december 2013
december 2013
WTC NEWS DECEMBER 2013 INSIDE THIS ISSUE An office for one hour Page 2 Tenant satisfaction survey: the results so far Page 2 News arrivals in WTC Amsterdam Page 7 What happened in 2013 Page 8 WE WELCOME 2014, here we come! Consultancy, project management, contract management, brokering. C-tower, level 5 Number of employees in the WTC: 1, 31 20 - 333 76 46 The party season is almost upon us: 2013 is drawing to a close. The new year is beckoning and with it come new opportunities. The WTC is ready for them. Meanwhile, here’s a reminder of last year’s highlights. Darwin Recruitment B.V. Please see page 7 to learn more about this company. DHA Vastgoed Beheer B.V. (De Hypotheker) Please see page 7 to learn more about this company. Goodman Logistics Developments B.V. Global property group: owns, develops and manages logistics space. B-tower, level 12 Number of employees in the WTC: 7 Idematica N.V. Software design and development. C-tower, level 5 Number of employees in the WTC: 4, 31 20 - 820 18 53 Meeuwsen Ten Hoopen Holding B.V. Please see page 7 to learn more about this company. Christmas market The traditional WTC Christmas Market will take place on Thursday, December 12. You’ll be able to pick up all sorts of Christmas goodies, from gifts, art, fashion and jewellery to food and drink. The market takes place from 10.00 to 16.00 in the Central Hall. Entry is free and everyone is welcome. Stop by and support charities, shop for your Christmas party outfit and buy great presents for family and friends. WHERE BUSINESS COMES TO LIFE FOCUS I am very proud of the fact that the WTC has maintained its position as a popular international business location. At the end of 2013 the vacancy rate will have dropped from the 3% in 2012 to 2.5% . We have three main factors to thank for this: location, quality and service. The WTC‘s prime location can not be bettered, of course. We are, however, working extremely hard to improve the quality of the complex and the already high level of service. PERSONAL Foresight is the essence of government. In order to continue to improve services in 2013 we started our annual tenant satisfaction survey. This time around we decided to pay all our tenants a personal visit. Over 270 tenants agreed to take part and we have now spoken to some 200 of them (see page 2). We feel that a personal approach will result in a better understanding of tenants’ needs. We will be contacting those who have not yet taken part at the beginning of 2014. We very much appreciate your cooperation! INFLUENCE Your payment of service costs means you are effectively entrusting us with part of your household budget. It is a responsibility we don’t take lightly. This is why, in October this year, we established a tenant panel. The panel is made up of over 20 members, a fair representation of the tenants presently occupying WTC office space. Their feedback on ideas, plans and pilot projects will give us an extra insight into tenants’ experiences and needs. It is also a good way of streamlining priorities. INSPIRING YEAR It has been a year full of sporting events, cultural happenings and other inspiring meetings. You have only to turn to page 8 to see how crowded the WTC calender has been. I would like to highlight one event in particular. In February we organised a talentmarket where businesses and students from the Vrije Universiteit could meet. The event proved a great success and provided us with some valuable lessons for next year’s talent market. WTC likes to bring people together and, from this year, we are offering businesses the opportunity to place their ads easily and free of charge on There is no better way to find motivated staff. LET’S GET DIGITAL It took some doing but in September we were ready to launch centres on digital tenant files and electronic billing. 170 businesses have already created an account. Will you be next? In 2014 we will be adding new functions. From January 1, electronic billing will become standard and Newsflashes will be sent and archived via MyWTCAmsterdam for easy reference. CAR SHARING Two of the WTC’s policy spearheads are accessibility and sustainability. By combining the two we can kill two birds with one stone. In October we started a car sharing scheme providing on-the-spot shared car use for Zuidas and WTC staff who travel to work on public transport. We are talking to Dutch Rail about a combination package with certain advantages. This may make using public transport to travel to WTC an even more attractive option. We will keep you informed on any progress we are making on this score. FLEXIBLE WORKSPACE I’m concluding this review of 2013 with a WTC first. On page 2 you will find an article on our new, flexible workspace concept. From the end of January 2014 it will be possible to rent a workspace, not by the year or the month, but by the hour. Curious? We have chosen the location of the workspaces - at the top of the escalator leading to the Central Hall - as the venue for the WTC Business Club New Year’s party and of course you