MARCH 2015 - The Windlore Newsletter


MARCH 2015 - The Windlore Newsletter
Volume 44, Issue 03
March 2015
The Windlore
W I N D M A S T E R S '
L e t t e r
This publication is distributed primarily in an electronic
format and is accessible from
our Baronial website,
If you wish to receive a hard
copy of the Windlore by mail,
you may do so by submitting
a written request to the Barony or by contacting the Baronial Chronicler, Lady
Helwynn Ivelchild
(Cassandra Chambers Wagner)
f r o m
t h e
B a r o n a g e
To the premier Barony of Atlantia:
We know that this letter will find many of you still smiling from a wonderful
weekend at Ymir. Our Barony's largest and oldest event is for many people a reminder of
the best parts of the SCA. It is truly one of the bright stars in the constellation that is
Atlantia. We hope stories of the 40th Ymir will continue to be told for years to come.
Now that have reupped as your Baronage for an additional two years, We would like to
hear from you with ideas of projects or programs you would like to see. We hope after
gathering this commentary, we can see which ones we can try to implement. It does not
have to be a finished idea, but please include as much information as you can.
For some of us the next few weeks will take us South to support our Kingdom at Gulf
Wars. Others will make trips to a closer event in support of Kingdom Arts & Science
Festival. No matter the events you attend, remember that you carry part of this Barony
and the Kingdom with you.
Letter from the Baronage
Letter from the Seneschal
Letter from the Chronicler
Letter from the Chatelain
FEB Meeting Minutes
Officers—Knight Marshal
Officers—Rapier Marshal
Spring Coronation
Kingdom Announcements
SCA, Inc. Announcements
A&S in the Barony
Baronial Calendar
Your Barony
Your Cantons
Kingdom Calendar
Legal Stuff
Finally, on April 11, our Barony will have another opportunity display Windmasters' hospitality to the Kingdom on at the Coronation of Logan and Esa. We ask you to please
keep an eye out for how you might help at Spring Coronation.
We are sincerely proud of the people of Windmasters' Hill and feel extremely grateful to
be able to be your representatives.
In service,
Callixtus & Adriana
Baron & Baroness of Windmasters' Hill
NEXT BARONIAL fighter practice &
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Kiwanis Rec Center
352 Devers St Fayetteville, NC
Fighter Practice starts at 12:00 PM
Baronial Meeting starts at 4:00 PM
Volume 44, Issue 03
A great big
To Lord Adelric Falke for his service as Seneschal of our Barony!
We thank Lady Rowan of Hawbridge in advance for stepping into the role of seneschal!
L e t t e r
f r o m
t h e
C h r o n i c l e r
Reminder to everyone, if there are officer changes, please get your info to me regarding publishing your info
in the Windlore.
Also, check the Baronial calendar! If you think your meetings/events are showing up you might double-check because most are not and I try to pull the information for the Windlore from the online Baronial calendar.
I am looking for a deputy! If you have any interest at all in becoming a Chronicler, please let me know.
Looking forward, what all do folks want to see in the Windlore? Any specific articles, information, sections?
In Service,
Lady Helwynn Ivelchild
L e t t e r
f r o m
t h e
C h a t e l a i n
Hello WindyKitties.
Thanks to all those that helped newcomers and visitors at Ymir and were just generally good hosts at our
largest annual event. We are going to continue the experiment of badges for newcomer helpers for the next few
events. There was very good response to them, and while there were few questions from newcomers to those with
badges at Ymir, it's worth another try or three.
My mind is turning to Demos and the spring and summer event seasons. I encourage everyone reading this to participate in the NCMA Demo. It was very busy last year and we could use the help. And it is a great first Demo to
participate in because there will be chances to assist and learn about doing Demos with our veteran Demonstrators.
I have only participated in a few, last year, and still have lots more to learn about them. Show up. If only to be impressed by your fellow WindyKitties as I have been. Demos are the side of the Society that we share with the wider
world. Demos promote an enthusiastic love of life long learning. Sometimes we get newcomers from Demos. Have
I said Demos enough?
Volume 44, Issue 03
F e b r u a r y
B a r o n i a l
M e e t i n g
M i n u t e s
The meeting was called to order on Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 4:08 PM
Meeting Location: Solterra Common Area, Durham, NC
Paid members present: 33
Unpaid members present: 6
Seneschal (Adelric):
Thanks to Margaret for arranging the meeting site!
