Cover page Image - Congregation Beth Tikvah


Cover page Image - Congregation Beth Tikvah
Congregation Beth Tikvah Ahavat Shalom Nusach Hoari
136 Westpark Blvd, Dollard des Ormeaux, Quebec, H9A 2K2
Tel: (514) 683-5610 Fax: (514) 683-1867 Eruv Hotline: (514) 683-1867
“The heart of the West Island Jewish community since 1964”
Candle Lighting until
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Torah Portion – YITRO
Evening Service
Shabbat Concludes
4:49 PM
5:05 PM
5:00 PM
5:56 PM
FEBRUARY 20 – 21
Candle Lighting until
5:10 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 5:25 PM
Torah Portion – TERUMAH
Evening Service
5:15 PM
Shabbat Concludes
6:15 PM
MARCH 6 – 7
Candle Lighting until
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Torah Portion – KI TISA
Evening Service
Shabbat Concludes
5:30 PM
6:34 PM
MARCH 20 – 21
Candle Lighting until
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Torah Portion – VAYIKRA
Shabbat Hachodesh
Evening Service
Shabbat Concludes
6:55 PM
7:52 PM
MARCH 13 -14
Candle Lighting until
6:39 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 6:55 PM
Torah Portion – VAYAKEL PEKUDAI - Shabbat Parah
Evening Service
6:45 PM
Shabbat Concludes
7:43 PM
6:48 PM
7:00 PM
FEBRUARY 27 – 28
Candle Lighting until
5:20 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 5:35 PM
Torah Portion – TETZAVEH
Parshat Zachor
Evening Service
5:30 PM
Shabbat Concludes
6:24 PM
5:29 PM
5:45 PM
FEBRUARY 13 – 14
Candle Lighting until
5:00 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 5:15 PM
Torah Portion – MISHPATIM
Parshat Shekalim
Evening Service
5:00 PM
Shabbat Concludes
6:05 PM
MARCH 27 – 28
Candle Lighting until
6:57 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 PM
Torah Portion – TZAV
Shabbat Hagadol
Evening Service
7:00 PM
Bar Mitzvah of Noah Rabinovitch
Shabbat Concludes
8:02 PM
Services Are Open To The Public
February 1
February 22
March 15
4:55 PM February 8
5:05 PM February 15
5:20 PM March 1
5:30 PM March 8
6:50 PM March 22
7:00 PM March 29
5:10 PM
6:40 PM
7:10 PM
Sunday Mornings 8:00 AM; Monday & Thursday Mornings 6:30 AM;
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Mornings 6:45 AM
Monday to Thursday Evenings 7:45 PM until March 19 – Exception: March 4 - 5:45 PM
Starting March 23 – weekday evening Services same as previous Sunday
Shevat – Nisan 5775
Tuesday, February 3
Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Zeitz
at Ernie & Ellie – 11:45 am
Wednesday, February 4
Tu B’Shevat
Saturday, February 7
Kid’s Shabbat Program &
Birthday Shabbat
Thursday, February 12
Guest Speaker:
Barbara Coloroso
Friday, February 13
New Member Shabbat Dinner
Saturday, February 14
Chulent Competition
Friday, February 20
Rosh Chodesh Adar Breakfast
Young Adult Shabbat Dinner
Sunday, March 1
Purim Carnival
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Wednesday, March 4
Fast of Esther
Fast begins 5:12 am – Ends 6:15 pm
Thursday, March 12
Scotch Tasting / Grilled Rib Steak
Dinner Evening
Tuesday, March 17
Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Zeitz
at Ernie & Ellie – 11:45 am
Saturday & Sunday, March 21 & 22
Group Bat Mitzvah Shabbat & Sunday
Sunday, March 22
Rosh Chodesh Nisan Breakfast
Friday & Saturday, March 27 & 28
Shabbaton with guest: Dr. Gill Heart &
Young Families Shabbat Lunch
Saturday, March 28
Kid’s Shabbat Program 11am – 12 pm
Monday, March 30
Bar Mitzvah of Jesse Sugar
Megan Edelstein
Katie Frisch
Eleanor Greenspan
Lindsay Hayes
Allegra Kastner
Tiffany Miller
Alicia Pearl Ohayon
Renee Pascal
Lisa Rosenthal
Sierra Sacks
Dina Seleznev
Alexandra Sheppard
Sophie Susnick-Foxen
Gwen Uditsky
February-March 2015
Have you ever felt like you needed to talk and share with someone for
no reason other than needing to get something off your chest? “A
problem shared is a problem halved” we have been led to believe, or in
the words of the Psalmist “Cast your cares on Hashem and He will
sustain you...”(Psalm 55:22). There seems to be a cathartic experience in
being able to talk to others and in so doing we unburden ourselves from
the weight we carry around with us.
Even if we are not answered there is something redemptive about being able to talk to
others and share our inner concerns. By being able to express what is within and bringing it
outside of ourselves there is a magical quality of the issue (whatever it is) no longer being as
insurmountable or scary as it once was.
In our technological age where apps substitute for real life encounters and social media
platforms replace human interaction it comes as no surprise, although a fair amount of
pessimism that there now exists the ‘VENT’ App. Appealing to our inner voices that are too
timid to be raised in public the app allows for anyone to get of their chests and vent about
practically anything. The app presents the opportunity to: “connect, share and express some
of the more frustrating aspects of life. Voice your opinion to our supportive community
without the worry of being insulted or disrespected, de-friended or upsetting people you
know.” Oy Vey – now we can kvetch and never have to worry about the guilt. The inherent
problem with this type of program (and all like it) is that it’s virtual. The people we are
sharing with have no connection to us nor we to them. A listening ear helps because we
know the identity of the person whose ear it is!
The truth is we all need to talk and share and sometimes even ‘get off our chests’ the issues
of the day. It is a part of what makes us human. Talking helps. Through communication we
become our deepest selves and ultimately more amenable to the world around us.
There is a famous scene early on in the Megillat Esther when King Achashverosh is angry with
Vashti but he is not able to share with anyone his rage. Instead the king keeps everything
pent up inside and the verse describes him as one whose: “anger burned within him” (Esther
1:12). Biblical commentators are intrigued with this description, leading one commentator to
say: You see – this is why everyone should have a friend. Because the king had no one to talk
to, his anger stayed inside – hence it “burned within him”.
