EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY May 5, 2012 COMMENCEMENT EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY Johnson City, Tennessee Spring Convocation 2012 Guests are asked to refrain from coming forward to take pictures during the ceremony. President Noland invites members of the graduating class and their guests who have cameras to join him immediately following the Commencement programs for informal snapshots with graduating students. Flag Etiquette All persons present in uniform should render the military salute. Members of the armed forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute. All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. When the national anthem is played or sung, citizens should stand at attention and salute at the first note and hold the salute through the last note. The salute is directed to the flag as it is presented. 1 2 THE PLATFORM PARTY Dr. Brian Noland, President East Tennessee State University Dr. Bert C. Bach, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs East Tennessee State University Dr. Wilsie S. Bishop, University Chief Operating Officer and Vice President for Health Affairs East Tennessee State University Dr. William R. Duncan, Vice Provost for Research and Sponsored Programs East Tennessee State University Dr. David D. Collins, Vice President for Finance and Administration East Tennessee State University Dr. Richard A. Manahan, Vice President for University Advancement and ETSU Foundation President/CEO East Tennessee State University Dr. Thomas Schacht, Faculty Senate President East Tennessee State University Dr. Gordon K. Anderson, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences East Tennessee State University Dr. Linda R. Garceau, Dean, College of Business and Technology East Tennessee State University Dr. Rick Osborn, Dean, School of Continuing Studies and Academic Outreach East Tennessee State University Dr. W. Hal Knight, Dean, Claudius G. Clemmer College of Education East Tennessee State University Dr. Rebecca A. Pyles, Dean, Honors College East Tennessee State University Dr. Wendy M. Nehring, Dean, College of Nursing East Tennessee State University Dr. Randolph F. Wykoff, Dean, College of Public Health East Tennessee State University Dr. Nancy J. Scherer, Dean, College of Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences East Tennessee State University Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh, Dean, School of Graduate Studies East Tennessee State University Dr. Larry D. Calhoun, Dean, Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy East Tennessee State University Dr. Philip C. Bagnell, Dean, James H. Quillen College of Medicine East Tennessee State University Ms. Sheryl L. Burnette, University Registrar East Tennessee State University Dr. Chris Dula, Department of Psychology East Tennessee State University 3 THE PROGRAM FOR COMMENCEMENT EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY Saturday, May Fifth, Two Thousand Twelve Ten O’Clock and Two O’Clock ETSU/MSHA Athletic Center Presiding ....................................................................................................Dr. Bert C. Bach Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, East Tennessee State University Fanfare - Ceremonial Fanfare .................................................................David Lincicome ETSU Wind Ensemble Dr. Christian M. Zembower, Conductor * Processional – “March” from Second Suite in F for Military Band....................................................Gustav Holst ETSU Wind Ensemble Dr. Christian M. Zembower, Conductor Presentation of Colors .........................................................................ROTC Color Guard The Star-Spangled Banner ......................................................................Francis Scott Key ETSU Wind Ensemble and 12BucsWorth Introduction of Commencement Speaker ..............................................Dr. Brian Noland President, East Tennessee State University Commencement Speaker ..................................................................Dr. Richard G. Rhoda Executive Director, Tennessee Higher Education Commission Over the Rainbow........................................................................... Harold Arlen/Bob Zwirn ETSU 12BucsWorth Dr. Thomas S. Jenrette, Jr., Director Recognition of Platform Party Recognition of Special Guests .................................................................Dr. Brian Noland President, East Tennessee State University Degree Candidate Host....................................................................Ms. Sheryl L. Burnette University Registrar, East Tennessee State University Presentation of Candidates Dr. Gordon K. Anderson, Dr. Linda R. Garceau, Dr. Rick Osborn, Dr. W. Hal Knight, Dr. Rebecca A. Pyles, Dr. Wendy M. Nehring, Dr. Randy F. Wykoff, Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh, Dr. Larry D. Calhoun, Dr. Nancy J. Scherer, Dr. Philip C. Bagnell Conferring of Degrees .................................................................... President Brian Noland Alma Mater ...............................................................................................Audience Singing Accompanied by ETSU 12BucsWorth * Recessional – “Fantasia from the Dargason” from Second Suite in F for Military Band....................................................Gustav Holst ETSU Wind Ensemble (The audience is requested to remain by their seats until the academic formation leaves the auditorium.) * Audience Standing 4 Dr. Richard G. Rhoda Executive Director Tennessee Higher Education Commission Dr. Richard G. Rhoda became executive director of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission in 1997, and he also serves as executive director of the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation. A native of Allentown, Pa., Rhoda has dedicated his entire career to higher education in Tennessee. He was educated in the public schools of Westfield, N.J., and Suffern, N.Y., and went on to earn a B.A. in history, an M.A. in education, and a Ph.D. in higher education administration, all from Vanderbilt University. He joined the staff of the Tennessee Board of Regents as a graduate student in 1973, and during the next 12 years he assumed a progression of staff capacities, eventually becoming the executive assistant to the chancellor from 1980 to 1985. During this time, he contributed significantly to the development of initial system-wide policies and information systems and was the chief public information officer. It was also during this time that he participated in chronicling the early history of Tennessee’s community colleges and pursued his academic research interests. In 1985, Rhoda joined the administration of Tennessee State University where he fulfilled a series of assignments, including leading external relations, overseeing the university’s downtown campus, serving as chief development officer, launching the Institute of Government, and recruiting the inaugural class of Ph.D. students. Rhoda returned to TBR in 1990 as vice chancellor for administration. While working for TBR, he served as interim president of Nashville State Technical Community College and later Austin Peay State University, and as acting chancellor of the Board of Regents in 1993. Rhoda joined the faculty of Vanderbilt University in 1995 and was the original assistant director of the Peabody Center for Education Policy and taught undergraduate and graduate courses. In 1997, he returned to the Tennessee Board of Regents as senior vice chancellor of academic affairs and strategic planning. It was later that year that he was called upon to lead the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. Rhoda is a member of a number of state and national boards, including the TBR, the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees, and the State Higher Education Executive Officers organization. In addition, he is treasurer for the Education Commission of the States and chair of the Tennessee Foreign Language Institute. He is married to Nancy Chickering Rhoda, a retired career photojournalist with The Tennessean. They have a daughter and a son. 5 2012 ETSU Alumni Association • Golden Fifties Inductees The Honored Class of 1962 Sonia L. Abernethy Sami H. Abulhosn Martha M. Alexander Wilbur K. Almany Bobby J. Alvis Joe P. Anderson Robert C. Anderson Roy J. Anderson Lee R. Arwood Deanna C. Atkins Kenneth E. Atkinson Charles A. Bailey Dale H. Bailey Edna P. Bailey Eddie G. Bailiff James P. Bailiff William M. Ballard Charles E. Barger Nelson R. Barger Harriet S. Barkei James T. Barr Lloyd G. Barr Ellen K. Barrett Jerry W. Baskette Clarius E. Baumgardner Paul W. Beazley Helen K. Begley Margie A. Beidleman Bill G. Belcher James W. Bettis Bessie H. Birchette Frank A. Black Jr. Donald R. Blackburn Mary A. Blackford Patricia J. Blair Ruth M. Blankenship Sandra B. Blanton Wilma H. Blanton Lloyd H. Blevins Mary Jayne F. Blevins Dr. Sandra L. Blevins Joseph E. Boswell Walter L. Bouldin Shirley B. Bourne Rowena S. Bowers Charles C. Boyer William B. Boyette Anne B. Bradford William J. Brigman Kirby A. Brock Charles S. Brooks Jerry C. Brooks Hugh W. Broome Edward H. Brown F. M. Brown Johnnie A. Brown Jr. Patricia M. Brown Myrtle S. Browning Melvin J. Broyles Leo L. Bulson Vernon R. Burch Charles F. Burger Marion E. Burger Charles F. Burrell Janet L. Caldwell B. Jack Campbell Donald W. Campbell H. Earlene Campbell James E. Caraway Bsh Kenneth L. Carder Sam A. Carmack Elizabeth C. Carson Donald R Carter Nancy Q. Carter Juanell R. Cathey Daniel R. Cecil Judith M. Chase Leonard D. Chase Rosemary D. Cheek Carole L. Chesney Dale B. Christian Gordon L. Christopher Ellen R. Clark Virginia B. Clark Norman L. Clay Homer H. Clevenger Marlys C. Clonce Wilma R. Coffman Alvin W. Cooke Jr. Kenneth E. Cooper Mary R. Copenhaver Clara P. Counts Jeanne J. Crawford Carolyn P. Crigger Dr. Patricia L. Crocker Kenneth E. Cross Charlotte A. Cunningham Shirley H. Cunningham Virginia H. Curd Nell E. Curtis Patricia A. Dail Scott Daniel Johnny W. Davidson Charles E. Davis Jr. David C. Davis Marthanne E. Davis Thompson E. Davis Sandra L. Deakins John Y. Dean Dewey E. Debusk Carolyn C. Dibble Tommy R. Dillow Dorothy J. Dilmore Anne Dixon Canzada A. Dixon John R. Dorton Carl W. Doss J. T. Dougherty Jane C. Douglas David L. Drum Brenda G. Duncan Gwendolyn R. Eads Harry R. Eagan Arby Edwards Margaret A. Edwards Wendell L. Edwards Tommy L. Elam Charles E. Elder Joyce A. Elder Paul J. Elkin Scott W. Elkins Jackie R. Elliott Mack S. Elliott Jeanette B. Estep George E. Evans Toy A. Evans Elizabeth D. Exum Wayne W. Fallin Mary G. Farnsworth Harrison H. Farthing Charles L. Faulkner Fred B. Fields Cpt. Donald J. Fillers Jerry B. Fleenor John C. Fletcher William C. Foard Kitty S. Foglesong Sandra L. Ford John J. Foster Frances M. Fowler Charles E. Fraley Jr. Marilyn T. Franey Charles C. Franklin Donald Freeman Linda G. Freeman Fred B. Frye Warren G. Frye Arlen L. Fulwiler Dr. Leonard R. Gallimore Calvin B. Garland Nancie A. Garland Elizabeth N. Garner Terence E. Garner William S. Geimer Marie Y. Geisler Gwynne C. Glisson Thomas M. Goforth Lowell E. Gonce William B. Goodman Carl N. Gouge Sara G. Gouge Maxine B. Gragg Bill D. Gray Douglas M. Greene Henry L. Gregory Lloyd F. Griffie Anthony C. Griffith Edythe H. Griffith Vivian J. Griffith Willis M. Grimm Emory L. Hale Geraldine C. Hall Doris W. Hamed Mickey R. Hamed James C. Hamlett Sena W. Hammond Margaret D. Hampton Dr. Norman E. Hankins Thelma T. Hannabas George E. Harber Dr. Walter L. Harber Thomas W. Harbin Billy J. Hargis Ralph R. Harkness Larry O. Harmon Marvin H. Harmon Sandra N. Harper James T. Harris Daniel P. Harrison Kenneth H. Harrison Linda K. Hartsell Robert L. Hash Dorothy H. Hawk David E. Hawkins Jimmy D. Hawkins Carolyn W. Hay Aliene J. Hayes Harold L. Hayes Isabel M. Haynes Earl L. Hayter Robert W. Heeter Gary R. Helbert Edward H. Helfer Jerry S. Helfer Billy W. Hemby Dr. Donald C. Henard Jack B. Hendrick Ann S. Henkel Robert N. Henley Caroll Hicks Jackie L. Hicks Janie R. Hicks 6 Joseph F. Hicks Louise W. Hicks Jerry R. Higdon Doris G. Hightower Nancy S. Hill William M. Hodges Harold D. Holland Jr. Carolyn B. Hollyfield Frieda H. Holt Rollie D. Holtsinger Col Errol K. Honaker John D. Honaker David R. Honeycutt James D. Hood Richard E. Hopson Dan R. Hostler James M. Houser Carl B. Housley Robert A. Howell Dr. Robert M. Huddle Ben F. Huff Jimmy D. Huffman Janet M. Hughes Sandra S. Hughes Jeffrey R. Humphrey Galen B. Humphreys Jr. William T. Hunt Jr. Betty M. Hurley Linda S. Hurt Rose Marie Hutches George E. Hutchins Betty J. Hyder Charles E. Hyder Barbara P. Ingle William H. Jackson Doris J. James Harold J. James Doris E. Jennings Ronald J. Jennings Nelle Jessee Anna C. Johnson Doris L. Johnson Mary L. Johnson William O. Johnson Jr. William S. Johnson David L. Jones L. M. Jones Nell P. Jordan Terry P. Keeble Franklin D. Kendrick Elsie B. Kennedy Louis T. Ketron Nancy J. Key Henry E. Kilbourne Jack R. Kilgore James C. Kinberlin Norma J. King Maurice D. Kistner Mary E. Knight Janice M. Knipp William D. Knisley Billy L. Knott Tommas J. Koehler Donald E. Lance Tanya K. Lane John B. Large Clark J. Laughrun Francis B. Lawless Jr. Thomas E. Lawless Jeff J. Laws Dee Reece Lawson Jane W. Lawson Rev. Kenneth E. Lee Sarah S. Legg Golden Fifties Inductees continued Bobbi B. Leonard Ray E. Leonard Col. William E. Leonard Thomas B. Levty B. J. Lewis Emery W. Lewis Virginia F. Lewis Vivien A. Lewis Clara K. Light Ronald R. Light Jimmy K. Lilley Emory G. Little Dr. George Litton Jolene L. Litton Harriet R. Locke Farrell D. Long Freddie E. Long Janice R. Long James R. Looney Jama K. Lori Margaret E. Love Wanda D. Lunsford Bobby L. Luttrell Elizabeth D. Lyle John D. Lyle Vivian R. Lyle William J. Lyon III