SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial - Securing


SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial - Securing
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Securing your Web API with OAuth 2.0
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
INTRODUCTION TO OAUTH 2.0 ..................................................................................................................... 3
OAuth Protocol ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Delegated Authentication ............................................................................................................................... 6
Why OAuth? ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
BUSINESS SCENARIO .................................................................................................................................... 7
Mobile use case ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Integration with the Corporate IdP................................................................................................................. 9
Integration with the SAP HANA Cloud Platform OAuth 2.0 AS................................................................. 10
Protection of xLeave’s web API ................................................................................................................... 14
Prerequisites and Requirements ................................................................................................................. 17
RUNTIME ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
STEP 3: CONFIGURING THE MOBILE SCENARIO IN THE CLOUD .......................................................... 31
STEP 4: RUNNING THE MOBILE SCENARIO IN THE CLOUD ................................................................... 38
UI ..................................................................................................................................................................... 42
SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................................... 47
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
The Open Authorization Framework, commonly known under the abbreviation “OAuth”, started in
2007 as an informal initiative driven by a small group of implementers to standardize an open
authorization protocol for a long-standing security issue: Authorizing a client application to access
protected server resources on behalf of a user without seeing or knowing the user’s secret
credentials. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain how OAuth can be used to secure access to
an application deployed on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform.
Figure 1 illustrates a typical scenario for OAuth: A social media web site asks the user for her mailbox
username and password to browse through her contacts in order to update her connections. What first
sounds like a useful service to the user actually asks her for giving away the keys to her house in order to let
the web site riffle through her address book. This security issue also referred to as the “Password AntiPattern”, can be defeated by OAuth. OAuth provides an access-delegation framework that enables the client
application (the social media web site in the example) to access the user’s resources (email contacts) via
some web API exposed by the resource server (mailbox server) on behalf of the user without the need to
share her username and password.
Figure 1 Passw ord Anti -Pattern
The first version of OAuth mainly focused on the above scenario where the client application is a web site.
OAuth version 2.0, which has been finalized in October 2012 as Request for Comments (RFC) 67491 by the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), adds support for native mobile client apps, desktop applications and
(Java) script clients running in a browser. All of these client applications have in common that they use
HTTP(S) to invoke a web API exposed by a resource server that returns the user’s data in a format that can
be easily parsed by the client, such as XML or JSON. The increasing popularity of web APIs to enable
integration with non-browser based clients can be followed best on Programmable Web
(, a service that keeps track of the fast growing number of public web APIs in
a central directory. According to their statistics in November 2013, more than 65002 out of 10000 registered
web APIs were based on the Representational State Transfer (REST3) design pattern, which usually makes
use of the HTTP protocol and its methods (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE) to implement common
operations on the user’s data. For those RESTful web APIs, OAuth is a very popular authorization
framework, used by many well-known web sites such as Twitter or Facebook.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
OAuth Protocol
To support different types of client applications, OAuth 2.0 introduced the notion of an Authorization Grant
Type and their associated Flows. Section 4 (“Obtaining Authorization”4) in RFC 6749 specifies four of them,
but they can be extended by additional Grant Types if required. To get started, let’s look at the first and most
commonly used one, the authorization code grant flow.
So what is an Authorization Grant? It is basically a credential that represents the user’s confirmation that she
authorized a specific client application to access her protected data. The authorization grant can even be
further limited by the user to a clearly defined scope under which the client application will be allowed to act
on the user’s behalf. Once the client application has obtained the authorization grant from the user, it request
an OAuth access token for it, which it finally uses to make authenticated and authorized calls of the resource
server’s web API.
Figure 2 High-le vel O Auth 2.0 Protocol Flow on S AP H AN A Cloud Platform
Figure 2 illustrates these steps in more detail based on an application running on SAP HANA Cloud Platform:
1. The user launches the client application (e.g. a native mobile client app on her smartphone) for the first
time and needs to authorize it for making calls to the web API exposed by the application deployed on
SAP HANA Cloud Platform (resource server) on her behalf. The client application therefore sends an
authorization request to a central component in SAP HANA Cloud Platform, the OAuth 2.0 Authorization
Server (AS).
2. The AS needs to ask the user for confirmation of the client application’s authorization request. To do so,
the AS authenticates the user first, and then shows a page similar to Figure 3 where the user has to
authorize or cancel the request. If the OAuth client application is a native mobile client app on a
smartphone, it will launch an embedded web browser or web view for this step to interact with the user.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Figure 3 S AP H AN A Cloud Platform O Auth 2.0 Autho riz ation Ser ver’s Authorization Page
If the user confirmed the request by clicking on the “Authorize” button, the AS sends back an HTTP response
response with status code 302 (HTTP Redirect) and provides an additional, client application-specific URL in
URL in the Location header field. The web browser on the mobile device makes a second request to the new
new URL specified in the Location field, which contains the authorization code intended for the native client
client application. In order to capture the code when the AS sends a response to this client-specific
redirection URL, the native client application has to intercept this event. Section “
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
3. Integration with the Corporate IdP” on page 9 explains in more detail how this can be done in a native
mobile client app based on the Apache Cordova5 platform.
4. After the authorization code has been successfully received by the client application, it uses the code to
request the OAuth access token from the AS. If the authorization code is still valid (it only has a limited
lifetime), the AS responds back with an access token and, optionally, a refresh token. Like the
authorization code, the access token can also have a limited lifetime. After its expiration, the refresh token
can be used by the client application to retrieve a new access token.
