OSYM - Bonfire Annual Rummage Sale Ice Cream Social
OSYM - Bonfire Annual Rummage Sale Ice Cream Social
Volume 14 No. 8 Missouri Synod August 2014 OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH OSYM - Bonfire August 1st 331 Clendenning Road PO Box 527 Gladwin, MI 48624-0527 Office: (989) 426-9689 Email : oursaviorgladwin@ gmail.com Pastor: James Krach Youth Director: Tyler Schlitzkus WEB SITE INFORMATION Join us online! Daily Devotion, monthly calendar, the monthly newsletter, church reports-information, Ladies Aid reportsinformation, pictures, links to other sites, and lots more. The address for the web site: http:// www.oursaviorglad win.com Annual Rummage Sale August 7th 9– 4 & 8th 9– Noon Ice Cream Social featuring 2nd Mile August 17th 6-8 pm undeserved love for us pours out upon us richly and He calls us to be His out of all the billions of people who refuse to believe in Him as Lord and Savior. He definitely desires that they would believe but He won’t force them. Have you ever asked the question “Why Just like us – He never forced us to believe but worked through all the sin in our lives and me?” Sometimes we ask this question when wondering why bad things happen to us. We grants us His Holy Spirit to enable us to be His. wonder. We complain. We seriously doubt What a blessing it is to be called out of the providential care of our Almighty God who a pagan world to be God’s people. What a says He will be with us no matter what. blessing it is to be loved by Him and to know Romans 8:28 says “And we know that in all beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are His things God works for the good of those who and that we will be with Him forever and ever love him, who have been called according to in heaven someday. We have the assurance his purpose.” But does that mean even the of life and salvation every Sunday when we bad things? Does it mean the good things? gather around Word and Sacrament to be His What else does it mean? people. In the Word and Sacrament of His Think back for a moment about the body and blood He comes to us, strengthening Israelites in Egyptian captivity for over 400 our spirit and loving us. He puts His loving years. Think back to what else was arms around us and forgives us our happening in the world at the same time. sinfulness. Pagan religions were running rampant like Have you ever asked the question “Why some bacterial disease that could not be me?” Have you ever said “Thank You Lord for controlled. (Just like now!) The Pharaohs loving me in my baptism and converting me thought they were gods and demanded such from death to life?” If not – please do that worship. Hinduism controlled much of the world as a major form of religion. China was today. Then look to the people in your life dominated by pagan religions. With all of the who don’t know Jesus yet and pray about how you can be an agent of the Holy Spirit in their false religions in the world at the time – Yahweh comes to a lowly Shepherd who is 80 lives, just as someone was in your life, you can be used to bring them to wonder years old at the time. A man named Moses. also…”Why me?” “Why was I chosen by Jesus Just think – 80! Yahweh… Almighty God Himself comes to Moses and reveals Himself. to everlasting life?” In Christ, He reveals Himself as God of the earth and the universe. He reveals Himself as the God Pastor Krach who had previously made Himself known to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. He now wants Moses to listen to His every word, obey Him and get his people out of Egypt. God tells Moses and the Israelites later on that it was not because of anything other than his love for them that He chose them to be His. His grace (undeserved love), is the only reason He picked them out of all the other pagan nations to be His. Have you ever asked the question “Why me?” Sometimes we ask this question when wondering why bad things happen to us. However – have you ever asked the question when referring to why you happen to believe the Gospel of our Lord Jesus and not others you know? We can’t answer that question except to say it is out of God’s grace. His 2 Your family will race to the table when you serve this crescent-crusted taco pie in which crushed corn chips add just the right crunch! Prep time: 15 min Total time: 40 min Servings: 6 Grocery List ● Table of Contents Upcoming Events Front Page “Why Me?” By Pastor M. Schultz Page 2 Taco Pie Pillsbury Recipes Page 3 Ladies Aid / LWML By S Alexander Page 4 Military Humor By Pastor Betke Page 4 Care Ministries: Prayer Shawl Ministry By C Snow Page 5 MOSH By D Hetherington Page 6 Outreach By Sandy