Yvonne F. Lyon Rebecca M. Lyons Mary J. MacInnis Jesse L. Mahone Parker G. Main Jr. Norma N. Malcolm Donnie C. Mann Mary H. Markland Phyllis R. Marshall Jerry L. Martin Mary B. Martin Thelma C. Martin Edwin K. Matlock Wayne G. McConnell Delandis McCoy Carolyn C. McCracken Mary R. McDaniel John A. McFadden Kathern T. McFadden David T. McFarlane Hilmey H. McKarem Peggy J. McLain Joyce B. McMillan Ralph McQueary Eddie J. Miller Susan Miller J. W. Miller Millard D. Miller Bruce G. Millsap Richard C. Minnick Willis R. Mitchell Janelle N. Mize George J. Moein Glenna W. Moore Harold Moore Harry Moore Jr. Sue Moore Nancy C. Morehead George A. Morelock Clara C. Moretz Clara V. Moretz William H. Morgan Dr. William J. Morrell Jr. Carolyn L. Mowery Carns W. Mullins Douglas R. Mullins James A. Mullins Katherine B. Munsey Ellis E. Murphy James D. Musick Lawrence Nesbitt Christine M. Newby George L. Nichols Isaac L. Nidiffer Cpt. Sidney R. Norris Betsy L. North Claude E. O'Dell Samuel R. O'Dell Sr. Luther M. Odom Jr. Mary I. Olinger R. C. Oliver Marguerite L. Olson Elizabeth C. Orfield Dr. Carol A. Osman Albert D. Parent James R. Paris Jackie R. Parker Phyllis C. Parks Anne B. Parks-Johnson Janie A. Partin James N. Pate Mary E. Payne Marion McLain Perez Ronald J. Perry Fred H. Phagan Elizabeth J. Phillips Linda N. Pierce Norma L. Pike Melvin D. Pinkston Gerald Powers Linda M. Presnell Marian E. Preston G. Douglas Price Ora Y. Price Juanita B. Pritchett Lester O. Quarles Donald Raines James R. Ramey Phyllis M. Ramey Ltc. Thomas P. Ramey Eugen K. Randall Janice A. Randolph Judith M. Reece C. Benny Reed Irma Lee Reedy Robert L. Reeves Mary L. Reid Sandra J. Reyes Henry T. Reynolds Michael E. Riddle Kermit Rife Warren W. Riggs Betty R. Roberts Judith L. Robertson James R. Robinson Leo S. Robinson Robert L. Rodefer Carolyn J. Rogers A. Carol Roseberry Mary A. Roy Jane S. Ruble Gayle E. Russell Phyllis A. Russell Phillip R. Rust Edward J. Ryan Mary A. Ryll Thomas D. Sain Carol B. Sample Gerald N. Sams Judith S. Sams McDaniel E. Sams Sharon O. Sams Rosie E. Sangid Naoma C. Seay James R. Seip Linda L. Shaw Elizabeth E. Sheaff Ruby H. Sheets Charles G. Shell James F. Shell Aldaree Shelton J. Randall Shelton Edgar T. Shepherd Dana S. Shipley George H. Shipley Jr. Judith R. Shipley Ulna M. Short Najla C. Showker William T. Siler Richard V. Simms Charles A. Simonton E. Wayne Simpson William J. Sims Fred D. Sisk Carol A. Slocumb Jimmy L. Smallwood Barbara R. Smith Dehanna M. Smith Dorsey W. Smith Harlan Smith Ltg.(R) Hubert G. Smith Mary L. Smith M. Sandra Smith William D. Smith Jimmy G. Smithson Tommy H. Smithson Fannie L. Snapp Dr. Billy B. Snodgrass Duane S. Snodgrass Frank E. Snodgrass D. William Snyder Mary S. Soccio Marvin W. Spangler Howard Sparks Rubye P. Sparks A. Jackson Spurgeon Donald B. Stacy Joseph W. Stacy Dr. D. Elaine Stanberry Toni A. Stanford Charles L. Starkey Harry W. Steele Jerome J. Stern Betty W. Stevens James D. Stevens Juanita V. Stewart Eddie B. Story Chester T. Stout Kelly D. Sutherland Joanne J. Sutphin Judith A. Sutton Mary E. Swiney Charles W. Tallman Freida L. Tate Monroe B. Taylor Billie C. Temple Bonnie E. Templin Esther M. Thaxton Dorothy C. Thayer Jimmy R. Thomason James C. Tincher III Andrew C. Tinker Ted Tipton Sheila A. Troller Sheilia T. Trotter 7 James N. Tucker Phyllis L. Tunnell Jerry L. Updyke Gary D. Varner Ann C. Vaughan John W. Wagner Sr. Mary L. Wagner James D. Wallace Patricia O. Wallace Delmer H. Wallen Sr. Cpt. Gordon O. Walsh Julia N. Wan Erma L. Ward Gerald A. Ward Mary E. Warriner Earl E. Wassom James M. Watson Erma L. Weaver Roma J. Weaver Doyle A. Weemes Tani G. Welker Coy E. Wells Fred H. West Doyle M. Whitaker Betty G. White Mary F. White Robert L. White John M. Whited Kenneth Whitehead Clive M. Whitt Angeeta B. Whittemore Sandra A. Wilds Sylvia S. Wilds Marilyn G. Wiley Ruth S. Wiley Charles E. Williams Edgar E. Williams Harold F. Williams Marvin L. Williams Timothy H. Williams Wayne Williamson Betty C. Wilson Bob Wilson Charles L. Wilson Lester R. Wilson Betty S. Wilster Neta C. Winders Ethel M. Wohlford Penelope G. Wolfe Robert F. Wooten James D. Worley Mary A. Worley Toni S. Worley Donald E. Wright Donald L. Wright Robert L. Wyatt Sandra J. Yates Ralph Yelton James W. Yoder Jr. Aldaree S. Young Howard W. Young John L. Young Jr. Johnny W. Young Judith W. Younts Rella S. Zabala Banner Carrier Ms. Iqra Ahmad President, ETSU Student Government Association * Deceased Candidates for Degrees Because the commencement program must be prepared in advance, this list of candidates is tentative. Certification of graduation must come from the registrar of the university. Academic Honors See descriptions on pages 34-36 ‑ cum laude - magna cum laude ‑ summa cum laude • 10 a.m. Ceremony • SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Christina Norton Bridges B.S., Western Carolina University Dissertation: “Prelamin A Influences a Program of Gene Expression in the Regulation of Cell Cycle Control” Chair: Dr. Antonio Rusinol Ashley Denise Frazier B.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Dissertation: “An Investigation of Bacterial Ribonucleases as an Antibiotic Target” Chair: Dr. Scott Champney David D. Gibbons B.S., Milligan College Dissertation: “Stabilization of the Cardiac Nervous System during Cardiac Stress Induces Cardioprotection” Chair: Dr. Jeffrey Ardell Marla K. Perna B.A., Heidelberg College Dissertation: “The Effects of Nicotine Administration on Behavior and Markers of Brain Plasticity in a Rodent Model of Psychosis” Chair: Dr. Russell Brown Trista Haupt Wright B.S., East Tennessee State University Dissertation: “Effects of Burn Injury on Biological Ethanol and Ethyl Glucuronide Concentrations” Chair: Dr. Kenneth Ferslew DOCTOR OF EDUCATION E. Rowena Bailey B.S., University of Southern Mississippi M.S., University of Southern Mississippi Dissertation: “Remedial Education: Addressing Contributing Factors” Chair: Dr. Pamela Scott Donna Reneè Clifton B.A., Emory & Henry College M.A., Hollins University Dissertation: “Portraiture of Evelyn Thompson Lawrence” Chair: Dr. Catherine Glascock Joseph Lincoln Combs B.S., Trevecca Nazarene University M.S., Christian Brothers University M.B.A., Christian Brothers University Dissertation: “The Role of Noncredit Continuing Education as a Workforce Revitalization Partner” Chair: Dr. Eric Glover Heather Jones Cook B.B.A., East Tennessee State University M.B.A., East Tennessee State University Dissertation: “Understanding Philanthropic Motivations of Northeast State Community College Donors” Chair: Dr. Catherine Glascock 8 Heather Louise Moore B.B.A., Texas Christian University M.B.A., University of North Texas Dissertation: “Ethical Climate, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction of Full-Time Faculty Members” Chair: Dr. James Lampley Donna Elizabeth Nelson B.S., Gardner-Webb University M.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Dissertation: “Family Satisfaction with Early Intervention Services as it Relates to Family Functioning” Chair: Dr. Jasmine Renner Melissa Lynn Pannell B.A., The University of Virginia’s College at Wise M.A.T., East Tennessee State University Dissertation: “Relationships Between Reading Ability in Third Grade and Phonological Awareness in Kindergarten” Chair: Dr. Virginia Foley Deanna Essington Garman B.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville M.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Dissertation: “Student Success in Face-to-Face and Online Sections of Biology Courses at a Community College in East Tennessee” Chair: Dr. Don Good Crystal Lynn Hurd B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville M.A., East Tennessee State University Dissertation: “Transformational Leadership in the Life and Works of C.S. Lewis” Chair: Dr. Jasmine Renner Yi Lin B.A., North China University of Technology M.A., East Tennessee State University Dissertation: “Chinese International Students’ Intercultural Communication Competence and Intercultural Communication Apprehension in the USA” Chair: Dr. Jasmine Renner Christine Hawk Loveday B.S., East Tennessee State University M.Ed., East Tennessee State University Dissertation: “An Analysis of the Variables Associated with Alumni Giving and Employee Giving to a Mid-Sized Southeastern University” Chair: Dr. Terry Tollefson Sarah Kathryn Cappelmann B.A., Converse College Cristine Paige Trivette B.A., Furman University DOCTOR OF AUDIOLOGY Daniel Adam Williams B.S., Missouri State University QUILLEN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE DOCTOR OF MEDICINE The Doctor of Medicine graduates in the James H. Quillen College of Medicine received their degrees and doctoral hoods Friday afternoon at their Graduation Ceremony. The hoods were presented to the graduates by Dr. Howard Herrell, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Dr. Thomas E. Kwasigroch, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology. These faculty members were selected by popular election of the graduating class. Residency positions for the members of the Class of 2012 are listed below. Blair Rose Abelson Internal Medicine University of Florida College of Medicine Gainesville, Florida Katherine Graves Barger Pediatrics University of Tennessee College of Medicine Memphis, Tennessee Michael Aaron Beckwith Surgery University Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio Bradley Wayne Beeler Internal Medicine University of Florida College of Medicine Gainesville, Florida Jonathan K. Boy Transitional Brooke Army Medical Center San Antonio Military Medical Consortium Fort Sam Houston, Texas Jeremy Gilliam Bradley Pediatrics East Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine Johnson City, Tennessee 9 Lesley Blake Bundon Obstetrics/Gynecology Greenville Hospital System Greenville, South Carolina Isaac William Cline Internal Medicine University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia Jessica Lynn Hutchison Crowe Pediatrics Greenville Hospital System Greenville, South Carolina James Peter Deering, III Anesthesiology University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia Paige Dudley Family Medicine Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Amy Rebecca Duncan Surgery East Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine Johnson City, Tennessee Megan Danielle Edwards Medicine/Pediatrics Baystate Medical Center Springfield, MA Heather Ann Farley Surgery Oregon Health and Science University Portland, Oregon Kesha Linnette Fifer Pediatrics Virginia Commonwealth University Health System Richmond, Virginia Vamsi Chandra Gaddipati Internal Medicine University Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio Thomas Ward Gill, Jr. Orthopaedic Surgery Marshall University School of Medicine Huntington, West Virginia David Joseph Harris, III Ophthalmology University of Kentucky Medical Center Lexington, Kentucky Stephanie Anne Hart Surgery East Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine Johnson City, Tennessee Sarah Anne Hensley Anesthesiology University Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio Timothy Ryan Hensley Pediatrics Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio James Willis Hickerson, Jr. Emergency Medicine University of Kentucky Medical Center Lexington, Kentucky Kevin Brice Jenkins Pathology Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, Tennessee Maleka Shabbir Khambaty Internal Medicine University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Dallas, Texas Rahul Lauhan Psychiatry East Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine Johnson City, Tennessee James August Leinhart Emergency Medicine University of New Mexico School of Medicine Albuquerque, New Mexico Vivak Mahendra Master Internal Medicine University of Louisville School of Medicine Louisville, Kentucky Jon Seth Mather Radiology Morristown Memorial Hospital Morristown, New Jersey Lindsey Estelle Matthews Pathology University of North Carolina Hospitals Chapel Hill, North Carolina Jeffrey Ryan Moore Internal Medicine Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Virginia Amber Nicole Mullins Obstetrics/Gynecology East Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine Johnson City, Tennessee James Allen Oaks Internal Medicine East Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine Johnson City, Tennessee Mariah Barker Pate Otolaryngology Georgia Health Sciences University Augusta, Georgia Reema Anil Patel Internal Medicine University of Kentucky Medical Center Lexington, Kentucky Jeremy Andrew Pickell Pediatrics Carolinas Medical Center Charlotte, North Carolina Dustin Michael Price Orthopaedic Surgery Greenville Hospital System Greenville, South Carolina 10 Belinda Meredith Jennifer Reardon Obstetrics/Gynecology East Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine Johnson City, Tennessee David Scott Reece Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Gainesville, Florida Justin Carson Eckhardt Reno Family Medicine John Peter Smith Hospital Fort Worth, Texas Shawn Thomas Robertson Emergency Medicine Orlando Health Orlando, Florida Jason Howard Ross Internal Medicine University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Newark, New Jersey Aysha Zara Sabri Deferred entering residency Elli Bonnett Saraceno Internal Medicine East Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine Johnson City, Tennessee Erik Joachim Schneibel Internal Medicine University of Louisville School of Medicine Louisville, Kentucky Robert Christopher Scott Psychiatry Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Lebanon, New Hampshire James Ryan Shea Pediatrics Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina Adam Landon Sipe Radiology Barnes-Jewish Hospital St. Louis, Missouri Andrew Wyatt Smith Family Medicine Self Regional Healthcare Greenwood, South Carolina