M A R C H 2 012 Whippet Wanderings N at i o n a l W h i p p et Cl u b o f Ca n a d a advertising Full page ad $15 (11”wide x 8.5”deep) Ads requiring setup $5 additional per ad Half page ad $10 (5.5”wide x 8.5” deep) in this issue: Deadlines are January 15, April 15, July 15 & October 15 > Include detailed instructions with ads requiring setup. See below for required specifications for best reproduction. Send all ads, articles, club & member news, comments and anything whippet-related to the Editor: Laura Baratta 604 625-6831 laura@barattahounds.com > American Whippet > Please make all cheques or money orders payable to NWCC and mail to: Laura Baratta 320 – 248th Street, Aldergrove, BC, Canada V4W 2H1 N E X T D E A D L I N E : JULY 15 submissions / specifications Ads to be designed: emailed files or photos to be maximum 3 megs per email. Send text in email or Word doc format. > Member Snow Photos Club 2012 National The Spirit of Volunteerism Member News > Top 10 Canadian Show Whippets > Top 10 Obedience, Rally and Agility Whippets (up to Nov 26, 2011) > Trust article Single photos required: high resolution RGB JPEGs (minimum 200 dpi) or TIFF files. Photos must be supplied separately – photos embedded within programs such as Word will not be accepted. > Over the Counter Remedies Completed ads: full or half page PDFs (maximum 200k), or PSD files (maximum 3 megs). > 2012 Membership list Send files [or questions about formats] to: laura@barattahounds.com 2 0 11 / 2 0 1 2 N W C C B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S PRESIDENTLinda Buchholz, Aldergrove, BC swiftsure1@shaw.ca 604 856-5660 Laura Baratta, Aldergrove, BC laura@barattahounds.com 604 625 - 6831 SECRETARY Janet Juzkiw, Grand Forks, BC whippets@shaw.ca 250 442-2400 TREASURER / WEB MISTRESS Heather-Jean Dansereau, Hamilton, ON whippetgang@devonair.ca 905 659 -1188 RESCUE CO-ORDINATOR Paulette Blinch, Prince George, BC couchounds@yahoo.com 250 964 -1429 BRITISH COLUMBIA Blair J. Shinski, Victoria, BC blair60@shaw.ca 250-479-5818 ALBERTA Susan Nordstrom, New Norway, AB lynallan@syban.net 780 855-2278 MANITOBA /SASKATCHEWA Lynne Samuel, Winnipeg, MB lsamuel@mts.net 204 783-5863 ONTARIO Mary Morris, Chatsworth, ON azurekennels@gmail.com 519 794-3303 QUEBECVacant EDITOR Laura Baratta, Aldergrove, BC laura@barattahounds.com 604 625 - 6831 VICE PRESIDENT Whippet a W nderings is the quarterly publication of the National Whippet Club of Canada. Issues are included with NWCC membership. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor or the NWCC. The Editor reserves the right to edit or withhold any item or article which, in the opinion of the Editor, reflects badly or unfairly upon any group, individual or dog. Check out news and upcoming events at whippetcanada.com next issue: EDITOR’S NOTE I hope you enjoy the new format of the newsletter, a better size to fit the width of most monitors. Any feedback would be appreciated. the Thank you to Steve Pedro & Paul Allard for the wonderful cover photo (from left to right - Madison, Honey, Mardi Gras, Liam, Maizel, Maverick). HARE GOOD! Sheri Bakes wins the free ad this issue for the snow photo of Easy. Thank you for all the submissions of our whippets enjoying the snow, there were many great ones! WW HARE AWARD the TURTLE AWARD TURTLE NAUGHTY! Laura Baratta laura@barattahounds.com mangled toys! Tell us the interesting objects your whippets have destroyed or chewed, or snap some photos of the end results of toys, clothes, blankets, crates etc. after being at the mercy of your whippet. The member with the most interesting story or photo will win a free ad! snow photos! (Nordstrom) * (Bakes) (Nordstrom) (Morton) (Evans) (French) ( Juzkiw) (Morton) (Bakes) (Rusticus) (Nordstrom) (Nordstrom) (Rusticus) (Blinch) (Allard, Pedro) (Badick) (Mallonee) (Blinch) (Badick) (Nordstrom) P R E S I D E N T ’ s report I hope everyone is throwing off the winter blues and enjoying Spring. Whippet events are once again in full swing – so much to do with our versatile breed! Mark your calendars for the last weekend in May!! NWCC’s big event is fast approaching and I hope many of you will be able to attend what should be a wonderful whippet weekend in Ontario. We are doing the long drive from the west coast and I’ll look forward to meeting many of our members then. Be sure to check our website and the NWCC Facebook page for updates on our National Specialty. We will be holding our Annual General Meeting right after the show, so please stick around to attend the meeting. If anyone has any agenda items, please forward them to me by May 15th. (Morton) If you can’t attend the Ontario National, you can plan well ahead for next year and make the trek to Calgary, Alberta in August 2013. The show site is the world famous Spruce Meadows Equestrian Centre and plans are already in the works for additional Whippet, Sighthound and Hound Specialties, along with our National and the all-breed shows. Our members have