By sharing our feelings, expressing our true selves and being able to talk to those we feel
close with we unburden our worries and life becomes a little lighter. This Purim remember to
celebrate, to hear the megillah, give out gifts to the poor, charity to the needy and maybe
even dress up. But most of all, remember to speak with the ones you love and tell them how
you are feeling. You may not find a solution, but I bet it will make you feel better.
Happy Purim!
Rabbi Mark Fishman
Shevat – Nisan 5775
Mazel Tov To:
Rabbi and Sarah Fishman upon the birth of a daughter
Simone Frenkiel upon the birth of a granddaughter
Linda and Jack Hirschberg upon the birth of a grandson
Tara and Derek Mestel upon the birth of a daughter
Linda and Johnny Mestel upon the birth of a granddaughter
Fanny and Nathan Rosenshein upon the birth of a grandson
Julie and Raphael Gera upon the birth of a daughter
Aline and Richard Swieca upon the birth of a granddaughter
Judy and Issie Rolnick upon the birth of a granddaughter
Vita and Barry Brody upon the birth of a granddaughter
Erica and Lionel Bohbot upon the birth of a son
Cheryl and Mark Rabinovitch upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son Noah
Liane and Scott Sugar upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son Jesse
Roslyn and Ben Karpman upon the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Corey Emerson
Noah Rabinovitch
Jesse Sugar
Rhonda and Robert Levy upon the engagement of their son Shawn to Rachel Levy
Sydney Becker upon his engagement to Donna Steinberg
Ellen and Murray Shapiro upon the engagement of their daughter Sari to Josh
Bernice & Reubin Budman upon the engagement of their son Lorne to Elissa
Janice and Mark Rabinovitch upon the marriage of their son Richard to Aly Lydynia
Iris and Bruce Leibner upon the marriage of their son Ryan to Ariella Fineman
Barbara Coloroso
Purim Carnival
Upcoming Events
Chulent Competition
Lunch & Learn
Rabbi Mark Fishman
R. C. Breakfasts
Our Mishpacha
Scotch Night
Beth Tikvah Youth
Shabbaton-Dr. Heart
Le Mot En Français
Community News
Book of Samuel
Playful Parenting
Marty Levitt President
Young Adult Dinner
Hebrew Academy
Bar/Bat Reservation
70 Days For 70 Years
Programs for Kids
February-March 2015
Beverly Rosenthal and family upon the loss of her beloved husband, Irving
Ingrid Pokrass and family upon the loss of her beloved mother, Erika Absil
Anna Gutenplan and family upon the loss of her beloved sister, Marlyn Magyer
The family of the late Louis Mezrich
Sandy Jesion and family upon the loss of his beloved father, Isaac
Michael Tenenbaum and family upon the loss of his beloved wife, Marlene
Evan Monk and family upon the loss of his beloved mother, Marlene Tenenbaum
Linda Raymer and family upon the loss of her beloved mother, Florence May
Elliott Markoff and family upon the loss of his beloved mother, Charlotte
The family of the late Hymie Teddy Milberg
Raye Bye and family upon the loss of her beloved husband, Abraham
Sandra Richler and family upon the loss of her beloved father, Abraham Bye
The family of the late Stephen Sugar
Harvey Borsuk and family upon the loss of his beloved brother, Allen
Max Druker and family upon the loss of his beloved mother, Rose
Jerry Solomon and family upon the loss of his beloved mother, Fannie
Ely Goldberg and family upon the loss of his beloved mother, Bessie
Garry Kerr and family upon the loss of his beloved wife, Carole
Jeffrey Zunenshine and family upon the loss of his beloved mother, Ruth
Jodi Kornfeld and family upon the loss of her beloved mother, Sally Cohen
Henry Szikman and family upon the loss of his beloved mother, Chaja
Janice Rabinovitch and family upon the loss of her beloved mother Shirley
Ellen Rasnikoff and family upon the loss of her beloved mother, Edith
Moris Chemtov and family upon the loss of his beloved mother, Rachel
Roslyn Karpman and family upon the loss of her beloved brother, Harold Solomon
Sincerest condolences to the Zunenshine Family
upon the untimely loss of
Wife of Past President Irving Zunenshine z”l
“Shelo ted’u od tza’ar” “You should know no further sorrow”
The 15th Shevat on the Jewish calendar is the day that marks the
beginning of a “new Year” for trees.
Shevat – Nisan 5775
Three local charities were the beneficiaries of some holiday generosity last week
– courtesy of Congregation Beth Tikvah Ahavat Shalom Nusach Hoari.
The Dollard des Ormeaux congregation donated over $100,000 worth of new
clothing to the Mada Community Centre, Sun Youth and the Old Brewery Mission
as part of the first annual Beth Tikvah Holiday Mission.
“There is no question that a greater number of families in Montreal are facing
economic hardships. The ups and downs of the economy continue to take a
heavy toll on families,” the congregation’s Rabbi Mark Fishman said in a
statement. “The Beth Tikvah Holiday Mission is all about community, sharing
and helping those in need which is a great testament to the human spirit.”
Each charity received between three to five pallets, worth around $30,000$35,000 of new t-shirts, sweaters, jackets and more on December 16.
Rabbi Fishman launched the mission earlier this year, with the hope of
establishing an annual staple in the West Island.
The synagogue, which received the donated clothing from its annual bazaar from
a number of manufacturers, has already upped the challenge for next year,
setting a goal of $250,000 worth of new clothes.
Congregation Beth Tikvah was founded in 1964 by a group of young families who
were considered pioneers of Jewish life in the West Island.
Published by The Chronicle – December 18, 2014
Special thanks to Groupe Sculnick Transportation for graciously donating transportation.
February-March 2015
Welcome back from the holiday break. I hope it was relaxing
and restful and trust you feel rejuvenated and cannot wait to
become involved in the second half of this CBTASNH year.
I must begin by thanking the bazaar team led by Esther Topas
and Ellen Rudnitsky. Bazaar is an endurance test...there is no
beginning and no end...merchandise is continuously being
collected throughout the year...but you only get to experience
the actual bazaar during approximately three weeks in the fall.
There are many many many people who do share in various chores and I wish to
thank them profusely for their support and effort.