Brian Goff Smith Family Medicine Northern New Mexico Family Medicine Santa Fe, New Mexico Andrew Brett Sorah Surgery Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Virginia Joel Henry Torres Neurology Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Winston-Salem, North Carolina Nickolas Tyler Walker Emergency Medicine University of Illinois College of Medicine Chicago, Illinois Andrew Cooper Warren Internal Medicine-Preliminary East Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine Johnson City, Tennessee Casey Elizabeth Watkins Dermatology Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Winston-Salem, North Carolina Timothy Joseph Weatherall Surgery University of Tennessee College of Medicine Memphis, Tennessee Erin Beth Loggins Winkler Obstetrics/Gynecology Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Winston-Salem, North Carolina Heather Nichole Wright Pediatrics University of North Carolina Hospitals Chapel Hill, North Carolina Angela Davis Yates Obstetrics/Gynecology University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine Knoxville, Tennessee BILL GATTON COLLEGE OF PHARMACY DOCTOR OF PHARMACY The Doctor of Pharmacy graduates in the Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy received their doctoral hoods and diplomas Friday morning at their commencement ceremony. The hoods were presented to the graduates by Dr. Brian L. Odle, Department of Pharmacy Practice, and Dr. David S. Roane, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. These faculty members were selected by the members of the graduation class. Undergraduate institution; undergraduate degree, if applicable; and practice plans for the members of the Class of 2012 are listed below. Whitney Renee Anderson Blountville, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Cherice Marie Grace Allison Waverly, Tennessee Austin Peay State University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy 11 Melanie Brooke Angles Tazewell, Virginia East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Laura Kathryn Asbury Dungannon, Virginia University of Virginia’s College at Wise Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Daniel Beghab Asongwe Knoxville, Tennessee University of Tennessee, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Emily Brooke Balenovich Harlan, Kentucky Southeast Community College Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Jameson Tyler Barb Bristol, Virginia James Madison University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Melissa Lasch McCowen Bell Knoxville, Tennessee Guilford Technical Community College, A.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Joshua Ryne Blake Knoxville, Tennessee Carson-Newman College, B.A. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Douglas Avery Brooks Knoxville, Tennessee University of Tennessee, B.A., M.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Crystal Dawn Brown Albany, Kentucky Tennessee Technological University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Jessica Nixon Buchanan Bristol, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Kealey Suzanne Bundren Tazewell, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: PGY1 Residency Holston Valley Medical Center – Kingsport, Tennessee Ashley Nugent Charfauros Finksburg, Maryland Towson University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Julie Anne Colbert Rockwood, Tennessee University of Tennessee Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Justin Dale Connor Caryville, Tennessee Roane State Community College Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Javan Michael Crockett Harrogate, Tennessee Lincoln Memorial University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Anthony Phillip DeGeorge Knoxville, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Marcie Ann Hooven Dingus Mount Carmel, Tennessee East Tennessee State University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Nathaniel Adam Duncan Hendersonville, North Carolina Brevard College, B.A. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Jennifer Corrine Edwards Gate City, Virginia University of Virginia’s College at Wise, B.A. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Michael Christopher Gibson Kingsport, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Camellia Jane “Sunny” Groover West Palm Beach, Florida East Tennessee State University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Tera Jill Hardin Elizabethton, Tennessee East Tennessee State University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Jennifer Marie Hastings Asheville, North Carolina Asheville Buncombe Technical Community College, A.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Kimberly Nicole Bates Henson Murphy, North Carolina University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Brandon Lee Hicks Gate City, Virginia Mountain Empire Community College, A.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Miranda Lee Ramey Hurley Sparta, North Carolina North Carolina State University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Brian Christopher Jackson Kingsport, Tennessee Northeast State Community College, A.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Amira Ali Jaddua Johnson City, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Joshua Edmond Jessee Wise, Virginia University of Virginia’s College at Wise, B.A. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Richard Tyler Johnson Lambsburg, Virginia Radford University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy 12 Sara Miranda Kiselauskas Knoxville, Tennessee University of Tennessee Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Kari Marie Kuykendall Athens, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Bobby Wayne Lewis Knoxville, Tennessee East Tennessee State University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Ryan Keith Love Erwin, Tennessee University of Tennessee Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Joshua Mark McDaniel Kings Mountain, North Carolina University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.S. Practice Plans: United States Air Force Medical Service - Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Trey Austin McInturff Church Hill, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Joseph Scott McNabb Kingsport, Tennessee University of Tennessee, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Tyler Cody Melton Sylva, North Carolina Western Carolina Unversity, B.S. Practice Plans: Institutional and Community Pharmacy Benjamin Reid Michalove Mars Hill, North Carolina North Carolina State University, B.S. Practice Plans: PGY1 Residency Charles George VA Medical Center – Asheville, North Carolina Christopher Ryan Mitchell Oak Ridge, Tennessee University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, B.A. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Sarah Elizabeth Mollohan Maysville, West Virginia Marshall University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Jordan Thomas Morrison Chattanooga, Tennessee University of Tennessee Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Catherine Anne Murph Rogersville, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Paul K. “Trey” Nelson, III Piney Flats, Tennessee King College, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Phillip Daniel O’Bourke Elizabethton, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Indian Health Service Claudine Nicole O’Steen Fort Lauderdale, Florida Indian River State College, A.A. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Courtney Joy Parker-Long Hickory, North Carolina Campbell University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Morgan Hayley Pendleton Kingsport, Tennessee University of Tennessee Practice Plans: PGY1 Residency Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center – Winston-Salem, North Carolina Wesley Lewis Pettit Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy YLien T. Phung Morrow, Georgia Georgia Institute of Technology, B.S. Practice Plans: Institutional Pharmacy Michael Keith Polson Surgoinsville, Tennessee University of Tennessee, M.S. East Tennessee State University, B.S. Practice Plans: Managed Care Pharmacy Daryl Michael David Price Erwin, Tennessee East Tennessee State University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Lauren Elizabeth Rader-Myers Kingsport, Tennessee University of Tennessee, B.A. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Franklin Delanor Rose Richlands, Virginia Southwest Virginia Community College, A.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Olalekan O. Shodipo Riverdale, Georgia Anambra State University of Science and Technology, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Nicholas Cody Smallwood Delbarton, West Virginia Pikeville College, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Amanda Gwynn Smathers Mills River, North Carolina University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A., B.S. Practice Plans: Institutional Pharmacy Kevin Michael Smith Kingsport, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy 13 Mickey Shane White Del Rio, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Jarrett Tyler Whitson Johnson City, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Stephen Troy Willhoite Port St. Lucie, Florida Indian River State College, A.A. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Robert Carl Wood, III Corryton, Tennessee Walters State Community College, A.S. Practice Plans: PGY1 Residency James H. Quillen VA Medical Center – Mountain Home, Tennessee Dorothea Jayme Wortley Rochester, New Hampshire University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Jarrett Edmond Wyatt Fall Branch, Tennessee East Tennessee State University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Sondra Leann Wyatt Abingdon, Virginia University of Virginia’s College at Wise, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Katherine Marie Zammit Wytheville, Virginia Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Nadine Ngeskebei Zeitler Beckley, West Virginia Concord University Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Nicolas D. Smith Powder Springs, Georgia Kennesaw State University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Brandi Gammon Starnes Blountville, Tennessee University of Tennessee, B.A. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Michael William Stork La Junta, Colorado Colorado State University, M.S. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, B.A., B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Patricia Michele Craig Templeton Baton Rouge, Louisiana Louisiana State University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Christan Michelle Thomas Pendleton, Indiana Milligan College, B.A. Practice Plans: PGY1 Residency New York-Presbyterian Hospital – New York, New York Hei Man Tsui Goldsboro, North Carolina East Carolina University, B.S. Practice Plans: Institutional Pharmacy David Scott Turner Jr. Abingdon, Virginia East Tennessee State University, B.S. Practice Plans: Community Pharmacy Jefferson J. Watkins Kingsport, Tennessee Middle Tennessee State University, B.S. Practice Plans: PGY1 Residency Bristol Regional Medical Center – Bristol, Tennessee Sara Rae Weidert Whitewater, Wisconsin University of Wisconsin at Whitewater Practice Plans: PGY1 Residency University of Tennessee Medical Center – Knoxville, Tennessee MASTER OF ACCOUNTANCY Robert Brian Jackson B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Brittany Danielle Osborne B.S., The University of Virginia’s College at Wise Benjamin Lee Phillips B.A., King College Jennifer Lynn Weeks B.B.A., East Tennessee State University J. Andy Williams B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Jeremy Lamont Barnett B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Lisha F. Bell B.A., Brevard College Christina Jayde Briggs B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Jessica R. Bruner B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Austin Jay Carter B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Joshua Stanley Culbert B.B.A., East Tennessee State University 14 MASTER OF ARTS Amy Catherine Agnew B.S., Jacksonville University Bradley Anderson, Jr. B.S., University of Montana Meghan Elizabeth Barrow B.S., Gardner-Webb University Megan Elizabeth Charles B.S., East Tennessee State University Tyler L. Cole B.A., Montclair State University Courtney W. Combs B.B.A., East Tennessee State University M.B.A., King College Spencer Conco B.A., University of Kentucky, Lexington Stacy Lynn Corbett B.F.A., Boston University Lyndsay Michele Crabtree B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Christy Renee Crick B.S., East Tennessee State University Shannon E. DeHaven B.S., Radford University Lucas Jared Dellinger B.S., Appalachian State University Ryan Scott Dunn B.B.A., Campbell University Sherry Lynn Egan B.S., East Tennessee State University Jeremiah William Ellingburg B.S., East Tennessee State University Kristi Evans B.S., Oakland University Jacob Benjamin Fabry B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Kristen Gabriel Feemster B.S., Western Carolina University Leanne Clare Harkness B.S., Lincoln Memorial University Eric C. Hart B.S., University of North Carolina, Asheville Ruth Esther Hernandez B.S., Bob Jones University Tiffany Ann Herrick B.S., East Tennessee State University Rachel Elizabeth Hicks B.S., East Tennessee State University Miranda Anne Hixson B.S., East Tennessee State University Joseph E. Hood B.S., East Tennessee State University Clifford Lamont Hudson B.G.S., East Tennessee State University Jaime Leigh Kennon B.S., East Tennessee State University Emily Gayle Key B.S., Milligan College Anita Sherrill King B.S., Western Carolina University Matthew