The Russian Nobility Association in America, Inc.
The Russian Nobility Association in America, Inc.
Russian Nobility Association In America 1933-2014 THE PROPERTY OF A EUROPEAN NOBLE FAMILY A PAIR OF RARE AND LARGE TWO-HANDLED PORCELAIN VASES BY THE IMPERIAL PORCELAIN FACTORY, ST PETERSBURG, PERIOD OF NICHOLAS I, 1840 26 1/4 in. (67 cm.) high £250,000-350,000 Russian Art London, King Street • 2 June 2014 Viewing 30 May-1 June 2014 8 King Street London, SW1Y 6QT DRG INTERNATIONAL, INC. is honored to support The Russian Nobility Association in America DRG International is a Leading Provider of Innovative Medical Diagnostic Products and Equipment Worldwide since 1970. DRG INTERNATIONAL, INC. 841 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081 Phone: (973) 564-7555 Website: DRG TechSystems A/O Moscow, Russia Website: DRG Biomed o.o.o. St. Petersburg, Russia Website: THE PRINCE ALEXIS SCHERBATOW SCHOLARSHIP FUND Again this year it is a pleasure to announce that our Scherbatow Scholarship Fund has awarded significant financial grants to several deserving young students for the current academic year. The Prince Alexis Scherbatow Scholarship Fund was established after his death in 2003 to celebrate his life and achievements. He had served for thirty-one years as President of the Russian Nobility Association in America. He taught history and political science, earned a PhD from Columbia University, worked for The Tolstoy Foundation, aiding Russian immigrants. He received many honors and tributes from Russian, European and American organizations for his contributions to historical studies. His memoirs are his “Claim to the Past - that past that belongs to Russia because it was for Russia that my forbears worked and wrote”. This year’s scholarship recipients were selected based on a combination of academic record, perceived potential to further RNA ideals and goals, character, and financial need. We are pleased to have been able to assist these young people with part of the cost of their education and are most grateful to those whose donations have made this possible. Additional contributions to the Fund (fully tax deductible) are needed and encouraged. Donations may be made by check to Russian Nobility Association & sent to Att: Mrs. Roberta Maged, DRG International Inc. 841 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081 THE RUSSIAN NOBILITY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION The Russian Nobility Association has four classes of membership and welcomes applications from interested individuals. The four classes are: A) Voting members: Direct descendents of individuals listed in Russia’s Nobility Archives. B) Associate members: Individuals whose lineage is through the maternal line. C) Lineage Affiliates members: Individuals whose nobility historically predates the immediate maternal line. D) Colleague members: individuals whose efforts and activities support the goals and ideals of the organization. For further membership information and application forms please call Mrs. Roberta Maged at 973-564-7555 or email her at “ Best Wishes to the Russian Nobility Association Tatiana & Vladimir Galitzine Ensemble Barynya Russian, Ukrainian, Cossack, Russian Gypsy dances, music and songs Artistic Director/Founder Mikhail SMIRNOV Balalaika, garmoshka, domra, bayan, balalaika-contrabass, Gypsy guitars 201-981-2497 НОВЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ / NEW REVIEW The oldest New York based Russian-language quarterly outside Russia since 1942 Founded by world-renowned writers Mark Aldanov and Mikhail Zetlin with support by Ivan Bunin Cover – Mstislav Dobujinsky For seven decades, The New Review has been a cultural center of the Russian Immigration in America Our contributing authors include Russian Nobel Prize laureates: 1933 laureate Ivan BuNIN, 1970 laureate Alexander SOlZhENITSYN, 1987 laureate Joseph BRODSkY, as well as a plethora of other writers, poets, philosophers, artists. GOAlS AND OBJECTIVES Preservation