As we begin this second half of the year we are aware of the terrible violence
taking place around the world. We want to be careful in protecting our building
and everybody in it and thus are in constant contact with everyone who is able to
assist. We hire extra security when necessary but want each and every one to be
extra aware whenever you are in and around the synagogue building to please
report any activity you feel is unusual.
Our new website will keep you up to date on all our new programs coming up at
CBTASNH. This is a phenomenal and enjoyable tool to surf through to see what
is and what will be taking place in the future. You should make it a habit to scroll
through and not miss anything. Would you like to volunteer at Le Café at the
Cummings Centre? We normally try to send eight people and are planning a
return visit sometime in February/March and we would like to volunteer again for
this worthy cause. Please call the synagogue office and put your name down. Le
Café provides hot, kosher meals in a warm, respectful environment to people
most affected by the global economic crisis. Roll up your sleeves and help
nourish our community!
We look forward to our 'New Member' Shabbat dinner which will be held on
February 13 and to the many events planned.
CBTASNH exists only because of you and only for other reason!!!
Sometimes it is difficult to get started but once you enter the synagogue, for
whatever reason, the benefits, the new friends, whatever your needs may be,
you will be paid back no end. Try us...just will not be disappointed.
Marty Levitt
Did you know that you can follow us on:
Shevat – Nisan 5775
In case you didn’t hear, December was filled with the spirit of Chanukah
in our afternoon school.
All the students learned Chanukah lessons – topics included the Maccabees,
olive oil, customs, traditions, miracles and more. The Mechina class
created a beautiful Chanukah display for our bulletin board. They
showed us that not only Chanukah candles shine bright, our students
do as well!
The highlight of the day was the special school-wide family Chanukah party,
hosted by the Hebrew Academy Parent Committee. Everyone enjoyed the
talent show where each grade performed a special Chanukah skit, poem
or song. Rabbi Fishman shared wonderful Chanukah stories. Cantor
Pomerantz and his daughter Yehudit led the blessings, the lighting of the
Chanukah candles and a sing-a-long. Pizza and latkes were served
afterwards. We are sure everyone had a great time and enjoyed their
special Chanukah gift bags. A big TODAH RABAH to Marla Litvack,
Rhonda Skolnick, Robin Lassner, Rachel Shizgal, Adam Muscott, Tara
Jesion, Jodi Kornfeld, and Heidi Markel for all their hard work!
February-March 2015
Shevat – Nisan 5775
Ages up to 4 years old
Parent participation is required
February 7th for ages 1-12
The entire Mishpacha is invited
to celebrate your child’s birthday.
Join us!!!!
February-March 2015
Shevat – Nisan 5775
February-March 2015
Shevat – Nisan 5775
February-March 2015
Shevat – Nisan 5775
February-March 2015
Hillel Montreal, Hillel John
Abbott College, FedNext and
Congregation Beth Tikvah
Ahavat Shalom Nusach Hoari is
inviting 18-25 year olds to a
Community Shabbat dinner on
February 20th, 2015 at 6:30pm.
Please join us for a traditional
Israeli style dinner with other
young adults.
RSVP required at
For more information please
contact Ashley Ross at
Please call:
Anna Gutenplan to
place your order for
Mah Jongg cards
Kindly consider a donation to the newly established
Shevat – Nisan 5775
February-March 2015
Sunday – March 1
Youth Group Family Carnival
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Wednesday – March 4
Fast of Esther – Starts 5:12 am – Ends 6:15 pm
Services 6:30 am & 5:25 pm
Adults & children in costume for
family Purim entertainment at 6:00 pm
followed by the Megillah at 6:40 pm
Thursday – March 5
Purim Service 6:30 am
Reading of the Megillah 7:00 am
Followed by a Purim Seudah
Then the day’s grand finale – a festive meal called Seudat Purim is held, often
with wine as the prominent beverage. Drinking wine, merry-making and
mockery are indulged in on Purim, but drunkenness is discouraged.
We eat our fill and pamper ourselves, because it is the Jews who
Haman sought to destroy.
Esther's Hebrew name was Hadassah? - “Esther” is Persian.
King Achashverosh searched four years for a queen, during which he
considered more than 1400 contestants, before choosing Esther?
G-d's name is not mentioned even once in the entire Book of Esther?
The Hebrew word Mishteh, meaning banquet, occurs 20 times in the Book
of Esther - which is equal to the total of all the other times it is found in the
rest of the Bible?
There is a "Queen Esther" Street in Jerusalem and in Tel Aviv?
Shevat – Nisan 5775
There are Four Mitzvot specific to the holiday of Purim:
Reading the Megillah (Scroll of Esther)
Festivity and Rejoicing (the Purim meal)
Sending Food to Friends (Mishloach Manot)
Giving gifts to the poor (Matanot La'evyonim)
The Book of Esther is read on Purim night, and again the next day. Every
word must be clearly heard. We read it in the synagogue, because the larger
the crowd, the greater publicity is given to the miracle of our salvation.
The Book of Esther (Megillat Esther in Hebrew) the basis for the Purim
holiday, recounts one of the most beloved of all biblical stories. After the
banishment of Queen Vashti, King Achashverosh, the ruler of Persia and Media
ordered a contest to select a new queen for himself. Esther was forced by the
king’s officers to enter this contest. As instructed by Mordechai, she did not tell
anyone that she was Jewish. It was an act of G-d that made King
Achashverosh choose Esther for his queen. Her trustworthiness and devotion
won much favour in the King’s eyes and he granted her all that she desired.
It was not long before the love and admiration that Esther had earned
was put to the supreme test. Haman, second to the king in command,
requested the king’s permission to kill all the Jews in his kingdom. He was
enraged by the Jews, who refused to honour him as a G-d and particularly by
Mordechai who refused to bow down as Haman passed him every morning.
Haman’s plot reached the ears of Mordechai who reported it to Queen Esther.
When Esther heard of this terrible plan, she fasted for three days and
ordered Mordechai and all the Jews of Persia to do the same. After three days
of fasting and prayer, she went to seek an audience with the king. With this
act Esther took her life into her own hands for it was the law of the land that
no one was to appear before the king except when summoned by him. Queen
Esther and Mordechai succeeded in defeating wicked Haman’s plan, with the
result that the Jews were saved and wicked Haman and his equally wicked
sons were hanged.