Bryne Landreth B.S., Lander University Katherine Whitney Liebers B.S., East Tennessee State University John Luppe B.S., Towson University Patricia Walker McIntyre B.S., East Tennessee State University Nicholas L. Mendez B.S., Florida Gulf Coast University Vincent R. Meninno B.S., Appalachian State University Vita Moskaliova B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Sarah Beth Parsons B.S.B.A., The University of Virginia’s College at Wise Corinne Phillips B.S., East Tennessee State University David Purser B.S., University of Texas, Brownsville Dudley Gray Raye B.S., Appalachian State University Rebecca Kelley Reynolds B.A., Georgetown College Thesis: “Idea, Energy and Power: Sayer’s Creative Process Model and the Storytelling of Jay O’Callahan” Chair: Dr. Joseph Sobol Lisa L. Richardson B.S., East Tennessee State University Steven Keith Scruggs, II B.S., University of North Carolina, Asheville Andrew Jason Shumate B.A., Maryville College Wayne Joshua Steele, III B.A., California State University, Fresno Frederick William Sterchi, V B.S., Radford University Lisa A. Stone B.A., Tennessee Wesleyan College M.Div., Duke University Shufang Sun B.S., East Tennessee State University Julie Marie Tester B.S.Ed., East Tennessee State University Kyle Andrew Utne B.S., Illinois State University April Vaught B.S.Ed., East Tennessee State University Laura Margaret Walker B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville 15 Ashley Diane Weinreich B.S., East Tennessee State University Ashley Wilder B.S.Ed., Tusculum College Jiaju Wu B.S., East Tennessee State University MASTER OF ARTS IN LIBERAL STUDIES Emily Marie Carmichael B.F.A., East Tennessee State University B.A., East Tennessee State University Ashley Meredith Cate B.A., East Tennessee State University Julia Ann Cowart B.A., Mars Hill College B.S., Western Carolina University Cesar O. Gracia B.A., East Tennessee State University Melanie L. Marquez B.S., Florida Atlantic University M.B.A., Florida Atlantic University Thesis: “Multiple Layers and Flavors: ‘The Death of the Author’ in Like Water for Chocolate” Chair: Dr. Katrina Heil MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING Jill Thomson Jones B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Victoria Lorin Justus B.S., East Tennessee State University Joshua Keegan Lahr B.S., East Tennessee State University Kevin James Leonard B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Caroline Elizabeth Lowe B.A., East Tennessee State University Krista Lee Mann B.A., East Tennessee State University Amanda Pike B.A., Tusculum College Emilie Varney Robinette B.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Robert Chad Roller B.S., Tennessee Technological University Jamie Lynn Temaj B.M., Tennessee Technological University Johnathan Thacker B.S., East Tennessee State University Sara Katherine Tribble B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Catherine Vaughan-Keen B.F.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Rachel Victoria Vaughn B.S., East Tennessee State University Amanda Brooke Walker B.A., East Tennessee State University Nathan T. West B.S., East Tennessee State University Norie-Anne K. Young B.A., East Tennessee State University Jamie Leigh Allen B.A., East Tennessee State University Dustin Anderson B.S., University of the Cumberlands Tony Lynn Anderson B.G.S., East Tennessee State University Jeremy Arnold B.A., East Tennessee State University Joseph Matthew Brewer B.A., East Tennessee State University Ashley Lynne Burnside B.S., East Tennessee State University Kathleen Brannon Buttolph B.A., Emory & Henry College Robert Howard Cantor B.A., Thomas A. Edison State College Beverly Lee Ann Caruso B.A., The University of Virginia’s College at Wise Misty Bracken Davis B.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Melissa A. Ervin B.A., King College Jennifer M. Fisher B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Aaron Gray B.S., Milligan College Melissa Ali Harden Butler B.S., Georgia Southern University Luann Hendren B.S., East Tennessee State University James Thomas Holt B.S.B.A, University of Alabama, Huntsville 16 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Warner Kuhl B.A., Furman University B.A., Palm Beach Atlantic University Joshua Robert Leko B.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Jennifer Dillard Morrison B.S., University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Ryan S. Moyers B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Carlos Josè Fidel Amaya Cea B.B.A., East Tennessee State University B.S., East Tennessee State University Bevin Shea Barnett B.S., East Tennessee State University M.Acc., East Tennessee State University Dustin Harrison Deakins B.S., East Tennessee State University Brent Henry Dowling B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Kristin Leah Fletcher B.S., East Tennessee State University Brandi Nicole Forbes B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Andrei Ghiultu B.B.A., University of Charleston Tugba Ozer Kaya B.E., Gebza Institute of Technology Brandon Kenneth Kear B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Harold Randolph Riddle B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Riley Elizabeth Simpson B.S., East Tennessee State University B.A., East Tennessee State University Drew Michael Story B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Jerime Scott Studer B.B.A., Tennessee Technological University Rick L. Triplette B.B.A., East Tennessee State University MASTER OF EDUCATION Emily Monin Ashworth B.S., Eastern Kentucky University Amanda Lee Baynes B.A., East Tennessee State University Jessica Kathleen Boggs B.S., Campbellsville University Emily Marie Carmichael B.F.A., East Tennessee State University B.A., East Tennessee State University Mary Kathyrn Crider B.S.Ed., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Rebecca Dugger B.S., East Tennessee State University Amy Ann Ejma B.A., Tusculum College Connie Garland Fair B.S., Kennesaw State University Ashley Elizabeth Geisel B.S., Campbell University Jodie Bennett Huskey B.A., Tusculum College Jennifer L. Hutchings B.S., Carson-Newman College Amy Lynn Hyder B.S., East Tennessee State University Beverly Lynn Lucas B.A., Tusculum College Reesa Julianne Maness B.A., East Tennessee State University Dawn McGehee B.S., East Tennessee State University Ricky Thomas Oncale B.S., East Tennessee State University Clynette Buxton Pemberton B.S., Lee University Emily Kathleen Samples B.S.Ed., East Tennessee State University Vickie H. Sewell B.S., East Tennessee State University Christy Gail Shular B.S., Carson-Newman College Benjamin Paul Turner B.S., Milligan College Andrea Valentine B.A., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Deborah Renee Vineyard B.B.A., Lincoln Memorial University LeAnna Marie Webb B.A., Maryville College Rebecca W. Wright B.S., East Tennessee State University Hao Wu B.A., Shandong Normal University B.A., East Tennessee State University MASTER OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Sharon Hughes Anglim B.A., Union Institute & University C. Charles Dunn B.S., East Tennessee State University Christopher Douglas Fuller B.A., East Tennessee State University Carshonda Matilla Harris B.S., East Tennessee State University 17 Maria Lazcano B.P.S., Barry University Charles Michael Wooden, II B.B.A., Carson-Newman College MASTER OF SCIENCE Alicia M. Baptista B.A., University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Eric Barclay B.A., Tusculum College Scott R. Bergemann B.S., East Tennessee State University Chandan Biswas B.S.T., West Bengal University of Technology Kaylin Jill Carswell B.A., Bryan College Holly L. Cheek B.S., Lincoln Memorial University M.A., Tusculum College Jason Tyler Cumiskey B.S., University of Victoria Kristopher B. Cunigan B.S., Milligan College Felicia Dawn Engebrecht B.A., University of Texas, El Paso Jonathan Damon Falconnier B.S., East Tennessee State University Heather Haley Frye B.S., East Tennessee State University Lisa Nicole Gage B.S., Lipscomb University Andrea Lauren Gianniny B.A., Winthrop University Sagar Gopanapalli B.E., Birla Institute of Technology & Science Benjamin Maurice Harrison, Jr. B.F.A., James Madison University Meredith M. Harrison B.A., Tennessee Wesleyan College Ada Elizabeth Hickman B.A., University of Tennessee Lauren M. Horn B.H.S., University of Kentucky Ibrahim M. Ibrahim B.S., University of Asmara Maura Ashley Jarnagin B.S.Ed., East Tennessee State University Andrea Elizabeth Jarrett B.S., East Tennessee State University Keith Matthew Johnson B.S., East Tennessee State University Kamal Kumar Kafle B.D.O., Pokhara University Chad A. Kinley B.S., East Tennessee State University Thesis: “Healthcare Technology: A Strategic Approach to Medical Device Management” Chair: Dr. William H. Blanton Whitney Chelsea Lamb B.S., East Tennessee State University Thesis: “End Use Packaging: A Survey of Customer Perception of Recycling and Environmental Impact of Packaging” Chair: Dr. Keith Johnson Haley R. Maturin B.S., University of Louisiana, Lafayette Leah Robinette Meade B.S., East Tennessee State University James Ronald Miller, III B.S., East Tennessee State University Howard David Morris B.S., East Tennessee State University Christopher Timothy Phillippe B.S., Milligan College Leticia Marie Pickering B.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Jessica Paige Qualls B.S., East Tennessee State University Johanna L. Rathbun B.S., University of Tennessee, Martin Lori Skinner Raughley B.S., SUNY College at Brockport Clara Jane Richards B.S., East Tennessee State University Reagan Edwards Rogers B.S., Radford University B.S., Radford University M.A., East Tennessee State University Kimberly Marie Simmons B.S., East Tennessee State University David Harold Simoson B.S., King College B.A., King College M.M.U., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Delia Smeaton B.S., University of Arizona B.H.S., University of Arizona Lori Ann Smith B.S., East Tennessee State University Aaron M. Stokes B.S., East Tennessee State University Richard Sykes B.A., Eckerd College Thesis: “The Impact on Student Learning Outcomes of Video When Used as a Primary Teaching Tool in the Internet Hybrid Classroom” Chair: Dr. Keith Johnson Soh Zhi Tan B.S., Ohio State University Bernelda Janessa Thomas B.S., Andrews University Eden Marie Treadway B.S., East Tennessee State University 18 Nicole Leanne Vaughn B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Brittany Nicole Vetter B.S., Western Kentucky University Nathanael David Webb B.B.A., East Tennessee State University Li Hua Wei B.S., East Tennessee State University Angelica Marie Wiggins B.S., California State University Elizabeth Anne Wiley B.S., East Tennessee State University Elizabeth A. Yeager B.A., Calvin College Brittany N. Zarse B.A., Butler University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ALLIED HEALTH Lori Fay Ellington B.S., East Tennessee State University Thesis: “The Relationship Between Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) and Microbial Screening in the Oral Cavity” Chair: Dr. Randy Byington Laura Jane Teran B.S., East Tennessee State University BACCALAUREATE DEGREES COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Jessica Andreina Abdelnour Christopher Kyle Adams Robin Aksér Michael Miller Alexander II Brandi Leighann Allen Seth Thomas Alley Christopher Drew Angel Mark W. Bailey II Cody Ruble Baskett Donnie Barnett Shawn Lyle Beamish, Sr. Cory E. Betterson Michael A. Birdsong Michael Paul Birdwell Todd Jackson Blevins Lucas Clay Bohanan Jeremy Bonnevalle Constance Faith Booher Billy Eugene Boone Jr. Brittany Lynn Bowman Katelyn Marie Braaten Maggie Alecia Branch Ellen Christina Brewer Layla Mina Godard Bristol Kristen Nicole Brooks Christopher Brown Danielle Nichole Brown Tyler Ryan Broyles David Andrew Burke, Jr. Jessica Denice Burnside Eric Byas Chen Cai Amy Elizabeth Campbell Bret Michael Carlson Christopher A. Carpenter Ashleigh Brooke Carter Timothy Dwan Carter James J. Casey, III Kristopher Shane Caufield Floradine Allison Chaney Kevin Wesley Channell Will Chilcutt Jill Elizabeth Childress Preston Cicero Justin Ryan Clevenstine Samuel Jacob Cole Brittany Elizabeth Coleman Kelley Grace Conerly Robert Neill Cooper Wesley Shane Crabtree Brittany M. Craig Cyril Eugene Crenshaw Michael D. Crowder Leah R. Croxton Nikola Cuculovski Brad Anthony Davis Chad W. Davis Zachary H. Deaderick Yingyu Ding Patrick Donovan Alexandra Denise Doran Daniel Duncan 19 Derek Dunham Aria Hope Dunn Timothy Todd Dunnavant Raykeith L. Durham Linzy Ashton Dyer April Edens Cory J. Edwards Chris Eller David Russell Elliott Kimberly Meghan Elrod Calvin Allen Farley Kevin Paul Fecteau Caitlin Anne Fenley Kenny Alan Ferrell Erin Lindsay Fields Craig Fillers Timothy Clay Fillers Aaron Cole Flannagan Douglas Lance Fox Kerry E. Fox Matthew R. Gallagher Ran Gao Darrell D. Garrett-Hudson Sander Gille James Christopher Gonzalez Justin Ray Gooding Brianne Aleisa Gouge Neil A. Grande Conner Elliott Graves Bradley Allen Gray Jacob Alexander Gray Matthew T. Greene Joshua Andrew Greenway Kevin Greer Kerra Duran Groller Brittany Suzanne Gross Ran Guo Joshua Clinton Gwin Cameron Daniel Hale Olivia Lauren Haley Xu Han Brian Scott Hannah Ethan Michael Hanny Elizabeth Brooke Hardin Matthew Harmon Colby Hawkins Toby Allen Hawkins Erik M. Hazelwood Mackenzie Allen Hazelwood Qiao He John David Henderson, Jr. Jacob McCay Henley Blake Hennessy Mikel Allen Hensley Bryson T. Henson Alexander R. Henthorne Ammi Sarai Hepler Cameron M. Herwehe Harrison Scott Hieb Kristin D. Hobbs Tommy Gerald Hubbard Aaron James Hull Edin Hurem Laura Nicole Hurst Latosha Danielle Hurt Krystina Michelle Irizarry Paula Jaime-Agramon William David Jarnagin Mary Jarratt Leach Christy Danielle Johnson Seth Johnson