the whippet news - American Whippet Club
THE WHIPPET NEWS The Official Newsletter of The American Whippet Club IN THIS ISSUE November 2013 AWC Official News WHF Y2K Health Survey Southern Specialty Results Top 20 Update Tourism 101 — MD Edition Performance Reports (Agility, Lure Coursing & WRA National) WN Annual 2013 Info The New APHIS Regs & You AKC Whippet Specialty Report THE AMERICAN WHIPPET CLUB INSIDE THIS ISSUE: OFFICERS AWC: Official News Pages — AWC Show Calendar, President’s 3 Harold “Red” Tatro, President Message, Applicants, Editor’s Note , Southern Specialty Results, National Specialty News, Membership Renewal Notice. 817.297.2398, Dr. Lisa Costello, Vice President 815.695.1930, Gail Boyd, Treasurer 919.362.4427, Tourism 101— Patricia Spinazzola 6 Whippet Health Survey 2000 — Whippet Health Foundation 10 Barbara Wayne Memorial 14 APHIS & You— Sharyn Hutchens 16 WN Annual 2013 Ad Submission Notice — Wendy Clark 18 October Titles/ Quarterly Title Report— Irene Mullaeur 22 AWC MI Lure Trials — Faith Guest 27 Performance Director’s Report — Lisa Costello 28 Top 20 & Top 20 Committee Report — Harriet Vincent 32 UK & AKC Champions/AKC Specialties— Bo Bengtson 35 Guinevere Borstel, Secretary 415.826.8853, 4745 25th St., San Francisco, CA 94114 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. Jill Hopfenbeck, 508.278.7102, Karen Lee, 610.932.4456, Crystal McNulty, 309.579.2946, Kathy Rasmussen, 913.526.5702, Cindy Scott, 719.594.9974, Class of 2014: Dr. Lisa Costello, Cindy Scott, Kathy Rasmussen Class of 2015: Gail Boyd, Karen Lee, Crystal McNulty Class of 2016: Guin Borstel, Dr. Jill Hopfenbeck, Harold “Red” Tatro AWC COMMITTEE CHAIRS On the cover: Drawing of a Whippet Puppy by Aimee Rasmussen, courtesy of Kathy Rasmussen. Archives ..........................................................................Bo Bengtson, 805.646.3151 Futurity ............ …………..Rhonda Gifford, 480.710.3536, THE WHIPPET NEWS Health .....................................................................Dr. Connie Austin, 217.498.8661 Guin Borstel, Interim Newsletter Editor Dr. Connie Brunkow, 4745 25th Street, San Francisco, CA. 94114 Dr. Lisa Costello, 415.826.8853, Judge’s Education ................................................. David Samuelson, 651.454.4174 Kathy Rasmussen, Associate Editor/Newsletter Production Membership ................................ ………………...Kathy Rasmussen, 913.681.8929 913.526.5702, Parade of Honors ..................... ………………Alice VandenBussche, 315.945.2672 SUBSCRIPTIONS Performance Events ........................ ……………….Dr. Lisa Costello, 815.695.1930 One-year (the monthly newsletter and printed annual): Public Education .............................................................. Karen Lee, 610.932.4456 Online-only newsletter: $40. Printed newsletter (plus online access): $65 ROM Program .....................................................................Gail Boyd, 919.362.4427 Foreign subscribers: online-only newsletter $40. Printed newsletter Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cindy Scott, 719.594.9974 (plus online access): $80 Top Twenty .................................................................Harriet Vincent, 847.234.1227 ADVERTISING RATES (ON A SPACE AVAILABLE BASIS) AWC SHOW CHAIRS $75 per page with one photo, each additional photo $10 (non-camera-ready) National ............ …………..Cindy Scott, 719.594.9974, Eastern .................... ……………….Harriett Lee, 434.295.4525, $60 per page submitted as camera-ready (pdfs preferred ) Text only, no photos: full page $50, half-page $35 Midwest .............. …………….Judy Lowther, 216.402.9022, ADVERTISING SPECIFICATIONS N. Central ........... …………David Samuelson, 651.454.4174, Contact the Editor for file submission specifications. S. Central ..... ……...Kathy Rasmussen, 913.526.5702, Southern ........................... Christine Heath, 850.936.1629, Western ...................Pam Magette, 562.598.8717, DEADLINE: the first day of the month for that month’s issue PAYMENTS: Subscription and advertising payments may be made by PayPal at: or by check to the editor (address above). AWC BREEDER REFERRAL Mary Downing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … THE WHIPPET NEWS ANNUAL Wendy Clark, Annual Editor INDEPENDENT WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS Whippet Health Foundation ....................................Mary Beth Arthur, 414.355.4776 614.777.0124, 5088 Breckenhurst Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026 Whippet Rescue, WRAP ...............................Dr. Barbara Henderson, 301.490.6598 Current issue: 2012. Back issues available for 1986–2011 (except 1987 and AKC DELEGATE 1990–1992). Cost: $25 each, ($30 each foreign), including shipping; all funds in Bo Bengtson, 805.646.3151, ASFA DELEGATE Claudia Miller, f/k/a CJ Foxx, 303.589.9238, U.S. dollars, payable by check or money order and mailed to the Annual Editor (address above). Purchase can also be made through PayPal at: http://www. Applications for AWC membership may be obtained either on request from Membership Chair: Kathy Rasmussen, 913.526.5702 or on the AWC website. The American Whippet Club and The Whippet News assume no responsibility for statements or claims made in the letters to the editor or advertisements that appear in its publications, or any article not contained in the AWC News section of the newsletter. 2 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 Greater San Diego Whippet Ass’n Specialty — Palm Springs, CA Fri 1/3— Sweeps: Michael Strockbine (Memphis Afghans); Breed: Rosemary N. Green (Australia) AWC & OTHER SHOW CALENDAR In order to be sure your event is listed, send pertinent information (event name, dates, judges, super, etc.) to the editor at Other shows in this cluster: Sat 1/5 Kennel Club of Palm Springs—Breed: James Reynolds Sun 1/6— Kennel Club of Palm Springs—Breed: Gretchen Bernardi (Berwick IWs) Superintendent: AWC Supported Entry— W. Springfield, MA AWC Supported Entry— Portland, OR Sat 12/7— Eastern Dog Club—Sweeps: Anna Stromberg (Valhalla); Breed: Allen Odom (Phil-Allen) Sat 1/18— Dog Fanciers of Oregon—Sweeps: Pat Hastings; Breed: Kent Delaney Superintendent: Superintendent: him up. Here’s the address info: Bristol Regional Medical Center ATTN: Calvin Perry 1 Medical Park Blvd. Bristol, TN 37620 Well, I finally think that Kathy & I (mostly Kathy) have solved the mailing mysteries that have swirled around the new incarnation of the WN. Who knew that there are these nifty little bar codes that sit above the address info which control where, when and how first class pre-sorted mail gets delivered? Not me! :) One little bar out of place and your Whippet News is forlornly lost in the Dead Letter Office. In any case, with the correct bar codes above the addresses, the October issue seemed to arrive most everywhere in the proper timely fashion. Onward and upward! Special thanks to the Minuteman Printing team who have been so awesome in trying to figure out this issue, to Christine Hopperstad for the “clue”, and also to Kathy “Nancy Drew” Rasmussen for most excellent sleuthing. And, here’s a really easy link to an online greeting card that can be sent directly to Cal at the hospital. His nurses will print it out and give to him: (He’s in Room #2069 in the Bristol Facility) Until next month! —- Guin B. NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Stephanie Connerton, Mt. Airy MD, Justine Kay, Alameda, CA, Jonathan Toshiro, Washoe Valley, NV, Jan Weber, Columbia , KY. Calling all whippet artists and photographers! Your artwork or photograph can grace the cover of a future issue of the WELCOME BACK: Allyn Boucher, MS, Diana Cognigini, WN. We are especially seeking beautiful images of a seaPlains, PA, Weibke Heron, Oxford Station, ONT, Johnsonal nature, featuring our lovely breed. Images/artwork stone McLeod, Dunlop Ayrshire, UK. should not be identifiable as any current winner. We cannot offer remuneration for your work, but will credit you and feature a link to your website, if you have one. LAST ISSUE, TIME TO RENEW: Dr. & Mrs. Gunderman, Calvin Perry, the patriarch or the Appraxin Whippets, and Eugene, OR, David Losleben, Hendersonville, NC, Julia one of our elder statesmen of Whippetdom, is in the hospi- Pieper, Las Cruces, NM, Martha Reed, Pascagoula, MS. tal in TN, and would really appreciate