Rabbi`s Message - Chevra Kadisha B`nai Jacob
Rabbi`s Message - Chevra Kadisha B`nai Jacob
The Scroll Vol. 63 No. 3 Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tamuz, Av 5775 April, May, June, July, August 2015 What’s Inside: Passover Services Schedule 2 Rabbi’s Message 3 Day of Learning II 3 President’s Message 4 Purim Basket - Mishloach Manot Mitzvah 5 Purim At The Chevra 6 Beit Hazikaron Message 7 Weekly Talmud Class 7 Bat/Bar Mitzvah 7 Synagogue Clergy & Leadership 8 Cantors Message - Shabbat Shirra 8 Sarah & Charles Bedzow Honoured 9 Conversational Hebrew 10 Learn to Read - Aleph-Bet 10 Navigate the Siddur with Rabbi Jacobson 10 Mada Seder 11 Shabbat Hagadol Lecture 11 Yom Hashoa – Yom Hazikaron 11 Yom Ha’atzmaut-Yom Yerushalayim 11 The Chevra Community Seder 12 Maot Chitim 13 Matzah Baking 13 Passover Laws & Customs 14-15 Sisterhood Shabbat 16 Sisterhood Book Review 17 What is Shavuot 18 Shavuot Services 18 Shavuot Services for Kids by Kids 19 Tikkun Leyl Shavuot 19 Shabbat Under the Stars 20 Song of Songs 21-22 Mazel Tovs 23 Book Review by Bernard Gotlieb 23 Weddings at the Chevra 23 Wedding Anniversaries 24 CPR Course 24 Birthday Celebrations 25 Shabbaton with Rabbi David Nesenoff 26 Cooking with Chef Isaac 26 Learn Jewish and Hebrew Songs 26 Prayer Book-Torah Welfare-Endowment Funds 27 Kaballah of the Tanya 27 About Our Shul 28 Kiddush Corner 29 In Memoriam 30 Condolences 30 Memorial Needs 30 Cemetery Reservations 30 Prayer for the Sick 30 Memorial Plaques 30 Endowment Plaques 30 Yoga 31 Yahrzeit Fund Donation 32-33 In Memoriam 34-36 Services-Candle Lighting 37-38 Celebrating A Simcha 39 The Chevra Golf Tournament 40 Publication Mailing Agreement No. 40032040 Chevra Kadisha B’Nai JacobBeit Hazikaron - Beth Hillel 5237 Clanranald Ave., Montreal, Qc., H3X 2S5 2 Rabbi's Message PASSOVER SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SATURDAY, MARCH 28 Morning Services 9:00 a.m. SHABBAT HAGADOL DRASHA LECTURE 6:20 p.m. Evening Services – 7:00 p.m. THURSDAY, APRIL 2 Bedikas Chometz (search for Chometz) after sunset FRIDAY, APRIL 3 Siyum Services for the First Born Males - 7:00 a.m. Chometz may be eaten until 10:21 a.m. Chometz is burned & Statement of Renouncement ‘Kol Chamira’ is recited by – 11:38 a.m. Candle Lighting – 7:06 p.m. FIRST SEDER Evening Services – 7:00 p.m. Principle vs Compromise There has been much debate recently concerning the two distinct approaches of dealing with Iran: President Obama vs Prime Minister Netanyahu. While both administrations agree that Iran is controlled by radical Islamic fundamentalists, they disagree on what is the best approach to halt, contain and stop their quest to achieving nuclear proliferation and avoiding a nuclear arm’s race in the dangerous Middle East. The White House administration believes that through allowance and compromise, they will win co-operation and achieve a temporary halt and circumvention for 10 years. The Israeli government strongly contends that when confronting a regime that is guided by radicalism it must be countered with the same measure of uncompromising principles of justice, thereby insisting that Iran’s nuclear capabilities be significantly dismantled before lifting any sanctions. SATURDAY APRIL 4 Morning Services (with Choir on March 26) 9:00 a.m. Evening Services – 7:00 p.m. SECOND SEDER conducted after Evening Services Candle Lighting after 8:12 p.m. from existing flame When it comes to conflict resolution Judaism has a unique approach. The Talmud often favors Peshara Compromise over finding the exact right Judgment especially when the exact right is not easily clear at all, so in matters of complex civil and economic disputes you will find Jewish law leaning on the side of compromise, but when a principle is at stake there is a paradigm shift in the law. THURSDAY APRIL 9 EVE OF SEVENTH DAY OF PASSOVER Evening Services – 7:00 p.m. Candle Lighting – 7:14 p.m. Studying in Yeshiva I was deeply moved by the law articulated in the Talmud: “A group of people are walking along a road when they are stopped by heathens, who say to them, “Give us one of you and we will kill him. If not, we will kill all of you.” Let them all be killed, and let them not surrender one soul from Israel”. Palestinian Talmud, Terumot 8:10. FRIDAY APRIL 10 Morning Services – 9:00 a.m. Evening Services – 7:00 p.m. Candle Lighting Friday after 7:15 p.m. from existing flame SATURDAY APRIL 11 Morning Services (with Choir) 9:00 a.m. Sermon and Yizkor – 10:30 a.m. Evening Services – 7:10 p.m. PASSOVER ENDS 8:21 p.m. CHOMETZ MAY BE EATEN AFTER 9:21 p.m. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Egypt and its economy. The plagues forced Pharaoh to sit at the negotiation table with Moses: Pharaoh broken and desperate declared “I will let your people go, your youth and your elders your sons and your daughters may go to serve G-d but your flocks and your cattle must remain.” This offer represented 95% of what Moses first demanded of Pharaoh - a clear victory – yet, Moses refused and insisted in the next verse that “not a single hoof will remain” (“Lo Teshaer Parsah”). Though many Jews argued to accept the deal, Moses remained steadfast because when fighting for the principle of justice there is no room to compromise and thus give dignity to the unjust. Here history has proven over and again that when the righteous stand up, truth and justice prevail. Lieba and I would like to wish all our members and friends A Chag kasher Vesameach. Rabbi Asher Jacobson Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz TBDJ When it comes to right and wrong, good and bad, the Torah has always guided us to establish clear lines called Havdalah distinct separation. When we as a society allow a criminal to commit a half crime, instead of protecting the innocent, we are perverting justice and for Justice to endure its principles must be preserved. Throughout history, radicals gave Jewish communities an ultimatum to either submit their principles or face expulsion and annihilation. Many Jews refused to forego their faith, and though precious lives have been lost in the process, the principles were not only kept intact, but they shined even stronger for the next generation. At the Passover table, let us recall the pinnacle moment when Moses stood before Pharaoh – when truth spoke to power – in the quest to bring dignity to all mankind, After nine plagues the Egyptians were weakened by heavenly sanctions that crippled Rabbi Asher Jacobson The Chevra DAY OF LEARNING II Date: Thursday, May 21, 2015 Time: 10 am until early evening Location: Gelber Center at Federation Cost: $26.00 per person Food: A light breakfast and filling lunch R.S.V.P. by return email Laurent Bensemana larrybens@ndexsystems.com Please advise of your intentions and of course pass the word around! EMAIL ADDRESS If you would like to be part of the Rabbi's email list, please send your email address to rabbi@thechevra.ca Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 3 President's Message As this long and cold winter (at least for those of us that remained at home in Montreal) comes to an end, we all begin to turn our minds to the spring. Spring has traditionally been the season representing a time of phenomenal renewal. The earth seems to reawaken from its slumber, and explodes with new life. In our own lives, spring can be symbolic of starting new projects, sewing new seeds and coming forth with new ideas. With the arrival of spring, and the return of so many of our members from down South, we begin now to re-focus our attention to re-invigorating our shul. As a new President, I have spent the last several months, together with my fellow new Executive and Trustee members, learning about our shul and its operations and personnel, and trying to meet as many of our members and friends as possible. I have come to learn that our shul benefits from a strong core of members who support us in many different ways, some as regular attendees, some as casual participants, and others just financially. Some of us have a long history with the shul and others do not. I have also observed that although we are an Orthodox shul by denomination, many, if not most of us, are not observant but find ourselves on a wide spectrum of religious belief and practice. What binds us together is also multi-faceted, but ultimately it boils down to the joy we feel coming together at shul and the pleasure and fulfillment we derive from being within its walls. Whether you are a regular at shul or not, we are hoping that our spring/summer calendar of events will give you multiple reasons to come to the shul to meet new people and to become more comfortable and more entrenched in your spirituality, Jewishness, love of Israel and general well-being. We will be offering a wide range of programs, including Yoga, Hebrew classes, book reviews, Jewish cooking classes with Chef (Cantor) Isaac, a Jewish/Israeli sing-along, classes on explaining the basics of the siddur and many more. We are also always looking for ways to make services more accessible and, yes, enjoyable for you. While the chazzanut may be beautiful and the Rabbi’s sermons extraordinary, we know that we could be doing more to fill our sanctuaries. Our goal is simple: to see you more often in shul and to have you benefit more from your shul in whatever ways are meaningful and enjoyable to you. I sincerely hope that you will take the time to peruse through this edition of the Scroll, read our email bulletins, like us on Facebook and visit our website (www. thechevra.ca) to keep abreast of all that we are trying to do for you, and that you will give yourself the chance to let the shul become a home for you and your family in whatever way is meaningful for you. As the African-American writer Harriet Ann Jacobs wrote: “The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.” I truly hope that this spring will be a season of renewal, revival, good health and happiness for all of you and your families and, indeed, a Chevra spring for us all. We are committed to doing all that we can to see more of you in shul more frequently. For those who are motivated On behalf of myself, my family, and the Executive and primarily by religious beliefs, attending shul is already a Board of Trustees of the Chevra, I wish you all a Happy part of your life and we hope the shul will continue to be Passover, a Chag Sameach and a Goot Yomtov! meaningful to you, as led by our dynamic, learned and inspirational Rabbi Jacobson and our gifted, talented and Arnold Cohen welcoming Cantor Epstein. But for many of us, coming to services is a 3-day a year event, with perhaps some extra days added for holidays, milestone or life cycle events. For those less religiously inclined, I understand how a synagogue can feel like somewhat of a foreign place and would not be a natural draw for spending your time. We aim to try and address just that. 4 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel MiShenichnas Adar Marbin BeSimcha Purim 2015 When the month of Adar arrives we increase the joy and happiness. We the Chevra Chesed Committee in conjunction with the Sisterhood under the leadership of Sally Raicek have started the month of Adar with the preparations for our annual Mishloach Manot Project. The initiative started with Hamantashen Baking under the direction of Donna Cohen Hersh. Ladies came in on a Sunday morning February 22nd and happily started to prepare the Hamantashen. The preparations continue with the joy and happiness of receiving wonderful donations of treats from the following sponsors: Galerie au Chocolats, Mandeli, Pizza Pita, Rocky Montana, and Kosher Quality, without your support our Purim initiative would not be so successful. Thank you so much. On Monday morning before Purim the real excitement started. The Raicek Hall was set up with tables, treats, gift bags, tissue paper and ribbon. Ladies were chatting, laughing and preparing the gift bags with simcha. This was truly a labour of love and happiness. Volunteers were arriving as scheduled and joyfully started to pick up the bags that were to be delivered. In no time at all the bags were packed and delivered and our mission was accomplished. Joy and happiness was to get the feedback from the