Click here to view - Chevra Kadisha B`nai Jacob


Click here to view - Chevra Kadisha B`nai Jacob
Vol. 634 | No. 4
Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tamuz, Av 5776
April, May, June, July, August 2016
What’s Inside............................................................................ 2
Passover Services Schedule................................................... 2
Rabbi’s Message...................................................................... 3
Executive Director’s Message................................................. 4
President’s Message................................................................ 5
Clergy & Leadership................................................................. 6
Sephardic Minyan Shabbaton................................................. 6
Sisterhood Report.....................................................................7
Treasure Book...........................................................................7
Shabbat Shira........................................................................... 8
Purim Basket - Mishloach Manot Mitzvah............................. 9
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs....................................................................10
Kaballah of the Tanya............................................................. 11
Weekly Talmud........................................................................ 11
Purim at The Chevra...............................................................12
Mada & The Chevra.................................................................13
Yom Hashoa............................................................................13
Yom Hazikaron........................................................................13
Yom Ha’atzma’ut.....................................................................13
Yom Yerushalayim..................................................................13
Shabbat Hagadol....................................................................13
Community Passover Seder...................................................13
Selling of the Chometz...........................................................15
Model Matzah Bakery.............................................................15
Maot Chitim.............................................................................15
Summary of Pre-Passover Duties..........................................16
Counting the Omer..................................................................16
Preparing for Seder/Kitchen Preparation..............................16
Passover Laws & Customs.....................................................17
Forbidden Foods.....................................................................17
Tribute Book Advertising Contract.........................................19
Sisterhood Walking Tour.......................................................20
Sisterhood Mother’s Day Shabbat.........................................21
Shabbat with Jessie Rabin....................................................22
Book Review...........................................................................23
What is Shavuot?...................................................................24
Erev Shavuot/Role of the Children........................................24
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot...............................................................25
Youth Shavuot Services ......................................................25
Shabbat Under the Stars........................................................26
Klez Konnection..................................................................... 27
Bat/Bar Mitzvahs, Births & Weddings...................................28
A Perfect Wedding.................................................................28
Special Shabbaton with Salvatore Litvak.............................29
Mazel Tov Birthdays...............................................................30
Mazel Tov Wedding Anniversaries.........................................31
About Our Shul.......................................................................32
Kiddush Corner.......................................................................33
In Memory..............................................................................34
Yizkor Memorial Book............................................................34
Prayer for the Sick..................................................................34
Memorial Plaques..................................................................34
Cemetery Reservations.........................................................34
Prayer Book-Torah Welfare-Endowment Funds...................35
Yahrzeit Donation........................................................... 36-37
In Memoriam.................................................................. 38-40
Celebrating A Simcha.............................................................41
Join Our Synagogue...............................................................42
Cooking with Chef Isaac........................................................42
Welcome New Members.......................................................42
Business Advertisements......................................................42
Robert Trestan Honoured......................................................43
Services-Candle Lighting-Upcoming Events........................43
The Chevra Golf Tournament.....................................................
make our mistake” and warn of the ‘slippery slope’ to
mass deaths. SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2016
Yet a flora of terminology is being used to convince the
public that assisted suicide is indeed a righteous act with
fancy and empathetic words, such as: dignity of dying,
medical aid in dying, compassionate death, etc. What
we don’t realize is the terrible ramifications that this law
will have on our society as a whole in the way we treat the
most vulnerable amongst us.
DRASHA LECTURE – 6:45 p.m.
Evening Services - 7:30 p.m.
Bedikas Chometz (search for Chometz) after sunset
FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016
Evening Services – 7:00 p.m.
Siyum Services for the First Born Males – 7:00 a.m.
Chometz may be eaten until 10:00 a.m.
Chometz is burned & Statement of Renouncement
‘Kol Chamira’ is recited by 11:30 a.m.
Candle Lighting – 7:32 p.m.
FIRST SEDER Evening Services – 7:00 p.m.
Morning Services – 9:00 a.m.
Evening Services – 7:45 p.m.
SECOND SEDER conducted after Evening Services
Candle Lighting after 8:41 p.m. from existing flame
SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2016
Evening Services – 7:45 p.m.
Eve of the last day of Passover
Morning Services – 7:00 a.m.
Evening Services – 7:00 p.m.
Candle Lighting Friday after 7:40 p.m.
FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2016
Morning Services – 9:00 a.m.
Evening Services – 7:00 p.m.
Candle Lighting – 7:41 p.m.
Last day of Passover
Morning Services (with Choir) – 9:00 a.m.
Yizkor & Sermon – 10:00 a.m.
Evening Services – 7:50 p.m.
Publication Mailing Agreement No. 40032040
Chevra Kadisha B’Nai Jacob
Beit Hazikaron - Beth Hillel
5237 Clanranald Ave., Montreal, Qc., H3X 2S5
Cruelty Veiled in Compassion
Prior to this new law, when individuals were diagnosed
with a terminal illness, although tragic, there was only
one path - the fight for quality of life and managed care.
Patients were surrounded with a supportive family,
community and government services, because there was
only one option: life. With this new law, all that support is
relinquished. Patients are now left in solitude, despaired,
as they are being asked indirectly if they wish to die, or
even worse, if they wish to live. For patients who choose
life, they live with guilt, knowing that they are burdening
their family by going through the trouble of living.
n elderly woman from our congregation suffered
a serious stroke which left her debilitated and in
chronic pain. She went from a vibrant energetic
individual to someone who lost all her dignity. She cried
out to her family that she wanted to die. Her children
accepted her plea and agreed to arrange her death
within a few weeks. When I later consulted with her, she
expressed to me how surprised she was that assisted
suicide can be executed so hastily. Even more, she was
deeply pained by her children’s willingness to go ahead
with her demise.
In my twenty years of comforting the terminally ill, I have
learned that people do not really want to die. It just rips
them apart to know that they have become a burden to
their family. When we encourage assisted suicide for the
terminally ill, the message we are painfully transmitting is
that they are being abandoned. Could you imagine what
that does to their last shred of dignity?
When patients express something so severe that they
want to die, what they are really saying is that they have
no more dignity and they don’t want to be a burden to
their family. It is then, that the family, community, and
society must respond to this feeling of indignity, with
affirmation that their loved ones have value and so much
more to contribute – now more than ever.
For those who argue that there are few real cases
where patients are in constant pain and unambiguously
wish to die, they should take a look at how our criminal
justice system is formulated. There are laws in place
that are designed to protect the innocent, yet it is these
very same laws that allow criminals to go free. How is
this possible? It is understood that when implementing
laws for an entire society, the main concern is to protect
the innocent so that they are not unjustly convicted and
in the interim, actual criminals are not convicted. It is
unfortunate, but that is just the way it is. The government
would much rather a justice delayed then a justice
perverted. Protecting innocent people overshadows
imperiling society for the few criminals that may escape
the law.
In February 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada declared
that the current Criminal Code provisions banning assisted
suicide were unconstitutional and ruled in favour of doctorassisted suicide in specific cases.
The federal government had sought an extension to craft
a workable construct in order to implement the new law;
the top court agreed to a four-month extension until this
coming June 2016.
Countries that have had this law in place for many
years, like the Netherlands, are now warning us “don’t
If you would like to be part of the Rabbi’s email list,
please send your email address to
By contrast, the same is true with doctor assisted
suicide. Indeed, there will be those for whom there is
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jacob-Beit
Hazikaron-Beth Hillel
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
no other option but death, and we should never know of
that. However, If the government reinvents the wheel and
implements a law that encourages death as an option,
based on a minor segment of society who really crave it,
then consequently the government will be debasing and
delegitimizing the sanctity of life to the majority of people
who really cherish it.
The greatest heroes of our society are the palliative care
professionals. They stand courageously, every moment
hen friends asked me why I was giving up my
of the day, bestowing dignity, care and compassion to the
brief and very enjoyable four month retirement
terminally ill. This new law bypasses all the unconditional
after over 40 years as a professional in the
love these angels are giving to the dying. Not for a second Jewish community to join the Chevra as Executive
did it enter their mind that their value and purpose of life Director, I explained that I wanted to “give back” to the
has vanished because of their terminal illness.
community. As both a formal and informal Jewish
The irony of all this, is that the terminally ill have the greatest educator, I felt that I had made a significant impact on
effect on their family during their illness. The messages they the lives of many children and young adults, but I also
impart during that time are treasured like never before. The appreciated the fact that I had personally benefited and
impact they have can be more transformative then what they learned from the many people I had met over the years….
and in my new “encore career” at the Chevra, I wanted to do
have tried to do in a whole lifetime.
my part in helping people of all ages have a special place to
In the realm of death, all of us - including judge, politician connect with their Jewish identity.
and doctor - stand equally in its mystery. Therefore, the
The role of a synagogue Executive Director involves
decision of who shall live and who shall die should never
a myriad of responsibilities - administrative budgetary
be placed in the hands of any human being, but rather in
concerns; overseeing maintenance and facilities issues;
the sanctity of its distinct equality.
and taking a leadership role in membership, fundraising,
I applaud the Jewish General Hospital for choosing to public relations and programming initiatives.
support life and its recognition that its mission is to sustain
But I have discovered - as I had hoped - that these tasks take
and promote life.
place in the friendly, warm, and ‘heimische’ environment of the
Chevra, where PEOPLE are always the main focus. Whether
On this coming Pesach let us discuss amongst our
it’s being part of an early morning minyan for someone
families and reaffirm that we come from a people that
saying kaddish; working with the Chevra team in ensuring a
never quits and throughout time immemorial, we always
memorable, ‘fairy tale’ wedding; participating in the meaningful
battled for even a semblance of life, internalizing the value
Shabbat services, and delicious Kiddush lunch; developing
and blessing that each day brings.
new programs of inclusion at the Chevra for members of
Lieba and I and our family wish the whole congregation a our community with special needs; or attending the Rabbi’s
inspirational Thursday night classes - I feel honoured to have
Chag Kasher Ve sameach.
the opportunity to help make the Chevra a relevant and friendly
experience for our many friends and members.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks has written that an essential
function of a Jewish leader is to motivate people by finding
something in one’s life to ‘celebrate’.
And, in this spirit, I am excitedly looking forward to sharing
in the celebrations of the beautiful holidays of Passover and
Shavuot with my new Chevra family.
Chag Sameach,
Finally, Passover is the holiday of renewal. Winter turns
into spring and our hearts and minds look forward to
new projects and endeavours, and to coming forth with
new ideas to better our lives, spiritually and physically.
