the whippet news - American Whippet Club
the whippet news - American Whippet Club
THE WHIPPET NEWS THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN WHIPPET CLUB AWC OFFICERS President.... ............................................Russell McFadden 505-753-6782 Vice President.... ....................................Connie Brunkow 217-431-8972 Treasurer... ............................................ .David Samuelson 651-454-4174 Secretary ..........................................................Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 ................................. 3655 Cragwood Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Board of Directors: Class of 2011……….Lisa Costello, Donna Lynch, Cindy Scott Class of 2012: ….Connie Brunkow, Russ McFadden, Kay Nierengarten Class of 2013:…….Henry Heil, Christine Hopperstad, David Samuelson AKC DELEGATE.… ............................ …..Donna Lynch 508-636-0705 ASFA DELEGATE:…………………………... CJ Foxx 303-424-5144 AWC COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Archives ......................................................... Bo Bengtson 805-646-3151 Health................. Drs. Connie Austin, Connie Brunkow, Lisa Costello Futurity .......................................................... Kathy Slater 618-585-4677 Judge’s Education ........................................... Mary Dukes 704-843-7195 Membership .......................................... Kay Nierengarten 218-729-8003 Parade of Honors ............................ Alice VandenBussche 315-945-2672 Performance Events ............................... Dr. Lisa Costello 815-695-1930 ROM Program .................................................. Gail Boyd, 919-362-4427 Show ................................................................Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 Top Twenty ............................................ Linda Waggoner 541-347-2171 Versatility ..................................................John Heffernan 413-369-4399 INDEPENDENT WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS: Whippet Health Foundation ............... Mary Beth Arthur 414-355-4776 Whippet Rescue, WRAP ............. Dr. Barbara Henderson 301-490-6598 Applications for AWC membership may be obtained either on request from Membership Chair Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN 55779, or emailed to AWC website: Breeder Referrals: Mary Downing THE WHIPPET NEWS Newsletter Editor ...................Christine Hopperstad, 130 34th Ave. E., Seattle, WA 98112 phone & fax 206-322-5872, Assoc. Editor ……………….Kirsten Hopperstad, Annual Editor ............................ Wendy Clark, 5088 Breckenhurst Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026 614-777-0124 One year subscription rate for monthly newsletter & annual: online only $25.00, print $45; foreign: online only $25, print $60 Advertising (on a space available basis): Full page, one photo -- $50.00, each additional photo $10.00 Full page, camera ready -- $40.00 Text only, no photos: Full page -- $35.00, Half page -- $25.00 Photographs should be originals and will be returned. Pedigrees must be typed in standard pedigree format. Subscription and advertising payments may be made by PayPal at — DEADLINE — The first day of the month for that month’s issue. THE WHIPPET NEWS ANNUAL Current issue: 2009. Back issues available for 1986-2008 (except 1987 & 1990 through 1992). Cost: $25.00 each ($30.00 foreign), which includes shipping; all funds in U.S. dollars, payable by check or money order and mailed to Annual Editor Wendy Clark (address above). Purchase can also be made through PayPal at: The American Whippet Club and The Whippet News assume no responsibility for statements or claims made in the letters to the editor or advertisements that appear in its publications. OCTOBER 2010 APPLICATIONS FOR AWC MEMBERSHIP � Denise Sisneroz, 2309 Harlan Dr., Redding CA 96003 530-566-4592 Sponsors: Sue Vernon, Guin Borstel � Jennifer Smith, 2712 S. Burrell, Milwaukee WI 53207 414-486-7522 Sponsors: Gail Wegner, Mary Beth Arthur COMMENTS regarding applicants may be sent to — Membership Chair Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN 55779 — or emailed to: WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS Leah Perry, Round Rock,Texas WELCOME BACK: Scott Mazur, Los Angeles, California; Chirleen Michelini, Santa Rosa, California; Wendy Montroy, Jacksonville, Florida; Kristi Osterloo, Tea, South Dakota; D’Layne Parker, Kerrville, Texas; Joanne Parker, Max Meadows, Virginia; Stefan Raghammer, Nossebro, Sweden; Beth Spina, Chicago, Illinois LAST ISSUE, TIME TO RENEW Susannah Bacon, Douglas Conrad, Georgia Cushman, William Dvorak, Wiebke Heron, Mary Lake,Karen Mlynar, Alyssa Nordstrom, Susan Oace, Julia Pieper, Nancy Temple Dear Readers, The ad page last month for the lovely Whippet girl who was Best In Show from the classes in Iowa had an error in her name which should have read “Ch. Tangen’s Maverick Red Planet”. Apologies to all those concerned, especially Rachel! — I’ve included an article that was written by Louis Pegram and that appeared in the 1970 WN Annual about the early years of the AWC and the people involved. — Please note the new ROM director Gail Boyd and the new email address for Mary Downing, Breeder Referral in the column to the left. — Barbara Henderson has written a wonderful tribute to veterinary surgeon Tom Sooy who passed away recently. He was a kind and generous friend to many Whippet rescues in need and will be missed. — I hate to admit it, but it’s taken me some time to get completely organized keeping track of those who get only the online newsletter, so if you’ve been getting the upload notices even though you haven’t renewed, that’s about to come to stop. Pay up or miss out!! National Show Chair Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 Eastern Harriett Lee 434-295-4525 Midwest Pat Richey 330-735-2486 N. Central David Samuelson 651-454- 4174 S. Central Kathy Rasmussen 913-681-8929 Southern David Howton 770-345-2120 Western Pam Magette, 562-598-8717 AWC SHOW CALENDAR AWC 2011 National Specialty, 4/2/12—4/9/11 Lexington, Kentucky, Breed Judge Harriett Nash Lee (Winsmith) Southern Specialty Saturday, 10/23/10, Sweeps Karen Roberson, Breed Madison Weeks; Friday, Breed Luc Boileau. Sunday, Breed Patricia Murphy AWC Support Sunday, December 12, 2010 in Winston-Salem, NC for the Christmas Classic Cluster. Breed Judge Paula Nykiel, Sweeps Judge Calvin G. Perry. Friday Breed Judge Donald Gill, Saturday Breed Judge Marilyn Spacht OTHER WHIPPET EVENTS MAWA Specialty Thursday, 10/21/10, Sweeps Rachel Amado, Breed Dr. Robert Indeglia Greater Chicago Whippet Club Specialty Saturday, November 27, Crete, IL. Breed Denise Tatro, Puppy & Veteran Sweeps Gail Wegner. GCWC Support Sunday, Breed Harold "Red" Tatro (no sweeps). Superintendent Roy Jones. Show Chairs Shelley Kruger & Lisa Costello. Greater San Diego Whippet Association Designated Specialty within the Inland Empire Hound Club of Southern California Show, Friday, January 7, 2011, Empire Polo Grounds, Indio, CA. Sweeps Judge - Mary Dukes (DELACREME) Breed Judge Kathy Forbes (SKYLINE Beagles). Kennel Club of Palm Springs shows follow: Saturday, Breed Judge Robert L. Robinson; Sunday, Breed Judge Donna Francis AWC Board of Directors President Russ McFadden...505-753-6782 Vice President Connie Brunkow...217-431-8972 Secretary Cindy Scott…719-594-9974 Treasurer David Samuelson...651-454-4174 Board Members: Lisa Costello...815-695-1930 Henry Heil...619-445-1777 Christine Hopperstad...206-322-5872 Donna Lynch...508-636-0705 Kay Nierengarten…218-729-8003 2 | The Whippe t News Oc tober 2010 President’s Message I want to extend huge thanks to Sharon Sakson and Joan Goldstein and all of their volunteers for their time and efforts. From what I’ve heard and from the pictures I’ve seen, the AWC and the Whippet breed were very well represented at the AKC’s Meet The Breeds event held at the Javits Center in New York City over the weekend of October 16 and 17. The next Meet The Breeds event will be held in Los Angeles later this year and the AWC will once again have a booth there. Soon, if you haven’t already, you will receive an envelope from Cindy Scott with two important documents enclosed. One is the final ballot to select the judge for the 2012 National Specialty. Please be sure to vote and return the ballot to the correct address for tabulation. Please do not return the ballot to Cindy herself. The other document contains the proposed changes to the AWC By-Laws. This document is not the full By-Laws but rather a two column document with the existing sections of the By-Laws in one column and the proposed changes