Whippet - National Whippet Club of Canada
Whippet - National Whippet Club of Canada
S E P T E M B E R 2 013 photo by Jean Ballard Whippet WA N D E R I N G S N AT I O N A L W H I P P ET CL U B O F CA N A DA advertising Full page ad $15 (11”wide x 8.5”deep) Half page ad $10 (5.5”wide x 8.5” deep) Ads requiring setup $5 additional per ad, templated in this issue: > Origins of Kennel Names Deadlines are January 15, April 15, July 15 & October 15 Include detailed instructions with ads requiring setup. See below for required specifications for best reproduction. Send all ads, articles, club & member news, comments and anything whippet-related to the Editor: Laura Baratta laura@stormholdwhippets.com Please make all cheques or money orders payable to NWCC and mail to: Laura Baratta 320 – 248th Street, Aldergrove, BC, Canada V4W 2H1 N E X T D E A D L I N E : JAN 15 submissions / specifications Ads to be designed: emailed files or photos to be maximum 3 megs per email. Send text in email or Word doc format. > Taking a Dog away from Meat > 2013 National Race Meet Results > Current Top 10 Canadian Show Whippets > Lure Coursing Results > Current Top 10 CKC Obedience/Agility > Simple Home Remedies Single photos required: high resolution RGB JPEGs (minimum 200 dpi) or TIFF files. Photos must be supplied separately – photos embedded within programs such as Word will not be accepted. Completed ads: full or half page PDFs (maximum 200k), or PSD files (maximum 3 megs). Send files [or questions about formats] to: laura@stormholdwhippets.com 2 0 13 / 2 0 1 4 N W C C B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S PRESIDENT Laura Baratta, Aldergrove, BC laura@stormholdwhippets.com 604 625 - 8654 Lorraine Burch, Flamborough, ON info@jetstreamwhippets.com 9 0 5 65 9 -44 9 9 SECRETARY Janet Juzkiw, Grand Forks, BC whippets@shaw.ca 250 442-2400 TREASURER / WEB MISTRESS Heather-Jean Dansereau, Hamilton, ON whippetgang@devonair.ca 905 659 -1188 RESCUE CO-ORDINATOR Paulette Blinch, Prince George, BC icatchers20@gmail.com 250 964 -1429 BRITISH COLUMBIA Linda Buchholz, Aldergrove, BC swiftsure1@shaw.ca 604 856-5660 ALBERTA Susan Nordstrom, New Norway, AB lynallan@syban.net 780 855-2278 MANITOBA /SASKATCHEWAN Lynne Samuel, Winnipeg, MB lsamuel@mymts.net 204 783-5863 ONTARIO Mary Morris, Chatsworth, ON azurekennels@gmail.com 519 794-3303 QUEBECVacant EDITOR Laura Baratta, Aldergrove, BC laura@stormholdwhippets.com VICE PRESIDENT the the HARE GOOD! TURTLE NAUGHTY! HARE AWARD TURTLE AWARD Whippet A W NDERINGS is the quarterly publication of the National Whippet Club of Canada. Issues are included with NWCC membership. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor or the NWCC. The Editor reserves the right to edit or withhold any item or article which, in the opinion of the Editor, reflects badly or unfairly upon any group, individual or dog. Check out news and upcoming events at whippetcanada.com EDITOR’S NOTE The cover photo features Kinley, owned by Ellen Kerfers. ‘One Tired Dog’ won 3rd place in the domestic animal category at the Cowichan Exhibition photography contest on Vancouver Island. Thank you also Ellen for sending a link to an amusing article on the unpredictable life with dogs. Thanks to HJ for compiling and submitting all of the coursing results to date. I hope you enjoy the collection of stories behind many whippet breeder kennel names, I know I learned some fun facts! RESULTS CORRECTION: A correction to the last issue, regarding the results for the Great Lakes Whippet Club specialty in London, ON in July. Best Puppy was actually Jetstream Madeira. WW the joy of whippets Laura Baratta laura@stormholdwhippets.com My husband was away for the weekend, so I decided to try 13 month-old Riff into the bedroom overnight for the first time. His 4 yr. old “brother”, Pell, has been sleeping in our room for over a year, & never even tried to get on the bed (very un- whippet-like, I know). Riff jumped straight on, & curled up peacefully. I had left some of my husband’s clean laundry on his side of the bed; I thought Riff had a quiet night, but clearly he did some squirming, as this is what he had on when we got up in the morning. ~ Kate Darbyshire FREE ME MBER RE P O RT S Don’t forget to work on year-end me mber reports your showcasing your whippe ts in 2013 – published fr ee for all me mbers next issue! B C REP ORT Who is hosting the 2015 National? Good question! Currently we do not have any volunteers to host the 2015 National. Please contact laura@stormholdwhippets.com if you are interested. S E C R E TA RY ’ S R E P O RT I hope everyone had a successful and enjoyable time in your chosen venue – conformation, racing, coursing, agility, et cetera – over the summer season. It’s now that time of the year when you can sit back, relive the fun you had and plan for next year’s adventures. Just wanted to remind everyone to keep the July 5th weekend open, as the NWCC National will be held in conjunction with 3 other specialties over a 2-day period. That’s right, in addition to our National, there will also be a NWCC regional show, the Lower Mainland Whippet Association specialty and the Whippet Club of BC Specialty, all at Aldergrove Lake Park in Langley, BC – 4 sets of points for whippets over 2 days. More information will be forthcoming, but please do keep those dates ( July 5 & 6, 2014) open, as this will be one you won’t want to miss. I’d like to welcome new member Lynda Shearer from Kamloops (sponsored by yours truly). Lynda has her first whippet (although has been in another breed for more than 20 years) and has been enjoying success in the show ring with her. WW Janet Juzkiw, Secretary Fall is settling in fast and bringing to an end those gorgeous summer days we have so enjoyed with our whippets. Hard to believe that only a scant 8 weeks ago, beautiful weather greeted beautiful whippets at the CWA racing organization’s annual National Race Meet and Fun Match weekend held August 23-25 in Aldergrove/Abbotsford, hosted by the local club, Racing For Fun. We welcomed participants from Washington, California, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Connecticut. An amazing entry of 60+ whippets gathered on Friday for the Fun Match, judged by renowned breeder and handler Phoebe Booth of Shamasan Whippets in Connecticut. Phoebe not only judged the dogs, she provided a verbal critique at the end of each class, explaining her placements. It was an amazing learning experience for all participants (old and new)! Phoebe’s choice for Best in Match was Mary Downing’s “Murphy”- Am.Can.Ch.Whimsy’s Over The Moon, TRP, DPC, Best Opposite was “Kai” - Am.Can.GCh. Whimsy’s Swiftsure Kilo Kai, FCH, TRP, DPC, PR, (Buchholz/Downing), Best Veteran was Blair Shinski’s Ch. Kindred Monarch Rules, FCH, and Best Puppy to Snow Hill Mind Over Matter, owned by Kellee Livingston from California. Following the match, we enjoyed a relaxed evening BBQ with new and old friends. closely pursued by the young local dog, Lorna Leinbach’s Ch. Sailaway Time Traveller, ARX, DPCX in 2nd, with the reigning #1 CWA dog, Lookout Nonstopp Kamikaze, ARX, SRA2, PR7, TRP, owned by Fran & Barb Hearley, all the way from Minnesota in 3rd spot. CWA promotes dual purpose dogs and a conformation match is held immediately following the racing. Our judge was Guinevere Borstel, Milescross Whippets from California. Guin awarded “Murphy” (Friday’s Fun Match winner) as her 1st place, followed by AmGCH Shamasan Island of Imagination, PR, TRP, DPC (from Connecticut) in 2nd, the veteran dog Ch. Kindred Monarch Rules, FCH in 3rd and the puppy, Snow Hill Mind Over Matter in 4th place. That evening we all enjoyed a superb feast of BBQ’d salmon in a wonderful relaxed setting at Swiftsure, followed by awards presentations. Sunday morning came too quickly for the tired RFF workers, but we powered through another wonderful race meet, with an entry of 55 adults. Bolt again reigned supreme, followed by Kamikaze in 2nd, with local dog, CanCH Fireworks Eminence Front, ARX SRA2 DPCX TRP PR9 SGDC, (Emily Szabo) showing Saturday morning we were off to the races – the CWA National! An amazing entry of 65 adults and 1 puppy took to the race track. Three phenomenal red brindle dogs soon proved to be the top contenders and when the dust had settled, Jean Balint’s superstar, The Mighty Bolt of Wyndsor, ARX, ORC, SRA, from