By passing the access token in the Authorization header field with each request, the client application is now
now able to invoke the OAuth-protected web API exposed by the resource server. Section “
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
5. Protection of xLeave’s web API” on page 14 explains what needs to be configured by the developer to
protect the API with OAuth.
In SAP HANA Cloud Platform, applications can protect their web API using OAuth 2.0 and the authorization
code grant flow according to the final version of RFC 6749. To do so, the developer of the Cloud application
has to configure certain settings in the application’s web.xml deployment descriptor. There is no need to
write additional application code or even develop your own AS. All of this is taken care by the platform, which
provides the following main components:
 A Servlet filter class in the SDK6. The filter can be applied to the URLs of the Cloud application’s web API
to check if the requests contain a valid OAuth token to access the protected resources. The filter can be
optionally configured to specify a set of scopes that must have been authorized by the user to
successfully invoke the API. Scopes are basically permissions that can be used to implement fine-grained
access control for the protected resources. For the business scenario in this tutorial, the sample
application to manage employee leave requests in the Cloud defines two scopes for viewing and creating
leave requests.
 An OAuth 2.0 AS which exposes two endpoints for OAuth-enabled client applications:
 An authorization endpoint to obtain the authorization code after successful authentication of the
resource owner
 A token endpoint for requesting the access token (with a valid authorization code)
The AS also verifies access tokens received by the Cloud applications. The integration is done by the
Servlet filter and no additional coding is required. It also hosts the authorization page (Figure 3) and the
web interface for end users to manage their tokens as shown in Figure 4. From here they can revoke a
token issued to one of their client applications at any point in time and thus deny access to their data on
SAP HANA Cloud Platform immediately.
Figure 4 End-user interface to manage tokens issued to client applications
 Administration interfaces in the Cockpit7 of the SAP HANA Cloud Platform to let the account operator
register client applications and scopes for Cloud applications. Before a client application can request an
access token for a specific scope, the account operator has to register the client with the AS, which
results in a unique identifier (client_id) issued for it. Each registered client is assigned to a Cloud
application deployed in the account, and for each Cloud application, the account operator can register the
scopes the client can be authorized for.
Delegated Authentication
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
 Figure 2 shows that the user at no point in time passes her username and password to the client
application. Instead, she only authenticates with her credentials at the AS in step 2 before authorizing the
client. On SAP HANA Cloud Platform, the AS cannot verify the user’s credentials. Instead, it delegates
this task to the trusted Identity Provider (IdP) of the user’s account. By default, this is the SAP ID
Service8. SAP’s public IdP in the Cloud is also used by other SAP Cloud solutions and web sites (e.g. the
SAP Community Network, SAP JAM). Depending on the account’s trust settings, the AS may also
delegate the user’s authentication to her company’s corporate IdP. In this case, the user’s device
obviously needs to be connected to same network as the IdP. Otherwise, the AS won’t be able to
delegate the user’s web browser to the corporate IdP for authentication. For corporate data access from a
native mobile client app running on the employee-owned smartphone (“Bring Your Own Device”, BYOD),
corporate security policy usually blocks connectivity from those devices to the corporate network, which
might even apply to corporate-issued devices as well. In this case, the AS cannot send the authorization
code as a redirect response (Figure 2, step 3) to the client. Instead, it has to be transferred differently
from the AS to the client application running on the device, e.g. via a Quick Response (QR) Code
generated by the AS and scanned on the device. Section
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Integration with the Corporate IdP on page 9 looks at this scenario in more detail.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Why OAuth?
Rather than relying on the user’s password to access the web API, OAuth uses an access token, which gives
one client application access to a specific Cloud application’s web API on behalf of a single user, maybe
even limited to a scope. If the access token falls into the wrong hands, the potential damage for the
legitimate owner is significantly lower compared with a stolen password, which is like the user’s master key
to get access to a much larger number of applications and services.
This tutorial will implement a solution for BestRun Inc., a fictitious company that sells PCs and accessories.
BestRun wants to increase cloud computing and mobile adoption for its core business functions. As a pilot
project, BestRun‘s business application to manage employee leave requests, xLeave, will be deployed on
SAP HANA Cloud Platform.
Figure 5 Setup of the Business Scenario
BestRun wants to support two main use cases for its employees to access xLeave:
 With a regular web browser from their desktop or laptop which is connected to the corporate network.
Therefore, the Cloud application can delegate the employee to the corporate IdP for authentication and
Single Sign-On (SSO). The protocol used by SAP HANA Cloud Platform to integrate with the IdP is the
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML9) 2.0, a widely adopted security standard which has been
specified in 2005 by OASIS, a global consortium for web standards. The SAML 2.0 protocol addresses
web browser-based SSO across different networks and security domains. Important to notice is that the
use of SAML requires the user agent (i.e. the user’s client application to access the SAML-enabled
application) must understand HTML and JavaScript to automate the protocol’s message flow between the
application(s) and the IdP. Thus, SAML is very well-suited for SSO to cloud applications when using a
web browser, but lacks support for other types of clients such as the SAP GUI, native desktop or mobile
client apps. More information on SAML 2.0 and its use in SAP HANA Cloud Platform for SSO and Identity
Federation can be found in the whitepaper Cloud Single Sign-On and On-Premise Identity Federation
with SAP HANA Cloud Platform10.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
 With a hybrid mobile client application running on the employee’s smartphone. Hybrid mobile client apps
are developed without any native code (Java, Objective-C, etc). Instead, they use a common
programming model and APIs provided by an Application Container which allows portability of the app
across mobile platforms. The hybrid mobile client app used in this tutorial runs in the Apache Cordova11
container, a free and open source project available for Android, Blackberry, iOS and others under the
Apache License, Version 2.0. Cordova lets the developer write an app using common web technologies
such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and offers an API to access native device function such as the
camera or address book. Like regular native apps, Cordova-based apps can be installed from the
device’s app store. This tutorial uses Cordova to run the xLeave mobile client app on an Android device.