The same can be said for our shul. Our new Executive
Director, Sid Milech, comes to us with a wealth of
experience in Jewish community leadership and he has
assover has always been my favourite Jewish
already infused us with a renewed sense of energy and
enthusiasm. We are also exploring various renovations
The first reason I love Passover is that it is to the shul to make it even more inviting to you and our
widely observed in some way by Jews all over the world, guests for services, simchas, community events and
whether secular or religious, and so it serves to unite us other special occasions.
all. Even the most unreligious among us typically attend
We are looking forward to have you join us for a number
a Passover Seder and change our chametz eating habits
of fun and exciting events planned over the next few
during the holiday as a recognition of our shared Jewish
months such as our Song of Songs Gala concert evening
heritage. In so doing we also open up our hearts and
in April, our Golf Tournament in May, Shabbat Under
homes to family and friends to share in our blessings. It
the Stars and a klezmer concert both in June, cooking
is also a time when so many come to shul to have their
classes with the Cantor (aka Chef Isaac), book reviews,
Seders together under our roof, and we would invite you
Sisterhood activities and much more. I sincerely hope
to contact the office if you would like to do so this year
that you will take the time to peruse through this edition
– we have beautiful facilities and delicious home-made
of the Scroll, read our email bulletins, like us on Facebook
catering available to you at very affordable prices if you
and visit our website ( to keep abreast
would prefer to skip the preparation and clean-up and
of all that we are trying to do for you, and that you will
enjoy your Seder with no mess or fuss. If you also have
give yourself the chance to let the shul become a home
no place to go for a Seder, in addition to the MADA free
for you and your family in whatever way is meaningful for
Seders we will again be hosting, we will gladly arrange to
have you welcomed with a host family.
Whether or not you are a regular at shul, we are
hoping that our spring/summer calendar of events, the
inspirational sermons of Rabbi Jacobson, the stirring
chazzanut (and cooking!) of Cantor Epstein and the
warm, non-judgmental and welcoming atmosphere of
our daily and Shabbat minyans will give you multiple
reasons to come to the shul to meet new people and to
become more comfortable and more entrenched in your
spirituality, Jewishness, love of Israel and general wellbeing.
Passover is also the holiday of freedom and liberation.
During my student years, I devoted countless hours to
the struggle to free Soviet Jews whose plight at that
time was always brought to the forefront at Passover.
Passover at a very fundamental level is about human
rights and liberty - values that we all cherish but can so
easily take for granted living in a free and prosperous
Canada. Passover serves as a reminder to us Jews, and
indeed to all of humanity, that we must be constantly
vigilant and confront tyranny in all of its forms wherever
it may fester, so that we can continue together to fashion
a world and society based on the foundations of justice,
individual liberty and compassion.
On behalf of myself, my family, and the Executive and
Board of Trustees of the Chevra, I wish you all a Happy
Passover, a Chag Sameach and a Gut Yontev!
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
5237 Clanranald, Montreal, Canada H3X 2S5
Tel: 514-482-3366; Fax; 514-484-1607
The Sisterhood TREASURE BOOK
Asher Jacobson
Yitzhak Epstein
Meyer Kizelnik
Benjamin Hauer
Sid Milech
Yossi Milo
Rabbi EmeritusBeth Hillel
Rabbi Emeritus Executive Director
is on display in the lobby of our Synagogue
Please think of us when making your contributions
by calling Mrs. Elaine Moscovitch
at 514-488-9714
Arnold Cohen
Jeff Frank Leo Hubermann
Sanford M. Smith
Sam Lieblein
Daniel S. Miller
Rafael Tzoubari
Kathy Halmi
Yoav Djebali
Mitchell Rosen
Jerry Sherman
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Immediate President Advisor
Representative of Beit Hazikaron
Representative of Sephardi Minyan
Co-Opted Officer
Co-Opted Officer
Paul Kushner
Hershey Fitleberg
Jerry Sherman
Allan Tannenbaum
Sally Raicek
Jack Rothenberg
Dr. Richard Shatz
Rafael Tzoubari
Mish Granik
Daniel S. Miller
David Perlin
Gary E. Polachek
David Amiel
Elaine Budning
Arnold Cohen
Murray Dalfen
Dr. David Farber
Jeff Frank
Doreen Green
Kathy Halmi
Sam Lieblein
Daniel S. Miller
David Perlin
Norman Raicek
Aaron Remer
Tina Apfeld Rosenthal
Jack Rothenberg
Ellen Rubin
Jerry Sherman
Ivan Spector
Allan Tannenbaum
Rafael Tzoubari
Ralph Brookman
Belle Burak
Ben Cohen
Yoav Djebali
Manny Fayer
Mish Granik
Joseph Halmi
Leo Hubermann
Steve Luxenburg
Elaine Moscovitch
Gary E. Polachek
Sally Raicek
Mitchell Rosen
Martin P. Rosenthal
Pearl Rothenberg
Dr. Richard Shatz
Sanford M. Smith
Marnie Stern Zigman
Garry Trestan
Joel Waxman
Eliminate your yearly Sisterhood Membership Dues by
becoming a Life Member and receive a beautiful
”Sisterhood” pin.
For further information please call the office at
For a Moroccan Style Shabbaton
5237 Clanranald Avenue
President.......................Sally Raicek
Treasurer..............Dorothy Langburt
Recording Secretary.......Hilda Adler
Social Secretary.......Elaine Budning
Telephone Chalr.........Ella Sussman
April 15, 2016
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Catered by L’Orichidée
April 16 (Kiddush lunch)
$36.00 - Adult
$25.00 – Child
5 and under free
Allan Tannenbaum
Leo Hubermann
Bulletin and Publicity
David Perlin
Steve Luxenburg
Jeff Frank
Allan Rubin
Sanford M. Smith
Mish Granik House
House Committee
Jerry Sherman
Sanford M. Smith
Human Resources
Ben Cohen
Hershey Fitleberg
Dave Perlin
Leo Hubermann
Ben Cohen
Ivan Spector
Joel Waxman
Sanford M. Smith
Ben Cohen
Belle Burak
Elaine Moscovitch
Donna Cohen Hersh
Sally Raicek
Belle Burak
Project Shabbat
Gary Polachek
Hershey Fitleberg
Hebrew Reading/Davening
Ben Cohen
Congregation Histories
Hilda Adler, Elaine Budning, Maggie Gabbay,
Halina Halpern,
Dorothy Langburt, Iris Lieberman, Jennie Meland,
Anne Perlman, Sally Raicek, Gloria Schachter,
Jacqueline Soussan, Eva Sussman, Aviva Wasserlauf,
and Bernice Weiss
(Children’s Program)
Gertrude Batist, Sylvia Benitsky, Doris Dalfen Caplan,
Marsha Epstein, Lieba Jacobson, Elaine Moscovitch and
Ethel Solomon
Come join
The Sisterhood
hough this winter has not been as severe as last year,
it is taking its time to leave. As we celebrated Purim,
snow was still on the ground!
A wonderful Chanukah Luncheon took place in December,
prepared by the Cantor (latkes included). The speaker was
Elaine Kalman Naves, who spoke about her recent book, “The
Book of Faith.” It was a Sisterhood event enjoyed by all.
On March 16th, members of the Sisterhood, together with
members of the Chesed Committee, made and delivered over
65 Purim baskets to the bereaved, sick and senior members
of our Synagogue. Our Spring Project - a Jewish Heritage
Tour of Montreal - will take place on Wednesday, May 4th,
which will include “Breakfast at the Chevra.” After breakfast
buses will transport everyone to meet the tour guides for a
truly inspirational tour of Montreal’s Old Jewish Quarter.
If you would like to go down Memory Lane with us, please call the
office at (514) 482-3366 to make your reservation.
The 12th Sisterhood Mother’s Day Shabbat will take place
on Saturday, May 7th. We urge everyone to participate,
either by speaking or being a Sponsor. Bring your mothers,
mothers-in-law, grandmothers and daughters so they may be
honoured. A beautiful Kiddush will follow, sponsored by the
With best wishes for a happy & meaningful Passover,
Sally Raicek
“Women Supporting Women”
Sisterhood President
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
each moment in the year, in the same way as traditional
foods play a role in defining the character of each of the
different Jewish Holidays.
Music interprets the words in a way that is aligned with
the character and meaning of the text. It inspires the
congregants and embarks on a journey to a higher place.
It is creating an environment that allows a conduit to be
opened in order to reach a place beyond ourselves. It is
about participation - vocal, emotional and intellectual. It
is about tradition and innovation.
by: Cantor Epstein
Our Synagogue Choir is widely recognized as being one
of the finest male choirs in the city.
habbat Shira “Tefilah VeShira” (prayer and song)
at the Chevra is and always has been a special
and uplifting experience, which includes the
participation of our wonderful choir.
We take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge
the outstanding dedication and commitment of the
members of the Synagogue Choir. Their contribution
in the High Holy Day Services this year was
outstandingand their involvement in Shul services is
truly appreciated. We wish them continued success.
The choir has risen to new heights under the leadership
of our current choirmaster, Yossi Milo, bringing out the
power of singing and music which emanates from the
potent role that it can play in the act of prayer. Its job is to
make words come alive and fly off the page of the prayer
book, drawing on the weekday Shabbat and festival
modes. It is about perpetuating our musical heritage,
so that the music maintains a proper association with
A special Yasher Koach, thank you, to the Parnassim and
the sponsors listed below for the beautiful Shabbat Kiddush.
It is through everyone’s involvement and participation that we
make Shabbat Shira the success that it is.
Cantor Yitzhak Epstein
SHABBAT SHIRA Sabbath of Song
We gratefully acknowledge and thank the following Shabbat Shira Benefactors, Patrons, and Sponsors for their
generous donations to this beautiful Kiddush which took place in the
Singerman Hall following services.
Arlene & Stephen Abramson
Tina & Paul Baker
Aaron Bloom
Joan & Hy Bloom
Belle & Louis Burak
Ross Coblentz
Marnie & Arnold Cohen
Marlene & Murray Dalfen
Marlene & Jack Dworkind
Eta & Asher Elcabetz
Marsha & Yitzchak Epstein
Francine & Barry Fagen
Jeff & Arlene Feldman & Family
Yvonne Feldstein
Jeff Frank & Sons
Morris & Pearl Freedman
Doreen & Lawrence Glazer
Hillel Greenbaum
Doreen & Gerald Green
Brian & Myra Greenstone
Susan & Max Haberkorn
Geraldine & Jeffrey Hart
Nina & Harry Hart
Herbert Isenberg
Leiba & Rabbi Asher Jacobson
Roslyn Joseph
Betty & Bill Kirman
Rabbi Meyer and Mrs
Lisa & Fred Kokin
Paul Kushner
Jodie & Morden Lazarus
Selma & Sam Lieblein
Greg & Kathy Luger
Stephen & Veronica Luxenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Mandelcorn
Grace Michelin Matthews
Maria & Mark Meltzer
Sandra & Leonard Mendell
Earl Merling
Sheldon Merling
Lois & Danny Miller
Gary & Rosalie Mintz
Sam Mitnick
Irwin & Barbara Neudorf
Debra and Stephen Pekovsky
Beverlee & David Perlin
Claudia & Gary Polachek
Sally & Norman Raicek
Debbie & Aaron Remer
Bonnie & Mitch Rosen
Pearl & Jack Rothenberg
Evelyn & Hyman Ruckenstein
Brenda Shaffer
Gloria & Michael Schachter
Lorna & Jerry Sherman
Barbara & Phil Siegel
Frances & Allan Singerman
Joy and Sanford Smith
Jody & Ivan Spector
Mark Weinberg
Jackie Wenger
Max Zentner
Tova & Sam Zentner
Judy & Mark Zimmerman
Adar Marbin BeSimcha
When the month of Adar arrives we increase joy and happiness. The Chevra
Chesed Committee, in conjunction with the Sisterhood under the leadership of
Sally Raicek, started the month of Adar with preparations for our annual Mishloach
Manot Project.