for that section in the other column next to it. If you’d like to see the entire existing document please refer to the AWC website or if you do not have web access call Cindy Scott (719-594-9974) or me (505-753-6782) so that one of us can mail you a copy of the complete document. The Board has worked very diligently on the proposed changes to make sure that they comply with the incorporation laws of the state of Delaware (the state in which the AWC was incorporated), AKC Rules and Regulations for Parent Clubs, Robert’s Rules of Order and the existing AWC ByLaws. If you offer any suggestions they must also fall within the guidelines of these documents. The Board wanted the entire membership to have the chance to voice their opinion on the proposed changes before starting the formal approval process with AKC. Please send any input regarding the proposed changes back to Cindy, me, or any of the members of the Board by December 1, 2010. We will begin the formal process with AKC for making these changes after that. As you all know by now the election for setting term limits for Board members was approved by an almost 2 to 1 margin. The disappointment as I mentioned last month was that less than one half of the membership voted on this important decision. The setting of term limits is included as part of the proposed By-Laws changes. Dues notices will go out to all members next month, make sure you send your payment by the January 1st deadline in order to able to vote for in the next Board of Directors election. Also don’t forget about the 2011 National Specialty that will be held in Lexington, Kentucky. It isn’t too early to start making plans to attend. Be safe, take care and have fun with your Whippets. Russell LEARNING THE HARD WAY — WHIPPET SAFETY By Karen Roberson My first Whippet “Paula” came to live with me over 20 years ago and unfortunately I had to learn through a lot of mistakes about Whippet care and I realize now how lucky I was that she was never lost or killed. I didn’t even know Whippets would chase down game until mine backed out of her collar to chase a deer and came back injured. Paula went to the vet quite often in fact – I didn’t know what reverse sneezing was or that she would steal dangerous things out of the trash like light bulbs and razor blades. I didn’t know a Whippet could sunburn or even how much she should weigh. We now have so many resources to give our new homes for puppies and placement dogs so I started making a check list - example PRINTED BELOW - of things to discuss and to help new owners with so they don’t have to learn the hard way! 1. Show examples of proper hound leads and collars and explain how the Whippet can back out of ordinary collars and harnesses. Show examples of proper fitting coats. Provide websites that have these things available for sale. 2. Explain the importance of microchips, tattooing, etc; ID is critical. Explain what to do if the Whippet ever gets loose – posters, lost Whippet website, etc. 3. Discuss fencing – explain that some dogs dig or jump and what you can do if this happens. Never let a Whippet off lead in unknown area –even the most loyal calm one could be gone if they see a bunny. 4. List of useful Websites: (plus my favorites for Whippet items) has archived articles about many Whippet issues includes the lost Whippet page, frequently asked questions, plus adoptions 5. Whippets can be trash “hounds” – keep all trash cans covered or behind closed doors. Whippet puppies can be destructive chewers –watch electric cords, pick up socks and any small toys 6. Make sure yard is clear of any sharp edged furniture with bolts or screws that stick out and sharp low branches to avoid tears and stitches 7. Discuss worming, parasites and routine stool sample checks plus spay neuter timing. Show an example of a Whippet in proper weight, show proper nail length and discuss grooming 8. I discuss what food has worked best for me and others and discuss picky eaters, over eaters and some food related issues. 9. Tell them about some dog/Whippet issues I have encountered such as reverse sneezing, car sickness, Pancreatitis, separation anxiety After participating in way too many missing Whippet searches – hopefully even small measures like this list of suggestions and references can make a difference. I wish they could all wear tracking devices but until that’s a possibility we can at least educate. A Tribute to Dr. Tom Sooy 03/4/52- 10/09/10 It is with a broken heart that I write this tribute to my best friend, colleague and protégé Dr. Tom Sooy. Tom touched the lives of those around him with his warmth and care. His passing is a great loss to his family, veterinary profession, the Whippet community and especially Whippet rescue. I would like to share Tom’s background in Whippets. Tom moved to the DC/Maryland area in the seventies. He was interested in Whippets and was referred to me for a Whippet. Tom purchased a puppy from the second litter born at Whippoorwill. The puppy was named Ch. Foxcroft of Whippoorwill and was a littermate to BIS Ch. Lady Blair of Whippoorwill and Ch. Fenwick of Whippoorwill. Tom always had a Whippet and even occasionally enjoyed showing them. Tom also co-owned two Greyhounds with me that became champions. Tom became interested in veterinary medicine when he helped me in my clinic. He decided to pursue a career in veterinary medicine. However, after being accepted to the University of Pennsylvania school of Veterinary Medicine (my alma mater) he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Tom was twenty six at that time. Tom under went treatment and went into remission. His treatment saved his life but it resulted in unforeseen damage to his heart and bone marrow. Tom graduated veterinary school in 1983, twenty years after I did. I’ll never forget Tom doing his first piece of surgery in my clinic. After graduation Tom did a surgical residency in Massachusets and Wisconsin. He then decided to move back to Maryland and set up a surgical referral practice. Tom had a very successful practice till he became anemic 18 months ago. This was a direct result from the treatment he had 32 years ago. He was diagnosed with a disease of the bone marrow. The ultimate treatment was a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately after the transplant on October 4th Tom developed complications and passed away October 9th. Tom loved the Whippet breed. Until recently Tom attended all the AWC Nationals and he could be found sitting ringside in the front row. Frequently he was called upon to render veterinary assistance and did so graciously. He always enjoyed all of the AWC functions. Tom was very involved with rescue and generously donated his time and expertise to any rescue that needed his help. Tom saved the lives of or gave a better quality of life to not only the rescues but to many other beloved pets. Rescue has lost a truly dedicated and skilled friend. Tom was a very special person, someone we all will miss. Tom may be gone but we were fortunate to have known this generous and compassionate man. Tom leaves behind his wife Diane, son Collier and his beloved Whippet fifteen and a half year old Zipper. Farewell dear friend, I know you are watching over all the four legged ones surrounding you. With love and admiration, Barbara The Whippet News Oc tober 2010 | 3 SECRETARY’S REPORT Hopefully by the time you read this you will already have the By-Law changes and the final ballot for the 2012 National Specialty judge. A lot of time, effort and thought has been put into these changes and most of it was done by Russell. Please take the time to read the changes and send any suggestions you may have to either Russell or me by December 1st. As many of you know, there was a devastating earthquake in New Zealand last month and the Board has voted to give $250 thru AKC’s relief fund to be earmarked for the care of animals that have been misplaced, have no home or need veterinary care. A few days ago I received an anonymous letter along with $10 which I assumed was for lodging a complaint against a member. The Board of Directors does NOT acknowledge or accept anything anonymous. If you have a legitimate complaint, are an AWC member and want to file charges against another member, please read the Constitution and By-Laws on the AWC website at for the procedure on how to do so. Non-members may not file charges against a member but can certainly address the Board with their concerns. If you have an issue with someone at an AKC event or another competition venue that you feel is not in the best interest of the breed or club, there are rules in place for you to file charges that day and not wait until later. Seek out and talk to someone