your cards to cheer NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 3 Continued from Page 3 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Well Thanksgiving is fast approaching and with it the winter months. As is customary this time of year we reflect on the things we are thankful for. In closing I want to remind everyone that the AWC will be hosting a Meet the Breed booth at the AKC/Eukanuba National Show in Orlando, FL next month. Karen Lee, Public Education Chair, is spearheading this endeavor and would love to have more people and Whippets join her in greeting the public and telling them how great our breed is to live with and own. Thank You all….. Harold “Red” Tatro AWC President Thank You to Christine Heath and her committee who put on a wonderful AWC Southern Specialty in Atlanta last month. The trophy table was beautiful, the raffle table loaded and the lunch catered by the infamous “Greek Guys” was very delicious. I had a great time seeing lots of friends from the region and meeting several new ones. I’m looking forward to coming back next year. Comments regarding applicants may be mailed to AWC Membership Chair Kathy Rasmussen, 11714 Harmony Thank You to Kristen Fredericks for stepping up and building/ Lane, Olathe, KS 66062, or may be e-mailed to launching the website for the AWC 2014 National in Baltimore, and should be sent no later MD. The website can be found out and Kathan 30 days after the applicant has been published in ren Lee has promised to keep it updated with all the latest and The Whippet News. greatest information. So check it out! When the much anticipated club website is launched it will also include the information for the National. So people will have multiple locations (the National website, the AWC club website and Face Book pages) to find information about our spectacular national specialty. APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP NOTIFICATION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINEES FOR 2014 Thank You to all the members who have volunteered and given of their time & money to help make the AWC one of the best parent clubs in the US. You are the best. PER THE AWC BY-LAWS: “The Nominating Committee shall nominate from among the eligible members of the Club, two candidates to fill the Thank You to the all the people who work to rescue and provide positions of each of the three Directors whose terms will all Whippets with a safe, warm and loving home through WRAP expire and two candidates to fill any vacancy existing among the Directors whose terms are not expiring and and the other rescue organizations across the country. shall procure the acceptance of each nominee. Current Thank You to all the new applicants who have applied to join the members of the Board of Directors who have served three AWC. This month we welcome Phoebe Cohen, Kristen Frederconsecutive three-year terms are considered ineligible to icks (who has already been put to work!), and Lee King as new run for a fourth consecutive three-year term, however, members of the AWC. The Board just received the most recent these members are eligible to again run for a position on membership application ballot and I believe there are five the Board after a minimum one year absence from the Board. The Committee shall then submit its slate of candinames on it! I am so thankful that these Whippet lovers are dates by January 1st to the Secretary who shall mail the list choosing to become a part of the AWC and hope they will all to each member of the Club on or before January 15th. find a way to become of part of this big “Family.” The Club’s newsletter which all members receive, or the Sadly there is one thing I wish I did not have to report. Longtime Club’s website may also be used as the means of this notibreeder-handler-member- friend, Barbara Wayne, lost her battle fication. “ with cancer and passed away last month. There are few involved with Whippets that don’t have a wonderful Barb memory The Nominees, in alphabetical order, are: and share in the sorrow of her loss. Thank You to Jonathan Hart, Jennifer Beach-Buda Amy Carlson, Bo Bengston and so many others that helped Barb and her husband Bob at this difficult ending to a wonderful life. Dr. Ken Latimer Barb was a cherished friend to many and will be deeply missed. Judy Lowther 4 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 Russell McFadden Kathy Rasmussen Mark Unger Ballots for Board positions will be mailed to all eligible members on or before March 1, 2014. _________________________ AWC SPECIALTY NEWS AWC Southern Specialty Atlanta Kennel Club Inc., 10/19/2013 RWD: SPORTING FIELDS N AGAPES HIGHER CALLING. HP451484/01. 03/04/2013. BREEDER: Sharon Turner / Dionne Butt / Amanda Giles. By Ch Moondancers Movin Out-Sporting Fields Swan Lake. OWNER: Sharon Turner / Amanda Giles. WB, BW & BP: ABLEAIM LEMON DROP MARTINI AT KAZBAR. HP447238/02. 12/26/2012. BREEDER: Owners. By DC Ableaim Patent Pending MC-DC Ableaim O'Halleluiah It's Reinging Men SC. OWNER: Gail Boyd & Jenny Boyd. RWB: LANEXA SIX SHOOTER. HP433256/06. 06/28/2012. BREEDER: Owners. By Cherche's Normaltown Flyer-DC Cherche's Sexy Plexi SC. OWNER: Dr Ken Latimer & Chris Durance-Watkins. JUDGE: Ms Leila Anichini BOB: CH STARLINE'S OXFORD VICTIM OF LOVE. HP396645/01. 01/28/2011. Bitch. BREEDER: Angela Worden and Dianne Bowen. By Ch Starline's SovereignCh Oxfords Dynesty. OWNER: Lori & Carey Lawrence & Lori Wilson. Best in Sweepstakes: KAZBAR ABLEAIM WILD MAGNOLIA. HP435272/01. 07/03/2012. BREEDER: Stan Armstrong Jenny Boyd Gail Boyd Michael Long. By Ch Starline's Sovereign-Ch Ableaim Masquerade SC. OWNER: Stan Armstrong Jenny Boyd Gail Boyd Michael Long. BOS: GCH CH SHALDRA'S MCLAREN AT ASHLEY MANOR. HP435878/11. 06/07/2012. Dog. BREEDER: Owners. By Renegade's Blue On Black NJP CD RA JC OAP NA-Gch Ch Shaldra's Winning Colors SC. OWNER: Kyle Sibinovic & Ronald & Cheryl Bigford. BOS in Sweepstakes: ABBEY'S PA KETTLE. HP438021/07. 07/21/2012. BREEDER: Jane CooneyWaterhouse & D Butt & A Giles. By Ch Abbey's FantaSporting Fields Dance On. OWNER: Jane CooneyWaterhouse & D Butt & A Giles. SD: CH DIVANA ARBORLEA JUST HAVING FUN JC. HP345986/11. 06/18/2009. Dog. BREEDER: Mary & Ron George Crystal McNulty Chris Watkins. By Ch Plmcrk Fortunre Walking On Heir-Ch Hyck Hollow Lavender Illusion. OWNER: Mallory and Chuck Ballard. PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES SB & BOBOH: GCH CH KARASAR'S MASTERPIECE. HP365571/01. 11/10/2009. Bitch. BREEDER: Kerrie Best in Veteran Sweepstakes: DC DEVEREUX Kuper & Neil Barthelette. By Ch Karasar's Captivator-Ch TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL MC. HP152615/07. Karasar's Artistry. OWNER: Kerrie Kuper & Neil Barthe03/31/2005. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sporting Field's Rock On JC-Ch Wilhaus Here Comes The Sun SC. OWN- lette & A & M Alvarez. ER: Robin Brown & Cecil Brown & Angela Bass. AOM: DC ABLEAIM QUE THE MUSIC MC. BOS in Veteran Sweepstakes: CH DYNIA SOWAGLA OBERON. HP096751/01. 03/06/2004. BREEDER: Owner & Yvonne Sovereign. By Ch Sowagla Myth Maker-Ch Sowagla Dynia Mtn Folklore. OWNER: Paige Zalnoski. REGULAR CLASSES JUDGE: Mr. Clyde R Morris (17, 29, 19, 7 NR) WD: KARASAR'S VOYAGER JC. HP420471/01. 10/14/2011. BREEDER: Kerrie Kuper & Neil Barthelette & Karen Mlyner. By Ch Karasar's Dreamboat-GCh Ch Karasar's Parexcellence. OWNER: Alice Sweeney & Karrie Kuper. HP383204/02. 06/27/2010. Bitch. BREEDER: Owners. By GCh Ch Dc Ableaim Patent Pending MC-Ch Ableaim It's All About Me SC. OWNER: Gail & Jenny Boyd. AOM: (CH) PRIORY'S QUINBY DE SUD. HP418749/05. 09/05/2011. Bitch. BREEDER: K S Armato & R L Studley & S P Biscoto. By Ch Talk of the Nation De Sud-Ch Congo Mambo De Sud. OWNER: Katharine S Armato & Jimmy Cabailo. AOM: CH SPORTING FIELDS SHAMELESS. HP427781/01. 