Several events coming up in the future: Ymir, KASF, Performers & Cooks Symposium, Spring Coronation. Also,
it’s not too early to start planning for Gulf Wars & Pennsic. There are opportunities to run a Baronial Encampment. Remember to support an event by being on the staff or just attending and having fun! Remember, we can
carpool to events.
Ymir—Feb 27-Mar 1 at Betsy-Jeff Penn. ACCEPS closes 2/22. 70 feast and cabins sold.
500 site tokens make before this meeting—Yay!
Need a parking reeve.
Orla & Jason running the Baronial Lunch fundraiser—need help and donations (not being run from Baronial
funds). Funds raised will be donated to the Baronial General Fund.
Thursday before event ~1pm—storage shed load out.
Sunday after event—load and transport to storage shed—help needed.
Plan is to have gate in the Wagoner Building on Friday but down on the field on Saturday.
Cooks & Performers Symposium (Sophie) - May 30
Performance classes & feast prep classes throughout the day. Details TBD.
Event bid for Conquest of Granada (Adelric) - tabled until March meeting (after Ymir).
Future Meetings:
Sunday, March 15—Fayetteville, NC
Sunday, April 19—Location TBD (most likely changing to the summer hours schedule)
Last meeting as seneschal. The hand off will happen at Ymir. Honor to serve as seneschal for the past two years
and have appreciated the support from everyone.
*Thank you Adelric!!!*
Officer Reports:
Exchequer (Dryfinna):
Quartermaster (Ulfr):
Total Unallocated
Need checks for Ymir.
Not present.
Knight Marshal (Rufus):
7-8 fighters at practice with 3-4 of them newer fighters. If you are a marshal—check your status as there have been
issues with suspensions/reporting issues. Must send waivers return receipt.
Herald (Fine):
Heraldry’s fun—get some! Aesa’s heraldry recently passed—yay! If you are interested in becoming a herald, talk to
Volume 44, Issue 03
F e b r u a r y
B a r o n i a l
M e e t i n g
M i n u t e s
Chronicler (Helwynn):
Need a deputy—if interested, please speak with Helwynn.
Need submissions for upcoming newsletters. Thinking about creating a special edition—Fashion issue. If you have
ideas, please share!
Minister of A&S (Sophie):
Finishing up officer descriptions in the Windlore.
Lots of A&S going on in the Barony. String Thing is happening in Durham, usually the 4th Sunday. Margaret is
sharing lots of her photos from England. Buckston is having dance once a month on Thursdays. I Firenze is rehearsing every other Monday. Jaume is looking for interest in Sword Dancing practice/rehearsals again.
Lady Eilion is now the deputy MoAS for the Barony—Yay!
Chirurgeon (Jora):
Jora is stepping down as a Chirurgeon due to insurance issues (speak to her regarding details). She is willing to help
if someone needs medical attention at an event but will not be an official chirugeon. To be a Chirugeon you need
to be a member of the SCA with current 1st aid training.
*Thank you Jora !*
Web Minister (Nikulai):
Everything is going OK. Remember that the WHAnnounce list is for announcements only. The Keep is the discussion list. If you are interested in helping out and have website knowledge, let Master Nikulai know.
Chatelain (Brian):
Talk about the SCA to friends & acquaintances. Have a badge for folks to wear at Ymir if you are OK answering
newcomer questions. Will be doing newcomer “tours” at Ymir.
NCMA Demo (Douglas) - Sunday, May 17 from 12p—4p
We will be able to put up pavilions this year. If you are interested in helping, let Douglas know. He requested use of the Baronial pavilion and list field fence for this demo.
Minister of the Lists (Sajah):
Not present.
Canton Seneschals:
Attillium—2 demos coming up.
Buckston—Lots of newcomers. Demos in June & September. Been posting meeting notes weekly.
Providing bacon & coffee at the Buckston day shade at Ymir.
Elvegast—New chatelaine. Will bring Gold Key to Ymir.
Kappellenberg—Been having silk banner workshops. Genevieve will be taking over as seneschal of Kappellenberg.
Niemenfeld—No updates.
Baronage Comments:
SCA Board of Directors have created the Master of Defense (5th peerage) can start on May 1st for Rapier and Cut
& Thrust.
