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London • England
Record IB & AP results
crown 40th Anniversary
A year in review
Key achievements and future goals
ACS celebrated its 40th anniversary with a myriad of energetic activities.
ACS Egham held concerts, assemblies, a time capsule burial and an all-school photo. ACS Cobham unveiled charitable donations,
environmental tours, balloon releases and a ceremonial cake cutting. ACS Hillingdon organised an all-school 'show' on the environment
and worked with Charity 21 to clean up a stretch of the local River Colne.
ACS founded
Knightsbridge campus opens
Hyde Park campus opens
Wimbledon campus opens
Cobham campus opens
Parkside campus opens
Hillingdon campus opens
Total ACS enrolment 1000 students
First day enrolment 35 students
Chairman’s Statement
Welcome to the 2007/8 ACS Annual Review, and my first as Chairman. This year's front cover photographs are certainly
well chosen, highlighting record IB and AP results, and exceptional university placements that are truly outstanding.
This achievement stands as testament to the hard work of our students and teachers, and the confidence and
continued support of our parent community.
Our strong academic tradition is supported by our continued commitment to invest in our people and facilities.
We can look with satisfaction at the new construction and enhancements to existing facilities that have taken
place across our three campuses, and the Board continues to lead and support this policy of reinvestment.
I do hope that you will find this Review of relevance and interest as we plan for another successful year.
David Thomas, Chairman
Managing Director’s Report
2007/8 was a milestone year for ACS International Schools. The whole community came together to celebrate our
40th anniversary in a variety of different ways, demonstrating the diversity of our schools’ activities and their reach
into local, national and international communities.
Sadly, we also came to terms with the untimely death of our Chairman and co-Founder, Mr E J Poularas, who died
suddenly in May 2008. His 40 year legacy will live on through the continuation of ACS which he generously provided
for beyond his life. I know he would be immensely proud, as we all are, of the achievements across the three schools,
not only those of our students but also those of our employees and parents.
I want to thank everyone for their contribution and dedication to the continued success of our schools.
Janet Magee, Managing Director
ACS International Schools based in London, England
were founded in 1967. We serve international and local
communities. The schools are non-sectarian and co-educational
(day and boarding) for students from 2 to 18 years of age.
We educate a multinational student body in accordance with
American and internationally recognised educational principles
and practices.
ACS International Schools will achieve global recognition as the centre of
excellence in international education. And:
We will provide the opportunity for all to achieve more than they
believe they can
Each campus will receive international recognition for a relevant
aspect of education
We will use opportunities consistent with our values to promote
internationalism on a local and global stage
We will source, recruit and develop leading people in their respective fields
We will create an environment in our schools where all feel
safe and secure and can thrive.
We inspire our students to become successful lifelong learners
and responsible global citizens. We promote high standards of
scholarship and challenge all members of the community to
fulfil their potential.
Our energy, innovation and dynamism will take us there.
Cobham Boarding House opens
Egham campus opens
Hillingdon opens new West Wing
Total ACS enrolment 2000 students
Cobham opens new Sports Centre
ACS 40th anniversary
Achieving our goals 2007/8
Annual IT Enhancement programme rolls out across
the three schools, enabling new ways of learning through:
• A further 75 Interactive Whiteboards
• Over 300 new Apple laptops
• 175 new Apple desktop computers
• Greater WiFi access
• Eight new servers and one new data storage array.
Professional Development and Training at ACS
are vital to the organisation’s commitment to lifelong learning for
all. In 2007/8 we invested over £268,000 ensuring our teachers,
administrators and other employees were able to realise their
full potential.
Cobham’s Early Childhood greenhouse has
successfully been transformed into a bright, airy play and activity
room to further expand learning capabilities, come rain or shine.
Cobham specific
• A digital still and video camera for every Middle School grade to
record and review student work
• 20 iPod Nanos to analyse Lower School student reading skills
and better set individual reading strategies
• Ten high-spec MacBook Pro laptops for High School Art.
Egham specific
• Grade 1 reading software package, Lexia, facilitates language
acquisition for both EAL and English speaking children
• Video analysis software, Dartfish, empowers the PE Department
to record, evaluate and improve athletic skills
• Rosetta Stone on-line learning programme to support the
Upper School’s Modern Language programme.
Hillingdon specific
• WebBlender and iWeb enable 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades to build
their own websites
• iStopMotion enables 3rd and 4th Grades to create and video
their own short animations
• Digital video production using Photoshop, Podcasting and
GarageBand packages widen learning opportunities in
Humanities classes.