The screens (“views”) and business logic of the app are implemented with JavaScript, jQuery and the
SAPUI5 Mobile library12, which provides a rich framework of mobile UI controls. Although not
implemented with device manufacturer’s SDK, the app ‘feels’ and behaves like a native app, and the
mobile client app developers can re-use their skills on common web technologies.
Native and hybrid mobile client apps can easily act as a simple HTTP(S) client to consume RESTful web
APIs exposed in the Cloud. However, protecting those APIs with SAML would require the client app to
behave like a web browser in order to relay the SAML protocol messages between the Cloud application and
IdP, using techniques like HTTP Redirect and POST, HTML page rendering and JavaScript execution. But a
typical HTTP Client component such as the Java-based Apache HTTPComponents13 used by a mobile client
app to access the RESTful APIs is not a browser. It is a client side HTTP transport library with the main
purpose to transmit and receive HTTP messages, but not to process content or execute JavaScript
embedded in HTML pages.
The complete source code for this tutorial can be downloaded from The download
contains two archive (.zip) files: for the xLeave SAP HANA Cloud Platform application, and for the Android mobile client app.
Mobile use case
Therefore, the mobile use case is this scenario a good example where OAuth helps to secure and simplify
the access from a non-browser based client to web APIs in the Cloud:
 It allows the mobile client app developer to use a regular HTTP Client component for consuming the
RESTful APIs. The Cordova-based app in this scenario uses the well-known JavaScript library jQuery14
for this purpose. With each API call, a valid OAuth access token must be passed by the client in the
HTTP Authorization header, which is verified by the AS in the Cloud before the protected resources (e.g.
the user’s leave requests) are returned to the mobile client app. This also means that the app developer
has to think about a secure place where to store the access token on the device.
 Although one could also protect the web APIs in the Cloud with HTTP Basic Authentication on SAP
HANA Cloud Platform, the impact of a stolen (corporate) username and password is much higher than
from a stolen access token, due to the narrow scope of the token. Thus, OAuth is the recommended way
for this scenario.
 If the mobile client app got compromised and the access token was stolen, the user or operator of the
SAP HANA Cloud Platform account can deny the access granted to the app immediately by revoking the
token via the web interface of the AS or the Cloud Cockpit.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Integration with the Corporate IdP
The corporate IdP in Figure 5 is responsible for authenticating the employees in both use cases of the
scenario when they access the Cloud, be it from a web browser or the mobile client app. This means that as
part of step 2 in Figure 2, the employee has to authenticate against the corporate IdP from her smartphone
when she authorizes the mobile client app to act on her behalf. When the mobile client app sends the
authorization request (step 1, Figure 2), the AS will redirect the employee based on the SAML protocol to the
trusted corporate IdP configured for BestRun’s SAP HANA Cloud Platform account. To allow the user
entering their credentials in the IdP’s HTML login page, a Cordova-based app can launch the
InAppBrowser15, which is a built-in web browser for apps that can be integrated with a simple API. For
example, the native app launching the InAppBrowser can intercept the loading of a page by registering a
listener (function) for this event. This allows the app to capture the authorization code returned in step 3 of
Figure 2 by comparing the URL of the currently requested page with the client-specific redirection URL. If it
the URLs are the same, the app can extract the authorization code from the request URL parameter with
name “code” and close the InAppBrowser control. Next, it can use the authorization code to request the
access token from the AS.
To successfully complete the authorization code grant flow in the mobile use case, the device needs
connectivity to the corporate network. Otherwise the InAppBrowser launched by the mobile client app would
not be able to redirect the employee to the IdP’s login page for authentication. Although BestRun’s corporate
security policy permits access from company-issued devices to the corporate network, it does not allow
employee-owned devices to connect to it. So for employees bringing their own device (“BYOD”), an
alternative way to login to the IdP, obtain the authorization code from the AS, and passing it back to the
mobile client app, needs to be implemented.
How this can be achieved with SAP HANA Cloud Platform is shown in
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Figure 6:
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Figure 6 QR Code -based Au thorization Code Grant Flow
1. The employee (single-) signs on from a corporate network-connected desktop via the corporate IdP at the
SAP HANA Cloud Platform AS end user UI.
2. From there the employee can generate an authorization code for a selected client application and (set of)
scope(s). Instead of typewriting the long string on the mobile device, the AS UI also generates a Quick
Response (QR) Code for the authorization code, which can be scanned from the desktop’s monitor with a
QR Code scanner app installed on the mobile device.