01/20/2012. Bitch. BREEDER: Dianne Butt & Amanda Giles. By Sporting Fields Saint All The WaySporting Fields In A love Song. OWNER: Jane CooneyWaterhouse & Dianne Butt & Amanda. NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 5 the dawn was the inspiration for the writing. The Battle of Baltimore was crucial for America in the War of 1812. There is a 10 minute orientation film, then allow approximately one hour for the self-guided tour. Continued from Page 5 AWC NATIONAL SPECIALTY 2014 SPECIALTY WEBSITE Next up is the Star-Spangled Banner Flag House. This was the home of Mary Pickersgill, who sewed the Garrison flag that flew over Fort McHenry during the Battle of Baltimore in 1814. Restored to its original beauty, this is a must-see for history buffs. The AWC 2014 National Website is now LIVE:! We want to especially thank new AWC Member Kristen Fredericks for pulling the site together so quickly for us, Local Chair Pat Spinazzola for her patience and understanding, and the rest of the AWC 2014 committee for their timely information and contributions. TOURISM 101 The first in a series of articles and information, leading up to the big event in April. This month’s article is by Pat Spinazzola, your local show chair, and this month, your tour guide. Yes, we love watching our beautiful whippets, but someYou can check out these guys if you decide to visit the National Aquarium. times need a break. When we travel to a national, in many instances we are in a location we have never before visitBaltimore Harbor ed. Before returning home, many like to take a day to do some sightseeing and enjoy the local attractions. With that in mind, here is a handy-dandy guide to aid you in selecting There are many things to see and do at the Inner Harbor. those things you would most like to see. The harbor itself has two pavilions, located on the water, and is filled with shops and restaurants. Each pavilion has Our AWC Theme and Logo two levels, so be sure to wear your walking shoes!! Let’s begin with the theme of our very own national. 2014 is the 200th anniversary of the penning of Francis Scott Key’s The National Aquarium is for those who like all things under poem, which later became our national anthem. What bet- the sea. From rainforests to coral seas to the dolphin show, ter place to start than Fort McHenry, whose flying flag at there is something for everyone!! A historical re-enactment at Fort McHenry, site of the Battle of Baltimore, which served as the inspiration for the “Star Spangled Banner”. The Maryland Science Center has three levels of exhibits, a planetarium, an observatory, and IMAX theatre. If you love science, add this to your list of things to see. Baltimore has always been a bustling seaport. If you’re interested in old ships, there are several to see in the harbor. The USS Constellation is an 1854 warship, complete with sails and cannons. The Coast Guard Cutter Taney is docked nearby, and the WWII submarine, the USS Torsk can also be boarded. The lightship Chesapeake is docked in the harbor. There is a walking tour for these ships, which also includes a lighthouse and a memorial to men lost at sea. 6 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 Art Downtown Baltimore has a number of art museums. The Walters Art Museum was a private collection, which was bequeathed to the city of Baltimore. It houses many international, ancient pieces, along with 18th and 19th century paintings. The Baltimore Museum of Art has approximately 90,000 pieces of art. It boasts the largest collection by Henri Matisse in the world. Visionary Art, or “Raw Art” as it is sometimes called, can Ladew Gardens is a must see for horticulturalists. It is one of the top 5 topiary gardens in North America, and is located only several miles from the host hotel. The Baltimore Zoo is for animal lovers. Reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals of every stripe can be found here. Ellicott City is an historic district in Baltimore County housing many shops and antique dealers. One of the Baltimore Museum of Art’s many Matisse’s - this one featuring a furry friend. For those who need an adrenalin rush, visit Six Flags America, about an hour drive from Hunt Valley. Like to wager a few dollars? Check out Maryland Live Casino. Slots, blackjack, poker, and much more await you! Perhaps you will catch site of the mysterious visitor who leaves this offering on Edgar Allan Poe’s grave? be found at the American Visionary Art Museum. If you want something truly unique, make this one of your stops. Other Points of Interest For those into the macabre, there is the Edgar Allen Poe house. If that’s not enough, there is also his grave where, for years, a mysterious visitor left three roses and a cognac on the anniversary of his birth. Perhaps you can carry on the tradition? Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (commonly called the Baltimore Basilica), is the first cathedral built in the United States. Designed by Benjamin Latrobe, it has many features similar to his other famous work, the US Capitol building. There you have it. So many things to see and do, it will be difficult to pick and choose!! We hope you enjoy your stay in the area, and take advantage of the Baltimore area attractions. NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 7 HUNT VALLEY NATIONAL 2014 Continued from Page 5 NATIONAL SHOW CHAIR REPORT The close of 2013 All of the regional specialties are complete for 2013 with some of the info on 2014 already included here in Whippet News. Stay tuned and the regional chairs will post their info as soon as possible. The first specialty of the year will be the Eastern on March 15th in York, PA with Christy Nelson (Runner’s) doing the breed and Gretchen Vanderford doing the sweepstakes. There will be a supported entry on Friday the 14th and I am working on getting that info to pass on. A big thank you to Christine Heath for pulling off a spectacular Southern in October. Red Tatro was lucky enough to attend and I believe is talking about it in his Presidents Report. Everything I heard about it was fantastic. It was Christine’s first year and now she has the daunting task of making it even bigger and better next year. Not too much to report but your show chair, Pat Spinazzola has info in this months’ issue and there will be more and more coming to Whippet News in the next few months. Please visit the Facebook page AWC National Specialty often as things are announced frequently. Another big thank you to Kristen Fredricks for getting the National website up and running. Lots of info there so go to for the latest. The logo is fantastic and will look great on all the logo items which can then be worn on the 4th of July!! OCONOMOWOC, WISCONSIN 2015 Dawn Carlson is way ahead of the curve making plans for 2015. She has great ideas for raffles and other ways to make people happy AND make the AWC some money. We won’t reveal these goodies until the end of the 2014 National so you’ll all have to wait. Thanks for reading Cindy Several people have expressed a desire to contribute to a memorial to Barbara Wayne. Bo Bengtson, who has been close to Barb for decades, has agreed to produce a full-page, color memorial for Barb in the 2013 American Whippet Club Annual. This annual is sent to all Whippet News subscribers and members of the AWC. Please list your name or names (with or without kennel name) exactly as you would like it listed. Any surplus money after paying for the page will be donated to Take The Lead in Barbara's name. This organization made it possible for Barb and her husband Bob to return to their home in the last few weeks of Barb's life. The surplus will be reported by Bo in The Whippet News. Please send checks in the amount of $20 (US funds only) and payable to Bo Bengtson to the address below before December 1st. If you want receipt of check confirmed, please include an email address. Bo Bengtson P.O. Box 10 Ojai, CA 93024 USA email: Thank you! 8 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 Membership Dues Notice Dear AWC Member, It’s time to renew your membership in the American Whippet Club. Please note the dues notice will appear in the AWC Newsletter and will be emailed to members with correct email addresses from our website. The annual dues for 2014 for the ONLINE Whippet News is $30.00 per person or $45.00 per two-person household – one address only; either option includes the ONLINE Whippet News and AWC Annual. The annual dues for 2014 for the MAILED paper version of the newsletter will be $40.00 per person or $55.00 per twoperson household. - one address only; either option includes the MAILED paper version of Whippet News and AWC Annual. Junior Membership – (18 years of age and under) Annual dues for a Junior member residing in the same household with a current AWC member is free. Only one subscription to the Whippet News and one AWC Annual will be provided. Junior