The Scroll - Chevra Kadisha B`nai Jacob
The Scroll - Chevra Kadisha B`nai Jacob
אל The Scroll Wishing you a sweet, healthy and prosperous New Year Shana Tova U'metukah May you be inscribed in the Book of Life Vol. 64 No. 1 Tishrei, Cheshvan, Kislev 5775 September, October, November, 2014 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES FOR ROSH HASHANA, YOM KIPPUR, SUCCOT & SIMCHAT TORAH SELICHOT –SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20 What’s Inside High Holiday Schedule2 Rabbi’s Message 3 Cantor’s Message 4 President’s Message 5 Sisterhood President’s Message 6 Sisterhood Opening Luncheon 7 Chevra Chesed Committee 8 Synagogue Clergy & Leadership 8 Bar/Bat Mitzvahs9 Beit Hazikaron Message 10 The Chevra Give-Away 10 Mada Rosh Hashana Dinner 10 Shabbat Under the Stars 11 Marcia Cartman z”l Office Dedication 12 CIJR Presentation 13 Rabbi Hirshy Minkowicz Thank You 14 Selichot Services and Program 15 Tashlich 16 Rubin Family Card of Thanks 16 Succot Etrog & Lulav Purchase 16 New Year Greetings 17 Meaning of Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur 18-19 High Holiday Information 19 The Meaning of Succot 20 Simchat Torah Celebration 21 Torah Dedication 22-23 Song of Song Concert 24 Save the Date–Yaacov Jacobson Bar Mitzvah 25 Kaballah of the Tanya 26 Tree of Life Donors 27 Membership Drive 28 Birthdays/Anniversaries 29 Births/Engagements/Wedding Mazel Tovs 30 Prayer Book/Torah Welfare/Endowment Funds 31 About Our Shul 32 Kiddush Corner 33 In Memory 34 Condolences To 34 Prayer for the Sick 34 Cemetery Reservation 34 Endowment Plaques 34 Yahrzeit Donations 35-37 In Memoriam 38-40 Services/Candle Lighting & Events 41-42 Weekly Talmud Class 42 A Simcha to Remember 43 Golf Tournament 44 Publication Mailing Agreement No. 40032040 Chevra Kadisha B’Nai JacobBeit Hazikaron - Beth Hillel 5237 Clanranald Ave., Montreal, Qc., H3X 2S5 2 Mincha Selichot Program Selichot Services 6:20 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. EREV ROSH HASHANA-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Selichot & Shacharit Mincha & Ma’ariv Candle Lighting 6:45 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:29 p.m. ROSH HASHANA - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 Selichot & Shacharit Torah Reading Shofar & Sermon Tashlich (Macdonald Park) Mincha Candle Lighting after ROSH HASHANA-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Selichot & Shacharit Torah Reading Shofar & Sermon Mincha Candle Lighting SHABBAT SHUVA–SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Morning Services Rabbi’s Drasha Mincha EREV YOM KIPPUR-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 Mincha Candle Lighting Kol Nidre YOM KIPPUR-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 Shacharit Sermon & Yizkor Mincha and Neilah Yom Kippur ends & Shofar EREV SUCCOT–WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 Candle Lighting Mincha 8:00 9:30 10:30 5:50 6:20 7:30 a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 8:00 9:30 10:30 6:20 6:26 a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:12 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 8:00 11:30 5:45 7:13 a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. 6:03 p.m. 6:05 p.m. SUCCOT–THURSDAY & FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 & 10 Shacharit Candle Lighting Thursday October 9 from existing flame Mincha 9:00 a.m. HOSHANA RABA–WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 Shacharit Candle Lighting Mincha SHEMINI ATZERET–THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 Shacharit Sermon & Yizkor 7:04 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:50 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Rabbi's Message THE TRUTH “The world endures on three things- Truth, Justice, and Peace” (Pirkei Avot) After this past summer’s war with Hamas many Jews around the world were left wondering what lies behind Arab rage against Israel. Compared to the millions of Muslims slaughtered by other Muslims in Sudan, Syria, Iraq and other countries, Palestinian deaths in Israel are relatively few. Yet the hundreds of thousands massacred and millions more repressed does not evoke Arab outrage as do the events in Israel. Why the double standard? In a New York Times article, Nicholas Kristoff argues that this double standard in the Middle East is because Arab countries are shame-based societies, and Israeli repression of Arabs is seen not just as brutal, but also as humiliating. He cites Arabs telling him that “Israeli occupation represents a total humiliation of all the Arab regimes. It’s a continuous reminder of the weakness of the Arabs as a people, of their society and political system, as well as an indication of the impotence and corruption of their regimes.” Arab humiliation seems to have become a mainstay since the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The Arab world can simply not get over their lost pride as a people who once ruled and represented the epitome of civilization, and now are relegated to Third World status. Israel and America represent for the Arab world the source of this humiliation – so the argument goes. Understanding the underlying causes for Arab sentiments is not academic; it is the only way to get to the bottom of the issues. Understanding their mentality is the true key to help provide us with a meaningful strategy. The Media feeds the world with all the statistics and focuses on the superficial causes without ever offering insight into the driving forces behind the conflict. Does the Arab world seek justice for the Palestinians? Equal rights? (rights they do not have under any Arab ruler), Some land to live peacefully? Or perhaps they want something more that they simply are not telling us? Sometimes the truth is something no one wants to hear or acknowledge. The war against Israel, the source of Arab anger is rooted in religious belief and this is very difficult for us to accept. The Arab world’s opposition to Israel is not due to any Israeli actions, but rather to the very existence of the Land of Israel. This control is a perpetual thorn in their side, and the root cause for their “shame” and humiliation. SIMCHAT TORAH–THURSDAY evening OCTOBER 16 Why? Because Muslims fundamentally believe that Israel’s existence – and Jewish control over Israel – in what they consider their ‘conquered land,’ is a desecration of their religious vision. SIMCHAT TORAH – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 This is the reason why Muslims have always built mosques on the sacred land of Jews and Christians (e.g. the Temple Mount, Bethlehem) to demonstrate their absolute belief that Muslim Mincha followed by Hakafot & Dinner 6:05 p.m. Candle Lighting from an existing flame 6:52 p.m. Shacharit Mincha Simchat Torah ends Candle Lighting Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 9:00 6:05 6:52 5:47 a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. control over these lands fulfills and realizes the Divine will. This religious belief is the true cause for the rage of the Arab/ Muslim world against Israel. It is not about human rights, Palestinian sovereignty, Arab dignity, oil, money, harems, or any other issue. No amount of land return, no concessions will satisfy them – other than the elimination of Jewish control in Israel. As uncomfortable as it may be, we will never be able to resolve the issues until we realize that this is a religious war not a political one. Many of us would like to conveniently believe that the issues are political ones, because that would make the situation a lot more manageable and the problem a lot simpler. We know how to deal with political challenges. But if this is a religious war, we simply do not have the tools, expertise or interest to fight such a war. Our existing modalities are secular ones. Our political systems and governmental institutions have been built with secular goals in mind, without much consideration to spiritual and religious values. The West does not see the world in context of religious and spiritual vision. That is why it cannot fathom or understand the rage of the Arab world today. And this is why a Palestinian state is not possible, and for that matter not doable. A state will never satisfy the Arab world. They will simply see it as a step in the direction of their re-conquest of Israel. They do not want a state for political reasons, but for religious ones. That is the key to the underlying issues. As much as we wish to make the Arafats of the world our “partners in peace,” we must realize that our secular notions of peace are not part of their paradigm. Western nations around the world must stop playing politics with the future of Israel. People around the world must gain insight into the true cause of this conflict, recognizing that any Jew, Christian or non-Muslim that has any kind of sovereignty or control anywhere, is in itself an insult to the Islamic vision and all moral and ethical lines must be crossed to obliterate that dominion. At this Rosh Hashanah, let us remember what the Torah teaches, that the world we live in was created through words and therefore can be destroyed through words. The time has come to put aside political correctness, ambiguities, deceptions and to begin speaking the truth of what’s really going on, for the path of justice and peace begins with the truth. Wishing all our members and friends a Kativa Ve Chatima Tova Rabbi Asher Jacobson EMAIL ADDRESS If you would like to be part of the Rabbi's email list, please send your email address to Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 3 Cantor's Message LET’S STAY CONNECTED One day during the year, I forgot my cell phone at home. Oy yo yoy, what a day it was. At one of the weddings in our shul the chef’s cell ran out of battery, he asked me if he can borrow my charger. I gladly gave it to him. While he left his cell on my desk to be charged, he literally came every ten minutes to check if anyone called him. When I asked him, do you really get phone calls at 8:00 p.m., his reply was “no, but I must stay connected”. How many accidents and loss of life have been caused by texting while driving and the truth is, not because it cannot wait a few minutes but only because that at all times we must stay connected. Where are those days when we came home from a day’s work, have supper, chat with our loved ones and only then we went to check the answering machine to see who called and who left a message. It is on Rosh Hashana when we have to ask ourselves “are we connected”, and although the first law of the Code of Jewish Law states what King David says in Tehillim, Chapter 16 “Shiviti Hashem Lenegdi Tamid”, I have set Hashem before me at all times. It is on Rosh Hashana that our connection takes action. When we come to shul and we sing together “M-e-l-e-c-h Al Kol Ha’aretz Mekadesh Yisrael” as we are appointing G-d, King of the Universe, and yes, we can pray at home and we can go to a small shtible, but is this connection satisfactory, although we have a home line, we still want to be connected when we are outside at all times. So is the connection to a large congregation a better connection, as the Talmud says: “Berov Am Hadrat Melech,” with a massive audience is honour to the King. Let us make this year’s resolution to stay connected a bit more, because everyone knows that New Year resolutions are broken very quickly. This year I will control my temper, this year I will go to shul every Shabbat etc.. Several days into the New Year, most of the resolutions are forgotten, even though they were made with the utmost sincerity. Therefore let us make reasonable resolutions like; once a month to come to shul for a Shabbat Service, once a week for a Mincha Maariv Service, or even only once a month to attend a Shabbat Kiddush to taste the delicious food in the honour of Shabbat. In order to stay connected, should you wish to chant a Haftorah, lead a Mincha Maariv or learn a new melody that our “choir” will introduce during the Holy Days, contact me on my cell 514-885-5237 and we can schedule an appointment. On behalf of my family, I would like to wish each and everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. Cantor Yitzhak Epstein 4 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel President's Message Shana Tova and Happy Holidays Shana Tova and Happy Holidays, Shana Tova and Happy Holidays, What do know thatthese theyterrorist are brutal andwill very a very busy yearforforour ourcommunity, community,for for our No onewe knows if and is when groups start LastLast yearyear waswas a very busy year What we do know is that they are brutal and very Last year was a very busy year for our community, for dangerous. Israel lives in a tough neighbourhood andnot nation. As As a community, we all directing their brutality toward Israel. These groups are ourShul Shuland andforforourour nation. a community, we followed all dangerous. Israel lives tough neighbourhood and ourthe Shul and forprovincial our nation. Astheaand community, we all lastthe provincial election and possibility of dealing must beofstrong in order toinsurvive this wave ofare instability Israel and we do nota know what they planning. followed last election the possibility of with friends must be strong in order to survive this wave of instability another referendum. In our Shul In we have done a lot of followed the last provincial election and theShul possibility ofwork that is sweeping the region. dealing with another referendum. our we have that iswe sweeping theis region. in many aspects, organization, events, personnel, renovation, What do know that they are brutal and very dangerous. dealing with another referendum. In our Shul we have done a lot of work in many aspects, organization, events, particularly the completion of the new office. Israel lives in a tough neighbourhood be strong The world must come to understand and that must we, Israel, are in done a lot of work in many aspects, organization, events, personnel, renovation, particularly the completion of the The only world mustof come to of understand that Israel, arethe order to survive this wave instability thatwe, is sweeping the oasis democracy in that part of the world. personnel, renovation, particularly the completion of the new office. the only oasis of democracy in that part of the world. brothers in Israel have endured a very long and nasty war region. While we fight with enemies like Hamas and Hezbollah, newOur office. While we fight withofenemies Hamas to andcreate Hezbollah, with Gaza. I happened to be in Israel during the war and I can the little country Israel like continues new Our brothers in Israel have endured a very long and nasty tell you that I was very proud of our people; Israelis insisted The world must come to understand that we, Israel, are the little country of Israel continues to create newthe Our brothers in Israel have endured a very long and nasty developments every day in medicine, pharmaceuticals, war with Gaza. I happened to be in Israel during the war onwith living a normal life between sirens wailing andwar missiles only oasis of democracy in that part of the world. While developments every day in medicine, pharmaceuticals, war