California, emerged undefeated to take top honours. He was >> the youngsters how to do it. The conformation match was judged by Mary Downing, Whimsy Whippets, Washington and she selected Kimera’s Panama Red (California) as her 1st place, AmGCH Shamasan Island of Imagination, PR, TRP, DPC (from Connecticut) in 2nd, local dog Ch. Sailaway Time Traveller, ARX, DPCX placed 3rd and 4th to the Snow Hill puppy. Awards were presented, hugs and good-byes exchanged and exhausted RFF members headed home to recover from what was simply an outstanding weekend enjoying witnessing these phenomenal AND beautiful athletes at their finest. In other BC news, we send congratulations to BC’s first Can.Grand Champion – Am.Can.GCH Whimsy’s Swiftsure Kilo Kai, FCH, PR, DPC, TRP (Buchholz/ Downing) in July. August saw a GCH awarded to Am.Can.Ch. Burnt Sienna Red Mountain, TRP, DPC, PR, CGN, CGC, RN (Baratta), followed by Am.GCH CanCH Parfait’s Tall Dark and Handsome (House) in September , and Ch. Treadway Undisclosed Desires (Dorsey) in October. I have very little other news – except to stay that BC is very excited to host the 2014 NWCC National Specialty show, the first weekend of July. Plans are in the works for FOUR specialty shows that weekend and we promise everyone a most memorable weekend. Cathie Brown (Bluestreak Whippets from the UK) is our National judge and we’ll hope to announce the rest of the judging panel soon. Stay tuned! WW Linda Buchholz, BC Director calling for submissions for the design of the 2014 National logo. We offered him some celebratory Prosecco, but he preferred a piece of steak. No accounting for taste. Besides all this, he is the sweetest boy ever. Wish I could clone him! In Sept: We invite members (or family members) to explore their creative side by designing the 2014 National logo, held in BC. My Pell is MOTCH Clearhounds Pell Mell FCH, RE as of yesterday, 2 days after his 4th birthday. Needed 190 in Open to get his final point, and kindly gave me 193.5 (much better than the groaner 189.5 of the week before). If you have a talent for drawing or if you are a whiz on the computer, we would love to see your ideas. Even a sketch will do. As of last check, still #10 all breeds obedience, though I do expect that will change (downward) by the end of the year. Please contact Laura Baratta for details at laura@stormholdwhippets.com Deadline: November 15, 2013 O N TA R I O R E P O RT Thank heavens for Kate Darbyshire. Again she is the only one who sent me any brags. The first one came in August. My Pell (OTCH Clearhounds Pell Mell, RE, FCH) just finished his UDX this past weekend, getting his last 2 legs (of 5 required) on Aug. 18, only 5 months after finishing his UDX - quickest any of my dogs have done it. And he threw in a High in Trial, to top it off. He is only 1 Open point short of his MOTCH... barring horrible luck, should have that within the month. Maybe even before his 4th birthday, on the 29th. And such a sweet boy all round. Cheers, Kate Thank you Kate and keep them coming. Surely you can find something else to do with Pell? WW Mary Morris, Ontario Director azurekennels@gmail.com the origins of whippet kennel names Breeders were asked: What was the inspiration for your kennel name? Ableaim Beauroi Ableaim - a totally made up word, originally for our Gordon Setters but since both breeds - Gordons & Whippets are performance breeds, the name works for both. We were AIM-ing to breed dogs that were ABLE to preform the function they were originally bred for - ABLEAIM. Plus it was short, back in the day you could only have 25 letters in the registered name and it started with an A. With most lists being in alphabetical order, ours would be listed toward the top. We breed Whippets in Australia under the ‘Beauroi’ prefix. My mum, who was the founder of our kennel, created Beauroi in 1978 originally when she showed Bichons before introducing the breed we now continue to breed and show. Our prefix is a combination of ‘Beau’ meaning beautiful in French and ‘roi’ meaning king in Latin. Berwicklaw Amigo This is from the town we live near ( North Berwick ) and the Law which is an extinct volcano and a local land mark. AMIGO = Friend... really boring, I know! My first Whippet was named Kachina.. so wanted it to reflect the SW where I lived. Branten Aperture My future kennel name will be “Branten”. Which pretty much means “The steep” and is a modified version of my family name Einebrant! Aperture, because of photography stuff. Aslan From the Narnia Chronicles. Was the name of the first dog I owned outright (a dobe). Became my prefix. Aurifer It’s a latin word that means “becoming golden” which includes many aspects of my whippets: color, character and sometimes a little success. Azure Bretica Whippets Mine is my two children’s names together Brett and Jessica. Bretica. Brythborne Brythborne - Bryth(an archaic old English word for the people of britain) and borne (born). Cali “Cali” is the name of my first whippet, she never showed or earned a title of any kind, but she got me started and will always be my “Cali Princess”!!!! I literally got my kennel name from a Dictionary. Yes, I am that old, we were still using dictionaries. The CKC had a list of all the kennel names and I tried about 15 choices and they were all taken. I opened the dictionary and started in the “A”. It made sense that I wanted to be at the start of the alphabet. I came to the word, “AZURE” and thought about it. I love the colour and the word is really short so I have lots of choices to add names. I applied and got it. Carry-On Whippets Baccarat I breed Whippets in Australia under the prefix of “Chakrata”. The prefix originates from a place in India as well as the name of a merchant ship my late husband sailed on as a Marine Engineer. The ship was part of the now extinct British India fleet of merchant ships. The kennel was formed in 1975 originally with Basset Hounds, then Pointers and now Whippets since 1996. Baccarat - 1) it’s the finest crystal in the world. 2) breeding dogs is definitely a gamble. 3) It was used by good friends who had Corgis. When they stopped using it, I took it over because I liked it. Our kennel name “Carry-ON” arose from taking a hiatus from dogs. Used to be Baywood Kennels. When we decided to start back in the 80’s with whippets, mom thought that Carry-On seemed fitting for us Carrying on with dogs. Chakrata >> Chapleton whippets ....arises from the historic road ‘Chapleton Lane’ which we lived on when I had my first litter.... Charlamar Charlamar was made from the first 4 letters of my first name and the middle name of my husband, John Lamar Lee. We coined it in the early 60’s when we were breeding and showing Dachshunds. Chasing Lane’s Whippets It started when I was just born; my uncles were both breeders and did racing / coursing with their Whippets. My younger uncle stopped when he got divorced. Around the age of 12 I went for the first time to the racing track and I loved although I did not see directly the beauty of the wonderful breed. In that period my parents wanted us to have a dogs to grow up. My uncle had a whippet, Evie, which was almost finished with her racing career and so she came to us. Just to see how it would go and if there was a connection with this breed. And yes it was - Evie ( full name Dobre v.d. Fijola Hoeve) stayed with us and we got a connection that I never had with the other animals we had. Then she got very ill and died of bone cancer. My uncle promised me my first Whippet and two years later I got two Whippets - Evie’Elite v.d. Fijola Hoeve and Kabora v.d. Fijola Hoeve. Gijsje was Evie’s Elite and daughter of Dobre; she was an amazing dog which taught me a lot. She was already 7, so an oldie for the sport, so that’s why I got Kabora, call name Bora. She was my first whippet but I had to prove to myself that I could train a dog and had Gijs for coursing and we won and in that time frame I had some nieces which also had Whippets. Soon I was involved with starting and handling Whippets bred by my uncle on the racing track. After two years when I finished school, I got Olympique v.d. Fijola Hoeve (Jessie). Track racing was not that important for me, so we did coursing and with good results, Evie’s Elite, Impala, Kabora, Marathon and Olympique v.d. Fijola Hoeve came to us. My uncle took some