recipients and their families. The appreciation was beautiful; it was well worth the effort. A hearty Yasher Koach – Todah Rabah to the following volunteers for all their effort: Terri Allister Miriam Ayele Doreen Brown Simcha Miriam & Sara Binstock Belle Burak Cantor Yitzhak Epstein Zemira Epstein Cyna Fayer Frances Freeman Kathy Gardos Ruth Hubermann Iris Lieberman Rick Mackenzie Grace Matthews Gill Mazaltarim Robbie Miller Clara Pinda Denise Popliger Minkie Silverstone Allan & Dr. Gloria Tannenbaum Pat Sweeney Purim Sameach, Marsha Epstein, Chair Chevra Chesed Committee Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 5 Purim at the Chevra What an amazing time we all had at the Chevra Purim Party over two hundred of us celebrated the joyous holiday in style. The festivities kicked off with a fun filled carnival for the children. We thank Mendel and Riki Jacobson for the wonderful job they did in running this program. Everyone then proceeded to the Sanctuary to hear the Megillah of Esther and truly got into the holiday spirit. This was followed by a wonderful catered meal with open bar. We thank Chef Reda and Cantor Epstein in planning the menu. Dan Abitbol got everyone dancing with great music and lots of fun, there were some sixty children in attendance wearing the most incredible costumes, all had a great time! Special thank you to Leiba Jacobson for her hard work in planning this event. We look forward to seeing everyone next year. Beit Hazikaron Passover follows another happy holiday, Purim. One may ask what makes Passover so happy, too? Yes, most of us love the delicious matzo balls, fancy dinner, and family gatherings. However, it portends a much more important message; freedom from slavery, looking forward to a new life of our own doing and a better tomorrow with the help of Hashem. One of the ceremonies, Maggid, will retell the story to us and our children and grandchildren. Tomorrow is the word I would like to delve on: "And it shall come to pass that your child will ask you tomorrow, “What is this?” And you shall tell him with a mighty hand G-d took us out of Egypt". In any realistic and contemporary sense it means to us, that we live in a beautiful country, still enjoying life with all the daily pains, bad news and uncertainties. It means that we can still soon come to our Sunday get-togethers, and so on. Tomorrow, in a distant and overriding sense, begs for an answer: what will tomorrow bring? Not so much to ourselves, but to our descendants. Will G-d's miracles take us out of the danger surrounding us all over the world, as He liberated us from slavery. While we are welcoming the approaching Passover, the spring and all the returning snowbirds, we believe, that G-d's miracle will come in our time. Wishing all our members a happy and joyful Passover Beit Hazikaron WEEKLY TALMUD CLASS A potential convert once came to the great sage, Hillel and asked him, “Can you teach me the entire Torah on one foot?” Hillel’s response was, “Do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you, now go and study.” This became the Golden Rule of Hillel, The rabbis note that Hillel’s statement, “Now go and study” is part of the Golden Rule; for to live by the Torah values, they must be studied and internalized. Every week we will learn a new topic on “Ethics and Business According to Jewish Law” at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg 1501 McGill College Avenue 26th Floor. Lunch is available for $10. Kindly RSVP (by 10 am Thursday) by return e-mail to rabbi@thechevra.ca, if you would like lunch! Please note: This class is now certified under The Barreau du Quebec, Credits will be given to all lawyers whose names are listed on the ‘Formulaire de Redevances’. Be Shalom 6 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel BAR / BAT MITZVAHS Sarah Qin Sokoloff Hi my name is Sarah Qin Sokoloff and I was adopted. I just turned 12 years old and that is exciting for me as I just celebrated my Bat Mitzvah on March 21st, 2015! I go to school of course. I used to go to Akiva, but now I go to Hampstead School. The things I like to do are drawings and art. I also like to talk to my friends and have fun with them all the time. I also like singing and dancing. I love school and my teachers Miss Tami and Miss Gila. I live in a house with my sister Nora Jin Sokoloff, and my parents Jonathan Jay Sokoloff and Virginia Champoux, and my favorite dogs in the world, Mortimer and Lucy. My Parasha portion was from Vayikra. Brett Spector Brett Spector is the son of Jodi and Ivan Spector. He is the brother of Shane, Amber and Shelby and grandson of Selma Spector. He currently attends St. George’s School and is in grade 7. His favourite subject is Geography. Brett plays basketball, badminton and excels in snow skiing. He loves spending the summer in Cam Baco in the Adirondacks. Brett will be celebrating his Bar Mitzvah in Israel on April 19 and 20 and will be reading from Parasha Rosh Chodesh. JAKE TORRALBO Jake Torralbo will be celebrating his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, June 13, 2015. Jake is attending grade 7 at Selwyn House School. His favorite sports include wrestling, swimming, football and basketball. He loves music and comedy and is a drummer as well! Jake's family adores him and is excited for this special day! Parents are Andrey Hollinger and Robert Torralbo, siblings are Matthew Torralbo and Rebecca Torralbo, and his grandparents are Sarah Hollinger, AnneMarie and Adolfo Torralbo. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 7 Shabbat Shira 2015 CONGREGATION CHEVRA KADISHA B’NAI JACOB-BEIT HAZIKARON-BETH HILLEL 5237 Clanranald, Montreal, Canada H3X 2S5 Tel; 514-482-3366; Fax; 514-484-1607 www.thechevra.ca Rabbi Cantor Rabbi Emeritus Beth Hillel Rabbi Emeritus Executive Director Choirmaster Asher Jacobson Yitzhak Epstein Meyer Kizelnik Benjamin Hauer Alys Geiger Yossi Milo EXECUTIVE Arnold CohenPresident Jeff Frank Vice President Leo Hubermann Vice President Sanford M. Smith Vice President Sam Lieblein Treasurer Daniel S. Miller Secretary Rafael Tzoubari Immediate President Advisor Kathy Halmi Representative of Beit Hazikaron Yoav Djebali Representative of Sephardi Minyan Donna Cohen Hersh Co-Opted Officer Mitchell Rosen Co-Opted Officer Jerry Sherman Co-Opted Officer PARNASSIM Paul Kushner Jerry Sherman Hershey Fitleberg Allan Tannenbaum If someone would try to sum up all the work for an entire year at our congregation, at which our wonderful choir adds to our prayers, and the and the contribution that our choir makes to The Chevra, to the uplifting of our Tefilah, I have no doubt that Shabbat Shira, would be the highlight. Shabbat Shira is one of the most joyful days of a great Shabbat of prayer and song filled with cantorial melodies, prayers combined with Chassidic and popular composers, lebedic and freilech songs adapted in the prayers from our rich heritage of music. The power of the holy songs is well demonstrated that even below zero, close to 200 members and friends show up and say “we want real music”, we want the music which is combined with prayer and songs, which come from the heart, songs from the Torah portion that we read on Shabbat Shira morning in all synagogues, “Az Yashir Moshe Uvenei Yisrael”, the song that Moses and the children of Israel sang when crossing the sea to become a nation. This is the song that is alive. This is the prayer and hope with which we conclude each service, of the evening, morning and afternoon prayer “Sheyibone Bais Hamikdosh Bimhera Beyameinu”, may the Temple be speedily restored in our days, at which time G-d will reinstate the Levites, who served in the Temple, with prayers and song. Am Yisrael Chai. We take this opportunity to thank Maestro Yossi Milo and the Choir for their outstanding contribution, Rabbi Asher Jacobson for his uplifting sermon and to our Gabbai Allan PRESIDENT'S Advisory Council Tannenbaum for his continued dedication to Shabbat Shira. Last but not least to our Mish Granik Sally Raicek members and sponsors, who helped make Shabbatt Shira the “Shabbat” at the Chevra. Daniel S. Miller Jack Rothenberg David Perlin Dr. Richard Shatz Gary E. Polachek Rafael Tzoubari BOARD OF TRUSTEES David Amiel David Perlin Gary E. Polachek Ralph Brookman Jacob Posel Elaine Budning Norman Raicek Belle Burak Sally Raicek Arnold Cohen Aaron Remer Ben Cohen Mitchell Rosen Murray Dalfen Tina Apfeld Rosenthal Yoav Djebali Martin P. Rosenthal Dr. David Farber Jack Rothenberg Manny Fayer Pearl Rothenberg Jeff Frank Ellen Rubin Mish Granik Dr. Richard Shatz Doreen Green Jerry Sherman Joseph Halmi Sanford M. Smith Kathy Halmi Ivan Spector Donna Cohen Hersh Marnie Stern Zigman Leo Hubermann Allan Tannenbaum Sam Lieblein Garry Trestan Steve Luxenburg Rafael Tzoubari Daniel S. Miller Joel Waxman Elaine Moscovitch COMMITTEE CHAIRS Allan Tannenbaum Brotherhood Leo Hubermann Bulletin and Publicity David Perlin Steve Luxenburg Jeff Frank Cemetery Allan Rubin Golf Sanford M. Smith Mish Granik House Committee Jerry Sherman Jacob Posel Sanford M. Smith Human Resources Ben Cohen Hershey Fitleberg Donna Cohen Hersh Dave Perlin Leo Hubermann Marketing Ben Cohen Ivan Spector Membership Joel Waxman Sanford M. Smith Ben Cohen Belle Burak Elaine Moscovitch Donna Cohen Hersh Sally Raicek Sisterhood Belle Burak Gary Polachek Project Shabbat Hershey Fitleberg Hebrew Reading/Davening Ben Cohen Congregation Histories 8 Cantor Yitzhak Epstein Arlene & Stephen Abramson Aaron Bloom Belle & Louis Burak Ross Coblentz Marlene & Murray Dalfen Marlene & Jack Dworkind Eta & Asher Elcabetz Marsha & Yitzhak Epstein Francine & Barry Fagen Jeff & Arlene Feldman & Fam. Yvonne Feldstein Libby & Hershey Fitelberg Alys Geiger Doreen & Gerald Green Donna Cohen & Warren Hersh Ruth & Leo Huberman Herbert Isenberg Lieba & Asher Jacobson Lisa & Fred Kokin Paul Kushner Chana Lieblein Veronica & Stephen Luxenburg Mel Maitlitz Grace Michelin Matthews Maria & Mark Meltzer Sheldon Merling Anna & Lennie Miller Debra & Stephen Pekofsky Beverlee & David Perlin Brenda Shaffer Lorna & Jerry Sherman Barbara & Phil Siegel Minkie & David Silverstone Joy & Sanford Smith Jack Starke Judith & Rubin Strauber Dr. Gloria & Allan Tannenbaum Bonnie & Joel Waxman Tova & Sam Zentner Betsy and Matthew Ziniuk Joe Akerman Tina & Paul Baker Joan & Hy Bloom Marnie & Arnold Cohen Penny & Ben Cohen Jeff Frank & Sons Doreen and Lawrence Glazer Susan and Max Haberkorn Nina & Harry Hart Roslyn Joseph Jodie & Morden Lazarus Selma & Sam Lieblein Barbara & Stanley Magidson Sandra & Leonard Mendell Lois & Danny Miller Claudia & Gary Polachek Mona& Sol Polachek Sally & Norman Raicek Bonnie& Mitch Rosen Tina & Martin Rosenthal Pearl & Jack Rothenberg Evelyn & Hyman Ruckenstein Mark Weinberg Emanuel Fayer Debbie & Aaron Remer Benjamin Ahdoot & Yaffa Tegegne Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel THE CHEVRA CONGRATULATES SARAH AND CHARLES BEDZOW The Chevra synagogue congratulates our dear members and long-time supporters Doctors of Laws Charles and Sarah Bedzow as the 2014 recipients of the rabbinical College of America honorary doctor of laws degrees. This past December 15 2014 over 600 of the Who’s Who gathered at the Hilton Meadowlands in New Jersey. The dinner was emceed by Saturday Night Live’s Joe Piscopo. The keynote address was delivered by Senior New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez, followed by a steering and inspiring speech by the Ambassador of Israel to the United States Ron Dermer. The Bedzow’s were introduced by their grandson Dr. Jason Shapiro highlighting that he is the oldest of eight grandchildren who are lighting up the world each in their way like the menorah of Chanukah. A special video was prepared in which Mr. Charles Bedzow recounts his battle against the Nazis as a partisans in the Bielski brigade and his fight for Jewish life. Mrs. Sally Bedzow was then called to the podium to address the crowd and in her gracious and elegant manner thanked everyone for their support and generosity. Our very own Rabbi Asher Jacobson flew in to the event and sat with the Bedzow family for this special occasion representing our Shul. Also honoured that night was Mr. Philip R.Sellinger ESQ co-chair of Global Litigation Greenberg Traurig, LLP. Congratulations to Rabbi Avraham Shemtov and Rabbi Moshe Herson for organizing this incredible event and achieving incredible unity amongst Am Yisroel. