E., RA16364393, Pvt., K-10/15/51 Idol, Herbert K, US53032779, DOW-1W16/51 Marinello, Ignatius, US56146432, Pvt., K-10/16/51 Arai, Tatsuo, US50001508, Cpl., K-10/14/51 Epperson, Glen E., US56144333, Pfc., K-1W19I51 Pillon, Frank J., RA12370713, Pvt., K-10/2W51 Wade, Alexander Jr., US52034254, Pfc., K-1W14151 DeNigris, Antonio, US51065352, Pfc. K-10124151 Green, Gilbert A., US56144177, Pfc., K-10/25/51 Hultberg, Niles N., US55015417, Pfc., K-1Qn4/51 Petrillo, Adelchi A., US52072763, Pfc., K-10/24/51 Spisko, Rudolph J. , US52055667, Pfc., K-10124151 Culler, Eugene Jr., RA14402117, Pvt., K-11/10/51 Dirk, Tony, US55109582, Pvt., K-11/14/51 Myers, Donald E., RA13383178, Pvt., K-11/25/51 Donovan, John F., RA16355450, Pvt, K-1'2/01/51 Gordan, George T., RA19368819, Sgt., K-12/01/51 Luke, Richard L, NG27347516, Sgt., DOW-12/06/51 POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP A1 POW, RP A1 POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP POW.RP Fox Commny, 2nd Bn.. 19th lnfantrv Rea't., Jub 1. 1950 To December 31. 1951 M/R Date 07116/50 * Dominguez, Luis R., RA18254136, Pfc., M-TeK-07/16/50 Duff, Darrell M., RA17252955, Cpl., M-07/16/50 A1 Eustis, George E., RA16298078, Rct., M-07/16/50 A1 Mitchell, Richard W., RA17231378, Pfc., K-07/16/50 Dutchak, Mike W., RA17238605, Pfc., K-07/19/50 Perts, James L., RA23775569, Pfc., K-07/19/50 Proffitt, Homer, RA16267522, Pfc., K-07/19/50 Smith, Charles R., RA14300778, Pfc., K-07/19/50 Wood, Adton H., RA18314803, Pfc., K-07/19/50 Hamilton, Robert, RA15270366, Pfc., M-TeK-07/20/50 Moore, Thomas E., RA15059082, Pfc., M-To-K-07/20/50 Stout, Johnnie O., RA34525359, Pfc., M-07/20/50, A4 POW, Died-11/14/50 Brant, Melvin L., RA06574663, MIS@, M-07/30/50 A1 Church, Lorin D., RA19322471, Cpl., M-07/3W50 A1 DuChemin, Robert H. Jr., RA16243633, Pfc., K-07/30/50 Henry, W~lliarnF., RA35274823, Sgt., K-07/30/50 A1 Jordan, Lewis P., RA25766039, Pvt., M-07/30/50 Kisor, James E., RA14299452, Cpl., K-07/30/50 Parseil, Levant S., RA39728547, SFC, M-07/30/50 A1 Blankenship, Herman W., 01998076, 1st Lt., K-07/31/50 Benedict, Fred W., RA16262206, Pfc., K-08108/50 Simmons, Allen W., RA11156154, MIS@,K-08/08/50 W e , Clarence, RA36909295, Sgt., M-To-K-08/09/50 Colegrwe, Oljver, RA15423121, Pfc., K-08/16/50 Keshick, Robert L., RA16281354, Cpl., K-08/16/50 Slack, George D., 0 1315627, Capt., K-08/16/50 (Company Commander) Snaw, Earl M., RA13312928, Pfc., K-08116150 Anderson, Keith, RA18281680, Pvt., M-07/30150 A3 DOD-12/31/53 Ortega, John E., RA19244948, Pvt, DOW-09/11/50 A1 Lawson, Richard A., RA12323536, Pvt., M-07131150 A3 Haas, Buster, RA18336538. Pfc., M-07131150, DOD-12/31/53 Lundburg, Kenneth, RA16289127, M-07131150 A3 DOD-12/31153 A1 Wright, Joseph R., RA18273068, Pvt., M-08/08/50 Culp, Arnold D., RA37341511, Pfc., K-09/27/50 Paton, John W., RA19201887, SFC, ACD-10/09/50, (Accidental weapon discharge) Robinson, Leland S., RA31153254, Pfc., K-08/08/50 Hammer, Carl P., RA16299597, Cpl., DOW-11/W50 Richardson, Clark B., RA18321214, Pfc., K-11/06/50 (None Listed) Barrett, Thomas J., RA13311154, Pfc., M-01/03/51 A1 Baylis, Raymond B. RA13280751, Cpl., M-01/03/51, POW, RP A1 Cesena, Reynaldo, RA19338627, Cpl., M-01/03/51 A4 Compton, Charles T., RA13332055, Pfc., M-01/03/51 POW, Died-05129151 Conlin, Paul D., 060640, 1st Lt., M-01/03/51 A1 A4 Hamilton, James H., RA17280895, Pfc., M-01/03/51 POW, Died-05131151 Homonai, Joe E., RA15413329, Cpl., M-01/03/51, Ledkins, Alonzo B., RA14338526, Pfc., M-01/03/51, Lim, Emest C.K, RA30107226, Pfc., M-01/03/51 Lynch, Leonard P., R.43050059,Sgt., M-01/03/51, Martinez, Ambrosia, RA38075696, SFC, M-01103151 Morgan, Arnold, RA34170246, Cpl., M-01/03/51 Padgett, Clyde F. Jr., 02204641, 1st Lt., M-0110351 Pina, Conroy T., RA18262969, Pfc., M-01/03/51 Ring, W~lliamJ., US19189808, Pvt., M-01/0351, Soden, Herbett N., ER57155912, Pfc., M-01/03/51 Stanford, Louis C., RA18315330, Cpl., M-01103151, Thompson, Herbert O., RA13333605, Pfc., M-01/03/51, 07/31/51 Aug., 51 09115/51 10/22151 10128151 POW, RP POW, RP A3 DOD-12/31153 POW, RP A1 A1 A1 A1 POW, RP A1 POW, RP CRMC-02/10/51 Troncin, Robert D., RA15419404, Cpl., M-01/03/51 Johnson, Roy L., RA19314625, SFC, K-01107/51 (Friendly. fire) LaFleur, Reginald P., RA11166950, Pfc., K-07/16/50 Hanson, Carl H., ER37294668, Sgt., K-02/03/51 Stewart, Howard J., RA15202444, Pvt., K-02/11/51 Beck. Joseph S., RA15428814, Pvt., K-M114/51 Momson, Buster E., RA18276136, Cpl., DOW-02/04/51 Smith, Charles E., ER35102130, Cpl., K-02114151 Deisenroth, Andrew F., RA12352686, Pfc., K-03/07/51 Fisher, Davey L., RA18367043, Pvt., K-03/07/51 Marquardt, BemardH., RA06763726, SFC, K-03107151 Pannosso, John J., ERA6240115, Cpl., K-0307/51 Requa, Quentin L., ER42144102, Pvt., K-03/07/51 Clark, Roger H., ER11168965, Pvt., M-03/10/51, CRMC-0313/51 Lidtke, Merlin E., RA16329573, Cpl., M-03/10/51, CRMC-03/13/51 Lynch, James A., RA13295398, Cpl., M-031W51, CRMC-031351 Griechen, William F., ER55014933, Pvt, K-03108151 Lieuwen, John P.. ER17349155. Pfc.. K-03/08/51 Freeman, Charles F., ER16255832, Pfc., K-04111151 Bruce, Kenneth E., RA23402881, Cpl., K-04/13/51 Hanson, Harlan T., RA16322024, Pfc., K-04/22/51 Cummings, Charles W., RA14257119, PFC., DOW-04/22/51 Depperschmidt, Gerald A, RA17239978, Pfc., DOW-03108151 Pritchett, Chester L., US52018588, Pfc., K-06/26/51 Scolf, James W., US52060652, Pvt., K-06/28/51 Wisher, Albert, US52035172, Pfc., K-07/08/51 Wdk, Joseph J., US52035280, Pfc., K-07/08/51 DeWdfe, Grover C. Jr., RA16330912, Cpl., K-07/12/51 Richardson, Edward H., US55028250, Pfc., K-07/12/51 Wolfe, Glenn H., US52037095, Pfc., K-07/12/51 Singleton, W~lliamE., RA14364348, Pfc., M-07/26/51 (None Listed) Smith, Lyman J., US55023981, Pfc., K-09/09/51 Hornen, Lawrence, US56075592, Wc., K-10/15/51 Garcia, Alfonso, US56057218, Cpl., K-10/19/51 McGhee, Richard D., RA14393190, Cpl., K-10/19/51 Sandwell, Anthony, US55058975, Pfc., K-10/19/51 A1 10/31/51 11/04/51 11/06/51 11/23/51 IZI 1/51 McFarland, David L., US55055520, Pfc., K-10/25/51 Green, Richard, RA12323820, Pfc., K-10/29/51 Moyer, James A., US52114200, Pvt., K-10/29/51 Snider, Alfred E., RA12371022, Pfc., K-10/15/51 Dodd, Dennis R., US55515129, Pfc., K-11/05/51 Harman, Roy B., RA16370057, Pvt., K-11/05/51 Haydock, Albert, RA13389635, Pvt., K-I 1/05/51 Kirchner, Gerald F., US51056342, Pvt., Deceased-11/29/51, LD, Yes Lew si, James J.Jr., US53074634, Pfc., Deceased-11/29/51, LD, Yes Georae Com~anv,2nd Bn., 19th lnfantrv Rea't., Julv 1. 