NEWSLETTER - John Colet School
NEWSLETTER - John Colet School
NEWSLETTER A Specialist Humanities College Issue No. 103 Inside this issue:News from the Head Farwell and Welcome Polite Reminder Department News Maths Enrichment Toyota Stem Challenge Brass Parade Primary Liaison Halton Literacy Help French Gouter Sports News After School Homework Clubs May 2013 NEWS FROM THE HEAD Farewell Sadly, we are saying farewell to a number of staff this month. Mrs Henderson has been teaching English for 32 years with 15 years being at John Colet. Mrs Henderson is passionate about English and I know that this comes across to her students. As well as being a dedicated Form Tutor, Mrs Henderson has been involved in numerous extra-curricular activities including raising money for Book Aid International during World Book Day, organising Poetry Competitions for National Poetry Day and running the Scholastic Book Club. Mr Underdown has spent this year with us teaching Geography. We wish him well on his move to Canada and his new career in forestry work. Mr Howarth has been one of our caretakers this year, working mainly with our evening lettings. We wish him well as a mentor for teenage students. Welcome We welcome Mr Ian King as Director of Personnel and Resources. Mr King joins us as part of the Senior Leadership Team restructure from September. Mr King will be our Safeguarding Designated Person from September taking over from Mr Date; the handover will take place over the next half-term. Polite Reminder - the following is very important to us Letters will shortly be sent out regarding out of date/or missing medications. If your child requires/or may require medication during the school day it is important the appropriate medication is available and in date. Please could parents remember to keep us informed of any changes to address or contact details. Should you require Paracetamol to be administered whilst your child is in school, we are unable to do this unless a Parental Permission Form for Administration of Paracetamol has been completed. Good luck To all our students in Years 9 to 13 who are taking GCSEs and A Levels this Summer. Page 2 NEWSLETTER Year Seven Enrichment Afternoon Tuesday 7th March - Mr Chappell - Maths A group of 15 Year 7 pupils attended a Maths enrichment afternoon in Oxford recently, run by the teaching students there. They performed very admirably and were a credit to John Colet School throughout the afternoon. I was proud of them! Three of the pupils recorded their response to the afternoon, see below. Nathaniel Butler-Coxhead 7S:- On Tuesday 7th May 15 pupils went to Oxford Brookes University for a Maths enrichment afternoon. The first thing we had to do was to be put in groups, either A, B or C. Then, within my group, more pupils from different schools were added to do pirate-themed Maths challenges like fraction loop and boatman. At each place around the university site there was an activity and a set of bearings and lengths. We got points from each activity and used the bearings to plot on a map to lead us to the next place on a map. The team with the most points won. At the end of the afternoon all the teams found a box of sweets and shared them. Charlotte Brown 7C :- On Tuesday I went on a Maths trip to Oxford Brookes University. We played a sort of Cluedo game. We solved Maths questions to gain points to help us figure out who the murderer was. It was a great afternoon and I would recommend it to anyone. A five star day! Matthew Tattam 7D:- We had to complete 3 challenges – a logic puzzle, a construction test and orienteering. For the puzzle, we had to work out how to get a family across water safely without sinking the boat. For the construction challenge, we had to design and construct a paper bridge using only 8 pieces of paper and 5 pieces of sellotape. Then it had to be tested using mini Mars bars and Freddo Frogs! The record was 19 Mars bars and Freddo Frogs. Our final challenge was to find certain Maths objects, patterns and shapes all around the grounds. It was really fun and I never knew that Maths is involved in almost everything you do! THANK YOU Mr Chappell. NEWSLETTER Page 3 Toyota Stem Challenge 2013 “Brass on Parade” The Indestructible Nerds On Tuesday 7th and Thursday 9th May John Colet’s ‘Class Brass’ went on a mini tour of local primary schools, performing at Aston Clinton Junior School and Wendover Junior School. Class Brass was very well received and had a rapturous welcome at both schools. This gave our students the chance to perform and the junior schools a chance to see what they could aspire to, if they started to learn a musical