on the event committee and voice your grievance. If the person that sent the anonymous letter and $10 would like to step forward and file legitimate charges, please contact me. If not, the money will be a donation to either Whippet Health or WRAP. OptiGen® is a service company, an arm of Cornell University, established to provide DNA based diagnoses and information about inherited diseases of dogs. An AWC member brought it to the Board’s attention that OptiGen is doing research on the Collie Eye anomaly and that the “Longhaired Whippet” is listed as being an affected “breed”. The following is a letter that was sent to Optigen by the AWC Board — October 5, 2010 OptiGen®, LLC Cornell Business & Technology Park 767 Warren Road, Suite 300 Ithaca, New York 14850 To Whom It May Concern: It has come to the attention of the American Whippet Club Board of Directors that OptiGen® has included the 4 | The Whippe t News Oc tober 2010 Whippet (Longhaired) as part of the study on Collie Eye Anomaly. The members of the AWC Board are very disturbed that OptiGen® has opted to include this hybrid breed (proven by DNA testing to be genetically the result of Whippet and Shetland Sheepdog crosses) by the name Longhaired Whippet. These dogs are not a variety of Whippet (unlike a Longhaired Dachshund is a variety of Dachshund) as the name implies. The AWC has fought to dispel the myth of this name for many years even to the point of changing the Whippet Standard with the American Kennel Club in the early 1980’s to reflect what the correct coat is for a Whippet: close, short, smooth and firm in texture. Pure bred Whippets do NOT suffer from Collie Eye. The AWC Board of Directors has repeatedly asked the Longhaired Whippet Association to change the name of their hybrid to something that would remove the erroneous inference that this is a variety of purebred Whippet. To date that request has been denied. We would like to ask OptiGen®, however, to honor our request that the name designation (Longhaired Whippet) be removed from your website. We feel that the word “Whippet” should not be used in the name of a designer dog breed and therefore should not be recognized by OptiGen® or any other organization even as a hybrid breed name. However, short of that this designer dog breed should be listed as what it truly is – a hybrid. Thank you, The American Whippet Club Board of Directors Cindy Scott, AWC Secretary SHOW CHAIR REPORT LEXINGTON 2011 Starting this month you should starting seeing a flood of information about the national for this coming year. The website is up and working and can be found at http:// We have already had to increase our room nights to accommodate the demand so I think this will prove to be a big one!! HURON, OHIO 2012 The National will be held from April 15 thru 21, 2011 at the Sawmill Creek Resort in Huron, Ohio with Judy Lowther at the helm. Please visit the resort site at http:// EUGENE, 2013 I am VERY pleased to announce that due to popular demand Sue Carbajal has offered to take on another National in Eugene, Oregon at the same hotel we had in 2008, The Valley River Inn. The contract is signed and the show will be April 20 thru April 27, 2013. The hotel will be going thru a renovation next year and it should prove to be a great place for a National...AGAIN!! More information when we get closer. THANKS SUE!!! Cindy Scott MEET THE BREEDS (A huge thank you from the AWC Board to Sharon Sakson and Joan Goldstein for putting on a fabulous Whippet booth at the Meet The Breeds event at the Javits Center in New York City on October 16 and 17.) Meet The Breeds was a spectacular success and a most satisfying experience for those who were involved. Almost all breeds were represented and they were visited, petted and exclaimed over by THOUSANDS of spectators. Sharon Sakson did an absolutely wonderful job of organizing the Whippet booth with beautiful works of art. In fact, our theme was "The Whippet, A Work of Art". Kudos to Yvonne Sovereign for designing the beautiful banner that brought the attention of all those visitors to our booth. Sharon and I brought bronzes, paintings and other pieces of art to decorate and enhance the booth. Of course, the main attraction were the beautiful, friendly, patient Whippets themselves. Sharon did a masterful job of contacting and setting up schedules for all those who brought almost a dozen Whippets to the Javits Center over the weekend. Most of the people who so willingly gave of their time and brought their dogs were "pet people". These people and their dogs were wonderful ambassadors for our breed and never stopped talking about how wonderful it was to live with them. The average spectator coming to the Javits was your everyday person just looking for a good pet now or in the future. The "pet people" really connected with them all. Any technical questions were fielded by Sharon and me. They brought puppies, middle aged dogs and senior citizens.They brought them from every venue including racing dogs, show dogs, lure coursers, rescues, obedience and therapy dogs. They proved how versatile the Whippet is. They brought solid fawns, reds, brindles, and partis of every hue including black and whites. One person who attracted a lot of attention was Nancy Bennet with her solid brindle, Remy. He was decked out in a racing blanket and gold racing muzzle. Then we had people whose names most of you wouldn't know, but if you do get to meet them, please say "thank you". They were: David and Jill Spector with Sunny, (the friendliest puppy ever), Craig Wayman with Madison and Yardley, (another puppy who put on a great show), Grace Chan with Lucy , Lauri Austin and Mark the photographer with Mo, Lori Muger with Trooper, Nancy Hamel and Jeff with Rebel and Dixie. Jeff really did a tremendous job handing out fact sheets and then helping Sharon and me break down the Booth and carry things, (a LOT of things, VBG), to the car. We had breeders who sent their Whippets to help—Lynn Kiaer who sent over Rain and Izzy from the her Deerhound Booth, and Loretta McMullen who sent Sydney with Sharon. An interesting point was that all these hounds represented the breeding of many AWC members--myself, (way back), Sharon Sakson, Chris Durance, Donna Lynch, Donna Miner, Kim Otero, Lori Lawrence, Iva Kimmelman, Phoebe Booth, Diane Reimer, Loretta McMullen, Cal Perry and of course many others. Again, I want to thank everyone involved with this fabulous undertaking. Joan Goldstein AKC MEET THE BREEDS On an October weekend in New York City, we brought smiles to thousands of children and parents, we educated thousands of people about our breed, we showed that Whippets are great pets, therapy dogs, that they are trainable and loving, we got the word out about Whippet rescue, and now thousands of people will recognize Whippets when they see them. As we prepared, Rachel Amado told me that her experience in organizing Meet the Breeds in California was that the crowds were very tiring for the dogs. We took her advice and had morning and afternoon shifts. For a backdrop, I brought in drapes of mauve and teal from my living room. Yvonne Sovereign’s banner and posters caught everyone’s attention. Joan Goldstein has a fabulous collection of Whippet statues and art, and we arranged some of them on our tables. We also had Whippet Annuals, a guestbook, and a photo album to look at but far and away, people wanted to see the dogs. The only other place the public has to meet different breeds is at dog shows -- and we exhibitors are not at our best as breed ambassadors then. We are focused on the competition. At MTB, we could give them our full attention and they could ask to their hearts’ content. We brought extra chairs and asked the owners to bring dog beds. I bought a cheap floor covering so no one had to kneel on the linoleum. Then we pushed the table back and put the chairs and dog beds in front. We had two to seven Whippets at the booth, because the morning people never left! They cruised around to other booths and vendors and then came back. They enjoyed it and so did the dogs. Joan was keeping informal track of questions. The most asked question was: “Is this dog scared?” Coming in second was “Why is his tail between his legs?” Other common questions: “Why is he so thin?” “Are they hyper?” “What are they like to live with?” “Did you rescue these from the track?” “Do they like children?” “Do they get along with cats?” “Are whippets a good breed for apartments?” “Are whippets good with kids?” “Do whippets require a lot of exercise?” Our people were well equipped to answer things like that. Meeting thousands of people all day was exhausting! We couldn’t get over how well the dogs took it. Even when they got