1950 To December 31, 1951 M/R Date 07116/50 Crowley, Neil J., RA11178799, Pfc., M-To-K47/16/50 Kinch, Ronald E., RA16296163, Pfc., M-To-K47/16/50 Stevenson, Robert E., RA15410570, Pfc., M47116150 DOD-12/31/53 Adams, Roger K, RA11186938, Sgt., M4712W50 Belanger, Arthur N., RA11189348, Pfc., M47/20/50 Bevilock, Ersel, RA06883691, SFC, M47/20/50, K-10/20/50 Per MIR 08/17/51 Daugherty, Henry F., RA14325754, Pfc., M47/20/50 Ebensperger, Clarence W., RA12112073, Pfc., M47/20/50 POW-Died-11/02/50 Ganis, Edward J., RA13307757, Pfc., M-To-K47/20/50 Gehard, Kenneth G., RA13300966, Pfc., M47/20/50 Gohl, LaVeme P., RA17264596, Pfc., M47/20/50 POW, Died-10/21/50 Hager, William A. Jr., RA13314837, Pvt., M-To-K47/20/50 Harley, Earl M., RA15269393, Pfc., M-07/20/50 Harrison, Francis E., RA19342453, Pfc., M47/20/50 DOD-12/31/53 Hendricks, Charles H., RA16294533, Pfc., M47/20/50 Ingram, Gene M., RA15293500, M47/20/50 Jones, Franklin L., RA15262373, Pvt., M47/20/50 DOD-12/31/53 Keathley. James c.,RA06576380, SFC, M47/20/50 Kinney, Francis L., RA12114597, Pvt., M-To-K47/20/50 Lyles, Paul E., RA18260186, Pfc., M47/20/50 Manross, Thomas M., RA13285621, M47/20/50 POW, Died-11114/50 Matlach, Charles A., 060894,2nd Lt., M47/20/50 Neeb, Eugene A., RA13211577, Pvt., M47/20/50 Norman, John T., RA18337777, Pfc., M47/20/50 Olson, Stanley R., RA19295394, Pvt., M47120/50 Ota, Mitsuyuki, RA30109792, Sgt., M 4 7/20/50 Palad, Alfredo, RA06865723, Cpl., M47/20/50 Patrick, James, RA15415203, Pfc., M47/20/50 Peny, Fletcher F., f?A44129968, Cpl., M47/20/50 POW, Died-09/07/50 Ratcliffe, Grifffih J., RA13265088, Sgt., M47/20/50 POW, Died-10/14/50 Rhoads, Edward W., RA39871449, Pfc., M-07/20/50, POW, ~ied-12/31/51 POW, RP Rogers, George P., RA18275475, Pfc., M47/20/50, Sad, Richard E., RA17261988, M47/20/50 Sallee, Raymond, RA35465179, Pfc., M47/20/50 DOD-12/31/53 Samms, Jack C., RA15421881, Pfc., M4712W50, POW, Died-11113/50 Schweingruber, Bobby R., RA15258888, Pfc., M-07/20/50 Shaw, Roger L., RA17246549, Sgt., M47/20/50, POW, RP A1 Al? Al? Slater, James A., RA 11177319, Pfc., M-07/20150, A3 DOD-12/31/53 Wallace, Emil E., RA 17273949, Pvt., M-07/20150 White, Hany E., RA 16295832, Pvt., M-07/20150 Wiatrak, Joseph R., RA 12350196, Pvt., M-07/20150 Wilson, Henry C., RA35762175, SFC, M-07/20150 Zingarella, Anthony, RA12114951, Pfc., M-07120150 A1 A1 A1 A1 A3 DOD-12/31/53 Ladd, James T., RA19263539, SFC, M-07/20/50 Born, Donald M., RA15279268, Pvt., M-07130150 A1 A3 DOD-12/31/53 ## Cozad, Kenneth L., RA15275155, Cpl., M-07/30150 A3 DOD-01103154 Crossman, Franklin W., RA16293551, Pfc., M-07130150 Hall, Hedrey D., RA14315942, Pfc., M-07130150 Lipscomb, Mekin E., RA16307640, Pfc., M-07130150 Lopez, Femando L, RA38123435, Pvt., M-07130150 A1 A1 A1 A3 DOD-12/31/53 A1 Mc Clure, John S., RA14213138, Sgt., M-07/16/50 Murphy, Christopher M., RA12298399, Pvt., M-07130150 A4 POW, Died-09/22/50 Naber, Milton W., Jr., RA12248257, Sgt., M-07/20/50 A1 A1 Phelps, Bayard G., RA16290174, Pvt., M-07130150 Rasor, Robert, RA15198609, Pfc., K-07130150 Retzloff, Roy, RA37781232, Cpl., M-07130150 A1 A1 Smiley, Kenneth H., RA 13223532, Pfc., M-07/30/50 Smith, Charlie V., RA34006709, Cpl., M-0713W50 A1 Sweat, Leonard B., RA14334453, Cpl., M-07130150, CRMG10120150 Tremblay, Aurel N., RA31480157, Pfc., M-07130150, K-10/20150 (While in POW Status, per M/R 03110151) WMe, Edward, RA36738910, Pfc., M-07130150, A3 DOD-12/31/53 A3 Ziemer, Jack R., RA57510348, Pvt., M-0713W50 DOD-02/17154 A1 Jones, Charles C., RA17256946, Pvt., M-07131150 Vaughn, Thomas H., RA14295642, Pfc., M-07/31/50 A1' Boyce, Donald L., RA16300608, Pfc., M-TeK-08/04/50 Spears, Paul, RA19306309, Sgt., M-TeK-08104450 A1 Cramer, Richard E., RA16315436, Rrt, M-07130150 A3 Du Fresne, Norman P., RA11178135, Pvt., M-07130150 DOD-12/31/53 A1 Else, Walter, RA57400671, Pvt., M-07130150 Fulk, Albert W., RA36425525, Cpl., K-08/10150 Grayson, Clyde B., RA18337608, Pfc., M-Td<-08/10/50 A1 Kappelmann, Emest H., Jr., RA14330095, Pvt., M-08110150 A1 Laymon, Julian, RA18279705, Cpl., M-0811W50 Mazzarella, Erank J., RA11183121, Pfc., M-TeK-0W10150 Schmoldt, Raymond Jr., RA16308750, Pvt., M-TeK-08/10/50 Ward, Wilfred T., RA12023227, Rct., M-08/10/50 Collins, Charles H., RA12339313, Pvt., K-08119150 Dumais, Gilbert D., RA 11196038, Pfc., M-TeK-08/19/50 Mann, Robert V., RA06258251, MIS@., M-08/19/50 Parker, Vincent, RA34854255, Rct.(Pvt.), K-08119150 Sexton, Boyd S., RA13292415, Pfc., M-TeK-08119150 Tate, Harry E., RA52021059, Pfc., M-08/19/50 Whiier, HaroldW., RA17262950, Pfc., M-TeK-08/19/50 Angeline, Victorio E., RA12349354, Pvt., M-07/30/50 Auckery, Theodore E., RA13331118, Pvt, M-07/30/50 Roberts, Stephen G., RA14331565, Pvt., M-07/30/50 Dodd. Robert R.. RA15249935, Cpl., M-TeK-08/04/50 Jimenez, Candido, RA10303108, Cpl., M-08/05/50 Jackson, lrvin L., RA33751516, WSg-t, K-09/20/50 Moriwaki, Koichi, RA10735411, Pfc., K-09/20/50 Whiie, Odell, RA44090365, Cpl., K-09/20/50 Tinsman, Wallace A., RA13276944, Cpl., DOW-09/19/50 (None Listed) Harrington, Eldridge, RA17010292, SFC, M-To-K-11/05/50 Kaesner, Millard A., RA37345919, Cpl., M-11/05/50, POW, RP Larrabee, David A, RA11191628, Pfc., M-TeK-11/05/50 Black, Winfield M., RA19016211, MIS@,M-TeK-11/07/50 Clark, Clifford E., RA15274882, Pfc., M-TeK-11/07/50 Nance, Wallace R., RA19333592, Cpl., DOW-09/21/50 Rasmusson, Ray L., RA14273366, Pfc., M-TeK-11/07/50 Bounds, Norman L., RA17233633, Cpl., DOW-11/05/50 McGuire, Clyde A, RA13319025, Pfc., M-01/03/51 Buddey, George J. Jr., 058132, 1st Lt., Deceased-12/16/50, Accidental Gunshot Woody, Everatt J., ER37753849, Sgt , K-01/30/51 Scrogey, John R., RA11165172, Pfc., DOW-07/31/50 Wallace, James A., RA17259317, Pvt., K-07/17/50 Dannucci, Anthony Jr., 0 1540859, Capt., K-02/06/51 Liolin, Billy, ER57155730, Pvt, K - 0 W 5 1 Melillo, Nickolas, ER53916884, Sg-t., K-02/06/51 Ruddock, Thomas E., RA13336732, Cpl., K-02/06/51 Simmons, Robert J., RA19306908, Cpl., K-02/06/51 Archambault, Donald R., ER55014660, M-02/14/51 Koehn, Bob Jr., RA18313670, Pvt., K-02/14/51 Pierce, Roy J., RA34150974, Pvt., M-08/07/51 Asau, Albert A., RA29031742, Pvt., M-TeK-03/08/51 Gerhart, Robert L., RA13334171, Cpl., K-03/10/51 Herring, Grant J., RA14282811, Pfc., K-03/10/51 Lewis, Blair Jr., RA13286834, Cpl., M-07/3/50 Book, Gerald R., RA13258521, Sg-t., K-03/20/51 Law, Theodore Jr., RA13260404, Pfc., K-03/20/51 Smith, John C., RA13363179, Pfc., K-03/20/51 Cruse, Roy