instrument. Class Brass was joined by representatives from Aston Clinton and Wendover Junior to perform ‘Rocket Launch’ as a joint piece. Congratulations to Class Brass, they are:- Scott Kempster, Charlie Garner, Brandon Howard-Norris, Luke Paulley, Kerenza Bennett, Chris Timmins and Joey Horrox. Watch this space for their next performance! Tom Dickinson - Head of Music On Monday 29th April 4 students; Jack Lucky, George Perry (Year 9) Nico Pope and Ben Frost (Year 8) travelled, with Mr Brand, to the Imperial War Museum in Duxford for the Toyota STEM Challenge 2013 regional final. The challenge was to build a solar powered car and then race it against other schools. However, before we got to this stage we had to write out a 14 page project folder that would secure our place in this regional final. Schools were divided into each region, and the top six project folders out of about 280 got through. We were one of the folders that did! At around 7:15 on a Monday morning with the completed car that was carefully packed in a box with a whole repair kit and a revolving stand with presentation cue cards in hand we left school in the minibus. The regional final took place under the wing of the first ever Concorde that completed a test flight, in a hanger in the Imperial War Museum, Duxford. We knew we were going to be up against tough competition and this quickly became clear when we arrived and saw that the other regional finalists were mostly grammar and private schools with older teams. However when we did look around, we seemed to be the only school who were a proper team with our very own named T-Shirts. It only then really sank in how much we had achieved, when we saw that we were the only upper school. We had achieved a great deal in a very short space of time as we started the process of the competition in December, 3 months after the start date. Each team had 15 minutes to charge their vehicle under UV lamps; we luckily were the first to charge for the practise race, this went well. We then had to give a presentation to the judges about the car and our experiences in the competition and answer the judges’ questions. Then we had our final race, this however did not go to plan. We had one flaw we had not thought of, we did not know which way the car was going to travel, as it was symmetrical both sides. When we set it off down the 8 metre track, it went backwards. Then, once we had turned it around, it shot off the end of the track, which in turn did not leave enough charge in it for the other two attempts. Marks were added up for all sections and we were awarded between 4 th and 6th place. We have had a great experience representing the school in this competition. Even though we didn’t win £250 for the school this year we are looking forward to winning next year when we can improve with experience. We also had a fun day out looking around the museum after the event. It was an amazing day and we would all like to thank the staff who have helped us along the way. Nico Pope - 8G The Indestructible Nerd Page 4 NEWSLETTER JH Tutorials Providing one to one tuition in The Vale and Chilterns for 25 years Tutoring from local, highly qualified professionals only A level: subjects include Maths, all the Sciences and English GCSE: experienced teachers available in most subjects Key Stage 3, 11+, SEN and support for students with dyslexia. Principal: Dr Michele Challenger Tel: 01296 428290 Mobile : 07950839851 Email: Website: Personal tuition makes the difference and gets results Give us a call now For your Free initial half hour consultation, call us on: 01494 862226 (Prestwood office) 01296 620443 (Wendover office) 2 Wycombe Road, Prestwood, HP16 0PW 10a High Street, Wendover, HP22 6AE NEWSLETTER Page 5 Primary Liaison Halton Literacy Help On Friday 19th April Ben Frost and Nico Pope assisted in a Year 5/6 lesson. The pupils were studying Lord Shaftsbury and the Factory Act of 1847 and then writing interesting sentences about this time. The Colet students sat with small groups of children and helped them to compose their work. Afterwards we had a tour of the new dining area at the school, which was very impressive! On Wednesday 24th April Year 8 students Ffyona Spreyer, Kerrie Parsons, Charlotte Thorpe and Jess Payne helped the Years 5 and 6 pupils write about boys who climbed up the chimneys in the Victorian Age. They helped small groups extract information from a text book and write it in their own words. On Friday 3rd May Ellie Cunningham, Lucy Hedges, Macey Hill and Estella Alveres supervised individual Year 5 and 6 students as they wrote up an assessment on child workers in Victorian