tired, they preferred to nap in front of the booth, with their owners, rather than in the crates hidden behind. Taking a walk around the event refreshed them. Owners reported that they couldn’t walk far without people stopping them to pet the dogs. They became “traveling ambassadors” for the breed. The AKC felt the event was such a success that next year, they are renting twice as much space and our booth will be twice as big! Sharon Sakson, Paris Whippets for photos check — The Whippet News Oc tober 2010 | 5 The 25th American Whippet Club National Specialty April 2nd through 9th 2011 Lexington, Kentucky Marriott Griffin Gate Resort and Spa for info Jan Swayze Curry local show chair web site ww Mary Alderman trophies high horse pottery Jan Swayze chair 205 Elbert Frankum rd Columbia, KY 42728 Catalog ads Chris Watkins Golf tournament friday april 8 2011 Marriott Griffin Gate resort Beautiful grounds plenty of parking convenient to ball room Huge 10,000 square fooot ball room and whippets.whippets.whippets.whippets.whippets. EVERYWHERE! EVE 6 | The Whippe t News Oc tober 2010 2011 RV Parking Request Form Cost: $125.00 for FULL Week - full week is considered Monday OR Tuesday arrival through Saturday OR Sunday ARRIVING ______________________________________DEPARTING___________________________ OR $25.00 per night for PARTIAL week - arriving or departing any days other than as listed above ARRIVING_________________________________DEPARTING___________________________________ Name_______________________________________________________________________ *Responsible person for RV, dogs, & all conditions during week and clean conditions upon departure Address_________________________________________________ City_____________ State________ Zip__________ Phone #______________________________Cell#__________________ Emergency Contact at National____________________ EM #____________________ Email _____________________________________________PLEASE print clearly Will you have a room booked at HOST hotel?_________ IF so room # __________________(advise RV director upon check in) IF no room is booked please provide RV director a friend's room # ____________________ Name_______________________ RV info Make____________________________________Length___________________ Slides________________________ which side?______________________________________________________________________________ License #__________________________________________ State ___________________ Please make check payable in full to AWC Mail to: Gail Boyd 8948 Hope Hill Lane Apex, NC 27502 All belongings must be kept within your designated area. Neat and orderly conditions must be maintained at all times including clean ex-pens. If wood chips are used in ex-pens a plastic lining must be used. Disposal of chips are the responsibility of the designated RV owner. Gail's contact info for any questions - 919-362-4427 date request recd'____________________ confirmed _________________ The Whippet News Oc tober 2010 | 7 Blair Millie Kamada Whippets Clockwise from top left: Kathy and Debbie Davenport “Blair” Blair BIS/SBIS Ch Watch Me Frolic At Dengayle “Ollie” BIS/SBIS Ch Kamada’s Instant Millionaire “Burnie” BIS Can/Am Ch Kamada’s Krossfire, SC ROM “Millie” BIS/SBIS Ch Kamada’s Million Dollar Baby, ROM Ollie Burnie 8 | The Whippe t News Oc tober 2010 Presentation of Kamada Whippets Kathy and Debbie Davenport, DeKalb, IL Introduction by Dawn Carlson, Aeolus Salukis and Whippets, Milwaukee, WI It is quite an honor to be asked to write the introduction for Kathy & Debbie Davenport (Kamada). Meeting Kathy & Debbie has been one of the best experiences for me in both my “dog life” and personal life. I met Debbie and Kathy in the mid 1990’s when I was looking for a Whippet, after coming from Australian Cattle Dogs. I fell in love with a puppy bitch that Debbie was showing and brought her home a few weeks later. Kathy taught me about the structure of the breed, the paramount importance of shape, and the value of classic quality. Debbie taught me how to groom the Whippet and how to present them. Debbie also showed me the true meaning of friendship. They had been very successful in Whippets for many years earning multiple Best in Shows, winning Specialties, and having top ranked dogs, yet they were so generous with their knowledge and their beautiful dogs. Kathy & Debbie always find time to lend out a helping hand to most everyone – from helping people find their first Whippet or their next superstar, to fostering rescues, to being just good people. I am very pleased that Kathy & Debbie have been given an opportunity to share some of their knowledge with the rest of the Whippet world! I know I have benefited from what I’ve learned. Introduction by Carol Willumsen, Willcare Whippets, Riverhead, NY As I have not known Kathy or Debbie for years and years, I have known them long enough to know they are my kind of "dog" people. I have never bred to any "Kamada" dogs or owned a puppy of theirs (this is due to my age and my living arrangement) but given some youth and more property I'd have a "Kamada" Whippet in a moment. I really got to know Kathy when Peggy Newcombe died. After hours and hours of talking about Peg and her dogs, it was apparent we liked the same type of Whippet, interpreted the standard the same way, and if evaluating a number of Whippets would choose similar dogs. I have observed the "Kamada" dogs at shows and they are always presented to perfection and though I have never been in their home, I am sure they kept beautifully and are really "spoiled" house dogs. To be able to make this introduction of Kathy and Debbie Davenport is truly an honor for me as I feel they are both so worthy and truly dedicated 'WHIPPET PEOPLE". Interview by Eva Engvall, Tangens Whippets I am pleased to present Kamada Whippets and Kathy and Debbie Davenport to you: a very successful mother-daughter team. Kathy is the long-term breeder, and daughter Debbie is one of the top owner-handlers in the country. In fact, Debbie is nominated for the Winkie Award for best owner-handler this year. Debbie has piloted well over one hundred dogs (of various breeds) to their championships including about 55 home-bred Whippets. So when the November issue of Dogs in Review comes out: Vote for Debbie Davenport!!! The Davenports are an important part of the Whippet community. Linda Larson, Plumcreek, says: “Kathy and Debbie not only breed exquisite Whippets, they are also always ready and willing to help out when needed: rescue, whelping Whippets, and help for newcomers as well as old timers.” When Susie Foznot, Winway, had bred her Ch Winway's Portofino of Sportingfields to the Davenports’ “little hot stud” BIS/SBIS Ch Kamada's Instant Millionaire, Kathy flew out to Los Angeles to whelp the litter. We in Southern California are currently admiring the result. Suzi Fosnot says: “I hold Kathy and Debbie in high esteem. They know dogs and pedigrees like nobody else. They spend countless hours with new people who are getting started in Whippets whether it is a first pet or a show dog. They share their wealth of knowledge to enhance the breed and the breed standard. Receiving unselfish advice from people like Kathy and Debbie is something that should be shared.” Some may have seen Kathy performing at the first "Whippet-Idol" competition at the 2009 National in Atlanta, where her foot-stomping rendition of “These Boots Are Made For Walking" led her to victory. Kathy also performed an original piece entitled "Whippet-Fever" at this years "AWC’s Got Talent" competition in Arizona. Brave lady, you would think. However, when it came to the actual interview with Kathy and Debbie, their inclination to remain humble and low key entered the picture. So here is the rather brief result. More information can be found on their web site. Q: How did you get started in Whippets and when? Kathy: I have had Poodles since childhood. In the spring of 1981, I was at a dog show grooming away on my Standard Poodle. Looking at a sleek group of Whippets set up next to me, I thought to myself, “If I had half a brain, I’d have one of those.” Little did I know how much that brief thought would change my life. That is where I met Barbara Pendergrass (Rafina). Shortly after that meeting, I had acquired my first Whippet. “Miss Ellie” didn’t mature into the “show girl” I had hoped for, so Barbara agreed to give me another puppy from her next litter. This puppy became Ch. Rafina Rhapsody of Kamada, our foundation bitch. Q: What is the background of your kennel name? Kathy: My name: KAthleen MArie Davenport Q: Describe your "ideal" whippet. Kathy: I appreciate a nice moderate Whippet, not too large, not too small, just right in the