K., RA16269086, Sgt., K-03/23/51 Senor, Ruby F. Jr., RA18278926, Pfc., M-03/23/51 CRMC-05/12/51 Williams, Earl E., RA15293971, Pfc., DOW-03/08/51 Franz, Edwin F., US55031025, Pvt., K-04/20/51 POW, RP Montgomery, Robert P., RA16332059, Pfc., M-04/24/51, O'Neal, Robert L. Jr., RA1834228, Cpl., M-04122151, POW, RP Joyce, William H. Jr., US45024043, Pfc., M-04/29/51 POW, Died-07/09/51 Roberts, James B., RA14018950, Pvt., DOW-04/16/51 LeClair, Bruce P., RA11189768, Pfc., K-05/18/51 A1 Lawrence, William L., US51019159, Pvt., K-05/21/51 Tolar, Alton L., US53021692, Pvt., K-0512W51 McDole, Richard C., RA37113184, SFC, K-05/27/51 Rhodes, James D., US52059524, Pvt., K-06/27/51 Kennedy, Michael L, RA16318506, Pfc., K-07/07/51 Coffie, John E., RA18267774, Pvt., K-07/12/51 Hale, Isaac K., US50081433, Pvt., K-07112151 Marlowe, Charles S., US53029648, Pfc., K-07112151 Lunsford, James E. Jr., RA13323652, Pvt., K-O7/25/51 Everling, James R., RA35909469, Sgt., K-08104151 Hargus, Richard, RA27803631, Pvt., K-08106151 Sewell, Charles L., RA19248586, MJSgt, K-09/10/51 Kolessar, Edward L., 01330192, 1st LT., K-10/15/51 Kurgan, Billie, RA16348111, Pvt., K-1W15/51 Hadley, William C., 0439454, 1st Lt., K-10/20/51 Hooper, Alonza L., US53012332, Pfc., K-1W15/51 Kirksey, Johnathan, US55043874, Pfc., K-10/15/51 Lynch, William T., RA14391966, Pfc., K-10126151 Rhodes, Robert L., US57626164, Pfc., K-10/21/51 Steen, Geraid D.,US53034937, Cpl., K-10/19/51 Strubcewski, Joseph J., 11862062665, Cpl., K-10/21/51 Taylor, W~lliamF., RA19397761, Pfc., K-10/16/51 Tyler, Emile, US53085698, Pvt., K-10/16/51 Bailey, Ralph B., RA16359040, Pfc., K-10/16/51 Liner, W~lliamR., US52045784, Pfc., K-10/19/51 Marty, Raymond R.. US52091988, Pfc.. K-10/21/51 Slater, Donald K., RA16346105, Pfc., K-10/16/51 Beckham, Henry L., US54034025, Pfc., K-10/24/51 Joel, Peter C., US55034111, Pfc., M-10/23/51, Peralta, Fidel, US56144420, Pvt., K-10124151 Schmitt, Max R., US53043674, Cpl., K-10/24/61 Mendoza, Joseph, US56144410, Pfc., DOW-11/01/51 Peterson, Myron D., US55054873, Cpl., K-11/08/51 Sinnett, Charles F., US51015363, Cpl., K-12/24/51 POW, RP Howe Com~anv,2nd Bn.. 19th lnfantrv Rea't.. Julv 1, 1950 To December 31. 1951 MIR Date 07119/50 07120150 I I 1 I I Robertson, Samuel A., RA18282754, Pfc., K-07119150 Barnes, Herbert R., RA13295191, Pfc., M-07120150 POW, Died-05/14/51 Beitel, William E., RA15412318, Pfc., M-07120150 Bratton, Lewis W., RA16208426, MISgt, M-07120150 POW, Died-12/24/50 Brown, David O., RA16293895, Pfc., M-07120150 POW, Died-11113/50 Bustamante, Frank Jr., RA18345259, Pfc., M-T&K-07/20150 Charles, Raymond M., RA15239861, Pfc., M-07120150 POW, Died59127150 Childres, Willard, RA06856322, SFC, M-07120150 Christie, William K., 02013965, 1st Lt., M-TeK-07120150 Clarke, Harry B., RA12341242, Pfc., M-07120150 POW, Died44127151 Czubak, Leo P., RA12305574, Pfc., M-T&K-07120/50 Darnell, John H., RA36742271, Sgt., M-To-K-07/20/50 Dushaw, Edward Jr., RA13298467, Cpl., M-To-K-07120150 Garcia. Jose A., RA18255206, Pfc., M-T&K-07120/50 Hebert, Leonard, RA1801033.3, Sgt., M-07120150, POW. RP Hoefeler, George M., RA37866756, Sgt., M-T&K-07120/50 Huey, Carl Jr., RA17178612, Pfc., M-07120/50 Jones, Raymond L., RA18311148, Pfc., M-07120150 DOD-12/31/53 Le Blanc, Rawford E., RA11169273, Pfc., M-07120150 DOD-21/31/53 Liebeg, Robert W., RA17265473, Pfc., M-07120150 POW, Died-03/01151 Longo, Ralph A., RA16295001, Pfc., M-07120150 Luce, Haward J., RA21909793, Pfc., M-07120150 DOD-12131153 Lutz, Billy J., RA14310854, Pfc., M-T&K-07120150 Madril, Joe L., RA18253808, Pfc., M-07120150 DOD-12/31/53 Marcin, Mike E. Jr., RA18282810, Pfc., M-07120150 Matej, Joseph T., RA13311891, Pfc., M-07120150 McDonald, J d , RA16313241, Pfc. M-07120150 McKinney, Jack M., 02208414,2nd Lt., M-07/20/50 McMillon, Harold D., RA14322336, Pfc., M-T&K-07120/50 Meyer, Hany Jr., RA14291255, Pfc., M-07/20/50 Montoya, Joe E., RA18255623, Pfc., M-07120150 POW, RP Panco, Charles H., RA15069901, Cpl., M-07120150, Parks, Ralph L., RA17160515, Cpl., M-07120150 POW, Died-03115151 Parrott, Ray, RA16313232, Pfc., M-07120150 Penda~is,Everett H., RA37652632, Sgt., M-07120150 Powell, William, RA17227217, Pfc., M-07120150 Radebaugh, Wayne S., RA18279836, Pfc., M-07120150 Ramos, Rivera, Francisco R., RA12319335, Pfc., M-07120150 DOD-12/31/53 Rorrer, Frank D., RA06899436, SFC, M-T&K-07120/50 #t# Shibao, Hiroshi, RA56010180, M-0712W50 Strorn, Carl A., RA17276197, Pfc., M-To-K-07/20/50 Wallis, James L., RA17273536, Pfc., M-07/20/50 Walsh, Donald E., RA15417508, Pfc., M-07/20/50 Warner, Norman C., RA16295621, Pfc., M-07/20/50 Woodcox, Albert D., RA36401240, Sgt, M-07/2W50 Wyche, James W., RA18339710, Pfc., M-07/2W60 Hamage, Lawrence A., RA14337390, Pfc., M-08/01/50 Ignacio, Antonio H., RA30103995, Pfc., M-08/01150 Jones, Wtlliam H., RA16063700, SFC, M-08/01/50, 08/06/50 08/08/50 08/09/50 OW18/50 Sept., 50 Oct., 50 11/08/50 Dickson, Richard B.,RA14323010, Pvt., M-08/06/50 Cowden, Loyd Jr., RA19339467, Pfc., K-08/08/50 Scogin, David W., 02212012, 2nd Lt., K-08107/50 Silvia, Joseph, RA11192837, Pvt., K-08/12/50 (None Listed) (None Listed) Corley, Johnny M., RA14337849, Pfc., K-11/05/50 Handy, Kenneth N., RA11190547. Pfc., K-11/05/50 (None Listed) Wljns, Joseph A., RA14341455, Pfc., M-01/03/51, CRMG02/10/51 Eppinger, Russell C., ER15358521, Pvt., M-01/03/51 01/25/51 02/17/51 03/06/51 April, 51 05/02/51 Kennedy, Clyde D., RA38187662, Sgt., M-01/03/51, Ryan, James J., 01012712, 1st Lt., DOW-09/17/50 Decker, Lee D., RA17257915, Wc., K-02/13/51 Fleming, Claude B., RAW929717, Sgt., DOW-08/11/50 (None Listed) Banash, Alfred P., ER13278387, Sgt., M-W24/51, Brown, Robert A., RA12341817, Pvt., M-04124151, Kresno, Joe C. Jr., RA16333204, Pvt., K W W 5 0 McHenry, Francis E., RA13079894, Sgt., M-04/24/51, Rodriquez, Jose, ER18254741, Pfc., M-04/24/51, Whiaker, Gilbert, RA15378625, Cpl., M-04/24/51 Green, Willie C., RA38763323, Pvt., M-04/24/51, Philpot, Eldridge L., US53017443, M , M-04/24/51, Matney, Donald E., RA17273184, Pfc., M-07/20/50 A3 DOD-12/31/53 POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP A1 POW, RP POW, RP A3 DOD-12/31/53 Aug., 51 09113/51 10/27/51 Nw., 51 Dec., 51 Kaminski, Ernest, US5504706-4, Pfc., K-0711351 Menchaca, Arturo, RA18354820, Cpl., KO7113/51 (None Listed) McBride, Robert L., RA15439124, Pfc., K-09/10/51 Cagle, Charles F., US53083250, Pvt., K10/14/51 Morales, John A., US56077066, Pfc., K-10/15/51 McDowell, Donald P., RA06581204, Pfc., K-10/25/51 Ward, John H., US55104327, Pvt., K-10/25/51 Young, Robert L. Jr., US53036477, ffc., K-10/25/51 (None Listed) (None Listed) Ha. Com~anv.3rd Bn. 19th Infantrv. Rea't., SeDtember 1. 