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 9 5237 Clanranald Avenue Conversational & Beginners Hebrew Classes If you are interested in learning Hebrew please choose your options Option 1. Every Monday at 2:00 p.m. commencing April 13, 2015 Option 2. Every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. commencing April 15, 2015 The Chevra is proud to announce 5237 Clanranald Avenue that in conjunction Is proud to announce that in conjunction with the Centre The Mada with Community Cost: $56.00 for 8 sessions Contact: The Synagogue office at 514-482-3366 to register Learn to read Hebrew Community Centre Will be hosting two Seders to share the warmth and joy of a traditional meal, complete with symbolic food and festive dinner Community wide observance SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 2014 AT 7:30 P.M. at TBDJ Synagogue Holocaust Remembrance Day THURSAY, APRIL 16, 2015 SERVICES AT 7:00 A.M. When we will light Yahrzeit candles in memory of the 6 million martyrs and recite appropriate Psalms, a community Kaddish and the Memorial Prayer - El Maleh Rachamim Come and worship with us _______________________________ Will be hosting YOM HAZIKARON on two Seders Yom Hazikaron this year falls on for the less fortunate families, TUESDAY EVENING APRIL 21 FRIDAY APRIL 3, 2015 AT 8:00 P.M. to share the warmth and joy of a WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2015 and Celebration will take place at 5:00 p.m. at traditional meal,APRIL complete with symbolic SATURDAY 4, 2015 AT 8:00 P.M. food 5151 Cote St. Catherine Road In front of the Gelber & Federation CJA Building and festive dinner. For tickets and information call Mada at 514-342-4969 Ext. 0 BEGINNERS ALEPH BET on Every Tuesday May 12 – June 16 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. $50.00 Lecture Series With Rabbi Asher Jacobson MONDAY APRIL 18, 2011 AT 7:30 P.M. THE CHEVRA and Cordially invites all members and friends TUESDAY APRIL 19, 2011 AT 7:30 P.M. to the SHABBAT HAGADOL For tickets andLECTURE information call DRASHA Navigate the Siddur A journey of Jewish Prayer, the history and meaning behind some of the most powerful passages May 14, 21 and 28 $18.00 10 YOM HASHOA Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 514-342-4969 ext.0 Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 6:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary followed by Mincha Tradition prescribes such learned gatherings in preparation of the Festival of Freedom. All are urged to attend! _______________________________ YOM HA’ATZMA’UT On the 4th of Iyar in the year 1948, the State of Israel was declared. Since then, The Chief Rabbinate of Israel has asked that we recognize this day as special, and of religious meaning. A special prayer service was compiled, which we are proud to feature at our services on the eve and morning of the day. It is right and fitting that families mark the day with festivities and thanksgiving to G-d. This year it will fall on the evening of WEDNESDAY APRIL22 THURSDAY APRIL 23, 2015. ______________________________ YOM YERUSHALAYIM The 28th of Iyar marks the commemoration of the reunification of Jerusalem since 1967. This is a day on which Hallel is recited, and full celebrations should be held. This year, it falls on SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 11 All Are Welcome! Maot Chitim HAND MADE SHMURAH The synagogue is not only a place where we come to pray and learn, socialize, or enjoy each other’s simchot, it’s also a place where families who are in financial need can come and receive our assistance in a dignified manner. Through our office, you can help provide ‘kimcha de Pischa’ – matzo, wine and all Passover needs for Jewish families in our community. Funds will be distributed on a discrete basis. Please remember to give tzedakah. Contributions should be made payable to The Chevra “Maot Chitim”. With blessing of a kosher and happy Passover. invites your family and everyone else you know to bake your very own MATZAH In our exclusive MODEL MATZAH BAKERY 482-3366 or iona@chevra.ca ar on The TheChevra Chevra Clanranald Avenue Avenue 5237Clanranald 5237 Admission: ADULT- -$25 $25CHILD CHILD -- $360 SPONSORS Admission: $49$50 ADULT $360 SPONSORS For andand to RSVP call Sara at at 514Formore moreinformation information to RSVP call Iona 514-482-3366 or sara.miller@thechevra.ca zik Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Ha Jaco b— Beit TuesdayAPRIL April 15, 2014 FIRST SEDER – FRIDAY 3, 2015 SECOND SEDER Services : Servicesand anddinner dinnerat at6:30 6:30pm pm Oh, that yummy taste of the crispiest crunchiest snack in the whole world B’n ai K adi sha Ch evr a Con greg atio n 18 Enjoy the Holiday of Freedom with your family at an inspirational Seder complete with hand made Shmurah Matzah, Four Cups of exquisite Kosher Wine, and a gourmet Passover dinner. with Rabbi Jacobson & Cantor Epstein PASSOVER B”H 12 THE CHEVRA Sincerely yours, RABBI ASHER JACOBSON The Chevra Please note that tax deductible receipts will be issued for all contributions. MMM! MMM! PROGRAM INCLUDES: HANDS ON MATZAH BAKING! PRE PASSOVER ACTIVITIES SPECIAL TRIP TO THE INTERACTIVE STORY OF PASSOVER TIME: 11:00 A.M. DATE: SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2015 LOCATION: 5237 CLANRANALD R.S.V.P. PHONE: 514-482-3366 ! Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 13 SUMMARY OF PRE-PASSOVER DUTIES 1. HAVE YOU CONTRIBUTED TO THE MAOT CHITIM FUND? No family should sit down to the Passover Seder before making charitable contributions so that others might share in the blessing of Passover. Contributions should be sent to the Synagogue. Please make your cheque payable to the Synagogue (See page 16). 2. BEDIKAT CHOMETZ The search for Chometz takes place in your home Thursday, April 2, 2015, after dark. 3. HAVE YOU ARRANGED FOR THE SALE OF YOUR CHOMETZ? Do so through Rabbi Jacobson or Cantor Epstein by Friday, April 3, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Please complete and return the form enclosed. 4. FAST & FEAST OF FIRST BORN MALES Fast and feast of first born takes place on Friday morning April 3, 2015 at 7:00 a.m. and Rabbi Jacobson will conduct a Siyum concluding one of the Talmudic Volumes following the Services permitting all the Bechorim (first born sons) to eat, on what would otherwise be a fast day. 5. ATTEND SERVICES Attend services the evenings of the Seder as well as Passover mornings. We urge all parents to join us at these services with your children. Let the glory of our services convey the full Passover message to you this year. 6. THE EATING OF CHOMETZ May not be resumed until one hour after Pesach ends- Saturday, April 11, 2015, 9:21 p.m. _____________________________________________________ COUNTING THE DAYS OF “OMER” AND “LAG B’OMER” Beginning with the second night of Passover, and continuing for forty-nine nights, we count the Omer in accordance with the Biblical injunction: “From the morrow of Pesach, from the days of your bringing the Omer, you shall count seven full weeks”. The Omer was a special offering of barley gathered from the newly-ripened grain which then permitted the use of the spring harvest. In Temple-times, the harvesting of the Omer on the second night of Pesach, was an occasion for great celebration in the streets of Jerusalem. The counting of the Omer must take place after nightfall, immediately before starting the daily and weekly number in the Omer, we recite the benediction of ‘Al Sephirat Ha-Omer’. These forty-nine days link the festival of Passover, the celebration of our physical redemption with the festival of Shavuot, which occurs on the 50th day, when we celebrate our spiritual redemption, the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai. In the second century of the common era, Eretz Israel was visited by plague. Thousands of the disciples of Rabbi Akiva perished between Pesach and Shavuot. In their memory, this period is observed with partial mourning. During the weeks of the Omer therefore, we do not make weddings nor engage in unusual festivity, nor do we cut our hair. Since the plague is said to have stopped on the thirty-third day of the Omer (Lag B’Omer), these restrictions are suspended for that day. School children suspend their studies and have a day of field games. This year Lag B’Omer occurs on Thursday April 7, 2015. 14 PREPARING FOR THE SEDER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE USED AT THE SEDER ARBA’A KOSOT: Four cups of wine, representing the four expressions of freedom and redemption mentioned in the Bible (Exodus 6:6,7) If wine cannot be tolerated, use grape juice. MATZAH SHMURAH: Matzah prepared from grain which was specially watched since reaping so that it should leaven by becoming moist. It is best to have this special matzah for the Seder. THREE WHOLE MATZAHS are placed on the Seder Plate, representing the Kohen, Levi and Yisrael. MAROR: The bitter herb which recalls how the Egyptians embittered the lives of our ancestors. Use romaine lettuce for Maror, or horse radish root. Wash lettuce very thoroughly to remove any possible bugs - inspect carefully. CHAZERS: The root part of the bitter herb, in original form. Not all Seder Plates contain this item. CHAROSET: A mixture of chopped nuts, apples, Kosher L’Pesach cinnamon and wine, representing the mortar mixed for the slave labour in Egypt and into which we dip the Maror. KARPAS: A vegetable, symbol of springtime and of our freedom. Possible vegetables include celery, potato or onion dipped in salt water, recalling the years of oppression of the Israelites. AFIKOMEN: The piece of Matzoh broken off from the middle Matzoh and hidden away to be eaten at the very end of the meal. It represents the Paschal lamb roasted in the days of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and eaten last so that its savour lingers in our palates. Z’ROA: A roasted meat or chicken bone, representing the Paschal lamb (Korban Pesach) and reminding us of the Almighty’s ‘outstretched arm’ (Z’roa means arm). BEITZAH: A roasted egg, representing the festival offering (Hagigah). CUP OF ELIYAHU: A special wine cup reserved for Eliyahu the Prophet who symbolizes full redemption. _____________________________________________ KITCHEN ITEMS TO BE KASHERED Metal Wine Goblets and Napkin Rings - Hagola (Boiling Water) Metal (uncoated) Water Urn - Hagola Shabbos Blech - Lebun Gamur (Open flame) Metal Colander KITCHEN ITEMS THAT CANNOT BE KASHERED Mixer China Stoneware Porcelain Teflon Plastic Pyrex Silverstone Porcelain Enameled Pots Melmac Corning Ware Knives with plastic Grater (any) Synthetic Rubber For more information please contact our Rabbi: rabbi@thechevra.ca or the VAAD at www.mk.ca Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel PASSOVER LAWS AND CUSTOMS PASSOVER FOODS A. FOODS FORBIDDEN ON PASSOVER 1. Leavened foods and all foods containing a mixture of leavening. 2. Any food prepared from barley, wheat, cereals, spelt, rice and grits of any kind. 3. All legumes (peas, beans, corn, rice peanuts). 