Gaza. I happened to be in Israel during the agriculture, water treatment, software, aerospace, and air and I can tell you that I was very proud of our people; and strongly soldiers every way we fight withwater enemies like Hamas and Hezbollah, the little agriculture, andflying, I can tell you that Isupported was very the proud of ourinpeople; defense systems. treatment, software, aerospace, and air Israelis insisted on living a normal life between sirens they could, including organizing and donating food, clothes country of Israel continues to create new developments defense systems. Israelis insisted on living a normal life between sirens wailing and missiles and funerals strongly of supported the and every day in medicine, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, water and other essentials,flying, attending lone soldiers wailing and missiles flying, and strongly supported the This Roshsoftware, Hashana,aerospace, like last and year,airwe do a systems. “cheshbon soldiers in every way they could, including organizing supporting the soldiers’ families. treatment, defense This Rosh Hashana, like last year, we do a “cheshbon soldiers in every way they could, including organizing nefesh”; we look over our moral consciences and ask and donating food, clothes and other essentials, attending nefesh”; we look over our moral consciences and ask and donating food, clothes and other essentials, attending ourselves havelike we last done to improve the world in our funerals and supporting the soldiers' While of in lone Israel soldiers this summer, I was in a restaurant when a This Rosh what Hashana, year, we do a “cheshbon nefesh”; ourselves what have we done to improve the world in our funerals of lone soldiers and supporting the soldiers' littlelook circle and inmoral the larger circle, how theourselves community families. siren went off. I was amazed to see how everyone got up we over our consciences and isask what little circle and initthe larger circle, whether how is the community families. better today than was yesterday, we closer and calmly made their way to a designated protected area have we done to improve the world in our littlearecircle and better today circle, than was yesterday, we are closer to our neighbor orita how friend who maywhether be in need. While Israel thisitsummer, in aTen restaurant withinno panic; felt likeI awas drill. minuteswhen later,a after in the larger is the community better today than our yesterday, neighbor orwhether a friendwe who be in While in Israel Itowas a restaurant when siren off. I explosion wassummer, amazed seeinhow everyone gothad upa been ittowas wewent heard thethis indicating that the missile aremay closer to need. our neighbor or a siren went off. I was see how everyone gotarea up Rosh Hashana time when we push the reset and and calmly made their wayDome, to to a designated protected intercepted by the amazed Iron everyone went back to their friend who may isbethe in need. Rosh Hashana the time when we the reset and andtable calmly theirlike way to activities a designated protected area as a refresh buttons, iswhen we energize ourpush personal life and andmade continued their treating the siren with no panic; it felt a drill. Ten minutes later, after refresh buttons, when we energize our personal life and with no panic; it felt like a drill. Ten minutes later, after yet this was a missile attack on our Hashana is the time when pushwishes the resetforandpeace, refresh the life of our people. Wewe send we minor heard disruption, the explosion indicating that the missile hadcity. I Rosh the life of our people. We send wishes for peace, we heard the explosion indicating that the missile had cannot imaginebybeing in Paris in a everyone restaurant,went hearing a siren buttons, when energize ourloved personal lifeWe andwish the life of our prosperity andwe health to our ones. mazal been intercepted the Iron Dome, back prosperity health to for our peace, loved ones. wish mazal been the everyone went back andintercepted antable explosion, and Iron then Dome, seeing people gotreating about their Weand send wishes prosperity and health tov to families with newborn children andWe comfort to the to to their andbycontinued their activities the lives people. tov loved to families with newborn children and comfort to the to as their anddisruption, continued their activities treating the if these events were normal. This is the sad reality that we our ones. Welost wish mazal tov to families with newborn families that have love ones. siren as atable minor yet this was a missile attack families and that comfort have losttolove siren as live acity. minor disruption, yet this was ainmissile attack Jews in Iand, as our imagine history has taught us,Paris we need the ones. families that have lost love ones. on our cannot being in to a look children after our own interests. on our city. I cannot imagine being in Paris in a I would like to take this opportunity to wish our new restaurant, hearing a siren and an explosion, and then I would wouldlike like to take this opportunity to wish our new to take this opportunity to wish our new restaurant, hearing a siren and an explosion, and then President, Arnold Cohen, הרבה הצלחה (Hatzlacha Rabah). seeing people go about their lives as if these events were In other parts of the Middle East, events are moving so fast President, Arnold (Hatzlacha Rabah). Rabah). Arnold Cohen, Cohen, ( הצלחה הרבהHatzlacha seeing people about their lives theselive events were normal. This isgothe sad reality that as weifJews in and, as that itThis willistake timereality to understand wholive is fighting whom Thank you all for allowing me to serve you for over two normal. the sad that we Jews in and, as our history has taught us, we need to look after our own for what the establishment modern Thank for allowing allowing metotolearned serveyou you forover over two all privileged for serve two ourand history has purpose. taught us,Since we need to look after of ourthe own years. you I feel to me have sofor much from interests. State of Israel, it is the first time that the Arab world does not years. I feel privileged to have learned so much from Rabbi I feel privileged to have learned so much from interests. Rabbi Jacobson, this was a special opportunity to learn see the State of Israel as the central enemy of the Arab world. Jacobson, this wasthis a special opportunity to learntofrom Rabbithe Jacobson, was a special opportunity learnthe from best. In other parts of the Middle East, events are moving so best. from the best. In other the time Middle East, eventswho are moving so fast that parts itsome willofArab take to understand is fighting While counties are struggling to maintain the fast that it will take time to understand who is fighting want to to thank thank the the staff staff who who work work so so hard and and tirelessly tirelessly to whom and for Since the establishment of and II want stability of what their purpose. own regime, others finance terrorist I want tosure thankthat thethe staffShul who work sohard hard and tirelessly whom and for what purpose. Since the establishment of to make continues to prosper. I also the extremist modern State of Israel, it from is the first time that the Arab organizations different factions that are make suresure thatthat the the ShulShul continues to prosper. I also want to make continues to prosper. I also the modern State of Israel, it is the first time that the Arab want toa say aYasher big Yasher Koach to all the visible and world does not the State of Israel as with the central enemyThese to fighting eachsee other in a brutal war no mercy. say big Koach to all the visible and invisible want to say a big Yasher Koach so to all theforvisible and world does not see the State of Israelare as the central enemy invisible volunteers are ourAnd, Shul. of the Arab world. different radical Islamic groups geographically not far volunteers who are who doing sodoing muchsoformuch our Shul. of invisible volunteers who are doing much for our Shul. of the Arab world. ofacourse, a big you of theofmembers from Israel’s borders and as a matter of a fact, as I am writing And, course, big thank youthank to ALL of to theALL members the Shul... And, course, a bigyou, thank you to ALL of joie the de members the of Shul...without there no vivre. While some Arab counties are struggling maintain theof the of these lines, a group of Syrian rebels hastotaken control without you, there would be no would joie debe vivre. of the Shul...without you, there would be no joie de vivre. While some Arab counties are struggling to maintain the stability of their own regime, others finance terrorist and border crossing between Syria and Israel. Another group is stability oforganizations their regime, others finance terrorist שלום תודהShalom ולהיתראות (Ulehitraot Shalom Todah) threatening theown Jordanian Ulehitraot Todah extremist fromregime. different factions that and are תודה שלום ולהיתראות (Ulehitraot Shalom Todah) extremist organizations from different factions that are Your Your friend friend Rafi Rafi Tzoubari Tzoubari fighting each other in a brutal war with no mercy. These Your friend Rafi Tzoubari fighting each other in a brutal war with no mercy. These different radical Islamic groups are geographically not far different radical Islamic are geographically far from Israel's borders andgroups as a matter of a fact, asnot I am from Israel's borders and as a matter of a fact, as I am writing these lines, a group ofCongregation Syrian rebels hasKadisha taken B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Chevra 5 writing of these group of Syrian Syria rebels has Israel. taken control the lines, borderacrossing between and control of the border crossing between Syria and Israel. SISTERHOOD PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Summer is like a visit from a good friend – we look forward to its arrival, but it leaves all too quickly. Now as we think about the arrival of Fall, our thoughts turn to the New Year celebrations. Sisterhood’s opening meeting this year will take place in the Sukkah on Wednesday October 15. Our Rabbi Asher Jacobson will give a D’var Torah and we will have the opportunity to shake and give prayers over the Lulov and Etrog with the help of our Cantor Yitzhak Epstein. Simcha Fine will deliver her last lecture of the series to us – the title “The Extra Mile” – Tools for Implementing Lasting Change. Sisterhood had an interesting and busy year starting with the opening luncheon on September 25, 2013, where Rabbi Jacobson spoke on the topic of “Rabbi or Rebbetzin”. On October 16, 2013 Simcha Fine spoke on “Emotion – Anger Management”, one of the seven series lectures she gave us. She followed on November 6, 2013 with the “Kaballah of Food” With the arrival of Purim, the Sisterhood, along with the Chesed Committee, on March 12 and 13 packed and delivered Purim Baskets for the sick and bereaved. On March 19, 2013 Simcha Fine spoke on the “Holistic Approach to Pursuing Happiness”. On May 10, 2013, Sisterhood Shabbat took place. Most of the ladies took part in the services and a wonderful Kiddush followed, sponsored by the Sisterhood. Plans for lectures and events are being formulated for the Fall. Please check for upcoming events. Anyone interested in joining the Sisterhood or sitting in on a meeting, please call the office for information. May every person be inscribed in the Book of Life for the New Year “Yehi Ratzon …Shetchavesh Olaynu Shana Tova Umetuka - May it be G-d’s will to grant us a Good and Sweet Year” Sally Raicek Sisterhood President 6 TREASURE BOOK The Sisterhood TREASURE BOOK is on display in the lobby of our Synagogue. Please think of us when making your contributions by calling Mrs. Elaine Moscovitch at 514-488-9714 *************** PLEASE JOIN US LIFE MEMBERSHIP Eliminate your yearly Sisterhood Membership Dues by becoming a Life Member and receive a beautiful "Sisterhood" pin. For further information please call the office at 514-482-3366 *************** SISTERHOOD President..........Sally Raicek Vice-President........Elaine Moscovitch Treasurer..........Dorothy Langburt Recording Secretary.......Hilda Adler Social Secretary..........Elaine Moscovitch Telephone Chair........Eva Sussman *************** BOARD MEMBERS Hilda Adler, Elaine Budning, Dorothy Langburt, Jennie Meland, Elaine Moscovitch, Anne Perlman, Sally Raicek, Ethel Solomon, Gloria Schachter, Jacqueline Soussan, Eva Sussman and Aviva Wasserlauf Come Join THE CHEVRA SISTERHOOD OPENING LUNCHEON IN THE SUKKAH Wednesday October 15, 2014 12:00 p.m. Lecturer: Mrs. Simcha Fine Cost: $18.00 D’var Torah: Rabbi Asher Jacobson BENCH WITH THE LULOV AND ETROG Call to reserve: 514-482-3366 or The Sisterhood "Women Supporting Women" Meaningful programs and Lasting Friendships Call 514 482-3366 for information Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Don’t miss the last of the series. Why are resolutions so difficult to keep up? Is lasting change even possible? In Judaism, the human capacity to overstep our perceived limitations is not only possible, but essential for personal growth. This lesson outlines a practical, step-bystep guide for how to implement change that will endure. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 7 BAR / BAT MITZVAHS The Mitzvah of Chesed CONGREGATION CHEVRA KADISHA B’NAI JACOB-BEIT HAZIKARON-BETH HILLEL 5237 Clanranald, Montreal, Canada H3X 2S5 Tel; 514-482-3366; Fax; 514-484-1607 Rabbi Cantor Rabbi Emeritus Beth Hillel Rabbi Emeritus Asher Jacobson Yitzhak Epstein Meyer Kizelnik Benjamin Hauer Choirmaster Yossi Milo EXECUTIVE Rafael Tzoubari Pearl Rothenberg Murray Dalfen Leo Hubermann Sanford M. Smith Daniel S. Miller Gary E. Polachek Joseph Halmi Yoav Djebali Donna Cohen Hersh Mitchell Rosen Jerry Sherman President Vice President Vice President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Immediate President Advisor Representative of Beit Hazikaron Representative of Sephardi Minyan Co-Opted Officer Co-Opted Officer Co-Opted Officer Many mitzvot commanded to us were mitzvot that were to be done at specific times. Some of these mitzvot were putting on tefillin, praying three times a day, lighting Shabbat candles, blowing of the shofar etc. The difference is the mitzvah of Chesed – Kindness can be done at any time, any day or by anyone. A child can help a classmate with their school work. A man can help a friend or an acquaintance with putting on tefillin and/or teaching him to pray, A woman can help a sick friend by making Shabbat meals for her family.. We at The Chevra continue to go one step further. We remember our members with kindness. We send gifts for Rosh Hashana and Purim Mishloach Manot baskets, staying in touch with them by phone and reminding them that they are not forgotten. We also send out get well cards, condolence cards and make shiva visits. There are always ways to keep this mizvah vibrant. We must not forget PARNASSIM Paul Kushner Allan Tannenbaum that Chesed – Kindness is one of the three strong pillars that the world Jerry Sherman Parnass Emeritus Morton Tannenbaum stands on together with the Learning of the Torah, and prayer. The Chevra which is a House of G-d and a place of prayer, also devotes its energy to PRESIDENT'S Advisory Council Mish Granik Sally Raicek the third pillar, which is the act of Chesed. The Chevra has now grown and Daniel S. Miller Jack Rothenberg is blessed with new members, please take some David Perlin Dr. Richard Shatz Gary E. Polachek time from your busy schedules and give that time to someone who can benefit from it. Visit BOARD OF TRUSTEES someone that has no family, visit someone who's David Amiel David Perlin Ralph Brookman ill in the hospital, or make some phone calls to Gary E. Polachek Elaine Budning put a smile on someone’s face. Just an hour or Jacob Posel Belle Burak Norman Raicek Arnold Cohen two can make such a difference in someone’s Sally Raicek Ben Cohen Aaron Remer Murray Dalfen life. Please join The Chevra Chesed Committee Mitchell Rosen Yoav Djebali Tina Apfeld Rosenthal Dr. David Farber and feel a great sense of accomplishment. Martin P. Rosenthal Frances Freedman Jack Rothenberg Pearl Rothenberg Dr. Richard Shatz Jerry Sherman Sanford M. Smith Marnie Zigman Stern Allan Tannenbaum Gary Trestan Rafael Tzoubari Mish Granik Doreen Green Joseph Halmi Donna Cohen Hersh Leo Hubermann Michael Krupp Steve Luxenburg Daniel S. Miller Elaine Moscovitch COMMITTEE CHAIRS Sisterhood Cemetery Sally Raicek Michael Krupp Dr. William Steinman Scroll Elaine Budning Kathy Gardos Elaine Moscovitch Iona Redler Gloria Schachter We apologize for any typos or omissions! Copies of the Scroll are available to the public at our Synagogue office At this time I would like to thank all the members and their families of the The Chevra Chesed Committee, our founder Pearl Rothenberg and Sisterhood President Sally Raicek, and the members of the Sisterhood for their continued support. Our very best wishes to you and your entire family for a Shana Tova Umetoukah, a happy sweet New Year blessed with good health, success and happiness. Marsha Epstein The Chevra Chesed Committee (Please recycle this magazine) 8 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Lauren Bloom Lauren is a strong and independent young girl who loves to share her ideas and thoughts about life and current events. She has a great sense of humour and a keen sense of perception, she is right most times when describing a story! She is creative and talented and can draws all sorts of great pictures of animals and landscapes. Lauren has a great sense of style and loves to express it by the way she dresses. She is generous, kind and very loving and she knows how to show it with her parents, sister, cousins and friends. A small example, is her spontaneous handmade cards and gifts or just sharing her feelings. We discovered this year, Lauren’s strong efforts, strength and ability to apply herself has paid off! We are proud parents as Lauren graduates from Solomon Schechter Academy this year with much success, her best academic year ever! She celebrated her Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, August 23, reading from Parasha Re’eh. Mazel Tov Lauren! We love you very much! Mom and Dad. OOXX Jack Rubin Allan and Sandy Rubin are proud that their son, Jack, was Bar Mitzvahed Thursday September 11th, 2014. Jack follows in the tradition of his three brothers Andrew, Maxwell and Michael who were also Bar Mitzvahed at The Chevra. Jack currently attends LCC and will be entering Grade 8 this September. He enjoys all sports and is a huge Canadians fan. He will be reading from the Parsha Ki Tavo. We are grateful to Rabbi Jacobson and Rabbi Label Rodal for their help and guidance. Mazel Tov Jack!! Mason Levy It is with great pleasure that we are announcing our 3rd Bar Mitzvah son Mason Levy. Mason is the 3rd of 4 boys, he is the big brother to Max and baby brother to Jonah and Jared Levy. We are the very excited parents of this wonderful group of sons. His Bar Mitzvah will take place November 29, 2014 and he will be reading from Parasha Vayetzei. Dylan Jast Dylan Jast is the son of Carrie Freedman and Steve Jast. He celebrated his Bar Mitzvah with his extended family on September 1, 2014, reading from Parasha Ki Tetze. Dylan graduated from J.P.P.S. elementary school and is currently in St. Georges. He is an avid reader and skilled writer. His favourite subjects are English and Gym. He loves hockey, basketball, baseball, soccer. He is involved in athletics of all kinds. His dream is to visit California and go on a European cruise. His parasha on September 1st is Ki-Tetze. Corey Frank Elisa and Shawn Frank are so proud of their son Corey who celebrated his Bar Mitzvah on September 4, 2014 reading from Parasha Ki Tetze. His siblings Jillian, Jacob and Bradley are looking forward to this special day. His Bubbie Havie and Zaidie Lionel are happy to be a part of this joyous occasion. Corey is a graduate of Hebrew Foundation and is presently attending WIC. He is a smart, outgoing and caring young man. He loves spending time with his family and friends. He enjoys snowboarding, golfing and going to the movies. Yacov Jacobson Yacov Dovid is currently attending Yeshiva. He is an Honour Student and excels in Math. He enjoys all sports, especially goaltending in hockey. Despite being the middle child, Yacov stands up for himself in all situations, but also is a strong defender of his siblings Mendel, Riki, Yehudit and Simmy. He is the pride of his parents Lieba and Rabbi Asher Jacobson who will be kvelling as he chants his Bar Mitzvah Parasha. He is excited to be celebrating with his family, friends and the entire membership on the 8 of Cheshvan 5775, on Shabbat November 1, 2014 and will be reciting Parasha Lech Lecha and the Haftorah. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 9 The Chevra Give- Away Beit Hazikaron I have come to the conclusion that Barbara Vininsky, the owner of Jack and Jill has a heart of gold. It’s not that I doubted that in the first place, it’s just that I didn’t know to what extent. A year ago August , Barbara donated, in a magnanimous way, designer clothing for The Chevra Synagogue to distribute amongst families from the Montreal community who were unable to afford high end clothes. We have entered the month of Elul and some of us might remember our parents’ early wake up to be part of the minyan saying Selichot. I remember one particular refrain which is still in me, namely the 13 attributes of God which is recited during the days of repentance and High Holiday. When Barbara phoned me that the items were ready, I expected to pick up a couple of bags that would surely fit into my car in one shift. Lol. Everyday, for the next two weeks, the shul staff and I left Jack and Jill with a carload of exquisite new clothes, outerwear and accessories. At one point, I told Barbara, that we have enough and that she should keep some clothes for her store. Her response: “I prepared some more stuff, can you send someone for pick up “ - and that explicitly meant another 20 large bags of precious inventory. The give-away was called for 10:00 am on November 26. We displayed all the thousands of items in the Raicek Hall according to sizes and seasons. In minutes, the hall filled up with hundreds of families, excited to dress their children the Jack and Jill way. Barbara was present to help with the sizing. Everyone who benefitted from this give-away expressed tremendous gratitude: “My kids can now go to synagogue with pride in their Perry Ellis suits”, or “my kids will be warm this winter with their new Canada Goose coats”, and so on. This event was just the beginning for Barbara. On many other occasions, she donated much needed clothes to the Montreal Community, with the most recent donation of designer gowns for girls, which has now become a part of our free loan bridal Gemach (charity) that we have in our Synagogue. On behalf of the Synagogue, I would like to express sincere gratitude to Barbara Vininsky for her extreme generosity, in memory of her late mother Blossom May her legacy live on. Lieba Jacobson 10 We keep repeating the Hashem, Hashem, E-l, Compassionate and Gracious, Slow to Anger, and Abundant in Kindness and Truth; Preserver of Kindness for thousands of generations, Forgiver of Iniquity, Willful Sin, and Error, and Who Cleanses... Almighty Everlasting compassion mercy, forgiveness and so on…. Now more than ever we have to evoke his mercy in these frightful days when dark clouds are gathering over Am Israel. Hashem… Hashem el rachum Ve Khanum ….. L’Shana Tova Tikatevu. May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year. Shana Tova Ernest Gross Irene Romer Andrew Sallai The Chevra 5237 Clanranald Ave. Is proud to announce that in conjunction with the Community Centre Will be hosting two Rosh Hashanah dinners for the less fortunate families, to share the warmth and joy of a festive tradition meal, complete with symbolic food. on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 201224, 2014AT AT 8:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. and and MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2012 THURSDAY,AT SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 7:30 P.M. AT 8:00 P.M. Shabbat Under the Stars The plan was to block off Finchley Rd. between Langhorne and Ellerdale, set up 60 mega dining room tables with chandeliers, china, and glassware and have Shabbat dinner under the stars for the Chevra and Hampstead community. We rented chairs, tables, portable ovens and fridges. Stunning advertisements were displayed all over. Six hundred people registered. We were all ready for this special day, but mother nature called for rain, a storm raging in from the four corners of the world, peaking in Montreal, right above Finchley Rd. For the odd time in Montreal, the weather predicted was correct. One hundred percent rain, every hour of the day. As optimistic as we tried to be, we needed a plan B. Three hours before the event, the committee made a decision that Shabbat under the Stars will be held at the Chevra synagogue. An email was sent out informing everyone, and though we did receive a couple of cancellations, many more signed up. The waiters and crew set up the Ballroom exquisitely. At 5:00 p.m., an hour before we were supposed to start, the skies cleared. We immediately set up the courtyard for a pre-Shabbat BBQ with a DJ making it laibidik with all the Shabbat songs. When you walked up Clanranald and heard the music and joy that permeated from the synagogue, you were able to feel the energy that was set forth for the night. Despite the weather, Shabbat under the Stars was truly magical. Following the BBQ there was an inspiring Mincha Maariv service. Rabbi Jacobson did a 10 minute stand-up comedy act asking for everyone’s patience as they entered the Main Ballroom for dinner. It was amazing to see our synagogue filled to capacity with young dynamic families sharing the Shabbat together. The décor and the catering were exquisite. For many women, it was their first time lighting Shabbat candles. When 600 people began to sing Shalom Aleichem melody welcoming the Shabbat, you can sense the unparalleled unity. A big Yasher Koach to all the volunteers, sponsors and staff. Without you, this would have never been possible. Rabbi Asher and Lieba Jacobson For tickets and information call 514-342-4969 Ext. 0 For tickets and information call 514-342-4969 Ext. 0 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 11 THE MARCIA CARTMAN Z'L OFFICE DEDICATION O CIJR PRESENTATION ur Shul offices have been our Shul offices forever. The first impression of our Synagogue to any outsider contemplating an event (wedding, Bat or Bar Mitzvah, corporate affair) is our office. With Michelle Robineau becoming our new banquet director it was imperative to make a change. Using funds so generously donated by the Cartman Family, honoring the memory of Marcia Cartman z”l, Jack Rothenberg, a former Chevra President, undertook the project of getting it designed and ultimately completed. In the presence of the Cartman Family and members of the Executive and Board a beautiful and moving dedication ceremony took place on July 7, 2014, followed by a brunch enjoyed by all. The Canadian Institute for Jewish Research (CIJR) hosted an evening at our Synagogue on Wednesday August 20, 2014 with guest speaker Itamar Marcus, Founder and Director of Palestinian Media Watch, who captivated the 70 attendees with his strong viewpoints on the Middle East as he spoke on the subject “Exposing the PA’s Duplicity”, which was accompanied by a dramatic slide show. Refreshments were served following the presentation. The Chevra Cordially invites all members and friends to SHABBAT SHUVA DRASHA LECTURE A Talmudic discourse to be delivered by Rabbi Asher Jacobson SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014 in the Sanctuary at 5:40 p.m. followed by Mincha and Shalosh Seudot at 6:20 p.m. The Shabbat between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is called Shabbat Shuvah, Shabbat of Return because its special haftarah reading begins with the words Shuvah Yisrael “Return O Israel”, from the prophecy of Hoshea. It is also referred to as Shabbat Shuvah because it falls during the Ten Days of Repentance. Everyone is invited to attend. 