3. After successful scanning the authorization code is copied into the device’s clipboard, from where the
mobile client app can directly take it or store it temporarily in its configuration settings.
4. In the last step, the mobile client app calls the AS to issue a new access token by passing the QR Codescanned authorization code in the request.
With this approach, the employee authenticates at the IdP from the desktop and no longer from the mobile
device. The mobile device only requires Internet connectivity to request the access token from the AS on
SAP HANA Cloud Platform.
To simplify the setup of the corporate IdP, this tutorial uses the local test IdP16 of the SAP HANA Cloud
Platform local runtime instead of a productive IdP in your landscape. Although this lightweight IdP is only
intended for testing purposes, it fully supports the SAML 2.0 protocol to enable end-to-end testing when the
application is deployed in the Cloud. Therefore the basic administrative tasks to setup SSO and Identity
Federation with the test IdP are the same as with a productive IdP.
Integration with the SAP HANA Cloud Platform OAuth 2.0 AS
According to Cordova’s main configuration file config.xml in the xLeave mobile client app, the start page of
the container is set to index.html which executes first the SAPUI5 Application.js. From there, the
application instantiates the AppView which holds the sap.m.App control that serves as root container for all
mobile screens and their SAPUI5 controls. Figure 7 shows the application’s assets directory which contains
the files for the three pages of the app: Home, Overview and Create for new leave requests. Each page is
represented by a view.js file containing the SAPUI5 controls and a controller.js file handling the view
events, and thus follows the model-view-controller (MVC) concept.
Figure 7 Project structure of the xLea ve mobile client app
Figure 8 shows the home screen (HomePageView.view.js) of the xLeave mobile client app. When launching
the app for the first time, the employee has to authorize it by selecting the corresponding item from the
Settings menu.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Figure 8 Starting the O Aut h client authoriz ation in the xLea ve mobile client app
This starts the OAuth authorization code grant flow by sending the authorization request (step 1 in Figure 2)
to the SAP HANA Cloud Platform AS. Because the user will be asked to authenticate at the IdP from the
mobile device, the mobile client app launches the above-mentioned InAppBrowser by calling
as follows:
iab =, "_blank", "location=no");
The first parameter points to the URL opened by the device’s web browser and where the request is sent to.
It has to follow the account-specific pattern https://oauthasservices-<account name>.<landscape
domain>/oauth2/api/v1/authorize to make sure that the account’s default IdP will be used to authenticate the
employee. According to the OAuth 2.0 specification, the authorization request17 passes the following request
parameters in the URL:
 response_type: Has to be “code” to instruct the AS to return an authorization code after successful
authentication of the employee (resource owner) and confirmation of the client’s authorization request
 client_id: The unique identifier of the mobile client app that the authorization server issued when the
account operator registered the app in the Cloud Cockpit
 redirect_uri: The mobile client app’s redirection endpoint that has been previously established with the
AS during the client registration process. The AS will redirect the InAppBrowser to this URI with the
authorization response (step 3 in Figure 2)
 scope: The scope of the access request. Any values specified here have to be registered beforehand by
the account operator in the Cloud Cockpit for the Cloud application the client is assigned to.
Because the AS authorization endpoint requires authentication, the employee will first have to authenticate
at the IdP trusted by the account, specified in the <account_name> section of the URL. If the trust settings
were not modified by the account operator, the SAP ID Service as the default IdP authenticates the
employee on the device as shown in Figure 9. In this tutorial, the local test IdP of the SAP HANA Cloud
Platform local runtime is used for this step, representing a corporate SAML 2.0-compliant IdP.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Figure 9 Delegated authentication to the account’s trusted IdP (here S AP ID Ser vice) on the mobile de vice
w hen the authoriz ation request is sent to the O Auth AS
To intercept the response sent by the AS, the mobile client app registers an event listener callback function
that is called whenever the InAppBrowser starts to load a new URL:
If the event’s URL equals the mobile client app’s redirect URI, it has to be the authorization response18 from
the AS which includes a code parameter with the authorization code. A sample response looks like the
following example:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: http://xleavemobile.callback?code=803514dfa1b936f6
Once the authorization code is retrieved in the callback function, the request for an access token can be
issued to the AS token endpoint, which again follows an account-specific URL pattern:
https://oauthasservices-<account name>.<landscape domain>/oauth2/api/v1/token
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Due to the fact that the access token request (step 4 in Figure 2) does not require the employee to further
interact with the AS, it is sent by the mobile client app as a direct REST call to the above token endpoint,
using the ajax-Method from the popular jQuery JavaScript library which comes with SAPUI5:
url : tokenEndpoint,
type : "POST",
data : postParams,
contentType : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
success: function(result, textStatus, jqXHR) {
console.debug("Access Token Response successfully received: " +
var oauthAccessToken = result.access_token;"Successfully authorized the client
setPreference("accessToken", oauthAccessToken);
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// exception handling ...
All of the application logic discussed so far to retrieve the authorization code and access token from the AS
is implemented in the HomePageController.controller.js file of the mobile client app. Currently the
access token is stored unencrypted in the app’s shared preferences to persist across user sessions. For
productive usage, this may not fulfill security requirements and needs to be improved.