and development of the traditions of Russian culture in the context of world culture; collection and study of history of the Russian emigration and the Russian Orthodox Church abroad; support of Russian-speaking writers and preservation of the Russian language in the Diaspora. ThE NEW REVIEW’S CuRRENT PROJECTS include: *Russian Immigration at the Crossroads of the XX-XXI Centuries *Russian Documentary Film Festival in New York *Mark Aldanov’s Annual Award for the best novel of Russia Abroad ThE NEW REVIEW’S CuRRENT PuBlICATIONS include: “НОВЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ” № 271 dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the house of Romanov and the history of the White émigrés “НОВЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ” № 267 is dedicated to the history of the Russian émigrés in the uSA & the Digest based on the issue “Russian Emigration in the uSA” (in Russian & English, with illustrations) НЬЮ-ЙОРКСКИЙ БЛОКНОТ / NEW YORk NOTEBOOk (The New Review Publishing) memoirs of Serge hollerbach, academician of the National Academy of Design, dedicated to the post-war Russian émigrés in New York (illustrated by author) ThE NEW REVIEW REquESTS ThE SuPPORT OF OuR lOYAl FRIENDS PATRON - $5,000 and up BENEFACTOR -$2,000 and up SPONSOR - $1,000 and up FELLOW - $500 and up CONTRIBuTIONS TO ThE NEW REVIEW ARE TAX-DEDuCTIBlE THE NEW REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION (4 books per year): $76.00 (U.S.); $110.00 (Europe) Please make checks payable to THE NEW REVIEW 611 Broadway, suite 902, New York, NY 10012 Congratulations Astor CApitAl MAnAgeMent AssoCiAtes, llC ivAn obolensky prinCipAl G 425 e A s t 79 t h s t r e e t n e w y o r k , ny 10021 (212) 861-4373 Loeb Partners Corporation salutes The Russian Nobility Association in America • Loeb Partners Corporation Peter A. Tcherepnine, Managing Director 125 Broad Street New York, NY 10004 The firm of Tiajoloff & Kelly LLP congratulates the Russian Nobility Association on the occasion of its Annual Russian Spring Ball A LEGAL PRACTICE FOCUSED ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND THE LAW OF TECHNOLOGY THE CHRYSLER BUILDING, 37TH FLOOR 405 LEXINGTON AVENUE NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10174 212-490-3285 (TEL.) 212-490-3295 (FAX) The Russian Nobility Association Today Our Goals T he Russian Nobility Association, Inc. was formed in 1933 in order to realize two important goals: to maintain historical truths about Russia and to provide humanitarian assistance. On the one hand, the Association’s aims are genealogical and historical. It seeks to preserve cultural memories and national truths of Russian history which, during the Communist regime, were threatened with extinction. It maintains a library of historical documents. From time to time, the Association hosts lectures in Russian history to raise funds, a portion of which is directed to educational resources. The Association’s aims are thus also philanthropic. To this end, it hosts an annual Russian Spring Ball. Organized by members of the Ball Committee of the Russian Nobility Association, the Spring Ball is the Association’s largest fund raising event of the year. This event allows the Association to realize its most important humanitarian goal: the assistance of disadvantaged persons both in and outside of Russia who need medical treatment, food and shelter. Who Receives the Bulk of our Support? T he philanthropic and charitable distributions of the RNA are and have been directed to orphanages, scouts, old age homes, scholarships for college students, literary journals, and other needy projects, organizations and individuals. Funds are distributed both in the United States and abroad. A Word of Thanks T he Association cannot provide volunteer and financial support for its philanthropic causes without your help. It wishes to express its heartfelt gratitude to the compassionate benefactors and supporters who have given so generously of their