are cordially invited to attend (see page 4). I’m looking forward to seeing you there. On behalf of the management of WTC Amsterdam I wish you, your family and your business a happy and prosperous 2014! Christiaan Huijg Managing Director World Trade Center Amsterdam WTCNews | December 2013 1 WTC NEWS Workspace to rent by the hour At the top of the escalator to the Central Hall, the former location of restaurant Dyne’s is being transformed into an innovative new service which will open for business in February. The project is a first for the WTC and a pilot for CBRE’s Dutch Office Fund. The location has been chosen for a new flexible working concept with its own dynamics, where people can come and work in peace for a few hours or meet their colleagues. The atmosphere will be welcoming, like Fitch & Shui, and users will be provided with all the necessary facilities. PAY BY THE HOUR ‘The office market and some of our tenants want greater flexibility,’ says Christiaan Huijg, managing director of the WTC Amsterdam management company. ‘We launched the Suite Offices concept in September 2012 with rental contracts up from one month. This new office concept offers other options. You don’t rent an office but a well-equipped workspace and you rent it by the hour, according to how much you actually use it.’ SEVENTY WORKSPACES This new flexible concept allows the WTC Amsterdam to meet the needs of small companies and the self-employed, who don’t need their own office. It also enables companies both within and away from the WTC to bridge the gap if they need extra office space for a short period. People can meet up in the entrance area, which is accessible to everyone, and have a coffee or a bite to eat. Access to the separate office section, with 70 workspaces, is by smartcard. The section is divided into a lounge area, seating areas for groups, quiet workspaces, meeting rooms and a separate room with multiple desks. In the future, when the weather allows, users will also be able to work on the roof terrace. KEY POINTS The flexible office concept is based on the following key points: - The fee will be paid monthly on the basis of expected usage, and the smartcard will be loaded up. - The smartcard can be topped up using various payment methods. - The smartcard gives the user 24/7 access to the lounge and workspaces. - In principle, there will always be room for everyone but a number of quiet spaces and meeting rooms can be reserved. - When you leave the office part of the complex, the amount of time will be written off the smartcard. -U nused hours can be transferred to the following month. - The hourly fee includes coffee, tea and water, internet access, scanning and printing. - Bring your own device. Technical support is available during office hours. FEEDBACK ‘The test phase will last a year,’ says Huijg. ‘During that period we want to test and improve the concept with the initial users. During office hours there will be a location manager and hostess on hand. They will keep their eyes and ears open for questions and suggestions. Feedback is most welcome. If the concept takes off, we will move towards opening a second location.’ Interested parties can find out more about the hourly fees and conditions of use from mid-December by inquiring at the Real Estate department. Tenant satisfaction survey: the results so far We are keen to know what you think about the WTC and our services so we can meet your needs properly and ensure the level of service is as good as it can be. At the beginning of this year we started a continual assessment process. Our aim was to pay a personal visit to all 320 WTC tenants by the end of the year. In fact we have met some 200 of you. ENERGY The chosen approach – a personal visit by two members of the management company – demands time and energy but generates energy as well. In total we will talk with over 270 tenants and hear what you consider to be important and where there is room for improvement. A number of tenants declined to take part, often because of time pressures. SCORE Together with our preferred suppliers we hope to score at least 8 out of 10 for our service provision. The average score up to now is 7.7. Some services – such as reception – score 2 WTCNews | December 2013 above average. We have decided not to wait until the survey has been completed but to talk every quarter with the relevant service suppliers about what improvements can be made. One issue which emerged from the survey is that there is no search function for newsflashes. These will be sent and archived via from 2014. THE COMING MONTHS If you have not yet been visited by a team from the management company this will happen in the coming months. As soon as we have visited all the tenants, we will publish the results of the survey in full. SHORT NEWS IMPROVED SEPARATION OF WASTE The WTC hopes to reduce carbon dioxide emissions stemming from waste processing by 80,000 kilos over the next three years. This is equivalent to the carbon dioxide absorbed by some 75 trees. In order to reach this target, the