The initiative started with Hamantashen Baking under the direction of Donna
Cohen Hersh. Volunteers came in on a Sunday morning March 13th and happily
baked hundreds of delicious Hamantashen.
We were delighted to receive wonderful treats from the following sponsors:
Galerie au Chocolats, Mandeli, Pizza Pita, Rocky Montana, and Kosher Quality.
Without your support our Purim initiative would not have been so successful.
Thank you so much.
On Wednesday morning, March 16th, the real excitement started. Raicek Hall had tables set up with treats, gift
bags, and colourful tissue paper. Ladies were chatting, laughing and preparing the gift bags with simcha. This was
truly a labour of love and happiness. Volunteers were arriving as scheduled and joyfully started to pick up the bags
that were to be delivered. In no time at all the bags were packed and delivered and our mission was accomplished.
The joy and happiness was to get the feedback from the recipients and their families. The appreciation was beautiful;
it was well worth the effort.
A hearty Yasher Koach – Todah Rabah to the following volunteers for all their effort:
Terri Allister
Miriam Ayele
Doreen Brown
Simcha Miriam Binstock
Elainee Budning
Donna Cohen
Terri Cohen
Cantor Yitzhak & Marsha Epstein
Zemira Epstein
Cyna Fayer
Francine Fox
Frances Freeman
Kathy Gardos
Lydia Krupp
Dorothy Langburt
Iris Lieberman
Grace Matthews
Clara Pinda
Denise Popliger
Sally Raicek
Pearl Rothenberg
Gloria Schachter
David Silverstone
Joy Smith
Jacqueline Soussan
Harriet Sugar
Eva Sussman
Allan & Dr. Gloria Tannenbaum
Bernice Weiss
A special thank you to the office staff
Linda Shore and Sara Miller for all their help.
Marsha Epstein
Chesed Chair
Sally Raicek
Sisterhood President
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
The Kabbalah of
the Tanya
Eliana and Elie eisenberg
Eliana and Elie and their family were proud to celebrate their special Bat/Bar Mitzvah on March 23rd
at The Chevra, on Erev Purim.
Eliana plays piano, loves ballet and excels at self-defense, thanks to her karate classes. Elie is diverse
in his interests, which include baseball computers and drawing. Both are avid readers.
Although they enjoy doing things together, their summers are spent in separate summer camps, one
close to home at Camp Massad in the Laurentians and the other at Camp Stone in Pennsylvania.
As new members at the Chevra, Drs. Louise and Mark Eisenberg and their children Eliana, Elie, Elisheva,
Ariella and Sara Leah were thrilled to celebrate this special milestone along with grandparents Dr.
David and Anna Eisenberg, and Roger and Thérèse Pilote.
Special thanks to Rabbi Jacobson for his friendship, teaching and guidance.
Talmud Class
Jordan Cohen
Jordan is excited to be sharing his Bar Mitzvah with his family and friends on May 12th, 2016 at the
Chevra. Joining in the excitement are his parents, Penny and Ben, along with his older brother Dylan
and younger sister Skylar. Jordan has been attending the Chevra his whole life. He often brings his
younger cousins to the junior congregation. He is the older cousin the little ones all like to play with.
Jordan is currently in Sec. 1 at Bialik High School.
His love of football began at the age of eight. He loves playing the game and is signed up as soon as
the season starts. His position is on the D-LINE and he plays it so well that not too many opposing
players get by him. In addition to football, he also plays basketball for Bialik and recently tried out for
badminton. In the summer he goes to the Y Country Camp , which he looks forward to every year. His
entire family wishes him mazel tov and can’t wait to celebrate.
Sadly missed at this time is his Bubbie Simmie Rosenberg and his Zaida Peter Cohen. Jordan will be
reading from Parasha Kedoshim
amanda rosenthal
Amanda’s family is so proud to celebrate her upcoming Bat Mitzvah on June 3rd at The Chevra. Amanda
is currently in grade 6 at Akiva School and will be going to ECS next year. Amanda has been on the
Wolves basketball team at the YM-YWHA for two years as well as the Akiva School girls basketball
team. Amanda has been part of the Akiva School Play every year and this year had the lead role of
Charlie in The Chocolate Factory Adventure. Amanda also loves art, fashion, swimming and skiing. In
the summer, Amanda spends her time at Camp Kinneret. In addition, this past summer, Amanda and
her family were very fortunate to spend time together in Israel which truly inspired her. Amanda has
grown up at The Chevra and is especially thrilled to be celebrating this special milestone along with
her family, Tina, Martin, Samantha, Catherine and Arieh as well as grandparents Dorothy and Shlomo
Langburt and Dorothy and Larry Rosenthal. Sadly missed at this time is grandfather Louis Apfeld z’l.
Special thanks to Rabbi Jacobson for his friendship, teaching and guidance..
shimmy cons
Shimmy Cons is excited to be celebrating his Bar Mitzavh at the Chevra on June 25, 2016. He is
currently a student in Secondary I at Bialik High School, who goes to camp in upstate New York during
the summer.
He is an avid hockey player – he plays forward - who hopes one day in the future to become a sports
When asked about his favourite past-times, Shimmy said that he, “loves learning with the Rabbi!.
Shimmy’s proud parents are Leslie and Michaels Cons. Siblings, Olivia, David and Victoria – for whom
he is a great role model - can’t wait to share in this very special day. Grandparents Helen and Stanley
Cons and Carole and Allen Spector are also are also looking forward to celebrating this wonderful
event with Shimmy’s family and friends.
A potential convert once came to the great
sage, Hillel and asked him, “Can you teach me
the entire Torah on one foot?” Hillel’s response
was, “Do not do unto others as you would have
them do unto you, now go and study.”
This became the Golden Rule of Hillel, The
rabbis note that Hillel’s statement, “Now go
and study” is part of the Golden Rule; for to live
by the Torah values, they must be studied and
Rabbi Shneur of Liadi, founder of the
Chabad movement.
Every week we will learn a new topic on “Ethics
and Business According to Jewish Law” at
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg 1501 McGill
College Avenue 26th Floor. Lunch is available
for $10. Kindly RSVP (by 10 a.m. Thursday)
by return e-mail to,
Continue the journey with Rabbi Jacobson as
he explores The Tanya.
4,000 editions have been printed in every
conceivable language.
Every Thursday
7:30 p.m. at The Chevra
if you would like lunch!
5237 Clanranald Avenue
All are welcome
Please note: This class is now certified under
To register, 514-482-3366;;
to all lawyers whose names are listed on the
Dedicated in loving memory of
The Barreau du Quebec, Credits will be given
‘Formulaire de Redevances’
Rabbi Betzalel Jacobson, Z”L
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
The Chevra
5237 Clanranald Avenue
is proud to announce that in conjunction
at the
On Thursday March 24th, the Chevra hosted its annual
Purim party, where over 200 people celebrated this joyous
and festive holiday.
The fun started with the children’s carnival, organized by
Mendel and Riki Jacobson - what a great job they did, fun
was had by all!
Everyone then proceeded to the Sanctuary to hear the reading
of the Megillat Esther and truly got into the holiday spirit.
Services were followed by a party with beautiful
decorations, great music and a room filled with children,
dancing and singing in their amazing holiday costumes.
Community wide observance
WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2016 AT 7:30 P.M.
at TBDJ Synagogue
The MADA Community
Holocaust Remembrance Day
SERVICES AT 7:00 A.M. at the Chevra
We will be hosting two Seders to share
the warmth and joy of a traditional meal,
complete with symbolic food and festive
dinner on
When we will light Yahrzeit candles in memory
of the 6 million martyrs and recite appropriate
Psalms, a community Kaddish and the
Memorial Prayer - El Maleh Rachamim
FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016
AT 8:00 P.M.
Come and worship with us
AT 8:00 P.M.
Yom Hazikaron this year falls on
For tickets and information call
Mada at 514-342-4969
Celebration will take place at 5:00 p.m. at
5151 Cote St. Catherine Road
In front of the Gelber & Federation CJA Building
Special thanks to our new Executive Director for
organizing a comedic, entertaining Purim Skit starring
Jack Rothenberg, Martin Rosenthal, Robert Posman,
Galit Guindi and Lee Haberkorn.
On the 4th of Iyar in the year 1948, the State
of Israel was declared. Since then, The
Chief Rabbinate of Israel has asked that we
recognize this day as special and of religious
meaning. A special prayer service was
compiled, which we are proud to feature at our
services on the eve and morning of the day. It
is right and fitting that families mark the day
with festivities and thanksgiving to G-d.
The evening could not have been complete without the
amazing 3 course dinner prepared by Chef Ali, Cantor
Epstein and all the Kitchen staff.
Thank you also to Leiba Jacobson and the Chevra staff
for all their hard work in planning this memorable event.
See you all next year!
Chag Sameach
The Chevra
Cordially invites
all members and friends to
This year it will fall on
the evening of WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2016
Saturday April 16, 2016
6:45 p.m., in the Sanctuary
The 28th of Iyar marks the commemoration
of the reunification of Jerusalem since 1967.
This is a day on which Hallel is recited, and full
celebrations should be held.
Followed by Mincha Tradition
prescribes such learned
This year, it falls on
SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2016
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
Passover Seder
The Selling of the Chometz
Contract Form
invites your family and everyone else you
know to bake your very own
All contracts must be returned to the office no later than
I, the undersigned, fully empower and permit Rabbi Asher
Jacobson and/or Cantor Yitzhak Epstein to act in my
place and stead, and on my behalf to sell all Chometz
possessed by me, knowingly or unknowingly as defined
by the Torah and Rabbinic Law (e.g. Chometz, possible
Chometz, and all kinds of Chometz mixtures).
in our exclusive
Oh, that yummy taste of the crispiest
crunchiest snack in the whole world
Rabbi Asher Jacobson and/or Cantor Yitzhak Epstein, are
also empowered to lease all places wherein the Chometz
owned by me may be found, in particular at the address/
es listed below, and elsewhere.