Hillingdon’s new kitchen and food court offers
students greater choice and flexibility at lunchtime, with space
to display a wider selection and more room to browse. The new
computerised swipe card payment system also creates a more
efficient and faster service.
The ACS International Peace Prize celebrated its
10th anniversary. A prestigious awards ceremony showcased
student winners from around the world (and ACS) whose work
promotes understanding of different philosophies and cultures,
and instills respect for people, their work, the environment, and
the advancement of global harmony. The keynote speaker was
Paul Rusesabagina, the courageous real-life inspiration behind
the Oscar-nominated film Hotel Rwanda.
Hillingdon hosts a Schools Attuned day for all ACS
teachers K – 12. The programme works to better equip educators
with new knowledge, skills and strategies to best support, encourage
and succeed with struggling learners, ensuring everybody has the
right encouragement to achieve their goals.
Egham’s New England Association of Schools
and Colleges/International Baccalaureate
Organization self-study report entered its second
and final year, in the lead up to a November 2008 submission.
Undertaken as a collaborative process involving all employees
and many parents, the report will form the basis for continued
prestigious NEASC accreditation and IBO authorisation.
Cobham’s new busing route project began its
consultation process with the community and neighbours in
November 2007, leading to a trial period in April 2008 using
Elveden Road. The success of this trial resulted in an agreement to
use the road for our 2008/9 year. This has significantly accelerated
parent drop off and collection, as well as busing departure times,
while improving safety for pedestrians and cyclists using the
main entrance.
August 2007
Annual IT Enhancement Programme
Hillingdon’s new kitchen and food court renovation
ACS Professional Development & Training
Cobham’s greenhouse conversion
Unprecedented hardware and software implementation
Because healthy bodies support stronger minds
Demonstrating a continued commitment to lifelong learning for all
Innovative thinking to expand Early Childhood facilities
Learning opportunities enhanced with
interactive whiteboards,
75 new
300 new Apple
175 new Apple desktops
The ACS International Peace Prize
Hillingdon hosts Schools Attuned day
Egham’s NEASC/IBO Self-Study Report enters year 2
Cobham’s new busing route
Prestigious award celebrates 10th anniversary
Helping teachers to best support every learner
Securing continued prestigious academic accreditations
Working to ease traffic and further improve safety
January 2008
Cobham’s pond regeneration
ACS Charity and Giving
Ambitious Ultranet project launch
Hillingdon's new Language Lab development
Eco classroom proves a valuable learning resource
Our season of goodwill runs all year around
Beginning to build the educational platform for tomorrow
Project begins with Hookway bungalow purchase
Achieving our goals 2007/8
Cobham’s successful pond regeneration has
been a collaborative project between grounds staff, science teachers,
administrators and outside contractors. The result is an exceptional,
on-campus educational and recreational resource for all grades,
confirming ACS’s commitment to expand learning facilities and
protect the environment through sustainability initiatives.
Sustainability is now established as a key driver within each
school’s community. To meet our ambitious targets for reducing
carbon emissions and waste, we delivered a wide range of
initiatives, including:
ACS schools raised over
£60,000 in 2007/8,
to benefit both local and global good causes
• Installation of energy saving, sensor-triggered lighting
The Ultranet project was officially launched. With a combined
Internet, Intranet and Extranet at its core, the Ultranet will ultimately
deliver a fully-integrated ACS teaching and learning environment to
advance educational opportunities well into the 21st century.
Hillingdon's new Language Lab development in
the Front Lodge was made possible by the purchase of the
Hookway bungalow next door, which allowed Transport and
Housing Departments to be re-located, freeing up more facility
space for education.
The 3rd ACS Annual Employee Survey results continued
system in all public areas – Ongoing all campuses
• External light fittings replaced with energy efficient bulbs –
Cobham completed, others to follow
• Water management systems for all toilets – All campuses
• New energy efficient boilers – All campuses
• Specialist reflective film for key ‘window’ areas to reduce solar
gains and stabilise temperatures – All campuses
to show steady improvements in employee satisfaction. We are,
however, aware that more still needs to be done in order to achieve
a work/life balance that reflects our commitment to best practice.
Olympic Committee recognises Cobham’s
outstanding sporting facilities, and proposes using
our grounds as an official training site for archery and volleyball
events in 2012.
• Bronze award from the Eco-Schools Programme, for achievements
in working towards a sustainable lifestyle – Hillingdon.