chosen Ms. Shelley Hennessy to judge our National. Our newsletter Editor and VP, Laura Baratta is hard at work designing our new website which should debut very shortly. I’m sure everyone will join me in expressing our thanks to Laura for giving so much of her precious time and expertise to our Club. Like most clubs, NWCC is kept alive solely by those caring individuals who step up to the plate and offer whatever they can to help out. It’s the attitude of “what can I give to this Club” rather than “what can I get out of this Club” that keeps us afloat. Good luck to everyone in your Whippet activities, just remember to have FUN and I’ll hope to see many of you in Ontario at our National! WW Linda Buchholz, President >> secretary ’ s report B C report National Whippet Club of Canada membership is slightly down from last year, with a total of 84 members, distributed as follows: BC 25, Alberta 14, Saskatchewan 4, Manitoba 4, Ontario 24, Quebec 3, USA 10. I’d like to welcome the following new members to NWCC: Colleen Hawkey (BC) and Karen LeJeune (Alberta), Marie Cocklin (Ontario), with a welcome back to Steve & Irma Gartlan (Ontario). With winter fading and spring unfolding, many of us are emerged in preparing for summer events: racing, lure coursing and of course, proudly showing our whippets. Maybe you participate in Obedience, Rally Obedience and/or Agility with your Whippets. Whatever you and your Whippets enjoy doing, it is always nice to perform outdoors. The premium list for our 2012 National Specialty in Ontario, judged by the esteemed Bo Bengtson, is now available at: http://www.mjnshowservices.com/ mjnplists/erieshorespl2012.pdf Trophy donations would be greatly appreciated, either for the general trophy fund or a specific class. You can find information on what awards are still available for sponsorship at: http://www.whippetcanada.com/2012/trophy.htm Planning ahead, members have chosen Shelley Hennessey to judge the 2013 National in Calgary, Alberta. The venue for that show will be the beautiful Spruce Meadows Equestrian Centre. Spring is now upon us and with that plans for shows, coursing, racing and other whippety endeavours. Please send all your news and brags to your respective provincial directors for inclusion in the newsletter. Everyone likes to keep abreast of what fellow members are up to! WW Janet Juzkiw Secretary whippets@shaw.ca U P DAT E Unfortunately the Heart Clinic at the National has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control. All fees will be returned to applicants. Many schedules are already posted for the upcoming year. I wish all exhibitors and participants many successes in the outdoor events. It is always great to see Whippet people again after the long winter season getting out there and enjoying their doggie sports with their Whippets. Don’t forget the Whippet National Specialty hosted in Caledonia, Ontario on Saturday June 2nd and Specialty Field Trial – Whippets only on Sunday June 3rd. Also, Great Lakes Whippet Specialty Show on Friday June 1st and then on Sunday June 3rd, the Gazehound Ontario Specialty Show is running. This will certainly be a weekend to remember with so many events to participate in. I wish all exhibitors well and more importantly, that you have loads of fun. Don’t forget to attend the Specialty Dinner held Saturday evening after the judging is completed. You get to socialize with the judges and listen to their thoughts on the show and the quality of our Whippets. I’ve not heard from any winter participants on their wins these past few months. I guess this was a quieter winter season for us West Coasters. Some exhibitors did venture south to the United States. Congratulations on your wins! I stayed close to home tending to my first litter of Whippet puppies, so I didn’t do anything in the show ring this past winter. Until next time, Life’s Best! WW Blair Shinski, BC Director (Rusticus) A L B E R T A report Another Spring is upon us here in Alberta, although it appears to be bit of a wet one! Mother Nature can’t seem to make up her mind as to whether we should be sunny and warm with temps in the double digits or whether it should be cold, windy and snowing. We just seem to just nicely dry out from one spring storm when another one comes through. But with Spring finally here, we also look forward to a new season of Shows. With that being said I have a few show results to share. Calgary Kennel and Obedience Club, Calgary, AB February 3 Judge – Lynda Saranchuk BOB - Ch Tivio Paint The Town Red, owned by Carla Badick and Tracy Hite February 4 Judge – Robert Whitney BOB and Group 3 – Ch Tivio Paint The Town Red February 5 Judge –Elaine Whitney BOB and Group 4 - Ch Tivio Paint The Town Red >> Battle River Canine Association, Camrose, AB March 23 Judge – Dr. Francisco Chapa Guajardo BOB – Ch Lynallan Nasusa My Oh My, owned by Susan Nordstrom & Carla Badick WM, BOS, BP – Manorcourt Set Precedent, owned by Cathy French April 7 Judge – Beverly Capstick BOB & Group 3 – Ch. SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll WM, BOS – Dreamwindz EROS Coolblueoutlaw, owned by Claudine Hamilton RWM – Maxnme Where is Mickey BP – Manorcourt Set Precedent RWM – Nysa Hill Timeless Tempo Of Bohem, owned by Scott Mazer No class females entered. March 24 Judge – Chang Weng Who WM, BOB , Group 3 – Nysa Hill Timeless Tempo Of Bohem RWM, BP – Manorcourt Set Precedent March 25 Judge – Barbara Dempsey Alderman WM, BOB, BP, BPIG, Group 4 – Manorcourt Set Precedent RWM – Maxnme Where is Mickey, owned by Rob and Lenna Maxwell Red Deer & District Kennel Club, Red Deer, AB April 5 Judge – Patricia Taylor WM, BOB, BP, Group 1st (to finish)- Manorcourt Set Precedent RWM – Maxnme Where is Mickey BOS – Ch. SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll, owned by Karen LeJeune No class females entered. April 6 Judge – Alan Ewles BOB & Group 2 – Ch. SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll owned by Karen LeJeune WM, BOS ( to finish) – Nysa Hill Timeless Tempo Of Bohem RWM – Maxnme Where is Mickey BP – Manorcourt Set Precedent We are all anxious for coursing season to start next month in Alberta. Even the gophers are getting ready! : ) Until next time Good Luck at the shows and Happy Coursing everyone!! WW Sue Nordstrom, AB Director lynallan@syban.net O N TA R I O R E P O RT Another two months have passed and still nobody is sending me their brags. I have a small one, not dog related. I am a new Grandmother. He is my first and I am in love. I am expecting a litter next month so I will be very busy. Just a reminder to everyone that the Canadian National is in Ontario this year, at the Erie Shores Kennel Club. With the all the Specialty’s and All Breed Show, there are a lot of chances to finish your dogs. It is a great show. Also, if enough people sign up, there is a heart clinic to get our dogs checked. Please take advantage of it. See everyone there. WW Mary Morris, Ontario Director azurekennels@gmail.com We are all anxious for coursing season to start next month in Alberta. Even the gophers are getting ready! BOB n ub a c i r ameippet clp e c i a l t y wh a l s on i t a n 2012 Judge: Dr Connie S Brunkow Best of Breed: GCH WINWAY MILLION HEIRESS, by GCH KAMADA’S INSTANT MILLIONAIRE - CH WINWAY PORTOFINO OF SPORTINGFIELD. Owners: Debbie Davenport, Kathleen Davenport. BOS Best of Opposite: CH TALK OF THE NATION DE SUD, by CH SUNBEAM REMBRANDT OF ENDEAVOR JC CH NORTHWIND’S SOJOURN DE SUD. Owners: KS Armato, W. Yurong, J. Cabailo. Winners Dog: FANFARE FORGETMENOT HILLBILLY ROCK STAR, by CH PLUMCREEK HOLLOWELL GO FORTH - GCH FORGETMENOT KIMONO. Owners: Shelley Kruger. Reserve Winners Dog: ABERDEEN’S BOOKMARK, by WD GCH DC SURREY HILL’S GOLDEN BOY - CH ABERDEEN MARKING TIME. Owners: Jean Turoci, Leila Anichini. Winners Female/BOW: KAMADA’S NEW YORK MINUTE, by CH PLUMCREEK I’M A NEW YORKER CH KAMADA’S DREAM WALKIN’. Owners: Debbie Davenport, Kathleen Davenport, Devon Kipp. Reserve Winners Female: PLUMCREEK HEARTLIGHT, by CH AMPERSAND FREE FLIGHT - PLUMCREEK STARS ABOVE. Owners: Sarah Shakespeare, Haden Shakespeare. Best Puppy: PLUMCREEK MOONSWEPT, by WB PLUMCREEK FORTUNE ROCKETMAN - PLUMCREEK HW MOONSCAPE. Owners: Linda Larson, Sarah Shakespeare. Select Dog: GCH FANFARE’S CORDOVA AT RUNNERS, by CH ALBELARM DEBONAIR - CH FANFARE’S CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND. Owners: Isabell Stoffers, Christy Nelson, Shelley Kruger. Select Bitch: CH FANFARE’S CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND, by CH PLUMCREEK HOLLOWELL GO FORTH - CH FANFARE’S TOO CUTE TO CARE. Owners: Shelley Kruger. Awards of Merit: 1. CH SHAMASAN DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY, by CH SHAMASAN HOUND HILL BIRTHDAY SUIT CH ELYSIAN NEEDLESS TO SAY JC. Owners: Phoebe J. Booth. 3./Best Veteran: CH PLUMCREEK GOING BIG TIME JC, by CH ELYSIAN POMPEII PASTORALE CD MC PLUMCREEK STARS ABOVE. Owners: Sarah Shakespeare 3. NFC DC CALI TNTS SPIRIT OF THE WILD OF NITRO MC, by FC TNT’S SCREAM DREAM FC SNOW HILL SIZL. Owners: Deana McNamer. 4. CH PLUMCREEK I’M A NEW YORKER, by PLUMCREEK NEW YORK NEW YORK CH AMPERSAND AIRBORNE. Owners: Linda Larson, Sarah Shakespeare. 5. CH SURREY HILL’S U SUNK MY BATTLESHIP!, by DC SURREY HILL’S GALAFREY - SURREY HILL CASTING THE RUNES. Owners: Karen Lee, Carolyn Bowers, Leila Anichini. 6. GCH KAMADA’S HAPPY HOUR, by CH KAMADA TAKE THE MONEY N RUN - CH KAMADA PERFECTLY PLUMCREEK JC. Owners: Debbie Davenport, Devon Kipp. 7. CH SNOWCAP’S ABSOLUT BLACK GOLD, by CH SPORTINGFIELD HOT TOPIC - CH SNOWCAPS DEE-LOVELY. Owners: Dianne Reimer, Judy Alexander, Lisa Kling. 8. CH MERCI ISLE MAGNOLIA, by GDC SURREY HILL’S GOLDEN BOY - DC MERCI ISLE DOVE FEATHER. Owners: Iva Kimmelman, Jeffrey Kimmelman. 9. DC TANGENS THE MAVERICK COSMONAUT, by CH WINSMOOR MAVERICK COWBOY UP! JC PLUMCREEK HW ACROSS THE MOON. Owners: Iva Kimmelman, Jeffrey Kimmelman. 