Rabbi Asher Jacobson and/or Cantor Yitzhak Epstein
also have the full power and right to act as he deems fit
and proper in accordance with all the details of the Bill
of Sale used in the transaction to sell all my Chometz as
provided herein.
This power is in conformity with all Torah, Rabbinic and
Civil laws.
TIME: 11:00 A.M.
Enjoy the Holiday of
Freedom with your family
at an inspirational Seder
with hand-made Shmurah
Matzah, four cups of
exquisite kosher wine,
and a gourmet Passover
Services and dinner at 7:00 p.m.
The Chevra
5237 Clanranald Avenue
Admission: $49 ADULT - $25 CHILD - $360 SPONSORS
For more information and to RSVP call Sara at 514-482-3366 or
R.S.V.P. PHONE: 514-482-3366
Signed:______________________________ Date:_____________
Address (1) :___________________________________________
The synagogue is not
only a place where we
come to pray and learn,
socialize, or enjoy
each other’s simchot,
it’s also a place where
families who are in
financial need can
come and receive our assistance in a dignified manner. Through our
office, you can help provide ‘kimcha de Pischa’ – matzo, wine and all
Passover needs for Jewish families in our community. Funds will be
distributed on a discrete basis. Please remember to give tzedakah.
Contributions should be made payable to The Chevra “Maot Chitim”.
With blessing Contributions should be made payable to The Chevra “Maot
Chitim”. With blessing of a kosher and happy Passover.
Address (2):___________________________________________
Address (3):___________________________________________
5237 Clanranald Avenue,
Montreal, Quebec H3X 2S5
Tel. 514-482-3366 – Fax: 514-484-1607
Sincerely yours,
The Chevra
Please note that tax deductible receipts will be issued for all
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
Summary of
Pre-Passover Duties
Preparing for the Seder
The following items are used at the Seder
ARBA’A KOSOT: Four cups of wine, representing the four expressions
of freedom and redemption mentioned in the Bible (Exodus 6:6,7) If
wine cannot be tolerated, use grape juice.
MATZAH SHMURAH: Matzah prepared from grain which was
specially watched since reaping so that it should leaven by becoming
moist. It is best to have this special matzah for the Seder.
THREE WHOLE MATZAHS are placed on the Seder Plate,
representing the Kohen, Levi and Yisrael.
MAROR: The bitter herb which recalls how the Egyptians
embittered the lives of our ancestors. Use romaine lettuce for
Maror, or horse radish root. Wash lettuce very thoroughly to
remove any possible bugs - inspect carefully.
CHAZERS: The root part of the bitter herb, in original form. Not
all Seder Plates contain this item.
CHAROSET: A mixture of chopped nuts, apples, Kosher
L’Pesach cinnamon and wine, representing the mortar mixed
for the slave labour in Egypt and into which we dip the Maror.
KARPAS: A vegetable, symbol of springtime and of our freedom.
Possible vegetables include celery, potato or onion dipped in
salt water, recalling the years of oppression of the Israelites.
AFIKOMEN: The piece of Matzoh broken off from the middle
Matzoh and hidden away to be eaten at the very end of the
meal. It represents the Paschal lamb roasted in the days of the
Z’ROA: A roasted meat or chicken bone, representing the
Paschal lamb (Korban Pesach) and reminding us of the
Almighty’s outstretched arm’ (Z’roa means arm).
BEITZAH: A roasted egg, representing the festival offering (Hagigah).
CUP OF ELIYAHU: A special wine cup reserved for Eliyahu the
Prophet who symbolizes full redemption
No family should sit down to the Passover Seder before making
charitable contributions so that others might share in the blessing
of Passover. Contributions should be sent to the Synagogue.
Please make your cheque payable to the Synagogue (See page 16).
The search for Chometz takes place in your home Thursday, April
2, 2016, after dark.
Do so through Rabbi Jacobson or Cantor Epstein by Friday, April 3,
2016 at 10:00 a.m. Please complete and return the form enclosed
Fast and feast of first born takes place on Friday morning April
3, 2016 at 7:00 a.m. and Rabbi Jacobson will conduct a Siyum
concluding one of the Talmudic Volumes following the Services
permitting all the Bechorim (first born sons) to eat, on what would
otherwise be a fast day.
Attend services the evenings of the Seder as well as Passover
mornings. We urge all parents to join us at these services with
your children. Let the glory of our services convey the full Passover
message to you this year.
May not be resumed until one hour after Pesach - Saturday, April
30, at 9:25 p.m.
Counting the days of
“Omer” and “Lag B’Òmer”
Beginning with the second night of Passover, and continuing for
forty-nine nights, we count the Omer in accordance with the Biblical
injunction: “From the morrow of Pesach, from the days of your bringing
the Omer, you shall count seven full weeks”. The Omer was a special
offering of barley gathered from the newly-ripened grain which then
permitted the use of the spring harvest. In Temple-times, the harvesting
of the Omer on the second night of Pesach, was an occasion for great
celebration in the streets of Jerusalem.
The counting of the Omer must take place after nightfall, immediately
before starting the daily and weekly number in the Omer, we recite the
benediction of ‘Al Sephirat Ha-Omer’.
These forty-nine days link the festival of Passover, the celebration
of our physical redemption with the festival of Shavuot, which occurs
on the 50th day, when we celebrate our spiritual redemption, the giving
of the Torah at Mt. Sinai. In the second century of the common era,
Eretz Israel was visited by plague. Thousands of the disciples of Rabbi
Akiva perished between Pesach and Shavuot. In their memory, this
period is observed with partial mourning. During the weeks of the Omer
therefore, we do not make weddings nor engage in unusual festivity, nor
do we cut our hair.
Since the plague is said to have stopped on the thirty-third day of
the Omer (Lag B’Omer), these restrictions are suspended for that day.
School children suspend their studies and have a day of field games.
This year Lag B’Omer occurs on Thursday, May 26, 2016.
Kitchen Items to be Kashered
Metal Wine Goblets and Napkin Rings – Hagola (Boiling Water)
Metal (uncoated) Water Urn - Hagola
Shabbos Blech - Lebun Gamur (Open flame)
Metal Colander - Lebun
Kitchen Items that cannot be Kashered
KASHERING is the manner in which various items used throughout
l) Kitchen Sink - A metal sink can be kashered by a thorough cleaning
the year are prepared for use during Passover. The laws of and by pouring boiling water over it. A porcelain sink should be cleaned
Passover prohibit even the smallest trace of Chometz in our food. and a sink rack used. If, however, dishes are to be soaked in a porcelain
It is therefore preferable that an entire set of dishes and utensils sink, a dish basin must be used.
be set aside for Pesach- use only and never used throughout m) Chometz and non-Pesach utensils - Non- Pesach dishes, pots,
the year. With certain items however, Jewish Law permits the and Chometz whose ownership has been transferred, should be
‘Kashering’ (ritual cleaning) of utensils.
separated, locked up or covered, and marked so as to prevent
accidental use.
Clean the stove thoroughly and then heat the oven, spits,
racks, etc. until red hot. Leave stove-top on for 10 minutes
oven for 30 minutes.
b) Special metal sheets or aluminum foil covering are required
on top of the range between the burners, for the days of Pesach.
n) Candlesticks - Should not be put under hot water in Kosher-forPesach sink.
e) Steel surfaces (including sinks) are kashered by cleaning, avoiding
use for 24 hours, and then pouring boiling water over them.
2. Any food prepared from barley, wheat, cereals, spelt, rice and
grits of any kind.
f) Counters and tables should be covered for Passover with plastic or
other covering.
3. All legumes (peas, beans, corn, rice peanuts).
o) Towels / Tablecloths - Those used during the year with Chometz
may be used on Pesach if they have been laundered with soap and
hot water of at least 160 F. Synthetic materials such as rayon and
terylene may be used on Pesach after they have gone through a
a) Metal pots and pans, after a thorough cleaning and non-use for washing with detergent and only if there are no visible stains after
24 hours, must be dipped into boiling water or filled with water and they have been cleaned.
heated until boiling over the top of metal utensil. The hot rock is
p) Tables - A table on which Chometz is eaten during the year may
inserted into the large pots, to bring the temperature even higher.
be used on Pesach if it is covered with a waterproof covering (e.g. sheet
b) Glasses are placed in water for 3 consecutive days, changing water each of plastic).
day. This CANNOT be done for glasses used for whiskey.
q) Baby High Chair - Thoroughly clean and preferably cover the tray
c) Earthenware and porcelain utensils CANNOT be kashered for with contact paper.
Passover by any process. Utensils which have glued-on handles,
r) REMEMBER to buy new toothbrushes for Passover.
or dents and cracks, CANNOT be kashered. Plastic and Pyrex
dishes CANNOT be kashered. Consult the Rabbi regarding use of s) Go through the medicine cabinet - it often contains Chometz.
dishwashers and electric appliances.
Alcohol or grain products should be ‘sold’ with other Chometz.
d) Microwave Ovens should be thoroughly cleaned and not used for
24 hours. A utensil filled with water should be heated in the oven, FOODS FORBIDDEN ON PASSOVER
until a thick steam fills the oven. Wash walls and shelf down with 1. Leavened foods and all foods containing a mixture of
boiling water. Cover the floor of the oven with paper or Styrofoam.
g) Refrigerator/Freezer - thoroughly clean, it does not need to be lined.
Mixer China Stoneware
h) Blender/Food Processor - New or Pesachdik receptacle (anything in
which food makes direct contact) required. Thoroughly clean motor.
Porcelain Teflon Plastic
i) Can Opener - Manual or electric - clean thoroughly.
Pyrex Silverstone Porcelain Enameled Pots
Melmac Corning Ware Knives with plastic
Grater (any) Synthetic Rubber
For more information please contact our Rabbi: or the VAAD at
j) Counter Tops - Plastic/Formica - Clean and cover for cold food,
cardboard or thick cover for hot food.
k) Dentures/Bite/Plates/Braces - Clean thoroughly after finished
eating Chometz.
4. Ice cream and syrups, as well as all liquors containing
grain alcohol.
Sodas, milk, butter, cheese and dairy products; also all
Passover cakes, cookies and canned goods
All fresh vegetables and fruits (except legumes).
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
invites our members and the community
to our Annual
Saturday May 7, 2016
Innovative program and Divrei Torah presented by the Sisterhood
Cantor Yitzhak Epstein
The Synagogue choir
under the leadership of Choir Master Yossi Milo
Kiddush luncheon following services
All welcome
RSVP at (514) 482-3366
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
“Finding My Identity In The Defense Of Israel”
SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2016
Special lunch Kiddush to follow
5237 Clanranald
S H A L O M !
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
havuot marks the anniversary of the day when we received
the Torah at Mount Sinai. It is the second of the three major
festivals (Passover being the first, and Sukkot the third),
occurring exactly fifty days after the second day of Passover.