There will be a populace dayshade at Ymir. Remember that we are the hosts at Ymir.
Cantons planning events should talk to other cantons to work out scheduling—we don’t want to step on toes.
Need award recommendations!
Need folks to get background checks for Youth officers/activities. If you are running an activity, put it as “all ages
welcome” if the activity can include kids.
Coronation is a day trip event—looking for a crash space coordinator (Maddelena volunteered).
Meeting Closed at 5:27 PM
Volume 44, Issue 03
B a r o n i a l
O f f i c e r s — K n i g h t
M a r s h a l
This position is a slave with two Masters, first you must be a warranted Marshal, usually this is an Armored Marshal
but there is nothing in law or policy that prevents their Excellencies from selecting another type of Marshal.
Second you must be unquestionable loyal to their Excellence’s, the position exists to bring forward their ideas of
how the entire Marshal program in their barony is furthered, beyond question and in total trust.
Now the two masters truly comes into play, there is no direct control of any Marshal in the barony conveyed with
this position, but the KEM and subordinate DKEM all expect you to be informed of and providing guidance when
appropriate to all Marshal questions, situations, and inquires in the Barony you serve. So at this point besides having
two masters you need to influence (heard cats) all the territory Marshal's regardless of discipline. They in turn will
view you as good or bad based on your ability to answer questions and facilitate their Excellence’s Desires.
Marshal activities are an important and constantly changing portion of the Current Middle Ages, your ability to create safe, positive, and enjoyable opportunities for all the Gentles of the Known World requires an expert understanding of the documents that govern our behavior, interpersonal skills to influence and provide leadership to your
contemporaries, unquestioned trust and loyalty to their Excellencies, and the ability to provide for the bureaucratic
requirements of the organization.
Now the conflict of interest disclaimer, in my thirty plus year of living in the Current Middle Ages, I have been a
Baronial Knight Marshal in various locations for 22 of those and counting. The position has its rewards.
B a r o n i a l
O f f i c e r s — R a p i e r
M a r s h a l
To the Populace of Windmasters' Hill, fairest barony in Atlantia, I, Lord Aedh Ua Ruairc, Baronial Rapier Marshal,
send warm greetings.
As rapier marshal, my office falls under the heading of "Other Officer" in Corpora and as such its responsibilities
are defined by local authorities. In this case, I have "the duty of being the general supervisor of all rapier activities."
In particular, I "must ensure that everyone involved in any fighting scenario, whether in competition or at fighter
practice are obeying all the rules as set forth in both Kingdom & SCA law". The Baronial Rapier Marshal must be a
warranted marshal in rapier combat, natch.
In practice, I essentially act as a "senior marshal" for the barony. I am responsible for organizing and promoting
fencing activities in the barony, including baronial rapier practices. If you want information on local practices or
need to find a marshal to run activities at your event, I'm the guy to call. It's worth noting that the baronial rapier
marshal is NOT automatically the Marshal-in-Charge for baronial events, although he should assist with finding one
if possible, and many are more than happy to run an event or two a year. Likewise, the baronial rapier marshal is
NOT the de facto leader of Windmasters’ fencers at events - that honor is typically bestowed by Their Excellencies
at Their whim.
For any proponent of rapier, this office is relatively light work. Most of the paperwork falls on the Baronial Knight
Marshal. It is necessary to travel a bit, to keep a finger on the pulse of fencing activities both in and outside of the
barony, but anyone active in the fencing community is likely doing this already.
Volume 44, Issue 03
S p r i n g
C o r o n a t i o n
Coronation of Logan and Esa
April 11, 2015
Mebane Arts & Community Center ~ Mebane, NC
Atlantian Spring Coronation Facebook Event:
Adult Member
(Reserved before March 27)
Adult NonMember
(Ages (5-17)
(Ages 0-4)
(at Gate)
Adult Feast
Details TBA
Details TBA
Children’s Feast
(cannot be reserved on ACCEPS)
On Saturday,
April 11, 2015 the Barony of Windmasters’ Hill will host the Coronation of Esa Kirkepatrike & Logan Ebonwoulfe at the Mebane Arts Center in Mebane, NC.
Please join us for the celebration of the Coronation of King Logan and Queen Esa! There will be armored and rapier fighting, arts and sciences, a team of cooks bringing delicious dishes to you, a children’s feast, and much more!