12 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 13 SELICHOT NIgHT PROgRAM Saturday Night SEPTEMBER 20, 2014 - 8:30 p.m. We will be screening the movie REFRESHMENTS AT 10:30 P.M. SELICHOT SERVICES 11:00 P.M. In the Sanctuary CANTOR YITZHAK EPSTEIN with YOSSI MILO and the Synagogue Choir A nominal cover charge for the screening of the movie will be $5.00 per person October 1942 – Esther Stermer, along with some family members and a group of other families, seek asylum underground to evade being caught by pursuing Nazis. They remain hidden below for nearly a year and a half – the longest recorded uninterrupted underground survival occurrence. Their harrowing story is unearthed by accident when cave explorer, Chris Nicola, stumbles upon remnants left behind by the cave dwellers. Through extensive research and determination, Nicola locates a few of the survivors and has them share their incredible story of strength and perseverance. SPONSORED BY THE LIEBLEIN FAMILY 14 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 15 A LETTER OF THANKS TO RABBI JACOBSON TASHLICH Tashlich is a magical, mystical moment when the neshama communes with G-d and nature, transcending the vice of human folly to soar aloft, freed from the fetters Dear Rabbi Jacobson It has been a couple of days since Aidan’s Bar Mitzvah and I am still processing and reliving the momentous event. I cannot tell you how much your involvement in his Bar Mitzvah (as well as our lives) has meant to me. It is no secret that I have always had many opinions and questions when it came to organized religion, but I have to say that watching my son on that bimah, standing there with confidence, poise and with such a command over what he was doing. I think I finally get it! I was filled with so much love and pride for him in that moment as well as for our Jewish traditions that I was overwhelmed by my emotions. I’ve now come to realize that this ritual of Bar Mitzvah is really a rite of passage, not only for the child, but, and maybe even more importantly, for the parents as well. I don’t want to be too dramatic, but for me this was a truly transcendent experience and I am shocked by the impact it has had on me. Being in the Sanctuary, with the light of the stained glass reflecting on everyone and everything, the choir in the background, surrounded by so many who mean so much to us, has evoked feelings in me that I will remember and treasure forever. You, Rabbi, have a way of bringing out the best in everyone, slowly but surely, guiding them and making them feel comfortable and comforted by these traditions and if I dare say you are even capable of “Converting the unconvertible” - namely me! Your acceptance and tolerance of my opinions and humour has never gone unnoticed and you have no idea how much it has meant to me and really how much you, Lieba and your family mean to all of us. On a final note I want you to know that you have made a difference in my Jewish life and although I may never be a “regular” in your Sanctuary, please know that I will always carry this experience with me and for that I will be forever changed and forever indebted to you. With my utmost respect, gratitude and appreciation Ellen Rubin 16 NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO THE MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF CONGREGATION CHEVRA KADISHA B’NAI JACOB-BEIT HAZIKARON-BETH HILLEL WE FERVENTLY PRAY THAT THE NEW YEAR 5775 WILL WITNESS THE INAUGURATION OF A NEW ERA OF UNDERSTANDING AND UNITY AMONG THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH, SO THAT PEACE AND STABILITY MAY BE ESTABLISHED FOR ISRAEL. of mankind’s failings. It is a Kabbalistic symphony of purity, a purging of the dark that lurks within. Join Rabbi Jacobson and listen to “Stories in the Park” at Tashlich time, the 1st day of Rosh Hashanah, for a study of the inner recess of the soul. Tashlich Ceremony THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 ************ Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Abramson Mr. and Mrs. David Amiel Mrs. Hilda Adler & Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aronovitch Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Black and Family Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Black & Family Mrs. Elaine Budning & Family Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burak & Family The Cohen Family Mr. E. Lawrence Cohen & Family Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dalfen Mr. and Mrs. Mish Granik & Family Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenberg & Family Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hubermann & Family Mrs. Roslyn Joseph & Family Mr. Joseph Kracauer & Family Mrs. Beatrice Levine & Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levy & Family Mr. Sheldon Merling & Family Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller & Family Mrs. Lucy Nisker & Family Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perlman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Polachek & Family Mr. and Mrs. Sol Polachek & Family Mr. and Mrs. Norman Raicek & Family Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Remer & Family Mrs. Lionel Rimoin & Family Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rimoin Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rothenberg & Family Mrs. Shoshana Samuels & Family Dr. and Mrs. Richard Shatz & Family The Singerman Family Mr. and Mrs. Gary Trestan & Family Mrs. Marilyn Waxman & Family Mr. and Mrs. Max Zentner & Family Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zentner & Family Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Yanofsky & Family 5:45 P.M. at Macdonald Park on Clanranald between Isabella and Dupuis SUCCOT ETROG AND LULAV Please contact Cantor Yitzhak Epstein at the Synagogue office at 514 482 3366 To order your very own *********** Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Jacobson & Family Cantor & Mrs. Yitzhak Epstein & Family Rabbi & Mrs. Meyer Kizelnik & Family Rabbi Benjamin Hauer, Emeritus, and Mrs. Miriam Hauer & Family wish to extend wishes for a year of good health and personal fulfillment to the President, Officers, Board of Trustees and the entire Congregation *********** The Office Staff wish the President, Officers, Board of Trustees and the entire Congregation a year of health, happiness, peace and good fortune ETROG AND LULAV *********** Orders must be received by The Creative Social Center extends warmest New Year wishes to all its members, friends, the Congregation and their Families September 9, 2014 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 17 THE MEANING MEANING OF THE OFROSH ROSHHASHANAH HASHANA AND AND YOM YOMKIPPUR KIPPUR Unetaneh Unetaneh Tokef Tokef –– This This prayer prayer isis about about life lifeand anddeath. death. Part of it reads: “On Rosh Hashanah it is written, Part of it reads: "On Rosh Hashanah it is written, and and on Yom Kippur it is sealed, how many will leave this on Yom Kippur it is sealed, how many will leave this world and how many will be born into it, who will live world and how many will be born into it, who will live and who will die... But Teshuvah (repentance), tefillah and who will die... But penitence, prayer and good (prayer), and tzedakah (charity) can annul the severity deeds can annul the severity of the decree." of the decree.” Rosh RoshHashanah Hashanahliterally literallymeans means“Head “Headofofthe theYear” Year”inin Hebrew. Hebrew.ItItfalls fallsininthe themonth monthofofTishrei, Tishrei,which whichis isthethe seventh the Hebrew Hebrew calendar. calendar.The Thereason reasonfor seventhmonth month on on the for this is because the Hebrew calendar begins withthe this is because the Hebrew calendar begins with the monthofofNissan Nissan(when (when it's it’s believed month believed the theJews Jewswere were freed from slavery in Egypt) but the month of Tishrei is freed from slavery in Egypt) but the month of Tishrei believed to be the month in which G-d created the world. is believed to be the month in which God created the Hence, another way to think about Rosh Hashanah is as world. Hence, the birthday of theanother world. way to think about Rosh Hashanah is as the birthday of the world. Avienu Malkeinu – Another famous prayer is Avienu Avinu Malkeinu – Another famous prayer is Avinu Malkeinu, which which means means “Our “Our Father Father Our Our King” King” inin Malkeinu, Hebrew. Usually Usually the the entire entire congregation congregation will will sing sing the the Hebrew. last verse verse of of this this prayer prayer in in unison, unison, which which says: says: “Our "Our last Father, our our King, King, answer answer us us as asthough thoughwe wehave haveno nodeed deed Father, plead our our cause, cause, save save us us with with mercy mercy and and lovinglovingto plead kindness.” kindness." On Rosh Rosh Hashanah Hashanah itit isis customary customary to togreet greetpeople peoplewith with “L’Shanah Tovah,” which is Hebrew "L'Shanah Tovah," Hebrew that that isis usually usually translated as as “For "For aa Good Good Year” Year" or or “May "May you you have have aa good people also say tovah tikatev good year.” year."Some Some people also“L’shana say "L'shana tovah v’etahetem,” which means “May you be inscribed tikatev v'etahetem," which means "May you and be sealed for a good year.” (If said to a woman the greeting inscribed and sealed for a good year." (If said to a would tovah be: tikatevi v’tahetemi”). This womanbe: the“L’shanah greeting would "L'shanah tovah tikatevi greeting refers to the belief that a person’s fate for the v'tahetemi"). This greeting refers to the belief that a coming year is decided during the High Holy Days. person’s fate for the coming year is decided during the Highshofar Holy Days. The is an important symbol of Rosh Hashanah. It is an instrument often made of a ram’s horn and The shofar is an important symbol of Rosh Hashanah. is blown one hundred times during each of the two It is an instrument oftenThe made of aofram's horn and days of Rosh Hashanah. sound the shofar blastis blown one hundred times during each of the two days reminds people of the importance of reflection during of Rosh Hashanah. this important holiday.The sound of the shofar blast reminds people of the importance of reflection during Tashlich is a ceremony this important holiday. that usually takes place during the first day of Rosh Hashanah. “Tashlich” literally Tashlich is a ceremony usually takes placecasting during means “casting off” and that involves symbolically the the second of Rosh Hashanah. literally off sins day of the previous year by"Tashlich" tossing pieces of meansor"casting symbolically casting bread anotheroff" foodand intoinvolves a body of flowing water. off the sins of the previous year by tossing pieces of Other significant symbols Rosh include bread or another food into aofbody of Hashanah flowing water. apples, honey and round loaves of challah. Apple slices dipped in honey represent hope Hashanah for a sweetinclude New Other significant symbols our of Rosh Year are traditionally accompanied by a Apple short apples,andhoney and round loaves of challah. prayer before eating that goes: “May it by Thy will, slices dipped in honey represent our hope for a sweet O Lord, to grant us aaccompanied year that is good and new yearOur andG-d, are traditionally by a short sweet.” Challah, which usually baked into braids, prayer before eating thatis goes: "May it by Thy will, isO shaped into round loaves of bread on Rosh Hashanah. Lord, Our God, to grant us a year that is good and The circular shape symbolizes the continuation of life. sweet." Challah, which is usually baked into braids, is Rosh Hashanah is observed on the first two days of Rosh Hashanah is observed on the first two days of Tishrei. Jewish tradition teaches that during the High Tishrei. Jewish tradition teaches that during the High Holy Days G-d decides who will live and who will Holy Days G-d decides who will live and who will die die during the coming year. As a result, during Rosh during the year. As during Rosh Hashanah andcoming Yom Kippur (anda inresult, the days leading Yomembark Kippurupon (and in days leading upHashanah to them)and Jews thetheserious task ofup to them) their Jews embark upon the serious task examining lives and repenting for any wrongs theyof examining theirduring lives the andprevious repenting forThis anyprocess wrongs have committed year. they have committed during the previous year. This of repentance is called teshuvah. Jews are encouraged toprocess make amends with anyone they have wrongedJews and to of repentance is called teshuvah. are make plans for during the anyone coming they year.have In encouraged to improving make amends with this way, Rosh Hashanah is allfor about making during peace in wronged and to make plans improving the the community andthis striving be aHashanah better person. coming year. In way, to Rosh is all about making peace in the community and striving to be a Even betterthough person.the theme of Rosh Hashanah is life and death, it is a holiday filled with hope for the New Year. Jews is compassionate and just, Evenbelieve thoughthat the G-d theme of Rosh Hashanah is lifeand and that G-d will accept their prayers for forgiveness. death, it is a holiday filled with hope for the New Year. Jews believe that God is compassionate and just, and Rosh Hashanah Liturgy The Rosh prayer that God will accept their- prayers forHashanah forgiveness. service is one of the longest of the year. Only the Yom service is longer. Rosh Hashanah service RoshKippur Hashanah Liturgy - The Rosh Hashanah prayer usually from morning the afternoon serviceruns is one of early the longest of until the year. Only the and Yom isKippur so unique that it has its own prayer book called the service is longer. Rosh Hashanah service Machzor. Two from of theearly mostmorning well known from usually runs untilprayers the afternoon Rosh Hashanah liturgy and is so unique that itare: has its own prayer book called the Makhzor. Two of the most well known prayers from Rosh Hashana liturgy are: Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 18 On the second night of Rosh Hashanah it is customary to fruit that is new to us Hashanah for the season, saying the Oneat thea second night of Rosh it is customary shehechiyanu blessing as toweuseat to season, thank God for to eat a fruit that is new foritthe saying bringing us to thisblessing season. as Pomegranates are a G-d popular the shehechiyanu we eat it to thank for bringing us to this season. Pomegranates are a popular fruit because, according to legend, pomegranates fruit because, according to legend, pomegranates contain 613 seeds – one for each of the 613 mitzvot. contain 613 seedsfor – one for each of the 613 on mitzvot. Another reason eating pomegranates Rosh Another reason for eating pomegranates on Rosh Hashanah has to do with the symbolic hope that our Hashanah to do with the hope thatasour good deedshas in the coming yearsymbolic will be as many the good deeds in the coming year will be as many as the seeds of the fruit. seeds of the fruit. morning prayer; and Mincha, the afternoon prayer), or a Shabbat or Yom Tov, which have four prayer and Mincha), YomShacharit; Kippur has five prayer services services (Ma'ariv; Musaf, the additional (Ma’ariv; Shacharit; Musaf; Mincha; and Ne’ilah, the prayer; and Mincha), Yom Kippur has five prayer closing prayer). prayer services includeand a services (Ma'ariv;The Shacharit; Musaf; also Mincha; public confession of sins (Vidui) and a unique prayer Ne'ilah, the closing prayer). The prayer services also dedicated to the special Holy Temple in Jerusalem. include a public confession of sins (Vidui) and a Yom Kippur is considered one of the holiest of Jewish unique prayer dedicated to the special Holy Temple in holidays. Jerusalem. Yom Kippur is considered one of the holiest of Jewish holidays. HIGH HOLIDAY SEATING To help facilitate the many requests we have for High Holiday seats, we would appreciate your early return of the seating pledges which you received in July. Yom Kippur כִּפּוּר יוֹם, also Day of of Yom Kippur , alsoknown known as as the the Day Atonement, holiest day day of of the the year year for for religious religious Atonement, is is the the holiest Jews. themes are are atonement atonement and andrepentance. repentance. Jews. Its Its central central themes Jews this holy holy day day with with aa25-hour 25-hour Jews traditionally traditionally observe observe this period intensive prayer, prayer, often often spending spending period of fasting and intensive most of the day in synagogue most synagogue services. services. Yom Yom Kippur Kippur completes the annual period known in completes in Judaism Judaism as as the the High Holy Days. High Holy Days. Yom tenth day day of of the the month month of of Tishrei. Tishrei. Yom Kippur Kippur is is the the tenth According God inscribes inscribes each each According to Jewish tradition, G-d person’s fate for the coming year into a book, the Book person's fate for the a book, the Book of Life, Rosh Hashanah, and waits Kippur of Life,onon Rosh Hashanah, and until waitsYom until Yom to “seal” verdict. During During the Days Awe,ofa Awe, Jew Kippur to the "seal" the verdict. theofDays tries to