percentage of unrecycled waste needs to be cut from 62% of the total to 47%. We can reach that target. In fact, an experiment in the WTC involving separating paper, vegetable matter and plastic resulted in just 23% non-recoverable household waste. To achieve this: • Processing office waste will no longer be part of the service costs • Household waste will be weighed and signed for • Unsorted and non-recoverable waste will be charged to the company concerned • Recyclable waste will be picked up and processed free of charge This means companies which separate their waste will end up with lower costs. Each tenant will be given a quarterly overview of their own waste production so they can monitor their individual progress. For advice about recycling, please contact the WTC Servicepoint. A TIDY OFFICE Do you need extra storage space? The WTC also rents out various storage spaces for larger or rarely used items. The storage cupboards measure five square metres and are big enough to store files and paperwork. They can be found next to the toilets on most floors. The storage rooms are bigger – ranging from five square metres to 60 square metres and are mainly used to keep archives and larger items. They are located on level 1 and in the car park on level P1 and P2. The rental period for the storage options vary according to the wishes of the tenant and the length of their current rental contract. If you need extra storage space or would like to know if there is an extra cupboard available on your floor, please contact: at the WTC Real Estate department. ART & MUSIC Colourful Coco at the Christmas market The Coco Collectief is something different: five classicallytrained sopranos following a new direction with their own arrangements. In fact they are five soloists who sing together accompanied by a pianist. Coco interprets a wide range of music, from Brahms to Rossini and Piazzolla. The collective, set up in 2012, has already been heard on Radio 4’s Spiegelzaal and Podium op zaterdagavond and appeared on Brava TV. Come to the Christmas Market on December 12 and listen to their collection of Christmas classics. Coco’s Christmas is not always white, peaceful or cold – they like colour, as you can see from their shoes. Januari 7 Februari 11 The first lunchtime concert of 2014 will be performed by a trio made up of Petra Somlai (fortepiano), Diederik Orneé (clarinet and basset horn) and Örzse Adam (viola). These three musicians have a broad international career. Somlai and Orneé are young, well-known and highly-praised talents. Adam is a popular viola player who is at home in many different genres. The trio will perform music from between 1750 and 1800. Mozart was inspired by the virtuoso clarinet player and contemporary musician Anton Stadler to write the first composition for clarinet, viola and piano. This was quite a challenge, given the different musical colours. Mozart himself played the viola during the premier in 1791. The composition was a success and his contemporaries were quick to follow suite. Get in the mood for a romantic Valentine’s Day with the February 11 lunchtime concert in the Central Hall. Multiinstrumentalist Zoli Soos and his cross-over bank Vinsky create a melodious, warm atmosphere. The group, set up in 2012, consists of male and female singers, guitar, cello, percussion and trumpet. They will perform music composed by Soos: modern day folk songs to relax and reflect to. The composer’s Hungarian background shines through in both the voicework and music. In all, a good listen. In January 2013 Vinksy performed on television, in May and June the group toured Hungary and in February 2014, Zoli Soos’ album And The Moon Shines On will be released, with 12 own compositions. Mozart The Coco Collectief is made up of five sopranos - Zinzi Frohwein, Merlijn Runia, Jannelieke Smidt, Nikki Treurniet, Ellen Valkenburg. The pianist is Maurice Lammerts van Bueren. New European Folk March 11 ATMOsphere: Enjoy The lunch concerts are organised by: Tel: +31 20 - 689 90 16 Atmosphere and enjoyment are the key words for the March 11 concert by string quartet ATMO’s. The name comes from the initials of the four band members and they certainly generate quite an atmosphere as they perform. The quartet is made up of Albanian Artur Trajko (chello), Italian national Tiziana Pintus and Dutchwoman Marielle Ponsen on violin and Hungarian Örzse Adam on viola. Drift away on this medley of popular songs, chamber music, ragtime, jazz, Italian opera and film music. The lunch concerts take place from 12.30 to 1.30 pm in the Central Hall of World Trade Center Amsterdam Art as the mirror of the soul His work adorns churches, public buildings and offices. He counts Princess Beatrix among his admirers. From midNovember to January 17, the Central Hall will be exhibiting a collection of his glass and bronze objects. Once you get to know Michel van Overbeeke’s work, his style becomes immediately recognisable. ‘WHO AM I?’ Van Overbeeke (71) has nurtured a life-long interest in religion and eastern philosophy. ‘People’s beliefs form the basis of their being,’ he says. ‘The question “Who am I?” is one that confronts and fascinates us again and again.’ This depth of perception is evident in the artist’s work. Van Overbeeke’s heads are built up of layers of meaning: ‘It is not just about the shape of the object but the personal experience evoked by it,’ he explains. ‘The heads represent universal values. They have no face but there are clues that fire the imagination. What you’re experiencing is a projection of your own state of mind. For instance, the “needles” that cover one of the heads can be interpreted as a symptom of stress but may just as well be taken as a symbol of inspiration from some outside source.’ DESIRABLE Over the years, Van Overbeeke has developed a characteristic visual language of his own. He is productive – ‘I feel compelled to create’- and works in a variety of disciplines using different materials and techniques. His work is much sought-after: the Noord Holland provincial council building in Haarlem has five of his steel and glass chandeliers. In 2008, the then Queen Beatrix unveiled a stained glass window called ‘Peace and Tolerance’ made by the artist for the city’s Grote Kerk. She later ordered two of his glass platters. ‘I made four because there’s always a risk things might go wrong. They came out well and the Queen could have her pick – she took all four,’ he says. WTC AND VAN OVERBEEKE Does Van Overbeeke’s work not clash with the businesslike atmosphere of the WTC? ‘Definitely not,’ the artist says. ‘Both at home and at work it’s important to know who you are. It is always a good thing to delve a little deeper and find out more about yourself. It makes you more human and that is something that will have a positive influence on business dealings as well.’ For further information, please visit +31 6 - 547 708 53 or WTCNews | December 2013 3 WTC BUSINESSCLUB Photo: COMING UP! Cyber Security: Doing nothing is not an option recognise their responsibilities. ‘Many IT managers are not sufficiently equipped to take steps proactively,’ said De Bos. ‘They need to be managed at board level.’ RESPONSIBLE DISCLOSURE Schuil’s comments on responsible disclosure at Marktplaats were surprising. ‘If you get an email which says there is a way in open on your website, then you are dealing with a white hacker – someone who enjoys seeing how far he can get,’ Schuil said. ‘We welcome white hackers and reward them,’ he said, pointing out that other institutions, such as Dutch banks, have also embraced the concept of the white hacker. ‘A number of basic measures which don’t have to cost a fortune can easily boost security levels,’ De Bos told the audience. The last event of 2013 organised by WTC Amsterdam Business Club focused on cyber security. This highly topical theme attracted some 75 attendees to the auditorium of the WTC on November 13. Six experts were interviewed by event host and internet sociologist Chris van ‘t Hof and got the audience thinking about issues such as internet security and contingency plans if things go wrong. The afternoon began on a note of suspense with a Deloitte film showing how a free USB stick to ‘win a trip to Italy’ enabled hackers to access a certain Jim’s email and, through that, the company where he worked. The audience was effectively looking over the hacker’s shoulder as he gradually infiltrated the company. After the film, Van ‘t Hof led his audience through two challenging interview rounds, taking them deep into the all too real world of hackers, security, insurance and legislation. The first session, ‘We are under attack’, took place with Dick Berlijn (senior board advisor with Deloitte), Robin Schuil (advertising website Marktplaats) and Tony de Bos (advice and audit group CYBBOS). Berlijn took the lead with the statement ‘it is not a question of if, but when your company is hacked’. ‘Security begins with being aware,’ Berlijn said. And small firm owners who may have thought they were less likely to be hacked were quickly disillusioned. ‘The hacker who hacks you, uses you as a stepping stone,’ Berlijn told his audience. The three speakers agreed on the need for management to 4 WTCNews | December 2013 PREPARE FOR DEFENCE The second round of discussion took place between policeman and entrepreneur Bas Eikelenboom (InnoviceIT), lawyer Arjen Tillema (partner at NautaDutilh) and insurance expert Freek Warmelink (director of Aon Risk Solutions). ‘Who has a business disaster plan?’ Chris van ‘t Hof asked the audience. Just a handful of people said they did. Lawyer Tillema outlined new Dutch legislation which is currently being drafted and which will make it compulsory to report the leak of personal details. ‘If things really go wrong, who can be blamed and for what?’ he asked. The conclusion? Improved awareness and solid, clearly demonstrable security make a company stronger. The audience were given three tips to take home: set up a good detection system and instant response plan, be prepared and, last but not least, check your insurance policies. What do they say about cyber risks? After the formal discussions ended, many people stayed on for drinks at nooon to network and carry on the debate. Everyone, from CEO to IT worker, went home with the realisation that doing nothing is not an option. WTC Amsterdam Business Club is once again full of inspiring plans and networking events for the New Year. Here is a selection of them: A TOAST TO 2014 On January 16, we will raise a glass to 2014. Hopefully we will meet in the area where the WTC plans to launch its new concept mid February – at the top of the escalator to the Central Hall. And it goes without saying the event will have an interesting speaker. WELCOME TO HISWA The HISWA Amsterdam Boat Show at the beginning of March kicks off the water sports season. The event takes place in the RAI exhibition centre and dozens of boats and yachts will be on show. Guests of the WTC Amsterdam Business Club are welcome on Wednesday March 5 for a networking drinks event and for a look around the show. DINNER DATE In 2013, top chef Alain Alders cooked a fabulous fourcourse meal for members in the splendid surroundings of the canal-side Felix Meritis complex. In 2014, we will be hosting another special dinner in equally impressive surroundings. HIDDEN TALENT In February 2013, the WTC organised a special Hidden Talent Fair together with VUConnected group and staffing agency Page Personnel. We hope to stage a similar event in 2014. The event will allow promising students studying law, business economics, communications and IT to get to know companies in their fields which are based in the WTC. We’ll keep you posted on this one. HEALTH A healthy company needs to invest in the health of its staff. This is why the WTC Amsterdam Business Club is organising a special event around the theme of good health, from exercise and healthy eating to training and time to relax and reflect. Members of WTC Amsterdam Business Club will receive an invitation for each event well in advance. If you would like more information, please contact Godfried Schölvinck via You should also email to confirm you will be attending the New Year reception. ZUIDAS A new roof to keep rainwater high and feet dry Autumn 2013 was one of the wettest since records began at the start of last century and you may have found yourself asking exactly what happens to all the rainwater. This is an area of particular concern in Zuidas, as an area still under development, as a place to live and as a place to work. An experiment with a new form of roof in Zuidas offers a unique solution. ESSENTIAL Building offices and housing puts pressure on the reclaimed land which makes up this part of the Netherlands. And water storage systems have to be developed to regulate the ground water. One of the best-known methods is to dig canals – they are not only pretty to look at, but are essential to ensure our feet, cellars and underground car parks remain dry. A DYKE ON THE ROOF Now the Old School building opposite the RAI exhibition centre has been given a clever new roof using traditional Dutch reclamation techniques. A dyke has been built around the edge of the roof. Inside the dyke are special crates which collect and store rainwater, creating a water basin. Plants can be grown on top of the crates, creating a roof which is really green. GETTING PERSONAL The project has been stimulated by the Green Business Club Zuidas and developed by roofing company Dakdokters, which has been working on ways to store water on roofs in a sustainable fashion for several years. 70,000 LITRES The amount of rainwater that can be stored on the roof is regulated via a miniature sluice. If it is open, the excess water flows into the city’s own drainage system. This prevents too much water accumulating on the roof and the risk of flooding in the street or underground car parks. In total, the roof can store 70,000 litres of water. This acts as insulation against outside noise and helps keep the building cool. Space is also saved at ground level by storing water on the roof, so there is no need to dig new canals. EXAMPLE The water storage roof (known as a polderdak in Dutch) is part of wider efforts to ensure efficient water management in Zuidas. And as the first alternative water storage system, it is an example to other sustainability projects in both the city and abroad. ‘The WTC is a place where people inspire each other’ Ben Jorritsma (52) WTC AMSTERDAM BEHEERMAATSCHAPPIJ (THE WTC MANAGEMENT COMPANY) 1. WHERE DO YOU WORK AND WHAT DO YOU DO? I’ve worked for the WTC Amsterdam management company since May 1 this year. I’m the technical manager and responsible for changes in tenancies and dealing with faults. I’m also involved with multi-year maintenance for the complex. When I applied for the job, my focus was on continuity and the professional side of the job. Now I am here, I really enjoy the atmosphere, the vitality and the entrepreneurial spirit in the WTC. This is a place where people inspire each other and this is something I really enjoy. 2. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST JOB? After college I worked as a mechanical engineer for an Amsterdam steel company. I later studied business administration so I could look at a wider range of jobs. The combi nation of these fields gave me better insight into the complete package – technology, finance and communications. 3. WHAT MAKES YOU TICK? Two things. As a professional, I like to see results. But I also enjoy the contact with my colleagues and the tenants. 4. DO YOU HAVE ANY RITUALS? I arrive at the office, grab a coffee and turn on my computer. Then I am ready to go. 5. WHO IS YOUR ROLE MODEL? No-one really. I do look up to people who believe in themselves and get things done, like Johan Cruijff. 6. WHERE DO YOU HOPE TO BE IN 10 YEARS TIME? I’ve only recently looked at where my opportunities lie. Now I am working for the WTC and I am extremely pleased. I have no idea where I will be in 10 years’ time, but this is a place where I can further develop as a professional. And if I do that well, my job will probably look different in 10 years’ time but will still be interesting. 7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE ZUIDAS SPOT? The Zuidplein in the summer, because of its positive atmos phere and energy. 8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE APP? I keep in touch with what is going on via Teletext and I use Hipstamatic to process my photos. 9. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE A CHAT WITH? Jan Rotmans. He specialises in sustainability and transformation and developed the first integrated climate model. It would be interesting to discuss the plans for Zuidas with him. I’d like to know his ideas. 10. TAKE THE ROLE OF POLICYMAKER FOR A MOMENT. IDEALLY, WHAT SHOULD THE ZUIDAS BE LIKE? Zuidplein is nice and small-scale, which is not the case in the other Zuidas public spaces. I’d make the scale a little more human, so that places like the Gustav Mahlerplein are more attractive. WTCNews | December 2013 5 NEIGHBOURS Asunaro Holland Interplan Forgotten your key? We’re on our way of the Central Hall. Many of its global clients have found the company’s services thanks to other satisfied clients. ‘I always tell our clients that I want them to be so happy with our services when they go home in three years’ time that they recommend us to their successor. That is the best form of advertising there is,’ says Peters. ‘‘‘We make sure you feel at home away from home” has been our pay-off for years,’ says director Bert Peters of Asunaro Holland Interplan. ‘It sums up what we stand for.’ The firm supplies companies with office space and expats with housing and offers service 24/7. ADVERTISING Asunaro Holland Interplan has been based in the WTC since 1994. The office is situated in the heart of the WTC, at the end EXCELLENT RELATIONSHIPS Holland Interplan has excellent relationships with many real estate companies and can offer hundreds of different apartments and houses ‘depending on individual requirements and budgets’. In particular, the agency helps expats find a place to call home in Zuidas, Amsterdam Zuid, Amstelveen and Buitenveldert. The agency also acts as an intermediary for finding office accommodation and is a trusted partner of the Expatcenter and Amsterdam city council’s account managers. ‘It is not unusual for companies coming to the Netherlands for the first time to make us their first port of call,’ says Peters. ‘We help in practical things like parking permits and dealing with incoming business correspondence. We function as a reliable background check for the chamber of commerce. We also have a special agreement with ABN Amro to make it easier to open bank accounts.’ 24/7 SERVICE Holland Interplan offers a personalised and stress-free service for companies and individual expats. And once rental contracts have been signed, expats can still make use of its services 24/7. ‘That,’ says Peters, ‘is unique in the Netherlands.’ The team can be contacted by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Has the central heating broken down and is it getting chilly? An engineer will be along in the morning and the family will be offered somewhere else to stay until the problem is fixed. Forgotten your key? ‘We’ll get out of bed to bring you one,’ says Peters. To find out more visit (English, Japanese and Korean). One year of SmartPhoneCare: ‘Great service, no hassle’ Who can exist these days without a smartphone or tablet? Our reliance on the technology means a cracked screen or other problem needs to be dealt with as fast as possible. Hicham Ounjli launched SmartPhoneCare together with a partner just over a year ago. ‘I knew from my earlier jobs in service centres how happy people are when something gets fixed on the spot,’ he says. ‘When we were working out the plans for SmartPhoneCare we looked for a location with lots of business customers.’ A year later, ‘deciding to go for the WTC was the right move to make’, he says. ‘This is a place where people want service and quality.’ DON’T HESITATE TO CONTACT THEM Ounjli is now 100% owner of SmartPhoneCare and the young company is doing well. The client base is increasing and a large advertising hoarding in Station Zuid has helped point the way. Nevertheless, word of mouth and reactions on the website are the best recommendation. ‘My new Samsung Galaxy stopped charging properly. At SmartPhoneCare I got my port changed with no hassle and for free (Samsung warranty), without having to leave or send my phone anywhere (it only took 30 minutes). Great service!’ ‘Don’t hesitate to contact them. They will solve your problem fast and they will be really friendly in the process!’ 6 WTCNews | December 2013 Ounjli is pleased with the positive reactions. Some 30% of his clients work in the WTC or have an appointment there. Others work in the surrounding area. ‘But we also get phones sent to us from all over the country,’ he says. ‘They get their phone back within 48 hours and no, we don’t bother with transport costs.’ FOCUS SmartPhoneCare began in 2012 carrying out limited repairs on a few Samsung and Apple phones. They can now deal with a range of 30 phones and at the beginning of next year, more types from Nokia, LG and HTC will be added . The focus remains on quality and service because Ounjli is a perfectionist in heart and soul. ‘When a different phone is included on the website, we guarantee to have all the spare parts necessary in house,’ he says. HOW DOES IT WORK? The customer is king at SmartPhoneCare. You reserve time via the website, take the phone in and then go off and enjoy a complimentary coffee in the Central Hall. Within 30 minutes your phone (one hour for a tablet) is up and running again. Ounjli expects to have more clients and an extra member of staff next year. ‘To ensure speedy service,’ he says. CONTACT The SmartPhoneCare office and workplace is located in B-tower at the same level as the Central Hall, close to the dentist surgery. It is open from Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 19.00 hours and on Saturday from 10.00 to 16.00. For more information and to make an appointment, visit You can like the service at NEW ARRIVALS Darwin Recruitment Focus on the IT and telecom sectors CORE BUSINESS Darwin Recruitment has been based on the 15th floor of WTC Amsterdam’s B-tower since the autumn and now has a 20-strong team. The company, a market-leading international recruitment provider focusing on the IT and telecoms sectors, is based in Britain. ‘But we consider Europe to be our main hunting ground,’ says country manager Derk Rijntjes. ‘In fact, 98% of our business comes from countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Denmark.’ The success of the company, which launched in 2001, is due to a number of key factors, says Rijntjes. These include the focus on IT and telecoms, its outstanding global network to find specialist high tech candidates, its speed of operation and its integrity and ambition. ‘Our recruiters are very conscious of their responsibilities to both client and candidates, particularly when candidates relocate to a strange country for what could be the job of a lifetime,’ says Rijntjes. MISSION ‘The market has a shortage on the supply side but we want to be successful in placing the best IT candidates with every client. Whether it is a start-up, business change situation, infrastructure post or product development, we can make a difference,’ he says. Darwin Recruitment places specialists in both permanent and contract roles. AMBITION Darwin wants to become Europe’s dominant supplier of IT and telecom professionals. ‘The WTC location is the perfect choice because it is a springboard to Europe, being both close to a number of our large Dutch customers and near to Schiphol airport,’ says Rijntjes. CONTACT For more information go to Meeuwsen Ten Hoopen A tailor-made extension to your business CORE BUSINESS Meeuwsen Ten Hoopen (MTH) moved to the 10th floor of A-tower on November 1. MTH, which has 16 branches nationwide, offers companies and institutions a complete service package, from accountancy, tax consultancy and corporate finance to employee services and personal financial advice. The German desk focuses on German-speaking clients and is manned by accountants and tax advisors who are native speakers. The Spanish desk acts as a sounding board for the many Dutch companies which operate in Spain. De Hypotheker Jazeker! The Hypotheker is the largest firm of mortgage consultants in the Netherlands, with 150 franchises and a combined market share of 10%. Every Dutch person knows the slogan ‘Jazeker! De Hypotheker’ (yes, of course, the Hypotheker). CORE BUSINESS In mid-September, a branch of the Hypotheker opened on the 14th floor of the WTC’s B-tower, moving to Zuidas from near the Gelderlandplein shopping centre. As an independent member of Moore Stephens International, MTH has a global perspective. ‘And when it comes to connections with the international business community and corporate finance, the WTC is the place to be,’ says partner Richard van Maarseveen. ‘Our job is to advise and act as intermediaries for mortgage applications and to make sure other aspects, such as pension provisions and insurances, are appropriate,’ says franchisee Thomas van Splunteren. ‘We make a “financial photograph” of the client: a complete analysis of their finances for either a new or existing mortgage. We show them what they have and what the options are. We are strong because we are completely independent and can do business with any bank in the Netherlands – so you get the best deal.’ The firm profiles itself on its website as ‘creative in our advice and efficient in our implementation’. ‘We understand entrepreneurs, we are involved with them and we think creatively with them,’ says Van Maarseveen. ‘Our efficient methods lead to lower costs. But above all, we look at 11 key areas with our clients, such as sector developments, returns on investment and organisational structure.’ MISSION ‘We take care of the client’s financial future on their behalf,’ Van Splunteren says. ‘We offer seven “Jazekerheden” (certainties): tailor-made advice, independence, transparency, the best prices, we organise everything, we offer maximum security and continually check to make sure your mortgage is still the best one for you.’ MISSION ‘We strive to be the client’s own advisor, to act as an extension of the organisation itself,’ says Van Maarseveen. ‘We want him to be comfortable with our working relationship and to realise that our recommendations are tailor-made for him alone.’ AMBITION ‘The Hypotheker in the WTC wants to establish the highest possible level of service, so that clients are assured their mortgage and financial future is in the best possible hands,’ says Van Splunteren. ‘Buying a house is a tense time but we show our clients that we do what we promised, that we react quickly and organise everything properly.’ AMBITION ‘In terms of our WTC office, we are out for growth,’ he says. ‘We will focus on both international and regional clients.’ CONTACT For more information and to contact MTH visit or phone +31 20 - 331 41 58 CONTACT The Hypotheker’s opening hours reflect office hours. Clients can make an appointment from 08.00 to 20.00 during the week and on Saturday mornings. For more information or to make an appointment visit or phone +31 20 - 662 1 4 11 WTCNews | December 2013 7 WHAT’S UP The dynamics of 2013 ArtZuid ture route lp u on sc e tr ilome nd ended The 2.4 k am Zuid a rd e d st e ll m fi A s d e wa criss-cross ahlerplein e Gustav M Marthine Tayou h T s. a id u Z ale m ags of Pasc allation fro with the fl ed an inst st ay o h M s n a o id d Zu starte while the exhibition e h T . e if . 2 Martin Pfe ptember 2 ded on Se 22 and en ART ZUID itself was the A warm-up for the Zuidas Run y 23. e Suits and Heels rac on Ma on visi tele by ted hos This exciting event was presenter Jort Kelder. HEELS & SUITS On Februa ry 27, the WTC opened its own jobs b oard: www jobswtcam . m. Compa based in th nies e WTC can post their jo on the web bs site look for new while job hopefuls ca n career opp ortunities in fantastic w orking envi a ronment. JOBS IN W TC AMSTE RDAM the t atmosphere at There was a grea ent ev t er nc air & Co fifth Zuidas Culin of es tre e th r de e un which took plac e er th l Zuidas was the Zuidplein. Al l ca lo d an estra played f as the VU orch of ed ow sh s nt ra cafes and restau . od fo their finest AIR & CONCERT ZUIDAS CULIN On November 28, the finals of the WTC indoor football tournament took place in front of a very enthusiastic crowd. Arno Vermeulen provided the expert commentary. FELIX MERITIS FOOTBALL On April 24, arou nd 100 members of the WTC Amsterdam Busin ess Club and their guests met for dinner in the spec ial ambiance of th e Felix Meritis building. In betw een the courses, guests made their way up the stairs to the newly reno vated Observator and a wonderful y view of Amsterdam by night. Every mon th there is a lunchtim e concert in the Centra l Hall. Be it romantic o r jazzy, mo der or classica l, the conce n rt is always a sp ecial event. o or Art! Every tw ere th s th on m three hibition ex ew n a is al in the Centr is, the th e Hall, lik work fair ytale-like ers d on of René D g of in n in eg b at the the year. LUNCHCO N CERTS NT MARKET HIDDEN TALE l Hall was The Centra ng energy duri abuzz with ir Talent Fa the Hidden 27. Former ry a on Febru r Bos ister Woute finance min ting a e speed-d kicked off th as a w e er yes, th event. And any m n ee w k bet definite clic students and VU promising s. d companie WTC -base ART COLOFON WTCNews is a quarterly publication of World Trade Center Amsterdam The fifth edition of ZUIDAS RUN the Zuidas Run to ok place on June 2, 2013 on a hot an d sunny weekend. The WTC was a go ld partner in the Some 3,200 peop event. le, including 400 from the WTC, to part to raise mon ok ey for the VUmc Cancer Centre’s ‘fit despite cancer ’ ca mpaign. 8 WTCNews | December 2013 Design / Layout: WTC Amsterdam, Jolijn Besemer Text: Els Witte Bedrijfscommunicatie Translations: Zuidas Text and Translations Print: DeLaMontagne, Hilversum WHERE BUSINESS COMES TO LIFE
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