EU-Community Stabilization II NEWSLETTER


EU-Community Stabilization II NEWSLETTER
EU-Community Stabilization II
A programme funded by the European Union and implemented by International Organization Mission in Kosovo
This is the seventh phase of the EU Community Stabilization
Programme funded by the European Union and implemented
by International Organization for Migration.
This 30 month 3 million euro programme provides developing
and operational entrepreneurs from minority communities
with opportunities for sustained economic self-sufficiency.
The programme also provides the prospect for assisting these
communities through the implementation of larger scale
community development and improvement projects thereby
increasing the impact of the programme on the wider community.
EU-CSP II has implemented 118 small business development
projects, 27 community based initiatives that benefitted the
wider community.
Photo 1: EU-CSP II is delivering equipment for agro-processing
In total 145 projects. 157 full time jobs generated through
these projects, 142 part time jobs and has secured a further
214 employment.
These projects indirectly benefitted 12 079 people from the
wider community.
38 of the projects have specifically targeted those returning to
Kosovo and their receiving communities.
Photo 2: Beneficiaries with equipment received through EU-CSP
An EU - funded programme, managed by
European Union office in Kosovo
Implementing agency:
International Organization for Migration Mission in Kosovo
“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are
the sole responsibility of IOM and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union”
II successes
stories all all
Kosovo Kosovo
II success
Prizren region:
EU-CSP II improves the possibilites for greenhousing
The beneficiary is living in Velika Hoca village in Prizren region
with her family. Through EU-CSP II she received a modern technology greenhouse which enables her to raise out of season
and early vegetables. Growing and harvesting vegetables earlier
in the season enables her to get better prices for her products.
She is very well organized and has a tractor to transport her
crop to the local markets. The business has a strong potential
for future growth.
Photo 3: Project “Vegetables in modern technology
Souvenier ornaments for Raki bottles
With the assistance from EU-CSP II, this beneficiary has established
a unique business in this area of Kosovo. He is producing wooden
decorations representing religion, culture and history, for raki bottles.
Besides this, he is also manufacturing wooden gifts for businesses,
organizations and sports teams.
Through EU-CSP II he received new equipment and tools which
enabled him able to expand his business. He is living in the village of
Velika Hoca, where he also has his workshop, and a
small boutique where he sells his products.
Photo 4: Project “Decorative bottles”
EU-CSP II supports a traditional saddler
The beneficiary has been a skilled manufacturer of horse saddles for 20
years. The EU-CSP II assistance has re-vitalized this old traditional handicraft business, today the beneficiary has improved his quality and capacity for producing the horse saddles and other wooden products such as:
baby cot, desks, kitchen sets and cabinets.
The location of the business is at the beneficiaries’ premise in the village of Skorobishte/Skorobiste that is nearby Prizren town. Through the
EU-CSP II he was able to modernize his business and workshop, and thus
provide income and better living conditions for his family.
Photo 5: Project “Traditional horse saddle”
An EU - funded programme managed by the European Union office in Kosovo
and implemented by International Organization for Migration
EU-CSP II success stories all around Kosovo
Success stories
Rasberry plantation and packaging blooms in Prizren
The beneficiary lives in Le Eperme/G Lubinje village in Prizren
area. The area is unpolluted and therefore provides excellent
conditions for agro-production. Three years ago he came up with
the idea of producing rasberries and since then this plantation has
grown from 450 up to 5 000 bushes.
EU-CSP II provided the beneficiary a special tilling machine that
can work between the vines, and a vacuum packing machine to
ensure the freshness of the picked berries when packing and thus
better prices. Through EU CSP I a neighbor in a nearby village
has recieved a cooling chamber for storing raspberries. They now
work togther and have formed the Agro Red Gold Association of
Rasberry Collectors and Collectors of Medical Herbs.
Photo 6: Project “Rasberries plantation and packaging”
Mitrovicë/Mitrovica region
Young entrepreuner expands the butchery
EU-CSP II Programme has supported the expansion of
this butchery and meat processing firm in Vushtrri/Vucitrn town owned and operated by a young and enthusiastic RAE community member.
The meat is provided by local farmers from the villages
surrounding Vushtrri/Vucitrn, who sell their cattle to this
business. The machinery received from EU-CSP II has
helped him to expand a successful and profitable business. He is wellknown in Vushtrri town and has a good
cooperation with the local kebab shops.