Lauretta E. Jones Olivia C. Kammegne-Simo Hannah Marie Kanipe Addison Scott Karnes Karina Kedzo Patrick Michael Kelley Otha Andrew King Turner King Thomas Kirk Erin Knapp Ornella Kouomegne Simo Jacklyn Kae Lanning Kermit Richard Largent Courtney Brooke Larkins Catherine Laurensongundlach Jessica Susan Lawler David Jason Lawson Jesse Tyler Lawson Michiala Faylegail Lawson Christopher D. Layer Chad Kenton Leedy Andrea Fay Leonard Sean Patrick Letterman John David Long Cameron J. Loos Bradley S. Lucas Chelsea Rae Luttrell Christopher Dominic Lyttle Christopher Scott Maness Shaun Merrill Marquis Adam G. Marris Landon Maupin Caitlin Marie McFadden Christopher McIntyre Lauren Paige McKinney Robert G. McMinn, III Preston S. McMurray Matthew M. Medlock Crista Gray Megee Daniel Taylor Melton April R. Menya Derek Dallas Miller James Ian Mills Mikaela Minihan Jerry Dallon Mitchell, Jr. Christopher James Moore Jennifer L. Morehead John Warren Mullin, Jr. Eric Walton Mullins Travis S. Nelson Tyler Patrick Nicely Tiffany M. Norris Danielle Mattea Oglesby Daniel Mark Ottinger Michael Owenby Garren T. Parkins Zachary L. Parkison Anooj Ashvin Patel Ritesh Patel Mackenzie Alice Payne Tyler L. Peterson Yolanda C. Pittman April Hoit Porter Michael Tyler Powell Dylan T. Pratt Gavin Dean Proffit Erick Michael Puckett Kara Marie Raleigh Jessica Roxanne Randolph Robert J. Raydo Brian Alexander Reese Jillian S. Reynolds Jared Lee Rhinehardt William Edward Ridenour Rachel Rievley Thomas Warren Roddy Andrew C. Ross Caitlin Elizabeth Sanders Bridget Nichole Sandidge Krista Robinson Sapp Andrew Ryan Scarborough Caleb M. Sexton 20 Megan Louise Shelton Nathan S. Shelton Rui Shi John Stapleton Simpkins Dennis Singleton, Jr. Donald Brett Sloan John Finley Smith Jason Robert Smith Adam Michael Sollazzo Joshua Stewart Sorah Zachary Jordan Stein Corbin Stewart Courtney B. Stewart Julie E. Stewart Matthew T. Stout Matthew David Strickler April Michelle Swearingen Ashley Brooke Sydes Zachary Everett Tarwater Joshua S. Tester Jamie Leigh Thomas James H. Thompson, Jr. Joshua D. Thompson Xiaolu Tian John Connor Tillman John M. Traylor Stephani Lauren Turner William Pat Turner Daniel Chisholm Van Curen Barry H. VanDelinder, Jr. Travis Varner Mayte De Vizcarrondo Beceiro William Robert Wagner, III Jennifer L. Walters Fuyuan Wang Wenru Wang Xiaoxue Wang Sarah K. Webb Jaron L. Westbrook Christopher Dylan Whitman Stacey James Whitson David Alexander Widener Nicholas Jeremiah Wilkerson Brockton Earl Williams Jeremy Paul Williams Timothy E. Williams Justin Wilson Peter Bostwick Wilson Bronson M. Winters Craig Wayne Wojciechowski Daniel Rayford Wood Jordan Alexius Wooden Lucas Dylan Woodward Dongyan Xu Yan Zhang Xin Zhao Qing Zheng Rui Zhou Yujie Zhou CLAUDIUS G. CLEMMER COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Amy Akers Kristina Kaneal Alexander Liliana Maria Allison Matthew Alvin Allison Brittney Nicole Andrews Jared Alan Anders Madison Nicole Anstett Katie Leanne Arnold Kaitlin Asbury Brandon L. Ashley Heather M. Bailey Heather Roberta Baker McKayla Rae Barber Skyler Barnett April Michelle Barrett Latisha Nicole Belcher Amanda Kathleen Bevins Kaitlin Amy Bevins Jesse C. Bible Laketta E. Bingham Jonathan Dale Blankenship Tiffany Nicole Blazier Jordan Bowers Alisha Marie Bragg Steven Joshua Bridges Cameron Britton Carly Lynn Buchanan Stephanie Lee Burrell Justin Wyatt Burton Elisa Sofia Carbajo Courtney Brooke Carter Jessica Victoria Carter Sara Linsey Carter Aaron B. Casey Brittany Leigh Anne Casteel Kaitlin Grace Chaffin Megan Brooke Chandler Jordan Marie Childers Rachel Chute Jeffrey Wayne Clawson Laura Cloud Nicole D. Coakley Nicholas Brooks Colbaugh Sean McNeil Collins Hongyu Cong Charles Lee Andrew Conner Alexa Elizabeth Cooper Kathryn Ann Cooper Layne Amelia Cooper Brittany Nicole SlonakerCopas Allison Copley Regina A. Countess Lindsey Marie Cox Christopher Crick Lauren Elizabeth Cross Danielle Alishia Crowley Britney Marie Crum Christie Sorelle Culbertson Stephanie D. Dalton Molly Lynn Davis Mary Ann Dixon Samantha Lynn Donathan Rachel Carrie Angel Draper Samantha J. Driskell Charlie S. Dugger Daniel E. Dye Mary Dykes Benjamin E. Engle Samuel Erickson Crystal Dawn Federow Lindy Jean Ferguson Brittany Jessica Fleenor Jamie Marie Florence Jonathan David Fox Cherry Renee Freeman Ariel Nicole Frisbee James Michael Galloway Jr. Cindy LaShae Gates Rebecca Marie Gifford Brian William Glover Amanda Jean Gilliam Natasha Lee Green Jamie Juanita Greene Tiffany Marie Greene Gerald Quentin Greenlee Stephanie Denise Greenwell Derika Allyse Grosser Christopher Wesley Hafner Danielle Lachelle Hale Ashley Amber Hamilton Cook Connie Christine Hamilton Jonathan Scott Harmon Mickela G. Harris Brittany Lané Hartley Jessica Nicole Hartline Beau Alexander Hauldren Kimberly LeShea Hawk Lauren Elizabeth Headrick John David Henderson Jessica Danielle Hensley Shelli Elizabeth Hobbs Catherine Hopper Heather Renee Hostetter Ashleigh Dawn Howard Shannon Joy Howard Aubryn Alyse Hudson Courtney E. Huskins Kristin Ashley Hutchison Jannie M. Jackson Brian Keith Jenkins Brittany Luzenne Jenkins Sarah Elizabeth Jones Cynthia R. King Alexandra Delane Lambert Cenia Danyelle Lawson Rochelle Kathleen Crook Lawson Whitley Alexandra Lemaster Christopher Lee Lewis Elizabeth Anne Light Samuel Liska 21 Jordan Nichole Littleton Kayla Marie Locke Darcee Deirdre Luchini Season Aleis Cates Lusk Jacqueline Marie Lynn Abigail Rose Martin Allissa LeAnn Masoner Randall Curtis Mathson Whitney McConnell Eric Shane McDavid Meghan Elizabeth McGee Haley Frances Merrill Ingrid Kristina Miller Patricia Hope Miller Alexandra Lynette Minter Meredith M. Montgomery Jennifer Dora Morrow Diana Navrotska Shelly R. Negrotto Rebecca L. Noble Jeremy Norris Amanda Dawn Nuckols Alex Oliver Garrett Eamonn Patrick O’Sullivan Erika Brooke Parker Kasey Kalina Parker Casey R. Patterson Aaron Joshua Payne Andrea Kristina Perry Deanna Marie Persons Lindsey Michelle Peters Genna Marie Petersen Sara Naomi Leigh Poole Jordan Everette Potter Ashley Luann Ramsey Jenny Louise Randall James Denver Range Lorena Andrade Reynoso Jennifer Renee Rhoden Lisa Riddle Tallitha Susanna Riffey Darren C. Riggs Abby Leigh Roach Lorraine Rudd Kara Lea Ruffin April L. Salts Ryan Clint Salyer Amber Nicole Sands Alex M. Savage Megan Natasha Scott Derek Ryan Shelton April Dawn Shumate Dawn Marie Smith Erica Danielle Smith Chelsie B. Snow Mallory Jayne Spangler Elizabeth Stamey Jamie Lynn Stancliff Ruth E. Stevenson Crystal Starr Storey Anne Kathleen Sullivan Brett A. Trinkle Lauren Trivette Matthew F. Tuttle Melvin Allen Underwood, Jr. Tiffany Dawn VanDyke Emily Katherine Veal Cortney B. Vineyard Cassondra Dawn Vonglis Cayla Walker Sherfey Michaela Alexandria Warner Sarah Watlington Alyson Josie Tyler Watson Brittany Watson Brenda Nichol Webb-Crick Kelley LeAnne Weems Ariel White Elizabeth L. White Hannah Elizabeth Williams Anna Katherine Zucconi Brittany Ashlynn White Tiffany J. Whitt Kara Aileen Williams COLLEGE OF CLINICAL & REHABILITATIVE HEALTH SCIENCES Ginger D. Adams Lauren Nicole Adams Joseph David Arnold Nathan Bates Amanda Lynn Bellner Amy Bieberly Lesley Bolden Christine Michele Bonner Kristy Nicole Bowers Amber Lynn Bowitz Amanda L. Brumfield Adam Christopher Burnett Caitlin Mary Carney Jennifer Marie Carter Monica Adrianna Cobb Kelley Marie Combs Brandi Sue Crawford Rachael Gwinn DeBorde Jessica Nicole Depew Kaley Elizabeth Donahue Melissa Sue Dratnol Patrick Dreyer Mirada Michelle Dunford Tanya D. Dykes Kellie A. Eads Mary Katherine Edgar Olivia Christine Edwards Ariel Ann Felts Laura Elizabeth Fleming Rayallan Fredericks Jacob Dakota Farrell Garland Kristen Brooke Gibson Zachary W. Glaspie Joshua Greene Nikki Alison Gregg Reynolds Aileen Grice Becky M. Hammond Meredith Gale Harris Cori Lajza Hensley Hannah E. Hensley Alysha Kathryn Hester Regina Meliea Hicks Amy Elizabeth Hieber Matthew David Hodges TeAnna Huff Pamela Lauren Jurgeluks Emily Ruth Keas Michael Patrick Leahy Jessica Lewis Megan Leone Lindsey Nicole S. Litwin Heather Breanne Lockhart Olivia Love Anne Lu Jeannine Jody Mark Megan Darlene May Michelle Lynn McNabb Rachel Marie McNabb Keshia K. Meade Haley Nicole Meredith Julian Mark Miller Robert Andrew Modzelewski Mark Reed Musselman Jessica Nelson Francis Jide Nwadiogbu Shannon Leigh Overcast Erica Brooke Owenby Benjamin J. Pelton Cherita Rose Lyn Peterson Hayley Shannon Pope Demi Anne Pulaski Rachel Dorothy Renee Pulliam Autumn Nicole Ray Brittney Elizabeth Reeder Aaron Renfro Sondra Gai Roberts Lauren Gabrielle Roy Jessica Runyan Dessalyn Rachele Sammons Alicia Danielle Schwenke Lauren Lea Shaw Eric Zane Shepard Jami Leann Smith Kathryn Ann Smith Nicole Lynn Smith Trey Steven Smotherman Joseph Andrew Sneyd Susan Sok Lindsay Jane Marie Steinhauer Tara Brooke Stevenson Marion Montague Stiles Brandon Allen Taylor Allen Bradley Vittetoe Jessica Watson Britney Leigh Werner Crystal Danielle West Carrie Westfall SCHOOL OF CONTINUING STUDIES & ACADEMIC OUTREACH Ronald William Arnold Leslie Ashcraft Khara Renée Ashe DeCarlos Deon Baker Marion Joe Baker Elizabeth C. Minton Barrett April N. Bell Lisa Sue Bell Melissa Faith Bess Christopher L. Blair Andrew William Bowman Denise Marie Garst Bowser Lakita Jean Boyd Melani Suzette Boyd Cadey Lauren Campbell Julia Lamie Collins P. Darlene Winters Constantine Sheree Noelle Coxton Ashley Renea Crabtree Kathryn G. Crum Thomas M. Cunningham Jr. Brooke A. Davenport Dawn Hilarry Davridge 22 Erin Lindsay Fields Mary Elizabeth Fish Jessica Lynn Fleenor Jason Lee Floyd Bradford Thomas Flynn Scott James Fraser Janette Gaines Lou Gallagher Kelsie Marie Gardner Tarita Tiffany Gordon Lisa Renee Lamb Greene David Michael Hart Matthew Jason Hensley Calvin Laurence Hesser A. Brooke Holland Jones Lauren Horsey William Brent Huneycutt Rene Nolen Huntsinger Hanna April Huskins Michelle Dawn Keesee Stephen Tyrel Kinnard Suzane Marie Klein Josephine Anne Lamb Casie Brooke Laucka LaShana Leigh Amy Lynne Young Lester Dorothy A. May Cynthia J. Mayfield Jacob Jackson Wayne McCann Candace Nicole Miller Jessica Lynn Miller Kelly Diáne Miner Margaret A. Mizwa Michael L. Moore Shelley Lynn Morse Sherri Smith Mosley Bradley Keith Mullins Kelly Suzanne Murray Jean Marie Musick Brandon Keith Nave Joshua Keith Nolan Frances B. O’Connor James M. O’Connor Frances Katherine Palko Thomas B. Patrick Elizabeth Phillips Jennifer Adelia Fay Reed Jeffery L. Robinette Shawn Seginack Sharon Renee Shadley Jake A. Sharp Jackson A. Shelnutt Elizabeth Mae Shulas Pearl Asaka Sim Aomatsu Laura Lynn Smith Shane Ashley Smith Marissa Ann Snead Haseena Stoss Bradley A. Stufflestreet Joshua J. Tanner Mary Carolyn Talley Tapp Paige Yvette Church Thornburg Katie A. Turner Tommy Ray van Etteger William Leslie VanEtten, II April Lynette Ward Jenny Racquel Welch Jay Edward Wheeler Danny E. Williams, Jr. Martin Francis Wirtz Lisa M. Wissing Kellye Brianne Wood Mark W. Wyatt • 2 p.m. Ceremony • SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Jennifer Alleen Correll B.A., Columbia College M.A., East Tennessee State University Dissertation: “Weight Concerns, Body Image, and Smoking Cessation in Pregnant Women in Rural Appalachia” Chair: Dr. William Dalton, III Kathryn Wallin Wilhoit B.S.N., East Tennessee State University M.S.N., University of Virginia, Charlottesville Dissertation: “A Measurement of Readiness for Tennessee Hospitals to Implement “Meaningful Use” Criteria Resulting from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 2009” Chair: Dr. Kathleen Rayman DOCTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH Megan Ashley Quinn B.A., Wesleyan College M.S., University of Edinburgh Dissertation: “Exploring the Unique Characteristics of Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults in Tennessee” Chair: Dr. James Anderson 23 MASTER OF ARTS Kevin N. Allison B.S., East Tennessee State University Eric James Anderson B.S., The University of Virginia’s College at Wise Thesis: “‘Talking’ During Early Romantic Courtship: An Empirical Examination of Potential Sex Differences in Self-Reported Beliefs and Behaviors” Chair: Dr. Paul Kamolnick Rex Edward Barber, Jr. B.S., East Tennessee State University Thesis: “Alternative vs. Traditional News: A Content Analysis of News Coverage of the 10th Anniversary of Sept. 11” Chair: Dr. Robert Dunn Jacob Owen Bryant B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Thesis: “The Invisible Enemy: The Effects of Polio on the American War Effort during World War II, 1941-1945” Chair: Dr. Stephen Fritz Linde Christine Rush Burkey B.S., East Tennessee State University Thesis: “Reflex of Avoidance in Spatial Restrictions for Signatures and Handwritten Entries” Chair: Dr. Larry Miller Rose Diane Canada B.A., East Tennessee State University Julie Chartrou B.A., ISEG Institut Supérieur Européen Gestion M.S., Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 Thesis: “How Media Frame Roller Derby Around the World in 20 Different Countries” Chair: Dr. John King Ashley Danielle Dickson B.S., East Tennessee State University Thesis: “Examining Differences in Stress Symptoms Based on Sexual Orientation” Chair: Dr. Stacey Williams Linda O. Gibson B.A., University of South Carolina, Columbia M.Ed., University of Arkansas, Little Rock Adrienne Leigh Hendon B.S., West Virginia University, Morgantown Thesis: “Pick-Up lines: To Use a Neg or a Flippant?” Chair: Dr. Carrie Oliveira Chanda Renè Herndon B.S., Old Dominion University Eric J. Hunt B.A., East Tennessee State University Carla Joinson B.S., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Thesis: “The Perception and Treatment of Insanity in Southern Appalachia” Chair: Dr. Emmett Essin Kari Keeling B.A., Tennessee Technological University Thesis: “‘To Make Myself for a Person’: The Bildungsroman in Modern Jewish-American Literature” Chair: Dr. Thomas Holmes Gina Marie Koratzanis