1950 To December 31. 1951 M/R Date Sept., 50 Oct., 50 11/21/50 Dec., 50 Jan., 51 Feb., 51 Mar., 51 Apr., 51 May, 51 Jun., 51 Jul., 51 Aug., 51 Sept., 51 Oct.,51 Nw., 51 Dec., 51 (None Listed) (None Listed) Albright, Barry E., 047947, Maj., K-11/04/50 (None Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) (none Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) (None Listed) The 3n Battalion of the lgthlnfantry Regiment was activated on September 1, 1950, bringing the regiment to its authorized strength of three battalions. Prior to September 1, 1950 the regiment only had two organic battalions. The 3d Battalion was formed f m the remnants of the 1' Battalion of the 34th lnfantry Regiment. Headquarters, Item, Headquarten, Able, Baker Charlie, and Dql Companies. 34mInfantry, *me King, Love, and Mike Companies. 1gthlnfantry Rviment P e m n e l of the 34 lnfantry were transferred to the 19 Infantry to make up the core for the 19 's personnel requirements. Item Corn~anv,3* Bn., 191h lnfantry Rea't.. September 1,1950 To December 31,1951 MIR. Date ## Childs, Russel M., RA12316364, Pfc, K-09/11/50 Menz, Donaid H., RA35089646, SFC, K-09111150 Wright, John H., RA13339748, Pfc., K-09/12/50 Rhoads, Eugene, D., RA17255778, Cpl., K-09l24.150 Barb, Franklin D., RA13333568, Pfc., K-08127150 (This casualty occurred prior to September 1, 1950 and should have been charged as a loss to Able Company, 3@ lnfantry Regiment.) Bishop, Lester E., RA12283542, Pfc., M-11/22/50 POW, Died-06/04/51 Wenzel, Frank J., RA16283465, Cpl., K-11/22/50 Espiritu, Eligio, RA39094692, Sgt., M-01/01/51, CRMC-02/10/51 Gallagher, Patrick J., RA16303796, Cpl., K-01/01/51 Meadows, Jesse C., RA15379135, Pfc., DOW-12/09/50 Allred, Boyd, RA14332520, Cpl., M-02/04/51, POW, RP Ayers, Harmon H., RA15211312, Sgt., M-02/04/51 A1 Bak, Joseph, ER26557729, Pfc., M-02/04/50 POW, Died-07/04/51 Barton, John E., RA19194292, Pfc., K-02/04/51 Dansberry, Richard M., R.27936689, Pvt., M-02/04/51 POW, Died-06/08/51 DeMoll, Casimire T., RA38171941, Sgt., M-02/04/51 A3 (Was known to be alive when the Truce was signed on Jul. 27, 1953) DOD-03/05/54 A4 Dogdens, Furman A Jr, ER14326814, Pfc., M-02/04/51 POW, Died-06/06/51 Henson, Delbert O., RA17226268, SFC, M-02/04/5, POW, RP King, Douglas S. Jr., ER37863402, Cpl., M-02/04/51, CRMG03/27/51 Lester, William A, ER15242444, Pfc., M-02/04/51 A1 Pack, Noah W., RA35461096, SFC, M-02/04/51, CRMG02/18/51 POW, RP Petrie, Charles M. Jr., ER19241285, Sgt., M-02/04/51, Pohlson, Paul O., ER37720693, Cpl., K-02/04/51 A1 Richard, Earl J., ER36941810, Cpl., M-02/04/51 Rosenblum, Henry M., RA17292320, Pvt., M-02/04/51, CRMC-02/12/51 Thielen, Florbert M., ER17263907, Pvt., M-02/04/51 A4 Troche, Maximo A., ER42210426, Pvt., M-02/04/06 POW, Died-04/07/51 POW, RP Young, Gerald R., ER17260144, Pfc., M-02/04/51, Allen, Richard L., ER57507293, Cpl., M-02/04/51 A1 A4 Fluegel, Martin C., ER37207416, Cpl., M-02/04/51 POW, Died-07/24/51 A1 Land, Edwin, RA44009275, Sgt., M-02/04/51 A1 Davis, William D. Jr., RA15228623, Cpl., M-02/04/51 Wiegert, Clarence W., RA16159174, Cpl., M-02/04/51, CRMC-02/18/51 Bickel, Oval O., RA15411226, Pfc., K-02/04/51 Bush, Harold C., RA13321698, Pvt., K-02/04/51 Mann, Richard H., ER25334978, Cpl., K-02/04151 Berg, Walter E., RA16334581, Pvt. M-02/04/51, A4 POW, Died-03131151, Cardona, Orlanda, RA12328227, Pvt, M-02/04/51, A4 POW, Died-07131151 Hooper, Floyd E., ER52007636, Pfc., M-02/04/51, McCoy, William M., RA16247351, Sgt., M-02/04151, Pichelli, Louis J.. ER13220491, Cpl.. M-02/04151, Robles, Porfiro, RA16334873, Pvt., M-02/04151, Spindler, Frednck G., RA35284099, Pvt., M-02/04151, A4 POW, D i ~ 3 0 1 5 1 POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP A4 POW, Died-041w51 Brittin, Nelson V., RA32271499, SFC, K-03/07151, (Medal Of Honor Recipient) Sherbineau, Robert F., RA12043396, Cpl., K-03/07/51 Smith, Howard E., US46033817, Pvt., K-03107151 Jarrette, J. W., ER38527422, Pvt., M-02/04/51, POW, RP Dixon, James W., RA14226940, Sgt., K-04/13/51 Basham, John H., RA15428337, Pvt., M W 5 / 5 1 , A3 DOD-12/31/53 Burch. George E., RA18313292, Pfc., K-04/25/51 Coleman, James A., RA15246539, SFC, K-04/25/51 (Body was not recovered.) Dumond, Gilrnan, RA11159507, Pfc., K-04I25151 Harper, Rayford H., RA14316823, Sgt, DWV-05101151 Rice, Carl D., RA1434.4955, Cpl., K-04/23/51 Smith, Joseph S., 02019091,lst Lt., M3W-04/25/51 A3 Yasunaka, Gary K., US56050512, Pvt , M-04/25/51, DOD-12/31/53 Dahlin, Homer M., RA13340142, Cpl., M-02/04/51, POW, RP Deceased-04117191 Curry, Paul F., RA12349053, Pvt, K-05/19/51 Hammond, Harold M., RA16304376, Pfc., M-12/31/50, POW, RP Blount, Clyde D., RA18349804, Sgt., K-06/02/51 Hart, Albert L., 01824615,lst Lt., K-06/26/51 Moms, James R., US52059914, Pvt., K-06/26/51 Ridgeway, Maurice D., RA18354878, Cpl., K-06/26/51 Schoffstall, Blair A., US52074179, Pfc., K-06/27/51 Urquhart, Hughie D., ER12264758, Cpl., K-06/27151 Sarate, Salvador J., RA16334204, Pfc., Dead-05130151, Accidental Gunshot, LD-Yes Lang, Leo D., US55024014, Cpl., Drowned, 08/09/51, ID-Yes, (Flash flood) Neece, Paul E., RAl5257656, Cpl., Drowned-08/09/51, LD-Yes, (Flash flood) Baumer, George A., US56143573, Pfc., K-10113/51 Bennett, Boyd J .. RA13360614, SFC, K-10115/51 Butler, Robert C., US53078086, Pfc., K-10115/51 Chavez, Daniel V., 11856143518, Pfc., K-1W14151 Parksion, Harold J., US56051124, Pfc., K-10115151 Preece, Leslie E., US 52091519, Pfc., K-1011Y51 Siers, Paul M., RA15439379, Pfc., K-10115151 Edwards, James, RA13322993, Pvt., K-10/22/51 L a m , Orvall P., US55088011, Pfc., K-10/22/51 11/10/51 11/21/51 12/14/51 Larson, Wendell L., US55037665, Cpl., K-10/22/51 Norlien, Raleigh T., US55033392, ffc., K-10/22/51 Terzak, Frank, US51062291, Pfc., K-10/22/51 Varner, Thomas H., US53028729, Pfc., K-10/22/51 White, Cecil W., 0970265, 2nd Lt., K-10122151 Martin, Joel R., RA44169807, Cpl., K-11/14/51 McEnery, Patrick, US55066038, Pfc., K-11/14/51 Murry, Harold L.. RA17278927, Cpl. K-11/14/51 Mahler, Norman J., US54033287, Pvt., K-12/06/51 Kina Commnv, 3* Bn.. 19'h lnfantw Rea't., Se~ternber1.1950 To December 31,1951 MIR Date Scott, Samuel E., RA344903464, WSgt, K-09109150 Titone, Alfred J., 02203049, 2nd Lt., K-09109150 Derwsett, Pearl G., RA15265992, Sgt., K-09/10/50 