time, services and financial resources – and who have thus made a true and tangible difference in the lives of others. Thanks go to our corporate sponsors, our loyal and generous patrons, entertainers and musicians, and of course to the hardworking members of the Ball Committee, especially the Juniors. A Nobility Today t first glance, the idea of nobility – even the word itself – seems rather dated today. When nobility is invoked, it is usually to sell fashion magazines or Hollywood merchandise. Nobility invariably clashes with the strictures of our founding fathers who suppressed titles as incompatible with democracy. Even so, the old word, like another old word, “honor,” has an important cultural value. Americans from all walks of life are paying greater attention to their forbears; we are beginning to admire the achievements of our own and others’ ancestors. In Russia today, there is an intense interest in the direct descendants of the nobility, an interest that occasionally borders on the excessive, and includes the fabrication of titles and the assuming of historical family names. But the search for ancestors and identity and the celebration of the accomplishments of one’s predecessors reflect a legitimate and necessary commitment to the past. This commitment takes on an added urgency after 75 years of communist suppression and the liquidation of the nobility as a class (not to mention the clergy, the intellectuals and kulaks). In Russian history, the nobility, or more precisely the “service gentry” (dvoryanye) was known (the word “noble” is derived from the Latin notus – to know) for the ideal of service to the state and the community. When Peter the Great established the Table of Ranks in 1722, ennoblement was made attainable through state service. The dvoryanye were responsible for defending the state against invaders, for organizing agriculture, and for advising the Czars and their governments. Service carried a sense of honor, and was considered not just a civic duty, but a privilege. It is noteworthy that women participated in this ideal of service, demonstrating civic responsibility through charitable work. During the First World War, the daughters of Tsar Nicholas II actively assisted in the care of the sick and the wounded. In the field of culture, the Russian nobility created the Golden Age of Russian Literature and the Arts, producing Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Diaghelev, Tchaikovsky, Berdayev, Nabokov and Akhmatova. The spiritual heirs and beneficiaries of the culture of the gentry come from all walks of life. Indeed, Russia is united in its love for its literary heroes and today there is a strong movement to restore their houses and emulate their virtues. An important social and aesthetic expression of the Russian nobility was the ball. Introduced to Russia by Peter the Great, the ball was seen as a means of cultivating beauty, manners and morality, and as a way to bring people together in friendship and harmony through music and dance. In our electronic age, such public sharing of values is a rare privilege. Since the Revolution, the exiled nobility that makes up much of the “First Wave” of emigration has become self-sacrificing in exile, entering the priesthood and engaging in charitable work. When we consider the word nobility today, the ideals of service, charity, personal integrity and the importance of community come to mind. To conclude with the words of the aristocratic poet W. B. Yeats (an ideal not always lived up to but always in mind): “Yes, we desire to preserve into the modern life that ideal (of) four ancient virtues: First, honesty amongst one’s friends. Second courage amongst one’s enemies. Third, generosity amongst the weak. Fourth, courtesy at all times, whatsoever.” Our thanks to Dr. Arkadi Nebolsine for the contents of this page. Russian Nobility Association Spring Ball 2014 Under The Gracious Patronage of T.H. Prince and Princess Nicholas Romanoff T.H. Prince and Princess Dimitri Romanoff