Photo 7: Project “Butchery and sausage maker”
EU-CSP II provides safer working equipment for a construction
The beneficiary is a member of RAE community and lives in Fushe
Kosove/Kosovo Polje. Prior to programme support he had many years of
experience working in the construction of houses and buildings. During
the construction of reinforcement concrete slabs he usually has used the
wooden columns that are not very stable .To improve his business activities, he received from EU-CSP II programme metallic scaffolding.
This project will make him more competitive on the market since he
will be able to compete for jobs with bigger houses/buildings. It has also
brought better income for him and improved the safety on working site.
Photo 8: Project “Construction of houses and buildings”
An EU - funded programme managed by the European Union office in Kosovo
and implemented by International Organization for Migration
II assisting
II assisting
EU-CSP II assisting the most vulnerable groups
Better quality daycare for children in Skenderaj/Srbica
The kindergarten “Maja” was constructed in 2004 by the Municipality of Skenderaj/Srbica. At the same time the playground fences were
installed. In 2006 it received furniture through EU-CSP.
Despite this, the kindergarten was still missing sufficient facilities
to ensure good quality daycare for the children of the village. With
the assistance of EU-CSP II the outside areas, the entrance gate and
soccer goals were renovated. The project installed heating system for
the kindergarten as well.
Furthermore, the EU-CSP II provided playground equipment and
installed them.
Photo 9: Project “Renovation of kindergarten playground”
The users of the renovated premises are the 32 preschoolers as well
as 150-200 children and youth that will use the sport part of playground for their sport activities. This is the only secure location for
recreation in the village and thus very important to the wellbeing of
the children and youth.
Wood cutting machine provides income for a
family in North Mitrovica
This beneficiary is from the Albanian community who
lives with his family in the North part of Mitrovica. He
has returned to his reconstructed house, together with Photo 10: Project “Kindergarten playground renovation”
his 8 family members in 2004.The family lives in tough
conditions, and prior to programme the only income for
the family was the social aid the mother receives.
The EU-CSP II enabled him to start up a new business
providing wood cutting services and through the programme, he received a woodcutting machine.
The clients of this business are from the entire Mitrovica municipality. Having in mind that most of population
in Mitrovica are using firewood for heating, this business
has proven to be very successful.
Photo 11: Project “Woodcutting services”
Photo 11: Project “Woodcutting services”
An EU - funded programme managed by the European Union office in Kosovo
and implemented by International Organization for Migration
Gjilan/Gnjilane region:
Kindergarten receives a new playground
EU-CSP II provided the kindergarten Pcelica Maja in Ranillug village facilities for playground. Before the project, there
were no safe possibilities for children to enjoy outdoor
Photo 12: Project “Kindergarten Pcelica Maja
During the project the playground was built. The project
also provided outdoor toys, benches and decorative plants
for all 72 children of Pcelica Maja and their teachers to
Farmer receives equipment to minimize
the production costs
This project assisted experienced farmer to produce crops. He
owns 10 ha of potential agricultural land, so the basics for production were in order. Before assistance from the EU-CSP II he
worked with rented equipment which raised the production costs,
With the agricultural equipment received through the EU-CSP II
programme, the beneficiary has been able to modernise his production, which is one of the key targets of the whole programme.
The beneficiary is now more competitive on the market and thus
able to provide better living conditions for his family. He has also
been able to employ seasonal workers.
Photo 13: Project “Crop production”
Filo pastry production steps into a new era
The beneficiary is a Serbian lady who lives in Kamenice/a
village in Gnjilane/Gjilan region of Kosovo. She is an enthusiastic and
experienced business lady, with two years of experience in
puff pastry production. Without any machinery, she was forced
to turn down most of her clients.
The idea was to expand current production capacities, to
modernize the production and to create new employment, as
well as increase the profit, and through EU-CSP II she received
machinery for cheese rendering and door laminating.
Photo 14: Project “Filo pastry production”
The business is growing and at the moment the beneficiary
provides income to her own household of five members and
employs two full-time workers. The business also has high
potential for future growth.
An EU - funded programme managed by the European Union office in Kosovo
and implemented by International Organization for Migration
II improving
II improving
the living
living conditions
of Kosovo
of Kosovo
EU-CSP II improving the living conditions of Kosovo inhabitants
New cow farm established in Gornja Gusterica/Gushterica E.E.