Membership – (18 years of age and under) Annual dues for a Junior member not residing with a current AWC member will be $30.00 for the ONLINE Whippet News and AWC Annual OR $40.00 for the MAILED paper version of the Whippet News and AWC Annual. Membership Pins are a must have for every member and are available for an additional $7.00. Please consider making a donation to the Independent Whippet Organizations to support their important work. Donations should be sent directly to the following addresses: Whippet Health Foundation Whippet Rescue Susan Bolduc, Treasurer Jean Schroeder, Treasurer PO Box 598 17502 S 750 W Otis, MA 01253-0598 Wanatah, IN 46390 PLEASE NOTE To be eligible to vote in the 2014 election your dues must be received by the Treasurer by January 1, 2014 As stated in the AWC Constitution, membership will be considered lapsed and automatically terminated if dues remain unpaid as of April 1, 2014. If there have been any changes to your name, address, phone number or email enclose a note with your updated information. Please PRINT updates clearly. If paying through your business on Pay Pal PLEASE include your name on the payment information. We must have your changes by January 1, 2014 for publication in the Annual. Membership rosters are published in the back of the Annual and on the website at If you choose the Online newsletter we must have your current email address for you to receive monthly notices of the newsletter posted to the website. PLEASE print all information clearly. Dues may be paid on-line at using PayPal or sent to: Gail Boyd, AWC Treasurer, 8948 Hope Hill Lane Apex, NC 27502 Telephone 919-362-4427 Email Make check payable to: American Whippet Club 2014 Dues – Online Newsletter $30.00 individual, $45.00 two-person household ________________ 2014 Dues - Mailed Newsletter $40.00 individual, $55.00 two-person household ________________ Membership Pin - $7.00 ________________ TOTAL enclosed ________________ NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 9 WHIPPET HEALTH FOUNDATION In the year 2000 the Whippet Health Foundation put out a survey for owners to complete on the health of their Whippets. It was a lengthy questionnaire which yielded some interesting information on the breed. That survey was the precursor to the Whippet Health Foundation open database which can be found at Information on the database is useful to breeders, owners, veterinarians and researchers. We strongly encourage owners to enter their Whippets into the database and keep the information current. The data from the 2000 survey was compiled by Dr. Connie Austin. Whippet Health Survey Results The number of surveys returned in 2000 was 219, down from 278 in 1994. Of these 219 surveys returned, six countries were represented, including the U.S. (158), Canada (23), England or Scotland (5), Australia or New Zealand (4) and unknown (29). Thirty states were represented in the U.S. The five states in the U.S. with the highest return rate included California (20), Illinois (14), Washington (11), Ohio(10) and Wisconsin (10). A total of 651 living Whippets were represented in the results compared with 860 in 1994. Respondents participated in the following activities with their Whippets: conformation (71%), obedience (50%), lure coursing (69%), agility (32%), racing (36%), therapy work (18%) flyball (7%), and tracking (5%). This follows the trend of the 1994 survey with many respondents active in performance events. Six percent were strictly pet owners. Table 1. Health tests ever done on their Whippets # of Owners Reporting Doing Test 112 Health Test CERF Percent of Owners 53% Thyroid blood test 81 39% BAER hearing test 26 12% Von Willebrand’s disease 21 10% Hip x-rays 22 10% Over half of owners reported doing at least one CERF exam on Whippets they owned and almost 40% reported doing thyroid blood tests. Table 2. Source of Whippets Source Number Percent Breeders 384 59% Bred by reporter 213 33% Rescued 33 5% Unknown source 21 3% Most Whippets reported in the survey were obtained from breeders. The average age at time of this survey was six years. There were slightly more female Whippets (375, 58%) reported on than male Whippets (276, 42%). 97% of Whip10 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 pets had dewclaws removed. Health problems reported in these 651 living Whippets included: Temperament problems reported by owners may or may not be confirmed by a veterinarian included nervousness (63, 10%), separation anxiety (73, 11%), dog aggression (45, 7%), dominance aggression (32, 5%), aggression to people (8, 1%) or submissive urination (4, 0.6%). Sensory organ problems included old age cataracts (28, 4%), eye trauma (17, 3%), vitreous degeneration (14, 2%), deafness (8, 1%) and a variety of other conditions Endocrine system disorders included: hypothyroid (34, 5%) and a small number with Addisons (2, 0.3%). Genitourinary tract problems in females: trouble whelping (21, 6%), c-section (16, 5%), infertility (9, 3%), urinary tract infections (9, 3%), and pyometra (6, 2%). Males retained testicles (36, 13%), infertility (4, 2%), and urinary tract infection (20, 3%). Nine of the 36 had bilateral retained testicles. Allergies were reported in 17 (3%) of Whippets Dermatologic problems included skin injuries (228, 35%), hair loss (78, 12%), skin tumors (56, 9%), localized demodex (54, 8%), generalized demodex (4, 0.6%). The sloughing of foot pads question was misinterpreted by many as foot pad injuries while racing or coursing so this is not reported here. The main two causes of skin injuries were fights and running injuries. Cardiovascular/blood system findings were reported as follows: murmurs (42, 6%), and small numbers of cardiomyopathy (3, 0.5%), chronic anemia (1, 0.2%), pulmonic stenosis (1, 0.2%) and congestive heart failure (1, 0.2%). The gastrointestinal tract problems reported were giardia (38, 6%), teeth problems (36, 6%), mainly broken teeth (16 of the 36), lack of appetite (35, 5%), inability to gain weight (29, 4%), retained teeth (18, 3%) and inflammatory bowel disease (7, 1%). Muscles/skeletal problems included toe injuries (144, 22%), fractures (64, 10%), muscle/tendon/ligament (55, 8%), torn muscles (34, 5%), muscle cramps (21, 3%) and panosteitis (8, 1%). Fractures were mainly to toes and tails at a median age of 2 years. Almost three-quarters of the toe injuries were front toes, most occurring while coursing (50), racing (17), and 20 not specified so could have been while running freely, racing or coursing. Almost 90% recovered from their toe injury. Neurologic injuries included seizuring in 11 (2%) of Whippets at a median age of 2 years. Hereditary seizures often start at that age in dogs. Twelve or 2% were reported with disk disease. Table 3. Basic Facts About Whippets Average age at first heat 16 months (range: 6-48) Average number of puppies per litter 6 puppies Retained testicles in male puppies 19% Mean weight of adult males 34 pounds (range: 18-48) Mean weight of adult females 29 pounds (range: 18-43) Mean height of adult males 21 inches (range:17-23) Mean height of adult females 20 inches (range:16-23) Average age at death 10 years Eighty-one (37%) of the 219 respondents had bred 218 litters mainly from 1994 through 1999. Nine of 218 (4%) of bitches were bred using AI (artificial insemination) and 20 (9%) of bitches having a litter required a C-section. Sixty-three of the total 1404 puppies (4%) were stillborn. Ninety percent were weaned. Twenty-eight of the persons who had bred a litter reported at least one birth defect. The two most commonly reported defects were cleft palate reported by 12 persons and body wall defects (intestines outside body) reported by six persons. Nineteen percent of the male puppies had retained testicles as compared to 18% in the 1994 survey. A quarter of breeders reported they had previously had bitches which did not conceive. Causes of death: Eighty-five respondents reported on the deaths of 150 Whippets. Of the 150 deaths, 115 dogs were NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 11 Continued from Page 11 euthanized, 18 were natural deaths, 14 were accidental and 3 were unknown type. The top ten causes of death reported were: cancer (27), old age(25), neurologic (20), trauma (19), heart problems (10), kidney (9), multiple causes (8), autoimmune (6), back problems (6) and