The Holiday Inn Express & Suites Mebane has offered us a group rate of $99.00 + tax / night for either a nonsmoking King or double Queen room including hot breakfast and internet access. The hotel is 2 miles from the
event site, just off I-40/I-85, has several nearby restaurants, and extremely close to the Tanger Outlets.
Reservation Deadline: Thursday, March 26
You can reserve a room at this rate by either calling the hotel directly and asking for the “SCA” room block,
or booking online.
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Mebane
149 Spring Forrest Drive
Mebane, NC 27302
Arts & Sciences Activities
There will be wonders of art and science on all sides at the Coronation of King Logan and Queen Esa. There will
be Poeta Atlantiae and Signet Royale competitions, static performing arts opportunities, children and youth open
display, and Tempore Atlantia (Pre-history to 1250 A.D)
The Scrivener Royal Competition
Create two scrolls (please use from our Kingdom Backlog, contact aemiliarosa[AT]comcast[DOT]net for an assignment).
1. As Her Royal Highness Esa loves all things garb, the first scroll will be a scroll of your choice. Design a scroll
that you think best represents your work from a period illumination.
2. His Royal Highness has a 14th Century persona. Design the 2nd scroll with an illumination of your choice as
long as it is in the 14th Century. Documentation strongly encouraged.
3. The Twist? A third Scroll! Bring an exemplar, your supplies and create a scroll blank. This is to determine how
well your combat scribing is. Extra points will be awarded for calligraphy turning it into a backlog scroll.
Volume 44, Issue 03
S p r i n g
C o r o n a t i o n
( c o n t . )
Coronation of Logan and Esa (Continued)
April 11, 2015
The Poeta Atlantiae Competition
Pray heed, Good Gentles all. An new Poeta Atlantiae will be chosen at Spring Coronation. Now is the time to begin
To be considered for Poeta Atlantiae you must submit two poems in two different period styles. One poem should
honor Logan and the other Esa at Their Coronation. No poem should be entered that has previously won first, second, or third place in a competition. Documentation is requested. Entries may be submitted during Coronation or
via e-mail at Poeta[AT]
The following A&S competitions and displays will also be available:
The Might and Majesty of Atlantia
There are two separate competitions, one representing the might and one representing the majesty of our great
Might! – This competition is for SCA armor. It will be judged based on Atlantian judging criteria with particular
attention to functionality as the judges will be looking for wearable armor that would pass a marshal’s inspection. It
is the artisan’s choice of style and materials but do consider the judging criteria. Full documentation of inspiration
and process is encouraged – EZ Doc is required.
Majesty! - This competition is for recreation of a piece of period jewelry represented in a painting, statue, book,
fresco, or extant item. It will be judged based on Atlantian judging criteria. Documentation is required and must
include image and documentation of original inspiration piece.
Largesse in Fiber
There are two separate competitions, one for knitting and one for weaving, and all entries to be donated to Their
Majesties as largesse for Their reign.
Everyone Needs a Bag! – Entries in this competition should be knitted belt pouches approximately 4×6 – 6×8 and
will be judged based on Atlantian judging criteria. All entries will be donated to Their Majesties. Full documentation
is encouraged – EZ Doc is required.
Weave a Wonder! - Entries in this competition should be woven trim or tie items that can be donated as largesse
and must be of a usable length based on type of weaving. All entries will be judged based on Atlantian judging criteria. Full documentation is encouraged – EZ Doc is required.
Celebration in Spykes!
An open display of Spyke in any form to celebrate this symbol of the populace of our kingdom as we gather to witness the crowning of our kingdom’s heirs as Their Royal Majesties. All ages are encouraged to participate. Tokens
of appreciation from the populace are welcome.
Children and Youth Open Display!
Attention young artisans of Atlantia, bring your fine efforts to the Coronation of King Logan and Queen Esa in the
Barony of Windmaster’s Hill, April 11 in order to show the kingdom and gather words of encouragement and advice. There will be a Children and Youth A&S Open Display in the Arts and Sciences area. Please bring any documentation you may have and show us what you are learning to craft or create! There will be comment cards available for the populace to offer constructive critiques to our up and coming artisans and, as always, tokens of appreciation are welcome!
Performing Arts – TBA
Volume 44, Issue 03
K i n g d o m
a n n o u n c e m e n t s
Missing Royal Coronets
The Kingdom of Atlantia is attempting to locate a set of Coronets used by the Prince and Princess of Atlantia.