4. Ice cream and syrups, as well as all liquors containing grain alcohol. B. FOODS PERMITTED ONLY UNDER STRICT RABBINICAL SUPERVISION Sodas, milk, butter, cheese and dairy products; also all Passover cakes, cookies and canned goods C. FOOD PERMITTED WITHOUT PASSOVER LABEL All fresh vegetables and fruits (except legumes). ____________________________________________ KASHERING is the manner in which various items used throughout the year are prepared for use during Passover. The laws of Passover prohibit even the smallest trace of Chometz in our food. It is therefore preferable that an entire set of dishes and utensils be set aside for Pesach- use only and never used throughout the year. With certain items however, Jewish Law permits the 'Kashering' (ritual cleaning) of utensils. KASHERING THE STOVE a.) Clean the stove thoroughly and then heat the oven, spits, racks, etc. until red hot. Leave stove-top on for 10 minutes oven for 30 minutes. b.) Special metal sheets or aluminum foil covering are required on top of the range between the burners, for the days of Pesach. KASHERING THE DISHES & UTENSILS a) Metal pots and pans, after a thorough cleaning and nonuse for 24 hours, must be dipped into boiling water or filled with water and heated until boiling over the top of metal utensil. The hot rock is inserted into the large pots, to bring the temperature even higher. b) Glasses are placed in water for 3 consecutive days, changing water each day. This CANNOT be done for glasses used for whiskey. c) Earthenware and porcelain utensils CANNOT be kashered for Passover by any process. Utensils which have glued-on handles, or dents and cracks, CANNOT be kashered. Plastic and Pyrex dishes CANNOT be kashered. Consult the Rabbi regarding use of dishwashers and electric appliances. d) Microwave Ovens should be thoroughly cleaned and not used for 24 hours. A utensil filled with water should be heated in the oven, until a thick steam fills the oven. Wash walls and shelf down with boiling water. Cover the floor of the oven with paper or Styrofoam. f) Counters and tables should be covered for Passover with plastic or other covering. g) Refrigerator/Freezer - thoroughly clean, it does not need to be lined. h) Blender/Food Processor - New or Pesachdik receptacle (anything in which food makes direct contact) required. Thoroughly clean motor. i) Can Opener - Manual or electric - clean thoroughly. j) Counter Tops - Plastic/Formica - Clean and cover for cold food, cardboard or thick cover for hot food. k) Dentures/Bite/Plates/Braces - Clean thoroughly after finished eating Chometz. l) Kitchen Sink - A metal sink can be kashered by a thorough cleaning and by pouring boiling water over it. A porcelain sink should be cleaned and a sink rack used. If, however, dishes are to be soaked in a porcelain sink, a dish basin must be used. m) Chometz and non-Pesach utensils - Non-Pesach dishes, pots, and Chometz whose ownership has been transferred, should be separated, locked up or covered, and marked so as to prevent accidental use. n) Candlesticks - Should not be put under hot water in Kosher-for-Pesach sink. o) Towels / Tablecloths - Those used during the year with Chometz may be used on Pesach if they have been laundered with soap and hot water of at least 160 F. Synthetic materials such as rayon and terylene may be used on Pesach after they have gone through a washing with detergent and only if there are no visible stains after they have been cleaned. p) Tables - A table on which Chometz is eaten during the year may be used on Pesach if it is covered with a waterproof covering (e.g. sheet of plastic). q) Baby High Chair - Thoroughly clean and preferably cover the tray with contact paper. r) REMEMBER to buy new toothbrushes for Passover. s) Go through the medicine cabinet - it often contains Chometz. Alcohol or grain products should be 'sold' with other Chometz. e) Steel surfaces (including sinks) are kashered by cleaning, avoiding use for 24 hours, and then pouring boiling water over them. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 15 The Chevra The Chevra Sisterhood 5237 Clanranald Ave. Invites our members and the Community Invites you, your family and friends to their book review on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 AT 7:30 P.M. When ALISON PICK Will review her award winning book TO OUR ANNUAL SISTERHOOD SHABBAT “BETWEEN GODS” HONOURING “THE DAUGHTERS OF ISRAEL” SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 Services commence at 9:00 a.m. Innovative program and Divrei Torah presented by the sisterhood Featuring The Synagogue Choir under the leadership Yossi Milo, Choir Master Kiddush luncheon following services ALL WELCOME If you wish to participate please call the office at 514-482-3366 16 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel “Between Gods is that rare memoir brilliantly well written... profoundly moving... a beautifully woven story of family, partnership, love and reconciliation not just with one’s past but with oneself.” As far as Pick knew, both her parents were Christian -- growing up in Kitchener, Ont., her family only celebrated Easter and Christmas. But what she discovered after prodding her parents for answers was that her paternal grandparents were in fact Jewish, escaping the former Czechoslovakia on the heels of Nazi occupation during the Second World War and masking their heritage with new Christian identities when they settled in Canada. Dessert reception will follow Please call the office at 514-482-3366 to make your reservation Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 17 What is Shavuot? Shavuot marks the anniversary of the day when we received the Torah at Mount Sinai. It is the second of the three major festivals (Passover being the first, and Sukkot the third), occurring exactly fifty days after the second day of Passover. This is a biblical holiday complete with special prayers, holiday candle lighting and kiddush. During the course of the holiday we don't go to work, drive, write or switch on or off electric devices. We are permitted to cook and to carry outdoors. The word "Shavuot" means "weeks"; it marks the completion of the seven-week counting period between Passover and Shavuot. During these seven weeks, the Jewish people cleansed themselves of the scars of Egyptian slavery and became a holy nation, ready to enter into an eternal covenant with G-d with the giving of the Torah. The Role of Children When the Torah is read in the synagogue on Shavuot, we experience anew the Sinai transmission of the Torah by G-d. Just as the Sinai Event was attended by every Jewish man, woman and child, so too every Jewish person should make every effort to be present in a synagogue on Wednesday, May 15, 2013, as the Ten Commandments are read from the Torah. There is also special significance to bringing children, even the youngest of infants, to hear the Ten Commandments. Before G-d gave the Torah to the Jewish people, He demanded guarantors. The Jews made number of suggestions, all rejected by G-d, until they declared, “Our children will be our guarantors that we will cherish and observe the Torah.” G-d immediately accepted them and agreed to give the Torah. Let us make sure to bring all our “guarantors” along to the synagogue on the first day of Shavuot. On this day, we received a gift from Above which we could not have achieved with our own limited faculties. We received the ability to reach and touch the Divine; not only to be cultivated human beings, but Divine human beings who are capable of rising above and beyond the limitations of nature. Before the giving of the Torah, we were a family and a community. The experience of Sinai bonded us into a new entity: the Jewish people, the Chosen Nation. This holiday is likened to our wedding day -- beneath the wedding canopy of Mount Sinai, G-d betrothed us to Him. G d swore eternal devotion to us, and we in turn pledged everlasting loyalty to Him. Every year on the holiday of Shavuot, we re-enact this historic moment. G-d re-gives the Torah, and we lovingly reaccept, and reaffirm our fidelity to Him alone. The Torah is composed of two parts: the Written Law and the Oral Law. The written Torah contains the Five Books of Moses, the Prophets and the Writings. Together with the Written Torah, Moses was also given the Oral Law, which explains and clarifies the Written Law. It was transmitted orally from generation to generation and eventually transcribed in the Mishna, Talmud and Midrash. The word "Torah" means instruction or guide. The Torah guides our every step and move through its 613 "mitzvot." The word "mitzvah" means both commandment and connection. Through the study of Torah and fulfillment of mitzvot we connect ourselves and our environment to G-d. G- d's purpose in creating the world is that we sanctify all of creation, imbuing it with holiness and spirituality. On the holiday of Shavuot, the entire Jewish nation heard from G-d the Ten Commandments. The next day Moses went up to Mount Sinai where he was taught by G-d the rest of the Torah -- both the Written and Oral Laws -- which he then transmitted to the entire nation. 18 SATURDAY MAY 23 EREV SHAVUOT Mincha Service Candle Lighting TIKKUN LEYL SHAVUOT 10:30 P.M. SUNDAY, MAY 24 Morning Services Reading of the Ten Commandments Mincha Service Light Candles from an existing flame after 8:15 p.m. 9:22 p.m. THE CHEVRA INVITES YOU TO YOUTH YOUTHSHAVUOT SHAVUOT SEVICES SEVICES FOR FORKIDS KIDSBY BYKIDS KIDS Join The The Chevra Chevra as as our our youth, youth, the Join the future future of of our our shul, lead lead us us in in services services on Shul, on Shavuot. Shavuot. The The Cantor, Cantor, Gabbaim, President, and even the Rabbi will Gabbaim, President, and even the Rabbi will trade trade seats withnext thegeneration next generation as we places with the as we celebrate celebrate giving of the 10 commandments the givingthe of the 10 commandments A NIGHT OF STUDY TIKKUN LEYL SHAVUOT SUNDAY NIGHT MAY 24, 2015 SUNDAY MORNING WEDNESDAY MORNING MAY 2015, 9:00 9:00A.M A.M JUNE24, 4, 2014, ICE CREAM CREAM PARTY ICE PARTY PARTY Starting at 10:30 P.M. Lecturers include: 8:45 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 8:15 p.m. 9:23 p.m. MONDAY, MAY 25 Morning Service 8:45 a.m. Sermon & Yizkor 10:30 a.m. Mincha Service 8:15 p.m. Cantor Yitzhak Epstein Rabbi Asher Jacobson Rabbi Myer Kizelnik Professor Nathaniel Lasry Rabbi Mimon Malka Light refreshments will be served …ANDHASHEM HASHEM SAID SAID TO , , …AND TOMOSES MOSES “GOUP UPMOUNT MOUNT (SUNDAE) (SUNDAE) SINAI…”! “GO SINAI…”! SHAVUOT ENDS AT 9:24 P.M. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 19 BER 2 3, 2014 A Wednesday, April 8, 2015 a t 7 : 3 0 P . M . The Azrieli Foundation & the Chevra, with the Musicians of the World Symphony Orchestra, under the Direction of Joseph Milo Song of So ngs P R E S E N T A Jewish Symphonic Experience IN HAMPSTEAD ON FINCHLEY ROAD (BETWEEN MERTON AND LANGHORNE) JUNE 19, 2015 6:00 PM TICKETS DEDICATED TO T HE MEMORY OF DAVID AZRIELI Z”L First concert of its kind, featuring CLASSICAL, CANTORIAL, LADINO, KLEZMER & ISRAELI MUSIC With renowned soloists: PER ADULT ................................... $36.00 CHILDREN (6 YRS - 12 YRS ) ................. $25.00 CHILDREN UNDER 5 .................... FREE Matt Haimovitz CELLIST Sharon Azrieli-Perez SOPRANO Joseph Milo CONDUCTOR RSVP before Tuesday, June 10, 2015 (514) 482-3366 rabbi@thechevra.ca In case of rain, dinner will be held at The Chevra 5237 Ave. Clanranald. 20 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Kleztory KLEZMER BAND Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nei Jacob 5237, Clanranald Avenue Montréal (Québec) H3X 1V4 TICKETS: $100, $50 and $25 sara.miller@thechevra.ca 514-482-3366 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 21 Bat/Bar Mitzvahs, Births, Engagements and Weddings BAR/BAT MITZVAHS Virginia and Jonathon Sokoloff on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Marlo Andey Hollinger and Robert Torralbo on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Jake Jodi and Ivan Spector on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Brett ENGAGEMENTS/MARRIAGES Sally and Norman Raicek on the engagement of their granddaughter Jacqueline to Daniel Steinberg Mazel Tov to Rafi Tzoubari on the engagement of his daughter Liat to Avishai Wise Miriam Cohen on the marriage of her daughter Leah to Bruce Gaynes Solange and Yaer Oliel on the engagement of their son Gabriel to Jamie Abitbol Sarah and Dr. Sam Israelovitch on the marriage of their of their son Michael London to Jaimie Lieberman Mazel Tov to the following couples whose weddings took or will take place in our Synagogue Baila Blumenthal and Samuel Itzkowitz March 9, 2015 Lifshy Silberman and Yacov Bayer March 10, 2015 Krausz Wedding March 11, 2015 Jennifer Gewurz and Daniel Budd March 29, 2015 Marlee Kostiner and Josh Kauffman April 14, 2015 BOOK REVIEW Karine Hatuel and Kamy Beroukhim May 10, 2015 Come and join us and listen to Roxanne Sabbah and Leon Medina May 31, 2015 Come and join us and listen to BERNARD GOTLIEB Krausz Wedding June 4, 2015 WhoWho willwill speak about his book speak about his book “HEY WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU” My Victory over Leukemia My Victory over Leukemia Lisa Dahl and Robert Soiferman June 7, 2015 Stephanie Polger and David Handelman June 7, 2015 Tanya Bensoussan and Jarred Shostak June 21, 2015 Jaclyn Saks and Warren Kleiner June 28, 2015 Yachet Hindy Werzberger and Yoel Stern June 30, 2015 THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2015 AT 7:30 P.M. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 2015 AT 7:30 P.M. Stricken with Stricken leukemia at the age of 18, the author of this book with leukemia at the age of 18, the author of this underwent, inbook 1979, one the first marrow transplants in underwent of in 1979 one ofbone the first bone marrow transplantswhich in Canada, a procedure which was back experimental Canada, a procedure was experimental then. back then. The story of his battle isn’t anything lugubrious: Bernard looks looks back on his case which he reveals in all honesty and back on his case which he reveals in all honesty and often with humour. often with humour. Please call the office at 514-482-3366 to make your reservation Please call the office at 514-482-3366 to Admission free make your reservation Admission free 22 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Audrey Attias and Yossif Oaknine August 12, 2015 Laura Bechimol and Isaac Rimokh August 25, 2015 Shiffe Ungar and Yoel Pearl August 26, 2015 Jessica Zryl and Noah Neufeld August 30, 2015 Yardena Muyal and Aaron Ifergan September 2, 2015 Brittany Snitzer and Jon Cohen September 6, 2015 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 23 Mazel Tov to the following members on the occasion of their Wedding Anniversaries MAY Jackie & Jeff Budning Debra & Irwin Green Lynda & Edward Grossman Lois & Daniel S. Miller Pearl & Isaac Robin Susan & Lawrence Sklar Virginia & Jonathan Sokoloff Judy & Ruby Strauber JUNE Jayne & James Allister Marilyn & Henri Amiel Robyn & David Amiel Frances & Saul Antecol Claire & Harry Biskin Shelley & Ralph Brookman Belle & Louis Burak Tamar & Dan Cohen Ariane & Mitchell Cohen Randy & Dr. David Farber Lisa & David Finkelstein Barbara & Leonard Freedman Susan & Franklin Friedmann Naomi & Arnold Garber Iselotte & Fernandao Gasman Benita & Fred Golt Miriam & David Hart Dr. Janet Shinder & Larry Klein Lenore & Dr. Frederick Krantz Katia & Stuart Kruger Linda & Dr. Harold Leiberman Gail & Scott Miller Susan & Herb Pinchuk Claudia & Gary Polachek Selma & Dr. Richard Shatz Florence & Alvin Shear Selma & Jacob Shechtman Ellie & Ivan Simberg Roslyn & Abraham Slawner Joy & Sanford Smith Jody & Mitchell Stein Rona & Dr. William Steinman Jody Engel & Yevgeny Sukonnik Dr. Gloria & Allan Tannenbaum Lynn & Stephen Woloz JULY Marsha & Dr. Rubin Becker Bluma & Dr. Brian Blicher Elisa & Shawn Frank Thelma & Mish Granik Lisa & Fred Kokin Lydia & Michael Krupp Emmanuelle & Nathaniel Lasry Shirley & Peter Lewis Susan & Louis Lottner Judy & Gary Pekofsky Denise & Sheldon Popliger Lorna & Jerry Sherman Ada & Steve Singerman Marnie & Richard Stern Gayle & Lorne Wolfe Arlene & Boris Yufe AUGUST Evelyn & Max Dahan Marlene & Jack Dworkind Ellen & Ivan George Fantus Francine & Joshua Fox Solange & Yaer Oliel Doreen & Lawrence Glazer Doreen & Gerald Green Judy & Menashe Hirshfeld Susan & Larry Kolodny Katia & Stuart Kruger Cynthia & Douglas Mayoff Cheryl & Joel Merling Mona & Sol Polachek Jeanette & Samuel Rimoin Eva & Thomas Schreiber Eleanor & David Stober Susan & Patrick Storring SEPTEMBER Ann & Alain Assedo Valerie & Frederic Dayan Edwina & David Freedman Eva & Gabor Fulop Sarah & Dr. Sam Israelovitch Linda & Reevin Pearl Rita & Jacob Posel Rianna & Lorne Scharf Beruria & Peter Schreter Hadassa & Theodore Wald Franki & Peter Yanofksy Tamara Zimmerman & Vito Calabretta Cheryl & Erick Birenbaum Sandra & Stanley Cytrynbaum Mazel Tov to the following members on the occasion of their Birthdays MAY Arlene Alter Marilyn Amiel Michelle Benatar Marvin Birnbom Naomi Blumer Jennie Bronstein Heather Browman Louis Burak Max Dahan Johanna Djebali Henry Fiederer Hershie Frankel Elizabeth Fischer Gerald Frank Sheryl Frank Hershie Frankel Clara Friedlander Eva Fulop Benita Golt Sam Greenberg Harry Hart Donna Cohen Hersh Ruth Hubermann Sheila Klaiman Shane Landsman Peter Lewis Eleanor Meltzer Maria Meltzer Cheryl Merling Daniel S. Miller David Rajchgot Esther Rozansky Albert Sayegh Peter Schreter Sheldon J. Shafter David Silverstone Boris Yufe JUNE JUNE 9 – 11 Cost: $50.00 Please call the office to register 514-482-3366 24 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Eric Aouizerats Gerald Batist Jason Binstock Leo Boloten Norman Cohen Ted Cohen Sandra Cytrynbaum Eta Elcabetz Barry Fagen Avram Fishman Francine Fox Isadore Goldberg Irwin Green Debra Green Nina Hart Andrey Hollinger Henri Hoziel Stanley Kivenko Dr. Janet Shinder Klein Lawrence Klein Carole Anne Kogan Dorothy Langburt Rose Lecker Stanley Magidson Mervyn Mendelsohn Elaine Moscovitch Abraham Pilcer Sheldon Popliger Sally Raicek Larry Retik Tina Rosenthal Jack Rothenberg Sheldon Rozansky Ivan Simberg Ivan Spector Debbie Spivak Jack Starke Marilyn Waxman Verley Yanofsky Mark Zimmerman Harold Leiberman Beatrice Levine Norma Levitt Shtull Stephen Levy Tillie Manis Dr. Leonard Mendell Al Migicovsky Nathan Moss Evelyne Neiman Dr. Gregory Neiman Franceen Retik Gilda Rubin Aaron Rudolph Julie Brownstein Saros Gloria Schachter Michael Schachter Selma Shatz Ada Singerman Virginia Sokoloff David Stober Dr. Gloria Tannenbaum Anne Tobias Sarah Tobias Gayle Wolfe Max Zentner JULY AUGUST James Allister Philip Batist Hy Beraznik Candi Boroff Harriet Brownstein Arnold Cohen Beverly Cohen Albert Dunkelman Francine Fagen Randy Farber Dora Feingold Marvin Fisher David Freedman Frank Freedman Leonard Freedman Thelma Granik Fred Gibson Gerald Green Myra Greenstone David Hart Miriam Hart Geraldine Hart Toba Herman Leo Hubermann Deborah Kalisky Anne Kaufman Lori Kraft Frederick Krantz Terri Allister Bosena Ayele Tina Baker Ross Coblentz Dan Cohen Mitchell Cohen Asher Elcabetz Dr. David Farber Joshua Fox Arnold Garber Miriam Himes Esther Hirsch Eileen Kokin Katia Kruger Stuart Kruger Emmanuel Labelle Morden Lazarus Robert Levy Iris Lieberman Mel Maitlitz Lucy Nisker Yaer Oliel Albert Padveen Randy Peck Isaac Robin Lillian Rudolph Donna Shein Phil Siegel Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Abraham Slawner Ethel Solomon Mark Steiman Lynn Woloz Arlene Yufe Tamara Zimmerman SEPTEMBER Charles Bedzow Marie Julie Brosseau Elaine Budning Miriam Cohen Albert Elbaz Jeff Frank Shawn Frank Fred Golt Warren Hersh Saul Hier Menashe Hirshfeld Sarah Israelovitch William Kirman Susan Krymalowski Shlomo Langburt Ruth Laxer Bernie Mlynarski Cheryl Novack Arthur Perlman Lorne Scharf Ann Schwartz Jody Engel Sukonnik Jenny Tait Erica Travis Sharron Vechsler Gustava Weiner Stephen Woloz Esther Woods Jennifer Lewy 25 SING ALONG With The Chevra PRAYER BOOK, TORAH WELFARE AND ENDOWMENT FUNDS CANTOR YITZHAK EPSTEIN and YOSSI MILO WEDNESDAY JUNE 3, 2015, 7:30 P.M. A special gathering of free spirits to learn and sing new Jewish, Hebrew and ancient songs of inspiration. Dessert reception $5.00 invites you and your family to a SPECIAL SHABBATON FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER JUNE 5, 2015 - 7:00 P.M. and Saturday Services & Lunch June 6, 2015 – 9:00 a.m. WITH SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER RABBI DAVID NESENOFF CHAI CONTRIBUTORS Pat Israelovitch in honour of Jane Pancer’s Bat Mitzvah Alys Geiger Rubenstein in memory of Erno Newman z”l Sylvia Soicher in memory of Nina Baker z”l Thelma and Mish Granik in memory of Sandra Kivenko z”l Annette and Ben Geiger in memory of Erno Newman z”l Beverlee and David Perlin in memory of John Aaron Sussman z”l Herbert Isenberg in memory of Robert Segel z”l Herbert Isenberg in memory of Jack Tajfel z”l Elain Moscovitch in memory of John Aaron Sussman z”l Elaine Budning wishing a refuah shlemah on behalf of Lori Einhorn PRAYER BOOK FUND Beverlee and David Perlin in memory of Jenny Perlman z”l Beverlee, David, Jewel and Dona in memory of Anne Perlman Friedman z”l Rona Steinman in memory of her beloved father Malvin Rochwerg z”l Lynda and Edward Grossman in memory of Sandra Kivenko z”l Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of the Chabad movem Tuesdays April 21, 28, May 5 Enjoy an evening of food and dinner as our Cantor Chef Isaac leads our member in a cooking bonanza. Cost including dinner is $20 per person per evening or $50 for all three. Please call the office to reserve 514-482-3366 David Nesenoff is an independent filmmaker, blogger and publisher. In the 1990s, he counselled youths who had committed bias crimes, and worked as a consultant to the U.S. Department Justice. In June 2010 a video he made went viral; the video showed Helen Thomas, the so-called “dean” of the White House media corp, making antisemitic statements. In the aftermath Thomas was forced to resign her job, and Nesenoff received over 25,000 pieces of hate mail, including death threats. Cost: Adults $36.00 Children 10 and under free For reservation please call the office at 514-482-3366 or email sara.miller@thechevra.ca 26 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of the Chabad movement RITA AND JACK POSEL ENDOWMENT FUND Thelma and Mish Granik in honour of Rita and Jack Posel’s birthdays Continue the journey with Rabbi Jacobson as he explores The Tanya. 4,000 editions have been Continue the journey with Rabbi Jacobson printed in every conceivable language MARA LEE ARONOFF NOZETZ ENDOWMENT FUND Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz in memory of David Asch z”l Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz in memory of Robert Segel z" Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz in honour of Ralph Drukman’s birthday Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz in honour of Georgene Dreishpoon’s special birthday Mara Lee and Abe Nozetz sending condolences to Lynn Garod on the loss of her beloved mother 7:30Every p.m. at the Chevra Thursday COOKING WITH CHEF ISAAC The Kaballah of The Kaballah of the Tanya the Tanya as he explores The Tanya. 4,000Every editionsThursday have been printed in every conceivable language 5237 Clanranald Avenue 7:30 p.m. atwelcome The Chevra All are 5237 Clanranald Avenue To register, 514-482-3366; iona@ckbj.org; or www.thechevra All are welcome If you would like your simchas announced in the Scroll please advise us by return email to sara.miller@thechevra.ca Dedicated incall loving memory of To register 514-482-3366 Rabbi Betzalel Jacobson, Z”L or sara.miller@thechevra.ca Dedicated in loving memory of Rabbi Betzalel Jacobson, Z”L Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 27 About Our Shul WEEKDAY MORNING PRAYER AND BREAKFAST CLUB Special thanks is extended to the following sponsors Sheldon Merling Joyce Wihl Arnold Cohen and Family Hy Bloom Norman Cohen Dr. David Farber Henry Fiederer Lucy Nisker Mark Rubin Stanley Magidson Jewel Sarna Mark Rubin The Schleien Family Sanford Smith Rubin Strauber Peter Schreter Marilyn Pesner Lax Sam Zentner RECEIPTS WE WOULD LIKE TO ADVISE ALL OUR MEMBERS THAT IN ORDER FOR US TO CUT DOWN ON THE COST OF MAILING, INCOME TAX RECEIPTS WILL ONLY BE ISSUED AND MAILED ONCE A YEAR. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING ENDOWMENT PLAQUES WITH DONATION OF $3500 In addition to the regular bronze memorial plaques in the Daily Chapel, we also have a very limited number of SPECIAL ENDOWMENT PLAQUES available in the Main Sanctuary. These plaques offer a highly visible tribute to the memory of dear departed family members. Kindly call the office if you wish to obtain further information at 514-482-3366. 