This is a biblical holiday complete with special prayers, holiday
candle lighting and kiddush. During the course of the holiday we
don’t go to work, drive, write or switch on or off electric devices.
We are permitted to cook and to carry outdoors.
and we in turn pledged everlasting loyalty to Him. Every year on
the holiday of Shavuot, we re-enact this historic moment. G-d
re-gives the Torah, and we lovingly reaccept, and reaffirm our
fidelity to Him alone.
The Torah is composed of two parts: the Written Law and the
Oral Law. The written Torah contains the Five Books of Moses,
the Prophets and the Writings. Together with the Written Torah,
Moses was also given the Oral Law, which explains and clarifies
The word “Shavuot” means “weeks”; it marks the completion the Written Law. It was transmitted orally from generation to
of the seven-week counting period between Passover and generation and eventually transcribed in the Mishna, Talmud
Shavuot. During these seven weeks, the Jewish people cleansed and Midrash.
themselves of the scars of Egyptian slavery and became a holy
The word “Torah” means instruction or guide. The Torah
nation, ready to enter into an eternal covenant with G-d with the
our every step and move through its 613 “mitzvot.” The
giving of the Torah.
word “mitzvah” means both commandment and connection.
On this day, we received a gift from Above which we could not Through the study of Torah and fulfillment of mitzvot we
have achieved with our own limited faculties. We received the connect ourselves and our environment to G-d. G- d’s purpose in
abilityto reach and touch the Divine; not only to be cultivated creating the world is that we sanctify all of creation, imbuing it
human beings, but Divine human beings who are capable of with holiness and spirituality.
rising above and beyond the limitations of nature.
On the holiday of Shavuot, the entire Jewish nation heard
G-d the Ten Commandments. The next day Moses went up
Before the giving of the Torah, we were a family and a
community. The experience of Sinai bonded us into a new entity: to Mount Sinai where he was taught by G-d the rest of the Torah
the Jewish people, the Chosen Nation. This holiday is likened -- both the Written and Oral Laws -- which he then transmitted to
to our wedding day -- beneath the wedding canopy of Mount the entire nation.
Sinai, G-d betrothed us to Him. G d swore eternal devotion to us,
The Role of Children
When the Torah is read in the synagogue on Shavuot, we
experience anew the Sinai transmission of the Torah by G-d.
Just as the Sinai Event was attended by every Jewish man,
woman and child, so too every Jewish person should make
every effort to be present in a synagogue on Monday, June,
13 2016, as the Ten Commandments are read from the Torah.
There is also special significance to bringing children, even the
youngest of infants, to hear the Ten Commandments.
Before G-d gave the Torah to the Jewish people, He demanded
guarantors. The Jews made number of suggestions, all rejected
by G-d, until they declared, “Our children will be our guarantors
that we will cherish and observe the Torah.” G-d immediately
accepted them and agreed to give the Torah. Let us make sure
to bring all our “guarantors” along to the synagogue on the first
day of Shavuot.
Mincha Service 8:30 p.m.
Candle Lighting 9:33 p.m.
Morning Services 9:00 a.m.
Mincha Service 8:30 p.m.
Light Candles from an existing flame
after 9:34 p.m.
Morning Service 9:00 a.m.
Sermon & Yizkor 10:00 a.m. Mincha Service
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
Bat/Bar Mitzvahs, Births,
Engagements and Weddings
B A R / B AT M I T Z V A H S
Mazel Tov to Penny & Ben Cohen on the upcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son Jordan.
Mazel Tov to Leslie & Michael Cons on the upcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son Shimmy.
Mazel Tov to Eileen & David Goldsmith on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Evan Gelber.
Mazel Tov to Drs. Louise & Mark Eisenberg on the recent B’nai Mitzvah of their children Eliana and Elie
Mazel Tov to Tina & Martin Rosenthal on their daughter Amanda’s upcoming Bat Mitzvah
Mazel Tov to Halina Halpern on the birth of her first grandson James William Clayman.
A Perfect Wedding
Nava Dworkin & Yonatan Yitzcha Rosenberg
May 8
Nechama Kendall & Berel Thaler
May 26
Moussia Amar & Yaacov Rothman
June 15
Baila Feldman & Shraga Brown
June 16
Laura Medalsy & Edgar Fernandez
June 19
Tzirel Adler & Heshy Grundbaum
June 22
Alanna Inhaber & Jeremy Cuttler
June 23
Rivky Kis & Moishe Teitelbaum
June 27
Samantha Lach & Michael Ram
July 3
Kayla Leibowits & Simcha Deutsch
July 6
Pamela Grischkan & Matthew Gradinger
July 10
Valerie Belolo & Barak Peretz
July 17
Rivkie Appel & Lazar Rubinstein
July 20
Shifra Miriam Klein & Yossie Gross
August 23
Stefanie Rosenblatt & Jeffrey Bergman
August 28
Shauna Rak & Steve Rosenfeld
September 4
Goldie & Mendlovic & Yochanan Friedman
September 5
Aharon Silberman & Dafna Wajszilber
September 18
Sal was bom in Santiago, Chile and moved to New York
at age five. He is a graduate of Harvard College, NYU
Law, and UCLA Film. His first movie was the Passover
comedy and cult hit, When Do We Eat? His most recent
film, Saving Lincoln, explores the close friendship
between Abraham Lincoln and his bodyguard Ward Hill
Lamon, The drama features a new visual style called
Cine-Coliage, which places the actors within actual Civil
War photographs. Sal wrote both films with his wife
Nina Davidovich Litvak
Sal also writes the Accidental Talmudist for Hevria,
Huffington PosI, and the Jewish Joumal of LA On his AT
Facebook page, he shares a daily bit of Jewish wisdom,
history or humor with over haif a million fans. He is
currently developing an Accldental Talmudist TV Show.
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
Mazel Tov
to the following members on the occasion of tbeir birthday
Arlene Alter
Marilyn Amiel
Marvin Birnbom
Naomi Blumer
Heather Browman
Louis Burak
Johanna Djebali
Henry Fiederer
Hershie Frankel
Sheryl Frank
Clara Friedlander
Eva Fulop
Benita Golt
Sam Greenberg
Harry Hart
Donna Cohen Hersh
Ruth Hubermann
Shane Landsman
Peter Lewis
Eleanor Meltzer
Maria Meltzer
Cheryl Merling
Daniel S. Miller
Frances Rimoin
Esther Rozansky
Albert Sayegh
Peter Schreter
Sheldon J. Shafter
David Silverstone
Eleanor Star
Boris Yufe
Eric Aouizerats
Gerald Batist
Jason Binstock
Leo Boloten
Julie Brownstein Saros
Veronica Buchbinder
Norman Cohen
Ted Cohen
Sandra Cytrynbaum
Valdete Eisenberg
Eta Elcabetz
Barry Fagen
Avram Fishman
Francine Fox
Isadore Goldberg
Irwin Green
Debra Green
Nina Hart
Andrey Hollinger
Henri Hoziel
Stanley Kivenko
Lawrence Klein
Carole Anne Kogan
Dorothy Langburt
Rose Lecker
Stanley Magidson
Louis Mandelcorn
Mervyn Mendelsohn
Elaine Moscovitch
Abraham Pilcer
Sheldon Popliger
Sally Raicek
Larry Retik
Tina Rosenthal
Jack Rothenberg
Sheldon Rozansky
Alvin Shear
Dr. Janet Shinder-Klein
Ivan Simberg
Ivan Spector
John Spencer
Jack Starke
Marilyn Waxman
Verley Yanofsky
Mark Zimmerman
James Allister
Philip Batist
Hy Beraznik
Harriet Brownstein
Arnold Cohen
Beverly Cohen
Albert Dunkelman
Francine Fagen
Randy Farber
Dora Feingold
Marvin Fisher
David Freedman
Frank Freedman
Leonard Freedman
Thelma Granik
Fred Gibson
Sylvia Gibson
Gerald Green
Myra Greenstone
David Hart
Miriam Hart
Geraldine Hart
Toba Herman
Leo Hubermann
Deborah Kalisky
Anne Kaufman
Lori Kraft
Frederick Krantz
Harold Leiberman
Beatrice Levine
Tamara Mandelcorn
Norma Levitt Shtull
Stephen Levy
Jenny Lewis
Tillie Manis
Dr. Leonard Mendell
Al Migicovsky
Nathan Moss
Evelyne Neiman
Dr. Gregory Neiman
Franceen Retik
Gilda Rubin
Aaron Rudolph
Michael Salis
Gloria Schachter
Michael Schachter
Selma Shatz
Ada Singerman
Virginia Sokoloff
David Star
David Stober
Dr. Gloria Tannenbaum
Anne Tobias
Sarah Tobias
Gayle Wolfe
Max Zentner
Terri Allister
Miriam Ayele
Tina Baker
Ross Coblentz
Dan Cohen
Mitchell Cohen
Asher Elcabetz
Dr. David Farber
Joshua Fox
Arnold Garber
Brian Gillis
Steve Goldstein
Esther Hirsch
Elissa Kates
Eileen Kokin
Katia Kruger
Stuart Kruger
Michael Krupp
Emmanuel Labelle
Morden Lazarus
Iris Lieberman
Mel Maitlitz
Lucy Nisker
Yaer Oliel
Albert Padveen
Randy Peck
Isaac Robin
Lillian Rudolph
Donna Shein
Phil Siegel
Abraham Slawner
Ethel Solomon
Mark Steiman
Eva Sussman
Mac Weiner
Lynn Woloz
Arlene Yufe
Tamara Zimmerman
Elizabeth Ziniuk
Charles Bedzow
Marie Julie Brosseau
Elaine Budning
Miriam Cohen
Albert Elbaz
Jeff Frank
Shawn Frank
Fred Golt
Warren Hersh
Menashe Hirshfeld
Sarah Israelovitch
William Kirman
Susan Krymalowski
Shlomo Langburt
Ruth Laxer
Jennifer Lewy
Bernie Mlynarski
Barbara Neudorf
Cheryl Novack
Arthur Perlman
Samuel Rimoin
Myriam Roig
Lorne Scharf
Ann Schwartz
Minkie Silverstone
Allan Singerman
Jody Engel Sukonnik
Jenny Tait
Erica Travis
Jack Trottenberg
Sharron Vechsler
Gustava Weiner
Stephen Woloz
Esther Woods
Mazel Tov
to the following members on the occasion of tbeir
wedding anniversaries
Susan & Herb Pinchuk
Jackie & Jeff Budning
Claudia & Gary Polachek
Cheryl & Eric Birenbaum
Debra & Irwin Green
Selma & Dr. Richard Shatz
Sandra & Stanley Cytrynbaum
Lynda & Edward Grossman
Florence & Alvin Shear
Evelyn & Max Dahan
Lois & Daniel S. Miller
Selma & Jacob Shechtman
Marlene & Jack Dworkind
Pearl & Isaac Robin
Ellie & Ivan Simberg
Ellen & Ivan George Fantus
Susan & Lawrence Sklar
Roslyn & Abraham Slawner
Francine & Joshua Fox
Virginia & Jonathan Sokoloff
Joy & Sanford Smith
Solange & Yaer Oliel
Judy & Ruby Strauber
Jody & Mitchell Stein
Doreen & Lawrence Glazer
Rona & Dr. William Steinman
Doreen & Gerald Green
Jody Engel & Yevgeny Sukonnik
Judy & Menashe Hirshfeld
Dr. Gloria & Allan Tannenbaum
Susan & Larry Kolodny
Lynn & Stephen Woloz
Katia & Stuart Kruger
Frances & Saul Antecol
Cynthia & Douglas Mayoff
Claire & Harry Biskin
Marsha & Dr. Rubin Becker
Shelley & Ralph Brookman
Bluma & Dr. Brian Blicher
Belle & Louis Burak
Elisa & Shawn Frank
Tamar & Dan Cohen
Thelma & Mish Granik
Ariane & Mitchell Cohen
Lisa & Fred Kokin
Randy & Dr. David Farber
Lydia & Michael Krupp
Lisa & David Finkelstein
Emmanuelle & Nathaniel Lasry
Barbara & Leonard Freedman
Shirley & Peter Lewis
Ann & Alain Assedo
Susan & Franklin Friedmann
Susan & Louis Lottner
Valerie & Frederic Dayan
Naomi & Arnold Garber
Judy & Gary Pekofsky
Edwina & David Freedman
Iselotte & Fernandao Gasman
Denise & Sheldon Popliger
Eva & Gabor Fulop
Benita & Fred Golt
Lorna & Jerry Sherman
Sarah & Dr. Sam Israelovitch
Miriam & David Hart
Ada & Steve Singerman
Linda & Reevin Pearl
Dr. Janet Shinder & Larry Klein
Marnie & Richard Stern
Rianna & Lorne Scharf
Lenore & Dr. Frederick Krantz
Gayle & Lorne Wolfe
Beruria & Peter Schreter
Katia & Stuart Kruger
Arlene & Boris Yufe
Hadassa & Theodore Wald
Jayne & James Allister
Marilyn & Henri Amiel
Robyn & David Amiel
Cheryl & Joel Merling
Mona & Sol Polachek
Jeanette & Samuel Rimoin
Eva & Thomas Schreiber
Eleanor & David Stober
Susan & Patrick Storring
Linda & Dr. Harold Leiberman
Franki & Peter Yanofsky
Gail & Scott Miller
Tamara Zimmerman & Vito
We apologize for any errors or omissions
We apologize for any errors or omissions
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
About Our Shul
Kiddush Corner
Special thanks is extended to the following sponsors
Hy Bloom
Arnold Cohen
Ben Cohen
David Farber
Jeff Frank
Emmanuel Fayer
Allan & Michael Goldstein
Danny Miller
The Merling Family
(Rosh Chodesh Sponsors)
Sheldon Merling
Lucy Nisker
Marilyn Pesner-Lax
Jewel Sarna
Jack Starke
Ruby Strauber
Max Zentner
Joyce Weil
VISA & Mastercard
Our Synagogue accepts Visa & Mastercard.