Henke, Bruno R., RA20948152, SFC, K-0911W50 O'Kain, Maurice F., RA13268214, Ptc., K-09110150 P d e , Harold J., RA12286252, Pvt., K-09110150 Rios, Leopdd, RA38077068, Cpl., K-09/10/50 Vaughn, Samuel L , RA37519160, SFC, K-09/10/50 Miller, Charles E., RA16307113, Pfc., K-09/11/50 Clare,Thomas C., 0 1302272, Ist Lt., K-09/12/50 Gibson, Don E., RA18367129, Pvt., K-09/06/50 Hughes, Phillip T., RA13339858, Pvt., K-09/12/50 Moringa, Akaji, RA30116666, Cpl., K-09/12/50 Rich, Theodore L., RA13306797, Pfc., K-09/12/50 Myers, Fred H., RA18287829, Cpl., K-09/12/50 Heam, Robert L., RA18273552, Pvt., K-09/23/50 Martin, Robert L., RA12344951, Pfc., K-09/23/50 Pernell, Frank L., RA15414536, Pvt., K-09/23/50 Helnarski, Wkadyslaw, RA12348540, PFC., K-11/05/50 Magana, Edward O., RA19338268, Pfc., K-1110Y50 Norman, James, RA28098060, Pvt., K-11/05/50 Pinkston, Wrgile F., RA16310513, Pfc., K-11/05/50 POW, RP Tuom, M w i n J., RA.39336015, Pfc., M-11/18/50, Winnie, Richard A., RA12296935, Pfc., M-11/18/50 POW, Died-O3/23/51 Van Osdol. Charles E., RA17259999, Cpl., M-11/18/50 DOD-12/31153 POW, RP Brandt, Howard H., RA13279709, Cpl., M-01/03/51, POW, RP Cockfield, Graham M., RA44092762, SFC, M-01/03/51, Cramer, Paul, RA13281697, Cpl., M-01/03/51, CRMC-02/10/51 POW, RP Domenosky, Eugene F., RA16277116, Sgt., M-0110351, POW, RP Hart, Charles E., RA1335094.4, Pvt., M-01/03/51, Longoria, Johnny, RA18057722, Cpl., M-01/03/51, CRMC02/10/51 Mena, Fernando, RA17028209, Pfc., M-01/03/51, POW, RP Miller, Billy R., RA15273327, Pfc., M-01/03/51, POW, RP Morgan, C. N., RA15273318, Pfc., M-01/03/51, Nash, Robert L., ER53008120, Pvt., M-01/03/51, CRMC-O2/10/51 POW, RP Nordine, Cletys I., ER54040035, Pvt., M-01/03/51, POW, RP Pacheco, Felipe, RA18319849, Pvt , M-01/03/51, POW, RP Pate, Uoyd M., RA14552945, Cpl., M-01/03/51, POW, RP Ramirez, Alfredo G., RA18224601, Pfc., M-01/03/51, Dec'd. W 8 9 Ramsey, Joseph, RA19295488, ffc., M-01/03/51, POW, RP Richards, Hunter J., RA19329318, Pvt, M-01/03/51, Ridgeway, James L., RA16218736, SFC, M-01/03/51, Smith, William G., RA44022784, Sgt., M-01/03/51, A4 A3 A1 A1 Trexler, Tommy P., 02014531, 1st Lt., M-0110351, Voss, Harvey R., RA17272715, Pfc., M-01/03/51 Bartlett, James C., RA11013073, SFC, M-02/04/51, ## POW, RP Dec'd.-02/95 A1 CRMC-02/12/51 Bastie, William R. Jr., RA11202604, Pvt., M-02/04//51, A3 (Bastie was known by the U.N. to be alive when the truce was signed on July 27, 1953.) DOD-03/05/54 Benton, Obbie M., RA14331585, Pfc., M-02/04/51, A1 Bryant, Loren D., US37827698, Pvt., M-02/04/51, POW, RP Harris, Clarence A., 02262079,2nd Lt., K-02/04/51 Holzer, Wayne M., ER19196841, Cpl., K-02/04/51 Kennard, Kenton N., ER57634364, Pfc., M-02/04/51, CRMC-02/19/51 Lynch, John F., ER11160642, Pvt., M-02/04/51 A1 Malacara, Antonio, ERA 8346905, Pfc., K-02/04/51 Maschist, Jason, ER12262312, Pvt., K-02/04/51 Matson, Howard L., ER45037283, Pvt., K-02/04/51 McCall, Lester R., 01291496, 1st Lt., K-02/04/51 POW, RP McClain,Roy H., RA16332888, Pvt., M-02/04/51, McEkain, Elmer C., RA15423546, Pvt., K-02/04151 Milbrand, Whelhelm F., RA16284034, Pfc. M-02/04151, Nelson, Robert C., RA19295237, SFC, K-02/04/51 Nolte, Mekin B., ER37525951, Pfc., M-02/04/51, CRMC-02/12/51 Notbohm, Earl R., RA19367471, Pvt., K-02/04/51 Olish, Victor, RA13237170, Pfc., K-02/04/51 Omdorff, Edward D., ER52000335, Pfc., K-02104151 Patterson, Joseph H., ER52033759, Pfc., M-02/04/51, CRMC-02/19/51 Ross, Guy Jr., ER33966285, Cpl., K-02/04/51 Schied, Lawrence J., RA12242202, Pfc., M-02104151, CRMC-02/17/51 Todd, Duane H., ER33969863, Pfc., K-02/04/51 Vaughan, James V., RA25936824, Cpl., M-02/04/51, POW, RP Wagers, Dan H., ER15379452, Pfc., K-02/04/51 Wails, Ardean R., RA17273525, Pvt., M-02104151, POW, Died 07/31/51 Ward, Johnny T., RA14260545, Pvt., M-02/04/51, DOW-07/31/51 Wontkawski, Edward W., ER16222166, Cpl., M-02/04/5 Zumar, Charles, RA13335462, Pvt., M-02/04/51, POW, Died-05/28/51 Woda, Bruce J., RA16258628, Cpl., K-0307/51 Gallagher, Patrick J. ER57221171, Pfc., K-0307151 Michoff, Donald L., RA15298711, Pvt., K-0310/51 Carter, Donald E., RA16263750, Cpl., K-03/10/51 Daily, Maurice L., RA16289948, Pfc., M-03/10/51, Nwne, Gerald M., RA13278137, Pfc., K-03/10/51 Turman, Jeff, U537822290, Pvt., K-03/10/51 Vigil, Arturo, RA18366885, Pfc., K-0310/51 Wright, Emerson J., RA14311921, Pfc., K-03/10/51 Arend, Peter G., 028402, Capt., K-04/12/51 Comier, Joe C., RA19364218, Pvt., K-04/12/51 04116/51 04/24/51 04/24/51 05/02/51 Ord, Allen L., RA19338625, Cpl., K-04/12/51 Lucas, Russell K., RA15422387, Pvt., K-04/12/51 Paxton, Jesse J., ER33451296, Cpl., K-04/12/51 Ping, Carter N., ER52001576, Pfc., K-04/12/51 Towns, Roosevett, RA16334284, Pvt., K-04/12/51 Tynes, James B., RA13346213, Pvt., K-04/12/51 Frahm, Melvin P., US55034186, Pfc., K-04/20/51 Hanningan, Robert W., RA14362262, Pvt. K-04120/51 Porter, John K., US55025442, Pvt., K-04/20/51 Rochon, Harold A, ER16252443, Pvt., K-04/20/51 Shinaberry, Donald A., RA15295504, Pvt., K-04/20/51 Bamhart, Harvey M., ER36642852, Sgt., M-04/23/51, Booker, Joseph, RA13321396, Pfc., M-04/23/51, POW, RP DOD-12/31/53 Bostrom, Harry F., US55034203, Pfc., K-04/23/51 Bowling, Mathew, US52006201, Pvt., M-04/23/5l, Brest, Lyle A., US56092321, Pvt., M-04/23/51, Broughton, Gilbert, J., ER16203506, Pfc., M-04/23/51, Brawn, Alfred G., US52010474, Pfc., M-04/23/51, Copple, Robert T., ER15230476, Pfc., M-04/23/51 Cormier, Ernest P., RA11078046, Pfc., M-04/23/51, POW, RP DOD-12/31/53 POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP Dec'd.-09130185 Crawford, William L., RA13350335, Pvt., M-04/23/51 POW, Died-07/18/51 Deer Whh Horns, William P., RA17288355, Pvt, M-04/23/51, POW, Died-08IW51 Denbigh, Frederic C., ER12278688, Pvt., M-04/23/51, Gregory, Homer F., RA16249792, Pfc., M-04/23/51, POW, RP Hams, Edward P., US55023864. Pvt., M-04/23/51, POW, Died-10/27/51 Jackson, John W., US52016864, Pvt., M-04/23/51, POW, RP Jacobs, Lloyd W., US55039176, Pvt., M-04/23/51, Kaczorek, Chester A., RA17291820, Pvt, M-04/23/51, POW, RP POW, RP Kerkstra, Louis, RA16343656, Pvt, M-04/23/51, Lang, Arthur G., ER17186546, Cpl., M-04/23/51 Lapoint, Lawrence, RA11199798, Pfc., M-04/23/51, POW, RP McDonnell, Raymond F., RA12223788, Cpl., M-04/23/51, POW, RP POW, RP McEntire, Card G., RA18351543, Cpl., M-04123/51, POW, RP McKinney, Dan L., ER38585268, Cpl., M-04/23/51, Mesiavech, Felix A, US51020704, Pvt., M-04123/51 Miller, Kenneth R., US52007574, Pvt., M-04/23/51, POW, Died-09/22/51 Mizer, Edward B., ER46003714, Pvt., M-04123151, POW, RP Moree, Ralph C., US55006634, Pvt., M-04/23/51 Pensak, Paul P., US55035399, Pvt., M-04/23/51 DOD-12/31/53 Perdrizet, George A. Jr., US51093396, Pvt., M-04/23/51, DOD-12/31/53 Peterson, Fred A Jr., US39773364, Pvt., M-04/231, POW, Died-12/30/51 POW, RP Pickard, Glenn G. Jr., RA16343268, Pvt., M-0412351, POW, RP Portee, Paul, RA14208144, Cpl., M-04/23/51, POW, RP Pucciarelli, Felix J., RA12345876, Pvt., M-04/23/51, Puzio, Richard E., RA16315609, Pfc., M-04/23/51, Rabalais, Hillman, RA18277394, Cpl., W / 2 3 / 5 1 , Rodriguez, Ernest, RA17290021, Pvt., M-04/23/51, POW, RP POW, RP Dec'd.