The coronet are made up of as set of hinged, silver plaques with golden Fleur de lis at the top.
Pictures of the Coronets may be found below:
Prince's Coronet:
Princess' Coronet:
These coronets are commonly stored in a set of clear plastic boxes.
If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of these items, please contact the Kingdom Exchequer at
( and the Kingdom Seneschal (
Accepting Applications: Kingdom Web Minister
Greetings to the Populace of Atlantia,
Atlantia is now accepting applications for the position for the Kingdom of Web Minister. Candidates should have a
general experience/proficiency in areas of web development, database management, server management, and esystems management.
Those interested in submitting for the position should email Their Majesties (, the Kingdom
Seneschal (, and myself (, and include a resume demonstrating previous experience.
Email requests for consideration should be submitted no later than March 10 , 2015.
In an effort to provide full disclosure, I also will be applying for the position. As such, the selection process will be
handled by the Kingdom Seneschal and the Crowns, with final approval by the Society Web Minister.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact myself or any of those gentles listed above. Thank you
for your time.
Very Respectfully,
Christopher MacConing, OL, OP, Provost
Interim Web Minister, Kingdom of Atlantia
Volume 44, Issue 03
a n n o u n c e m e n t s
Proposed change to Corpora - Chirurgeon's Office
Currently open for commentary is a proposal for the closure of the office of the chirurgeonate. The language for
this proposal can be found below. The Board of Directors recognizes that this topic is controversial and would like
to emphasize that commentary is being accepted until July 1, 2015, and would strongly recommend that all members forward their opinions for consideration.
Over the last number of years, issues have been brought to the attention of the Board and Society Officers regarding the chirurgeonate as it is currently organized. These issues included numerous disputes between chirurgeons
regarding availability of over-the-counter medications, interactions between chirurgeons and contracted EMS personnel at large events, interactions between event participants and chirurgeons, and differences between first aid
provider credentials available in different states, provinces and countries. The frequency of issues and the potential
for liability to the SCA as an organization prompted the President to ask the SCA’s insurance carrier to clarify
whether the duties of the Society Chirurgeon, as described in Corpora, are covered by the SCA’s policy. In addition,
a request for opinion was made to outside counsel to consider whether the risk of not having an office of the chirurgeonate created more liability for the SCA than keeping the existing office of the chirurgeonate. The response
from the insurance carrier was that the duties of the Society Chirurgeon, as defined in Corpora, were not covered
under the insurance policy, and there was not an available option for coverage of those duties. The response from
outside counsel was that there is more liability to the SCA if the SCA has an office of the chirurgeonate.
The Board requested that a committee of current chirurgeons from across multiple North American kingdoms consider options: revising the existing office; evaluating insurance options specific to that office; eliminating that office.
Given the recommendations from that committee, the following Corpora changes are proposed.
There is no intention to release the heraldry currently associated with the functions of volunteer first aiders participating in the SCA, nor to prohibit any individual from volunteering as a volunteer first aider. This proposal is driven by issues from the North American branches of the SCA. Non-North American SCA affiliates will need to determine their own needs regarding regulation of provision of first aid.
Table of Contents
Current text:
VI. H. Society Chirurgeon
Proposed change:
Delete H. Society Chirurgeon
Re-Letter I. Webminister to H.
Re-Letter J. Reservations to the Board to I.
Current text:
VII. H. The Chirurgeon
Proposed change:
Delete H. The Chirurgeon
Re-letter items I through M to H through L.
Corpora VI. D. Marshal of the Society
Current text:
The Marshal of the Society is responsible for activities related to combat, archery and equestrian activities. This includes directing the Earls Marshal of the Kingdoms in matters concerning the supervision of combat and related
activities at Society events and the manner and conduct of duties of all marshals throughout the Society; working
with the Society Chirurgeon to promote safety in the Society’s martial arts; and working with the Minister of Arts
and Sciences to encourage research in armor and weapons. The Board specifically authorizes the Marshal to make
interpretations and clarifications regarding the Rules of the Lists, with the proviso that such rulings must be reported to the Board at the following meeting. The Marshal’s rulings will stand until and unless overruled by the Board.