10. CH SEASPELL’S POINT CABRIA, SC, by CH SNOWCAP’S WILDCARD GOODFELLOW CH SEASPELL’S BEACH MUSIC. Owners: Polly Clement, Karen Roberson. AWC National Performance Events O B E D I E N C E T R I A L R E S U L T S Obedience Judge: Tom Masterson Heather and Everett Dansereau of Devonair, attended the performance events of the American Whippet Club on April 14, 15 and 16. Events started near Cleveland, Ohio with the Agility Trial on Saturday. Novice B VITESSE DEEP POWDER CH NORTHWIND’S ECHO OF POETRY CD RA FC COOPER’S SHINING COMET RN MC NONSTOPP NADAL OF WYNDSOR Dale, (Can Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale FCh) competed in her first ever agility trial and won First Place Whippet in the Novice Standard Class. Her halfbrother Quinn (Can Ch Devonair’s Quinn FChX) attained a second place in the Novice Jumpers with Weaves class. As soon as the trial was finished, it was off to Rockwood, Michigan, for the 6:30 roll call on Sunday for ASFA coursing, where we were joined by Heather-Jean and the Hulley’s – there were seven Devonair Whippets entered in the trial which had over 145 whippets running (6 Flights of Open, 5 Flights of Field Champions and 2 Flights of Veterans). Of the three Open Dogs entered, Trisha ran her little heart out but it was not to be as she was last in her flight. Sir Tetley is out to prove to HJ that he really wants to be a race dog as he ran very very fast but kept forgetting to turn so he was last in his flight as well. The best Devonair dog was Mabel who at 7 years of age managed to finally put 2 good runs together and got an NBQ. Field Champions Mikey Dale and Quinn were at the top of the scores after the prelims but poor Dale made a wrong turn and ended up just out of the ribbons. Quinn didn’t make a wrong turn and ended up with a 2nd place and Mikey got a 3rd place in his flight. The real stars of the day were the veterans Ginny and Tripp – Ginny got a 2nd place in her flight for and Tripp got a 1st in his flight. Tripp just missed the Best Veteran run-off by only one point to the well know Oreo from ASFA Region 8. Saturday night it was a marathon drive back to Huron, Ohio for the obedience classes at the Host Hotel of the AWC National. Both Quinn and Dale were the only Devonair entries in their rally and obedience and judged conformation classes on Monday. When the final tallies were made, Quinn was 6th place and Dale was 9th place in the Versatility Competition. The versatility competition is a summation of the scores in agility, rally, coursing and the scored conformation class. We are so proud of them. We returned home the following day, after driving over 1500 km for the performance events only. Perhaps another year we will be able to participate in everything, but meanwhile as they say - a good time was had by all. WW Submitted by Heather Dansereau Novice A WILDWOOD’S GLAD I WAITED JUST FOR YOU RILEY ROLL Beginner Novice A FC WILDWOOD’S IT’S ALL ABOUT HEART SC FC DEVEREUX SPORTINGFIELD TRULY PRISTINE MC RN Beginner Novice B MIRAGE’S ACCIDENTS HAPPEN MC RN DEBMAR’S SPARKS WILL FLY AT LIBERTY SC SHOJIN’S I WANNA BE YOUR DOG GCH DEVEREUX’S EVENING STAR CD MC RE NAJ Graduate Novice MIRAGE’S HERE BY ACCIDENT CD SC RAE R A L L Y R E S U L T S Rally Judge: Lynda Kalinoski Rally Novice A COGSHALL’S NOBLE MANDRAKE SHOJIN’S TURN ME LOOSE Rally Novice B DEBMAR’S SPARKS WILL FLY AT LIBERTY SC CH WARBURTON WW SOUTHERN SKIES CD,NA,RN GCH EMERALD’S A THIEF IN THE NIGHT SC DEVONAIR’S QUINN JC Rally Advanced A MIRAGE’S ACCIDENTS HAPPEN MC RN HWYRUN HEART OF THE STORM RN NAJ NAP NJP SHOJIN’S I WANNA BE YOUR DOG FC COOPER’S SHINING COMET RN MC Rally Advanced B VITESSE DEEP POWDER ALOUETTE RDRUNNER MUCHO DINERO CDX RE GCH TIMBREBLUE WINDRYDR BIKER GIRL CD RE MC NA NAJ NAP NJP FC ANLAN’S SIERRA MIST CD AX AXJ OF RE SC Rally Excellent B MIRAGE’S HERE BY ACCIDENT CD SC RAE MIDORI DAYS DE SUD CD RA ALOUETTE RDRUNNER MUCHO DINERO CDX RE FC ANLAN’S SIERRA MIST CD AX AXJ OF RE SC m s i r e e t n u l o V f The Spirit o is nation el Clubs across th nn Ke n! io at iz an y org ergy, e life-blood of an offer time and en s er b em M Volunteers are th . ith in good fa n be. members to act e the best they ca b depend on club to s og d d re ureb lp people and p , while their skills, to he e lives of others th ng vi ro p im s ward ction of eople working to ills and as a colle sk d an y g Volunteers are p er en their time, done. own. In offering ub activities get cl g rin su en , enhancing their ls s e club’s goa any organization’ bers energize th In em . m rs he ub cl ot , g le in p peo e joy of help hment. nteering is in th lu vo of n io ct ing of accomplis fa el fe e th g The satis in ev ess is achi effort,” togethern forum of “team A job well done! s and our kennel club in ith w ss ne d spirit of goo pport and nurture the er st fo to h. We need to su ed lis p ne m We co ac e w t d wha bers t we stand for an mentor new mem to ed ne e W be proud of wha s. b ithin our Clu race diversity w b em d an th w ro g . t of volunteerism iri sp