steps back and I trained them for coursing - all of them are champions or multi finalist/ field champion! My uncle started to ask to help thinking which male he should use more but before that I got a map full of copies of Whippet pedigrees till 1940. He said if you want to help with breeding, you need to know all these pedigrees - it was more than 1000 copies for the Netherlands and some Belgium and German Whippets. Too bad we didn’t have TWA back then. Although I have learned to make connections faster than others. My uncle asked me and some others about the bloodlines and they were surprised that I knew almost every dog. That was the signal that I could help and be co-owner of the kennel name. It’s very simple - the name Fi is from the first two letters of my uncles and my last name Fidom. My aunt’s name was jong so he used her two first letters Fijo and La finished it. They lived on a hoeve (something like a farm but smaller), so van de Fijola Hoeve was the name. tv and I was caught by this name. If I translate it to dutch it means hunting on the track. So that’s the story behind our kennel name. Our first five litters are on the track and they do well. They aren’t the best but they fight for every inch to win. Character and trying to keep some old bloodlines is my number one priority together with health. To set up this kennel, I invested a lot of money to get bloodlines from all over the world - I have some American, Serbian, German and two dutch, 7 in total and some co-owned. I am 33 and I hope to give something to this special breed so they can live on in the future. My sister and parents also have Whippets - it’s all in the family. Chelynnah Chelynnah is after our 3 ‘foundation’ bitches, Chelsea (our whippet mix), Savannah our first whippet, and Telyn (aka Teya) the first we bred from. 4 letters from each running into and overlapping. Chel from Chelsea, elyn from Telyn, nnah from Savannah. Coolquay Coolquay is a small town in County Dublin, Ireland that my husband Richard’s mom’s family hails from. Crescendo Whippets My family got a family crest (emblem) in the 17th century. “Semper-crescendo” in meaning of “steady growing” is written on this crest. DEHK Stands for Damn Expensive Hobby Kennel. I figure it was entirely suitable!!!!!! Fireworks Our foundation bitch was Ch. Ragtime Firestarter, FCh., CGN so we used Fireworks to honour her. Forgetmenot Forgetmenot (latin myosotis) has always been one of my favorite flowers.. it’s a flower that is small, often goes unnoticed, but when you look at it closely, you realize how beautiful of a little flower it is and get to appreciate more its presence and beauty in your garden, especially when in large numbers. Same for the whippet. Often first time people see a whippet they are uninterested of the breed (not furry or fluffy), but as they get to know one or share their life with one, they realize how beautiful of a breed it is and can’t live without it, especially in large numbers. It came easy for me as a kennel name. But my uncle stopped completely and I thought this was his legacy, something he asked me to help. So I asked for my own kennel name to bring something to this breed and bring my knowledge of combinations. I am always searching for something different. It took three months when I got the kennel name Chasing Lane’s - I heard this one time on >> Galeforce Kamada I wanted a kennel name that brought speed and power to mind, so I started thinking of things in nature that were fast and strong. I also wanted something that referenced the ocean (but Swiftsure was already taken :) ). It’s me, KAMADA.....KAthleen MArie DAvenport! So I looked at Galeforce -galeforce winds being just below ‘violent storm’ on the Beaufort Scale, and it included my first name. KARASAR...combination of names of members of my family. My name - Gale - is often misspelled as that spelling is not the usual spelling for a girl, and I thought that having Galeforce as my kennel name would be a good hint on how to spell my name. Alas that plan has occasionally backfired and my kennel name gets spelled Gailforce :( . Gomorronsol Whippets In books written by mrs and mr Sandberg lives Little Spook in the Morning Sun Castle Gomorronsol in swedish. When we sent in the papers to our kennel club we realized there’s something called copyright. With fright we quickly sent a question to the authors and they answered back with a letter the next day! They were thrilled and wished us good luck! Grovenor Grovenor.... My mother grew up on Grosvenor Rd. in Cleveland Heights, OH. We dropped the “s” because the “s” is silent (British pronunciation) and to save space back in the day when AKC was very strict about the length of registered names. Hieland Going to my Scottish roots on my mother’s side. Highbridge Ours comes from our last name. Takahashi means a high or tall bridge, so Highbridge! The Hounds of Freckashpeng Our kennel name, although lots of people think it is German or some other language, isn’t - it is simply derived from the names of our first borzoi and cat - it is pronounced using three syllables, Frec - Kash - Peng; our borzoi FRECkles, BuKASHka, and our cat DePENGa. It is always fun explain where we came up with it as well as how people try to pronounce it, once explained and broken down, it really is quite simple. Jade James and Debi. First 2 letters of each of our names. Jammin’ My first performance bred whippet came from a litter that had a running shoe theme. I picked Nike Air Jammin’ (Michael Jordan) as her name as I hoped she could fly! We stuck with the name Jammin’ (my husband thinks it’s awesome, as it’s not too “fluffy”). Karasar Kentruth Kentruth was registered with the Canadian Kennel Club back in the 1970’s when I was working at Sirhan Kennels. ‘Kentruth’ comes from a mom & pop grocery store Kent & Ruth on the island of Barbados. Kimera Kim and Erin but an A at the end sounded better, Erikim did not sound or look as good. Hounds of Kotan or deKotan - Kotan per google translations mean Simple elegance in Japanese or something of the like. Lakota My grandmother was 100% Lakota Sioux; in honor of grandma Lakota means in translations brothers who band together. Lepus “Lepus” is latin for hare. Nothing more appropriate than that, although I would have preferred rabbit as that is more to the point of the species that whippets should be hunting, however the latin for that is cuniculus, which sounds AWFUL and has too many letters! LOL Licketysplit Licketysplit came from my first two foundation whippets, one was split faced, the other very face-kissing type, a licker. And the go Licketysplit sorta means go fast like a whippet. That’s how I came up the Licketysplit Whippets in 1989. Limerick ...started with our IWs... our foundation bitch was from Limerick, Ireland. Longrun Longrun - It just came to me.... in a dream.... Seriously, I toyed around with a few different name and/or word combos, seeking something that would reflect both who we are and our chosen breed. “Longrun” was the first one on the list, and I just kept going back to it until I gave up on finding something I would like better. Sometimes that first little burst of creativity is the best. ;-) >> Lookout Merci Isle My second whippet (first was a rescue) I named Lola as a call name and since she had such a bold personality, her registered name was Lookout for Lola of Danjere. (Danjere was her breeder’s kennel name.) When I bred her to Zorro (Wheatland Orange Crush, who was the top NOTRA dog at the time), I was entering the world as a first time whippet breeder with hopes of some of my puppies making a mark, so I went with “Lookout” for my kennel name. I often kid though, that I’m always saying “lookout” to my underfoot dogs so often that I used that for my kennel name. My first whippet, Verdi and his sister Pandora came from a breeder who lived in Mercer Island, Washington state. Lorien Lorien, originally for Borzoi & Deerhounds: established 1973.....after reading the trilogy.... no movies in the early 70’s. Lost Creek My mother was Phantom Lake, mostly borzoi. She let people outside our family use the name and i wanted to be exclusive. I lived near lost lake and there was a seasonal creek running through my property. Hence lost creek. Also was briefly Breakaway but that is another tale. Phantom Lake was founded in about 1968, Breakaway 