Diechman Page 7 How Hot is it? From Pastor Betke Page 7 From the Orozcos By The Orozcos Page 8 Those in Service Page 10 Attendance Page 10 You Say...God Says… Page 10 Calendar Page 11 ● ● ● ● 1 to 1 1/4 lb. lean ground beef 1 (1-oz.) pkg. Old El Paso™ Taco Seasoning Mix 1/2 cup water 1/3 cup sliced stuffed green olives or pitted ripe olives 1 (8-oz.) can Pillsbury™ Refrigerated Crescent Dinner Rolls ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 1/2 to 2 cups crushed corn chips 1 (8-oz.) container (1 cup) sour cream 6 slices American cheese or 4 oz. (1 cup) shredded Cheddar cheese Diced tomato, if desired Shredded lettuce, if desired Avocado slices, if desired Step 1: Heat oven to 375°F. Cook ground beef in 10-inch skillet until thoroughly cooked, stirring frequently. Drain. Stir in taco seasoning mix, water and olives. Simmer 5 minutes. Step 2: Meanwhile, separate crescent dough into 8 triangles. Place triangles in ungreased 9 or 10-inch pie pan, pressing to form crust. Sprinkle 1 cup of the corn chips over bottom of crust. Step 3: Spoon beef mixture into corn chips in crust. Spread sour cream over beef mixture. Cover with cheese. Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 to 1 cup corn chips. Step 4: Bake at 375°F. for 20 to 25 minutes or until crust is golden brown. Cut in wedges. Serve immediately with lettuce and avocado. Store in refrigerator. To make ahead: assemble pie and cover with foil; refrigerate up to 2 hours before baking. Uncover; bake as directed above. To reheat, bake, uncovered, at 350°F for 10 to 15 minutes or until hot. Substitution: If using Pillsbury® Big & Flaky large refrigerated crescent dinner rolls, separate into 6 triangles and use 9-inch deep-dish pie pan. Shared from Pillsbury Recipes Online 3 LWML DATES TO REMEMBER Our Savior Lutheran Church Ladies Aid/Lutheran Women’s Missionary League August 2014 The Annual Rummage/Bake Sale will be held in the gymnasium on August 7th & 8th. Set up will be August 6th. If you could be so kind to help by placing your items on the appropriate tables, it would be greatly appreciated. Our ladies will be there to assist if you cannot. Ladies Aid/ LWML Meeting Monday, August 11th 5:30 pm Buy Me ! !! **Please note that we are unable to accept large furniture, electronic devices, such as TVs, computers. Your donations are very much appreciated. This year 50% of the proceeds will be split between the Baby Pantry in Beaverton and the Christmas Kindness Project. We will continue to collect: ● postage stamps (cut out and jagged edge on) for St. Mark’s, greeting cards for St. Helen ● Portals of Prayer for the prison ministry. Receptacles are in the back hallway. These are all great mission projects. LWR Baskets of Promise for the Philippines: If you would like to donate any of these items: Ladies Aid/ LWML Rummage & Bake Sale Set up August 6th @ 9 am Sale August 7th 9 am - 4 pm & August 8th 9am—Noon ● ● ● ● ● Soap bath towels Toothbrushes Combs nail clippers There will be a blue tote in the hallway. These items will accompany the quilts in October. Pat Morley attended the LWML State Convention in Kalamazoo July 18-20th and will share her experiences and information received regarding Mission Grants at a future meeting. *Next meeting will be held on Monday, August 11th at 5:30 pm. Please join us for the meeting, as well as dessert and beverages. Hostesses: Linda Esiline & MaryLou Eberly. Submitted by Sue Alexander Three Rules One of my husband's duties as a novice drill instructor at Fort Jackson, S.C., was to escort new recruits to the mess hall. After everyone had made it through the chow line, he sat them down and told them, "There are three rules in this mess hall: Shut up! Eat up! Get up!" Checking to see that he had everyone's attention, he asked, "What is the first rule?" Much to the amusement of the other instructors, 60 privates yelled in unison, "Shut up, Drill Sergeant!" From Pastor Betke 4 Prayer Shawl Group Projects Prayer Shawl Ministry This month I want to go back in time to reflect upon our Prayer Shawl distribution. I did not keep records the first two years, and admit that our records weren't the best for the next couple of years either. Since then, we have a better finger on the numbers. Typically Pastor, an Elder, or a member of the Prayer Shawl Ministry gives out the Prayer Shawl, but there are times when other individuals give them; and when a personal delivery isn't possible, we ship it. To-date, the farthest we have shipped a Prayer Shawl has been to England. The following table represents the information from our Prayer Shawl Distribution Records signout sheets. Hopefully, by