28 VISA & Mastercard ACCEPTED HERE Our Synagogue accepts Visa & Mastercard. Track your payments more easily for tax time, and save time and postage (for the shul also!) Call in your: donations payments deposits Earn travel miles (Mitzvah miles?) SUMMER SCHEDULE Throughout the summer months commencing March 29 the following schedule will be observed for services Friday Evenings............7:00 p.m. Saturday Mornings..........9:00 a.m. Saturday Evenings.......15 minutes before sundown Sunday Mornings............8:30 a.m. Weekday Mornings......7:00 a.m. Evenings.........7:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE ROSH HASHANAH COMMENCES SUNDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13 AND CONCLUDES TUESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 15 KOL NIDRE COMMENCES TUESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 22 AND YOM KIPPUR CONCLUDES WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 PLEASE PLAN TO JOIN US FOR OUR WONDERFUL SERVICES WITH RABBI JACOBSON FEATURING CANTOR YITZHAK EPSTEIN AND OUR CHOIR UNDER THE DIRECTION OF YOSSI MILO Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel KIDDUSH CORNER These donations then allow us to provide the wonderful sit down Kiddushes for you, our congregants and guests, after Shabbat services. We would kindly request that you contact the Synagogue office the following Monday morning so that we can properly acknowledge your donation and announcement. We thank the following who have contributed these past few months, some on more than one occasion: The Baker Family Esther Benitah Mel Bercovitch Elaine Budning Pinchas Blitt and Family Marnie & Arnold Cohen Miriam Cohen Ralph Cohen Joyce Croitoru Olga Davydova Cantor Sidney Dworkind Cantor Epstein Emanuel Fayer Gilda Fayer The Feldman Family The Fiederer Family Moshe Fisher Libby & Hershey Fitleberg Jeff Frank & Family Thelma & Mish Granik Doreen & Gerald Green Jacob, Julie, Claire & Hillel Greenbaum Geraldine & Jeff Hart Joradan Hier Esther Hirsch Lieba & Rabbi Asher Jacobson Paul Kushner Iris & Burney Lieberman Chana Lieblein Selma & Sam Lieblein Emmanuel, Shany & Orly Labelle Jenny Lewis The Luger Family Catherine Matyas Gil Mazaltarim The Meltzer Family Al Migicovsky Anna & Lennie Miller Sam Mitnick Linda & Reevin Pearl Claudia & Gary Polachek Denise & Sheldon Popliger Rita & Jack Posel Pearl & Isaac Robin Rhoda, Stanley & Jason Rosen Tina & Martin Rosenthal Esther & Sheldon Rozansky The Sarna Family Minkie & David Silverstone Joy, Rachel & David Smith Jacqueline & Armand Soussan The Strauber Family Dr. Gloria Shaffer Tannenbaum & Allan Tannenbaum The Tzoubari Family Bonnie & Joel Waxman & Family Hy Waxman Beth, Lee, Megan & Samuel Tannenbaum Wise Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 29 ENDOWMENT PLAQUES In addition to the regular bronze memorial plaques in the Daily Chapel, we also have a very limited number of MEMORIAL NEEDS For all your memorial needs such as Kaddish, Kel Maleh Rachamim (Prayer for the Soul), special visitation, Yahrzeit prayer and Memorial Plaques please contact Cantor Yitzak Epstein at 514-482-3366 or 514-885-5237. 30 SPECIAL ENDOWMENT PLAQUES available in the Main Sanctuary at a cost of $3,500. These Plaques offer a highly visible tribute to the memory of dear departed family members. Kindly call the office (514-482-3366) if you wish to obtain further information. Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Mondays: 9:30 - 10:30 am April 20 - June 22, 2015 10 weeks: $150 | Drop-in: $25 AIS is a specific method of stretching. It is used by Doctors, physiotherapists, personal trainers, athletes, and is endorsed by the National Institute of Health (NIH). AIS has proven effective in helping elderly people who have experienced limitations due to aging or chronic injuries, to regain their coordination, and has helped athletes achieve maximum performance. Learn specific stretches to help lengthen muscles, improve circulation, increase range of motion, thus reducing inflammation. AIS is effective in bringing pain relief from: Non-specific low back pain, chronic neck pain, Herniated disc, arthritis, tendonitis, sciatica, muscle spasms and cramps, sports injuries, rotator cuff injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis/ golfers elbow, TMJ, and much more. Learn deep breathing and relaxation techniques to help maintain focus. Previous experience in yoga is not necessary. Many come to class as complete beginners. Mondays: 11:00 am -12:15 pm April 20 - June 22, 2015 10 weeks: $150 | Drop-in: $25 Wednesdays: 6:00-7:15 pm April 22 - June 24, 2015 10 weeks: $150 | Drop-in: $25 Should you wish further information please contact the office at 514-482-3366 The benefits of yoga can be enjoyed at any age. In North America, over 22 million people practice some form of yoga...so that leaves us with only one question: what are you waiting for? We wish to advise our members that we are accepting reservations for cemetery plots in the Kehal Israel Cemetery, Dollard des Ormeaux. Classes are designed for individuals who are new to yoga and also for those who may have some experience. The instructor will show variations of postures suitable for all levels. CEMETERY RESERVATIONS Improve flexibility. Acquire positions for labor and delivery to facilitate a positive and less painful childbirth experience. Reduce the likelihood and need for medical intervention during delivery. Relieve discomforts of pregnancy such as sciatica, back pain, water retention, carpal tunnel syndrome, insomnia, and digestive difficulties. Penny Cohen in memory of her beloved mother Sylvia Simmie Rosenberg z”l The Foldes Family in memory of Peter Foldes z”l Roslyn Slawner in memory of her beloved mother Pauline Simberg z”l Sarah Israelovitch in memory of her beloved brother Jack Tajfel z”l Barbara Magidson in memory of her beloved mother Gloria Frank z”l The Baker family on the loss of their beloved mother Nina Baker z”l Gerald Schoel on the loss of his beloved mother Edith Schoel z”l Jack Trottenberg on the loss of his beloved sister Marilyn Dascal z”l Prenatal yoga supports expectant mothers as they adjust to the ongoing physical and emotional demands of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. It is an ideal exercise for all stages of pregnancy. CONDOLENCES TO members of our congregation who lost family members Through a combination of yoga postures, breathing and relaxation techniques, this class will reduce stress, alleviate chronic pain, improve memory and concentration ,relieve anxiety and insomnia, slow down the aging process, and strengthen your immune system for optimal health. PRAYER FOR THE SICK We continue our custom of offering prayer for the sick every Shabbat morning. Please assist us by calling the synagogue office by Thursday of any week with the names of those you wish to include. Be sure to provide: full English name, Hebrew first and middle names, and the Hebrew name of the mother of the ill person. We also invite you to provide us with names at Torah reading on Shabbat morning. May this be for speedy healing of all the ill of the community of Israel. Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) For further information regarding the ordering of plaques, please contact the Synagogue Office at 514-482-3366 Prenatal Yoga May their memories be a source of eternal blessing KAREN HALPERN Z”L SALI PORPER Z”L KATHY VIRAGH Z”L Yoga for Everyone GAIL ARONOVITCH Z”L LEONIE CAPLAN Z”L GERTRUDE DUNKELMAN Z”L GOLDIE FENSTER Z”L LILLIAN LINDER Z”L EVELYN SCHLEIEN Z”L JOHN SUSSMAN Z”L SANDRA ZENTNER Z”L The bronze plaque in the daily Chapel offers an opportunity to perpetuate the memory of a dear departed in an everlasting remembrance. A red light is kindled for the first year of death, on all Yizkor days, and on every Yahrzeit anniversary. The following memorial plaque has recently been dedicated: This Spring, Join Elyse Tannenbaum, B.A., B.S.W., RYT, and Rabbi Asher Jacobson to nourish your Body, Mind and Spirit! For more information, please visit www.yogaplus.net or thechevra.ca The Chevra | 5237 Clanranald | Montreal | T 514.482.3366 ext. 224 | sara.miller@thechevra.ca The Congregation mourns the passing of and sympathizes with the bereaved families of PERPETUATE THE MEMORY OF A DEAR DEPARTED Yoga and Active Isolated Stretching for Well-Being at the Chevra IN MEMORIAM Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 31 YAHRZEIT FUND DONATIONS Arlene Alter in memory of her beloved father Harry Starr Saul Antecol in memory of his beloved sister Frances Abramovitch Marsha Becker in memory of her beloved mother Sadie Bernick Bella Bernstein in memory of her beloved husband Morris Bernstein Bella Bernstein in memory of her beloved parents Sonya and Rev. Joseph Kravitz Hy Bloom in memory of his beloved mother Bessie Bloom Miriam B. Cohen in memory of her beloved father-in-law Nathan Cohen Miriam B. Cohen in memory of her beloved father Israel Balinsky Stanley Cytrynbaum in memory of his beloved father Issie Cytrynbaum Eta & Asher Elcabetz in memory of her beloved mother Helen Kokin Eta & Asher Elcabetz in memory of her beloved brother Dr. Morris Kokin Cyna Fayer in memory of her beloved father-in-law Emanuel Mendel Fayer Dora Feingold in memory of her beloved father Manes Kesten Corinne Frank in memory of her beloved parents Sarah and Menachem Mendelsohn Corinne Frank in memory of her beloved sister Pearl Thaw Clara Friedlander in memory of her beloved father Jacob Tessler Clara Friedlander in memory of beloved brother Maurice Tessler Iselott Gasman in memory of her beloved father Herman Porper Lawrence Glazer in memory of his beloved father Joseph Glazer Lawrence Glazer in memory of his beloved mother Rose Glazer Doreen Green Glazer in memory of her beloved mother Libby Smith Benita Golt in memory of her beloved father Bernard Isenberg Eta Golt in memory of her beloved husband Alec Powell Eta Golt in memory of her beloved sister Gertrude Schachter Stanley Gordon in memory of his beloved father Louis Gordon Sam Greenberg in memory of his beloved father Moshe Greenberg Richard E. Halpern in memory of his beloved father Jack Halpern Harry Hart in memory of his beloved brother Hyman Hart David Hart in memory of his beloved father Hyman S. Hart Harry Hart in memory of his beloved father David Hart Miriam Himes in memory of her beloved father Hyman Rabinovitch Miriam Himes in memory of her beloved husband Louis Himes Frank Hofbauer in memory of his beloved father Andor Hofbauer Herbert Isenberg in memory of his beloved mother Bess Isenberg Joshua Kalnitsky in memory of his beloved daughter Patricia Kalnitsky Joshua Kalnitsky in memory of his beloved parents Max and Rachel Kalnitsky Bess Katchan in memory of her beloved brother David Melnick Bess Katchan in memory of her beloved parents Eva Yocheved and Jacob Melnick Dr. Robert Koby in memory of his beloved grandmother Sophie Dorfman Jason Kraft in memory of his beloved father Charles Kraft Rose Lecker in memory of her beloved husband Harry Lecker Iris Leiberman in memory of her beloved parents Bill and Doris Cohen Dr. Harold Leiberman in memory of his beloved mother Esther Leiberman Beatrice Levine in memory of her beloved husband Sydney Levine Beatrice Levine in memory of her beloved mother Gertie Rabinovitch 32 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Hilda Adler YAHRZEIT in memroy of her beloved parents Harry and Evelyn Mazer FUND DONATIONS Ruth Albert in memory of her beloved husband Daniel Albert Arlene Alter in memory of her beloved father Harry Starr Maitlitz memory beloved mother BellaMel Bernstein in in memory of of herhis beloved father Rev.Mania JosephMaitlitz Kravitz Sylvia Markel in memory of her beloved husband Sam Markel Bella Bernstein in memory of her beloved mother Sonya Kravitz Victoria Mertlininmemory memoryofof beloved husband Charles Hy Bloom hisher beloved mother Bessie BloomBusner Daniel Miller in memory of his beloved Miriam Miller Ann Boroff in memory of her beloved son mother Dr. William Boroff Lois Miller in memory of her beloved father Arthur Moses Harriet Brownstein in memory of her beloved father Louis Allan Kravitz Bernie memory hisbeloved beloved father Herman Mlynarsky MarionMlynarsky Brumer ininmemory ofof her husband Ernest Brumer in memory of his beloved father Max NeimanRitz Elaine Gregory Budning Neiman in memory of her beloved parents Lily and Benjamin Gregory Neimanininmemory memory beloved brotherCharles Alexander Neiman Elaine Budning ofof herhis beloved husband Budning Gregory Neiman in memory his beloved Neiman Leoni Caplan in memory of hisofbeloved fathermother IsidoreNina Birnbaum Martin Novack in memory his beloved Mary Caplan in memory of herof beloved motherJoel RayNovack Singer Helen Constantine in memory of her parents AliceAnne and