The NoD-Y-Rit - Barony of Tir-y-Don
The NoD-Y-Rit - Barony of Tir-y-Don
The NoD-Y-Rit March 2016 Volume 35 Issue 3 Their Excellencies of the Barony of Tir-y-Don Baron and Baroness Aiden of Kingswood and Hannah of Kingswood Page 1 of 12 Baronial Events ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Fighter Practice ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Archery Practice........................................................................................................................................ 4 Arts & Sciences......................................................................................................................................... 4 Business Meeting ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Arts and Science Schedule ............................................................................................................................ 5 Upcoming Arts and Science Competitions ................................................................................................... 6 Atlantia Calendar of Events .......................................................................................................................... 7 Event Spotlight: Winter University 2016...................................................................................................... 8 February Baronial Minutes ........................................................................................................................... 9 Baronage ................................................................................................................................................... 9 Seneschal .................................................................................................................................................. 9 Chancellor of the Exchequer:.................................................................................................................... 9 Chatelaine ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Chronicler ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Herald........................................................................................................................................................ 9 MOL: ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Knight’s Marshal ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Marshal of Archery ................................................................................................................................... 9 Minister of Arts and Sciences: .................................................................................................................. 9 Webminster: .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Old Business: ............................................................................................................................................ 9 New Business:......................................................................................................................................... 10 Baronial Officer Regnum ............................................................................................................................ 11 Page 2 of 12 Letters Hail & well met! Events are starting up again, and we have demos coming up as well over the next couple of months. The first weekend in March will be Kingdom Arts and Sciences; I look forward to seeing folks there! Arts & Sciences classes are happening most every Thursday, and a full class listing is available on the baronial website. This month has an interesting variety of classes. There is still in need of a deputy for the Seneschal office. Please contact me if you are interested. If any of you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to find me in person, or contact me. I wish all of you safe travels and good times! In Service, Lady Thóra Hrafnsdóttir Page 3 of 12 Baronial Events Fighter Practice When: Sunday 1pm (site closes at 5pm) Where: York County Public Library (Tabb Branch), 100 Long Green Blvd, Yorktown, VA 23693 The outdoor site is the grassy field to the right of the library entrance. Please bring chairs and keep the entrance to the library clear. Archery Practice “This is not just for fighters. Folks sometimes bring a picnic lunch, their A&S projects and enjoy a friendly chat.” When: Sunday 10am Where: Newport News Park, Archery Range Please contact the Master of Archery, Leofric of Oxenford, if you are planning to attend. Arts & Sciences Business Meeting In order to shot, you must complete a Newport News Archery Safety Course and pay Newport News Park either a daily fee ($2 plus tax) or an annual fee ($30.00 plus tax). Newport News Archery Safety courses are generally offered on the first Sunday (morning) and the 3rd Thursday (evening) of the month. Call Newport News Park at 888-3333 to inquire for exact dates and register for the free safety course. When: Most Thursdays from 7pm to 9pm Where: Contact Eleanor, the Deputy MOAS, for more information. When: 2nd Sunday of the month at 3pm Where: York County Public Library (Tabb Branch), 100 Long Green Blvd, Yorktown, VA 23693 Page 4 of 12 Arts and Science Schedule Date Mar. 3 Mar. 10 Mar. 17 Mar. 24 Mar. 31 Apr. 7 Apr. 21 Apr. 28 May. 5 May. 12 May. 14 May. 19 May. 26 Jun. 9 Jun. 16 Subject UFOs Coptic Book Binding St. Patrick's