1980, Lost Creek 1985. Lovat Whippets Lovat is the Scottish town that the clan my husbands ancestors originated from (McKim’s came from the clan Fraser). Lynallan Milescross My mother was a hippie of a decidedly romantic bent (she named her children Guinevere & Heather) and she raised us with an appreciation of the English past, most particularly the Pre-Raphaelites and those other Victorians who looked back upon the medieval era as an inspiration. Mom especially liked the medieval border ballad “Tam Lin”, as set down in the 1800s by Matthew Percy, who was kind of an early ethnologist, scouring the Scottish countryside for the old oral tales that were dying out by his time. Tam Lin is all about a plucky lass named Janet who falls in love with Tam Lin, who had been stolen away by the queen of fairies and was trapped in the faerie world, and her adventures in winning Tam Lin back to the mortal world. In the song there is a line about how the fairy queen and her court had to bide at Milescross. Milescross is an archaic term for crossroads, which were magical places to the Britons, places that were firmly neither of this world or the other, where the normal rules did not apply. The whole concept of a magical place that was not beholden to the real or the fantasy world sounded really cool to my seven year old ears and I decided that when I owned my country estate upon which I would be a world class greyhound breeder, I would name both estate and kennel “Milescross”. Thirty six years later, I don’t have the estate nor do I breed greyhounds, but it is a memorable (if a bit long) whippet kennel name. Moonbeam Nothing exciting or interesting about ours, as it is just a combination of mine and my husbands middle names. “Lynallan” Our chihuahua is named Moonbeam (Beamer) - we were trying to come up with a kennel name and we decided to go with Moonbeam and not many people would know Beamer is where we got it. Manorcourt Mossbawnhill I used to play on the grounds of a Manor house complete with moat as a kid. These grounds were left to my home town to be always maintained as a Park. Our house was built along the driveway of the Manor House. Years later my Mom and Dad retired to a street called Manorcourt, there was that name popping up again so I adopted it for the Whippet Kennel. Mossbawn is the name of the townland where we live & the hill just behind our property is locally known as Mossbawn Hill...so we just combined them & voila! Mariner Mariner was chosen for a few reasons... my other hobby is aquarium fish, we live surrounded by water and Shelton has worked his entire professional career for Newport News Shipbuilding in the Aircraft Carrier and Nuclear Submarine programs. It has a good classic feel to it and it fits! Maxnme My kennel name is Maxnme. My husband goes by Max and I am the me part. So Max n me. Nemuno Delta “Nemuno Delta” (“delta of river Nemunas “, because of the region I spent most of my childhood summers and i love to go there as an adult : )) Nonstopp We came up with Nonstopp when one of our friends commented that our whippets were like our Border collies - they just never stopped going. I added the second P so that we can register it if we ever feel the need. Nota’s Crew A small contribution from a small kennel in sweden named Nota’s Crew. The name comes from my foundation bitch who is called Nota and since it was with her it all started >> it felt like a suitable name to always honor her. Poeta Sailaway Poet is my foundation dog, so for my kennel name I use Poeta which is latin for poet. I like a short kennel name. Sailaway: my husband and I had a 36 foot sailboat and dreamed of buying a larger boat and “sailing away” but instead we bought a house (on dry land), bred the whippet that Bill Turpin had graciously allowed me to own even though I was only 19 years old and Sailaway whippets was born! That whippet was Ch. Renfield Rose of Course and 7 generations later we have Ch. Sailaway Time Traveller ARX with many, many champions in between! Ragtag My first showdog was a Komondor, and, while I never bred her, I came up with Ragtag as a kennel name. Koms go through a very umm... messy looking phase when changing from puppy coat to a fully corded, adult coat, and Ragtag just suited. Then I had Tibetan Terriers for years and years, and they are neat little ragamuffins, so I kept the name. When I came over to the Darkside I asked around if anyone had used Ragtag with whippets, and no one had so I was pleased to be able to keep it. Rainier Whippets I just named my kennel after Mt. Rainier, the most beautiful mountain in the world. Raybar RAY & BARbara Parsons = RAYBAR Redcliffe In the sixties I stayed in a cottage on a farm named Redcliffe. It was when I had my first Golden and Great Pyrenees. Then I met Ivan from Prince Edward Island and with the red cliffs there, the name just came naturally from two fronts. Regalia I chose Regalia for the meaning of the word ~ the ceremonial and symbolic objects and clothing used and worn by royalty! I think whippets fit the royalty part! Rockabye My first whippet was Prudence of Conevan. Mrs. Conway-Evans was a well known breeder in England and my Mother Mrs. Joyce Anson bought Prudence for my 7th birthday present. My Mother’s kennel name was Sonna.. Anson re-spelled. I had quite a few whippets by the time I was 12 and Rockabye was a prefix that my Aunt gave me in the late 40’s. When we came to Canada in 1957 I brought Rockabye Peace Pipe and she will be in back of many pedigrees. I have a lovely red fawn girl keeping my feet warm right now. Margaret Wigg was a neighbour of ours in England and her Kennel name was Tinribs. Her black whippets were wonderful and I had Tinribs Tiger Rag to get black into Rockabye bloodlines. Rothschild Rothschild - I am obsessed with giraffes & whippets favor giraffes in so many ways. Runamok Runamok - because they do. At least ours do. Plus, we are both lure coursing afficenados (we met lure coursing). Serendipity I started in greyhounds but pretty quickly fell in love with and started studying whippets too, though I had no immediate plans to get one. I was all set to get a long-planned greyhound puppy but I had a falling out with the breeder and the whole thing fell apart the week I was supposed to get him. About a week later, I got my new issue of Whippet News and there was an ad for my “dream” litter. I was pretty sure the puppies would be all spoken for, but since I had nothing to lose I contacted the breeder anyway, and as it turned out, there was a beautiful bitch puppy available who was everything I ever dreamed of. As painful as it was losing that greyhound puppy, if that hadn’t happened, I would never have had my beautiful Wren, and though I’m confident I would have switched to whippets eventually anyway, that was the start of a whole new adventure for me. It seemed like serendipity and I thought it was the perfect kennel name. Sonsteby SONSTEBY, my Grandmothers’ maiden name and a town/village in Norway where her mother and father were from. SpecialD Even though I don’t have any whippet litters with my kennel name - YET - SpecialD is our kennel name because my first Dalmatian was sent to me via Northwest Airlines and on the top of the crate was a huge sticker Special Delivery. That she was and that became our kennel name. Stormhold Inspired by one of our favourite movies/book Stardust. Stormhold is a magical kingdom with characters full of humor, playfulness, determination and love, the traits that we adore in whippets. Stabmeldys My kennel name “Stabmeldys” is a Lithuanian word that means “Idolater”/”Idol Worshipper” and also refers to a pagans and the representatives of old non-Christian beliefs in common - so this word has very deep and almost sacred meaning to me being a part of my life and ideology... Surrey Hill My mother started the Whippet breeding program when we lived in a house on a hill at the end of Surrey Trail..yeah, boring, I know. But I inherited it. >> Swiftsure WildAbout Whippets Swiftsure is a premiere yacht race held in Victoria, BC every year. When I was a teenager, one of my friends suggested it would be a great kennel name for Whippets – swift and sure. I had to agree! Cheesiest kennel name ever... WildAbout Whippets! Couldn’t think of a kennel name and 11 years ago I loved the tv show Wild On E. Couldn’t really