Finally, when the mobile client app is making a call to the OAuth-protected web API of the xLeave
application, it passes the access token in the HTTP Authorization header according to RFC 674919 The
following code sample shows again how the ajax-Method from jQuery is used for this purpose.
url : resourceUrl,
type: "GET",
async: false,
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken,
success: function(result) {
// return the protected resources
error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// error handling
The actual resource URL of this call to the web API is determined by the SAP HANA Cloud Platform
application. The next section explains in more detail how this is done.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Protection of xLeave’s web API
As illustrated in Figure 5, xLeave is accessible from the web browser on the corporate desktop and the
mobile client app on the employee’s smartphone. Similar to the mobile UI, the web (browser) interface is also
build with SAPUI5. As a client UI technology based on JavaScript, CSS and HTML5, the SAPUI5 web UI
runs in the browser and fetches business data via RESTful web APIs exposed by the server where the
SAPUI5 web application has been loaded from. Contacting a different server from the web browser UI is not
possible due to the browser’s same origin policy20 which prevents the loss of data confidentiality or integrity.
For the mobile client, those restrictions do not apply, because the SAPUI5 library is not executed in a web
browser, but in the Cordova container which makes it behave like the native app.
The mobile client app and the web application user interfaces both have in common that they consume
RESTful APIs of the xLeave application which are exposed under different URL paths as shown in
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Figure 10. The xLeave SAP HANA Cloud Platform application uses the Apache CXF21 framework to define
the RESTful service interfaces for the APIs, and the EclipseLink22 project to use JPA for persisting the
employee’s leave requests in the cloud DB.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Figure 10 xLea ve Application High-Le vel Architecture
Based on the type of client and its preferred authentication method, the security settings in xLeave’s
web.xml for the two API URL paths have to be configured as follows:
 /web/leaveRequests: The RESTful API for the xLeave web application is protected with SAML 2.0
(<auth-method> set to FORM) because it is called from the SAPUI5 JavaScript code which runs inside the
employee’s browser on the corporate desktop. With the welcome file list (<welcome-file-list>) set to
the index.jsp page that is also protected by SAML 2.0, the employee’s web browser gets redirected to
the trusted IdP when accessing the application’s root URL
(https://xleave<account_name> Upon successful authentication at the
IdP and SSO to the Cloud, a login session cookie (JSESSIONID) for the xLeave application is set in the
web browser, which is used for all subsequent REST calls made to the /web/leaveRequests web API by
the SAPUI5 JavaScript UI.
<web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
 /api/v1/leaveRequests: Any API calls made by the SAP UI5-based mobile client app to this endpoint
require a valid OAuth 2.0 access token, which the xLeave application has to pass to the Authorization
Server for validation. From the developer’s perspective, there is no additional coding required to protect
the API. Instead, usage of the Servlet filter class that comes with the SAP HANA Cloud
Platform SDK has to be declared and configured in xLeave’s web.xml:
<display-name>OAuth scope definition for viewing leave requests</display-name>
The scope parameter in this sample further restricts access to the API protected by this filter declaration
to the scope “view-requests”. This means that an access token send with the API call must have been
issued based on an authorization code for which the employee granted the client access under the scope
to view her leave request. Because the scope parameter in this declaration only accepts a single value
that must conform to the valid scope name syntax specified in Section 3.323 in RFC6749, each scope and
mapped API requires a different filter declaration in the web.xml. Thus, for the scope to create new leave
requests (“create-requests”), another filter with name “OAuthCreateRequestsScopeFilter” is declared:
<display-name>OAuth scope definition for creating leave requests</display-name>
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Besides their different scope values, both filter declarations also make use of the http-method parameter,
which allows to further restrict the API access to a specific HTTP method following best practices for
RESTful services. For the read-only operation to view the employee’s leave requests, the
OAuthViewRequestsScopeFilter specifies the GET method, whereas to create new leave request require
the support for HTTP POST requests.
The user-principal parameter specifies whether or not the resource owner's (employee’s) user id is
passed as the user principal name in the request in case of successful authorization. With this parameter
set to true, (existing) application code can continue to use the standard Java EE API
request.getUserPrincipal() to retrieve the current authenticated user’s id. In this context it is
important to note that server-side application code using request.isUserInRole(<role name>) won’t
return the current user’s assignment to the specified role if it is invoked by an OAuth client. For OAuth,
scopes define the permissions given to client on behalf of the user.
Finally, both filter declarations must be mapped to the URL path of the protected API for mobile client
apps by specifying the standard filter mapping in web.xml:
Prerequisites and Requirements
To deploy the xLeave application on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform, you need a (free) trial24 or a
productive25 account. You can download26 the complete source code ( in the download
archive) and import it as a project in Eclipse with File  Import …  Archive file The SAP HANA Cloud
Platform tools27 can be used to deploy the application to the Cloud.
Alternatively, the download also contains a WAR file of the application, which can be deployed with the SAP
HANA Cloud Platform Console Client neo.bat (Windows) or (Linux) and the deploy command, e.g.
neo deploy -s c:\xleave.war -a <your account name> -h -u <your
SAP ID Service user ID> -b xleave
To run the xLeave mobile client app on the local development system, it is required to install the Android
DeveloperTools (ADT). The bundle28 includes Eclipse and the ADT plugin, the Android Platform and SDK
tools, which includes the mobile device emulator, and the latest Android system image for the emulator. The
emulator is used throughout this tutorial to run the xLeave mobile client app and test the end-to-end scenario
on the local development system. To avoid installing two Eclipse IDEs, it is also possible to run the SAP
HANA Cloud Platform tools and ADT plugins side-by-side in a single Eclipse instance.