Day Thomas Aquinas and the Church Abelard and Helois Love Story Scribal (Spring Break) Beginning Embroidery UFO and Spinning Event Prep and Cooking A&S Tokens Bead History Bead Day at Countess Addie's $$ Marco Polo Meat Pies 20 Minute Topics Loom history Jun. 23 Card weaving Jun. 30 Jul. 7 Jul. 14 Jul. 21 Inkle weaving leather turn shoes part 1 $$ leather turn shoes part 2 Travel log & wish list Items to bring Bring 2 clamps, deck of old cards, 2 colors of size 10 crochet cotton (light and dark), hole punch $$ - this class will have a fee Page 5 of 12 Upcoming Arts and Science Competitions Spring Coronation April 1 – 3, 2016 Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday April 30, 2016 SCA 50th Anniversary (Danville, IN) June 17 – 27, 2016 Their Highnesses have requested that we pay homage to the Odin and Freya with our arts and sciences. Use creativity and ingenuity to create and document an entry relating to these deities. Documentation requested (because I like to learn new things) but not required. There will be a prize! Tempore Atlantia: The time frame is 1500 C.E. to 1600 C.E. Here's something for all you late period folks!! For more information Baronial A&S Champion: Any medium; Theme: All things land and sea (no seafood please). The Berley Cort Memorial Beltane A&S Competition: In memory of the former Shire of Berley Cort, we ask that you join us in a Beltanethemed Arts & Science Competition to be held at Tir-y-Don’s Baronial Birthday. Historically, Beltane was a Spring Fertility Festival held at the midpoint between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. It was often associated with May Day celebrations and festivals were commonly held on May 1st. In 1982, the Shire of Berley Cort held a Beltane Festival for their second event. This event became an annual tradition and one of their signature events. In honor of our beloved cousins, the Competition will be open to entries featuring a Beltane or Spring theme, and you will receive bonus points for incorporating all of the Berley Cort colors of Vert, Or and Azure and either of the Berley Cort symbols of a jester’s head and whale. The competition is open to any medium. Documentation is encouraged but not required. Scroll Blanks competition - documentation is encouraged but not required. A year in display - There will be an open display table for A&S completed or "in progress" projects that you worked on over this past year. Open display table of "in progress" projects. The 50 Year Challenge is about making 50 of something. It could be 50 of a new art, 50 of a complex item, or 50 different items in a single theme. Page 6 of 12 Atlantia Calendar of Events March 2016 5 Kingdom Arts and Science Festival - 2016 (R) Sudentorre Spotsylvania, VA 11-13 Academy of St. Clare of Assisi: Stitches in Time Aethelmearc 12 St Paddy's Day Blood Bath Ponte Alto 13-20 Gulf Wars XXV (R,H) Gleann Abhann 25-27 Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday Hidden Mountain Bennettsville, SC 26 Defending the Gate XV (R,H) Sudentorre Spotsylvania, VA Vienna, VA April 2016 1-3 Spring Coronation (R,H) Atlantia Lanexa, VA 8-10 Coastal Raids Raven's Cove Willard, NC 8-10 Blades & Bows II Brockore Abbey New Ellington, SC 9-10 Gemütlichplatz Isenfir Charlottesville, VA 9 Kingdom Archery Tournament 2016 Bright Hills Glen Arm, MD 22-24 Night on the Town Lochmere Annapolis, MD 22-24 Tourney of the Dragon Saint Georges Easley, SC 29-1 Revenge of the Stitch Spiaggia Levantina Denton, MD 29-1 Southern Atlantian Archery Day X Crois Brigte Boonville, NC 30 Tir-Y-Don Baronial Birthday Tir-y-Don Hampton, VA Page 7 of 12 Event Spotlight: Winter University 2016 Contributed by Lady Muriel McAriur (Jennifer Cooper) On February 6, 2016, the Barony of Raven’s Cove (North Carolina) hosted the semi-annual university event. Thirteen members of our Barony traveled 3 to 4 hours (each way) to participate. Among those who attended were newcomers, barons and baronesses, Pelicans, Laurals, and everyone in between. I personally did not attend but I iterviewed several people who did to find out what makes the University event so appealing and to learn some tips in going to future universities. Let me begin by saying that of the 120 classes offered, 9 were taught by Tir-y-Donians. Master Lloyd, Baron Aiden, and Lord John Biggeheved teamed up to teach four one-hour classes, which made up an entire sequence on Fiore di Battaglia, a 14th century Italian sword master. Baroness Kaleeb the Green Eyed taughted two classes: Fiber Identification, and Cold Water Dying. Lady Mariana Francisco also taught two classes: Finding the Medieval Among the Modern, and About the Baltic Region. And, Lady Mariss Ghijs taught Basic Embrodery for Beginners. When asked why they decided to go to this event , two of our newest members, Victoria and Tabatha, said that they were new to the SCA and the Winter University provided them an opportunity to be introduced to a lot of topics in one day. Tabatha, who took quite a few heraldry classes, said the event was worth the trip. Victoria also had lots of fun in the classes she took, which included The Spices Petting Zoo and The Spice Workshop. “I had a lot of fun and had a chance to do something I’ve never done before. I got to play with fire and make a glass bead!” Even our more seasoned members had a great time. Both