middle of the standard. The same goes for length of loin, not too long, not too short….. giving to an overall balanced look. “SHAPE” is the keystone of the Whippet! A judge can only award what is brought into the ring. A Whippet with T.R.A.D. (tremendous reach and drive), flat back, shallow underline, etc., could be just another short haired, running dog. The late Margaret (Peggy) Newcombe of Pennyworth fame, said it best. “A Whippet is not a Greyhound and it is not an Italian Greyhound. A Whippet is half-way in between. Any resemblance leaning more toward one breed or the other is incorrect.” Much time and effort has been put into the current Whippet standard. I respect all of the dedicated individuals that worked so diligently in doing so. I believe the new illustrated standard should be even a greater asset towards a better understanding of our breed! Q: Do you linebreed or outcross? Kathy: We have done more outcrossing than linebreeding and I believe some of our best dogs have come from these The Whippet News Oc tober 2010 | 9 matings. That's not to say that we haven't had any success linebreeding as our latest champion, Kamada McDreamy is double linebred on Ch. Kamada Krossfire. However, many of our most influential dogs have come from outcrossed parents. I have a great respect for those few U.S. breeders that can put together many generations of close breedings and come out on top. Debbie and I try to pair up individuals that compliment each other. If it happens that a linebred male has the asset that the bitch needs, than all the better. More often than not, the "complementary" partner for our bitches is usually an outcross. Q: Your best Whippets in the past? Debbie: Our first group winning, Best In Show winning and top ten Whippet was Am/Can Ch. Kamada Krossfire, SC, CGC, ROM (Ch Pennyworth Peter Cottontail x Ch Kamada Metallica). “Burnie” finished his championship at seven months and his pedigree is in all of our dogs. In our opinion, he was the epitome of breed type and balance. Among his 18 champion get are two Best In Show winners. One of them is BIS/SBIS Ch Kamada’s Million Dollar Baby, ROM. “Millie” not only had a stellar show career, but was also an outstanding producer. Her puppies have been awarded many specialty wins including Winners Bitch at the 2009 AWC National Specialty and Best Puppy at the 2007 AWC National Specialty. She is also the dam of BIS/SBIS Ch Kamada’s A Million Dreams and BIS/SBIS Ch Kamada’s Instant Millionaire. At 2½ years old, “Ollie” has sired eight beautiful litters including multiple Best of Breed winning and group placing puppies, and Best Puppy at the 2010 AWC National Specialty. Kathy: Of course we cannot complete this answer without mentioning our beautiful “Blair”, aka BIS/SBIS Ch Watch Me Frolic at DenGayle. We will be forever grateful to Jeanne Lambertsen and Pam Murphy for allowing Blair to grace our home for twelve wonderful years. We miss her everyday! Q: Your plans for the Future? Kathy & Debbie: We really don’t have any definite plans. We will continue to enjoy our dogs, show when and where we can, and breed a litter once in awhile. We do have some ideas of future planned litters and are anxiously awaiting the first litter out of our “Louise” (BIS/SBIS Ch Kamada’s A Million Dreams). Q: How do you select buyers for your Whippets? Kathy & Debbie: Those who are approved for a Kamada puppy become part of our “extended family”. Because we work from home, we are also able to offer occasional “Whippet sitting” for the ones that live close. We prefer a potential buyer that wants a “family” companion as to one that wishes for a top winning show dog. We want our Whippets to be someone’s pet first and foremost. We have sold some beautiful dogs to our close friends that have grown into wonderful, successful show dogs, but we do prefer to sell our puppies as companions. The activities that the families do with our puppies, whether it be conformation, obedience, agility, lure coursing, or racing, is icing on the cake for us. We are adamant that a buyer must have ample amount of time to attend and raise a puppy. After the initial email or phone call, we arrange a visit when the potential buyer (and their family) would come over, sit and talk, and play with the Whippets. We observe how the entire family interacts with our Whippets. We get a feeling for what the folks are like and use our gut feeling. Also, buyers must have a fenced in yard to be able to give Whippets the proper amount of exercise. 10 | The Whippe t News Oc tober 2010 Q: How do you support your Whippets? Kathy & Debbie: We have been blessed to have a successful grooming business out of our home. Our shop is open 5-6 days a week and between the two of us, we groom 8-10 dogs a day. Q: I have heard many nice comments on Kathy as a judge. Kathy: I was licensed to judge in 1999. I judge all Poodles, Dalmatians, Whippets, and Junior Showmanship. I love judging. Of course, one can only make two or three people happy at any given show. My dream is to one day judge overseas. Q: Your thoughts on the International Whippet? Kathy: I was very fortunate to travel to Stockholm with Claire Newcombe, in July 2008, to the World Show and the Whippet Congress. It was to date, the biggest highlight of my life in purebred dogs. I thought I would see mostly small, curvatious, English-type Whippets over there. But, to my surprise, the breed has become somewhat "Americanized". Many were larger, longer and had flatter top-lines than I had expected. It just shows how much influence the American breeders have had on the Europeans. Q: Any advice to the novice and future Whippet breeder? Kathy & Debbie: Study the breed standard and form your own image as to what you desire in a Whippet. Talk to a lot of people and a lot of breeders. Find someone you are comfortable with to be your mentor. Take the time to learn the breed. Attend specialties, especially the National, and attend lure coursing and racing events. Learn why the breed is built the way it is and learn the functional side of the breed. Q: Anything you would like to add? Kathy: I spent nearly my entire life with dogs, raising, training, breeding, grooming, etc. The list goes on and on. I have owned 23 (I think) different breeds of dog in my life. The people I have met, the experiences I have had, would fill volumes. I truly don't think I would be where I am today had it not been for the many wonderful people that have touched my life. Dogs and dog-related hobbies take a lot of energy and financial stability, of which I am running out of. If it were not for friends that share our interest and activities, there would be no point in continuing. I don't really remember any "one" person as a mentor. I have been blessed with a multitude of friends for all levels of knowledge in so many different fields. I also love to read and have a great interest in the 'veterinary sciences". A SE P TE M BE R TO RE M E M BE R B I S S B I S G C H S TA R L I N E ’ S C H A N E L No. 1 HouND No. 6 DoG AMoNG ALL BREEDS* THE ToP WINNING WHIPPET BITCH IN AKC HISToRy WITH A CAREER ToTAL oF 28 BESTS IN SHoW 5 ALL BREED BESTS IN SHOW AND AN ALL HOUND BEST IN SHOW BEST IN SHOW Jaxon Kennel Club Judge: Mr. Carl Gomes Breed and Group Judge: Mr. Richard Byrd BEST IN SHOW Central New Jersey Hound Association Judge: Mr. William Potter II American Whippet Club Supported Entry Breed Judge: Ms Debra Thornton BEST IN SHOW Bonneville Basin Kennel Club (1) Judge: Mrs. Faye Strauss Breed and Group Judge: Mrs. Joan Lester BEST IN SHOW Bonneville Basin Kennel Club (2) Judge: Mrs. Joan Lester Group Judge: Mr. Everett Dean Jr Breed Judge: Mrs. Edith Tichenor Hanson BEST IN SHOW Gallatin Dog Club Judge: Mr. Frank Washabaugh Group Judge: Mrs. Monica Canestrini Breed Judge: Mr. Lester Mapes BEST IN SHOW Helena Montana Kennel Club Judge: Mr. William Bergum Breed and Group Judge: Mrs. Barbara Alderman HANDLED By LoRI WILSoN • oWNED By CAREy, LoRI & NICoLE LAWRENCE • BRED By LoRI & CAREy LAWRENCE AND DIANNE BoWEN *Dog News through August 2010 THE HISTORY AND OPERATION OF THE AWC by: Louis Pegram, Secretary The American Whippet Club is a member of the American Kennel Club, The American Kennel Club membership consists of approved breed clubs, show-giving clubs, and dog training clubs. The American Whippet Club is the "parent" club for all Whippets registered with the American Kennel Club. The Constitution and By-Laws of the American Whippet Club, as well as the Whippet Standard of the Breed, are approved by the American Kennel Club. Any changes made in the Constitution and By-Laws or the Whippet Standard of the Breed must be first approved by the necessary majority of the Board of Directors of the American Whippet Club, then forwarded to the American Kennel Club for approval before being sent to the membership of the American Whippet Club who must also give a 2/3's majority vote of those responding to the recommended changes. This same policy applies to all "parent" clubs who are members of the American Kennel Club. The first available records on American Whippet Club activities start with 1930. Records during the period 1930 through 1934 are extremely vague with very high turn-over of officers and membership. Total membership at that time was less than 20 members. 