oing e th to in ly joyful other for it. By d ch ea k an th d an (good work) e our kennel nize excellence g co re to ate and promot ed ic ne un We m m co y el effectiv ity at large. e each other to to the commun so, we encourag s, og d d re b e ur p ve we share for clubs and the lo ts of our k, and selfl ess ac or w am te n, io at or h out to one ation and collab ive. So let’s reac rv su Without cooper ot nn ca s b el Clu el Clubs and energy, Kenn e-blood of Kenn lif e th ,” individual time m ris ee of Volunt oting the “S pirit another in prom ogs. and purebred d ~ Blair Shinski This years’ AGM will be held at the National Specialty following judging. We are in need of items for the rescue basket and silent auction. Any donations are appreciated – please bring them to the National show, or give to HJ or to Linda Buchholz (before May 15th) and let HJ know what you are donating. Ricky (2002 - 2012) Multi specialty winning Am Can Ch. Strebor’s Life of the Party (Am Can Ch Morlais Imagine at Whimsy x Am Can Ch Strebor’s Engage JC) Ricky was a one in a million and one of the best born here at Treadway. A two-time Lower Mainland Whippet Association Best in Specialty winner and Best Bred by Exhibitor at Eukanuba with co-breeder and owner Charles Roberts, he was within a few points of his Grand Champion when he left this earth too soon. His sweet, willing face, and loving presence will be greatly missed. Words seem so truly inadequate to describe my heart’s grief. Jeanette Dorsey - Treadway Whippets www.treadwaywhippets.com Sandra French, AB We had a wonderful weekend at the Battle River Canine Assoc. Show at the end of March in Camrose Alberta. Manorcourt Set Precedent (Preston) age 6 months and two days was at his first show. Friday: Winners male and Best of Opposite for 2pts. Thank you Judge Dr Francisco Chapa Guajardo. Sunday: Best of Breed over Specials, his Kennel mate Ch Lorricbrook Manorcourt A-Mazin went Best of opposite under Barbara Dempsey Alderman who then gave Preston a 4th in group for another 2 pts. It was a 7 pt weekend for him. He finished his Championship in style with a Group 1st +BPIG in two weekends, over 50 dogs entered in the Group. Jenny and I are thrilled with this young dogs’ debut. Member News Preston is Bred by and Proudly owned by Sandra French Manorcourt Whippets and Jenny McCartney of ‘McCartney’ Whippets. Sire Am Can CH Chelsea Coturri Dam Can CH Lorricbrook Ballymaloe. Sheri Bakes, BC Easy (Icatcher A Mighty Rider) ran his first CWA race and had a blast ! His final meet points for the weekend came to 10 (he finished 3rd in the second program (2 points), 2nd in the third program (3 points), and first in the fourth program (5 points)). Thanks so much to everyone who helped with loading Easy so I could photograph and celebrate with him on the walk back from the finish line. He enthusiastically had a LOT to say ! Shine (Lynallan’s Brushwood Xcel) is also beginning to run in some practice and fun runs, and is enjoying herself very much. Last summer a cancerous (spindle cell sarcoma) tumor was removed from between two hind toes and these toes were sewn together. She won’t be racing, but has already enjoyed and done very well running along side (behind) both Kinley and also Tristan in his first puppy run. Easy is also very much enjoying his third round of agility classes. Thanks to everyone for such a warm welcome into this wonderful community, and for making these practices and events so much fun. Also, a very big thanks to Easy’s breeder, Paulette Blinch, for such extreme dedication, generous information, encouragement and support. Swiftsure, BC and Whimsy, WA *CRUZ is now AM.Can.Ch. Whimsy’s Swiftsure Cruzan Gold – finishing in style in Oregon with a 5 point Best of Breed from the classes, in any entry of 31. Along the way, our beautiful big boy took 3 specialty WD awards and 3 majors, always breeder-owner handled. *His sister, our beautiful KAI, BISS Am.Can.Ch. Whimsy’s Swiftsure Kilo Kai added her American GRAND Championship, finishing in just 2 months, with 6 BOB’s and 6 majors! KAI is also #4 Whippet in Canada shown only 4 times! KAI is also always breeder-owner-handled. >> Paulette Blinch, BC We do not get out much, but Ric (Nasusa Lynallan Caught My I) did go to Portland with his co-owner Carla Badick. He got two nice majors after they struggled through horrendous road conditions to get there. He also got his cardio done in Edmonton and passed with flying colours. Bryce Stoess (Icatcher Rounds Up Cats) has moved to Australia with Danny and Christine and his cats. This is a brag because they are such great puppy people! I can hardly wait to hear about him coursing down under. Bond Fletcher (Icatcher Double O Seven FCH) made #8 Coursing Whippet in Canada in spite of missing a few runs in the rough Alberta fields. Thank you to Kristine and Greg. Bond look out, your little brother Albie is knocking on your door. Member News Easy Bakes (Icatcher An Easy Rider) got 10 points