February-March 2015
Shevat – Nisan 5775
February-March 2015
Congregation Beth Tikvah Ahavat Shalom Nusach Hoari, is a synagogue located in
Dollard-des-Ormeaux, which has a broad membership and an active core of dedicated
volunteers who, through various events throughout the year, raise money for both their
synagogue and for outside organizations.
The activities, designed and run entirely
by volunteers, include blood drives, golf
appreciation barbecues. But the largest
fundraiser of the year and the event the
volunteers are most known for is the
Beth Tikvah bazaar. The bazaar has been
happening for more than twenty years,
and draws people from across the city
who flock to
DDO for three
weekends in a
row: the last
two Sundays of
November, and
the first one of
leading up to
bazaar season,
fifteen to twenty
volunteers will
work daily on the setup; on bazaar days
themselves, 70 to 80 volunteers will be
involved in keeping things running
smoothly. Each year the bazaar is made
up of all new merchandise. The role of
some volunteers is to be in touch with
Montreal companies throughout the year,
who donate their goods, making it the
place for people to find affordable, new
According to the volunteer organizers, it
is looked forward to as a shopping
holiday for many attendees. Jacob Markel,
who has been heavily involved in the
bazaar as its logistics organizer says of
the volunteer efforts, “It really feels like a
family.” When asked about whether
volunteer events actually do become
intergenerational family affairs, he was
enthusiastic: “Oh yes! There are tables at
the bazaar where there are grandparents,
parents and their kids—now in their
twenties—all working together. It’s nice
to see.” Be sure to check out Beth
Tikvah’s bazaar this coming November!
Article from the Canadian Jewish News
Every minute of every day, someone needs blood or blood
products for surgery or medical treatment. Héma-Québec is a
non-profit organization that manages the blood supply for the
province of Quebec.
There is a first time for everything….be brave and discover the joy
of helping others.
2:00 pm to 7:00 pm at CBTASNH
Shevat – Nisan 5775
February-March 2015
Shevat – Nisan 5775
Séance spéciale d’hommage aux victimes des attentats
Assemblée nationale – 13 janvier 2015
Extrait de l’allocution de Manuel VALLS
Premier ministre de la République Française
L’histoire nous l’a montré, le réveil de l’antisémitisme, c’est le
symptôme d’une crise de la démocratie, d’une crise de la
République. C’est pour cela qu’il faut y répondre avec force. Après
Ilan Halimi, en 2006, après les crimes de Toulouse, les actes
antisémites connaissent en France une progression insupportable. Il
y a les paroles, les insultes, les gestes, les attaques ignobles,
comme à Créteil il y a quelques semaines qui, je l’ai rappelé ici
dans cet hémicycle, n’ont pas soulevé l’indignation qui était attendue par nos compatriotes
juifs dans le pays. Il y a cette inquiétude immense, cette peur que nous avons les uns et les
autres sentie, palpée samedi dans la foule devant cet Hyper Cacher porte de Vincennes ou à la
synagogue de la Victoire dimanche soir.
Comment accepter qu’en France, terre d’émancipation des juifs, il y a deux siècles, mais qui
fut aussi, il y a 70 ans, l’une des terres de son martyre, comment peut-on accepter que l’on
puisse entendre dans nos rues crier « mort aux juifs » ? Comment peut-on accepter les actes
que je viens de rappeler ? Comment peut-on accepter que des Français soient assassinés par ce
qu’ils sont juifs ? Comment peut-on accepter que des compatriotes ou qu’un citoyen tunisien,
que son père avait envoyé en France pour qu’il soit protégé alors qu’il va acheter son pain
pour le Shabbat, meurt parce qu’il est juif ? Ce n’est pas acceptable et à la communauté
nationale qui peut-être n’a pas suffisamment réagi, à nos compatriotes français juifs, je leur
dis que cette fois-ci, nous ne pouvons pas l’accepter, que nous devons là aussi nous rebeller et
en posant le vrai diagnostic. Il y a un antisémitisme que l’on dit historique remontant du fond
des siècles mais il y a surtout ce nouvel antisémitisme qui est né dans nos quartiers, sur fond
d’Internet, de paraboles, de misère, sur fond des détestations de l’Etat d’Israël, et qui prône la
haine du juif et de tous les juifs. Il faut le dire, il faut poser les mots pour combattre cet
antisémitisme inacceptable !
Et comme j’ai eu l’occasion de le dire, comme la ministre Ségolène Royal l’a dit ce matin à
Jérusalem, comme Claude Lanzmann l’a écrit dans une magnifique tribune dans Le Monde,
oui, disons-le à la face du monde :
sans les juifs de France, la France ne serait plus la France.
Et ce message, c’est à nous tous de le clamer haut et fort. Nous ne l’avons pas dit ! Nous ne
nous sommes pas assez indignés ! Et comment accepter que, dans certains établissements,
collèges ou lycées, on ne puisse pas enseigner ce qu’est la Shoah ? Comment on peut accepter
qu’un gamin de 7 ou 8 ans dise à son enseignant quand il lui pose la question « quel est ton
ennemi ? » et qu’il lui répond « c’est le juif » ?
Quand on s’attaque aux juifs de France, on s’attaque à la France
et on s’attaque à la conscience universelle, ne l’oublions jamais !