1935 through 1945 saw the American Whippet Club operating effectively as a small group under the leadership of Miss Julia Shearer, Miss Judith Shearer, Mr. Harry Peters, Jr., and Mr. Edward T. Nash. Numerous members and officers during this period were prominent in pure-bred dog activities but their actual interest in Whippets was extremely limited. Major emphasis by the American Whippet Club during this ten-year period was the operation of one major specialty show held in a location most convenient to the majority of Whippet owners living in the East. 1946 through 1953 marked a period of close association between the American Whippet Club and the Greyhound Club of America. Mr. William Brainard and Mr. James A. Farrell, both extremely active in Greyhounds, acted as officers of the American Whippet Club at times during this period. These two parent clubs often held joint specialties. Membership grew only slightly during this period with major emphasis on one major eastern specialty each year and donations to certain worthy causes. Better known member Whippet owners who were active with the breed during this period were Mrs. Theodore Pedersen, Mr. Frank Tuffley, Mrs. George Anderson, Mr. Donald Hostetter, Mr. Louis Pegram, Mrs. Margaret Raynor Newcombe, and Mr. and Mrs. Potter Wear. 1954 through 1960 was the period when the American Whippet Club began actively moving from an eastern organization towards recognizing the needs of the Whippet on a national basis. During this period, the Board of Directors was increased from seven to nine members, and Board members included individuals living other than in the eastern portion of the U.S.A. The annual eastern specialty concept was expanded so there was an American Whippet Club specialty held in the East, Midwest, and on the West Coast. The Constitution and By-Laws were also slightly altered to better cover the constant increase of Whippet population and ownership in all parts of America. 1956 saw the start of the Whippet News under the editorship of Louis Pegram who after one year turned the responsibility over to Mrs. Eugene Jacobs. Whippet racing again became a major factor 12 | The Whippe t News Oc tober 2010 with many members of the American Whippet Club. The first successful race meeting since the 1940's was held at the International Kennel Club Show, Chicago, Illinois, with Mrs. Wendell T. Howell representing the California group and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jacobs heading a small group from central Illinois. The American Whippet Club Board of Directors was divided for several years in recognizing Whippet racing, as the American Kennel Club does not support racing of any type. Most of the people racing Whippets at this time were members of the American Whippet Club. After three years, the Board of Directors approved Louis Pegram to draw up Rules and Regulations for National Whippet Racing, leaving the supervision of these rules to the various groups who wished to race Whippets. Additional Whippet owners taking extremely active parts in American Whippet Club activities during this period were Mrs. Philip (Betty) Fell, Mrs. Wendell Howell, Mr. Calvin Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eyles, and Mrs. Pearl Baumgartner. 1960-70 was the true expansion period of the American Whippet Club. The membership at the end of 1970 exceeded 200 members. New Constitution and By-Laws were drawn up and approved by the American Kennel Club. The program of approved shows were expanded to three sectional specialties of equal importance and nine American Whippet Club supported entry shows. The Whippet News moved to California under the editorship of Mrs. Christine Cormany, a long- time member of the American Whippet Club and the daughter of Mr. James Young, one of the true pioneers of Whippets used for show and race purposes in the United States and Canada. Whippet owners new to the membership of the American Whippet Club and extremely active in the operation of this organization are Mr. Victor Renner, Mrs. Clare Hodge, Mr. William Schmick, Mrs. Dorothea Hastings, Mrs. Joan Frailey, Mrs. Mary Beth Arthur, Mrs. Day Backman, Jr., and Mr. Joseph Pinkosz. Membership in the American Whippet Club is open to all Whippet owners endorsed by two members of the American Whippet Club in good standing and approved by the Board of Directors. The American Whippet Club welcomes all sincere conscientious Whippet owners as members, but recommends that they first thoroughly read and digest the following objectives of the American Whippet Club before requesting membership: • to unite those people interested in the breeding, showing, racing, coursing and generally improving the breed of Whippet for the purpose of exerting effectually a combined influence upon all matters affecting the breed. • to urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which Whippets shall be judged. • to promote and maintain a high standard of conduct in the transaction of all business connected with the breeding of the Whippet. • to conduct sanctioned matches, obedience trials and specialty shows under the rules of The American Kennel Club. SBIS GCh. Counterpoint Painted by Bohem (Ch. Bohem Bon Vivant x Can. Ch. Counterpoint Winning Colors) No. 1 Whippet Male & top 5 overall* —all before 2 years of age! Viggo was shown four times in September, winning four major Breeds, a Group 3rd and two Group 1sts, including BEST IN SHOW at the All Hound Club of Bellingham in Washington under Sighthound specialist Jocelyne Gagné, Canada (pictured). * AKC Breed statistics through Sept 20, 2010 Scott Mazer • Bo Bengtson Br eeder S: John Ross & Trudy Taphorn Handler: Paul Lepiane Ow n er: CO- Ow n er: Viggo Greater Chicago Whippet Club 15th Annual Specialty GCWC Specialty: Saturday, November 27th Specialty Judge: Mrs. Denise Tatro, Redglen Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes Judge: Mrs. Gail Wegner, Windflight Trophies: Mountain Cow Creations and Kemerly handmade beds Supported Entry: Sunday, November 28th Breed Judge: Mr. Harold “Red” Tatro, Redglen Shows held in conjunction with the Lake Shore Kennel Club All-Breed shows at Bloom Trail High School in Crete, IL, directly south of Chicago Nice location, nice kennel club folks, great specialty and supported entry! Please join us for a fabulous specialty weekend following Thanksgiving. Show Chairman Dr. Lisa Costello 14855 Newark Rd. Newark, IL 60541 (815) 695-1930 14 | The Whippe t News Oc tober 2010 Superintendent: Roy Jones Dog Shows: Ch. Snow Hill Beatrix Soul Delight, JC (Ch. Crossing The Rubicon De Sud, SC x Ch. Snow Hill Mind, Body & Soul, JC, ROM) “Miss Trixie Delight” Thank you Judge Raymond V. Filburn, Jr. for this major win. Vicksburg Kennel Club of Mississippi, Monroe, LA September 5, 2010 Handled & Presented by Gerry L. Thornton Owner: William Dvorak Breeder/Co-Owner: Susanne Hughes, DVM | Snow Hill Whippets WRAP Report: Resurrection By Brigitte Greenberg The solid brindle Whippet named Denver was thought to be dead. His owners had given up. A month later, they were still trying to come to terms with the fact that he had been hit and killed by a vehicle. But as Mark Twain once wrote, “Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” Denver had gone missing on August 7 from his home in Staten Island, New York, after he was spooked by a neighbor's fireworks. A family member was watching him and couldn't get him to come back. Denver ran into the woods and disappeared. Owner Lucia Houtas posted flyers, advertisements and faxed businesses with information and photos of 1-year-old Denver. She posted on Craigslist. She reached out to people in the Whippet community, including New York area Whippet Rescue and Placement (WRAP) volunteer Mimi Dygert, who helped guide Houtas by phone in the search. There were no sightings. About a week later, a man named Jeffrey from the local Department of Sanitation called. He had picked up and disposed of the remains of an intact brindle dog on the side of a road. The family was heartbroken. “Considering there were no other responses to our faxes, ads and flyers, we accepted poor Denver's fate, broke the news to