H.H. Princess Andrew Romanoff H.H. Princess Nikita Romanoff H.H. Princess Alexander Romanoff Executive Committee Chair Mrs. Olga Miklashewsky Co-Chairs Mr. Warren C. Hutchins Mrs. Lora Schiavetta Mrs. Maria Holodny Executive Secretary Princess Elizabeth Galitzine Honorary Chairs Princess Tatiana V. Galitzine Mrs. Veronica Atkins Mrs. Irina Dvorjitsky San Filippo Prince Ivan Obolensky The Russian Nobility Association in America, Inc. 283 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10016 Board of Directors Dr. Cyril E. Geacintov Prince Vladimir C. Galitzine Prince Ivan Obolensky Mrs. Irina Dvorjitsky-San Filippo Dr. Pavel Efremkin Mr. Warren C. Hutchins Mr. Igor Miklashewsky Mr. Alexandr Neratoff Mr. Konstantin Pio-Ulsky Mr. John Pouschine Mr. Peter Tcherepnine Mr. Paul Wadkovsky Miss Tatyana Zakharova President Vice President Vice President & Treasurer Secretary Presidents Prince Alexis Obolensky, Sr. Mr. Vassilii Wadkovsky Count Boris von Berg Count Paul de Kotzeboue Prince Serge Belosselsky-Belozersky Prince Leonid Eletskoy Col. Peter Martynov Prince Alexis Scherbatow Dr. Cyril E. Geacintov 1936 - 1939 1939 - 1941 1941 - 1942 1942 - 1953 1953 - 1960 1960 - 1963 1963 - 1971 1971 - 2002 2002 - International Committee Prince and Princess David Chavchavadze Count and Countess Nicholas Cheremeteff Mr. and Mrs. Rajaa Chouairi H.S.H. Prince Jerome von Colloredo-Mansfield Prince and Princess André P. Gagarin Mrs. Marina Wolkonsky Galesi Prince Andrei K. Galitzine Princess Katya Galitzine Prince Piotr Galitzine H.R.H. Princess Alexandra of Greece Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gunn-Walberg T.I. and R.H. Archduke and Archduchess Géza von Habsburg Baroness Maya de Haynau Countess Monica Ignatiew Countess Marina von Kamarovsky Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kotchoubey T.H. Duke and Duchess Huno von Oldenburg H.R.H. Prince Jean d’Orléans, Duc de Vendôme Count and Countess Andrei Tolstoy-Miloslavsky H.S.H. The Prince Karel zu Schwarzenberg Count and Countess Andrei Stenbock-Fermor H.S.H. Princess Stephanie zu Windisch-Graetz H.R.H. Prince Michael of Yugoslavia Benefit Committee Count Pierre Apraxine Mrs. Lucy Puig Neis Miss Helena Ashton Mr. Nicholas B. A. Nicholson Mr. Andrei BenzemanN Mr. Thomas Nugent Mrs. Barbara Brookes Prince Sergei Ourusoff Princess Maria Chavchavadze Princess Alexis N. Obolensky Countess Kyra Cheremeteff and Princess Lucretia Obolensky Mr. Thomas William Richardson Mme. Elena Orlukova Mr. Valera Danchenko Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oudolski Mrs. Natalia Duncan Princess Eugenia Gagarin Pujol Mrs. Pavel Efremkin Mrs. Gaetana Enders Mrs. Konstantin Pio-Ulsky Prince Gregorii Galitzine Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pogogeff Princess Nina Galitzine Mr. Blair Pogue Mrs. Cyril Geacintov Mrs. John Pouschine Mr. and Mrs. Michael Markoff George Miss Elizabeth Rosen Bryan Gere, Khan Djangir Prince Chingiz Dr. Robert Ritch and Rivichi Saito Mrs. Elizabeth Guest Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sareyani Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hills Mr. John Schiavetta Prof. Andrei Holodny Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Selinsky Mrs. Elena Shemetoff Hutchins Mr. Ian Serjantov Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jachno Miss Diane M. A. Procofieff de Seversky Mr. Michael Jordan Mr. Serge Shohov Mrs. Tatiana Sarandinaki-Kadaria Princess AnnE Sidamon-Eristoff Mrs. Natalya Kasyanova Mr. and Mrs. David Smart Miss Virginia Kinzey Mrs. Peter Tcherepnine Mrs. Milos Knorr Mr. Andrei Tiajoloff Miss Natasha Konon Dr. Wellington S. Tichenor Mme. Natalia Kolodzei Mrs. Paul Wadkovsky Mrs. Tatiana Kolodzei Dr. and Mrs. Donald Ross Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Kowalenko Mrs. Robert D. Wickham Mr. Eric Alexander Kuzmuk H.S.H. Princess Elena N. Wolkonsky Mr. Jacques Leviant H.S.H. Prince Oleg A. Wolkonsky Mr. Joseph Mattia Count and Countess Alexander Miss Elizabeth M. Miheyev