Volume 44, Issue 03
a n n o u n c e m e n t s
( c o n t . )
Proposed change to Corpora - Chirurgeon's Office (continued)
Proposed text:
The Marshal of the Society is responsible for activities related to combat, archery and equestrian activities. This includes
directing the Earls Marshal of the Kingdoms in matters concerning the supervision of combat and related activities at Society events and the manner and conduct of duties of all marshals throughout the Society; working to promote safety in the
Society’s martial arts; and working with the Minister of Arts and Sciences to encourage research in armor and weapons.
The Board specifically authorizes the Marshal to make interpretations and clarifications regarding the Rules of the Lists,
with the proviso that such rulings must be reported to the Board at the following meeting. The Marshal’s rulings will stand
until and unless overruled by the Board.
Current text:
VI. H. The Chirurgeon
The Society Chirurgeon is responsible for organizing a program of volunteer first aid services and health-and safety hazard
warnings to be made available whenever feasible at Society events, and for establishing policies for and coordinating the
activities of the Kingdom Chirurgeons.
Proposed text:
Delete VI. H.
Re-letter I and J to H and I.
Current text:
A. General
1. Officers assist Royalty in the administration of the lands and branches of the realm. Each officer has a specific area of
specialization, and a defined geographic scope. Within those bounds, an officer coordinates branch activities, and may supervise deputies or lesser officers.
2. Kingdom Great Officers are responsible directly to the Crown, but also report to a corresponding Society officer if such
a Society officer exists. Each Kingdom’s Great Officer corps must include the Seneschal, the Principal Herald, the Earl
Marshal, the Minister of Arts and Sciences, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Chronicler, and the Chirurgeon. No person may hold more than one of these Great offices at a time. The Crown may create additional Great Offices. Kingdom
Lesser Officers and deputies are created by the Crown according to the needs of the kingdom. These officers may be supervised directly by the Crown, or be placed under the jurisdiction of a Greater Officer, and report accordingly. However,
Great Officers retain ultimate responsibility for delegated functions.
Proposed text:
1. Officers assist Royalty in the administration of the lands and branches of the realm. Each officer has a specific area of
specialization, and a defined geographic scope. Within those bounds, an officer coordinates branch activities, and may supervise deputies or lesser officers.
2. Kingdom Great Officers are not only responsible directly to the Crown, but also report to a corresponding Society officer if such a Society officer exists. Each Kingdom’s Great Officer corps must include the Seneschal, the Principal Herald,
the Earl Marshal, the Minister of Arts and Sciences, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the Chronicler. No person may
hold more than one of these Great offices at a time. The Crown may create additional Great Offices. Kingdom Lesser Officers and deputies are created by the Crown according to the needs of the kingdom. These officers may be supervised directly by the Crown, or be placed under the jurisdiction of a Greater Officer and report accordingly. However, Great Officers retain ultimate responsibility for delegated functions
Current text:
VII. H. The Chirurgeon
The Chirurgeon administers the organization that is responsible for voluntary first aid at Society events, including assisting
participants in tournament combat, notifying attendees of health and safety concerns, and such other related activities as
kingdom law and custom may entail.
Proposed text:
Delete VII. H.
Re-letter I through M to H through L.
Volume 44, Issue 03
a n n o u n c e m e n t s
( c o n t . )
Proposed change to Corpora - Chirurgeon's Office (continued)
Current text:
[ ] Chirurgeon
Proposed text:
Delete [ ] Chirurgeon
Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036
You may also email
This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism ,
Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and
electronic mailing lists.
Volume 44, Issue 03
Arts & Sciences in the Barony!
Ongoing A&S Workshops:
Attilium (Fayetteville)—A&S Social Nights held the 1st and 3rd Thursday and an A&S Class held the 4th Thursday of the
month at Kiwanis Rec Center (352 Devers Street, Fayetteville, NC 28303).
Buckston (Durham) —A&S Workshops and/or classes after Business meetings on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month in
Elvegast (Raleigh)—A&S Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7:00 PM at Our Savior's Lutheran Church
(1500 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh, NC 27608)
Kappellenberg (Chapel Hill) —A&S Classes after Business meetings on Mondays at 7:30 PM at Chapel of the Cross
(Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC).