Vos commentaires et suggestions sont toujours les bienvenus et peuvent être adressés à
February-March 2015
Shevat – Nisan 5775
Mazel tov to:
Rabbi Mark and Sarah Fishman on
the birth and Simcha Bat of their
By Leona & Michael Lands
By The Etcovitch Family
By Jennifer & Howard Freedman &
By Iris & Bruce Leibner & Family
By Esti Mayer & Family
By Barbara & Leonard Nirenberg
By Marim & Mark Tobenstein
By the Tritt Family
By Arlene, Jeff, Lara & Rachel
By Marni & Gershon Frisch & Family
By Evelyne Landau & Family
Fran and Robert Schachter on the
marriage of their daughter Amanda
By Debbie & Michael Leibovitch
Linda and Johnny Mestel on the
birth of their granddaughter Violet
By Shelley & Mickey Guttman
Rabbi and Charlotte Zeitz on the
engagement of their grandson Ari
to Chavi Mayer
By Evelyne Landau & Family
By Barbara & Leonard Nirenberg
By Elli & Irwin Horner
Celina and Hy Brettschneider on
their 50th wedding anniversary
By Evelyne Landau & Family
Rabbi and Charlotte Zeitz on the
marriage of their grandson Ari to
Chavi Mayer
By Elli & Irwin Horner
By Beverly & Joe Zunenshine
By Paula & Marty Levitt
By Barbara & Leonard Nirenberg
By Roslyn & Ben Karpman
In appreciation of:
An Aliyah Received
By Danny Silverman
By Howard Lewis
By The Rudnitsky Family
By Brian Byer
Elsa and Michael Lazarus’ kindness
By Roslyn & Ben Karpman
Rabbi Dr. Mordecai E. Zeitz
By Bonnie & Irving Rothstein
In appreciation:
By Luca Cianfaglia
In honour of:
Leo Glaich’s 80th Birthday
By Beatrice & Lew Lewis
Hy Tannenbaum’s special birthday
By Judy & Gordy Zelman
Refuah Shlaimah to:
Morty Goren
By Shirley & Barry Frank & Family
By The Markel Family
By Marlene & Elie Cohen
Bernie Gilbert
By Shirley & Barry Frank & Family
Leonard Nirenberg
By Ellie & Mel Sandler
Robyn Miller
By Bonnie & Irving Rothstein
Paulette Ticciotti
By Bell Tratenberg
In memory of:
Iziu Budik-Aisik beloved father of
Alfredo Budik
By The Lohner Family
Stephen Sugar
By Trudy & Ed Lohner
February-March 2015
Marlene Tenenbaum beloved wife
of Michael
By Linda & Johnny Mestel & Family
By Shelley & Mickey Guttman
By Fraida & Lenny Wiseman
By Bianca Silveira & Family
By Mallary & Mark Segall & Family
Florence May beloved mother of
Linda Raymer
By Marilyn & Norty Birman &
Irving Rosenthal beloved husband
of Beverly
By Jean Ducoffe
By Fraida & Lenny Wiseman
By Lillian Lenetsky
By Shirlee Katz
By Edith & Gordon Shore
By Sharan & Brian Shore
Gordon Kotler beloved father of
By Riva & Carl Gelber
Marlyn Magyar beloved sister of
Anna Gutenplan
By Lauren & Ricky Victor
By Gloria & Morty Goren
By Fraida & Lenny Wiseman
By Rosalie Glantz
By Bonnie & Stephen Tabacman
By Marim & Mark Tobenstein
By Reva & Allan Fleischer
By Marlene & Elie Cohen
By Ellie & Mel Sandler
By Faigye Bard
By Bertha Bierbrier
By Evie Blanshay
Erika Absil beloved mother of
Ingrid Pokrass
By Gloria & Morty Goren
Amos Federman beloved sole-mate
of Helen Wiener
By Trudy & Edward Lohner
By Dana & Howard Lohner & Family
By Tracy & Neil Kravitz & Family
Isaac Jesion beloved father of
By Elli & Irwin Horner
Allen Borsuk beloved brother of
By Marim & Mark Tobenstein
By Gloria and Morty Goren
Isaiah Amiel Benathen beloved
brother of Zeeva Weisz
By Patti & Charles Dray
Chaja Szikman beloved mother of
By Barbie & Lenny Cohen
Simon Bensadoun beloved father of
Betty and Dan
By Patti & Charles Dray
In observance of Yhartzeit of:
Clara Goldenberg beloved mother
By Allan Goldenberg
Rhoda Tabacman beloved mother
By Stephen & Bonnie Tabacman
Jerry Shattner beloved husband
By Carol Shattner
Sara Dickerman beloved mother
By Ellen & Morris Rudnitsky
Beatrice and Harry Cons & Franka
and David Cola beloved parents
By Helen & Stanley Cons
Ruth Zunenshine beloved mother of
By Edna Ziman Tritt, Gabriel,
Michael & Keren Tritt
Ruth Zunenshine beloved mother of
By Ellen & David Tock
Shevat – Nisan 5775
Erno Neuman beloved father of
By Joyce & Bill Hurwitz and Family
Charles Hubscher beloved husband
By Arlene Hubscher
Andre Bollack beloved father
By Fran & Mark Jakubovic
In honour of:
Linda and Michael Deuitch on their
25th wedding anniversary
By Rose Ackermann
In memory of:
Joel Palmer
By Marlene & Elie Cohen & Family
By Judy & Joey Kaback & Family
In honour of:
Jeff Bicher’s special Shabbat
By Marilyn & Ben Bicher
In observance of the Yhartzeit of:
Walter Cohen beloved brother
By Bonnie & Stephen Tabacman
Dorothy Povitz beloved mother
By Rhea & Ricky Tock & Family
In memory of
Carla Kesselman beloved daughterin-law
By Anne Kesselman
Joseph Israeloff
By Rosalie Glantz & Family
Ted Milberg
By Marlene & Elie Cohen
In honour of:
The naming of their daughter
By Julie Swieca & Richard Gera
Leo holding the Torah for Kol