-06/09/93 POW, RP Rogers, Harvey L., RA19361593, Pfc., M-04/23/51, Scherdin, Hubert C., US55009994, Pvt., M-04/23/51 POW, Died-09/03/51 Serbascewin, Custer, ER31280660, Sgt., M-04/23/51, DOD-12/31/53 Sneed, 0. D., US54020588, Pvt., M-0412351, POW, RP Spencer, Erdie C., RA16335233, Pvt., M-0412351, POW, RP Taylor, Allen R., RA25000320, Pvt., KOV23151 Taylor, Worth W., RA14365098, Pvt., M-04/23/51, Ulrich, Louis M., RA13282017, Pfc., M-04123151, DOD-12/31/53 Vande-Linde, Lewis, ER35082904, Cpl., M-04/23/51, POW, RP Wilson, Gary R., RA25153910, Pvt., M-04/23/51, DOD-o4/23/51 Woolum, Ernest F., US52000446, Pvt., M-04123151, Bedore, Charles J., El326348713, Cpl., K-04/25/51 Trompics, William B., ER57503339, Pfc., M-04/25/51, DOD-12/31/51 Newman, Thomas H., RA11209798, Pfc., M-06/03/51, Schubbe, Robert L., 11855061786, Pvt., K-06/03/51 Reagan, Watton R., RA14317632, Pvt., DOW-05/29/51 Manley, Robert W., RA15424874, Cpl., K-06/27/51 McEvoy, Stanley J., US52000730, Cpl., K-0711351 Peterson, Jack D., RA16339193, Pvt., M-04/25/51, Steele, Arthur G., RA18314144. Pvt., M-04/19/51, Tabellion, Donald J., US52053981, Pfc., Accidental Drowning-08/25/51, LD, Yes (Body Not Recovered) Arnezuca, Robert B., US56144158, Pfc., Dead-09/06/51 Accidental, Short-round Moton, Madison, US53030642, Pfc., Accidental Death-09/06/51 Training, Short-round Oliver, Mlack C., RA14350348, Pfc., Accidental Death-09/06/51 Training, Short-round Jeffcoat, John S., US53074919, Pfc., K-09/09/51 Sallee, Floyd B., RA15298323, Sgt., DOW-09/09/51 Higa, Yutaka, US56146451, Cpl., K-10/1351 Stack, Patrick J., US52059996, Pfc., K-10/13/51 Fowler, Dorsey R., US56076932, Pfc., K-10/14/51 Obana, Tadad, US39765542, Pfc., K-10/14/51 Wallace, George W., US52053971, Cpl., K-10/17/51 Aviles, William D., US56977669, Pfc., K-10/15/51 King. Loyd Jr., 11856069678, Pfc., K-10/15/51 Malone, Francis P. Jr., RA14353793, Pfc., K-10/29/51 Stice, Billy J., US54053338, Pfc., K-12/22/51 Pacewin, Edward P., US51036436, Pvt., K-12/28/51 -50Lwe Commnv. 3* Bn.. 1gthlnfantrv Rea't., Se~ternber1. 1950 To December 31$1951 MIR Date 09110150 09114/50 09115/50 09128150 1W7150 11I09150 11/24/50 01106151 Hoen, Herbert G., RA12350208, Pvt., K-09110150 Kamai, Herman B., RA50000113, Pfc., K-09110150 Burch, Robert G., RA16302355, Pfc., K-09114150 Cook, Emit E., RA13308963, Pvt., K-09115150 Bornes, Ralph E., RA16235506, Cpl., K-09125150 Kirschner, Robert S., RA12349969, Pfc., K-09125150 Renner, Jose G., RA17275786, Pvt., K-09125150 Oden, Jimmie L., RA19361977, Pvt., DOW-09110150 Naito, Tadao, RA30112082, Cpl., M-11/06/50, Bennett, Richard W., RA19295502, K-11/05/50 Baumgardner, Raymond, RA39763852, Pvt., K-01101151 Calhoon Cecil O., RA16308092, Cpl., K-12/31/50 Cooney, John J., ER57156438, Pvt., K-0110351 DeBerry, Willis B., RA14233415, Pvt., K-0110351 Derrow, Richard P., RA13338618, Pvt., M-01103151, Dixon, John L., RA19003088, Cpl., M-0110351, Dohefly, Robert T., RA21725430, Pfc., K-0110351 Grape, RichardW., RA172770Q7, Cpl., M-01103151, Herendeen, David, RA15282221, Cpl., M-01101151 Huffman, Roy L., ER53018035, Pvt.. K-01101151 Kurtz, Arthur R., RA13315337, Pvt., K-0110351 Lam, David W., RA19327022, Pfc., K-01101151 Moore, T. S., ER54052520, Pvt., K-01101151 Murphy, Daniel R., ER12318951, Cpl., M-01103151 Neville, Edward, RA14268816, Sgt., M-01103151, Pamey, Richard L., RA16250313, Pvt., M-0110351 POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP POW, RP A1 CRMC-02/10151 POW, RP CRMC-02110151 Ragucci, John J., 058352, 1st U.,K-01101151 Smith, Walter C., ER34248056, Cpl., M-0110351, Suttles, James G., RA15189104, Cpl., M-01103151, Szabados, George J., RA16276329, Pfc., M-0110351 01110151 02109151 Vollers, Edwin W., RA39054733, Pvt., M-0110351, Webster, William A, RA17325185, Sgt., K-01101151 Fisher, Bernard, J., RA13311725, Pfc., M-01/01/51 CRMG03/21151 POW, RP CRMC-02/10151 POW, RP DOD-12/31/53 Horton, Duane F., RA16315359, Pfc., K-01101151 Karagioris, Vasillios, RA11014535, Pvt., K-01101151 Pascoe, Marvin E., RA37488669, Cpl., K-01101151 Rodriguez, John, RA16225478, SFC, K-01101151 Canterbury, Federick P., ER33606609, Pfc., K-02/04151 Dickinson, Matthew L., US46084293, Pfc., M-02/W51 POW, Died-08/25/51 Handl, Joseph E., RA16321914, Cpl., K-02/0Ql51 Hanks, Thomas E., RA37762228, Pfc., K-02/W51 Kimberline, John W., ER37765050, Pfc., M-02/W51 POW, Died-06/09/51 Kreizer, Alexander, ER51090003, Pvt., M-02/04/51, POW, RP Martinez, Delores, ER37492741, Cpl., K-02/04/51 Robb, Charles E., ER37358593, Pvt., K-02/04/51 Smith, Robert E., RA13357270, Pvt, K-02/04/51 Snethen, Phillip, ER37777424, Pvt., K-02/04/51 Weng, Jake F., ER19301077, Cpl., K-02/04/51 Sacco, Charles, RA15426748, Pvt., M-02/04/51, POW, RP Hawthorne, Clarence E., US46062591, Pvt., K-02/08/51 Geer, William R. Jr., RA13304272, Cpl., K-03/09/51 Haferkarnp, Rudy H., ER11207054, Pfc., K-03/10/51 Cauthen, Marion F., US16250394, Pvt., K-03/21/51 Pittrnan, Russell G., RA16313243, Pfc., K-03/21/51 Reed, Paul D., ER16302633, Pfc., K-03/21/51 Twitchell, Gene A., RA17262928, Pvt., K-01/01/51 Earls, William B., RA14362213, Pvt., K-04/12/51 Slaughter, Dewitt L., RA06270734, MISgt, K-04/12/51 Acinelli, Bill J., RA17283785, Pvt., M-04125151 POW, Died-12/31/53 Biers, Wesley P., RA13166063, Pfc., M-0412351, POW, RP Hetzler, Thurmond B., US52003532, Pvt, M-04/25/51 POW, Died-09/11/51 Lugo, Inez G., RA18321618, Pfc., M-04/23/51 DOD-12/31/53 Oliver, Adanza, RA17274623, Pfc., M-04/23/51 Potz, Alvin E., 118550335204, Pvt., M-04/23/51 DOD-12/31/53 Poupard, Richard C., US55024851, Pvt., M-04/25/51 Ramsey, Troy O., RA13338958, Pfc., M-04123151 POW, Died-09/30/51 Stinger, Kent W., US51018883, Pvt., M-04/23/51 Snyder, Mawin B., RA13263531, Sgt., K-04/20/51 Watson, Stephen A., RA12341848, Pvt., DOW-0413W51 Nobles, Jay T., 