B.A., Carson-Newman College Sean Ian Levenson B.A., West Virginia State University Thesis: “Translational Wit: Seventeenth-Century Literary Translations of Selections from Ovid’s Heroides” Chair: Dr. Judith Slagle Benjamin Andrew Martin B.S., East Tennessee State University Thesis: “Information, Organization, and Target Perceptions of Student Services for Community College Students” Chair: Dr. Joseph Baker Brandi N. McCloud B.A., East Tennessee State University Thesis: “Communist Party from the Perspective of the Rank and File Autoworkers” Chair: Dr. Emmett Essin Dustin Robert Melbardis B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Thesis: “An Analysis of Restorative Justice in Vermont: Assessing the Relationships Between the Attitudes of Citizens and the Practices of the Department of Corrections” Chair: Dr. John Whitehead Shaun L. Michel B.S., Florida State University Thesis: “Organizational Strategies of Influence on American Environmental Policy, 1976-2006: A Network Exploration of Power Elitism versus Pluralism” Chair: Dr. Paul Kamolnick John Radley Milstead B.A., East Tennessee State University Thesis: “Party of the Century: Juarez, Diaz, and the End of the “Unifying Liberal Myth” in 1906 Oaxaca” Chair: Dr. Daniel Newcomer Anthony Chase Mitchell B.A., King College Thesis: “An Audio-visual Ethnographic Case Study of International, Rural, Nonprofit Public Relations Geared Toward Sustainable Development” Chair: Dr. Shara Lange Casey Nash B.S., Austin Peay State University Hannah Tamar Ruehl B.A., Lipscomb University 24 Eliza Love Shelton B.A., Carson-Newman College Thesis: “The Edenton Tea Party, 25 October 1774: A Patriotic Female Community in Revolutionary North Carolina” Chair: Dr. Dale Schmitt James Benjamin Shupe B.S., Tennessee Technological University Thesis: “A Symbolic Prison: A Prisoner’s Story as Masculinity Crisis Narrative in Bronson” Chair: Dr. C. Wesley Buerkle Heidi Laura Smathers B.S., Western Carolina University Thesis: “Open Fire: A Portrait of Gun Control in U. S. and International Newspaper Articles after the 2011 Arizona Mass Shooting” Chair: Dr. John King Ryan Smith B.S., East Tennessee State University Matthew Allen Southerland B.S., East Tennessee State University Desta Taylor B.S., East Tennessee State University Thesis: “Psychological Distress as Mediator Between Perceived Stigma and Relationship Satisfaction Among Sexual Minorities” Chair: Dr. Stacey Williams Nicole Danielle Waddell B.S., East Tennessee State University Thesis: “Childhood Factors Affecting Aggressive Behaviors” Chair: Dr. Larry Miller Stacey King Wagers B.A., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Kalah Wilson B.S., Appalachian State University Thesis: “Content Analysis of Sports Illustrated Articles Depicting Women’s and Men’s College Basketball” Chair: Dr. Marth Copp MASTER OF FINE ARTS Scott Matthew Brown B.F.A., Appalachian State University Thesis: “A Search For Balance” Chair: Ms. Catherine Murray John Lusk Hathaway, III B.S., East Tennessee State University Thesis: “wild/life: A Forest for the People” Chair: Mr. Michael Smith Jason Sabbides B.F.A., University of North Carolina, Asheville Thesis: “Float In Float Out” Chair: Ms. Mira Gerard MASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTH Billy Brooks B.A., University of North Carolina, Asheville Srinivas Challa B.D.S., The Tamil Nadu Medical University Deepti Arun Chopra M.B.B.S., Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik Selina Elizabeth Clark B.S., Milligan College Brenda R. Darling B.S., McGill University D.O., Des Moines University Ashley Elizabeth Davies B.S., Stetson University Delilah Jo Greer B.S., East Tennessee State University Tracy Holt B.S., East Tennessee State University M.S., East Tennessee State University Megan Elizabeth Housenick B.S., South College William Daniel Hudson B.S., University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Cassandra Ivie Igbe B.S., West Texas A&M University Jeanna Johnson-Maczka B.S., East Tennessee State University Sonali Kumari M.B.B.S., Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Carl Thomas Meyer B.S., University of Wisconsin, Superior B.S., Lees-McRae College Jenna Middlebrooks B.A.A.S., St. Petersburg College B.S.D.H., St. Petersburg College Shiva Kumar Reddy Mukkamalla M.B.B.S., NTR University of Health Sciences Aimee Elizabeth Neely B.S., East Tennessee State University Ifeoma Doreen Ozodiegwu B.S., Enugu State University of Science & Technology, Enugu Natasha Marie Rutherford B.S., East Tennessee State University Allison Seidel B.S., Millersville University 25 MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Emily Lance Goepel B.A., East Tennessee State University Nicole Kelley B.A., Belmont University Michael E. Parker B.S., East Tennessee State University Linda Paternina De La Rosa B.B.A., Universidad Del Norte Fanhao Qu B.A., East Tennessee State University Patricia Ranae Vance B.S., East Tennessee State University MASTER OF SCIENCE Nkongho Collins Binda B.S., University of Buea Thesis: “Study of Metal Tolerance/Accumulation in Festuca arundinacea Schreb. from Serpentine Sites in North Carolina” Chair: Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Yasemin Hakat B.S., Ataturk University Thesis: “Studies on the Preparation, Immobilization and Luminescence Properties of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Quantum Dots” Chair: Dr. Chu Ngi Ho Deborah Hayford B.S., University of Cape Coast, Ghana Thesis: “Cloning, Expression, and Biochemical Characterization of Recombinant Putative Glucosyltransferase Clones 3 and 8 from Grapefruit (citrus paradisi)” Chair: Dr. Cecilia McIntosh Leigha M. King B.S.G., Bowling Green State University Thesis: “Phylogeny of Panthera, Including P. atrox, Based on Cranialmandibular Characters” Chair: Dr. Steven Wallace Martha Liendo B.S., King College Thesis: “Preferential Arrangement Containment in Strict Superpatterns” Chair: Dr. Anant Godbole Amukta Mayakoti B.S., Andhra University B.S.T., Andhra University Thesis: “Characterization of Fresh Water Microalgae from East Tennessee for Biodiesel Production” Chair: Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Christopher K. Sterling B.S., Middle Tennessee State University Thesis: “Liar’s Domination in Grid Graphs” Chair: Dr. Teresa Haynes Anye Wamucho B.S., University of Buea Thesis: “Cloning, Heterologous Expression in Yeast, and Biochemical Characterization of Recombinant Putative Glucosyltransferase Clones 9 and 11 from Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi)” Chair: Dr. Cecilia McIntosh Andrew Young B.S., Appalachian State University Thesis: “A Consensus Model for Electroencephalogram Data Via the S-Transform” Chair: Dr. Jeff Knisley MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Kimberly J. Burr B.S.N., Winston-Salem State University Jean Marie Young Clark B.S.N., East Tennessee State University B.S.C.E., Clemson University Alicia Hill Eifler B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University B.S.N., Western Carolina University Amy Michelle Hampton B.S.N., East Tennessee State University Karen Gilmer Hathaway B.S.N., East Tennessee State University Tina R. Hensley B.S., Tusculum College B.S.N., King College Michelle L. Littleton B.S.N., East Tennessee State University Renee Michele Lowe B.S.N., East Tennessee State University Kim-Lei Lowery B.S., Covenant College Sheri McRae B.S.N., East Tennessee State University 26 Donna Nesmith B.S.N., Armstrong Atlantic State University B.A., University of Georgia, Athens Haley Diane Quillen B.S.N., University of Tennessee, Knoxville Marsha Gayle Rodgers B.S.N., East Tennessee State University Charles Dayton Williams B.S., East Tennessee State University B.S.N., East Tennessee State University MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Ashton Blake Belcher B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Cicely A. Brooks B.A., East Tennessee State University Krystal Lee Bryant B.S., East Tennessee State University LaShea Cooks B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Cynthia A. Turnbow-Crumley B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Michelle Marie Davidson B.S.W., Western Carolina University Amanda Brooke Delph B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Lea Elwood-Relyea B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Lauren Elizabeth Flanders B.S., Milligan College Benjamin Hunter Garland B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Deidra Deanna Gaus B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Amy Romeo Herron B.S.W., East Tennessee State University B.A., East Tennessee State University Christina H. Jenkins B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Mallory B. Morphew Jessee B.A., Emory & Henry College Sherron D. Kincaid B.S.W., Mars Hill College Christina Marie Kunisch B.S.W., East Tennessee State University B.A., East Tennessee State University B.S., East Tennessee State University Catherine Moura Lagergren B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Kimberly D. Mathes B.S., East Tennessee State University Tyra Boyd McNiel B.S., Radford University Jacquelyn S. Adams B.A., Colorado State University, Fort Collins Charles B. Noel B.S., East Tennessee State University Abigail Rae Phillips B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Kelly Irene Ross B.S.W., Appalachian State University Jamie Ann Graham Schlemmer B.A., Argosy University, Phoenix David Robert Shields, Jr. B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Summer Pauline Stuber B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Seranie Cassandra Turner B.S.W., University of North Carolina, Wilmington Katherine Anne Walters B.S.W., East Tennessee State University Christy M. Wickline B.S., Fairmont State University Anna Elizabeth Williams B.S., East Tennessee State University Sarah Brooks Lumpkin Wyatt B.A., Converse College 27 BACCALAUREATE DEGREES COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Jessica D. Adams Justin A. Adams Veronica Nicole Addington Mingjiao Ai Alaina Akens Matthew Schau Allen Mahmoud Mohamad Amine Julieann F. Anderson Michael Phillips Anderson Savannah Marie Arwood Taylor Ashby Stephen Aaron Ashe Katie Jessica Autry Taylor Bachman Valarie L. Bagwell Austin Kent Bailey James Samuel Bailey Kelsey Christine Bailey Angela Baker Courtney Marie Baker Eliza Anne Hill Ballentine John August Barcel Kyle Eugene Barnes Thom Edd Barry William Phillips Bass, III Rachel Michel Bates Robert Thomas Bayless Adam Kennedy Becker Nikita Rachelle Belcher Harrison James Bell Sarah Elizabeth Bell Kelsey Bellamy Julia Berry Katherine Jordan Bibee Joanna D. Bigham Chelsey Bishop Tesha Elise Blair Samuel Aaron Blankenship Amanda Yvonne Bolden Bobby L. Bonilla Tona Mullen Bonilla Stuart N. Bowen Hannah Rose Bowers Chloe Karoline Bremer Ellen Christina Brewer Meara Hope Bridges Jessie Ellen Briggs Christi Brown Isiah M. Brown Jacqueline Alexandria Brown Ashley Bryant Nichole Adriana Bryant Sara Rebekah Bryant Gregory John Burgess Megan Sueann Burke DeVan Leigh Burton William Andrew Burk Jason Kyle Butcher Andrew Lee Butler Nicholas Butler David Matthew Byrd Sharon Marie Cameron Brandi Nicole Canter Joshua Ray Carico Patricia Anne Carpenter Jamie Carr Jaime Lain Carroll Vincent Anthony Carroll Brian M. Cartwright Logan Marshall Cash Laura Lynn Catron Lori Anne Champion Karin Marie Gregory Chappell Hira Bashir Chaudhary Thomas Wesley Clark Wesley Coates Krista Cole Samantha Diana Colgate Kristin Faith Collette Caitlin S. Colley Dawn M. Collins Marshall Dalton Collins Catherine Ellen Connatser Jerad Wade Cook Whitney Brooke Cope Jeanne Kay Nicole Copenhaver Aaron Matthew Cornett Andrew Harrison Cox Courtney Allison Cox Rachel Elizabeth Cox Sarah Elizabeth Cox Ellen Janine Craig Ashley Michelle Crawford Kelley Naraine Cross Timothy M. Cross Rebecca Caroline Culp Marquis Lance Daley Margaret Anne Darden Chelsea Daugherty Aaron Dean Davies Sasha Leigh Davis Andrea Lynn Day Lindsey Alex Decker Alexandirea A. DeJarnette Marlina Anne Delisa Mary Elizabeth DePriest Danielle Marie Desjardins Joshua Deyton Kayla Elaine Deyton 28 Kenneth Blaine Dick Kristy Lynn Dick Nathan Lee Dinkel Zachary Canada Dinkins Joshua Kyle Dishner Justin David Doak Melissa Ann Dolen Christopher R. Dooly Miranda Nachelle Doss Daniel Adam Downs Benjamin R. Dykes Joshua Cody Edwards Brianna L. Ellis Joshua Jarod Ely Rachel Marie Engle Caitlyn Epps Charles Ryan Felty Gabriel W. Felty Cecil J. Ferguson Jr. James Eric Ferguson John Kennley Fielder, III Jaclyn Danielle Finney Tyler James Finocchio Glenn Patrick Fisher Ashley Fitzgerald Jennifer Marie Fitzpatrick Laynee Lovelace Fleenor Patrick Wade Fleenor Ashley V. Floyd Whitney Leeann Forbes James Michael Ford Dwayne Fortner Geoffrey Steven Fowler Ashley N. Fox Rebecca Elizabeth Foxx Ashley Danielle Francis Joyce Ashley Frost Thomas Edward Gambrel Lois Ari’el Garrett Caitlin Gaughan James Lee Gayle, Jr. Rachel Lee Gentry Katherine Gill Justin D. Gillispie Rachel Michelle Goad Tilman E. Goins, Jr. Audrey Mikael Gouge Taryn R. Grasty Victoria Jean Graves Amanda Lauren Greer Bryan Russell Gunter Joseph Brian Hackett Candice Nicole Hackler Ashley S. Hagy Timothy Joseph Hall Kendrick Casey Halsey Cayce Eugene Harper Maegan Kathleen Harrell Amber Michel Harris Melodie Harris Theresa C. Harvey Adam J. Haselsteiner Jessica Randi Hawley Jessica Lynn Hayes Grayson John Heffner Dedrick E. Helton Stefanie Arminda Helton Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson Taylor Paige Hennessee Dustin Hensley Kaleb K. Herbert Adam Anthony Hernandez Jacqueline Hillenbrand Tabatha Rachelle Hilton Caddy Noahl Hobbs Karie M. Hodges Ashley Rae Hoffman Jonathan W. Holtsclaw Sarah Joy Hoover Casey Rebekah Houpt Jing Hu Chazz Alden Hughes David William Hutsell Jeffery August Hyder Robert Nickolas Hyduk Alexandra Paige Ingraham Arianna Ingram