Joseph Susan Otis in memory of beloved her beloved mother Shuter Parnass Harriet Etcovitch in memory of her beloved mother Esther Cohen Debbie Pekofsky in memory of her beloved father Milton Klein Fay ofof her father Henry Gottlieb HerbFischler Pinchukininmemory memory hisbeloved beloved mother Molly Pinchuk Harry in in memory of of hisher beloved auntfather FredaAlbert Lotansky DeniseFleisher Popliger memory beloved Cohen Corinne Frank in memory of her beloved mother Sarah Mendelson Cecile Posel in memory of her beloved mother Margaret Rosenberg Gerald Frankininmemory memoryof ofher his beloved beloved father Frank Rita Posel father Avraham Usher Schlachter MurielSally Garber in memory of her beloved parents Benjamin and Lily Ritz Raicek in memory of her beloved mother Sadie Greenberg Isolott Gasman in memory of her beloved father Herman Porper Debbie Remer in memory of her beloved father Joel Novack Rosalind Gliserman in memory of her parents Sarah Esther and Saul Birnbaum Franceen Retik in memory of her beloved father Jack Waxman Jack Gordon in memory of his beloved mother Harrie Rose Gordon Pearl Robin in memory of her beloved father Eric Lipsky Richard Halpern in memory Halpern Gilda and Sonny Rubin in memory of of his herbeloved belovedfather fatherJack Charles Isaac Smolkin Susan Hardy in memory of her beloved mother Freda Barton Gilda and Sonny Rubin in memory of his beloved father Hyman T. Rubin Ann Schwartz in memory of her beloved husband Harry Schwartz Norma Levitt Shtull in memory of her beloved father Isadore Levitt Phil Siegel in memory of his beloved brother Yermie Siegel Jonathan Sokoloff in memory of his beloved grandfather Samuel Sokoloff David Stober in memory of his beloved mother Sarah Stober Julius Stober in memory of his beloved father Moses Stober Eleanor Stober in memory of her beloved father Joseph Borenstein Shirley Spector in memory of her beloved husband Maurice Spector Ruby Strauber in memory of his beloved mother Fanny Strauber Joyce Nisker Takefman in memory of her beloved father Davis Nisker Gary Trestan in memory of his beloved father Edward Trestan Frances Weinstein in memory of her beloved mother Roslyn Weinstein Bernice Weiss in memory of her beloved husband Robert Weiss Esther Woods in memory of her beloved mother-in-law Bella Woods Esther Woods in memory of her beloved father-in-law Abraham Aaron Woods Tova Zentner in memory of her beloved mother Bella Rahveh Matthew Ziniuk in memory of his beloved mother Belle Ziniuk Sheila Zittrer in memory of her beloved husband Jack Zittrer Remember your loved ones by donating in their memory to the Yahrzeit Fund Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 33 APRIL 4-10 Nissan 15-21 Abraham Piasetzki Joseph Quint Conrad Cohen Rafael Tabachnikoff Shirley Blech Joseph Bercusson Shia Krymalowski Alte Shechtman Sam Abrahamson Shmarya Richler Terez Hofbauer Margit Gero Allan Gutman Abraham Isaac Mayoff Norman Presner David Zittrer Ethel Schachtman Freda Mayoff Rose Birnbom Greenberg Anne Friedman Andre Labelle Sarah Rivkah Woods Moe Hart Gertrude Adler Louis Handelsman Ethel Siegel William Perlin Gizella Rosenthal Garfield Meltzer APRIL 11-17 Nissan 22-28 Harold Small Golda Schwartz Gertrude Adler Shima Bluma Garellek Myer Moscovitch Beno Merling Annie Ruth Hart Kenneth Gossack Regina Rostoker Moshe Yehuda Haller Sadie Polatshek George Haboucha Dora Mayoff Ignacz Farkas Frank Margolick Sarah Cobrin Pinnie Gordon Lena Dodick Sarah Gittle Cymerman Sadie Etcovitch Betty Kalman Morris Krymalowski 34 IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM At the Shabbat morning Services we memorialize departed relatives of our members whose Yahrzeit Anniversaries occur during the coming weeks. "May Their Souls Be Bound Up in the Bond of Eternal Life" At the Shabbat morning Services we memorialize departed relatives of our members whose Yahrzeit Anniversaries occur during the coming weeks. "May Their Souls Be Bound Up in the Bond of Eternal Life" APRIL 18-24 Nissan 29-Iyar 5 Freda Freder Sadie Vassall Gerald Marco Yetta Silver Rose Amsel Irving Steinman Rebecca Goldberg Lily Walsh Rena Lottner Reuben Dubrovsky Jack Hersh Albert Weisz Abe Schachter Seymour Fenster Abraham Waxman Magda Marcali Mendel Richer Ray Smolkin Abraham Steinfield Gloria Steinman Frank Cobrin Moses Rudolph Samuel Cheyfitz Jane Audrey Entin Judith Klein Ray Claiman Issie Perlman APRIL 25-MAY 1 Iyar 6-12 Harry Burak Malka Nasha Herschorn Leo Aronoff Jean Berlin Isadore Pollack Devorah Lipshits Miriam Satov Ida Antecol Jeno Salamon Kirby Myers Moishe Kravitz Cyril Cohen Joseph Adler Avrum Leib Katz William Gasco Annie Balinsky Sheva Brandes Margit Friedman Sydney Levine Mel Astroff Elliot Green Rose Liebman Jean Abrahamson Joseph Rudner Jack Ilovitch Frances Beatrice Cohen Esther Rudner Ida Harris Sylvia Slatkoff Shragie Estelle Mintz Lorne Perlman Lottie Schiff Marilyn Frankel MAY 2-8 Iyar 13-19 Celia Abramson Laja Nisker Beulah Migicovsky Mitchell Leiberman Celia Richler David Charles Tobias Esther Reiter Judith Luger Karen Halpern Helen Shugar Saul Kugler Anna Landsman Jennie Rubin Kusiel Kaplansky Pal Romer Morton Silverton Bessie Gilman Irving Cohen Aaron Rauch Stanley Kandestin Lynne Sobcuff Issie Silverstone Mary Brown Yitzik Myer Garfinkle Ruby Shear Stern Gertie Garfinkle Clara Gabe Marianne Weinberg Fannie Abramson Mildred Halpern Sarah Baker Cyrille Hopkins Joseph Goroff Abe Singer Nathan Cohen Sharaga Fabian Strauber Maurice Leckner Miklos Schwartz Rosa Russ Izak Akerman MAY 9-15 Iyar 20-26 Jacob Boloten Moishe Krymalowski Eva Hofbauer Israel Fuchs Joseph Rothman Gizella Vaitzner Isidore Bock Hyman Schwartzbein Harry Michelin Leon Brown Sidney Friedman Esther Briskin Naomi Tzoubari Abram Ziniuk Gertrude Cartman Jack Shuter Libby Litwin Michelin Sam Lazarus Hyman Mendelson Bellie Solomon Margit Prager Albert Jerassy Avraham Charad Hyman Raicek Solly Briskin Gertride Bemder Jacob Moss Sarah Padveen Harry Schwartz Irving Goldsmith Bernard Smith Harry Schwartz Ben Greenberg Rabbi Yehoshua Herschorn Pearl Morris Zelda Tabachnikoff Laszlo Fischer Berta Fon Erzsebet Boros Moshe Myer Baker William Cooper Moishe Gilden Mindel Lefcovitch MAY 23-29 Sivan 5-11 Harry Bloom David Dunkelman Joseph Gordon Jacob Arye Lauer Dorothy Albert Mollie Fishman Gilad Rave Zev Eisenberg Nathan Walfish Herbert Simon Salamon Rex Menachem Reisel Szmuel Sztejman Isaac Sossanpour Joseph Cohen Mildred Cohen Rachel Singerman Ida Waxman Ella Rothenberg Rachel Benatar Rose Rauch Ethel Takefman Steve Takefman Laszlo Lantos George Boros Andrew Rauchman Martin Taiger Ethel Greenberg Benny Gabe Morty Singerman Pauline Taiger Esther Cytrynbaum Cyla Dworkind Sender Terk Sarah Glense Myer Nisker Beatrice Cohen Israel Yitzchak Bruk MAY 30 - JUNE 5 Sivan 12-18 Samuel Wise Dr. Martin Entin David Zilbert Julius Plotnick David Weigensberg Ervin Dushanek Anne Richler Mordechai Schreter Leah Schreter Morris Wolofsky Susan Leader Jack Paskell Rachel Frishman Betty Kagan Morris Maklan Hersz Majnemer Hnrick Hillman Phyllis Sucher Imre Reh MAY 16-22 Iyar 27-Sivan 4 Barry Manis William Cohen Bessie Batist Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Fanny Brownstein Faige Merling Rose Rauch Rachel Shuter Rebecca Mendelsohn Esther Haller Ruth Cohen Jack Goldberg Leon Feingold Sarah Seidel Tibor Gal Guta Sowniak Zalman Gerewicz Henrietta Rubin Katie Meltzer Colton Minnie Coblentz Fanny Rogovein Greta Segal Bella Halberg Jack Solomon Gizella Guttman Zysa Shlachter Ruby Bloom Rabbi Yeshaya Epstein Rebecca Gerchicoff Toba Hockenstein Harry Gordon Abraham Noah Pesner Henry Manella Moshe Leib Cymerman Gordon Hier Sylvia Rosen Nicki Mitnick Anita Migicovsky Faige Rauchman Shirley Gonshor Sindra Singh JUNE 13-19 Sivan 26-Tamuz 2 Moshe Aaron Klinger Jennie Zuskin Samuel Kraut Philip Freedlander Jacob Laufer Anne Cossman Beatrice Landskroner Bertha Tannenbaum Ibi Fried Morty Besner Dr. David Marcus Stella Gerson Herbert Niren Ronald Moses Jeno Hillman Fred Klein Charlotte Simon Freda Rosenfeld Dina Libe Caplan Irving Vosberg Ethel Rosenthal Anna Moscovitch Felicia Halpern JUNE 6 -12 Phyllis Goldsmith Sivan 19 -25 Louis Richler Nathan Singer Max Share Joseph Walsh Faigle Brodman Zeev Finkelstein Joseph Tentzer Israel Chayeem Finkelstein Abraham Yaverbaum Helen Kesztenbaum Seymour Sthal Michael Bedzovsky Rebecca Krakower JUNE 20-26 Alex Shulman Tamuz 3-9 Dr. Hyman Freedman Alter Rogovein Sali Porper Freda Hager William Hart Dr. Francois Somlo Jacob Lampert Max Coblentz Mamtza Tannenbaum Cylia Akerman Gershon Wolfe Caplan Borek Hubermann Sarah Lillian Klein Max Abramson Emanuel Cohen Nachum Wilchesky Sylvia Rosen Nat Caplan Jack Wolfe Joe Moscovitch Israel Schwartz Rose Kesten Mordechai Reich Sarah Roth Myer Padveen Mitchell Knopp Allan Greenstone Avie Rajchgot Anne Starke Abraham Drabin Freda Stam Charles Golt Harry Reiter Israel Gonshor Adam Nanasi JUNE 27-JULY 3 Tamuz 10-16 Daniel Tait Ciccie Ellis Ignatz Klein Sidney Simon Hyman Gilman Jeno Wieder Sarah Adler Sadie Segal Samuel Kupferstein Ted Rudner Shmuel Abramson David Rothenberg Adolph Yarost Sarah Snytte Marcia Zaritzsky Myer Philip Fitleberg Stanley Kraft Olga Borek Harry Shuter Samuel Stein Sarah Janovitz Aaron Nirenberg Izidor Fulop Mayer Gottlieb Sema Raymer Ostreger Philip Tait JULY 4-10 Tamuz 17-23 Vera Greenspan Bessie Goroff Reuben Pont Pauline Friedman Esther Popliger Maimon Gabbay Jacob Moshe Landsman Nathan Bernstein Gyula Kassai Rachel Soicher Gittle Weiler Lionel Rimoin Sydney Goldberg Jeno Komlos Evelyn Aronoff Sylvia Aronoff Moszek Brozozak Maurice Harold Moss Faivel Rajczyk Sadie Shatz Anne Krackovitch Harriet Spivak Miriam Singerman JULY 11-17 Tamuz 24-Av 1 Mollie Alizer Baruch Myer Rusk Harris Abraham Caplan Moshe Geffin Sadie Steinman Irving Heft Bajla Brzozak Cooney Borovitch Pearl Wechsler Schenk Ilona Ungar Harriet Grossman Cohen Louis Segal Ervin Sarkozy Barbara Richler Nellie Briskin Bernard Posel Joseph Boloten Leonard Slabotsky Zelda Mayoff Eisig Rossdeutscher Lazer Levine Shirley Rubin Leatrice Kaplan JULY 18-24 Av 2-8 Solomon Louis Dermer Rabbi M. Schnurmacher Miklos Foldes Alter Posel Leon Kokin Frances Moscovitch Hyman Kirman Norbert Feingold Bessie Cohen Hanna Klein Neil Friedman Rubin Friedman Marika Fellegi Leah Weiner Kalman Cohen Arthur Heller Nathan Kaplan Max Seidel Jimmy Rubin Louis Benzumny Mary Halickman Max Hockenstein Blima Padvis Rudner Eddie Merling Ilona Salamon Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Robert Feldstein Aaron Chandler JULY 25-31 Av 9-15 Carol Luger David Migicovsky Louis Rappaport Jack Wainberg Louis Hersh Herbert Issley Millie Slabotsky Etel Gero Frida Rex Leo Klein Jeanne Shafter Natalie Wener Isidore Hart Benjamin Hallai Joe Spevack Anna Bella Shulman Pearl Frank Richer Julius Bierbrier Nicole Somlo Joseph Bloomfield Leon Ifergan Ann Rose Suliteanu Norman Handelsman Rubin Schwartz Steven Wolofsky AUGUST 1-7 Av 16-22 Lionel Pesner Mary Goldberg Nathan Dorfman Joseph Fisher Morty Tauben Annie Hersh Karol Sydney Steinberg Morris Maklan Chayim Bender Ann Friedlander Goldie Aronovitch Dora Greenstone Betty Gibson Rifka Levine Yoditz Isak Edelstein Yudina Edelstein Saul Kruger Sarah Rosenthal AUGUST 8-14 Av 23-29 Jack Solomon Joel Bornstein Avi Bornstein 35 IN MEMORIAM Services, Candle Lighting Times & Upcoming Events At the Shabbat morning Services we memorialize departed relatives of our members whose Yahrzeit Anniversaries occur during the coming weeks. "May Their Souls Be Bound Up in the Bond of Eternal Life" Morris Moscovitch Hyman Singerman Natalie Moldowan Charles Fagen Shirley Raboy Slata Sophi Tarzik Joe Dobrofsky William Cohen Elimelech Teicher Peter Steinberg Sarah Gonshor Miriam Weingensberg Sarah Shuter Pilnick Joseph Barrin Elka Yaverbaum William Frank AUGUST 15-21 Av 30-Elus 6 Joseph Ornstein David Granik Bluma Asna Tait Joseph Manel George Daniel Sima Kaplansky Bertha Rabinovitch Elizabeth Kenyeres Harry Gordon Rose Cooperman Ruth Shear Akiva Ain Sylvia Leader Irving Brown Yosef Borrin Louis Apfeld Dezso Linder Joseph Hirsch Bessie Dora Mittleman AUGUST 22-28 Elul 7-13 Manuel Luxenberg Isidor Richer Norman Vassall Sarah Meltzer Henry Weiner Rose Gordon Noech Bomer Joseph Remer Saul Bierbrier Sam Rabinovitch Phillip Halberg Harry