11853020945, Pvt., K-05122151 Hoeltje, Walter W., ERA6231092, Sgt., K-06/02/51 Opel, Roland C., US55052934, Pvt., K-06/02151 Poland, Shirley M., ER57137076, Cpl., K-06/02/51 Woodall, William F., US53025960, Pvt., K-06/02/51 Lopez, Victor M., RA19368834, Pfc., K-06/01/51 Lowe, William R., RA16332187, Pfc., K-06/26/51 Laurent, Douglas J., US55023948, Pfc., K-06/27/51 Miller, Willard J., US55030024, Cpl., K-06/27/51 Willett, George W., US52015557, Pfc., M-06127151 Blevins, Joe I., US54034063, Sgt., K-10/15/51 Holland, Wayne R., US55093813, Pvt., K-10/15/51 Kelly, Louis C., RA17294724, Pfc., K-10/15/51 Parker, Henry L, RA21004733, Cpl., K-10/15/51 Rodriquez, Hector, US56141027, Pvt., K-10/13/51 Yates, Ben J., US55113705, Pfc., K-10/15/51 Roark, Harold E., RA15444895, Pfc., K-10/15/51 Delgado, Alfred, US56055038, Pfc., K-10/20/51 Love, Guy R., RA16343682, Cpl., K-10/20/51 Thomas, Jake R., US52057501, Pfc., K-10/21/51 Blanchette, Charles, RA11213464, Pvt., K-11/09/51 Ketchurn, Ehrin L., US55116809, Pvt., K-11/14/51 Mike Commnv, 3* Bn., 1gthlnfantrv Rea't., September 1.1950 To December 31,1951 M/R Date Holley, John F., RA13165974, Cpl., K-09/09/50 (None Listed) Salecki, Chester J., RA36991983, Cpl., K-11/04/50 (None Listed) D'Alessandro, Robert, RA13313675, Pfc., M01/01/51 Duncan, Robert B., RA15260530, M-01/01/51, A1 CRMC-02/10151 Hemandiez, Luis, RA19304494, Cpl., M-01/01/50 ON13/51 03/14/51 April, 51 05/01151 05/02/51 W08151 07117/51 Aug., 51 Sept., 51 10/25/51 10/30/51 Nw., 51 A4 POW, Died-07/31/51 Nance, Donald I., RA16286026, Pfc., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Petitt, Hershel C., RA15296909, Pfc., M-01/01/51, POW, RP Preston, Cecil V., RA19358887, Pfc., M-01/01/51, POW, RP, Deed.-1980 Queen, Bobby L., RA13345969, Pfc., M-01/01/51 A1 Rickenbach, Charles G., RA13301040, Pfc., M-01/01/51, CRMC-02/10/51 Wood, Charles L., RA32857806, Cpl., Missing-09/01/50,assigned from 'D" Co., 34th Inf. Reg't., never joined, (listed as AWOL, then as missing) Smith, Roy E., RA14330837, Cpl., K-02/04/51 Walker, John A., ER19257689, Cpl., K-02/04/51 Munson, Melvin O., RA18243955, Pfc., NBC-02/08/51, (Died of disease) Miller, Charles H., US52003112, Pvt., K-0310/51 Fredenburg, Donald L., RA17252814, Pfc., K-03/10/51 (None Listed) Robertson, Ernest C., US52000535, Pfc., M-OM351 A2 DOW-05/06/51 POW, RP Roosa, William F., US52053364, Pvt., M-O4/21, A2 Tuttle, Kenneth, RA13288322, Cpl., M-04/23/51, Dow-05/20/5 1 Waters, Howard Jr., US55003087, Pfc., M-04/23/51, POW, RP Weston, Robert J., RA16331456, Pfc., M-04/23/51 A1 Wright, Preston A., RA14317101, Pfc., M-04/25/51 A1 Ceculski, Richard S., US52055010, Pvt , K-06102/51 McBee, James R., US53022956, Pvt., K-07/13/51 (None Listed) (None Listed) Valenzuela, Tony L., US56073039, Pfc., K-10/15/51 Brown, Harold B., RA17318222, Pfc., K-10/27/51 (None Listed) Supplemental List of Casualties Casualties listed below were assigned to the 19th Infantry Regiment, but initially the names were not found on the copies of the morning reports searched by the writer. Where possible, each casualty is listed under his assigned company. This was accomplished by finding evidence in the morning reports that he had been assigned to that company, or by personal identification from those who knew the casualty. Note: RMC indicates the man was returned to military control, but doesn't necessarily mean that he had been captured. Ha. Comwnv 19th lnfantrv Rea't. Kimball, Hunter H., 0556856, 1st Lt., M-07/16/50. Lell, Adam A., RA17270415, Pvt., DOW-07/17/50 Service Comwnv 19th lnfantrv Rea't. Worzel, Herbert, (unknown), W.O., NBG09/01/50, Died in Tokyo Gen. Hosp. Heavv Mortar Co. 19th lnfantrv Rea't. Miller, Elmer L., RA17247675, Pvt., M-11/04/50, RP Verghies, Stephen, RA13313208, Pvt., M-11/04/50 Watson, Charles L., RA14166886, Pvt., M-11/04/50, R M G l l / W 5 0 Medical Commnv, 19th Infantry Reg't. Reiss, Daniel A., RA16268884, M-07/17/50, RMG07/24/50 HQ. Commnv. 1st Bn.. 19th lnfantrv Rea't. Armstrong, Raymond, RA18341140, Pfc., K-07119150 Darby, William S., RA15252724, Pfc., DOW-09/19/50 Estes, Thomas C., RA18272312, Pfc., DOW-07/16/50 Logan, Bennett V., RA13288556, M-11/04/50, RMC-11/05/50 Moms, Everett, RA13241070, Cpl., M-11/05/50, RMC-11/08/50 Muise, Eric E. J., RA11184245, Pfc., M-11/04/50, Shay, John J. Jr., RA12301137, Pfc., M-01/M/51, DOW-01/09/51 Able Commnv. 19th Infantry Rea't. Benfield, Paul R., RA13359475, Pvt., M-08122150, RMC-08/22/50 Biggs, Glynn R., RA38525120, Cpl., DOW-08/07/50 Ganal, Pedro A., US50000665, Pvt., K46/03/51 Heffler, Kenneth J., RA18275585, Pvt., M-07/28/50, RMC-08/05/50 Hubbs, Hany A., ERA 3253271, Sgt., DOW-04n0151 Hutson, Russell G., RA17273318, Pvt., M-08/09/50, RMC-08/14/50 Johnson, George A., RA36786885, Cpl., DOW-07/31/50 O'Brien, James H., RA18350984, Cpl., M-08/10/50, CRMC-10/10/50 Perry, George D., RA18296091, Pfc., M-07/16/50, RMC-07DOl50 Wilson, Theodore R., RA15214004, M-08/09/50, RMC08/14150 Wrightsel, Wtlliam, RA15438363, Pvt., K-01/11/52 Baker Commnv 19th lnfantrv Rea't. Baron, Frank R., US52038981, Cpl., DOW-10/18/51 Meier, Ralph W., US55067306, Pfc., M-12/30/51, Catchings, Clifton, RA19370260, Sgt., DOW-10/12/51 Clow, David K., RA12111872, Pvt., M-08/02/50, RMC08/28/50 Culotta, Joseph V., RA13277285, Pfc. M-07/16/50, RMC-07127150 Follini, William W. RA12301758, Pvt., M-07/16/50, RMC-07/27/50 Griggs, Virgil L., RA16268420, SFC, DOW-01/30/51 Mortensen, Roy S., RA16267351, Cpl., M-01/01/51, RMC-01/02/51 Zippiere, William R., RA12285430, Pfc., M-07/16/50, RMC-07/20/50 POW, POW, RP POW, RP A3 A2 POW, RP A2 A2 I I I I 1 Bush, Herbert R. Jr., RA13298638, Pfc., M-11104150, RMG11lW50 Hall, Raymond E., RA06358843, SFC, K-07131150 (bom in 1910) Little, Keith J., RA16323048, Pfc., K-07131150 Martin, Leon E., US51083508, fW., DOW-10/13151 Mertes, Allen C., RA16301551, Pfc., K-11/04/50 Murphy, O.G., RA18329983, Pvt., M-07/16/50, RMC-07/26/50 Starlin, Jack C., RA17257515. Pfc., M-11/04/50, RMC-11/19/50 Tarnaki, Yoshio, RA101042.24, Pfc., M-11104150 POW, RP Vega, Gilberto A., RA18269630, Pfc., M-07116150, RMG07/21/50 Doq Comwnv. 19th lnfantrv Rea't. Pictun, William R., RA11189222, Pvt., DOW-03/07/51 A2 Zelkowski.. Euaene G.. ER15410371. Pfc.. M-01/29/51 DOI-01130151 A3 HQ. ~omPanv.2nd Bn.. 19th lnfantrv Rea't. Bover, William S., RA16316198, Pfc.. M-07120150 DOD-12/31/53, A3 (Boyer is listed as Boxer in the KCCF file) Easv Commnv. 