The complete source code and project files for Eclipse of the xLeave Mobile client app are also included in
the download archive29 ( Extract the archive and import the xleaveMobile project
with File  Import  Existing Android Code into Workspace. A new Android Virtual Device (AVD) must be
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
created with the AVD Manager (Window  Android Virtual Device Manager) to run the application with the
emulator. Figure 11 shows the recommended settings.
Figure 11 AV D settings for the xLea ve Mobile client app
It is also recommended to install the Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager30 to improve the
performance of the Android emulator when running an Intel-based android system image.
The next five chapters are a step-by-step guide through the scenario, starting with running the scenario on
the local SAP HANA Cloud Platform runtime before deploying the xLeave application to the Cloud and
accessing it with the mobile client application.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
As a first step in this tutorial, the complete mobile use case is configured on the local SAP HANA Cloud
Platform runtime. This includes setting up a local test user, registering the xLeave mobile client app and
scopes on the local OAuth AS, and configuring the xLeave mobile client app to request the local AS
endpoints and the xLeave web API. Finally, the xLeave mobile client application is launched in the Android
emulator and authorized by a test user on the local OAuth AS to view and create leave requests on his
What to do
What you will see
If not already done so, please create a
local SAP HANA Cloud Platform
runtime in Eclipse by opening File 
New  Other… and selecting Server
from the list. Click Next.
Select SAP HANA Cloud Platform
local runtime from the list and click
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Set the HTTP port to a free port number
on your development system (e.g.
8081). Click Next.
Select the xleave application from the
Available: list of resources and click on
Add > to move it the right side
Click on Finish.
Doubleclick on the new Server to open
its properties.
On the Users tab, click on the “+”
button to add a new local test user.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Add a new user as follows:
User ID: jdoe
Password: Abcd1234
First name: John
Last name: Doe
Click OK.
Click on the “+” button for the
Attributes to add another user profile
Add a new attribute with the following
Name: department
Value: Sales
Click on OK.
Click on the “+” button for the Roles to
assign the local test user to a web role
defined by the xLeave Cloud
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Enter “Employee” for the Role name
and click OK.
Next, press Ctrl+S to save the new
local test user settings.
On the Servers View, select the new
SAP HANA Cloud Platform local
runtime and click on the Play button to
run the server (or press Ctrl+Alt+R).
Wait until the status has changed from
“Stopped” to “Started, Synchronized”.
To test if the web application is working,
open a web browser and enter the URL
Login with your local test user
credentials (jdoe/Abcd1234) against the
SAP HANA Cloud Platform local
Click on New request.
Create a new leave request and click
on Send.
Afterwards, the new leave request
appears in John Doe’s list.
Open a new tab in the web browser and
access the OAuth 2.0 local runtime on
the local SAP HANA Cloud Platform
runtime with
To register the xLeave mobile client
app with the OAuth 2.0 local runtime,
click on the link Client Registration
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Register a new client as follows:
Client Name: xLeaveMobile
Client Description: xLeave Mobile
Client App
Client Type: public
Client Redirect URI:
Click on Register.
Write down the generated Client ID or
copy/paste it to a text editor. You will
have to configure the Client ID in the
mobile client app settings later.
Click on Home.
Register the required scopes for the
mobile scenario by clicking on the
Scope Registration link.
Enter “view-requests” for the Scope ID
and “View leave requests” for the
Scope Description.
Click on Register to complete this step.
Next, click on Register More to create
a second scope:
Scope ID: create-requests
Scope Description: Create leave
As a result of the scope registration you
should now see a list like this.
Click on Home.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
You are now ready to test the mobile
scenario on the local development
From the Eclipse IDE, launch the
xLeave mobile client application in the
Android emulator by right-clicking on
the xLeaveMobile project and selecting
Run As  1 Android Application
from the context menu
From the Android Device Chooser
dialog, select the previously created
AVD (see Figure 11 for details) and
click on OK.
When the xLeave mobile client app has
started, click on the Settings icon on
the top right corner.
Select Client settings from the menu.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Click on the settings entry with label
OAuth2 Token Endpoint and change
“port” in the URL to the port number of
your SAP HANA Cloud Platform local
runtime (e.g. 8081).
Note: The IP address is a
special alias to your host loopback
interface (i.e., or localhost)
Click OK to save the new configuration.
Repeat the step above for the entries
with label OAuth2 Authorization URL
and Resource URL.
Click on the setting with label Client ID
and enter the value you wrote down or
copied to a text editor earlier when you
registered the client app with the local
OAuth AS.
Click OK to save the new configuration.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Click on the entry with label Scopes
and enter the two scopes you
registered before for the xLeave Cloud
application: “view-requests createrequests”
Click OK to save the new configuration.
Press ESC to return to the mobile client
app main page.
Select Authorize Client from the
Settings menu to retrieve a new
access token from the local AS.
To obtain the authorization code from
the local AS, the user has to
authenticate against the SAP HANA
Cloud Platform local runtime.
To authenticate the user, enter the local
test user’s credentials jdoe / Abcd1234
in the User and Password fields.
Click on Log in.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
The Authorization Page of the local AS
lists the scopes the client requested,
and asks the authenticated user (jdoe)
to authorize the client.