ACS Charity and Giving continued to work tirelessly
throughout the year to help those around the world less fortunate
than ourselves. In total, the three ACS schools raised over £60,000
for a wide range of good causes including:
Médecins Sans Frontières • The Elmbridge Mayor’s Charity
The Nigeria Water Project • The China earthquake appeal
Children in Need • Pennies for Peace • Blister Sisters
Ruchika Social Service Organisation • The NSPCC
Calcutta Centre Mahavir Seva Sadan • Greenpeace
British Heart Foundation • Terre des Hommes
Namibia projects at Shituwa and Endola schools.
Hillingdon’s Pendle Court tea and concert
celebrated its 24th year, as Lower School invited residents of
the local home for the elderly to share in seasonal festivities.
Egham’s UNESCO International Day celebrations
embraced cultural diversity through world music, songs and dance.
This multicultural philosophy is shared by all ACS schools who
embrace the responsibilities of global citizenship as an integral
part of school life.
Hillingdon’s participation in AMIS, the Association
for Music in International Schools, reached new heights this year
when it hosted the International Jazz Band Festival. In addition,
students also participated in the AMIS International Honor Band
and Choir Festival, the AMIS Middle School Honor Boys Choir
Festival, and the AMIS Middle School Mixed Choir Festival.
A new online Application for Admission service
was launched allowing prospective parents the choice between a
paperless or print process. In addition, and in line with ACS's drive
for greater ease of use and efficiency, there is now a facility to pay
registration fees electronically.
3rd Annual Employee Survey
2012 Olympic Committee recognise Cobham
Egham marks UNESCO International Day
Hillingdon hits AMIS high
Online Application for Admission goes live
Steady improvements drive employee satisfaction
Official training site for archery and volleyball
Proving ACS and global citizenship go hand-in-hand
Unprecendented music festival participation
New site removes paper and adds electronic payment
Achieving our goals 2007/8
Egham’s stunning new Visual Arts & Design
Technology Centre (Maple) opened with three purpose
built art studios, one cutting edge design technology room, one
computer lab, nine large screen Apple desktops, over 20 iMac
desktops, four interactive whiteboards, WiFi throughout, and a
capacity to inspire and motivate 100 students.
Top-tier university placements around the world
continued an ACS tradition of academic excellence with entries
to Harvard, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Cambridge, Imperial College
London, British Columbia and Keio, to mention but a few.
Record IB and AP exam results for the Class of 2008:
Cobham’s high-tech Interactive Learning Centre
was inaugurated via video conference by Professor Mutter, Deputy
Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Complete
with video conferencing, delegate voting, microphones, cameras,
DVD, VCR, and online streaming media, WiFi access and full
lecture capabilities, the centre marks a significant delivery in
our commitment to build progressive learning facilities.
Combined Cobham Egham
Average Points 30
Pass Rate
Combined Cobham Egham
Scholars with
Average exams
per student
Average grade per student 3.22
A new Alumni website was launched to better serve
our growing global network of former students, employees
and parents. The comprehensively re-engineered site now
incorporates many new sections, e-communication functions
and a virtual newsletter.
Cobham’s Boarding House was awarded the
overall rating of “Good”, with three of five key areas rated as
“Outstanding” by UK government educational inspectors Ofsted.
A new Design Technology Lab at Hillingdon
will further boost Middle and High School student participation
and creativity well beyond conventional classroom learning.
The Phase II Review of Pay and Benefits is now
complete and, following the successful implementation of
Phase I for teachers in 2006/7, represents an enhancement and
alignment of all ACS employee benefits across the organisation
from the start of the 2008/9 academic year.
The Graduating Class of 2008 capped a historic
40th anniversary year by achieving a record number of High
School Diplomas awarded – 217. To mark the schools’ academic
achievements all graduation ceremonies were given a prestigious
new identity incorporating a new logo, gowns, stoles, academic
insignia, invitations, programmes and staging elements.
The third annual ACS research survey of university
admissions officers into post-16 qualifications (including the IB)
was published, attracting significant media coverage, reinforcing
our position as leaders in education.
ACS hosted the first International Youth
Advisory Congress (IYAC) organised by CEOP, the UK's
Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre. The Cobham campus
housed 148 students, aged 14 – 17, from all over the world to discuss
and propose measures for how governments and industry can work
to make the Internet a safer environment for children.