19th lnfantrv Res't. Abshire, Lester W. RA13270996, Cpl., AWOL-09/08/50, (MIA ?) Berbano, Justino, RA10306118, Cpl., M-08/16/50, RMC08/17150 Cumings, Carless B., RA15288282, M-07/31150, RMC-08/17/50 Dillion, Charles L., RA15274849, Cpl., K-08/13/50 Mdino. Louis N.. RA13283133. Pfc.. K-08/10150 Fox Commnv. 19th lnfantrv Rea't. Arnbrose, Thomas, RA14281064, Cpl., K-07/16/50 Cortes, Juan F., RA50100039, Pvt.,~~-07/19/50 A1 A1 DePriest, Oscar L., RA24272373, Cpl., K-WW51 Longnecker, George, 02210190,2nd Lt., K-1W10/50 A1 (WIA-07119150; duty to released from assignment and attached to Med. Holding Detach., Tokyo Gen. Hosp. per morning report 30 July 50. Did not return to Fox Co. May have been serving with 1 Cav. when he was KIA) Rudd, Melvin, RA15257595, Sgt.. M-08/15/50, RMC-08/17/50 A1 Statler,Lavem D., RA16275554, Pfc., K-09101150 Georcre Commnv. 19th lnfantrv Rea't. Brooks, Jack E., RA12114345, Pvt., DOW-09119150 A2 Earl, Robert J., Jr., RA18361237, Pfc., DOW-11/05/50 A2 Pender, Sylvester, US53058915, Pfc., DOW-10/20151, Per Morning Report-I 1/01/51 A2 Shouse. Robert E., RA35909553, Cpl., M-11/05/50, RMG11107150 Walker, Eddie, US56077846. Pfc.. K-12/30/51 A1 Howe Commnv. 19th lnfantrv Rea't. Farus, Charles R., RA52002024, Cpl., DOW-08/09/50 A2 Mumfee. Calvin 0..RA24489158. Pvt.. M-11130150 A3 ~&rnwnv. 19th Infantry Reu't. Barth, Frederick W., RA12135345, Cpl.. M-02/04/51, POW, Died-06/16/51 Baxter, George A., RA19351328, Pfc., M-11103J50, RMGl1/11/50 Silverman, Alfred C., RA14333453, Pfc., M-12/30/50, RMG01/01/51 Kinq Commnv, 19th lnfantrv Rea't. Mares, Bennie Z., US56141907, Pfc., DOW-10/23/51, Per Moming Report-11/02/51 Riviere, Reginald F., RA16283679, Cpl., DOW-06/19/51 A2 Spainhour, Dernpsey, US56078768, Pfc., DOW-01110152 A2 Walton. Robert T.. US52035693.. Pvt.. M-04/23/51 POW, RP Comwnv. 19th lnfantrv Rea't. Chapman, Ollie E., RA19255721, SFC, M-09114150, RMC09/28/50 ~am~enfidd. ~onald.~13440551.Pvt.. K-12127152 Langlitz, Lyle M., RA16244582. SFC, DOW-02/04/51 Mayo, John M., RA19370198. Pfc., DOW-10113/51 McArver, Billy M.. 062228, 1st Lt., M-09114150, RMC-09/27/50 Sarate, Manuel, RA16334205, Pvt., LW1-02/04/51, Died-03/30151, NBC, Sestito, Robert, US51019654, Pfc., K-12/30151 I - * we 1 The following list of names are those that could not be matched with an assiqned company. Archer, B. R., RA14315454, Pfc., DOW-08/03/50 Bailer, Edwin H., RA13233653, Sgt., K-08/08/50 Baker, Paul E., US52061447, Pvt., M-09/01/51 DOD-03/05/54 Craig, Armand Jr., RA16264244, Pfc., K-07/29/50 Eckert, George, ASN-2 1770724, Rank-Unknown, M-04/23/51, Head, Cerl V., ER55007423, Pfc., K-04/18/51 Klopp, Raymond L., RA19330765, Pfc.. K-O2/04/51 Kohout, Edward L., US55076194, Pfc., K-10/14/51 Leining, Warren H.. RA11165890, Pfc.. K-07/31/50 Modglin, George L., US55081039, Cpl., K-11/04/51 Napolitano, Frank J., US52102601, Pvt., DOW-10/19/51 Neman, Dion L., RA16362209, Pvt., K-10/19/51 Petro, Louie J., US52061232, Cpl., K-10/15/51 Rawlins, Robert E., US52004894, Pfc., DOW-10116/51 Stibelman, Arnold E., US56070035, Pfc., K-11/04/51 Streetman. James S.. RA14237965, SFC, K-08114150 Terry, Vernon L., RA06299455, SFC, M-O8/13/50, Voight, John H., US55060146, Pvt., DOW-06/03/51 Wilson, Gilrner W., RA13305392,Pfc., K-09/01/50 POW, Died, 05/06/51 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A1 A1 A2 A1 A1 (May have been in B or C Company) CRMC-1OR4150 A2 A1 Comwsite List of Men Unaccounted For The men listed below were MIA on the moming reports, and subsequent moming reports did not resolve their fate; whether they returned to duty, or were evacuated totha hospital as wounded, or if they had been captured or killed is not known. The Casualty List of the 19 Infantry Regiment does not list their names, nor does the Korean Conflict Casualty File (KCCF) mention their names. Name Rank Unit Fowler, Dudley W., Adams, Howard G., Chappel, Robert L., Mudryk, Michael. Penotski, Peter L., Young, Ronald G., Mc Clain, Edward M., Shelton, James A., Culbertson, Charles R., Miller, Carl, Auckery, Theodore E., Pierce, Roy J., Ward, Wilfred T., Thiden, Florbert M., Wood, Charles L., Pfc., Cpl., Service Co. Hq. Co., 1"' Bn. Able Co. Charlie Co. Charlie Co. Charlie Co. Dog Co. Dog Co. Easy Co. Easy Co. George Co. George Co. George Co. Item Co. Mike Co. w., w., Pfc., w.. sgt., w., w., w., w., w-, Rct. ? w., Cpl., Abandoned POWs The men listed below were on a list of 389 names of United States Military Personnel that the United Nations Command handed to the North Koreans each year for accounting. They were known to be alive on July 27,1953. All of them were declared dead by the Department of Defense by 1954. Stoeber. Watter T., Dumas, Roger A., Jinks, Leonard W.E., Fetzer, Leo E., Pickard, Maxi L., Cozad, Kenneth L., Hamage, Lawrence A., De Moll, Casrnire T., Bastie, W~lliamR., Jr., Pfc., Pfc., Pfc., c@., CP~., CP~., Pfc.. s@., w., Hq. co.,lS Bn., & "C"Co. Charlie Co. Charlie Co. Easy Co. Easy Co. George Co. Howe Co. uA"Co., 34IthInf. & "I" Co., lgthInf. King Co. SUMMARY From July 1, 1950 through December 31, 1951 the 19" lnfantry Regiment, 24" lnfantry Division suffered total casualties of 1,953 dead and missing men**. Total deaths were 1,175 from all causes, and 944 men were listed as missing. Of the 1,I 75 deaths, 901 were killed- in action, 87 died from wounds, 21 died from non-hostile actions, and 166 men died while prisoners-of-war. Of the 944 men listed as missing-in-action, the Department of Defense listed 361 as killed-inaction (Al); 101 were declared to have died while they were missing (A3); 448 were listed as prisonersof-war; and 34 others in the following categories: 4 died of wounds, 16 returned to military control, and 14 men remained unaccounted for on the morning reports. Of the 448 men who were prisoners-of-war, 279 were repatriated, 166 died, and 3 were declared dead by the Department of Defense. About 37% of the men died while in the hands of the enemy. Nine men were known to be alive, but they were not repatriated. No. D. & M. KIA DOW NBC MIA POW'S Died RP DOD & l A3 Hq. Co., l g mInf. Serv. Co. Hvy. Mort. Co. Med. Co. Hq. Co., 1'' Bn. Able Co. Baker Co. Charlie Co. Dog Co. Hq. Co., 2"6 Bn. Easy Co. Fox Co. George Co. Howe Co. Hq. Co., 3'* Bn. Item Co. King Co. Love Co. Mike Co. *Other 1,953 1 I 1 1 UNlT BREAKDOWN TOTALS 1 1 " Includes one death in Dec. 1952. UNIT 1 901 87 21 944 448 166 278 99 361 7 101 134 *Other - Listed on page 57. Rev. Jun. 2000 1 I
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