name my kennel Wild On Whippets (ha!), so it became WildAbout. I really didn’t think I would have more than one litter so the kennel name wasn’t super important at the time. I think I would have picked a different kennel name had I known back then that I would still be breeding ten years later. But no denying it, I’m wild about whippets! Templar Whippets My last name is Knight and my first champion was Paris Templar of Tiber. So it makes total sense.. Terrena whippets Mine is a bit silly but I like the sound of it - “Terrena whippets”. Terri & Alena (my partner) = Terrena Timbrel Timbrel is an old English name for a tambourine – since whippets originated in England... I also typically name all of my dogs after song titles... so the whole musical theme ties together. Treadway Bonnie Gobel of Ragtime whippets had hosted me for a weekend of dog shows. We were up late watching snow falling outside and old movies on TV. An old Buster Keaton silent movie was playing and the hero in the movie was named Rollo Treadway. We both joked about how that would be a great dog name and what a special dog Rollo would be... made us forget we were almost snowed in! Unsinkable Our kennel name is Unsinkable, because our first whippet was named Cheerio and the old commercials for the cereal called it “the unsinkable oh”. Velocity Speaks for itself.. Vivace I am a musical person and wanted something to depict that. I liked Allegreo, but that was already taken. I liked Veloce (<Depicting speed>Ve LOW Chay) but figured that with my luck I would end up with a really slow line of Whippets and I could hear people saying ”Hey! look! There goes one of them thar Ve SLOW Chay Whippets. So I settled on Vivace (vee Vah Chay) which means bright and lively. I liked the way that it sounded especially with my chosen name for Julia (vivace Veni, Vidi, Vici) That’s my story and I am stickin to it! Westmeath Westmeath - because the whippet originated as being the poor man’s race horse, for hunting rabbits in the UK. At that time, the Irish were not that wealthy, and I’m part Irish. Westmeath, is a county in Ireland, known for its lush farms. Wildfire I selected Wildfire as my kennel name because Whippets literally swept into my life, and spread like a Wildfire, I started with litter mates and my love for these dogs took over seemed a logical choice for me. Wildhare Wildhare is what we used. When we got back into Whippets we went for 1 girl and got 2. Dwight and I kind of go off on Wildhares sometimes. Thought Wildhare fit both the dogs and us also. Had to spell it to fit the Whippets chasing hares. Windsong Windsong- for the perfume! “windsong stays on your mind” Vrymeer Dutch (Vrijmeer) for the lake in James Michener’s classic “the Covenant”. It means “Lake of Freedom” and being out on the water fishing is our escape. WW ~ Compiled by Laura Baratta We go twice a year to Vernon for the WCOBC Lure trial. We decided that we really wanted and needed a group photo, it was a challenge to try to get dogs looking the right way as well as humans to look the right way!!! The group photo was taken by the photographer Linda Mcrae at the September 28-29th trial. All the whippets in this photo (except for two) are descended from Carole Adley’s line, Hilerica. Humans in photo, starting from left to right: Adele McNiven, Carole Adley, Malinda Evans, Lorraine Cotter, Fiona Hart. Whippets starting from left to right: Hilerica rue Pavot (Poppy) Hilerica Adrenaline Rush (Padme) Liedeberge Long Tall Sally (Freyha) Hilerica rue Pavanne (Pavanne)* insisted on making sure her cute little butt was seen by everyone! A group photo taken in Vernon at the WCOBC Lure trial September 28/29 Lanakeshena Love in Replica (Suki) This photo means a lot to me since it has my first whippet Lady Hilerica Lexus (Lexy) with three of her kids. This was my first experience in breeding and raising a litter of five puppies. Lady Hilerica Lexus (Lexy) from left to right BluePrints Homebrew (Stella) BluePrints Follow Your Nose (Redford) Hilerica Buckingham (Mr. Brown) BluePrints Follow Your Nose (Redford) BluePrints Crouching Squirrel (Rebus) Hilerica Hang Fire (Rastas) BluePrints Homebrew (Stella) Lady Hilerica Lexus (Lexy) BluePrints Crouching Squirrel (Rebus) I am lucky to have the friendship as well as wonderful homes provided for Lexy’s puppies. in photo left to right Lorraine Cotter, Myself (Malinda Evans), Fiona Hart BluePrints • Breeder Malinda Evans How do you take a dog away from meat? From the files of a pet chat group: Anne V: Okay - I know how to take meat away from a dog. How do I take a dog away from meat? This is not, unfortunately, a joke. Amy C: Um, can you give us a few more specifics here? of dogs inside? Given the situation, I’m afraid you’re not going to be create enough of a diversion to get the dogs out of the carrion, unless they like greeting company as much as they like rolling around in dead stuff. Which seems unlikely. Can you turn a hose on the festivities? Anne V: Elk. Elk are very big this year, because of the rain and good Anne V: grazing and so forth. They aren’t rolling. They are alternately They’re inside of it. They crawled inside, and now I have a giant napping and eating. They each have a ribcage. Other dogs are incredibly heavy piece of carcass in my yard, with 2 dogs inside working on them from the outside. It’s all way too primal in my of it, and they are NOT getting bored of it and coming out. yard right now. We tried the hose trick. At someone else’s house, One of them is snoring. I have company arriving in three hours, which is where they climbed in and began to refuse to come out. and my current plan is to 1) put up a tent over said carcass and Many hours ago. I think that the hose mostly helps keep them 2) hang thousands of fly strips inside it. This has been going cool and dislodges little moist snacks for them. Hose failed. on since about 6:40 this morning. My new hope is that if they all continue to eat at this rate, they Amy C: Oh. My. God. What sort of carcass is big enough to hold a couple will be finished before the houseguests arrive. The very urban houseguests. Oh, god - I know it’s funny. It’s appalling, and funny, and completely entirely representative of life with dogs. >> Kristen R: Anne V: I’m so glad I read this thread, dogless as I am. Dogs in elk. Dogs They wedge their toes between the ribs. And scream. We tried in elk. that before we brought the elk home from the mountain with Anne V: It’s like that childrens book out there – dogs in elk, dogs on elk, dogs around elk, dogs outside elk. And there is some elk inside of, as well as on, each dog at this point. dogs inside. Jake nearly took my friends arm off. He’s already short a toe, so he cherishes the 15 that remain. Linda Hewitt: Have you thought about calling your friendly vet and paying him Elizabeth K: to come pick up the dogs, elk and letting the dogs stay at the vets Anne, aren’t you in Arizona or Nevada? There are elk there? overnight. If anyone would know what to do, it would be your vet. I’m so confused! We definitely need to see pics of Gus Pong and It might cost some money, but it would solve the immediate crisis. Jake in the elk carcass. Anne V: Anne V: I did call my vet. He laughed until he was gagging and breathless. I am in New Mexico, but there are elk in both arizona and nevada, He says a lot of things, which can be summed as *what did you yes. There are elk all over the damn place. expect?* and *no, there is no such thing as too much elk meat for a They don’t look out very often. If you stand the ribcage on end dog.* He is planning to stop over and take a look on his way home. they scramble to the top and look out, all red. Otherwise, you Lori: kinda have to get in there a little bit yourself to really see them. ”He is planning to stop over and take a look on his way home.” So I think there will not be pictures. So he can fall down laughing in person? CoseyMo: Anne V: “all red”; I’m not sure the deeper horror of all this was fully borne Basically, yeah. That would be about it. in upon me till I saw that little phrase. Amy C: Anne V: no, there is no such thing as too much elk meat for a dog.”