Woronzoff-Dashkoff Miss Priscilla McOstrich and Duke of Mayola Raoul Pujol Junior Committee Co-Chairs Miss Marisa Wadkovsky Mr. Christopher Spiro Miss Elena Holodny Mr. Vsevolod Belikov Mr. and Mrs. Dmitri Konon Miss Dominique de Benckendorff Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller Count Alexander Cheremeteff Miss Daria Napolina Count Nicolas Cheremeteff Mr. Gregory Nedeltscheff Miss Natasha Dashkova Mr. and Mrs. John Paschenko Miss Katherine Djurdjinovic Mr. Alexander Pouschine Mr. Alexander Djurdjinovic Miss Bessie Rentzler Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Fedorowski Mr. Serge Sarandinaki Princess Anna Galitzine Mr. Michael Sareyani Princess Alexandra Galitzine Miss Darya Schiavetta Miss Anastasia Gouliaeva Mr. Aleksandr Schiavetta Miss Nadejda Grankina Mr. Maxim Schidlovsky Mr. Andre Jordan Mr. Isaiah Trofimenko Miss Nina Kafozoff Mr. Peter Wolkow Miss Kateryna Khomenko Mr. and Mrs. Ilya Zerakhto Miss Katherine Krassovsky Affirming the Historic Friendship between Russia and America Ivan Obolensky Chairman and CEO The Soldiers’, Sailors’, Marines’, Coast Guard and Airmen’s Club 283 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 10016 Best Wishes to the Russian Nobility Association NOW LISTED Keller Williams Sonoran Living 8240 N. Golf Dr Paradise Valley, A Z 85253 6221 E. Dixileta Dr. C ave Creek , A Z 85331 4 Bedrooms / 3 Bathrooms / Approx SqFt: 4,188 6 Bedrooms / 6 Bathrooms / Approx SqFt: 7,432 4747 N. Scottsdale Rd. #1005 Scottsdale, A Z 85251 2008 W. Rancho Dr. Phoenix , A Z 85015 2 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms / Approx SqFt: 1,401 3 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms / Approx SqFt: 1,813 Are you interested in investing? Relocation? Looking to be a winter snowbird? Please call me today! Dominique deBenckendorff KELLER WILLIAMS SONORAN LIVING 480.703.7487 | 267.241.6507 A Heartfelt Thank You from the Ball Committee Chair Mrs. Veronica Atkins Mrs. Natalia Kasianova Ms Helena Ashton Mrs. Roberta Maged Maestro Igor Babailov Mr. Andrei Meleshkin and Katya Foronda Mr. Edward Balodis Mr. Igor Miklashewsky Mrs. Nancy Daoud Mr. Nicholas Nicholson Mr. Valera Danchenko Ms Natalia Orlova Ms Natasha Dashkova Ms. Elena Orlukova Princess Elizabeth Galitzine Mr. Yuri Pazelsky Prince Gregorii Galitzine Ms Anna Plavinskaya Prince and Princess Vladimir K. Galitzine Mr. Jan Serjantov Mrs. Maria Holodny Mrs. Irina Dvorjitsky-San Filippo Ms Elena Holodny Mr. Christopher Spiro Mr. Warren C. Hutchins Mr. Vladimir Sushko Mr. & Mrs. P. Jachno Mr. Peter Tcherepnine Mrs. Tatiana Sarandinaki -Kadaria Ms. Marisa Wadkovsky GOLD TABLES: DRG International, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Cyril Geacintov GOLD TICKETS: Dr. Robert Ritch silver table Confident Care Corp. silver TICKETS Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jachno And thank you to all who support us list incomplete We would like to thank all our corporate sponsors: Shirley Liquors • Daoud & Associates • Valerio The Tcherepnine Foundation, Inc • Erarta Gallery • Transatlantic Airways Amorepacific US, Inc. • Mari Vanna • • Russian Life Confident Care • Trade House ”Saint- Petersburg” Entertainment by: ✥✥✥ Alex Donner Orchestra Alex Juskin and the Kalinka Orchestra Barynya Dance Ensemble ✥✥✥ Floral Design by “Pedestals Floral Decorator” Table gift of Beluga Vodka Photographs by Sergei Zhukov Media sponsorship: Black Tie International Magazine Silent Auction The Russian Nobility Ball • The Pierre Hotel, May 9, 2014 The Benefit Dance Committee gratefully acknowledges the following donations. See minimum bids at bidding table. Winners will be announced at the ball. Faberge Tribute Series “Imperial Eggs” – charcoal and gold on canvas – by Maestro Igor Babailov, Hon. RAA Courtesy of the Artist. Value $15,000 Viking River Cruise – 8 day – “Romantic Danube Cruise” – from Budapest to Nuremburg - for (2) Courtesy of Viking River Cruises. Value from $5,200 “Five Arches ll”- by Giancarlo Impiglia – serigraph