Lady Mariss and Baroness Oriana took the History of Prostitution, taught by Magdalena la Sanguigni. This course was a survey of the history of prostitution from the late Roman era to 1600 ce. During the class some of the topics that were the formation of red light districts, brothel management, contraception, municipal laws, church law, and the garb and identification of a prostitute. The attendees were provided handouts on free CD. Lady Mariss said that the class was “one of the best classes I have ever taken.” If you are thinking about attending a future University, early registration is strongly encouraged! While all University events are free, classes fill up fast. If the class you really want to take is full, fear not. Those that attend on a regular basis say to reach out to the instructor ahead of time to see if they will allow more into the class, or on the day of the event show up to the class (on time) to see if there are any no shows. Even if you cannot get into the class, perhaps the instructor has extra handouts or perhaps will allow you just to watch. It cannot hurt to politely ask. Remember that the university events are all about learning and sharing knowledge, and having fun with friends. Page 8 of 12 February Baronial Minutes Baronage: There was a good turnout for University. We will be really busy over the next few months. WE will be attending Polo Alto, Ymir, and Kingdom A&S. We are still accepting items for gift baskets. For ideas go to Pinterest – look up Largess-makers. Seneschal: Went to University – had a great time. Learned a lot. Saw a lot of new folks there. Will also be at Polo Alto, Ymir, and Kingdom A&S Chancellor of the Exchequer: We have money. If you want to see the bank statements, I have them with me. Current balance in the account is $9,387. Chatelaine: Been in contact with Raven Con. We have space for an hour (hopefully will have it on Sunday) but they have requested more if we are able (perhaps classes). April 16 – 17 Southampton Ren Faire - Have been in contact with them and with Marinus Chatelaine. Please let her know if you have any ideas on Demos. There is a group planning page – contact Killian if you want to be added. Other groups have requested that we come for the weekend and for us to teach classes. There will be non-period camping and period camping available. Looking into other demos for other Sci-Fi cons – Ring of Fire, (baro Chronicler: Herald: no report MOL: Check your cards. New system is now on-line for fighting and MOL. Knight’s Marshal: Nothing to report. Marshal of Archery: No report. Too cold for equipment to have practice Minister of Arts and Sciences: We have a schedule. Next week is patterning for Viking Clothing. The schedule is on the website and on facebook. Mariss has been doing a nice job of putting out reminders on facebook. Webminster: Wesite is up and running. Updating various items including a baronial birthday. Old Business: Cloaks: progress is slowed. Found one set of clasps. Another set can be ordered. We are close to the construction point. We may have 3 – 4 outstanding embroiderys Bacon Wars 2016: Contacted Southampton faire grounds; have not received word back. Our barony has already ensured Marinius is okay with us using them. Page 9 of 12 Thrones: They will be picked up at Ymir. They will still need to be decorated (they are completely unfinished though assembled). Baronial B-Day (April 2016) Feast Gear: silverware is still outstanding New Business: Pennsic Camp Contact – Pam Lemaster is the camp steward; there will be a few classes Business meeting can we move the meeting to the third Sunday of the month? The motion was made to be flexible with the date of the meeting (Marianna, Muriel seconded). Voted passed. Baron c Meeting closed: Thora motioned, baron seconded. Page 10 of 12 Baronial Officer Regnum Baron: Aidan of Kingswood (Jim Lemaster) (757) 249-2040 NLT 9pm Baroness: Hannah of Kingswod (Pam Lemaster) (757) 249-2040 NLT 9pm Seneschal: Thora Hrafnsdottir (Christi Cogley) (757) 320-6589 NLT 9pm Chancellor of the Exchequer: Alyna of the Ilex (Holly Cunningham) NLT 9pm Chatelaine: Eleanor Gildenher (Pam Burnham) (757) 449-2139 NLT 9pm Chronicler: Onòra Druinreich (Melody McMath) (757) 243-7010 NLT 9pm Herald: Helena Osterholm (Luanne Efird) Knight's Marshal: John Biggeheved (John McCord) (757) 771-0267 NLT 9pm Marshal of Archery: Leofric of Oxenford (Mike Durling) Minister of Arts & Sciences: Cairistiona inghean Mhuireadhaigh (Carol Vanderspoel) (757) 819-3296 NLT 9:30pm Webminister: Llwyd Aldrydd (Lloyd Eldred) (757) 875-0033 NLT 9:30pm Page 11 of 12 This is the Nod-Y-Rit, a publication of the Barony of Tir-y-Don of the Society of Creative Anachronism, Inc (SCA).The Nod-Y-Rit is available from Jennifer Cooper, 1301 Hornsbyville Road, Yorktown, VA 23692. Subscriptions are free as all publications are available electronically. This newsletter is not a corporate publication of Society of Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. (c) Copyright 2016, Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting letters and artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler of Tir-y-Don, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. Please send submissions by the 23th of the month to: Barony website: Page 12 of 12
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