amend his or her behavior and seek forgiveness a Jew tries to amend his or her behavior and seek for wrongs for donewrongs againstdone G-dagainst (bein adam leMakom) forgiveness God (bein adam and against other human beings (bein adam lechavero). leMakom) and against other human beings (bein adam The evening and day of Yom Kippur are set aside for lechavero). The evening and day of Yom Kippur are public and private petitions and confessions of guilt set aside for public and private petitions and (Vidui). At the end of Yom Kippur, one considers confessions of guilt At the end of Yom one’s self absolved by (Vidui). G-d. Kippur, one considers one's self absolved by God. The Yom Kippur prayer service includes several unique The Yom Kippur prayer service includes several aspects. One is the actual number of prayer services. unique aspects. One is the actual number of prayer Unlike a regular day, which has three prayer services (Ma’ariv, the evening prayer; Shacharit, the morning prayer; and Mincha, the afternoon prayer), or a Shabbat or Yom Tov, which have four prayer services (Ma’ariv; Shacharit; Musaf, the additional prayer; The Seating Committee or the Office will be pleased to assist members as well as non members who have not held seats in former years and who would like to daven with us this year. HIGH HOLIDAY SEATING In order for us to accommodate you in a satisfactory To help facilitate the many requests we have for High manner, kindlywecontact the Synagogue office as ofsoon Holiday seats, would appreciate your early return the asseating possible at 482-3366. pledges which you received in July. The Seating Committee or the Office will be pleased to assist members as well as non members who have not held ____________________________________________ seats in former years and who would like to daven with us this year. POLICY CONCERNING ACCESS TO In order for us to accommodate you in a satisfactory ON HIGH HOLIDAYS manner, SHUL kindly contact the Synagogue office as soon as possible at 514-482-3366. For security reasons, we strongly encourage you to ___________________________________________ bring your tickets with you, in order to gain admission SAFETY AND SECURITY to the Shul on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. The security staff have instructions to permit access only For your safety and security no one will be allowed in the building upon presentation of atickets. validIfticket. Wehave urge youwith to without their High Holiday you do not a ticket you, you will be escorted to a reception table, where a list will be make the appropriate arrangements through the office verified. beforehand. If you do not bring your ticket with you, THEREFORE REMEMBER TO HAVE YOUR you will have PLEASE to be processed at a special table before TICKETS WITH YOU. entering. The Seating Committee thanks you for your __________________________________________________ co-operation (see page ???). DECORUM FOR HIGH HOLIDAYS To enhance our enjoyment of these Days of Awe, please keep discussion and movement in and out of the Sanctuary to a minimum during Services. When exiting or returning to the Sanctuary, please use the door closest to your seat. When outside the Sanctuary, please respect the posted quiet area signs. Your co-operation will be greatly appreciated. Shana Tova! Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 19 SUCCOT A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE MITZVAH OF ETROG AND LULAV 1. The Mitzvah of Etrog and Lulav is performed every morning of Succot except on Shabbat, by both men and women. 2. The Mitzvah is generally performed during the morning (Shacharit) services - right before “Hallel.” However, it may be performed from sunrise to sunset. 3. Every day of Succot, say the bracha, “al netilat lulav.” The bracha “shehechiyonu” is said on the first day only. 4. Make sure the 3 Hadassim (myrtle branches) and 2 Arovos (willow branches) are attached to the lulav holder (Hadassim look like an eye, Arovos are shaped like lips). When you pick up the lulav - the Hadassim are on your right and the Arovos on you left. 5. Now you are ready to make the bracha: a) Pick up the lulav in your right hand with its spine facing you. b) Pick up the etrog in your left hand, but... c) Be sure you have picked it up, upside down, i.e. with the stem (the place where it is cut from the tree) upward and pitom (apex) downward. e) Say the blessing “al Netilat lulav” while standing. f) Now, turn the etrog around, right side up with the pitom upward (this is the way etrog grows). g) Hold the etrog and lulav together (they should touch) and then shake the etrog and lulav. f) It is traditional to wave toward the six directions (front, right, back, left, up and down) as an indication that G-d rules over all the earth. This order applies equally to the “waving” during Hallel. OBSERVANCES OF SUCCOT OBSERVANCES OF SIMCHAT TORAH What is Succot? Immediately following the awe-filled days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we prepare for the joyous exuberance of Succot - the “Season of our Rejoicing.” After leaving Egypt, during the forty years of wandering in the wilderness, the Jewish people were surrounded by protective “clouds of glory”. In commemoration, and to enhance our awareness of G’d’s all-embracing love and protection, we are commanded, “In Succot (booths) you shall dwell, seven days”. (Lev. 23:42) Eating festive meals and spending time in the outdoor Succah is a unique religious experience. Another special Mitzvah of Succot is the shaking together of the “Four Species” - the etrog (citron), lulav (palm branch), hadassim (myrtle branches), and arovos (willow branches). One explanation, among many, is that each of the four kinds represents a different type of Jew. The fact that the Mitzvah requires all four kinds symbolizes our oneness as a people; we all need one another. And the four species are waved in all four directions, and up and down, signifying that G-d is everywhere. What is Simchat Torah? Simchat Torah is the culmination of a month filled with uplifting experiences, enriching every aspect of our spiritual, intellectual and emotional lives. We have stood in awe before the King of the Universe and accepted His sovereignty over us. We have been forgiven and cleansed by His mercy, and we have experienced the joy of uniting with G-dliness through His beautiful commandment. Now, we rejoice with His Torah. It is said that the Torah itself rejoices when we take the sacred scrolls in our arms and dance together, the accomplished scholar and the novice, regardless of our level of knowledge. During the dancing, the scroll remains in its cover, for this is not the time for study. The joy of Simchat Torah transcends that derived from intellectual understanding. The Succah During the entire seven days of the Festival all meals are eaten in the Succah, unless it rains. On the day of Shemini Atzeret it is an option but not required. When partaking of a meal containing at least two ounces of bread or cake, we say the blessing “layshev basuccah”. Consult our Rabbi for details on building a proper Succah, or purchase a prefabricated Succah from a reliable source. “YIZKOR” RECITED DURING SHEMINI ATZERET MORNING SERVICE The Intermediate Days of Succot The third through the seventh day of Succot are called Chol Hamoed - the intermediate days. We do not recite Kiddush or light Yom Tov Candles. However, only necessary work should be done. The seventh day of Succot is called Hoshana Rabba. It is customary to stay awake at night and recite portions of Torah and Book of Psalms. In the morning, we circle the Bima seven times, lulav and estrog in hand. Then we recite special prayers, called “hoshannas”, while holding five willow branches on the floor, symbolically “sweeting” G-d’s judgement. 20 The Festive Meals On the eighth day is Shemini Atzeret, we may continue to eat meals in the Succah, but without reciting the blessing “layshev basuccah”. On Simchat Torah, the ninth day, we resume eating meals indoors. Hakafot On the evening of Simchat Torah, we make seven hakafot (circling) around the Bimah, singing and dancing with Torah scrolls. On the morning of Simchat Torah, the final portion of the Torah is read, completing the yearly cycle. Then we immediately read the first portion, beginning the cycle anew. Thus, we continue to delve into the infinite wisdom of G-d’s Torah - the eternal force that has bound us together and sustained us for more than 3000 years. Two important honorees are given high respect on this morning - the Hatan Torah (called up to complete the Torah) and Hatan Breishit (first Aliyah of new cycle). Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel SIMCHATTTORAH SIMCHAT ORAH CCELEBRATION ELEBRATION AT AT THE THE CHEVRA CHEVRA DINNER AND DANCE CONTEST DINNER SEPTEM AND D ANCE CONTEST THURSDAY, BER 26, 2013 – 6:15 P.M. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014 – 6:15 P.M. PRIZ ES FO N I T G R BE O O UTR ST A SIN KAF A , G ND M E S A O G U H O S , A U C L OSTU OST TRAG G F N I MES EOU FULL COURSE DINNER NC S A H AT D $15 PER PERSON FULL COURSE DINNER SPACE IS$20 LIMITED - FOR RESERVATION PER PERSON G, CALL IONA @ 514-483-3366 SPACE IS LIMITED -‐ FOR RESERVATION CALL IONA @ 514-‐482-‐3366 Experience the joy of Judaism as the festival season comes to a close and the new year begins. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 21 NewTorah Dedication at The Chevra In memory of Rabbi Betzalel Jacobson z”l On June 15, 2014 a special Torah was completed and dedicated in loving memory of our Rabbi Asher Jacobson’s father, Rabbi Betzalel Jacobson z’l. Over 300 of our members and friends attended throughout the day. Each person had the opportunity to purchase a letter in the Torah, and write that letter with the Scribe. At the conclusion of a moving ceremony, Lieba and Rabbi Jacobson, inscribed the final letters of the Torah, dressed the Torah and it was then escorted 22 under a Chupah, into the Main Sanctuary. All the other Torahs of the Chevra were taken out of the Arc to welcome this new Torah. The Torah is now in the Arc and will be read for the first time on November 1, 2014 when we will celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Yacov Jacobson, grandson of Rabbi Bezalel Jacobson z’l. We thank everyone who participated supported this honourable dedication. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel and 23 5237 Clanranald Avenue Invites you to a SONG OF SONGS CONCERT MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2014 Dedicated to the memory of David Azrieli z”l THE CHEVRA 5237 Clanranald Avenue Invites you to a SONG OF SONGS CONCERT MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2014 Dedicated to the memory of David AzrieliSymphony z”l The Musicians of the World Orchestra under the direction of The Musicians of the World Symphony Orchestra under the direction of JOSEPH (YOSSI ) MILO will be presenting the first concert of its kind; a Jewish themed performance with a symphony orchestra. JOSEPH (YOSSI ) MILO will be presenting the first concert of its kind; entitled the Song of Songs, a Jewish themed performance with a symphony orchestra. will be featuring renowned soloists FeaturingWerenowned soloists sharon azrieli, Soprano SHARON AZRIELI, SOPRANO CANTOR AARON BENSOUSSAN, TENOR MATT HAIMOVITZ, CELLIST CANTOR AARON BENSOUSSAN, TENOR An exciting mix of Classical, Cantorial, Ladino, & Israeli musical compositions There will also be aKlezmer beautiful cello solo (TBA). The music will be an exciting mix of Classical, Cantorial ,Ladino, Klezmer & Israeli musical compositions Tickets $100, $50.00 and Tickets $25.00 Tribute Book Contact $100, -$50.00 and $25.00 or or 514-482-3366 514-482-3366 24 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 25 The Kaballah of the Tanya The Chevra wishes to express herewith sincerest appreciation to the members listed below who responded with generosity to the invitation requesting their participation as “TREE OF LIFE DONORS”, by contributing $118.00 annually, in addition to their regular dues. As a mark of the Congregation’s gratitude, their names are inscribed on a beautiful tablet in the lobby. It is our hope and prayer that many more members will join them as participants in the “TREE OF LIFE” project. Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of the Chabad movement TREE OF LIFE Continue the journey with Rabbi Jacobson as he explores The Tanya. 4,000 editions have been printed in every conceivable language Every Thursday Starting October 23, 2014 7:30 p.m. at the Chevra 5237 Clanranald Avenue All are welcome To register, 514-‐482-‐3366; Dedicated in loving memory of Rabbi Betzalel Jacobson, Z”L 26 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Mrs. Hilda Adler Mr. & Mrs. David Amiel Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Aronovitch Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bedzow Mr. Herbert Black Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Black Mr. & Mrs. Hy Bloom Mr. & Mrs. Louis Burak Mr. & Mrs. Ben Cohen Mr. Ted Cohen & Family Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Murray Dalfen Dr. & Mrs. David Farber Mr. Jeffrey Frank Elliot, Gaby & Gregory Frank Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Mish Granik Mr. & Mrs. Sam Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Max Haberkorn Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hart Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Helfenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Leo Hubermann Mr. & Mrs. Michael Krupp Mrs. Ruth Laxer Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lottner Mr. & Mrs. Murray Meltzer Mr. Sheldon Merling Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Miller Mr. & Mrs. David Perlin Mr. Eric Perlman Mr. & Mrs. Gary Polachek Mr. & Mrs. Sol Polachek Mr. & Mrs. Norman Raicek Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Remer Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Jack Rothenberg Mr. & Mrs. Peter Schreter Dr. & Mrs. Richard Shatz Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Shechtman Mr. & Mrs. Phil Siegel Mr. & Mrs. Allan Singerman Mr. & Mrs. Steve Singerman Mr. & Mrs. Sanford M. Smith Mr. Jack Starke Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stern Mr. Allan & Dr. Gloria Tannenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Gary Trestan Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Yanofsky Mr. & Mrs. Sam Zentner Mrs. Thora Yufe Dr. & Mrs. Boris Yufe Mr. & Mrs. Sam Zentner Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 27 Mazel Tov to the following members on the occasion of their Wedding Anniversaries SEPTEMBER Ann Marie & Alain Assedo Valerie & Frederic Dayan Edwina & David Freedman Sarah & Dr. Sam Israelovitch Rita & Jack Posel Rianna & Dr. Lorne Scharf Beruria & Peter Schreter Hadassa & Theodore Wald Franki & Peter Yanofsky Tamara Zimmerman & Vito Calebretta OCTOBER Cylena & Michael Cohen Beverly & Norman Cohen Marlene & Murray Dalfen Eta & Asher Elcabetz Myra & Brian Greenstone Donna Cohen & Warren Hersh Ruth & Leo Hubermann Betty & William Kirman Deborah & Lorne Kalisky Cindy & Shane Landsman Dorothy & Shlomo Langburt Sandra & Dr. Leonard Mendell Rosalie & Gary Mintz Cheryl & Martin Novak Jacqueline & David Rajchgot Pearl & Jack Rothenberg Gloria & Michael Schachter Froma & Norman Shulman Barbara & Phil Siegel Frances & Allan Singerman Jacqueline & Robert Trestan NOVEMBER Ella & Henry Fiederer Gloria & Joshua Kalnitsky Carole Anne & Stuart Kogan Evelyn & Phil Matlin Mara Lee & Abe Nozetz Esther & Sheldon Rozansky Ellen & Dr. Earl Rubin Lillian & Aaron Rudolph Julie & Trif Saros Sheila & Gerald Shechtman DECEMBER Gertrude & Phil Batist Michelle & Georges Benatar Gitty & Albert Dunkelman Joyce & Avram Fishman Libby & Hershey Fitleberg Eileen & Dave Goldsmith Stephen & Veronica Luxenburg Jennie & Louis Meland Rita & Albert Padveen Franceen & Larry Retik Tina & Martin Rosenthal Sheila & Gary Trestan Mazel Tov to the following members on the occasion of their Birthdays SEPTEMBER We welcome the following new members: Dr. Gerald and Lyn Batist Dr. Sigmund Benaurora Aaron Bloom Michael and Laney Finkelstein Lionel and Susan Fremeth Fernando and Iselott Gasman Robbie and Randy Peck Barbara Sambad Sylvain and Elaine Schneider Dr. and Mrs. Allan Small Rabbi Asher Jacobson at 28 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Charles Bedzow Marie Julie Brosseau Binstock Elaine Budning Miriam Cohen Albert Elbaz Ruth Fleischer Jeffrey Frank Shawn Frank Edwina Freedman Erica Goldstein Fred Golt Warren Hersh Saul Hier Menashe Hirshfeld Dr. Hananel Holzer Naomi Holzer Sarah Israelovitch William Kirman Susan Krymalowski Shlomo Langburt Ruth Laxer Bernie Mlynarski Cheryl Novack Arthur Perlman Samuel Rimoin Martin Rosenthal Marc. J. Rubin Dr. Lorne Scharf Ann Schwartz Minkie Silverstone Allan Singerman Jody Engel Sukonnik Jenny Tait Erica Travis Jason Ullmann Sharron Vechsler Gustava Weiner Stephen Woloz Esther Woods OCTOBER Anne Marie Assedo Paul Baker Gertrude Batist Dr. Rubin Becker Rosanne Beraznik Richard Blumer Estelle Cohen Jack Dworkind Yvonne Feldstein Hershey Fitleberg Solange Gabbay Lawrence Glazer Isaac Haboucha Judy Hirshfeld Krayna Kagan Lenore Krantz Linda Leiberman Sam Lieblein Marnie Mitnick Cohen Murray Meltzer Pearl Paskell Leon Perez Marilyn Pesner-Lax Claudia Litvak Polachek Mona Polachek Ellen Rubin Gerald Shechtman Susan Sklar Nettie Steinman Yevgeny Sukonnik Joel Waxman Lawrence Yanofsky Judy Zimmerman NOVEMBER Richard Black Bluma Blicher Ralph Brookman Marion Brumer Jackie Budning Kathy Cohen E. Lawrence Cohen Miriam B. Cohen David Kucer Ralph Fisher Jay Gilletz Halina Halpern Miriam Hersh Maria Hoziel Betty Kirman Fred Kokin Jason Kraft Sandra Labelle Ron Leader Stephen Luxenberg Stanley Magidson Evelyn Matlin Douglas Mayoff Mark Meltzer Alison Miller Mara Lee Nozetz Rita Padveen Anne Perlman Eva Fried Paroli Brenda Shaffer Steve Singerman DECEMBER Ron Black Dr. Brian Blicher Jeff Budning Frederic Dayan Yoav Djebali Bram Frank Mish Granik Jeffrey Hart Fanny Issley Lorne Kalisky Stuart Kogan Cindy Landsman Bernice Mendelsohn Martin Merson Lois Miller Mitchell Nadler Gary Polachek Sol Polachek Jack Posel Rita Posel Norman Raicek Allan Rubin Dr. Earl Rubin Tracey Shafter Norman Shulman Carly Slepp Sanford M.Smith Marnie Stern Susan Storring Rubin Strauber Theodore Wald Hyman Waxman Sam Zentner David Amiel Georges Benatar Erin Bensimon Harry Biskin Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 29 Bat/Bar Mitzvahs, Births, Engagements and Weddings BAT/BAR MITZVAHS Sandy and Allan Rubin on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Jack Mazel tov to Doris Tannenbaum on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson Benjamin Mordechai son of Rev. Asher and Heather Tannenbaum Elisa and Shawn Frank on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Corey Carrie Freedman and Steve Jast on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Dylan Barbara and Leonard Freedman on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Dylan BIRTHS Joe Akerman on the birth of his grandson Nathan Isaac Shoshanna Samuels on the birth of her great-grandson Aaron Morris Francine and Barry Fagen on the birth of their grandson Eliezer Noam Rabbi Benjamin and Mrs. Miriam Hauer on the birth of their great-grandson Joyce and Avram Fishman on the birth of their grandson Adam Toby Kathy and Ervin Gardos on the birth of their granddaughter Lauryn Sydney, daughter of Melissa and Richard Gardos, sister of Jeremy Shoshanna Samuels on the birth of her great-grandson Eliezer Noam Marie Julie Brosseau and Jason Binstock on the birth of their daughter Sarah Annabel GRADUATION Rita and Jack Posel on the occasion of their granddaughter Lauren being accepted to the Faculty of Speech Pathology at the University of Toronto Thelma and Mish Granik in honour of the graduation of their granddaughter, Jamie Shatz, from Walton High School with honours and a scholarship to University of Alabama, Birmingham Selma and Dr. Richad Shatz in honour of the graduation of their granddaughter, Jamie Shatz, from Walton High School with honours and a scholarship to University of Alabama, Birmingham Elaine Budning in honour of the graduations of her grandsons Jonathan Budning from McGill University and Sean Budning from University of Toronto Joyce and Avram Fishman in honour of their son Michael’s graduation from the McGill Medical Faculty Reva Grover on the graduation of her granddaughter Jill Pancer from the University of Montreal Medical Faculty and making the Dean’s list. ENGAGMENT/MARRIAGES Anne and Arthur Perlman on the marriage of their grandson Dr. Ryan Perlman to Alison Davies Thelma and Mish Granik on the marriage of their grandson Daniel to Amanda Sobol Naomi and Richard Blumer on the marriage of their son Daniel to Amanda Sobol Doris Tannenbaum on the marriage of her granddaughter Rachel Nomi, daughter of Barney and Sema Schwartz Lynn and Dr. Gerald Batist on the engagement of their daughter Kira to Andrew Wigod son of Seymour Wigod Gert and Phil Batist on the engagement of their grand-daughter Kira to Andrew Wigod son of Seymour Wigod 30 PRAYER BOOK, TORAH WELFARE AND ENDOWMENT FUNDS PATRON CONTRIBUTORS Sam Mitnick in appreciation to Mish Granik CHAI CONTRIBUTORS Mazel Tov to the following couples whose weddings took, or will take place in our Synagogue Bashy Friedman and Berel Silberman September 4, 2014 Chaya Lax and Yoni Katz September 10, 2014 Amanda Ovadia and Stuart Guttman September 14, 2014 Esther Katz and Joel Krausz September 16, 2014 Kari Svarc and Jon Stein September 21, 2014 Randi Stigler and Richard Aisenthal October 19, 2014 Ruth Abittan and Ruth Abittan October 21, 2014 Lauren Selcer and Yaniv Afriat October 26, 2014 Reitzel Klein and Mendel Igel November 4, 2014 Lampin Wedding November 6, 2014 Leah Kohn and Yosef Rabi Weiss November 11, 2014 Esther Chava Monheit and Akiva Karniol November 12, 2014 Amanda Schacter and Richard Cohen November 15, 2014 Gross Wedding November 25, 2014 Farkas Wedding November 27, 2014 Chany Edel and Nosson Spira December 10, 2014 Lynn and Dr. Gerald Batist are so very pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Kira Michelle to her chosen Andrew Wigod. A L'chayim was celebrated by the family, including brothers Zack & Jonah, Andrew's father Seymour, along with his beautiful loving family, in New York City on August 17th. Kira's grandparents, Phil & Gert Batist, and her Nana Eva Barany are so very thrilled. May the new couple be blessed with joy and fulfillment. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Beverlee and David Perlin in honour of Lynda Ostin’s 65th birthday Beverlee and David Perlin in memory of Fred Lackstone z”l Terry, Jay, Ali and Dara Gilletz in memory of Jack Hersh z”l Pat Israelovitch and Jehuda Kaminer in memory of Gladys Korn z”l Thora Yufe in memory of Gladys Korn z”l Rita and Jack Posel in honour of Amy Shoshana’s Bat Mitzvah, granddaughter of Thelma and Mish Granik Beverlee and David Perlin in honour of the marriage of Rachel and Charles Sransurt Miriam Levy wishing Sally Raicek a happy birthday Herbert Isenberg in memory of Edith Browman z”l Hilda Adler in memory of Jack Hersh z”l Hilda Adler in memory of Seymour Frank z”l Hilda Adler in memory of Dianne Tessler z”l Gloria and Michael Schachter in memory of Seymour Frank z”l Rena and Eddy Entus in memory of Seymour Frank z”l Rhoda Kirsch and Julius Stober in memory of Seymour Frank z”l Lois and Danny Miller in memory of Esther Wolfond z”l Sally and Norman Raicek in memory of Kenny Berlin z”l Marlene and Murray Dalfen in honour of the marriage of Kenny to Andrea Borod Arlene and Boris Yufe in memory of Rosalind Goodman z"l Thelma and Mish Granik in honour of the birth of a granddaughter to Kathy and Ervin Gardos Beverlee and David Perlin in memory of Max Sperling z’l father of Lorna Sherman MARA LEE ARONOFF NOZETZ ENDOWMENT FUND Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz wishing a happy birthday to Norman Cohen Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz in memory of Fred Rosner z”l Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz in memory of Helen Carroll z”l Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz in honour of Harriet Waldman Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz in memory of Helen Tremblay’s brother Yvon Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to Carla Edelstein Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to Zeena Nozetz Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz in memory of Barbara Segal’s mother Ethel z”l Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz in memory of Saul Papiernik z”l Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz wishing a Mazel Tov to the Rosenszweig Family on the birth of a son and grandson Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz in honour of Elaine Kotler’s special birthday PRAYER BOOK FUND Rona Steinman in memory of her beloved father Malvin Rochwerg z’l Reva Grover in memory of her beloved husband Avrum Grover z”l Thora Yufe in honour of Robert Koby’s birthday Pearl and Jack Rothenberg in honour of the birth of Adam Toby (Malachi) Fishman, grandson of Joyce and Avram Fishman Pearl and Jack Rothenberg in honour of the birth of Lauryn Sydney Gardos, granddaughter of Kathy and Ervin Gardos Pearl and Jack Rothenberg in memory of Ina Zaritzky z’l Beverlee and David Perlin in memory of her beloved father David Friedman z’l SALLY AND NORMAN RAICEK ENDOWMENT FUND Sally and Norman Raicek in honour of Doreen Green’s Technion Honorary Doctorate Jennie and Lou Meland in honour of Sally Raicek’s birthday Anne and Arthur Perlman in honour of Sally Raicek’s birthday Shirley and Nathan Wasser in honour of Sally Raicek’s birthday LIBBY AND HERSHEY FITLEBERG ENDOWMENT FUND Libby and Hershey Fitleberg in honour of the marriage of Mina Levi to Rod Altman MORTON Z”L AND DORIS TANNENBAUM MUSIC FUND Doris Tannenbaum in memory of her beloved husband Morton Jacob (Morty) z”l Doris Tannenbaum in honour of the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson Bejamin Mordechai, son of Rev. Asher and Heather Tannenbaum Doris Tannenbaum in honour of the marriage of her granddaughter Rachel Nomi, daughter of Barney and Sema Schwartz Doris Tannenbaum in honour of her great-grandsons Ahron and Michael Schwartz sons of Mordechai Tzvi and Rachula Schwartz DR. RICHARD AND SELMA SHATZ ENDOWMENT FUND In honour of Selma Shatz’s special birthday Joyce Goldfarb Miriam Gross BeatriceWise Esther Rosenberg Marlene Dalfen Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 31 About Our Shul WEEKDAY MORNING PRAYER AND BREAKFAST CLUB Special thanks is extended to the following sponsors: Steve Abramson Joe Akerman Charles Bedzow Marie Julie Brosseau Binstock and Jason Binstock Naomi and Richard Blumer Hy Bloom Ross Coblentz Ben Cohen and the Cohen Family Miriam B. Cohen The Cohen-Singerman Family The Croitoru Family Murray Dalfen Barry Fagen Michael Finkelstein Corinne Frank and Family Thelma and Mish Granik Warren Hersh Frank Hofbauer William Kirman George Klein Marilyn Pesner Lax and Family Cookie Lazarus Sheldon Merling Esther and Sheldon Rozansky Sanford M. Smith Sam Zentner Matthew Ziniuk Do you have a special event? Please notify our office. We would like to be aware. Would you like to sponsor a breakfast or a Shalosh Seudot in honour or in memory of someone? You may do so by calling our office at 514-482-3366 Our Torah Welfare Fund has 2 categories: Chai contributors are inserted for $18.00 Patron contributors can list for amounts greater than $25.00 Call our office to learn more. 32 VISA & Mastercard ACCEPTED HERE Our Synagogue accepts Visa & Mastercard. Track your payments more easily for tax time, save time and postage ( for the shul also!) Call in your: donations payments deposits Earn travel miles (Mitzvah miles?) RECEIPTS WE WOULD LIKE TO ADVISE ALL OUR MEMBERS THAT IN ORDER FOR US TO CUT DOWN ON THE COST OF MAILING, INCOME TAX RECEIPTS WILL ONLY BE ISSUED AND MAILED ONCE A YEAR. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING SAVE POSTAGE You may use the mailbox on the outside entrance door to the office. This mail box is locked at all times and is safe to use. Toda Raba Special thank you to Sheldon Merling for sponsoring a special breakfast on the Rosh Chodesh of each month. Your generosity is very much appreciated. KIDDUSH CORNER Each Shabbat and Holiday, members are encouraged to honour their family and friends by making a donation to our Kiddush Fund. These donations then allow us to provide the wonderful sit down Kiddushes for you, our congregants and guests, after Shabbat services. We would kindly request that you contact the Synagogue office the following Monday morning so that we can properly acknowledge your donation and announcement. We thank the following who have contributed these past few months, some on more than one occasion: Arlene & Stephen Abramson Arlene Alter Sarah Assouline Getnet Azaria Miriam Ayele Sara & Charles Bedzow Mel Bercovitch Bella Bernstein Roz & Neil Bernstein Sheryl & Eric Birenbaum Simone Bensimon Bitton Harry Blech Chaya & Abraham Boyarsky Elaine Budning Belle & Louis Burak Doris Dalfen Caplan Neil Caplan Cynthia Carsley Rachel Choukroun Leah Tzipora Cohen Miriam Cohen Marnie & Arnold Cohen The Croitoru Family Sandra & Stan Cytrynbaum Simon Dahan Marlene & Murray Dalfen Olga Davydova Lori Einhorn Eta & Asher Elcabetz Alice Elmaleh Marsha & Cantor Y. Epstein Francine & Barry Fagen Manny Fayer Dorothy Finkelberg Libby & Hershey Fitleberg Joyce & Avram Fishman Roslyn & Mark Fogel Jeff Frank & Family Kathy & Ervin Gardos Tzipora Gisser Isadore Goldberg Fruma Goldstein Thelma & Mish Granik Isaac & Suzanne Haboucha Donna & Warren Hersh The Hier Family Henri Hoziel Fanny Issley Janina & Jason Issley Lieba & Rabbi Asher Jacobson Yacov Jacobson Roslyn Joseph Bess Katchan Doris Kertesz William & Betty Kirman Betty Kogan Lisa & Fred Kokin Helen Kossy Paul Kushner Madzia Krymalowski Susan Krymalowski Les Kupferstein Ella Kupferstein Paul Kushner The Labelle Family Rita & Barry Lackman Emmanuelle & Nathaniel Lasry Jody & Morden Lazarus Chana Lieblein Selma & Sam Lieblein Ruby Lieblein Sandra & Emmanuel Labelle Pauline Maitlitz Mel Maitlitz Grace Michelin Matthews Al Migicovsky Lois & Daniel Miller Cheryl Gray Mitchell Elaine Moscovitch Linda & Reevin Pearl Beverlee & David Perlin Anne & Arthur Perlman Claudia & Gary Polachek Mona & Sol Polachek Denise & Sheldon Popliger Rita & Jack Posel Eunice & Dr. Lenny Prosterman Sally & Norman Raicek Brian Rocklin Rhoda & Stanley Rosen Esther Rosenberg Tina & Martin Rosenthal Pearl & Jack Rothenberg Connie Blatt Rothstein Sheryl & Russell Rothstein & Family Levi Rudinsky Robert Rudinsky Lucie & Dr. Marvin Salin Sarah Samuels Samuels Family Janet & Murray Saxe Stephen Sayegh Rianna & Dr. Lorne Scharf Armin Schleichkorn Nathan Schwartz Fortunee Serruya Lorna & Jerry Sherman Minkie & David Silverstone David Smith Ethel Solomon Jacqueline & Armand Soussan Jack Starke Dr. Gloria & Allan Tannenbaum Raphael Tzoubari & Family Sharron & Howard Vechsler Rita Vosberg Shirley & Nathan Wasser Bonnie & Joel Waxman & Family Marilyn Waxman Hy Waxman Mark Weinberg Gustava Weiner Matthew Ziniuk ______________________ Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 33 IN MEMORY The Congregation mourns the passing of the following members and sympathizes with the bereaved families of SOLOMON GOSSACK Z"L MARILYN FRANKEL Z”L KAREN HALPERN Z”L JACK HERSH Z”L LEATRICE KAPLAN Z”L MILDRED NIREN Z”L SYLVIA ORNSTEIN Z”L SAli PORPER Z’’L PHILIP TAIT Z’L MORTON TANNENBAUM Z”L DIANE TESSLER Z’L INA ZARITZKY Z”L May their memories be a source of eternal blessing CONDOLENCES TO members of our congregation who lost family members Cynthia Mayoff on the loss of her beloved father Morley (Moe) Sobcuff z”l The Viragh Family on the loss of their beloved Kathy Viragh z”l Amanda Hier and Family on the loss of their beloved Gordon Hier z”l Sidonia Zoltan and Family on the loss of their beloved Tibor Zoltan z”l Eva Komlos and Family on the loss of their beloved Tibor Koloz z”l The Benaroya Family on the loss of their beloved Liliana Benoroya z”l CEMETERY RESERVATIONS We wish to advise our members that we are accepting reservations for cemetery plots in the Kehal Israel Cemetery, Dollard des Ormeaux. Should you wish further information please contact the office at 514-482-3366 34 PERPETUATE THE MEMORY OF A DEAR DEPARTED YAHRZEIT FUND DONATIONS The bronze plaque in the daily Chapel offers an opportunity to perpetuate the memory of a dear departed in an everlasting remembrance. A red light is kindled for the first year of death, on all Yizkor days, and on every Yahrzeit anniversary. The following memorial plaques have recently been dedicated: Stephen Abramson in memory of his beloved mother Celia Abramson Hilda Adler in memory of her beloved sister Dorothy Albert Hilda Adler in memory of her beloved husband David Adler Joe Akerman in memory of his beloved father Izak Akerman Dorothy Apfeld in memory of her beloved first husband Louis Apfeld Dorothy Apfeld in memory of her beloved father Louis Benzumny Arlene Alter in memory of her beloved husband Mel Alter Arlene Alter in memory of her beloved brother Howard Starr Arlene Alter in memory of her beloved father-in-law Mike Alter Joseph Aronovitch in memory of his beloved sister Hannah Freida Aronovitch Joseph Aronovitch in memory of his beloved mother Goldie Aronovitch Gert Batist in memory of her beloved mother Fanny Katz Dubrovsky Marsha Becker in memory of her beloved mother Chana Becker Adelia Bensoussan in memory of her beloved parents Esther and Mitchell Leiberman Harry Blech in memory of his beloved wife Shirley Blech Herbert Black in memory of his beloved mother Lillian Black Herbert Black in memory of his beloved daughter Lori Black Hy Bloom in memory of his beloved parents Bessie and Harry Bloom Hy Bloom in memory of his beloved brother Ruby Bloom Jennie Bronstein in memory of her beloved parents Esther and Harry Reiter Prof. Neil Caplan in memory of his beloved parents Mary Caplan and Nathan Caplan Ross Coblentz in memory of his beloved father Max Coblentz Cylena Cohen in memory of her beloved father Henry Halperin Miriam B. Cohen in memory of her beloved mother Annie Balinsky Miriam B. Cohen in memory of her beloved mother-in-law Bessie Cohen Joyce Croitoru in memory of her beloved mother Jackie Croitoru Stanley Cytrynbaum in memory of his beloved mother Esther Leah Cytrynbaum Alice Drabin in memory of her beloved husband Abraham Drabin Asher Elcabetz in memory of his beloved brother Shlomo Elcabetz Dora Feingold in memory of her beloved mother Rose Kesten Dora Feingold in memory of her beloved husband Norbert Feingold Yvonne Feldstein in memory of her beloved husband Robert Feldstein Ralph Fisher in memory of his beloved father Joseph Fisher Joyce Fishman in memory of her beloved father Moishe Tzvi Gilden Ted Frank in memory of his beloved mother Rosalyn Cobrin Rhoda Freedlander in memory of her beloved husband Philip Freedlander Rhoda Freedlander in memory of her beloved mother Sadie Steinman Josette Freedman in memory of her beloved husband Dr. Hyman Freedman Clara Friedlander in memory of her beloved mother Jennie Zuskin Kravitz Clara Friedlander in memory of her beloved husband Jack Friedlander Gertrude Friedman in memory of her beloved husband Sidney Friedman Howard Gasco and Brenda Gasco Held in memory of William Gasco Marion Kandestin-Golden in memory of her beloved husband Stanley Kandestin Fred Gibson in memory of his beloved first wife Betty Gibson David Goldsmith in memory of his beloved father Irving Goldsmith Stanley Gordon in memory of his beloved mother Bluma Gordon Reva Grover in memory of her beloved husband Avrum Grover LOU KUSHNER Z"L MONA KUSHNER Z"L MORLEY (MOE) SOBCUFF Z"L GEORGE SPITZER Z"L ERNIE SCHWARTZ Z"L VIVIAN MONICA SCHAFFER Z"L PHILIP TAIT Z"L RACHEL HOZIEL Z"L JOSE HOZIEL Z"L GERALD FRANK Z"L For further information regarding the ordering of plaques please contact the office at 514-482-3366 ENDOWMENT PLAQUES In addition to the regular bronze memorial plaques in the Daily Chapel, we also have a very limited number of SPECIAL ENDOWMENT PLAQUES available in the Main Sanctuary. These plaques offer a highly visible tribute to the memory of dear departed family members. Kindly call Kathy at the office if you wish to obtain further information at 514-482-3366. PRAYER FOR THE SICK We continue our custom of offering prayer for the sick every Shabbat morning. Please assist us by calling the synagogue office by Thursday of any week with the names of those you wish to include. Be sure to provide: full English name, Hebrew first and middle names, and the Hebrew name of the mother of the ill person. We also invite you to provide us with names at Torah reading on Shabbat morning. May this be for speedy healing of all the ill of the community of Israel. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 35 YAHRZEIT FUND DONATIONS YAHRZEIT FUND DONATIONS Reva Grover in memory of her beloved in-laws Jennie and Max Grover Reva Grover in memory of her beloved parents Minnie and Kasper Geffin Reva Grover in memory of Estabel and John Levine Isaac Haboucha in memory of his beloved brother Soly Haboucha Isaac Haboucha in memory of his beloved father George Haboucha Susan and Isaac Haboucha in memory of Robert Weisz Richard Halpern in memory of his beloved father-in-law Abraham Drabin Richard Halpern in memory of his beloved mother Mildred Halpern Marge Heller in memory of her beloved husband Arthur Heller Herbert Isenberg in memory of his beloved father Joe Isenberg William Kirman in memory of his beloved mother Kay Kirman Dr. Robert Koby in memory of her beloved grandfather Israel Kobernick Dr. Robert Koby in memory of his beloved grandfather Nathan Dorfman Maita Kraft in memory of her beloved husband Stanley Kraft Maita Kraft in memory of her beloved mother-in-law Lilly Kraft Jason Kraft in memory of his beloved father Stanley Kraft Jason Kraft in memory of his beloved grandfather J. Harold Goldstein Lenore Krantz in memory of her beloved mother Rose Hammel Krymalowski Family in memory of their beloved Morris Krymalowski Jeff Krymalowski in memory of his beloved father Shia Krymalowski Susan Krymalowski in memory of her beloved father Sam Schachter Ruth Laxer in memory of her beloved husband Fred Laxer Rose Lecker in memory of her beloved husband Harry Lecker Dr. Harold Leiberman in memory of his beloved parents Esther and Mitchell Leiberman Burney Leiberman in memory of his beloved father Louis Leiberman Beatrice Levine in memory of her beloved husband Sydney Levine Greg Luger in memory of his beloved mother Judith Luger Greg Luger in memory of his beloved sister Carol Luger Barbara Magidson in memory of her beloved father William Frank Mary Majnemer in memory of her beloved husband Hersz Majnemer Eleanor Meltzer in memory of her beloved father Norman Vassall Murray Meltzer in memory of his beloved mother Sarah Meltzer Mervin Mendelsohn in memory of his beloved mother Rebecca Mandelsohn Bernice Mendelsohn in memory of her beloved mother Sema Raymer Ostreger Bernie Mlynarski in memory of his beloved wife Sintra Singh Lucy Nisker in memory of her beloved father David Zilbert Lucy Nisker in memory of her beloved in-laws Laja and Myer Nisker Lucy Nisker in memory of her beloved son-in-law Steven Takefman Abe Nozetz in memory of his beloved father Joseph Nozetz Mara Lee Nozetz in memory of her beloved parents Evelyn and Leo Aronoff Mara Lee Nozetz in memory of her beloved grandfather Joseph Rudner Mara Lee Nozetz in memory of her beloved grandmother Blima Pedvis Rudner Susan Otis in memory of her beloved father Morris Otis Albert Padveen in memory of his beloved mother Sarah Padveen Pearl Paskell in memory of her beloved husband Jack Paskell Pearl Paskell in memory of her beloved father Moshe Aaron Klinger Debrah Pekofsky in memory of her beloved grandfather Joseph Tentzer Susan Pinchuk in memory of her beloved father Morris Wolofsky Cecile Posel in memory of her beloved husband Bernard Posel Jack Posel in memory of his beloved parents Esther and Alter Posel Jack Posel in memory of his beloved brother Bernard Posel Rita Posel in memory of her beloved mother Zysa Shlachter Eunice Prosterman in memory of her beloved parents Kay and Hyman Kirman Franceen Retik in memory of her beloved mother Irene Waxman Frances Rimoin in memory of her beloved husband Lionel Rimoin Samuel Rimoin in memory of his beloved father Lionel Rimoin Esther Rosenberg in memory of her beloved mother Ruby Shear Stern Esther Rosenberg in memory of her beloved husband Vernon Rosenberg Allan Rubin in memory of his beloved mother Henrietta Rubin Gilda Rubin in memory of her beloved mother Ray Smolkin Gloria Schachter in memory of her beloved brother Dr. Hyman Freedman Nat Schwartz in memory of his beloved parents Golda and Israel Schwartz Nat Schwartz in memory of his beloved sisters Rebecca Gerchicoff and Ray Cleiman Nat Schwartz in memory of his beloved sisters Sarah Snythe Nat Schwartz in memory of his beloved uncle Yochanan Nathanson Laura Schwartzbein in memory of her beloved husband Hyman Schwartzbein Laura Schwartzbein in memory of her beloved mother Rachel Kaplan Beatrice Shtull in memory of her beloved mother Bessie Goroff Beatrice Shtull in memory of her beloved father-in-law Yekotiel Shull Phil Siegel in memory of his beloved mother Ethel Siegel Barbara Siegel in memory of her beloved father Henry Manella Bruce Simon in memory of his beloved father Herbert Simon Abraham Slawner in memory of his beloved mother Sura Slawner Roslyn Slawner in memory of her beloved father Issie Smiley Rebecca Sossanpour in memory of her beloved husband Isaac Sossanpour Rebecca Sossanpour in memory of her beloved mother Rosa Elhajama Rebecca Sossanpour in memory of her beloved daughter Florence Javid Shirley Spector in memory of her beloved father Julius Plotnick Shirley Spector in memory of her beloved mother Gittel Plotnick Richard Stern in memory of his beloved father Edward Stern Susan Storring in memory of her beloved father Morton Silverton Joyce Takefman in memory of her beloved husband Steve Takefman Anne Tobias in memory of her beloved father David Tobias Gary Trestan in memory of his beloved mother Molly Trestan Sheila Trestan in memory of her beloved brother Dr. Hyman Freedman Hy Waxman in memory of his beloved brother Abraham Waxman Joel Waxman in memory of his beloved father Abraham Waxman Marilyn Waxman in memory of her beloved husband Abraham Waxman Mark Weinberg in memory of his beloved wife Marianne Weinberg Gustava Weiner in memory of her beloved parents Iser and Tauba Rosner Gustava Weiner in memory of her beloved brothers Moishe and Menachem Mendel Rosner Esther Woods in memory of her beloved husband Dr. Hyman Woods Esther Woods in memory of her beloved father Nathan Richter Lynn Woloz in memory of her beloved parents Billie and Jack Solomon 36 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 37 SEPTEMBER 13-19 Elul 18-24 Chanah Itta Krymalowski Sarah Shevah Kopel Moise Kopel Esther Kopel Leiba Kopel Myer Kopel Ben Blicher Pesia Teicher Bernard Glense Boriska Farkas Florence Cohen Mordechai Rubin Lillian Meltzer Schoen Magda Vertesi Dr. Robert Cohen Miriam Richler Nina Neiman Laszlo Blau Laszlo Fried Eva Nanasi Peter Lustgaren Chana Becker Aida Attias Vernon Rosenberg David Affler Alexander Fon Rose Bloom Rose Boloten Hana Davydova Baruch Pinchas Tannenbaum Samuel Starke Samuel Haberkorn Lajos Bogler SEPTEMBER 20-26 Elul 25-Tishrei 2 Yetta Robin Rose Grover Eliezer Batist Peter Black Margaret Rose Fox Norman Liebman Lawrence Popliger QC Tzipa Singerman Issie Smiley 38 IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM At the Shabbat morning Services we memorialize departed relatives of our members whose Yahrzeit Anniversaries occur during the coming week. "May Their Souls Be Bound Up in the Bond of Eternal Life" At the Shabbat morning Services we memorialize departed relatives of our members whose Yahrzeit Anniversaries occur during the coming week. "May Their Souls Be Bound Up in the Bond of Eternal Life" Saul Kaplan David Adler Mordechai Grover Solomon Yufe Beila Perlman Liba Zatz Bella Perlman Miklos Rosenbaum Harry Fleisher Ralph Steinman SEPT. 20-OCT. 3 Tishrei 3-9 Myer Samuels Edward Stern Olga Felberbaum Harry Kleinman Lawrence Boroff Annie Rubinger Arna Solomon Samson Ginovker Ethel Goldsmith Louis Weinstein Alice Cohen Rebecca Rubin Israel Tannenbaum Gitle Plonick Shimon Garfinkle Celia Weber Jack Friedlander Sarah Krupp Annie Miller Paul Marsali Ester Weintraub Dr. Hyman Woods Lori Black Fred Laxer Rachel Cohen OCTOBER 4-10 Tishrei 10-16 Julius Cohen Irene Frank Iser Rosner Moishe Rosner Tauba Rosner Menachem Rosner Edward Meltzer Millie Lutter Nathan Richter Joseph Dalfen Mike Mintz Mendel Tait Abraham Smith Moe Shuter Joshua Jacob Aronovitch Louis Cohen Nora Lecker Frances Perlin Kalnitsky Dina Bernstein Richard Shargie Joe Feldman Helen Rubin Esther Raicek Gertrude Borenstein OCTOBER 11-17 Tishrei 17-23 Saul Stern Freida Esther Segall Joe Isenberg Shirley Marco Howard Moses Caplan Esther Terk Martin Simmerman Laszlo Szamosi Vera Vaktor Rosette Ifergan Alter Saul Grover Joseph Simon Edward Briskin Eugina Goldstein Rose Silverton Rena Berall Frank Bernard Aronovitch David Magidson Moe Levin Rachel Caplan Ben B. Cohen Harold Fanaberia Roza Abonyu Josef Halpern Joseph Katz Mair Chawkin William Sokoloff Harry Louis Knopp Goldie Schreter Helen Muller Chana Zohar Elkabetz OCTOBER 18-24 Tishrei 24-30 Wolf Mietkiewitch Tauba Mietkiewich Dora Zilber Josef Katz Eva