Courtesy of Mr. Eric Kuzmuk. Value $1,120 Amber Necklace Courtesy of Valerio. Value $600 English Vase – 1860-1870 Courtesy of Mr. John Macenka. Value $500 Baroque Pearls Necklace Courtesy of Amaaya ( Value $500 Original Gzhel Platter Courtesy of Dr. & Mrs. A. Holodny – Value $400 New York City Helicopter Tour for two Courtesy of Blue Star Jets. Value $350 Glimmerglass Festival & Opera – 2 tickets Courtesy of Glimmerglass Opera & Henry Spotswood Fenimore Cooper. Value $200 Museum Reproductions - Faberge style egg necklace Courtesy of Tatiana Sarandinaki. Value $275 Michael Kors “Runway Watch” Courtesy of Michael Kors. Value $275 Cufflinks – handmade ornamental texturing Courtesy of Alex Soldier. Value $270 “Donkey” – etching by Anna Plavinskaya Courtesy of the artist. Value $225 An Evening of Vodka Tasting and Russian Delicacies – 2 tickets Courtesy of Alchemy Events & Designs, Inc. Value $200 Sirio Restaurant at the Hotel Pierre – Dinner for Two Courtesy of the management. Value $200 Crystal Bangle and Watch Set 12/12 Showstopper Courtesy of Joan Rivers Worldwide Enterprises. Value $175 “Tulip Tree”– etching – limited edition – by Anna Plavinskaya Courtesy of artist. Value $175 “Iris” – etching – limited edition – by Anna Plavinskaya Courtesy of artist. Value $170 Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens Courtesy of the management. Value $165 “Eugene Onegin” – opening night performance at New York City Center – two tickets Courtesy of Value $150 Foreign Language Course – 1 ½ hours Courtesy of Ms Irene Fortunato. Value $150 Museum of Russian Icons – one year’s membership and a selection of Museum Publications Courtesy of The Museum of Russian Icons, Clinton, Massachusetts. Value $150 “Colombine” – etching by Anna Plavinskaya Courtesy of the artist. Value $130 Coronation of Alexander ll – print Courtesy of Mr. Michael Revis. Value $125 Val El Salon & Spa – one hour facial Courtesy of Sofia at Val El Salon & Spa (1291 First Ave. @ 69th St., NY 10021). Value $120 “Autumn in Suzdal” – print/ glycee – by V. Gashurov Courtesy of the artist. Value $120 Jewel of Russia Ultra Limited Edition Courtesy of BMC Imports. Value $120 St. Petersburg Drinking Glass Holder Set Courtesy of Trade House ”Saint-Petersburg”. Value $110 New York Water Taxi or any Circle Line Downtown Cruise for (4) Courtesy of New York Water Taxi/Circle Line Downtown. Value $108 Artisan Jewelry created by Tatiana Zinovoy Courtesy of designer. Value $100 Blooming Statement Bib and earrings Courtesy of Joan Rivers Worldwide Enterprises. Value $115 The Jewel of Russia Vodka with a Gift Courtesy of BMC Imports. Value $100 Joan Rangers TM Badge of Fashion Pin Courtesy of Joan Rivers Worldwide Enterprises. Value $80 “Poetry of Form” – book by Dimitry Gerrman Courtesy of Ms Natalia Kolodzei. Value $55 Cooper’s Gift 19in. Necklace Courtesy of Joan Rivers Worldwide Enterprises. Value $65 “Former People” by Douglas Smith - autographed Courtesy of the author. Value priceless. Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library Courtesy of management. Value $40 “Notes of a White Officer” – by Erast N. Geacintov – autographed by son, Dr. Cyril Geacintov Courtesy of Dr. Cyril Geacintov. Value priceless Longwood Gardens –two complimentary admission tickets Courtesy of Longwood Gardens, Monica Staszesky. Value $36 “At the Circus” – by Alexander Kuprin Courtesy R.I.S. Publications. Value $12 “Russian Life” magazine – one year subscription Courtesy of R. I. S. Publications. Priceless. Favors for gift bags Russian Matrioshka pens Courtesy of Trade House ”Saint-Petersburg”. ( Russian Life Magazine Courtesy of Mr. Paul Richardson, publisher. ( “Amor, Amor” – Cacharel – eau de toilette Courtesy of Mr. Vladimir Sushko- President & CEO: Transatlantic Airways “Amore” - skin care creams Courtesy of Kamilla Khanbalinova, Amorepacific US, Inc. (Kamilla Ketel Vodka Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jachno Amber jewelry Courtesy of Valerio Elite Skin Care – free laser hair removal Courtesy of Elite Skin Care, 41 East 20th St. 2nd fl. NY LIST INCOMPLETE R THE ULTIMATE GOURMET MARKET E BEST WISHES TO THE RUSSIAN NOBILITY ASSOCIATION IN AMERICA, INC. MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY SERVICES AND GEORGE E. ANASTASSOV, M.D.,DDS 18 EAST 50TH STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022 TEL: 212-751-0001 ST . 