England. The John Colet students were not allowed to write anything, but were allowed to read the work and offer advice. On Wednesday 8th May Charlie Robinson, Emma Peace and Charlotte Ball helped Years 5 and 6 pupils write compound and complex sentences to make their writing more interesting. The pupils watched the first scene from the black and white film of Oliver Twist and described it in their own words. Our students helped them with spellings and sentence construction as well as descriptive ideas. French Gouter On Tuesday 23rd April twenty five very excited Year 5 pupils from our local primary schools came to tea! They were treated to chocolate brioches, plain brioches, pain au chocolat and flavoured milk as a taste of France. Year 8 French students had designed the tablecloths and menus, and other students had drawn French graffiti for decoration on the board. Mrs Simpson spoke to the Year 5 pupils in French and was ably supported by Jed Swanscott, Ries Watton, Jack Timberlake, Tabby Clarke, Rosie Robertson, Ellie Quirk, Jeremy Spreyer, Joel Llwellyn and Adam Craft. These students served the food and drink to the Year 5 pupils, speaking to them in French all the time. Joel and Adam had created a Power Point quiz which they presented to the pupils and prizes were handed out. The feedback from the primary school students was very positive and they appeared to thoroughly enjoy their taste of France. Many thanks to Mrs Simpson and her Year 9 helpers for another successful primary liaison event. Mrs J Caplan NEWSLETTER Page 6 Autumn/Winter 2012-13 We have had a number of sporting successes during the winter season. celebrated at a recent Sports Assembly. These were recently YEAR 7 BOYS RUGBY The boys were Runners Up in the Emerging Schools Rugby League. Well done to:Luke Winter, Max Brewer, Tom Bullows, Jack Holmes, Nathan Dover, Nathaniel Butler-Coxhead, Tim Hall, Charlie Jackson, Oli Jenkins, Ben Pope, Ross Hazel, Josh De-Monte, Lewis Savin, James Perry, Tom Doherty. YEAR 7 BOYS BADMINTON LEAGUE Both teams were Runners Up in their respective Leagues. Well done! U13 Boys “A” League Jack Spencer-Williams, Tom Viney, Ryan Peacock, Luke Hailes, Jordan Day. U13 “B” League Dan Norris, Andrew McLintock, Ben McCrae, Alex Kay. YEAR 9 GIRLS BADMINTON The girls were Runners Up in the U15 ‘B’ League Sophie Russell, Aimee Buchorski, Marissa Sissou, Sadie Fewster YEAR 10 BOYS FOOTBALL A very successful season for the boys, they were Runners Up in the District Competition. They narrowly lost in the final on penalties. Alex Rickard (Capt.), Ollie Lamont-Winstanley, Christian Luckett, Connor Cox, Adam Warner, Jack Martin, Rob Doncaster, Ben Seaton, Mitchell Hoverd, Ben Williamson, Jake Lipscombe, Connor Eastgate, Josh Sturges, Max Smith, James Hogg YEAR 11 GIRLS NETBALL A special award for these girls in recognition of their efforts and continued commitment to Netball in Year 11 Kinjal Patel, Fahmida Khan, Charlie Fearnside, Laura Wanstall, Chloe Taylor, Orie Amadi, Millie Barrow, Hannah Russell, Charlie Knipe NEWSLETTER Page 7 YEAR 11 MIXED BADMINTON Winners of the Year 11 Mixed Badminton League Orie Amadi, Tom McPartlan, Mllie Barrow, Ollie Franklin, Hannah Russell, Sam Bailey, Molly Burgess, Tom Bedwell, Chloe Taylor CROSS COUNTRY The following boys were selected for the Bucks Schools Championship and ran in the English Schools Championship in Derbyshire. This was after they had competed successfully at the Schools’ County Championships Harri Kane - Year 9 ; James Davis - Year 12 Well done to both of them! OUTSTANDING SPORTS AWARDS Each year two Year 11 students are honoured for their outstanding contributions to school sports. This year’s worthy winners are; The Tallyn Award Orie Amadi Sports Achievement Shield Tom McPartlan Well done to all the award winners! John Colet School - Physical Education Department AFTER SCHOOL HOMEWORK CLUBS There are currently two after school Homework Clubs in school. One is in the Library and one is in Individual Learning Department. They are both supervised by professional members of the John Colet School support staff. Pupils using these after school facilities are required to sign in and sign out when leaving. These clubs are staffed for the specific purpose of giving students a quite calm and supportive environment with the correct resources to do their homework in school. No students should be using Homework Club for any other reason and will be asked to leave if found to be to be time wasting or misbehaving. The school would like to thank all the advertisers, although John Colet School cannot endorse or accept liability for goods or services advertised.