Spirer Sarah Friedman Sally Luft Ullmann Sylvia Magidson Harry Amdursky Mary Brown Sarah Gottlieb Leonard Adler Victor Abrahamson Sarah Fayer Ralph Bernick Sarah Lillian Coblentz Leon Rowniak Eli Berlin Benny Arbeitman Frank Caplan Rose Shirley Pesner Aharon Miller Irving Garber Josef Halpern Fanny Nozetz Eugene Berger Rosa Konig Nathan Rosen Laszlo Gero Beatrice Lighter Michael Teicher Maxine Ellen Lazarus Roza Lipshyc Harry Schwartz Ernie Schwartz Chana Hoenich Rose Shumer Erteschik Arthur Green Eileen Mlynarski Ada Yanofsky Chasia Mushe Chawkin Moshe Malka Miklos Blumentha Elza Fulop Norbert Rand NOVEMBER 1-7 Cheshvan 8-14 Rachel Cohen Freda Rosen Samuel Lefkovitz Peter Starke Evelyn Worsoff Joseph Hier Jacob Joshua Feingold David Davydova Chanah Weinshel Nettie Young Cyla Gurewicz Nellie Nirenberg Michael Halberg Fannie Fiederer OCTOBER 25-31 Joseph Rothstein Cheshvan 1-7 Jennie Cohen Joel Wolf Einhorn Jacob Kaufman Sandor Gotzler Mollie Kleinman Phyllis Sternthal Paul Eisenerg Sydney Krupp Bernard Brandes Gertrude Kushner Irwin Gliserman Essie Gossack Sydney Singerman Anne Green Meshulam Tannenbaum Kalman Russ Regina Preshel Marvin Rudner David Levy Rebecca Richter Harry Steinberg Moshe Eliezer Krupp Sarah Klinger Aron Kahan Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel NOVEMBER 8-14 Cheshvan 15-21 Max Freder Michael Miller Menachem Simberg Nisan Biskin Jack Hirsh Charles Siegel Erno Agoston Adler Henry Moscovitch Daniel Freedman Lou Kushner Becky Sibales Mac Dorfman Carl Novak Cornel Laufer Jack Nathan Heller Frida Shizgal Phillip Ruvman Moishe Richler Freda Barton Leizer Lottner Pearl Birnberg Ida Schwartz Steven Elliott Drabin Jeno Reti Henry Rosenthal Shimon Hirshfeld Moe Rubin Harry Greenspan Ethel Lefkovitz Istvan Gabor Klara Blau NOVEMBER 15-21 Cheshvan 22-28 Beatrice Mikelberg Rose Singerman Jo Anne Simon Norman Kathstein David Linden Riva Gluz Anita Rochwerg Michael David Morris Ida Allister Shimon Mestel Gertrude Yanofsky Yudel Brownstein Anna Sharf Hilda Fisher Lucy Chenoy Serah Agoston Adler Peter Boros George Kunstler Yitte Gittel Richler Stanley Frank Eva Hart Malka Sperling Abraham Eisenberg Magda Kassai Bella Schaffer Chaya Gittel Ginover NOVEMBER 22-28 Cheshvan 29-Kislev 6 Joseph Zatz Eddie Woloz Helen Zimmerman Ray Singer Chasia Bedzovski Eda Dunkelman Harry Elkin Gerald Chernoff Yossef Ginovker Bleme Goldstein Gyula Gati Minnie Woloz Isidore Birnbaum Fanny Strauber Eva Garfinkle Rose Tait Joseph Lieblein Harold Schreter Louis Joseph Reuben Cohen Elaine Stoller Oscar Halpern Rose Wainberg David Rubin Hilda Bier Mendel Gershonovicz Aron Croitoru NOV. 29-DEC.5 Kislev 7-13 Menashe Sharaga Dezso Gati Mania Izraelovicz Moses Heller Rose Freedman Isadore Singerman Harriet Weigensberg Mark Satz Shmuel Merling Harry Rodier David Gluz Dr. David Gossack Miriam Steinberg Yankel Lustig Chaya Lustig Esther Koby Joseph Y. Nadler Lewis Lutter Belle Ziniuk Arthur Reinhorn Elizabeth Schwartz Benzion Becker Rabbi A. Mittleman Joseph Mittleman Charles Abraham Segall Harry Rosenberg Morris Rauchman Tibor Rauchman Edward Segall Louis Silverman Louis Kravitz Szeren Zombori DECEMBER 6-12 Kislev 14-20 Sarah Hirshfeld Saul Birnbaum Alexander Neiman Edmond Ludwig Mona Kushner Rosalee Heller Simon Mintz Sandor Schwarcz Sarah Benzumny Josephine Spitz Joseph Slawner Rose Moses Messody Levy Alex Shtull Zevelin Hendler Jack Ellis Evelyn Mazer Benjamin Bedzow Arthur Nador Sam Pinchuk Moe Garfinkle Shifra Migicovsky Sarah Sokoloff Lou Sherman Edmund Ludwig Sema Garber Aron Lieberman Chonah Retik Max Lauer DECEMBER 13-19 Kislev 21-27 Dina Levy Sybil Klug Sonya Kravitz Fanny Cohen Avrom Arthur Sherman Edward Trestan Moshe Kracauer Dr. William Boroff Lolly Rose Cobrin Oden Borgida Janos Lucacs Rashe Minka Geffin Sarah Stober Peter Merson Lottie S. Alper Pearl Gilden Dovid Fayer Max Shaffer Hershie Shtull Sonja Zaritzky Joseph L.Fenster Charles Abraham Segall Tzipora Sharaga David Ain Sarah Esther Birnbaum Sally Sullovey Aron Kahan Yoseph Avigdor Richler DECEMBER 20-26 Kislev 28-Tevet 4 Ray Kolodny Theodore Hochstadt Dora Schwartz Mor Schwartz Joseph Glazer Usher Lemmel Schlachter Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Abe Shragie Rezso Fantus Rose Hattie Gordon Sarah Mendelson Mini Lefkovitz Annie Perez Gertrude Granik Jerry Israel Noik Dena Hinda Moss Robert Strauber Harold Cohen Harry Azeff Ann Levin Finnerman Hyman Hart Moe Krakower Louis Gordon Rebecca Freedman Geza Vilan Norman Cutler DEC. 27-JAN. 2 Tevet 5-11 Sterra Geffin Solomon Weber Lawrence Taiger Max Spector Isidore Elkin Eileen Cohen Daniel Albert Morris Krackovitch Leon Krantz Max Fenster Abe Gordon Mendle Fayer Dr. Morris Kokin Frances Abramovitch Pearl Raicek Esther Richler Esther Isenberg Mary Rochman Betty Nusselman Pearl Tobias Brian Bidner Katherine Rauchman Arthur Moses JANUARY 3-9 Tevet 12-18 Lilly Roodman Gordon Greenspoon 39 IN MEMORIAM At the Shabbat morning Services we memorialize departed relatives of our members whose Yahrzeit Anniversaries occur during the coming week. "May Their Souls Be Bound Up in the Bond of Eternal Life" Lilia Yaverbaum Uline Erno Deutch Marton Schwartz Nachum Dov Grover Marcel Einhorn George Kertesz David Nisker Louis Kravitz Mavis Gasco Rae Lazarus Lillian Dardick Martin Singer Gary Brumer Clifford Gordon Vera Keller Agnes Sallai Fred Madoff George Spitz Louis Himes Eva Takeman Frances Meltzer Geltman Harry Mazer Jean Takefman Ethel Fuchs Bella Davydova Eliezer Brookman Yehudith Gossack Fruma Richer Sandra Migicovsky David Helfenbaum Hyman Rabinovitch Allan Satim Herman Porper Imre Abonyi Oscar Luger JANUARY 10-16 Tevet 19-25 Leah Florkevitz Dezso Linder Celia Blum Max Neiman Minnie Coblentz Ben Herman Isaac Mendelsohn Jacqueline Benshabbat Morris Tait Benjamin Ritz 40 William Blank Jack Liebman Charles Budning Anne Handelsman Mendel Rosner Istvan Prager Frances Wener Jack Waxman Joseph Kravitz Bella Silverstone Betty Rosenthal Mary Lauer Henry Gottlieb Shirley Levine Jacob Weinstein Hyman Hart Louis Warshaw Rachel Helfenbaum Tillie Maklan Rachel Luxenberg Sidney Devine Louis Kravitz Ernest Schreiber Joseph Schreter Rhona Rothman Ruth Coblentz Israel Adler Mazaltov Gabbay Raoul Dayan Lily Ritz Israel Balinsky JANUARY 17-23 Tevet 26-Shevat 3 Nisan Cohen Samuel Waxman Harry Allister Moishe Dobrofsky Nachum Shechtman Benjamin Simon Hyman Horowitz William Travis Milton Klein Lifsha Belinsky Myer Teicher Louis Shuster Benny Sibales Dezso Feldman Bertha Ida Tannenbaum Dr. Israel Segall Livia Blumenthal Anne Shuter Alice Parnass Lewis Maurice Cossman Sonia Burak Freda Wexelman Caroline Kohn Helen Kokin Lily Besner Jack Birnbom Joseph Abrahamson Bessie Bloom Yermiel Siegel JANUARY 24-30 Shevat 4-10 Samuel Stern Norman Cuttler Dories Hier Manya Szejman Stella Dermer Mordechai Benatar Samuel Meltzer Andor Hofbauer Andrei Schreiber Sylvia Lesser Bella Raveh Mary Cherry Esther Malka Cohen Sophie Dorfman Bea Brodi Louis Frank Zalman Kagan Meir Ginsberg Isaac Yoditz Zelda Wolfe Shaine Leah Starke Louis Rochman Richard Joseph Sylvia Wolofsky Jack Halpern Louis Levine Edward Kaplan Jean Weigensberg Julius Matlin Abraham Frank Joseph Abrahamson Goldie Merling Nathan Cohen Rebecca Satz Margaret Rosenberg Ida Baker Cohen Gertrude Schachter Miriam Miller Anna Back Isadore Lustgarten Maurice Tessler Louis Luxenberg Manis Kesten Bernard Goldstein Bluma Levin Myer Joseph David Monk Abe Rozansky JANUARY 31-FEB. 6 Shevat 11-17 Harry Segall Alec Powell Jack Fenster Joseph Zentner Shaindle Leah Grover Saul Sklar Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Services, Candle Lighting Times & Upcoming Events Friday, September 19 – Candle Lighting Saturday, September 20 – 25 Elul Parasha Nitzavim-Vayelech Shabbat ends SELICHOT PROGRAM SELICHOT SERVICES Evening Services September 21-26 6:39 p.m. 7:40 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. EREV ROSH HASHANA –WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24 Shacharit Service 6:45 a.m. Annulment of Vows after service Candle Lighting 6:29 p.m. Mincha Service 6:30 p.m. Mada Community Dinner 8:00 p.m. ROSH HASHANA – THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 25 Shacharit Service 8:00 a.m. Torah Reading 9:30 a.m. Shofar & Sermon 10:30 a.m. TASHLICH -Clanranald Park 5:30 p.m. Mincha Service 6:20 p.m. Candle Lightingafter from an existing flame 7:30 p.m. Mada Community Dinner 8:00 p.m. ROSH HASHANA - FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 26 Shacharit Service 8:00 a.m. Torah Reading 9:30 a.m. Shofar & Sermon 10:30 a.m. Mincha Service 6:20 p.m. Friday, September 26 Candle Lighting Saturday 27 – 3 Tishrei SHABBAT SHUVA - Parasha Ha’Azinu Rabbi’s Drasha Mincha & Shalosh Seudot Evening Services September 28-October 3 6:26 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m. FAST OF GEDALIAH – SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28 Fast begins 5:33 a.m. and ends 7:10 p.m. EREV YOM KIPPUR FRIDAY OCTOBER 3 Mincha Service 2:00 p.m. Candle Lightingin the Synagogue 6:12 p.m. KOL NIDRE & YOUTH PROGRAM 6:00 p.m. YOM KIPPUR SATURDAY OCTOBER 4 Shacharit Service Sermon & Yizkor Mincha & Neilah YOM KIPPUR ENDS & SHOFAR Evening Services October 5-10 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4:45 p.m. 7:13 p.m. 6:00 p.m. EREV SUCCOT Wednesday October 8 – Candle Lighting Mincha 6:03 p.m. 6:00 p.m. SUCCOT THURSDAY & FRIDAY OCT. 9 & 10 Shacharit Service 9:00 a.m. Kiddush in the Sukkah Candle Lighting Thursday from an existing flame 7:04 p.m. MinchaWednesday & Thursday 6:05 p.m. Friday October 10 - Candle Lighting SATURDAY OCTOBER 11- 17 Tishrei Chol Hamoed Succot Mincha Service Evening Services October 12-17 5:59 p.m. 5:50 p.m. 5:50 p.m. SISTERHOOD OPENING LUNCH – Oct. 15 HOSHANA RABAH WEDNESDAY OCT. 15 Sacharit Candle Lighting Mincha 6:05 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:50 p.m. 5:50 p.m. SHEMINI ATZERET – THURS. EVE. OCT. 16 Candle Lighting 5:50 p.m. Mincha 5:50 p.m. SHEMINI ATZERET THURSDAY OCTOBER 16 Shacharit Service 9:00 a.m. Sermon & Yizkor 10:30 a.m. SIMCHAT TORAH, THURS. EVE. OCT 16 Mincha Candle Lighting in the Synagogue after SIMCHAT TORAH DINNER & PARTY OCTOBER 16 5:50 p.m. 6:52 p.m. SIMCHAT TORAH – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 Shacharit Services 9:00 a.m. Hakafot, Simchat Torah honours Kiddush Candle Lighting 5:47 p.m. Mincha 5:50 p.m. Simchat Torah ends 6:52 p.m. Saturday October 18 – 24 Tishrei Parasha Bereshit – Mincha Service Shabbat ends Evening Services October 19-24 OCTOBER 22 - PARASHA CLASS 5:30 p.m. 6:48 p.m. 5:40 p.m. 1:00 p.m. ROSH CHODESH CHESHVAN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTOBER 24 & 25 Continued on next page... Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 41 Services, Candle Lighting Times & Upcoming Events Friday, October 24 – Candle Lighting Saturday, October 25 – 1 Cheshvan Parasha Noah – Mincha Service Shabbat ends Evening Services October 26-31 OCTOBER 29 - PARASHA CLASS 5:35 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:37 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Friday, October 31– Candle Lighting Saturday November 1 – 8 Cheshvan Parasha Lech Lecha – Mincha Service Shabbat ends Evening Services November 2-7 NOVEMBER 5 - PARASHA CLASS 5:24 p.m. Friday November 7 – Candle Lighting Saturday November 8 – 15 Cheshvan Parasha Vayera – Mincha Service Shabbat ends Evening Services November 9-14 NOVEMBER 12 - PARASHA CLASS 4:15 p.m. 5:20 p.m. 6:27 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:10 p.m. 5:19 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Friday November 14– Caldle Lighting Saturday November 15 – 22 Cheshvan Parasha Chaye Sarah – Mincha Service Shabbat ends Evening Services November 16-21 NOVEMBER 19 - PARASHA CLASS 4:07 p.m. Friday November 21 – Candle Lighting Saturday November 22 – 29 Cheshvan Parasha Toldot – Mincha Service Shabbat ends Evening Services November 23-28 NOVEMBER 26 – PARASHA CLASS 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:12 p.m. 4:10 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:06 p.m. 4:10 p.m. 1:00 p.m. ROSH CHODESH KISLEV SUNDAY NOVEMBER 23 Friday November 28 – Candle Lighting Saturday November 29 – 7 Kislev Parasha Vayetze - Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services November 30-December 5 DECEMBER 3 - PARASHA CLASS Friday December 5 – Candle Lighting Saturday, December 6 – 14 Kislev Parasha Vayishlach – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services December 7-12 DECEMBER 10 - PARASHA CLASS 42 3:55 p.m. Friday December 12 – Candle Lighting Saturday, December 13 – 21 Kislev Parasha Vayeshev – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services December 14-19 DECEMBER 17 - PARASHA CLASS 3:52 p.m. 3:50 p.m. 5:01 p.m. 4:10 p.m. 1:00 p.m. CHANUKAH DECEMBER 16-23, 2014 FIRST CANDLE – DECEMBER 20 Friday December 20– Candle Lighting Saturday, December 21 – 28 Kislev Parasha Miketz – Mincha Shabbat ends DECEMBER 24 – PARASHA CLASS ROSH CHODESH TEVET MONDAY & TUESDAY DECEMBER 22 & 23 3:54 p.m. 3:55 p.m. 5:14 p.m. 1:00 p.m. WEEKLY TALMUD CLASS Please join the weekly downtown Lunch & Learn, with our very own Rabbi Asher Jacobson. The class is attendedby both men and women! The topic is “Talmudic Ethics in the Business World” Thursdays 12-1 p.m. at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg L.L.P. A Simcha to Remember at The Chevra 1501 McGill College Avenue 26th Floor Montreal Quebec H3A 3N9 R.S.V.P. required 3:50 p.m. 5:03 p.m. 4:10 p.m. 1:00 p.m. The Chevra is pleased to announce that we now welcome all Caterers under the MK Supervision. We invite you to celebrate your Simcha at our beautiful premises, for any occasion large or small – Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Bris/Baby Naming, Fundraisers, Family Celebrations. Please Robineauatat(514) (514)482-3366 482-3366ext. ext.231 230 Pleasecall callMichelle Eden Tzoubari for more information on arranging your simcha! 3:53 p.m. 3:50 p.m. 5:01 p.m. 4:10 p.m. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel The Chevra 46 Congregation CongregationChevra ChevraKadisha KadishaB’nai B’naiJacob—Beit Jacob—BeitHazikaron—Beth Hazikaron—BethHillel Hillel 43 THE CHEVRA Another fantastic Golf Tournament took place on Monday June 16 at the Val des Lacs Golf Club. Foursomes filled the course, food was enjoyed at every turn and spirits ran high with all the shnapps shared with the Rabbi. Special thanks to all our sponsors whose support is much appreciated and to our Committee and volunteers who are the backbone of every event. Our auction was a huge success thanks to our special guest Anthony Calvillo and to the Rabbi who did such an awesome job and managed to make this the most profitable auction ever. The following are members of our Golf Committee: Danny Rossner, Gary Trestan, Sanford Smith, David Farber, Jack Starke, Hershey Fitleberg, and Leonard Freedman, and they will be joined this year by Jerry Sherman and Warren Hersh. If you would like to join our Committee, please notify me at 514-482-3366. It has been my pleasure to work side by side with this group for the past 10 years, and the end result is worth every effort. Iona Redler Events Co-ordinator If you would like to join our Committee, please notify Iona Redler at 514-482-3366.