sharing this table with you, if you need to take a Prayer Shawl, you'll be sure to note it on the sign-out sheet taped to the cabinet door. Prayer Shawl Distribution Records Tuesdays Noon to 2 pm E-MAIL PRAYER CHAIN -- What greater gift can we give to others than to pray for them. Using today's technology we have an e-mail prayer chain. If you, a friend or relative would like prayer please contact Kathy Rountree (426-7734) or e-mail klrountree@att.net with your request. If you would like to be a prayer partner on the email prayer chain, please send your e-mail address to Kathy. Month 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total January 3 2 1 13 19 February 5 5 1 5 16 March 3 6 4 8 21 April 1 6 0 18 25 May 0 3 6 8 17 June 1 3 10 10 24 July 0 3 4 7 August 6 4 2 12 September 0 4 5 9 October 2 3 6 11 November 10 1 6 17 December 30 36 37 103 Totals* 61 76 82 62 281 * Totals reflect information taken from our sign-out sheet. As you may have noticed, the mannequin in the foyer proudly wears a patriotic Prayer Shawl. That Prayer Shawl was made by Sandy Diechman. We are partial and think that all of our Prayer Shawls are an item of beauty, but now and then, we just have to take note of a special creation. Continued on page 7 5 Continued from page 6 Prayer Shawl Ministry We continue to meet in the Family Room every Tuesday, from Noon until 2 pm if you care to join us or want to peek in to see us hard at work. If you would like to donate yarn if you see it on sale, please purchase 3-4 skeins of Lion Brand Homespun yarn. When we crochet, 4 skeins are needed, and when we knit, 3 skeins are needed. Care Cooking can be requested when families are faced with circumstances where temporary help is needed to keep a household fed when parents are away because of an illness. If you can volunteer or need a meal please contact Cheri Snow (info right) If you know of a need where someone should receive a Prayer Shawl, please contact Pastor, an Elder, me, or Shawn in our church office. Prayer Shawls are given if man, woman, teen, or child, regardless of denomination. Each time we meet, we pray for those who have received a Prayer Shawl and for those who will receive the ones we are working on. It is always rewarding and inspirational to hear how the Prayer Shawl has impacted the people who get them. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My contact information is: Cheri Snow Prayer Shawl Leader Home: 989-426-2764 Cell: 989-329-0479 email: bcsnow55@gmail.com <::>< MOSH Report We didn’t have many projects to talk about this month, but the one we just finished was the longest and almost six feet high. It took the better part of five days to complete. would have to carry her up or down the steps. As we were getting close to completion, she saw how big it was and she said it reminds me of the ‘Big Mac.’ Normally, it would take us only one or two days. The lady we did it for was not that old, she said had a muscle condition. Before we started the project, she told us she could no longer get out of her house and had not been out of the house since February. After we had started the project, her Father told us he believed she had Muscular Dystrophy. The way she would get out of her house is that her parents, who are in their 80’s, As the project was ending, she ask if we could replace a broken switch for her ceiling fan. We got the new switch and I was replacing it, she had always held herself as a strong woman fighting this condition she has, but her emotion let go and she began to cry for all we had done for her. I told her we do our work for people who cannot do it for themselves and it is a services through Our Savior Lutheran Church. Don Hetherington 6 through your car window. ! The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground. ! The trees are whistling for the dogs. ! The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance. ! Hot water now comes out of both taps. ! You can make sun tea instantly. ! You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron. ! The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly. ! You discover that in August it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car. ! You discover that you can get sunburned ! You actually burn your hand opening the car door. ! You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m. ! Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?" ! You realize that asphalt has a liquid state. ! The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter, salt and pepper. ! Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs. ! The cows are giving evaporated milk. OutReach Ice Cream Social featuring 2nd Mile August 17th 6-8 pm Outreach has been blessed with many wonderful opportunities to reach out to others with the love of Jesus this past fiscal church year. Our last event , the end of June was the Christian and Patriotic Concert., it was wonderful to hear songs of praise and to feel proud to be an American. Thank you to the Gladwin Community Choir and to the Bells of Our Savior for your participation. Now, going forward there are many events planned for the next few months including the Ice Cream Social in August, Back to Church Sunday in September which will give us the chance to invite friends, neighbors and relatives to join us on this very special Sunday and then in October the Community Connect Event will take place at our church offering resources for those in need. Watch for dates in your refrigerator news, plan on attending these events if you can or perhaps even giving a hand to help make these events successful. Outreach blessings to all and enjoy this wonderful summer weather. Submitted by Sandy Diechman 7 Read below for some exciting news and consider how you might be a part of this exciting movement: ● Do you feel as though you are being called upon to pray for this mission? ● Do you have the desire to support us financially? ● Do you have an idea or a suggestion? ● Do you know someone with whom we should be in contact? Lansing, Detroit and beyond! We finally have plans for moving forward; transitions abound. Philippians 1:6 You may continue to send your financial support to Global Lutheran Outreach: Orozco (until further notice.) Donate safely online at Global Lutheran Outreach by clicking here and selecting "Orozco - Michigan Hispanic Ministry" In June we sent out our first postal mailing since our return... Karolein outside the Post Office with letters ready to mail to you! Lucie stamping over 300 letters (with help!) Micah, 2 and a half, didn't help too much with the mailing, but we thought you might like to see how he's grown.... Hello and Happy Summer! Thank you for your continued interest! We feel God is really pulling things together for our future in serving the Hispanic communities in Michigan. After our time of research and waiting on the Lord Isaiah 40:31, we give witness that He is able to do more than we can ask for or even imagine Ephesians 3:20. We are all in this together; what a profound truth. "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10) What do Detroit & Lansing have in common? God already has a non-profit organization set in place to serve Hispanic people in Michigan! Recently Pastor Greg Lorenz, who was serving a Hispanic congregation in Detroit called Pan de Vida, accepted a call to Texas. He contacted us with the prospect of helping Detroit's ministry. It was already clear to us that God was sending us to the north of Lansing (Fowler/St. Johns area) but we were willing and excited to meet with the leadership of the Michigan District and Pastor Lorenz to see what God's bigger plans might be. The result of that meeting, and others that followed, have led to Sam being appointed the new Executive Director of LATINO Mission Society (Lutheran Action Team In Native Outreach). Now we are busy forming a Board of Directors and a Prayer Team, organizing the papers and documents, and serving the people of Pan de Vida in Detroit. Sunday, July 6th was their first Sunday without Pastor Lorenz, we helped them continue to worship by leading in prayers, preaching and music. They will have regular Sunday help from a local Spanish-speaking Lutheran Pastor until we are able to help the congregation figure out their next steps. Please pray for the people of Pan de Vida, and for Sam as he leads them forward. Lansing plans continue...as the Lord allows James 4:14-15 Continued on Page 9 8 If we have not visited your church, respond to this email and put us in touch with your Pastor so we can explore the possibilities with him. In addition to LATINO and assisting Detroit's congregation, we are proceeding with plans to relocate to Fowler/St. Johns in order to live and serve the Hispanic people there. In August we will make the big move, so we will update more about that next month. Otherwise it's just too much information at once! Please pray for smooth transitions, safety, patience and for provisions to be made for the extra costs. Visiting congregations will be an exciting part of continuing ministry. On Sunday, June 29th, we visited Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Warren, Michigan. This is the church where Brooke's dad accepted his first call to be Pastor when she was a junior in High