temperament (5). Of the trauma related deaths almost a third were from hit-by-cars and a third from running injuries, which could have been sustained during free play running not racing or coursing. Of the cancer deaths, 4 were liver cancer, 3 were hemangiosarcoma, 3 were lymphoma/lymphosarcoma and 2 were brain cancer. Some were unknown types and other types of cancers were reported less commonly. The two most common causes of the deaths due to neurologic causes were stroke(8) and seizures (4). Four of the 6 autoimmune deaths were due to autoimmune hemolytic anemia Respondents were asked to list what they felt to be the top five health related issues. The top ten issues arising from this list included eye problems (53), retained testicles (41), heart (36), temperament (36), deafness (31), endocrine, mainly thyroid (29), autoimmune (24), cancer (19), athletic injuries (16), and accidents/injuries (12). Conclusions We appreciate all the effort individuals took to return the survey, which probably took each person about an hour to complete, especially if they had multiple dogs. The results give us valuable basic information such as age at first heat, longevity of the breed and average number of puppies per litter. Based on the 219 surveys returned, the Whippet is a relatively healthy breed. Prevalent problems in other breeds, such as hip dysplasia, were not reported here. However, because these results are based on a small number of Whippets, we are not certain how generalizable they are to the whole Whippet population. A prevalent problem we know to be present is retained testicles, 19% of male puppies have retained testicles. Nine male Whippets had bilateral retained testicles which would render them infertile. If the number of males with bilaterally retained testicles increases, the number of fertile males decrease, which is problematic. Temperament problems also seem to be way too common, with many Whippets reported as nervous. Also, many skin injuries are due to fighting/biting indicating we must be careful about how we manage multiple Whippets. Hypothyroid problems are reported in 5% of Whippets. When placing Whippets, the number of Whippets dying from hit-by-cars and running accidents show it is important to remind new owners about these risks from fast moving dogs. Toe injuries are extremely common in Whippets. Fractures are not uncommon especially in toes and those long Whippet tails, perhaps another thing to warn new owners about. Other problems which may be starting to appear in the breed and which need to be followed with concern include deafness and seizures occurring at young ages. Pulmonic stenosis, a congenital heart problem was reported as well as Addisons Disease. These are worrisome conditions to see appearing in the breed. Hopefully, the value of this information will inspire more people to respond in the next survey. Although it takes time to fill out the survey, the health of our breed should be of prime importance to all of us. The information about individual respondents is maintained as confidential and is only summarized in aggregate form. If you would like to comment on the results, please contact Dr. Connie Austin, 4517 Sage Road, Rochester, IL 62563 e-mail Submitted by Connie Austin and Mary Beth Arthur 12 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 A warm Thank You to all my whippet friends and family from sunny Florida “Words really cannot express the warmth and love I have felt from all of you and your prayers. I have felt touched by God’s love and know that I am still in many of your prayers. I want to Thank You for that and ask that you continue to pray for both Bob and I Also the cards, cookies, flowers, gifts, phone calls and more, have meant so much over these difficult weeks. I love getting phone calls from those of you while you are at dog shows, hearing the dogs in the background barking and it makes me feel good when people ask “when are you coming back?” This all makes my stay at home so much more tolerable. I would like to let you know, that I keep all my cards that I have received and when I am feeling somewhat down, I will sit on the sofa and bring out my cards and read through them. It lifts my spirits and makes me feel so loved. Thank you so much for all of the special notes and caring words, you have no idea how much it all means to me. If I am here at home too much longer however, someone will have to come rescue me from one of the local looney bins… J I miss seeing all of you at the shows and enjoying the fun we would have after we would be done showing and our get -togethers and dinners. Those of you that know how much I love my glass of wine at night will be surprised to hear I can’t even drink wine anymore, it just doesn’t taste good …so I have gone to margaritas ! ….what’s that about??? I want to say a special heartfelt thank you to my new friend and my guardian angel Jonathan Hart. I don’t know how I could have endured some of my life challenges over the last couple of months starting with helping to say goodbye to my special boy, Blaze, to easing my mind about my dogs and their well being. This man welcomed me into his home and has done everything to help Bob and I get settled back into our home and with the dogs we love. Unfortunately we had to let a few go back to their breeders but I know they are all in a good safe place. Thank you Carol Harris for helping to facilitate Rosa going back to Bo. You have no idea how that helped ease my mind. You are a special friend. Also thank you to Amy Carlson for coming and staying with me ….coping with me in the hospital and helped me understand what the doctors were telling me about what to expect. And if the Good Lord is willing, I will look forward to seeing many of you at a dog show sometime soon. Lots of Love, Barb “ This was dictated to me Oct 15th. Barb passed away quietly in the early morning hour on Nov. 4, 2013 . I have a strong feeling she will be with many of us at a dog show soon. Peace be with you my special friend. Kathy Rasmussen By Sharyn Hutchens AWC Legislative Liaison THE NEW USDA/APHIS RULE AND HOBBY BREEDERS T he rumblings about new breeder regulations from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS) division began a couple of years ago. A draft was posted last year, there was a public comment period, and the final rule was published September 18th, to take effect November 17th., 2013. The rule was developed to address what HSUS claimed was a problem with "internet puppy mills" shipping puppies sight unseen to consumers. Although APHIS cannot provide any numbers, they said that a large number of these puppies were unhealthy. Since the USDA has historically regulated only breeders who sold at wholesale to pet stores, these "internet breeders" were uninspected by either USDA or by people visiting their kennels. APHIS believes the new rule will mean lots more breeders being inspected. count for all owners: Breeder 'A' maintains (keeps on her property) three bitches that are co-owned with breeder 'B.' Breeder 'B' ALSO maintains three bitches that are co-owned with 'A.' It is possible that USDA will consider that A and B EACH maintain six bitches -- two too many to use this exemption. b. USDA has not yet said whether puppies whelped by c-section at a veterinarian' suffice will count as 'whelped on your premises.' If they aren't, this exemption won't be allowed if you ever have a c-section, c. USDA also hasn't said at what age a puppy becomes 'breedable' or at what age a bitch is considered no longer breedable. It seems certain that even elderly bitches will be counted unless sterilized. d. ALL COVERED SPECIES are counted. That means an intact female cat and an intact female hamster count against your total of four. Basically all the common pet species would count. AKC has asked for clarification on these points. -- OR -2. You sell your puppies only in face to face transactions on your own premises. No shipping ever, at all. This exemption too has question marks: a. USDA says that what the rule really means is 'face to face ANYWHERE.' You could meet at a rest stop MOST HOBBY BREEDERS WILL HAVE TO CHANGE how we breed and/or sell dogs in order to stay legal. The or WalMart parking lot. The trouble with that is that that Is alternative is to get a USDA license andvery few of us can not what the rule actually says, and USDA