Track your payments more easily for tax time,
and save time and postage (for the shul also!)
Call in your:
Earn travel miles (mitzvah miles?)
In addition to the regular bronze memorial plaques in
the Daily Chapel, we also have a very limited number of
available in the Main Sanctuary.
These plaques offer a highly visible tribute to the
memory of dear departed family members.
Kindly call the office if you wish to obtain further
information at 514-482-3366.
Throughout the summer months commencing March
29 the following schedule will be observed for services
Friday Evenings
7:00 p.m.
Saturday Mornings
9:00 a.m.
Saturday Evenings
1 hour before the conclusion of Shabbat
Sunday Mornings
8:30 a.m.
Weekday Mornings
7:00 a.m.
Each Shabbat and Holiday, members are encouraged to honour their family and friends by making a
donation to our Kiddush Fund. These donations then allow us to provide the wonderful sit down Kiddushes
for you, our congregants and guests, after Shabbat services. We would kindly request that you contact the
Synagogue office the following Monday morning so that we can properly acknowledge your donation and
We thank the following who have contributed these past few months, some on more than one occasion:
Miriam Ayele
Esther Benitah
Lily Blander
The Bloom Family
Elaine Budning
Louis & Belle Burak
Marnie & Arnold Cohen
Miriam Cohen
Arelene & Murray Dalfen
Olga Davydova
Emanuel Fayer
Leon Elfassy
Rachel Feldman
Libby & Hershey Fitleberg
Francine & Joshua Fox
Jeff Frank & Family
Hillel Greenbaum & Family
Sam Greenberg
The Hier Family
Freda & Gerald Hirsh
Chana Lieblein
Selma & Sam Lieblein
Henri Hoziel
Ruth & Leo Hubermann
Adam Hubscher
Lieba & Rabbi Asher Jacobson
Paul Kushner
Selma & Sam Lieblein
Emmanuel Labelle
The Luger Family
Pauline Maitlitz & Mel Maitlitz
Cheryl & Martin Novak & Family
Linda & Reevin Pearl
Beverlee & David Perlin
Claudia & Gary Polachek
Denise & Sheldon Popliger
Rita & Jack Posel
Brian Wolkowicz
Matthew Ziniuk
Lorna & Jerry Sherman
Bernie Shuster
Marilyn Silverstone
Minkie & David Silverstone
Edna Somekh
Jacqueline & Armand Soussan
Dr. Gloria Shaffer & Allan Tannenbaum
Dina Sokoloff
Lorne & Patti Sokoloff
Jack Starke
The Starke Family
Bonnie & Joel Waxman & Family
Marilyn Waxman
Rhoda, Stanley & Jason Rosen
Larry Rosenthal
Rachel & Miriam Rosenstein
Tina & Martin Rosenthal
The Zentner Family
We apologize for any errors or omissions
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
The Congregation mourns the passing of and
sympathizes with the bereaved families of
The bronze plaque in the daily Chapel offers an
opportunity to perpetuate the memory of a dear
departed in an everlasting remembrance. A red light is
kindled for the first year of death, on all Yizkor days, and
on every Yahrzeit anniversary. The following memorial
plaque has recently been dedicated:
May their memories be a source of eternal blessing
For further information regarding the ordering of
plaques, please contact the Synagogue Office at
Sincere thanks to all who have honoured the Memory of
Loved Ones in the meaningful new Chevra Yizkor Book.
Yizkor Memory is one of our most cherished traditions. Your
participation has enriched this Memorial Tribute Book with
the inclusion of the names of those you hold dear. –
members of our congregation who lost family members
Arlene Feldman on the loss of her beloved mother
Pauline Naveran (Steinman) Z”L
Your own complimentary copy of this beautiful book is
available at the Synagogue office to everyone who gave
a memoriam. Additional copies can also be purchased
for a donation of $18.00 per book and you will receive a
full tax receipt.
Mish Granick on the loss of his beloved sister
Bobanne Goldman Z”L
Gail Goldman-Miller on the loss of her mother
Jenny Goldman z”l
Rita Vosbergl on the loss of her beloved brother
Jacob Posel z”l
Thank you for all you support in bringing this book
to fruition
Prayer Book, Torah Welfare, and
Endowment Funds
J A C K & R I TA P O S E L
Lynda & Edward Grossman in memory of
Jay Sokoloff Z”L
Lynda & Edward Grossman in memory of
Samuel Sokoloff Z”L
Sally & Norman Raicek in memory of Jay Sokoloff Z”L
Hilda Adler in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
The Bell Family in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Hilda Festa in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Janice & Christopher Festa in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Jeff Frank in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Irene & Frank Freedman in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Florence Garfinkle in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Maureen & Harry Garfinkle in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Frances & Gerald Kessner in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Merrill & Rick Liverman in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Anne & Arthur Perlman in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Sally & Norman Raicek in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Rhone & Bryan Rozen in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Sandra Katz & Norman Schaffer in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Anna & Peter Schwartz in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
The Shaolian Family in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Rona Shuster in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Barbara & Phil Siegel in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
Miriam Weinsttein & Family in memory of Jack Posel Z”L
The Sokoloff-Sabourin Family in memory of
Jay Sokoloff Z”L
Sally Sokoloff in memory of Jay Sokoloff Z”L
Lorraine & Tom Barber in memory of
Esther Sternbach Z”L
Maxine & Elliot Brenhouse in memory of
Robert Levy Z”L
The Gutherz Family in honour of the birthday of
Gary Polachek
Miriam Hersh for Jay Gilletz, a speedy recovery
Barbie & David Pearl & Family in memory of
Ilene Starke Z”L
Anne & Arthur Perlman in memory of
Esther Sternbach Z”L
Anne & Arthur Perlman in honour of the Upshernish of
Simi Jacobson
Rita and Jack Posel in honour of the marriage of Gail Granik
Rita & Jack Posel in memory of Bobanne Goldman Z”L
Sheila & Gary Trestan in memory of Mark Lax Z”L
Marilyn Waxman in memory of Jenny Goldman Z”L
Marilyn Waxman in memory of Bobanne Goldman Z”L
Arlene & Boris Yufe in memory of Jay Sokoloff Z”L
Thora Yufe in in memory of David Libman Z”L
We wish to advise our members that we are accepting
reservations for cemetery plots in the Kehal Israel
Cemetery, Dollard des Ormeaux.
We continue our custom of offering a prayer for the
sick every Shabbat morning. Please assist us by calling
the synagogue office by Thursday of any week with the
names of those you wish to include. Be sure to provide:
full English name, Hebrew first and middle names, and
the hebrew name of the mother of the ill person. We also
invite you to provide us with names at Torah reading on
Shabbat morning. May this be for speedy healing of all
the ill of the community of Israel.
Should you wish further information
please contact the office at 514-482-3366
For all your memorial needs such as Kaddish, Kel Maleh
Rachamim (Prayer for the Soul), special visitation,
Yahrzeit prayer and Memorial Plaques please contact
Cantor Yitzhak Epstein at 514-482-3366 or 514-885-5237.