Nidre, reading the Haftorah on
Yom Kippur and his 67th Bar
Mitzvah Anniversary
By Shirley & Leo Glaich
In appreciation:
By Marion & Hymie Tannenbaum
In honour of:
The birth of a daughter to Sarah &
Rabbi Mark Fishman
By Paula & Marty Levitt
The birth of her granddaughter
By Simone Frenkiel
The marriage of Rabbi and
Charlotte Zeitz’s grandson Ari to
Chavi Mayer
By the Blanshay Family
Their 50th wedding anniversary
By Anna & Herb Gutenplan
Anna and Herb Gutenplan’s 50th
wedding anniversary
By Marilyn & Bill Povitz
Their 50th wedding anniversary
By Celina & Hy Brettschneider
Yaacov’s Bar Mitzvah anniversary
By Ruth & Shaul Petel
Bar & Bat Mitzvah anniversary of
their children Josh and Michelle
By Heather, Eric & Ethan Levy
David’s Bar Mitzvah anniversary
By Alice, Shlomo, Jennifer, Cheryl,
Josh, AJ & Noah Solomon
February-March 2015
Eric’s 10th Bar Mitzvah
By Chantal & Gérard Buzaglo
Matthew’s 2nd Bar Mitzvah
By Elana & Solomon Sananes &
Leo Glaich’s 80th birthday & his
reading and recitation of the
By Jewel & Zev Mestel & Family
The marriage of their son Ryan to
Ariella Fineman
By Iris & Bruce Leibner
The birth of their grandson
By Leah & Leo Hackenbroch
The naming of their great-niece
Maya Swieca-Gera
By Dorit & Danny Neubarth &
Rabbi Fishman’s Shabbat of
Solidarity and remembering the
victims of Har Nof
By Gail & Jamie Matlin & Family
Steve Frenkiel’s birthday
By Ariella, Shira, Shmuel & Dvorah
David Plotkin’s return from
Singapore & his completing Law
By Julie Lesser & Adam Plotkin
Dina’s participation in the birthday
By Anna & Nickolay Seleznev
Samuel Becker’s 2nd birthday
By Cindi, Daniel, Ava & Mia Becker
Jeff Bicher’s special Shabbat
By Marilyn & Ben Bicher
By Ilana, Natey and Nili Bicher
By Judy & Michael Tock
William’s Bar Mitzvah anniversary
By Allison & Ernie Furt
Sonny’s Bar Mitzvah anniversary
By Hazel Cohen and Family
The marriage of their grandson Ari
to Chavi Mayer
By Rabbi Dr. Mordecai & Charlotte
In appreciation of:
Henry Topas, Torah Teacher par
By Marion & Hymie Tannenbaum
In appreciation:
By Judy and Norman Tepper
In memory of:
Carla Kesselman and the
completion of Shloshim
By Gerry Kesselman
Rebecca Blanshay beloved
By Stephanie & Richard Macklan
In observance of Yhartzeit of:
Max Teller beloved father
By Jacqueline Saragosti
Leon Teller beloved brother
By Jacqueline Saragosti
Boris Shapiro beloved father
By Lynda & Morris Vesely
Suzanne Lumbroso beloved mother
By Jeannine Lumbroso
Aldo Lumbroso beloved brother
By Jeannine Lumbroso
Sam Freger beloved father
By Charlene & Stewart Freger
Maxime Dray beloved brother
By Patti & Charles Dray
Shevat – Nisan 5775
Michael Grosz beloved father
By Miriam & Imre Grosz
Walter Cohen beloved brother of
By Bonnie & Stephen Tabacman
Esther Lifshitz beloved mother
By Ellie & Mel Sandler
Moshe Gabbay beloved father
By Rosette & Charles Gabbay
Dr. Sharon Horner beloved sister
By Elli & Irwin Horner & Family
Rabbi Morris Zeitz beloved father
By Charlotte and Rabbi Zeitz
Rabbi Messod Dray beloved father
By Patti & Charles Dray
Saul Sherman beloved father
By Ruth & Shaul Petel
Solomon Ifrah beloved father
By Rosette & Charles Gabbay
Dora Glantz beloved mother
By Rosalie Glantz
Lillian Levine beloved mother
By Howard Levine
Saul Smolar beloved father
By Stephanie & Larry Smolar
Stephen Kesselman beloved brother
By Gerry Kesselman
Annette Benayon beloved sister
By Myriam & Isaac Bensadon
Bobby Sailofsky beloved father
By Jennifer Sailofsky & Family
Nathan Sharabi beloved father
By Yocheved & Haim Inzlicht
Winnifred Levy beloved
grandmother of Tal
By Tal Gilboa & Rob Steiner
George Kunstler beloved father of
By Tal Gilboa & Rob Steiner
Otto Horner beloved father
By Elli & Irwin Horner
Tanya Weiner beloved mother,
grandmother & great-grandmother
By Alice, Shlomo, Jennifer, David,
Cheryl, Josh, AJ & Noah Solomon
Gabriel Chemtob beloved father
By Renana & Moris Chemtov &
Joseph Sananes beloved father
By Elana & Solomon Sananes &
Judex Cohen beloved brother
By Marlene & Elie Cohen
David Weiner beloved father
By Alice & Shlomo Solomon &
Beryl Horlick beloved mother
By Nini Abramovitch, Michael
Horlick & Families
Fiby Bensadon beloved mother
By Myriam & Isaac Bensadon
Morris Gray beloved father
By Heidi & Earl Sederoff
Raphael Cohen beloved brother
By Marlene & Elie Cohen
Bella Wiseman beloved mother
By Fraida and Leonard Wiseman
Dorothy Povitz beloved mother
By Rhea & Ricky Tock & Family
Johnny Shenker beloved father
By Barbara & Jerry Solomon
Deli Stein beloved mother
By Linda & Michael Deuitch &
Muriel Smiley beloved mother
By Carin & Brian Byer
Alex Carin beloved father
By Judy and Norman Tepper
Roslyn Borshy beloved mother
By Eve & Leslie Borshy