Jacob Stuart Ingram Saba Iqbal James Logan Jackson Jacob A. Jenkins Kevin Hart John Ashley Johnson Derek Lee Jones Jared Michael Jones Kelsie Taylor Jones Raymond Douglas Jones, Jr. Khaled Kadah Gregory Patrick Kaufmann Jessica Brooke Keasler Ginger Y. Ketron Joseph Alexander King Tracy Danielle Kizer Meera Bhagvan Krishnamoorthy Emily Rose Kyle Travis Michael Lakin Revathi Lakkakula Kristian Ashleigh Lambert Chelsey Lance Stacy A. Larson Casey L. Lawson Chelsea Lynn Lawson Allyson Elizabeth Lee Joseph Lee Savannah Jo Lewis Wenfang Li Xueyi Li William J. Parrott Fei Liu James Eugene Livesay, III Priyadarshani F. Loess Paul Allen Loewenkamp Shelly Elizabeth Lomax Erin Marie Loncharic Sean David Long Anthony N. Lovelady Keia Loveless Whitney Lowery Heather Fay Lucas Brittany Kristina Lund Annie Luttrell Jason Luttrell Emily Kathleen Mahoney Hilary Ann Maitlen Gabriel Dan Manis Hanif Mansoor Jeffrey Michael Martin David Allen Mason Danielle Kristine Maughon Tara Layne McDaniel Christopher H. McDonald Micah Anthony McFaddin Wesley Douglas McKinney Katie M. McKittrick Alora Kyleen McNutt Rajiv Manoj Mehta Connie Rene’ Messer Sean Cameron Metcalf Daniel Justin Miller Heather Leeann Miller Justin Miller Abbe Susanne Millsaps Amanda Nicole Milstead Allison Brooke Mitchell Jody Daryell Mitchell Daryl Joesph Monceaux Zachary Mitchell Mongan Justin Moore Terence Joshua Moore Eric Lyn Morgan Chelsey Sujēn Morrell Christopher Morris Edwina Michelle Morris Shelby Jae Morris David Francis Mowell Chelsea Lynn Muhlhahn Kelsey Danielle Mumpower Andrew Murdoch Stephanie Leigh-Ann Myers Andrea Kay Nary Cody S. Neas Rachel Ann Nichols Gregory S. Norris Kasey Norris Melanie Kathryn Norris Savannah Brooke Norton Molly Belle Noseworthy Brittany Michele Nugent Ciara Rose Parker 29 Rachel Anne Parsons Cynthia Catelyn Pate Anuj Anil Patel Hima A. Patel Jay Kishor Patel Neel Satish Patel Vini Patel Christopher Michael Pearce Ashley Anne Pegram Kurtis Peladeau Thomas Lee Pennington Charles Anthony Perkins Amythyst Kiah Phillips Timothy Dustin Phillips Emily Nicole Pierce R. Christopher Plaas Amy Michelle Poole Christine Elysia Price James Andy Price Michelle C. Rai Rachel Anna Randolph Donovan Stephen Jackson Reed Joshua LeQuire Reed Lara Kaitlynn Reed David Justin Reid Heather L. Rhine Harold Loyd Ringley, III James Allen Robb, III Richard Michael Donald Roberts Emily Dawn Robertson Tony Kent Rodriguez Anna-Claire Rogers Courtney Nicole Roller Daniel Lee Rose Samantha M. Rosky Sarah Elizabeth Rowan Hannah Tess Ruff Amber Brooke Danielle Russell Kayla Michelle Sadler Randy Jamal Sahyouni Bradley Micheal Saunders Joshua W. Sewell Emily Elizabeth Sharp Katie Jessee Sheffield Aisha K. Sheikh Nicholas Shields Jordan Shively Travis Eugene Shumate Kyle Shute Joseph Michael Ryland Sichting Mindy Melinda Simmons Andy Slack Giovanna Chiarella Lima Smith Kelci Leanne Smith Nicole M. Smith Samuel Stone Smith Zachary Micah Smith Peipei Song Pamela J. Sparks Thomas Stevan Spence Susan Kaye Steffey Maranda Lynn Stephenson Emma Victoria Sterling Michael David Stockwell Timothy A. Strickler, Jr. Joshua D. Strother Laurel Elisa Stunkard Michelle Rene Summers Rachael L. Sutherland Jessica Ann Swango William Keith Swink Jennie Tan Chaoyi Tang Ian Spencer Taylor Joseph Larry Taylor II David Emerson Templeton, II Emily Allyn Thomas Kendall Paige Thomas Brigette Prater Thompson Travis Michael Thompson Andrew Tyson Thomson Benjamin Reid Tiller Jessica Angel Tipton Christine Ruth Tober Amanda Dakota Tomlinson Nicholas Lafoye Treece Jessica Sarah Michelle Trivett Damin Lee Truan Joseph Thomas Tucciarone, Jr. Kathryn Ellyn Van Antwerp Amanda Rae Vanhoy Sarah Elisabeth Vella Haley P. Wainwright David William Walter Amy Renee Townsend Wandel Austin Wang Mengyang Wang Ruoying Wang Sai Wang Jaima Suzanne Ward Brandy Ann Warner Jimmy Tucker Wayland Melvin Joseph Weatherly Jessica LaGrace Webb Samantha Kelcey Werner Tanner J. West Kathryn Ann Westbrooks Douglas E. Wheeler Casey Brianne Whitman Elizabeth Wilks Jessica N. Williams Matthew Williams Tyler Lee Williams Nicholas Willis Rebecca Jean Winter Jodi A. Woods Sharon Yvonne Woody Allie Elease Word Melissa Paige Wright Kara Alexandria Wyatt Ferryn Xenakis Xinyue Xu Sana Yousuf Yakoob Cheng Yang Courtney Marie Yatteau Elizabeth V. Young Shuang Zhang Bingqing Zhao Ksenia Zhuravleva COLLEGE OF PUBLIC HEALTH Kasey Bailey Julia C. Bennett Brittany Leigh Borum Rachel Elizabeth Buchanan Stephanie Louise Carden Karie Michelle Castle Jillian Camille Chafin Summer Cornett Erin Leanne Dula Brandon Tyler Farmer Amanda Katelyn Goodhard Margo Lynn Guinn Michael Shawn Hooker Lea Christine Hudson Imaobong Emmanuel Isang Kayla Renee Jarnagin Molly LeeAnn Jones Rajesh Lookose Malikayil Kensie Colleen McKee William Tyler McMullen Michael Franklin Neblett, II Trusha Patel Carly Jeannette Payne Marday Laura Peters COLLEGE OF NURSING Brittany Chantel Anderson Mindy K. Armes Jacqulin D. Atkins Shawna Kate Ball Casey Mae Bates Micah Lane Beam Karen Anita Bishop Sheri Diane Gibson Pamela Michele Brown Hester Burns Bethany Anne Carroll Christopher Allen Chamberlain Shawna Nicole Chaney Heather E. Click Steevie Caldwell Connors Connie B. Cronley Rita T. Curran Candice Cutshall Kacey Rhea Davis Jeanne Dople Phyllis Delaine Dyar Evan Ecklund Brianna Lyn Edwards Grace Michelle Elliott Rebecca Nicole Engle Aaron Bradley Fleenor Robin Leigh Freyling Benjamin Todd Garland Makenzey Brooke Gonzalez 30 Sarrah Melissa Pitman Eric Gregory Sensabaugh Kenneth Preston Showman Kelsey Spencer April Elizabeth Stanley Kelsey Taylor Hayley Elise Templeton Roger Wayne Thompson Jr. Zachary P. Thurber Ashley Nicole Vaughn Marah Ann Wise Sara Breanne Greene Matthew Collins Hackney Heather Ann Harrison Deanna Joan Hayden Lori Mae Helms Marissa LeAnn Hensley Hannah Ruth Howell Renae DeVault Hubbs Camille Marie Hughes Kristie A. Harris Jackson Jordan Michelle Jewett Christy D. Johnson Jennifer Leigh Johnson Kayla Alyse Kelley J. Lee Kimes Canaan Grace Lethgo Brittany Danielle Steele Shanxin Liang Stacy Lynn Loy Cetessa E. Mack Angela M. Mantooth Randall Anthony Medley Robin L. Merritt Laura Hall Meyers Samara Nicole Miller Kimberly D. Moody Ashley E. Moore Jeremiah S. J. Moore John Edward Murray, Jr. Christopher Ryan Mynhier Rebecca E. O’Connor Minata Camara Ouattara Laura W. Pantoja Cory Ward Phinizy Pammela M. Poore Patricia Newby Pritchett Lorena Yao Radney Sandra E. Rainwater Wendy Nichole Rakestraw Karen Sue Rauhuff Alisha Erin Reed Megan R. Rehme Heather Michelle Renfro David Richard Kecia Renee Riddle Caitlyn Michelle Rookstool Melinda Anne Sage Calla Rose Sanders Melanie Marie Scott Traci Sharp Joseph A. Shatley Leah Ashley Simms Amanda Lynn Smith Megan Elizabeth Smith Ashley Nicole Spence Mary C. Stano 31 Julia Ann Spires Patricia Lynn Stinson Lauren Alexandra Sulzycki Barbara Ellen Taylor Brittney Linnette Taylor Kristin Jean Taylor Laura E. Taylor Matthew Martin Taylor Ophilia Ndi Toh Elana Hope VanHuss Maria Voutsina-Kerny Alissa Warlick Lesley Ann Whitehead Debra A. Honeycutt Williams Kaylan Danielle Williams Kristy L. Williams Barbara Elizabeth Wright Allison Leigh Young Mace Bearer Dr. Chris Dula, Distinguished Faculty Award (Teaching), 2011 Department of Psychology Distinguished Faculty Marshals Dr. Joel Hillhouse, Distinguished Faculty Award (Research), 2011 Department of Community Health Ms. Melissa Shafer, Distinguished Faculty Award (Service), 2010 Department of Communication (morning ceremony) Dr. Roberta Herrin, Distinguished Faculty Award (Service), 2011 Department of Appalachian Studies (afternoon ceremony) Bearers of University Banners College of Arts and Sciences..................................Dr. Robert M. Price, Jr. College of Business and Technology......................Dr. Keith Johnson College of Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences..................................................Ms. Shirley Cherry College of Medicine................................................Dr. Kenneth S. Ferslew College of Pharmacy...............................................Dr. Peter C. Panus College of Education...............................................Dr. Michael Ramsey School of Continuing Studies & Academic Outreach........................................Dr. Amy Johnson College of Nursing..................................................Ms. Rebecca Hunter College of Public Health.........................................Dr. Alan Forsman Honors College.......................................................Dr. Scott Contreras-Koterbay School of Graduate Studies.....................................Dr. Jill Leroy-Frazier (10 a.m.) Dr. Brian Martin (2 p.m.) University Libraries................................................Ms. Kathy Campbell ETSU Alumni Association......................................Ms. Iqra Ahmad (10 a.m.) Ms. Leah Tilson (2 p.m.) Color Guard Cadet CPT George Ford Cadet 1SG David Gazzo Cadet 1LT Cameron McDonald Cadet SGT Jie Wei Cadet 2LT Samuel McNeal Placement of University Banners Cadet in Charge Cadet SSG Brandie Burchfield Cadet SGT Catherine Hurst Graduating Students Receiving Army Commissions *Miranda N. Doss, 2LT, United States Army, Military Intelligence, Active Duty Geoffrey S. Fowler, 2LT, United States Army, Military Police, U.S. Army Reserves Christopher W. Hafner, 2LT, United States Army, Medical Service Corps, Army National Guard Rochelle K. Lawson, 2LT, United States Army, Medical Service Corps, Army National Guard Jacob J. W. McCann, 2LT, United States Army, Quartermaster, Active Duty *William J. Parrott, 2LT, United States Army, Infantry, Active Duty Tyler L. Peterson, 2LT, United States Army, Military Intelligence, Active Duty Laurel E. Stunkard, 2LT, United States Army, Adjutant General Corps, Active Duty Brett A. Tinkle, 2LT, United States Army, Adjutant General Corps, Army National Guard *Designates Distinguished Military Graduates who are selected from the top 20% of Cadets in the nation. 2LT Doss also received the Legion of Valor Bronze Cross and the Pallas Athene national awards. Trumpet Fanfare Ushers ETSU Wind Ensemble Members of ETSU President’s Pride Announcement of Candidates Mr. Fred Sauceman, Senior Writer, Executive Assistant to the President for University Relations, and Associate Professor of Appalachian Studies Prelude Music ETSU Wind Ensemble, Dr. Christian M. Zembower, Conductor 32 ACADEMIC REGALIA The three academic degrees generally recognized are the bachelor’s, the master’s and the doctor’s. The name of each degree seems to have been determined by medieval university custom. The bachelor’s degree, the baccalaureate, takes its name directly from the medieval practice of “bachelors” wearing a garland of bayberries. The master’s degree was equivalent to a license to teach, and sometimes was followed by the express words Licentia Docendi. The doctor’s degree was originally a title of respect and a recognition of great learning. Today the doctor’s degree indicates advanced study and independent research in a specialized field of learning, whereas honorary degrees are granted for meritorious service and for distinction in public or private endeavor. In the medieval university, students and teachers wore gowns indicating their status and scholastic achievement. In 1895, an intercollegiate commission drafted a uniform code for the use of academic caps, gowns and hoods in the United States. This code is followed by approximately 95 percent of all col‑ leges and universities. In 1932 and 1935 the American Council on Education reviewed and refined the American academic costume. Those holding a bachelor’s degree traditionally wear a gown of worsted material, fastened at the top, and distinguished by long pointed sleeves hanging nearly to the knees. The master’s gown, worn open, is made either of worsted or silk, and has long closed sleeves with an arc appearing near the bottom and a slit for the arm near the middle of the sleeves. The doctor’s gown, also worn open, is made of silk, faced with a broad strip of velvet, and has three bars of velvet on each sleeve. A hood may be worn with the gown and is made of the same material. The master’s hood is three and one-half feet long, faced with a three-inch strip of velvet; the doctor’s hood is four feet long, faced with a five-inch strip of velvet. The color of the tassel or the velvet strip on the hood indicates the field of study in which the degree was earned or granted, as for example: Agriculture – Maize; Arts, Letters, Humanities – White; Commerce, Accountancy, Business – Drab; Dentistry – Lilac; Economics – Copper; Education – Light Blue; Engineering – Orange; Fine Arts including Architecture – Brown; Forestry – Russet; Journalism – Crimson; Law – Purple; Library Science – Lemon; Medicine – Green; Music – Pink; Nursing – Apricot; Oratory (Speech) – Silver Gray; Pharmacy – Olive Green; Philosophy – Dark Blue; Physical Education – Sage Green; Physical Therapy – Teal; Public Administration including Foreign Service – Peacock Blue; Public Health – Salmon Pink; Science – Golden Yellow; Social Work – Citron; Theology – Scarlet; Veterinary Science – Gray. The appropriate cap for all degrees is the familiar black “mortarboard.” A black tassel, or one of a color signifying the field of specialization, hanging to the left of the face, is appropriate for all degrees. Those holding a doctor’s degree may wear a soft velvet cap of the color indicating their field of study, or with the “mortarboard” may wear a tassel in whole or in part of gold thread. The Presidential Medallion The presidential medallion is the traditional symbol of office worn at official functions. The design features a torch symbolizing learning; a wreath, symbol of victory, while the star ruby symbolizes excellence. The Mace The East Tennessee State University mace is an organic design in forged silver with an ebony handle. The form gives a circular impression, referring to the medieval concept of a heavy armorbreaking club yet losing its warlike appearance by becoming less solid and a more decorative symbol of the university as it encompasses global thinking. A central staff radiates the thrust of the rhythmical branches of the tree of knowledge; the heavier branches representing the well-established disciplines and the more delicate ones the beginnings and growth of the new. The Flag The flag of East Tennessee State University is of simple conception, yet representative of the rich heritage of the area and the aspirations of the university. 