Mara Lee & Abe Nozets in memory of Arnold Steinberg Z”L
Libby & Hershey Fitelberg in memory of the mother of
Eva Fulop
Denise & Sheldon Popliger in memory of Miriam Popliger Z”L
Thora Yufe in honor of the marriage of
Daniel Rapp & Tamara Cohen
S A L LY & N O R M A N R A I C E K
Anne & Arthur Perlman in honour of Sally and
Norman Raicek’s 64th wedding anniversary
Hilda Adler in honour of Sally and
Norman Raicek’s 64th wedding anniversary
We apologize for any errors or omissions
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
Yahrzeit Fund Donations
(Updated March 25, 2016)
Yahrzeit Fund Donations
Elaine Madoff in memory of her beloved husband
Frank (Fred) Madoff
Ann Schwartz in memory of her beloved husband Harry
Doreen Glazer in memory of her beloved mother
Libby Smith
Mel Maitlitz memory of his parents Mary (Mania) and
Tovia Maitlitz
Ann Schwartz in memory of her beloved father Isaac
Lawrence Glazer in memory of his beloved father
Joseph Glazer
Martin Merson in memory of his mother Fanny Merson
Froma Shulman in memory of her beloved mother Eva
(Updated March 25, 2016)
Arlene Alter in memory of her beloved husband Mel Alter
Neil Aranoff in memory of his beloved father Ruben Aranoff
Bella Bernstein in memory of her beloved husband
Morris Bernstein
Lawrence Glazer in memory of his beloved mother
Libby Glazer
Bella Bernstein in memory of her beloved parents
Sonia & Rev Joseph Kravitz
Michael & Alan Goldstein in memory of their beloved
grandmother Margaret Shaner
Bluma & Brian Blicher in memory of her beloved father
Morris Krackovitch
Benita Golt in memory of her beloved father
Bernard Isenberg
Harriet Brownstein in memory of her beloved father
Louis Allan Kravitz
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gordon in memory of his beloved
father Louis Gordon
Elaine Budning in memory of her beloved husband
Charles Budning
Hillel Greenbaum in memory of his beloved wife
Joan Weltman Greenbaum
Elaine Budning in memory of her beloved parents
Lily & Benjamin Ritz
Aviva & Sam Greenberg in memory of his beloved father
Moshe Greenberg
Elaine Budning in memory of her beloved sister
Muriel Garber
Richard Halpern in memory of his beloved father Jack
Michael Chaimberg in memory of his beloved mother
Gertrude Chaimberg
Herbert Isenberg in memory of his beloved mother Bess
Arnold Cohen in memory of his beloved father Larry Cohen
Olga Davydova in memory of her beloved mother
Bella Davydova
Bess Katchan in memory of her beloved brother David
Cyna Fayer in memory of her beloved father-in-law
Emanuel Mendel Fayer
Bess Katchan in memory of her beloved parents Eva
Yocheved and Jacob Melnick
Emmanuel Fayer in memory of his beloved father
Josef Fayer
Joshua Kayson in memory of his beloved daughter
Patricia Kalnitsky
Dora Feingold in memory of her beloved mother
Rose Kesten
Joshua Kayson in memory of his beloved parents Max
and Rachel Kalnitsky
Ralph Fisher in memory of his beloved mother
Hilda Fisher
Dr. Robert Koby in memory of his beloved grandmother
Sophie Dorfman
Joyce Fishman in memory of her beloved mother
Pearl Gildin
Helen Kossy and family in memory of her beloved brother
Arch Crystal
Edwina Freedman in memory of her beloved brother
Brian Bidner
Beatrice Levine in memory of her beloved mother
Gertie Rabinovitch
Morris Freedman in memory of his beloved mother
Lilly Freedman
Iris Leiberman in memory of her beloved mother
Bella Leiberman
Iselott Gasman in memory of her beloved father
Herman Porper
Lenny Lighter in memory of his beloved father
Morris Lighter
Victoria Mertl in memory of her beloved husband Charles
Phil Siegel in memory of his beloved brother Yermie
Bernie Mlynarsky in memory of his beloved father
Herman Mlynarsky
Stephen Spector in memory of his beloved father
Maurice Spector
Gregory Neiman in memory of his beloved father Max
David Stober in memory of his beloved father
Jacob Moses Stober
Gregory Neiman in memory of his beloved brother
Alexander Neiman
Eva Sussman in memoryof her beloved mother Anna
Gregory Neiman in memory of his beloved mother Nina
John and Aniko Spencer in memory of his beloved father
George Spitz
Martin Novack in memory of his beloved Joel Novack
Julius Stober in memory of his beloved father
Jacob Moses Stober
Pearl Paskell in memory of her belovedfather-in-law
Joseph Paskell
Eva and David Sussman in memory of his beloved son
John Sussman
Deborah & Stephen Pekovsky in memory or her beloved
father Milton Klein
Arthur Perlman in memory of his beloved sister Sylvia Lesser
Cecile Posel in memory of her beloved mother
Margaret Rosenberg
Steven Tauben in memory of Ilene Starke
Hyman Waxman in memory of his beloved brother Jack
Hyman Waxman in memory of his beloved father Samuel
Eunice Prosterman in memory of her beloved mother Kay
Gustava Weiner in memory of her beloved brother Mendel
Sally Raicek in memory of her beloved mother Sadie
Frances Weinstein in memory of her beloved mother
Roslyn Weinstein
Debbie Remer in memory of her beloved father Joel
Bernice Weiss in memory of her beloved husband Robert
Samuel Rimoin in memory of his beloved wife Jenny
Lorne Wolfe in memory of his beloved mother Zelda
Hyman Ruckenstein in memory of his beloved mother
Ida Ruckenstein
Sam Zentner in memory of his beloved father Joseph
Andrew Sallai in memory of his beloved wife Agnes Sallai
Shoshana Samuels in memory of her beloved mother
Esther Eisenberg
Sheila Zittrer in memory of her beloved husband Jack
Eva Schreiber in memory Abraham Schreiber
Laura Schwartzbein in memory of her beloved father
Baris Kaplan
We apologize for any errors or omissions
We apologize for any errors or omissions
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
“May Their Souls Be Bound Up in the Bond of Eternal Life”
“May Their Souls Be Bound Up in the Bond of Eternal Life”
At the Sabbath morning Services we memorialize departed relatives of our members whose Yahrzeit
Anniversaries occur during the coming weeks.
April 30 - May 6
Nissan 22-28
Harold Small
Golda Schwartz
Bela Fulop
Sarah Gittle Cymerman
Hymie Ginsberg
Adele Ginsberg
Helen Rappaport
Betty Kalman
Morris Krymalowski
Ida Trachtenberg
Sadie Polatshek
Sam Mickey Smolkin
Sarah Cobrin
Myer Moscovitch
Beno Merling
Annie Ruth Hart
Kenneth Gossack
Gertrude Adler
Elliot Green
May 7-13
Nissan 29-5 Iyar
Freda Freder
Sadie Vassall
Elliot Green
Gerald Marco
Harry Biskin
Rose Amsel
Irving Steinman
Rebecca Goldberg
Lily Walsh
Rachel Caplan
Rena Lottner
Jack Hersh
Abraham Waxman
Ray Smolkin
Mendel Richer
Gloria Steinman
Frank Cobrin
Moses Rubolph
Moses Rudolph
Ray Claiman
Issie Perlman
Yetta Silver
Reuben Dubrovsky
Jane Audrey Entin
Rosa Russ
Izak Akerman
Sharaga Strauber
Nathan Cohen
Morton Silverton
Bessie Gilman
Stanley Kandestin
Lynne Sobcuff
Aaron Rauch
Issie Silverstone
Yitzik Garfinkle
Ruby Shear Stern
Gertie Garfinkle
Clara Gabe
Marianne Weinberg
Lillian Lefkowitz
Esther Reiter
Helen Shugar
Kustiel Kaplansky
Pal Romer
Sarah Baker
Cyrille Hopkins
George Goroff
Abe Singer
Maurice Leckner
May 14-20
Iyar 6-12
Harry Burak
Leo Aronoff
Jean Berlin
Isadore Pollack
Devorah Lipshits
Ida Antecol
Rona Cossman
Simon Levin
Ben Siblin
Bluma Gordon
Morley Sobcoff
Eli Katchan
Marilyn Frankel
Michael Yanofsky
Cyril Cohen
Avrum Leib Katz
William Gasco
Annie Balinsky
Sheva Brandes
Sydney Levine
Rose Liebman
Frank Margolick
Joseph Rudner
Sylvia Slatkoff Shragie
Estelle Mintz
Lorne Perlman
Lottie Schiff
Kirby Myers
Moe Sobcuff
Esther Rudner
Ida Harris
May 28-June 3
Iyar 20-26
Jacob Boloten
Moishe Krymalowski
Eva Hofbauer
Israel Fuchs
Henry Halpern
Isidore Bock
Hyman Schwartzbein
Harry Michelin
Sidney Friedman
Naomi Tzoubari
Abram Ziniuk
Libby Litwin Michelin
Sam Lazarus
Hyman Mendelsohn
David Zilbert
Julius Plotnick
Anne Richler
Jack Wolfe
Hersz Majnemer
Betty Kagan
May 21-27
Iyar 13-19
Celia Abramson
Laja Nisker
Beulah Migicovsky
Mitchell Leiberman
Celia Richler
David Tobias
Judith Luger
Karen Halpern
Anna Landsman
Jennie Rubin
Howard Star
Rosalyn Cobrin
Susan Leader
Jack Paskell
Esther Briskin
Jack Shuter
Dr. Martin Entin
David Weigensberg
Mordechai Schreter
Leah Schreter
Rachel Frishman
Morris Maklan
June 4-10
Iyar 27-Sivan 4
Harry Schwartz
Ben Greenberg
Frances Merling
Louis Leiberman
Lynn Eltes
Elizabeth Fuchs
Laszlo Fischer
Moishe Gilden
Barry Manis
Chanania Rotem
Bessie Batist
Billie Solomon
Hilda Spirer
Hyman Raicek
Solly Briskin
Sylvia Carsley
Gertrude Bender
Jacob Moss
Sarah Padveen
Harry Schwartz
Irving Goldsmith
Bernard Smith
Pearl Morris
Mindel Lefcovitch,
William Cohen
June 11-17
Sivan 5-11
Dorothy Albert
Harry Bloom
David Dunkelman
Mollie Fishman
Gilda Rave
Zeev Eisenberg
William Freedman
At the Sabbath morning Services we memorialize departed relatives of our members whose Yahrzeit
Anniversaries occur during the coming weeks.