employees don't have the power to change the written rule. Until this do that. is settled the only way to be safe with this exemption is to have all buyers come to your place. Under the old rule -- still in effect until November 17th -you were exempt from USDA licensing as long as you b. USDA also says that exemptions can be mixed sold ONLY at retail -- never to pet shops. There were a -maybe you could ship pups you whelped and few other exemptions but they mattered only in special raised but not others. This too isn't stated in the cases. rule and is confusing any way you look at it. Under the new rule there are two main exemptions: There are a few other exemptions you might have heard about, one being breeding 'to preserve bloodlines.' Be1. You maintain four or fewer breedable (unspayed) cause it appears that USDA wants nearly all puppies usfemale animals and sell only animals born and raised on ing this exemption sold for the stated purpose, this exyour own premises. No stud fee puppies back, no dogs bought from other breeders, no rescues ("Adoptions" are emption is far from safe. Unless every puppy is sold for sales in the eyes of the law if any money changes hands.) breeding, this one won't work. This exemption has several question marks: a. The wording may mean that co-owned animals 16 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 There are also exemptions for breeders of security, hunting, and working dogs -- not the working group, but dogs that actually perform jobs such as Border collies on ranch- es. These exemptions have the same problem as breedhefty fine and be required to jump the hurdles of a USDA ing 'to preserve bloodlines.' If only some puppies in a litter license to continue breeding. are sold for the exempted purpose, it's unclear what happens. USDA doesn't consider racing, coursing, and agility For an example of what dealing with APHIS enforcement is like, Google 'Dollarhite rabbits.' APHIS also plans to dogs as 'working dogs.' mine data from websites and puppy sale sites to find So why not just get a license? USDA requirements were breeders to investigate. DO NOT ASSUME YOU WON'T designed for large commercial facilities and they will not GET CAUGHT. FIGURE OUT HOW YOU ARE GOING be changed for home breeders. Among many, many othTO COMPLY WITH THE RULE AND DO IT. ers are requirements that all surfaces dogs touch are able to be chemically or steam sterilized. No more dogs on the Yes, maybe the looser interpretations will work for a while or for some people. Even if you win a court battle, it will couch or whelping boxes in the bedroom. cost you tens of thousands of dollars and (probably) your You must have a separate food preparation area for feed- breeding program, even if you get to keep your dogs. It's ing the dogs. You cannot keep puppies under four months not worth it. old with your adult dogs and you can't store anything other If you want to complain to someone, start with AKC clubs. than "proper dog husbandry materials" in the room with Most clubs have shown NO concern about this rule. We your dogs. Someone must be present during all working shouldn't be surprised that the AKC has done nothing. hours, five days a week to admit an inspector; these are Then contact your (federal) representative in Congress 'no notice' inspections. Specific, detailed records are reand your two U.S. Senators. They are responsible for the quired. law that allows these regulations. That law -- the Animal The enforcement of these regulations depends on the Welfare Act of 1966 as amended -- gives the federal govjudgment of the individual inspector. People have told us ernment control over the breeding and sale of pet animals. that they are now required to find something wrong every Does that make sense to you? time. In addition to the problems with APHIS itself, a USDA license will make you a "business" according to state and local law, which will require a business license, payment of sales tax, and very likely cause you zoning problems. You can read both the USDA discussion of the new rule and the changes themselves, here: fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-09-18/pdf/2013-22616.pdf Notice that what APHIS says ABOUT the new rules is looser than the rules themselves in several ways: We believe that 'says about' is just a sales pitch to keep us quiet and that sooner or later, the rules will be enforced as they are written. (If APHIS planned to enforce the looser requirements they're stating now, why didn't they just write the final rule that way? The same issues were there in the draft rule, 18 months ago and thousands of breeders commented on them.) The following link will take you to brief training materials (with pictures) on what it takes to have a USDA licensed kennel: regulatory-compliance-for-commercial-dog-breeders.php. The Associated Dog Clubs of New York State have announced their intention to file an injunction against the USDA/APHIS regulation. Following is the statement from their website. For personal or club donations, visit the website at http:// You will also find their legal argument synopsis and a form to fill out if your club would like to be listed as a plaintiff. They are trying to raise $10,000 by November 14th and money will be returned if they do not make it. If you have questions about this, please contact Enforcement will be complaint driven. If you have more than four female, unspayed animals, you ship a puppy, and someone reports you, then APHIS may show up to look through your records for evidence of any violation -not just whatever was reported. You could end up with a NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 17 18 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 19 20 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 21 AKC Title Report October, 2013 By Irene Mullauer, National Obedience Chairperson Here is the summary of the titles reported by AKC in for September, 2013. Congratulations to all! Special congratulations go out to Bonnie Henderson and MACH11 Unsinkable Guiding Light MXC3 MJB4 NF. MACH11, that is one impressive new title! Novice Agility Novice Agility Preferred Novice Jumper Open Agility Open Agility Jumper Open Agility Jumper Preferred Excellent Agility Jumper Master Agility Excellent Master Agility Champion 2 Master Agility Champion 11 Master Silver Agility Master Excellent Jumper Master Gold Jumper Master Bronze Jumper 2 Master Century Jumper Agility FAST Novice 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 Canine Good Citizen Beginner Novice Companion Dog Rally Novice Rally Advanced Rally Excellent Rally Advanced Excellent 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 Coursing Ability Coursing Ability Advanced Coursing Ability Excellent Field Champion Junior Courser Master Courser Senior Courser 2 3 1 5 2 3 15 Champion Grand Champion 21 5 The above statistics and records are from the AKC so if there are any errors or missing data, please let me know. From the June 1961 “Whippet News” cover. 22 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 November 2013 AKC Obedience, Rally Ranking Report By Irene Mullauer, National Obedience Chairperson I have received the Quarter 3 Obedience and Rally reports from AKC. Obedience rankings 1/1/13 thru 9/30/13 Primary Class Beg Nov A 1 2 3 4 Dog Name Primary Owner Average Qualifying Score Delcielo Solar Star Elain-Ward's Molto Mario Plumcreek One Shot Tequila Shaldra's American Eclipse Marrianne Monica Burns Cheryl Lu McEvoy Julie Manson 194.5 192.5 192 191.67 1 1 1 3 Lonestar Whippets Trans Am Starlaine Rumor Has It Bravado's Mayflower M'Lady Galewind's Life Of Reilly Yashanti N Nonsuch My Blue Heaven Bravado's Jeronimo Pamela Nancy Susan Nancy Diana Susan Cherry Anderson Orman Anderson Wehry Orman 191.17 188.5 187 186 185.5 185 3 2 1 1 1 1 Debmar You All Spoken Here Amberwind Hamrya Dragons Claw Sporting Field's Man In Black Horsetooth Penelope Pogostick Elidas Gq Mariki's La Dolce Vita Cu Liath Festivas Sport Nautique Deborah Elizabeth Debi Kenneth Christine Martha Aileen Bahm Campbell Adams Shiarella DeClerk Cardassi Leavitt 199 196 194.625 194.25 194.25 191.17 190.625 1 1 4 2 2 3 4 14 Shojin's Compay Segundo Ragapple A Stitch In Time Mystic Run's Hey Jude Fanfare's Crazy Train Ziggy Stardust Of Wyndsor Highbridge Power Play Echo Creeks Hothead Of Warburton Dee M.Joanne Annie SARAH Ulysses