This project targeted to assist young Serbian farmer
to establish a farm for cows. Through assistance from
EU-CSP II, he received three cows and a milking
The beneficiary already owned a suitable facilities and
all necessary tractor attachments needed for the agro
processing, a process for producing animal food. He is
also producing a good quality cheese which is sold at
the local market together with other milk products.
Photo 15: Project “Dairy farm”
The beneficiary has employed himself and another
family member. During planting and harvesting season
the beneficiary also hires two seasonal workers.
Accounting office in Gracanica/Gracanicë
The programme assisted a young Serbian lady to
develop her accounting business. Through the project
she was able to secure her job and offer employment
to an additional person as well.
The beneficiary provides accounting services to small
and medium enterprises and NGO’s in the Gracanica/
Graqanice/ Gracanicë municipality. She is a graduated
economist with experience in this area.
This business is the only business of this type in
Gracanica/Graqanice municipality and has little local
In order to be able to conduct the business professionally , the EU-CSP II program granted the beneficiary with the requiered IT hardwre and software,
and office furniture.
Photo 16: Project “Accounting office in Gracanica”
An EU - funded programme managed by the European Union office in Kosovo
and implemented by International Organization for Migration
II Success
in region:
Peja/Pec region:
EU-CSP II success
in Peja/Pec
Family bakery receives new equipment
through EUCSP II
The beneficiary of this project is a member of Gorani
community. She is originally from Dragash Municipality
and now lives in Peja/Pec town.
Traditionally her family has been involved in producing
traditional sweets, cakes and burek. She is working together with her husband and her son.
The EU-CSP II supported them with the equipment
for baking and producing these traditionals sweets and
burek. They also make lemonade and the local drink
boza. The business is performing well and the reputation
continues to strengtheng in the market.
Photo 17: Project “Traditional cakes and burek production
EU-CSP II provides sport field to students and
inhabitants of Skivjane/Skivjani
The initial idea of the project came through the request
of director of the school for constructing a multifunctional sport field which will be used by school students
and entire community of village Skivjane/Skivjani. The
school ” Ukshin Myftari” has 370 students, of which
25% are members of RAE comunities. The village itself
is inhabited with 70 % Albanians and 30% RAE.
The school is located in the main road in. Considering
the high number of the students and lack of the public
sport fields in this neighbourhood this project was a
priority for the municipality of Đakovica / Gjakovë.
Before the support from EU-CSP II, there was only an
improvised football sport field which was used by the
community. The construction of the new multifunctional
sport field can be used by students of the school and
Photo 18: Project “Multifunctional sports field”
also for the community living in this village.
An EU - funded programme managed by the European Union office in Kosovo
and implemented by International Organization for Migration
EU-Community Stabilization II reaches its goals
Support for person with disability to ensure
the income generation
The beneficiary is a Serbian returnee, living with her elderly
mother. She has faced difficulties in mobility since birth
which is making it harder for her to work. She came up with
the idea of a greenhouse business and with the assistance
from the Municipality of Klina, found out about the EU-CSP
She has received a modern greenhouse through the programme. It has helped her to generate income for herself
and her mother. The greenhouse is producing high quality
vegetables and she is happy with the results. EU-CSP II has
made a difference in her life; she is even selling her crops to
local shops.
Photo 19: Project “Cultivation of fresh vegetables in a modern
In the future she plans to create a link between herself and
local shops to find a wider market for her products.
EU-CSP II assists in creating a venue for social
and religious gatherings
The initial idea for this project came as a request from the local
priest Mr. Milos Vukic made to the Ministry of Community & Returns. The Parish house in Osojane was constructed immediately
after the Serbian community returned to this village. However
due to the lack of financial possibilities the Parish house could not
be completed at that time. While the essential structure had been
built it required significant interior and exterior work in order for
the house to become fully functional.
Through IOM/EU-CSP II the entire facility was completed.
The beneficiaries of this Project are all 1,700 members of the Serbian Community living in Osojane valley as well as guests coming
from outside Osojane valley for different eligious occasions. This
project is very important to this community and there is a net
Photo 20: Project “Renovation of Parish House” in
benefit for community members in providing them with a secure, Osojane
comfortable location for organizing community events, celebrations and ceremonies.
An EU - funded programme managed by the European Union office in Kosovo
and implemented by International Organization for Migration