Campus refurbishment highlights over the Summer
included Gym 1 at Cobham with an improved roof structure
increasing natural light, a new purpose-built area for the Egham
Drama Department doubling the previous space, and Hillingdon's
main gym with a new lighting system and refurbished changing
and shower rooms.
Egham unveils new Visual Arts & Design
Technology Centre
An inspirational environment for 21st century learning
Cobham's high-tech Interactive Learning Centre opens
Revamped Alumni site launched
Cobham Boarding wins Ofsted praise
Hillingdon opens new DT Lab
The limitless classroom space has arrived
Advanced networking for a growing global community
Gaining three 'outstanding' ratings
Taking learning beyond the conventional
Our combined Graduating Class of 2008 was the
largest in ACS history at
Pay & Benefits review completed
Graduating Class of 2008
Record IB & AP Exam Results
Cobham hosts IYAC
Campus refurbishments over the summer
Moving forwards to align all employees
Record number receive ACS High School Diplomas
An ACS tradition of academic excellence continues
An international student forum
to make the Internet safer
Gyms and drama spaces enjoy an upgrade
Financial Summary
The financial information below is taken from the latest annual audited accounts for the year ended 31 July 2008, as approved in
December 2008. ACS International Schools is a limited company.
Operating Income 2007/8 = £41.3 million
Operating Costs 2007/8 = £38.1 million
Investments 2007/8 = £6.4 million
Our principal source of income is School Fees representing 96%
of total Operating Income.
Staff Costs represent 65% of total Operating Costs and 60%
of Operating Income.
The surplus for the year ended 31 July 2008 was £3.2million and this,
together with reserves, has been utilised to fund the investment of
£6.4million in the development of school buildings and facilities, the
purchase of computers and electronic whiteboards, equipment,
furniture, fixtures and fittings.
£39.5 School Fees
£24.8 Staff Costs
£1.1 Catering
£6.2 Goods & Services
£0.7 Interest
£3.4 Depreciation/other
£2.0 Taxation
£1.6 Utilities
£0.1 Financing
£2.9 School equipment, campus improvements,
IT whiteboards and networks.
All three schools
£1.9 Visual Arts & Design Technology Centre (Maple)
and sports fields.
ACS Egham
£1.6 Interactive Learning Centre (ILC), Early Childhood
assembly area, campus entrance path/driveway
ACS Cobham
Investment projects by their nature can overlap financial years, particularly as work is often
undertaken during the Summer break, which is less disruptive to students, parents and staff.
Therefore, figures above do not always reflect the total investment for any one project.
August 2007
July 2008
Year 3 Strategic Plan
Year 3 Strategic Plan
Planning ahead for the future
2008/9 Strategic Plan: Year 4
Theme: Building the future
Focus Areas
Strategic Goals for 2008/9
ACS Education
• Continue to implement 5 Year School Development Plans for each campus
• Complete Reporting project and other evidence of learning
• Match IT strategy with education delivery needs
ACS Employees
• Implement Performance Reviews and performance pay for non-teachers
• Review Recognition Pay for teachers after two years
• Launch new ACS Employee Handbook and updated policies
• Review employee recognition/appreciation activities
ACS Facilities/Resources
• Continue IT projects started, e.g. Ultranet, Schools MIS, School Fees system
• Implement Phase 1 of long-term Campus Development Plans
ACS Organisation
• Implement Growth Plans
• Implement the Finance Development Plan
2008/9 Strategic Plan: Year 4
The solid foundations provided by our Vision, our school philosophies, and the
achievements of the first three years of our Strategic Plan help set the strategic
priorities and goals for 2008/9.
Our focus will be on “building the future” so that we move ever closer to our Vision.
Key to this will be the continued investment and development in our people,
our programmes and our facilities.
August 2008
July 2009
Year 4 Strategic Plan
Year 4 Strategic Plan
ACS International Schools
ACS Cobham International School
Heywood, Portsmouth Road,
Cobham, Surrey KT11 1BL, England
Tel: +44 (0)1932 867251
Email: cobhamadmissions@acs-england.co.uk
ACS Egham International School
Woodlee, London Road (A30),
Egham, Surrey TW20 0HS, England
Tel: +44 (0)1784 430800
Email: eghamadmissions@acs-england.co.uk
ACS Hillingdon International School
Hillingdon Court, 108 Vine Lane
Hillingdon, Middlesex UB10 0BE, England
Tel: +44 (0)1895 259771
Email: hillingdonadmissions@acs-england.co.uk
© ACS International Schools Ltd.
ACS 19.
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