Nimenefeld(Apex) — A&S Workshops and/or Classes after Business meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7:00 PM at
Optimist Farm (2908 Optimist Farm Road, Apex, NC 27539)
String Thing (North Durham) —A monthly gathering (usually the 4th Sunday of the month) of those who work with
string of all sorts (knitting, netting, lace making, embroidery, handsewing, cord making, weaving, naalbinding, etc.) to get
together and work on their projects and share information. If you have a particular interest and want help with working on
something or pointers on where to find information, if you e-mail ahead of our gathering, you are more likely to get the help
you'd like. Newcomer's welcome. E-mail Francesca ( for directions.
I Firenze Commedia Rehearsals (Chapel Hill) - Every other Monday after the Kappellenburg meetings.
Morris & Sword Dance Practice (Elvegast) - Contact Jaume for more information ( )
March 5—Beginner Basket Weaving with Jora (Elvegast)
March 19—Bardic 101 (Elvegast)
If you are holding an A&S workshop or class please contact me so I can put this information in the
Windlore so it is easily accessible for those who might be interested in attending.
If you wish to give a description or list of materials needed, etc. that would be excellent as well. Thank
Helwynn Ivelchild
Volume 44, Issue 03
March 2015
Fighter Practice
Business Mtg (K) RTP Lunch
A&S Mtg (A)
Lunch (B)
A&S Mtg (E)
Rapier Practice
Rapier Practice
Fighter Practice
Business Mtg (K) RTP Lunch
Business Mtg (B)
Rapier Practice
Business Mtg (E)
Lunch (B)
Business Mtg (A)
Rapier Practice
Baronial Practice Business Mtg (K) RTP Lunch
A&S Mtg (E)
Lunch (B)
Baronial Meeting
A&S Mtg (A)
Rapier Practice
Fighter Practice
Business Mtg (K) RTP Lunch
Business Mtg (B)
Rapier Practice
Business Mtg (E) Lunch (B)
A&S Mtg (A)
Rapier Practice
String Thing
Fighter Practice
Business Mtg (K)
Rapier Practice
As always, watch for announcements regarding schedule changes.
A = Attilium
B = Buckston
E = Elvegast
K = Kapellenburg
N = Nimenefeld
BLUE = Business Meeting
RED = Fighter/Archery Practice
GREEN = A&S Activity
BLACK = Social Activity
ORANGE = Event
Volume 44, Issue 03
Y o u r
B a r o n y
Callixtus Gill
(Scott Callicutt)
7216 Ray Road, Raleigh NC 27613
Phone: 919-844-4423 M-F, 5:30—
Adriana la Bretonne
(Drea Callicutt)
7216 Ray Road, Raleigh NC 27613
Phone: 919-844-4423 M-F, 5:30—
Dýrrfina Freviðardòttir
(Stephanie Taylor)
Ulfr Rauthfeldarson
(Craig Mozingo)
Knight Marshal
Rufus Barbarossa
(Mark Burnette)
Rapier Marshal
Tassin Navetier
(Jason Hescheles)
919-656-0656 between 9am and 8pm.
Archery Marshal
Manus MacDhai
(Scott Dean)
1315 Castalia Drive
Cary, NC 27513
Brian fitz Gerald
(Brian Sears)
Minister of Arts & Sciences
Sophie the Orange
(Lara Coutinho-Dean)
1315 Castalia Dr. Cary, NC, 27513
Phone: 317-501-2780
Minister of the Lists
Sajah bint-Habushun ibnIshandiyar al-Hajjaji
(Kit Wellner)
(919) 661-6541 (DNC 10 p.m.-8 a.m.)
Helwynn Ivelchild
(Cassandra Chambers Wagner)
919-272-7712 before 10pm
Nikulai Ivanovich
(Neal Atlow)
Chancellor Minor
Fíne ingen Tomaltaig
Linda Pancrazio
Please contact the Chronicler if
any changes are needed for this
Lady Rowan of Hawbridge
(Elizabeth Moss)
Current Baronial Champions:
Armored Champion—Lord Vlad Illiescu
Rapier Champion—Lord Einarr inn danski
Static A&S Champion—Lady Saaida Sajah bint-Habushun ibn-Ishandiyar al-Hajjaji
Performing A&S Champion—Lady Æsa Þórarinsdóttir
Equestrian Champion—Lord Sean Farrer
Archery Champion—Lord Ivarr inn Fiskni
Brewing Champion—Lady Eilion
Baronial Fighter Practice and Business Meetings are held the 3 rd Sunday of each month.