Janet Holly Vayda Ronning Andrews FILIPIAK James Juzkiw Bushard 190.33 188.33 188 187.17 187 187 186 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 15 16 17 18 19 Kettle Cove N Hamrya Leaping Lily Bravado's Little Cindy-Lou Who Kamada's No More Pending Dreams Jammin' Whatchamacallit Windryder's Americade Cruiser Sandra Karen Janet Laurel Lutz Holley Houle Juzkiw Behnke Roberta 184.67 184.5 184 183.25 183 3 2 1 2 1 1 Midori Days De Sud Irene Mullauer 191.5 1 1 Renegade's Red Alert At Sea Kathleen Cole 180.17 3 1 2 Delcielo Solar Star Shaldra's American Eclipse Marrianne Cheryl Lu Manson 174.5 170.25 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 Beg Nov B 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grad Nov Grad Open Novice A NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 23 Novice B 1 2 3 4 5 6 Debmar You All Spoken Here Northwind Superior Highland's Grace Lucille Mystic Run's Here Comes The Sun Owlwatch Love's Arabesque Redglen I Love Rock N Roll Autumns Sweet Butterfly Kisses Deborah Jean Annie Seth Harriet Lorain Bahm Frogner Andrews Corduan Richman Abel 193 186.5 186 183.75 183.67 183 1 2 1 2 3 1 7 8 9 10 11 13 Castlecrest Zoe At Blue Willow Saesi Inked Is This Love Shamasan After Midnight Deerpath Dreamy Drusy Shojin's I Wanna Be Your Dog Shamasan Who's That Lady Sharon Susan Annie Jorczak Charlotte PHOEBE Couzin Mullins Whitney Nancy Pond DEGOL 182 181 177.33 176.5 175.5 171.83 1 2 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shaglan Wildaspen Eastr Magic Shamasan's Crusader Rabbit Wheatland Talltree Abbey Boston Belle Midori Days De Sud Wegner's On The Sly Heather Mary Lee Jill Irene Connie Badgett Flynn Hayes Hopfenbeck Mullauer Austin 190.5 188.67 187.5 181 179 173.5 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 Maverick Cowgirl Chic Renegade's Red Alert At Sea Rachel Kathleen Amado Cole 193 187.5 5 1 1 2 Maverick Cowgirl Chic Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero Rachel Ellen Amado Adler 192 188.5 3 2 Open A Open B Util A Top Obedience Whippet of the Year Rules: 1. There must be a minimum of three qualifying scores in the calendar year (Jan 1st – Dec 31st ). 2. All qualifying scores will be averaged together. Example: if there is 1 Novice score and 2 Open scores, all 3 will be averaged together. 3. Only regular classes will be counted; Novice A/B, Open A/B, Utility A/B. 4. Non-qualifying scores will not be included in average.5. Titles do not have to be earned in the award year. Rally rankings 1/1/2013 thru 9/30/2013 Rank Adv A Dog Name 1 2 3 4 Owner 6 7 8 9 Plumcreek One Shot Tequila Delcielo Solar Star Kettle Cove N Hamrya Leaping Lily Galewind's Life Of Reilly Tangens Maverick Red Planet Charlemagne Jomyr Vanilla Coke Summit Start Me Up Ziggy Stardust Of Wyndsor Kimeras Dinah Might Julie K Burns Marrianne Lu Sandra Holley Nancy Anderson Donna Pardi Donna Pardi Karen Hilfiker Ulysses James Ameetha Palanki 1 Ziggy Stardust Of Wyndsor Ulysses James Aver- Qualifying 95 92 90.5 86 86 85.67 81.5 77 74 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 97 2 Adv B 24 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 Windryder's Full Throttle Mariki's La Dolce Vita Cu Liath Affinity Full Circle To Karamac Shaldra's American Eclipse Autumn Sweet Pickle Longrun's Moonlight Mile Mystic Run's Here Comes The Sun Tru-Luv's Goodnite Mrs Calabash Vitesse Deep Powder Kettle Cove N Hamrya Leaping Lily Fanfare's Crazy Train Roberta S Lutz Martha Cardassi Carol Mc Dermott Cheryl Manson Lorain M Abel Annie Whitney Annie L Andrews Mickey Rubin Dr. Lisa M Costello Sandra Holley SARAH E FILIPIAK 94 94 93.5 92.67 91 88.33 85.5 83 76 74 72 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 4 5 6 7 8 Timbreblue's Mysterious Dream Warrior Kemar's Love Torn Affinity Full Circle To Karamac Wheatland Talltree Mariki's La Dolce Vita Cu Liath Hasue Here Comes Trouble Tnt's La Femme Nikita Timbreblue Windrydr Biker Girl Diana Cognigni Kaye Martell Carol Mc Dermott Lee Hayes Martha Cardassi Susan Mullins Roberta S Lutz Roberta S Lutz 95.13 95 95 94.67 93.5 84.5 80.5 79.5 8 2 10 6 8 2 8 8 1 2 3 Krislyn Cat Man Do Kemar's Love Torn Charlemagne Jomyr Vanilla Coke Joanne Cook Kaye Martell Donna Pardi 91.5 84.33 82.67 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Saesi Inked Is This Love Midori Days De Sud Charlemagne Jomyr Vanilla Coke Shamasan Who's That Lady Shojin's I Wanna Be Your Dog Chapleton's Little Wing Affinity Full Circle To Karamac Bitterblue's Treacle Tart Summit Ironwood Farrahst Of Them All Wegner's On The Sly Susan Mullins Irene C Mullauer Donna Pardi PHOEBE DEGOL Charlotte Pond Linda Pocurull Carol Mc Dermott Linda Garwacki Laura A Hagey Connie Austin 97 95 90 88.5 88 87 85 84 81 80 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Shaldra's American Eclipse Bitterblue's Hot Toddy Horsetooth Ginger Shrimp Charlemagne Jomyr Vanilla Coke Plumcreek One Shot Tequila Marial's Maiden Rock Kimeras Dinah Might Timbreblue Chipping Camden Tangens Maverick Red Planet Yashanti N Nonsuch My Blue Heaven Lonestar Whippets Trans Am Cheryl Manson Victoria Damant Lyn D'Amato-Franklin Donna Pardi Julie K Burns Mary Hawemann Ameetha Palanki Jean Bartlett Donna Pardi Diana Wehry Pamela Cherry 99.33 95 94 90.75 90.67 90 88 86.5 84.67 84 81.67 3 1 2 4 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 Foxhunt Fiesta Blue Willow Some Like It Hot Longrun's Moonlight Mile Shamasan Chateau Noir Horsetooth Runrig Feynman Carol Linda Perkins Sharon Couzin Annie Whitney Phoebe Cohen Jennifer Hime 98 96.75 96.33 95.67 95 2 4 3 3 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RAE 1 2 Exc A Exc B Nov A Nov B 1 2 3 4 5 NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 25 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 24 25 26 27 28 Shojin's Compay Segundo Winway Portfolio Of Sporting Fields Burnt Sienna Red Mountain Sporting Field's Nigel Shamasan After Midnight Winway Pleats Please Festivas Sport Nautique Foxglove Summit Mira Mira On The Wall Horsetooth Big Johnsons Blue Butternuts Of Amulet Fanfare Forgetmenot Dapper Dan Man Whispers I'Ve Got A Secret Vivace Gold Don'T Rust Starlaine Rumor Has It Debmar You All Spoken Here Horsetooth Runrig Fermi Horsetooth Lychee Berry Horsetooth Ginger Shrimp Horsetooth Spicy Duck Sunlow's Old Yeller Moon Kamada's No More Pending Dreams Agstone Marrakesh Express Watch Me Fin Of Kimera Mens Sana's Dashaway At Christeva Amulet Its Good To Be The King Susan Fedewa M A Peers Laura Baratta Chip Mckenney Annie Whitney M A Peers Aileen Leavitt Laura A Hagey 95 94.33 94 93.5 93.33 92.5 92.33 91.67 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 Ms. Jennifer A Hime Sarah Filipiak C Ann Priddy Dr. Constance C Austin D.V. M. Nancy Anderson Deborah Bahm Jennifer Hime Jennifer Hime Lyn D'Amato-Franklin Ms. Jennifer Hime Ms. Janet Wolf Moon Janet Lucille Juzkiw Charlene Stone Judith F Thomas Steve Heath Barbara Stone 91.33 90 89 3 3 1 89 89 89 89 89 87 87 86 83 80.75 78 74 74 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 4 1 1 1 Top Rally Whippet of the Year Rules: 1. There must be a minimum of three qualifying scores in the calendar year (Jan 1st – Dec 31st ) regardless of class. 2. All qualifying scores will be averaged together. Example: if there is 1 Novice score and 2 Advanced scores, all 3 will be averaged together. 