Hernert Simon
Isaac Sossanpour
Szmuel Sztejman
Mildred Cohen
Ella Rothenberg
Ida Waxman
Andrew Rauchman
Martin Taiger
Ethel Takefman
Esther Cytrynbaum
Cyla Dworkind
Nebby Gabe
Ethel Greenberg
Pauline Taiger
Sender Terk
Beatrice Cohen
Sarah Glense
Myer Nisker
June 18-24
Sivan 12-18
Feiga Merling
Rose Rauch
Jack Goldberg
Rebecca Mendelsohn
Leon Feingold
Guta Rowniak
Sarah Seidel
Sintra Singh
Minnie Coblentz
Margit Gardos
Zalman Gurewicz
Katie Meltzer-Colton
Henrietta Rubin
Ruby Bloom
Zysa Schlachter
Lillian Black
Moshe Cymerman
Rebecca Gerchicoff
Gordon Hier
Henry Manella
June 25-July 1
Sivan 19-25
Marion Brumer
Joseph Walsh
Michael Bedaowsky
Hyman Freedman
Alexander Grodan
Rebecca Krackower
Sali Porper
Alex Shulman
Emmanuel Cohen
William Hart
Sarah Klein
Dinah Rosen
Mamtza Tannenbaum
Irene Waxman
Allan Greenstone
Nicki Mitnick
Myer Padveen
Mordechai Reich
Israel Scheartz
Anne Starke
Dr. David Marcus
Anita Migicovsky
Hannah Aronovitch
Shirley Gonshor
Faige Rauchman
Max Abramson
Nachum Wilchesky
Abraham Drabin
Rose Kesten
Michael Knopp
Joseph Moscovitch
Charles Golt
Pery Bissell
Israel Gonshor
Abraham Levine
July 16-22
Ta m u z 1 0 - 1 6
Cissic Ellis
Istvan Gardos
Yochanan Nathanson
Daniel Tait
Simon Cobrin
Hyman Gillman
Joseph Hopmeyer
Shmuel Abramson
Myer Fitelberg
David Rothenberg
Ted Rudner
Sarah Snytte
Stanley Kraft
Wolf Silverman
Mac Gottleib
Ruben Pont
Sema Raymer Ostreger
Philip Tait
July 2-8
S i v a n 2 6 - 2 Ta m u z
Anne Cossman
Moshe Klinger
Shmuel Kraut
Jennie Zuskin- Kravitz
Beathrice Landskroner
Ibi Fried
Sam Schachter
Stela Gerson
Ronald Moses
Freda Rosenfeld
Irving Vosberg
Felicia Halpern
Anna Moscovitch
Phyllis Goldsmith
Joseph Tetnser
Abrahan Yaverbaum
July 23-29
Ta m u z 1 7 - 2 3
Pauline Friedman
Maimon Gabbay
Max Karsh
Shirley A
July 30-August 5
Ta m u z 2 4 - A v 1
Molly Aezer
Leon Kagan
Bajla Brzozak
Irving Heft
Harriet GrossmanCohen
Nellie Richler
Bernard Posel
July 9-15
Ta m u z 3 - 9
Max Coblentz
Cylia Ackerman
Bolek Hubermann
Henza Koenig
David Rajchgot
We apologize for any errors or omissions
We apologize for any errors or omissions
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
Joseph Boloton
Zelda Mayoff
Leatrice Caplan
Morris Otis
Shirley Rubin
August 6-12
Av 2-8
Frank Alter
Bessie Cohen
Norbert Feingold
Hyman Kirman
Leon Kokin
Frances Moscovitch
Alter Posel
Neil Friedman
Rubin Friedman
Lousi Bezumny
Arthur Heller
Nathan Kaplan
Max Seidel
Aaron Chandler
Robert Feldstein
Eddie Merling
Blima Pedvis Rudner
August 13-19
Av 9-15
Shlomo Elcabetz
Carol Luger
David Migicovsky
Herbert Issley
Louis Rappaport
Max Sperling
Jack Wainberg
Lily Farer
Jeanne Shafter
Natalie Weiner
Isadore Hart
Benjamin Hallai
Pearl Richler
Anna Shulman
Norman Handelsman
Leon Ifergan
Ruth Kravitz
Ann Suliteanu
Eva Silverman Blond
Jack Brandman
In Memoriam
At the Sabbath morning Services we memorialize departed relatives of our members whose Yahrzeit
Anniversaries occur during the coming weeks.
“May Their Souls Be Bound Up in the Bond of Eternal Life”
Moishe Dworkind
Ruth Stattner
Steven Wolofsky
August 20-26
Av 16-22
Nathan Fuchs
Lionel Pesner
Shirley Cohen
Nathan Dorfman
Joseph Fisher
Solika Ida
Hilda Pearlman
Morris Maclan
Goldie Aronovitch
Chaim Bender
Ann Friedlander
Abe Rosenman
Isak Edelstein
Yudina Edelstein
Betty Gibson
Dora Greenstone
Saul Kruger
Riva Levine Yoditz
Saul Cohen
Cecil Shinder
August 27 September 2
Av 23-Av 29
Jack Solomon
Morris Moscovitch
Bernard Ross
Charles Arthur Fagen
Hyman Singerman
Natalie Moldowan
William Cohen
Elimelech Teicher
Sarah Gonshor
William Frank
Elka Yaverbaum
September 3-9
Av 30-6 Elul
David Granik
Bertha Tait
Itzhak Ehrlich
Betty Kenyeres
Esther Lefkovitz
Jack Spirer
Akiva Ain
Ruth Shear
Irving Brown
Sylvia Leader
Sarah Alter
Louis Apfeld
Joseph Hirsch
David Hopmeyer
Bessie Dora Mittleman
Morris Samuel
Fanny Katz Dubrovsky
Joseph Nozetz
Vivan Schaffer
Ida Sherman
Harry Feldstein
Moishe Koppel
Sara Sheva Koppel
Chana Itta
Ben Blicher
Florence Cohen
Bernard Glense
Pesia Teicher
Dr. Robert Cohen
Israel Kobernick
Miriam Richler
Lillian Meltzer Schoen
September 10-16
Elul 7-13
Solomon Gossack
Manuel Luxenberg
Isidore Richer
Norman Joseph
Sarah Zittrer
Noech Bomer
Rose Gordon
Rose Hammel
Sarah Meltzer
Joseph Remer
Elisabeth Szekely
Saul Kivenko
Vickie Marks
Sam Rabinovitch
Harry Shizgal
Harry Cohen
Jack Pekofsky
David Friedman
Fraida Goldfarb
Nota Goldfarb
Esther Posel
Sura Slawner
Samuel Carl Chernoff
Brayna Schwartz
September 24-30
Elul 21-27
Aida Attias
Chana Becker
Peter Lustgarten
Nina Neiman
Vernon Rosenberg
Elsie Kaplan
Stanley Satz
Alex Weinberg
Rose Boloten
Hana Dayvidova
Samuel Haberkorn
Samuel R. Starke
Yetta Robin
Mary Weinberg
October 1-7
Elul 27-Tishrei 5
September 17-23
Elul 14-19
Eliezer Batist
Peter Black
Norman Liebman
Lawrence Popliger
Jackie Croitoru
Kaplan Saul
Issie Smiley
David Singerman
Saul Cohen
Eva Haberkorn
Henrietta Pekofsky
Jack Robin
Anne Meltzer Levine
David Adler
Jolan Grodan
Mr. Mordechai (Max)
Abraham Perlin
Bella Perlman
Solomon Yufe
Florence Javid
Ralph Steinman
Liba Zatz
Myer Samuels
Edward Stern
Olga Felberbaum
Samson Ginovker
Ethel Goldsmith
Arna Solomon
October 8-14
Tishrei 6-12
Alice Cohen
Louis Weinstein
Shimon Garfinkle
Gittel Plotnick
Israel Tannenbaum
Lori Black
Jack Friedlander
Sarah Krupp
Annie Miller
Dr. Hyman Woods
Fred Laxer
Irene Frank
Max Friedman
Mortimer Joseph
Chaya Kaufman
Edward Meltzer
Iser Rosner
Moishe Rosner
Tauba Rosner
Millie Lutter
Conrad Kogan
Nathan Richter
We apologize for any errors or omissions
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
Candle Lighting Times
& Upcoming events
Yom Hashoah
Thursday, May 5
Yom Hazikaron
Wednesday, May 11
Yom Ha’atzmaut
Thursday, May 12
Dover resident
honored by Boston
Police Foundation
Lag B’omer
Thursday. May 26
BOSTON - Anti-Defamation League New England Regional Director
Robert Trestan of Dover was honored at the 3rd Annual Boston Police
Foundation Gala held at the Westin Waterfront Hotel in Boston on March
5. The event recognizes members of the Boston Police Department and
its partners who have gone above and beyond the call of duty throughout
the year.
New members
Heather & Jonathan Amiel
Robin Ceausu
Robin & Jeffrey Deskin
Erica & Hilly Diamond
Dr. Mark J. Eisenberg
Wendy & Robert Frank
Caroline & Gerry Kugelmass
Sid & Eliane Milech
Susana & Christopher Saraceno
Craig Stark
Wendy & Gary Weschler
Trestan was recognized for his leadership in supporting law
enforcement through ADL training programs in counter-terrorism,
extremism and hate crimes, and for creating community partnerships
aimed at protecting the civil rights of all Boston residents.
BPD Commissioner William Evans and BPF board chair Dick Parry
were joined by Boston actor Mark Wahlberg and director Peter Berg in
presenting the “Hero’s Award” to Boston Police Officer John Moynihan
who was shot in the line of duty last year. At the event, other sworn
officers, police units, and one civilian employee of the department were
celebrated for their stellar work.
Wahlberg and Berg are frequent collaborators with such films as
“Lone Survivor,” the upcoming “Deepwater Horizon,” and “Patriots Day,”
a film that will focus on the heroics of many in the aftermath of the
Boston Marathon bombings. While some of their heroic characters
will be composites of several individuals, they are all based on real life
events and include local citizens, first responders and law enforcement.
Wahlberg’s Foundation has been a supporter of the BPF over the
years; he is a fan of the way its mission provides Boston Police Officers
with additional tools or services to keep them safe, as they keep us safe.
This event provides the necessary funds to provide new technology and
equipment, Officer Wellness and Safety Programs and Community Policing
Programs that are not covered in the department’s annual budget.
The evening also featured live entertainment by musicians from the
Boston Pops, compelling stories from members of the Boston Police
Department, atthree course sit down dinner, and dancing with the First
Class Band.
Erev Shavuot – Saturday, June 11
Evening Services 8:30 p.m.
Candle Lighting
9:33 p.m.
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot 11:00 p.m.
First day of Shavuot – Sunday, June 12
Morning Services 9:00 a.m.
Evening Services 7:00 p.m.
Light candles from
existing flame 9:34 p.m.
Second day of Shavuot – Monday, June 13
Morning Services 9:00 a.m.
Yizkor & Sermon 10:00 a.m.
Evening Services 8:30 p.m.
Fast of 17 of Tammuz
Sunday. July 24
Morning Services
Evening Services
8:30 a.m.
8:00 p.m.
Fast of Tisha B’AV
Sunday, August 14
Morning Services 8:30 a.m.
Evening Services 7:45 p.m.
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Sunday, October 2
Rosh Hashanah Monday and Tuesday
October 3 & October 4
Congregation Chevra Kadisha B’nai Jaco b Beth H azika ron–Beth Hi llel
Co n g r e gat i o n C h e v ra Ka d i s h a B’ n a i J aco b B e t h H az ikar o n – B e t h Hi l l e l
The Chevra
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all Kadisha
to The Chevra.
B’nai Jacob—Beit