.... You Well, you know, the Basenji (Jake) is a desert dog, naturally, and are truly a woman of superhuman patience. Wait -- you carried infamous for its aversion to water. And then, Gus Pong really the carcass down from the mountains with the dogs inside? doesn’t mind water, but hates to be cold. Or soapy. And both of them can really run. Sprints of up to 35 mph have been clocked. So. If ever they come out, catching them and returning them to a condition where they can be considered house pets is not going to be, shall we say, pleasant. Anne V: no, well, sort of. My part in the whole thing was to get really stressed about a meeting that I had to go to, and say *yeah, ok, whatever* when it was suggested that the ribcages, since we couldn’t get the dogs out of them and the dogs couldn’t be CoseyMo: left there, be brought to my house. Because, you know – I just What if you stand the ribcage on end, wait for them to look out, thought they would get bored of it sooner or later. But it appears grab them when they do and pull? to be later, in the misty uncertain future, that they will get bored. >> Now, they are still interested. And very loud, one singing, one are outside, inside some elks. Because when you are that tired, snoring. you sleep through bumping kind of noises, or you kind of think Lori: wow. I can’t even begin to imagine the acoustics involved with singing from the inside of an elk. that it’s just the house guests. It wasn’t the house guests. It was my dogs, having an attack of teamwork unprecedented in our domestic history. When I finally woke all the way up, it was to a horrible vision. Somehow, 3 dogs with a combined weight Anne V: of about 90 pounds, managed to hoist one of the ribcages (the reverb. lots and lots of reverb.... meatier one, of course) up 3 feet to rest on top of the swamp I’ll tell you the thing that is causing me to lose it again and again, and then I have to go back outside and stay there for a while. After the meeting, I said to my (extraordinary) boss, *look, I’ve gotta go home for the rest of the day, I think. Jake and Gus Pong are inside some elk ribcages, and my dad is coming tonight, so I’ve got to get them out somehow.* And he said, pale and hugeeyed, *Annie, how did you explain the elk to the clients?* The poor, poor man thought I had the carcasses brought to work with me. For some reason, I find this deeply funny. Anne V, later..... So what we did was put the ribcages (containing dogs) on tarps cooler outside the window, and push out the screen. What woke me was Gus Pong, howling in frustration from inside the ribcage, very close to my head, combined with feverish little grunts from Jake, who was standing on the nightstand, bracing himself against the curtains with remarkably bloody little feet. Here are some things I have learned this weekend: 1. almond milk removes elk blood from curtains and pillowcases, 2. We can all exercise superhuman strength when it comes to getting elk carcasses out of our yard, 3. The sight of elk ribcages hurtling over the fence really frightens and drag them around to the side yard, where I figured they the nice deputy sheriff who lives across the street, and would at least be harder to see, and then opened my bedroom 4. the dogs can pop the screens out of the windows, without window so that the dogs could let me know when they were ready to be plunged into a de-elking solution and let in the house. Then I went to the airport. Came home, no visible elk, no visible dogs. Peeked around the shrubs, and there they were, still in the elk. By this time, they had gnawed out some little portholes between damaging them, from either side. What I am is really grateful that they didn’t actually get the damn thing in the window, which is clearly the direction they were going in. And that the nice deputy didn’t arrest me for some of the ribs, and you got the occasional very frightening terrifying her with elk parts before dawn. glimpse of something moving around in there if you watched long Amy C: enough. After a lot of agonizing, I went to bed. I closed the back Imagine waking up with a gnawed elk carcass in your bed, like a door, made sure my window was open, talked to the dogs out of it until I was sure they knew it was open, and then I fell asleep. Sometimes, sleep is a mistake, no matter how tired you are. And especially if you are very very tired, and some of your dogs real-life “Godfather” with an all-dog cast. Anne V: There is not enough almond milk in the world to solve an event of that kind. WW Ch. Aytonfield’s Devonshire Rules - CHAMP CHAMP was BOSS at the Whippet Club of BC Specialty. A dual purpose whippet, he also gained 4.5 ARX points first time out racing. Breeders: Brenda J. Malick and Blair J. Shinski owned by Chris Gover and Blair Shinski National Race Meet N A M E O W N E R P T S Continental Whippet Racing Alliance (CWA) Aug 24 - 65 adults, 1 puppy, 5 legends 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Mighty Bolt of Wyndsor Kusha/Balint 29 CanCH Sailaway Time Traveller Leinbach 21 Lookout Nonstopp Kamikaze Hearley 20 Maybach Clara Skate Bronze Charron 18.5 Fireworks Eminence Front Szabo 18 Maybach Ashleigh Ski Gold Harrop 17 Nouveau’s Le Chat Noir Swepston 15 Grover/Shinski 15 Huff/Duffert 13.5 Andrusiak 13 Clarke 13 Aytonfield’s Devonshire Rules 9 10 Cogshall Bears Repeating Sailaway London Calling Azzuri of Wyndsor 2013 R E S U LT S N A M E O W N E R Whippet Racing Association (WRA) Oct 12 - 91 adults, 7 puppies, 8 legends 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 Elektra Jammin’ English Behnke (Wilks) 27 QuiXand SDW All The Right Moves Lyons 22 Elecktra’s Famous Last Words Hattery 19.5 QuiXandz Lizard King Heiniger 19.5 Whodathunkit Wilcox 17 QuiXand Modest Mouse Hattery 16 Delphi Dynamite Wasso 16 Weabe Crosswired D’Amore 15 Sithean Squeeze of Scotch Brunelle 14 Windwalker Cowboy Up Kemerly 14 North American Whippet Racing Association (NAWRA) Aug 31 - 60 adults, 1 puppy National Oval Track Racing Association (NOTRA) Oct 13 - 91 starters 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 Crossfire Hurricane Williams 27 Elektra Jammin’ English Behnke 20 QuiXand Velvet Revolver Caspersen 19 Quixand Modest Mouse Hattery 18 Quixandz Lizard King Heiniger/Hattery 18 Elektra Talkin’ A Blue Streak Burt 15.5 Quixand Afraid Of The Dark Behnke 15 Elektra’s Straight Talk Ferrero 12.5 Quixandz Archipeligo Heiniger/Sanders 12.5 Elektra’s Talkin Bout My Gener Brown/Woolf 12 Elektra’s Scimitar Of Scirocco Steele 12 1 Sureshot The Peacemaker 2 Elektra’s Famous Last Word 3 Thunderclap Newman 4 Quicksandz Archipelago 5 Wenlock Cupid’s Arrow Wild About Locked and Loaded 7 Crossfire Hurricane Quicksandz Blue Bayou 9Wildabout La Flama Blanca Quixand SDW All The Right Moves Stigum/Wilcox 12 Absinthe Minded P T S Costello 24 Hattery/ Heiniger 23 Kemerly 22 Heiniger 18.5 Williams 17 Tegner 17 Williams 16 Hill 16 Rees 15 Lyons 15 Treadway Heartland Carson (Am Can Ch Morlais Imagine at Whimsy x Am Can Ch Kimera’s Shelby GT JC) Winners Dog at the Whippet Club of BC Specialty under hound specialist Elrena Stadler of Moorreesburg, South Africa Owner: Jeanette Dorsey – Treadway Whippets Presenting Pia - New Canadian Champion Sportingfield N Festiva Sunday Funday (Festiva’s Any Given Sunday x Sportingfield’s Bad Behavior) Finishing with a Best of Breed under judge Joy McFarlane at the 125th Anniversary Victoria City Kennel Club Show. Owners: Jeanette Dorsey (Treadway Whippets) and Dionne Butt (Sporting Fields) Treadway presents: Multi Best in Show and Multi Best in Specialty Winning Brace Ch Treadway Undisclosed Desires and Treadway Heartland Geneva and Carson winning the brace competition at the Whippet Club of BC Specialty under Elrena Stadler. Bred, Owned and Shown by Jeanette Dorsey, Treadway Whippets • www.treadwaywhippets.com puppies Points points as of October 15, 2013. Breed pts as of Aug 5, 2013 Conformation Standings from Ch. Freckashpeng’s Maverick JA CGN & Int’l, CnCh. Hi Tor’s My Honey at Freckashpeng CGN GRP 1st GRP 2nd GRP 3rd GRP 4th BISTotal 1. GCh Lorricbrook Fascinator 31 23 13 6 42131 2 GCh Lorricbrook Fascination 15 16 10 4 1 1120 3 Ch Bretica’s Gotcha By The Jewel 15 3 3 4 3 1059 4. GCh Eros N Ethos Dangerous Liaison 7 10 4 3 0 366 5. GCh Lorricbrook Celerity 4 3 2 0 0 292 6. Ch Aikerskaill Special Moment 4434 0 290 7. Ch Wenrick’s Nickelodeon Girl 11 8. Ch McCartney’s Gone Platinum 3300 0 161 9. Ch Jetstream Butterscotch Ripple 0010 0 83 2 0 0 2 218 10. Ch Parfait’s Tall Dark And Handsome0010 0 79 unofficial results