Tzvi Shizgal Lilly Bergner Jack Pekofsky Ethel Stern Baile Levine 36 Harry Cohen Esther Posel Richard Satov Sura Slawner Adela Brown David Friedman Peter Baker Charles Lasner Samuel Karl Chernoff AUGUST 29-SEPT. 4 Elul 14-20 Fanny Share Celia Dalfen David Singerman Lazare Friedman Gishe Tessler Jack Robin Henrietta Pekofsky Rivka Malka Eva Haberkorn Saul Cohen Anne Meltzer Levine Eugene Hecht Joseph Nozetz Ida Sherman Fanny Katz Joseph Skomska Mendel Skomska Baila Skomska Moishe Skomska Morris Samuel Coblentz Chanah Krymalowski Sarah Shevah Kopel Moise Kopel Esther Kopel Leiba Kopel Myer Kopel Ben Blicher Pesia Teicher Bernard Glense Florence Cohen Mordechai Rubin Araham Chernin Lillian Meltzer Schoen Dr. Robert Cohen Miriam Richler SEPTEMBER 5-11 Elul 21-27 Nina Neiman Laszlo Fried Eva Nanasi Peter Lustgaren Chana Becker Aida Attias David Affler Alexander Fon Rose Bloom Rose Boloten Hana Davydova Baruch Pinchas Tannenbaum Samuel Starke Samuel Haberkorn Lajos Bogler Yetta Robin Rose Grover SEPTEMBER 12-18 Elul 28-Tishrei 5 Eliezer Batist Peter Black Margaret Rose Fox Norman Liebman Lawrence Popliger QC Tzipa Singerman Issie Smiley Saul Kaplan Beila Dobrofsky Jackie Croitoru David Adler Mordechai Grover Solomon Yufe Beila Perlman Liba Zatz Miklos Rosenbaum Harry Fleisher Ralph Steinman Myer Samuels Edward Stern Olga Felberbaum Harry Kleinman Lawrence Boroff Annie Rubinger Arna Solomon Samson Ginovker Ethel Goldsmith SEPTEMBER 19-25 Tishrei 6-12 Louis Weinstein Alice Cohen Rebecca Rubin Israel Tannenbaum Gitle Plonick Shimon Baruch Garfinkle Celia Weber Jack Friedlander Sarah Krupp Annie Miller Paul Marsali Ester Weintraub Dr. Hyman Woods Lori Black Julius Cohen Irene Frank Iser Rosner Moishe Rosner Tauba Rosner Menachem Rosner Edward Meltzer Millie Lutter Nathan Richter Joseph Dalfen SEPT. 26-OCT. 2 Tishrei13-19 Mike Mintz Mendel Tait Abraham Smith Moe Shuter Joshua Aronovitch Louis Cohen Nora Lecker Frances Perlin Kalnitsky Dina Bernstein Richard Sharagie Joe Feldman Helen Rubin Esther Raicek Gertrude Borenstein Saul Stern Joe Isenberg Shirley Marco Howard Moses Caplan Laszlo Szamosi Vera Vaktor Rosette Ifergan OCTOBER 3-9 Tishrei 20-26 Alter Saul Grover Joseph Simon Edward Briskin Eugina Goldstein Rose Silverton Rena Berall Frank Bernard Aronovitch David Magidson Moe Levin Rachel Caplan Ben B. Cohen Harold Fanaberia Roza Abonyu Josef Halpern Joseph Katz Mair Chawkin William Sokoloff Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel Harry Louis Knopp Goldie Schreter Helen Muller Chana Zohar David Smukler Wolf Mietkiewitch Tauba Mietkiewich Dora Zilberg Josef Katz Sarah Friedman Sally Luft Ullmann Sylvia Magidson Harry Amdursky Mary Brown Sarah Gottlieb Leonard Adler Victor Abrahamson Sarah Fayer Ralph Bernick Sarah Lillian Coblentz Leon Rowniak Saturday March 28 – 8 Nissan Parasha Tzav – Mincha Shabbat Hagadol Shabbat ends Evening Services March 29-April 3 PASSOVER Siyum for 1st born males Friday April 3 Sale of Chometz Friday April 3 Burning of the Chometz 7.00 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 8:02 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 10:21 a.m. 11:38 a.m. FIRST SEDER – FRIDAY APRIL 3 Candle Lighting Evening Services 7:06 p.m. 7:00 p.m. SATURDAY & SUNDAY APRIL 4 & 5 Morning Services Evening Services SECOND SEDER APRIL 5 Candle Lighting Saturday after from an existing flame Community Seder Evening Services April 5-10 7:00 p.m. FRIDAY APRIL 10 – 7TH DAY OF PASSOVER Morning Services Evening Services Candle Lighting 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:12 p.m. SATURDAY APRIL 11 8th DAY OF PASSOVER – 22 Nissan Morning Services 9:00 a.m. SERMON & YIZKOR 10:30 a.m. Evening Services 8:15 p.m. Shabbat ends 8:21 p.m. Passover ends 9:21 p.m. Evening Services April 12-17 7:00 p.m. PARASHA CLASS APRIL 15 1:00 p.m. KABALLAH CLASS APRIL 23 7:30 p.m. Candle Lighting Friday April 17 7:24 p.m. Saturday April 18-29 Nissan Parasha Shemini – Mincha 7:25 p.m. Shabbat ends 8:32 p.m. Evening Services April 19-24 7:00 p.m. PARASHA CLASS APRIL 22 KABALLAH CLASS APRIL 23 7:30 p.m. ROSH CHODESH IYAR SUNDAY & MONDAY APRIL 19 & 20 YOM HASHOA – THURSDAY APRIL 16 YOM HAZIKARON – WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 YOM HA’ATZMAUT – THURSDAY APRIL 23 Candle Lighting Friday April 24 Saturday April 25 – 6 Iyar Parasha Tazria Metzora – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services April 26-May 1 PARASHA CLASS APRIL 29 7:33 p.m. 7:23 p.m. 8:35 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. KABALLAH CLASS APRIL 30 Candle Lighting Friday May 1 Saturday May 2 – 13 Iyar Parasha Acharei Mot Kedoshim Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services May 3-8 PARASHA CLASS MAY 6 KABALLAH CLASS MAY 7 7:30 p.m. 7:42 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:52 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Candle Lighting Friday May 8 Saturday May 9-20 Iyar Parasha Emor – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services May 10-15 PARASHA CLASS MAY 13 KABALLAH CLASS MAY 14 7:51 p.m. Candle Lighting Friday May 15 Saturday May 16 – 27 Iyar Parasha Behar Bechukotai – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services May 17-22 PARASHA CLASS MAY 20 KABALLAH CLASS MAY 21 8:00 p.m. 7:55 p.m. 9:02 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 9:12 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. ROSH CHODESH SIVAN TUESDAY MAY 19 Candle Lighting Friday May 22 Saturday May 23 – 5 Sivan Parasha Bamidbar – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services May 24-29 PARASHA CLASS MAY 27 KABALLAH CLASS MAY 28 8:07 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 9:22 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. SHAVUOT Erev Shavuot – Saturday May 23 Evening Services 8:15 p.m. Candle Lighting 9:22 p.m. TIKKUN LEYL SHAVUOT 10:30 P.M. SUNDAY & MONDAY – MAY 24 & 25 Candle Lighting May 24 after 9:22 p.m. SERMON & YIZKOR MONDAY MAY 25 10:30 a.m. SHAVUOT ENDS 9:24 p.m. Candle Lighting Friday May 29 Saturday May 30 – 12 Sivan Parasha Naso – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services May 31-June 5 PARASHA CLASS JUNE 3 KABALLAH CLASS JUNE 4 8:14 p.m. Candle Lighting Friday June 5 Saturday June 6 – 19 Sivan Parasha Beha’alotecha – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services June 7-12 PARASHA CLASS JUNE 10 KABALLAH CLASS – JUNE 11 8:20 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:37 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Continued on next page... Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel 37 Services, Candle Lighting Times & Upcoming Events Candle Lighting Friday June 12 Saturday June13 – 26 Sivan Parasha Shelach – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services June 14-19 PARASHA CLASS JUNE 17 KABALLAH CLASS – JUNE 18 8:25 p.m. 8:45 p.m. 9:42 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. ROSH CHODESH TAMUZ WEDNESDAY & THURDAY JUNE 17 & 18 Candle Lighting Friday June 19 Saturday June 20 – 3 Tamuz Parasha Korach – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services June 21-26 PARASHA CLASS JUNE 24 KABALLAH CLASS JUNE 25 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Candle Lighting Friday June 26 Saturday June 27 – 10 Tamuz Parasha Chukat – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services June 28-July 3 PARASHA CLASS JULY 1 KABALLAH CLASS JULY 2 Candle Lighting Friday July 3 Saturday July 4 – 17 Tamuz Parasha Balak – Mincha Shabbat ends FAST OF TAMUZ – SUNDAY JULY 5 Fast Begins at 3:25 a.m. and ends at 9:23 p.m. Evening Services July 5-10 PARASHA CLASS JULY 8 KABALLAH CLASS JULY 9 Candle Lighting Friday July 10 Saturday July 11 – 24 Tamuz Parasha Pinchas – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services July 12-17 PARASHA CLASS JULY 15 KABALLAH CLASS JULY 16 8:28 p.m. 8:35 p.m. 9:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:29 p.m. 8:40 p.m. 9:46 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:28 p.m. 8:35 p.m. 9:44 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:25 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:39 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Candle Lighting Friday July 17 Saturday July 18 – 2 Av Parasha Matot-Masei Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services July 19-24 PARASHA CLASS JULY 22 KABALLAH CLASS JULY 23 8:20 p.m. Candle Lighting Friday July 24 Saturday July 25-9 Av Parasha Devarim – Mincha Shabbat ends 8:14 p.m. 8:25 p.m. 9:33 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. ROSH CHODESH AV – FRIDAY JULY 17 38 8:35 p.m. 9:25 p.m. FAST OF TISHA B’AV – SUNDAY JULY 26 Fast begins Saturday July 25 and ends Sunday July 26 Evening Services July 26-31 KABALLAH CLASS JULY 30 Candle Lighting Friday July 31 Saturday August 1 – 16 Av Parasha Va’et’chanan – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services August 2-7 PARASHA CLASS AUGUST 4 KABALLAH CLASS AUGUST 5 8:30 p.m. 9:13 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:05 p.m. Candle Lighting Friday August 7 Saturday August 8 – 23 Av Parasha Ekev – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services August 9-14 PARASHA CLASS AUGUST 12 KABALLAH CLASS AUGUST 13 8:05 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:56 p.m. 7:55 p.m. 9:03 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. ROSH CHODESH ELUL SATURDAY & SUNDAY AUGUST 15 & 16 Candle Lighting Friday August 14 Saturday August 15 – 30 Av Parasha Re’eh – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services August 16-21 PARASHA CLASS AUGUST 19 KABALLAH CLASS AUGUST 20 Candle Lighting Friday August 21 Saturday August 22 – 7 Elul Parasha Shoftim – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services August 23-28 PARASHA CLASS AUGUST 26 KABALLAH CLASS AUGUST 27 Candle Lighting Friday August 28 Saturday August 29 – 14 Elul Parasha Ki Tetze – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services August 30-September 4 PARASHA CLASS SEPTEMBER 2 KABALLAH CLASS SEPTEMBER 3 Candle Lighting Friday September 4 Saturday September 5 – 21 Elul Parasha Ki Tavo – Mincha Shabbat ends Evening Services September 6 – 11 PARASHA CLASS SEPTEMBER 9 KABALLAH CLASS SEPTEMBER 10 7:45 p.m. 7:40 p.m. 8:51 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. A Simcha to Remember at The Chevra 7:34 p.m. 7:55 p.m. 8:38 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:21 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 8:47 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:08 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:11 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. The Chevra is pleased to announce that we now welcome all Caterers under the MK Supervision. We invite you to celebrate your Simcha at our beautiful premises, for any occasion large or small – Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Bris/Baby Naming, Fundraisers, Family Celebrations. Pleasecall callEden SaraTzoubari Miller atat(514) Please (514)482-3366 482-3366ext. ext.224 231 for more information on arranging your simcha! EREV ROSH HASHANA – SUNDAY APRIL 13 ROSH HASHANA MONDAY AND TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 14 & 15 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob—Beit Hazikaron—Beth Hillel The Chevra www.thechevra.ca 46 CongregationChevra ChevraKadisha KadishaB’nai B’naiJacob—Beit Jacob—BeitHazikaron—Beth Hazikaron—BethHillel Hillel Congregation 39 Will be held on MONDAY JUNE 8, 2015 UBIN ALLAN RMAN CHAIR At the distinquished 1 Boul. De Fountainbleau, Blainville, Quebec Don’t miss out on playing on this very special golf course which has developed respect and a legacy usually reserved for courses decades older. Designed by Graham Cooke and Darrell Huxham, the 7,105-yard, par72 layout has strong green sites with large putting surfaces, as well as pleasing views of the dense trees that dominate the course. Participation Options $ 400 Golfer $1,000 Hole Sponsor $ 500 Tee or Green Sponsor $2,000 BBQ Sponsor $2,500 Golf Cart Sponsor $4,000 Brunch Sponsor $5,000 Dinner Sponsor $10,000 Tournament Co-Host Call Sara at 514-482-3366 or sara.miller @thechevra.ca to book your foursome. Please make all cheques to The Chevra
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