33 Recent Faculty Retirees Dr. Lynda B. Anastasia Department of Social Work Dr. Marian L. Chamberlin Department of Internal Medicine Dr. Thomas Jenrette Department of Music Ms. Peggy McConnell College of Nursing Dr. Dale Schmitt Department of History Dr. Alma L. Watson Department of Human Development and Learning Academic Honors Students wearing medallions on colored ribbons are graduating with honors as follows: •White ribbon ‑ cum laude Alpha Sigma Lambda •Yellow ribbon - magna cum laude •Blue ribbon ‑ summa cum laude National Honor Societies The cream-colored stoles with deep burgundy and antique gold embroidery signify the credo “First in Scholarship and Leadership” and membership in the Zeta Tau chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda, the Premier National Honor Society for Nontraditional Students. Gamma Beta Phi The gold sash worn by some of the graduates signifies membership in the Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society which emphasizes scholarship, service, and character. Gamma Sigma Alpha The cords of red and gold worn by some graduates signify membership in Gamma Sigma Alpha and a commitment to leadership, academic achievement, and excellence as core values of fraternities and sororities. Phi Kappa Phi The blue, gold, and white medallions worn by some of the graduates signify membership in the National Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi which recognizes and encourages superior scholarship in all academic disciplines. Omicron Delta Kappa The sky blue, black, and white intertwined honor cords worn by some of the faculty and graduates signify membership in Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society which recognizes juniors, seniors, and graduate students who exhibit excellence in one or more of the following areas: scholarship, athletics, community service, campus governance, involvement in student organizations/publications, or the performing arts. National Residence Hall Honorary The blue and white cords worn by some of the graduates signify membership in the National Residence Hall Honorary which recognizes the top one percent of residence hall student leaders. Sigma Alpha Lambda The navy, black, and gold intertwined honor cords worn by some of the graduates signify membership in Sigma Alpha Lambda, National Leadership, and Honors Organization which recognizes and encourages academic achievement, servant leadership, and community service. Tau Sigma Cords of burgundy and gold signify membership in Tau Sigma, an academic honor society designed specifically to “recognize and promote the academic excellence and involvement of transfer students.” 34 Alpha Psi Omega Lambda Epsilon College of Arts and Sciences The amber and sky blue cords represent membership in the Alpha Psi Omega National Theatre Honor Society, designed to recognize and reward exemplary student participation in Theatre. Lambda Pi Eta Students who have attained a standard of excellence in the field of communication wear honor cords of red and white to signify their membership in Lambda Pi Eta honor society. Phi Alpha National Honor Society The blue and gold medallions worn by some of the graduates signify membership in the Phi Alpha National Honor Society which recognizes and encourages superior scholarship in Social Work as well as all other academic disciplines. Phi Alpha Theta The maroon and light blue cords worn by some of the graduates and faculty signify membership in Phi Alpha Theta, an American honor society established in 1921 for undergraduate and graduate students and professors of history. The society is a charter member of the Association of College Honor Societies. East Tennessee State University’s chapter, Alpha Epsilon Epsilon, was chartered in 1989. Phi Sigma Pi The purple and gold sashes worn by some graduates signify membership in Phi Sigma Pi, a national co-ed honor fraternity. The fraternity’s purpose is to bring together some of the brightest and most motivated students on campus and work together in a spirit of excellence to encourage the three ideals of scholarship, leadership, and fellowship. Pi Gamma Mu The blue and white honor cords worn by some of the faculty and graduates signify membership in the Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society in Social Science which emphasizes scholarship in the Social Sciences. Pi Kappa Lambda The gold and white honor cords worn by some of the graduates signify membership in the National Music Honor Society Pi Kappa Lambda which recognizes outstanding scholarly achievement and musicianship. Psi Chi The gold satin stole worn by some psychology graduates signifies membership in Psi Chi, the Honor Society in Psychology. Sigma Tau Delta The red and black honor cords worn by some of the graduates signify membership in the Sigma Tau Delta International Honor Society which recognizes excellence in English scholarship. Beta Gamma Sigma College of Business and Technology The blue and gold honor cords worn by some of the graduates signify membership in Beta Gamma Sigma, the Honor Society for schools accredited by AACSB - the International Association for Management Education. Epsilon Pi Tau The blue, gold, and white honor cords worn by some of the faculty and graduates signify membership in Epsilon Pi Tau, the International Honorary for professions in technology. Kappa Omicron Nu The crimson and cream honor cords worn by some of the faculty and graduates of the College of Business and Technology signify membership in Kappa Omicron Nu, the National Family and Consumer Sciences Honor Society. Upsilon Pi Epsilon The maroon and white cords worn by some of the graduates signify membership in Upsilon Pi Epsilon, the National Honor Society for Computer Science. Alpha Eta College of Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences The intertwined white and light green honor cords worn by some of the graduates and faculty signify the distinction of membership in Alpha Eta, the national honor society for allied health professionals. Alpha Eta members maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater and have evidenced community and professional service and leadership status, reflected in their motto: “Together We Serve.” Lambda Beta The blue and green cords and ribbons worn by some of the graduates signify membership in Lambda Beta, the National Honor Society for the Respiratory Care profession. Lambda Beta honors scholastic achievement, service, and the character of students, graduates, and faculty members of the respiratory care profession. These graduates represent 10 percent of the highest academic achievers in the cardiopulmonary science major. Kappa Delta Pi College of Education The violet and jade green twined honor cords with violet tassels signify membership in Kappa Delta Pi, the International Honor Society in Education. Sigma Theta Tau College of Nursing The orchid and white honor cords worn by some of the faculty and baccalaureate graduates signify membership in Sigma Theta Tau, the International Honor Society of Nursing. 35 Phi Lambda Sigma College of Pharmacy The green and gold honor cords worn by some of the graduates signify membership in Phi Lambda Sigma, also known as the National Pharmacy Leadership Society. Members of Phi Lambda Sigma are selected by their peers in recognition of service and leadership in the advancement of pharmacy. Rho Chi The purple and white honor cords worn by some of the graduates signify membership in Rho Chi, the Academic Honor Society in Pharmacy. Membership in Rho Chi is based on academic and professional achievement. Alpha Eta College of Public Health The intertwined white and light green honor cords worn by some of the graduates and faculty signify the distinction of membership in Alpha Eta, the national honor society for allied health professionals. Alpha Eta members maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater, and have evidenced community and professional service and leadership status, reflected in their motto: “Together We Serve.” Delta Omega The black and salmon stoles signify membership in Delta Omega, the National Honor Society for Public Health. Membership reflects dedication to quality in the field of public health and to protection and advancement of the health of all people. Epsilon Nu Eta The gold, green, and sky blue honor cords worn by some of the graduates signify membership in Epsilon Nu Eta, the National Honor Society for Environmental Health majors. East Tennessee State University is the founding chapter of Epsilon Nu Eta. Eta Sigma Gamma The gold and green tassels worn by some of the graduates signify membership in the Beta Iota Chapter of Eta Sigma Gamma, the National Honor Society for Health Education. Lambda Beta The blue and green cords and ribbons worn by some of the graduates signify membership in Lambda Beta, the National Honor Society for the respiratory care profession. Lambda Beta honors scholastic achievement, service, and the character of students, graduates, and faculty members of the respiratory care profession. These graduates represent 10 percent of the highest academic achievers in the cardiopulmonary science major. Roan Scholars Leadership Program The purple and gray stoles are representative of the prestigious Roan Scholars Leadership Program. Roan Scholars are selected based on exemplary leadership, scholarship, character, and physical vigor. Honors-in-Discipline Programs The bronze medallions on blue and gold ribbons designate graduates of the Honors-in-Discipline Programs of the ETSU Honors College. These graduates, selected on the basis of their academic performance, completed a rigorous honors program in their major area of study. University Honors Scholars Program The long stoles of antique gold with blue embroidery designate graduates of the University Honors Scholars Program of the ETSU Honors College. These graduates, selected on the basis of academic excellence and well-rounded experiences, have participated in a four-year program of academic challenge and performance at ETSU. Midway Honors Scholars Program The long stoles of ETSU blue with gold embroidery designate graduates of the Midway Honors Scholars Program of the ETSU Honors College. These graduates were selected as academically talented students who transferred to ETSU from other colleges and universities and who have completed programs of academic challenge and performance at ETSU. Fine & Performing Arts Honors Scholars Program The long silver stoles with ETSU blue embroidery designate graduates of the Fine & Performing Arts Honors Scholars program of the ETSU Honors College. These graduates were selected on the basis of exceptional artistic talents and have particpated in a four-year cross-disciplinary program designed to educate artists for the 21st century. International Regalia Stoles depicting the colors and/or flags of different countries represent the home countries of ETSU international graduates or the countries where the graduate has participated in a significant Study Abroad experience as part of their degree program. ROTC Graduates wearing uniforms of the United States Army are newly commissioned officers. Student Veterans of America The Student Veterans of America (ETSU Chapter) is a national student organization, with over 500 chapters nationwide, that recognizes veterans for their service to our country and their excellence in college. The red, white, and blue cords worn voluntarily by a select few represent their veteran status while attending college. SVA proudly honors these student-veterans by presenting them with these cords to signify their achievement on this day. Yesterday’s Warriors, Today’s Scholars, Tomorrow’s Leaders 36 BANNERS ETSU Alumni Association College of Business and Technology University Libraries College of Arts and Sciences Claudius G. Clemmer College of College of Education & Rehabilitative COLLEGE OF PUBLIC Clinical HEALTH Health Sciences College of Nursing College of Public Health Honors College Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy QUILLEN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE School of Continuing Studies and Academic Outreach School of Graduate Studies James H. Quillen College of Medicine The Star-Spangled Banner Oh say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? Alma Mater In the shadow of the mountains, Under skies of blue, Stands our dear old Alma Mater, Glorious to view, Sound the chorus, speed it onward; Thee we’ll never fail! Hail to thee, our Alma Mater— Hail to thee, all hail! In thy halls we formed our friendships, Dear old college home; And to thee we pledge our hearts, Wherever we may roam, Sound the chorus, speed it onward; Thee we’ll never fail! Hail to thee, our Alma Mater— Hail to thee, all hail! East Tennessee State University is a Tennessee Board of Regents institution and is fully in accord with the belief that educational and employment opportunities should be available to all eligible persons without regard to age, gender, color, race, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation. ETSU is a Tobacco-Free Campus, where all use of tobacco is restricted to private vehicles. Designed by ETSU Printing and Publications. TBR 130-105-11 12M