his first time straight racing and he thinks it is great fun! He is also taking up agility and Sheri says he is doing quite well, she not so much! I can relate! I have taken Breaker and Spicy to a couple of agility classes here, Spicy would rather just socialize (I am not surprised); Breaker likes the obstacles so he is having fun, I cannot believe what a clunk I am! I hope to get to a couple of coursing events and a few shows. Why is gas SO expensive? I think I should try a motorcycle and a sidecar! I have a man coming to visit me and attend the Burns Lake shows too. I also get to show one of Breaker’s puppies up there. Hoping to see you at some events! WW Current Conformation Standings Points as of April 24, 2012 GRP 1st GRP 2nd GRP 3rd GRP 4th BISTotal 1. Ch Stoneledge ‘N Lorricbrook La Nina 6 2 1 2 1 536 2 Ch Lorricbrook Albelarm Believer 2514 1 467 3 Ch Aikerskaill In A NY Minute 3450 0 168 4. Ch Whimsy’s Swiftsure Kilo Kai 0 1 2 1 0 98 5. Ch SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll 0 1 1 0 0 74 6. Ch Manorcourt’s Set Precedent 1 0 0 1 0 74 7. Ch Tivio Paint The Town Red 0011 0 57 8. Ch Dragonsong’s That Girl 0112 0 50 9. Lorricbrook Fascination 0 1 0 0 0 41 10. Ch Dragonsong’s Vanity Fair 0 0 1 0 0 35 unofficial results from Canuck Dogs www.canuckdogs.com (note: points are only counted for Group placements, not BOBs. For official standings and official point totals, contact the Canadian Kennel Club) NAME OWNER POINTS (# OF QUALIFYING SCORES) CKC Obedience as of November 26, 2011 1 Clearhounds Pell Mell Darbyshire Darbyshire 2 Clearhounds Jim Key Cr Quance 3 Avalonia Muddy Waters Darbyshire 4 Clearhounds Keira Purewall 5 Ocean’s Seeking The Gold Dvernichuk 6 Aikerskaill Criminal Intent CKC Rally Obedience Swiftsure Cameroon Baccarat Wheatenridge Gem Mooncroft The Wynn of Claymar Oceans Song of The Sandman Clearhounds Keira Seacoast Shock Wave Abbeywood Fabric of Dreams Clearhounds Pell Mell Devonair’s Quinn Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Obedience, Rally Obedience and AgiliTY as of Jan 1 - NOV 26, 2011 as of November 26, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CKC Agility 29 (7) 20 (3) 15 (4) 11 (2) 6(2) 3 (1) Baratta Fulton McKenney Purewall Darbyshire Merrithew Theresa Bryshun Darbyshire Dansereau/Dansereau Dansereau 90 36 22 17 13 11 10 8 4 4 (15) (10) (5) (3) (2) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) as of November 26, 2011 Swiftsure Cameroon Ragtime Mauna Loa Belaya Silver Thistle Tcs Jammin at Your Quebecncall Devonair’s Quinn Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery Swiftsure Tanzania Tcs Zoomerang Baratta Smith Gillies Ivanitz Dansereau/Dansereau Dansereau Baratta Mcniven 31 30 24 23 20 18 16 14 (4) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (2) Unofficial point system based on NWCC scoring, compiled by Laura Baratta. Obedience points are based on CKC scores earned in the Novice, Open and Utility classes. Rally Obedience and Agility points are based on CKC scores earned in the Novice, Intermediate and Excellent classes. Obedience Score Novice Open Utility 200 198 - 199.5 8 9 10 7 8 9 195 - 197.5 190 - 194.5 6 7 8 5 6 7 185 - 189.5 180 - 184.5 4 5 6 3 4 5 175 - 179.5 170 - 174.5 2 3 4 1 2 3 Rally/Agility Score Novice Adv/Int Excellent 100 98 - 99 95 - 97 90 - 94 85 - 89 80 - 84 75 - 79 70 - 74 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 SHINE (Lynallan’s Brushwood Xcel) Easy enjoyed his first CWA race weekend this spring, with some very nice exciting races with Shine. We are looking forward to participating in more Racing for Fun events this year, and are happy that Easy certified for lure coursing as well. Thanks to everyone for such a warm welcome into this wonderful community, and for making these practices and events so much fun. Also, a very big thanks to Easy’s breeder, Paulette Blinch, for such extreme dedication, generous information, encouragement and support. EASY (Icatcher A Mighty Rider) Dean Williams Photography Sheri Bakes, BC spbakes@gmail.com TRUST (Excerpt from Summer 2005 issue of GCNM News) There is a deadly disease stalking your dog: a hideous, stealthy thing just waiting its chance to steal your beloved friend. It is not a new disease, or one for which there are inoculations. The disease is called TRUST. You were told before you took your dog home that it could not be trusted. The adoption group, who provided you with this precious animal, warned you, drummed it into your head. “These dogs steal off counters, destroy anything expensive, chase cats, can take a while to housetrain, and must never be allowed off lead!” When the big day finally arrived, heeding the sage advice, you escorted your dog to his new home, properly collared and tagged, the leash held tightly in your hand. At home, the house was “puppy-proofed.” Everything of value was stored in the spare bedroom, garbage stowed on top of the refrigerator, cats separated, and a gate placed across the door of