Maurice Cohen beloved brother
By Marlene & Elie Cohen
February-March 2015
Elie Bensadon beloved father
By Myriam & Isaac Bensadon
Ralph Becher beloved father
By Sabina & Gerry Green
Nelson Sheinker beloved father
By Eve & Leslie Borshy
Gerald Charness, beloved father
By Shelley & Jordan Charness &
Rebbitzen Esther Zeitz, beloved
By Rabbi Dr. Mordecai & Charlotte
Simha Gabbay, beloved mother
By Rosette & Charles Gabbay
Diamante Hackenbroch, beloved
By Leah & Leah Hackenbroch
Hymie Tannenbaum
Ely Goldberg
David Aronovitch
Michael Tenenbaum
In honour of:
The birth of a daughter to Sarah &
Rabbi Mark Fishman
By Patti & Charles Dray
The birth of their granddaughter,
Liat Sophie
By Vita & Barry Brody
Shari Ann and Benji Levine’s
special honour
By Melanie & Ryan Nemeroff
The marriage of Ari Zeitz to Chavi
By Patti & Charles Dray
In memory of:
Sarit Malca Azran beloved
daughter-in-law of Giselle Azran
By Patti & Charles Dray
Marlyn Magyar beloved sister of
Anna Gutenplan
By Patti & Charles Dray
By Nancy & Jerry Leithman
Carla Kesselman beloved wife of
By Nancy & Jerry Leithman
Mildred Penn beloved aunt of
By Patti & Charles Dray
In appreciation of:
An Aliyah received
By Jason Boman & Family
Mazel tov to:
Janice and Mark Rabinovitch on
the marriage of their son Richard
to Aly Lydynia
By Linda & David Goodman &
In memory of:
Ruth Zunenshine beloved mother of
By Lynda & Morris Vesely
Mazel tov to:
Charlotte and Rabbi Zeitz on the
marriage of their grandson Ari to
By Beverly & Joe Zunenshine
By Phyllis & Nat Hier
Shevat – Nisan 5775
Stacy and Robbie Zeitz on the
marriage of their son Ari to Chavi
By Phyllis & Nat Hier
In observance of the Yhartzeit of:
Ralph Weingarten beloved father
By Rhoda Sackman
Pearl Stern beloved sister
By Rhoda Sackman
In memory of:
Jerry Goldberg beloved husband of
By Carol & Bert Luftman & Family
Michael Meshwork beloved father
of Brian
By Carol & Bert Luftman & Family
Mazel tov to:
Sarah and Rabbi Mark Fishman on
the birth of their daughter
By Carin & Brian Byer
Refuah Shlaimah to:
Michael Lands
By Carin & Brian Byer
In memory of:
Chaiym Szolomowicz beloved
husband of Arnona
By Alice & Shlomo Solomon
In honour of:
Shirley and Frank Entis’ 50th
wedding anniversary
By Beverly & Joe Zunenshine
By Paula & Marty Nadler
Refuah Shlaimah to:
Fraida Wiseman
By Paula & Marty Levitt
In memory of:
Marlyn Magyar beloved sister of
Anna Gutenplan
By Jodi, Jeff, Romi, Raquel & Mikey
By Nini & Harry Abramovitch
Allen Borsuk beloved brother of
By Nini & Harry Abramovitch
Marlene Tenenbaum beloved wife
of Michael
By Nini & Harry Abramovitch &
Mazel tov to:
Sarah and Rabbi Fishman on the
birth of their daughter
By Wendy & Mike Green
By Mallary & Mark Segall & Family
By The HFS Staff & Administration
By Lara & Cliff Sacks
In appreciation of:
Zev Mestel
By Luca Cianfaglia
Mazel tov to:
Charlotte and Rabbi Zeitz on the
marriage of their grandson Ari to
By Ellie & Mel Sandler
February-March 2015
D a te
Feb 06-17 Shevat
Feb 07-18 Shevat
Feb 08-19 Shevat
Feb 09-20 Shevat
Feb 10-21 Shevat
Feb 11-22 Shevat
Feb 12-23 Shevat
Feb 13-24 Shevat
*denotes memorial plaque
Rose Amsel
Ethel Ansel*
Bradley Davis
Al Deuitch*
Max Goodman*
Roslyn Morton
Nathan Salpeter*
Leo Tepper*
Phoeby Buzaglo*
Sylvia Cohen
Harold Goodman
Leo Kuchinsky*
Karen Luks
Allan Richstone*
Henry Scullion
Herman Shacket*
Sam Ansel*
Joseph Friedmann
Max Haimovitz*
Allan Mayoff
Lotte Molot
Morty Steinman
Carl Teltscher
Bessie Tetefsky*
Joseph Zigman
Sarah Feldman*
Toby Gordon
Anne Hirsh
Molly Karachinsky*
Anna Langer
Julius Rosenstein
Saada Tordjman
Saada Trojman
Sydney Veinish*
Ronald Dalfen
Harry Huberman
Bernard Isenberg*
Irving Kuchinsky
Phil Zukerman
Sarah Cassoff
Alfred Rosenberger
Rebecca Ross*
Eli Abramson
Joseph Aron
D a te
Feb 13-24 Shevat Celia Berkowitz
Sam Pokrass*
Miriam Popliger*
Lillian Worshell*
Feb 14-25 Shevat Sam Charron
Simcha Edery
Miklos Perlus
Phil Saxe
Yitzchak Schwartz
Sabina Schwartz
Feb 15-26 Shevat Joseph Batist
Moses Goldberg*
Helen Miller
Jack Nutkovitch
Mania Roth*
Sandy Saltzman
Bennie Weigensberg*
Feb 16-27 Shevat Tristan Epstein-Atkinson
May Litvack*
Feb 17-28 Shevat Ann Bell*
Katie Finkel
Max Goldstein
Annette Levy
Sam Weinstein*
David Wiseman*
Feb 18-29 Shevat Jean Claude Haggiage
Mildred Silverman
Feb 19-30 Shevat Murray Aronson
Sara Cutler
Ellen Derrick
Tryna Rotholz*
Miriam Salpeter*
Ken Weinstein
Feb 20-1 Adar
Dora Cuplowsky
Morris Jakubowski*
Abe Liberman
Melvin Zwaig
Feb 21-2 Adar
Annie Birman
Gitel Fried*
Eugena Grundman*
Leon Pasternak*
Ray Pinchuk*
Lola Rosenfeld*
Max Waks*
Light memorial candle night before indicated date
Shevat – Nisan 5775
D a te
Feb 22-3 Adar
Feb 23-4 Adar
Feb 24-5 Adar