3. Non-qualifying scores will not be included in average.4. . Titles do not have to be earned in the award year. The above Rankings are compiled from the AKC Reports Department. Please forward any questions to me at 26 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 MICHIGAN AWC LURE COURSING SPECIATIES OCTOBER 2013 "Phoebe", FC Phoebe On The Wing MC LCM 3 OTR CR owned by Caren & Joe Shoemaker. The Best of Breed win went to the Open dog "Mumble"! An AWC ASFA coursing specialty was held October 19th, 2013 in Whitmore Lake, Michigan. It was a cold, rainy, I would like to thank Polly McNichol ( the field owner) for her hospitality and hot coffee, Amy Balthrop, Susan White, and other Borzoi & Ridgeback club members who helped with the AWC trial. dreary day; the field was a gently rolling hay field. The AWC specialty was the third trial running after Borzoi and Ridgeback specialties. Twenty seven entries started; winner of Open stake was "Mumble", Shannon Down Happy Feet owned by Shannon & Krystyl Lyons handled by Laurie Keyser, the Field Champion stake was "Prada", FC Do It Just A Fashion Trend FCH owned by Debbie Syrja, the Veteran stake winner was AWC held an AKC Lure Coursing Trial Specialty October 20th in Whitmore Lake, Michigan. It turned out to be a long day very cool temps but no rain, and the field was a gently rolling hay field. The AWC trial ran third again after Borzoi and Ridgeback specialties. We QC'd nine dogs and then had thirty five starters the winner of the Open (entry of 28) and a 5 point major win was "Ariel", GCh Longlesson Albelarm Born This Way, owned by Lew Griffitt. The winner of the Field Champion Stake was "Bug" FC Debmar Lady Bug At Emerald owned by Dr Alice Sowders & Deborah Bahm. The winner of the Veteran Stake was "Phoebe" FC Phoebe On The Wing MC owned by Caren & Joe Shoemaker. The eventual Best if Breed winner was the Field Champion winner "Bug" . Again I want to thank the field owner, Polly McNichol, for her hospitality and the hot tea and coffee, Amy Balthrop, Susan White and other Borzoi and Ridgeback club members who helped keep the trial moving. And to all the participants "thank you" for hanging in there for what seemed like an endless day! Diane Guest- FTS NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 27 28 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 WRA National Winners 2013 WRA National Meet Winner “English” Elektra Jammin’ English, RCh Bred by Robyn Brown and Merril Woolf Owned by Laurel and Don Behnke (Vitesse Talk is Cheap, SRCh x Elektra Barossa de Kentfield Quixand) 2013 WRA National Fun Match Winner: “Dana” GCh. Shaldra’s Bugattia at Ashley Manor Bred and owned by Kyle Sibinovic and Ronald and Cheryl Bigford (Renegade’s Blue on Black, CDX, RA, JC, NA, OAP, NJP x Ch. Shaldra’s Winning Colors, SC) NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 29 30 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 For events processed through Friday, October 19, 2013 RANK NAME SEX BOB TOTAL WINS DEFEATED ________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 GCH CH Starline's Oxford Victim Of Love B 91 1672 2 GCH CH Bo-Bett's Quick Pick B 58 730 3 GCH CH Karasar's Remembrence B 54 675 4 GCH DC Ableaim Que The Music MC B 43 598 5 GCH CH Cottonwood Versace At Coreymore D 53 465 6 GCH CH Artemis Hypnotic Opium SC B 40 438 7 GCH CH Solaris Saxon Shore Hypnotiq Kamio B 30 415 8 GCH CH Sporting Fields Heavenly Body JC B 33 335 9 GCH CH Lakota's Witch Witch Are You SC B 5 301 10 GCH CH Sporting Fields Shameless B 10 298 11 GCH CH Cottonwood Vuitton D 14 261 12 GCH CH Kamada's New York Minute B 21 220 13 GCH CH Fanfare Forgetmenot My Kinda Pretty B 10 212 14 GCH CH Endeavor's White Roses On Nysa Hill B 6 179 15 GCH CH Festiva's Lucy Is Fashionably Late JC B 12 176 16 GCH CH Winway Ramona Quimby B 5 170 17 GCH CH Shojin's Turn Me Loose RN JC D 15 161 18 GCH CH Adagio Jilzan Fire On Ice D 5 149 19 GCH CH Harmony's Midnight Lace At Aeolus JC B 6 130 20 GCH CH Shamasan Island Of Imagination B 14 129 21 GCH CH Charlamar Redcliffe Now’s The Time D 5 126 22 GCH CH Starline's Windborn Sweet Liberty B 10 124 23 GCH CH Starline's Chanel JC B 2 118 24 GCH CH Premiere Sportingfields Naughty By Nature B 9 115 25 Lakota's Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun Brown Boulders JC B 1 106 32 / THE WHIPPET NEWS - NOVEMBER 2013 The executive committee has made considerable progress in organizing fund-raising projects for next year's Top Twenty. It is most important that our membership be made aware of the high costs inherent in the presentation of this very special event. (I have received several inquiries from other breed clubs who have received reports of how well-received our Top Twenty has been in recent years and who want information on how we present the event). While the participants do absorb the expense of the medallions and rosettes, it is the attendees and generous AWC members who enable us to hold the Top Twenty event through the purchase of raffle tickets, donations to the raffle, ticket and catalogue sales, and monetary donations. Rachel Gongre reports that she has received wonderful raffle items and we hope to post photos and details on our website soon. Please keep her in mind (in regard to the event) during your holiday shopping and on into the new year; there are lots of interesting and useful "doggie" items in the market place these days think "gift baskets" that you could put together for some lucky raffle-ticket buyer. We have seen samples of the "new" rosettes that Gail Boyd will be ordering; they are GORGEOUS!!! Our creative and energetic fund-raising chair, Jane Cooney-Waterhouse, is hard at work on her innovative plans for 2014. We are holding our collective breath: Jane has briefed me on her proposed "activities" and we think they will be enjoyable and unique. Happy Holidays to all. Stay tuned for continued updates from our energetic and talented Top Twenty team!!! NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 33 UK & AKC Champions In the August issue of WN I wrote about American Whippets who had won in Great Britain. It was my understanding that Ch. Sporting Fields Winged Dove Over Dumbriton had finished her AKC title before moving to Great Britain about ten years ago, but that was not the case — so although she became a champion in her new homeland and even won BIS at their big Hound show, she was not a British and American Champion. The young Ch. Merci Isle Magnolia at Palmik is therefore the first American-bred Whippet ever to have that distinction. My apologies to all concerned. Many Whippets before her became champions in both countries, but almost all of them were British exports to the U.S.; I haven’t counted, but my guess is there must have been several dozen, almost all of them were before the 1980s. One later AKC and Canadian champion from Lorricbrook became a champion in Great Britain, but he was of course Canadian-born, and more recently an Airescot dog from Sweden finished in both the U.S. and Canada before moving on to England and gaining his title there as well. However, Magnolia is definitely the first U.S. bred AKC champion Whippet to become a champion in Great Britain. - Bo Bengtson From AKC: Whippet Specialties The following results from Whippet specialty shows which have not already been recorded in WN were listed on AKC’s website on Nov. 11, 2013. Sweepstakes results, Best Puppy, and Awards of Merit are not published by AKC. Metropolitan Atlanta Whippet Asssociation, designated specialty held with North Georgia Hound Association in Atlanta, GA on Oct. 17, 2013. Judge Allen Odom. Number of dogs shown 52 (19 dogs, 33 bitches). BOB GCh. Sporting Fields Shameless. BOS GCh. Divana Arborlea Just Having Fun JC. Select Dog GCh. Harmony’s Pablo Picasso JC. Select Bitch GCh. Ableaim Que The Music MC. WD Sporting Field’s N Agapes Higher Calling. RWD Dragonfly’s Karasar Born To Move. WB & BOW Priory’s Quinby De Sud. RWB Harmony’s Lady Luck. American Whippet Club, designated specialty held with Atlanta KC in Atlanta, GA on Oct. 19, 2013. Judge Clyde R. Morris. Number of dogs shown 67 (24 dogs, 43 bitches). BOB GCh. Starline’s Oxford Victim of Love. BOS GCh. Shaldra’s Mclaren at Ashley Manor. Select Dog GCh. Divana Arborlea Just Having Fun JC. Select Bitch GCh. Karasar’s Masterpiece. WD Karasar’s Voyager JC. RWD Sporting Field’s N Agapes Higher Calling. WB & BOW Ableaim Lemon Drop Martini at Kazbar. RWB Lanexa Six Shooter. Northern California Whippet Fanciers Association, designated specialty held with Del Valle DC of Livermore in Pleasanton, CA on Oct. 19, 2013. Judge Iva Kimmelman. Number of dogs shown 67 (24 dogs, 43 bitches). BOB GCh. Oxford Sunbeam Sleepless In Seattle. BOS GCh. De Kotans Sunday Sermon. Select Dog GCh. Countrywinds Vapor Trail. Select Bitch GCh. Lakota’s Witch Witch Are You SC. WD & BOW Runner’s He’s The Coronado. RWD Sportingfield All Things Good. WB Endeavor’s Tequila Sunrise at Taliesin. RWB Crestfield Blonde Bombshell. The year’s last specialty, Arizona Whippet Association’s second specialty for 2013, was held in Tucson, AZ on Nov. 9. Official results have not yet been published by AKC. - Bo N. Bengtson NOVEMBER 2013 - THE WHIPPET NEWS / 35 The Whippet News Guin Borstel, Editor 4745 25th Street San Francisco, CA 94114 “Baby it’s cold outside” Bella, Mysty & Tilly. Photo courtesy of Delia Zarges
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