1912 Y East Hampton CULIN A OF HISTOR RY 212-874-0383 631-537-5990 Westside Eastside Greenwich Village Bridgehampton 0 YEARS 10 Share Our Passion for Food 50 th Petroushka Ball Save the Date 50th Petroushka Ball on Friday, February 6, 2015 The Plaza Grand Ballroom Join us at The Plaza Grand Ballroom for the 50th Annual Petroushka Ball to benefit the Russian Children’s Welfare Society (RCWS) charitable activities. Founded in 1926, RCWS assists disadvantaged children in Russia, by providing medical treatmen for children with facial deformities, fully funding educational scholarships for orphans, and assisting orphanages along with other vital programs. All contributions are tax-deductible. Russian Children’s Welfare Society, Inc. 16 West 32nd Street, Suite 405, New York, NY 10001 Tel: 212.473.6263 • Fax: 212.473.6301 • email: • Designed by Impeller Inc. • 30 th A N N I V E R S ARY S EAS O N • 1984 – 2014 • RUSSIAN CHAMBER CHORUS OF NEW YORK Nikolai Kachanov, Artistic Director Eternal Flame A Choral Memorial Commemorate Memorial Day and honor peace Selections from “Eternal Memory to the Heroes” by Alexander Kastalsky, dedicated to World War I victims from all nations HIGHLIGHTS: Barber’s “Adagio for Strings,” choral arrangement by Kachanov Tavener’s “Svyati,” Kirsten Jerme, cello Taneyev’s cantata “John of Damascus,” Guy Brewer, organ Tchaikovsky’s “Blessed Are They, Whom Thou Hast Chosen” SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2014 at 3:30 PM St. Charles Borromeo Church 1 Aitken Place (19 Sidney Place) Brooklyn Heights, New York SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014 at 4:00 PM Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 65th Street and Central Park West THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 at 8:00 PM Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church 552 West End Ave (entrance on W. 87th Street) “Splendid…radiant and sonorous”- THE NEW YORK TIMES Ticket information and to purchase discount tickets, visit and click Concert Schedule. For more information, call 212.928.1402 One of the largest Home Care Companies in the Metropolitan Area Committed to provide the highest quality, innovative and accessible home care services to the residents of New Jersey and Florida 3 University Plaza Drive, Suite 340 Hackensack, NJ 07601 201-498-9400 AnnA PlAvinskAyA Best Wishes to the Russian Nobility Association “Allez! Allez!” 2011, drawing pen and ink (sepia) on paper, 22”X30”, Salon 2011 de la Nationale des Beaux - Arts, Musee du Louvre, Paris. Dr. and Mrs. CYRIL E. GEACINTOV are pleased to support The Russian Nobility Association in America WISHING YOU ALL CONTINUED SUCCESS… CONGRATULATIONS! HAVE A WONDERFUL BALL! *** 2O14 july 11 – august 23 | 2014 MADAME BUTTERFLY Giacomo Puccini july 12 – august 22 | 2014 WHERE THE WORLD STOPS TO LISTEN SEASON CAROUSEL Rodgers and Hammerstein july 19 – august 23 | 2014 ARIADNE ON NAXOS Richard Strauss july 20 – august 24 | 2014 AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY Tobias Picker BUY TICKETS NOW PURCHASE YOUR 2014 SUBSCRIPTIONS at our Box Office, online at, or by calling (607) 547- 2255 Single tickets from $26. Located just 15 miles from Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary in Jordanville, NY. THE ART OF COLOUR 694 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10065 +1 646 559 8848 FABERGE.COM FA B E R G É P R O U D LY U S E S G E M F I E L D S C O L O U R E D G E M S T O N E S
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RNA Ball Journal 2015 r - Russian Nobility Association in America
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