Click on Authorize.
As a result of the authorization, the
client can request an access token from
the local AS. Upon successful retrieval
a status message is shown.
To test the granted authorization with
the mobile client app, click on the
Vacation menu item and enter some
Click on Submit.
You see a message that confirms the
successful creation of your new leave
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Click on the menu item Current leave
In the list of current leave requests, the
new vacation request just created by
the mobile client app on your behalf is
successfully retrieved using the
application’s web API.
Press ESC or click on the back arrow
to return to the main screen.
Invoking the web API without a valid
access token results in an HTTP 403
(Unauthorized) response from the
xLeave application. You can try so by
opening a web browser on the desktop
and entering
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Next you start with taking the scenario to the Cloud by deploying the xLeave application in your SAP HANA
Cloud Platform trial account.
What to do
What you will see
In Eclipse, click on New or select File
 New  Other…
Select Server and click Next.
Select SAP HANA Cloud Platform as
the server type from the list.
Change the Server’s host name to
Click Next.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Enter the following data:
Application name: xleave
Account name: <your trial account
User name: <your SAP ID Service user
ID or E-Mail address>
Password: <your SAP ID Service
Click on Next.
Select xleave from the list of Available
applications, and click on Add > to
move it to the right (Configured).
Click on Finish.
Select the new server from the list and
click on the Start button (or press
Ctrl+Alt+R) to deploy and run the
application in your SAP HANA Cloud
Platform trial account.
Wait until the status changed from
“Stopped” to “Started, Synchronized”.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
For invoking the xLeave web API in the Cloud, the following configuration steps are required:
 Registration of the xLeave Mobile Client app with the OAuth AS in the Cloud
 Registration of the scopes with the OAuth AS in the Cloud
 Configuration of the trust relationship for the local test IdP, which takes over the role of the corporate IdP
in this tutorial
What to do
What you will see
Open a web browser and go to
On the SAP HANA Cloud Platform
landing page, click on Log on and
enter your SAP ID Service credentials.
After successful logon, click on the
xleave application in the list of
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
From the application content, select the
OAuth menu entry.
Click on Register new Client.
Enter the following data for the new
OAuth client:
ID: Overwrite the generated ID with
Redirect URI:
Name: xLeave Mobile App
Description: xLeave Mobile Application
Click Translations to maintain the
translations of your client’s name and
description for other languages.
Click Add.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Add German and
Name: “xLeave Mobile App”
Description: “xLeave Mobile
Click Close.
Click Save.
Switch to the Scopes tab and click on
New Scope.
Register the following scope:
ID: view-requests
Description: View leave requests
Click Save.
Repeat the previous step for the
second scope:
ID: create-requests
Description: Create new leave
Go back to the account level by clicking
on your account object.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Select the Trust settings from the
Content menu.
Click Edit on the tab for the Local
Service Provider of your trial account.
Switch the Configuration Type from
Default to Custom.
Click on Generate Key Pair to
generate a new Signing Key pair for
your trial account’s service provider.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Click Save and confirm the message
box with OK.
Click on the Get Metadata link to
download your Service Provider’s
SAML 2.0 metadata file.
This file contains the information
displayed on this page in an
interoperable XML format which is later
needed to automate the trust setup with
the local test IdP.
Open a new tab in your web browser
and download the local test IdP’s SAML
2.0 metadata file by opening the URL
Set <port> to the port number of the
SAP HANA Cloud Platform local
runtime (e.g. 8081).
The file localidp-metadata.xml is stored
in your Download folder. It will be used
next to establish the trust relationship to
the local test IdP in your SAP HANA
Cloud Platform trial account.
Go back to the SAP HANA Cloud
Platform Cloud Cockpit, and switch to
the Trusted Identity Provider tab.
Click on the Add Trusted Identity
Provider link.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Click Browse…
Open the downloaded localidpmetadata.xml file.
The form fields are populated
automatically from the content of the
Change the hostname of the Single
Sign-on URL and Single Logout URL
from localhost to (see red
arrows in the screenshot on the left
Note: This is only required to test the
mobile scenario with the Android
emulator in the next step, because the
emulator uses this alias to your host
loopback interface. For testing the web
browser scenario in the Cloud,
localhost must be used.
Click on Save & Close.
You have added successfully the trust
relationship to the local test IdP running
on your SAP HANA Cloud Platform
local runtime.
Next, you need to establish the trust
relationship in the other direction.
Open the Download folder, select the
downloaded Service Provider metadata
file with name<your account
name>-metadata.xml, and press Ctrl+C
to copy it in the clipboard.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Go to the Eclipse IDE, and open the
folder Servers  SAP HANA Cloud
Platform local runtime-config 
config_master 
 localidp in the Project Explorer.
If you don’t see the localidp subfolder,
press F5 to refresh the directory
Press Ctrl+V to copy the metadata file
in the localidp folder.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
With the required OAuth settings in the Cloud, the xLeave mobile client application will be reconfigured in this
step to access the web API and OAuth AS endpoints in the Cloud.
Note: If you are behind a (corporate) firewall and require a proxy to access the xLeave application deployed
on SAP HANA Cloud Platform from your development system, the emulator has to be configured31
What to do
What you will see
Open the Settings menu in the xLeave
Mobile Client app and select Client
Click on Client ID and change its value
to the xLeave mobile client app’s client
id xleaveMobileClientApp that was
registered in the previous step.