School. (Brooke with the picture of her dad at Holy Cross on June 29th) This is also the church where we were married 17 years ago this month! It was wonderful to see our church family there and spend time with them in Bible Study and worship. "We Don't Fly Solo", article by Tom Kraeuter Continue on the giving journey or join us! Supporting this mission is worth your donations and prayers. Perhaps you have heard us say (even many times in this email alone) that we are a team. We cannot do this without you. We continue in ministry only as you support us. Please consider supporting us in prayer and finances. Your prayers are honored by our gracious God through Jesus Christ as He guides and directs us, protects us, and opens doors of opportunity to spread His Word! These things are His will; please take a moment to pray right now for this ministry. God promises to work through your prayers. 1 John 5:14-15 Thank you for your continued support. Peace is yours in Jesus, The Orozco Family: Samuel, Brooke, Lucie, Karolein & Micah. Global Lutheran Outreach 6709 Ficus Drive Miramar, FL 33023 We look forward to growing the relationship God has given us with each church. We plan on visiting congregations more often, now that we are back. We pray new relationships begin as a part of God's plan to reach Hispanics in the whole State of Michigan. We love being in this together! The amount of encouragement we receive when we visit a church is tremendous. We pray that God uses us to bless and encourage you on your own missionary journey, as well. 9 Serving In August Deadline for September Newsletter: Elders Please notify Tish by August 8th of your intent to contribute and submit items for the by 5 pm on August 14th by email to Tish Anderson at luckylucy1009@yahoo.com or to the Church email: oursaviorgladwin@gmail.com 3 Breault/ Placer 10 Rountree/ Scott 17 Hetherington/ Hutfilz 24 Roehrs/ Batzer 31 Schwab/ Wagner Ushers 3 Ed J & Ken W/ Jerry G & Fred H 10 Mike S & Jim M/ Richard D & Dale C 17 Mark T & Adam B/ Jerry G & Fred H 24 Doug S & Ron M/ Richard D & Dale C 31 Ed J & Jim M/ Jerry G & Fred H Attendance Date Readers 3 Kipfmiller/ Peck 10 Zelt/ Morrison 17 Kruchkow/ Smith 24 Wilson/ Snow 31 Placer/ Flury Greeters 3 Balhorn/ Schwab 10 Mawhorter/ LaFontaine 17 McIntosh/ Brokoff 24 Zelt/Richmond 31 Pfund/ Strunk Contemporary Service Traditional Service Total June 22 Picnic (no count) June 29 134 99 233 July 6 108 108 216 July 20 120 104 224 You Say……………God Says.... You Say God Says Bible Verse I can’t figure it out. I will direct your steps. Proverbs 3:5-6 I’m too tired. I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28-30 It’s impossible. All things are possible. Luke 18:27 Nobody loves me I love you. John 3:16 I can’t forgive myself. I forgive you. Romans 8:1 It’s not worth it. It will be worth it. Romans 8:28 I’m not smart enough. I will give you wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1:30 I’m not able. I am able. 2 Corinthians 9:8 I can’t go on. My grace is sufficient. 2 Corinthians 12:9 I can’t do it. You can do all things. Philippians 4:13 I can’t manage. I will supply all your needs. Philippians 4:19 I’m afraid. I have not given you fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 I feel all alone. I will never leave you. Hebrews 13:5 10 5 pm TOPS 8:45 am Contemporary (HC) 10 am Bible Stds/ Adv Skrs 11 am Traditional 6-8 pm Youth Group 5 9 - 10 McTuesday Noon Prayer Shawl 6:30 Wmns Bbl Stdy Tue 18 17 24/ 31 25 8:45 am Contemporary (HC 8/31) 5 pm TOPS 10-10:45 am Bbl Stds/Adv Skrs 11 am Traditional (HC 8/24) 6-8 pm Youth Group 8:45 am Contemporary (HC) 5 pm TOPS 10-10:45 am Bbl Stds/Adv Skrs 11 am Traditional 6-8 Youth Group 11 10 Rummage Sale 6-9 Worship Team Practice 11:30 am Wmn’s Bible Stdy 5:30 Bells 6:30 pm Elders 6:30 Chimes 27 11:30 am Wmn’s Bible Stdy 5:30 Bells 6:30 Chimes 6-9 Worship Team Practice 28 6-9 Worship Team Practice 21 14 20 8 29 6-9 Kelly Fisher Kitch / S&A Room 22 15 30 23 16 9 1-5 Marlene Kit/ Dining Room Bonfire Sat 2 Fri 1 Thurs: 9-4 & Fri: 9-Noon 6-9 pm Worship Team 7 Thu 13 11:30 am Wmn’s Bible Stdy 1 pm OutReach 5:30 Bells 6:30 Chimes 6 Wed 9-10 am McTuesday 11:30 am Wmn’s Bible Stdy Noon Prayer Shawl 5:30 Bells 6 pm Council Mtg 6:30 Chimes 6:30 Wmns Bble 26 19 9 - 10 am McTuesday Noon Prayer Shawl 6:30 Wmns Bble 12 9 - 10 am 8:45 am Contemporary 5 pm TOPS 10-10:45 am Bbl Stds/Adv Skrs 5:30 Ladies Aid Meeting McTuesday Noon Prayer Shawl 11 am Traditional (HC) 6:30 Wmns Bble St 6:30 pm Youth Group 4 Mon 3 Sun (HC) Holy Communion MEADOW LANES Millhisler B B C Contracting Co, Inc. 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