Fighter Practice starting at 12:00 PM and the meeting starting at 4:00 PM.
Volume 44, Issue 03
Y o u r
C a n t o n s
Canton of Attilium
Seneschal: Lord Einarr inn Danski (Christopher DiFoggio)
Business Meetings held the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM at Kiwanis Rec Center (352 Devers Street, Fayetteville, NC 28303).
Fighter Practices held every Sunday (except 3rd Sunday of the month) at 1:00 PM at Honeycutt Park (352 Devers Street, Fayetteville,
NC 28303).
A&S Social Nights held the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at Kiwanis Rec Center (352 Devers Street, Fayetteville, NC 28303).
A&S Classes held the 4th Thursday of the month at Kiwanis Rec Center (352 Devers Street, Fayetteville, NC 28303).
Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
Seneschal: Lady Tessa de Spina
(Jan Harris)
919-296-9043 (H)
Meetings are held the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 PM.
Meeting are held at St. Matthews Church (210 St Mary's Rd. Hillsborough )
***Some upcoming meetings will be held at Hawbridge School in Saxaphaw, NC check with Seneschal for meeting locations***
Armoured Combat Practice (combined with Kappellenberg) on Thursdays at 6:00PM
Canton of Elvegast
Seneschal: Lady Æsa Þorarinsdottir
(Ruth Connor )
Business Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays and A&S Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7:00 PM at Our
Savior's Lutheran Church (1500 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh, NC 27608).
Rapier Practice is Sunday at 1:30PM in Pullen Park in Raleigh, NC
Canton of Kappellenberg
Business Meetings are held on Mondays at 7:30 PM at Chapel of the Cross (Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC).
Armoured Combat Practice (combined with Buckston) on Thursdays at 6:00PM
Canton of Nimenefeld
Lord Ulfr Rauthfeldarson
(Craig Mozingo)
Business Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7:00 PM at Optimist Farm (2908 Optimist Farm Road, Apex, NC 27539)
Fighter Practice is held on Wednesdays at 6:30PM at the Fuquay-Varina Community Center at 820 S. Main Street (US 401) in Fuquay
-Varina .
Archery Practice is normally held on Mondays at 6:30PM. Please contact Steafan O’Reilly for more info.
Please contact the Chronicler if any changes are needed for this page.
Volume 44, Issue 03
K i n g d o m
C a l e n d a r
o f
E v e n t s
March 2015
Kingdom Arts & Science Festival 2015 (K)
Raven's Cove
Wallace, NC
St. Paddy's Day Blood Bath (P)
Ponte Alto
Vienna, VA
15-22 Gulf Wars (Q,Pr)
Gleann Abhann
Black Diamond
Lynchburg, VA
27-29 Spring Fling for Siege
Border Vale Keep
Augusta, GA
Tir-Y-Don Baronial Investiture and 40th Anniversary (K)
Hayes, VA
Defending the Gate XIV (H)
Leesburg, VA
Seven Hills Skirmishes
April 2015
Night On the Town
Annapolis, MD
Coronation of King Logan and Queen Esa (R,H)
Windmasters' Hill
Mebane, NC
Tournament of the Golden Rose (R)
Lanexa, VA
Blackstone Raid XXIV (24) (R)
Southern Atlantian Archery Day
Crois Brigte
Boonville, NC
The Sequel: Revenge of the Stitch
Spiaggia Levantina
Denton, MD
Charlottesville, VA
May 2015
Spring Crown 2015 (R)
Ponte Alto
Leesburg, VA
Feast of the Saints: Feast of St Sebastian
Honea Path, SC
15-17 Storvik Novice (R)
Upper Marlboro, MD
22-25 Ruby Joust (R)
Caer Mear
Amelia, VA
29-31 Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday
Hidden Mountain
Cheraw, SC
Atlantian Royal Archery Tournament
Dun Carraig
Nanjemoy, MD
Cooks and Performers Symposium (aka Feed the audience!) Windmasters' Hill
Raleigh, NC
Clipart from Dover Medieval Illustrations CD.
This is The Windlore, a publication of the Barony of Windmasters’ Hill of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The Windlore is
available free of charge at the website This newsletter is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and does not delineate SCA policies. Copyright 2013, Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information
on reprinting letters and artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the original
creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.
Chronicler: Helwynn Ivelchild (Cassandra Chambers Wagner)