Click OK.
Click on the settings entry with label
OAuth2 Token Endpoint and change
the URL to your account-specific token
endpoint of the OAuth2 AS in SAP
HANA Cloud Platform.
It follows the URL pattern
om/oauth2/api/v1/token for trial
Lookup the Token Endpoint URL for
your account in the SAP HANA Cloud
Platform Cockpit by clicking on OAuth
in the account-level menu.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Change the value according to the
Token Endpoint for your account.
Click OK.
Click on the settings entry with label
OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint and
change the endpoint to your accountspecific authorization endpoint of the
OAuth2 AS in the Cloud.
It follows the URL pattern
om/oauth2/api/v1/authorize for trial
Lookup the Authorization Endpoint
URL for your account in the SAP HANA
Cloud Platform Cockpit by clicking on
OAuth in the account-level menu.
Click OK.
Click on the settings entry with label
Resource URL and change the URL to
the xLeave cloud application deployed
in your SAP HANA Cloud Platform trial
It follows the URL pattern
Click OK and ESC to return to the
xLeave mobile client app main screen.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
From the Settings menu, select
Authorize Client to authorize the
xLeave Mobile Client app with the AS in
the Cloud.
Based on the Trust settings of your
SAP HANA Cloud Platform trial
account, the AS redirects you to your
local test IdP to authenticate.
Because the local test IdP uses the
same user base as the SAP HANA
Cloud Platform local runtime, you can
authenticate with user jdoe, password
Click Log in.
Now you are asked by the AS in the
Cloud to confirm xLeave mobile client
app’s authorization request to access
your data in the Cloud.
Click Authorize to confirm
You are redirected back to the main
screen and a message is shown that
the xLeave mobile client app has been
successfully authorized, i.e. it received
an access token from the Cloud AS.
Click on Vacation from the main menu
to create a new leave request in the
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Enter the data for your new leave
request, and click Submit.
A message is shown that the leave
request has been successfully created.
Select Current leave requests from
the main screen.
The new leave request is shown in the
At any time, the user can revoke the
access (token) granted to the mobile
client app by accessing the AS end
user UI in the Cloud.
To test the access token revocation,
continue with the next step.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Browser-based access to the xLeave cloud application and AS end-user UI requires the configuration of
additional identity federation settings to pass the user’s attributes to the application.
What to do
What you will see
In the SAP HANA Cloud Cockpit, switch
to the Trusted Identity Provider tab in
the Trust settings of your account.
Click on the localidp entry to open its
Switch back from the Android
emulator’s alias to localhost by
changing the Single Sign-on URL and
Single Logout URL accordingly.
Switch to the Attributes tab in the
localidp’s configuration settings.
Add on the link Add Assertion-Based
Attribute to pass a new attribute from
the SAML Assertion to the application.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Configure the new attribute:
Assertion Attribute: firstname
Principal Attribute: firstname
Repeat the two previous steps for the
following assertion attributes:
 lastname  lastname
 email  email
 department  department
Click on Save & Close
To assign user jdoe the required web
role in the Cloud, select
Authorizations from the menu.
In the User field of the Users tab, enter
jdoe and click on Show Roles.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
Click Assign
Select Application xleave and Role
Click Save.
Click Java Applications and select the
xleave application from the list.
Click on the Application URL.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
You are redirected to the local test IdP.
Enter the test user’s credentials for the
user (jdoe) and password (Abcd1234).
Click Log in.
You are logged on at the xLeave
application and authorized in role
From the table headline, you can also
see that the assertion attributes for first
name, last name and department have
been successfully passed through.
In table, the leave request created in
step 4 with the mobile client app is
Click the Logout button in the upper
right corner.
Next, you will revoke the OAuth access
token for the xLeave Mobile client app
with the AS end-user UI.
Go back to the browser tab with the
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Cockpit.
Click on your account name, and select
the link for the End User UI listed under
OAuth URLs in the OAuth accountlevel settings.
A new browser tab opens, and you are
again redirected to your account’s
trusted IdP, the local test IdP.
Log on with the local test user jdoe,
password Abcd1234.
Click Log in.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
You are logged in to the AS end-user
In the OAuth Tokens table, the access
token issued to the xLeave Mobile
Client app is listed.
To revoke the token, click on the Delete
button in the column with label Actions.
Confirm the action with OK.
Next, try to retrieve the list of current
leave requests with the xLeave mobile
client app on the Android emulator.
An error message is shown that the
leave requests could not be retrieved.
By revoking the access token, the client
application is no longer authorized to
receive the leave requests on the user’s
Going back to the SAP HANA Cloud
Platform Cockpit, an administrator’s
search in Authorizations  Token for
user jdoe’s access tokens also results
in an empty list.
SAP HANA Cloud Platform Security Tutorial
This tutorial covered a complete end-to-end scenario for accessing an OAuth-protected web API of an SAP
HANA Cloud Platform application. From a developer’s perspective, no additional code needs to be
implemented in the business application for supporting the OAuth authorization code grant flow, managing
the user’s OAuth access tokens, and integrating with the central OAuth AS to verify a token received from an
OAuth client application. This OAuth-as-a-Service is provided out-of-the box by the platform to the
applications running on top of it, and helps to simplify the implementation and security of modern, API-based
web applications.
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