from www.canuckdogs.com (Rankings are based on Breed, Group, Specialty Best of Breed & Specialty Group wins at Canadian Kennel Club shows and are not an official CKC record of points or wins.) artwood at ialty* under Judge David Sw ec Sp in st Be ns wi ire Cla s, age of 6 month . Claire earned all points ds un ho top ’s da na Her first weekend out, at the Ca of me g Association Specialty over so hibitor class. *CKC pendin Ex by ed Br the m the Capital Area Sighthound fro ely tir en pionship over the weekend towards her Canadian cham designed by Laura Baratta posite Sex to sister Bowie is Winners Dog and Best of Op Claire! Presented by Lesley Potts designed by Laura Baratta Am and Can GCh Vrymeer Delivers Unobtanium NEW CANADIAN GRAND CHAMPION designed by Laura Baratta Presented by Lesley Potts Breeder Laurie Rusticus * Hounds of Vrymeer Owner Anna and Don Morison L U R E C O U R S I N G R E S U LT S FOOTHILLS GAZEHOUND CLUB May 18th, 2013 (17 Competed) BOB - Hilerica Rue Pavot: Adele McNiven 2nd - Lady Hilerica Lexus: Malinda Evans 3rd - Kentfield Infinity Live for the Chase FCh: Curtis G Deck 4th - Ch Shannon Down Stop and Stare NC: Lenna Maxwell NBQ - Tarapaca Lynallan Crème Swirl NC: Louise & Harold Biederstadt May 19th, 2013 (14 Competed) GAZEHOUND ONTARIO WHIPPET CLUB OF BC May 4th 2013 (19 Competed) May 4th, 2013 (5 Competed) BOB - Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale FCh: H & E Dansereau BOB - Hilerica Rue Pavanne: FCh Carol Adley 2nd - Hilerica Rue Pavot: Adele McNiven BOB - Whispers Jasper the Magi FCh: Todd Beedle & Patty Munnikhuysen 2nd - Harjue Moving Puzzle FCh: Heather & Ben Johnson 3rd - Ocean’s Sail Away NC: Elisa Holland 3rd - Blueprints Home Brew: Malinda Evans 4th - Ch Weerob Southern Gentleman: Robert & Wendy Rossetti 3rd - Candy Cane NC: Donna McGowan 4th - Hilerica Buckingham : Cotter-Jones NBQ - Zu Hallermund MJ Madison NC: June Hartley 4th - Devonair’s Speakeasy FChX: Hunter Wilson NBQ - Blueprints Follow Your Nose: Cotter NBQ - Ocean’s Sail Away NC: Elisa Holland May 5th, 2013 (4 Competed) May 5th 2013 (20 Competed) BOB - Hilerica Rue Pavot: Adele McNiven BOB - Whisper’s Cup of Java: Donna McGowan & P Munnikhuysen 2nd - Hilerica Buckingham : Cotter-Jones 2nd - Whispers Fuzzy Navel FChX: Donna McGowan & P Munnikhuysen 4th - Blueprints Follow Your Nose: Cotter 2nd - Whisper’s Cup of Java: Donna McGowan & P Munnikhuysen 3rd - Blueprints Home Brew: Malinda Evans May 20th, 2013 (17 Competed) BOB - C h Shannon Down Angel Eyes V Lifelong FCh: Claudine & David Hamilton, Shannon & Krystal Lyons 2nd - Icatcher Lynallan Torch Singer NC: Susan Nordstrom & Paulette Blinch 3rd - Jenny Comes Calling at Harjue FCh: June M Hartley 3rd - Forgetmenot One in a Million: Luci & Mike White 4th - Harjue Moving Puzzle FCh: Heather & Ben Johnson 4th - Candy Cane NC: Donna McGowan NBQ - C h Weerob Southern Gentleman: Robert & Wendy Rossetti >> NBQ -Jetstream Forgetmenot Playboy NC: John J Henry ONTARIO LURE COURSING ASSOC May 18th, 2013 (24 Competed) STAKE A VANCOUVER ISLAND LURE COURSING ASSOC June 1st, 2013 (13 Competed) June 9th, 2013 (5 Competed) BOB - H arjue Moving Puzzle FCh: Heather & Ben Johnson BOB - Labyrinth Annapurna: Lynette Pirrung & Dennis McCann BOB - Ch Aytonfield’s Devonshire Rules: Chris Grove & Blair Shinski 2nd - Oceans Marble Halls NC: Jana Sharon 2nd - Ch Devonair’s Quinn FChX: H & E Dansereau 2nd - Maybach Sid the Kid Medor Gold FCh: Mark Limacher / Francois Viquesnel 4th - Jenny Comes Calling at Harjue FCh: June M Hartley 3rd - Hilerica Pinarello FCh: Susan & Andrew Ball NBQ - H arjue Cheeky Monkey: Heather & Ben Johnson 3rd - Whispers Fuzzy Navel FChX: Donna McGowan & P Munnikhuysen 4th - O TCh Clearhounds Pell Mell FCh: Kate Darbyshire 4th - Loughren Cinnamon FChX2: Carolyn Hutchison NBQ - Forgetmenot One in a Million: Luci & Mike White NBQ - Momentum’s Rain Over Redwoods FCh: Carolyn Hutchison 3rd - Zu Hallermund MJ Madison NC: June Hartley ROCKY MOUNTAIN WHIPPET ASSOCIATION OF ALBERTA June 15th, 2013 (8 Competed) STAKE B June 2nd, 2013 (11 Competed) 1st - Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale FCh: H & E Dansereau BOB - Hilerica Rue Pavanne FCh: Carol Adley BOB - Whispers Jasper the Magi FCh: Todd Beedle & Patty Munnikhuysen 2nd - Maybach Sid the Kid Medor Gold FCh: Mark Limacher / Francois Viquesnel 2nd - Weerob The Scarlett Witch FCh: Robert & Wendy Rossetti 3rd - Firework’s Let’s See Action FCh: Linda Johnston 4th - Parkham’s Libby of the Isle: Tammy Parker 3rd - Ch Weerob Southern Gentleman: Robert & Wendy Rossetti NBQ - Nipalong Love and Haste NC: Sara Lynn Forseth 4th - Ch Maxnme Life of Riley Weerob: Robert & Wendy Rossetti 2nd - Devonair’s Beam Me Up Scotty FCh: Eva Hunter & Heather Dansereau 3rd - Whisper Woos Bunny Hawk Boo FChX: N & S McInnes & P Munnikhuysen 4th - Whisper’s Cup of Java: Donna McGowan NBQ - Devonair’s Speakeasy FChX: Hunter Wilson May 19th, 2013 (19 Competed) ALBERTA LURE COURSING ASSOC BOB - Labyrinth K Two: Lynette Pirrung & Dennis McCann June 8th, 2013 (6 Competed) 2nd - Forgetmenot One in a Million: Luci & Mike White 3rd - Candy Cane NC: Donna McGowan 4th - Jetstream Forgetmenot Playboy NC: John J Henry NBQ - BooBird Whisper Woos Bunny Hawk Boo FChX: N & S McInnes & P Munnikhuysen BOB - Harjue Moving Puzzle FCh: Heather & Ben Johnson NBQ - Weerob As You Wish: Robert & Wendy Rossetti June 16th, 2013 (15 Competed) BOB - K entfield Infinity Live for the Chase FCh: Curtis G Deck 2nd - Oceans Marble Halls NC: Jana Sharon 2nd - Kentfield Infinity Sweet Lexus Baby FCh: Sandra M Deck & Curtis G Deck 3rd - Ch Shannon Down Angel Eyes V Lifelong FCh: Claudine & David Hamilton, Shannon& Krystal Lyons 3rd - Whispers Jasper the Magi FCh: Todd Beedle & Patty Munnikhuysen 4th - Jenny Comes Calling at Harjue FCh: June M Hartley NBQ - Harjue Cheeky Monkey: Heather & Ben Johnson 4th - Qui Dang Cool Blue Lighting: Rita Toth NBQ - J enny Comes Calling at Harjue FCh: June M Hartley >> ONTARIO LURE COURSING ASSOC June 30th, 2013 (11 Competed) June 22nd, 2013 (17 Competed) BOB - Ch Shannon Down Stop and Stare NC: Lenna Maxwell BOB - Devonair’s Speakeasy FChX: Hunter Wilson 2nd - Whisper Woos Bunny Hawk Boo FChX: N & S McInnes & P Munnikhuysen 3rd - Lightfalls On He Would Be King FCh: Tiina Paulharju 4th - D evonair’s Beam Me Up Scotty FCh: Eva Hunter & Heather Dansereau NBQ - Ch Devonair’s Quinn FChX: H & E Dansereau June 23rd, 2013 (15 Competed) BOB - Devoniar’s Moonshine FCh: Karen Wheeler 2nd - Jetstream Forgetmenot Playboy NC: John J Henry 3rd - Forgetmenot One in a Million: Luci & Mike White 4th - Devonair’s Speakeasy FChX: Hunter Wilson NBQ - Whisper Woos Bunny Hawk Boo FChX: N & S McInnes & P Munnikhuysen FOOTHILLS GAZEHOUND CLUB 4th - Britica’s Ooonahhs: Val Andrey 2nd - Whispers Jasper the Magi FCh: Todd Beedle & Patty Munnikhuysen NBQ - Bretica’s That’s My Man NC: Val Andrey 3rd - SDW Dreamwindz Eye Witness: Trish & Terry Ingalis WHIPPET CLUB OF EASTERN CANADA 4th - Zu Hallermund MJ Madison NC: June Hartley NBQ - Ch Maxnme Life of Riley Weerob: Robert & Wendy Rossetti July 1st, 2013 (8 Competed) BOB - Qui Dang Cool Blue Lighting: Rita Toth 2nd - Whispers Jasper the Magi FCh: Todd Beedle & Patty Munnikhuysen 3rd - Oceans Marble Halls NC: Jana Sharon 4th - Jenny Comes Calling at Harjue FCh: June M Hartley NBQ - Icatcher Lynallan Torch Singer NC: Susan Nordstrom & Paulette Blinch August 3rd, 2013 (14 Competed) BOB - Whisper Woos Bunny Hawk Boo FChX: N & S McInnes & P Munnikhuysen 2nd - Devonair’s Trisha FCh: H & E Dansereau 3rd - Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale FCh: H & E Dansereau 4th - Ch Devonair’s Quinn FChX: H & E Dansereau NBQ - F orgetmenot One in a Million: Luci & Mike White August 4th, 2013 (15 Competed) BOB - Devoniar’s Moonshine FCh: Karen Wheeler 2nd - Devonair’s Speakeasy FChX; Hunter Wilson MANITOBA GAZEHOUND June 29th, 2013 (14 Competed) July 6th, 2013 (6 Competed) BOB - Kentfield Infinity Sweet Lexus Baby FCh: Sandra M Deck & Curtis G Deck BOB - Bretica’s That’s My Man NC: Val Andrey 2nd - Kentfield Infinity Live for the Chase FCh: Curtis G Deck 3rd - Ch Amherst Woods I have a Dream RN CGN NC: Christine Gillies 3rd - Whispers Jasper the Magi FCh: Todd Beedle & Patty Munnikhuysen 4th - Affinity In The Midnight Hour: Tanya Welsh 4th - Qui Dang Cool Blue Lighting: Rita Toth July 7th, 2013 (6 Competed) NBQ - Weerob As You Wish: Robert & Wendy Rossetti 3rd - Ch Amhurst Woods Lucky Penny CGN: Christine Gillies 2nd - Britica’s Ooonahhs: Val Andrey 3rd - Forgetmenot One in a Million: Luci & Mike White 4th - OTCh Clearhounds Pell Mell FCh: Kate Darbyshire NBQ - Whisper Woos Bunny Hawk Boo FChX: N & S McInnes & P Munnikhuysen BOB - Ch Belaya Silver Thistle FCh CD, RE, CGN: Christine Gillies 2nd - Ch Amherst Woods I have a Dream RN CGn NC: Christine Gillies >> ONTARIO LURE COURSING ASSOC September 1st, 2013 (11 Competed) CAPITAL AREA SIGHTHOUND ASSOC August 17th, 2013 (11 Competed) BOB - Qui Dang Cool Blue Lighting: Rita Toth September 14th, 2013 (9 Competed) BOB - Devonair’s Speakeasy FChX: Hunter Wilson 2nd - Whispers Jasper the Magi FCh: Todd Beedle & Patty Munnikhuysen BOB - L ightfalls Lady of the Two Lands: Tiina Paulharju 3rd - Zu Hallermund MJ Madison NC: June Hartley 2nd - Domino Play It Again: Katherine Darbyshire 4th - Harjue Cheeky Monkey: Heather & Ben Johnson 3rd - Ch Solomag Lepus Hansel N’Gretal: R Jamieson & N Bossence 2nd - Devoniar’s Moonshine FCh: Karen Wheeler 3rd - Devonair’s Quinisha FChX: Jason & Samantha Wilson 4th - C h Corandy Country Road Can FChX3: HJ Dansereau NBQ - Labyrinth K Two: Lynette Pirrung & Dennis McCann August 18th, 2013 (10 Competed) BOB - Ch Corandy Country Road Can FChX3: HJ Dansereau NBQ - Ch Shannon Down Stop and Stare NC: Lenna Maxwell VANCOUVER ISLAND LURE COURSING ASSOC NBQ - C h Lepus Mountain Dew Typhon: R Jamieson & D Thomson Sept 14th, 2013 (13 Competed) FOOTHILLS GAZEHOUND ASSOC 2nd - Ch Devonair’s Quinn FChX: H & E Dansereau BOB - Maybach Sid the Kid Medor Gold FCh: Mark Limacher & Francois Viquesnel 3rd - Devonair’s Speakeasy FChX: Hunter Wilson 2nd - Ringdove Zeleeda: Shelley Jones 4th - Devoniar’s Moonshine FCh: Karen Wheeler 3rd - Lanakeshena Love in Replica: Carol Adley NBQ - Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale FCh: H & E Dansereau 4th - Hilerica Rue Pariel: Nicole Dornan & Matthew Piccott ALBERTA LURE COURSING ASSOC August 31st, 2013 (13 Competed) 4th - OTCh Clearhounds Pell Mell FCh: Kate Darbyshire NBQ - Kindred Grace Leah our Stunning Beauty NC: B Shinski & B Malick Sept 15th, 2013 (11 Competed) September 21st, 2013 (9 Competed) BOB - Weerob As You Wish: Robert & Wendy Rossetti 2nd - Qui Dang Cool Blue Lighting: Rita Toth 3rd - Tarapaca Lynallan Crème Swirl NC: Louise & Harold Biederstadt 4th - Whispers Jasper the Magi FCh: Todd Beedle & Patty Munnikhuysen NBQ - C h Maxnme Life of Riley Weerob: Robert & Wendy Rossetti BOB - Hilerica Rue Pavanne FCh: Carol Adley September 22nd, 2013 (9 Competed) 2nd - Zu Hallermund MJ Madison NC: June Hartley 2nd - Maybach Sid the Kid Medor Gold FCh : Mark Limacher & Francois Viquesnel 3rd - Whispers Jasper the Magi FCh: Todd Beedle & Patty Munnikhuysen BOB - Whispers Jasper the Magi FCh: Todd Beedle & Patty Munnikhuysen 3rd - Hilerica Bianchi: Brenda Gaff 4th - Loughren Cinnamon FChX2: Carolyn Hutchison 2nd - Ch Maxnme Life of Riley Weerob: Robert & Wendy Rossetti NBQ - Ch Kindred Monarch Rules FCh:Blair Shinski / Brenda Malick 3rd - Weerob The Scarlett Witch FCh: Robert & Wendy Rossetti BOB - Qui Dang Cool Blue Lighting: Rita Toth 4th - Weerob As You Wish: Robert & Wendy Rossetti NBQ - Monkey Harjue Cheeky Monkey: Heather & Ben Johnson 4th - Tarapaca Lynallan Crème Swirl NC: Louise & Harold Biederstadt NBQ - C h Shannon Down Stop and Stare NC: Lenna Maxwell >> current T O P 1 0 2013 OBEDIENCE, RALLY OBEDIENCE AND AGILITY as of June 11, 2013 GAZEHOUND ONTARIO September 21st, 2013 (11 Competed) BOB - Devonair’s Speakeasy FChX: Hunter Wilson 2nd - Whisper Woos Bunny Hawk Boo FChX: N & S McInnes & P Munnikhuysen 3rd - Domino Play It Again: Katherine Darbyshire 4th - F orgetmenot One in a Million: Luci & Mike White NBQ - Do It Just a Theory: Adrienne & Anton Osfolk NAME (OWNER) PTS (# OF QUALIFYING SCORES) September 22nd, 2013 (15 Competed) CKC Obedience BOB - Devonair’s Speakeasy FChX: Hunter Wilson 1Clearhounds Pell Mell* (Darbyshire) 164 (25) 2nd - Domino Play It Again: Katherine Darbyshire 2 Avalonia Muddy Waters* (Quance) 10 (2) 3rd - Whisper Woos Bunny Hawk Boo FChX: N & S McInnes & P Munnikhuysen 3 Aikerskaill Criminal Intent* (Dvernichuk) 4 (1) 4th - Lightfalls Lady of the Two Lands: Tiina Paulharju CKC Rally Obedience NBQ - Devonair’s Trisha FCh: H & E Dansereau WW respectfully submitted by HJ Dansereau 1Hilerica rue Pavot* (Mcniven) 14(2) Bretica’s Ooosnahhs* (Andrey) 14 (3) 3Burnt Sienna Red Mountain* (Baratta) 9 (2) 4Amherst Woods I Have a Dream* (Gillies) 4 (1) 1Devonair’s Quinn* (Dansereau, Dansereau) 25 (3) 2Tcs Zoomerang* (McNiven) 14 (2) 3Burnt Sienna Red Mountain* (Baratta) 13 (2) Highbridge on The Fly * (Stritychuk) 13 (3) 5Tcs Jammin at Your Quebecncall* (Ivanitz) 10 (1) Ragtime Mauna Loa* (Smith) 10 (1) 7Shamasan Devonair’s Dale* (Dansereau, Dansereau) 4 (1) CKC Agility * Canadian owned SIMPLE HOME REMEDIES FOR YOUR HOUND TIP #1 Vitamin E is great for your dog’s dry skin. You can give your pup a massage by applying vitamin E oil directly to the skin, a soaking bath with vitamin E added to the water, or you give a vitamin E pill. If you give the vitamin orally, check with your vet on the recommended dosage for your specific dog breed. TIP #2 Flavorless electrolyte-replacing liquids, such as sports waters or pediatric drinks, not only help athletes to replenish fluids, and babies to rehydrate after an illness, they can also supply your sick pooch’s body with much needed fluids after a bout of diarrhea or vomiting. Consult your veterinarian as to the appropriate dosage amounts when giving these types of liquids to your dog. TIP #3 Plain yogurt is a healthy treat for your dog. Just as with humans, the live acidophilus in the yogurt keeps the good bacteria in your dog’s intestines in balance, so that bad bacteria is swiftly knocked out. If your dog is on antibiotics, a little yogurt will also help keep yeast infections at bay (a common side-effect of antibiotic treatment). TIP #4 Chamomile tea uses the natural disinfecting effects of the chamomile plant to settle upset dog bellies. It is recommended for gas and anxiety. It can also alleviate minor skin irritations. Just chill in the fridge and spray onto the affected area on the dog’s raw skin. Your dog should feel an immediate soothing effect as the chilled tea kills the yeast and/or bacteria on the skin. A warm (not hot) tea bag can also be used for soothing infected or irritated eyes. TIP #5 An itchy dog can be an annoyance, especially as it goes around scratching itself on any piece of furniture it can reach. Finely ground oatmeal is a time-honored remedy for irritated skin. You can use baby oatmeal cereal or grind it yourself in a food processor. Stir the oatmeal into a bath of warm water and let your dog soak. Dogs with skin allergies, infections, and other diseases which cause itchiness have been shown to gain immediate relief. TIP #6 Hounds are bound to suffer from wounds and the occasional unexplained swelling. Try treating with Epsom salt soaks and heat packs. A bath consisting of Epsom salts and warm water can help reduce the swelling and the healing time, especially when combined with prescribed antibiotics and veterinary supervision. If soaking your dog in an Epsom salt bath twice a day for five minutes isn’t convenient or practical, a homemade heat pack using a clean towel drenched in the same warm-water solution can be applied to wounds for the same effect. TIP #7 Does your dog have fleas? Try some borax powder. It will work wonders on fleas by poking holes in their crunchy insect exoskeletons. A good way to make sure those parasitic suckers get annihilated is to sprinkle the borax on your floor, and then sweep or vacuum up the excess. The borax crystals left behind will kill the fleas. For the dog, try a simple solution of lemon water. Fleas are repelled by citrus, so this can work both as a flea preventive, and for making your dog smell clean and refreshing. A useful solution can be made by pouring boiled water over lemons and allowing them to steep overnight. This solution can then be applied all over your dog’s skin using a fresh spray bottle. Brewer’s yeast can also be given as part of a regular diet in powdered form, sprinkled over the dog food, or in tablet form. WW petmd.com
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