the living room to keep at least part of the house “puddle-free.” All windows and doors had been properly secured and signs placed in all strategic points reminding all to “CLOSE THE DOOR!” a disease to watch for Soon, it becomes second nature to make sure the door closes nine tenths of a second after it was opened and that it really latched. “DON’T LET THE DOG OUT” is your second most verbalized expression. (The first is, “NO!”) You worry and fuss constantly, terrified that your darling will get out and a disaster will surely follow. Your friends comment about who you love most, your family or your dog. You know that to relax your vigil for a moment might lose him to you forever. At this point you are beginning to become infected. The disease is spreading its roots deep into your mind. And then one of your friends suggests obedience. You shake your head and remind her that your dog might run away if allowed off lead, but you are reassured when she promises the events are held in a fenced area. And, wonder of wonders, he did not run away, but came every time you called him! All winter long you go to weekly obedience classes. And, after a time, you even let him run loose from the car to the And so the weeks and months pass, with house when you get home. Why not, he your dog becoming more civilized every day, always runs straight to the door, dancing and the seeds of TRUST are planted. in a frenzy of joy and waits to be let in. And, remember he comes every time he is It seems that each new day brings less called. destruction, less breakage. Almost before you You know he is the exception that proves the rule. know it, your mischievous and once-unreliable (And sometimes late at night, you even let him animal companion has turned into an elegant, slip out the front door to go potty and then right dignified, trustworthy friend. back in.) Now that he is a more reliable, sedate companion, At this point, the disease has taken hold, waiting you take him to more places. No longer does he only for the right time and place to rear its ugly chew the steering wheel when left in the car. And head. darned if that cake wasn’t still on the counter this morning! And, oh yes, wasn’t that the cat he was Years pass – it is hard to remember why you ever sleeping with so cozily on your pillow last night? worried so much when he was new to your home. Now, he would never think of running out of the >> door left open while you bring in packages from the car. It would be beneath his dignity to jump out of the window or a car while you run into the convenience store. And when you take him for those wonderful long walks at dawn, it only takes one whistle to send him racing back to you in a burst of speed when the walk comes too close to the highway. (He still gets into the garbage, but nobody is perfect!) This is the time the disease has waited for so patiently. Sometimes it only has to wait a year or two, but often it takes much longer. He spies a dog or cat across the street, and suddenly forgets everything he ever knew about not slipping out doors, jumping out windows, or coming when called. Perhaps it was only a paper fluttering in the breeze, or even just the sheer joy of running… stopped in an instant. Stilled forever – your heart is as broken as his still beautiful body. The disease is TRUST. Its final outcome – hit by a car. Every morning my dog, Shah, bounced around off lead exploring. Every morning for seven years he came back when he was called. He was perfectly obedient, perfectly trustworthy. He died fourteen hours after being hit by a car. Please do not risk your friend and your heart. Save the trust for other things. WW I was going to add that with some of us it is not so much trust as it is an assumed risk. If, for instance, we go coursing, or run the hounds on a beach, or let them trail when we go riding we know that they might bolt but we assume that risk. Why do we do that? Maybe because we want our hounds to be able to run as they were bred to. Food for thought. Paulette Remedies Over-the-counter medications you can give to your dog Buffered Aspirin For dogs only. Pain relief, anti-inflammatory. 1/2 tablet per 30 Lbs. 2 times per day Baby Aspirin For dogs only. Pain relief, anti-inflammatory. 1 tablet per 15 Lbs. 2 times per day Benedryl ® Treat allergies, itching, reaction to insect stings, etc. 1 mg. Per 1 Lb. 2 times per day Dramamine® Not for animals with glaucoma or bladder problems. Reduces car sickness. 26-50 Lb. Pet - 25 mg. Give at least 1 hour prior to travel, no more than once a day Pepto-Bismol® For dogs only. Relieve vomiting or stomach gas, diarrhea. 