our daughters and tried to come to terms with what had happened,” Houtas said. In fact, Denver had not only survived but had been rescued. After his escape, somehow the next morning he ended up swimming in the 40-foot depths of the Raritan Bay. How he got there no one knows. Two fishermen at first thought they had spotted a beaver or an otter, but quickly realized it was a dog swimming for his life. They fished him out with their nets and brought the weary hound aboard. Without tags, a collar or a microchip, the fishermen thought he might have been dumped from a boat and abandoned. They brought him to the Perth Amboy Animal Shelter in New Jersey. Among the animal control officers who work there is Michal Cielesz. Touched by the fishermen's story and noting Denver's timid personality, Cielesz decided that she would foster him at home for a while, have him neutered and brought up-to-date on his shots and then find a permanent home for him. Through a friend of a friend, longtime Whippet fancier Karen Roberson of Pennsylvania heard about the Whippet in foster care who had been renamed "Oats." Roberson in turn contacted Whippet Rescue, thinking that WRAP might have some idea who had bred the dog and where he came from. WRAP volunteer Dygert immediately recognized Denver from the photos. Dygert called Houtas. It was September 15, more than a month after Denver went missing. “She emailed me the photos and I was sure it was him!” Houtas said. “I was absolutely floored by the news! Karen then contacted me, gave me Michal's info and we had a long, wonderful conversation about Denver's amazing adventures.'' Houtas was so thrilled that she wanted to run out of the 16 | The Whippe t News Oc tober 2010 house to get him that night, but it was already getting dark, so she and Cielesz decided to wait until morning. “We met Wednesday morning and I was just blown away by her compassion. She had taken wonderful care of Denver. He was well fed and even seemed an inch taller. To add to her kindness, Michal even refused any payment. She said that seeing him reunited was reward enough.” Soon Houtas and Denver were driving home across a bridge over the same Raritan Bay where Denver had been found by the fishermen. When they got home, she brought him to the backyard, and he saw the family's Whippet mix, Dakota. “They began jumping all over each other, playing and licking. My daughters then called his name from the back door and he ran inside. He pranced around the house, hopping in circles and making sure that every- thing was still in its place. After about a half hour of hugs, kisses and excitement, he found his bed, plopped down and slept for hours! When he woke, it was as if he had never left.” Houtas said she and her family are grateful to all of the people who got involved and helped bring Denver home. “We are forever changed by the kindness that has led to his return. We let him get loose in a world without a microchip, collar or tags. He had nothing to help him home but his distinct markings and the ONLY reason he was returned to us is because he luckily found his way into a chain of compassionate hearts. This was an incredible journey that involved so many people,” she continued. “If any single link had been broken, if anyone in this chain were not as compassionate as they are, then Denver would not be sleeping at my side right now. He is the living proof that there is a great deal of goodness in this world and that miracles do happen.'' What a way to finish! (Ch. Euphrates de Sud x Ch. Wheatland Delta Dawn, SC) New Ch. Wildhare Good Ride Cowboy North Central Specialty Winners Dog Best of Winners Award of Merit Thank you Mrs. Lori Nelson! Owner: Dr. Lisa M. Costello Mango finished with 5 majors! Woo Hoo!!! Breeders: Paula and Dwight Caffee Wildhare It’s a jungle out there B in Best i Sh Show YtÇv| Ch Tangens Maverick Red Planet Ch Winsmoor Maverick Cowboy Up! x Plumcreek HW Across The Moon Congratulations to Fanci’s owner Donna Pardi from breeders Eva Engvall, Tangens, and Rachel Amado, Maverick. Fanfare Milestone Barefoot and Crazy (Am/Can Ch Albelarm Debonair x SBIS Ch Fanfare’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) Sire: Ch Plumcreek Hollowell Go Forth Dam: Ch Fanfare’s Too Cute To Care Jolie is shown winning Best Puppy in specialty under Breeder/Judge Lori Nelson (Wildfire). Jolie also won Best in Sweepstakes under Breeder/Judge Jenny Boyd (Albeaim Whippets). Breeder /Owner / Handler: Shelley Kruger 715-325-5341 Co-Owner: Joanne Bohl Milestone Whippets Beaver Dam, WI Fanfares Two Kinds of Crazy (Am/Can Ch Albelarm Debonair x SBIS Ch Fanfare's Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) Ozzie is pictured winning a 5 point major from the 6-9 Puppy Class under judge Reggie Nesbitt the first day of the Midwest Specialty weekend. What a nice start for this little guy. He is the fourth puppy from this litter major pointed! Breeder /Owner / Handler: Shelley Kruger Fanfare Whippets Wisconsin Rapids, WI 2010 AWC Whippet News ANNuAl Another great Annual is coming! Take note of some rate reductions below! Please note: the wnannual does not accePt commercial advertising RATES: INSIDE BACK COVER - AVAILABLE - Contact Wendy (see below) FULL PAGE AD - Black & White :................................................................................................................... $ 150.00 FULL PAGE AD - COLOR.:.................................................................................................................................. $ 400.00 HALF PAGE AD - (B&W).:.................................................................................................................................. $ 90.00 PEDIGREE SECTION PAGE:,.dog’,.color,.sex,.height,,.date.whelped. and.FOUR generation pedigree,.owner’,,.and.breeder’, BAER and/or include.all.necessary.information!..And.please.SEND.LEGIBLE.PEDIGREES!!..[]......... $ 70.00 KENNEL LISTING: .,,.mailing.address,.phone.number,.email./.web.address. . . If.accompanying.other.advertising:......................................................................................................... $ 5.00 Kennel.Listing.only:........................................................................................................................................ $ 10.00 Please READ and help us by following these GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING ADS: 1..,.then.PRINT.CLEARLY!..(especially.pedigrees!!!)..Proof.your.copy.carefully.. . 2.. . do not Send CoLor pHotoCopieS or inKjet printS!! If you are sending digiTAl imAges, dpi (ppi) at tHeir FinaL SiZe.( iF YoUr originaL iMage iS digitaL, Send tHe digitaL iMage, not a print oF tHe digitaL iMage! 3.. do not CUt YoUr pHotoS!!“dog.only”.or.“dog.and.handler.only”“dog.only”)...LABEL.the.back.of.each. photo.with.a.gummed.label,’,.number.them.’s.copy.of.the.Annual. 4.. advertiser name.(,.or. dog’,, 5..,.then. click.“annual advertising & Back issues” We will gladly set up your ads for you at NO extra charge, but if you wish to submit CAMERA READY ARTWORK, please follow technical requirements as specified on following page! •.•.•..All.covers.are.reserved.on.a.first.come.basis./•.•.• •.•.•.••.•.•.• CLUB PAGES.-..regional Whippet clubs are invited to send a one-page report on their 2010 activities to be included in the annual at no,,,.2011...Don’t be left out! You may also send an Independent Specialty results page and BOB photo. As.always,.your.CAndid photo suBmissions.are.most.welcome!..(Everybody.loves.them!!). PleAse PUT yOUR nAme And AddRess On All PhOTOs (including candids & Cds), so that they may all be returned. CHeCKS paYaBLe to: Whippet annual (paypal, see #5 above) MaiL to: Wendy Clark, 5088 Breckenhurst drive, Hilliard, oH 43026 USa E-mail:.DUNBERRY@SBCGLOBAL.NET../..Ph:..614.777.0124 Final advertising deadline: JanuarY 15, 2011 2010 AWC Whippet News ANNuAl We will gladly set up your ads for you (there is no additional charge), but IF YOU WISH TO SEND “CAMERA READY” ARTWORK - PLEASE READ!! l Your PAYMENT must be received by the advertising deadline of JANUARY 15, 2011. With your payment,includeyourname,mailingaddress,andeitheraphonenumberoremailcontactfor questions. l ALL ARTWORK must be received bY THE END OF JANUARY, 2011. l SoftWare supported:AdobeIllustrator,AdobeInDesign,AdobePhotoshop,QuarkXpressandCorel Draw.PleaseincludePDFproof,alongwithallfontsandimages.ColorfilesmustbeCMYK. lFontsmustbetYPe 1 or opentype fonts;sendthefontseveniftheyareembedded. l PDF files:WewillacceptPDFfilesascamerareadyart,buttheymustbesavedashigh resolution PDf’s (“press quality”) with fonts embedded.Ifincolor,theymustalsobesavedasCMYK.Wewouldprefer thatthenativefilethattheadwascreatedinalsobeincluded,alongwithallsupportfilesandfonts,in casethePDFisn’tcorrectlymadeorthereisaproblemwithit.Thiswillenableustousetheoriginalfiles toensurecorrectoutput. l WNAnnual final trim size: 8.5” x 11” l MARgINS of .5” (1/2”) should be allowed on all sides of pageforanythingdeemedimportant(text, dogparts,etc).Iwouldrecommendallowing.75”(3/4”)ontheboundedgeforanythingimportant. l bLEEDS must be +.125” (1/8”) on all sides(8.75”x11.25”),howeveroriginalmarginsrequirementsstill apply(seeabove) l black and white adsmustbesubmittedingRAYSCALE,whethertheyarehardcopyoriginalsordigital files. l Color adsmustbesubmittedinCMYK. l Include a hard copy, jpg, or pdf Proof of your ad,soweknowwhatit’ssupposedtolooklike. l LAbEL ALL ELECTRONIC FILES with the advertiser’s NaMe(notkennelname), the page number and position;forexample:“Smithp1L.pdf”,“Smithp2R.pdf”Ifafilecontainsmorethanonepage,be suretospecifywhethertheadsbeginonaLEFTorRIGHTsidepage. is longer accepted.Theprinterhashadtoomanyproblemswithprovidedfilm.Please submitfilesasspecified,orletusdotheset-upforyou. lSorry,butfILM lPedigreeSectionpagescannotbesubmittedascameraready. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions! e-mail: / Ph: 614.777.0124 CheCkS PaYabLe to: Whippet annual MaIL to: Wendy Clark, 5088 breckenhurst Drive, hilliard oh 43026 thenclick“annual advertising & back Issues”alongleftmenubar FINAL ADVERTISING DEADLINE (to submit pAymENT): JANUARy 15, 2011 FINAL DEADLINE TO SUBmIT CAmERA READy ART: JANUARy 31, 2011 Start the New Year Right! Greater San Diego Whippet Association Unbenched Designated Specialty Show and Sweepstakes within the Inland Empire Hound Club of Southern California Show Friday January 7, 2011 Empire Polo Grounds, Indio, California MAJORS are anticipated on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in conjunction with the Kennel Club of Palm Springs Shows GSDWA Specialty Judge: Kathy Forbes, Urbanville, IA (SKYLINE BEAGLES) Sweepstakes Judge: Mary Dukes, Raleigh, NC (DELACREME WHIPPETS) Saturday Whippet Judge: Mr. Robert L. Robinson, Phoenix, AZ Sunday Whippet Judge: Ms. Donna Francis Superintendent: Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows Show closing date: Noon (PST) Wednesday, December 22, 2010 28 | The Whippe t News Oc tober 2010 October 2010 AKC Obedience Report By Irene Mullauer, National Obedience Chairperson Rally rankings 1/1/10 thru 08/31/10 Class Adv A 1 Adv B Exc A Exc B Nov A Dog Name Ampersand Airborn Owner Average Qualifying Scores R Henery T Lubbers/A Lubbers/J Lubbers R Henery C Stone/B Lowans J Pichette C Gillies E Feldheim C Stone/B Lowans A McNiven N Anderson/W Brizius P Renzulli/L Solano 97 1 94 94 93.33 91.5 86.5 86.5 86 85.5 77 77 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 Anlan’s Sierra Mist Mama Mia Sky High RN Agstone Fonseca Cosacos Laurel Chase Leia Bug Belaya Silver Thistle Sporting Field Just Deal With It Agstone Macanudo Ascot Tcs Zoomerang Galewind’s Life Of Reilly Warburton Heart Of The Story 1 2 3 4 5 6 I Mullauer K Couch L Hayes/S Hayes M Shanley M Shanley/P Booth M Shanley 98.67 98 92.67 89.5 86.5 84 3 1 3 2 2 1 7 8 9 9 Midori Days De Sud Wolfram’s Mitzi The Celebrity Wheatland Talltree Shamasan Smokin’ Magic Shamasan Lumos Solarum Shamasan’s Lily Potter Wildaspen’s Letz Do Th’ Wild Thang Amberwind Nasusa Wicked Moon Dreams Charm Me Karasar’s Jackpot H Badgett/T Brumbaugh S Holley/S Mallonee P Younger G Ball/K Kuper 81.33 80.5 78 78 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 Snow Hill Soul Unsigned Agstone Fonseca Cosacos Shannon Down Blazing Star S Lane/S Hughes C Stone/B Lowans J Phillips 91 81 72 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 E Adler P Younger N Gordon/N Wascom J Heffernan/d heffernan A Andrews/B Henderson L Hayes/S Hayes L Hayes/S Hayes 94.75 90 89 89 88 85.67 85 4 3 1 1 3 3 2 7 8 Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero Dreams Charm Me Mirage’s Stack The Deck Seaspell’s Concord Point Whippoorwill Mystic Wheatland Talltree Aaa Spike El Kandahar Wildaspen’s Letz Do Th’ Wild Thang Grand Prix’s Golden Eagle H Badgett/T Brumbaugh C Maclean 77.5 73 2 1 1 1 2 6 4 5 6 Quixand Perstriatus Bijoux Crystal Summer Day Delcielo Solar Star Nouveau’s Organized Chaos Carry On Von Dutch Majestic Jazz Mooncroft The Wynn Of Claymar L Statler/R Statler D Buck M Lu/R Lattuga E Houle L Wagner S Heath/C Heath J Trudeau/S Bender 99 99 88 86 84 82.67 81 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 The Whippet News Oc tober 2010 | 29 Nov B 7 Onyxx Dream Weaver O Kowalsky/M Wills/L Weller 78 1 1 2 Bitterblue’s Living Colour Wegner’s On The Sly 99 98 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Anlan’s Sierra Mist Shamasan Lumos Solarum Karasar’s Jackpot Shaldra’s Run Dusty Run Shamasan’s Lily Potter Watch Me It’s Tough To Be A Goddess Vitesse Deep Powder Krislyn Cat Man Do Flyn Dust Circe Of Carbeth Atelier Moment In Time L Garwacki/P Garwacki C Austin/U James T Lubbers/A Lubbers/J Lubbers M Shanley/P Booth G Ball/K Kuper L Sutton/E Sutton M Shanley 98 98 97 97 96.33 3 1 1 1 3 J Thomas L Costello/M Cutherell J Cook/C Pearce J Mellinger/R Mellinger K Harwood J Mellinger/R Mellinger/D Henly K Hilfiker H Badgett/T Brumbaugh C Gillies K Lee/K Fredericks/L Anichini J Pond D Sisneroz/S Vernon 96 95.33 95.33 94 93.33 1 3 3 4 3 93 91.33 91 91 88 87.5 86.33 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 J Thomas C Ellis 85.33 85 3 3 85 85 81 79 74 72 70 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 95.3 94.5 92.67 88.25 85 10 4 12 4 2 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sithean Aoife Of Flyn Dust Summit Start Me Up Shaglan Wildaspen Eastr Magic Amherst Woods I Have A Dream Surrey Hill’s Ripon Jewel Jens Lil Miss Sunshine Summit Ironwood Signorina Zetta Watch Me O’Continental Light Of Cottonwood Belaya Sweet William Mystic Run Strawberry Fields Forever Jammin’ Whatchamacallit Shamasan Forever In Blue Genes Shannon Down I Like To Move It Bravado’s Jeronimo Cove Creek Barcelona Nights Abbey Boston Belle 1 2 6 4 5 Lucy Andrews Dreams Charm Me Snow Hill Soul Unsigned Wyatt Of Dodge City Amberwind Nasusa Wicked Moon 15 16 RAE 30 | The Whippe t News Oc tober 2010 A Andrews L Wilks/D Behnke S Honaker/L Crain/P Booth J Phillips/S Phillips S Orman/L Orman M Hermon/D Seiler J Hopfenbeck A Andrews P Younger S Lane/S Hughes d heffernan/J Heffernan S Holley/S Mallonee Obedience Ranking 1/1/10 thru 8/31/10 Class Beg Nov A 1 Beg Nov B 1 2 Grad Nov Novice A Novice B Open A Dog Name Owner Qualifying Scores 188 Snow Hill Soul Unsigned S Lane/S Hughes 1 192 191 Sea Island’s Kimi-Kai Ala Breezy Renegade’s Red Alert At Sea K Cole K Cole 1 1 Average 1 2 3 190.33 186.75 184 Renegade’s Red Alert At Sea Dreams Charm Me Maverick Cowgirl Chic K Cole P Younger R Amado/H Heil 3 2 1 1 2 3 7 5 6 190.1 180.5 179.75 178 174.25 171.5 Waldersee’s Sydney Alan Kenya Of Windyglen Abbey Boston Belle Devereux’s Evening Star Halmarque Santa Cruz Shantellie Countess Of Steel L Corsini-Hebert K Livingston J Hopfenbeck R Brown/C Brown/A BASS J Honza P Campbell 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 189 188.5 188 186.5 186 185.25 K Goguen C Austin/U James K Cole R Lutz/F Lutz K Marshall d heffernan/J Heffernan 1 2 4 1 1 2 7 8 185 184.5 Woodslea Summer Breeze Wegner’s On The Sly Renegade’s Red Alert At Sea Timbreblue Windrydr Biker Girl Pawsable’s Calm Before The Storm Wyatt Of Dodge City Watch Me Will Wonders Never Cease Vitesse Deep Powder 2 1 9 10 11 12 182.63 181.5 180 179.5 4 1 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 178.5 178 177.83 176.5 175.5 175 174.5 172.5 172 170 Anlan’s Sierra Mist Snowcaps Solari Quick Step Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel Summit Ironwood Signorina Zetta Watch Me Our Bright Light Of Runners Shaglan Wildaspen Eastr Magic Wolfram’s Mitzi The Celebrity Shamasan Lumos Solarum Endeavor’s Challenge The Wind Indigo Shoreline Black Rose Grand Prix’s Golden Eagle Bitterblue’s Nestor Endeavor’s Free To Go Kamada Two Thumbs Up J Thomas/J Williams L Costello/M Cutherell T Lubbers/A Lubbers/J Lubbers D REIMER/S Couzin A Andrews D Sisneroz/S Vernon J Lambertsen H Badgett/T Brumbaugh K Couch M Shanley/P Booth D Noble C Huff/L CAMPO C Maclean L Garwacki/P Garwacki D Mcguire W Tracy/M Tracy 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 187.5 182.75 178.25 Hasue Here Comes Trouble Aaa Spike El Kandahar Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero S Mullins L Hayes/S Hayes E Adler 1 2 2 The above Rankings are compiled from the AKC Awards Publication. Please forward any questions to me at The Whippet News Oc tober 2010 | 31 Christine Hopperstad, Editor 130 34th Ave E Seattle WA 98112 Happy Halloween!!
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