Feb 25-6 Adar
Feb 26-7 Adar
Feb 27-8 Adar
Feb 28-9 Adar
Leonard Breger
Anne Itovitch
Molly Lohner*
Regina Moldovan
Annie Teltscher
Rachel Acobas*
Eugenia Berenson
Sadye Canzer
Mordecai Ginsburg
Florence Greenspan
Harold Macklan
John Raichman*
Moe Samuels*
Pesia Srebro
Zvi Stickgold*
Messod Tordjman
Henry Borshy
Nathan Chad
Raymond Levy
Allan Smordin
Hyman Grossman
Goldie Lerner
Sorrel Sherman
Deborah Smith
Eleanor Weiner*
Irving Dym
Walter Faigan*
Harvey Share
Leah Snytte*
Joseph Gasiorowski
Lottie Goodkowsky*
Morris Wilansky
Fay Winikoff*
Mel Alter
Randye Blend*
Hyman Carpman
Rachel Cohen*
David Gelber*
Nissim Perez
Nathan Schachter*
Ida Scharf*
Issah Sepyan
Annabelle Sitrit*
Freda Thau
Jack Wolinsky
D a te
Mar 01-10 Adar
Mar 02-11 Adar
Mar 03-12 Adar
Mar 04-13 Adar
Mar 05-14 Adar
Bessie Bessner
Ralph Faigan*
Eddie Faigan*
Celia Haber*
Mel Hain
Steve Kirman
Martin Kohn
Estelle Morganstein
Dolly Nachfolger
Eda Schneider*
Moe Schwartz*
Sarah Stark*
Fannie Tatelman
Emilia Braha*
Jeannette Cadoch*
Rachel Fhima
Mazal Hazan
Sally Katz
Maurice Rimer*
Max Rubin
Louis Solomon
Milton (Marty) Starr
Harry Vineberg
Johnny Baimel*
Sam Byer*
Moshe Chemtob
Camille Chemtob
Norman Cooperman
Freda Gabel
Irving Rabinovitch
Mazel Vaknin
Bronislawa Zimmerman
Annie Freedman
Jean Gardner
Ethel Krasney
Gertie Meltzer*
Jean Schacter
Lil Schwartz*
Karel Doupovec
Yehoshua Friedberg*
Hyman Goldenberg*
Barbara Hayes
Marco Messallem
Zohra Suissa
February-March 2015
D a te
Mar 06-15 Adar
Mar 07-16 Adar
Mar 08-17 Adar
Mar 09-18 Adar
Mar 10-19 Adar
Mar 11-20 Adar
Mary Borshy
Ted Goldman
Sylvia Golt*
Louis Kaminsky
Eddie Levine*
Helena Miller*
Saul Rosenstein*
Harry Staviss
Florence Weiss
Itzhak Abramovitch
Hyman Feigelson
Louis Freeman
David Freeman
Bertha Goldberg*
Jack Gordon
Harry Levine
Sherry Milstein*
Saul Rasnikoff
William Reich
Rena Rosenstein*
Chana Silvani
Maurice Weiss*
Dorothy Isaif*
Klara Kerner
Mimi Lallouz
Max Pinchuk*
Marian Swieca
Aileen Tenenbaum
Gita Bollack
David Brodkin
Moe Feldman
Betty Fox
Sender Gandell
David Kaplan
Molly Kaufman
Betty Schwartz
Michael Bacher*
Anita Eidelman
Dora Jakubowski*
David Kirshenblatt
Norman Tock*
Larry Frankel
Irving Leibovitch*
Rose Lowsky*
Benjamin Weiss
D a te
Mar 12-21 Adar
Mar 13-22 Adar
Mar 14-23 Adar
Mar 15-24 Adar
Mar 16-25 Adar
Mar 17-26 Adar
Mar 18-27 Adar
Paul Borenstein*
Manny Finkelstein*
Irving Goldenberg
Matilda Kurkas
Helen Rosenberg
Barbara Sacks*
Ruben Staviss
Fanny Grunberg
Betty Israel*
Lee Kalina
Alex Kolker
Edith Lerner
Lola Levett
Zura Perez
Eva Rosenthal
Barry Smordin
David Tiffenberg
Anne Zalter
Robert Brettschneider
Myron Cohen*
Anne Frank*
Professor Frances Friedman
Sarah Goldenblatt*
Esther Michaelson
Moe Bergman*
David Lechter
Sarah Parnass
George Cohen
Syd Horowitz
Louis Satim
Myer Steinman
Becky Feldman
Abe Guben
Ruth Lieberman
Bessie Lieberson
Phil Morantz
Charles Roth
Jeannette Shmueli*
Clara Tannenbaum*
Solly Fishko*
Paul Goodman*
Kaila (Carol) Gross*
Robin Kavanat*
Saul Pinchuk
Eva Steiner
George Weissbach
Shevat – Nisan 5775
D a te
Mar 19-28 Adar
Mar 20-29 Adar
Mar 21-1 Nisan
Mar 22-2 Nisan
Mar 23-3 Nisan
Mar 24-4 Nisan
Mar 25-5 Nisan
Mar 26-6 Nisan
Mar 27-7 Nisan
Rose Blain*
Harry Fridhandler
Samuel Golt*
Magda Waks*
Ada White*
Roslyn Avrith
Bryna Goffman
Rose Golden
Samuel Rosenthal
Ryven Rudnicki*
Nathan Schaefer
Dorothy Sheinker
Israel Tabachnick
Sidney Berkowitz
Aaron Canzer
Alfred Goren
Ghislaine Nakache*
Mike Sackman
Rose Wieselman*
Bernard Borek
Ben Dalfen*
Jaffa Edelstein
Maurry Epstein*
Charles Friedberg*
Dora Wisnia
Malka Wyszogrodski*
Joseph Davis*
Arnold Kastner*
Lily Rubin
Bela Zeman*
Liliane Benisty
Gad Hoffman
Doris Leibovitch*
Ludwik Schreiber*
Saul Trottenberg
Hyman Gutterman
Mania Sheck
Ben Schwartz
Toba Stolovitsky*
Leon Shammah*
Israel Snytte*
*denotes memorial plaque
D a te
Mar 28-8 Nisan
Mar 29-9 Nisan
Mar 30-10 Nisan
Mar 31-11 Nisan
Apr 01-12 Nisan
Apr 02-13 Nisan
Apr 03-14 Nisan
Apr 04-15 Nisan
Bella Adelsohn*
Rivka Birnbaum
Samantha Horlick
Murray Karachinsky*
Sandra Kashetsky
Samuel Klein*
Eva Oksenhendler*
Rae Spevak
Louis Weiner*
Lisa Dalfen
Kenneth Reich*
Harold Satim
Myer Cutler
Joseph Eidelman
Jack Klein
Razel Preisler
Osias Rothman*
Jack Wieselman*
Rose Milka Wiseman
Samuel Albert
Raymond Cohen
Boris Grintuch
Max Gutenplan
Hyman Hockenstein*
Neil Freeman*
Louis Haber*
Simon Shlien*
Sam Tock*
David Tripp
Gerald Wasserman*
Bennie Gordon
Harry Lambersky
Norman Sherman
Jose Bairos
Helen Bornstein*
David Buzaglo*
David Krell
Judel Adelsohn
Alice Brodkin
Hy Brodkin
Clement Lagnado
Light memorial candle night before indicated date
February-March 2015
Photos by David R. Aronovitch
Shevat – Nisan 5775