1 tsp. Per 20 Lbs. Every 6 hours Never give to animals: Acetaminophen, Tylenol®, Ibuprofen, Motrin®, Nuprin®, Alieve® NWCC 2012 membership list (current to March 27, 2012) BRITISH COLUMBIA Adley, Carole & Darien, Hilerica, Squamish, BC, 604-8981966, cadley@shaw.ca Ainsworth, Doug, Grand Forks, BC, 250-448-1984, fatorca27@shaw.ca Bakes, Sheri, Vancouver, BC, 604-723-6103, spbakes@gmail.com Baratta, Laura, Aldergrove, BC, 604-625-6831, laura@barattahounds.com Blinch, Paulette, Icatcher, Prince George, BC, 250-964-1429, nwccrescue@hotmail.com Buchholz, Steve & Linda, Swiftsure, Aldergrove, BC, 604-856-5660, swiftsure1@shaw.ca Evans, Malinda, Squamish, BC, 604-898-4581, joemal@telus.net Shinski, Blair, Victoria, BC, 250-479-5818, blair60@shaw.ca Stritychuk, Janet, Aldergrove, BC, 604-856-0744, j.strity@live.com Szabo, Nancy, Peter, Jennifer, Emily, Maple Ridge, BC, 604-467-7069, nszabo@shaw.ca A L B E RTA Badick, Carla and Susan, Nasusa, Calgary, AB, 403-451-9877/403-246-2515, nasua@shaw.ca; badick@ucalgary.ca French, Sandra, Manorcourt, Bittern Lake, AB 780-672-9931 mcwhippets@hotmail.com Forseth, Sally, Victoria, BC, 250-744-1291, sallyforseth@shaw.ca Kurpershoek, Richard & family, Calgary, AB, 403-607-1732, sighthound@shaw.ca Gaull, Margaret, Delta, BC, 604-594-6503, mgaull@telus.net LeJeune, Karen, Red Deer, AB, 403-340-2741, torkelledobes@gmail.com Hawkey, Colleen, Richmond, BC, 604-290-8296, chawkey@shaw.ca MacDonald, Jean, Edmonton, AB, 780-439-0520, neaja@telusplanet.net Hutchison, Carolyn, Momentum, Sidney, BC, 250-654-0170, carolyn@momentumwhippets.com Maxwell, Lenna, Stettler, AB, 403-742-5506, maxnme1@xplornet.ca Juzkiw, Janet, Covenstead, Grand Forks, BC, 250-442-2400, whippets@shaw.ca Kerfers, Ellen, Maple Ridge, BC, 604-460-8716, ekerfers@shaw.ca Leinbach, Lorna, Sailaway, Surrey, BC, 604-536-0484, leinbach@shaw.ca Lyttle, Gale, Galeforce, Bowen Island, BC, 604-947-0101, galeforce@telus.net McArthur, Glenys, Victoria, BC, 250-474-5620, g6872@shaw.ca Nealy, Anne, Vancouver, BC, 604-985-8601, anealy@telus.net Orson, Beth & Elner, Robert, Wenlock, Vancouver, BC, 604-325-0915, bethorson@shaw.ca & rwelner@sfu.ca McNeil, Eileen, Calgary, AB, 403-816-1338, mcneile@shaw.ca McNeil, Kerri T., Calgary, AB, 403-998-6877, kerrimcneil@shaw.ca Morris, Mary, Azure, Chatsworth, ON, 519-794-3303, azurekennels@gmail.com Nordstrom, Susan & Alyssa, Lynallan, New Norway, AB, 780-855-2278, lynallan@syban.net, Alyssa.Nordstrom@gmail.com Smith, Linda, Huntress, Edmonton, AB, 780-488-4088, Linda.smith@gov.ab.ca Taphorn, Trudy, Counterpoint, Busby, AB, 780-967-2754, counterpointwhippets@gmail.com S A S K AT C H E WA N / M A N I T O B A Larsen, Linda, Rollinda, Thunder Bay, ON, 807-577-7850, lllarsen@tbaytel.net Dvernichuk, Janet, Regina, SK, 306-586-4631, covetwhippets@sasktel.net Mayor, Pamela, Orleans, ON, 613-834-7940, l.mayor@rogers.com Fast, Diane, Lorette, MB, 204-878-9761, speciald@mts.net Morris, Mary, Azure, Chatsworth, ON, 519-794-3303, azurekennels@gmail.com Marcus, David & Lindey, Rob, Aikerskaill, Niverville, MB, 204-388-4076, rlindey@mts.net Poissant, Richer, Ottawa, ON, 613-410-3236, richer_02@hotmail.ca Morton, Ivy, Coolquay, Francis, SK, 306-245-3499, ivymorton@gmail.com Ross, John & Lynn, Counterpoint, Vanscoy, SK, 306-382-6224, counterpoint@sasktel.net Rusticus, Laurie, Vrymeer, Thomasburg, ON, 613-478-1402, lauric99@hotmail.com Tinsley, Jeannette, Eireloom, Consecon, ON, 613-394-5430, btinsley@kos.net Samuel, Lynne, Winnipeg, MB, 204-783-5863, lsamuel@mts.net Wright, Debbie, Touchstone, Athens, ON, 613-924-2472, touchstonewhippets@gmail.com O N TA R I O QUEBEC Allard, Paul & Pedro, Steve, Freckashpeng, Winchester, ON, 613-774-5767, freckashpeng@sympatico.ca Dyer, Chris, Ste-Marie-Madeleine, QC, 450-584-3951, jansim@allstream.net Burch, Lorraine & Gary, Jetstream, Carlisle, ON, 905-659-4499, info@jetstreamwhippets.com Mailloux, Pierre & Carole, Bromont, QC, 450-534-5142, mailloux.pi@videotron.ca Cocklin, Marie, Erin, ON, 519-833-9937, conji111@gmail.com USA Cronyn, Stacey, Navan, ON, 613-816-2307, Stacey.cronyn@nelligan.ca Arthur, Mary Beth, Marial, Milwaukee, WI, 414-355-4776, marial@wi.rr.com Dansereau, Heather & Everett, Devonair, Hamilton, ON, 905-659-1188, thewhippets@devonair.ca Dorsey, Jeanette, Treadway, Woodinville, WA, 425-512-0515, treadwaywhippets@yahoo.com Dansereau, HJ, Hamilton, Devonair, ON, 905-659-1188, whippetgang@devonair.ca Downing, Mary, Whimsy, Monroe, WA, 360-805-5620, whimsywhippets@gmail.com Darbyshire, Kate, Winchester, ON, 613-448-3266, kated@xplornet.com Hopperstad, Christine, Alcyon, Seattle, WA, 206-322-5872, cah@frontier.com Eedy, Kym & Michael, North Bay, ON, 705-494-9219, meedy@sympatico.ca Lee, Harriet N.,Winsmith, Charlottesville, VA , winsmith@embarqmail.com Fulton, Wendy, Scarborough, ON, 416-951-5029, wbfulton@allstream.net Levine, Beth, Serendipity, Sultan, WA, serendipitywhippets@gmail.com Gartlan, Steve & Irma, Alliston, ON, 705-435-4854, steveirma@hotmail.com Lynch, Donna, Hamrya, Westport, MA, ddlynch01@yahoo.com Jamieson, Roberta & James, Lepus, Codrington, ON, 613-707-3088 lepusreg@gmail.com O’Toole, Donna, Santa Ynez, CA, 805-688-2361, sbwhips@aol.com Weller, William & Lynn, Onyxx, Newbury Park, CA, 805-498-9944, onyxxwhip@aol.com
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